#or 4.1 whatever’s the upcoming one
badlydrawngenshin · 1 year
oh OH!!!! OH!!!!!!
Yeah, sometimes I do
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187days · 1 year
Day Twenty-One
Longtime readers of this blog know that it's a tradition in APGOV to eat cake when there is a government shutdown (because if you can't have a government, you should at least have a cake). My students don't actually want the government to shut down, but they do want cake, and it might be a toss-up which of those sentiments is the dominant one right now.
But the possibility of a shutdown is something we keep discussing even though it's tangental to whatever I'm actually teaching. We went on a few other tangents today, too, but first we had an AMAZING discussion of Federalist 10 and 51. I'm so pleased about how that went; students asked great questions, and offered one another different insights and perspectives, and they understood Madison's arguments so much better by the time they'd talked through everything they wanted to talk through. And, actually, when we went on that tangent about local politics, I got to relate it back to Fed. 10 because the topic students brought up was a debate about school funding in the letters section of our local paper. Some of the letters were from wealthy retirees grumbling about the taxes on their million-dollar homes, which sure sounds like a faction that emerged due to the uneven distribution of property, right?
I'm a wizard.
Other tangents: the upcoming Republican primary, how and why realigning elections happen, their generation's voting power versus my generation's... It's all important, relevant stuff, so I'm all for talking about it.
My Global Studies students and I had some good conversations today, too. They'd done research related to Warsan Shire's "Home" in past classes, so they'd learned about some of the conflicts driving refugee migration, about the use of child soldiers, about the risks of different migration routes over land. They shared what they'd learned, and then I shared one more piece of information- about the risks of fleeing across the water- by showing 4.1 Miles. I reminded them of the line from the poem: "You have to understand, no one puts their children in a boat unless the water is safer than the land." It's sobering to see how unsafe the water is and realize what that implies, and students had a lot to say after the video was over.
Inevitably, someone asked what's being done to solve the issues that are driving people to flee their homes, which gave me the perfect segue to discuss the UN's SDGs. Students examined those, saw what progress is being made, what setbacks the world has experienced, etc... And now they're thinking about solutions, and who has the power to implement them, and some even asked, "We'll keep talking about this in future classes, right?"
Sure will, kids.
It's a good day when students want to keep talking about something. So today was a very, very good day.
It ended with a leadership team meeting, which was long but productive, so no complaints. I walked out with Mrs. T afterwards into a perfectly crisp fall afternoon, and we joked that we should've made a motion to have the meeting outside. We would've if we'd known how nice the weather was!
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nohoney · 4 years
Tell Me (When You’re Ready) - 4.1
notes: Part 4 of the Us Series also on ao3
Us Series Masterlist
warnings: 18+, drug use, polyamory, low key manipulation, toxic relationships, cheating
He’s never been involved with anyone else the way he’s been with you, you’re all he thinks about and wants to have. It’s more than just liking you, this instinct to care for you, this obsession and desire he feels over you, he calls it love, it must be love. 
4.1 ✧ 4.2 ✧ 4.3 ✧ 4.4
At first glance, Touya didn’t really think much of you the first time he had seen you.
You were just another random party goer to him, one of many he saw whenever he attended those kinds of things, easier to just sell to his clientele if they conglomerated in these kinds of functions, though with the slightly older ones they have to blend in better since they’re technically crashing a house party. University students, upcoming freshmeat, recently graduated alumni and some of their plus ones or more, it’s so easy to tell who the veterans are versus the greenhorns.
The ones who can hold themselves together versus the ones that need to be carried, the ones who can hold there liquor versus the ones that need to be babysat, the strong versus the weak.
And you were that in between, walking around cross faded with eyes that looked lost in space but when someone put a hand on your shoulder then you would come back to earth, but not with your feet touching the ground. Like your feet just barely skimming the surface but still wanting to float in the sky, streaming through a pleasant haze just a bit longer until the high ends and you’ll have no choice until it’s time to walk amongst the animals again.
