#ooo i'm glad i talked her through that one a bit
mieczyhale · 1 year
josh's nieces are in town for the next week and they came over yesterday. i wasn't super up for it but it was actually a great time (not thrilled about the mess i get to clean up tho. they love to play dress up with my closet and i don't mind but nothing gets put away fjdjdj)
one of them told me about her boyfriend (which was like ??!! for me) and the way she went about it was:
"(something something) my boyfriend Liam. we're having problems right now but we're working on it"
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austinsgirl · 6 months
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Rather Die Chapter 21
Christmas Morning
Victoria woke up to the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen. Austin & Evelyn are currently frying up ham & making eggs. Evelyn seems to really be getting along with Austin, which makes Vic happy since that is the grandmother to Violet.
"Good morning, Vic." Austin smiles. "Merry Christmas."
"Good morning, Merry Christmas." she smiles back.
Austin walks up to her & talks quietly, "I was thinking we could tell everyone the baby's name during breakfast."
"Yeah, definitely." Victoria agrees happily.
"Merry Christmas, sweetheart!" Evelyn says coming behind Vic to give her a hug.
"Merry Christmas, mom!" she smiles. "Breakfast looks amazing. I had no idea you planning to do all this."
"Austin asked me last night if I'd help him. He wanted to surprise you."
"Oh?" she raises an eyebrow at Austin. "Did you now?"
"I did." Austin smiles & blushes a bit.
"That's really sweet of you, Aus."
"You deserve it, Vic. You did so much yesterday. You deserve to just rest and chill out today."
"Thank you. I appreciate it." Vic smiles again.
Once breakfast was ready, everyone sat down at the table to eat.
Austin speaks up, "So um, I have some news. Julie & I have made it official! We are now boyfriend & girlfriend. I asked her this morning with the necklace I got for her with my birthstone."
Every one was congratulating them & seemed genuinely happy except for Victoria.
She put on a fake smile as her heart sank when she heard the news, even though she saw it coming any day now.
"Vic & I also have some news..." Austin says, getting Victoria's attention, dragging her away from her thoughts. "Vic, wanna share the news?"
"So, we have decided on a name for baby girl. Her name is Violet Lorraine."
Austin's sister Ashley immediately started tearing up at hearing her middle name.
"Austin, is Lorraine after mom?" Ashley asks.
"Yeah, it is." Austin smiles.
"That's so beautiful, Austin. I love it." she says. "Mom would love it."
"Thank you." Austin starts to get teary eyed himself.
David speaks up, "Your mom would be so proud & so honored, son."
"Thanks dad." Austin replies.
After breakfast, everyone gathered in the living room to open presents as Home Alone played in the background.
Lots of gifts being exchanged, a lot from Austin as he loves to give & tends to over buy.
Vic opens her first gift from him which is a gift certificate to a local spa.
"Oooo this is so nice, Aus. Thank you."
"You're welcome." he replies. "This place has special messages for pregnant women, and you're always complaining about being sore so it should help. There should be enough on there for a facial & to get your nails done too."
"That sounds so amazing. I will be booking an appointment ASAP."
Mila opened up a gift from Austin next which was a gift certificate to the same spa.
"Ooo Vic! Girls day!" Mila says showing Vic the gift certificate.
"Ooo yes, definitely!" Victoria replies.
As they continue opening gifts, Austin & Ashley both open a gift from Victoria. She had gotten a drawing commissioned of them & with their mom. The siblings both started tearing up.
"Wow...this is um...beautiful." Austin says speechless. "Where did you even get this picture?"
"Your dad may have helped me with that." Vic looks over to David who is looking at her.
"This is so sweet. Thank you so much, Victoria." Ashley says getting up from her seat to give Vic a hug.
"You're very welcome." Vic replies, hugging back.
"Thanks, Vic. This means a lot." Austin says.
"You're so welcome, Aus. I'm glad you love it."
They continued opening presents until everything was unwrapped.
They also went through their stockings which was full of their favorite candies, travel size items, lottery scratch offs, little random things that they'd like, for example, Austin got guitar picks since he plays guitar. There was also beauty items for the women.
After a while, Austin's family said their goodbyes & headed home. Austin said his 'see you later's' before leaving to go to Juliette's parents house.
About a couple hours after Austin had left, he had texted Mila saying he forgot one of Vic's gifts in his closet and asked for her to give it to Vic just incase he didn't see her when he got home.
Mila grabbed a little velvet box out of one Austin's drawers in his closet & went back out to the living room where everyone was now watching The Santa Claus.
"Vic, Austin asked for me to grab this from his room for you. He wanted to make sure you had it today just incase you're in bed by the time he gets home." Mila says as she hands her the box.
Vic takes it from her, confused as to what it could be.
"Oh my gosh...he remembered..." Vic says shocked as she sees what's in the box.
"What is it, sweetie?" Evelyn asks.
"It was months ago. Austin & I had some time to kill before our doctors appointment. We had walked down to Starbucks to get something to drink, and on our way back we walked passed this antique store that had this Tiffany's pearl necklace and earring set in window on display & it was the exact set that-
"Your dad had gotten you for your fifteenth birthday before he passed, and you had lost it in the move..." Evelyn says cutting her off.
"Yes." Victoria says on the verge of tears. "We were running out of time to stop in there, and then completely forgot to go in afterwards because we were too distracted from seeing Violet on the ultrasound. Whenever we would be over there after that, the store was closed. But I guess he managed to go on his own to get it for me. I can't believe he remembered it, and how much I wanted it." she wipes away tears that are streaming down her cheeks.
Victoria feels herself adding on more love for Austin to the love she already has that she continues to try and suppress.
"That is the sweetest thing." Evelyn says. "He really loves you, huh?"
"What?" Vic asks getting caught off guard. "Noo. It's not like that, mom. He just loves me in a friend & the mother of his child kinda way."
"But this was months ago, right? He probably got it before he met Julie." Mila says.
"Juliette." Victoria corrects her.
"Whatever. He definitely did love you to do that."
"Emphasis on the 'did'. He's with Juliette now. It's not like that now."
"Honestly, you didn't hear this from me but, I think it's always like that with him now. I don't think this man will ever stop loving you in that romantic way." Mila says.
"You think?"
"Mhm. I just feel it."
"I hope you're wrong, Mila. I don't think it'll ever happen for us."
"Don't be so sure." Mila raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "I'm rarely wrong about these things. Also got the thought, what if Eliana stole your necklace from you? The one you lost?"
"You know what, she totally could have. I did catch her rummaging through my jewelry box once. She claimed she was looking for something I borrowed from her, which I never did. A pair of earrings were missing after that and she played it off like she hadn't seen them. That bitch." Vic says.
"Yeah, she probably did then." Mila replies.
Evelyn says, "It's sad how horrible of a person she turned out to be. But honestly not surprised. Her parents were always so snooty to us whenever they visited New Zealand."
"Her mom especially." Victoria adds.
Some time has passed. Everyone has gone to bed for the night except for Victoria. She waited up for Austin.
He finally walked through the door a little after 11pm.
"Hey, Vic. You're still up?" Austin asks, seeing her from the kitchen as he puts food away in the fridge he was sent home with from Juliette's mom.
"Yeah. I was waiting for you actually." she replies as she stuffs Sour Patch Watermelons into her mouth. AKA, her current pregnancy craving.
"Oh, you were?" he walks into the living room and sits down next to her on the couch.
"Yeah. I wanted to thank you in person for the necklace set, so thank you, Austin. You really didn't have to do that. It must have cost you a fortune."
"Oh, you're welcome. It's nothing."
"It's not nothing, Aus. It's everything. It's absolutely perfect & something I don't deserve."
"What do you mean you don't deserve it? You absolutely do." he grabs her hand in reassurance.
"I don't deserve it. Not after the way I treated you."
"I don't care about that anymore. You absolutely deserve it. After the shit I put you through, the shit Eliana put you through. The way you wanted this so bad because it was something your dad had gotten you that you lost. You need this."
"You're one of the sweetest people I have ever met, you know that?" Vic says starting to sob. "I'm sorry I ever treated you like you weren't."
"It's okay. I'm sorry for the way I treated you. That was something you didn't deserve."
"It's fine. You still piss me off and annoy me sometimes though." she chuckles.
"I can say the same about you, Vic." Austin laughs.
"How was meeting her parents?" she asked.
"It was good. They were really nice. Her dad was kinda scary & weary of me at first but he warmed up to me."
"That's good."
"Yeah. They got me a gift card to Barnes & Noble." he chuckles. "They figured I'd like it since I obviously shop there."
"Right, because you met Juliette there."
"Yeah." he laughs, stealing a piece of candy from her.
"Hey! Those are mine!" she snatches the bag out of her lap. "See, you're being annoying."
"What? You can't give up just one? It's Christmas!"
"No, I need these things to survive right now."
"You're so dramatic."
"I am an actress." she jokes.
"Oh speaking of, I don't remember if I told you. My publicist is already working with yours on getting us interviews for the movie. The trailer drops next week and then the movie is dropping in April."
"April?" she raises an eyebrow. "When in April?"
"Late April I think, but the premier is early April."
"And I'm due the 16th. Great. I hope we'll be able to make it to the premier."
"I'm sure it'll be fine. If we miss it, then oh well."
"I'd rather not, you know? It's my first movie."
"I know, I know. But whatever happens, it'll all work out."
"I know." she sighs.
"We should get to bed. It's been a long day."
"We should. Help me get up?"
"Of course."
Austin gets up and grabs onto her hands and pulls her up.
"Thank you. I'm only 5 months and it's already hard for me to get up sometimes."
"Well, the depth of the couch doesn't help."
"It really doesn't. And hey, thanks again." she smiles.
"You're very welcome." he pulls her into a big hug.
When he breaks away, he drops down to her belly and gives it a kiss. "Goodnight, Violet."
He stands back up, "Goodnight, Vic." he says, looking into her eyes with a quick glance at her lips.
"Goodnight, Aus." she notices the glance at his lips and holds herself back from kissing him.
They turn everything off and head to their bedrooms.
They shut their doors behind them & lean their backs against them, sighing.
Austin thinks, "No. You're in love with Julie, not Vic."
Victoria thinks, "Girl no. We're not doing this again. You are in love with Ash, not Aus."
They take a deep breath, tell themselves everything is fine, and head off to bed.
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spxll-bxund · 9 days
I have some questions about Belladonna.
1. How was her Element created?
2. When did she join the Ninja?
3. Did she also train little Lloyd?
4. In terms of the other ninja how powerful is Belladonna in general?
5. How powerful is Belladonna's element compared to the other Ninja?
6. Does Belladonna have a lover?
Thanks for answering my questions.
I'm probably going to ask more questions which is going to be more on her and what she does in the seasons but I decided to wait and make another ask for that. I hope you won't mind it
To answer your questions 😋:
1) While this is an amazing question, I’m not really sure if I have a good answer for you at the moment 😭🙏. Since Belladonna has a secondary element, I’m not really sure how her element came to be since we don’t really get (to my knowledge) an explanation on how the other secondary elements we see in the show came to be. I did have the idea of an ancient sorceress trying to mimic the powers of the first spinjitzu master in order to create her own element and use its powers for mischief, but then accidentally cursing her daughter in the process and resulting in the first user of the sorcery element. If you or anyone else has any suggestions or ideas, feel free to shoot me an ask!! <33
2) Belladonna joined the Ninja the same time that the main 4 became ninjas.
3) Yes, Bella helped out with training little Lloyd. She acted like she hated having to train him but deep down she was glad she could help out and help him develop his skills (it’s lowkey giving proud older sister moment)
4 and 5)
Ooo these ones are a little tough since I’m still trying to workshop stuff like this since I just finished designing Bella like a day or two ago LMAO- But to give you an answer she could be around the same power levels as the ninja when she doesn’t give up on herself (in general). Element-wise, she’s average compared to the others because I didn’t think it would be fitting to make her extremely stronger than them since she has a “secondary” element. What I WILL say is that in general Belladonna has really good technique and fighting style for the way she uses her weapon so that kind of makes up for what her elemental powers “lack” (Kind of? idk if lack is the right word to describe it). Not to mention she’s physically very fit, physical strength wise I would say that on a good day she could probably beat Kai in arm wrestling but give up halfway through if she had to go up against Cole (he’d probably still beat her anyways). I know that’s a weird way to show an example of strength comparison but that was the first thing that came to mind 😭🙏
6) Love is a bit of a complicated part of Belladonna’s character (before her character development) because while she does catch feelings, she doesn’t act on them because of the deep rooted insecurity where she once again, believes she’s not worthy. She believes that she is far too flawed and that she’ll taint/ruin the person she loves with her behaviors and bad habits and that those she loves deserve to be with someone better than her. While this all goes on in the inside, on the outside this insecurity is brushed off by her stubborn, tsundere-like (I’m sorry this is the best way I can describe it 😭) exterior. Another reason why love is complicated for Belladonna is because she doesn’t like feeling vulnerable, though that changes as she develops as a character. I know I’m doing all this talk about why Bella doesn’t think she’s worthy of a relationship but SHE does eventually get an official partner after her development. While it’s still being workshopped at the moment, I’m planning on writing a possible poly between Bella, Cole, and Kai called ‘lavaspell’, since I was planning on them being close as kids and then having a ‘what are we?/it’s complicated’ situation when they’re in their older teen years, with their relationship kinda being in limbo until Belladonna has her development (which is most likely gonna be in the way later seasons). Then again, lavaspell’s storyline is still being developed and this could change anytime while I’m writing Belladonna’s main story.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Love Mate Eps 7 & 8 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Yi Jun and Ha Ram began pre-dating in earnest. Yi Jun wanted to see if he could properly care for someone again, so they slowed things down to get to know each other more. I loved it, because some relationships, especially gay ones, start physical and then the emotional work of getting to know the other gets skipped in lieu of sex. Yi Jun changed his entire project at work in light of his new relationship, but now it seems that the team wants to hire Yi Jun's cruel ex as the spokesperson and model for their project.
Episode 7
Ah, their first big difficulty. Yi Jun is pretending he's fine, but he's clearly not.
I don't like that knowing look DK gave Seo Yi Jun.
Work wife has a name! It's Jin Eun Sun.
This DK guy thinks he's slick, using his past history to sell his involvement and simultaneously trying to convince Yi Jun that he sees what he did to him now. I don't trust him.
I'll forgive Yi Jun for retreating into himself because he's just being distant, he still let Ha Ram hug him at work, and is considering telling Ha Ram what happened.
I'm mad at these flowers DK tried to give Yi Jun, because if he knew his tastes this well, and wanted to find him for three years, why would he break up in such a cruel way. It also looks like Yi Jun hasn't moved??
I liked the different levels of anger, offense, and disgust Cho Hyun Min conveyed as Yi Jun when DK was trying to lay on the charm. I like that DK is genuinely charming and laying it on thick, because that's how Ha Ram started as well. I like when a show adds context to earlier reticence by having an ex show up and use similar behaviors.
Okay, letting Ha Ram fall behind in the frame was a clever way to highlight the growing distance between them right as they get into a small fight about this. Ha Ram is not going to reveal that he already knows, and Yi Jun is rebuilding the original walls he had.
You better come through, Writer Jin Eun Sun!! She's the only one Ha Ram could talk to, and she said you better talk to your man! Someone get her a plate!
This studio knows how to use their limited time well. Having DK try to show that he's done the emotional work on himself by detailing all the ways Yi Jun took care of him works so well. We get to feel aghast as the cruel way he ended things with all of these reveals, and it cleverly places us with Ha Ram right after when DK seemingly won't take no for an answer.
OOO, classic yaoi framing. Putting Yi Jun between the two guys pursuing him as the final shot was a great choice.
Episode 8
He's his lover! Claim it!
Choosing neither of them is in line with Yi Jun, unfortunately. The writing is top-notch on this show. He tells DK he owes him nothing, and chides Ha Ram for being rude, before dismissing both of them.
That was an incredible break up scene. These are almost never good, but Yi Jun wanting to quit because he felt embarrassed by both guys pursuing him makes so much sense. His feelings for Ha Ram are new, and I totally get him backing off after being made to feel like a damsel or prize. Cooking a relationship because you feel like you can't commit to it is the choice we say people should make sometimes, so I'm excited to see how Yi Jun turns this around for himself.
Choosing DK is probably the right choice professionally, but it comes at the cost of connection. They're making a project about love and connection, so I doubt this will work.
Oh, I'm really glad Ha Ram and Yi Jun heard DK's conversation. We don't have enough time for just Ha Ram to know. Unfortunately, Yi Jun is just going to take it.
I do like that their manager worried about Seo Yi Jun when he didn't show up to work, knowing that was unusual.
I like Ha Ram a lot. You can't fix people's problems all the time, but you can love them even when they're being a bit mean to you until they find themselves again. "If it's hard to do this alone, I'll stay with you."
