#open mis account in simple steps
fanfictionalraven · 7 months
Time Crash 2
Title: Time Crash 2
Summary: What happens when the 11th Doctor and Amy cross paths with two familiar faces from the Doctor's past?
Characters: 11th Doctor, Amy Pond, 10th Doctor, Rose Tyler
Word Count: 1, 405
Warnings: N/A
Author's Note: This story was originally posted by myself on Fanfiction.net under the account drwhogirl10. It was published 9/27/2010.
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"So you see, Amelia," The Doctor said, running around the console.
"Amy!" She corrected quickly.
"Right! Amy, it was a simple mis-carlibration of this zigzag thing," The Doctor explained as he ran under the console. "Bring me my screwdriver!"
"Say please!" Amy shouted down at him with a smile. She could hear him huff.
"Please!" He called up to her. Amy turned to the console and picked up the screwdriver. She turned back around and bumped into someone. She quickly went to scold The Doctor when she realized it wasn't him! Instead it was a blonde girl around the same age as Amy. They shared a bewildered stare before both called out.
The Doctor looked up. Not one shouted "Doctor!" but two! He knew both voices well; one from his present, Amy; and the other, from his past. He turned quickly and looked at the TARDIS.
"Oh! Yes, that's different!" He said, looking to Amy. She stood with the screwdriver pointed at the blond girl who also had a sonic screwdriver pointed at Amy. He looked at his wristwatch and tapped it. "Time for this already?" He asked himself.
"Doctor, where are we?" Amy asked, watching the strange girl closely.
"Doctor!" The blond yelled a little louder than before. A tall, skinny man in a brown pinstriped suit came running out of a hallway.
"What is it, Rose?" He asked, frustrated. He'd just sat down to a good book. He looked up quickly and saw Rose holding a young ginger haired girl at sonic-point. There was a wide-eyed, wild-haired man standing behind them. "What?"
"Hello!" The Doctor waved. Amy ran to his side quickly, still aiming the screwdriver at Rose. The brown suited Doctor walked over to Rose's side.
"Doctor, we were just inside the TARDIS! Where are we?" Amy asked, nervous.
"We still are in the TARDIS," he said. "Just in the past." The brown suited Doctor squinted at the bow-tie Doctor.
"The past? Are you saying you're, well, me but from the future?" He asked, his voice going up an octave. Rose looked from her Doctor to the other.
"You mean you're gonna regenerate on me again?" Rose asked, upset. Amy turned to her Doctor.
"What does he mean you're him?" She asked, just as upset as Rose. Both Doctors put their hands on their companions' shoulders.
The bow-tied Doctor said, "Amy, calm down!" At the exact same time, the brown suited Doctor said, "Rose, calm down!" All four looked at each other. Rose stepped towards the bow-tied Doctor and touched his cheek.
"Doctor?" She asked, carefully.
"Hello Rose!" He said as he threw his arms around her. She was stunned at first but eventually hugged him back. "It's so good to see you again!"
"I'd say the same, but," Rose laughed. The bow-tied Doctor let her go and she stepped back. Amy crossed her arms in a huff.
"Hello! How are we in the past? And how are you him?" Amy gestured towards the brown suited Doctor.
"Oh! Is this like when our fifth form crossed with mine? That hasn't happened to me yet though. Is it coming soon?" The brown suited Doctor asked, rocking back and forth, his hands in his pockets. The bow-tied Doctor opened his mouth then closed it a couple of times before speaking.
"Yes it is like that and you know I can't tell you!" He finally said. The brown suited Doctor nodded.
"Right! Sorry. Wasn't thinking. So are you after me then? Don't tell me how! I'd hate to know! But are you the next me?" The brown suited Doctor asked. Rose looked away.
"Yes I am! And that's the last thing I'm telling you!" The bow-tied Doctor said, pointing at his old self.
"Doctor! What the hell is going on?" Amy shouted. Her Doctor walked over to her.
"Amy, just accept that there are things about time and space that you can't fully understand! I can't explain everything right now! All I can tell you is that his TARDIS is before we met; before I was who I am today," the bow-tied Doctor explained. Amy nodded.
"So you used to look like him?" She asked. Her Doctor nodded.
"Yes!" He said. Amy looked the brown suited Doctor over carefully, then smiled.
"I like him better!" Amy said with a laugh. Rose's eyes widened.
"Oi! This one's mine!" She said, defensively. The Doctors both laughed. The bow-tied Doctor looked Rose over. She was exactly as he remembered her. But something stuck out to him; something he knew he should realize. Suddenly, it hit him.
"Doctor, may I have a word with you before we have to go?" The bow-tied Doctor asked. The brown suited Doctor nodded and stepped to the side. Amy walked over to Rose.
"What's with the bow-tie?" Rose asked, quietly. Amy laughed.
"Bow-ties are cool," Amy said in a mocking voice while making air quotes. The two girls laughed and started swapping war stories.
"What was it you wanted to say?" The brown suited Doctor asked. The bow-tie Doctor looked over his shoulder at Rose and Amy then back to his old self.
"Rose," he said quietly. The brown suited Doctor stiffened.
"You shouldn't tell me," he answered. The bow-tied Doctor waved his hand.
"I'm not going to give you specifics on anything. Just a question; where are you two headed right now?" He asked.
"London. Rose wants to see Jackie and has some laundry to do," The brown suited Doctor answered. The other Doctor nodded.
"That's what I thought! Take her some where else first! Some where special," he said. The 10th Doctor looked over at Rose, a sadness setting into his eyes.
"She's leaving?" He asked. "No, don't tell me. So, New Earth?"
"No! Too ordinary! Take her to that planet with the flying creatures. Show her the sunset, she'll love that!" The 11th Doctor advised. His earlier form nodded.
"Thank you," he whispered. "Now, let's get you and Amy back to your TARDIS!" The brown suited Doctor began to run around the console hitting several buttons. The bow-tied Doctor rushed to Rose and hugged her tight.
"Goodbye Rose!" He whispered in her ear. She was taken aback.
"G'bye," she whispered back. And just like that Amy and the other Doctor where gone. Rose looked at her Doctor. He was standing with both hands on the console, leaned forward. She walked over and touched his shoulder.
"You alright?" She asked. The Doctor stood up straight and inhaled sharply.
"Oh, I'll be fine," he said.
"Why did he act like it had been ages since he'd seen me?" Rose asked, tears flooding her eyes. "He's supposed to be right after you! Why was he treating me like, like he'd lost me or something?" The Doctor pulled her into his arms.
"Just because he's after me doesn't mean it's soon! That could be hundreds of years into my future!" The Doctor pushed her back gently and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Go to your room and get a coat. There's something I wanna show you!" Rose eyed him suspiciously but ran to her room quickly. The Doctor pulled on his long brown trench coat. Rose came back and took his hand. They walked out of the TARDIS together and Rose gasped.
"It's so beautiful!" She exclaimed. There were large creatures flying through a bright orange sky. Mountains jutted up across the horizon. There was a body of water in front of them. They stood in silence for a moment, soaking it all in.
"How long are you gonna stay with me?" The Doctor asked, turning to face her. Rose looked at him.
"Forever," she said. A smile spread across her face and The Doctor smiled back. He knew she was probably wrong. He knew something was coming. He'd already felt it. But as he reached over for her hand, none of that mattered.
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claimbo · 6 months
Tired of being overworked #smallbusiness #business #businessaadvisor #mi... 🧠You know I got something for you! 👇🏼 ➡️I was just like you. I wanted to find something that I loved doing while making 💰. I came across a few people talking about making thousands a week working from home! After sitting on the sidelines trying to make money on my own for several months, I decided to try it. What did I have to lose? NOTHING! I wanted to make my retirement more secure. 💯Let’s face it, today’s economy is not getting better. It’s worse each day. Have you bought gasoline or food lately? And guess what?! 🤯Everything is higher! ✅I’m so glad I gave it a try because this has opened many doors for me and a future to look forward to having no more money worries. 💰This is why I share about it because I want to be able to help You take a step forward like I did.🥳 ⚡️You have one shot at life! 🔥 👉All you need to do what I do is 👈 -a phone -a laptop -WiFi -No Experience Required I learned some simple high-income skills from the silly course I always talk about. I look at my account in the morning and find money deposited in it. I work for other companies representing them and I make a commission. Can you do this too? 🥳If you’re willing to do the things that are hard for you and the things you may not be good at, you will get better and you will reach the success others talk about all over social media. But it all depends on you! ♥️Want to learn the same skills? ⭐️Comment “I’M READY” for free information on how to start. Remember, everyone has to spend a little money to make a lot of money! @margetingtomHashtags: #business #smallbusiness #affiliatemarketing #digitalmargeting #motivation #businessadvisor #mentor #buisnessforthoseover40 #seo #seooptimazation #passiveincome
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myposbook · 10 months
Inventory Management & Warehouse Management in MyPosBook-ERP System
Inventory Management & Warehouse Management in MyPosBook - All-in-One-ERP Software & ERP Solutions for Business
Adding Products Import/Export Products Delete Product (Bulk delete) Variations Product Units Product Category (Categorizing products) Product stock history Product expiry and related settings. Lot number Selling Price Groups (Sell in different prices: wholesale/retail or for different prices for different locations) Product Warranty Printing Labels Duplicate Product Correcting product stock mis-match or incorrect stock in different reports Bulk Edit Products Rack, Row & Position of product Opening Stock Enable bulk edit 1. Adding Products Adding Products Go to – Products > Add Products. Provide a Product Name, Brand, Units, Category Sub-category SKU: Add a unique SKU which will be used to identify the product & Print barcode in labels. Leave it empty to auto-generate it. You can also add a Prefix for auto-generated SKU. Steps to change the default SKU length:In order to change the default SKU length, make the following simple change in the code. 1. Open the file posappUtilsProductUtil.php. 2. Search for the function ‘generateProductSku’. 3. Change the default value 4 to any required length. Barcode Type: Select a barcode type, default/recommended is C128 option. We recommend changing if only if the product added already have an SKU number for it. Not For Selling: If a product is maked not-for-selling then it will not be displayed in POS or sales screen. This can be useful when using manufacturing module to make the ingredients as product not-for-selling also if you want to temporary disable selling for some products. Alert Quantity: Alert quantity is used to alert when remaining stocks reaches to this level or below it. Manage stock: Enable/Disable stock management at a product level. Product stock management is not required for services like Repairing, Hair Cutting, Web Development Printing. For items with Manage Stock Unchecked (disabled), you can sell them in unlimited quantities.  Selling of service using MyPosBook Business Location: Select the business location(s) where this product can sold or purchased. Select Applicable tax for that product. Product Type: Single Product: Applicable for products with no variation with them then select single When selecting Single product – You will need to enter the Default product price including/excluding tax, Profit Margin % (you can set default profit margin from settings -> Business Settings; this will help to type % every time). Based on the profit margin it will auto calculate selling price excluding of Tax. You can also enter the selling price manually and it will auto adjust the profit margin for you. Variable Product:
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Applicable to a product having variations (like size or color or design or flavors etc) You can define variation templates from Products -> Variations. The advantage of creating variation is that it saves time to add same variations multiple time. When selecting Variable product – It will display different fields to add all variations and its related Purchase price, Selling Price. You have to select the variations from the dropdown and it will auto-populate the variations for that template. You can change the variable name, Variation values.  To give same purchase price or selling price or profit for all variations of a product click on the double tick present in the first variation. Read more about adding variations
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software & ERP Solutions – Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & Medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Combo or Bundle Product
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Adding a bundle product Combo product are also called bundle products. It is offering several products as one combined product. For example a product “Computer Set” can have: 1 PC Monitor + 1 PC CPU + 1 Pc Keyboard + 1 PC mouse So when someone buys Computer set she gets all the products in it. Stock of bundled product depends on stock of individual products present in that bundle. Example: if you have 5 PC Monitor, 4 PC CPU , 10 pc Keyboard, 50 PC mouse, the stock of Computer set will be 4 PC. When the bundle product is sold, stock of all products inside them is automatically deducted. Individual products present in bundle product can also be sold separately. Bundle products cannot be purchased, only individual products present in it can be purchased. Click on Save. You can edit a product. You can also Copy / Export to CSV, PDF or Excel file. Adding Products with multiple variations: If you have products which involve multiple variations like for example a Shirt can have Color & Size variation, then we have multiple ways to work with it: Solution 1, Create combined variation: Can a variation with a name “Color-Size” and add values like Red-Small, Red-Medium, Red-Large, etc, this can be used for while adding the Shirt. Solution 2, Create multiple Products: Create multiple different products like Shirt-Red, Shirt-Green, Shirt-Blue with size as variations. When you create multiple products you will NOT have to enter the same details multiple times, first, add the Shirt-Red with all size variations of it and then use the Duplicate Product action to copy the data. Assigning/remove locations of multiple products at once: Go to List Products and refer to this screenshot.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Deactivating & Activating Product: Refer to the screenshot.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Using Product barcode: Question:  How can we use the product’s barcode instead of creating and printing new for every product? How can we use the brand’s barcode of the product instead of creating and printing new for every product? Answer: When creating a product, in the SKU field enter the barcode number of the product. This barcode will be used to identify the product in all screens like POS, Sales, purchases, reports, and others. How to add a product that already has a Barcode? Adding products that already have a barcode, follow the same steps as adding any other products. Go to add products Fill in all the product details IMPORTANT: in the SKU field scan or enter the barcode of the product. Adding product quantity or adding product stock For systematically managing your business, product quantities can be added in 3 ways: Adding Opening stock Adding purchases Manufacturing product: Useful for manufacturers, required manufacturing module. 2. Import/Export Products Import Products: Steps: Go to Products -> Import Products Download the template file. Fill all the information as per the displayed columns name & instructions. Don’t remove the heading from template file. Import the file Export Products:
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. The products can be exported in excel/pdf formats from the list products screen. In the list products screen, click the download excel button. 3. Delete Product (Bulk delete) Deleting Products Deleting of a product will remove the products from the database. NOTE: This delete will not work if the product have some transactions related to it. Transaction can be Opening Stock, Purchase, Sales or Stock transfer of the product. It will show some error like: Product can’t be deleted because purchases related to this product exist Some products couldn’t be deleted because it has transaction related to it. Deleting individual product
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Bulk Delete multiple products
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Delete product Errors: Some products couldn’t be deleted because it has transaction related to it: When a product has any transactions it cannot be deleted. Transactions can be either Sales, Purchase, or Adding opening stock. The best way to avoid such products is by deactivation them 4. Variations Products Variations can be added from Products -> Variations menu. These variations are used in variable products product.
