#open heart ethan ramsey
ezra-writes · 2 years
The First Meeting
Rory O'Shea begins his first day at Edenbrook Hospital and learns that whoever coined the term 'never meet your heroes' was absolutely right. Ethan Ramsey goes head-to-head with the new intern as Edenbrook becomes a battleground between the two headstrong doctors.
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I hate him.  What a smug, condescending, arrogant, handsome… ugh!  How is someone with a personality that repulsive so attractive?  He’s definitive proof that God really does have favorites -
“What are we staring at?” someone whispers in my ear, their warm breath tickling the side of my neck.
I let out a startled yelp and drop my charts, drawing the attention of the object of my ire.  Bryce chuckles and bends down to retrieve them while Jackie tries to hide her smile behind her own charts.  Dr. Ramsey glances over at us impassively, meeting my eyes for the briefest moment before turning away.  I continue glaring at him even as I swipe my charts out of Bryce’s hand, trying to telepathically implode his brain with my eyeballs.
“Why are we staring at Dr. Ramsey?” Bryce stage whispers again.
“We are not staring at him.  I am trying to explode his big, stupid head with the power of my mind,” I mutter.
“Wow… he really got to you, didn’t he?” Jackie snickers.
I bristle, remembering the emergency thoracotomy in the waiting room earlier that morning and Dr. Ramsey’s subsequent condemnation.  “He did not get to me!  He’s a pompous asshole and I hate him.  I despise him.  I loathe him and his perfect jawline with every molecule of every fiber of my being.”
Jackie arches one eyebrow and smirks, clearly unconvinced.  “You sound like a supervillain right now, Rory.”
Bryce’s eyes light up.  “Dr. Ramsey could be your very first nemesis!”
“And Aurora my second,” I grumble, mentioning the prickly intern I’m partnered with. 
They both make a face.
“How’s that going?” Bryce asks.
I shrug half-heartedly.  “She went to her aunt’s office right after the initial consult with our patient and I haven’t seen her since.”
“Nice to know Princess Nepotism is already living up to her name,” Jackie says snidely, looking down as her pager beeps.  “My test results are in.  See you guys later.”
“So how long are we going to stand here and stare at Ramsey?”
I snort and fight back a laugh.  “You’re ridiculous, Bryce.”
“I’m not the one trying to set my boss on fire with my brain.”  The surgeon smirks at me, brown eyes glittering with laughter.
“Explode, Lahela.  I’m trying to explode him.”
We start at each other silently for a few beats before we break into a fit of the giggles.
Ethan stands at the nurses' station, pretending to look over his charts as he covertly watches the young man who is staring daggers at him from a little further down the hall.  Ever since their encounter that morning as they’d worked together to save the patient who collapsed in the waiting room, Dr. Rory O’Shea had been a distraction.  An insidious little wisp of smoke that continues to invade Ethan’s thoughts in his downtime. 
O’Shea is one of those people who’s cursed with a face that perfectly expresses whatever they’re feeling, and right now he’s looking at Ethan like he wishes the older doctor would be hit by a bus.  Ethan remembers how the intern had look after saving that woman, his cheeks flushed and eyes bright with excitement, and how his expression had fallen after Ethan’s harsh criticism.  Hurt, then disappointment, and finally anger flickered over the young man’s face, before he was able to get control over his emotions.
“Maybe you can give me private lessons…”
Ethan’s lips twitch up as he fights to repress a smile at the memory of O’Shea’s words.  He had flipped a switch from angry to flirty so quickly he’d nearly given Ethan whiplash, and the sultry look in his eyes that was clearly meant to catch Ethan off-balance had nearly drawn him in instead.
Such unusual eyes.
They stand out from behind the round wire-rimmed glasses O’Shea wears, those large, pale green eyes, the same color as the sea glass a younger Ethan used to collect with his father when they would go to the beach. 
A crashing sound draws Ethan’s attention, and he turns his head slightly to watch as one of the surgical interns bends down on one knee and hands O’Shea a pile of charts with a charming smile.  An uncomfortable feeling begins to form low in Ethan’s stomach, but he quickly writes it off as hunger and hurries back to his office for a quick lunch before continuing his rounds.
“Argh!  Stupid, stupid, stupid!”  I aim a kick at a low shelf in the supply closest, nearly breaking a toe when it connects.  “Gah!  Motherfucker!”  I swipe angry tears away from my face, mentally berating myself as I remember Ramsey’s words. 
You need to have a long, hard think about whether or not your ready to be here…  Whether this girl lives or dies is on you…  Nearly killed her…
A sudden wash of fluorescent light interrupts my brooding.
“I feel like I’m interrupting something,”  Bryce says, looking at me with curiosity and concern.
“In or out, Lahela!  I’m trying to have an existential crisis in peace and you’re distracting me,” I snap. 
He steps into the supply closest and pulls the door shut behind him.  “Hey, hey, hey.  What’s going on?”
I tip my head back and try to stem the flow of tears, internally cursing myself for being an angry crier.  And a stress crier.  And a sad crier.
Not the time for this.
“Nothing.  I just got reamed out by the man who used to be my medical hero and inspiration for the second time today and I almost killed my first patient.”  The words come out in a rush.  “Maybe he’s right.  Maybe I’m not cut out for this.  Maybe everything that I’ve been working for since I was twelve was all for nothing and I’m going to be the biggest failure Edenbrook has ever seen.”
Bryce blinks.  “Wow.  You managed four years of med school, but four hours here and you’re surrendering?  Didn’t take you for a quitter.”
“You just met me.”
“True.  But if every hospital employee who ever hid in a supply closet quit, there’d be nobody here but the patients.”
I narrow my eyes.  “No offense, but what do you know about it?”
“Let’s just say this isn’t the first supply closet I’ve found a stressed out doctor in today.”
“Alright then, scalpel jockey.  What am I supposed to do?”
Bryce grins.  “You’ve got two options.  One, breeze through life with an unshakeable self-assurance like me.”
“I don’t think this hospital would survive two Bryce Lahelas.  What’s option two?” I dryly reply.
“Ride it out,” he says, shrugging.
I stare at him blankly.  “That’s not quite the pearl of wisdom you think it is.”
Bryce places his hands on my shoulders and shakes me a bit.  “Of course you’re overwhelmed.  You’re a doctor.  It’s one of the toughest jobs there is, and you’re on your first day.  If you don’t give yourself a chance to make mistakes, to get better… nobody else will.”
I let out an enormous sigh and use the hem of my scrubs to dry my cheeks.  “Fine.  I’ll try.”
“Good.  Because I’d hate to lose you so quick.  Is there anything I can get you?”
“A hug?” I venture.
“Alright, get over here.”  Bryce smirks and holds out his arms.  His has to stoop a little bit to match my much shorter height, but I manage to lace my arms around his neck and squeeze him gently, resting my head against his chest.  He wraps his arms around my waist and holds me tightly, the slow thumping of his heartbeat and the warm, comforting scent of his amber and sandalwood cologne soothing my frazzled nerves.
“This is nice,” I murmur.  “You’re a pretty good hugger.”
