#oops my hand slipped and i wrote this instead of taking notes in class
itoendme · 5 months
i want to talk about war’s effect on individual morality in Golden Kamuy because ethics is a topic that inevitably pops up when war is involved, but Golden Kamuy focuses less on the actual war and more on the impact the war had on the moral values of the soldiers after the fact. Sugimoto expresses in chapter 100  that all the military men (current and former) involved in the search for the gold are unable to adapt to live outside of the military. Being a soldier has shaped their identities. I could do another analysis as to why Ogata continues to wear a military uniform after he’s deserted, but for now, I mainly want to talk about  Sugimoto and Tsukishima. 
Sugimoto admits to dehumanizing people in his head in order to justify their deaths. He did it with the Russian soldiers in the war, and he does it with the Abashiri convicts and the 7th division soldiers, and I think that the fact that he admits to doing it points to the idea that he’s questioning whether or not he is justified in talking all these lives. Did all of those people really deserve to die? Is he a bad person for killing them? I think these questions are very much prompted by his encounter with Ume after the war, he can’t assume a normal life because he doesn’t have the answers yet, and searching for them is a big part of his character arc.
Tsukishima is similar to Sugimoto in that he didn’t really have a life before the war. Both of them were living without much of a purpose, and joined the army simply to stay alive, Sugimoto to escape poverty and starvation and Tsukishima to escape death row execution. And while Sugimoto was given purpose by Toraji’s death and later by his friendship with Asirpa, Tsukishima was given purpose by Lt Tsurumi. He fully believes that he doesn’t deserve to live for himself or be anything other than Lt Tsurumi’s pawn. Being a soldier is Tsukishima’s entire identity, and he doesn’t concern himself with moral questions because there is no life for him outside the army. This relates to the philosophical idea of private use of reason, that reason must be restricted in the case of a contract or obligation like being a soldier. Because of his obligation, Tsukishima doesn’t have the luxury of independent thinking. Being a soldier allows him to remove himself from the moral dilemma.
While being in the military raised questions of morality for Sugimoto, it gave Tsukishima an excuse to suppress those very questions.
We don’t actually see much of the war in Golden Kamuy, only occasional flashbacks, but its effects resonate throughout the story. Different characters are affected differently by similar experiences. I think that Golden Kamuy is so good thematically because it poses questions about who decides what is justified and who gets to be a victim. Even characters that exist for narrative purposes feel believable and fleshed out, and the audience is encouraged to form their own opinions about them. 
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buck x fem reader work together / secretly dating but they act like they hate each other and the team doesn’t know. reader is also bobby’s daughter (or niece up to you) and scared of his reaction (prompts 17, 37, 42, 81)
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Evan Buckley x Reader 
Prompts: #17: “We shouldn’t be doing this”, #37: “Uh why is your shirt inside out?”, #42: “I love you”, #81: “I can explain” 
Warnings: fem!reader, worrying, vulgar/suggestive comments (kinda but not really ?), suggested sexual content, a few swear words, kissing, mentions of hospitals, surgery and injuries. 
Category: fluff with a lil angst 
Word Count: 4.4k
Author's Note: I wrote it as bobby’s niece, it just made more sense :) hope you liked it!! 
Evan Buckley was a pain in your ass. 
He had been since the day you met him. His annoyingly attractive face, his stupid pretty blue eyes and his smile, not to mention how sweet he was. You couldn't help but hate him. Not in the typical “I hate your guts and hope you fall down a flight of stairs” way but in the “god you’re gorgeous and I want to marry you” way. 
Did you plan on liking the ridiculously attractive firefighter ? Most definitely not. 
Were you also planning on dating him in secret ? Also a no. 
Hence why you were sitting in his jeep on a Saturday at 3 in the morning. The two of you had gone on a date to this little restaurant outside of the city but everything that could go wrong kind of did go wrong.
Buck’s shift was supposed to end at 6 but they got a call last minute so he didn’t get home until 7:30. You called to push the reservation back and when he did pick you up, you got stuck in traffic. By the time the two of you got to the restaurant, it was 8:30 and the woman said she called to see if the two of you still needed the reservation but there was no answer (she didn’t call but neither of you were in the mood to argue) - Now it's 9 pm and the two of you still haven't had dinner. Venturing down the block, there was nowhere that seemed appealing. The night really began at some random mom and pop dinner you spotted by the beach. Deciding to have your own little dinner date on the beach, it was now 9:30. Buck had a blanket in the trunk (you didn’t ask why nor did you really wanna know) and you sat on the beach and had dinner. Time flew by, it was around 1 when the two of you began wondering what time it was. 
The date was now prolonged by Buck’s craving for something sweet so once again, the two of you were on a hunt but for somewhere to go. He googled the closest ice cream parlour but most places were closed, he searched until he finally found a place that was 20 minutes away. It was totally worth the drive considering it was some of the best ice cream you've had in your life. Which now brought you to 2:20 in the morning, the two of you were still sitting on the hood on his jeep, a container of half eaten ice cream between you. 
Buck looked over at you, a smile on his face. “Did you have fun ? despite, you know, all the shit that went wrong ?” you chuckled, “I did.” Buck had a shift at 11 so it was time for the night to come to an end. One of his hands held yours and the other on the wheel, you were staring out the window as the breeze blew by. 
“Something on your mind babe?” Buck asked you, glancing over at you as you turned towards him. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this” you mumbled, you didn’t want to end things with him but that didn’t mean that you didn’t have doubts about where this relationship was going. “What do you mean ?” he asks, his eyes on the road. “I mean how long are we going to hide this from everyone ?” your eyes back out the window, Buck sighed and the conversation dropped. There were a few minutes of silence and the tension filled the car, Buck finally spoke up “you were the one that didn’t want to say anything.” his voice came off a bit harsher than you expected, letting go of his hand, your body shifted towards the door and way from him. He noticed your change in emotion and seating. 
“Babe, I'm sorry. It's just that you didn’t want to say anything and it’s entirely your choice. I get it but we can figure it out. One step at a time, okay ?” Buck looks over at you when he pulls into the parking lot. “Yeah, I know. It’s fine.” leaning over the console to press a kiss to his cheek.  “Good night Buck, thank you for tonight” you give him a smile and get out of the jeep. Buck follows you, “let me walk you up,” he grabs your wrist, the two of you stopped in the middle of the parking lot. “That’s fine, I'll text you so you know I’m okay. You need to get home anyways, you have a shift and you need your sleep” shaking your head, you pull your hand away from him and head inside before he can ask again. 
He was right, it was your choice not to say anything but you weren't sure how your uncle would react. This relationship wouldn't just affect your relationship with him but also his relationship with Buck. You didn’t- couldn't let Buck jeopardize his work life for his love life. 
Shutting the door once you get into your apartment, you send a text to your boyfriend. 
To Lover Boy Buck: I’m home, text me when you get home. Sleep well <3
From Lover Boy Buck: Just pulled in, goodnight babe 
Athena’s birthday was on Saturday and Bobby had planned a surprise party for her. With a little help from May, things were in place. 
Bobby had taken Athena out for lunch at some fancy cafe that was impossible to get into and then to see a play. While they were out, you headed over to their place to help May set up. Upon arriving, you saw that Hen was already there as was Buck. 
“Good afternoon my loves!” you shout as you walk over to the kitchen. “I come with coffee” you hand a cup to May and the other to Hen, the two are thankful for the coffee as you had a shit ton of decorating to do and only a few hours to get it done. Buck leant against the wall by the kitchen entryway, “where's mine?” he asked which made you roll your eyes. “Didn’t know that you were gonna be here, no one invited you anyways.” you reply, sorting through the packages of balloons on the table, you toss one and it hits him square in the face. 
“Ow!” he shouts, rubbing his cheek. 
“Oh did I hurt you ?” you ask, pouting at him mockingly. 
Considering the weird note that the two of you left on during your last date, plus not being able to see each other that week left things in a bit of a mess. 
May and Hen exchange glances, “Buck, how about you help put up the banner in the backyard ?” she practically dragged Buck by the arm and into the yard. May was in the kitchen icing some cupcakes that she and Harry had made the night before when she called for you. 
“Why don't you get along with Buck ? I don't know him all the well but he seems like a good guy” May pleads his case unintentionally. 
He is a good guy 
“Ever meet someone and you just don’t like them ?” you ask, she hums. “That’s me with Buck” is what came out instead. 
“I get it.” she nodded, she began telling you about a guy in her chemistry class that just got on her nerves all the time. You excused yourself when the doorbell rang. Chim and Maddie had arrived right as Karen pulled into the driveway with Denny and Nia. You let everyone in and they began helping too. About an hour later, Eddie arrives with Chris and the cake. You take the cake from him so he can help Chris with his jacket.  
“Buck!” you shout
“Yeah ba- yeah ?” he corrects himself last second. Your eyes widen at the word that almost slipped out of his mouth. No one seem to catch it except for Chim who gave you a weird look but you just brush it off. 
“Take this, I need to change.” you hand the cake off to him and head to the bathroom to change into your dress. A few moments later, there was a knock on the bathroom door and then it opened. 
“Hey! I'm chang- oh it’s just you” you mumble as he shuts the door. Buck’s back pressed up against the door. “Are you just gonna watch me or are you going to help me?” you turn, your back towards him now. Pulling your hair over your shoulder, you feel one of Buck’s hands on your waist and then the tug of the zipper.  
“Must you always fight with me, y/n ?” he presses a kiss to your shoulder, his arms wrapping around your waist. “Must you always get on my nerves, Evan ?” you were looking back at him in the mirror, he flashed you a smile and nodded, a rather amused look on his face. “Yeah, it's kind of my job to irritate you” his arms loosen as you turn around to face him now, leaning back against the counter. “Well I guess then I have to fight with you” running your hand through his hair, he leans into you, his forehead against yours. 
“You know, they say make love, not war” he whispers, his lips almost touching yours. A little chuckle slips past your lips, “is this your way of saying that we should stop fighting ?” you mumble as you press a kiss to his lips. Buck pulls you closer to him - which you didn’t even think was possible, “no, it’s my way of saying we should make love” he smiles against your lips as he lifts you up onto the counter and you let out an obnoxiously loud laugh. “Oops” a hand comes up to cover your mouth. Buck can't help but smile, you were adorable and all he wanted was to go out there and tell everyone that he’s in love with you, something he hadn't even told you yet, but at last, he could not. 
“You’re cheesy, you know that right ?” looking up at him whilst you fiddled with the hem of his shirt. “If you want to fuck me, just say so” he tells you to which you reply “you're so vulgar Evan” while rolling your eyes. 
“Oh I'll show you vulgar” he chuckles and pulls off his shirt, his hand reaching behind you to unzip your dress. 
Buck left the bathroom first, the house had filled up within the 20 minutes the two of you were in the bathroom. He ran his hand through his hair in hopes to fix it from the tugging that just happened. As he stepped out into the backyard, his sister’s voice called out to him.
“Buck!” she walked over, “you’ve been so busy I haven't gotten a chance to say hi yet” she pulls her brother into a hug. Maddie’s face screws into a confused look. “Did you try a new body wash or something ?” she looks up at Buck, his brows furrow but he shakes his head. “Why?” he asks, “you smell like mint” she informs him. 
You step out into the backyard, a tube of mint chapstick between your fingers,  being applied to your lips. Buck’s eyes were on you, watching as the tube rubbed across your lips, his mind back to those lips were moments ago. Chimney’s voice caused him to pull his eyes away from you and onto him. 
“Uh why is your shirt inside out?” Chim asks him, brows raised. Buck looks down and his shirt is on inside out, “uh, I- uh I had to change.” he says, hoping they’d believe him. 
“You had that shirt on when we got here.” Chim had a puzzled look on his face. 
“Oh Christopher is calling for me, excuse me” Buck walks off before they could say anything. He did indeed make his way over to Eddie and Chris, you were on the other side of the backyard when your phone chimed. 
From Lover Boy Buck: Couldn't you have told me my shirt was on inside out?
To Lover Boy Buck: And how was I supposed to know that ? I didn’t have time to look at you
From Lover Boy Buck: Oh really ? You had plenty of time a few minutes ago 
To Lover Boy Buck: Behave. 
From Lover Boy Buck: Make me. 
You roll your eyes at his comment, May coming out and shouting that they just pulled in. Everyone stood by the backdoors, waiting for Athena and Bobby to come in. 
Athena had a blindfold on as Bobby led her down the stairs to the backyard. “I swear if you did somethin-” he undoes the blindfold mid sentence. 
“Surprise!!” everyone shouts, Athena had a huge smile on her face. She turns to Bobby, “you did all this ?” he smiles but shakes his head, “I had some help” nodding towards May, Athena walked over to her daughter to give her a hug. Bobby and Athena went around to say hello to everyone, Bobby coming over to you and Eddie, Buck and Chris were sitting beside each other. “Hey” Bobby smiled at the two of you, “hey” you smiled back before you gave him a hug. 
“What do I own you for today ?” he asks you
“Nothing at all, I'm glad I could help.” 
“Are you sure kid ?” 
“Yeah, I'm good. I’ll let you know if I need something uncle Bobby” 
He smiles and goes off to talk to Chim and Maddie. Eddie switches places with Buck, Christopher showing his father the trick that Buck just showed him. “You’re good with kids” you tell him, “yeah, I know” he replies. “You're also an arrogant asshole but perspective I suppose.” Buck chuckled at your comment, watching as you walked away. 
It was a while before you sat down for dinner, you were in the house with Bobby, helping him bring stuff out while everyone got seated. When you returned, there were two seats left. One at the head of the table, which was where your uncle was currently headed, leaving you no choice but to sit beside Buck. “Pass me the green bowl ?” he asks you, “no thanks” you reply nonchalantly. Bobby gives you a look, “y/n, pass him the bowl” you sighed and handed the bowl to Buck who was snickering. It took all of you not to smack this man in front of everyone. 
A hand on your upper thigh startled you, you coughed and Eddie looked at you from across the table, his brows furrowed. Your hand comes down to rest on top of Buck’s. Chris followed his father’s look over to you, “are you okay y/n?” he asked you sweetly, you smiled at him. “I’m okay buddy, thank you for asking” Buck bit the inside of his cheek, holding back a smile. Oh how he wanted to kiss you right now, but again, he couldn't really do that, could he? He settled for holding your hand under the table like teenagers for now. 
8 o'clock and you were supposed to be there 20 minutes ago. Bobby was probably there wondering where you were. You were supposed to be having dinner with your uncle tonight to tell him about you and Buck. Buck offered to tell him but you felt like it was only right for you to tell him. 
You dialled the number but it rang out. You assumed he was still driving or maybe he was ruining late too. The phone rang while you searched for something to wear. It was Bobby. 
“Hey!” you answer, “I'm gonna be a little late” 
“Y/n, we’re gonna have to take a rain check on dinner.” Something was wrong, you could tell from the way he answered. 
“Everything okay ? Are you still at work ?” 
“I’m at the hospital.” 
“What? Why? Are you okay ? Is it Athena ?” 
“Athena and I are fine. It’s Buck, he’s in surgery right now. I don't think I'll be leaving anything soon. I’m sorry about dinner.” 
Your heart dropped when he said it was Buck. 
“Did anyone tell Maddie ? Do you want me to pick her up ?” 
“It's alright, Chim went and got her. You don't have to come, we’re ok-” 
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes” 
Grabbing the keys, you’ve never run down the stairs so fast in your life. The whole drive over, it felt like the world was moving in slow motion. He’d still be in surgery when you arrived but you needed to know what happened. 
I love you Evan Buckley. 
The 5 words replaying in your head over and over again. The 5 words you hadn’t gotten the chance to say to him. The team plus Maddie and Athena were in the waiting room. Bobby came over and gave you a hug, “is he okay ? Did you guys hear anything ?” you ask as you sit beside Maddie. “Not yet” Bobby returns to his seat. 