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MyPosBook – All-in-one ERP Software System & Solution for Business, Best advanced stock inventory management, warehouse management, point of sale, invoicing & accounting application comes with lots of features out-of-box. You get most of the feature needed by small & medium sized businesses to simplify the time-consuming task of accounting & inventory management and instead focus on what really matters – Your Business. Example of variation is for example, a Jeans can have multiple colors, so add variation called Colors and provide the value for it. As given in the image below. 5. Product Units Different Products have different units. MyPosBook allows you to add different units for products. Adding Units Go to Products -> Units Give the unit name, a short name, and choose if want the unit to allow decimals. Example: Name: Meter Shortname: Mtr. Allow Decimal: Yes. Allowing decimal allows you to purchase/Sell the product in decimal and vice-versa. Multiple Units: This can be useful if you purchase products in a different unit and sell it in a different unit. For example: Purchase in dozens and sell in pieces. Or purchase in boxes and sell in pieces. Steps: Add the lower unit from Add Unit Screen. For example pieces. Add the higher unit as per the screenshot: Check “Add as multiple of another unit” Read the full article
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mesiiizeapk · 2 years
MagisTV Apk Latest Download for android — mesiiizeapk.com
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Description of MagisTV Apk
MagisTV Apk is an Android 4.4 and higher file. Magis TV Apk is an entertainment app that is free. Downloading and installing it on your mobile device is simple.
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On Playstore, the average rating is 4.80 out of 5 stars. Visit the bozaapp support center to learn more about Magistv Apk. All of the apps and games on this site are intended solely for home or personal use.
Installing on Android Phones
Prior to beginning the download, open the Settings tab from the menu of your Android gadget. Then go to Security>Device Administrators >Unknown Sources and select it to permit download from Unknown Sources. Presently adhere to the guidelines as referenced beneath.
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How to Install on Fire Tv Stick
Step 1: Download and install the “DOWNLOADER” app. Go to your Fire TV’s app store and look for the “DOWNLOADER” app.
Step 2: Download the MagisTV app From the Downloader app, navigate to the Browser and enter the “download link” provided by your service provider to download MagisTV.
Step 3: Open MagisTV and enter account information from your service provider.
How to Install MagisTV Apk on ANDROID TV
Step 1: Download the MagisTV Apk from your Android TV browser by entering the “download link” provided by your provider.
Step 2: Install the MagisTV Apk and enter account data for the service provided by your Provider.
STEP 3: Permits for Installation If the device gives you an alert about “third-party app installation,” you have to PUT ACCEPT it.
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The MagisTV Apk can be installed on your phone for free. The app can be used right away and the installation process is simple. Open the app after downloading and begin watching premium content. It works on your device and is safe to use. The fact that it is free is the best part! The application can be downloaded for free if you want to stream premium content on your phone. You can also get access to more channels and content by signing up for a premium account.
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To install MagisTV on a Mac, Mac users can try Bluestack for Mac.
For Android devices, Magis TV APK is a free streaming application. Worldwide, you can watch free content and have unlimited channels.
Originally published at https://mesiiizeapk.com on January 14, 2023.
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webstartechnology · 2 years
Learn About the Most Reliable Nidhi Software in India
In a developing country like India, where we find different financial solutions for the people, Nidhi Companies is one of them. These firms are well-known non-banking financial solutions in India. The Nidhi Banking system is recognised under Section 406 of the Companies Act 2013.The main functions of this organisation are to lend money among its members with a relatively low rate of interest, open savings accounts, and provide daily deposits, recurring deposits, fixed deposits, and MIS among its members. This organisation was mainly introduced for the purpose of developing savings habits among its members. So, to get the previously stated facility, one must be a member of this kind of organization.
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When the word "money market" comes to mind, the first question that comes to mind is, "Is it reliable?" What will happen if this company ceases to exist? First and foremost, please be aware that this company is governed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), and it must undergo a rigorous audit procedure every three months. Currently, more than 2300 companies have applied for NDH4 approval. The government also keeps a close eye on Nidhi companies that are seeking approval. So, investing money in Nidhi companies is quite reliable among the companies' directors and members, too.
Now, from the company’s owner’s perspective, a huge number of Nidhi companies are failing to get NDH4 approval. Apart from the legal solutions, reliable software plays a very significant role in this NDH4 approval. Many NDH4 approvals are rejected due to mismatches between the AADHAAR and PAN numbers and the document holder's details. If you fill up the member form manually, there is a high chance of making a mistake while entering this big chunk of data. The same mistake goes with those software-generated reports that are unable to do ID verification correctly. In our search for a dependable Nidhi software in Rajasthan, our team came across the name of the renowned software company Webstar Technology ( https://www.webstartechnology.in/nidhi-software.html ), which provides this dependable service that assists you in moving one step closer to NDH4 approval.
In Madhya Pradesh, where people aren't sure why their NDH4 approval is being denied or don't get enough justified answers from their CA, CS, or service providers, and where people are looking for the best Nidhi software in Madhya Pradesh, I recommend looking at this recommended software because, to the best of my knowledge, they provide 100% guidance in every step of operating your Nidhi company, from choosing the right CA to reasons behind NDH4 denial.
People in Kerala value software that is not only appropriate or reliable, but also simple. They always prefer software that is less complicated and more user-friendly, which also serves its purpose. Also, not only simplicity in Kerala they want a great after delivery support as they faces language barrier issues from companies. In Kerala, there are only a few software companies that specialise in Nidhi software development in Kerala. Among those, Webstar Technology is one of the leading software development companies, which not only delivers the best product but also provides the best quality post-delivery customer support.
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best-austin-tx · 2 years
Top Reasons to Hire an Immigration Lawyer
Anyone who has gone through the process of immigration knows that you need Austin Immigration Lawyers to help you in every step. The entire thing requires huge paperwork and comes in complex stages. But with the help of a family immigration attorney, you can unload yourself from all the burden. Since each of green card attorney from Nanthaveth & Associates is seasoned by experience, they understand all the regulations and avoid making mistakes that can adversely affect your case. With the help of your immigration lawyer, you will also know the options available for your unique circumstances. Overall, if you work with a trusted business immigration lawyer, you can be more confident of obtaining a positive response on your petition.
Nanthaveth & Associates, PLLC
Obtaining legal status in the US requires that you work closely with your trusted immigration lawyer. Whether you want to petition your relatives, start a business, hire international workers, or require assistance for undocumented family members, Nanthaveth & Associates is here to help you achieve your goals. You can even schedule a free consultation for you to better understand your options. With years of experience as green card attorney, you have better chances to get that permanent residency in no time. The team of expert Austin Immigration Lawyers will discuss all your options so that you can move forward to your dreams. Call them today and request for a free consultation.
Austin, Texas
You may be wondering whether the life in Austin Texas is right for you. Well, the city is considered to be one of the best places to settle in the US. The rich culture, live music scene, nice weather, and the progressive economy are some of the reasons why many people choose to live in this side of the state. It is also interesting that Austin is the food truck haven. For example, Rainey Street has one of the best food truck options in town. You will find a jam-packed of options ranging from simple snacks to full meals. But on the negative side, commutes can be terrible in the city because of heavy traffic. If you do not want to be caught for hours, avoid the rush hours and go for flexible work schedules.
Zilker Park
Located in Austin, Texas, Zilker Park is a popular place for a quick weekend getaway and relaxation. The 360-acre park is home to many amenities such as canoe rentals, large bikes, walking and hiking trail path, picnic spots, a playground for the little ones, and a golf course. Visitors can also enjoy the Barton Springs which is one of the most anticipated attractions when visiting Zilker Park. Its large and clear spring pool will entice you to take a quick dip, especially during the summer months. Zilker park is an excellent place to spend your free day unwinding and enjoying picnicking with your loved ones. 
Texas State Police in Hots Seat due to Uvalde School Massacre
Texas Department of Public Safety Head Col. Steve Mc Craw defends his officers for their actions during the Uvalde school massacre. He said his team did not fail the community. The parents’ outrages come from the fact that it took 70 minutes for the police to enter the classroom and other issues like false and shifting accounts. Republican Representative Tony Gonzales, who is also a former Navy officer, said that McCraw should also lose his job and resign. The massacre happened in May early this year and caused the lives of 19 innocent children and 2 teachers. The entire incident opened several issues including the ease of obtaining firearms and the idea of arming school administrators for them to be able to defend the school while waiting for the response of authorities.
Link to maps
Zilker Metropolitan Park 2207 Lou Neff Rd, Austin, TX 78746, United States Get on TX-1 Loop N from Barton Springs Rd and Service Rd 2 min (1.3 mi) Continue on TX-1 Loop N to Research Blvd. Take the exit toward Braker Ln/Balcones Woods Dr from US-183 Hwy N 9 min (9.7 mi) Take Jollyville Rd to Taylor Draper Ln 3 min (1.1 mi) Nanthaveth & Associates, PLLC 11211 Taylor Draper Ln #107, Austin, TX 78759, United States
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heartsfromjeanee · 2 years
Just a Snap(chat) Away
Jake Lockley x Reader
Summary: Jake discovers what Snapchat is and asks for your help to use it. With every pic he sends, you never know what to expect.
Warnings: implied smut!
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If you were being totally honest, you weren’t sure if explaining to Jake what Snapchat is was the best or worst idea you’ve ever had.
Here’s the thing, you never had an intention on him finding out about what Snapchat was, it just so happened that one day while the both of you were on the couch snuggled up together, you had opened the application to check a snap a friend had sent you (streaks to be exact). So you took a quick photo of part of your own face and sent it back.
Immediately Jake was curious, questioning what in the hell you were doing.
“I don’t understand, what’s the point?”
“Just to send fun pictures back and forth between friends, it’s not really much more than that.”
“…I want it.”
And with that, you help set up his own account, and added yourself onto it for him.
It took him a little while to completly understand how it worked,
“So what, I just push this circle thingy and it takes the photo?”
“Mhm, and then you can send it to me,”
Jake pressed the middle of the button and in an instant it took a (awkwardly angled) photo of Jake, staring down at the phone with his brows furrowed.
“See now press the little send button-“
“No no I need to take another this one is bad.”
“Jake this is just for an example, it’s fine.”
For a moment, you tussled with Jake for the phone, but Jake ended up getting his thumb on the ‘X’ button at the upper left hand corner of the screen, and deleted the photo from existence. He looked over at you, stared you straight in the eyes, and gave you a shit eating grin.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, leaning back into the couch while you let him go on to take another ‘betting looking’ photo of himself for you.
“Okay, this one is fine.” He said, showing you the new photo he had taken of himself, waiting for the next step.
“Alright, now hit the little button down here,” You reached your hand over and clicked on the send button, then the screen with the list of friends came up, you being the only one on it.
“So now click me, and then press the send button again.”
Jake did exactly as you said, and within a moment a chime came from your phone, alerting that you had received a message.
Picking up your phone, you unlocked it, went to the snap Jake sent you and opened it.
“See?” You showed him your phone and finally he understood how the app worked.
It started off simple enough, when apart, you and Jake would send photos back and forth with each-other, sometimes it being decently taken selfies, or the scenery of the location each of you were currently at.
Jake enjoyed the app very much, more than you would have thought, and soon enough you were receiving many more photos than you were sending. You thought it was pretty cute, that was until you ended up getting one selfie from him, with a thumbs up, which would have been fine if the background didn’t happen to include the dead bodies of three people he had just taken out.
When you confronted him about the snap, he did his best to justify the picture.
“Mi amor, I thought you would be proud!”
“Proud? Maybe impressed, but the point is that I would much rather not see dead bodies in the snaps you send me, okay?”
Thankfully, Jake complied to your request, and made more of an effort to not send snaps until after his missions were completed.
To be specific, there was one night after a mission where he couldn’t make it back home right away, but was yearning for your touch like a mad man.
It was about 3 am when your phone lit up and rang out a ding!
You had been half asleep when you heard it, groaning as you rolled over towards the nightstand to grab the phone and see who it was.
It didn’t surprise you that it was from Jake, so you unlocked your phone and opened the snap to see what he sent you.
For a moment you really thought you were hallucinating because there was a fucking dick, your boyfriends dick, on your screen. The text that accompanied the photo was, “Look what you do to me, mi amor.”
You blinked a couple of times, just to make sure you were seeing this correctly. In all fairness, Jake was the most horniest out of the three of your boys, so this probably shouldn’t have surprised you as much as it did, it just caught you off guard.
You but your lip as a neaky idea came into your head. You sat yourself up and leant over to turn on the lamp that was next to you. Getting up, you made your way over to the boys closet that they shared and at the shelf that was built at the top, sat one of Jakes multitude of caps.
You grinned, first taking of Steven sweatshirt that you had been sleeping it, disregarding it onto the floor, before reaching up to grab Jakes cap.
You put it on top of your head and walked back over to your bed, grabbing your phone once again. You opened up Snapchat, angling your phone so that it was above you, making sure the screen could capture the cap, as well as your breasts. You looked into the camera with an innocent face and then took the picture. You smirked as you wrote, “Wish you were home papí :(“
You then hit send and it was only a matter of seconds before Jake opened it. You stared at your screen, waiting for some sort of response, when suddenly you got an incoming FaceTime call from him.
