#oops i had a typo
sfsolstice · 7 months
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Emily Dickinson, in The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
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cornflakesdoesart · 9 months
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Oc Frézia for huevember, supposed to be the 3rd hue but, uhmm maybe it's more like the fourth?? It's hard getting these right traditionally for me , there's a just very little difference between hues that are the same color, I'll probably end up with little clusters of pieces in one color rather than a nice transition between hues but ah well! :")
Also I decided to just do these whenever I feel like, specific monthly challenge who
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blushblushbear · 2 months
Hear me out… concubine/consort AU with monarch reader
you'll have to forgive, I'd be open to writing more of this kind of set up but frankly I read this prompt and one dude came to mind in particular.
Utterly humiliating.
Fuyu, worn down and looking the most unkempt he ever had, was being pulled from a dim covered wagon by a chain around his neck and wrists. The restricting runes etched into them glowing, almost as a warning to not resist.
"Come along, fox."
Ornate guards with brutish demeanor were tugging him along, beckoning him out into the blinding sun of the court yard and up the steps of a large palace.
He followed with a look of indignity and a shimmering feeling of rage. He, the once mighty leader of the winter clan, a prisoner to humans. And being passed off like a trinket no less! The emperor who he had fought with managed to trick his way into the upper hand, and Fuyu had been captured. Taken cavity as a victory of his prize.
He was paraded around for a while as a show of the 'great emperor's might', kept in shabby livings and feed off scraps like some god forsaken beast that pompous gloat had tamed.
And now here he was, being given off as a token of 'peace' to some other noble. No doubt another cruel master for him to play trophy for.
As his eyes adjusted, he took the sights of his new 'home' in. Lavish does not do justice to the finery that can be seen even along the front steps into the palace. The stairs were finely crafted; with linings of gold to accent the soft color of the marble, all taking shape into something that mimicked a walk way lined with flowers. The grounds from what Fuyu could see were adorned with vibrant flowers to compliment the stairs.
And as he stepped inside, the finery did not stop. All neatly ordered walls a wash with tastefully placed art. Nothing too gaudy, but meticulous, thoughtful and most of all-- tasteful.
'Well--' thought Fuyu, 'at least this master has an eye for presentation.'
His mind cast back to the shear sickening slop job of decor his previous master had fancied. The most expensive pieces he could find strewn about with little thought or care other than to show off that he had the means to buy it. All money,no decorum.
Fuyu was marched through the halls, deeper into the heart of the palace, and with each new wing he past through, he noticed the themes shifted-- each wing it's own proud individual, but somehow still meshed seamlessly with the wings around it.
Truly the home of someone with genuine refinement.
Still, with each rattle of the chains that bound him, with each time they pulled against the sensitive parts of skin, he knew that this place would still be a prison, no matter how lovingly it was adorned.
As they went deeper, Fuyu heard music drifting in from a distance. And as they drew closer to it, he felt a weird sense of relief and fear. On the one hand, his new master seemed an artistic soul. On the other--- Fuyu was still bound in chains.
He almost felt as though he might be sick as the doors opened and gave way into a cozy yet spacious parlor.
"Your Grace, a present from the Emperor of the Southern Kingdom."
Fuyu was a bit shocked that the one who turned to respond to the guard was the figure who was at the piano. He was assuming that they were simply having someone else play to entertain them. Fuyu was also shocked at how they were shocked-- for when they turned around their expression went from curious and cheery to a look of disgust and confusion as their gaze fell upon him.
"Oh--" They rose and made their way towards Fuyu and the guards that surrounded him, "Oh my-- how.... lovely??" She looked down at him, looking unsure as to what to make of him. "He uh--- he sent... a man...?"
"There is also a letter your grace!" The guard stated, holding up a wax sealed letter and holding out for them. They did not take their eyes off Fuyu, still baffled of what to make of him.
He was just as confused. They seemed more shocked than anything. Were they not told he was coming. They still were looking him up and down as they opened the letter and unfolded it while matter,
"You poor thing, the state of you..."
