#ooc: I was just trying to find the funniest way to answer it lmao
thatoneguy031 · 9 months
I see that bird did not reach you. Damn the thing-- it must have eaten my gift. I shall send it again someday, when I find a more reliable Pelly...Pela...
...big-billed mailbird. If only Kayle could reach you instead...
- Ruby Seraph, from a significantly smaller communicative device
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Hey! That Pelipper was only trying their best! It could've been hungry... I could totally wait another day or two.
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I mean, Cheesecake isn't wrong. Like, look at this-
[ID: A scene taken from the deck of a cruise ship. Water surrounded the Samurott, Flygon and Suicune for miles, with no sign of land in sight.]
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...It's not like we're going anywhere anytime soon.. I swear, it feels like we're stranded sometimes...
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I know, right?! That's the joy of being a pirate! Exploring the vastness of the sea for as long as you want, discovering new things about the world and yourself!
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Speaking of which, I don't think I've ever met with you before... two days ago, I think? Who might you be?
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squiggly-mctwig · 2 years
Could you do tickle hc’s for Khonshu from moon knight please? 🌺
There's a severe lack of Khonshu tkl content out there and it simply must not do 😔
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( Gonna pretend he has a physical form that Marc and the other two can interact with for the sake of these headcannons, also apologies if any of this seems OOC, I have no idea how to write for Khonshu :,] )
Khonshu had very little prior knowledge as to what tickling is
But as he's watched Marc, Steven, and Jake having tickle fights he's slowly gotten used to it and grasped it a little more
Chaotic mix of a grumpy and stubborn lee
So Khonshu's overall ticklishness is kinda low
But there's certain spots on him that just kicks in the fight-or-flight reflex
For instance, you know that funny little empty space between his neck and torso?
Just wave your hand between it like a DJ and he just starts chuckling, flinches away, and then glares at you
If you also just wiggle a finger under his chin/beak it results in low laughter and like- squawks and chitters lmao
Considering his head is just a skull, I'm assuming he's just completely bones
So now its law that his ribs are the worst
That spot results in deep, LOUD belly laughter
His spine is also slightly ticklish ( You could say it sends shivers down his spine- )
It's kind of hard to actually tickle him, because either he catches you before you do anything
or you're getting a spot that just isn't ticklish ( so you better aim for ribs, chin, or his "void neck" unless you want that quick retaliation that is in store )
Lots of empty threats when being tickled like "I will launch you into the Orion constellation, I swear to Osiris!"
He also has a tendency to call the ler "worm" as well
guess who he calls it the most
That just results in him getting wrecked twice as hard
Lots of wrestling if you manage to get him down, but it's very rewarding when you manage to get past that wall of defense and get him to laugh ( Marc and Jake usually gets that satisfaction )
Definitely holds in his laughter and then breaks a minute in
Teases aren't really the most effective thing, because Khonshu is so stubborn that he HIMSELF teases/provokes the ler
Usually it's just to get them riled up like "Bite me, Spector" or something like that lol
It usually backfires on him though because riling up any of the boys ends you up with an extra five minutes of tickles
He's most susceptible to being tickled by Marc, but he gets ganged up occasionally by all three if he's just being a straight up jerk
Khonshu's the type of person that answers the question "Are you ticklish?" with a "No.", and then when the person who initiated the question turns around, he's v a n i s h i f i e d ( literally )
DO NOT try to get him if he has his moon staff in hand
Unfortunately Steven had to learn that the hard way :(
He has accidentally clocked someone on the head with it in result of pure surprise
But beware if you do attempt to tickle him, he might forgive but he won't forget
Only tickles someone if he's provoked enough or if he's just purely annoyed
Much more of a ler than a lee
Khonshu is SCARY ler bro
Since he's been watching from afar for most of Marc, Steven, and Jake's tickle fights, he knows what makes each of them turn into a giggle puddle :,)
He sometimes sneaks up behind his lee, and lifts them up to get them
To add onto that, I feel like he'd also go "BOO!" when approaching just because he finds it funny ( meanie )
Steven is probably Khonshu's favorite of the three to tickle, partly because every time he sneaks up on him and spooks him it's the funniest sound ever, and partly because Steven is adorable when he's giggling himself silly :,)
He isn't going to admit it, of course
Prefers casual teasing to baby talk
He doesn't really start most of the tickle fights, but he WILL end it
The tickle fights Khonshu DOES start usually begins with him waiting for, let's say Steven, to stand somewhere behind, maybe Jake.