Lets just say you did not go to sleep for another two hours that night. 😉
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starrynite7114 · 4 years
TikTok: Divorce Challenge
A/N: I know, I have so many other requests to do, but this one was quick and fun! I promise, I really am making my way through the requests. I’m sorry you all have been waiting long, but I’m trying to make my way though them! I truly appreciate the requests I’ve received. The fact you all trust me to make your idea come to life is very awesome. Thank you! <3
The first of the TikTok challenge, the Divorce challenge!
Word Count: 615
Request tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @ifoundmyhappythought : @carlaangel86 : @woahitslucyylu : @encounterthepast : @enamoured-x : @thewarriorprincessxo : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespasta : @twistnet : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @sammskellington : @cind-in-real-life :  @claytoncardenasbabymama : @sadeyesgf : @thickemadame : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @gemini0410 : @elcococruz : @samcrobae : @sesamepancakes : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle : @mrs-losa : @1-800-imagines : @phoenixhalliwell : @lady-pswrld : @dazzledamazon  : @getyourcrayoncas : @fvckthisbxtchup : @lukealvxz : @scuzmunkie : @lilac-tea-time : @danie1432 : @cocotheclown : @soaronmywings : @my-rosegold-soul : @buttercup812 : @itskiranbitch : @angelreyesgirl : @sheeshgivemeabreak : @vicmackeybullshxt : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer : @khyharah : @strawberrywritings : @cherry-icetea : @fuzzy-jellyfish : @losolvidad0s : @brownsugarcoffy : @courtrae89 : @prdsdjarin : @blessedboo : @marvelmaree : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead : @thesandbeneathmytoes : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind : @maddie-georges : @pearlkitten33 : @aquamento : @incorrect-mcdanno​ : @that-chick212​ : @rebel-without-cause-x​ : @inscribeddiatribes​ : @kaystacks17​ : @mindless-x-dreaming​
If you would like to be added for the tag list, let me know!
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Ever since quarantine, you were not ashamed to say that TikTok has been your form of entertainment, especially after a hard shift at work. You were a respiratory therapist at Santo Padre Community Hospital. While COVID did not hit your hospital hard, that didn’t mean there were no patients. Extra shifts and long hours, which was why TikTok provided you a form of distraction.
You made an account and made a few of the dancing video trends with your co-workers.
With your first day off after a stretch of five, all you wanted to do was spend it with your husband of four years, Angel and your son Thiago, who was five and your youngest son Raphael, who was two. 
There were a few trends you wanted to try with Angel and the first one was simple.
‘If we got divorced, what three things would you take with you?’
Currently, Thiago was down for a nap while Angel had Raphael in his arms as he rummaged through the pantry for some snacks.
“Babe, if we were to divorce, what three things would you take with you?” You questioned Angel, partaking in the latest TikTok trend. You held your phone, pointing it at Angel. 
“What?” Angel looked out from the pantry, Raphael mimicking his actions.
You held back your laughter. “If we were to divorce, what three things would you take with you?”
“That’s cute.” Angel chuckled, going back to what he was doing.
“What’s cute?”
“Baby, you ain’t leaving me.” Angel was holding your two year old son, shaking his head. “Mama thinks she can leave papi, can you believe that?” He stepped out of the pantry with some Hot Cheetos. “We signed a contract baby, you’re in it for the long haul.”
“Come on Angel, it’s a video.” You pouted, knowing you’re husband would participate when he saw it.
“Okay, I’ll take you, your crazy ass when you’re pissed, and your horny ass when you want me.”
You stopped recording, placing the phone down. Angel opened the bag of Hot Cheetos and grabbed the cream cheese from the fridge since he knew how you liked to eat your Hot Cheetos.
“You okay too much babe.” Angel shook his head, placing Raphael on the counter. “That word isn’t allowed in this house, you know that. You’re stuck with me. Forever.”
You giggled at that. “Forever is a long time.”
“We signed a binding contract, baby. We got kids, this is till death do us part. And even in the afterlife I’ll come looking for you.” Angel has always been an intense man who gave his all in a relationship. You’ve been together a total of six years and every day, Angel made you feel as loved as he always had, at times a little bit more. He was devoted to you and your little family. You could not have asked for a better husband. “You’re my soulmate, the only person who truly gets me.”
“You know I feel the same about you babe.” He wasn’t upset, but you didn’t think that question would bring this up. Walking over to him, you pulled him down for a quick kiss. “I love you mi Rey.”
“I love you mi reina.” Angel had a hold on Raphael who was eating the animal crackers Angel grabbed for him. He grabbed your ass, causing you to slightly jump. 
“See, for that question, you own me at least four orgasms. What would I take if we divorce,” Angel scoffed. “I’d take your shoe collection, the kids and your car, just so you’ll chase after me.”
You laughed at that.
There was never a dull day in the Reyes household.
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aphrodicted · 2 years
Hola preciosa!!! 🌸✨️💕🌼How are you holding up?💗 could I possibly get a free reading please? I (Dz)♌️☀️♀️ recently had a disagreement with CW (♎️☀️♀️) back in February that involved a lot of hurt feelings and misunderstandings that still hasn't been solved. I think both our trauma played a part in how we acted , but I explained my end of things and apologised for my (limited) part in it, but she did not. We've both been away and haven't been able to speak since, but I was wondering how she feels about the whole situation? She means so much to me but she was so harsh and hurtful, and I want to know if she regrets it, if she'll ever change her behaviour and apologise.
Thank you so much! 🌼♌️💗✨️♀️🌸🌺 I hope you are feeling better 💓 💕 ❤️ 💗
¡Hola, mi amor! I'm much better! And ready to help you with all your doubts!
The first thing I can advise you is to be patient and adopt a withdrawn character for a while. It's time to be very patient and let everything fall into place little by little.
Yes, there is a future and I see a certain "reconstruction" of your relationship, but there are many obstacles between the two of you right now and communication or a simple conversation can be somewhat complicated. If there were to be a conversation, it probably won't be as honest or as deep as you want it to be.
My cards warn CW may have kept things to herself and she hasn't told you everything she thinks in that argument you had. She may even know something, whether it's the subject you fought over or something else related, that she didn't mention that day and is still on her mind. It's very likely that CW is "testing the waters" and seeing what steps you take towards her. Something like analyzing you and your situation. I recommend you to be patient and do nothing else. If you have already taken the step and have tried to solve things: don't do anything else. There's no need.
Also, my cards emphasize again that CW isn't being very expressive or open and may be holding things back. This idea is repeated several times during your reading.
The Eight of Wands reversed announces delays in a possible rapprochement or any type of communication. CW may not know how to approach you or deal with the situation, but it's something for her to figure out. Talking to friends you have in common and seeking advice from people you trust can also help you. However, pride appears as one of the factors why you are separated right now. So you will have to be very patient.
Guilt and jealousy appear as elements that must be taken into account. You both seem to feel a lot of guilt about what happened in the past and it can be one of your main obstacles.
CW feels that her efforts aren't appreciated. Especially in the past. My cards announce these moments are to reap what was sown in the past. If CW has been good to you and vice versa, she will pick up positive things; if CW has been mean to you or vice versa, the negative will be picked up. The World reinforces this idea of ​​picking up and starting a new episode in your relationship. Now there is a closure in your relationship that can continue as a new stage or as an end to your relationship.
However, most of my cards talk about illusions that materialize in a happy future. If the situation between you is still negative, it will be fixed with the appearance of The World. The relationship will improve, which is the most important thing.
You asked me if I feel that she has reconsidered and changed her behavior. The Fool reversed doesn't speak to me of changes, but rather of distancing and stagnation. So right now I don't see any change or improvement from CW. I also don't feel like CW is quite ready to make the transformation she needs.
If you want to know something more specific: leave me an ask and we'll look at it. Good luck! <3
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killing-all-joy · 4 years
“You come here often?” “Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’.” Roman tried to be charming/flirt but Janus is done with life (like he is a tired barista or something)
Here we have it, my first Christmas fic (and coffeeshop au i think). Happy holidays y’all, and have a wonderful [insert holiday you celebrate here]! (The sides celebrate Christmas though and so I figured...why not Christmas themed?)
Roman swung open the door to the coffee shop. It was Christmas Day, and Roman had slept in. He had woken up an hour and a half ago, and since it was now noon, Roman was ready for some coffee and a croissant. Lunch could come later.
He found himself standing at the back of a rather short line; it was indeed a holiday, so it made sense for the coffee shop to not be as crowded as usual. Still, there were three people ahead of Roman.
Roman looked around while he waited. He didn’t go to this coffeeshop as often. He usually went to the one across town, but that one was surprisingly busy. While he would love to just skip having coffee, he knew he’d need it in order to deal with his brother on this day of cheer. This coffeeshop, Don’t Be Latte, was also close to a new pizza place that opened the month previous. Roman wanted to see just how good the new pizza place was.
As he took a step forward in the line, he noticed the cashier he would be talking to. And, oh did Roman notice him. He was absolutely gorgeous. He had blond hair, green eyes, a large scar (or birthmark, Roman didn’t know) on the left side of his face, and was wearing a gray beanie. It was cold, so Roman didn’t judge the hat choice. It looked rather cute to Roman anyway. When he could faintly hear the sound of the cashier’s voice, Roman started to internally swoon. His voice was smooth, low, and heavenly. Roman was happy he had time to compose himself before he had to talk to the cute guy.
Roman watched as another customer finished and stepped out of the line. Roman stepped forward as the line continued. He silently lectured himself not to faint, stutter, or make a complete fool out of himself. On the flipside, he also thought about ways to flirt with and ask out the cashier. In his defense, it wasn’t every day Roman saw a cute guy who looked to be his age that he was able to speak to. Roman hoped he could at least get his number.
The customer ahead of Roman stepped aside. It was now Roman’s turn to order. He stepped up to the counter, putting on his most charming smile.
The cashier exhaled loudly. Roman figured the customer ahead of him must have been a bit...demanding. He found the exasperation endearing.
“Good morning and happy winter holidays! Merry Christmas if you celebrate it,” Roman greeted. “How are you today?”
The cashier didn’t spare Roman a glance.
“It’s noon. Not morning anymore. You customers are a nightmare, so my Christmas will not be merry.”
“I suppose you’re right about it not being morning,” Roman conceded. “The sun has reached it’s highest point, and is showering you in the most angelic glow.”
The cashier gave him an unimpressed look. “It’s cold. What can I get for you?”
“A medium sized coffee,” said Roman, putting an elbow on the counter and leaning his head on his fist.
“Any cream in your coffee?”
“Yes, please,” said Roman politely.
“How sweet do you want it?” he asked.
Roman grinned. “As sweet as you.”
“No sugar, got it,” the cashier replied, tapping something into the ordering screen.
Roman chuckled. “No, no. The simple look in your eyes warrants at least a teaspoon of sugar in you.”
The cashier rolled his eyes, correcting the order.
“You come here often?” asked Roman.
“Well, I work here. So I think I’d have to say ‘yes’,” he answered. “Anything else?”
Roman internally berated himself on the stupid question. “Yes, a croissant please.”
“For here or to go?” asked the cashier.
“I’d like to be wherever you are,” Roman replied dreamily.
The cashier let out a long-suffering sigh. “For here it is.”
The cashier walked over to the display of croissants and picked one from the platter. He put it on a plate and gave it to Roman.
“May I have your name? Or perhaps, your number?” Roman asked, taking the croissant.
The cashier put a hand to his forehead. “My name is on my nametag.”
“Ah, but that’s cheating,” said Roman, glancing down to find the name ‘Janus’ engraved on metal.
Janus rolled his eyes. “It’s Janus, now please pay for your order and sit down. Your total is $4.50.”
“As you wish,” said Roman with a wink, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. He pulled a twenty from his wallet and slid it across the counter. “Here you go.”
Janus put the ten dollar bill in the cash register and printed out the receipt. He pulled out fifteen dollars and fifty cents.
Roman took the receipt and started to walk away.
“Wait!” Janus called, stopping Roman in his tracks. He stared Roman in the eyes, holding up a ten and a five dollar bill and two quarters. “You forgot your change.”
Roman gave him a big smile. “I know. Keep it for yourself, Janus, as my Christmas gift to you. Have a day that treats you kindly, and the happiest of New Years.”
Janus blushed, pocketing the money. Roman’s face turned up in satisfaction. He may not get a date, but he could still make a cute guy happy.
Roman finished his coffee and croissant. He got up and placed his mug and plate in a bin for dirty dishes. He walked back over to his table and gathered his stuff, turning to leave the coffeeshop.
Roman felt someone tap his shoulder. He turned around.
Roman grinned when he spotted Janus.
“What can I do for you?” Roman asked kindly, seeing that Janus was no longer in his apron.
“I’m...not sure I can take this money,” said Janus, gesturing to his pocket. “I feel kind of bad about it, ‘specially ‘cause I was pretty curt with you...”
Roman waved him off. “Don’t worry about it! I always get into a giving mood during Christmas, and I understand your attitude.”
Janus grumbled incoherently, unsatisfied.
“Besides, who was I to flirt with a tired barista,” said Roman with a laugh. “Either way, I do hope your Christmas is merry.” Roman noticed the unsure look on Janus’s face. “But, if you feel bad about taking my money...you could let me take you to lunch at that new pizza place I’ve wanted to try.”
"You just ate,” said Janus pointedly.
“Only a croissant!” Roman protested. “Which is just breakfast. I imagine you haven’t had lunch either.”
“I haven’t,” Janus admitted.
Roman smiled. He offered him his arm.
Janus took it hesitantly. “Okay. But I’m buying, since you already gave me money.”