When Ha Ram said, "Expressing and receiving emotions is difficult for me, too," it made me think about the aggressive use of tropes earlier. We love tropes, because they're a way for us to understand the characters and their intentions. We like the ritualistic nature of them, but they don't always work because they're not always aligned with what the characters or even the audience wants out of the story. Yet we use them still, because we understand what they're trying to convey.
I don't think either of them is awful, but I like them giving themselves permission to make mistakes with each other.
I feel like I need to ping @respectthepetty because I feel like I'm seeing something with DK wearing red in this scene after using blue and mixed black and white earlier.
Sometimes you don't need words. Sometimes you just need to throw a drink in someone's face.
He set their photo from the wedding shoot as his background. I love this man.
Yi Jun's enamored smile as Ha Ram walks down in this suit is fantastic. Good job with this crew showing a brooding character finding his sunshine again.
Let me tell you, I go feral for the second, deeper kiss after the first one every time.
Oh good we're back in the boyfriend shirts for the domestic scene.
I like not showing DK again or any of the people cast for their program. It doesn't matter if DK did his job or not. He no longer has control over Seo Yi Jun.
Final Verdict: 9.5, Highly Recommended. This is our third outing with Studio Winsome, following My Sweet Dear and Our Dating Sim, and I think they may be on to something here. @shortpplfedup teases me for being a cynic because I always love the sad gays, and SHE IS RIGHT. I always go hard on the shows where a gay character has suffered and gets the chance to find happiness. This one is a little bit headier than Our Dating Sim, so I'm taking half a point; I felt like I needed to trust them to do something with the aggressive use of tropes earlier, and I'm glad it paid off. This team, more than any other Korean team, seems to understand how to maximize their limited time. I'm deeply impressed.
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strangedreamings · 3 months
HOTD S2E4 (spoilers abound)
Halfway point of S2. No turning back now, folks.
God, I love the tapestry sequence. Threads of fate soaked in blood.
Daemon's dreaming, again? I'd say it's nice to see Young Rhaenyra again but her presence means our boy is losing it. Mental illness gallops in this family, so I shouldn't be surprised. I love that the crown is too big on her, it's a great detail.
Oookay, Daemon cutting her head off is NOT what I expected but yeah, just another sign of him losing the coin toss. Her disembodied head chastising him is ... an interesting touch.
Why are his hands bloody if he was only dreaming?
It's sad that instead of the four Muppet Tullys, we just hear of one and see another. Somebody with this show has no sense of humor and it ain't GRRM. C'mon, give me Grover, Elmo, Kermit, and Oscar, not just Oscar. Let the fans have some fun in an episode that is going to be nothing but pain.
Daemon, your sense of humor is not endearing you to anyone at all.
I just checked, GRRM hasn't said exactly how the Muppet Tullys are related to Catelyn Stark and her siblings, but that's not surprising -- there are huge gaps in most of the Great Houses' family trees.
Dismissing Oscar like that definitely isn't going to make him want to fight for you, Daemon. Of course, Daemon wouldn't know diplomacy if it bit him on the ass. Who in the fuck thought this trip to Harrenhal would be a good idea? Oh yeah, it was him. :P
I get a little giddy when House Blackwood is mentioned. What can I say, my favorite ASOIAF character is Brynden "Bloodraven" Rivers, the bastard son of a Blackwood mother and a Targaryen father, and the great-grandson of Daemon and Rhaenyra.
Ooo, does Rhaenys suspect that Alyn is her husband's bastard? (She's right, of course.) But touching his face like that, very creepy.
She does know! Corlys' past has come back to haunt their marriage.
"draw us back from the abyss." Too bad it won't happen. But at least Rhaenys knows the war is going to be very bad for everyone. She's not blinded by glory, duty, or anything else.
The dragon statuette Alicent's holding looks like it was carved out of Styrofoam, like it doesn't weigh a thing. Yeah, it doesn't sound like stone when it falls and breaks either. Where did the budget for this show go?
An abortifacient? And Alicent's pretending it's NOT for her? I'm sure the Grand Maester saw right through that. At least this is sparing Westeros from an Alicent-Criston baby. Can you imagine the utter nightmare such a kid would be?
Your doubts are nice to see but they're far too late, Alicent.
This Team Black Small Council is full of old men with no brains whatsoever. They do have plenty of misogyny, though. *eyeroll* Feed them all to your dragon, Baela.
I don't remember what Ser Alfred's surname is so I can't look him up but I really fucking hate him. I'm glad Corlys was able to shut him up (temporarily). I want a woman (any woman) to best him then kill him, is that too much to ask?
So, for two episodes running, we've seen the immediate aftermath of battles but not the battles themselves. It's a cost-saving measure by HBO, I'm sure, but they can't keep this up narratively -- it'll get boring after a while. I had to look up this one, it's the sack of Duskendale.
"Whore of Dragonstone," huh? Well, Criston, you're the Whore of King's Landing. :P
His white cloak is filthy. No honor in that man whatsoever and his cloak absolutely shows that.
Gwayne's face is bloody. I'm surprised he actually fought. He seems to be the type to hang back and let other people do the fighting for him.
"You are not fit for the white cloak." Tell him! He never was.
"Yours will come in kind." Too bad the Butcher's Ball (probably) isn't until next season, I can't wait to see it.
Ooo, Criston is avoiding Harrenhal! He's showing brains for fucking once. (It won't last.)
Green Small Council and they're talking about Rook's Rest. The ticking of the clock is getting louder and louder. Also, Aemond really does like to pout pensively, doesn't he? I'd hate him for it but fuck, he's too pretty (fucking nuts but yes, too pretty).
Things are getting tense between the brothers and the rest of the council is uncomfortably caught in the middle. Squirm, fellas. You deserve it. Oh, and where's Alicent? Knowing this show, she's probably hemorrhaging somewhere from the abortifacient.
Is this the first time we've seen any of Alicent's kids speak High Valyrian? But it looks like Aemond is fluent and Aegon II is decidedly not. Now I want fanfics of Aemond being firstborn and Aegon being the youngest, just to see if he would've been a better king. Looks like Aegon II realizes his baby brother does have strengths of his own.
No hemorrhaging but it looks like Alicent is making her own medieval heating pad. Larys isn't stupid, Alicent. It's in his nature to notice EVERYTHING, including the bottle you left out in the open. Aemond really didn't get his brains from his mother, did he?
"covered himself in glory" There's a phrase I never thought I'd hear in this franchise.
Larys knows about Alicole, lovely.
Back to Harrenhal. Daemon is following Aemond but I can only assume he's dreaming again, there's no way Aemond got there that quickly. Plus, we haven't seen Aemond's face yet. Besides, this is way too soon for the Battle Above The Gods Eye. I knew it -- "Aemond" has Daemon's face. Yeah, Freud would've had a field day with this dream.
Alys again. My apologies to the actress but I really fucking hate her voice. Nails on a chalkboard. (It's not her accent, that's fine, it's her voice itself.)
Daemon, a woman you suspect of being a witch gives you something to drink and you fucking do it? You have no self-preservation instincts left, do you?
Ser Willem's cute but I'm pretty sure the show's writers made him up -- Benjicot Blackwood didn't have a regent and I can't find any mention of his father having a younger brother. Well, at least he'll be nice to watch while he lasts (which I'm sure won't be long).
Hi, Laena! Back from the dead to haunt Daemon's conscience, I see.
As much as I like the Blackwoods, they really need to let their feud with the Brackens die out. (They won't, of course.)
"I removed them, I didn't burn them." For some reason, I really like the way TGC delivered that line. Whatever you're doing after HOTD, Tom, I intend to see it.
Aegon, you're merely a figurehead now. Unfortunately for you (but fortunately for the realm), you don't have the brains to be anything more.
Wow, Alicent really doesn't think highly of him, does she? I don't know if that's for the best but it makes me feel sorry for Aegon, just a little. If his parents actually gave a damn about him while he was growing up, he wouldn't have turned out the way he did.
Is that Rook's Rest? Title cards would've helped so much. If a castle wasn't in GoT, I can't be expected to recognize it, okay?
"They will not expect it because it is fucking madness." I hate Gwayne but he's right and I can't help liking that line.
"Are you afraid, Ser?"
"Worse. I'm rational."
Yep, I like that line too. Why is Gwayne getting all the good lines? It's making me like him a little and I don't want to.
Jace, your attitude is unhelpful. Show a little more respect to your mother and monarch, especially around other people. I'm not for corporal punishment normally but if I were Rhaenyra, I'd slap you.
Ugh, Rhaenyra's little trip has cost her what little respect she had from her small council.
Jace is a little too eager to use the nukes, isn't he? Kid, you'll never be a good king if you're this trigger happy. Rhaenyra wants to go, Jace wants to go. She undermines him in front of everyone. Good! Serves him right.
Rhaenys offers to go. Yeah, we knew this was coming.
Sorry but Jace is a brat. He's not ready to rule. He's not even ready to be the heir. He's too much of a hothead.
Ugh, the ASOIAF talk. Making this prophecy part of House Targaryen's legacy was a dumb idea.
Sunfyre nudging Aegon in the shoulder like he's a horse is just too cute. This'll be the last cute moment of the series, I'm sure.
Vhagar looks like she just wants to take a nap. Too bad Aemond didn't let her.
Aemond commands Vhagar in Valyrian, Aegon commands Sunfyre in English (sorry, Common Tongue). That says a lot about both of them.
Cole didn't want Aegon on the battlefield but he's not losing a chance to spin this to their advantage. Soldiers always fight harder when their leader is fighting with them.
Meleys vs Sunfyre. Poor Sunfyre is getting torn apart. (What can I say, the animals are innocent in this war.) He's bleeding out.
Vhagar really shouldn't be able to fly with that many holes in her wings.
Oh shit, is Aemond TRYING to kill his brother or is Aegon just in the way?
Poor Sunfyre's screeching sounds a lot like a bird (or a pterodactyl).
Rhaenys, you could've retreated and lived to fight another day.
Fuck this family, the Targaryen stubborn streak will get them all killed.
A seatbelt?! Do you really think that's going to save you against another fucking DRAGON?!
Holy fuck, the size difference between Meleys and Vhagar is ridiculous.
Cole got knocked off his horse while he was trying to get to Aegon. Too bad it didn't kill him.
I could've done without that jump scare, Ryan. :P
Not exactly how Rhaenys died in the book but honestly, I think I like this version better. She looked resigned to her fate as she was falling.
I think Cole might have a punctured lung. Or maybe that was just the sound of him trying to breathe on a battlefield full of smoke. I'm pretty sure he's got a concussion, but then he doesn't have much of a brain to injure. :P
Cole, you're on foot and you passed a horse just standing there. If you're not up for riding, at least bring the damn horse with you.
Aemond looking like he's about to do some more kinslaying, lovely.
A dying Sunfyre and an unmoving Aegon, lovely.
Aemond really has the devil's own luck. Too bad it runs out (next season).
Hey, writers, you spared Ser Harrold Westerling from his book fate, when are you actually going to use him again?
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s7nnydrop-flower · 3 months
*Every guest gets a invitation to a mansion, that says: 'Dear <Name>, I would like to invite you to my mansion. You will meet your fellow guests at the front of said mansion! - Lady Grace.' <My Birthday MM From DA, part one..>
They all decide to accept the invite..**The guests met up just outside the mansion that was mentioned..*
Blink: "These people must've gotten a invitation too.." -He said to Pine, his brother.-
Pine: "I'm gonna guess, yes." -He'd put his tail around Blink, usual Australian accent noticable.-
*Nyx stood not far from the two, looking up at the mansion.. He was talking to himself..*
*Fay was chatting with Phoenix and Lychee. Meanwhile, Dwindle was sitting with Riverside and Mirage.*
Siren: "..Well, this is.. .. Different for sure.." -She said to herself, looking at the other dragons.-
*Twig wonders over to Siren.*Twig: "I agree ^^!" -She nodded.-
Siren: "Glad someone here does.. I'm Siren.." -She turns to Twig.-
Twig: "Ooo! Pretty name, I'm Twig ^^." -She'd smile happily.-
Siren: "Nice to meet you, Twig." -She sat down not far from the front door of the mansion.-
*..Suddenly, the door swings open.. Everyone looks up from they're conversations.*
*There stood a dragon, with magenta, orange, and yellow scales. It was like they were from the sunset itself.*
"Hello everyone!" -She said with a smile.-
"Welcome to my mansion! It's a pleasure to have you here!"
*Fay glances at Lychee and Phoenix.*
Fay: "Thank you Miss Grace..!" -Fay said, smiling a bit.. She was trying to be kind.-
"Now, dinner is getting ready to start.. Follow me." -She turns and walks away from the door.-
Lychee: "..Who goes first..?" -She looks at everyone.-
Twig: "I'll go first!" -She answered.-
Dwindle: "I'll go in with ya' Twig.." -Dwindle said.-
*Fay rolls her eyes slightly.
*Fay: "..Twig is 'so mature'.. She doesn't even think about that something bad could happen.."
Nyx: "Well- ..It is what it is I guess.." -He looks at Fay.-
*Dwindle and Twig walk through the door. The others follow as well not long after.*
"The dining room is just down the hallway here on my right!" -Grace said, gesturing to a hall.-
Blink: ".." -He keeps close to his brother.-
-Mirage was studying the rooms in general.-
*A spider crawls across the floor, moving to Mirage.*
Phoenix: "Spider..!" -They'd jump backwards.-
*Mirage picks up the spider.*
Mirage: "Hello there little friend.." -She'd mutter, then sit the spider back down.-
Pine: "..Did you seriously just do that..?" -He asked, eyes wide.-
Mirage: "..Yes I did, Australian boy.." -She glances at Pine.-
Pine: "What did you just call me-?" -He asked, narrowing his eyes.-
*Fay steps between the two.*
Fay: "We have time for fighting later.. Let's go.. The others already left.."
*Phoenix nodded slightly, heading down the hall. Pine follows with Fay behind him to keep the two (Mirage and Pine) separated..*
*The four reach the dining room. It was lit with a chandler hanging on the ceiling.*
Riverside: "..Whoa.. This is fancy ^^..!" -She'd look around.-
Siren: "I agree with you, River.." -She sat down at the right end of the table.-
*Grace sat at the other end of the table. Mirage, Dwindle, Blink, Riverside, and Fay, the right side of the table. Nyx, Twig, Phoenix, Pine, and Lychee, sit on the left side of the table.*
*After a few moments, some other dragons come out with everyone's food.*
Pine: "..That looks delicious..!" -He smiled.-
Lychee: "Yeah, it doesss ^^."
Dwindle: "Fully agree.."
Phoenix: "Yeah." -They nodded.-
-Blink stares in awe with Nyx, and Riverside.-
-Mirage just gives a slight nod, as well as Siren and Twig.-
Fay: "Probably tastes better than it looks.." -She muttered, mainly talking to herself though.-
*The servants sit down the plates of food, and everyone starts eating and talking.*
*About thirty or so minutes go by, everyone has finished dinner, and were just standing around the dining room. Talking.*
*Mirage wonders over to Pine.*
Mirage: "Sorry 'bout earlier, Pine.." -She'd mutter, smirking a tiny bit.-
Pine: ".." -He looks at her, and sighs.- "..It's fine, Mirage.."
Mirage: "Do you wanna be.. Y'know.. Friends..?" -She asked, smirk growing wider.-
*Pine was a little unsettled..*Pine: "..Um.. Sure..?" -He answered, sorta unsure.-
Mirage: "Great-!"
*The lights suddenly turn off.*
Siren: "WHAT THE-?"
Phoenix: "Oh God-!"
*Lychee screams.*
Dwindle: "LYCHEE!?" -She shouts.-
Blink: "L-Lychee..?" -He'd ask, sounding terrified.-
*Nyx sorta was just trying to look around, trying to see through the dark. Fay snarls quietly, but it sounded like it was coming from the right of Mirage.*
Mirage: "Oi- Fay.. Stop hissing in my ear..!" -She'd hiss, before the lights suddenly flicked back on.-
*Lychee was on the ground, limp. She had a large gash across her throat, and a gash on her chest.*
*Nyx froze up, eyes wide. Blink runs to Pine, hiding his face in his leg. Mirage stares, emotionless.*
*Phoenix, who was right next to Lychee, jumps backwards. Fay steps backwards, she was right next to Lychee too.. Pine puts his tail around Blink quickly, trying to comfort him.*
*Riverside was next to Siren, she looks down. Siren turns away, trying to think happy thoughts.. Twig was with Dwindle and Grace, shaking. Grace was in shock..*
*The only one that spoke was Dwindle.*
Dwindle: "LYCHEE!" -She runs over, shoving Fay out of the way with her tail.-
*Fay snarls quietly again, this time it coming from the left of Dwindle.*
-Dwindle shoots a glare at Fay, before sitting next to Lychee.-
Clues? And other suspicious things:
1. Mirage randomly asking Pine to be her friend.
2. Fay being next to Lychee.
3. Phoenix being next Lychee as well.
4. Mirage staring emotionless after Lychee was killed..
Fay, belongs to FloofySherbet on DA, she deactivated.. You are missed 😭.