They then turned their attention to the letter and began reading it's contents aloud,
"For the most Honorable Monarch of the North, I humbly submit this, my most prize position," they made a face reading over that last bit, "A Kistune of a felld tribe from the mountains. This beast has been my greatest triumph and now I share it with you. I thought it fitting seeing as yOU DON'T HAVE A SPOUSE?!" the indignity in their voice made it almost crack, "AND I HEARD THAT KISTUNE MAKE FINE LOVERS?! I PRESENT TO YOU THIS SPECIMEN TO TAKE AS YOUR CONCUBINE?! WINK WINK?!?!"
Well-- that was news to Fuyu as well. And guessing by how they are reading it, his new master finds the insinuation just as insulting as he does. He's not sure if he should be hurt by the fact that they are not honored to have a kistune such as himself as a prize, or relieved.
"HEARS TO LONG AND PROSPEROUS PARTNERSHIP, YOUR BUD THE EMPEROR!" They sighed deeply, pinching their nose "of all the... SERIOUSLY?! Who sends a person?!" they asked turning to their guards and Fuyu. "Unbelievable..."
They leaned down, taking a better look at Fuyu as he knelt before them. He was almost shocked how gentle their hand was as they inspected his grimy face.
"Poor thing... Look at how poorly he cared for you..." They noticed the chain around his neck. "Did he send a key?"
"Uh, y-yes your grace," the guard said, handing them the key as soon as they held out their hand for it, "but are you sure it's a good idea to--"
"There, that much feel better." They said, unlocking the collar and deactivating the runes. For the first time in a while, Fuyu felt the air on his neck. It almost was a shock how much of a relief it felt. He was still processing his thoughts as this new master held his hand up and unlocked one wrist, then the other. All the while he was taking in the sight of them-- their face was very warm and their eyes so gentle... this was-- definitely not what he was expecting... As they held his hand, they saw how raw the skin beneath those bindings had become.
"Oh, look at your poor wrists..." They leaned in closer and gently touched his neck, "oh, and your neck to--" turning to the guard, "bring me a healer. And tell them to bring dressing for wounds. And you," they gestured to another guard, have the staff draw a bath. He needs on," more examining of Fuyu as they ran their hand across his hair, "hmm-- and tell them to break out the good conditioner. Stand up for me please?" They gestured from him to stand and in a fit of confusion, Fuyu followed their orders. They guided him to spread his arms out and they took a good look at his form.
"Man you're tall... probably not going to have anything that will fit you that well... we're going to have to make due for now, but I'll send someone down to get your measurements after you're cleaned up. Oh, speaking of-- Rose," they turned to a maid who had been standing by in the corner, "have the house staff ready one of the guest rooms-- one of the larger ones."
Fuyu stood there still in shock. What was all this...? Now that all of the staff had departed to handle things, him and his new master were left alone.
"You must be hungry---" they walked over to a table and grabbed a tray of treats and brought it over to him, "Take your pick. Oh, but this is just to tide you over! Don't worry, we'll get a real meal into you of course!"
Their smile was so sweet. Fuyu still wasn't sure how to take this... was it a trick? Or some sort of ruse. He remained in a stunned silence as he looked at the tray, then back at them curiously.
"Go on!" They said with a bit of a laugh, "They won't bite!"
He sheepishly picked up some sort of baked good and started to nibble on it experimentally. It was strange... it had a pleasing enough smell but the taste was--- almost herby? But not quite an herb...
"It's lavender!" they chirped, "You don't have to eat it if you don't like it, it's not everyone's taste." It was now Fuyu's turn to give his new master a semizing glance. They were definitely... a lot better looking than his previous master. Though they were also much more confusing. Fuyu could handle cruelty-- that he was used to-- but such an out pouring of kindness? And to one who looked so feral as he must right now? This must be some sort of trick...
"And once we've got you cleaned and fed and clothed," they started, setting the tray down on a near by table, "we can begin to make arrangements to send you home."
Fuyu froze. In his shock he dropped what he was eating and stared at them wide eyed.
"Send... me--- you... aren't going to keep me?"
"Pff-- what? No!" they chuckled and walked towards him, "Dude, you have kidnap victim written all over you! I'm not going to keep you prisoner here!"