“Mads, I'm sorry” you gave her a hug, she gave you a small smile. “It’s okay. Buck’ll pull through. He always does.” 
3 hours later and still nothing, he had been in surgery 2 hours prior to you arriving, bringing it to a total of 5 hours. Athena and Bobby left for a few minutes to see if they could get an update on him. You looked around the room, Eddie was leant against the wall, his legs on the chairs in front of him, Hen stood by the window on the phone with who you assumed was Karen. Chim’s arm was wrapped around Maddie, her head resting on his shoulder. 
Bobby and Athena returned telling everyone that there was no update other than he was still in surgery. Your leg bounced as you waited, Bobby rested a hand on your knee when he sat back down. 
“You okay kid ?” 
“Mhm hm why ?”
“You only bounce your leg when you’re nervous. You’re sure you’re okay ?” 
“Yeah, I'm gonna go get some coffee” you announce as you get up. If you spent another minute in that room, you were going to combust, you couldn't take it. “Does anyone want anything ?” there were a few mumbles of no but Eddie gets up and says he’ll come with you. The two of you walk down the hallway to the other end. Slipping a bill into the machine, it buzzes and then nothing. Eddie watches as you push the button a few times. Frustrated and tired, your hand smacks against the machine. A few nurses glare in your direction. 
“Hey, go get some air okay ? I’ll get the coffee and meet you outside” Eddie’s hand on your back, leading you to the doors.
“Eddie, I'm fine” 
“Y/n, go. You’ve been in here for a while and honestly, I could use the air too.” 
Not in the mood to protest, you step outside. It was a little past 11 now, it was dark and cold out. Your back pressed up against the brick wall, the coldness seeping through your shirt. A hand running over your face in an attempt to wake you up, you sigh as the door opens. 
“Here” Eddie handed you a mug that didn’t look like it came from a machine. The mug read “#1 nurse” on it and his says “world’s best mom” your brows furrow, looking at the man standing beside you. “I sweet talked one of the nurses, it's fine. I promised to return the mugs when we're done.” he says casually, making you smile. You had always enjoyed Eddie’s company, he didn’t ask questions or poke around in your life, he just lived in the moment. 
“Cute shirt” he chuckles, looking down at the blue t-shirt you had on. You hadn't realized that you left wearing it. “Oh thanks” you mumble, taking a sip of coffee. “It’s Buck’s, isn't it?” he asks, you almost choked on the coffee. 
“Wha- why would you ask me that ?” 
“It reeks of his cologne,” Eddie chucked. “I’ve known for months, y/n. The two of you aren't as slick as you think.” 
“Who else knows ?” 
“No one that I know of, Chim has an idea but he hasn't said anything” 
You hummed, looking out at the parking lot in front of you. “Does Bobby know ?” Eddie’s eyes practically burn into your side.
“I was going to tell him tonight.” 
Eddie’s phone buzzed before he could say anything else. “Let’s go in, the doctors are out.” Eddie followed you into the building and back into the waiting room. The doctor has just stepped in, she glanced back at you and Eddie, “Are you here for Buckley as well ?” 
“Yeah, how is he?” Eddie asks, the two of you step further into the room. “He’s stable as of now, we managed to stop the bleeding. He’s asleep but he’s got a long road ahead of him.” the doctor inform everyone, you watch as Maddie lets out a sigh, her hand squeezing Chim’s. “I can take someone in, if they’d like to go in” Chim let go of Maddie’s hand as she went to follow the doctor down the hall. Eddie could sense the change in body language, you were relaxed until Maddie stepped out with the doctor. His hand rests on your back again, “let’s sit down. You can go in after” he whispered to you. To anyone else in the room, it would look like something was happening between you and Eddie but he was just comforting you. There was nothing happening. 
The person you were in love with was laying in a hospital bed at the other end of the hallway. 
One by one, everyone went in to see him. Chim went in first, meeting Maddie in his room. When they return, they let everyone know he’s awake. Bobby and Athena are next, they go in for a few minutes. Hen was after them, you could hear them laughing from the other end of the hallway. 
It was so good to hear him laugh. 
You and Eddie went in last. Eddie sat beside his bed on the chair, he and Buck having a conversation. Eddie looked over at you, you were standing by the door. “I think I'll go call Chris and let him know you’re alright” Eddie pats Buck’s shoulder before stepping out the room. 
Buck’s attention was now on you. “hey you” he mumbles, trying to shift into a sitting position. “Don’t move, you’ll rip your stitches.” you take a seat where Eddie was a few moments ago. Buck’s hand reaches for yours, although he was awake, his hand felt cold. Your hand rubbed against his, his eyes on you. Neither of you say anything to the other. 
“I thought I lost you for a minute there.” 
“You’ll never lose me, y/n” Buck’s hand squeezes yours. 
“But I almost did and I hated every minute of it.” the tears welling up by your eyes, you blink a few times to get rid of them but instead a few slip down. Buck reaches up to wipe your tears, his hand cupping your cheek. 
“All of this for me ?” he teases, “there was no need to worry, you know that, right?” 
“You scared me you ass, don't do that” you sniffle, your hand wrapping around his wrist. 
“Y/n, I need to tell you something” his eyes were on yours, now you were worried again. “Okay, what is-” 
“I love you” he blurts out. 
“Oh Buck” you breathe, the soft expression on his face changes to a worried one. “Oh god, I'm sor-” your hand comes up and covers his mouth. 
“I love you too” you smile at him, you can feel him smile against your hand. Moving your hand to his cheek, “you do ?” he asks, you nod. “How can I not ?” Leaning out of the chair, your lips meet his. Your hand is still cupping his face and his hand lifting off the bed to meet your waist. Shifting from the chair to the bed, you sat beside Buck, your lips still on his. 
“Excuse me?” someone clears their throat, Buck pulls away to look at who's by the door. Bobby stood in the doorway, his arms folded in front of him and a rather amused Athena beside him. Buck’s eyes widen, you look over your shoulder to see your uncle standing there. 
“I can explain. Bobby I-” Buck starts, but Bobby cuts him off. “It’s okay Buck, I know.” he steps into the room. 
“You do?” the two of you say at the same time, both of you looking at him. Bobby nods, “I might be old - well older than you two but I’m not dumb” he chuckles, “if anything, you two are the dumb ones for thinking I wouldn't know.” he says 
“I was going to tell you at dinner” 
“I figured as much, I also figured you’d want to be here when Buck woke up” 
“Thank you for calling” you smile at him, he gives you a nod. “Everyone is heading home, are you going to stay with him ?” 
You hum, your attention back on Buck. You could hear Athena and Bobby whispering in the back and then the door shuts. Buck shifts slightly on the bed, making space for you. Laying on your side, beside him, your finger traces over the words tattooed on his forearm. The world had come to a pause finally, the things around you didn’t matter right now. Everything you cared about was beside you, the hospital wasn't the ideal place but all you cared about that he was okay. 
“Tell me again” you whisper, your head on his shoulder. Buck turns his head to look at you. 
“I love you y/n l/n” 
“I love you Evan Buckley” 
Turns out you did get to say those 5 words after all. 
Taglist: @reiidsbby @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @venusrosepetal @mikaelson-emma @beth-winchester21 @averyhotchner
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power-of-plot · 4 years
Iida, Mirio, and Aizawa dating hcs please
Of course! But holy cow apparently this seriously inspired me, i hope this is ok xd
Oh yes robot boi. Iida is someone nerdy in every aspect, his language even with close friends like Midoriya is very formal and polite, the same rule would apply when it comes to his significant other. Unlike what some would think, this doesn’t give your conversations a cold touch, on the contrary, it’d make him look chivalrous.
He’s a classic gentleman, he’d be the kind who opens the door and waits for you to walk in first or gives you his jacket when it’s too cold and you don’t have anything to cover yourself with, the second one would happen often in the classroom if you’re sensitive to cold. We are talking about U.A have you seen the measures of the classrooms and the entire area? It’s impossible they don’t have those huge air conditioners.
He highly respects the rules wich means, no PDA, on a certain level, no kisses to be specific. That doesn’t mean he won’t give you any affection, though every gear of his robotic soul is having a bad time working properly inside, he’d hold your hand or put his over your shoulder pulling you close when you’re sitting together. 
He definitely would do that thing of caressing you with his thumb. As you expected it from Tenya, this is a sort of robotic motion, his finger would move like a metronome but that doesn’t make it any less nicer, he is slow and gentle.
Honestly, he’d be nervous most of the time. ALSO! Tenya is very thoughtful, he’d ask (often verbally) if you’re okay with whatever he’d do, as times goes by the questions turn non verbal, for example he’d hold his hand above yours waiting for you to give green light or grasp it. 
“..Can i hold your hand?” “Sure!” “*DEEP INHALE AND BLUSH*” He couldn’t help to blush the first times. Specially on the firsT kiss but how would it be? A clasic scenenario after classes! And after you both have grown comfortable enough to each other’s touch. Seriously, if you like to go slow he's got you.
You two would be walking around in the campus after classes and he feels the tension grow.. he is analyzing every detail, he wants to ask but what if things get extremely awkward, he’s very tall- he’d have to bend down slightly (unless you’re nearly as tall as him) to do it so what if you flinch because it was unexpected.. he stops walking, he simply manages to say your name. You stared into each other's eye and then it happened, a big smile unexplainably forms in his lips complemented by a scarlet color across his whole face, his haircut made his head look like a strawberry.
There are going to be days you don't see him as much as you'd like, Tenya is very comitted to his hero patrols, he certainly would do extra hours from time to time or if the situation called for it. Let him know you like his hero suit! He’s thankful it has a helmet otherwise his flustered face would be exposed. 
Whatever position you cuddle in Iida would wrap his arms around you, not only that, he’d interlock his fingers so he has a nice grip. His cuddles would be the classic spooning or having your head on his shoulder with your arm over his chest and in case you worry about his arm, this guy doesn’t know limb numbness- he literally tenses and holds his arms up every five minutes.
He sends good morning/good night texts often on the weekends since you're practically living together thanks to the dormitory system, they vary depending on the day, some are a reminder to get a proper amount of sleep or! To get done with homework so you can enjoy your free time and maybe ask if he can go over to study *cough spend time together*
He'd send the classic heart emoji, very detailed but easy to comprehend videos explaining any difficult lesson and history related stuff like paint restorations or facts about iconic sculptures. Please don’t send him those videos of people accidentally breaking things on museums, he’s gonna feel like something breaks inside.
This ray of sunshine fell for you? Your luck is so big you’d get jackpot on a slot machine on the first try-. You’re undeniably going to be good friends with Tamaki and Nejire, specially her, expect to get questions one after another without the chance to reply when she finds out you’re Mirio’s significant other, Tamaki would take it way better.
Mirio’s goofyness and confidence combined with his feelings give a unique result: he literally spoke to the boss of mafia himself twice like he was the manager in a store, but, the case is different when you’re around, he’s saying and actually good joke and suddenly.. it goes away, his mind goes blank. “So what happened after Mirio..?” “Ah.. i had practiced a lot, i don’t know what happened haha my bad!”
You’re going to get tons of his jokes and something more “intense” such as the classic “What’s in your shirt?” to make you look down so he can boop your nose with his finger, you should expect some gentle headpats as well. 
If you’re shy he’s cool about it, he knows what do and adaptates to your pace, you’d start off with hand holding or rather pinky holding, he’d interwine his pinky with yours and show a bright smile. His hugs are the warmest, he doesn’t do it half-assesly, when you hug, YOU HUG, he uses both arms and slightly lifts you up! Height or strength are not a problem he’s actually one cm taller than Iida i just found out
He seems like the kind who loses their pen or eraser despite seeing it on their desk just one minute ago, if you happen to be that kind as well you’re both going to lay down your faith on poor Tamaki’s hands, i’m sure he has all his material complete.
He hardly ever gets nervous or scared by anything, things like the first kiss would go pretty smooth, instead of blushing intensely he’d just chuckle with slight disbelief, his mind is racing like “I just did that? woah!”. The biggest trouble for him would be gifts, he wants it to be perfect but asking Nejire for advice is not a good idea, roses are too formal and they don’t last long, going to the movies seems a little cliche.. his first gift would end up being a plushie of your favorite animal and a bamboo.
He’d sneak a kiss or two, specially before the class is begginning a training session, he’d send you a text telling you to go outside the changing rooms and oop! He phases through the wall poking out his head to give you a kiss kiss. If you don’t mind a prank from time to time he’d give a little scare using his quirk.
This guy is the big spoon during cuddles, no arguing! He could switch but as time goes by he’d slowly shift into the big spoon, that’s just the way he is, the most usual position would be where you’re facing each other with your limbs wrapping around the other’s body. Waking up with him would be adorable and attractive, morning and night are the only times of the day when his hair isn’t gelled into his All Might-like hairstyle, those blonde locks would frame his face, a heavenly sight.
Would send you a pic of stray animals he rescued with a “:D!” and Sir. Nighteye 'torturing' Bubble girl (half of his head visibly on a corner of the image). If you longed for a pet badly he would bring a nice dog/cat he finds around! In his hero suit to make the moment more special. 
He uses the smiling emojis and emoticons! And shares videos of animals he finds adorable, if you sent him fails videos he'd laugh as long as the falls don't seem extreme or too severe, small trips on the beach or slips on the snow are fine. Mirio sends gifs i just know.
Have you taken a look at him? You must be a big The Walking Dead fan to like him lmao. Aizawa gives me an unexplainable gut feeling that he'd prefer a civilian (perhaps quirkless?) significant other over a hero, he wouldn't want his partner to go into the same dangerous situations he does.
His affection is tired, let me explain, he'd hug you and all that physical stuff but it'd kinda feel like his arms fall limply around you, still, even with his minuscule clingyness he loves you with all his might! He doesn't fall for anyone.
Not very fond of PDA, in public he'd preferr temple/forehead kisses and having your hand on the crook of his arm instead of hand holding (thinking about it Iida would do that too), seems more discret and! you don't let go when his hands are busy. He'd initiates it by gently resting your hand on his arm and sinking his hand into his pocket.
Surprise! He does smile, not that maniactic-looking grin he has sometimes during his shifts at U.A when a student impresses him, this one is less wide but somehow more tender and sweet, he tilts his head and for once his eyes seem relaxed, a relationship would make his cheeks hurt.. either for he's not used to smile so much or he smiles more than he thought he would.
If you give him a cat.. that's a strong blow straight to one of his weakest spots, he'd stare both at you and the kitten with a dumbfounded look before picking it up in his arm like a baby, his hand gravitates towards his it's head giving some nice pets before he shows a rare and somewhat bright smile "Thank you very much." Next time have a camera ready damnit! That smile rarely shows up.
He's practical, he wants his gifts to be nice but useful as well. He’d get you those mugs with candies inside, you get the candy and you can use the mug later for your coffee or tea; a power bank with a nice color or design and in case he choses something smaller: a bamboo, those one don’t wither away. Aizawa is fine with whatever you get for him, big or small he appreciates it. Sweaters, scarfs and blankets would be his favorite thing to get though, he likes to stay warm while working late at night
He’s sneaky, as an underground hero he’s used to work at times when the streets look disolated and the dark crime has more freedom to do as it pleases, he wouldn’t want to wake you up unless you asked him to. He’d leave a note on is pillow with the time he wrote it at and a short loving phrase like “i love you, i’ll be back soon, good morning”, before he leaves he’d always lift the sheet up to your neck or drag it away if you seem to be kicking it off you and give you a small kiss.
You’d find him passed out in his sleeping bag with his laptop besides him at random spots of his appartment, if it wasn’t because of the unatura position he adopts to fit in his sleeping bag he’d give you a death scare ‘cause let’s be honest he doesn’t look one hundred percent alive even when he’s awake. “Shota..? Shota can you hear me?!” “I’m not dead.”
