someguy944 · 1 year
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undernet-n-emwaves · 11 months
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Aquarius and Pisces thoughts on Warrock/Omega-xis (before first game)
Aquarius didn't trust or entertain the idea of messing with him given how likely he is to jump into a fight after seeing a certain incident. At least with Gemini, she was able to figure out his ticks but with Warrock, it always felt random. His anger almost felt as if they killed his family or something. More importantly, though, he doesn't really have fun reactions in the few times she's around him. Resulting in telling Pisces to avoid him or else he'll bite their heads off and no one will be able to do anything about it...resulting in Pisces steering clear of him.
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wildtige429 · 1 year
Transformers Dimension
Since Transformers: Animated would make its appearance in the KNS verse, I would like to point out some things in the story.
Septron is a planet next to Cybertron and Velocitron where ten tribes of Transformers live harmoniously alongside the elements, abundantely robotic planet where nature and machine live harmoniously as equals. When the war happened, sure many of the Septronians joined the factions but there is one group of Septronians who formed a mismatched group led by a mysterious Stygian named Rogue, but for the space humans, Autobots and Decepticons, he was nicknamed The Phantom due to his tribe being associated with the supernatural.
His group compose of Autobots, Neutrals and even Decepticons who chose to become renegades when they see the wrongs of their factions. Because of their members, they were crudely called The Strays.
They were 'exiled' to Earth and for the past fifty years, they've learned everything from the culture and language of the humans. Also, they planned to end the war when the AllSpark finds itself on the planet and that long-lost enemies thought to be dead are felt lurking on Earth.
Anyway, here are the Septronian Tribes:-
Stygians - The Stygians of Styx are a very mysterious tribe that kept themselves secretive in the shadows. Their led by a Shadowlord and worship the Forger (robot god) of Death, Doomscythe alongside their cousin tribe, the Vulpians and the Soulwalkers. Their logo is a sickle forming a question mark.
Kemonoids - Descendants of the fierce Predacona that take the form of animals with some being triple changers. They are led by a Beastlord that was Hellburst and worship the Forger of Animals, Lionheart Lux, alongside the Thunderians and Tepesites. Their logo is a roaring beast head.
Aquarians - An all-female tribe of water dwellers who were nearly wiped out by Transformer Hunters, leaving a few survivors scattered across the tribes, later led by Sealord Razortooth. They worship the Forger of Water, Otohime Lux. Their logo is a shark.
Arborians - A tree-dwelling tribe that dwells in the jungles of Arbora. They are equipped with very long retractable tails and great swiftness of monkeys. They, alongside the elusive Cloakers, worship the Jungle Forger, Tarzan Lux, and are led by a Treelord. Their logo is a tree.
Florians - An all-male tribe of plant-bending bots that live in the swamplands of Arbora and are said to deal in Dark Arcane (black magic in Cybertronian term). They worship the Swamp Forger, Mossblight, and are led by a Swamplord, formerly Quickstrike. Their logo is a leaf.
Scraplanders - Scraplanders are a barbarian tribe, living with the berserkers, the Ravagers and the underground-dwelling Subterrans. They have a post-apocalyptic appearance and lifestyle as well as making anything out of scraps and are led by Scraplord Onehand. They, with the Ravagers and Subterrans, worship the Forger of Deserts, Rampage. Their logo is a cross arms of a wrench and sword.
Septronian Seekers - Living on the floating continent of Stormasphere with the Stormites, what makes them different from Cybertronian Seekers is that they are led by a Skylord and some are said to have acidic venom in their claws, weapons and fangs. They worship the Serpent Forger, Ophiuca Lux, and their logo is a winged snake.
Stormites - Airbending robots who enjoy most of their time flying. Despite their aerial abilities, their alt modes are practically land vehicles or land animals mostly. They worship the Forger of Storms, Typhoonus, and are led by a Stormlord. Their logo is a tornado.
Pyronians - A tribe of very fiery, firebending and fire-powered robots that live on the volcanic land of Pyron. They are led by Flamelord Infernus, worship the Forger of Fire, Agni Lux, and their logo is a fire.