"But... that emperor..."
"Oh I'll just tell him you escaped. And if he tries to come find you-- I can always send you off with some form of protection! I know many a guy, we could probably hook you up with some kind of way to make you untraceable! Besides, your tribe must miss you!"
Fuyu felt a paign of sorrow and bitter rage that was capping a mild panic. After a long silence he finally growled out,
"My clan are all dead... I lead them to ruin like a fool... I have nowhere to go..."
The Monarch's expression turned sympathetic. They came up to Fuyu and took his hand in his.
"You can stay here. As long as you like. To save face, you can be a concubine, but in name only." They took the other hand, pulling Fuyu's attention to their face as they looked in his eyes and told him, "I will never make you do something you don't wish to do. You are free to do as you please here. No chains, no bindings. I promise."
Fuyu left his eyes watering. Such kindness, such mercy... it had been so long since he felt it, and he believed he did not deserve it. But he will accept it. He took their hand in his, lowering his cheek into their palm.
"Thank you..."
They simply smiled.
"Of course. If you're mine now, then I plan to treasure you. NOW! Let's get you washed up. And after that, I can show you my library if you'd like---I have all manner of literature-- you're free to go through it as much as you like of course-- and the--" Fuyu followed as he was dragged once again through the halls, though this time it was gentle and surrounded by excitable chatter.
He still didn't feel he deserved this, but maybe he could grow to enjoy being treasured...
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cosmetichorror · 2 years
Yooo imagine an au where Wild literally can’t be separated from the sheikah slate
Okay this may sound stupid but whatevs I think it’s interesting
(I just thought of this like five minutes ago so it’s not very coherent, but here’s what I got so far!)
The Shrine of Resurrection did technically heal him. His wounds were closed, but that does not change the fact that he was dead. The shrine can heal, but despite its name, it cannot raise the dead. Sort of like my mastersword theory, imagine Wild himself is running on sheikah power of sorts. The shrine sort of powered him up, but it only gave him enough “power” to last him the amount of time the shrine predicts would take him to defeat the calamity and fulfill his purpose. So let’s say about, three months. As time wears on, he becomes weaker and weaker. Purah finds this out by magical smart means, and upgrades the sheikah slate to where it can share its power with him, thus making him inseparable from the slate. I think he could last anywhere from a few hours to maybe half a week without his slate depending on how much energy he uses.
I just think this would be interesting is all, idk if I’ll ever actually do anything with this though.
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rosemarytrash · 2 years
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rave catboy hal for @mazin-go !!
tumblr will probably eat this to shit. anyway. still version below
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galaxygermdraws · 9 months
d...deer rendog
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I love to think he does jus get his antlers stuck on literally everything ever. Doors, fabric, trees, he is stuck. Help him. Also yes he's still undead jus bc he's deer does not mean 3L and S7 didn't happen lol....does this mean Renbob would also be a deer? that's fun
(reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Here's the prompt list if you want to send me requests!! Thankyu)
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nerdygirl2023 · 1 year
Odyssey AU: what if… Telemachus was late?
It’s not angst I promise!
But this idea has been bouncing around in my head for while and i figured that now that i have tumblr ha finally have place to share it. Enjoy!
In this AU, the majority still happens.
Odysseus still takes 10 years at sea to get home after losing his entire crew, still gets disguised as a beggar, his old nurse still recognizes him and aids him before he goes up to the castle and sees Penelope, you know how it goes.
But, in this version, when Athena tells Telemachus that he should head home, something delays him.
Maybe the king he was talking to was being too hospitable. Maybe Poseidon was still salty with Odysseus and made him take longer. Either way doesn't matter, just know he takes a while longer then normal. But even without Telemachus, Odysseus still beats the suitors and kills them. But what happens next…. :
A servant comes and gets Penelope, who after talking to this 'mysterious beggar,' locked herself away in her room. "Come quickly your highness, someone has defeated all the suitors, they are all dead!'
Penelope rushed out to the main courtyard. (Athena chooses this moment to take off Odysseus beggar disguise. Maybe Aphrodite had something to do with that) Penelope couldn't believe it.