Hibrid of big-small spoon. Most of the times you cuddle he’s asleep and you go snuggle him, his hair is a mess so better prepare to get tickled all night. He pull you close the best way he can when you’re behind him, not very comfortable for his arm but it’s worth it. He’d have you like a pillow over him, his chin over your head and both arms around you.
This man doesn’t bother typing when he can use his voice, the only situations he uses regular text messages are when he’s on shift or with you sleeping next to him. Send him gifs of kittens and a ‘i love you’ it instanstly gives him a good mood! He’d send pics of cats he sees around and gifts he bought you, doesn’t use emojis.
*COLLAPSES ON THE GROUND* Big oof- requests are open.
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jpegjade · 4 years
Physical Therapy - Ch. 1 (Spencer)
WELCOME TO PHYSICAL THERAPY!! in honor of this bish starting physical therapy in real life (and missing it bc i can’t drive and my mom and i’s schedules not being synched on google calendar all the time) i’ve decided to write a fic about it. it will be a little series with a goal (yes, an end game) and it’ll be cute. some of it is based on actual things that happen and some is literally just the story. ENJOY.
gender: neutral
tw: nothing that i can think of
genre: fluff | angst
Description: After getting shot in the leg, spencer goes through physical therapy before he can get back in the field completely. What happens when he starts to fall for his physical therapy assistant? 
Two honks at 6am meant that it was time for Spencer to get going. Derek was downstairs, in the car, waiting on boy wonder to crutch his way out of the apartment complex. Derek wasn’t sure how to feel about this trip considering he missed his early morning run for this but he knew how nervous Spencer was for his evaluation today so he didn’t mind as much as he could have minded. 
Spencer was patiently waiting in a pair of very short shorts, mismatched socks, and running shoes. He threw on a t-shirt and looked in the mirror, noting how tired he looked. He hadn’t been sleeping well lately for some reason but he couldn’t be sure why. He combed out his hair one more time before he and his crutches headed to the elevators. 
“Ready, kid?” Derek said, opening the front door for Spencer like a world class chauffeur would if Spencer was a celebrity. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Spencer mumbled.
In truth, Spencer was more than ready to get started on his physical therapy journey. He wanted to get back in the field full time, adrenaline pumping, connecting with victims, walking again. He didn’t mind the assisted mobility but it was hard for him to know that the best he could do sometimes was stay back in the office or hang out in Garcia’s batcave. 
The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence between the two men. Derek was thinking about how he could make up his missed morning run by doing another type of high cardio workout while Spencer was just trying to figure out why it had to be him. He wouldn’t wish the frustration of his recovery process on anyone else on the team but the frustration of the recovery process just got to him on some days. Today was one of those days. 
Derek pulled up to the physical therapy clinic sooner than Spencer hoped. Part of that was because Derek was a very fast driver while the other part was because Spencer wasn’t paying attention for most of the drive. 
“You owe me one.” Derek said, completely joking. Well… Partially. That morning run was what kept him awake during the day, energizing him for work. 
“Do you want to come in?” Spencer said, looking down at his hands in his lap. 
Spencer’s hands were tapping his leg as he awaited Derek’s answer. He was nothing short of a nervous wreck on the inside. All he could think about was how much pain he would be in once the evaluation was over and the physical therapist had finished poking and prodding at his knee. He hated to think that it would be worse than everything else going on. Plus he still had to go to work today. 
“Sure, kid.” Derek said. 
Derek wasn’t going to sit in the car and do nothing the whole time so he might as well support his friend. 
Climbing out of the car, the boys slowly made it to the sliding glass doors of the physical therapy clinic. Much to Spencer’s surprise, it was nothing like he originally imagined it to be. Some part of him thought it would somewhat resemble the clinic where his mother resided but it was completely different. There were floor to ceiling walls for over half of the first floor building. High tech equipment was stationed everywhere from anti gravity treadmills to hand bike motors, medicine balls and so much more. Spencer stood in the doorway, leaning on his crutches, while he took everything in. There was so much light in the air, it was almost like the feeling of recovery was airy and not meant to bog him down. This was a strange feeling for him to comprehend...
“You coming, pretty boy?” Derek called, taking a break from chatting with the pretty receptionist. 
Spencer and his crutches walked over to the front desk and grabbed the paperwork that covered how much pain he was in today. He filled it out quickly, hoping to get everything over with sooner than later. He was already here so he might as well just finish everything quickly so he could get out of the place. 
When he finished writing everything down, he returned the paperwork to the receptionist who slipped him a piece of paper and pointed to Derek. Spencer already knew it was the receptionist’s personal phone number and he didn’t even need to look at the paper. Sitting down, Spencer handed Derek to a very confused Derek before it hit him what it was. Derek winked at the receptionist, who blushed before answering the phone. 
“Spencer?” A voice called his name shortly after he sat down. 
It was nice to know that here, he didn’t have to be a doctor. He was just another person healing. He didn’t have to be smart, he could just exist. 
“Good luck.” Derek said, noticing that Spencer’s hand was shaking in the slightest bit. 
“My name is Nora and I will be your lead physical therapist.” The woman said, walking Spencer to a vacant padded table. It reminded Spencer of the types of tables you lay on when you get a massage. 
He only got a massage once when Garcia got stood up on a couples’ massage date. He spent half of his part of the massage giving the masseuse facts about how their job could actually give them an infection from the amount of germs in the air and on the table. His delivery of facts caused the room to be incredibly uncomfortable and bleach the table very thoroughly. By the time he and the masseuse finished, only 5 minutes were left in the massage and Garcia was left horrified and amused at the same time. 
“Don’t worry. We bleach the tables every time someone finishes a session.” Nora said, noticing the look on Spencer’s face. Spencer visibly relaxed and sat on the table. 
“So, Spencer, tell me a little bit about yourself.” Nora followed up, pulling up a backless roller chair. 
“Well, I was on a case and the unsub, unknown subject, shot at a dad but it ended up hitting me in the leg instead and…” Spencer paused, looking at Nora’s amused face. 
“No, I mean tell me about you. Your hobbies, what you do for fun, things like that. I need to do a complete profile for you so I know how your quality of life has been affected and which exercises you can do at home so we aren’t pushing too fast.” Nora smiled at Spencer. 
“I work.” Spencer said in a matter-of-fact tone. He didn’t really have anything else to say. 
“Okay. So you’re a workaholic.” Nora wrote. She was about to ask a new question when you came quickly walking to Nora. 
Spencer was left dumbfounded. There seemed to be a halo of light radiating around you, making you glow. He knew it was the sun finally rising but his brain short circuited as he continued to gaze at you. 
“Hey Nora?” You said, looking down at your boss. “Mrs. Gillespi wants to know why you haven’t come back to check her form. She doesn’t trust me because, her words here, I ‘look like a child who doesn’t know their left foot from the color orange.’” 
“Sure. Here, you can take over Spencer’s evaluation.” She handed you her clipboard.
You looked at the detailed notes on the paper and then up at Spencer, who looked like one of the youngest people here. 
“It’s not often we get cute guys in this place. Other than Kyle. But Kyle’s an asshole who could almost be my dad.” You blurted, not realizing you said it outloud as soon as Nora left. 
You noticed that he started blushing and looking at his converse and you realized that you said something. You usually spoke your thoughts out loud but the people you worked with were used to it so no one bothered to say anything.
“What?” You asked, confused. 
“You called me cute.” Spencer said. “Which is fine. I don’t understand the appeal but I do believe that your blurting of what you perceive as a fact is a coping mechanism. It can also be tied to ADHD, which is a common mental disorder that causes your brain to impulsively say things.” Spencer paused, looking at your face. 
“What?” You asked, again, confused. 
“I’m not saying you have ADHD. I’m a doctor but not that kind of doctor. Although I could get another Ph. D. Prove my father wrong. And…” Spencer realized he was rambling. 
“Cute and a talker.” You said, writing that down. 
You wrote something down on the paper that Spencer couldn’t see but he was curious about. 
“Let’s check out that leg.” You said, pulling out an instrument that looked like a compass. 
You asked Spencer to move his knee certain ways and it wasn’t as bad as Spencer thought. You were gentle, soft even. Your hands were delicate and you ended the session massaging his leg and smiling at him. 
“You were a good patient today, doctor Spencer.” You said, smiling at him. 
Spencer blushed, unable to meet your eyes. 
“You… I mean… I enjoyed our session.” Spencer said. “Which I don’t normally enjoy. Not that I’ve been shot before. Or had physical therapy. Or been here. Or even worked out really.”
“You’re funny, doc.” You smiled. “Your next appointment is Tuesday of next week according to the schedule so I guess I’ll see you then. I can’t wait.” 
Spencer stared at you as he wondered why you were so excited. 
“Why?” Spencer asked. 
“It’s not every day I get the case for a cute guy who is smart and awkward. It’s almost like the heavens have answered my hopes and prayers.” You joked, looking up at the ceiling and putting your hand on your heart. 
“I believe in science.” Spencer stated, grabbing his crutches. 
“A man of science. Does it get any better? What’s your star sign?” You joked. 
“Scorpio.” Spencer stated. 
“Oop. All the scorpios I know have been some hoes. You better not be a hoe, doc.” 
“I’m definitely not a gardening tool, if that’s what you’re referring to. Otherwise, I’d like to thing my lack of dating skills doesn’t qualify as being a… hoe? Although, I don’t believe in the use of the word to describe someone who enjoys spending time with multiple people. I’d like to think the use of the word is meant in jest and fun for a term of endearment.” Spencer stood up, balancing on his crutches. 
“I’ll be the judge of that.” You said, walking slowly with Spencer to the front desk. 
“What’s your name?” Spencer asked, turning to you. He realized that he never got your name.
“Y/n.” You smiled. 
The clouds must have parted again because as soon as you turned to walk away from him, towards Nora, you were covered in another halo. And just like that, you were gone again.
Future tag list: 
@ellvswriting @sageandberries-png @l0ve-0f-my-life @rexorangecouny @kennedywxlsh
Want to be added? Tell me!
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aiden-png · 4 years
Hyrule the baby detective?
ohohoho okay so.. I have three genres I like to write in my original lit: horror, scifi, and mystery. so I wanted to write a mystery for LU, multichapter and thoroughly outlined (partly because analyzing HSH was so much fun and I wanted to keep that going alkdfjkasdfj). so I came up with an idea for a crime mystery set in a vaguely 1890s ‘modern’ Castle Town city following apprentice detective Hyrule... I actually wrote a Lot for the first draft before realizing it was a bit too silly for my intent and I hadn’t outlined it enough to solve the sideplots I’d introduced while writing. so I scrapped this... 4? chapter first draft right before the climax and sat down to Really plot it out (I wrote this one in July I think lol)
I have a whole outline and I made a new setting: ‘modern’ university AU with a serial killer antagonist who takes an interest in Hyrule. I had so much of it planned out and I was hype to write it because the twist was amazing, which is the part I felt was lacking set up in the first try. but then classes started and I came up with another multichapter idea and started writing that instead, kinda.. oops!
so if I ever release a version of this fic, it’ll probably be an edited and finished version of the crack taken seriously first draft XD and I’m not sure if I’ll ever use the twist I came up with for the second version so I won’t share it, but it was Good omg.... I love adding twists into my multichapter fics, they’re so much fun aaa! :D
and I guess, just because I can.... have a (unedited and messy) snippet from it! :D
Hyrule was so nervous he’d managed to leave the office and board the subway before even opening the envelope. The envelope where the address of the client and time of meeting was… Hyrule sighed, carefully opening the clasps and peering inside. There was one tiny slip of paper and nothing else. Great. Hyrule pulled the appointment card out, squinting down at the scribbled address and-- oh dear, the meeting was in less than an hour! Hyrule’s eyes flicked around, only relaxing slightly as he realized he’d somehow managed to board the correct train.
He was a bit frustrated at the lack of information he’d been given, if he was being honest. A murder case typically had a name, some pictures, a report even when they got the call, but the card Hyrule held simply had an address and a name--Twilight. Odd name, but he didn’t really have room to talk, his parents had named him after a country after all.
The train arrived and Hyrule shuffled his way through the crowds at the station, climbing the stairs to find himself in the center of the historic district. Towering stone buildings lined the streets in streaked creams and greys, stained by coal even as most of the city moved to electric. The houses here were expensive and ancient and Hyrule knew the district was made of wealthy, private citizens more than anything else. People who preferred to keep their affairs under the table, tight-lipped and aloof, rude even. Hyrule lived in a dingy apartment, packed like a sardine in rooms barely big enough for a bed and stove. He felt small and out of place just standing in the street, suddenly aware of how cheap his white shirt and suspenders looked compared to the businessmen clad in full suits around him.
Hyrule rushed to find the building, glancing up towards the clock tower that rested in the building at the end of the street. Rows and rows of brownstones, all looking strikingly similar, before Hyrule found the bright red overhang of an apartment building, the address emblazoned on the cloth in gold script. He let out a small sigh of relief, still ten minutes ahead of schedule, and pulled open the grand wooden door at the entrance.
The interior was dark but spacious, high ceilings and sconces all fit with gas lamps that were out of use. There was a window at the top of the first flight of stairs, smudged and allowing a grey, watery light to pass into the foyer--the only light present. The right side of the hall held a built in alcove, a set of open mailboxes behind a desk and chair. An attendant sat in the dim light, head slumped forward on his chest, brown hair disheveled over his maroon uniform. Obviously asleep. Hyrule looked down at his note, up at the stairs, and quietly snuck past.
Two flights up Hyrule noticed a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling at the top floor, visible through the gaps in the alternating staircases. A small man was strapped to the rail and ceiling, grease and soot staining his shirt and hair pulled away with a green headband. Hyrule found himself on the fifth floor and peering at the precarious set up the man had constructed--or was he just a boy? He didn’t look much older than fourteen, but he was clearly hard at work, wires looped around his arms and clamps in hand as he converted the chandelier from gas to electric. The kid shot Hyrule a questioning look and he realized he’d been staring, quickly turning away and facing the hall ahead.
There were six doors, three on each side of the hall with tiny golden plaques adorning the wood with each apartment number. Hyrule winced as each step he took broadcast itself in loud squeaks, the maroon carpet rolled over the wood doing nothing to muffle them. Fortunately the apartment he was looking for was the first to his left, room 501, and he took a moment to check his pocket watch and take a few steadying breaths. Before he moved to knock on the door he heard the click of the knob, and a moment later the door tugged open to reveal a man dressed in a dark jacket with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. They narrowed for a second and Hyrule felt himself stiffen in fear before the man grabbed his arm and pulled him in.
The door shut quickly, trapping Hyrule in the mysterious apartment with a threatening stranger and no escape. He almost considered trying to bolt before his eyes landed on the teen sprawled over the loveseat ahead, long blonde hair spilling onto the ground while his bare feet rested over the couch back. His left side was covered in a layer of streaking pink scars that pinched his eye slightly shut and twisted his mouth into a perpetual smirk. What made Hyrule pause however was the grin the kid shot him, warm and excited, and when he turned back to the other man he saw the tense posture had relaxed significantly.
“You’re from the agency, right?” the man asked, voice a bit tired and hopeful, like he’d been through this song and dance several times before.
“Ah, y-yes! My name is Hyrule, it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Hyrule stretched out his hand and the man shook it readily, firm, and Hyrule felt himself begin to relax slightly.
“I’m Twilight. Why don’t you have a seat and I’ll fill you in on why I called.” Twilight offered a small smile and Hyrule let himself be guided to sit in a high backed armchair opposite the loveseat. Twilight shoved the teen’s legs off the back and came to sit beside him as he readjusted into a cross-legged position, grin still wide on his face.