Mirage, belongs to Missymooch on DA!: https://www.deviantart.com/missymooch
Nyx, belongs to StarryForestofTime on DA! https://www.deviantart.com/starryforestoftime
Other characters: belong to me!
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Well technically I finished it like 20 minutes ago (11 pm ish) and was in such shock that I rewatches some scenes several times and then looked at Tumblr for a few minutes lol. There were also a few minutes total of zoning out in shock and just going o.o in there lol. Anyway!
Okay alright lol. Let's do this ;)
EVERYONE'S HEREEE :'DDDDD!!! THERE WAS EVEN A NINI MENTION 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️😭!!! But still - we miss you, Nini :').
Speaking of people being here though, ANTOINE??? :OOO MY GUY??!?!!? BRO LIKE JUMP SCARED ME WHEN HE SHOWED UP :DDDD
Also at first I was a bit disappointed it was in the gym (for like two seconds lol) but then I realized :'DD it's paralleling season 1 :')) and they're back with another High School Musical musical :'))) 😭😭❤️🥰. Like, Ricky pausing when he saw his mom and his dad but keeping going :'DD? That's the healed version of Getcha Head in The Game 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. The whole thing is a great parallel :')). Like, now that I think about to, Kourtney being nervous like Nini was because her life is changing relating to school - AAHHHH :'))). I just love them all so much <3333. And I wonder if we'll get a phone light moment :'D. If we don't though lol, I think we've had enough of those <333 so we'll survive :'). But even though it was kind of a parallel relating to Nini, it's kinda Kourtney as well :'). And hey, then it would be a reference to Nini <333. Ah, anyway :'). I just love that we're ending here we started <333 :')) 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰.
Okay okay though lol let's get into character sections xD
Big Red confronting Antoine was AMAZING LOL!! It's especially hilarious considering he and Ashlyn aren't even dating anymore, but you know, some guys are just jerks xD. Anyway, I'm super glad he's here :'))) <33. Also phew his hair is better lol 😌! XD.
EJ :DD! His scene with Gina was so 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️. I can't even <333. I am really glad she apologized though :') - I understood where she was coming from, and you have every right to break up with someone for any reason, but I always felt like she was being a little hard on EJ last season. So seeing them have a mutual apology and understanding was really nice :')). And discuss Ricky lol? EJ is the best <3. Also I swear if EJ ends up as Coach Bolton xD. Lowkey, I'd prefer Seb or Big Red since they're still in high school, but EJ alluded to being on the stage again and he fits the role more 👀. Hm, interesting :). Also him talking to Ashlyn 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️. Your honor I love them so much :')). And I love him <333.
Ashlyn!!! AAAHHHHHH SHE'S GONNA TELL HER :'DDD!! I want to know what's in the box o.o 👀. Less shocked and more just EYEING on my part lol. Also her scene with Dewey Wood was so sweet 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️. Ay, that's another person who's back :D!! I love him, he's great :D <33. And hilarious xDD. Anyway, SLFJDHKGS her pretending to date Big Red xD. But also noooooo Maddox 😭😭😭😭❤️. I'm sure they'll work it out y'all but like- I really hope they work it out xdd. Anyway, she's slaying as Kelsi :DD 🥰. I love her so much <333.
Emmyyyy!! She's the only one who knows about Miss Jenn o.o. Of course she is though, lol xD. But anyway, she's slaying too, as Taylor :'DD. And I love how she was kind of being like, the Bailey there :')). I love her and Miss Jenn's relationship, even if we haven't seen much of it <33. And I love her 🥰❤️.
Jet is going through it lol xD. Poor Kourtney just is not picking up what this man is putting down :') xD. Or she is and is ignoring it lol. But, hey, he tried at least xd. I think he's gonna confess, but I don't know if she'll reciprocate or not 😬. Still, I'm proud of him no matter what :')) <33. And he's slaying so hard as Chad :D!! Also, he's being an amazing brother <333 :'D.
Maddox, my girllll 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️. The balloons for Madison making the board break :'(((. It is sweet of her but like xdd <333. AND NOOOO MADDOX BEING ABOUT TO CONFESS, OR BEING READY TO ANYONE, AND SEEING ASHLYN PRETEND TO DATE BIG RED 😭😭💔💔❤️. Poor honeyyy DD': 😭. Like I said, I think they'll get through it, but in really hope they do still xdd <333. I love her 🥰.
Mr. Mazzara is slaying SO HARD :DDD!!! But seriously who is gonna take over 😬. Also dang he keeps having moments with Miss Jenn and the girl just dips and leaves him hanging 😭 xd. Oof sorry man, lol xDD. Anyway he does SO WELL as Coach Bolton :DDD!! Also, he's adorable, thank you very much <333. Like we especially see it in the beginning:'). I love him so much <333.
Miss Jenn! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH W I C K E D??!?!!? G I R L!!!! :'DDDD HONEYY!!! I would say GOOOOO!!! but also I want her to stay 😭😭. Unless EJ does and all our theories and fantasies about him being director come true 👀. Anyway xD. I love her supporting all of them :')). And AAHHHH helping Gina out :')). And her being the only who knows (before EJ)!!! AAHHHH :'DDD. Also, she's slaying as Ms. Darbus of course :DD 😌. Anyway, whatever she picks, I hope everything works out :')). I love her so much <33.
Ricky you are SLAYING :'DDD!!! AND AAAAHHHHHHHH HIS PARENTS BEING THERE TOGETHER!!!! I don't know if they're actually TOGETHER together but I'm so happy for him that they're both there and getting along :'DD. Also him practicing the speech on them was adorable and funny xDD. Also him hugging Big Red <333. My besties :')). And 😬😬 things are like, okay?? With Gina's mom?? But not great xd. In the beginning, that is - not at the end o.o. Anyway, Ricky is slaying as Troy :DD. But AAAHHHHH MY POOR BABEY AT THE END THERE 😭😭😭😭💔💔❤️. He was gonna tell her he loved her :'((. And then her mom had to sweep in and do that 😭😭😭💔❤️. I'm not okay, thank you <33. I love him ❤️❤️. And I'm mostly sure that this'll all work out, but also- I really hope it does 😭😭❤️.
GINAAAA A MOVIE STAR :DDD!!! I mean beyond the one you already starred in. I'm so happy for and proud of her :')) :'DD <33. But girl you really need to tell Ricky 😭😭💔❤️. Again, I loved her conversation with EJ <33. And AAAHHHHHHH with Miss Jenn too :'DD. I just love them all so much <33.
Okay I was trying to complete this lol but I was in bed and I ended up falling asleep (as i figured I would) SO it's morning now let's do this (I already planned on watching this last episode this morning) XD
Back to Gina, she's playing as Gabriella 🥰🥰❤️. Also why does her mom like only watch her scenes 😭. Chill girl xd. Anyway, I wasn't thinking she's gonna go? Like to do the movie but I honestly don't know 😭❤️❤️ xd. Just because like, she was saying she didn't want change and obviously change can be good but it's okay to stay the same for a while you know? Ahh, I don't know, but I'm stressed 😭😭😭❤️💔. Either way though, I'm proud of her :')).
Kourtney honeyy 😭😭💔❤️. Back to my roots starting this with "Kourtney honeyy" xDD. Anyway, AAAHHHHHHH SHE GOT INTO BOTH SCHOOLS :DD!! But DD: my poor girl has to decide now :'(((. Seeing her anxious backstage was literally killing me 😭😭💔❤️. While we're on that, she does such a good job of portraying anxiety :')). Anyway, Kourtney's mom is the best, we love her <33 😭❤️❤️. And apparently all the other theatre kid do too xD, as they should lol <3. Anyway, even though I wish she gave her the letters after the show for Kourtney's sake, I'm glad she was supporting her and also told her not to worry about it till later xD <33. Oh, and her conversation with Carlos was amazing 😭❤️. But whatever she chooses, I'm happy for her and so proud of her 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ <33. And poor Jet xD. Mans is trying lol :'). I do wonder if she already knows though, or if she's just oblivious xD <3. Also, Kourtney is SLAYING as Sharpay :DD!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥳❤️. I love her :))) 🥰❤️❤️.
Okay separate again and then together because I can do what I want lol xD. Anyway, you know what time it isss lol
(what time is it? seblos time-)
AAAAHHHHHHHH Carlos is slaying SO hard as Ryan :DD!! Also :')) his conversation with Kourtney <33. Lowkey that's a pretty good story :'DD. Especially for the situation. Like candy isn't college obviously but yeah, they are both good choices :'))). Anyway, I love him ❤️❤️❤️❤️😭🥰 <33.
AAAAAHHHHHHH the way Seb kept looking at his dad in the audience 😭😭😭💔❤️. Also can we talk about the growth that is him coming back later to talk about it :'DD ❤️🥰😭❤️. And back to the audience, I love how into they all were :'DDD xD ❤️. Like Seb and Big Red and EJ and stuff were all dancing and I'm like YEAH good for them <33333. XD anyway lol. He slayed accidentally being a part of the show xD. I love him <333. Oh also, since he said "more than just a wrestler", are we assuming Seb's bi/queer xDD? Like queer besides gay lol? Because like totally fine if so obviously I'm just curious lol. Anyway yeah I love him 🥰🥰❤️.
Okay just a bit on their own now let's talk about Seblos together lol xD.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY BABEYSSSS :'DDDDD 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰!!!!! THEY RETURN TO USSS :'DDD!!!! AND THEY'RE SO ADORABLE 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰!! ALSO LAST EPISODE AS WEL AS THIS EPISODE, WE GOT A "HONEY" AGAIN!!! THE RETURN OF HONEY Y'ALL 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰!! AS WE D E S E R V E!!! Anyway xd. Y'all I am living my best life lol, this is exactly what I wanted xD. Cute after the angst, lol xDD 🥰❤️❤️. How they managed to fit BOTH a cheating recovery storyline (with several twists) and a coming out storyline I have no idea but XDD. Lovely lol. I needed a bit of fluff and a couple kisses and that's what I got so no complaints here 😌😌 XDD ���🥰❤️. My babeys <33. Anyway!!! Like I said I loved how you could really see their growth with this :')). Like Carlos could tell Seb was trying not to lie and actually asked him about it, and Seb came back later to talk :'DD. Though "are we using words now, honey?" BRUTAL man XDD dang Carlos lol. But seriously I'm really proud of them both :')) <33. Also thank goodness there were some really funny moments throughout their storyline 😭❤️. We needed it xD. Listen I'm just glad we get close to normal Seblos for while :'). Because if we didn't get anything significant of them after getting back together I would've needed another season so I could see them be happy LOL. Anyway xD 😭❤️❤️🥰. In all seriousness I did really like their storyline this episode <333 :') ❤️❤️😭🥰. And describing it as an Afterschool Coming Out Special from the 1980s was hilarious XDDD. But let's go back to what I mentioned at the beginning of this post because
I LITERALLY MESSAGED MY SIBLING WHEN SEB SAID HIS DAD DIDN'T KNOW LIKE "he's gonna kiss Carlos in front of him/everyone isn't he lol" AND OH MY GOSH I WAS R I G H T!!!! I DON'T KNOW IFI SPECIFIED ON STAGE BUT IT WAS ONE OF MY GUESSES!! I was also like NOO they wouldn't BUT THEY DID :'DDDD!!!! OH MY GOSH I LOVED THAT SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰. Also the way the whole audience was like 👁️👄👁️ WELL ALRIGHT :DDD!! XDDD!! Plus a Rina kiss right after that so the audience must just be going with it xD. Maybe Seb's playing the young version of the nameless Scott Hoying character lol and we just connected it to HSM4 XDD. Oh and "THIS MEANS WE'RE A THING" S T O P P P P HE IS THE MOST ADORABLE EVER 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰. Also how his dad immediately turned to (presumably) his mom to talk to her XDD. But he was smiling next so I think we're good :')). Maybe we'll see a talk next episode or a meeting but who knows <3333. I'm happy either way 🥰🥰.
Also Seb. PLEASE BE COACH BOLTON!!! Listen I know he probably won't but HONEY PLEASE STOP SHAKING YOUR HEAD 😭❤️❤️ xD!! I need it <333. Okay fine I just really really want it xdd <33.
Anyway that was the most adorable thing ever and I love them so so much <33333 😭😭❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.
And y'all the MUSIC THIS EPISODE!!! ALL THE SONGS WERE SO GOOD :DDDD!!! Y'all know I love Now or Never xD but SERIOUSLY they were all amazing :DDD. And can we talk about the set and blocking/choreography with it as well??? I don't know how they had time for all that but it's a SLAY!!! Though I suppose they did show us with the dancing in episode 2 that they learn quickly lol xD. Anyway 🥰! Night of Nights was amazing (plus Seblos kiss at the end of the song 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️ perfect timing by the way Seb <333 xD)!! I Want It All was SUCH A SLAY!!! And like I said, I adore Now or Never xD. Mr. Mazzara just WORKED in it too, he was perfect :D!! Anyway, yeah, it was all wonderful 🥰🥰🥰❤️.
Y'all I loved this episode so freaking much :')). I'm scared for the next one, and DEFINITELY not at all read, especially considering it's the finale 😭😭, but I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!! I am gonna miss this show though :'). So, so freaking much <333. But yeah - this episode was AMAZING!! I'm glad we're getting a lot of the performance, too - we deserve it :'D. Though hopefully this time Ricky stays in it lol <3. But seriously, every part of this episode was just amazing :')). I really hope everything works out xdd. It better lol XD :'D. I'm sure it will (almost sure) <33. Ahh, I love them all so much :') <333 😭❤️❤️❤️🥰. Such a great, wonderful episode :) <333. And I am SO EXCITED for the next one :'D. The last one :'))).
So, let's do this :'D.
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talvenhenki · 2 years
Some quotes for you!
"No river runs among the dead cliffs / our story is written to its end"
"You no longer have time for anything but bitter tears"
"Let the broken hearts stand as the price you've gotta pay"
"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive"
"And nobody smiled as we took back our own"
"But I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
"No river runs among the dead cliffs / our story is written to its end"
Ooo I don't know who this would be about, but man I love the vibes! The story is about lovers who had to hide, and who are probably either immortal or then people who are long gone. Maybe it's written from the perspective of an archaeologist/treasure hunter who discovers the story in an old cavern where there used to be a river or something?
"You no longer have time for anything but bitter tears"
Okay so this is a story of feral murder child Astolfo from Vanitas no Carte. Actually I very well might use this for a story I'm planning about him, for after the Beast of Gévaudan arc when he's still healing from his injuries. He's having bad flashbacks to the time he lost his whole family to vampires, and, out of all people, it's Roland who's helping Astolfo through them. Because Roland was there and saw the carnage, because he knows how much Astolfo was hurt that night. Basically it's just fluff with major angst as Astolfo's letting himself be vulnerable for a bit. (I don't think he has much choice, after how injured he got at Gévaudan tho!)
"Let the broken hearts stand as the price you've gotta pay"
This makes me think of Garashir in a weird way. Post-canon, they somehow stumble into each other, and they're older and more bitter and their hearts are broken...until they realise that they can pick things up from where they left it. They can fix each other's broken hearts, live somewhere with no war, no evil. Just two men, mending their hearts and their garden, as well as some clothes and broken bones!
"It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive"
Okay so I got two ideas. Idea 1 is a reembodied elf in Valinor, grappling with the fact that they were dead, possibly killed others and then...they're alive again. Knowing me, it would probably be about Maeglin.
Idea 2 is about Vanitas no Carte, about Noé and Domi. They're all grown up, still missing Louis terribly. One evening, they talk about a lot of what-ifs (after Domi has found out that she and Louis are twins) and Domi says something along the lines of maybe it would have been better for Louis to live and Domi to have been the curse-bearer and Noé says that what the hell Domi, that he's happy that he's still got her at least. Like obviously he is sad about Louis but he would be just as sad about Domi if it had been her instead of him.
"And nobody smiled as we took back our own"
This gives me the vibes of the time after the Battle of the Last Alliance. Elrond is tending to the broken body of Gil-Galad and wondering what it even was that they were doing, if the victory even was a real one when so much had been lost either way.
"But I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime"
After the end of 07-Ghost, Castor and Labrador having thoughts about things like breathing, feeling, and other things associated with living, something they hadn't thought they could do any more. They're human again and it feels all sorts of weird.