“One of my many talents.”  Even though I can’t see his face I can tell he’s smiling.  “Hey, wait a second.  Was this just a ploy of yours to get me in here alone?”
I tip my head back to look at him, taking in the cocky smirk on his face and the genuine kindness radiating from his warm, brown eyes.  Before I can second guess myself, I pop up on my toes and quickly press my lips to his.  His eyes momentarily widen in surprise, but then he’s kissing me back hard, his hands gripping my hips as he pushes me against the shelves, knocking a few boxes to the ground.
“God you’re incredible,” he whispers against my mouth.  Suddenly he lifts me up, urging me to wrap my legs around his waist as he uses his body to pin me to the shelves.  I nip lightly at his lower lip and grind against him, earning a low groan.  Bryce’s hands cup my ass, pulling me tight to him as we writhe together, our erections rubbing against each other through the thin fabric of our scrubs.  His tongue slides against mine and one of his hands creeps under my scrub top, warm against the skin of my stomach. 
The door suddenly swings open, light from the hallway spilling into the closet.
“Could we get some privacy, man?” Bryce snaps, turning his body to keep me shielded from whoever has interrupted us. 
“Oh, by all means.  I’m so sorry to intrude.  I’ll just wait out here ‘til you’re done,” an equally irritated male voice retorts.  “Or, if I may be so bold… might you hand me a suture kit?”
Still holding me up with one hand, Bryce reaches out and snags a kit from the shelf and tosses it over his shoulder to the other man.
“Much obliged.”  The door slams and we’re alone once again.
Bryce slowly slides me down his body until my feet are back on the floor.
“Maybe we should get back to work,” I say, nervously adjusting my glasses.
“That guy did kinda kill the mood, huh?”
Feeling awkward, I repeatedly tug on a piece of hair at the back of my head as Bryce straightens his scrubs and runs a hand through his hair. 
“Hope I cheered you up a little,” he says as he prepares to leave.
“Just a little,” I whisper, praying that the dim light in the supply closet hides my blush.
Bryce gives me wink as he exits the closet, leaving me alone to ponder my future at Edenbrook.
I didn’t let him beat me.
I follow Dr. Ramsey out of Annie’s room, grinning to myself.   “So, I’ll fill out a prescription for some extra-strength antihistamines -”
“Don’t bother.  I already have.”
I skid to a stop, my sneakers squeaking against the linoleum.  “Beg pardon?”
He hands me a printed out prescription order for the exact medicine I was about to request.  My grin fades and I tilt my head back to stare up at the taller doctor. 
I swear to everything that is holy, his brain will be goo by the time I finish this internship.
“How long have you known?” I manage to grit out between clenched teeth.  “And when were you planning on telling me?”
Dr. Ramsey checks his watch.  “I’d planned to give you another forty-five minutes.  I pulled up Annie’s chart to diagnose it myself, in the likely event you blew it.  But I wanted to give you the chance to right the ship first.”
I am calm, I am a peaceful breeze, I am calm, I am a peaceful breeze… to hell with this.
“You should have treated her right away.”
He scowls down at me.  “I was giving you an opportunity - ”
“I don’t give a shit about your opportunities,” I hiss, stepping closer to him until we’re toe to toe.  “And I definitely don’t want your charity.  I want my patients to get better.  So next time, take care of the patient first, doctor.”
We’re both breathing quickly, our eyes locked together, neither one of us wanting to be the one to look away first.  I’m intensely aware of how much larger he is, and I can feel the heat of his body even through his lab coat and button-down shirt.  Something in his gaze softens and the tension in his body fades a little.
“Rookie…” he says, his voice soft.  “I respect how much you care about you patients’ wellbeing.  But if I don’t push you to grow, then how many lives will be lost down the line because you’re not ready?”
I hate to admit it, but I can understand his reasoning.
I’ll choke and die before I tell him that though.
“Believe me when I say this was not for your sake.  I need good doctors by my side.  There’s only one of me, after all,” he continues.  “But you showed potential.  Not to mention maybe the most important trait a doctor can have.”
I raise my eyebrows, silently prompting him to finish his thought.
“You listened.  You took the time to get to know your patient.  Their story, their hopes, their fears… Sometimes those are the key to saving their life.”
I nod along as he speaks, captivated by the intensity in his blue eyes and the deep timbre of his voice, unknowingly leaning even closer to him.  Aurora suddenly rushes up to us, looking flustered.  Realizing how close we’ve gotten I spring away from Dr. Ramsey, nervously shoving my glasses further up onto the bridge of my nose.  He, on the other hand, seems to be completely unaffected, which sends an irrational spike of annoyance through me.
She looks into the room and sees Annie sitting up and smiling, then turns and glares at me.  “What the hell?  You went ahead and presented without me?”
I widen my eyes and stare at her.  “Excuse me?  In case you - ”
“Annie was your patient as well, Dr. Emery,” Dr. Ramey interrupts me, his voice frosty.  He eyes Aurora with disdain.  "What the hell have you been doing while Dr. O’Shea was making a diagnosis?”
Aurora hesitates, glancing over at me.
Oh, I know she doesn’t think I’m going to cover for her.
I clamp my mouth shut and stare her down as she squirms under Ramsey’s glower. 
“That was not a rhetorical question,” Ramsey barks.  “One of you needs to answer me.”
I smirk and continuing silently staring at her, refusing to be the one who breaks first.
Finally Aurora cracks.  “I was in Chief Emery’s office,” she admits sullenly.  “She paged me this morning after we examined Annie.”
“And you’ve been there all day?”  He looks deeply unimpressed.
Aurora gives him a short, stiff nod.
“Dr. Emery, patient assignments are not optional.”  Ramsey scowls at her one final time before stalking off, leaving Aurora and I standing in awkward silence.
“That’s really what you were doing all day?  Just sitting in your aunt’s office?”  I eye her curiously.
Aurora’s expression hardens.  “What do you care?  You clearly didn’t need my help.”
I allow myself a small, pleased smile.  “No I didn’t, did I?”
She whirls around, huffing in annoyance, and stomps away from me.
After my shift ends I hurry to the locker room, taking just enough time to quickly shower and slip into a clean sweater and pair of jeans, before rushing to meet Sienna in the atrium. 
“You survived!” she exclaims with a big smile.  “Ready to hit the bar?”
“You have no idea,” I sigh, dropping my head onto her shoulder.  An easy feat since we’re roughly the same height. 
She pats my back soothingly.  “Let’s go then.”
Just a few blocks from the hospital, Donahue’s is dingy, dim, and completely packed with Edenbrook staff members.  Sienna confidently leads me through the throngs of people to a booth where Landry, Jackie, and Elijah are waiting for us. 
“Come on!” Landry urges.  “There’s still sixty-seven seconds left in happy hour!”
Elijah rolls his eyes good-naturedly.  “Who cares?  We’re all a hundred-k in debt anyway.”
“Relax, Landry.  I put in quite a few orders before the buzzers.”  Jackie grins as a barback arrives bearing a huge trays of shots.