“I’m Wild by the way,” Wild waved, Twilight nodding somewhat resigned.
“It’s nice to meet you, Wild,” Hyrule nodded despite the odd name, smiling at the thanks Twilight mouthed at him.
“Alright, so,” Twilight huffed, crossing his legs and straightening his back. Hyrule perked up, pulling a notepad and pencil from his jacket pocket and flipping open to a blank page. “I didn’t say much on the phone last night because this is a… well, a sensitive case, let’s say.”
Hyrule hummed, curiosity easing his anxiety enough to shine through. “A murder, yes?”
Twilight winced and Wild snickered at his side.
“Yes and no…” Twilight shot Wild a glare. “See, it hasn’t exactly happened yet.”
Hyrule paused. Huh.
“So you heard that a murder is being planned and you called us to help prevent it?” Hyrule surmised, only to be met with more laughter from Wild. Twilight shoved him but the teen only hid his smile behind a hand in response.
“Not exactly,” Twilight sighed, and Hyrule noticed the dark circles beneath his eyes. “You see, we have this odd neighbor at the end of the hall, and--”
“Twilight saw the guy’s ghost in a dream and is convinced he’s going to be killed.” Wild cut in, ignoring the sharp glare Twilight shot his way.
“Well, that’s a new one.” Hyrule raised his eyebrows, taking in the giggling teen and Twilight’s tired expression.
“It wasn’t a dream, I saw him, or at least I think I did.” Twilight sighed, fixing Hyrule with pleading eyes. “It must have been a ghost because he just appeared out of nowhere in the hall, covered in blood, and told me to call the cops. I did, but when they arrived they said nothing was wrong and I must have been seeing things. But I have a bad feeling about it, something isn’t right. I just want to make sure the Old Man’s okay.”
“When was this exactly? Have you checked on him yourself?” Hyrule tapped his pencil on the notepad, mulling over Twilight’s words. This certainly was an interesting case, and while he wasn’t sure how much he could truly do to help, he understood what Twilight meant. Hyrule trusted his own instincts--a bit too much according to Legend--but they hadn’t truly led him astray yet.
“This was a week ago. I checked on him right after I woke up the next morning. He was fine, not a scratch on him, but something tells me whatever is coming for him hasn’t yet.” Twilight twisted his fingers together nervously and Wild’s laughter petered off. “I’ve been hearing arguments from his apartment. More and more strange people have been coming to visit, and at odd times of the night. I think he’s gotten himself mixed up in something, but he’s pretty stoic and keeps to himself. I just worry…”
Alright, so maybe this case wasn’t as straightforward as he’d been led to believe, but Hyrule wasn’t deterred. Twilight’s words shone with honesty and he realized that the man was likely on his last attempt to find help. No one in their right mind would believe this story, no respectable detective would take on such a case. So it was a good thing Legend sent him, because Hyrule had literally nothing to lose.
“I’ll help you,” Hyrule announced, feeling a swell of confidence as Twilight smiled and Wild shook his head fondly. “If what you say is true there is cause for concern. I can start interviewing those close to him and keeping tabs. If he’s in trouble, we’ll find out, and I can make sure he stays safe.”
Well, he could try, but that was beside the point.
“Thank you so much,” Twilight said, already relaxing. “You don’t know how many detectives I’ve reached out to. They all say I’m crazy or trying to pull a prank.”
“Well, I’m here now, and I’ll get to the bottom of this.” Hyrule replied with far more confidence than he had. At least Legend had taught him one thing--how to bullshit. “So, why don’t we start with what you know about this man…”
Twilight sat back in the chair, Wild getting up to make tea in the adjacent kitchenette. Hyrule readied his pencil, hands steady as his nerves eased.
“We call him Time.”
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binkysteebnpewter · 4 years
I loved the thing you wrote for Wanda! It says your ask box is open, but i didn't know if that meant requests too.. so if they are open can i request Wanda and a non-avenger reader who is in college?
A/N: Of course! My requests are always open unless stated that they’re closed in my bio, so no worries sweetheart ☺️ I tried to create a similar writing as the last one I wrote, so I hope you enjoy!
Drabble Taglist: @softpeachbarnes
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Someone in my class talks, droning quietly about some unknown topic as the Professor drones on about the subject at hand for this unit. I don’t want to pay attention to them as they drone to their friends quietly, but at some point I’m drawn in to listen. They’re talking about socialism and communism, I’m in Anatomy. Why socialism? Why communism? Why in Anatomy class? We have a test this Wednesday, they must not be worried like the rest of it.
I text my mother and I text Wanda, my mother doesn’t respond for four days. I text her again only to realize it’s only been an hour an a half, and she hadn’t even read the text yet. A text from Wanda comes in, asking if I wanted to meet at the coffee shop after my classes— I agree, any time with my girlfriend would always make my day a million times better. Now if only I can drag through the rest of my day until then.
My class is in 226B, the door next to me reads 201A. I’m on the second floor of the wrong building, oh god the bell is about to ring. My breathing is rapid and wheezing by the time I slipped through my classrooms door just as the bell rang, I lower my head and take the only seat left— in the very back next to the girl who usually never speaks in class. She asks if I’m okay and it left me in shock, this kind of kindness wasn’t expected but it’s appreciated so much I can’t put it into words. I thank her, reassuring I’m just out of breath and tired— she says it’s a mood. We both face forward and pay attention to the professor, she’s talking about the essay we’ll all be writing.
Seventeen hundred words on two pages, it has to be a type three IELTS essay about a random topic she’s going to have us pick from the bowl. Great, just what I needed— another essay to write at the last minute on a cram night, Wanda on call telling me I shouldn’t procrastinate so much. At least I’ll hear Wanda talk, her voice is my motivator— my melody in life.
My transcripts tells me I have an A in Sociology and Psychology. I don’t remember taking those classes. When did I take those? What did I learn in those classes? What did I do in them? Who teaches them? We’re are those classes on campus? Maybe I can find my notes from those classes in my apartment later, if I sore the time to search for them.
I walk into my apartment building, heading straight for the elevator. My elevator buddy isn’t here today, I never talk to them but I’m a little sad they aren’t here. After picking up the books I need for the rest of my classes and dropping off the ones I don’t need, I leave quickly for campus again. I stop by the main office to see about my college activities. My advisor refers me to the registrar, the registrar doesn’t exist? I change course and go back to my advisor, she isn’t here? Her office is a room I cannot find within a never ending maze now, I leave for class instead.
The boy who sits next to me in class chews on his pen, the chewing sound picks at my nerves. He wears the same brown pants and the same yellow hoodie everyday, his shirts are always about flowers or comic characters— I like his shirt today, it’s a 90s daisy print tee. He’s happy I liked his shirt, he tells me he found it on Etsy. With three minutes before the start of class, I find the same shirt he’s wearing from Etsy. It’s from GoldieVintageStore, I splurge and order the shirt— it’s cute, okay?
As class begins, my professor is upbeat today. I wonder how much coffee he’s had with vodka in it, he’s never this upbeat. It’s a little easier to pay attention to him like this, he trips and stumbles as he moves around to write on the whiteboard— it gets snickers from the class and he smiles at our amusement. He’s peppy today, maybe we won’t have much homework to do. Someone answers communism, it is not someone who was previously mentioned. The question was simple and easy, not related to the types of governments— “What is an example of medicine from Ancient Greece?”
My last two professors of the day are always the strangest, computer science and calculus. Calculus is like taking acid: the professor wears bright colors and crazy clothes, her PowerPoint is always in colorful comic sans, it passes by like Time took bath salts on a sunny day. My Computer Science professor is the exact opposite, monochromatic with a single flat tone voice. I’m convinced his an extraterrestrial by the amount of peanut butter he always consumes, he always has a new jar every day and he eats it by itself all throughout class with a spoon.
By the time my day is done at campus it’s already 4:35pm, I have three texts from mom and two from Wanda. I head straight for the coffee shop, Wanda was on her way there ten minutes ago. When I arrive, she’s already in a booth. Sliding in with a heavy sigh, I set my books down in the booth with me. She smiles and asks how my day was, I give her an exhausted look but smile nonetheless. I love her so much, her smile is the moon in my life— soft and bright, always returning.
“It was exhausting... but it’s so much better now.”
“Why? Because I am here?”
She was teasing, but blushes when I tell her yes. She always blushes when I tell her she brightens my day. I love making her blush, she’s the cutest being in the entire world to me.
“I’ll go up and order for us,”
Before I could protest and offer to do it for her, she was out of the booth and off to the counter. I lean back and look around the mellow coffee shop. Not too many people were here at this time, so it’s pretty peaceful. Mellow music played softly in the background, the charge of people walking outside mixes in with it. Honking cars, yells for a cab, vendors calling out advertisements and prices for their food. She comes back quicker than I expected, or did I just zone out for that long watching people bustle about outside the window?
“Iced Expresso with sweetened 2% milk, just like you like.” She smiles, moving on to set down a bagel with cream cheese as well.
“Thanks doll..”
I knew she was aware how much I appreciated everything she did, because she smiled and kissed my cheek—moving my books to her seat and sitting beside me instead. Smiling to her as we held hands, I asked about her day. I couldn’t help but admire her as I listened to her talk about Pietro bugging her all morning and then how she trained with Steve. Her hair was curled slightly, her lips stained slightly rose from the lip stain I gave her the other day, her liner was soft and low key today— God, she is absolutely ethereal.
“Miere, would you like to spend the night over at the compound? You do not have classes tomorrow, right?”
“Oh, I don’t have any until the afternoon... I have calculus at 2pm..”
She smiles as she asked me I’d stay the night with her tonight, and I agree. I’m glad I cut my nails last night and filed them, I knew what was in store for us both.
“I love you, Miere.”
“I love you, Wanda.”
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Oops! Turned out a bit longer than expected but I hope you like it! 💗✨
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lastbluetardis · 5 years
Family of Six (14/14)
After James and Rose bring their newborn twins home, they work to find a balance between all four of their children, and each other. Ten x Rose AU, Soulmates AU.
This chapter: Teen, 7600 words
Ages of the Tyler-McCrimmons at the start of the chapter: James: 39, Rose: 34, Ainsley: 9, Sianin: 6, Twins: 5 months
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AO3 | TSP | FF | Perfectly Matched Series
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13 | Ch14
The Monday after his blowup with Rodney, James dreaded going into the university. It broke Rose’s heart to see him dawdling through his morning routine, allowing himself to get distracted with the girls to keep him from leaving for work. He asked to bottle-feed the twins, and while he did that, he played a game of Scrabble with Ainsley over the breakfast table.
Rose stood behind James’s chair and draped her arms around his neck to watch him play the word “veneer”.
“What’s that?” Ainsley asked, cocking her head to the side.
“A layer of something to make it more aesthetically pleasing,” James answered. “Usually applied to old wood or stone to make it look a bit nicer.”
Rose could almost see the gears of Ainsley’s mind working as she catalogued the word, then shifted her attention to her own playing tiles.
“You don’t go easy on her, do you?” Rose murmured into his ear.
“She’d fillet me alive if she knew I let her win at this,” James retorted.
Rose watched her daughter set down the word “quiver” with a proud smirk that looked just like her father. The ‘q’ landed on a double letter bonus and the ‘e’ reached the double word bonus, earning her a grand total of fifty-six points.
“Do you feel sorry for her anymore?” James pouted, scribbling down her score. With that word, she had soared into a healthy lead.
“Not one bit,” Rose said, grinning. “Though I’m beginning to feel sorry for you.”
“How is that game any fun?” Sianin asked as she stuffed a spoonful of oatmeal into her mouth. “It’s like school all over again. We’re on summer holiday, Ainsley.”
“It’s fun to try and make words from a random assortment of letters,” Ainsley said, pulling a new set of tiles from the velvet bag.
“We have very different ideas of fun,” Sianin grumbled.
Rose snorted, and contented herself to stand behind her husband and watch the progress of the game. When it was over—with James narrowly winning by three points—and the twins had finished eating, James jumped up to help with the dishes.
“No, you’ve got to get to work,” Rose said gently, placing a hand on his chest to halt him from going to the sink.
His face fell.
“We’ll be by for lunch,” Rose reminded, rubbing her hand up and down his chest. “Just think of that. A little less than four hours to get through before you see my glorious face again.”
The corners of his mouth lifted in a halfhearted attempt at a smile.
“I love you very much,” Rose said, sliding her hands up until she could wrap her arms around his neck.
He hugged her tightly.
“It’ll be okay, love,” she whispered into his ear. “It’ll be okay. You’ve got some students coming to your office this morning, then you’ll have lunch with me and the girls, then you’re covering what’s-his-name’s class this afternoon. After that, you can come home. See? Easy peasy.”
“I know,” he sighed, turning his head to kiss her cheek. “Thanks.”
She gave him one final squeeze then released him. After goodbye kisses to the girls, James scooped up his bag and coffee thermos and headed out the door.
“What’s wrong with Dad?” Ainsley asked, settling beside Rose at the sink to help with the dishes.
“He had a small argument with one of the people he works with, and he’s a little nervous to see him,” Rose answered. 
“What were they arguing about?” Sianin asked.
“It’s none of our business,” Rose said.
“But Daddy told you,” Sianin pointed out.
“Okay, it’s none of your business,” Rose amended. “It’s grown-up problems.”
Sianin let out a long-suffering sigh, but didn’t push any further.
All morning, Rose worried about James. She wrote encouraging messages on her arms, as well as little doodles and outlandish declarations of love. He drew smiley faces beside each note, or a series of x’s and o’s, but otherwise didn’t respond.
When it was time to meet James for lunch, Rose corralled the girls into the car along with a bag of swimming gear, as she promised to take them to the pool that afternoon.
“Sian, take Ainsley’s hand,” Rose commanded as she worked on getting the twins set up in their pram in the university car park. “And don’t go anywhere.”
“There’s no one around,” Sianin said.
“It’s good practice,” Rose said. “Besides, in a couple years, you and Ainsley will be big helpers to make sure the twins don’t go racing off across the road.”
As she buckled the twins into the buggy, she heard Ainsley and Sianin sniping at each other. It didn’t sound too rude, so she let them handle it themselves.
“Ready?” she asked.
Ainsley and Sianin turned to her and nodded. Ainsley kept hold of Sianin’s hand as they walked towards the science building. Once inside, Rose waved cheerily at the employees in the front office and ducked inside so they could ooh and ahh over the twins and exclaim about how big Ainsley and Sianin were getting.
Five minutes later, Rose loaded the kids into the lift to take them to James’s office on the sixth floor. Knowing the way, Sianin bolted out of the lift the moment the doors opened and nearly jogged down the corridor.
“We use our walking feet when we’re indoors,” Rose called after her.
Sianin made a small effort to slow down her pace, but when James poked his head out of his office, she sped into a full-out sprint.
“Daddy!” she squealed, as though she hadn’t seen him in four days rather than four hours.
“Indoor voice,” Rose chastised, but she couldn’t help but smile as Sianin jumped into her father’s open arms.
“How is my favorite six-year-old doing today?” James asked, pressing a kiss to Sianin’s cheek as he stood with her on his hip.
“Good,” she replied. “How’s my favorite daddy?”
“Favorite daddy?” James squawked. “Last I checked, I was your only daddy.”
He bounced her in his arms and tickled her ribs, making her squirm and laugh, batting at his hands. The sound of an office door—Rodney’s—slamming shut startled him into stopping.
“Oops,” Sianin whispered, cringing. “Sorry.”
“It wasn’t you, darling. Your volume was fine,” James said firmly.
He gave her a squeeze and set her on her feet, then greeted the rest of his family. He kissed the top of Ainsley’s head, then peeked into the baby buggy, but both twins were napping. With a bright smile that never failed to turn her bones to liquid, he turned to Rose.
