#opinion thingy
blehblarghblah · 2 years
Opinion on S3 of Infinity Train?
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Tl;DR, I really enjoyed this Book! Grace's growth from a manipulator matched with Simon's trust issues were a clever pairing, especially in the regard that they are codependent enablers (Grace more than Simon at first). Hazel's presence was an excellent match for Grace and Simon's "companion" but Tuba leaving an imprint the way she did despite not being there for the majority only shows how good her character was.
The themes overall were done really well, as the show demonstrated a nice portrayal of how conflicting people can exist and what one can do to better themselves, or help others.
Good season, good characters.
To get into it in more depth...
My sister and I did not like these two because of Book 2, but when we learned they were gonna be the Book 3 protagonists I figured we'd learn to like at least one of them. Character wise, I prefer Grace over Simon but I still liked how they handled everyone's characters within this book. They really did feel like snarky teenagers with no adult guidance, who at their core were really the same scared old kids who got on the train.
When Grace told Simon, "I don't owe you anything" I really liked the emotions of that scene and dialogue. How Simon was portrayed with his trust issues, compared to Grace and her manipulation, I think was done well. He was meant to be someone frustrating and both the VA and animation carried that snark very well.
I also liked how their codependent relationship as mutual (though more on Grace's end) enablers was subtly expressed at first. It was a great take on expressing the problems of acting out for attention and issue of trust, but on top of recognizing good and bad friends. Or in other words, conveying the journey of recognizing flaws in an individual or self, and either striving to help others from them or realizing to distance yourself from the company you keep.
On that notion, Grace's number going down the way it did was a good way of expressing that while you've done a lot of wrongs in life, starting the path to redemption or making up for it can be an even greater step than you realize. I also kinda liked that One-One didn't know about The Apex. It sucked, obviously, but it evolved into an interesting element with Grace having to recognize her faults and the impact she's had on others, then expand on the idea of pushing out of that toxic mentality.
Good example would be Jesse confronting The Apex: as a Passenger, it sucked his "goal" was kind of being hampered by other Passengers who misunderstood the Train, but it did lead to him outright asserting he will be better which led to his escape.
Also, this Book had Samantha the Cat! Which was always a fun recurring character to me, so seeing some backstory for her was neat! I liked Hazel's character and what she did for Grace, her presence set a standard for Grace and Simon and I liked that a lot, since it forced them to compromise on the one thing we already knew they were adamant about: wheeling denizens. Amelia's return and knowing she's helping One-One now was cool to know, but it was also saddening to learn why Hazel existed in the first place. And Holy Hades did Tuba's death hit hard, she was such a good mother-figure and the delivery of that scene was so well done (followed up with the most twisted scene where Simon just happily tells Hazel he killed her).
The amount of characters within this Book blended well together, especially in terms of narrative. A lot of themes took place in this Book, and I liked that our cast of (mostly) four balanced each other out in terms of dynamics. Overall, I think this Book carried itself well with the characters it introduced and reintroduced. My sister and I really liked it!
Until next ask,
- Bleh
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konstya · 7 months
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i have L opinions i already know but heres my thingy. (ranpo and sigma kinnie moment)
also yes i am a fyodor hater
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linterteatime · 1 year
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I don't know how to draw birds tbh
Original thingy...born from this very city people call..."tumbler"
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CLAUDIA when I- oh wait, she was being manipulated by her father and now Aaravos and just wants her family back together and is a child
VIREN when I catch yo- oh wait, he's dead
AaRAVOS when I cat- oh wait, he's a father grieving his daughter who was unjustly killed
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lelelego · 1 year
omg camille hiiiiii
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(twirling hair while looking at my own oc) hiiiiiii
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waterfallofspace · 7 months
When a character has not only a canonical allergy, but a reoccurring canonical allergy >>>>>
Especially when there's no actual reason for it to occur again?? Just cause they wanted to?? An almost entirely sneeze/stuffed up driven allergy.... 🔥🔥
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screampied · 8 months
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lordichamo · 10 months
just sending more love for your 3 dead guys comics i love them so so much 🥰
TYSM !! Been really into the whole 3y whatnot recently (as ive. started calling it) so im glad to see other ppl are enjoyin it !! love it when uh. interactions between characters that have never + will never meet etc etc.
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bearyyayay · 6 months
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Okey I did some research and I don't know why but personally I think Tommy Angelo would be a Toyger cat
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rogueddie · 2 years
for the prompt thing: 7 and 19!
7 ; Blood smears + 19 ; “Did you want to hear a scary story?”
Finally, they'd gotten the kids to go to sleep. Most are piled into one tent, only meant for four, but they all wanted to squeeze in together. Only Max and El, sensibly, picked out a two person tent to share.