Arcticans - A tribe of snowy white robots with icy powers and immunity to the harsh cold temperatures of Arctica. They, with the therianthropic Robotropes, worship the Wolf Forger, Howlback, and are led by Blizzardlord Blizzardbane. Their logo is a snowflake.
Robotropes - Robots that can turn into werebeasts under a full moon or at will. Their bite, just like the Tepesites, can turn any bot, including an organic being, into a were-bot. They are led by a Werelord and their logo is a howling beast.
Tepesites - Vampiric robots with some of their alt modes being vampire bats and a bite from them can turn any bot, including an organic, into a vamp-bot. They are led by a Bloodlord and their logo is an evil eye.
Thunderians - An electricfying tribe of lightning-powered and lightning-bending bots led by Thunderlord Lightningrod and his mate, Sparkrod. Their logo is a thunderbolt.
Vulpians - Evolved turbofoxes whose alt modes are foxes and like the mythical kitsunes, they have supernatural powers. They are led by Foxlord Tailflame and their logo is a fox.
Subterrans - A tribe of eartbending, underground dwelling robots who enjoy digging their way through the ground the fighting. They are led by Stonelord Blindspot and her mate, Sonicrock. Their logo is a rock.
Ravagers - A tribe of berserkers who are said to wear the armor plates and even organic bones of their enemies as armor, weapons and trophies. They are led by a Desertlord namely called the Ravager King, who wore the skulls of every Transformer Hunters and armor plates of a fleet of Decepticons.
Cloakers - Transformers who can blend into their surroundings and turn invisible like chameleons. They are led by Mirrorlord Discordia and their logo are lights.
Arcanians - Transformers who are experts in casting arcane (Cybertronian term for magic) and are said to have strange anomalies. They are led by Magiclord Mephisto and his mate, Lilith, and their logo is a pentagram.
Soulwalkers - A very elusive tribe of ghostly-looking robots that can teleport in a wink of an eye. It is said that when they sleep, they turn into organic beings based on the planet they are on. It is believed that Soulstone mastered their soulwalking to trick his way into organic civilizations before roboticizing the entire planet into an Energon-mining planet like what he did to the other 80 planets, that are not overrun by zombots (robot zombies). They are led by a Ghostlord and their logo is a spirit.
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bass-treble2answer · 2 years
Aki enters to a room were Tron Bonne, Dark roll.exe, Ferham, Pandora and Queen Ophiuca are in, they glare at him with malicious smiles
Aki: 😐
FC Zero and Chaotiqe: * quickly running to protect him from them*
Daini; Good lord I just left for five minutes to get pancakes!
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sentient-rift · 2 years
🤔for luna
(See what my muse is thinking.)
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I am so proud of Elise. She has really grown from that timid girl of the past. She's still a real sweetheart, but knows how to put her foot down and not let people walk all over her like Sumeragi did in the past...
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Still... It seems there's a bit of the past that's still bothering her. When she told me that she didn't deserve friends like me, Vogue, and everyone else, I thought she was just being modest... But when she told me that she was a horrible person even before she was kidnapped by Sumeragi... That she used to use her Adept powers to get back at people who bullied her... And how she believed that what Sumeragi did to her was punishment for the horrible things she's done, I understand why she feels like she doesn't deserve friends...
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But I'm not going to let her talk herself down like that. I don't care what she did in the past. That's not her anymore. Gunvolt has already forgiven her, and we all are here for her. Plus, many of us have pasts we're not proud of. Ophiuca was only able to use me for her plans because I let her. I could have said no and ran away, and she'd have to find someone else to manipulate. But I said yes... And I did some awful things. But I was able to move on. I acted like it was easy, but deep down, it wasn't... So I understand what she's going through.
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But that's why I'm always going to be there for her and help her get through this. She's come so far already. It may not be long until she finally confesses to Slashman how she feels about him, and the two start officially dating! That would be so cute! I also got to thank Nana for being there for her before I got here. She really help set the stepping stones of bringing Elise out of her shell. I'm so glad Elise agreed to be my Link Wizard. I enjoyed all the time I've spent with her. I'm glad to call her my friend.