So Khonshu will just appear behind Jake when he's not looking and skitter his side. And then when he turns around, Khonshu just-
"It was Grant."
and then leave the premises 2.4 seconds later
I see Khonshu as kind of a goofy/ruthless ler
And as in goofy, I mean like little unintentional things he does like switching between tickling someone's back to their tummy every 5 seconds, which in turn gets whoever he's tickling to wiggle back and forth lmao
or like just goes into a deep pondering state wondering "Wait, Steven's worst spot is his sides, right? Wait no that's Jak- NO ITS MARC?"
and from the lee's perspective while he's thinking, it just looks really silly
But ooohhh ho ho his ruthlessness balances it out, you'd think Khonshu's the Egyptian god of vengeance if you didn't know any better
He can say "tickle" probably 26 times in a row with absolute confidence
He also might comment on embarrassing things kinda poker-face like "Hm, you're face is going a little red, Spector. Are you quite alright?"
If Khonshu's feeling a lot more mischievous, he might sneak in a few pokes or nuzzles from his beak
Definitely an anticipation and surprise tickler, like hovering his hands over a spot, and then changing to a different spot last second when you least expect it
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madamhatter · 6 years
am i valid for url meme...
Send Me A URL and I’ll Respond With My Opinions… / accepting 
My favorite muse(s) of theirs and why: Bamboo Rice will have a special place in my heart because I love big ol’ dorks whO WILL DO ANYTHING FOR THE PEOPLE/THINGS THEY LOVE. And Bamboo was really the one I got to know and we were able to somewhat extend conversation about him :’D. 
My favorite interaction/thread of theirs: Any time Xander literally opens his mouth and everyone else has to reply like “NO” and he’s like “YES.” I really just love how your general interactions can literally terrorize multiple blogs/fandoms in one successful swoop, no matter which character it is. I only know so few of your characters but I can tell this is something that has happened frequently with the others.My thoughts on their unique characterization/interpretation of their muse(s): what do you mean tsun isn’t Bamboo’s writer? And Boston Lobster’s? And Xander’s?  Why am I being fed these lies? However, there was one thing I noticed that I adored and that was the fact you really brought in actual and plausible headcanons that make sense in relation to the character’s upbringing and what they have and may not have experienced. IE: I remember Bamboo being mentioned (by you) to be illiterate due to their surroundings and being deep in the forest. As strange as it sounds, people really don’t go that far down into detail and I appreciate it. My thoughts on their writing style as a whole: You know that meme where Gordon Ramsey says “finally, some good fucking food”?  That’s literally me when I see any of Tsun’s posts, IC or OOC. I just like reading their stuff and being intimated by the writing in a way that pushes to me to go back to my more serious writing times. Also don’t get me started on their meme ANSWERS, IM HONESTLY RECOVERING FROM SEVERAL ON XANDER’S BLOGS, DON’T @ ME IT READS LIKE POETRY - Situation(s)/Plot(s) I’d love to see their muse(s) in: HMMM… I would like to see Xander in an AU where he properly is a king of a land, even if it is through questionable means (which may be slightly OOC); I do think your Sengoku M. muses will have a god damn fun time in a deity-based AU. Lmao, and if you have doubles, you can always mimick the Evillous Chronicles series with like twins (Daughter of Evil, Servant of Evil, Regret Message, etc.) because those are fun times :3ccccSomeone else I love seeing them interact with: @box-of-characters and @cirocchio ; no questions about that. No matter which character, it IS THE FUNNIEST THING TO ME. Anything else I want to say about their roleplaying: So how the hell does a gem like you stay hidden for so long? What’s your secret? Why keep hidden?? I’m going to have to hold you high in the air for folks to realize the quality that is you as a writer. 