Steve sighs, stretching his arms as he sits in front of the campfire, trying to ignore the way Eddie snickers at him.
"Now can we tell campfire stories?" Robin pleads.
"Ooo," Eddie shifts, almost excited. "Scary story?"
"No," Nancy quickly replies before Robin can. "That's a terrible idea."
Instead, they make small talk for a while. Eat some more smores. Stargaze. It's nice, comforting and oddly familiar even though Steve has never been camping like this before. He's glad though, knows that it would never be as fun as it is now- even with all the kids to wrangle up.
"I'm going to bed," Nancy eventually yawns. They'd been up only an hour longer than the kids. "Rob, you coming?"
And of course she is. It's become a common trend; wherever Nancy goes, Robin isn't far behind. Steve has to hide his face behind his hand, trying not to smirk too obviously.
It's quiet for a moment, only him and Eddie left. But, of course, Eddie shuffles over. He has an air of mischief about him.
"Did you want to hear a scary story?"
Steve tries to give him his best unimpressed look. "You got a good one?"
"I have a great one. A little rumor about these woods, actually."
They stare at each other for a moment, both waiting for the other to back down. It's Steve that finally cracks; "fine, sure, whatever. Tell me the story, then."
"Well... you know how everyone is always so strict about where we're allowed to go? The constant reminders not to stray from the path, stay within these allocated areas... legend has it, there's something in the woods. Something that likes to stick to its territory and, should anyone stray too close... they don't come back."
Steve raises an unimpressed eyebrow. "That's it? Some animal in the woods that kills people?"
"No, no- because it's not an animal. It's too smart. It knows how to hunt, knows how to lure you in. It can mimic. Noises in the night that call for help, noises in the night that sound like your friends. The only way you can tell if it's the creature? Before it calls out, it will stalk it's prey, leaving blood smears around you. Like it's marking you."
The fire crackles in the silence.
But then they both break out into laughter.
"That's such bullshit!" Steve hisses, trying not to wake the kids with how loud they've gotten. "Marking you, jesus."
"That's the legend though!" Eddie insists, grinning. He wiggles his fingers, widening his eyes. "Spoooooky!"
"Terrifying," Steve deadpans.
They stay at the campfire for another half an hour, joking around with other stupid stories they've heard. Slowly inching closer on the log until they're bumping knees.
They both turn when they hear what sounds like a dog, whining, from somewhere behind them.
"Who the hell walks their dog out here?" Eddie asks quietly. He shifts, nervous.
Steve hums, uncertainly, standing to creep to the edge of camp, squinting into the darkness. "It's... too dark to check it out, though, right?"
"Right," Eddie mutters, who's reluctantly stood up with Steve, shifting a little closer. "It's owner will be looking for it anyway. It'll be fine."
"Eddie..." Steve begins, stiffening. "Uh... that story... it's just a story, right?"
"Which story?"
Steve points to a nearby tree, only just visible in the light of the campfire. There's a small line of blood, very intentional in it's placement, smeared on the bark.
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desireisaliar · 5 months
i love frieza’s lips so much like ahhh. they’re always so pouty and cute😵‍💫💜💜i literally cannot get enough. he’s always either pouting because he’s not getting his way or smirking because he got what he wanted. it literally kills me i love it so much. like he’s such a spoiled brat💜like his dad probably just like put him in power cause he wanted it and he can’t help doting on his little princess😵‍💫😵‍💫i really want more fan fiction where frieza is just getting absolutely spoiled by king cold cause i ran out. there’s really not enough
i love bratty frieza🫶🫶
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sp1resong · 7 days
people act like 'strong moral code' is a 'positive'/beneficial autistic trait when basically all mine does is make me care way too much about online discourse and afraid to befriend people who disagree with me even a little bit about things that dont matter whatsoever
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itsbrucey · 6 months
S2 for the Monster au would be harder. Considering dealing multiple realms and the doodler but if I had to assign monsters for the teens off the top of my head. Scary-Banshee, Normal-Half Harpy Half-Mimic?, Lincoln is hard to pin down but maybeeeeeee like. a Frankenstein esc. creature?? Or a water spirit bc if the Titanic, and Taylor being a demon but he's half human in the other way ( maybe a little bit of scales from Glenn tossed in for the flavor) OR MAYHAPS...IMP DRAGON THING????????