“You are a goddess.  We lowly beings are not worthy of you,” I praise her as I reach for a shot.  I toss it back and sigh as it burns its way down, erasing some of the stress of my day. I grab a second glass and the others join me.  We all raise them in the air.
“To the end of our first shift!  And ten hours off the clock!” Elijah proclaims.
We clink our glasses together and throw back our shots. 
Landry gags as his goes down.  “Don’t we have any salt?  Or limes?”
“Doctor up, Landry.  Lime and salt are for wimps,” Jackie retorts, pushing another shot glass into his hand.
We all raise another toast.
“How about… To new friends!” Sienna ventures.
Once again we clink and drink.
Jackie points at me.  “Your turn Rory!”
I grab another shot and raise it above my head.  “To the start of an amazing career, despite Ethan Ramsey’s best efforts!  And in a few years, we’ll take the jobs of every attending who ever treated us like dirt!”
My new friends and I whoop and tipsily giggle as we down another tequila shot.
Ethan quietly nurses his drink at the bar and unobtrusively observes O’Shea pound shots with a booth full of other interns.  Whatever they’re drinking has caused O’Shea’s normally pale cheeks to flush, and he’s taken his hair out of it’s neat bun, allowing the inky waves to flow over his shoulders and around his face.  The sweater he’s wearing may have been black at one point, but has been washed so many times it’s a faded grey and looks incredibly soft to the touch.  
“See something you like, Ethan?” Reggie asks, leaning over the bar and following the doctor’s gaze.
“Don’t you have other customers to bother?” Ethan responds, downing the last of his scotch.
Reggie just chuckles as he looks at something over Ethan’s left shoulder.  O’Shea bounces up to the bar and takes a seat on the stool next to him, his legs dangling and feet swinging aimlessly as he waits for Reggie to finish up another customer’s order.
Ethan takes the time to study Rory out of the corner of his eye, noting the way his jeans show off the litheness of his body and the faint smattering of freckles running over the bridge of his nose, making him look even younger than his 28 years.  Then those green eyes flit over to rest on him.
“Can I help you with something, Dr. Ramsey?” Rory asks, blinking at him owlishly through the thick lenses of his glasses.
“Just noticing how… different you look out in the real world.”
Rory leans a little closer, nearly tipping over into the older man’s lap.  “Do you like it?” he whispers playfully.
Ethan’s eyes widen in shock.  If he had any doubts before, now he’s absolutely certain the intern is at least mildly intoxicated.  But he can't deny that the warm weight of Rory leaning against his arm and the smell of his grapefruit and vanilla shampoo is intoxicating.
“What’ll it be?” Reggie asks, tossing his bar rag over his shoulder. 
Rory glances over at Ethan’s empty liquor glass, then beckons Reggie closer with a mischievous smile.  He balances precariously on the bar stool, stretching so he can whisper into the bartender’s ear.  In a rare moment of weakness Ethan glances at Rory’s back, admiring the flow of his dark hair over his shoulders, the smooth curve of his spine, and the way the denim of his jeans hugs his tight, firm…
Ethan is startled out of his thoughts as Rory thumps back down onto his barstool with a self-satisfied smile.  Just a few moments later he learns the reason for Rory’s grin as Reggie sets down two colorful cocktails in front of them, each garnished with a paper umbrella, an orange slice, and a maraschino cherry.
Ethan physically recoils from the drink as Rory tries to hide his snickering behind his hands.  “What is that abomination?”
“A Sex on the Beach.”  Rory pulls his own drink closer and wraps his lips around the colorful straw, tasting it with a contented sigh.
The air around Ethan ratchets up a few degrees as he watches Rory’s full lips close around the tip of the straw.  “That’s not what I was drinking.”
“I know,” Rory replies, coming up for air, half of his drink already gone.  “You were drinking scotch, but scotch is gross.  So I ordered you something delicious instead.  You’re welcome.”
“You know I can’t be bribed into favoring you,” Ethan says, eyeing the cocktail with distaste.
Rory’s expression darkens and he visibly struggles to control his delicate features.  He eventually gives Ethan’s a crooked smirk.  “Don’t worry, Dr. Ramsey.  I already know exactly what you think of me.  Enjoy the rest of your night.”
By the time Ethan recovers from his shock Rory has already slipped off of his barstool and rejoined his friends.
“Busy making friends, Ramsey?” Reggie asks, eyeing him curiously.
Ethan is momentarily lost for words.  “I don’t… I… I’m not sure what just happened.”
“I don’t believe that young man likes you very much.”
“I’m his boss.  He doesn’t need to like me.”  Despite his words Ethan feels a pinprick of something… disappointment? at the thought of Rory not enjoying his company.  Belatedly he also realizes that at some point during the evening he had start to think of the younger man as Rory, not O’Shea. 
Reggie hums non-committally, clearing not believing his words.  Exasperated, Ethan signals for another scotch, hoping to chase away the lingering sense of uneasiness Rory has left him with.  Reggie sets the drink down in front of him and silently moves away, leaving the doctor to his own thoughts.
“Get it Lahela!”
Ethan looks towards the far side of the bar, back by the dartboards, just in time to see the handsome surgical intern from this morning dip Rory backwards and kiss him.  The kiss becomes more passionate as Rory threads his fingers through the other man’s hair, and the surgeon, Lahela, presses even closer, until there is no space left between the two.
The same stomach unsettling feeling from this morning comes roaring back, and Ethan turns away, pulling the drink Rory had bought him closer.  He takes a sip, the fruity drink leaving a bitter taste on his tongue, much like the sight of Rory wrapped up in Lahela’s arms does.
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rainesenator · 2 months
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how ethanmc singlehandedly increase edenbrook admission rates tbh
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jerzwriter · 21 days
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I have had this ask sitting in my inbox for far, far too long, and this one, too. lol I finally had an idea—and I have one for the Carricks coming soon! I hope you enjoy it!
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan x Kaycee (F!MC) Featuring: Emma Ramsey (F!OC) Rating: General Words: Summary: Ethan wonders what happened to his sweet little girl, who thought he could do no wrong. It seems all he and Kaycee get these days are eye rolls and sighs. So when she asks her "embarrassing" parents for a favor, they begin to conspire.
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Emma woke up at the crack of dawn, nothing short of a miracle given the tween definitely took after her mother when it came to mornings. There was only one early bird in this family, and he was chuckling at his sleepy daughter as she stumbled into the kitchen, where he had been enjoying his coffee while reading the news.
“Well, well, well,” he grinned. “What’s the miracle that you’re up this early.”
Emma stopped pouring her cereal at once. “Dad!” she groaned.
Ethan watched her with a small smile, wondering what happened to the little girl who thought he could do no wrong, the one who made him feel like a hero when he so much as found her lost toy. But she was in her tween years now, and nothing was the same. Suddenly, everything he said, wore or did was embarrassing and bound to ruin Emma's image for life. He missed the simpler days; those precious memories now felt like they were a lifetime away.
“Excited for the last day of school?” he asked, already knowing the answer. Of course, she was. She had been talking about the end-of-the-year party for weeks. It was a tradition at her school, and Emma’s classmates were only looking forward to one thing more than summer vacation – and that was the appearance of the Ramsey family’s brownies at the party.