You sat on the couch with a few girls, talking amongst themselves and no doubt grouped together to protect one another from the predators; who could resist drunk and weak girls, especially the ones who looked the most broken. The eyes of the boys on your group and hoping to try to break into the circle and pick off the weakest to break away the pack. They get especially eager when the group wants to drink more, but you and two friends decide to go outside to smoke a joint instead.
“I’m drunk, I need’a go outside.”
The first words he ever heard you say, though not the first he’s heard but it sounded cute the way you slurred them out.
His eyes followed you briefly, holding hands with a friend as you made your way to get to the outside for a smoke.
“Yo Dabi! Good to see you man!”
He passed discreet little baggies, pink and blue tablets, little pills, he always gets a pat on the back from the boys and winks from the girls.
The girls like him, more than a few offering a little something extra when he makes a successful sale. Two of his whores are at this party, the decent flings he goes back to every so often when he wants to get his dick wet and when they want his goods.
Good dick and good drugs, it’s nice to get a two for one sale.
The second time he sees you at the party, he’s just leaving a room and fixing his belt while you sit at the top of the stairs with a friend. You and your friend are engrossed in your conversation, more than likely a similar talk happening somewhere inside the house party because you talked about your regrets of the way you and your ex broke it off, just more drunk girl talk. “It was so… so fuckin’ stupid dude, I was drunk and he showed up. We fucked but whe’ I woke up the next day, I fuckin’ left and just didn’t talk to him again.”
The second thing he ever heard you say but Touya literally passed by three girls half an hour ago that had a similar conversation, yours was nothing special.
Touya always denies drinks, offers of lines and other things when he goes to these kinds of functions, he needs a clear mind when he deals. He’s not dumb as fuck when he’s high or when he’s on, he can handle himself quite well and could sell just as well even if he were, he just doesn’t want to be relaxed around people that he doesn’t know that well or trust. It would have been nice if Keigo tagged along but the fucker’s Adderall hadn’t worn off in time to accompany him. Keigo gives him a good break from the others, kinda resets him and then he goes back to his business.
But Keigo isn’t around so Touya settles for plowing girls in random rooms of the house to give him a brief recess and then he’s back out there.
The third time he sees you, you’re leaning against the body of a young man just a little taller than Touya but nothing in the way he holds you shows that he has any ill intentions towards you. It feels rare sometimes to see two people having a platonic friendship, especially between two people of the opposite sex. Touya’s already sold your friend whatever he wanted but sticks around to make conversation, though it’s an excuse because he can’t help but note the way you’re being held in your friend’s arms. He tries to not make it obvious as he talks but truthfully, Touya wanted to just look at you. It’s obvious that there’s nothing romantic in the way your friend holds you but for some reason, it doesn’t sit well with him.
Even with his eyes up on your friend, he can see how you cling to your friend’s body with your arms wrapped around him so securely and with so much trust. Touya notes how you’re practically purring as your friend pets your head, sometimes massaging the tips of his fingertips against your scalp and then rubbing your shoulder in comfort. And he can see how you peeked up at him a few times, your curious eyes on him but Touya recognizes the cloudy way you look up at him. It’s not out of interest in the way you looked at him but probably just wondering why he was around.
Eventually you stop looking at him and choose to shut your eyes, concentrating on your friend petting your head instead.
“You want to try anything (Name)? Dabi’s got the best shit I’ve ever had, pretty fucking primo.” your friend had offered but you shook your head and said no. And goddamn if it wasn’t the cutest no that Touya’s ever heard in his life, the third thing he's ever heard you say. “Girl’s been pretty curious about wanting to try coke but she hasn’t worked up the nerve to actually give it a try. You know what, lemme buy a half off you too and maybe this’ll be the night that she finally gives it a try.”
Touya went home wondering if you lost your cocaine virginity that night.