"Odysseus... it's really you..?” She had been suspicious that he was almost home but, she still couldn't believe her eyes. 20 years had done a lot, but it was still clearly him.
When he heard his name Odysseus turned around. It was her. After all this time. He made it. Relief washed over him. "Penelope..”
The couple ran into each others arms. Odysseus spun Penelope around. They both forgot that the rest of the world existed. They look into each others eyes. Odysseus caressed him thumb against her cheek. Penelope moved a strand of hair out of his face. They slowly leaned in until they closed the gap between them. They have been waiting for this moment for 20 years, and they would be damned if anything was going to ruin it.
Meanwhile, Telemachus finally made it home. He walked up to the castle…
Something was wrong. Different. It was quiet. Too quiet. “Where are the suitors?” Telemachus asked the guards.
“We heard quite a lot of fighting inside the courtyard.” Telemachus looked shocked. The guard tried to defend himself. “ we don’t move from our posts out here unless we are called. Our jobs are to look out-“ Telemachus didn’t let him finish his explaination. He ran inside.
Where’s mom?! What if she’s hurt? What if the suitors got fed up with waiting? What if-
Telemachus was thrown off by the shear amount of bodies scattered through the hallways. He didnt care that the suitors are dead, but who did this? And where was mom?
Perspective is a funny thing. When Telemachus enters the courtyard, he couldn’t she his mothers expression. He didn’t see the happy reunion that had just occured. He didn’t see that this man holding his mom wasn’t hurting her. All he saw was that this- this STRANGER was touching his mom. Enough was enough. Telemachus was done letting these suitors walk all over him.
It all happened so fast. In the matter of seconds Telemachus ripped his dad this stranger off of Penelope and pinned him to the ground. Telemachus pulled out his dagger and held him at knife point. “Get away from her.” He growled.
Odysseus was a bit more than peeved. After 20 years of blood and tears shed to get to this moment, being interrupted and held back by the gods themselves was getting REALLY old. “Excuse who are you to-“
“I am Telemachus, son of Penelope, heir to the Ithacan throne, I demand to know WHO you are before I slit your throat for trespassing.”
Penelope snapped out of her state of shock. “Telemachus wait there’s a-“ Odysseus signals her to stop. Penelope looks at her husband quizzically. Ody softened upon realizing who this boy was. (Boy is a loose term, hes roughly like 20-)
“I am Odysseus, husband to Penelope, the reigning king of Ithaca… and your father.” Telemachus is taken aback. “Hi, son.”
Telemachus looks to his mother for reassurance. Her warm, geneuine smile was all he needed. He got up and put his dagger away before helping Odysseus up. “Wow.. you’ve gotten so big.” The mans pride swelled. This was his son. That baby he had left all those years ago was now standing before him, all grown up.
“Yeah…I- uh…I’ve heard a lot about you…” Telemachus big and scary fasad crumbled as soon as he realized. This was his dad. The legend he’s been learning about for so long. The man his mother has been waiting for all this time.
“All good things I hope.” They both chuckle. The two lock eyes before Telemachus embraces him.
Penelopes eyes get misty, and Odysseus opens his arms so she can run in and join the group hug. “My boys.”
“Together at last. And I wont let anybody take that away again.”
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aisling-saoirse · 1 year
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Boggy Stream near Blue Mountain Lake - August 20th 2023
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asteroidaffection · 6 months
psa: don’t look through old text convos if you’re missing someone! you will only hurt your own feelings!
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depravedangelbaby · 6 months
okay I am. a lot drunker than I expected to be so u all should send me gross asks <3
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swanno-arts · 1 year
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And a quicker piece for my American Literature final project! bc im so tired GHSK
"What if I just made a Cygnus AU where he's supposed to be Yossarian in an AU Halo of Red where nothing is okay." YEAH. hes going through it.
also the first image is based on the first edition cover,
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sfsolstice · 6 months
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Emily Dickinson, from The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
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a random OC ask for you: what is your OC's favorite memory? also: if they were dropped in a random city for a day with a pouch full of gold/relevant currency and no obligations whatsoever, what would they be doing?