Roman narrowed his eyes at him. “I won’t agree to that yet, mi querido.”
Janus laughed quietly, concealing a blush. “I know how to argue. Lead the way, um-”
Roman gasped. “How rude of me! I deeply apologize, mi corazón. My name is Roman.”
“Lead the way then, Roman.”
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff @neo-neo-neo @fander-fic-recs
Sweet Christmas fluff to break up the angst. I actually wrote this yesterday so this was the thing that got me in the holiday spirit (finally)! Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and happy December to all! Fluffy Roceit is something we all need. I hope you liked it!
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sirowsky · 4 years
The Flowers Always Know
Description: When a mad scientist uses you as an experiment while you’re on holiday, the Heroics only just manage to save you. And in your recovery you become very close to the leader of the group. (Slow burn)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Language, some mild smut.
Link to Masterlist
Comment: All I can say is: I’m sorry. My head is a strange place.
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Chapter 29
  “Marcus!! Oh, get that sweet tush over here and hug me, and you better make it a good one after you’ve neglected to visit my cave for longer than these magic hands care to remember.”
  You already loved Velma.
  “Hey, Vel. I’m sorry, I’ve been preoccupied.”
  He did hug her, and properly too, as well as about 10s longer than what would be considered socially acceptable for mere friends, without either of them seeming to find it weird or awkward at all.   You still loved her.
  “Thank you, my darling. You’re forgiven. Now, tell me what you’ve brought me?”
  He beamed at you. He really did love any opportunity to show you off, but he seemed especially pleased about this introduction.
  “Velma, this is my fiancé. Hermosa, as you’ve undoubtedly gathered – this is the one and only Velma.”
  “Your fi… You’re getting… And you’re here. You brought her to me! Are you…?”
  “Yes. I am. On both counts.”
  “YES!! Thank the Greek fucking Gods!! A wedding-dress, and for you, my darling, of all people! Thank you.”
  “Well, technically it’s for her.”
  “Oh, no, sugar. The dress is for the groom. The shoes – are for the bride.”
  She finally set all of her glorious attention on you.
  Velma was a drag-queen, and the most awe-inspiring individual you’d ever seen. Everything about her was superior. She was taller than anyone else in the room, helped by fucking spectacular plateau shoes, she was broad-shouldered and muscular to boot. She carried herself like an empress, with a kind of stillness and real elegance, despite having so much flare and finesse to her. And even though she was covered in colours and sparkles, she somehow looked like she would belong absolutely anywhere.   And when she actually looked you in the eye, you could almost feel her read the pages of the book that was your life, and yet, there was nothing intimidating about it.
  “Well, now. There’s a lot of story here, isn’t there?”
  “A bit. Yeah.”
  “Mm. Alright then, come with me, darling. I demand to know every little detail about the woman my Marcus has chosen.”
  She turned dramatically, and headed for a side-door in the studio workshop where you were, and you looked at Marcus with a wide grin.
  “She’s coming to the wedding.”
  “Don’t worry – she’s on the list.”
  “I don’t care about any list. She’s coming. I need that amount of sparkle at my wedding. And I’m not just talking about the clothes.”
  He chuckled happily as he watched you literally skip over to the open door, and disappear inside.
  Three weeks later, you finally got around to getting your house sold. It was a fairly quick sale since the neighbourhood was nice and the yard was bigger than most other properties on that street. And since you didn’t really need the extra money, you could give the young couple that fell in love with it, a kind price.   You weren’t really particularly sorry to see it go, but you were very happy to see it fall into the hands of people who would appreciate it. For a long time, that house had been your refuge, your safe harbour when life got hard, and you wished that it could be the same for someone else.   You put the bulk of the money in your savings-account, and ear-marked the rest for wedding-expenses.   There still wasn’t really any actual planning going on, as far as dates and times and venues were concerned. But you and Marcus were still getting through a lot of the stuff that goes on around the actual day.   You’d settled on what colours you wanted for the flowers, and what types they should be. You’d had an almost outrageously fun day last weekend, trying out the recipes for all the wedding-cakes you’d both found online. And after soiling literally every inch of the kitchen with flour, and tasting so many different cakes your taste-buds had eventually given up, you had managed to conclude that you wanted a lemon-flavoured one. Missy had tried to get you onto the chocolate-train, but you’d held your ground, with the promise that there would indeed be chocolate present, just not in the cake.   You’d completed the guest-list, and chosen the invitation cards, but they were safely stowed away in a drawer, still unwritten.   It wasn’t that you were stalling or didn’t feel ready. You were just genuinely enjoying the preparations, and not having that deadline made them feel like they were just fun things to do over a weekend, rather than things you had to do to be ready in time. Especially since Missy loved being a part of it too, it made the whole thing feel like a prolonged family event.
  By now, the only thing that was still on the prep-list was Marcus’ suit, but you’d both agreed not to make any decisions on that until you’d seen what Velma did with your dress.   You’d spent two whole days in her cave, getting your measurements taken and your skin-tone evaluated. There were about a hundred things about your body that she’d wanted to know, but you trusted her with your life already, so you’d happily complied.   Plus; any excuse to spend time with her was a good one.   Work was finally becoming manageable again, as you’d finally caught up on all the stuff that was trailing behind, and you were deliberately keeping any and all new projects firmly steered in other directions or delegating them onto other designers. You had enough on your plate with just getting through the already started ones, on top of the wedding-planning.   Today had been a good day, so far, and you’d decided to go and find Marcus and see if he had time to join you for lunch.   When you approached his office, his door was open and you could hear Tech talking. Not wanting to interrupt, you stopped outside and out of sight, while you waited for their conversation to finish. You picked up your phone to send an e-mail while you waited.
  “I can’t believe that building was still standing after that.”
  “Crushing lost control for three seconds. Let’s just be grateful it wasn’t longer.”
  “Oh, I remember that time back in the beginning when he was out of it for like 20 seconds.”
  “I think most of Colombia remembers that, too.”
  “Hey, um. Speaking of losing control…”
  “Well, there’s a certain office on the other side of the building that gets a fair bit of noise-complaints.”
  You snapped out of your e-mailing and instinctively turned your head to listen closer.
  “Stay out of it, Tech.”
  “Hey, I’m not the filing them, and I never will. I’m all for healthy appetites. Just wondering if you’re aware of the fact that a lot of people are talking about you guys?”
  “So? Let ‘em talk.”
  “Sure. But they’re not talking about it being a nuisance or inappropriate. They’re talking about how the hell you can keep it up for three hours straight sometimes. Is that true, though?”
  You weren’t sure if you wanted the ground to open up and swallow you, or if you wanted to go find these people and tell them to mind their own business.   There was a brief pause before Marcus answered, and his voice was a bit lower than before.
  “It is. I seriously can’t get enough of her. Ever. No matter how tired I get, I can always go another round.”
  “That’s kind of amazing. How do you ever get anything done?”
  “I have no idea.”
  “Any idea when the knot-tying might be happening?”
  “No. I’m dying to do it, to the point where I have to repeatedly tell myself not to just beg her to go to Vegas with me. But I also really wanna get it right, you know? Not necessarily perfect; just right. Right for us. And I want her to feel ready, so that she can just relax and enjoy that day, whenever it happens.”
  Your heart swelled to an almost painful size behind your ribs.
  “I am ready, honey.”
  You stepped over the threshold and watched as his expression turned from confusion to realisation as he saw you.
  “You wouldn’t have to beg. I’d go to Vegas with you right now if you asked. I’ve told you; I don’t really care how it happens. I’m enjoying the preparations and everything we’re doing together, but even if nothing ever got used, I wouldn’t feel like I missed out on anything. You’re the one that wanted the traditions, remember?”
  Tech excused himself at that point, and closed the door behind him after he left.
  “Do you still want all that, Marcus?”
  He looked so torn.
  “Damned it… Yes. I really do.”
  “Then let’s pick a date. Let’s find a place that feels right and let’s make it happen.”
  “Are you sure?”
  “Are you ready?”
  He shot up from his chair and was suddenly holding your waist, staring into your eyes.
  “Ah, mi novia, I’ve been ready for a long time.”
  His hands migrated down to your ass, and you let him squeeze you to him. You were wearing a simple blue summer-dress today, and he quickly found his way underneath it, letting his hands run up your thighs and relieve you of your panties.   Then he pulled you along to the sofas, sitting down and urging you to straddle him.   It was almost strange how calm it was. The two of you were always so heated, so passionate whenever you came together, to the point where it was almost always beyond your control, or at least, on the very edge of it.   But this time, there was no tearing at each other’s clothes. No hands desperately grasping, needing and demanding more. No burning heat that made you feel empty and aching until he entered you.   The heat did come, but gradually. With each caress, each tender kiss and each movement of your bodies together, it slowly built from an ember to a flame.   Your walls actually allowed him to move inside you this time, and as you rocked yourself over him, a completely different kind of pleasure to what you’d become used to with him, built inside your core and seemed to reach towards your heart, instead of your sex.   After a while, he turned you both to the side so he could lay you down and settle himself on top of you, and that feeling that was creeping towards your chest, drastically intensified. He drove into you in long, strong thrusts that buried him as deep as your bodies would allow, each time, and his throat made involuntary little sounds of pleasure every time he returned into your wet and welcoming warmth.   It took you nearly thirty minutes to build to a climax this time, and when it finally hit, it was strong in a completely different way than it ever had been before. Your bodies didn’t curl or clench in on themselves, there were no involuntary power-outbursts, no levitation. But it felt like you were underneath each other’s skin. Like your hearts actually melded into one through the intricate contact of your skin and nerves.   It was utterly overwhelming and there were tears streaming from your eyes throughout the whole climax. And they didn’t stop, even after you’d come back down.   There was no pain or sorrow anywhere inside you in that moment, so you concluded that these were tears of pure love and you made no effort to stop them. You just held him close and waited for the feeling to burn itself out.   He burrowed his face into your neck while you laid there, feeling the tears as they passed over onto his cheek on their way down, but making no comment about them. He knew what they were, and it made him love them too.
  You took a late lunch together, and since the pills were working perfectly and the lab had been able to produce several months-worth already, you could enjoy eating like a normal person these days.   Marcus really did miss your stomach-bear, though, and he would occasionally drop comments like ‘this is one of those moments when mama bear would have roared’, and you felt a little bit sorry for him. It was like he’d lost a puppy.   While you ate, you started discussing what places you thought might be nice for a venue.
  “Churches are nice, but a bit… I hesitate to say ‘stuffy’.”
  “Yeah. They feel so formal, like you’re not allowed to have fun, and I really want us and our guests to feel like we’re allowed to have fun.”
  “Definitely. So, what about restaurants?”
  “Not my thing, if I’m honest, hermosa.”
  “I figured. Pavilion?”
  “Now, we’re talking. A big one, with lots of decorations and a dance-floor!”
  “You and your dancing.”
  “Oh, no; you’re the dancer, remember?”
  “And your foxtrot is adequate, but your waltz needs some work.”
  “Thanks. So, do we know of any potentially available pavilions, or are we gonna have to build one?”
  “Don’t you worry about that, sugar-plum, if it’s a pavilion you’re looking for – I know the perfect one.”
  Velma approached your table, wearing an even more daring outfit than last time you’d seen her. As always, she made a show of eyeing Marcus up and down and making appreciative noises to showcase his hunky-ness. And, as always, Marcus just smiled and let her do her thing.
  “Where is it?”
  “Didn’t I just tell you not to worry? I’ll take you to see it later if you want, but for now – I need to borrow your little cherry, here. Time to dolly you up, hon.”
  “It’s finished?”
  “Literally seconds ago. I came to find you right away, I need to see it on you before I can definitively say that it’s done.”
  Marcus beamed at you both while Velma slipped her arm through yours and led you back to her cave.
  Somehow, you’d expected it to be difficult to get into, or at least require assistance, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t a big or flaunty thing, nor was it heavy or complicated in its design. And yet, there was something so special about it.   It was snow-white with a hint of gold to the shimmer in the fabric, to match the rings. It was an off the shoulder style dress, with long sleeves in the most beautiful lace you’d ever seen, that carried over into the body of the dress as well, though it was purely ornamental there, as the actual body was made from satin.   From the waist down, there was no lace, but tiny golden details had been sewn into the satin and it made the dress come alive somehow.   The skirt was cleverly designed, so that it billowed out just a little, but without getting puffy, and it was still just two layers, making it easy to handle and comfortable to move in. There was no train, but she had made you a vail in the same exquisite lace, in case you decided that you wanted one.
  “Oh, my. Honey… I thought it looked gorgeous on the mannequin, but damn! You make this dress.”
  “It’s perfect, Velma. It’s everything I didn’t know I wanted.”
  “Marcus is gonna swoooooon…”
  “He’s gonna love it.”
  “Well, just make sure to have someone strong standing next to him so they can catch him when he inevitably goes down.”
  You just smiled at her.
  “Oh, and thank you for the shoes. You’re right, I’m gonna love these a lot more than the dress before the night’s over.”
  “You got that right, Cherie.”
  You met up with Marcus as soon as you were done in the cave, and the smile that lit up his face when he saw you carrying the special box that housed the dress, shoes and vail, could have put the sparkles in Velma’s very short skirt to shame.
  “You actually have it? It’s finished?”
  “It’s right in here.”
  He looked positively squirmy with anticipation.
  “And it’s even more beautiful than anything you’ve imagined. Trust me.”
  He chuckled.
  “I do.”
  Velma took you out to see the pavilion she’d mentioned, and it really was perfect. It sat on several acres of green lawns and meadows, with a large pond not too far from the structure. You could have the ceremony out on the grass, overlooking the water, and put up a canopy over the tables and chairs for the dinner and cake. And then move over to the pavilion for the dancing and fun-times. There were huge old oak-trees framing the entire area, giving the whole place a bit of a fairy-tale feeling.