“Dad, you and Mom made the brownies, right?” Emma asked, a tinge of nervousness in her voice.
Just then, a half-asleep Kaycee shuffled into the kitchen. “Morning,” she yawned as she stretched her arms over her head, startled when she saw Emma awake. “And what are you doing up so early, young lady?”
“Ugh,” Emma grimaced as Kaycee received a sympathetic look from Ethan.
“What did I say?”
Ethan shrugged as he rose to his feet and made his wife a cup of tea. “It’s the year-end party, and Emma is concerned that we won't fulfill our obligation and make her class brownies.”
“When have we let you down?” Kaycee smiled. “We’re going to make them this morning so they’re nice and fresh when Daddy and I bring them to school after lunch.”
Emma’s eyes went wide with panic. “What if you don’t have time! Everyone's looking forward to them!”
“Emma,” Ethan assured. “Your Mom and I have it under control. We’ll have them at your class right on time.”
Emma narrowed her eyes, sensing something was off, but shrugged it off. “All right. Just…please don’t be weird, OK?”
Kaycee smiled sweetly. “We’ll try, dear. We'll try.”
Before they knew it, it was party time! Ethan and Kaycee walked into Emma’s classroom, each carrying a baking dish covered in aluminum foil. The kids rushed over to them, eyes wide with excitement. Emma stood up front, trying to act aloof but clearly pleased that her parents had come through.
“Alright, everyone,” Kaycee announced, placing her tray on the table. “Emma told us you’ve all been so excited for these.”
“That’s right,” Ethan chimed in. “We worked really hard on these, didn’t we, sweetheart?”
Emma rolled her eyes the second Ethan said sweetheart, and Kaycee stifled a giggle.
“We worked very hard, honey bun,” she added. “We decided to make them a little differently this time, so we hope you like them!"
The kids all but squealed when she pulled the foil off her dish with a dramatic flourish to reveal… dozens of brown paper cutouts of the letter E. The room fell silent for a moment as the kids stared in confusion. Then, one by one, they started to understand, and the laughter began... for everyone except Emma.
“Mooooom! Daaaaad!” She groaned.
But her parents feigned surprise. “What?” Ethan asked. “You asked for brownies, and we came through. Brown E’s, just like you asked!”
Emma crossed her arms, trying to look annoyed, but the corners of her mouth were twitching into a smile.
Ethan, who had been holding back his own laughter, stepped forward with the second tray. “Don’t worry, Emma. We brought the real brownies, too.”
The kids cheered as he cut the gooey brownies into neat squares, placing one on each child’s plate. Only then did Emma join in on the fun.
“OK, OK, that was actually pretty funny,” she admitted.
Ethan ruffled her hair. “See? We’re more than just embarrassing.”
Kaycee leaned in, giving Emma a quick kiss on the cheek. “And you wouldn’t want us any other way.”
Emma, still chewing on her brownie, giggled. “Yeah, yeah. You’re all right. Thanks, Mom and Dad.”
And she meant it. As the kids sat in a circle devouring their brownies, Emma kept sneaking peeks at her parents, laughing and chatting with the other adults in the room. Even with her eye rolls and exasperated sighs, she knew she loved them with all her heart and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
She might, however, change a few items in her dad's wardrobe....
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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jamespotterthefirst · 1 month
Reactions Over Text (Ethan x F!MC)
In which Ethan drops BIG news to Sienna over text message. (Text Mesage Edit)
Text exchange between Sienna Trinh (grey) and Ethan Ramsey (blue)
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(15 seconds later)
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Author's note: Get ready for the most thoroughly planned out proposal plan, Dr. R.
Ah, I missed this! I've been a bad, bad writer but it's only because I've been a good, good working adult (😭). Thank you if you read the whole thing!
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gutsfics · 4 months
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also like not to mention that its CLEARLY ai
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tsrookie · 4 months
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MC was just at home folks. We have our explanation.
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choices-binglebonkus · 4 months
My sims when I launch fireworks in their house (I deleted the doors lol xd escape is impossible)
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liaromancewriter · 1 month
I Thee Wed…
Premise: Ethan and Cassie are ready to say, ‘I do,’ but they forget one important step.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,560
A/N: So, I first did Ethan and Cassie's wedding in June 2021. In all that time, I've never written their wedding vows. Maxenna's vows were easier to write. Well, I finally cracked this nut! Yay, me 🎉
Submission for @choicesaugustchallenge prompt "summer wedding"
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Cassie Valentine updated the patient chart and mentally crossed off another item from her seemingly endless to-do list. In just nine days, she would stand in the garden of her family home and marry her soulmate.
She couldn’t contain a small, excited scream, a dreamy smile spreading across her face as she imagined Ethan’s awestruck expression when she glided toward him at the floral-decked altar. But, she thought with a smirk, she couldn’t wait to knock him over on their wedding night with what she had on beneath the layers of tulle.
All in good time, Cassie reasoned, turning her attention back to work.
“Marlene?” she called to one of the regular nurses on her floor, handing over the tablet with the patient record. “Keep an eye on potassium levels for Mr. Dubois in 504. Page me if there’s any change in his condition.”
“Will do, Dr. Valentine,” Marlene nodded, scanning the chart quickly to confirm the orders.
She flashed Cassie a friendly smile. “Are you excited about the wedding? You and Dr. Ramsey make such a beautiful couple.”
“I’m counting the minutes,” Cassie grinned. “I have a final fitting for the dress next week, but otherwise, we’re all set.”
“Summer weddings are the best,” another nurse piped in. “Flowers are my favorite part.”
“I love hearing the couple’s vows,” Marlene said. “Are you and Dr. Ramsey writing your own?”
Cassie nodded in response, keeping her expression smooth even as alarm bells blared inside her head. Crap, crap, crap!
Between work, packing up her things at the apartment for the move to Ethan’s and coordinating with Sienna and her mom on the wedding, she had forgotten entirely about the vows.
She and Ethan had negotiated a hybrid ceremony, honoring her Episcopalian beliefs and his agnostic ones. He had agreed to have a priest officiate and receive a spiritual blessing in exchange for non-religious but personal vows, no Communion, hymns or readings.
Writing their own vows had sounded so simple before. A few words of promise, a declaration of their love, exchange rings and you-may-kiss-the-bride. End scene.
But now she realized it was anything but easy. Worse, she had no idea what she would say on the most important day of her life!
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The pen dug into the paper, leaving dark, jagged lines on the legal pad as Ethan scratched out yet another sentence. His handwriting, usually neat and precise despite the doctor-like scrawl, had turned into a chaotic mess of crossed-out words and half-formed thoughts. Frustration simmered in his chest, his mind spinning as he tried to wrestle his emotions into something coherent.
He sighed, leaned back in his chair, and rubbed his temple. Sitting through a room full of demanding board members was a walk in the park compared to this. How was he supposed to find the words powerful enough to capture the depth of what he felt for Cassie?
Each attempt felt clumsy and inadequate, the words slipping away from him no matter how hard he tried. Irritated with himself, he muttered a curse under his breath, tearing the paper from the pad and crumpling it into a tight ball. It joined the other pieces of crumpled paper balls scattered around him.