That question wouldn’t be answered until a couple month’s later after you and him shared a philosophy class together. Touya remembered you very clearly but for some reason, his gut twists a little when you spoke to him the first time and it’s clear that you didn’t remember him from the party. He decides to forgive you for not remembering him because he feels like he can’t stay mad at you, not with that cute face you have.
But it’s just like at the party, you don’t seem particularly interested in him but Touya’s interested in you so he decides to seek you out more. He starts to crave your attention but he doesn’t want to look like a fool if it’s a one-sided attraction so he lays the charm on you, calls you pretty names that he’s never used on other girls. At first Touya thinks that you can just be girl number nine, hopefully another easy hole for him to use when he has an itch to scratch.
Now Touya’s fucked a lot of girls. He’s taken innocent girls virginities before and he’s had some pretty wild sex with the campus sluts, but there’s something different about you. You’re not a prude, not in the way you flirt back and insinuate wanting to take a seat on his face sometimes, but you’ve got some untouched parts of you that he wanted to lay a claim on. He’d show you new things and hold your hand over what you’d be too scared to do on your own or with others, he’ll watch over you. Imagine his giddiness the first time he ever cut lines of coke for you, it turned out that your cocaine virginity belonged to him this entire time.
"Oh... it's not that bad!"
You took that line so good, how about you take my cock next?
You tease him, playing coy one moment and then acting like nothing happened next.
And normally with bitches that do that shit with him for too long, Touya drops them pretty fast and moves on to the next. A little flirting and teasing is fine but he’s not looking to play a long term game with that kind of bullshit, it’s either happening or it’s not.
But with you it’s different.
You’re different.
Touya starts to obsess over you so slowly that he doesn’t even recognize it at first. All he knows is that he has to have you, he ghosts four of his whores in favor of being with you even though there wasn’t a guarantee that he would get in your pants. He just dropped the ones that he sought for sex only, the other half are still his clientele so he keeps those ones around, plus they're still decent lays. Keigo notices it, the way his friend talks over some girl that he hasn’t even fucked yet and letting go of four of his side whores has him thinking, ‘Wow, she must be something to get Touya’s attention this bad.’
The semester starts to come to an end and he still hasn’t bagged you yet, he calls you his doll but you haven’t let him play with you. He places one of his whores face down and ass up after she does a few lines, imagines that it’s you underneath him and what you might sound like and its your ass he’s grabbing. Touya can imagine it, you weak underneath him and begging for his cock but when the bitch under him whines out ‘Dabi’, he almost loses his boner. He tells her to shut the fuck up and bite the pillow, doesn’t want to hear her stupid sounds because he wants to envision you instead.
But even imagining you calling him Dabi feels wrong, Touya rolling off your pretty lips as he paints your insides white… it blows him over the edge.
In his mind that’s what he wants, but you don’t get the right to call him by his real name. He doesn’t know you like that so you’re just like everyone else for now, referring to him as Dabi. At some point he figures that this fixation he has on you will burn out soon. And yet Touya finds himself drawn further to you, wanting you more and more, doesn’t want you to wander too far away from him and wants to know who you’re with when he’s not by your side.
And he wanted to fuck you too, so fucking bad.
His first try was with a night cap at his place, the first time Touya ever had a girl over in his space. But it seems you know your limitation on alcohol and don’t let him pour you an extra drop, wanting to be able to drive yourself home and be in decent shape for your lectures. He smokes you up one day and it goes in a good direction, you were relaxed and sending him some good signals that lead to the two of you making out. It didn’t go further because he got a phone call from his mother that he couldn’t possibly ignore, but you thought ‘Oh a mama’s boy, that’s so sweet.’
It’s the third time that he finally gets you, playing music in his car that gets you in the mood and that gets you naked in his backseat. He doesn’t know what made you ready all of a sudden but he didn’t stop to ask as you fervently sucked him off. You were more riled up than him, so excited to get his dick and that eager look in your eye when you commanded him to blow your back out. And he sure did not disappoint, he never disappoints when it comes to his dick.
