#ooc: “im not homophobic” proceeds to be homophobic
teamplasmaofficial · 1 year
you denied being a homosexual in that one post, but did not deny being homophobic. curious.
My opinion on homosexuals is really no one's business but my own. However, I will explain for the sake of preventing further questions and accusations.
Homosexuality is in fact, a choice. Everyone experiences homosexual urges, it is a choice to act upon them. Self-control is a skill important for any respectable person to have mastered. Many (but not all) self identifying homosexuals have made a choice to act in a way that is embarrassing and unprofessional.
I do not believe this makes me homophobic. I am not scared of anyone, especially not a common pansy.
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dbdplayer2000 · 1 month
I don't feel comfortable commenting off anon, but there are some toxic ppl and bad actors that come out of the woodwork when the topic of wesker and rebecca are brought up.
Honestly, I would personally attribute the photo either to chief irons or possibly, cap marini. Irons is the chief for rpd, and canonically a serial killer and predator that targeted much younger (adult) women then himself. It feels pretty natural for this to be early evidence of irons' crimes, esp on re playing either ver of re 2, and pretty natural to assume he took the photo if it wasnt a prank on marini or wesker. The most you could hold him accountable for is that he (and possibly marini) contined to work under irons knowing this, as they were forced to work with irons under umbrella. But i dont think wesker was directly responsible for the skimpy basketball uniform or photo. That makes the most sense to have been irons.
In re1 and beyond, wesker feels far more obssesed and interested in chris than rebecca. He barely acknowledges her presence in any version of re 1 or the spin off games, at most, a nuisance he shoots to incapacitate so shes out of his way. Then wesker proceeds to do the whole song and dance of showing off the tyrant and (more or less) ask chris to join his side. Obviously, that doesnt woek out how he intended. After that, he continues to persue chris, even if rebecca decides to become a dr who specializes in bows for the govt, and she could potentially be more useful to use for creating bows. But no, up until his death hes entirely obsessed with chris and his experiments.
I think fans that are interested in that relationship are prob reading into something with the photo that isnt there? Either to support a darker fantasy of an older character like wesker being into much younger women, like themselves, which I dont really feel comfortable making a judgement on. Or, homophobic fans trying to convince others that a heavily gay/bi coded character like wesker as a pedophile, predator, ect. to make gay villianous characters (and therefore real gay and bi ppl) associated with being predators. This is personally the most upsetting aspect of the ship for me, that some ppl insist on it out of their own homophobia.
Like wesker isnt a good person, but there is an insistance from fans to try to make him an even more horrible person than anything we see in canon.
And like other commenters have said, I think unfortunately capcom will prob never make official statements on the rebecca and wesker situation. Weskers dead as far as we know, and his story is over until they otherwise tell us. (Im being vaugue here because there is a theory that wesker is alive and will reapear in a future game, but thats not certain)
Sorry this is so longwinded.
But rough tldr:
I think irons is to blame for the creepy photo, hes a canon predator. Wesker isnt obsessed with rebecca, but chris. And fans that view wesker as predetory towards rebecca are prob either into darker sexual/romantic fantasies, or have an alterior motive of bi/homophobia. And don't expect to hear clarification from capcom.
Thx for ur answer!
Yeah Irons is really a creep wouldn't be surprised if HE preyed on Rebecca 😭
That he's obsessed with Chris is true, that's why him being into Rebecca would be kinda ooc??
I've got the feeling that many people just find the thought funny that Wesker has such a pervy weakness... And that they are the ones who find her attractive...
I reeeally hope it's just weird fanservice since she's young and cute she is absolutely the kind of character who would be a victim of sexualising fanservice...
Maybe it's really just an easter egg for fanservice and people in the fandom have weird creepy humor... Or hate him so portraying him as a creep would be convenient for them...
Yeah Capcom will probably never give a statement unfortunately :/ but I would really like to know
I am "scared" that I am just too "nice" towards Wesker and he's even worse than I thought but something in me wanna ignore that XD
Uuh there are theories Wesker is alive?? Then I really hope they wouldn't make it canon if he comes back, that would be horrible 😭
He coming back but instead of being interested in Chris and maybe Jill he wanna creep on and abduct Rebecca would be sooo weird... Hopefully it won't be that way especially since there is nothing absolutely canon where he showed any interest in her
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