  “Marcus, we have to pick a date. We have to find out if this place is available for us.”
  “Oh, don’t you worry about that, honey-bun. It’ll be available whenever you want it.”
  Velma gave you this knowing look and you gawked at her.
  “You own this place?”
  “For a long time now. I only use it for very special occasions, and I don’t go blabbering about it to every Joe and Willy looking for a party-house. But for you, my turtle-doves, it’ll always be available.”
  By the time you went to bed that day, you’d not only picked a date, but completed and sent all of the invitations as well.   You were going to get married on the ten-month anniversary of when you first opened your eyes and saw him by your bedside, which gave you roughly a month to get everything ready. And since you had everything pretty much figured out already, that wasn’t going to be a hard deadline to keep.
  Or, so you thought.
  But the day before the wedding came at you like you’d somehow fallen asleep at the wheel going 200mph down the highway.   Suddenly it was all happening. And while you were totally ready emotionally, you were also just not ready over-all, and you woke up that morning feeling sick. Actually sick.   Marcus was too excited to get more than 4h of sleep per night in the week leading up to that day, but he didn’t want to disturb you, so he’d gotten up and left the bedroom some time earlier that morning.   You walked into the bathroom to splash some cold water on your face but it didn’t do much to alleviate the nausea, so you gave up and just got dressed instead.
  “Hey, alma, are you okay?”
  “Yeah, sweetie, just feeling a little overwhelmed I guess.”
  “You sure?”
  “I’ll be fine, don’t worry. The wedding is happening, come hell or high water.”
  “Where’s Marcus?”
  “He got called in to work really early, some crisis with a blue-whale, I think.”
  “Okay, well, then I’ll drive you to school.”
  “Are you sure you shouldn’t just take a sick-day?”
  “I’m not gonna be helped by sitting here wringing my hands all day. Let’s go, Maid of Honour.”
  She smiled at that, but then frowned.
  “You’re not gonna have breakfast?”
  “Kid, I’ll be happy if I can keep the damned pill down this morning.”
  You dropped her off and went to work, intending to treat this like any other Friday. But when you stepped into your office, there was a weird smell that just set off all your senses, and you had to duck over the first available trashcan and vomit. Since your stomach was empty, all that came up was bile, and that somehow made you even more nauseas.
  What the fuck was that smell?
  You abandoned your office and headed for Marcus’ instead. It smelled fine, so you sat down at his computer and used your own login to access your files and get to work.   But after about an hour you’d had to visit his bathroom three times as your stomach continued to try and cough up shit that wasn’t even there, and you gave up, and headed down to medical.
  You had just intended to ask for some anti-nausea medication, but because of your medical history, they insisted on an exam to rule out any possible delayed complications.
  You left medical in a daze, not even realising where you were going before you found yourself back in Marcus’ office.   You sat down in one of the sofas and just waited. You didn’t dare to even try and feel anything without him there, because you were afraid that you might suddenly feel way too much, and you needed him to be there, to keep you calm if that happened.   Some time later, Crushing ducked his head in and had to almost shout to get your attention.
  “Huh… What?”
  “I said, Marcus went home straight from the mission, two hours ago, he had something he wanted to get done for tomorrow. So, there’s no need to wait for him here.”
  “Oh. What time is it?”
  “Almost five.”
  “Hey, you okay?”
  “I hope so. Yes. I mean, yes.”
  “Want me to take you home?”
  “No, I’ll be fine, thanks Crush.”
  You drove home being almost ridiculously cautious and you laughed a little at yourself when you parked the car, next to Marcus’.   You were surprised to find the front door locked. You never locked the door when you were home. They must have gone out on foot for some reason.   Fishing your keys out of your bag, you unlocked it and stepped inside, and you were just about to call out to see if anyone was home, when you heard a sound that made every hair on your body stand straight up.   It was a mechanical sound, a machine of some sort. You couldn’t identify it, but your body sure as hell remembered it.   Walking into the living room, a fear unlike anything you’d ever felt before, flooded every cell inside of you.   Your own blood rushing in your ears drowned out the sound of your keys and handbag falling to the floor, as you tried to take in what you were seeing.
  Tubes… wires… computers… machines… bags of liquids… chairs that weren’t chairs but fucking instruments of torture. Two of them. One for Marcus… and one for Missy.   And right in between them – Dr. Prince.
Authors’ Note: I love criticism, don’t be shy to let me know if there’s anything you like/don’t like/have questions about.
@blueeyesatnight​ @farfromjustordinary @allmyspideys @hrk-fic-recs @strawberryperegrine @lucrezia-thoughts @computeringturtle @sarahjkl82-blog
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Pinky Promise || Oscar "Spooky" Diaz
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(GIF Credit: @merakiaes)
A/N: I've had this idea in my head for a while. It will be a two-part imagine/story. Apologises for any grammatical errors found. Once again, don't hesitate to correct me on the Spanish translations. 
Pairing(s): Spooky x Reader 
Summary: Life can change in an instant.
Warnings: allusions to absent parents; death; options within pregnancy, angsty, fluff, language, unplanned pregnancy
Word Count: 1282
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ -
Becoming the accountant for a few businesses in Brentwood allowed (Y/N) to live above her means. A complete change from the two years out of (college/university) where she barely scraped by, even moving back in with her parents when she was unable to keep up with the rent at her apartment. Thankfully, she was able to bring herself out of that predicament. Those two years were stepping stones into the success she's experiencing now. 
She eventually branched out and took on being the accountant for Joe's Diner in Freeridge. Despite hearing negative things about the area, she couldn't help but admire the community. Their friendly faces, charismatic personalities and willingness to help one another without expecting anything in return reminded her of the small town her grandparents lived in.
When (Y/N) got the opportunity, she'd go back for a visit. Only with her family though. Going back by herself would be a bit too painful. 
Not only did she admire the community she fell in love with it… and with somebody. 
Oscar 'Spooky' Diaz. 
The pair met while (Y/N) was double checking the hours each employee wrote down on their timesheet. He sat in her booth and started up a conversation. Love at first sight wasn't something (Y/N) believed in, but she couldn't deny that they had instant chemistry. All it took was a date for the pair to become an official couple. 
(Y/N) couldn't have been happier. 
She was making good money, she had met somebody who "got" her and for all intents and purposes she was content. Completely satisfied with the way her life was going. 
And then a curveball was thrown. 
"... measuring about six weeks… discuss your options… a follow up..." 
(Y/N) remembered bits and pieces of her doctor's appointment. Going in for a simple check up resulted with the black and white picture in her hands. She was going to be a mother. Shaking her head she quickly tucked it into the pocket of her jacket and walked up the pathway of the Diaz household. She was surprised to see none of the usual Santos members hanging around outside, but figured they had more important matters. 
She was thankful though, as much as she liked the group she felt a sense of relief that they wouldn't be around to hear the news. 
"Está roto tu celular?" Oscar asked, as she walked through the door, when he received a head shake he continued, "then why haven't you been answering your phone?"
(Y/N) took a seat opposite him at the table, instead of answering his question she had one of her own. "Do you know what a wombat is?" 
"Come on, just answer."
He scoffed, redirecting the conversation, "where were you?"
"I was busy." Was her response.
"Busy? That's all I get?" He glared, "for three days? No contact. Nothing. For three days!? I know you like your space (Y/N), but fuck! At least give me a heads up or something. Give me something. I'm dealing with shit from Cuchillos and 19th Street and all you can tell me is that you've been busy? To answer my calls?" He stood up, "fuck that!"
She watched as he began to pace between the kitchen and living room, "I'm sorry… but, uh – a wombat? Do you know –" 
"I don't give a fuck about a wombat, (Y/N)!" He yelled, walking back towards her, "after the second day of you not answering my calls and finding out that you used up a week of your sick leave I sent Sad Eyes and Oso by your place to check if anything had happened," he took a deep breath, "your car was parked in front and you weren't there. Only reason I stayed behind was in case you'd come here. You're here now and you can't even give me a straight answer." 
"A wombat is native to Australia and their poops are cubed," she blurted and giggled, "isn't that funny?"
"Cubed poops, Osc. And, they –" 
"– use it to mark their territory," she whipped out her phone and searched up an image of a wombat to show him, "see? Aren't they cute? Oh and let's look at the –" 
She looked up at him, "yes?" 
Oscar huffed and moved towards the door, "you know what? Fuck it, get out. Spend another three days by yourself or whatever. I don't give a fuck anymore," he opened it up, "porque tenía mejores cosas que hacer con mi tiempo." 
(Y/N) knew she messed up. 
She didn't mean to downplay his feelings or dismiss his concerns. She just needed to build her way up to reveal the news. Now, she realised that it would've been easier to come out and say it. Rather than talk about one of the multitude of facts she had read recently. 
"I–I'm sorry, Oscar," she blinked back tears and reached into her jacket pocket, "whenever you called, I wanted to pick up. I really did, but I held back 'cause saying it over the phone wouldn't have been the right thing to do, you deserved to be told upfront." 
His eyebrows furrowed, "(Y/N)? What are you going on about?" 
She stood up, "I've been feeling unwell for a while. At first I thought it was nothing, especially since I decided to indulge in a (burger)." 
"You've told me that your body –" 
"I know… but, I just couldn't help myself, okay?" Pulling out the paper she held it in her hands, "anyway, I went and saw the doctors. I was given some news… and, I distanced myself 'cause I just needed time to think. I'm sorry that I never contacted you, I just needed to get myself together," she held it out to him, "I've gone over my options and… you can be there for them, we don't need to be together."
He walked towards her and took the paper out of her hands, unfolding the paper his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and then a look of realisation came upon him. (Y/N) took a step back as he stepped forward, she looked down at her feet until she felt his hands lift her chin. Her eyes connected with his. 
"You're pregnant." 
"I'm sorry." 
"No, (Y/N), don't ever apologise for this, okay? This is as much as me as it is you." He pecked her forehead, 
She took his hands away from her face, "like I said you don't need to be -" 
"Why wouldn't I want to be a part of this? Be a part of this family. My family." 
"You… still want me? No, wait – us?" 
Oscar wrapped his arms around her, "absolutely bonita!" he held her at arm's length, looking into her eyes, "we're in this together."  
"Yeah, I'm not going anywhere, baby." He replied, easing her worries, "I'm gonna do better than what was done for me. This baby is gonna know who their dad is. And that no matter what, their dad's gonna be there for them." 
Not to be the bearer of bad news, she knew it had to be said, "what about Cuchillos and 19th Street?' 
"They'll be handled. You and our little blessing come first." 
(Y/N) gave a watery smile and placed his hands on her stomach. There wasn't a bump yet, it would probably pop out in a few months. Oscar bent down and placed his forehead against hers. The couple continued to embrace each other, enjoying the sense of peace that surrounded them. 
When they broke apart, he held her face in his hands again, "we're gonna be dope parents." 
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ - 
Spanish Translation(s): 
Está roto tu celular? - is your phone broken? 
Porque tenía mejores cosas que hacer con mi tiempo - because I've got better things to do with my time.
Bonita - beautiful
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adenei · 4 years
Auror 99 - Chapter 1
Serve & Protect
“Here is everything you’ll need regarding the mission in New York,” Kingsley said to the trio. “I’ll be coming with you, but I won’t be able to stay to see this through. Even though the Aurors and New York Police Department are two separate entities in two separate countries, you will be reporting to Captain Holt of the 99th precinct. He is aware of the reality of the situation, and has had a portrait hung in his office so that he may contact me at any given moment. Patronuses should only be sent in dire need.”
“So MACUSA isn’t going to be involved at all?” Harry asked.
“They’re aware of the situation, however they are entrusting us to handle it quietly. None of the crimes Gerteso has committed in the US have been magical in nature that we know of, so there’s no grounds of jurisdiction. You’ll do well to remember you are working with muggles, who have no idea about our world, so the magic will need to be kept to a minimum.” Kingsley then handed them an additional bag.
“What’s this?” Ron asked.
“Muggle tactical gear. You’ll still need your wands on you at all times since apprehending Gerteso with magic will most likely be necessary, but you’ve got to play the part. You’ll have time to read over your identity files when we get to New York.”
Hermione looked in her bag as her face drained slightly of color. “We have to carry around a gun? Kingsley, I don’t even know how to shoot one.”
Harry also looked concerningly at Kingsley as Ron asked, “A gun? Like those things in muggle action movies? Cool!”
“Don’t worry, Hermione. Once we get to New York, we’ll be going through a brief training on how to use your tactical gear. We’d have done it here if time allowed, but unfortunately we’re short on that. In order to keep suspicions down with MACUSA, that’s why we’re going over this stuff here.
“You should use the glamour charms now to get into character. No one needs to be any wiser that the Golden Trio are the ones employed in this case. Hermione, you’ll be known as Charlotte Monahan, Ron, you’ll be Nolan Brown, and Harry, you’ll be Jason Cooper. Harry and Ron, you’re used to going undercover with different names, but Hermione, you’ll need to remember to respond to Charlotte, and to call the boys by their names.”
Hermione looked down at the rings on her hand, and then up to Kingsley. He read the question on her mind and said, “You can keep them on. There’s nothing in any of your back stories that divulge a relationship status. Just don’t give away that Nolan and Charlotte are married to each other, and you’ll be fine.” Kingsley then looked at Harry. “Ginny knows the case may last several weeks, if not more?” Harry nodded.
Kingsley looked at the trio in front of him. Hermione’s charms had transformed her hair pin-straight, and the color had changed to a much lighter brown, almost edging on dark blonde. She picked up the fake glasses that were in her bag and put them on her face. The hair change alone made her look different enough, and the glasses were an extra added measure of protection. 