Why had he insisted on their own vows? Should’ve just taken a template and been done with it.
He had been working on them all week and was no closer to the finish line. He had tried writing at home, in his office with the door closed and on a bench in the serenity garden at Edenbrook. Eventually, he retreated to Derry’s Coffee Shop in the hope that a place special to them both would inspire him.
The wedding was a week away, and he did not relish the idea of standing at the altar with nothing more to say than “I do” while Cassie no doubt recited something meaningful about him being her soulmate.
“Tough case?”
Startled, Ethan looked up to find Cassie standing above him.
He had been so absorbed in his frustrated scribbling that he hadn’t even noticed her enter the coffee shop, place her order and walk over to him.
“You could say that,” he hedged, hoping she wouldn’t press for more.
“Maybe I can help,” she suggested, sliding into the seat across from him.
Before he could stop her, she reached for the pad, and he blurted out, “No!” even as she read the words out loud.
“Cassie, my love for you is like an unspecified virus that I couldn’t shake….”
Ethan saw the look of shock on Cassie’s face. Her eyes widened, and her mouth opened slightly. For a moment, they just stared at each other in stunned silence.
“Wait, are these your wedding vows? And did you just compare me to a virus?”
Ethan quickly tried to recover, realizing how the words sounded when said aloud. “I—I didn’t mean it like that. What I’m trying to say is that my love for you is something I never expected, something that took hold of me and changed everything.”
Cassie blinked, and then, to his relief, a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Babe, I appreciate the on-brand medical analogy, especially since I diagnosed Naveen’s bacteriophage, but maybe we can find a less…clinical way to describe it? This is our wedding, after all, not a keynote at the AMA annual symposium.”
“A keynote at the AMA would be easier than these damn vows,” Ethan muttered, running an exasperated hand through his hair.
He picked up his coffee and looked at her over the rim. “I suppose you’ve already written a masterpiece?”
To his surprise, Cassie blushed and looked away. “Not exactly. If you must know, I kind of forgot about them.”
She waved one hand dismissively. “Anyway, this isn’t about me. If you’re struggling, just focus on us, our relationship—what makes me the one for you? How you see our life together. Things like that.”
Ethan narrowed his eyes. “That’s some solid advice.” He reached for his phone, unlocking the screen. “In fact, it’s almost identical to the advice I got from another Valentine just a couple of hours ago. Ah, here it is.” He turned the screen to show her the text from Max.
Cassie’s eyes widened in disbelief. “That cheat!” She snatched the phone from Ethan’s hand, scrolling up to check the time stamp. It was from earlier in the day before she’d texted her brother. “He totally copy-pasted his response to me!”
Ethan chuckled, leaning back in his chair. “Looks like great minds think alike…or at least steal from each other. When did you speak to him?”
Cassie gave him a sheepish look. “Maybe half an hour ago. ”
“Isn’t it the middle of the night where he is?”
She rolled her eyes and made a face. “I know. Max wasn’t thrilled, which is probably why I ended up with recycled advice.”
She straightened in her chair, a hint of frustration in her voice. “I can’t seem to find the right words for our vows. At least you managed to compare me to a virus—I’ve got a completely blank page.”
Ethan chuckled softly, reaching across the table to squeeze her hand gently. “How about we work on them together? We always did our best work figuring out diagnostic differentials as a team. Why should wedding vows be any different?”
Cassie’s smile widened. “Just promise you won’t tell my mother this is how we wrote our vows, or I’ll have to call you a big, fat liar!”
Nine days later…
Ethan faced Cassie, a deep contentment settling over him, unlike anything he’d ever felt before. As he held her hands in his, the words that once eluded him now flowed as naturally as breathing.
“Cassie, when I first met you, I had no idea we’d end up here, but from that moment on, you’ve captivated me in ways I never imagined. You’ve challenged me, frustrated me and inspired me to be a better person. And I've fallen in love with you again and again, even though I didn’t believe love or family were in the cards for me. You opened my heart to more. I promise to support and encourage you, embrace the unexpected with you, and always work on being the best version of myself for you. I vow to hold your hand and cherish your heart, loving you always and forever.”
Cassie flashed a mischievous grin, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she held Ethan’s gaze, recalling the day they wrote these vows. Her voice was light and playful as she began, making it clear she was savoring every moment.
“Ethan, from the moment you walked into my life—full of arrogance, calling me an amateur—everything changed in ways I never could have predicted. I told you then I was your biggest fan, but that barely scratched the surface of my feelings for you. I can’t imagine a single day without you, and I hope I never do. I promise to stand by your side, to love you fiercely—even when you’re driving me a little crazy—and to choose you every day, no matter what. You are my partner, my soulmate and my greatest adventure. I vow to cherish your heart with all that I am, always and forever.”
And then they lived happily ever after…
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @lady-calypso
@mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16
@justyourusualash @tessa-liam @liaficreplies @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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cariantha · 4 months
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Teen Warning: Foul language Category: Fluff Word count: 2K Summary: Sawyer and Ethan react when they find themselves in situations that stir up feelings of jealousy. A/N: This was my first stab at writing in the first person. Hopefully, I did Sawyer and Ethan justice.
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I toyed with the bottom of Ethan’s tie, absentmindedly tugging, wrapping, and swaying it back and forth while we took a few moments to catch up after a busy morning. “What are your plans for later tonight?” 
I looked up from where my knuckles tenderly grazed over his shirt for his answer. Despite our proximity, I was disappointed his focus was not on me. Something behind me was much more interesting. Something that made his lips turn up at the corners. Turning my head over my shoulder to see what had stolen his attention, I saw Naveen’s new - and very attractive - administrative assistant walk past. Her long, auburn hair flowed to her waist where a silky blouse was tucked into a form-fitting pencil skirt. 
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. 
A piercing trill came from my pager as if echoing the alarm suddenly going off in my head. “It’s a code blue for my diabetes patient. I gotta run,” I explained after reading the message. Grabbing my lab coat, I tried to shake off the icky feeling of jealousy as I quickly darted from the office. 
It was like déjà vu a couple of days later as I stood before Ethan in the diagnostics office. Though no one outside those walls could hear, my back to the window gave us a sense of privacy for our intimate conversation. 
“Come home with me tonight. It’s been too long,” Ethan urged.
“It’s been three nights,” I countered with a laugh. 
Slipping under my lab coat, his hand gripped my waist and squeezed. “Like I said, it’s been too long.”
I smiled. I secretly loved it when he acted starved for my attention. “Okay, but I need to go home first to grab some stuff and I promised Sienna I would help with…” 
Ethan’s gaze shifted over my head as I continued my explanation, and I caught the exact moment when his mind wandered off. Like the last time, that same pleased grin appeared on his face.
This time when I looked over my shoulder I saw Harper strolling past.  
“Wow,” I whispered incredulously under my breath. Stepping out of his reach, I turned for the door.
My abrupt departure finally snapped Ethan from his lustful ogling. “Where are you going? What's wrong?” he asked urgently, reaching for my arm.