And a relationship persists forward to the surprise of both of you, liking each other more than you thought you would but there were no labels yet, Touya wasn’t used to having a girlfriend so he didn’t want to call you that at first and you weren’t sure if you wanted him to be your boyfriend. Neither of you really spoke about what you were to one another despite the attraction and the lazy build of emotions that neither of you were aware of in the beginning. All Touya knew was that he wanted you to be around him more and be waiting for him when he returned back to his apartment.
It’s difficult to say when mutual attraction turned into the of you catching feelings for one another. You and Touya were hooking up for a couple of weeks after the end of the semester of the one class you shared together, and while he was aware that you were a little disgruntled at him fucking the girls he sells to, he didn’t think it was that big of a deal at the time. Didn’t he make it obvious that you’re different from them and that he only cared about you? So what if he got his dick wet from other girls aside from you? He’d been doing it before he started seeing you but he always came back to you afterwards, so why were you so pissed?
“It’s just business doll.”
It wasn’t official between the two of you yet so there wasn’t much you could say at the time. You just figured that if Touya liked you so much then he would stop and Touya figured that since you liked him just as much then you would understand.
But Touya remembers that night when he left to go sell at another house party, trying to spend time with you before he had to leave but you wouldn’t let him. He knew you were mad again because he just came back from selling to one of his whores which meant that, ‘Yes, she offered her pussy when I got there so we fucked.’ He honestly did not understand where your jealousy was coming from. You were there, sitting in his apartment and spending nights in his bed, he was doing shit with you that he’d never done with anyone else and you were still getting mad at him.
How did you not get that you were different from the rest of them?
But Touya wasn’t going to put more effort into making you feel better when you didn’t want to be cheered up, so he left to do his usual thing.
And when he came back to his apartment earlier than expected, which was only one in the morning, he found that your car was not in the guest parking and therefore you were not waiting for him inside his home. He tried ringing you to find out if you went back to your place but it went straight to voicemail so he goes to your home in hopes that you would have been there instead. But you’re not there when he arrives and you don’t answer his texts and phone calls still don’t go through."Fucking bitch! Where the hell are you?"
Touya can stay up until three in the morning at most if he’s not on anything but that night was the only night he had ever stayed up by just being angry alone. He was riled up and emotions all over the place, hands shaking so bad that he needed to punch something, almost considered putting his fist through his wall. He was fucking furious because he knows immediately that you went out to be with someone else, went to get fucked by some scum because you wanted to be a vindictive little cunt about what happened earlier.
He had practically barged into Keigo’s place and shook him awake in his bed because he didn’t know who to turn to.
“She’s out getting fucked. I fucking know she is!”
“Wha-? Touya…” Keigo groggily sat up in his bed and brushed off Touya's hands off his shoulders, blonde hair a mess from tossing and turning but he gives his friend his undivided attention. He hadn’t met you yet, had only seen pictures and nudes of you that Touya shared with him, but he’s pretty shocked over how outraged Touya is. He’d never seen his friend get so worked up over one girl before, so it speaks volumes to him to see Touya so unhinged. “What makes you say that? Maybe she’s out with friends or something. Just because she’s not back in her place doesn’t mean that she’s getting with another dude.”
But Touya’s gut said otherwise and he insisted that it was right.
“Okay man, I’m going to put some things in perspective for you. I don’t know this girl but it’s obvious that you’re into her… like a lot, but I can’t really blame her for going out to be with someone else if that’s what she’s doing right now. She can still go do what she wants just as much as you can. If you guys haven’t defined what you are to one another, especially with how you operate, then you don’t have much of a right to be telling her what to do.”