Ron also needed minimal changes. There were less freckles on his face, and his short hair was changed to a strawberry blonde color instead of it’s natural red shade. Harry’s hair became more tame as he’d transformed it from black to dark brown. He’d shed his glasses and put in prescription contacts that also turned his eyes to a shade of brown instead of their natural green. 
They’d already changed into their uniforms that resembled that of the NYPD. “Excellent work, you three,” Kingsley said approvingly. “There’s just one more thing that needs to be done.” Kingsley turned to Harry and pointed his wand at Harry’s forehead. He cast a spell that made his lightning scar disappear, and then did the same for the ‘I must not tell lies’ scar on his hand.
Kingsley then turned to Ron. “Ron, can you lift up your sleeves for me?” Ron did as he was told as Kingsley all but vanished the brain scars from his arms. Hermione’s neck scar was taken care of next.
“We needed to cover up your more pronounced scars to ensure that you’ll be undetectable undercover. A simple glamour charm won’t do for that, so I’ve cast a semi-permanent covering charm on them. It will last up to two weeks. Regardless of whether your glamour charms are in effect or not. The spell is in your files in case you need to recast it.”
“You mean to tell me there’s a spell to cover up my lightning scar, and I’m only just now finding out about it?” Harry couldn’t believe it.
“It’s not safe to use all the time, Harry. Plus, your scars make you part of who you are. There should be no shame in covering them up. We only ever use the charm in cases such as this, and it’s not well known. A glamour charm wouldn’t be strong enough to hide them day in and day out. Remember to be vigilant about your appearances. Take care of each other. It is of utmost importance that you look out for one another.”
“No offense, Kingsley, but I think you’re talking to the wrong group of people,” Ron said as he thought back to the war. 
“It’s a reminder all the same. Now, the portkey leaves in two minutes, so gather your things,” Kingsley said as he checked his watch. He picked up an old pillow and gestured for them to grab hold. “As soon as we land in New York, you go by your undercover names. In front of Captain Holt’s squad, I’m John King. Hold on tight, we’ve got a long journey.” The pillow began to glow brightly and the group of four was transported to MACUSA headquarters in NYC.
“Ah. Mr. King, welcome. Please if you’ll follow me this way,” Captain Holt said as he met the group of four at the elevator. He led them into the conference room. They noticed several people watching them, but that was nothing new. 
Holt shut the door after they’d entered. “You’ve briefed your team, then?” he asked Kingsley.
“For the most part, yes. I figured your squad could inform them of Gerteso’s crimes here and then you can team them up or do as you see fit,” Kingsley explained. “Where do yours stand?”
“They are aware that we’ll be working with British authorities, and that Gerteso is wanted for money laundering in England. They do not know that we will be going with your team upon apprehension. Likewise, they are unaware of who your team is.”
Kingsley nodded at Holt’s words. Kingsley introduced the three by their undercover names and then said, “I really do need to get back. Thank you for letting us assist with the case. You know where to find me.” With that, Kingsley shook Holt’s hand, nodded at the trio, and saw himself out.
“I assume Mr. King told you that I am Captain Raymond Holt. I am going to be bringing in the rest of the squad who is working this case, and they will fill you in on where things stand.” Captain Holt walked over and opened the door. “Peralta, Santiago, Jeffords, Boyle, Diaz.”
They all walked in and sat down as Harry, Ron and Hermione stood there awkwardly. Unsure of what to do. “Listen up. This is Jason Cooper, Nolan Brown and Charlotte Monahan. They are the British officers who will be assisting us on the Gerteso case. I will be teaming them up with you as we work to locate and apprehend him. You are to fill them in on where the case stands now, and what leads we have.” Holt looked at the trio. “Here we’ve got Sergeant Terry Jeffords, and Detectives Jake Peralta, Amy Santiago, Charles Boyle and Rosa Diaz.” They all either raised a hand or nodded as their names were called. “Detective Monahan, you’ll be working closely with Detective Santiago, and Detective Brown, you’ll be working alongside Detective Peralta. Detective Cooper, you get both Detective Boyle and Detective Diaz. I have important work to attend to, so I’ll leave you to it.”
When Holt left the room, Jake stood up. “Alright, I know what you’re probably thinking, wanting to swoop in here and take the Gerteso case right out from underneath us. But I’ll have you know we’re not just going to step aside and let you take him from us!” 
Jake said in his false bravado.
“Uh, Jake?” Terry tried to interrupt.
“Shhh, Sarge I got this!” Jake waved his hand at him. “Now, I have a very important question for you.” Jake looked at them seriously. “Are you MI-6? Is it really that serious?” 
Harry and Ron both looked at Hermione, who answered for them. “Er, no, not exactly. We’re hoping to gain acceptance into the program if we’re able to close this case.”
“Well, please excuse Jake and his ridiculous questioning. We’re happy to have you here,” Amy said smiling at them. “Why don’t we go out to our desks and we’ll let you know where we’re at with Geresto.”
“I’ll get extra chairs!” Boyle said a little enthusiastically as Rosa rolled her eyes.
“Looks like you’ve got this covered.” Rosa walked back to her own desk and left Jake, Charles and Amy to it. 
“Okay,” Amy said, pulling a massive binder out of a drawer and placed it on her desk with a loud thump. “Geresto’s wanted for multiple accounts of identity theft and patent infringement. We’ve been tracking the locations of the identities he’s been taking, and we think he’s got himself hidden well somewhere in the city. The evidence we have indicates he’s definitely hiding out somewhere in the city, but we’ve reached a dead end. We’re hoping one of Jake’s contacts will pull through for us, but we’ve been waiting for two weeks.”
“I’m telling you he’s going to call, just give him some time!” Jake defended.
“I trust you, Jake,” Charles said happily.
“Thank you, Charles. At least someone does.”
“You’re sure that’s all he’s done here?” Harry cut in.
“Yeah, what’d he do across the pond?” Jake said in a terrible British impression.
“Er, he laundered thousands at one of the most prestigious banks, and fled with it all after killing two go-I mean, guards,” Ron said as Hermione gave him a pointed look. He’d almost said goblins.
Amy nodded as Jake said, “Yeah, no doubt Shredder’s been doing some laundering of his own once he manages to get his hands on people’s bank accounts with their identities. They always follow the same pattern. No murder here, though.”
“Shredder?” Hermione looked at him oddly.
“Oh, don’t mind Peralta,” Amy said, “He likes to give nicknames to all the criminals we’re after.”
Jake scoffed at Amy. “Who wouldn’t? 
“I guess I don’t quite get why you’re calling him Shredder?” Hermione frowned. 
“Because he takes people’s identities, gets what he wants with them, and then shreds the evidence before moving onto the next victim. Duh!” Jake looked at her as if completely shocked that she couldn’t deduce that on her own. “Okay, so maybe it’s because I named him after the most infamous villain who fought against the Ninja Turtles.”
All three looked blankly at him as Amy covered her hands in her face with embarrassment. “What? Don’t tell me you don’t know who the ninja turtles are? Is British pop culture that different from America?” Jake looked shocked. “Wait, have you at least heard of Die Hard? Please tell me you know about Die Hard?”
Ron was trying very hard to think as to whether it was a reference he remembered, as Hermione shook her head. Harry could only muster a “sorry.”
“It’s only the greatest movie of all time!” said Jake, his disappointment obvious. “Maybe we can work the case tonight and then you can watch the greatest movie ever made!” Ron loved a good muggle movie, and Jake didn’t seem all that bad. What else were they going to do while they were here? He was about to accept the offer, when a new presence made themselves known.
“Now, now, now, Jake, you don’t get to keep this specimen all to yourself.” 
“Oh hey, Gina.”
“Jakey, Jakey, Jakey, is that a way to introduce your best friend and colleague properly?” She turned to Harry, Ron and Hermione, “Gina Linetti, the best part about this place. Please excuse them, they refuse to accept that I am the far superior queen around here.”
“Gina, leave them alone, they’re trying to work a case,” Terry called over from his desk. Gina was waving him off when Jake’s phone rang. 
“Peralta,” Jake said as he picked up the phone. Everyone quieted around him. All they could hear was a series of ‘yeahs’ and ‘uh-huhs’ before Jake said, “Okay, see you in thirty,” and hung up the phone. 
“Well??” Amy said impatiently.
“My contact came through! Nolan, you’re with me, we’ve got information to collect!”
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pengychan · 4 years
[Coco] Mind the Gap, Pt. 20
Title: Mind the Gap Summary: Modern Day AU. Tired of Ernesto’s snide remarks, Imelda decides to put him in his place and her husband is more than happy to help. It was supposed to be a one-night deal. Things quickly get out of hand. [OT3, mostly porn and humor. Plenty of instances of Ernesto being Dramatic, Imelda getting Sick Of His Shit, and Héctor trying to be the peacekeeper. Don’t expect anything serious.] Pairings: Ernesto/Héctor/Imelda Rating: Explicit.
Art by @swanpit​.
[All chapters are tagged as ‘mind the gap’ on my blog.]
A/N: Well, time for Coco to show up.
“What does it mean, you have a date?”
“I find your incredulous tone more than a little insulting.”
Sofía’s own tone is light, but Ernesto knows her well enough to tell she is not entirely joking there, and wisely decides to drop the matter. “All right, fine. I guess I’ll have to find someone else who is up to spend an enjoyable evening.”
“Oh yes,” Sofía mutters, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I am sure you have men and women lined up waiting for the chance to ride your dick.”
“Of course I--”
“Come on, it’s obvious you don’t,” Sofía cuts him off. Ernesto can vaguely hear her TV going in the background. “You must be on your last leg to call me now. Desperate, desperately horny, or both. I’m guessing both.”
All right, so that hit close home, but he has precisely no intention to admit as much aloud. To her least of all. “I just figured I’d be generous to you, is all.”
“Clearly,” is the deadpan reply.
“But since you have no taste, I will make someone else’s night.”
“Right. Good luck with that,” she chuckles, and pauses. “... Seriously, though, how are you?”
Ernesto bits his lower lip before glancing out of the window. It has rained most of the day, but now there is only a drizzle. On days like that, they’d-- no. No, he shouldn’t go there. “I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
“... Better, either way. I’m doing much better.”
“That’s good to know. All right, maybe we can meet for lunch tomorrow. Over lunch break, the place across the street from my salon?”
“Sure. Can’t wait to hear all about your date,” Ernesto says, a slightly mocking tone on the last word, and ends the call. And then… he proceeds to call no one else. 
It’s not that he’s run out of phone numbers to call or women to contact on social media, but so far he’s had depressingly little success. As it turns out, disappearing on every fling for a full year without so much a message and then just reappearing with no explanation given - much less a convincing one - is not a winning strategy to get them back in bed with him. Who’d have known.
Well, one did say yes, so they met at her place - only for her to step out, smack him across the face, and then go back in without a word. Ernesto had no idea what he may have possibly done to deserve it, but he knew better than to ask: there might just be a long, exhaustive answer to that question and he didn’t want to hear it.
With a sigh, Ernesto leans back on his couch and checks Instagram. His followers count is going up and up, especially after he and Héctor appeared on TV, and maybe he could go looking for someone interesting among them… but each time he opens a profile, he can barely focus on it at all.
All right, this is not working. I need something else.
He downloads Tinder again - when did he uninstall it? - and logs in, determined to give it a go. An hour and an undefined number of left swipes later, he briefly muses whether he should try  again with Grindr. In the end, he throws his phone aside and leans back with a sigh. 
Back to his old life, he said.
No strings but those of my guitar, he said.
Easier said than done.
This is the first time, as far as she can remember, that Imelda does not celebrate Día de los Muertos in Santa Cecilia. 
It’s a simple matter of common sense, really: eight months into the pregnancy, getting on a plane to Oaxaca sounds like an all-around bad idea. 
“I mean, if she’s born on the plane, she might get free flights for life with the company,” Héctor joked when they first discussed their options. “I heard it happened before.”
A lifetime of free flights sounds like a good perk, Imelda has to admit, but not worth birthing her child thirty-five thousand feet up in the air, possibly without doctors and with only a curtain separating her from the rest of the passengers - who, she suspects, would be less than thrilled about the disruption to their flight. 
The alternatives, a long car drive or God forbid an even longer bus ride, were entirely out of question. In the end, the only practical solution was for her parents to come over, so that they could spend those days together in Mexico City. They set off that morning, and Héctor is preparing to go pick them up at the airport.
They’re running later than expected because the flight was delayed, which hopefully won’t be too much of a problem for Ernesto. He’s going to see his parents for Día de los Muertos - ironic, that the one year they’re not going to Santa Cecilia, he goes - and he’s asked to borrow their car, so that he can go with his dogs instead of leaving them with someone else. 
“Didn’t appreciate me being gone last time I tried,” he’s said, causing Héctor to chuckle. 
“Could leave them with us, they’re used to being with us.”
“... I think you’ve got your house full as it is, amigo.”
There was a brief silence, which had been broken before it could turn sad, and of course they had agreed to let him borrow the car as soon as they’d used it to pick up her parents.
“Do you need me to get you something while I wait for them, mi amor?”
“Yes, thank you. I left you a list on the table.”
It is a long list, mostly items with enough sugar in them to sustain a small army, but Héctor makes no comment; he picks it up, just barely manages to get his facial expression under control before his eyebrows can shoot all the way up to his hairline, and steps over to kiss her. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Good luck.”
“The stuff you need isn’t that hard to find.”
“I was referring to driving my parents.”
A chuckle, another kiss on the bridge of her nose. “Your father’s fine,” he says, politely adding nothing about her mother before he leaves. Imelda glances out of the window to see him go… and Ernesto arrives. They stop to talk by the gate, Héctor probably apologizing for the delay in giving him the car, Ernesto shrugging in a way that is probably meant to convey it’s not a problem, he’s not especially eager to get going towards Santa Cecilia anyway.