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1d1195 · 5 months
SAM MY LOVE IM BACK!!!My feedback is going to a bit jumbled so i'm sorry if none of it makes sense lol
OKAY SO I LOVED DING  ROUND 3!!!!! Ngl I was a tad bit frustrated with Harry in this one but only because my guy is just a bit impatient when it comes to her lol And I know he means NO harm when asking her about what happened the night of her date and why she ended up in the classes like he truly just CARES about her so I get him! Plus with knowing his backstory of how he has always been a “protector” and his whole deal with how he processes his own emotions, it makes sense his behavior! But Cupcake is also going through it and it’s clear that they are on opposite spectrums on how they deal with things. AND it is something very hard to process no matter the outcome of it and it’s harder to say it out loud because it feels like it makes it ‘real’ if that makes sense lol. Anyways TELL ME WHY THAT GROSS MAN IS AT HER BAKERY?!?! I WANT TO SCREAM AND SCARE HIM AWAY FROM HER!!! BUT I'm glad that this was a nice way to lead Harry and Cupcake to have their own vulnerable moments! BUT AHHHH I LOVED IT SAM! YOU DID GREAT AS ALWAYS!!
NOW THE NEIGHBORS EXTRA 😭I LOVE RORY SO MUCH😭I think last month or so (i have no concept of time anymore) I re-read the whole story and extras in one go… I have no idea why my brain does this but it was worth it lol ANYWAYS ugh i loved it! I do love that bit of angst and once again it makes sense for Harry to feel like that! Was it the best way to react, not really but given the circumstances it was kinda the only option aside from talking it out lol But I really was NOT worried because they are END GAME! It was so cute! I just love them so much! But that's nothing surprising since I love everything you put out lol
Now my reasoning for my slight disappearance lol I have had two midterms this week and basically from now until the end of the quarter it’s mainly exams! I think I will end somewhere in June, I'm starting week 5 out of 10 next week! And I fear I will be taking summer courses :( I really fucked up my second year so that’s kinda why I need to take some courses in order to graduate on time lol . But I've only had a few TAs where I personally have been attracted to which have all been from my psyc courses lol and Ugh I MISS  MY HOT PROFESSOR 😭 I LONG for that man and its pathetic😭 and literally if you did call me an idiot, I would NOT blame you because I am one the majority of the time 😂 oh I wanted to be on my knees when he gave his lecture lol
And it really was nice! I got a limited edition Paramore/David Byrne vinyl and Lauefy’s A night at the symphony vinyl! And some other classical records! My main reason for waking up early was to get a Paramore poster and Sam when I tell you I CALLED all the stores within my city/county and only ONE had them, I wanted to cry! I didn't get it because the line was HUGE and the moment I found out they ran out I wanted to jump off a building 😀 But overall i had a nice time! And ooo what color is your record?
I totally get the shopping part! I too have my fair share of body image issues so I don’t blame you for feeling like that. But I'm glad you were able to find some clothes that you feel at least okay in! I'm sure you’ll look lovely in your choices! And I'm glad you had a nice break! You for sure have earned that little break! And don’t ever feel bad about not staying on top of your writing schedule, it’s a BUSY season for high schoolers and if you're helping with senior activities it’s so stressful! So be kind on yourself and if you need to miss a day or a few weeks of posting that’s okay💗
Hope you had a nice week back! I miss you! Hope you have a lovely weekend! Love you!!!-💜
So glad you liked Ding and Neighbors! I was a bit worried about Neighbors--I struggle with angsty stuff sometimes but I guess maybe it's the whole it's coming from my brain thing again. Maybe I'm biased but I love Ding a lot 😭 I'm really excited about it (so excited that I may have written the last part before parts 4, 5, and 6 lol)
OMG JUNNNNNEEEEE?! Ma'am I'm so sorry that seems so far away--I'm sure you'll crush it and it will be here before you know it (I'm VERY excited for June--I can't last much longer in my classroom I'm going out of my mind. This week felt endless and exhausting and I keep thinking every week is going to get better, less tiring and they're just NOT. Idk what the problem is.) I miss your hot professor for you 😭 I'm glad you have hot TAs you can sub in for him--def not the same but will help for the next five weeks.
There are no wrong paths in college. If you take extra time (or have to take summer classes) it's where you're supposed to be and it's not a big deal. You'll get it done and do fantastic 💕
So cool about your records! I love that for you! It's so funny you called stores for a poster 😭 (Fun fact: I HATE phone calls. Like an OBNOXIOUS irrational fear) I'm sorry you didn't get it, I hope you can find it at some point in time! I'm glad it was enjoyable overall and you got the ones you wanted. My one lonely record is bright yellow and kinda see through--it's really pretty! I'm not sure why I'm surprised. Everything Harry does is pretty.
Honestly, I think I will def be missing a few posting dates. I don't want to, but I think it's inevitable. I can't wait for summer 😭
No plans for this weekend! Hopefully it will be relaxing but I'm afraid I'll be filling it up with a million things I need to get done that didn't get done during the week. I plan on making sure I read and go for a walk on both days so as long as I do that I think it will be okay--and of course write Ding Part 4. (I also need to fold my laundry and vacuum but those are my fave chores). I hope you have a fun weekend planned--you deserve it after exams and not getting your poster 💕
Love you, bestie!!!!
0 notes
wolftails-funkin-arts · 9 months
Aight here it is (which is technically Canon since we can intrpet the ending)
Boyfriend was impaled through the chest both him and Girlfriend were dead M cackled and turns to normal and grabbed both corpses He threw them on the floor but did something......odd
He grabbed two one ups and fed it to both coming back to life They two bolt up and noticed M and start shaking and sweateming
M:....Good job AIGHT THAT'S A WRAP
Boyfriend and Girlfriend look confused
M:Good job on the movie guys
The two look shocked and see Secret History Mario holding a camera
SH Mario:Yep the recording is perfectly safe.....wow you did good
MM:Thanks I admit for a dictator you sing well
SH Mario:There's alot you don't know about me
MX walks up besides M M and MX fist bump
M:Good job dude but dang did you have to rip her in half?
MX:You turned her corpse into a zombie like puppet
M:That's fair
Boyfriend and Girlfriend look at eachother and back at them
M:Oh...wait weres the other one?
MR L walks up carrying Pico and throws him besides the two
Pico:OW gentle
MR L:Oh shut up
M:I admit I was impressed with you. That scene was improv
DJ Hollyboo appears:Do we release him?
M:Eh sure
DJ Hollyboo gives the thumbs up and IHY Luigi and John open a door and SMG4 Mario bursts out
M:Sorry but we didn't want you screwing up the whole thing
DJ Hollyboo pulls out spaghetti
SMG4 Mario takes the spaghetti and runs off
M sighs:Finally he'll be busy for a bit
Horror Peach and Yoshi.exe arrive too
Horror Peach:Good job babe
M:Thank you
Pico:Can someone tell us what's going on?
M:Oh....well me and the guys decided to make a movie
MX:Yeah and we figured that you three could be the perfect victims
Horror Peach:Originally you three were gonna be trapped but after talking with M we figured that it can be decided how well you fight
IHY Luigi:And you did pretty good
Pico:So this was a movie?
M nods:Yep congrats
Pico:So.........like why us?
M:Like I said to get revenge on Dearest but we thought that why not punish him ourselves
Chris Pratt appears:Sooooo I admit I'm glad that you gave me the chill part
M:Why not your one of the few non scary ones here
Somari and Grand Dad arrive
M:And you two
Beta Luigi is seen eating with Turnmoil
M:Anyway just about everyone here you fought was apart of our movie......you three can go
M summons a portal and throws the three through it
The three land in the living room and its night time
Pico:That was......odd.....
Pico hears sniffling and turns his head seeing Boyfriend and Girlfriend hugging eachother crying and shaking looking traumatized
Pico:You poor......guys Pico is furious in his mind since Girlfriend's dad is the reason why the three went through that
Pico:I'll be back
A few moments go by and Pico returns with a blanket and pillow seemingly wanting to spend the night Pico sats it down
Pico:I'll help you two change
Boyfriend and Girlfriend change into pajamas and return still crying and hugging messes
Pico sits besides them in pajamas and wrapped a blanket around them
Suddenly M"s arm reappears from the console with a bag and a note attached
Pico grabs the note and it reads: "Sorry for traumatizing you three..I hope this helps and thank you for playing in our movie"
Pico opens the bag ands it's filled with gold coins
Pico turns the note around "And P.S the money is safe
"Pico sighs and looks at the two
Pico:Wanna watch a movie?
The two nod and they watch a movie
In the morning Dearest and Mearest bust in and see the three
Pico growls:What are you doing here?
Dearest:Our daughter was missing
Pico:Because another one of your victims wanted to hurt them Dearest growls
Suddenly M"s are grabs Dearests and pulls him into the console Dearest lands on the ground
Dearest looks up and notices M holding his knife with the others smiling devishly
Dearest tries using his powers but is suppressed
M:Hehe....consider this your punishment for not just me but for all the people you've hurted
Dearest starts sweating:Uh oh
Back in the real world
Mearest:I'm......sorry your father is responsible for this......call me when he's released....and Boyfriend? You have my approval Mearest walks out the door
Pico smirks:Hehe
Pico turns to the three Pico wraps an arm around them both
Pico:I won't leave you three again....I promise The three smile and group hug and continue watching TV
Feel free to ask any other questions about this
No questions. I do like this ending better :>
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michelleleewise · 2 years
The Proposal
Pairing: Sugardaddy Loki x reader
Warnings: all the smut, tiny bit of angst, dom loki, sub reader, oral (f recieving), light bdsm, mild swearing.
Summary: it's time for new experiences, as the past comes back to haunt you....
Part Four-
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You woke up stretching your limbs in the large bed, You hadnt slept that good in a long long time. The ache between your thighs reminding you of last night's activities making you smile. You tilted your head to the other side of the bed finding it empty "Oh yeah.." you sighed sitting up remembering Loki doesn't stay the night. You looked down seeing you were in your pajamas but didn't remember changing "did he.." you thought to yourself glancing over seeing you phone and a glass of water on the nightstand. You picked it up seeing a text from Loki.
I hope you slept well. Tonight is our last night this weekend, and I have plans for you. I will be here at 6pm sharp, I want you in the bedroom in only your underwear when I arrive or you will be punished. ~L~
You felt a shiver run down your spine, "how would he punish me?" You asked yourself setting your phone down smiling, you decided to ask him tonight. You got up stretching heading to the bathroom deciding to take a bath, the hot water soothing your aching muscles. You grabbed your robe heading to the kitchen remembering you could make coffee now. Opening your bedroom door almost having a heart attack seeing Scott on your couch.
"What the hell are you doing here? How did you get in!?" You yelled pulling your robe closer together "I still have a key, nice furniture. How did you get it?" He asked watching you "none of your damn business, now leave." You demanded pointing to the door. "I need to talk to you." He said sitting back. "I have nothing to say to you, go talk to your fiancée." You said holding your robe closed. "I left her y/n." He said standing up. "I miss you, I miss us." He said slowly making his way to you "there is no us, now leave." You said again.
"Im still on the lease, I can come and go as I please." He said coming to stand in front of you "and you left, the apartment is mine now, and I said get out." You growled as he stepped closer backing you to the wall. "Oh, and what if I don't?" He asked reaching for the tie of your robe when you reached up slapping him as hard as you could making his head whip to the side. "Someone is fiesty." He smiled when you heard a knock on the door "Hey y/n, you awake?" You heard Tanya on the other side. He sighed looking down at you "to be continued." He smiled, grabbing his coat off the chair walking towards the door.
He opened it "Tanya.." he said slipping out as she stepped in closing the door. "What was he doing here?" She asked setting her purse down. "He still has a key." You said sitting at the table "he didnt..." She asked sitting across from you "no, but I'm glad you showed up." You sighed running a hand through your hair. "Here, I brought coffee." She smiled handing you the cup. "My hero." You smiled grabbing it. "Nice furniture, where did you get it." She asked looking around "Well, you know your suggestion the other day..." you said sipping your coffee "no way! You did it?" She smiled "and he bought all of this? Mine never did anything like this." She said sipping her coffee "yeah, and he bought groceries for me and took my bills." You said looking at her. "Wow, you got a good one." She smiled.
You talked for awhile longer before seeing it was past 4 "he's actually going to be here at 6 so..." you said "oh I see, get rid of me." She said laughing. "Ok, but I'm taking you to lunch next week, I want to hear all the dirty details." She said wiggling her eyebrows "ok ok, I'll text you I promise." You smiled walking her to the door giving her a hug "and think about changing your locks ok?" She said opening the door "Oh trust me I will." You said. "You have fun now." She said winking walking out almost tripping on a box "ooo what's this?" She asked handing it to you, seeing the green ribbon around it you knew, you pulled the note out from under it "I want you in this and nothing else." ~L~. You read aloud. "Ooooo....." Tanya said fanning her face making you laugh "I'll call you." You smiled closing the door.
You went to the bedroom setting the box down you untied the ribbon sliding the top off seeing a dark green lace bra and panty set laid next to a pair of black stockings and a garter belt. "Well, not too revealing I see." You said giggling. You got dressed in everything stepping in front of the mirror turning to the side "not bad..." you said to yourself fluffing your hair. You heard the front door open "pet, where are you?" You heard Loki. "In here...sir." you called out hurrying to the bed trying to sit as seductively as possible when he stepped in the doorway. "Do you like your gift?" He asked stepping inside "yes sir....thank you sir." You said shyly looking down "stand up." He said as you stood in front of him, you looked onto his eyes and it made shiver run down your spine.
You heard a low growl from him making your cheeks heat up "remove my tie." He said as you looked up meeting his dark eyes. You reached forward slowly pulling the knot down undoing it gently sliding it off his neck. "I'm going to try something tonight, what's the safeword?" He asked smiling "red....sir." you said holding his tie. "Good girl. Close your eyes." He said sternly. Closing your eyes your felt something soft pressed againt them wrapping around your head. "Good?" He asked "yes sir." You nodded. You felt his fingers slowly ghost over your shoulders down your arms "so soft." He whispered in your ear.
You felt him step away as you turned your head listening for him when you felt something slowly glide across your stomach making your breath hitch. "Mm do you like that?" He asked, feeling it move up between your breasts "y..yes sir." You breathed pointing your head down when you felt a light slap on your breast making you jump "head up." He growled "yes s..sir." you said lifting your chin. "Good girl, don't move or you will receive another." He said sternly. You felt it slowly slide up your neck to your cheek before slowly gliding across your lips parting them, feeling it slide down under your chin you felt Loki's tongue slowly glide across your bottom lip making you moan and lean forward to capture his lips when you felt a slap on your ass making you whimper "Ah ah...patience pet." He purred backing up.
You felt him press his chest to your back "Your so beautiful." You heard him purr in your ear sending a shiver down your spine. "Turn to the left." He said. Feeling his hand on your hip you turned until he stopped you. Reaching down he grabbed your hands and lifted them up "bend over." He whispered making shiver. You slowly leaned forward when your hands met something soft....the duvet? He placed his foot between your legs spreading them apart "perfect, just like that." He said backing up. You felt the same thing slowly glide up the back of your leg and thigh before feeling it glide across your cheek "who do you belong to?" He asked sternly "you.." You said feeling a slap on your cheek making you jolt forward. "What was that?" He asked again "y..you sir." You said feeling your cheeks heat up.
"Who does this perfect ass belong to?" He asked feeling another slap on your other cheek "you s..sir." you said shakely feeling your walls clench. "Mm...and who does this delightful cunt belong to?" He growled feeling whatever he had glide across your clothed core making you moan. You felt a light slap againt your clit making you cry out as you felt your arousel soak your panties. "Don't make me ask again." He said sternly "y..you sir! It belongs to you." You called out panting hearing him growl "that's right pet....this tight, perfect cunt is only for me.." he purred next to your ear feeling another slap against your clit making you moan loudly. "Mm...I think you enjoy this...don't you?" He growled y..yes sir." You panted feeling his fingers slide between your legs, pulling your panties aside you felt his fingers glided through your slick folds.
"Mm...so wet..do you want me to fuck you y/n?" He asked "y..yes sir....please." You cried out panting as his fingers circled your entrance "how bad do you want my cock inside you?" He growled sliding his fingers up circling your clit. "Aahh god...I want it...need it sir....please..." you begged feeling your knees weaken. "Your so pretty when you beg pet." He purred kissing your neck. "Get on the bed, on your back." He said pulling away. You inched forward climbing on the bed feeling for the pillows before laying down rubbing your thighs together. You felt the bed dip and fisted the duvet in anticipation. "Open up for me pet." He purred. You parted your knees feeling his fingers ghost up your thighs unfastened the garter belt before traveling to the hem of your panties sliding them down your legs.