Touya was livid when you returned to your apartment, angry that you had the audacity to be so spiteful with him and furious at the thought of you underneath someone that wasn’t him. It fucking hurt him because he didn’t fuck the whores to make you angry, they didn’t mean anything to him compared to you. But in the aftermath of hatefucking turning into lovemaking, he still mulled over Keigo’s advice, deciding that maybe it would make you happy to call you his girlfriend if it meant that you wouldn’t go behind his back again. You're his favorite, his number one, his only one, if reassuring is what he has to do then he'll put up with it as long as he doesn't have to say it too often. And fine, if it really bugged you that much then he decided to make it fair by giving you permission to sleep with who you wanted provided that you always came back to him the same that he did with you.
Except that after he put it out there, he immediately regretted putting the offer out but knew that a fight would surely begin if he decided to take it back. Once again the thought of you being with someone else had got his teeth grinding and gave him anxiety. You’re his fucking girl, his precious doll that deserved to be put on a throne and be given whatever you wanted. Touya wanted nothing more than to protect you from assholes who didn’t appreciate you like your dumbass ex-boyfriend.
“(Name)’s really great, I’m glad the two of you are together. Though are you sure you’re okay with her seeing other guys too? I know you said it to be fair to her but I see you get bent out of shape if she’s even around just one of her guy friends.” Keigo puffed on cigarette, tapping some of the excess ash off the tip before returning the filter to his lips. “You really going to be okay if she decides to get picked up by another dude?”
Touya let out a frustrated sigh as he lit his third cigarette in a row; you’d be pissed if you found out but he was fortunate that you would be out for a few hours so he had time to clean away the evidence. “They’re gonna treat her like shit, I know the assholes out there would but if I take it back, she’s going to get pissed. She didn’t even fucking apologize for fucking someone else behind my back. I don’t want her to be used by someone else, she’s not a whore.”
“Correction, you mean she’s your whore.”
The only one who understood his way of thinking was Keigo.
There’s a night where you sleep in your own apartment while Touya and Keigo sit outside your complex, leaning against his car and just looking at the balcony that they know is attached to your place. A six pack of beer sits on the hood of the car, two slots empty as they each hold a bottle in their hand. Keigo quietly admits to him, “I think I might like (Name) Touya. Like I think I like her a lot, more than just wanting to fuck her and more than just as a friend.”
Touya quietly takes in Keigo’s confession and just nods his head, still looking up at your balcony and hoping that you’re sleeping well. He’s never been involved with anyone else the way he’s been with you, you’re all he thinks about and wants to have. It’s more than just liking you, this instinct to care for you, this obsession and desire he feels over you, he calls it love, it must be love. He hesitantly admits back, “… I think I love her.”
“Yeah, wow…”
“You really think you love her?” Keigo asked after polishing off his first beer. “What about that whole arrangement thing? If you tell her you love her, she might question you since, you know, you’re still fucking other girls. If you love her then she’ll expect you to be monogamous with her.”
“If she still takes me up on that arrangement, I don’t think I can handle it. Only people who love her should be allowed to fuck her.” In other words, only he should be the only one to have you. No one else loves you like Touya does, he’ll fucking kill any asshole that thinks they can use you as their fucktoy. When Keigo asks again about the other girls, he growls at him and tosses his bottle onto the concrete. “I’m fucking working on that, alright. I just… don’t know how to fucking commit. It’s too fucking hard to do this by myself.”
Keigo just pops the cap off another bottle and hands it to Touya. “Would it help if I joined the relationship? I’m sure we can work something out with (Name), provided she’s willing.”
Touya would observe you and Keigo together, you oblivious to his friend’s flirtations at times and mistaking it as him just being very friendly. He could see golden eyes wandering down your body, already knowing what you looked like without any clothes and how pretty you look when you’re gagging on a dick because Touya’s shown him your nudes and recorded videos of you. Keigo can try to hide and put up a front that he’s just lusting over you but Touya can see that his friend has got that little lovestruck glint in his eyes when he looks at you; and honestly, he’s not even upset about it. The vision of you and Keigo together, it makes him comfortable rather than the anxiety he feels when he thinks about you with someone else. They obsess over you together, you blissfully unaware of how tortured Keigo was sometimes that he couldn’t plow his cock into you because you saw him as just a friend.
