skullymd · 11 months
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Spidersona; Goblin-Spider
"Gobby" is a giant radioactive Oonopidae who fights crime. bonus doodles;(no, the grappling-cape is not always very helpful)
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(Sorry I'm late, I didn't realize I had only posted this on Instagram until now, tho I did draw it back when I saw spiderverse opening week ^^;)
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podcast-hemocytoblast · 3 months
At least two species within the goblin spider family (family Oonopidae) — Heteroonops spinimanus and Triaeris stenaspis, in case anyone is wondering — are believed to be parthenogenetic (in other words, they can develop an embryo from an unfertilized egg). So, with this in mind, do y’all think there’s ever been some unlucky Web Avatar out there who went to a routine appointment at the gynecologist only to get the news that they’re the next Virgin Mary and they’re gonna give birth to Web Jesus?
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you had me at Riz Gukgak superhero au /j
Seriously though absolutely in love with spiderriz already, very funny when considering the main antagonist to peter parker is the green goblin and he is one of those. I may be a DC comics boy but I would be very happy to see more spiderman au!
Right?? The irony there!! Fun fact, there’s also a family of spiders called the *goblin spider* family, or Oonopidae. They are known for being very small and having unusual modifications! They’re hardly ever seen bc they’re so tiny! So spider riz definitely has a couple stealthy traits, I’m thinking!
More is definitely coming, I’d love to hear any ideas if you have them though! I’m already unreasonably attached to this au ;D
(also, as DC fan, hopefully you’ll be able to appreciate the nickname that I chose for Adaine as the eyes and ears of this operation: Oracle! I know it’s a Batman thing but it’s so fitting lmaoo)
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captaindeadpoet · 1 year
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misterpoofofficial · 6 years
I have a few questions about Spider-Harry AU. What's his superhero name?(if Spider-man and Spider-Harry co-existed) Was there a first costume or he went with current one? If there was a first costume what does it look like? Any other super-powers?(not counting the stickiness and spider-power and spider-agility)
his superhero name was determined by @janeykara and @jayasgoggles we decided it would be oonopidae which is another word for goblin spider! also it’s a pretty nerdy name which fits perfectly for him. i never really intended for him to have a prototype costume in his au—but if he were to co-exist with spider-man, i like to think that he designed his costume and gwen helped him make it! his superpowers consist of having organic webbing but due to the radiation in his blood, his webs also produce heat (so kinda like in that spider-man on ice ep with pete’s thermal webs!)
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djgblogger-blog · 6 years
New ‘goblin spiders’ from Sri Lanka named after Enid Blyton characters
http://bit.ly/2tsuI9F Meet Chippy, Snooky and Tumpy — all “goblins” or “brownies” from Enid Blyton’s children’s books, and now the names of new species of tiny spiders that scientists have found lurking in Sri Lanka’s forests. These new species belong to a spider family called “goblin spiders” (Oonopidae family), a group of extremely small arachnids, typically measuring just one to three millimeters in length. In all, the team of researchers, led by entomologist Suresh Benjamin of the National Institute of Fundamental Studies in Sri Lanka, have described nine new species of these goblin spiders in a new study published in Evolutionary Systematics.  Six of the newly described species — Silhouettella snippy, Silhouettella tiggy, Cavisternum bom, Ischnothyreus chippy, Pelicinus snooky, and Pelicinus tumpy — have been named after popular characters from Enid Blyton books, including Snooky, a “naughty little goblin” from “The Firework Goblins,” and Bom and Tumpy, goblins from “The Goblin Looking Glass.” “We are always looking for names for new species, and this was also the case during the writing of this paper,” Benjamin told Mongabay in an email. “My son (9) and daughter (6) had discovered some old Enid Blyton books that belonged to me and my two siblings while playing at my parent’s place. They brought them home and said ‘dada can you read these to us’. The first story I read to them was the story of The Firework Goblins.” Cavisternum bom, a newly described spider named after a character from Blyton’s “The Goblins Looking-Glass”. Image courtesy of Suresh Benjamin. Ischnothyreus chippy, a newly described spider…
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adelesiocabralfmp · 7 years
Spider information
Types of spiders - 
Tarantula , Armed spiders, Huntsman spider, wolf spider, Golden silk orb-weaver, Jumping spider, Recluse spider , Widow spider, Cellar spider, Mygalomorphae, Australian funnel-web spider, Orb-weaver spider, Black house spider, Cheiracanthium, Thomisidae , False black widows , Tegenaria, Grass spiders, Wandering spider , Trapdoor spiders, Trap jaw spider, Theridiidae, Sac spider , Agelenidae, Parasteatoda tepidariorum, Araneomorphae, Deinopidae, Missulena, Ground spider , Linyphiidae, Southern house spider , Lynx spider , Archaeidae, Pirate spider , spitting spider, Mesothelae, Philodromidae, Araneoidea, Wall spider , Nursery web spider, Prowling spiders, Sicariidae, Ant spider, Oonopidae, Ebo , Vagellia, Tengella , Amaurobioidea.
What spiders eat --------------------------
Spiders normally would consume insects such as millipedes, woodlice, lizards, frogs and birds but spiders don’t normally consume plant material.
How spiders fertilise and the dangers - -----------------------
Male spiders use their pedipalps to insert sperm into the female.
The sperm reaches the eggs and fertilisation occurs as usual.
In some instances the female spider will devour the male after fertilisation or worst case scenario the mother will consume her children due to the hunger of producing children.
Male black widows preferably and cautiously mate with females who have just eaten to avoid being consumed.
Spiders with different leg count ----------------------
more than 10% of arachnids had 2 of their eight legs which didn’t hinder or limit their skill if compared to a regular 8 legged arachnid. 
There appeared to be a certain capacity of how many legs could have been lost but also 5 legged spiders built differently constructed webs.
Some spiders can self amputate a leg if it gets trapped by a predator which is why you might encounter a handful of spiders with fewer than 8 legs.
Spiders even have legs trapped when they molt so they have to let go of a limb to escape the hardened shell.
Different spider sizes - --------------------------
Spiders can come in many varied sizes due to their behaviour called bridging which is when a spider utilises its strand of silk to carry itself to a near by plant where it makes its new area its home where it can or may find a willing mate or prey purposes.
small male spiders have advantages and most efficient bridging in comparison to the larger ones which one can assume its to escape the females attacks or females that are proportionally larger can support more produce in offspring is one of the theories introduced.
Within Europe spiders body sizes differ Extremely due to different temperatures as spiders sizes increase or increase depending on terrain climate and 
Spider speeds - ------------------------
the fastest spider can run 1.73 feet per second.
the fastest spider attack recorded is the trap jaw spider which bites at 0.12 milliseconds which is 10x faster than the slowest trap jaw spider’s bite.
Spiders are a good part of the natural life cycle due to them eating pests ranging from roaches a,d earwigs to moths and mosquitoes. 
They themselves are an efficient pest control especially when most of these pests transmit disease.
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