“Hi,” she said, smiling back at him. “Have a good morning?”
She tilted her cheek towards his offered kiss.
“Yeah, it wasn’t bad,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. Addressing the girls, he asked “Ready for lunch?”
Ainsley and Sianin led the way back to the lifts, leaving their parents behind. James slipped his arm around Rose’s waist and kept pace with her down the long corridor.
James hadn’t been lying to Rose when he said her opinion of him as a father and husband was the only one that mattered to him. However, it wasn’t enjoyable to be surrounded by people who, he now realized, had been silently judging him. Nevertheless, he kept his head high and a smile on his face as he passed his coworkers in the corridors.
With his shortened summer term hours, he didn’t need to spend too much time at the university. Any time he did spend there, he was either teaching, marking papers, or meeting with students to help them with material they didn’t understand. After all of his work was finished for the day, he was free to go back home to his family. He wasn’t sure how he would adapt when the fall term started; he certainly couldn’t hide in his office for eight hours every day.
Lunchtime was the hardest for him. He usually would eat in the faculty lounge with the rest of his coworkers, but ever since that dreadful confrontation between him and Rodney that everyone had witnessed, it had become awkward.
So James took to eating alone in his office. If he felt particularly pathetic, he would ask Rose to join him. If the weather was nice, he would eat outside or trek to the dining hall, where there was a faculty lunchroom on one of the upper floors.
He usually sat alone, but one day, a stranger decided to dine with him.
“You’re new here.”
James was absently twirling his fork through noodles when a woman slid gracefully into the seat across from him at the little two-person table he was eating at. The woman was around his age, give or take a few years, with big bushy curly hair.
“I’m Professor River Song,” the woman said, extending a hand towards him. “Anthropology department, focus in archaeology.”
James set down his fork and took her hand, shaking it once. “Professor James Tyler-McCrimmon. Physics department. And chemistry, I s’pose. They’re in the same building. They sort of overlap, don’t they? Well, depending on the topic. But they complement each other nicely.”
James’s cheeks heated at his rambling, but the woman just smiled at him in amusement.
“How long have you been here?” River asked, spearing her fork through her plate of pasta.
“Oh, I’m not new,” James explained, remembering her opening line. “Nah, I recently decided to take my lunches here. New experiences and all.”
The woman looked like she didn’t believe him, but she didn’t press it. Instead, she asked him about his research interests and what he had studied in graduate school. She, in turn, told him about her graduate school experience, and how she’d gotten to travel across the world to various archives to write her thesis.
They talked for over an hour until River’s phone chimed.
“Oh, hell,” she sighed. “I’m twenty minutes late for a meeting.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you,” James said, hoping none of his own students had stopped by yet for office hours. “I should probably get going too.”
“This was nice,” River said, sliding her phone back into her pocket. “We should meet up again some time.”
“I’d like that,” James said, smiling.
“Laters,” River said with a wink, then she strode out of the dining hall.
James met up with River a couple times a week for lunch, talking about everything and nothing. They had similar interests outside of the university, and often discussed politics or sports or books. Taking lunch with her made the work day much more tolerable; he was glad to have a friend who wasn’t associated with any of the drama happening within the department. 
Rodney had well and truly written James off and barely acted as though he existed, causing the rest of their coworkers to walk on eggshells around them both. Mark, it seemed, was the only one who stood up for James; however, James often saw Mark chatting and laughing with Rodney, too. He tried not to be too offended. 
He confided in River a little bit about what was going on between him and his colleagues without going into specific details. He merely told her that he and his mates had “very different opinions that made situations slightly uncomfortable”.
“That sounds like a load of shit,” River said cheerfully. “And extremely unprofessional. Grown adults should be able to put aside their differences, eh?”
James rolled his eyes and sniffed. “I won’t set aside my morals to make peace with someone.”
“Not sure taking the high road is working in your favor, mate,” River drawled.
“I made a new friend out of it,” James said, gesturing towards her.
Her eyes twinkled as she grinned at him, and they continued their banter until James’s phone buzzed in a text.
Pipe burst under the sink in our room. Plumber can’t come ‘til tomorrow morning. I’m currently sifting through the mess.
“Oh dear,” he murmured under his breath. “So sorry, River, but I’ve got a wee emergency at home. Burst pipe.”
“Sounds like a delight,” River said, sipping her coffee. “Take care, James.”
He hastily bade his goodbyes than rushed home to help Rose. He didn’t know exactly what he could do to help, but he was sure she would appreciate another set of hands to clean up.
When he arrived at the house, he found the twins in the living room and Rose in their en suite, sitting before a damp vanity and shoulders-deep into the cabinet beneath.
“Where are Ainsley and Sianin?”
She flinched. He winced when he heard a thunk.
“Shit,” she hissed, massaging her elbow as she retreated from the cabinet.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, folding his legs under him as he sank to the floor beside her.
“Your dad offered to entertain them for the afternoon,” she said. “Good luck to him, though; Ainsley’s in a mood today.”
“Oh?” he asked, frowning.
“Yeah, it was weird. She had a bit of an attitude and was short-tempered with everyone. Not sure who pissed in her cereal, but I was so tempted to shut her away in her room until she sorted through whatever mood she was in. Then I lost my temper with her when she flat-out refused to move from the sofa to grab a bag of nappies from the nursery. She then claimed I’m a lazy mother for always making her look after her little siblings.” Rose rubbed her palm into her eyes. “I thought she liked helping with Sianin and the twins.”
“She does,” James soothed. “She’s just… having a really bad day, I suppose.” He rested his hand on her thigh and gave it a squeeze. “I’m sorry love. And I’m sure she is too. You can talk it out when you’re both in better moods.” He jutted his chin towards the open cabinet door. “Have you shut off the water line to those pipes?”
“Nah, I figured I’d let it keep dripping all over our stuff.”
James pinched her leg, then scooted closer to the cabinet to reach inside and haul item after item out for inspection. 
For the next hour, they worked together to mop up the water and sift through everything to determine what could or could not be salvaged.
“We’ll have to remember to replace those,” James said, inclining his head to the soggy, ruined box of tampons and pads. “And soon. You’re just about due, aren’t you?”
Rose hummed noncommittally, as though she hadn’t particularly heard him, and continued taking inventory of her makeup kit. Entire palettes of eye shadow and rouge and foundation had been lost.
James chucked a couple rolls of toilet paper into the garbage bag between them when Rose asked, “What’s the date?”
Her voice was faint, and he turned to her. Her cheeks had lost all color.
“You all right?”
“What’s the date?” she repeated impatiently.
“Ehm… August seventh? Eighth?”
Rose scrabbled for her mobile and began tapping at the screen, muttering under her breath. She ticked her fingers against her leg, as though keeping count.
“Rose, what’s the matter?”
“It can’t be… I can’t be!” Before he could ask again, she said, “I didn’t get my period. It should’ve come… I don’t know when. Two weeks ago? I can’t bloody remember when it was I last had it.”
James’s ears began to ring dully, sure he’d misheard her. “Excuse me?”
“I missed my period.” She buried her face into her hands, digging her palms into her eyes. “I can’t be pregnant. I can’t be. We’ve been careful!”
“Not necessarily,” James said, his stomach churning uncomfortably. “There have been a few times we’ve chanced it, when you said we were safe.”
“So this is my fault?” Rose snapped.
“Of course not. I didn’t mean it like that.”
Rose’s shoulders slumped. “Shit. Shit shit shit!”
James mechanically rose to his feet, his brain full of cotton and static as he tried and failed to process the influx of information. But he took it one step at a time, and the first step was to actually confirm their suspicion. “I’ll go out and buy a test. I’ll be back.”
“Shit, James. What are we going to do?” The helplessness in her voice broke his heart.
“You are going to stay here and continue cleaning up,” James said, nodding to their soaked cabinet. “I am going to go out and buy a pregnancy test. And then we’ll figure out what to do. Together.”
James walked out of the room without another word. He gathered his keys and wallet and made his way to the chemist’s.
Pregnant. Rose might be pregnant. Again. The universe must be playing a cruel joke on them, for making it so difficult to conceive the last time around, only to bring them an unplanned pregnancy mere months after they’d had their twins.
She might not be, said a little voice in his head. Don’t panic until you know for certain.
James tried to listen to the little voice in his head, but it was hard. He didn’t know if it made him a worse father for wishing Rose wasn’t pregnant, or for dreading the idea that she was.
Time blurred around him. He was vaguely aware of the drive into town then back home again, a small bag of pregnancy tests in the passenger’s seat.
Rose had made no more progress on cleaning their en suite, but he didn’t blame her. She was sitting in the exact same position as when he’d left her, and she jumped when he called her name softly.
He wordlessly handed her the bag of three pregnancy tests, then sat on the floor to wait. She joined him a minute later, and together they stared at the developing tests.
Slowly, a faint little negative sign bloomed across three different test windows.
Not pregnant.
James breathed out a sigh of relief, the tension flowing out of his body.
“Dodged that bullet.” Though Rose’s words were grateful, her tone was clipped.
He turned his head to look at her, but she had her eyes locked on the three tests in front of her.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah.” She smiled at him, but the expression was brittle, and her eyes made it seem like she wasn’t seeing him. “Really. I didn’t want to be pregnant.”
He nodded slowly, wanting to believe her.
She stood abruptly. “I need some air. I’m going for a walk.”
“Talk to me,” he said, shooting to his feet.
“Please, James. I need a minute.”
Déjà vu squeezed his lungs until he couldn’t breathe. How many times had she been so disappointed by a negative test result that she’d gone on a run to brood in her thoughts? How many times had she gone off on her own and cried over her heartbreak and feelings of failure? How many times had he overlooked just how upset she was?
“Don’t shut me out,” he begged. “Please. Talk to me. Please.”
“How can I talk to you about what I’m feeling when I don’t even know how I feel?” Rose asked, her tone a little sharp. “Please, James. I need to think. Let me think. Then we’ll talk.”
“Promise?” he rasped, feeling childish for making her swear it.
Her face softened. “Cross my heart.” She drew an X across her chest, then across his, like he always did with their kids. “I need to be alone for a little while, but I’m not shutting you out.” Something in her eyes cleared, and her brows furrowed. “Are you okay? Will you be okay if I leave?”
Part of him selfishly wanted to tell her no, but he wouldn’t make her stay when she wanted space to think alone. So he nodded, and focused hard on breathing. Rose said she was okay, and that they’d talk. He had to trust that, to trust her. They would talk. They would sort out their emotions. They would be okay.
He repeated that mantra again and again as Rose pulled on her shoes.
“I’ll be back within an hour,” she promised.
He nodded, and then she was gone.
His brain screamed at him to go after her, to demand that they talk right now and fix whatever it was that was bothering her. He needed to know if she genuinely was happy that they weren’t pregnant.
What if she realized she was upset by the test result? Unbidden, he was taken back five years, to when Rose had taken a pregnancy test that turned out negative but sparked their desire for another baby. Was history repeating itself? Would Rose realize she wanted another baby, and they would go back down that road of uncertainty and failure and heartbreak and…?
Stop it, he hissed.
Desperately needing a distraction, he wandered into the living room where the twins were napping in their swings. The knot in his chest loosened as he beheld the two beautiful babies that were the end result of his and Rose’s pain. They were worth it. He would do it all again if it meant having Hannah and Maddie in his life.
But he didn’t particularly want to do it all again. He didn’t want to see the devastation on Rose’s face as they tried and failed month after month to make a baby. Besides, wasn’t their little family perfect as it was? Did he even want more children? Surely if he said he was finished fathering children, Rose wouldn’t make them try for another baby? But was he even one-hundred percent sure that he was done fathering children?
He tried to think ahead a few years. The spread of ages of their children was quite varied. By the time the twins were toddlers, Ainsley would be almost a teenager. Would he want to start over again with a baby when Ainsley was going through puberty and Sianin was only a few years away from it, too?
But on the other hand, if they wanted another baby, it would probably be a good idea to have one within a couple of years so that the new baby would be relatively close in age with the twins. However, they had twins. They already came as a paired, package deal. They could entertain each other as they grew up.
James’s head began to throb, and he sank to his bum in front of his babies. “Oh, my darlings, your daddy is having a day.”
He slowed the rocking of the swings and unbuckled each twin, bringing them onto the floor with him. Though they each stirred upon being moved, they eventually fell back to sleep. He lay down beside them and gazed into their faces.
They were the most gorgeous things he’d ever seen. Their soft, pale skin. Their little button noses. Their fair hair. He grudgingly had to admit that Rose might be right: their hair did appear as though it was growing in red. He made a note to ask Rose where the red-haired gene came from—her father had had red hair, hadn’t he? And Donna had gotten her red hair from somewhere. Though they were distantly related, those genes were swirling somewhere inside of him too.
“I love you both so much,” he murmured to the twins, his throat closing. “I love you so, so much.”
Tears burned behind his eyes as he watched his babies sleep. He didn’t know how he could feel simultaneously happy and sad. How he could feel like smiling and crying.
“Do you think you two would like having a baby sibling one day?” he mused, watching the rise and fall of their chests as he breathed. “Or do you think our family is complete as it is. A family of six. Six is a great number, innit? Half a dozen. Way better than the family of four that we used to be before you two came along. Though what about a family of seven? Oh, Lord. What if we had another set of twins? Family of eight? That might be a bit much, eh? Oh, I dunno…”
He heaved out a sigh that was loud enough to make Maddie flinch. “Sorry, darling. Daddy’s having a bit of trouble right now. You see, your mummy thought she might be pregnant again. She’s not. And I think she might be a wee bit upset about it, even though she said she’s not. Am I being paranoid? Am I overthinking things? I probably am. I wish she’d come home so we could talk.
“What if she wants another baby, though? I have no idea if I want another one. I mean, we just got you two. I’d like to enjoy you both for a little longer before considering adding a new baby to the mix. Obviously if your mummy fell pregnant a couple months from now, I would love that baby so much. I love all of my babies. But I think it’d be a bit hard.
“What am I even doing? Why am I obsessing over this when I don’t even know what your mummy is thinking?”
He scrubbed a hand over his face and continued chatting softly to his sleeping babies as he waited for his wife to come home.
True to her word, Rose returned home fifty-three minutes later. He was still on the floor, but pushed himself to a sitting position when she walked in.
“I’m so sorry,” she said by way of greeting. “I’m sorry I just… ran out on you.”
“Are you feeling better?” he asked, patting the floor beside him.
Rose plopped down beside him and scooted the twins closer to them. She began absently playing with Hannah’s feet as she said, “Yeah, I am. I’m sorry. I got stuck in my head, in my memories. Seeing those negative tests brought back all the times I sat on that very floor in our loo, praying for a positive result. Only today, I was praying for a negative one. And even though the test came out the way I wanted it to, I couldn’t seem to escape all of the times I’d had my heart shattered again and again over the course of four years. And not just my heart, but yours too. I kept seeing your disappointment and hurt in my head, and being in that room, sitting there with you… it made it all come rushing back, and it was just as painful as it was the first time ‘round. But at the same time, I was so relieved to not be pregnant again. I was confused and needed to be alone somewhere that didn’t have memories associated with it. I’m sorry.”
James placed his arm around her shoulders and tugged her into his side. “I understand. You don’t need to apologize. I completely understand what it’s like to get stuck in your head. Well, my head. You know what I mean. Are you okay?”
“I am, yeah,” she said. “Are you?”
“I am now,” he replied. “I… I’ll admit I was panicking a little bit while you were gone. But Hannah and Maddie are great little listeners.”
“Your turn. What were you panicking about?” she asked.
“It’s stupid,” he confessed, because it really was now.
“It’s not,” she argued. “Please, James?”
“I thought you would decide you wanted another baby, which would put us back on the track we were in five years ago. I began panicking that we were about to spend the next four years trying and failing to get pregnant.”