So he takes up Keigo's offer.
He was hoping that the transition to introduce Keigo into the relationship would go smoother, but it only comes up after a fight when he brings you with him to a house party for the first time.
God, Touya didn’t mean what he said to you that night when you and Keigo rolled together; he was just frustrated because he didn’t know what he could do to show you that you meant more to him than you knew. No matter how much he reassured you, you kept on letting your stupid insecurities get in the way!
“C’mon man, one minute you’re telling me you love her and now all of a sudden you’re breaking up with her?” Keigo scolds him, unaware that you leave the both of them behind and duck into the house.
“I’m not trying to break up with her! I’m just— fuck, she just doesn’t get that… fuck!”
He’s at a loss of words, he doesn’t want to be mad at you but you couldn’t get over your hangups over the side whores. They weren’t his other girlfriends, not his side bitches, or anything like that. Touya literally only sees them for probably twenty minutes max on the occasion they hit him up, nothing compared to all the time dedicated to you. They can claw at his dick however much they want, that’s all they want from him anyway aside from the pills and powders he sells to them. If it gets them to shut up then fine, but Touya will never spend a second longer with them when he’s finished using them. He doesn’t give a fuck if they whine about not cumming, he never promised them an orgasm when he gives the whores his cock.
He obsesses over you, not them; he cares for you, not them; he only wants you, not them.
Stop being jealous, it's just you!
Keigo finally talks him down but they realize that you’re not around.
Touya searches the outside perimeter of the house while Keigo searches inside. You’re rolling, barely able to take care of yourself and they have no idea where you are. All the worst case scenarios run through his head like you wandering into the night and getting kidnapped, hit by a car while walking down the road, he wonders if you’re still at the house and possibly getting raped because you can’t fight back if someone forces themselves on you. He drives himself crazy with his own imagination and you won’t answer your fucking phone!
To his relief Keigo informs him that he found you locked inside one of the bedrooms, having mixed cocaine, ecstasy, and alcohol because you were upset about what happened. He’s a veteran, Touya’s mixed plenty of times within his boundaries of tolerance but you’ve never done it before so he worries instantly for your wellbeing. The only thing that he can think of what to do to help you is to bring you a fresh bottle of water, you’re probably dehydrated as hell.
He feels awkward as hell when he arrives to the room, standing off to the side as Keigo fusses over you. He’s able to comfort you with the right words in your state of mind, adding in kisses and sweet caresses to your body to help calm you, something that Touya feels unable to do at the moment. But Keigo fixes you up and nods for him to approach you, a little hurt that you whine for Keigo to stay.
But he has to admit his mistake, that he should have been more attentive to you when he brought you with him, even if he trusted Keigo to look over you the entire time. You’re upset, of course you’re upset with him, and he doesn’t want you to be mad at him anymore. So he decides to give you a right he should have bestowed to you a long time ago, you’re not allowed to call him Dabi anymore. It’s the only way he knows to make it up to you and show you that you’re important to him.
Don’t be mad at me anymore babydoll, I’m yours.
You’re a stubborn little thing at first, still insisting on calling him Dabi but he made you come around. His name falling from your lips just sounds so perfect, it sounds right as you choke up on pleasure and come undone with a scream of his name.
Touya imagines that night you went behind his back because you were mad at him, freezing for just a quick moment that you would do the same thing the next time you became angry with him, except now he had given you full permission. You hadn’t taken advantage of the arrangement and didn’t seek anyone out so far, he’s thankful for that, but he has to lock down Keigo into the relationship so that he can secure you.
Touya literally walked out of the house earlier to find you and Keigo making out, surely you can’t believe you can do that on ecstasy and still believe that everything is platonic. He has to put the truth out there, you deserve to know it, no one else would treat you so good like they would.