With a huff, I reacted. "What's wrong? Really?” I pinched my eyes shut and took a breath to control my boiling emotions. “Look, I know we haven’t officially defined our relationship, and that’s fine. So, believe me when I say that I don’t mean to sound like a jealous girlfriend… but Ethan, we’re standing here making plans to hook up tonight and you are blatantly gawking at your ex as she walks by!" 
Ethan seemed taken aback. He looked out the window again and then returned his gaze to me. 
Ignoring the confusion on his face, I quickly added, "And it's not the first time. You did the same thing the other day. Right before the code blue for my diabetic patient. That time it was Naveen’s new assistant."
Ethan shook his head with an amused grin. "Sawyer, come here." When I hesitated, he reached for my arm and guided me back to where we had been standing. He spun me around so I could see the view from his perspective.
"What do you see?" he asked.
“A window.”
“The hallway. People walking by,” I clipped.
"Look closer at the window."
Exasperated, I shrugged. “I don't know… our reflection?”
“You expect me to believe that you were looking at the reflection? When you had that I'm-checking-you-out-and-liking-what-I'm-seeing grin on your face,” I asked, turning back around to face him. 
Ethan groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes. Because I was checking out your ass! I wasn’t paying attention to anyone else. I was checking you out.” Trading places with me, so his back shielded us from the outside world, Ethan took my hand and placed it over his pants. “I was remembering our first time together…” his voice softened, “up against the window in my bedroom.” His truthful eyes bored into mine as I felt the remaining evidence of his daydream.
To hide my flushed red face of embarrassment, I dropped my forehead to Ethan’s chest. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled, “I must sound so insecure and pathetic.”
“Perhaps defining our relationship will help with that.” Ethan hooked his finger under my chin to make me look up at him. “We are dating. Exclusively. Agreed?”
I nodded. “Agreed.”
“Is anyone walking by right now?” he asked. “I want to kiss my girlfriend.”
Smiling so wide it hurt, I peeked around his towering form. “The coast is clear,” I answered.
Ethan leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. “You’re mine, Rookie. There’s no need to be embarrassed. I don’t mind one bit that you got jealous. I like it...” he kissed me again, “because it means that I'm yours too.”
There’s my girl. 
The clinic has never been busier. We’ve been working seven days a week, fourteen hours a day, trying to treat as many patients as possible before the hospital closes its doors. It was late afternoon when I exited an exam room and spotted Sawyer jotting notes at the nurses' station. She was wearing her favorite jogger scrubs, having foregone her lab coat, and her cute ass jutted out as she hunched over the counter. She spent the last two nights at her place, and aside from a passing smile here and there, I haven’t had a chance to speak with or get my hands on her today. 
“Hi,” I said, sidling up next to her. 
“Hey you,” she looked at me with an excited smile, “long time no see.” 
We angled our bodies toward each other and I reached for her hand, our fingers discreetly tangling together as we caught up about our day. I had just insisted she clock out at a reasonable hour and come home with me when another doctor stepped out of a nearby exam room. 
Dr. Haute, a popular dermatology attending, had stopped taking on new patients and joined the hospital-wide effort to expand the free clinic’s access to the community before Edenbrook’s final curtain call. Several of the nurses seemed to be quite smitten by his good looks and charm. And to my immense aggravation, I saw firsthand how he shamelessly flirted with the clinic staff, none off limits, including my girlfriend.
Standing in the hallway swiping a tablet, the rash inspector cast a side-eye glance toward us. I stepped back from Sawyer and pointed with my chin over her shoulder letting her know we had an audience. Dr. Haute approached the nurses’ station, settling a few feet behind Sawyer. 
“Doctors,” he acknowledged. 
Turning in his direction, Sawyer politely greeted him. “How’s it going, Dr. Haute?”
“Significantly better now,” he winked.
Not happening, asshole. 
Sawyer bit back what I assumed was a flattered smile and with a quick shake of her head, she sent a silent warning to the prick who was hitting on her, in front of her boyfriend. 
When she turned back to face me, that goddamn pimple popper had the nerve to look up and smirk at me. 
Oh, it’s on, motherfucker. 
Sawyer often teased me about acting like an alpha wolf, especially when barking orders at interns. And I was about to play the part. This alpha would stake his claim and ensure the pup knew his place.  
“Jackie and I are neck and neck on patient counts. The loser has to clean the bathroom for a month. So, I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll catch up with you later,” she said with a quick squeeze of my hand. Before she could step out of reach, I grabbed her wrist and tugged, folding her tight against my chest. She looked up in surprise and subtly tilted her head back to the puss squeezer. “What are you doing?” she whispered.
“What’s it look like?” I answered, running my hands down her back. When I felt the eyes of the other doctor on us, I moved my hand south and gave her ass a gentle slap. 
“Ethan!” she gasped, looking around to see who might have witnessed my inappropriate and unprofessional display of affection. “What’s gotten into you?”
“I’ve missed you and wanted to show you how much you mean to me. Not too long ago, you told me you didn't need flowers, fancy dinners, or love letters-”
“All I need is for you to slap my ass and say I'm yours,” she remembered, flashing me an approving smile. 
With my hand still on her butt, I gave another tap and squeezed her ass cheek. My eyes connected with Dr. Can’t-Mind-His-Fucking-Business as I leaned down and whispered in Sawyer’s ear, so quiet that only she could hear. But I made sure the boil drainer behind her could read my lips. "Mine."
Message sent. 
Message received. 
The other doctor dipped his chin and chuckled, then walked away.  
The following Tuesday, I worked out in the hospital gym with the boys and Sawyer. 
“I was thinking of inviting Dr. Hottie to work out with us,” Bryce said as we warmed up on the treadmills. 
Rafael looked up into the mirrored wall and glanced in my direction then back to Bryce. “You really think that’s a good idea, man?” he asked, raising his eyebrow. 
“Dude got me the hookup with the Botox rep. I’m seeing her again this weekend,” he shrugged, then looked at Raf and Sawyer in the mirror with a mischievous grin. “I figured I owe him one.” 
“Bryce.” Sawyer shook her head. 
“What?” Bryce laughed, clearly amused with himself. “Worried there might be some competition?” 
“No, but you should be. That guy looks cut,” Sawyer responded. 
That remark got my attention and suddenly I was very interested in this conversation. 
Bryce hopped off his treadmill and flexed in front of the mirror. “More cut than this?” Sawyer laughed at his antics while he flipped his hair to the side. “Brooks, do you think he’s prettier than me?”
“Not gonna lie, Bryce, he’s very easy on the eyes. He’s the flavor of the month in the clinic and has quite the fan club. You might need to step up your game, buddy.” 
“Well, if that’s the case, maybe we shouldn’t invite Dr. Hottie to join us. I can’t have him getting any more ripped and stealing attention away from me.” 
Sawyer rolled her eyes. “You know it’s pronounced like H-oat, not Hottie, right?”
"Wait…” I interrupted. A heat crept up my neck and to my cheeks and it wasn’t from my workout. “Are you talking about the fucker that can't keep his eyes off Sawyer?" My little show last week did nothing to divert the wart remover’s attention. He was inconveniently around every time I caught a minute with my girl in the clinic. 