How fun!!!!
I guess my OC would be Siobhan, she’s my tav in baldurs gate 3. She’s a wood elf Druid with the folk hero background and I think she’s around 40, so a young elf and a younger Druid. I very recently started trying to flesh out her story for funsies so it’s not too serious
As a Druid folk hero and baldurian she would’ve heard all the stories about the bhaalspawn crisis 100 years ago, so meeting THE Jaheira in the shadow lands would definitely be a top memory (closely followed by rescuing minsc who is also a personal hero of hers).
I think she would also be quite fond of her first time in the underdark. She’s a spore Druid so seeing all the fun new mushrooms and creatures, not to mention meeting a myconid colony and basically being named their kin, would be exactly up her alley.
If she got dumped in a random city with no obligations I think she’d try to find some grass, not to lean into Druid or wood elf stereotypes but she enjoys a good shade tree. It’s funny because the biggest swaths of land in my city that have a resemblance to nature are the big park and the big cemetery (next to each other) both of which I could see her enjoying. She’s wild shape into a raven or something and just kinda hang out. I also think she’d try to find something new, like exotic foods. She likes to appreciate all of natures bounty, especially the odder parts of it.
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luckcycler · 2 years
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ghostboyjules · 2 years
It appears the last two (2)….times I’ve tried creating this post, tumblr thought I was too wordy, so I’m going to attempt to get in and get out before it eats itself again
this playlist (a Dream of the Endless™ character examination via my silly brain and sad ass music) took me entirely too long and I'm going to throw my laptop out of the window if I have to look at it any longer so pls pls take it and I hope that if you listen or even read the lyrics that you find something new, or hear something you like.
This absolutely would not have ever seen the light of tunglr.hell if not for the beautiful souls of the Sandman fandom, and a few of my new friends and mutuals. So special internet cookies and hugs to these inspirational, encouraging, and beyond talented individuals; @wordsinhaled , @weirdfishy , @wizardofgoodfortune , and @xx-vergil-xx - i love y'all dearly and I hope this is even HALF of what you would have expected, or a quarter of the amazing content y'all have bestowed upon my lil eyeballs. Now Onward! to words that personally injure me!
Florence + The Machine -Too Much Is Never Enough
And the crown, it weighs heavy 'Til it's banging on my eyelids Retreating in covers and closing the curtains One thing's for certain, oh A year like this passes so strangely Somewhere between sorrow and bliss
Oh, who decides from where up high? I couldn't say "I need more time" Oh, grant that I can stay the night Or one more day inside this life
~I first encountered this song in it's source material FFXV, and there it destroyed me. Now, wearing my dumb lil blorbo glasses yet again, it is back with vengeance..goth royalty sad wet cat flavored (gross), vengeance. "too much is never enough" .... oh sweeties...
VIRA - God Complex
God, I could try To be the one To be the one I'll tear down the sky What do you want? I'll do it all for life My love, my alibi Tonight, tonight I'll try to do it for you
I'm gonna be where you are Doesn't matter how far Because we are meant to be I'm gonna be what you need Darling, please worship me Unless you prefer to plead
~pretty sure this is the angriest sounding song on this thing? but it is fitting.. and desperate.. and wanting and... painful. when she grits out 'try' and 'sky' the way she does.. god the emotion. this just brought to mind Dream and falling for someone hard enough to the point of destructive devotion...
AJJ - Body Terror Song
It will betray you Be used against you Then it will fail on you, my dear But before that, you'll be a doormat For every vicious narcissist in the world Oh, how they'll screw you all up and over Then feed you silence for dessert
~ I love seeing people explore the idea of Dream just...not vibing with being fully corporeal. At least not in the way he is while in the Waking.. what a mood, and especially after the fishbowl...whew.
Philip Wesley - Lamentations of the Heart
~I wanted to include a few instrumental tracks in here and this one felt apt because I used to fall asleep to this album all the time. Like it was one of the only ones I could fall asleep to with any certainty. The feeling and title for this one tho struck me with Dream specifically so I went with it. The rest of the album is so nice though, highly rec.