"Tell me pet, has anyone ever pleasured you with their tongue." He asked rubbing your thighs. "N..no sir...no one." You panted "mmm..then I shall be your first." He growled. Feeling his arms wrap around your thighs he leaned down placing a gentle kiss to your clit making you moan. "Let's see how many sounds I can pull from you." He purred when you felt him lick from your entrance to your clit making you arch your back off the bed. "Aaahh....God...." you panted feeling his lips latch onto your clit sucking hard as he moaned vibrating your core making you cry out. You rocked your hips with his movements feeling the coil in your stomach tighten "ahh...sir im.....God I'm gonna..." you panted feeling his tongue circle your clit once more before he pulled back
"when you come it will be on my cock." He said sternly crawling up kissing your fiercely, tasting yourself on his tongue making you moan. "You taste divine pet but I need to be inside you..now." he growled. Lifting your hips he slid a pillow underneath you. You felt him kneel between your legs when his cock pressed against your entrance "s..sir...can i....touch you...please?" You asked as he lowered himself, hovering above you "since you asked so nicely...you may." He said pressing his lips to yours as your hands flew up, one finding his hair the other wrapping around his back as he thrust all the way in making you moan in his mouth. He pulled all the way out to the tip before slamming back in, the grip on his hair tightening as his tongue dove past your parted lips.
He hooked his arm under your knee bringing it up almost to your chest as he fucked you into the mattress. You drug your nails down his back hearing him growl as he sped up, pushing you up the bed with each thrust. "God...fuck m...me harded daddy!" You yelled out freezing at the name you just called him feeling him stop moving. "Shit...i..I'm sorry sir...I...I didn't..." you stuttered feeling your cheeks heat up. You felt him shift, leaning down to your ear "say it again." He growled in your ear "d..daddy..fuck me daddy..please" You begged hearing him make a noise between a growl and a moan as he slammed hard into, your head touching the rail.
He gripped the back of your head pressing your face into his neck as he pounded into you at an inhuman pace "say it again!" He panted "daddy..please make me come!" You yelled feeling him grip your hair. "Come y/n....come now!" He growled. You clenched hard around him crying out as he thrust harder into you. "Aahh gods y/n....y...you are perfect." He panted. Feeling him twitch inside you he thrust deep, holding himself there feeling him spill inside you. He slowly pumped into you a few more times riding you both through your high before stilling, releasing your leg. He reached up removing the tie for around your eyes you were met with green eyes "how are you feeling?" He breathed "im..good sir." You panted. You looked him over, his pupils blown wide, his hair a mess, his face flushed, he truly was beautiful.
"Did you like that?" He asked seriously "yes..very much. What was that you were touching me with." You asked looking around. "A riding crop, when used properly it can deliver the perfect amount of pain and...pleasure." He said smiling as he slowly pulled out of you making you whine. He sat on the edge of the bed next to you running a hand through his hair. "C..can I ask you something?" You asked sitting up "Anything, we need to be open with eachother." He said turning towards you. "Umm...so you said you've done this ten times.." you started looking down "yes..." he encouraged "and you didn't use protection?" You asked slowly lifting your head "ah..I see where your going, do not worry pet, I have been checked by a physician each time." He said. "Oh..ok.." you said looking down.
"what is wrong?" He asked watching you "was it the blindfold?" He asked "no, no that was...i really liked that.." you smiled "then what is it? Something is on your mind." He said matter of factly. "Its....my ex. He showed up here today." You said looking down. "Did he do anything to you?" He asked sternly "no, he..he said be wants me back, apparently he still has a key to the apartment." You said fidgeting with your fingers. "And is that what you want pet?" He asked. You looked up seeing a softness in his eyes. "No, absolutely not. I...I want you, for as long as you'll have me." You smiled. You saw the sterness return to his eyes before clearing his throat "very well, I'll send someone tomorrow to change the locks. And call me immediately if he shows up." He said standing. "Yes sir..I will." You said "Good girl. Now, you have school tomorrow so get some rest." He said getting dressed.
"Oh, and in addition to our arrangement since your ex has reappeared, I require you to text me when you get home everyday so I know your fine. Is that agreeable?" He asked slipping his suit jacket on "yes sir." You said watching him. "Good, and Friday I will be here at 6pm, make sure you are ready." He said "yes sir, I will be." You said. He walked over cupping your cheek making you look at him "I know what your thinking pet, and I'm not going anywhere ok?" He said smiling "the woman I spoke of, that i had to end our arrangement, she was....unstable. she became unhinged." He said watching you.
"As long as you abide by my rules, you have nothing to worry about. Submit to me....and I will give you all that you need." He said sternly "yes sir..I will sir." You said smiling "good girl, I expect to hear from you tomorrow, sleep well pet." He said leaning down kissing the top of your head. "I will text, I promise sir....goodnight" You smiled up at him as he squeezed your chin before letting you go. "Goodnight y/n." He nodded leaving the room. You heard the front door open and close before releasing the breath you were holding. You got up heading to the bathroom, cleaning yourself up you slipped into your pajamas and climbed in bed. Thoughts swirled around your head as you closed your eyes drifting off....
You couldn't wait to see what he had planned for next weekend......
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @holdmytesseract @el-zef @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @123forgottherest @lovebyloki @javagirl328 @loopsisloops @high-functioning-lokipath @immersed-in-mischief @chantsdemarins @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @midnights-ramblings @slpnbty2001 @angelaf1978 @sinsandguilt @usagishira @xorpsbane @lokifriggadottir365 @your-taste-on-my-lips @asgardianprincess1050 @cakesandtom @agentandreastark @sekaishell @dukes2581 @aniar4wniak @spork-fighter @stupidthoughtsinwriting @d1a2n389 @hypergamer7744 @buttercupbestie @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lokiprompts @daggers-and-mischief @kats72 @mochie85 @commanding-officer @lokis-coffee221 @huntress-artemiss @limiworld @lulubelle814 @idfkgabby @glitterylokislut @highkeysimpingforloki @myworldgoesboomz @lonadane @budugu @cloud-of-daisies @all-envy-suyu
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kurosstuff · 3 years
A/N: so here's a donna x reader thing I thought of!! Also the reader is a maiden a head maid to be more exact- made the header with the only pic that DIDN'T come out terribly??? Idk how the fuck to make them?? Its- technically first pov but isnt exactly written that way idk man I'm dumb
Warning(s): blood, angie swears because I say so. Goes into slight depth of a small injury. FEMALE READER, panic attack(s) SPOILERS!! AND ANGST- this isnt a nice fic. It's not even close haha(but I changed some stuff around to make more sense so fuck you♡)
Donna Beneviento x F!reader: Right place. Wrong time
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Parties sucked. Being a handmaid was fun and all but the biggest downside is you have to attend these.. events? You weren't entirely sure what they were but Lady Dimitrescu was very clear on you attending to assist her and the other lords during this time
"I swear if it weren't for Mother Miranda" Lady Dimitrescu spat out at the drunken fool-no her brother? You weren't actually sure what he was to her but they acted like siblings. Mother Miranda help anyone who asks- last person who did landed in the cellar "I would have kicked you out." Taking a drag from her cigarette. Leaning down and blowing into his face making the man start yelling as Moreau hide behind the table yet again-unless he wished to be dragged into the fight as well as he usually did during this time
If it weren't for two things happening with you. You'd probably laugh. But with how many villagers there are-the ones who hurt you. Your anxiety was racing. Even worse when the lord-no the women you were very interested in was here as well. The mysterious women dressed in all black as usual, Donna Beneviento and her doll companion, Angie by her side looking around frantically at all the new people. Jumping up and down excitedly
Deep breath...
Deep.. breath..
Turning you started out the door. Thankfully being the head maid you wouldn't exactly get in trouble with an extent of course(also helped the fact the lady and her daughters were well aware of your anxiety and were surprisingly kind about it?). As you moved you were unaware of a pair of painted eyes glancing at you before turning to another
The cool breeze in the air calmed you as you roamed around the garden. If it weren't for the weather it would have been such a beautiful sight. Well more then it was. Dispite the chilly air as winter was just rolling around the corner. The indication of it creeping up a bit closer with the speaks of ice and snow arounding around and on the flowers. Personally decorating then with their own weather, the crunch under your feet became louder as you got farther away from everyone
"So this is where you went?" A voice called out behind you, stiffening in response you could only hope for the best as you turned-half expecting one of the sisters, but you knew better then to assume that-if it was they'd have bitten you gently-as they could-before dragging you off somewhere
Turning around your assumption was proven correct. Standing infront of you was a small porcelain doll, odd colors painted on but overall handled with such care-you stared in awe before remembering yourself. Kneeling down a bit infront of the doll you smiled
"Why, hello Lady Angie" you started with a smile-watching the mock of a shock on her face, her mouth a gap more then it was before "would you like something?" Speaking softly to ensure not upsetting the doll if you even could? You weren't sure but you've heard that she had a temper of sorts on her
With a mock scuff Angie threw her hands in the air happily "ooo! 'Lady'? Can't remember the last person to call me that seriously" with a scratchy giggle she bounced around you happily. Almost intrigued with you "and what do I want? Hmm" she stopped infront of you again crossing her wooden arms in thought
"Walk with me"
She spoke suddenly after a moment rushing off you in tow- before her foot caught the long dress of hers. Almost sending her falling if you didn't grab her hoisting her up in your arms suddenly. Standing frozen for a second before placing her down gently
"Sorry Lady Angie." Looking her over you nodding in note of no injuries seen on the poor doll "rude to not ask but I'm glad your alright" before looking around her again to ensure you didn't miss anything.
Angie stood head titled to her side interested, holding her arms up to you she made grabby hands like a toddler would when wanting up. "Pick me up" she ordered with a giggle, kneeling down you gently grabbed her. Picking her up you held her against her hip, almost like a mom holding a baby or a toddler it seemed to be the best choice-her reaction was a happy laugh. Pointing off to a room she nodded her head towards there
"Off we go then Lady Angie" you said, walking to the door across the wintered garden. Opening the room to show the indoor version. After all Bela-the eldest likes to do some research on them every now and again-and some of the gardening things held vegetables for the other maidens to keep them "fresh" as they said.
The greenish room should more of the vibrant colors of the objects then the snowy wind from outside. Catching your attention was the chorus of 'down's' repeatedly from the doll-who in turn was put down on the floor gently. Rushing off she called for you to join her. Following close by you couldn't help but smile at her child like nature-dispite her crazy nature, it was very enduring
Turning the corner you didn't expect to see her maker-the lady of the Beneviento house. Donna Beneviento also the same one who caught your attention from seeing her for the first time. Growing a bit flustered you bowed your head towards her-gaining a snicker from Angie who whispered-or at least seemed like it- to the veiled women. Of what? You weren't sure but it must have been something if she suddenly jolted up almost nervous like
"Hello Lady Beneviento" you responded carefully. It was obvious to anyone who sees the Lady- she seems to not be be used to being social with others, "its nice to meet you, My lady" speaking formally as you've been taught-and reprimanded for repeatedly in the past. Thankfully now it stuck
Nothing but silence filled the room. No talking. No movement even from Angie who just stared at the Lord. Your anxiety crept up even faster now, did you say something wrong?
"..WELL!" Angie suddenly jumping up bringing her wooden hand onto your pant leg pulling you forward- with such strength for such a small doll. "Come on" she tugged again annoyed like a child would if their toy was taken from them
"Give me attention!" Smiling you followed her to the smaller table you've seen before- when you first entered you never knew why the Lady would want such a small table. Now with Angie you knew why. Sitting down infront of the doll you leaned forward awkwardly in the seat
"Thank you Lady Angie" smiling at the doll like child who held a cup of 'tea' flavored air towards you with a cackle and nod-unaware of the gaze on you both from the veiled women who underneath smiled slightly at the sight
After a couple moments of playing tea, Angie's attention was stolen from a butterfly getting up and chasing after it with a yell of- profanities which you could have only assumed she learned from the other Lords. Movement was heard behind you-aware of the other women you pretended not to hear as to not scare her off
A flower crowded your vision for a moment before you took it gently. Fingers grazing across the other women's gently-ignoring the way she flinched away almost like you burned her somehow "thank you Lady Beneviento" you replayed glancing over at the veiled women who moved to sit beside you-almost so still you would has mistaken her for a statue-if not for her breathing hitching softly as a smile crossed your face. You didn't want to scare her off as she finally started to relax around you, slightly but enough
Holding the flower you looked down admiring it with a soft smile- which if you remember correctly Bela-during her studies-called it a Calla lilies. Whatever it was, it was a beautiful flower. While looking at the flower you failed to notice the one who gave it to you watched intently. Almost like she was flustered- but it was hard to talk with her veil to anyone. Anyone but Angie-who giggled behind you. Ditching the Butterfly for the scene before her. It was not only surprising that Lady Beneviento gave it to you but it also confused you as to why. Twirling it in your fingers gently you glanced up to the black veiled women "Thank you Lady Beneviento" smiling before remembering you already thanking the women-you grew slightly embarrassed from the lack of response-unsurpising as it was.
Laughing that scratchy tone-almost like a disk being scratched you drew your attention to the doll clinging to your pant leg once more "oohh~" Angie started in a tease "Donna thinks your pretty~ I can see it I guess" Angie giggled pulling at your pants for attention-if it weren't for what she said you'd compare her to Daniela for her need of almost constant attention
"What?" Was all the response you gave as the veiled women yet again stiffened in response-before abruptly standing up. Looking up at her smiling getting up as well. Angie curling herself around your leg like that of a cat against their scratching post, the Lady before you stopped almost as if debating something before turning and leaving hurriedly. A groan was heard as Angie unwrapped herself from you and chased after Lady Beneviento'
"Aww why can't we keep them?" Was all that you heard before they left the room. A smile grazed your face at the comment. It wouldn't be all that bad to be a maid for the two Ladies. You looked at the flower in your hand unaware of the glowing yellow eyes watching with a knowing smile.
A loud call of your name rang through the building loudly- the same way it was usually used for a certain sister. Gulping the lump down you straightened your outfit as best you could to be at least somewhat presentable, the flower safely in the pocket of your front shirt poking out.
Rushing down the hallway hastily while making sure not to make it seem like your running. Getting to the lady of the castle while running from one of her daughters? Yeah not that fun. The memory of the incident where you did accidentally set one of then off thinking you were trying to run away. Rubbing the scar on your wrist shivering at the thought.
Yeah. Not again.
Rounding the corner to the front of the manor your Lady and Lady Beneviento stood almost like they were waiting for something, or someone. A loud snicker brought your attention to Angie who stated up at you, bowing your head at them respectfully-thankfully remember the first rule anyone would know
Rule 1- don't look at any of the Lord's until they gave you some sort of signal(you technically broke it? But they either didnt care or mind)
Lady Dimitrescu placed a single hand on your shoulder sending a tingle of fright and anticipation through you "I will be giving you my own head maid, Donna dear" she started nodding in your direction giving you a odd smile-almost knowing? Of something "to help around your home" with that decided-it was clear she would not be changing her mind. Not that you'd want her to either
"Oo! We get the pretty lady?" Angie giggled loudly making her run around you in circles chanting something along the lines of "Pretty!" And "tea partner" smiling softly at her, Beneviento tensed up in embarrassment at the thought of you in her home. But accepted none the less
Calling out your name as you all got ready to finally leave. You turned to your former Lord "Now" she started giving you a stern look "be on your best behavior. Treat her right." Placing a hand on your arm her nails slowly turning to claws before turning back to normal. Like a warning
Entering Beneviento's home you noted how.. homie it really was. Like a normal house minus the dolls around. Some on shelves others on random chests or just sprawled on the floor.
Smiling like a little kid on Christmas you let a small "woah" as you glanced around the Lady of the house watching you intently as you neared one of her dolls, a defensive one who attacked if an unknown/violent person enters in her home on instinct without her command. Nibbling her lip nervously under her veil she hoped you would grow uninterested in the doll.
She was wrong
"This is so cool!" You escalated getting way to close for everyone in the room. The other dolls stared worry surrounding them from their Mothers nerves being shot. The doll sprung to life-a sharp intake from Beneviento, Angie moved to get you away, She slammed her eye shut. Awaiting the scream of pain to come out. The blood. But nothing came. Slowly she opened to see what could only be a silent but swift kill.
Her mouth opened in shock. You held the doll gently in your hands-it didn't even try to harm you just stared curiously at you, "I'm assuming you made this as well m'lady?" With a tilt of your head you sent a smile her way. Shock and disbelief was all she felt-even Angie was stumped about this.
"W.." for the first time since she first learned to talk. Angie was at a lose for words. "Well of course you dummy!" She just as quickly regained her ability. With a nod of your head you placed the doll where it leapt from gently smoothing out its outfit and you moved back. Hands on your hips before turning to face the two once again
"Well I think its cute!" The dolls around the surrounding area chattered excitedly, their mother stood yet again stumped. They obviously liked you-and she had no idea what to do about it.