“He thinks you’re adorable. I talk about your pussy all the time with him. How fucking cute it is, how tight it gets when you get choked, and when you cum all over yourself. He wants to fuck you open so bad.”
“Touya, don’t say that! He’s just a friend!”
“A friend who wants to fuck you.”
He probably could have been more eloquent with his words but he gets his point across to you regardless.
“I gave you permission to fuck who you want doll, Keigo is not the worst person you could choose. In fact, I’d like it if he were the one to keep you warm for me.”
And he can see how realization hits you, Keigo further supporting the claim by coming onto you as well. What you used to perceive his actions as friendly, you thought otherwise now. It’s a truth that you can’t unlearn now that he’s put it out there, but he hopes that you fucking take the bait. If you reject Keigo coming into the relationship, he truly won’t be able to handle the possibility of you seeking someone else out.
He’d fucking go crazy.
That is not an exaggeration.
Everything goes smoothly though, you returning hand in hand with Keigo with that cute, embarrassed look on your face when you asked where the ‘proper threesome’ should take place. He doesn’t know what Keigo said to you or what you said to him in order to reach the desired conclusion but he doesn’t care, it doesn’t matter because he got what he wanted.
You’re right where Touya wants you.
It feels good to know that when he’s out, Keigo is there to be with you in his place.
Everything feels perfect when he’s with you, he won’t lose you to anyone, you’re so fucking good for him, so fucking loyal to him and Keigo that even when you have your own doubts, you fall in line with what he wants anyway. He knows what’s best for you, what you need and what you don’t need. You don’t have to worry about anything because you’re watched over and cared for. He cares for you all the time like when you’re drunk, high, rolling, cross faded, sick, depressed, and everything in between.
But admittedly there are moments when his own anxiety gets the best of him, sometimes Touya looks at you and suddenly wants to run to the hills. He pops a few oxys to try to calm him down sometimes but they’re not always effective. When the pills don’t help, he hopes one of the whores hits him up to ask for a pill or a baggy and he can pretend that he’s living his old life before you came along because that’s what he’s most familiar with. He thinks you’re too good to be true at times and he follows the instinct to self sabotage by still returning to the whores. And every single time without fail when he returns to you, he feels his chest constrict as soon as you’re in his sights.
It’s no secret to you when he goes out to see them, he comes back smelling like artificial fruit or sweet candy, and he sees how you bristle when he tries to come near you. You’re angry at him but choose to remain silent because it’s an argument that’s long exhausted, he feels guilty that he still can’t commit himself to you fully but swears that one day it will happen. One day he’ll defeat that monster inside him that tempts him to ruin everything he’s built with you. But until then, Touya wants to make it up to you every single time. Food and drinks are an easy way to placate you but his favorite is when you agree to house roll with him because no matter what you end up gravitating to him during the roll and lean on him during your come down.
Sensual make outs while on ecstasy when you’ve reached the peak and then comfortable silence during the come down as you wallow together in a brief period of depression, it’s when he feels the closest to you.
And you don’t know this because he hasn’t been ready to say anything, but he’s already told you that he loves you.
The first time he says it, it’s past the six month mark of the relationship and just a little after Keigo is inducted into it as well. Nothing special in particular had happened to make him say it, you went to bed early because you stayed up way too late the night before and you just needed the extra hours of rest. He smoked a joint to relax, hopped in the shower to clean up, and he tip toed quietly in the room to make sure he didn’t disturb you. You barely flinched as he turned on the light in the room, unaware at how much Touya stared down at you as you slept. He took in your features and marvels at how peaceful you look when you’re asleep.
“I love you.” he says for the first time to you out loud.
You shift a little and emit a quiet, nondescript sound and he panics briefly that you might have heard him. Relief floods through him as you simply mumble and nuzzle the pillow, continuing to rest and none the wiser to the confession that Touya spoke into the air. But a weight is off his shoulders as he climbs into bed with you and is ready to sleep alongside you.
