onenicebugperday · 2 months
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Male net-casting spider, Deinopidae
Photographed in the Brazilian Amazon
by Art Anker // Facebook
Shared with permission; do not remove credit or re-post!
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snototter · 1 month
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The face of a rufous net-casting spider (Asianopis subrufa) in Brisbane, Australia
by Robert Whyte
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terranlifeform · 2 years
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Ogre-faced spider (Deinopidae) in Ecuador
Jan Korba
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npcdeath · 10 months
(finds out for the 20th time that its easier for me to understand things and accomplish tasks if i write them down in a notebook and break them into steps) WOW i bet ill remember this from now on ^_^ <- his braincells are already killing themselves enmasse to completely destroy his working memory before regenerating itself tomorrow not unlike the eyes of the humble deinopidae
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anelim101 · 3 months
what is ur favorite true spider then. mine r the deinopidae
Deinopidae and all other spider families similar to them are so silly
To answer the question my favorite are the Poecilotheria Metallica or commonly known as peacock parachute spiders/peacock tarantulas. I really love their colors
Honorable mention: The Archaeidae, i gotta commend the silliness they put into their biology
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pinkarachnia · 4 years
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Found my favourite spider, deinopis subrufa, just chilling on my front porch
Moved him to a pot plant so no one accidentally squishes him
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natty373 · 4 years
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The coolest little dude 😍 . . . #spider #stickspider #deinopidae #rad #studiopet #love #animals #nature #liferefinementtherapies (at NorthSide at the HIVE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIbnx-NBmZR/?igshid=134kph2iyue2z
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youneedone2 · 3 years
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Net-casting Spider (Deinopidae) with Egg Case, Bigal River Reserve, Ecuador by Paul
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
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Long-palp ogre-faced spider, Deinopis cylindrica, Deinopidae (net-casting spiders)
Photographed in South Africa by wynand_uys
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jemimabobs · 3 years
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So uh, I made a spider Roger.
I might actually make this into an au (monster bug au?) where everyone is a spider/bug hybrid, so in this au the signal tower warps people into insects and bugs alongside warping proportions, and that’s pretty much it. I’m also going to design the Lady, Hunter, Teacher, Pretender, RCG and RK but if anyone wants to add the other characters or their LN ocs too I’d love to see it!!!
Prepare for lots of spider talk:
I was originally gonna make Roger a deinopidae for obvious reasons (if you know a lot about spiders) but I thought that would fit another character better, also deinopis have good eyesight while pholcidae rely on their other senses and long limbs to navigate, and I just thought if that isn’t Roger what is lol, so I made him a pholcidae instead. So some things about pholcid Roger is that he has four arms (I thought six would be too many to keep track of) lots of eyes but he is nearly entirely blind, so just covers them like normal Roger. He can also make webs and stuff from his hands and eats bugs probably. He still takes care of the children of the Maw as normal too.
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bodacious-bug-bitch · 2 years
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These guys are my current obsession.
Deinopidae, also known as the Ogre-faced spider or Net-casting spider.
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skold · 2 years
What’s your favorite spider?
whatever spider is currently in the room with me right now, so currently the 4 tarantulas and 2 harvestmen i let live in here that i know of
non joke version: i couldn't pick one specific genus or species, but tarantulas in general (theraposidae), jumping spiders (salticidae), and ogre spiders (deinopidae) are probably my top 3 families of spiders
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viralarcadian · 3 years
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deinopidae best spider
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ghost-museum · 4 years
ghoruTag Game!
Tag ten blogs you want to get to know better!
very sweet of you to tag me!!! i am flattered 
Name: felix
Gender/pronouns: they/them preferred but if you’re going to be sloppy about it he/him is fine
Sexuality: problematically easygoing/bisexual
Height: 5′6″ (168 cm for @callmemlt)
Favorite animal: probably either damon diadema, the tailless whip scorpion, or ogre-faced net-casting spiders (deinopidae), but if you asked me this at a party and i was trying to seem likable i’d say raccoon 
Average hours of sleep: 4-5 
Current time: 2:43 pm
Cats or dogs: i have a dog and two cats but they can’t read so i don’t have to feel guilty about saying cats 
Dream job: i’m an analytical chemist, so i can say ‘not that’ pretty comfortably, but i guess, its kind of hard to say. i think about getting back to teaching a lot. it would be cool to make games. it would be cool to work in invertebrate collections at a big natural history museum. probably that last one, i guess. 
When I made this blog: around 2014-2015 i guess, i had another URL or two before that
Why I made this blog: i was thinking i’d use it for promoting my creative work but then i remembered i don’t like sharing anything i make, and it became my main
Reason behind URL: this answer is tied in to the previous two, but ‘ghost museum’ is the name of a text-based horror game i made around 2015, which i eventually sort of scrapped/kept to myself, but when i was working on it i was extremely optimistic about the idea of putting it out into the world so i snapped up the URL on a few different sites. while i never did put ghost museum out there, it eventually became my go-to handle on different stuff and i retain it with a sense of affection
i’m not going to tag anybody, but, if you see this and feel so inclined consider yourself tagged!
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sabbathercio · 4 years
Essa aranha do gênero Deinopidae utiliza sua teia como uma tarrafa para capturar sua presa. #biologia #biology #ciências #science #artrópodes #arthropod #spider #aracnídeos #aranha #flagranteanimal #natureza #nature #registroanimal https://www.instagram.com/p/CF-yTnCBvW7/?igshid=1843fo1wk6mf1
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