She ignored the giggle of Angie who stared at her knowingly.
That started your new routine.
Everyday you woke up, changed. Accompany Angie around to clean as she entertained(teased) you. Everynow and again one of the Dollmakers dolls that are capable of walking yet have no speak or full will of their own like Angie would pop up and just stare at you. Or follow you. But if you looked at then they'd run off
So that made you have another rule.
Rule 2- if one of her dolls pop up don't look at them depending on who they are, and if you see them politely smile and wave. Do not engage unless they do.
It seemed like almost everyone in the house liked you to some extent. Almost everyone. You knew the Lady Beneviento at least somewhat liked you even during the small times of seeing her.
Yet during the last couple of weeks you barely saw the Lady of the house herself. Just at breakfast through Dinner. When you bring the food in she brought the tea. She refused to let you make it- Angie said something about how that's her favorite thing(and only thing) she cooked. All the other times you assumed she had little to no interest in you.
That all changed when one day you drew her attention to you even more then you unknownly had.
While cutting the bread you glanced up watching Angie as she ran around the small room, in awe about how life like she was, even after the amount of times you've seen it and heard it- she acted like a child- it was heartwarming but it was still a surprise. "Fuck" you hissed moving your hand away from the knife, in your obviousness you accidentally cut your thumb. Some specks of blood. Looking up from the deafening silence Angie was frozen in the middle of the room staring at you mouth agape. As usual you imagined if she was truly alive you wondered if she'd outright laugh
Which she did. And to your horror mimicked you
"Fuck" Angie copied gleefully. 'Oh no' was all you could think of as you rushed to her "FUCK!!" She yelled out louder then the last
"No no Lady Angie please" you attempted to calm her. What if Lady Beneviento heard? Would she be mad? Or find this funny? You were almost scared to find out "don't say that word please" at that she froze before slowly turning her attention to you
If this was anyone else. Like for example the daughters you served at your time in the Dimitrescu castle you'd be dead right about now. That's when it finally settled in. You just gave an order. To one of the lords. And if not the most unpredictable one at that considering how out of the ordinary she is. They all were in their own sense but Angie is arguably a very very unpredictable doll. If you weren't already worried out of your mind, you are now
"Um-" you started before she floated close to your face frozen. It was a couple minutes. Long painful silence. If it weren't for this situation that was happening admiring the work done on the doll would have been something you would have been doing
"Fuck" she giggled making a deep sigh of breath you held in this moment. "Hehe~" laughing that weird laugh of hers rushing off leaving you alone in the living room. Around dolls that seemed to pierce daggers into you much harsher then usual. Like Donna knew what you just taught Angie that. Like she saw
But.. she couldn't have. She's in the basement.. right?
That night Angie still said the word and laughed like the 9 year old? You guessed? She was, but never said it infront of her mom. Thank god for that. But.. that didn't last long either
"Motherfucker" was the first thing you heard leaving your room. Looking at the small doll in question who just giggled at your shocked expression "you are a motherfucker" before rushing off laughing
"WHO TAUGHT YOU THAT?" you yelled after Angie who in turn laughed even harder in horror you tried to wrap your mind around it. Did you say that? No. You're 50% sure you didn't say that word yet. At least not here
Standing in the hallway for a moment. Someone was behind you watching frozen not at you telling but at the young dolls profanity. Turning around you saw the one person you hoped wouldn't see or HEAR anything.
"L-Lady Beneviento!" You exclaimed bowing your head down harshly, "sorry about that I don't know where she heard that from" hoping to Mother Miranda she wasn't mad.
A ear piercing silence surrounded you both in the hallway before the sound of a chuckle-then a deep soft laugh escaped the veiled women in front of you. Bringing her hand under her veil to probably whip away tears she probably had escape from how hard she laughed. Standing in shock at the scene infront of you-growing flustered before a smile crept on your face.
You could only hope you'd hear that lovely sound again.
"...thank you" a hoarse voice so soft you had to hold your breath to hear it clearly. It was even more apparent that she hardly spoke to anyone if it was that hoarse. But it was still the most beautiful sound you've ever heard. A smile crept up your face as your heart swelled in happiness. "Donna." She interpreted your thoughts making you blink in confusion
"Call me Donna"
After a couple of months you and the two Ladies of the house got closer. Angie followed you around like a duck yelling profanities or teasing you about your crush on her mom- that she somehow figured out. Just like now.
"Donna and Y/N sitting in a tree" Angie sang, dancing around the coffee table. Donna sitting next to you drinking a cup of tea under her veil "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Angie spoke making the veiled women spit the tea out onto the table and the surrounding area.
"ANGIE" You yelled flustered but chuckling at the exaggerated reaction from Donna who was frantically whipping the spilled tea off of herself. Leaning over with a napkin you helped a bit
Silence filled the room when Angie ran out laughing the only slight of sound was the tick from the clock which sat above the door to the living room. Tapping the table you glanced at the time, realizing what the time was you jumped up catching Donna off guard
"Oh! Donna I have to see the Duke" you spoke looking away unaware of frozen panicked state. You hadn't left the house since the day you moved in, so you weren't aware of the jar, unaware of the village's state. Unaware of everything. With a gulp behind the veil the one thing that mostly plagued her mind.
What if you left?
What if you saw what she helped do and left her? Forever?
She couldn't deal with another lose- especially not you. Looking back you smiled at her gently, grabbing her hands gently rubbing the too with the palm of your thumb "I'll be back. I promise. I won't ever leave you or Angie, Donna I swear it"
Taking a deep shaky breath Donna nodded her head. "Alright. Just... don't be gone too long ok?" Donna begged-Hopeing it wouldn't seem too desperate- if it was you'd never comment on it.
"Of course" you promised.
The trip to the Duke wasn't easy nor was it too hard, bumps and bruises here and there. But in the end it will be worth it.
"Ah, the young helper from Lady Beneviento's correct?" The Duke spoke allowed rolling out of no where- you'd never figure out how he could do that. Or how the single horse could pull such a big guy either. A large grin appeared on your face
"Duke! Hey what's up?" Going over towards his shop you looked around a bit "it's been a bit quiet hasn't it?" The Duke froze turning towards you looking as you gushed over some of his items. A smile suddenly came onto his face
"Ah yes" he cleared his throat "I believe their planning on some..celebration of some sort for the Lords. And Mother Miranda of course" he concluded
"Ah, that makes sense!" Before you would say anything else something caught your attention. A single flower. A rose. If you could remember from the many books-and studies with Angie it means "Love" pointing to the rose "I would like to buy that one please" you spoke the Duke following your gaze and smiled softly
"Ah, a beautiful rose for a beautiful lord, my dear. Perfect choice" pulling out a couple more then just the single you assumed he'd pick he held them out to you gently, before you could pull your coin pouch out he held a hand to stop. "It's on the house, dear. You don't owe me anything"
"Oh! Well.. thank you Duke" smiling you took the Rose's gently in your hand turning and rushing off, rubbing the scar on your wrist in nervousness. The Duke watched in silence- he could only hope you'd stay safe looking back in his shop at the three statues he concluded- life isn't that fair nor kind to anyone.
Holding the flowers tightly so you wouldn't drop them yet gently so it wouldn't break, you smiled gently, today is the day, you were finally going to tell Donna how you felt. How much she meant to you.
Rushing up the trail to the house you couldn't help but shiver, a slightly unnerving shiver-almost cold. Obviously worried about the whole confessing thing. With a rub of your wrist you gulped deeply, biting your lip slightly-Donna would never cast you away for how you felt-she wasn't like that...
The closer you got to the door as it came into view, the more worried you became, walking around the sprawled out dolls around you took a deep breath and opened the door
"Donna. Angie I'm back!" You called out
Nothing came back. No quick pitter patter from the wooded feet of Angie sprinting towards you. Gulping down the lump in your throat you clutched the flowers a bit tighter still being mindful of how much strength you put in it.
The doll room! That must be were they are, walking around the couch you started down the hall before you froze everything happened in slow motion. The flowers falling, the white red speaks appearing in your eyes.
The scream that pierced out of your throat in horror. Anguish and grief. The bloodied body of Donna laid on the floor Angie beside her. Blood pooled around them, it was obviously Donna's and by the looks of it- it stopped pouring out. Dropping to your knees with a heavy thonk-you ignored the pain in then. The static in your ears as blood rushed from your face. Bringing Donna's head onto your lap. You shook her gently
"Donna" you started tears rushing down harsh against your cheeks-all you saw was the blurrier vison of the women you loved "wake up" you begged shaking her yet again. Trying desperately to ignore the painfully obvious dull in her eye as her veil moved slightly, before you on instinct moved it to cover her whole face.
"Don't leave me" sobbing harshly you brought her closer as you shook. "I" gulping down the sob from your horse throat "I love you, please don't leave me alone"
"Please. Come back"
All you got was silence
Then another scream
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teddy06writes · 4 years
PLEEAASE 😭😭 I'm begging you for some hurt/comfort resolution for the last karlnapity x reader and sleepy bois brothers!! I just want them all to be happyyy. If the 3 lives was implemented, or if reader came back like ghostbur and the hurt is raw for the loved ones, the fallout and fixing, the love and regret i- (I loved the fic, your karlnapity are my favorite!! keep up the awesome work!! <3)
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader + sleepy boys x silbing!reader
trigger warnings: mention character death (it’s you, your the dead one) yelling, swearing,
requested by the anon above, another anon: “ngl after reading that angst fic I can picture y/n ( even tho I know y/n came back with knowing who the boys were ) coming back kinda like ghostbur knowing the boys voices but can't exactly place their names and who they are to them or something like that ?? idk my brain went think of more angst after that fic - also sorry this is just me rambling. love your work btw !!” 
as well as @tobiostfu @theprocrastinatingshipper @pastelvixenbeauty  and probably some more folks I might have missed
premise: this is a part two to the other angst thing from the other day, so I recommend you read that for context, this is a resolve (ish) to that 
(y/n/n)- your nickname
“blep”- talking
‘blep’ thinking
You had drifted the lands of the SMP, and L’Manburg for sometime trying to remember what had happened, and why everyone was always yelling.
You’d try to talk to Karl, after Alex and Nick had left, but he just ignored you.
Now you were perched on the top of the stage, looking out ‘why are the walls gone?’, and then looking down, confused, at the strange, cage like structure built at the center.
You heard a sigh, and turned to see Eret looking up at the cage as well, you hopped down off the stage and concentrated, “Eret?”
They jumped, looking around, “What the hell?”
You screwed your eyes shut ‘please see me please see me please-’
You opened your eyes to see Eret looking at you in shock, “Eret! I’m so glad to see you! Everyone’s been ignoring me lately, and acting like I’m not here, and I don’t get it.”
“(y/n)?” His voice was shaking.
“Yeah, Eret. It’s me!” You giggled, “What’s going on here? Did I miss the festival?”
You looked at her confused, “Yeah. W- whats-”
“(y/n/n)?” A teary voice behind you called.
You grinned turning around, running to hug him, “Karl! I missed you! Why did you keep ignoring me?”
He began to cry as you sailed through him, “(y/n/n).”
“Karl? Karl love why are you crying? Eret what’s going on?”
Karl all but fell to his knee’s burring his head in his hands, muffling his sobs, “(y/n/n)!”
You sat beside him, continually trying to wrap your arms around him, but instead they just past through, over, and over, and over and over again, “Wh- why can’t I- what’s- what- Eret whats?”
Tears similar to Karl’s began to roll down your cheeks, as you looked down at your hands, only now noticing how gray your skin looked, “What’s going on?”
“(y/n),” You could tell Eret was fighting to keep their voice from shaking, “Do you not remember?”
“Remember what? What’s going on?”
Karl sobbed louder, and Eret shook her head, “(y/n), I- theres a path, through the woods, behind- up behind the hill. I- I need you to go up there, as far as it goes, alright?”
You nodded, “Why?”
“Just go. I’m going to take Karl back home. Maybe- maybe don’t come back to his house for a while.”
Eret gently helped Karl up, and led him away, his sobs still echoing in your head.
‘what the hell is going on here?’
Slowly you drifted up towards the hill Eret had spoken of, ‘hey, pogtopia is this way! maybe I’ll go see Wil an’ Tommy an’ Techno! They’ll know what’s going on.’
You continued to drift up the path, humming quietly and wondering what Eret had sent you to look at, and why Karl had been crying.
You looked up and around at all the trees, trying to remember them. It was in bits and pieces, Tommy yelling about about freedom, Wilbur saying how proud Phil would be.
You remembered the forests burning, ‘who had done that?’, hiding in the woods after- after something- tnt, blow- after L’manburg had been blown up.
You stopped moving, looking down confused at the stone you had come across, it as large, flat and upright, and you looked at the words confused.
‘(Y/n) brave beyond words, hero of L’manburg’ there were various flowers scattered around, a sword stuck out of the ground, a flower chain wrapped around it’s hilt, there was a uniform jacket, one you vaguely recognized as your own and a bandana, also tied to the hilt of the sword.
Someone dropped something, a sword, “(y/n)?”
“Techno! I missed you! Everyone down in L’manburg is being wierd and when I finally got Karl to stop ignoring me he just started crying, and there’s this weird thing up on the stage and the walls are gone, and Eret told me to come up here, and why is my name on this headstone?”
“(y/n/n) I’m sorry,” Your brother fell to his knees, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too! They made me!”
“What are you talkin about Tech?”
“How are you back here? I’m sorry! This is my fault I did this to you!”
You were surprised to see your brother crying, “What’s wrong Techno?”
“You don’t remember?”
“(Y/n)?” Another voice asked.
You turned, looking at Wilbur, “Wilbur what’s going on? No one’s answering me again, and I’m scared that they can’t see me again! And I’m really confused and I made Karl cry and I don’t get it!”
“(y/n) your dead, you died, you- how are you?” Wilbur stuttered.
“Wha- wh- d- dead? What do you mean?” You watched as Wilbur carefully placed himself between you and a still crying Techno.
“You died, a few days ago. (y/n/n).”
You sank to the ground, fading away so that your brothers wouldn’t see.
~~ “So you don’t remember anything?” The man with the rams horns asked.
You shook your head, “Not everything. Just a lot of things. Wilby says I’m dead, which I guess makes sense now.”
You’d continue drifting around L’manburg, for a while, trying to figure out what had happened on your own, and ended up sitting dejectedly outside the white house, you could remember making it with Tubbo.
“Well I’m Shlatt.” He shuffled around in his desk, looking for something.
“Shlatt?” You paused, trying to remember him, pretending not to notice to see the fear that flashed in his eyes, “Your.. you were here before L’manburg right?”
“Yeah, uh, here.” He pulled out a book and quill, “Uh, write down what you remember, that might help.”
You looked at him quizzically, “I can’t touch things, uh- or manipulate objects in the normal world with out using huge amounts of energy.”
He frowned and quickly picked up the pen, “You dictate then.”
You hummed, “Well, things I remember....”
Alex woke with a start, sitting up from where he was hunched over his desk, blinking at the harsh afternoon light that was drifting through his office window.
He still hadn’t been back to the house since the fight after the execution, and had been forcing himself into work to mask the grief.
“So is there anything else? It doesn’t seem like you remember much.” Shlatt’s voice was muffled by the wall.
“Well it’s a bit foggy towards the end, and the beginning Ooo! I remember Alex and Nicky and Karl too! I could never forget them!”
Alex froze at the familiar giggle.
“Yeah, you never used to shut up about your boyfriends.” Shlatt chuckled.
Alex was running down the hall and slamming the door to the presidents office open before he could register he was moving, “Shlatt am I going insane or...”
He trailed off as your floating grayish form turned to him, “Alex! I couldn’t find you! And I didn’t know what was going on and everyone was ignoring me then I saw Wil and Techno and they told me I was dead. and then I found Shlatt! And he’s helping me write down what I remember! Have you met Shlatt? He’s nice!”
“Shlatt what the fuck is this?” He spoke through you as if you weren’t even there.
“Your partner. Apparently no one around has been helping them sort things out,” The president stood up and moved around his desk, “Ghosts tend to forget things of there past lives, and no one was helping them, so I am.”
“Did you tell them what happened? Why there fuckin- floating around instead of being here with us?” Alex spat.
Shlatt sighed, “Quackity listen this is a delicate thing. Right now it’s be better to help them remember than just tell them. So go find your stupid boyfriends and tell them the situation!”
“I cant Shlatt, we broke up. They don’t want to see me.”
“Is that what you were yelling about?” You asked quietly.
Alex looked at you, shocked, “You heard that?”
“Yeah. You and Nick made Karl cry. And then I couldn’t do anything about it,” you looked down at the floor, “w- is it my fault y- we’re broken up now?”
Alex remained silent so you continued, “I’m trying to remember what I did. And how I died. But if I did something stupid, or something to hurt you, I’m sorry.”