Iris Lune - Paper Mache
Save me from myself I've been in the dark too long Paper mache love Make me believe that I can change Make me believe that I'm not strange At all
~ this song!! it sounds so so ethereal and her voice is GORGEOUS but the lyrics!! have mercy the lyrics! big ole owwie! "save me from myself" , "make me believe that I can change, make me believe that I'm not strange" hhhh (also if y'all couldn't tell, this will be dreamling flavored, I think I'll tag them too jic but. yes...)
Penny and Sparrow - A Kind of Hunger
tremble, recognize the distance Go try and murder every preference I’ll keep hangin' ‘round for reference come care about me come care about me
changing, watching you with wonder you’re less and getting even younger dying is just a kind of hunger come care about Me come care about Me
~this is... such a heavy song. hadn't heard it before starting this playlist but found it and immediately had to add it.. just. come care about me. changing, watching you with wonder. Dying is just a kind of hunger. that line specifically. -lays on the floor for 3hrs-
Carly Rae Jepsen - Gimme Love
Gimmie love (Oh) It's the way we are together (Oh) Wanna feel like this forever, forever (Oh) It's the way we are together And I never thought I'd ever say forever
~originally was gonna be a joke song to lighten the mood but haha! nope! I mean it is lighthearted but it still absolutely, in my mind, fits Morpheus. beautiful babygirl of the endless...smooch
Jon Bellion - Stupid Deep (Acoustic)
What if who I hoped to be was always me? And the love I fought to feel was always free? What if all the things I've done Were just attempts at earning love? Yeah 'Cause the hole inside my heart is stupid deep, oh, stupid deep
~this song fucks me up! 😀 for real though, I highly suggest watching the acoustic performance of this that he has on youtube cause the vibe is so.. intimate and dreamy and gorgeous.. and the lyrics.. jon bellion, sir.. smh.. the ending..
Marika Hackman - Undone, Undress
They heard my heart for miles The air inside Was seeping out In silent shouts It crumpled in my chest
~this is definitely... a nightmarish..creeping kind of song, and the lyrics are, according to the Genius annotations, rather distressing but I don't really see them the same way. I can't really explain it but hopefully y'all will see what I mean. love this one specifically "Load me heavy, I can't bend. Break me better, so I won't mend" break me better.... hhhhhh
DBMK - Switchblade
Did you hear I coughed my heart out? It never fit me so I'm likely to drown My body yearns for something real now Suggesting kitchen counters, can openers, and close encounters to hold me down Ain’t no one's boyfriend, wow I'm busy up in my brain but they don't see anything, yeah
I open up too easily, look at me Single sided blade of insecurities, yeah I open up too easily, speak to me Cutting through my comfort like its misery, sad
~this. SONG. he just like me fr 😔 azdcafs nah, honestly idk if this is projecting, but to MEE I like to think about Dream being so ready for a partner, and he gives so so much of himself to them and loves so passionately but he also has just... so many issues. just ugh this song..
Blegh - His Hands
He feels handcrafted just for you But he's a little bit too far away and You can't, you can't His hands are on you And you know you'll be gone by the morning but you know he loves you And you know you like his strong hands, strong hands
You're too real for me You should go to something better I'll give you to someone better I have friends that'll be on earth for longer I have friends that won't feel like monsters
~another song that I was not prepared for before hand that ruined me so viciously, that I had to scream at multiple ppl about it, most of which were mentioned in this post, but Verg's reaction was very memorable because I believe she told me she was on public transportation and the way she phrased it had me rolling around on the floor. but yeah y'all just gotta hear this fuckin,... bear mace of a song (with your Dreamling Glasses™ on pls, as i believe it is meant to be asxacsgdcvc)
Agent Fresco - Wait for Me
I can’t see clear The rage of rivers roam every tear They all fall through vague and vast tunnels With hurts of hatred came blinding years Will they disappear?
I’m far away, treading a path I’ve made and it’s laid with stones of fallen love I need to feel and to make atonement before coming home
~-motions to song- I mean... c'mon... this alone? nah nah nah..I gotta lay down.