If We Know Eachother
What I Think Are Their Best Qualities: Can deal with my bullshit, has the shitty sense of humor like me, and doesn’t find me annoying. Tsun just really knows how to get the dash working and chat with others, making a whole group experience that doesn’t exclude anyone. Tsun also takes heavy consideration and stuff when writing for characters and trying not to insert his midwestern twang in otherwise very regal mouths. Seriouly, though, I think his best qualities will alwas be the way they’re able to frame their characters’ emotions and always involve movement with them, making a whole scene play out. It isn’t stagnant, it’s always flowing, like a river.What I Think Are Their Strengths: Can laugh and tolerate my horrible fucking puns. It’s just super easy and comfortable to talk to you and get to know you! I say that not only are you an amiable personality, I really do say that at the end of the day, you care for your fellow roleplayers much more than writing partners and more as friends. This is beyond writing that I’ll consistently gush about but, I get that you’re an all around package who brings your A+ game and only deserves the best. A Memorable OOC Interaction Of Ours: How…how do I choose one?? I usually send him very cursed things over Tumblr IMs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=120HFjKPuJ4) and we’ve explored the realm of what strange things seiyuus sing. Every OOC interaction is memorable! Why Others Should RP With Them: It’s really hard nowadays to find roleplayers that really care for their characters but also know when to mess around and not take them as seriously. With the addition in being dedicated to building their characters and open to new and exciting ways to interact, I don’t why why you aren’t following yet. Also, he helps me cope with the stupid and long novella replies with eveN BETTER ONES SO, YOU GOT THAT BONUS. How Others Should Approach Them: Maybe it’s me and I see that it’s really easy to message people like a moron like “he-hewwo??” But, I always say drop into Tsun’s messages and drop a hello! I always say it’s better to drop in to meet the person first rather than their writing. It helps build bonds! Other Roleplayers I’d Recommend To Them: @vacuitas ; I think both of your multimuse blogs will greatly mesh well together and with Kat’s blog backstory and OCs should really be explored and you got some interesting personalities on both of your blogs that can either get along or hate very much! Anything else I want to say about them: how you haven’t gotten tired of me yet and the weird things I’ve sent you is beyond me– But, Tsun, you’re a real sweetheart and know how to bring a smile to my face without realizing it ;v;
If We Have/Plan To Interact
A plot I’d like to write with them: ANYTHING. ANYTHING. just honestly throw me ideas about AUs and I’m like butter, easy to melt and get into things. *steeples hands* If there’s any way I can make a character suffer at the expense of one of mine getting hurt or being mean, lmk :eyes:. Maybe hm… “Asselin you’re not a demon and those horns are totally fake - what the bloody hell. No I’m not going to stop pulling these horns these are NO way real ” AU. A muse I want to introduce to them: Natsume from Enstars. Just trust me, just trust me you will love that little shit and he’ll fit in with your crowd and he curses people like a fucking moron please I LOVE HIM… Since you like characters in trashbags, but I want you to have a variety, I can also bleed in some of my Mogeko charas like Shirogane (a scaredy cat wolf) and Battler Ushiromiya from Umineko (he’s a man who defies meta to solve the murders of his family that fateful October 4th, 1986). Also Phantom from Maplestory, I …love him to bits, he’s amazing. He’s gorgeous, he’s powerful, tends to not take things seriously is a phantom thief but I …oh god I love him so much : ‘ ) A ship/broship I’d like to propose to them: Xander/Sophie’s dynamic is amazing, I love when the bourgeois and the peasants argue. I’m also glad that their relationship can translate on different levels but there’s always that call-back to bickering yet support. If I can propose another, uhh– I really like Bamboo/Spam as a friendship and Boston/Spam as a mix of plato/romo (not too sure but I really liked their differences, i can see it as a “grey” area).  UHHHH… Asselin/Sophie looks like it could be a god damn trip :tm: bc a servant of satan of a witch sounds all sorts of chaos :3c. A thread with them I’m excited about: CHISANA THREAD, CHISANA THREAD! GIANT ASS DRAGON INDEBT TO WITCH AND HE REGRETS TURNING HUMAN BUT THEN HE REGRETS TURNING BACK AND … YEAH.  Anything else I want to say: God has forsaken you since you’re my friend and I hope you realize the path you’re now down wnjdfksnfdsj/. 
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