You were crying again, and Shlatt glared at Alex, which somehow surprised you, “This is why is trying to fucking handle this. Leave. Tell the others or not I don’t care, they’ll find out eventually.”
“Wh- Shlatt they- How-”
“I said get out,” Shlatt said firmly, “At least let me try to fix things I’ve fucked up.”
Alex shook his head before turning and heading out of the office, only ducking into his own long enough to grab something before stalking out of the building.
Shlatt turned back to you, already starting to pick the pen back up, “So what else do you remember about.. uh, your last few days. What do you remember right before the end?”
“Did they really break up because of me? If I did something I should go apologized.”
“Hey, hey, no, it ain’t your fault. I’ll go yell at them later. Tell me more about what you remember about the festival.”
~~ “Why the fuck are we here Shlatt?” Tommy half yelled.
Tommy, Technoblade, Wilbur, Alex, Nick and Karl were all gathered in front of Shlatt in the holy land.
“So, some of you may know, some of you may not, (Y/n) is back,” He looked over all the faces, Karl already looking like he was about to cry, and Nick frozen in shock, “For the past week or so they’ve been wandering and apparently none of you have been doing anything to help them.”
“Ghosts don’t remember much from there past lives, so good job on all of you that knew, you left your partner or sibling lost and confused,” He dropped the book you’d written together on the table, “I did my best, they remember everything that's written down here. I couldn’t tell them much about what they forgot, because it’s not my place.
“If you guys want, I can keep talking to them, and doing my best, but incase you haven’t noticed I’m also the fucking president. I can’t spend all my time helping educate a ghost. They disappeared yesterday, after saying something about Karl and how they saw you fools yelling, so, this is in your court now.”
Shlatt turned a walked away, heading back towards Manburg.
With shaking hands Tommy took the book, reading aloud,
“Things I remember: Home, fire, Phil finding me, Wilbur never having seen a child before, Techno swearing he’d protect me, fire, Tommy trying to spar with me before he could walk right, Techno teaching me to fight, finding the SMP lands, L’manburg, fighting for independence, fire,
“the forests burning, seeing Nick for the first time, Babysitting Fundy, winning independence, Eret leaving, fire, destruction, L’manburg thriving, the sun, Tubbo and his bees, more people coming to the country, meeting Karl, finding Alex, when we got our act together and finally all started dating.
“Wil threatening Nick and nick not being scared, Techno threatening all of them and making them terrified. Pogtopia, the cavern The festival, the dunk tank, Techno almost crying, my boys, fire.”
He looked up at his brothers, “You knew they were back?”
“I was in shock,” Techno was staring at his boots, clearing his throat uncomfortably, “Y’know I swore I’d protect ‘em, but- I- I killed ‘em.”
Nick grabbed the book from Tommy, “We have to find them.”
“Fundy can you turn the page for me please?”
The fox nodded, “Course (y/n).”
Most of the shock had worn off, and now he was mostly just happy to see you again, even going and finding an old photobook Wilbur had given him a while ago.
“Oh I remember this!” You pointed to a photo, it was taken a year after Phil had found you, “There was a big fire across the field, and while they were taking care of it I got scared and ran away, Techno found me in a tree.”
Fundy laughed, “3 year old you got in a tree by yourself?”
“Yeah, furball, I was in a tree when Philza found me too.” You chuckled.
“Hey Fundy, have you...” Niki burst in the door, tailing off as she saw you.
You waved “Hey Niki.”
“Uhh, Your brothers, and your partners are looking for you.”
You frowned, “Are they still my partners if I’m dead?”
Niki gave you a sad look, “Come on. Sapnap hasn’t seen you and he’s worried.”
“They all fought because of me, I’d rather stay here,” You looked out the door warily, “I don’t want to make things worse than they already are.”
“They need you (y/n), you brought them together.”
You drifted around Fundy and towards the door, “Making things worse isn’t something I want to do.”
You went through the door, past the group of people, making your form fade as much as possible so as not to be noticed, from there you wandered down to the docks, sitting on the edge to look over the channel.
“Phil sent a letter, said he’s devastated your gone, but overjoyed your still here.”
You looked up at Techno, “How’d you know I’d be down here?”  
“You always liked the water,” He chuckled, “Specially if there was a fire goin on somewhere else.”
“I don’t want to make things worse, if your here to take me back there.”
“I’m here to apologize. I know you don’t remember, but in case you do, I’m sorry, I had to do it.”
You laughed, “Your my big brother Tech, I doubt I’d be mad at you if I remembered.”
He smiled sadly, sitting down next to you, “Why do you think you’ll make things worse?”
You sighed, “Well when I first came back, I thought everyone was ignoring me. And when I found L’manburg again Karl and Nick and Alex were fighting about something I did, and then when Eret finally saw me Karl started crying, and then when I found you and Wilby you started crying and I just- I didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”
Techno looked at you, “If anything it’s our fault. All of this.”
“Techno, can we talk to (y/n)?”
You froze at Nick’s voice, but your brother was already moving, and Your partners were taking his place.
“(y/n/n), we’re sorry-”
“Stop,” You cut Alex off, “Whatever’s happening stop. You can’t apologize to me for shit I did that I can’t remember.”
“(y/n/n), we aren’t apologizing for that, that's not even your fault. We’re apologizing for fighting as soon as you were gone.” Nick said.
“Please come back with us. Don’t disappear,” Karl’s voice was barley a whisper, “We can help you remember.”
You bit your lip, sobbing, “I don’t want to make things hard on you guys. I didn’t even want to come back like this! Before I woke up again, it was just darkness, and it was horrible. but somehow staying there for eternity seems better than this.”
All three sets of arms passed through you, all of your boyfriends forgetting they couldn’t hold you, only making you cry harder.
“I want to be resurrected.”
It had been a week and a half since the day at the docks. You hadn’t gone back with them, though you had continued hanging around Manburg, talking mainly to Shlatt, and by now you just wanted to go back to the normal you remembered.
“Resurrected?” Dream looked at you curiously.
“Yeah. I want to go back. If I can’t stay dead the normal way and I’m stuck here then I want it to be normal. I want to hug my boyfriends, and ruffle my little brothers hair!”
The man behind the mask merely cocked his head, “So why did you come to me?”
“You’re essentially a god in these lands. I figured you might know someone or someway for me to be resurrected,” The mask shifted and you could almost here the plan formulating in his mind, “And if it ends up failing I don’t want it to hurt anyone else.”
The man sighed, “It would be a very complicated process. It’s been what, three weeks since you died, what ever was left of your body is going to be- less than in good condition.”
“What was left?” You questioned.
“Oh, (y/n), didn’t they tell you?”  Had the mask been gone you would have seen the gleam of wickedness in his eyes, “You went off with a bang.”
“You’re planning what?” Shlatt yelled, incredulous.
You’d told Shlatt about the plan for resurrections, seeing as he was one of the only one who really still talked to you, “I have to do it Shlatt! I can’t stay like this! I want things to be normal! I want-” Your voice grew small, “I want to take back what you took from me.”
Fear flashed in the horned mans eyes, “He told you.”
“Even you wouldn’t,” You said dejectedly, “I thought you were my friend.”
“I- I was your friend, At some points at least.”
He watched as you floated away, “I suppose we’ll see once I’m back.”
As soon as you were gone Shlatt was hurrying out of his office, “Quackity! Quackity, some shit is about to hit the fan! You better call the idiots in Pogtopia!”
It didn’t take long for him to assemble your brothers and partners, frantically telling them the situation, “Dream is up to something with this people! He obviously is doing some manipulation shit!”
“Why do you even care Shlatt?” Tommy asked, “Your the bitch who killed them, so why should you care if they come back?”
“Sorry that the one time I’m willing to look past shit you don’t trust me?” He groaned, pulling a bottle from his coat and taking a swig, “Sorry that I’m trying to help.”
“How would he even turn this against us?” Nick asked, “Resurrections isn’t something he can do, he’d put Bad in charge of that, and we all know that Bad wouldn’t corrupt someone.”
“It’s possible that they won’t remember anything, at all, and people who’ve forgotten are the easiest to manipulate.” Shlatt sighed.
“We have to help them.” Karl decided.
Darkness, darkness, darkness.
You had finally found your way back to that dark abyss, though now it was filled with strange chanting.
It felt like you were bein dragged across the length of the universe, losing everything of your being along the way.
‘stop! stop stop stop! I want- I want to remember’ you begged the darkness.
The hell you found yourself in seemed to stretch, continuing for infinity, the darkness, called you, begging you to stay, to give up the last of your essence to it.
The chanting grew louder as you tried to scream, the sound lodged in a throat that no longer existed.
All at once you became nothing, and then you felt the weight of a thousand suns crushing you back down into a body.
~~ Your eyes flicked open, to a blinding white world.
“It worked! There awake!” You heard Bad yell.
You started to smile as you heard Alex yell, “Get the fuck away from them Dream, you can’t manipulate anyone else!”
You sat up, starting to look around, but still, you saw nothing but light, “Alex? Wh- It- why can’t I see?”
“They remember!”  you heard Karl rejoice.
“Why can’t I see?” You asked again, raising your hands to your eyes.
“(y/n) what do you mean?” Nick asked.
“I can’t see.” You said desperately, reaching out you felt your boyfriends wrapping there arms around you.
“I think I know how to fix it!” Bad yelled triumphantly.
Everything went black again.
This time, your trip through hell was not as bad, though you seemed not to notice as your existence and identify was striped away again.
~~ Your eyes flicked open, the feeling returned to your body, and slowly you sat up, looking around at the odd group of people gathered around you, “Who are you?”
As soon as the world came out of your mouth a mousy haired man in a colorful sweater burst into tears, the man with the beanie next to him quickly pulling him into a hug.
“I- Who are you?”
“Do you not remember?”  
You shook your head, “Remember what?”
you turned to the pink haired man, “I know you don’t I? I swear- I- I know I know you. Why don’t I remember you?”
A demonic looking man quickly closed a book, “You guys should clear out. a third party might be better for this.”
~~ The man- Bad, had explained basics of things to you, who everyone who’d been in the room before, and the said that you would have to stay at his house in the Badlands for a few days.
The next day was better.
‘holy shit it worked!’ you thought, looking down at your arms, ‘I’m back’
Quietly you got out of the bed, rushing through the room and towards the stairs of Bad and Skeppy’s house, “Guys! Guys it worked! I’m alive again!”
You turned another corner to see you brothers, looking at you shocked, “(y/n)? You remember?”
You grinned, quickly pulling your brother into a hug, “It wasn’t your fault Techno! You didn’t mean to it’s okay!”
You turned again, “Karl! Nicky! Alex!”
The next thing you knew you were in a pile on the ground, your boyfriends all hugging you tightly.
They brought you home soon after, and from there you had good days and bad days.
There were days where you remembered it all, days where you found yourself lost and confused in an unknown house, and days where you could on recognize certain things around you.
Still, you were back with Nick and Karl and Alex, and you would make it through, together.
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mctherofdragons · 3 years
A Sanctuary Heart | 3 | SR
summary / after her abusive husband lands her in the intensive care unit, y/n changes her identity and moves as far away as possible. upon starting her new life, she meets dr.spencer reid and his son, maddox, when she begins her job as a teacher. but can she keep herself safe and keep up the facade with spencer? can she be safe at all?
pairing / spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings / slowburn romance, fluff, angst, marriage, trauma, domestic violence/abuse, dad!spencer, wheelchair use, paralysis, injury, ptsd flashbacks, car accident/serious injury, bullying, mention of ableism, a singular mention of god.
important links / series masterlist + domestic violence resources
authors note / i absolutely adored writing this chapter, omg. we get more of spencer and maddox's backstory. and things start to get a little more exciting as the rest of the team makes their first appearance! thank you all for the great feedback so far, i'm so glad you're enjoying the series. also my tags are not working, so reblogs on this chapter would be insanely appreciated. Flashbacks are in italics!
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Seeing the blood on your hand, Spencer instinctively reached out to grab your wrist gently. You snatched your hand back, bringing yourself up to your feet, wobbling. You grabbed your bag, wrapping your hand in your scarf that you had managed to take off in the cool October night.“Ivy,” he said the moniker one more time and you felt your insides reel once more.
‘I’m a liar, Dr. Reid, I wish you knew,’ you thought to yourself, stumbling to search for your keys under the warm glow of the moon.
“I have to go. Thank you for dinner,” you contended, making your way out of the side gate. Spencer watched in confusion as you made your way out quickly. He figured he ought to chose his battles, not wanting to startle you by following after you.
Once you were safe inside your car, you sat in the driver’s seat, hands gripping onto the steering wheel for dear life. You felt a sharp combination of embarrassment and frustration. You wanted the flit of light that came from the possibility of new love. But instead, the one before had taken everything from you. Even now, all these miles and a new name away, he was pulling you away from those little flickers of brilliance and back into the darkness of yourself.
2 years earlier.
“Maddox,” Spencer whispered, feeling his heavy eyelids open just slightly. He was disoriented, noticing that the once right-side-up roadway was now upside down instead. The loud blaring of the horn was constant. It sent a piercing sound into Spencer’s ears and head, which caused him to wince. “Maddox.”
Spencer tried to turn, but he couldn’t move. Something had him pinned in the driver’s seat. He looked into the review mirror, which by grace alone wasn’t entirely broken. Maddox was slumped in his car seat, blood trickling down onto his Toy Story tee shirt. Spencer let out a weak gasp, trying again with no avail to move.
Spencer noticed how cold it was. It had been snowing all night, and Spencer wasn’t sure how long they had been where they are now. The snow had fallen through the shattered glass, tiny flakes gathering anywhere they could.
Using all of his strength, he turned his head to his wife. Her eyes were half shut, a trickle of crimson come from her mouth.
“Baby,” Spencer whispered. “Are you alright?”
She began to speak, but began to sputter, her lungs sounding flooded. Her hand curled and uncurled, and Spencer could barely reach it. He was able to hold onto her fingertips with his. They felt ice-cold like she was already three steps into Eternity. Spencer knew that type of frigid touch. He had come in content with it a million times, and the person on the other end was never living.
“D-don’t talk, baby. Okay? The ambulance is coming. Do you hear them? We’re going to be okay.”
Spencer could hear the medics somewhere far off in the distance. The repeated echo of the sirens sounded like a band of angels to him. Spencer Reid admittedly didn’t believe in the Judeo-Christian God. He wasn’t sure what he gave credence to, in fact. But at that moment, inverted in the shattered glass, surrounded by the labored breathing of his dying wife...he prayed.
Spencer walked into the Bureau, adjusting the brown satchel on his shoulder. His brow looked furrowed as he sipped from his paper coffee cup. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way you left, trying to profile what exactly had gone wrong between the Merlot and you rushing out of his backyard.
“Penny for your thoughts?,” Emily piqued as Spencer sat down, tossing his bag onto his desk. Spencer let out an exasperating sigh, taking another drink of his coffee.
“Just trying to figure someone out.”
“Oh, oh, oh. Is this a lady someone?,” Derek queried, wiggling his eyebrows. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning onto Spencer’s desk with a sparkling grin.
Spencer felt himself smiling despite his best efforts. Emily opened her mouth in surprise, giving Derek a playful shove.
“I told you he would get back out there, Morgan!”
Spencer smiled. “Yeah, she’s sweet. I just...don’t know if I’m ready yet.”
That morning, Spencer had put on his wedding band. He still did it when he was scared, or nervous, or needing to feel close to her. He would feel the cool metal atop his finger and feel less alone. For a brief moment when the metallic touched his skin, he could pretend she was still here.
Derek gave Spencer’s shoulder a supportive squeeze.
“I hope you know me and Prentiss are just messing with you. We care about you, kid. We know these past two years have been hell for you. Just want you to be happy.”
“Yeah…I appreciate that. I just…,” Spencer paused, bringing his hands up as he spoke, as was so akin to him. His lip curled into the smallest smile. “Seeing this girl interact with Maddox. She...loves him for him..already?”
“Maddox is a great kid, Reid.”
“I know. I just don’t want her to find out---”
Spencer’s sentence was cut off by Hotch appeared, letting everyone know they had a case and to meet for Round Table. Spencer quickly shot a text to Maddox’s home health nurse, letting her know he’d need coverage for a few days.
You sat in the front of your classroom, your eyes scanning from the test in front of you to the answer key. The students were working on a Social Studies project in small groups. Their task was to read a short story about colonial times and fill out a short worksheet. If they finished early they were permitted to color, which most of the children thoroughly enjoyed.
“Maddox can’t use crayons,” you heard a small voice snicker. You raised your eyebrow, hoping it wasn’t harmful, and rather just an observation.