Rose let go of Hannah’s feet and turned into him to wrap her arms around his waist. He clutched her fiercely to him, burying his nose in her hair. It smelled like wind and sunshine and summertime.
“I love you,” she whispered into his neck.
“Love you, too,” he mumbled into her hair. He pulled back to look her in the eye. “We’re okay, right?”
“Yeah, we’re okay,” she answered, smiling faintly. “Though I’m upset this brought back bad memories for the both of us. I mean, it’s been years, and we’ve got the twins now. I guess I’d thought we put all of those demons to rest, y’know?”
“We went through something traumatic,” he said gently. “An old wound is still a wound, no matter how healed you think it is.” He paused, but then asked, “So… is this indicative that we’re done having children? If we were so relieved we’re not expecting again, does this mean we’re happy with our family as it is? If so, we can get some sort of permanent birth control performed. It doesn’t even have to be you; I’ll gladly have my bits snipped away, just say the word and…”
“Slow it down, love,” Rose said, amused. “I don’t know how permanent I want our birth control to be. I don’t know if our family is complete as it is. I am perfectly content with my life, and I’m so happy and in love with you and our girls. But I don’t know if I’m done having children. Unless…” She cocked her head to the side. “Are you finished having children? Are you dead set against any more?”
“What if I said I was?” James asked carefully, trying to buy himself some time. Despite brooding over it for the past hour, he still hadn’t come to a conclusion about whether he wanted to have more children or not.
“Then I’d happily drive you to the hospital tomorrow to get your bits snipped off,” she said playfully. More seriously, she added, “I don’t want any more babies unless you do as well.”
“Before anyone snips at my bits, let’s take some time, eh? I think I’m in the same boat as you… I don’t know if I’m ready to permanently close myself off to the idea of having more children. I don’t want any more right now, but within the next couple of years?” He shrugged. “And maybe I’ll never decide that I’m ready for another child. But can you make me a promise?”
“I’ll try,” Rose said, wary.
“If you decide one way or another—either you really want another baby or you really don’t—let me know immediately?”
“I will make that promise as long as you do, too,” Rose said.
“I promise,” he said. “Cross my heart, pinkie swear, deal.”
He drew an X across both of their chests, then hooked his little finger around hers, and finally shook her hand, sealing the vow. He grinned when Rose laughed at him.
“Oh, I love you, you daft nutter,” she said, her eyes bright.
“Your daft nutter loves you too. Very much.”
“I’ll have a chat with Elizabeth about alternate forms of birth control,” Rose said. “I don’t want to go back on the pill again; it threw my hormones and emotions all out of whack the last time I tried to go on it after Ainsley was born. But maybe there’s an injection or an implant or something I can get. I’ll try to remember to give her a call to schedule something.”
“Sounds good.” He leaned his head against hers. “Shall we go back to cleaning up?”
It took another hour or so to clean up the mess. When they were done, they loaded the twins into their car and drove over to Robert’s house to collect their eldest children. Robert and Sianin were in the front garden playing when they arrived.
“Mummy!” Sianin said, racing up to them. 
“Hi, baby. Are you having fun with Grandad?”
“Uh huh! Grandad said we had to play outside since Ainsley’s ill. He taught me something called football. But not football. American football! It’s played with a weird-shaped ball and nobody actually touches it with their feet.”
“Ainsley’s ill?” James repeated.
“Sianin, why don’t you start cleaning up?” Robert suggested. While she picked up the toys and games from the grass, he explained, “I think she might have gotten a migraine. She complained that her head hurt, then all of a sudden she said everything hurt. The TV was too loud, the lights too bright, her clothes too scratchy. I set her up in her bedroom. She’s been asleep for nearly three hours now.”
Rose made for the house, and James followed on her heels. They walked to the room Ainsley and Sianin shared when they slept over at Robert’s house, and saw their daughter curled in a tight ball with her pillow over top her head. She was utterly still except for the slight rise and fall of her chest.
Not wanting to disturb her, they backed out of the room.
“That might explain her short temper,” James mused.
“God, why didn’t she tell me she wasn’t feeling well?” Rose asked.
“Maybe she didn’t know what it was?” he suggested. “I’ve gotten migraines before where the first symptom was irritability because everything was too overstimulating. It’s not ‘til later that the headache and sensitivities began.”
“Still feel awful,” Rose mumbled.
“Speaking of feeling awful, we left the twins in the car.”
Rose groaned and jogged outside, but Robert had taken the babies out of the car and was sitting with them and Sianin in the grass. Sianin had both babies’ hands in each of hers and was rocking them backwards and forwards. Each baby was giggling and squirming with delight.
“Mummy, Daddy, watch this!” She then proceeded to push and pull the babies, sending them into another fit of laughter.
They stayed at Robert’s for another half hour. Ainsley eventually found them outside, and though she claimed she felt much better, she was pale and shaky.
James and Rose bade Robert farewell, then loaded up the kids into the car and drove home. Though she’d slept all afternoon, Ainsley immediately went to the couch and laid down.
“Let’s try to be quiet since Ainsley’s not feeling well,” James whispered to Sianin. “Indoor voice only, and the television must stay quiet.”
Sianin nodded and, to their surprise, she went to the sofa and sat by Ainsley’s head. The six-year-old stroked her elder sister’s hair and turned the television volume down so low that it was virtually impossible to hear.
Ainsley fell asleep almost immediately, and after a while, so did Sianin.
James and Rose took this opportunity to play with their babies. They cringed any time a baby squealed with delight, but when it was clear their oldest children were dead asleep, they stopped worrying so much about Hannah and Maddie staying quiet.
Both babies rolled all over the floor—the newest trick they’d learned—and James and Rose amused themselves by placing objects around the living room floor for the twins to roll to.
“James, look!”
James tore his attention from Hannah, who was more interested in sucking on her toes than rolling towards her stuffed rabbit, to look at Maddie. His heart nearly stopped when he saw his five-and-a-half-month-old baby was on her hands and knees. Though wobbly, she maintained the position.
“How’d she do that?” he demanded, racing across the floor to plop beside Rose and Maddie.
His sudden appearance startled Maddie, who flopped face-first onto the floor. Her eyes went wide, then scrunched as she let out a wail.
“Oh, no, darling,” James cooed, picking her up to set her on her bum. “Daddy’s sorry he frightened you. You’re all right. No harm done.”
Maddie blinked big wet eyes at him, her bottom lip pouting out. James smiled reassuringly at her, and she grinned in return.
“There we are,” he said, tickling her ribs lightly. He swiped his thumbs under her eyes to wipe away the unnecessary tears.
Maddie babbled out a string of sounds, then she reclined onto her back and rolled onto her tummy. She lifted her head to look at her parents, as though making sure they were watching her.
“Go on, Maddie,” Rose urged. “Let’s get up on those hands and knees again, eh?”
Maddie beamed, then she looked down at the floor, enthralled by her hands like she’d never seen them before. She then planted her palms on the rug and began doing pseudo-pushups.
“Come on,” Rose said. “You can do it, love.”
Maddie surged her weight backward, finally getting her knees under her.
“How marvelous, darling!” James breathed. He reached behind him for Rose’s mobile, and he opened up the camera app. He snapped a series of photos of Maddie on her hands and knees, then took a short video as she rocked herself.
She soon tired of the position, and she sprawled onto her stomach and rolled onto her back. She let out an annoyed squawk and lifted her hands into the air. Rose placed her index fingers in Maddie’s palms, and helped the baby sit up onto her bum. She grinned at them.
“Who’s my strong little girl?” Rose cooed, bouncing the baby’s hands in front of her. Maddie squealed happily, flailing her hands wildly. “You’re my strong little girl!”
Maddie leaned forward towards Rose, reaching out and babbling. Rose picked Maddie up and brought her to her chest. Rose leaned back against the couch, taking care not to disturb Ainsley and Sianin, and brought her knees up, letting Maddie sit back against her thighs.
“She’ll be crawling before we know it,” James said, tucking himself into Rose’s side.
Hannah noticed that her parents were no longer paying attention, and so she let out a loud shriek. James winced and crawled to his other baby. She beamed as he stared down at her.
“You can roll over to us, darling,” James said dryly, picking up the baby and crawling back to Rose and Maddie.
“But why would she when she has a daddy to carry her around everywhere?” Rose asked sweetly.
He stuck his tongue out at her.
“It’s going to become a madhouse when these two can get around on their own,” Rose said.
“Gotta start being conscious with baby proofing,” James agreed. “And getting Ainsley and Sianin to realize how important it is to be more careful around the house, too. No more leaving small pieces of things laying around. Covering electrical outlets.”
Rose sighed, taking Maddie’s hands in hers and clapping them together gently. The baby cooed and watched her hands in fascination.
“All right?” James asked.
“Yeah. The house just… it seems so much smaller now at the prospect of these two becoming mobile.”
“What do you mean?”
“Like… Ainsley and Sianin have their toys spread throughout the whole house. But we’re going to need to move them. At least the ones with small, loose pieces. We can move some of them to their bedrooms, but there’s already loads of toys in their rooms.”
“Sounds to me like we need to have a toy cleanse,” James teased. Rose didn’t answer, and James knocked his shoulder against hers. “What are you thinking?”
“That we ought to consider moving into a larger house,” she said honestly. “Meaning we ought to consider moving up to your family’s manor in Scotland.”
Rose nodded resolutely. “Our kids are only going to get bigger and start accumulating more stuff. And yeah, we can try to limit the amount of stuff they have, but I don’t want to force them to get rid of things they’re not ready to part with. And it’s just… all of the rooms in the house are taken. I feel awful that you have to mark papers in our bedroom when you want someplace quiet to go. And I don’t have a space with good lighting to work on my art, unless I want to do it here in the living room. And from our conversation this afternoon, what if we do decide to have another baby in the future? We have nowhere to put them. The manor is probably far too much room than we actually need, but—maybe I’m spoiled for saying this—I’d rather have too much space than not enough.”
“Rose, breathe,” James said, amused. “You don’t need to defend yourself, love.”
“Sorry,” she said sheepishly. 
“You’ve clearly been thinking about this for a while,” he noted curiously.
“Maybe a little bit. Though it’s always been in the back of my mind since learning we were having twins. D’you remember?”
Now that she’d mentioned it, he did recall the conversation they’d had upon returning home from the sonogram exam with the knowledge they were having two babies. They’d discussed moving to the Scottish manor one day, and clearly that day had arrived.
“Okay. So let’s say we decide to move up to Scotland,” James mused. “When would this move take place? Now? In a couple months? In a year?”
“I was thinking next summer,” Rose said. “That gives us plenty of time to get the girls mentally prepared to leave the only home they’ve ever known. And we would have time to get the manor ready, if any repairs or updates or renovations are needed.”
“We’d have to find a time to go up to Scotland to check out the house. Get an idea of what work we’d want done to it.”
“Christmastime,” Rose supplied. “We’ll be there anyway. Might as well poke around and make notes and maybe talk to a contractor or two.”
“You’ve considered everything, haven’t you?” he asked, tugging at the end of her ponytail.
“Perhaps,” Rose said. “And if we moved in the summertime, there’s the added bonus that the kids will have the summer to adjust to the move and their new home before starting at a new school.”
James smiled at his wife, incredulous and impressed with how well thought-out and planned her idea was. He reached over and rubbed Maddie’s belly slowly, watching the slow blink of her eyes as she succumbed to sleep, then turned to Hannah. She was chewing on the side of her fist, drool dripping down her chin and cheeks.
“Charming,” he drawled to his baby.
She beamed and gurgled up at him. He couldn’t help but smile back at her. His heart was so full of love for his family. Though a small pang went through his chest at leaving behind the home that he and Rose had raised their children in, he couldn’t deny that he would love to share his childhood home with his family.
“Would being in Scotland be too difficult?” Rose asked quietly. “For you or your dad? Because your mum…” She trailed off with a small, helpless shrug.
“I can only speak for myself, but no. I miss my mum, and will always miss my mum, but thinking of her doesn’t hurt anymore. At least, not usually. All I have left of her is my memories, and those are happy things. So no, I don’t think it would be too difficult to live in that house. Besides, I grew up mostly in the United States. From growing up, the Scottish house holds memories of holidays, and we’ve already had loads of holidays there since Mum died.”
“Will you let me know if you change your mind?” Rose asked, slipping her arm around his waist.
He nodded, and rested his cheek on top of her head. He glanced to the two babies in their arms, listened to the quiet breathing of Ainsley and Sianin behind him, and basked in the warmth of Rose radiating into his side. His entire world existed solely in this room, and his heart swelled with how much he loved his perfect little family.
“I think moving to Scotland is a good idea,” he concluded, kissing the crown of Rose’s head.
“You don’t want to think more about it?” she asked.
It felt like he’d already been thinking about it for eons. When he imagined his family in Scotland, a sense of rightness settled over him like a blanket, as though that was always where they were meant to end up. Part of him knew that it was inevitable; the house was always passed down through the family, and so he knew he would one day inherit it. But that didn’t mean he had to live there. However, he wanted to.
“No,” he said simply. “It logically makes the most sense, but more than that, I’m excited to move back home. Maybe I’ll get my Scottish accent back.”
He reverted back to the brogue that had disappeared as he had gotten older. He’d often been teased as a child for his Scottish accent, and so it had slowly morphed into a more refined English accent.
“You have no idea how sexy that is,” Rose murmured, eyes darkening.
He gave her a theatrical wink and knocked his shoulder into hers, leaning close to rumble, “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind later tonight… If you want…?”
She shoved her shoulder into his. “Behave.”
He laughed and pressed a kiss to her temple. “Right. So a new chapter awaits our little Tyler-McCrimmon brood, eh?”
“Seems like it,” Rose said, nestling her head into the crook of his shoulder. “So. Reconnaissance mission at Christmas, renovations next spring, relocation next summer?”
“Sounds like a plan,” James said with a happy hum. “A very alliterative plan.”
It was a good plan, and they both were smugly satisfied with themselves for such preemptive thinking.
They relaxed into each other, confident in the new direction their family was headed in.
The End
We’ve made it to the last chapter! This turned out to be nearly double the length I originally thought it would be. Thanks to everyone who has read this story.
As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated.
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writing-essence · 6 years
Switch Flipped - Sweet Pea
Chapter Two: Sober
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Andrews!Reader, Reggie Mantle x Andrews!Reader
Warnings: Riverdale being wack 🤷🏻‍♀️ also language
Summary: After your dad was shot by the black hood, Archie has gone off the deep end, little did you expect yourself to question your northside loyalties
Author’s Note: Slow burn with Sweet Pea. Slight relationship with Reggie. There’s lots more Sweet Pea in this one, I swear. Let me know if you want to be tagged! -Milla
Word Count: 2,608 (oops?)
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A few days had passed since the night of the rumble. Archie made an official apology video per Weatherbee's request and disbanded the red circle. Fred Andrews was relieved his fiery son blew out the flame. It wasn't easily spotted on the surface, but you could tell Archie still harbored hot coals in the pit of his stomach. This was most apparent by his grumbling about a certain Nick St. Clair over the blasts of his punching bag.
Reggie had time to cool down as well. The boy would never fail to jump at the chance to show off his athletism and masculinity in the name of dawning school spirit, so it wasn't a shock when he walked out your door that night. The next morning school had been suspiciously quiet due to the hushed details of Dilton Doiley's "mugging." When Reggie walked to your locker ready to lament his actions and announce the fall of the red circle, you didn't give him a chance. The scratches littering his face, the star of the show being a split lip, was enough to bury yourself back into the warmth of his chest. The gesture continued until the grating pitch of the bell rang through the halls bringing you back to the reality of linoleum floors. For a moment you thought the madness was over. It hadn't even started.