Talos - Endgame
I’m drawn across An empty space This dreamland now A tired waste O it’s the endgame
A blackout heart A seething truth There’s nothing in me Left for you We’re lies
~ Talos...Talos Talos Talos... y'all. if you don't know him, but like indie-ish electronic music with beautiful angelic Irishman vocals? pls... he makes me insane. He also just gives me Morpheus vibes in general, I'm not exactly sure why, but... I also think the cover art on his first two albums are very Morpheus energy, could just be me tho
Emma Ruth Rundle - Savage Saint
I held him, his whole life In my hands, in my heart
Don't be ever forgotten, Savage Saint Never draw blood in the garden, faint Don't be the name that's drawing shame and Never let your heart harden, little flame
~I knew I had to have Emma Ruth in here somewhere, but it took me a second to find the perfect song.. and I was torn between a few, but I saw this one and. Immediately my heart was out of my body. Thinking about Orpheus.. and Dream thinking about Orpheus.. draw blood in the garden,,, I held him his whole life.. in my hands in my heart.. little flame.. it seems I am upsetti spaghetti.
Sleeping at Last - Neptune
Stitch by stitch, I tear apart If brokenness is a form of art I must be a poster child prodigy Thread by thread, I come apart If brokenness is a work of art Surely this must be my masterpiece
I'm only honest when it rains If I time it right, the thunder breaks When I open my mouth I wanna tell you, but I don't know how I'm only honest when it rains An open book with a torn out page And my ink's run out I wanna love you, but I don't know how
~Sleeping at Last my beloved <3 ... if I could snort 'atlas pt 1 the album' I fuckin would. also there's a song on there for literally any blorbo. i could bet my life on that. somewhere on there! "if brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be my masterpiece" ah hah.. hahaha..
Sea Power - Want To Be Free
Now we're under the stars Smoking cigars On top of a motorcar Hanging out Like some kind of nebula We
Want to be free Want to be free It will last forever Eternally
~this one was more for vibes and because it's beautiful, but also if I think too hard about Morpheus and how he just wants to be normal and rest for a little while, then I will have to go eat a whole bag of chocolate chips and cry myself to sleep.
Clem Turner - Divine Loser
"Connect yet stay opaque," I cannot have it both ways Please do not tell the time I can't be trusted with the date
My god, you break the skin But may I be thy heaven? Will you take my sickness While I deprive you of your health?
~haha Divine Loser..defo Morpheus (jk. or am I) that second part I included.. I keep having to re-read those lyrics, cause.. my goodness. there's a part later that says "baby just let me bleed in peace" like... whoof. Clem Turner is the only person on here twice, mostly cause these two songs are just so phenomenal I had to and the lyrics... SHMACK.. and Clem's VOICE?? pardon me?
Clem Turner - Honeywell
Get it through your pretty head Take me with you instead Forget her, she's gone So, tell me, dear stranger What's got you distraught?
Mm, here I am to bring Psychosomatic freedom to your head May I be of service, newlywed? See me as a host to all your greatest dreams And then some change As long as your compassion stays the same
~"So tell me, Dear Stranger, what's got you so distraught?" Um..is that in a dreamling fic, cause... 👀 and then "see me as a host to all your greatest dreams and then some change, as long as your compassion stays the same." running in circles, sobbing, hopping out my window, running into the woods...etc
Mustapha Kamel - Can You Feel Me
~ this song just makes me -lays face down in the carpet for 2+ hrs- and the cello is gahdamn gorgeous..
The New Basement Tapes - When I Get My Hands On You
When I come home to you Gonna take you down to the riverside When I come home to you Hold you in my arms all night
And now you know Everywhere on earth you go You're gonna have me as your man
~ Mushy Dream Rights!!! let this inconceivable being be a sap!! I love seeing him clingy and sweet and so so in love and just AAAHHH I could literally weep, I love this weird scrungly man.