You heard another child sling a slur at Maddox, who was sitting quietly with his aide, trying to ignore them. But as you looked up, you saw Maddox’s tiny bottom lip begin to wobble. One of the children picked up a crayon and threw it at Maddox, hitting him in the shoulder.
“He can’t even feel that! My dad said that’s why he’s in a wheelchair,” the bully jeered again, high-fiving his friend.
You stood up with a loud squeak of your chair against the linoleum floor.
“You two. Principals office. Now.”
The rest of the class erupted in a chorus of childish ‘ooo’s. You clapped your hands together - your universal signal to quiet down.
“I did not ask for comments from the audience,” you scolded. The children settled down, going back to their work, whispering amongst one another.
“Maddox, come talk to me in the hallway,” you offered. Tears were rolling down Maddox’s cheeks. His aide reached over with a tissue to wipe them, but he turned his face away, one of the only ways he could physically set a boundary.
Maddox’s aide helped him into the hallway and then left the two of you alone. You sat down on one of the small, metal benches in the hallway. At this angle, you were about Maddox’s height. He was blubbering, trying to take deep breaths as more tears came. You pulled a small, clean, cloth handkerchief from your pocket. He let you dab his cheeks, giving him a gentle click of the tongue.
“Buddy, do you want to talk about it?”
“T-they’re so m..m..mean to me,” he whimpered, closing his eyes as more tears fell. “And, and, and I can’t play with them even, that’s why. I can’t do anything!”
You nodded empathetically, gently catching more of Maddox’s tears.
“I hate school! My daddy wants me to like school. It’s all he talks about. I hate him!”
“Maddox,” you softly redirected. “That’s not very nice. You don’t hate your dad.”
Maddox looked a deep breath. You smiled, knowing Spencer must have taught him to do that when he was upset.
“You’re right. But I’m sad, and I wanna go home.”
You sighed, reaching up to blot the little bit of redness still present on Maddox’s cheeks. You adjusted his glasses, moving some of his curly brown hair from underneath the metal.
“Just a few more hours, okay? We have library at the end of the day.”
Maddox’s face lit up, his apple cheeks glowing beneath the rims of his glasses. “Library!”
“Yes, and just for this week, you can take home two books.”
Spencer felt distracted the entire flight to Vermont. He knew he was going to be far away for a while, and that Maddox wouldn’t know until he got out of school for the day. The agent detested when he had to leave without Maddox knowing in advance, but it was usually impossible given the nature of things. Thankfully, Reid had a good setup of support through healthcare and respite so Maddox never went without someone to care for him.
Then, there was you. He couldn’t stop thinking about your reaction. He had seen it before in abuse victims. The way you flinched when he moved too fast, the apologizing like your life depended on it, even the way you looked at him with pleading eyes, desperate to avoid a blow. He bridged his fingers together, thinking to himself for a moment.
With that, he stood up, making his way to the back of the plane. He unlocked his phone while he chewed his fingernail with his free hand. Before he knew it, he was calling Garcia.
“Penelope. Hey, I need a favor. A personal one. If you could keep it between us, that would be great.”
“Anything for you, my precious string bean.”
Spencer laughed. “I need you to get all the information you can on someone. Ivy Porter.”
“Ivy Porter. That’s like a movie star name. What did she do?”
“Um..nothing, I don’t think. Just call me when you’ve got something, and email me everything you find.”
“You got it. Every in and out of Ms. Ivy Porter coming to you soon. Be safe. Talk soon.”
With that, Penelope clicked off of the call. Spencer sat back down, anxiously waiting for whatever information Penelope could find about you.
series/criminal minds taglist: @hufflepuffhaze @omghufflepuff @txtdreamss @rainbows-dreams @bvttercupbby @k-k0129 @rexit-mo @britishspidey @graciehams @manuosorioh @shemarmooresfedora @big-galaxy-chaos @thatoneszesty13 @ssavanessa22 @awritingtree @sweetandsunny​ @rainsong01 @kuolonsyoja @taralewiz @bluelittleblackgirl @asexual-booknerd @the-wolfie
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anonil88 · 3 years
Euphoria Season 2 Episode 3 liveblog
As always there are spoilers below
Here we go I'm not prepared for my ship to crash in flames any Sunday now. Also I wanna kick Cassie with my good heels.
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I'm very excited we are seeing Cal's backstory because is is what I wanted in season 1.
R.i.p Inxs such a tragic story what happened there.
I figured the Jacobs were generational wealth of some kind.
I realize more people are freaked out by seeing all the dicks in this show than I am. It's just nudity shrug we all get naked sometimes and its not sexual.
Cal loved a boy that didn't entirely love him back or wouldn't fully allow himself to. Marsha was literally his Maddy but, he was going through the whole heteronormativity perform for my father bullshit.
Derrick's girlfriend is so pretty.
Nothing is wrong with bisexuality. Oh they are at a gay bar which may be something they both knew or didn't know before they went there together.
Ugh they were young and in love and couldn't be because it was the 1980s. This is so sad and then of course all that unprotected sex led to an oops baby. Not the cold open just being tears. I'm sorry but id be there for my kid but that does not mean I'm about to live out the rest of my life unhappy.
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Here's my little messy drug addict and this song is quite literally her and her relationship with drugs and Jules. The way I would do this and my family wouldn't think I was high they'd think its just me being me.
Here we go with her presentation and its Elliot at the helm of the clicker. Rue, the world is fucked up but that doesn't mean you can get help this presentation is so fucking chaotic like oh my god. This is what I feel like when I'm manic like bro my fucking head hurts slow the hell down. And she thinks that she's getting away with this mess? Also, girl a drug test like a blood test shows what weed is versus opiates you dummy.
Nah rue everyone knows you're lying and that weed is not what you're doing. Ooo now everyone's seeing that Rue is an addict and that addicts can be sneaky and conniving. She's using her little sister as a way to get what she wants. You are such a fucking liar also she acts like people can't tell the difference between weed and heroin. This really hits home though.
Jules is gonna interrogate this man well boy because she wants to know if he wants to fuck her girlfriend. Jules said I wanna fuck her but we aren't having that discussion right now.
Rue! We don't ask body counts, also body counts don't matter.
Ay they explained why Hunter is using a binder this season. Which hey androgyny is great but i think there's a bigger underlying issue there that maybe she needs and should talk about.
This entire scene is fucking great. I think they are alluding to polyamory which would be great is Jules wasn't gonna sit between two people who snort things up their nose for fun and one doesn't know when to tell his friend no and the other can't stop because then she will have to really really feel and feeling sucks.
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Rue and Jules are so sweet and cute when they are free just being in love teenagers.
Jules said please God touch me. Well damn. 😳
Rue no put the heroin down. Its like she's just smoking weed has a great moment and jumps to "let me do heroin". But I get it we all really wanna feel really good after the best thing happens to us.
Ayy Lexi and me have similar coping mechanisms, this is so fucking good. Okay I love this damn show and how they used the actual bts and crews to just film this tid bit.
This is how Lexi really sees Rue and thats how Rue probably actually is. These two sisters honestly should talk like sit down and talk because they have traumas the two will only understand. The reasons they both have such an urge to people please or completely dissociate or become super insular.
Cassie I'm glad you're doing self care but when its only for a boy who doesn't give a shit about you you look like a fucking idiot.
Aw I love Lexi like I adored her once I saw her bob Ross costume but now she got my heart. Please let her stay single though I don't need her and her sister trying to vye for male attention because of their daddy issues.
These three are such trouble together but its fun trouble. How unfortunate that they can't just enjoy this stupid fun teen energy because Rue is out here feening for some damn drugs because she ran out of her supply. Girl the rule is "don't get high on you're own supply". I just want them to be happy and good.
Of course Elliot thinks it is a good idea.
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Aww everyone calls her Rue-Rue.
Lexi looks exhausted and is like Rue hold you're god damn tongue this is how im processing life.
Awww the fact that everyone is so concerned about Rue is really fucking sweet. Nobody wants her to die from an overdose.
Yea Maddy you're doing so so much better now and no it was that bad he strangled you. Cassie if you know all this shit about their relationship why the fuck are you pining over his jolly green giant ass. Especially cause he's only using Cassie for sex but doesn't know anything about her.
Cassie and Nate are so fucking stupid, get them off my screen.
Ewww not his parents listening to this shit and his dad being like no this is weird and doesn't make me miss highschool. Especially cause he did all that and now is living a double life instead of just leaving his wife and family, which wouldn't be great either.
Kat deserves a big ass hug, adults ask teens questions like that because they forgot no teen knows the answer to that question. Hell I've got friends married who don't know the answer to that.
These two are literally just bunny rabbits like god can you stop having sex for 3 secs. Cassie you're not mens object to fulfill their fantasy and the sooner you realize that the sooner you'll learn to cope without it. Ifk talk to Jules maybe she'll wisen both you and Maddy up cause ew.
Of course Cal is watching Fez from afar. "You need to leave"
Rue you're like kind of sober/on less than h right now so maybe we should just stick to that. This is not a proposal this is how you use someone's entire supply and end up getting a fucking arm cut off or a hand for not having their money PLUS interest. Did she not watch the wire in season 1?
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This is a dumb ass plan and you are going to get yourself killed, fez killed, or someone else. Ay yi yi.
So much love for Ashtray and his shotty.
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Lexi' storyline is so freaking cute but she ig going to burn herself out. Can't wait to see it.
Yes the entire Jacobs family is a bunch of pussy ass bitches.
Exactly Fezco this shit is messy and confusing, Nate is spinning shit left and right.
I do not like that Jules is being lied to by either Elliot or Rue. Also, Rue is only sexual when she's sober which isn't a whole lot. When she's sober sis be out here thinking about Jules and under her covers.
Here goes Elliot spinning shit, this is how you know a straight man is writing this because of course a man comes in between these two. He's into them both but he can only get one of them. Also asexual people have swx with their partners for their partners benefit more often than you'd think. (I said this to a friend I watch with that if they didn't have rue being on fent or heroin we might get an actual semi functional teen throuple. I could just see Jules and Elliot looking at Rue like "oh you're sober righttt"
Also I too have a crush on hunter Schafer cause she's the girl version minus the drugs of every grunge 90s rocker that I wanted to be as a teen when I grew up and wanted on my wall.
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In love but they don't ever fucking communicate. For the love of God please fucking talk please.
Ali its time to check the fuck out of Rue. Well Rue you just lost another person in your corner and you will regret it.
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Jules is going to connect with Elliot, Rue is going to be in love with drugs even more, Cassie is a fucking idiot, and I hope Lexi' play does super well but I think its going to really fuck up her relationship with her family. I write about my family a lot but I'm not releasing anything until A. I dont live with/around them and B. I change enough that its not defaming to them. Because that's extremely painful and causes wounds that don't heal so easily.
Oh is Leslie talking to....oh.
Rue found a way to get fentanyl, fuck. Yea she's going to have the battle of a life time. I only know a handful of people who are completely sober after having full on fent addictions.
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Nates going to see Maddy girl I feel it in my bones. And I was right, he's gonna try to get that tape. Cassie the L taker.
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Teaser thoughts: Rue has so much love to give and she's giving it to drugs instead of herself and the people who really love her. And because of that it is just going to push them all away. I just reallywant to hug all my girls so so tight, even Cassie because she is suffering when she doesn't have to.
Just some other thoughts, if sam cuts out Barbie and Hunter that diversity meter is gonna plummet. Proud of Sydney for advocating for herself on not just euphoria sets but her other projects. I think this episode was better than the last and to be honest dont hate me but Cal is more interesting to me than his son. Like I get why and understand Nate is fucked up, he's also really well written, but I am more sympathetic to his father. Which says a lot about Nate being just some pissy kid who needs therapy yes but also likes to torment people for fun. If I put him and Rue on the same level they both fuck up and hurt the people they love but Nate does it because he enjoys that power and control over people. Rue just trying to do what we all want to do escape this fucking cesspool called life. And I think that's so fucking messed up that if it were him as Rue or any other non men characters position people would be saying omg I can fix him, oh wait they already do. -_-
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Promo time!!
Hi Grace :))
Dramatic speech?
No okay it looks like a different one
Oh okay just a fancy thing
OOGH can we talk about Tommy's HAIR there :OOO ❤️❤️
Ohhh a cancer thing!! But also ? Like both but not quite ?!! lol
Hmm dramatic speech
Who is this guy???
Y'all I am STRESSED 😭😭😭😳😬 xdd
Can we not get ONE WEEK XD
ONE WEEK of rest lol xD
That's the last of my last thoughts! Now it's time for the. . .
I absolutely LOVED this episode!! It was so good. And the DRAMA y'all!!! The ANSGT!!! Lovely lol xD <333. Seeing Marjan's side interspersed the others looking for her was just mMH! Amazing :DDD. Also I am LOVING these Marjan storylines we're getting!! A slay for real :D. She deserves it and she is serving SO HARD!! I don't usually say serve but it felt appropriate here lol. Anyway yeah it was an amazing, and super emotional 😭😭💔, episode :DDD!! So great 🥰🥰❤️. And so many nice happy moments in the beginning!! Or sweet moments :D. Especially with the rest of the 126 been after they find out she's missing but also on Marjan's side, like with Mouse, even if (though) she was just Marjan hallucinating herself :)). Anyway!! Lovely ❤️❤️❤️❤️.
Now it's time for the individual parts!
Okay so since I'm watching the next episode a few days late, probably sometime this weekend, it's currently the Thursday after the next episode lol. Sh xD. This will most likely be pretty short though because I have a lot going on.
Tommy! We didn't see her much but she was so sweet at the end :)). I'm so sorry for you having to sit through that ballet performance girl xDD. But yeah, she was great at her job I'm sure lol. I love her <33 🥰.
Grace! I love her :)). As soon as Judd said he knew what to do I was like :DD :O Grace!! So that was why she had to work ;)). Like plot wise I mean lol. Anyway, she was great at he job 🥰🥰. And great when we saw her at the end too of course :).
Paul, Judd, and Owen! I'm pairing them up in their groups lol. I love them :'D. They were great this episode, adorable and funny in the beginning XD, and great at finding Marjan later on :)). I'm so glad they did, too <333. And Marjan and Paul at the end ❤️❤️❤️🥰😭. My besties <33.
Mateo, TK, and Carlos! Mateooo 😭😭😭❤️💔. My poor boyy <333. I love him :'((. Also I just have to mention the Tarlos conversation at the beginning - amazing xD. I love them so much lol <3. I'm talking about the bit about firing Owen lol. Anyway, they were all great at their jobs!! They all played a big role in finding her :)).
Marjan! Our lovely girl :'). AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! She did so good this episode 😭. She slayed so hard :D. Everything she did to escape and fight Grant was just incredible, especially given that she was actually (physically) doing it all alone. Like, dude, she was in a car crash and then she got SHOT o.o! Girl was going through it xd. And I REMEMBER saying last week (not technically by the time I'm actually writing this but shhh) with the promo "maybe that's young Marjan or something?" but I didn't think I'd be RIGHT!!! Not totally, anyway xD. Then I was like, okay so she's not real, but Marjan hadn't seen the car yet, so how is she imagining her (after other people didn't acknowledge her)? And then it WAS MARJAN!!! I also figured the flowers would be a family member using the nickname and I just- aGH!! And I'm so proud of myself for guessing that (and the whole thing in general lol) :DD! Anyway, I feel awful for her - hasn't she had enough traumatic car crashes?? As a kid, in the beginning of season 3, and now?? - but she was amazing this episode :')). Everything with finding out it was her was just 😭😭😭. And even before then, just for Mouse thinking she's a separate character, and then it's extra heartbreaking when you think back on it after finding out it was Marjan :'((. D':, but also :')) because it was just so good xd. Anyway, yeah <3. She did amazing at her job this episode (staying alive xdd). I love her so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰.
Overall, I really enjoyed this episode! I thought it was super amazing, and I'm glad we got to see all of the 126 (minus Tommy unfortunately) helping find Marjan - that was really great :'). They're my family your honor 😭. I don't mean that literally, just kind of in a "they're my babeys" kinda way xD. Anyway, we got to see everyone, but we still got a good focus on our wonderful girl Marjan <333. She did so well, and I am so glad she's okay 😭😭😭❤️ xd. I'm also lowkey kinda glad Mouse wasn't real, because any more casualties (not that I'm sad about Grant, but I just mean like, other people) from that crash would just be extra heartbreaking :'((. Still, knowing it happened to Marjan is just :'((( 😭💔. But, yeah :'). I loved the episode, I thought it was absolutely amazing. Everyone was go great 🥰. I'm so proud of all of them, especially Marjan <333.
So yeah! I loved this episode, I thought it was great. The next one looks crazy! This has been my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 9: Road Kill
It was so good! The next episode looks really interesting. I'm excited! I'll be back next week with my review of. . .
9-1-1: Lone Star, Season 4, Episode 10: Sellouts
See you then!
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