Currently, you were sitting in your room studying for a math test you knew was hopeless. Watching the tree outside your window sway in the harsh November breeze, you were surprising thankful your stress would be coming from the angles of triangles and not a circle tonight. The sun was beginning to set causing an orange tinge to flood your room. Basking in the momentary warmth, you decided to call Reggie for geometry advice. Maybe not actual advice, mostly reassurance you couldn't possibly do worse than he had in the same class the year before.
One ring
Two rings
Three rings
Four rings
Reggie always answered his phone, especially after what happened with Jason. He would never admit it, but he would sometimes panic if you didn't answer in the first three rings, even if he had dropped you off at home within the same hour. It took time for fear of losing people to trickle away. So why wasn't he answering? It could either be a sign of progress or a sign of something you couldn’t bear to think.  Hoping for the former you continued to struggle through the practice test your teacher had given you. A few hours had passed, and once again you were graced with four rings and no Reggie. Fighting the nervous jolt in your stomach, you texted Midge instead who you were convinced could anyone off a ledge. Her comforting words lulled you to sleep.
 A rude awakening prompted by none other than Alice Cooper, would answer why Reggie's trend of silence continued. An extravagant, to Riverdale standard, party. With jingle-jangle supplied by your supposedly out of business boyfriend. Your chest tightened as your lungs grew three times their size trying to catch up with your frantic breathing. Slowly you backed away from the cracked window at the side of the Cooper house you crouched behind while snooping. Bushes hugged your shins as you ran back to your yard. The next time you saw Reggie, it was over.
Not only had he been continuously lying about his possession of jingle-jangle but he did something you never thought him capable of. You built it in your mind Reggie was better than them than Jason, Chuck, or any other bulldog who wrote the worth of women on lists. He wasn't perfect by any means but not once did you think he would ever cheat. Archie tried his best to comfort you the days following the break. You knew he was there at the party and knew about Reggie and Josie. You didn't know whether you wanted to curse him out for not telling you or hug him for attempting to protect his little sister's heart.
Business at Pop’s had been slow since the first incident with the Black Hood.  Understandably so, a place that once emulated comfort through neon lights now had an ever presence of darkness. The counter in front of you glowed after being wiped clean for the countless time this afternoon. The cycle of texting Midge and cleaning suddenly broke by the chime of the door and laughter of boisterous teens. Glancing up from your phone your eyes trailed to the rambunctious rebels sporting serpents on their backs.  Hopefully, this encounter would be less dramatic than the last. You grabbed your notepad and headed toward the booth.
"I'm telling you guys the milkshakes are crazy good!"
"Ya know Topaz I'm not sure I trust any milkshake Jones introduced you to."
"Get over yourself Swe-"
"Hi, can I take your order?" You interrupted. Sitting before you was a petite girl sporting pink hair, and two uneasily familiar male faces. Your eyes widened as you examined the two boys sitting on the other side of the booth. The two serpents seemed to notice your saucer-sized eyes and realization seemingly struck them in the chest.
"Uh, guys?" The girl waved her hand in front of their frozen faces, "what's with the staring contest?"
"You're the northsider with the shit for brains brother," the statement came out more like a question from the taller serpent. You sucked in a breath and squeezed your pen tighter, the word, 'unfortunately,' escaped your lips during the exhale. "You know he ruined our drag race today-"
"Wait," the girl cut him off, the corners of her mouth curling up, "you're Archie's sister? Y/N right?" She finished as you turned to her. Your eyebrows furrowed. How would she know that? She seemed to be a mind reader when she continued, "Jughead mentioned you, I'm his friend Toni."
You had practically grown up with Jughead due to his friendship with Archie. He had grown to be one of your most trusted confidants especially during your party girl phase brought on by Reggie. You were forever grateful for Jughead's myriad of cover-ups, saving you weeks of being grounded to your room. You considered it retribution for the time he managed to spill an entire milkshake in your hair when he attempted a magician career during seventh grade. While the chocolate scent could have been worse, it quickly turned to spoiled milk even after the fourth washing. His affinity for being quick with words almost made up for that catastrophe. 
"Good to know he hasn't forgotten about me, not like I've known him since he had that dorky headgear," you jested at the girl sitting to your right.
"No way really?" For the first time, you saw a smile creep onto the larger boy's face. He elbowed his friend in the excitement of the humiliation of young Jughead Jones. Deciding not to ruin whatever reputation Jughead was building for himself on the south side you simply shrugged letting your smile twist into a smirk.
"So what can I get for you guys?" 
Minutes passed as you returned with their burgers and shakes. They politely thank you and returned to their conversation. For serpents, they weren't as intimidating as you suspected. They acted like regular teens, not thugs as many made them out to be. While they looked rougher around the edges in leather and ripped jeans, they were just goofy kids. Throughout the evening you stole glances at the wild crew, catching snippets of their amusing antics.
"Fangs if you blow one more straw wrapper in my hair I swear-"
"Chill out Toni-"
"Oh, I'll show you who needs to chill out-"
Needless to say that dispute ended with twenty wrappers covering Toni's side of the booth and a splatter of milkshake on his face. A chuckle slipped past your lips. You coughed in an attempt to cover up your eavesdropping, but the milkshake free boy wasn't fooled as he looked to your hunched form over the register. You avoided his gaze long enough for him to lose interest and turned back to his arguing friends. Once they had calmed, you decided it was a good time to ask if they were ready for the check. Closing was approaching quickly, and you weren't a fan of riding home alone in the dark.
"We can clean it up," Toni hurried. Your eyes scanned the disaster zone. Straw wrappers, ketchup drips, and milkshake splatters littered the once sparkling table. "Sorry," she smiled sheepishly then glared to the shorter boy who you assumed was Fangs.
"Don't worry about it," you shook your head returning the smile. After momentary consideration you sighed, "look I know my brother won't apologize for any trouble he's caused, I guess this is me saying sorry. I can clean it up its no problem. Afterall it is my job."
"I wouldn't say it's your job to clean up your brother's messes," the taller serpent responded crossing his arms.
"That's not what I meant," your smile faltered. 
You rang the trio up at the front after bussing their table. After a hushed argument about who should pay or how easy they could divide the bill into thirds, they decided on the classic game of rock, paper, scissors.  Fangs' rock lost to the other two's paper. Not before pining for a rematch he gave in, including a commendable tip. You tucked the money in the register and grabbed your washcloth and spray bottle, ready to charge the Mt. Everest of messes. Still wiping down the table you had noticed the group's failure to leave, they were staring back at you while whispering. Toni shrugged, Fangs tried to fist bump the giant next to him just to be met with a smack on the head from Toni. 
"Do you need a ride?" the tallest ask asked.
"Excuse me?" All you could do was blink as you stopped cleaning. Had you heard him right? Was he talking to you? Of course, he was talking to you; he was staring right at you.
"That's your bike out there right?" He pointed out the door's glass window to the bright yellow metal of your bike. You nodded. "It's getting late, and Jones is a serpent now. He talked about you like family, we take care of our own,” he shrugged with his hands in his jacket pockets.
Your eyes involuntarily squinted at his generous offer.  From squinting, they shifted between each serpent as if to decipher a secret code. From the sincere looks on the teen's faces, you decided they harbored no ill will. Your choices seemed slim, either bike home alone in the dark with the Black Hood lurking in the shadows or catch a ride from Jughead's mysterious serpent friend. Even if they looked genuine, you had to establish some form of protection in case of a disaster. You walked toward the group stopping in front of the boy who had asked you the question.
"Promise this isn't your master plan to murder me in Fox Forrest?" You held up your pinky to his chest. The boy's dark eyebrows nearly raised themselves off his forehead staring at your gesture. His eyes switched to look at his friends on either side.
"You're serious?" he asked incredulously, a laugh peaking through his inflection. Toni and Fangs had amused looks pointed towards their friend.
"Deadly," you answered unwaveringly back. He shook his head in defeat as his pinky hooked around yours. "I'll be out after I finish with your guys' table," you made your way back to the damp milkshake covered towel. An uncontrollable smile played upon your face. You had managed to get a Southside Serpent to agree to a pinky promise and lived to tell the tale; Midge wouldn't believe it.
After you finished cleaning and put away your supplies, you grabbed your jacket from under the front counter and headed out. The three teens were still there laughing about something Fangs had said. The poor boy had a bewildered look on his face asking what the big joke was. You grabbed your bike from the rack tucked by the front steps and wheeled it towards your temporary carpool buddy. He kindly tucked your bike in the back of his light green truck. You could tell it had been a fair amount of years since its last paint job. There were chips, scratches, a few dents here and there. You wouldn't have described it as run down, but well loved. 
"Um, thanks for the ride," you broke the minutes of silence since you both sat down.
"Don't worry about it," he dismissed.
You took in your surroundings. It wasn't messy like you would expect a vehicle of a teenage boy to be. The knob on the out of date radio had been knocked off, and the seats squeaked if you moved an inch. They squeaked a lot as you fidgeted in your place not knowing whether to look out the window, at the inside of the car, or towards the boy next to you. You decided on the last option. His eyes were transfixed on the road you assumed he traveled down the night of the rumble. A few rings decorated his hands that were draped lazily on the steering wheel. He had soft features which contrasted with his jet black hair. At this moment he didn't ooze an ounce of intimidation even with a snake dancing across his neck. The snake which was the symbol of a gang. A gang that your closest childhood friend got himself wrapped into.
"You good princess?" He glanced at your prying eyes.
"Uh yeah," you started caught off guard, "how's Jughead?"
"A tool," he deadpanned. You smiled at his look of distaste for your "quirky" friend.
"Yeah, you know he probably thinks the thing about you," you let out a light laugh. "Jughead's a lot sometimes, but he means well."
"Sure he does princess," he responded. Your nose scrunched up at the nickname. 
"I have a name you know," you insisted even going as far to point at the name tag on your uniform. Then you realized something. Toni had introduced herself, and you caught Fang's name from the straw wrapper war, but the name of who was sitting next to you was still a mystery.  "Speaking of which you're giving me a ride home, and I still have no idea what your name is"
"Quite the scandal for you huh northsider?" He taunted with a smile. You rolled your eyes crossing your arms sinking deeper in the stiff seat. "It's Sweet Pea."
"You're serious?" A breath of air puffed out of your chest. He had to be messing with you. You watched his face contort with a mischievous glint.
"Deadly," he smirked, repeating your words from Pop's.
"Right, well this is me," you said as he pulled up past the Cooper's to your smaller house. After unbuckling, you hopped down to the pavement and grabbed the door to close it, looking up at Sweet Pea.
"Need help with your bike?" He asked. You nodded mumbling a quick 'thanks.' He pulled your bike out the back, passing you the handlebars. After a more formal thank you, you started your up the walkway locking your bike up at the side of the house in the bushes. Before walking up to the porch, you turned back to Sweet Pea who was leaning against the side of his truck.
"See you around, princess," he concluded, a look of victory strewn across his face. You shook your head at the hopeless nickname but smiled nonetheless. 
"Night, Sweet Pea."
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loverofthefiction · 6 years
Summary: Sirius accidentally drinks Amortentia, the love potion, and falls for you.
Maruader’s Era!Sirius Black x reader
Word Count: 4337
Warnings: not much?? maybe some use of potions, being in love (but written horribly), and fluffffff
Author’s Note: wow this fic literally took me four months to write, which is insane. I worked so hard on it and I’m so happy I finished it lol. The end is a little rushed but other than that, I’m v proud of it :’)) Also, I’m working on so many other fics that may not be finished for a while so oops (including three series oof) but requests are sill open. Anyway, thank you for your time and enjoy!!
“Isn’t he just gorgeous?” Matilda sighed, her chin in her palm and sporting large heart eyes toward James, who was sitting at the Gryffindor table, a proud grin on his face. It was the day after yet another victorious Quidditch match, where he beat Slytherin for what seemed like the thousandth time (like he needed another reason to gloat).
“Uh huh, whatever you say,” you muttered, not really caring for what she had to say, your textbook was much more interesting than any comment she made over him.
“I mean, the way his eyes glimmer behind his glasses…” At this point, you had opted to completely ignore everything that came out of her mouth. You had heard every observation she had made about him for the past several years. It was best to pretend to care instead of actually listening.
It was that you were a bad friend (actually you were a saint for sticking with her for so long), you just had no interest in James. You much better preferred his best friend, Sirius, not that you had ever told Matilda that. In fact, you hadn’t told anyone about your crush; keeping things to yourself seemed like a better way to live life. You didn’t feel the need to go around telling everyone your biggest secret.
“Y/N? Are you listening?” Matilda’s voice snapped you out of your trance.
“I said,” she sighed at the fact that she had to repeat herself, “we’re learning about Amortentias in Potions today… and I think it’s the perfect time to ask James on a date to Hogsmeade, don’t you think?”
“Why would that be the perfect time?”
“Well, since we’re learning all about love, it just fits,” she shrugged.
“I… guess,” your furrowed your brow. At that moment, the bell rang, indicating that you had to start making your way to class. “Okay, come on love bug, let’s go to class.” She stuck out her tongue at you; she’s always hated that nickname, but you still called her that since it was perfect for the way she acted when she was around James. You grabbed your textbook and bag while Matilda grabbed hers as well, and made your way to Potions.
This class had to be yours and Matilda’s favorite. She loved it because she could gawk at James whenever she wanted. But you loved it for the actual subject (though Sirius was definitely a nice addition to what made the class so fun); making potions was a talent of yours and Slughorn liked to praise your concoctions whenever you made a perfect one.
As you entered class, you couldn’t help but notice the peculiar looking pink liquid in the middle of the classroom.
“Good afternoon, class,” Slughorn said after everyone had found their seats. “Today, is a very special day, for today, we are learning all about love potions.” A couple of people in the classroom, including Matilda, grew excited; their thoughts went wild over whatever person they were currently eyeing.
“Now, this potion is definitely not one to just be given about to whoever will drink it. It is very dangerous, not to mention the instructions for it is only fit for an advanced potion maker.” Slughorn looked around the classroom until his eyes finally landed on you.
“Ah, Y/N, would you be so kind as to come up and take a whiff of it? Tell us what you smell.” Your breath got caught in your throat as you were suddenly the center of attention. Your legs walked wobbly towards the center of the classroom and Slughorn gave you a reassuring smile as you sniffed the liquid.
“I smell… cologne, cinnamon, leather, and… sea breeze.” You took a deep breath as you realized that the person you had been describing was Sirius. Glancing at him, he didn’t seem to notice that all of the qualities you had just named were all things that made him who he is.
“Perfect, thank you very much, Y/N. The history of this special brew dates back to the 1800s…” Slughorn’s voice seemed to fade whenever you looked down at your textbook as soon as you got back to your seat. You had already read all about the potion in some book, so you knew you didn’t miss much. The thing that had distracted you, however, was the folded piece of parchment that Matilda had slid to you. You gave her a raised eyebrow, and she widened her eyes in return, implying that you should just open the note.
Rolling your eyes, you opened the small piece of paper which read ‘Do you think you would be able to prepare it?’
‘Why?’ You wrote back on a different piece of parchment and slipped it to her.
‘Because I think this is the perfect way for James to finally notice me!’ And that’s how it started.
You never thought a simple question (more like a plea) from Matilda would annoy you so much. She asked day in and day out for you to make the potion for her. She knew that you were more than likely to make such a difficult potion as if it were nothing. Yet, you still denied her.
You did not want her to use magic to make James fall in love with her; it was the wrong thing to do. But at this point, she had become so insistent that you had no choice to agree…
“Fine! Fine, I’ll do it! But you owe me!”
“Thank you so much, Y/N! You’re my bestest friend!” she squealed in delight, and she hugged the breath out of you.
“Yeah, yeah,” you muttered.