And yet he’s going. That’s… odd, even taking into account the reconciliation with his parents which he still describes as a work in progress. Ernesto never cared all that much for the tradition, and as far as Imelda knows he never made an ofrenda of his own. He’d be more likely to go out partying, and pick up someone to spend the night with. How many times has she seen him from that same window, heading to the entrance with a man or a woman at his arm? More than she can count, although admittedly that has not happened… in a while.
Ever since things became serious between the three of us. And even after it ended, did either of us see him coming home with a date? Did he bring up a fling while talking to me or Héctor, brag about a conquest?
They haven’t and he didn’t. As far as Imelda is aware, Ernesto hasn’t been with anyone in the past few months.
So much for bouncing back, she thinks, and lets the curtain drop with a sigh while trying to ignore, with very little success, the part of her that has the audacity to be relieved at the notion.
“Hey! How are you doing?”
“Congrats on the album! Saw you on TV!”
“What about Héctor and Imelda? They’re not here, is their baby born yet?”
“Tell them I said hi!”
“Tell them to visit! Will they come to have her christened in the parish?”
“Hey, can I have an autograph so I can sell it?”
The walk to the cemetery and back - he promised Héctor to have a look at his parents’ grave for him, give it a clean-up, put on fresh flowers - was short, but it seemed to last so much longer with so many people recognizing him and stopping him for a chat. It’s not usually something he’d argue against, but there is a sting every time they ask about Héctor and Imelda and whether or not the baby is born yet.
He really hopes said sting can dull into something more bearable quickly, because it isn’t long until Coco is born and he’s expected to stand in as her godfather, which he’d really like to be able to do without feeling like something is squeezing his heart. 
It will pass. It must pass, he thought, and took care to walk back to his parents’ home through a different route with fewer people. Walking back in to be greeted by his dogs did help a little. His father did mutter that they are more like guinea pigs, but at least he appreciates the fact they cannot climb on the ofrenda to steal the offerings. Though not for lack of trying. 
The ofrenda at Ernesto’s family home is rather one-sided - which is to say, only her mother’s family is on it. Her parents, both dead by the time he was born, a couple of aunts, grandparents and so on. Plenty of García, a couple of Martinez, and not a single de la Cruz among them. 
Then again, it’s not a name that comes with a lot of history attached; it simply filled in a blank space on the birth certificate of a child surrendered at birth.
“You ever thought of looking for her?” Ernesto asks suddenly, while his mother is away to get more flowers and his father is watching the food on the stove. He’s drinking some kind of bland, alcohol free beer that Ernesto has found himself drinking as well out of solidarity. 
Estéban glances at him, a little confused, but comprehension dawns when his gaze moves to the doorway, onto the ofrenda in the next room over. He looks at the photos that are there, but mostly at those that are not. “... A couple of times. Never tried, though.”
“Why not?”
“She didn’t want me. I had better things to do than chasing someone who didn’t want me.”
Ernesto thinks back of the night he was kicked out and swore he was never, ever coming back. He thinks of what he desperately wishes he could have back, but cannot. He smiles bitterly. “I understand.”
“... I know you do.”
A brief silence, and once again it’s Ernesto to break it. “Might have had reasons. Might be that she wanted you, but-- couldn’t. Maybe things happened.”
We need to… to make some changes, Héctor said when breaking him the news. Even if we don’t like it.
Ernesto half-expects a scoff, dismissal, but what he gets is a thoughtful hum; he faintly wonders if his father discussed this while in therapy, but he knows better than to ask. He swore his mamá he would pretend not to know about the therapy part and, unlike her, he plans to keep his word. 
“Guess it’s possible. Makes no difference, though. Did well enough regardless.”
Except for the part where he was an alcoholic for a couple of decades during which he also kicked out his only son because he happened to like dick, Ernesto thinks, and the part where he had in general the emotional capacity of an uncooked tortilla and the temper of a rabid coyote. But he supposes that, aside for those neglectable details, he hasn’t done too bad.
“Could have done worse,” he concedes. 
Could have killed me, I guess.
“... Don’t patronize me. I know I haven’t been perfect--”
“-- but I am trying. And I don’t think digging in the past would help.” Estéban de la Cruz finishes  his can of non-alcoholic beer in a long swig. “I was an asshole. No point in trying to pin that on my mamá not wanting me.”
That wasn’t precisely where Ernesto was going, but to be entirely fair he is not sure what point he truly had in asking his father something so personal, so in the end he just nods and finishes his own beer. If his father is wondering why he even asked he makes no mention of it, and to be entirely honest it is a relief.
While he appreciates his efforts there are some conversations they are simply Not Having, and Ernesto’s personal business with his best friend and his wife is one of them.
“I’ll go take a photo of the ofrenda,” he finally says, causing Estéban to raise an eyebrow. 
“A photo? Why?”
“To put on Instagram.”
“Is it that website your mother hounded for photos of you?”
Ernesto hums, the notion of his mother going through his Instagram account and all the implications of it not really registering in his brain. There is an unread message flashing on the screen, distracting him - Héctor. 
Everything good over there? Your mamá feeding you?
Ah, right, he was supposed to get in touch after visiting his parents' grave. He was so busy trying to avoid people he knew on the way back, he entirely forgot to.
I’m putting up a kilo a day. All good, he writes back, and sends over a photo of the grave, all cleaned up, with flowers and all. Ricardo and Emilia smile from the photo on the headstone, and it’s hard to tell whose smile Héctor’s resembles most. 
Ernesto finds himself smiling faintly, too, as Héctor replies. Gracias. I owe you a favor.
You owe me nothing.
A drink, then.
I’ll take that, Ernesto writes, and puts the phone away without snapping any photos of the ofrenda, feeling just a little better.
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If he had to describe that Día de los Muertos, Héctor supposes ‘bittersweet’ is the word for it.
It’s odd, not being in Santa Cecilia for it. Imelda is there with him, of course, as is her family, and there is an ofrenda in their living room - but not getting to visit his parents’ graves on the day is an odd sort of sting. He’d feel guilty, if they didn’t have excellent reasons not to travel that year.
Héctor is rather sure his mother would hit him over the head with a wooden spoon if he so much suggested putting his daughter at risk of being born on a plane or a bus in order to visit, and that helps. It also helps that Ernesto is there, looking after their grave in his stead. He is a good friend - the best friend he could have asked for, now more than ever before, and he’s glad he didn’t lose him. It’s good to have him back.  And yet… and yet.
Gracias. I owe you a favor.
You owe me nothing.
A drink, then.
I’ll take that.
Héctor smiles a little, and… doesn’t click the screen off just yet.
Only to drop the phone with a yelp when Imelda’s voice rings out right beside him. 
“All good back-- hey! Careful!” Her hands shoots out and somehow manages to catch his phone in mid-air, sparing him the utter pain of having to replace the screen or maybe the entire phone. She sighs. “Try to make this one last longer than three months,” she mutters, and glances at the screen. A moment of silence and then she gives a small, soft smile that Héctor suspects mirrors the one on his face only moments ago.
“Nice of him to take care of it.”
“Yes. We could have him over-- for dinner, or something. When he comes back.”
“Of course.” The smile on Imelda’s face fades a little, and she gives him back the phone. “Would be nice to have him over. We’ll tell Óscar and Felipe to be somewhere else for the evening. Cinema or something. Or maybe they can start getting some furniture in the room they’re renting,” she adds. 
Imelda is in equal parts amused and somewhat concerned by her brothers’ decision to move into a room in a house a few blocks away - their bid for freedom, as they call it, though they are still very close by in case any help is needed once Coco is born. Héctor likes having them around, but he cannot deny he looks forward to having the apartment all for Imelda and himself in the few weeks left before Coco’s arrival. 
And right now, it doesn’t escape him that she admitted she’d rather not have them there when Ernesto comes to visit. He glances at her, a mute question, and Imelda bites her lower lip. “... In case he needs to talk,” she says. Héctor nods. Of course - of course, it makes sense: if there are things yet unspoken, and God knows there are, they must be discussed without anyone else listening in. That need for secrecy is part of the reason why their arrangement couldn’t continue. 
Maybe the twins will understand, Héctor thinks, and he finds he actually believes they would. They’re young, open-minded in a way their parents - and most in Santa Cecilia - are not. Still, he doesn’t voice that thought: it would mean discussing the possibility that maybe, just maybe…
“I’ll tell him to bring a bucket of ice cream for you,” Héctor says instead, and Imelda laughs, smacking his arm lightly before she returns in the next room over where her parents and brothers are. Héctor clicks the phone’s screen on, and follows her - knowing full well that an honest conversation is just delayed, and wondering who will wind up cracking first.
In the end, they never do find out who among them may have cracked first. The dinner never happens, because something else does crack right before they sit at the dinner table. 
Break, more like.
And Imelda’s waters were not supposed to break for another two weeks at least, as Héctor repeats no less than seventeen times during the car ride to the hospital.
“We’re almost there, mi amor - stay calm, all right? Stay calm,” he is now saying to his remarkably calm wife, not at all calm himself. Ernesto chooses not to remark on that and keeps his eyes on the road instead. 
All right, so it’s time. This is happening. 
He’s had complicated feelings over the upcoming birth of Héctor and Imelda’s baby - his goddaughter, it’s easier if he thinks of her as his goddaughter - and he’s been bracing himself for her arrival as you do for an emergency landing: knowing that it’s coming no matter your feelings on the matter, that the plane must land and hopefully all will be well once it does. 
Now, however, everything is moving so fast he has no time to think, much less to feel anything other than urgency. One moment he’d been sitting at the dinner table, one moment Imelda had emerged from the next room over, pale but in full control, telling them it was time for her to go to the hospital. Héctor sprinted to retrieve the small suitcase she had prepared beforehand while Ernesto rushed to get the car, and he’s now in the process of weaving through traffic and ignoring the GPS’ suggestions in favor of a route that he knows will be somewhat less congested. 
There is a groan, a sharper breath, and he glances in the rear view mirror. “You all right there?”
Imelda looks back at him through the mirror, and for just a moment he can see how pale she is, how truly concerned for this monumental, frightening task ahead of her - deliver a new life into the world. And then she manages a smile.
“Just cursing over all that good food growing cold back home. The dogs and Pepita must be helping themselves to it. I won't be cleaning that mess,” she mutters, and Ernesto laughs, taking a turn. Even Héctor starts laughing - far more high-pitched than usual and somewhat frightened, but laughter it is. Imelda manages a chuckle before hissing again, a hand resting against her belly just as Ernesto takes another turn and gets right into the hospital’s parking lot, barely slowing down.
Imelda takes in a deep breath before opening the door. “I can walk to the entrance - they will be waiting for us, I called them before leaving,” she says, and steps outside. Héctor is immediately by her side, suitcase in hand, offering her his arm. He turns to look at Ernesto, eyes huge. 
It’s happening, those eyes say. I am about to be a father, they say. I’m terrified.
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But when he speaks, Héctor says none of those things. “Thank you,” he tells Ernesto. His voice is calmer, but the grip on the suitcase remains so tight his knuckles are almost white. There is something stuck in Ernesto’s throat, and he forces himself to swallow it; the weight seems to settle in his chest. Ernesto clears his throat before speaking.
“Well, someone with a still functioning brain had to drive. Go in, I’ll-- I’ll park the car and get in the waiting room. Are you going to, uh, go in the delivery room, or…?”
“He’d better,” Imelda mutters, and there is more snickering. The rock-hard thing in Ernesto’s chest melts away a little. “Can you let my brothers know?" she adds. "They’ll tell our parents. I’m ready to bet they’ll be on the first plane back.”
“Of course,” Ernesto replies, and watches them walk to the entrance before he sighs and goes looking for a parking spot. It is only as he steps in the waiting room and reaches for his phone that he realizes there is a slight problem.
He has absolutely no idea what Imelda’s brothers’ phone numbers even are.
It is amazing, Imelda thinks, how much a newborn can look like a grouchy old man. 
“Mi amor, she’s beautiful.” Héctor’s voice is a little nasal as he still blinks away tears, cheek resting on top of her head and eyes fixed on the baby in her arms. 
In Imelda’s opinion she is most decidedly not beautiful - newborns just out of the birth canal, she finds, are some of the ugliest things one can imagine, skull still misshapen and features flattened - but she has no doubt whatsoever that Héctor absolutely means it. Must be the tears of joy, or love goggles, or both. Either way, it gets a tired smile out of her.
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“Well worth the hassle,” she says, and oh, she means it. Labor was exhausting, if relatively short, and she wouldn’t wish the pain that had followed to her worst enemy - but for the tiny thing in her arms, blinking blearily up at them with the expression of someone who’s just had the worst day, Imelda knows she’d do it all over again. She strokes a tiny hand with her thumb just as Héctor speaks.
“Hola, Coco,” he says, so much tenderness in his voice it almost hurts. “I’m your papá. Actually, wait, more importantly-- this is your mamá. She made you.”
Like she’s a pair of shoes, Imelda thinks, and chuckles. She cannot recall being this happy with any of her creations up to now. “Your papá helped,” she says, kissing Coco’s forehead. “Don’t ask how until you’re older.”
“Wha-- oh! No no no, don’t ask at all!” Héctor exclaims, causing Coco’s eyes to shift back to him. She blinks, and Imelda can almost believe it’s out of surprise. “You’re just here, I’m not ready to think about giving you the Talk! Best if you ask your mamá about it, really. And about shoemaking. But if you want to learn how to make some good music-- what is it?” he asks, blinking, when Imelda bursts laughing. 
She cannot answer right away: she just laughs and laughs and laughs, causing Coco to start wailing, as though to join in, while Héctor looks at them both, saying nothing, taking in everything with a wide smile on his face.
More. More coffee.
Ernesto lets his last few coins drop into the machine, rubbing his face with his free hand. It’s been… three hours? Feels like more. There hasn’t been much for him to do, other than calling his mother with the odd request of trying to contact Imelda’s parents - he has no clue what their number may be, maybe she can find out or even visit them, they’re in the same damn town - to let them know what’s going on. 