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palaceoftears · 7 months
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What did consort Shu even see in him? Like I do get the teenage crush part, but then in the harem he never treated her with genuine care untill he felt bad for his own doing. Don't get me wrong, I felt awful for her and hated the emperor as always, but I still think her character was way too bland, like a Ruyi 2.0 but without all the things that make her a complex character, only with her loyalty to the emperor that in this case didn't even make sense. I think Yihuan was there to be an example of what the emperor is capable of doing because of his paranoia, and also to contrast Yanwan's opportunism with her devotion. It is funny though that the drama is showing you how Qianlong screws everyone and that being loyal to him changes nothing, but also romanticizes devotion all the time (I'm talking about all those scenes with Ruyi & Yihuan being refered as different from the others because they're the only ones that care for him). The madonna/whore complex may be a too western term to talk about this (and also I hate it when it's thrown around randomly for any comparison of two female characters) but there's definetly a patron of good girlies that genuinely love the emperor always being shown praying & charming him w their knowledge and the manipulative evil ones that use him for their own interests potrayed as seductive, sexually active (w this I mean they are the only ones whose sexual relations with the emperor are implied via more than just getting pregnant) and yearning for other men that don't love them.
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jacksprostate · 4 months
Regarding your take on neuroscience and mental illness what are your thoughts on placing people on a spectrum when it comes to ASD?
Frankly my opinion on this is once again incredibly unpopular for something on the eternal baby site. I'm not gonna get all the way into it but I'm going to put a little bit under the cut.
I'm not quite sure how to say this tbh, because no matter what I say it will probably be taken badly. And I actually have a lot of nuanced things to say on this topic but I can't write pages for everything. So I think I'm just gonna address one thing, which extends a bit into other things as well.
On tumblr and tiktok and in general, there is a very large contingent of kids and adults who desperately do not want to grow up who are burying themselves in diagnoses as a way to explain their mild (I do not say this to be cruel, but I mean it literally. Are you in normal schooling? Do you have a few friends, or an ingroup (INCLUDING you and all your x diagnosis buddies) Are you relatively independent? If we are talking about severe mental health disorders or neurodevelopment, that's mild. I would describe my own as mild on that scale) problems relative to their peers in a way that is encouraged and considered Valid Suffering and InGroup with their friends and community.
It's natural. You're very lost as a kid, you want to belong, you feel behind, like everything is more of a struggle for you than others. It's unfair you need to put so much more effort in to achieve a lesser result. You shouldn't have to, you feel. And there's a community of people who feel the same, and you're just like them, it nets you friends and an excuse and a right to think of people who want you to change as cruel.
And I am not saying, these kids aren't suffering, or don't have problems. But, for example, I may as well kick this hornet's nest: the sudden rise in children identifying as DID systems using terminology all invented on tumblr and expecting everyone cater to their current roleplay or else be considered ableist, is like, a lot. It's a lot. Social issues and identities have always been a tumblr clout measure and a way to get friends and shit. The systems thing is honestly one of the pinnacles of like, no, I'm not mean for pointing out the obvious. No, even the kids who say it can only be caused by trauma and are doing an rp of having the disorder rather than an outright rp, they also almost absolutely do not have the disorder. For many, many, many reasons which any degree of research into the disorder would illuminate. But that's not the point of it. For the kids who just like the rp aspect, they get to be the free love side of things. The kids that want to feel a sense of social justice will cling to the Actually x side of things. But they're both on sand.
Anyway, I used DID as an example because I really don't feel like ignoring that elephant anymore, if you (generic) think I'm mean for that then that's your problem and you should probably log off and do your math homework etc.
But, to a lesser degree of fakeness (because that's near total haha), this also applies to the online autistic community. And many others. That is not to say autistic people do not exist, or that they cannot be kids, or that they aren't caught up in the same social wave these kids are. In fact I'd bet some are thriving in it. Some though probably feel quite isolated.
Side note, but this does feel like the effect of calling people posers becoming weird anathema. It's not cruel to not believe in other people's things. I don't believe in otherkin either. I am an extremely scientific, grounded person. That said, I'm not gonna lambast any kid over it. At most I won't engage. I know a lot of people feel very hurt over the idea of not every person believing in Their Thing, but not everyone has the same faith or opinions or worldview. It just is how it is.
In the long and short of it, I do think there is a spectrum for ASD, I don't think it extends as far as tumblr advocates, I think there is a natural spectrum for human social development and I also think it's something that can be worked on. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be called an out of touch neurotypical for this because that's the easiest way to dismiss this lol. Very easy to assume those criticising you can't possibly be in x group. Certainly, I don't consider myself autistic. I know plenty of people who do consider me such including some psych personnel (not that I consider that more valuable than some guy walking down the street). I think I represent probably 1.5-2 standard deviations from the usual human experience and I just don't think that cuts it tbh.
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whereismyhat5678 · 1 year
I REALLY haven’t had the motivation to draw stuff lately, so I’ve just been busy doing other stuff in the mean-time.
Because I haven’t posted I did this to make up for it- it’s something I normally wouldn’t really do but who cares 🤷‍♀️😅
This is, “Who in Pizza Tower would say Fuck”:
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