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sonicasura · 20 days
When does Sleuth/Tamer reveal there Digimon companions to Luna, Bud, Zach, and Sonia?
Pat and Rey already know thanks too Gemini telling them
Same time as Geo reveals he's Megaman. TyrantKabuterimon had been used in the fight against Queen Ophiuca since Sleuth/Tamer rather end this conflict pretty quickly(considering deadly snakes were involved). You can say they and Tentomon broke apart when the digital space collapsed so Luna saw them too.
Shoutmon been the one to help Geo fight Harp Note. Diaribbitmon and Amphimon helped protect Bud/Zack when everyone got cornered at the near end of the game.
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rpking99 · 5 months
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Zero (genderswap)
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Fairy Leviathan
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Battle Network
Megaman.exe/Hub Hikari (will be reffered to as Hub)
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The dead son of Doctor Hikari, twin brother of Lan. Megaman is the main protagonist/shared Protagonist of the Battle Network timeline. And he be a subby femboy
Dark Megaman.exe (will be reffered to as Rock)
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Dark Megaman is a clone made from all of Hub's self doubts and negative emotions given form. Still a femboy, but still rather dominant.
Mayl Sakurai
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Mayl is a music student in DenTown. A bit of a Tsundere she is very kind, gentle but with a quick temper
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Roll is the Navi of Maylu, a high tech program that acts as a friend and assistant. She is excels in data management and analysis. A kind, bubbly, data being who lives in the Cyber World
Empress Roll.exe/Devil Roll.exe
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Empress Roll is a corrupted version of Roll. When influinced by something like the Devil Chip, this form of Roll is born. Gone is the sweet innocent Navi, replaced by a Virus in Navi form. Sadistic, cold and cruel. You bow to her feet your face her whip~!
Ms Madd/Maddy/Madoi Iroaya
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Bass is the mighty warrior of the Net. The deadliest Navi, a solo beast that hungers for battle. And secretly longing for companionship.
Ms Mari(?)
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Princess Pride
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Medi.exe/Meddy.exe/Meddi.exe (why does she have three official dub names, Capcom?!)
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Medi is a nurse type Navi partnered with a NetOp called Jasmine, but I just write Medi. She is very hard headed despite her job as a nurse. Dedicated to helping people, this nurse of the cyber world is very focused on making new medicine
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Slut is canonically 'above gender' and non-binary. And to go with this I headcanon them as being intersex, with both parts.
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Hope Stellar
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Sonia Strum/Harp Note
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Luna Platz/Queen Ophiuca
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Total Muses: 22
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daydreamtrickster · 2 years
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A group of extraterrestrial digital aliens whose purpose is to wipe out mankind? Check
Bohman's faction and the FMians are alike.
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incorrectstarf · 4 years
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Submittied by @lolzmazter and indirectly @zonatea youre getting tagged too
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Megaman Production Art Scan of the Day #83:
Ophiuca Full Body Character Sheet [Ophiuchus]
Notations include:
- A lot of color transparency and highlights for the FM body effect areas, including her snake
That should be the basic gist, but translation was not so easily decipherable on this sheet. ^^;
Full Resolution Scan: https://imgbox.com/sJH3SJig
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firelord-aries · 3 years
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A Marvel’s Civil War Saga Parody. An AU Version of Megaman Star Force
By Ricardo Mango:
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Today’s character of the day is: Luna Platz (Luna Shirogane) aka Queen Ophiuca from Megaman Starforce
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muses-of-the-memory · 3 years
New Muses
Everyone, I have new added muses to the multimuse family. This time, it’s from the Mega Man Star Force series.
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Geo Stelar aka the Star Force Mega Man
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Sonia Strumm aka Harp Note/Lyra Note
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and Luna Platz aka Queen Ophiuca/Ophiuchus Queen
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kazenotate · 3 years
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Geo, Sonia, Bud, Luna, Solo Omega-Xis, Lyra, Taurus, Ophiuca, Laplace
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sentient-rift · 2 years
Luna, you might also need to remember that snakes are slithery, poisonous and can even kill animals bigger than it. That and the fact that satan took on a guise of a snake.