For the most part he’s been sitting in the waiting room, with a growing pile of empty plastic cups on the floor in front of him. He goes to sit again, drinks the bitter hot coffee in one gulp, adds the cup to the pile, and leans back. 
He tells himself there is no reason to be nervous, of course giving birth cannot be done in a pinch, but the more he waits the more uneasy he feels. What if something went wrong, two weeks early shouldn't be cause for concern, but-- no, surely Héctor would come tell him-- or would he stay in, unable to leave her side while… while…
Héctor’s cry and the bang of the door slamming open causes several people in the waiting room and Ernesto to jump several feet up in the air, all hair standing on end, letting out a shriek he’ll barely manage to pass off as a grito later.
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He has barely enough time to land again before Héctor throws his arms around him, laughing and crying, trying to lift him and failing miserably, dragging him into a clumsy half-twirl. “She’s here! Coco is here! She’s beautiful, the most beautiful baby girl you’ll ever see!”
Something aches just a little, a part of him that is still bitter and spiteful over being cast aside for her sake, but Héctor pulls back with such a wide smile it’s near impossible not to smile back. And he does. 
“She’s fine, she was amazing. Resting now, but we can visit later. Oh! They’ll take Coco to the nursery, there is a window - want to come take a look at your goddaughter?
Ah, yes. I have a goddaughter now.
The ache grows duller, and Ernesto’s smile grows a bit brighter. “I would like that,” he says.
And means it.
A/N:  Imelda's reaction to Coco is kinda based off my grandmother's when she first saw my brother a hour after birth. He was ugly. Just, so damn ugly. All she could say looking at the crib was "... so, it's this one?", clearly hoping to be told that no, it was the next one over. And while grandma was never known to be the nurturing type, when an Italian grandmother cannot manage to pretend her newborn grandchild is cute, you know it's one ugly baby.
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lucky-papa · 4 years
New Toy
Pairing: Nestor x OC (Luciana Reyes)
Word count: 2.5K (I got carried away...)
Warning: N/S/F/W, vaginal sex, sex toys
AN: I’m sorry this too so long lmao I didn’t expect me to take this long to finish it
Tagged: @everyhowlmarksthedead @briana-mishell24
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Luciana sighed out as she leaned against the kitchen island and stared at Nestor. He was sitting at the kitchen table, drinking his coffee and reading some texts he had received from Miguel and Marcus. He looked up at Luci from across the room and smiled.
"Why don't you come join me, mi amor?" Nestor asked softly as she moved from where she was towards the kitchen table. Nestor patted his lap some as Luciana gently said down in his lap.
"Can't you just call Miguel and say you're sick? I have a few packages coming today." Luciana asked and smirked some. Nestor gave her a look as he placed a small kiss on her cheek.
"We have an important meeting today with the Mayans and Adelita. If I wasn't doing that today then I would." Nestor said as he began placing small kisses against Luciana's neck. She hummed softly and closed her eyes.
"I can't promise that I won't already have my packages open and used once you get home." Luciana explained. She was hinting at what she bought but still kept it a surprise for Nestor.
"If you use anything before I come home, mi amor, you're going to be in trouble." Nestor said as he placed a small kiss on Luciana's cheek before going to stand.
"Have fun at work, Nestor. I love you. Stay safe." Luciana placed her hands gently on his chest and a small peck on his lips. Nestor smiled softly as he placed another kiss on her lips, deepening it a bit.
"I'll be home for dinner tonight. I'll call if I'm not." Nestor said as he took his coffee cup to the kitchen sink. Luci hummed softly to herself as she waved at Nestor before he heading to the garage to get into the SVU.
Once Nestor had left, Luciana checked the tracking number on her packages. It still hasn't updated and she just wanted everything to be here. A sigh escaped her lips as she turned and began to clean up the dishes Nestor had used for breakfast.
Luciana had wanted to bring a few toys into the bedroom but she never wanted Nestor to feel discouraged. He was amazing in bed, but a girl needed something different. So she decided some new lingerie would be nice and a Hitachi Magic Wand. She had read some amazing reviews on the vibrator and decided she would try it.
Luciana did the daily housework while also texting her brothers and talking to her father on the phone. Ez had decided to FaceTime Luciana since him and Angel were on a run and they wanted to check in on their big sister. As Luciana laughed at some stupid joke Angel had told her, the doorbell rang.
"Ooh! My packages are here! I'll talk to you two later. Oh! And we're a surprising pop with dinner Friday! Ez will keep him distracted long enough for Angel and I break into his house and try not to burn it down." Luciana explained to her brothers. They both laughed and said their goodbyes as she threw her phone to the side.
Luciana quickly got up to grab the three boxes from the porch and carried them into the house. She ran as fast as she could into the bedroom to open the boxes and smiled at the box of the hitachi wand. She was excited to use it and just didn't want to wait until Nestor got home.
Luciana got the toy out of the box and quickly plugged it in to charge it up as she opened the other boxes. All the lingerie she had bought were in the other two boxes and she forgot exactly how much she had bought. Thank God Nestor never looked at her bank account since she had spent way too much money on her latest internet shopping spree.
Stripping out of her pajamas she wore all morning, Luciana slipped on her crotchless lacy one piece and quickly adjusted the straps. This was the first piece of crotchless panties or lingerie she owned and she was kind of scared. What if Nestor didn't like it? Luciana let out a sigh and pushed those feelings out of the way. He was going to love everything she bought.
Luciana put on some shorts before going through the house and doing some daily chores. After cooking herself lunch and doing the laundry, Luciana looked at the time and huffed. Nestor wouldn't be home for another two hours and thought it wouldn't hurt to use her new toy. So, Luci made her way to the bedroom and took her shorts off. Unplugging the wand from the charging cable, Luci settled on the bed. She was glad she bought a cordless toy since the outlet on the wall was pretty far from the bed.
Playing with the two speeds on the toy, Luciana was worried at first. They both were pretty intense and fast speeds but she read that you'd have the best orgasms with it. Luci let out a sigh as she calmed down and she turned the toy on. She stared at it for a moment before moving it down between her legs.
The vibrations were intense. More intense than she's ever felt before. But it felt good, it felt amazing. A loud moan escaped her lips as her hips thrusted up into the toy before settling back onto the bed. Her eyes were closed as she just focused on the pleasure she was feeling. It was something she had never felt before.
Luciana didn't hear the front door open and when Nestor walked into the house, he heard the moans of his girlfriend. Nestor stopped and stood there, listening. Slowly he made his way to the bedroom and the faint buzzing of the toy became louder and louder along with the moans. Nestor opened the bedroom door and smirked when he saw his girlfriend in the beautiful lingerie, legs spread with the toy pressed hard against her clit.
Nestor just watched Luciana as her hips lifted off the bed as she let out a loud moan. Luciana's orgasm hit her hard and it was the best feeling in the world. As much as Luciana loved whenever Nestor could get her to that point, boy did the vibrator make her see stars. Luciana pulled the toy away from her and turned the toy off and just laid there.
A small chuckle left Nestor's lips as Luciana's head shot to the side. Luciana let out a sigh as she grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her body.
"Jesus Christ, Nestor. You can't just sneak up on me!" Luciana shouted out as she sat up. Nestor smirked and licked his lips some at the sight he saw.
"I was going to surprise you. Mikey let me go early." Nestor said as he sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled the blanket away from his girlfriend's body and looked over the new lacy lingerie. His eyes roamed over her body and paused when he looked down towards her legs.
Luciana smirked as she laid back and spread her legs. An auditable groan escaped Nestor's lips as he moved to stand at the edge of the bed in front of Luciana. He was staring at her as he grabbed a hold of her ankles and pulled her closer to the edge of the bed.
"I told you if you used your toy before I got home, you'd be in trouble..." Nestor said as Luciana looked up at him. She had a look on her face, like one a kid has when they were caught doing something bad.
"I'm sorry..." Luciana said and bit her lip. Nestor ran a finger through her folds before shoving it inside her. Luci closed her legs and groaned as she tried to scoot away from him. She was overstimulated and she wasn't quite ready for round two.
"Open your legs, mi amor. I want to see." Nestor said as he forced her legs open with his free hand. Nestor shoved another finger into Luciana's heat as she lifted her hips off the bed and moaned out.
"S-stop! It's too muuuuch." Luciana looked back at Nestor and tried her best to squirm away from him. With a raised brow, Nestor removed his fingers from her and took a step back. Luciana raised her head off the bed to look at her boyfriend. He slowly began unbuttoning his top before his hands drifted down to his belt to undo it. As he pulled the leather from the loops, he undid the button on his dress pants and quickly took his button up off.
Luciana just watched as Nestor undressed himself and stood there in front of her in just his boxer-briefs. His erection was strained against the thin fabric and Luciana licked her lips thinking about his cock. She couldn't wait to feel him inside her. Nestor just stood there, slowly removing his boxer-briefs. Once they were off and in the pile of clothes now on the floor, Nestor pulled Luciana closer to him, so she was on the very edge of the bed.
"Please, stop teasing me, Nestor." Luci groaned as she bucked her hips towards his erect member. She wanted him, needed him. She was praying she wasn't going to have to beg.
"I told you to wait until I got home, Luciana. You couldn't follow the simple rule..." Nestor said as he slowly ran his tip through her folds. A whimper escaped her lips as she batted her eyes at Nestor.
"I tried to wait, Nestor, I really did... but it was calling my name." Luciana explained as she trusted her hips against his as she felt the tip of his cock slide into her. Letting out a small moan, Luci closed her eyes but then whined once she felt him pull out.
"You didn't try hard enough... and you think you deserve me? My cock?" Nestor asked as he continued to very slowly slide the tip through her folds. Luciana went to open her mouth to speak before Nestor pushed himself into her, filling her up.
Luci's mouth hung open as she threw her head back. It was pure ecstasy feeling him fill her up completely. But he didn't move, no. Nestor just stayed there for what felt like an eternity until he very slowly began pulling his hips away. It was agonizingly slow and Luciana didn't like that. She just wanted him to fuck her senseless.
But Nestor had another idea.
He pulled all the way out before very, very slow pushing back in. Luciana hates this, it felt like she was being tortured. Listening to his girlfriend groan out and beg softly for more, Nestor leaned down and brushed his lips over hers.
"You've been a bad girl, Luci, and now you're gonna pay..." Nestor mumbled against her lips as his hand reached out for the vibrator. The toy that had been long forgotten was turned on as Nestor looked it over. Luciana's eyes widened at the sight of the toy as Nestor ran it slowly over her breasts.
Luciana closed her eyes as she felt the vibrations against her nipples and tried to jerk away. It was too intense for those sensitive buds of nerves so Nestor pulled it away and placed it hard against her clit. The moment she felt the intense vibrations against her, she tried to move away but Nestor grabbed her tightly. He basically pinned her down as he smirked before he began thrusting roughly into her.
This was now a completely different pace than what Nestor was just going and Luciana couldn't handle it. His hard thrusts from him plus the intense vibrations from the toy had her eyes rolling back. It was pure ecstasy.
Nestor watched her face change and smirked as he turned the speed up on the toy and pressed it harder against her sensitive bud. Luci bucked her hips up into the toy and Nestor's hips. His thrusts never faltered.
Luciana couldn’t form any words as she felt her orgasm wash over here. There was no warning since the stimulation from the toy and Nestor was too much for her. Feeling her clench around him, Nestor let out a groan as he threw the toy to the side and quickened his pace.
Nestor let out a long and loud groan as he felt his orgasm nearing. He quickly pulled out as he released his seed all over her lace covered stomach from the lingerie. Luciana looked up at Nestor, chest rising and falling quickly as she glanced down at her stomach. She slowly ran a finger through the cum to collect some before bringing it to her mouth and licking it up. Nestor let out a small groan before walking to the bathroom.
He came back with a wet rag and quickly began cleaning Luci up. She smiled up at Nestor as he cleaned her off before he threw the rag towards the bathroom and curled up into the bed with his girlfriend. Luci placed a very loving kiss against Nestor’s lips as she relaxed against him.
“I love you, mi amor.” Nestor mumbled softly as Luciana placed her head against Nestor’s chest.
“I love you, too.” Luciana smiled up at him. Nestor turned to look at the toy that was beside him in the bed and began chuckling. “What?” Luciana questioned him with a raised brow.
“Nothing. It’s just... I just hope I don’t have any competition in the bedroom.” Nestor stated that caused Luciana to burst out laughing.
“There is no competition, Nestor. It just adds to the pleasure you give me.” Luci explained as she pulled the blanket over their bodies more.
“Emily and Miguel are going away for the weekend, going out of town.” Luciana looked up at Nestor and frowned. She knew what that meant.
“And you’re going with them?” She asked softly as Nestor placed a loving kiss against her lips.
“I am, and you are coming with me.” Nestor said as Luci raised a brow slowly. “He thought a couple’s getaway would be nice for all of us. Going to the beach and then a vineyard.” Nestor explained as he placed another kiss against Luciana’s lips.
“A-are you sure, Nestor?” Luciana was unsure. She wanted to go, she did, but she really didn’t want to feel like he had to take her.
“Mikey has it all planned out for us. Two hotel suits, a cabana on the beach. Please?” Nestor explained the nice weekend getaway. Luciana day there, thinking about it for a few minutes.
“I’d love to go, Nestor. When do we leave?” Luciana asked as she cuddled closer against Nestor’s side.
“Tomorrow morning, 8 AM we head to Mikey’s place and we leave once him and Emily are all ready.” Nestor explained as he ran his fingers slowly through Luciana’s hair.
“Mmm, I should shower... care to join?” Luciana forced herself out of the bed and Nestor was quick to follow her.
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Android App Development Benefits for Professionals
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