And so, you got to work. You had asked Slughorn for an hour or so in his classroom to try to mix a potion that helps with concentration because you “needed it with O.W.L.s coming up soon”. He had agreed, so nice to the student that showed so much enthusiasm to the subject he taught.
You followed the instructions carefully and after just two tries, you had made the perfect Amortentia. Now all you had to do was tell Matilda to mix it into James’ drink during breakfast, and she was golden.
“Are you sure it’ll work?” she asked anxiously.
“Yes, Mat, I’ve followed the recipe to a T. Everything will be alright,” you rolled her eyes. “Now go get it over with.”
“Okay, thank you, by the way, I’m really glad we’re friends,” she gave you a sweet and genuine smile, one you never really saw often.
“Me, too. Now go! The potion won’t get delivered by itself!”
It was a lazy morning for Sirius today; he had rolled out of bed with shut eyes and heavy limbs. He was glad it was the weekend, and he did not intend on doing any of his Transfiguration or Dark Arts homework. No, these two days were for a much-needed break from anything hectic going on in his life at the moment.
He simply put on whatever t-shirt was the nearest to him, not caring if it smelled or not, and walked to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. He groggily walked down to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. It was a little early on in the morning, not a lot of students had left their dorms yet (including the rest of the Marauders), so he sighed and sat down in his usual seat.
His mind was still a bit foggy from being only just awakened, so when he saw the goblet with a piece of parchment that said James’ name on it, he didn’t question anything. One look at the drink and he became intrigued. One sip wouldn’t hurt, he thought. I’m sure James won’t mind…
He raised the cup up to his lips and tasted the pink liquid. At first, he was taken aback by how weird it tasted; it was like a mixture of lilac, lemonade, and peppermint (which were all characteristics that came to mind when he thought of you). But then as the aftertaste started to kick in, all kinds of your traits rushed to him. He loved the way you pushed back your hair while you read a book, not caring about your appearance as if you weren’t the most beautiful girl in the world, because you were; he loved the way you showed confidence every time you raised your hand to answer a question you know you’d get correct, and then glowing after getting praised for being so smart; he loved the way you seemed to live in your own world, unfazed by whatever happened around you. But overall, he loved you.
“Morning, Padfoot,” James greeted, and he, Peter and Remus sat down next to Sirius, the three of them immediately digging into the toast and eggs.
“Have you ever noticed how pretty and smart Y/N is?” Sirius asked, his words baffling James but not Remus.
“So you’ve finally admitted to yourself that you like her?” Remus said as he spread jam onto a piece of bread.
“Like her? I’m in love with her.”
“Woah, wait, where is this coming from?” James asked, his brain not exactly comprehending what was going on.
“What do you mean?” Sirius asked.
“Well, you never talk about girls like that, they’ve always just been objects for you to snog,” James furrowed his eyebrows.
“Haven’t you ever thought that I snog girls because I’m trying to take my mind off of Y/N?”
“Not really…” James carried off.
“Well, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. It’s just taken me extra long to figure it out.”
James, Peter, and Remus looked at each other, obviously knowing right away that there was something… off about the way he talked about you. Sirius for one wasn’t someone who talked about his feelings all that much. For him to be so open about his ‘love’ (as he put it), was out of character. Although it was quite obvious to them that he had a bit of a crush on you; hiding his longing stares and heart eyes wasn’t a talent of his.
“Oh, look!” he exclaimed as you walked in, your hair up in a messy bun and a pair of old pajama pants with a couple tears here and there seemed to accentuate your beauty on a new level to him. “There she is! Isn’t she gorgeous?”
“Mate… Are you feeling alright?” Remus asked cautiously, as to not accidentally hurt his feelings.
“Better than ever! Actually, I’m going to go talk to her right now!” He announced as he stood up bravely and walked over to your seat, where you had only just served yourself your first mug of coffee.
“Maybe it has something to do with this,” Remus muttered over to James and Peter, pointing at the goblet with James’ name on it. “Should we stop him?”
“No, I need some morning entertainment,” James grinned, putting his arms around the boys’ shoulders to stop them from stopping Sirius.
“Good morning, beautiful,” Sirius greeted, sliding into the seat next to you. You hadn’t expected company until much later since it was so early in the morning.
“Morning, Sirius,” you said, a little confused as to why he was talking to you. You had hoped your face wasn’t as bright red as a tomato in his sudden presence. It was really too early in the morning to be talking to someone whom you cared so much about. “What brings you to my part of the Great Hall?”
“My undying love for you,” he said quite bluntly as you almost choked on your orange juice.
“I-I’m sorry? I’m not sure I heard you correctly,” you coughed.
“You did hear correctly, I’m sorry it only took me so long to come to that conclusion. But I’m here now, your knight in shining armour,” he grinned brightly, a charming smoulder set into his face. It was the smoulder that he set aside for girls who giggled wildly whenever they talked to him (the same girls were now giving you death stares for receiving all of his attention).
“Are you feeling well, Sirius? Are you sure you didn’t take anything?” You had seen him arrive at the Gryffindor table before James, which meant that Sirius had seen the goblet before he had.
“I drank some funny juice but that doesn’t matter now. I’m in love with you and I’m ready to show it,” he gleamed.
“Shit, was it the cup that had James’ name on it?” You asked, slightly hoping he’d say no, but knowing that he probably had.
“Yeah, I figured there would be no harm in it,” he shrugged. “Wait, are you thinking about James? He’s not the one you should be thinking about,” he practically growled, his brow furrowing in jealousy.
“No, no, Sirius,” you said quickly as to not give rise to the situation. “I just meant that… that cup was actually meant for James from Matilda, not me. You know how she’s liked him for forever.” Your explanation seemed to have calmed him.
“Okay, good. James isn’t worthy of your attention anyway.”
“Alright…” you said, a little unsure. “How about… we go and talk to the rest of the Marauders for a quick second?” you suggested.
“Why?” he asked, seemingly baffled.
“Because… they’re your best friends, don’t you want your love to get closer to your best friends?”
“No, not really…” he muttered, scratching the back of his neck.
“Well, we’re going anyway, come on.” You stood up, taking a hold of his (surprisingly firm) bicep and dragged him over to the far end of the Gryffindor table.
“Good morning, boys,” you greeted the trio of boys. “You seem to have lost something.”
“Oh, yeah, Sirius! I was wondering where you were,” James said with sarcastic glee.
“James, did you by any chance drink from this goblet?” you asked, gesturing towards the Amortentia cup.
“No, why?” he asked with a hint of knowledge behind his round glasses.
“It was a gift from Matilda, and I’m sure you may know by now but Sirius drank from it.”
“I knew it had to do something with that!” Remus exclaimed.
“Matilda? The one from our year?” James queries.
“Yes, my best friend,” you inform.
“Why would she use the Amortentia potion? Doesn’t she know that James has been in love with Lily since first year?” Remus chuckled despite the glare from James.
“That’s not the point,” you interjected before an argument between the two of them broke out. “Sirius is in love with me, and we need to fix this.”
“Why? Do you not like me?” Sirius asked with wide hurt eyes.
“No, no, I just… don’t want you following me around everywhere, no offense,” you smiled in attempt to make him feel better.
“So you do like him?” James grinned.
“Shut up, this is serious,” you chided and quickly turned away to hide your flushed cheeks.
“Alright then, what are we going to do?” asked Peter.
“We can’t go to Slughorn, he’ll have Matilda punished for making that potion and giving it to a student,” Remus informed.
“Well, Matilda wasn’t really the one who made it,” you chuckled nervously.
“Who was it?” Peter asked with a quirk of his brow.
“It might have been me,” you muttered, hoping they wouldn’t hear you.
“You made it?” James’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“I’m impressed,” Remus crossed his arms in approval.
“Well, of course, she made it, she’s the smartest witch in our year,” Sirius interrupted.
“I’m pretty sure that’s Lily…” you scratched the back of your neck in shame.
“You’re amazing, don’t put yourself down like that,” he reassured, looking at you with heart eyes.
“We really need to find a cure for this,” James looked at the both of you in disgust.
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” you exclaimed, scooting away from Sirius when he tried to put an arm around your shoulder.
“Alright, I suggest that Y/N and I do research on how to reverse it. Peter, you’re the lookout, make sure Matilda or any professor doesn’t find out what happened to Sirius. And James, try to keep him away from Y/N,” Remus brought his gaze to everyone as he gave his instructions.
“What?!” James and Sirius exclaimed at the same time.
“Why do you have fun jobs but I get to watch Sirius?”
“I can’t live without Y/N! Please don’t take me away from her!” Sirius wrapped his arms around you and squeezing tightly.
“James, you’re Sirius’s best friend, you’re the only one who can stand him,” Remus followed up.
“He’s right, James,” you said (as best you could whilst being squeezed).
“Alright, alright,” James threw his hands up in defeat. “Sirius, let go of Y/N, she can’t breathe.”
“Oh, sorry, love,” he loosened his arms but kept them around you. “Are you alright now?”
“Could be better.”
“This is going to take a lot of work,” Remus sighed.
The rest of the day was spent trying to research in the library with Remus, which wasn’t really odd to the rest of the students, they knew you two were bookworms. Peter was trying his best to make up stories about the whereabouts of your group whenever any of the professors asked (the boys had quite the reputation and their absence didn’t go unnoticed). James, on the other hand, was very busy trying to keep Sirius out of the library so he wouldn’t interrupt your research.
“Remus, we’ve looked through every potions book in here,” you whined. “There’s nothing on how to reverse the Amortentia potion.”
“You aren’t suggesting what I think you are…”
“Yes! We have to tell someone about this!” you whisper-shouted (you were in a library, of course).
“No! You’ll get in trouble, you might even get expelled!” Remus countered. He didn’t want to tell you about how important you were to Sirius; it would break his heart to see you get reprimanded for helping out a friend.
“There’s no other way!” You sighed and shut the book you were reading.
“There might be one more option…” He scratched the back of his neck as if he had a secret he wasn’t too keen on telling.
“What is it?”
“We have to ask Lily for help.”
“That’s a good idea… but what’s with the hesitation?”
“James is in love with Lily. If we ask her for help, James will be distracted and won’t be able to watch Sirius. Then they will be all over you and Lily,” he explained.
“How about you watch James to keep Lily unbothered and I… I’ll watch Sirius?”
“That is a lot of responsibility, Y/N. When people are under the Amortentia spell, they are completely obsessed with a certain person. Are you sure you’ll be alright with him following you everywhere you go?”
“Sure, how hard can it be?”
You and Lily were the two best witches in your potions class, which is why it didn’t take you that long to convince her to help you out in your little dilemma; she loved helping people out, especially if it had something to do with potions, combined with the fact that you were obviously restless when it came to trying to find a reversal to the potion, she knew it was important to bring her assets to the team.
She disappeared into the library hours ago and ever since, Sirius had been staring at you while you read a book on the floor of the empty Gryffindor common room.
“You’re very beautiful, do you know that?” He sighed, his chin rested on the palm of his hand.
“Thank you,” you blushed, not looking at his eyes.
“And you’re really smart,” he muttered.
“Thank you,” you repeated.
“Why do you not like me back?” he asked, his voice small and timid.
You turned your head to look at him; his grey eyes resembled a puppy’s and the usually cocky grin that adorned his face was replaced with a vulnerable pout.
“W-why do you think that?” You asked with a soft-spoken tone (one you would typically use whilst speaking to a child).
“I heard you speaking to Matilda once, you said you hated my guts,” he revealed. The only time you had ever said that was when she had caught you staring at him during Transfigurations and you needed to assure her you didn’t like him, which couldn’t be farther from the truth.
“Sirius,” you set your book down, giving him your full attention, “that was an exaggeration. I don’t hate you, I just meant that I thought you were… childish at times. Of course, I hadn’t really talked to you at that point.”
“Does that mean you do like me back?”
“I… I just think that what you’re feeling right now isn’t real. After we find a cure, you’ll go back to normal and everything you’re feeling right now will become a weird distant memory.”
“No, Y/N, my feelings for you will never disappear.”
“That’s just the potion talking,” you looked down.
“No, it isn’t. I’ve been feeling this way for a while, it only took the potion for me to actually act upon it.”
“I’m sorry, Sirius, but I can’t trust these words while you’re under a spell,” you shook your head, not wanting to believe his confession.
“How can I prove it to you?”
“You can’t, not until we find a cure.”
“Can I at least take you on a date? After all of this?”
“I don’t know…” You wanted to, you really did, but you couldn’t get your hopes up, especially if he’d be back to normal in no time.
“I-I’ll buy you a butterbeer, anything,” he pleaded. “Just one date, Y/N.” He placed a finger under your chin to look into your eyes.
“Okay,” you sighed, still looking at him. “One date.”
“Yes!” He exclaimed, throwing his arms around you and hugging you tightly.
“But this doesn’t mean we’re like… together together…”
“I’ll take what I can get,” he gives you his signature smolder and you swear for a second that he actually feels something towards you. But at the moment, Remus and Lily come bursting in, Lily holding a vile of some clear liquid.
“I finally figured it out,” Lily panted, holding out the vile.
“Lily asked me to help her make the antidote and it took a bit of convincing Slughorn to let us use his classroom, but we did it,” Remus spoke up. “Now, Padfoot, all you have to do is take small sips of this. It’ll cause some fatigue and you will probably be asleep for the rest of the weekend.”
Sirius simply nodded along at all the new information being told to him, but his eyes landed on you once Remus was done speaking. You swallowed hard under his gaze and shifted. He had only reciprocated your feelings (a little extremely but reciprocated nonetheless) because of a love potion and now that he was to be changed back, would he actually feel what he had felt under the spell?
“Y/N, are you alright?” Lily asked, snapping you out of your trance and placing a caring hand on your arm.
“Yeah, I might just need to give Sirius his rest…” you nodded, and continued, “it’ll be a long recovery, Padfoot.”
You and Lily walked out of the common room to give Remus and Sirius their space. But you managed to look back at Sirius and give a small wave.
“Y/N! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you all weekend!” Matilda huffed as she sat down next to you on Monday morning breakfast.
“I’ve been… studying. The O.W.L.s are almost here and I need to cram as much information in my head as possible,” you grumbled into your bowl of oatmeal.
“Well, either way, I think I just thought of the perfect way to get James to-”
“Mat! James is in love with Lily! Love potions don’t work and even if they did, you’d be living a lie if you actually thought that deep down inside, hexing someone into loving you was the right thing to do.” You sighed and pushed away your bowl, the loss of appetite hitting you suddenly.
“Wow… I didn’t know you felt that way…” She muttered, but mostly stayed silent. “But I see what you mean. I guess it’s kind of mad of me to go after him after all these years...” She gave you a genuine smile, though it felt like she wasn’t hurt, you knew your words would have an impact on her from now on.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” she suddenly interrupted you and stood up from her seat, taking a piece of toast with her.
You were confused at first but understood what she meant when you heard someone clear his throat behind you. It was Sirius, standing sheepishly with his hands in his pockets and a book bag over his shoulder.
“Hi,” he muttered, giving you a sweet smile.
“Hello,” you bit your lip.
“Can I sit down?” He motioned towards the seat that Matilda had just left behind and he set himself down after you nodded nervously. “I just wanted to tell you… I’m sorry for what happened with the whole… you know…”
“No, you don’t have to apologize, it was my fault anyway…” You chuckled, although there not being anything truly funny.
“I just wanted to make sure you know, I don’t regret anything I said while I was under the spell. I meant every last word of it,” he visibly gulped.
“Everything? Even the part where you felt… you know…”
“Yes,” he laughed. “Even that part.”
“Oh, thank Merlin,” you smiled, letting go a sigh of relief.
“I was so worried that you would change your mind, at least now I know my feelings aren’t one sided,” you grinned at him.
“So, does this mean we’re still going on a date?”
“I’m all yours, Black.”
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