Sawyer snapped her head in my direction, her mouth falling open in shock, but I didn’t care that I sounded like a territorial asshole. She sucked in her lips, looking over at Bryce and Rafael. And after a moment of silence, the three of them busted into a fit of laughter.
I brought my treadmill to a stop and glared at them. “Does someone want to fill me in on what's so goddamn funny?”
“Dude, Dr. Hottie is not interested in Sawyer,” Bryce wheezed.  
“Like hell, he's not. I’ve caught him checking you out several times,” I said to her.
Sawyer giggled and walked towards me. "Babe, those times that you've caught him looking in my direction, were you standing next to me?"
Now that I think about it… "Yes." I figured he was taunting me, staring at us at every opportunity and passing me crooked grins in the hallway, letting me know he’d try to steal my girl the minute I fucked up. 
My three gym companions watched with irritating smiles and raised eyebrows as I connected the dots. When I pinched the bridge of my nose, they burst into laughter again. 
"Now that we’ve established he’s not into Sawyer, what do you say, Ram-Man? Can we invite Dr. Hottie to join us?" Bryce teased.
Before I could form a response, Sawyer interjected. "No, he cannot..." She pressed herself into my chest, reaching her arms around and cupping my backside. "Because this ass is mine."
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction
@jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst
@liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate
@kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @midnightmelodiz
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paulfwesley · 5 months
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*slam the break* WHAT THE FUCK??
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potionsprefect · 2 months
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 957
Summary: Luke and Lily are eager to learn about their parents
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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“Mom says we’re not allowed in this room.” Luke said as Lily searched for the key.
“And since when did you listen to what Mom says?” Lily looked up from the cabinet.
“She said it was an important room! We shouldn’t go in there unless they said we could!”
“Oh lighten up Luke, since when did you become a goody two shoes?” Lily rolled her eyes.
“I’m not!” Luke huffed.
“Then help me search for the key!”
Luke rolled his eyes before he helped his sister. Both he and Lily had been eager to learn about their parents achievements since they were old enough to know what they did for a living. There was a room in their home dedicated to books, certificates and trophies. They often heard their parents talk about how they were running out of room and might have to build another shelf.
“Found it!” Lily said as she held up a key.
“What if Mom and Dad find out? You’ve made a mess of the drawer!” Luke said.
Lily looked at the drawer. He was right. The drawer was very messy but she just shrugged and grabbed Luke’s hand before dragging him to the room.
“Keep a look out.” Lily said as she unlocked the door but Luke didn’t need to look for long as Lily had unlocked the door.
“Why are you so interested in this room anyway?” Luke asked.
“Because I don’t get why we’ve not been allowed to look in here. I’m just intrigued.” Lily shrugged.
As she opened the door, her eyes widened. There was far more in here than she realised. Books and certificates adorned the walls but there was also pictures and pieces of paper on the desks.
“Wow.” Luke said.
“Wow indeed. What are you both doing in here?” A voice from behind them said.
Luke and Lily jumped and turned around. Victoria was stood behind them, arms folded and with a raised eyebrow.
“Hi Mom!” Lily said in an attempt to act like nothing had happened.
“I’ll ask my question again. What are you both doing in here?” Victoria came in and shut the door.
“We wanted to see what was so important that we’ve never been allowed in here.” Lily replied.
“We? I was forced to help you out!” Luke crossed his arms.
“You know you have to ask if you want to come in here.” Victoria said.
“But why?” Lily asked.
“Your Dad and I did not want things to get damaged or broken in here. And from remembering what you both were like when you were toddlers, that very well could’ve been the case.” Victoria said.
“We just wanted to know what was in here.” Luke said.
“Would you like me to show you?”
The twins nodded. For the next hour, Victoria showed them all the books that had been written by her and Ethan over the years. Lily tried to decipher the words but couldn’t understand any of them.
“And this here.” Victoria pulled out a paper. “Was my first research paper. I used to read these to you as an alternative to a bedtime story. You fell asleep right away.” She laughed.
“Did Dad do the same?” Luke asked.
“Your Dad started the trend. We found it a great way to get some extra sleep for us.”
“You can say that again.” A voice said.
Ethan was stood by the door, an amused look on his face.
“The twins were eager to see what was in this room.” Victoria laughed.
“It was always off bounds for a reason.”
“But it doesn’t have to be anymore right?” Luke asked.
“I guess not.” Ethan said.
“What’s this Dad?” Lily pointed to a trophy.
Victoria and Ethan shared a look. They couldn’t tell them yet. They weren’t old enough and they wouldn’t quite understand the significance. It was a trophy to celebrate the achievement of the cure during the Senator attack, the most prized possession out of everything in that room.
“It’s a special award. Probably the most special one in this room.” Ethan said.
“What was it given for?” Luke asked.
“You’re a bit too young to understand for now. But one day, we will tell you about it.” Victoria said.
“Why can’t we know about it?” Lily said.
“You can and you will. But not right now. I promise one day. I need to go and start dinner.” Victoria said as she left the room. Ethan knew how she was feeling.
“Sit down a second for me will you please.” Ethan instructed the twins to sit down on the chairs in the room.
“Is everything ok Dad?” Luke asked.
Ethan knelt down in front of the twins, a stern but compassionate look on his face.
“I know you’re both interested to learn about our jobs. This award was given after something terrible happened. For now, you’re too young to understand what happened. So I want you to make me a promise. I want you to not go searching for what this award means until you are old enough to remember. We want to be able to tell you ourselves and we don’t want you to find out what happened on the internet. Do you understand?” Ethan said.
Luke and Lily could grasp the severity of what their Dad was telling them and nodded. He pulled them in for a hug to which they reciprocated.
“Shall we go find Mom?” Ethan said.
The twins nodded and they ran out of the room. It was great that they were taking an interest but there were some things that were best kept from them for now.
One day they would find out. And they would learn why it was the greatest achievement of all.
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Tag list: @ohchoices @swiftiexstarwarssimp @queencarb @genevievemd @choicesaddict5 @schnitzelbutterfingers @gryffindordaughterofathena @sophxwithers @romewritingshop @coffeeheartaddict2 @mm2305 @nikki-2406 @maurine07 @nishas-paradise @replayfootsteps @mainstreetreader @lsvdw-blog @kiara-36 @quixoticdreamer16 @headoverheelsforramsey @shanzay44 @itsjustamesshonestly @josiesopenheart @mysticalgalaxysstuff @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @kachrisberry @rookiemartin @jamespotterthefirst @a-crepusculo @natureblooms24 @jerzwriter @wanderingamongthewildflowers @rosebudde @lucy-268 @liaromancewriter @bex-la-get @writer-ish @toadfrog26 @tessa-liam @peonierose @cariantha @kyra75 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
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alccaddsccup · 1 month
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i fucking HATE this man
was three books and a spin off not enough for this crusty piece of flesh
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genevievemd · 2 months
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And Baby Makes Three
A/N: Lizzie was born today! Technically this morning if we go by that baby template I did last year (or the year before I can’t remember - it’s on the master list under “templates”
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jerzwriter · 2 months
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Thanks for this ask. It was time to dust Kaycee's ex-boyfriend Tomas off! I hope you enjoy this!