At least a golden snake saved the Israelites.
Also, when you crossfused with Ophicua, you almost killed poor Sonia.(You were also easy to beat with fire battle cards and the Leo mode)
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"I'm aware of all that, Super Sentai Fan. I was referring to the outer appearance, not their personalities. You have to remember that I don't condone Ophiuca's actions, and I know that even the snakes with a beautiful outward appearance can still be as creepy as any other snake. So far, the only snake I know who's beautiful inside and out is Elise."
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"D-does this mean Mr. Sentai Fan has a bad image of me? I didn't ask for my armor to be snake-like..."
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"He better not have a bad image of you if he knows what's good for him..."
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"B-but I did do some awful things in the past! I mean, I didn't want to, but it doesn't change the fact that I did them. Maybe he has every right to see me as a snake who's just as bad as the one from the Garden of Eden..."
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"Hey! I'm not going to let you talk down on yourself like that, Elise. I know about your past with Sumeragi. But you know what? A lot of our friends here have pasts they're not proud of. Some worst than yours because they had no remorse for their actions. But what matters is that you've repented and you're forgiven. So let go of the past and focus on the Elise of today; The one who's a hero and a dear friend to me."
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"Luna's right, Elise. We don't see you as your past mistakes. We see you as our friend. You're no longer that weak willed girl who followed Sumeragi's orders out of fear. You're now a strong person who helped us protect the Multiverse many times, and you are a sweet person who cares for others. Even if you're armor is snake themed, it doesn't make you who you are."
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"I'm... So grateful to have you two as my friends... As well as everyone else who has always had my back like Nana and Slashman. Thank you so much..."
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sonicasura · 22 days
So Gemini
Gemini from in game and external material was definitely supposed too play a bigger role so I want too expand upon it in the Digimon/ Star Force Crossover
In the game we see Gemini being manipulative and working behind the scenes too gain more power for himself
We see a bit of this with Ophiuca who joins in on Gemini's scheme too rule, showing that Gemini is incredibly persuasive and has a silver tongue, though Ophiuca just drops the plan when she realizes that Gemini is just power hungry and gets deleted
External material also reveals that Gemini is the one who sent quite a few assasins after King Cepheus too make the young ruler more susceptible too Gemini's manipulation.
Then as the game explains Gemini played a key advisory role too manipulate King Cepheus too destroy Planet AM for Gemini's own personall gain, more than likely too get rid of people who would more than likely defy Gemini on Planet AM
So Gemini is basically responsible for a lot of the problems, all for the War Machine Andromeda so he could have all the power too rule with no one too stop him.
In the Crossover after Geo, Omega, and Sleuth/Tamer's final battle with Gemini, he fakes his deletion and goes into hiding waiting for his moment too strike. After the Heroes defeat Andromeda Gemini shows himself and merges with Andromeda becoming an Eldritch War Machine, and angrily and manicaly tells everyone that Gemini won't let all his hard work of manipulating that weak and horrid King go too waste and will take everything for himself by FORCE
The real final battle commences with Geo, Omega, and Sleuth/Tamer fighting with all there power too stop the now deranged Gemini
Tell me what you think of this story beat?
That sounds like the type of battle where Sleuth/Tamer uses Proximamon. At this point, everyone has seen their partners Champion-Mega stages. Thus Gemini believes that they have shown all their tricks and is ready to counter them.
He would be the type to prepare a counter for such a dangerous opponent. That is until Tamer/Sleuth chuckles much to his confusion. In truth, they had one more ace. Something that's rarely used since such power is reserved for the worst possible scenario imaginable.
One Gemini unfortunately now qualifies for. I can imagine the FMian's sheer terror upon seeing Proximamon. This is a Digimon whose own Digivolution method was kept secret for a reason. So much immense power that just manifesting could eventually rewrite the Digital World itself in a blink? (Lore wise.)
Even the remains of Andromeda itself are terrified. Geo and his companions don't feel that immense pressure since Proximamon is shielding them from it. Megaman will eventually get a Soul Force based on the Digimon but it'll be a long before it happens.
For now, they get to settle with Gemini realizing he played himself.
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