Glass Animals - JDNT
I'm all armored up I've got my old helmet on Keeping out an eye Puffing all my feathers up One more little blow One more tap and I collapse
~heehee another nightmarish song. not only is this a fuckin BANGER, but Glass Animals has such a.. Sound. that's dreamlike most of the time, but sometimes can be so.. tense and creepy, and the lyrics can be violent and just downright odd. mostly from the zaba album, but regardless. I could talk about Dream + Glass Animals for hours, as proven with N (@wordsinhaled) because we have done exactly that, I think twice now lolololol (also I thought the line abt the helmet was.. hehe funny)
ABRA - Pride
Palms up, no crown You wanna mess around I wanna hold you down It's not okay I need you everyday
I lost all the pride That I thought I could keep Can you see me Say you feel me It's a big world But I fall at your feet Reach out and touch me
~ this was originally an entirely different song! but I switched it out last minute and I am v happy that I did because this song..this song fucks severely, but also it lets me put a facet of Dream on this playlist that I love seeing, which is the needy and seductive lil bastard that he can be. i think i could make a whole other playlist dedicated to that aspect tbh azcacdfavcg
Purity Ring - Asido
Oh, the madness in weakness Doubled o'er on the plate Fill an ocean with weaponry Hurricanes of our grace
Feel as lonely as I do, as I do Feel as lonely as I do, I do Feel as lonely as I do
~I wanted some Purity Ring on here because I know their genre is sometimes described as dream pop or witch house, and their lyricism has this... poetically visceral aspect to it sometimes that I adore while also being very ethereal. Love them. also tho, feel as lonely as I do?? of course it had to be in here.
Hozier - It Will Come Back
Don't let me in with no intention to keep me Jesus Christ, don't be kind to me Honey, don't feed me, I will come back
It can't be unlearned I've known the warmth of your doorways Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you Oh, please, give me mercy no more That's a kindness you can't afford I warn you, baby, each night, as sure as you're born You'll hear me howling outside your door
~ okay look, I know everybody and their mother who has made a playlist like this has put Mr. Andrew Hozier-Byrne on it, but like - come on.. look at those lyrics. He just Gets It™ and the music slaps ass! I have like, an actual Dreamling playlist in the works as well, which I'm sure will be... longer. but hopefully I'll have the foresight to work on it a bit at a time, and PERHAPS prepare a word document, since I cannot seem to help rambling at any chance I get 💀
Son Lux - Labor
I will break with you For your body to be freed and pleased Take the weight of you For your gravity to be erased
Come to life, my hungry arms are begging you But what more can you do?
Labor reveal before our eyes Into our ears Unfurl with light The stars around us disappear Just what is torn What comes alive inside of us
~ I wanted.. something big on here. I don't necessarily have a desired order for this to be played in, but this was the last one I added, if that tells you anything. The opening of this song is a little jarring, but the piano is so. beautiful. Son Lux has such a way of composing their music that just leaves me breathless and astounded at the feelings music can bring forward in me, and speaking in Dream terms, I feel like that would be the kind of song he really appreciates. I'm not gonna end this with rambling about the complexity of human emotion, because I don't believe tumblr could handle me doing that - operation-wise, i feel like it's abt to stab me as is- It's also not why I'm here lol. "I will break with you. For your body to be freed and pleased. Take the weight of you, for your gravity to be erased." the rest of that line literally mentions a phantom muse.. I think, viewing this in terms of Morpheus' marriage, and maybe even how he thinks about marriage as a concept is interesting. On Genius they mention that on a Son Lux insta story they talked about the first half of the song being about helping a friend die, and the second half about the birth of Ryan Lott's son. Looking at in that framing is also,,, WHEW.. okay this paragraph has been long enough lmao
WELL GEEZE.. looks like I've finally made it to the bottom without tumblr shitting itself again, so I'm gonna wrap this up before it gets the chance to. HAH.
If anyone has bothered to read this far; I cannot thank you enough nor can I tell you how much I appreciate you reading my inane mangling of the English language to be overly emo about music and a spindly nightmare of a man, but REGARDLESS. Thank you, I love you, and I would absolutely take a stab wound for you and make you cookies. 💕🖤💕🖤✨
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Can I just say how much I love your interps? Like, I actually have a very easy time considering this as "next to canon"
THANK YOU SO MUCH! im so glad to hear people like the bishops on this blog ;w; makes me happy because we (all the mods) love them so much and want to do them justie
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