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 Timeline) Pairing: Ethan x Kaycee (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 1,100 Summary: Kaycee's good friend and ex-boyfriend Tomas is in town, and they're meeting up for brunch. Ethan doesn't mind one bit... or does he?
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Ethan sat at his desk, doing his best to read the latest edition of the New England Journal of Medicine. Normally, it would have easily held his attention for hours, but today, he read the same sentence five times over and still couldn’t tell you what it said. He sat back with a sigh, the knot in his stomach tightening with each passing minute.
But his tension melted away the moment Kaycee stepped into his office. Her hair was a slight mess, and her face flushed after completing her long shift, but she was still beautiful to him. Looking over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching, she closed the door to his office and turned to him with a bright grin.
“Hey,” she beamed. After giving him a quick peck on the cheek, she leaned against his mahogany desk, stretching her arms above her head as she yawned.
“Hey,” Ethan replied, attempting to sound casual. “Are you ready for brunch?”
“Almost,” she replied. “I just need to change out of these scrubs and make myself look like a real person.”
“Mmmh,” Ethan hummed, the tension in his face visible. He wasn't doing such a good job at appearing casual.  
Kaycee crossed her arms and eyed him suspiciously. “Ethan, are you sure you’re OK with this?”
It wasn’t her usual Sunday brunch with friends, though Ethan wouldn’t be joining her for that, either. They were attempting to keep their relationship quiet for the time being, and if Dr. Ramsey showed up at brunch with a bunch of residents, they might as well take an engagement announcement out in the Boston Globe. Sometimes, it bothered him that he couldn’t join her with her friends, but today was something different.
Tomas was in town. Kaycee’s ex-boyfriend, first love, and now dear friend, Tomas. The handsome young man with wavy brown hair and a dimpled chin who had been charming the nation on the afternoon talk show circuit hyping his new best seller, Tomas. The successful therapist turned author turned activist who embodied everything Kaycee held dear, Tomas. Ethan despised the name more each time he heard it.
“Of course, I’m OK with it,” Ethan lied, his voice wavering. “Why would I care about you going to brunch with Tomas? Jealousy is beneath me.”
“Really?” Kaycee smirked, gently nudging him. “Because I could have sworn I saw you scowling at Tomas’s Instagram profile the other day.”
Ethan’s cheeks reddened, and he chuckled, knowing he had been caught. “OK, maybe I’m a tiny bit jealous. But not for the reason you think. Tomas is here one weekend, and he gets to be in public with you, but I still have to hide in the shadows."
Kaycee’s expression softened, and she began to reach for him when the door to Ethan's office burst open. A new nurse entered, rambling on about a patient's chart without so much as an introduction. Kaycee had managed to jump back just in time so they hadn't been caught in a compromising position. But the red on Ethan’s face was no longer the result of Kaycee letting him know she caught him scowling at Tomas.
“EXCUSE ME!” He barked, the depth of his tone leaving the nurse wide-eyed. “How long have you been working at Edenbrook?”
“Two weeks,” the nurse shrugged.
“And where did you work before that?”
“Tufts. I'm friends with Dr. Jordan at Tufts, I'll need to call him and ask if it's acceptable to barge into an attending’s office without so much as a knock at Tufts. Do you think he'll say it is?"
“No,” I suppose he won't," the nurse replied.
“Then why on earth would you believe it's acceptable here? Now state your business – quickly – then get out so Dr. MacClennan and I can return to caring for our patients.”
Kaycee bit her cheek the whole time the nurse was in the office, doing whatever she could not to laugh, but now that she had left, she let it all out.
“I see the copy of How to Make Friends and Influence People I bought for you has been working wonders,” she chuckled.
A sheepish grin spread on Ethan’s face as he pulled her onto him, his chair swiveling as she landed on his lap. Their lips came together in a ferocious kiss, but Kaycee soon pulled away, still laughing.
“Do you feel better now, Dr. Ramsey?”
“Sort of,” he smiled. “But we have to be more careful if we don’t want to get caught.”
“True,” she said, reaching out to caress his cheek, "But, Ethan, I didn't realize how much keeping it a secret was bothering you. If it's hurting you, maybe it's time we reevaluate.”
Ethan sighed wearily. “You’ll be through with your residency in four months. I still think it's best for us to wait."
“And you’re OK with me having brunch with Tomas. I hope you know we’re just friends now. You have nothing to worry about.”
“I know,” Ethan said. “I trust you implicitly. Besides, who could compare with me?”
Kaycee mussed his hair and pulled him into a playful kiss. “You've been hanging out with Tobias too long," she laughed. "And you're right. No one compares to you. But hey, our closest friends know that we’re together, and Tomas is my good friend. You get off work in an hour. Would it be OK to bring Tomas to your place for drinks afterward? I’d love to introduce the two of you. I think you’d really hit it off.”
“I don’t know,” Ethan hesitated. “Wouldn’t it be a little weird for me to sit down for drinks with your ex?”
Kaycee shot him a sarcastic look. “Really? Because I don’t sit down for drinks with Harper at least once a week.”
“That’s different,” Ethan smirked.
“Yeah. Why?”
“Because it’s Harper!”
Kaycee rested her head on his shoulder and squeezed him extra tight. “Please,” she asked sweetly. You and Tomas are important to me, and I really would like you to meet.”
“As if I could say no to you.” He kissed the top of her head and nudged her off his lap. "You should go get ready. Oh, what does the man drink? Please don’t say some fruity concoction that will make my toes curl.”
“He’s a big fan of single malt Scotch,” Kaycee stated. “If memory serves, Balvenie and Macallan were his favorites.”
“Really?” Ethan raised an eyebrow in approval. “So you always had good taste then."
“You better believe it,” she grinned. “Now, let me go. I have to steam my blue dress in the locker room after I shower.”
“The blue dress?” Ethan’s eyes went wide. “Not the blue dress.”
“Of course not,” she laughed. “That’s still at the tailor being mended after you ripped it off me last time.”
Ethan sat back in his chair, a proud smile on his lips. “Yeah, that’s right," he chuckled. "What time can I expect you?"
“Say two o’clock?"
“It’s a date,” Ethan smiled. “But brunch is most certainly not.”
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jamespotterthefirst · 2 months
I found my writing journal (with over a year worth of dust) and it made me think...
I want to write again.
Given that it's been a while, I'm going to post finished fics I never posted, written fics I never typed out, and finish unfinished series (Enchanted, YBF, Picta, etc). If anyone out there still cares, look out for that. If not, I'm going to post them for me and maybe Kelsey/ @takeharryandgo (she's contractually obligated to read everything I write 😉).
Those seem like small, attainable goals as I get back into writing...
Also, I don't think I'll use a tag list anymore. We die like men.
Wish me luck!
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the-pale-goddess · 4 months
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Someone very special and dear to their hearts…The one & only OH MC 😌
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