So he tells you he loves you when he knows you can’t hear him like when you’re deep in slumber, when you have your headphones on and just blast your music, or just right when you walk out the door after kissing him goodbye. He’s brave enough in those moments to say it but not brave enough to actually tell you just yet.
There’s one night where he thought you were going to say it first, and if that was the case then Touya would happily reciprocate it back.
You were hanging onto him for dear life as Touya rammed his cock into you, your hands clutching his shoulders and the back of your head digging into the mattress with your back arched off the bed. Touya had been mean to you all night by edging you, pulling out just as you’re about ready to burst and relishes in your desperate cries. You promise him you’ll do anything he wants but please please please, don’t just leave you like this. It’s only when you’re at your most desperate that Touya decided to give you the orgasm he’d been denying you.
“Such a desperate fucking whore. Were you thinking about my cock the entire day you were out?” Touya growled into your neck before nipping down on a sensitive spot as he jackhammers his dick into your pussy. “You were fucking drenched in your panties when you walked through that door. You love my dick so much that you think about it all the time huh?”
Your hands clutch onto his shoulders and Touya’s hips move to fuck you until you pass out from cumming so hard. You’ve been fucked stupid plenty of times and you just blearily look up at him as he utterly uses you to his satisfaction. There are plentiful memories of when you’ve told him you loved his dick in the frenzy of the moment, nothing but praises for his cock and how good he rams it in and out of you. It’s so fucking cute when you’re dick drunk and you slur out all your words. But Touya swears that you say it a little bit differently, straining his ears to make sure he heard you right. His hips don’t falter in their pace but he wants to know that he’s hearing what he thinks he’s hearing.
“I love… it…. cock… I love… yo…” shaky breaths leave your lips, shuddering gasps as your whole body trembles at what is sure to be an earth shattering orgasm. “S’fucking good… love ih… Love… yo— ahhh!”
Your whole body tenses and your back arches off the bed as high as your body allows, toes curling as you cum all over Touya’s cock and he cums alongside you. But even in the wreckage of your orgasm, you’re still choking out those breathless words that he was straining to comprehend just a few seconds ago. He wanted you to enunciate more, he should have slapped your cheek and made you speak clearly otherwise he would edge you again but the idea comes much too late now that you’re a boneless, brain fucked mess beneath him with his cum leaking out of you.
He fucked you too good, you’re asleep within seconds after Touya pulls out of your pussy and he’s a little disappointed that he couldn’t draw those words out of you.
Turquoise blue eyes look down at you, so vulnerable and pretty right before him. You look perfect and so comfortable in his bed that for a few seconds he’s inconceivably happy. You’re completely unaware of the power you have over him, how easily you could kill him without even trying. He’ll break if you leave him and he’ll break you if you try to leave him.
Don’t leave me.
You stay curled up in the bed and snuggled into his pillow even though you have your own on your side of the bed. A few minutes have passed and Touya thinks it’s safe to say it again, confess his heart into the silence of the room and while you’re unconscious to avoid being vulnerable; he’s just not ready yet. It would make his life so much easier if you said it first out loud but he also thinks that it would make you really happy if he were to say it first.
He knows you’ll be happy once the words are put out there, whether he says it first or you do.
Until then, he says it quietly and in the safety of his room while you rest peacefully.
“I love you.”
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pilferingapples · 6 years
Episode 5a: Green Finch and Cosette Bird
Not gonna try to Chronology this bc despite my best efforts I have NO idea what time span this is all supposed to be covering, like if it’s weeks or months or, as it appears to be, all happening in one Really Busy Week 
Before I get into it: As always , major props for the Props people, and the set design team on this show. Whatever my other issues about the series, I’ve loved the look of the places, and there’s some real nice touches in every scene. They make rewatching it all worth it just for the visuals. 
...More mixed feelings under the cut, but I did enjoy some things besides the setting!:
HELLO HELLFONT MY OLD FRIEND , what can I say,  it’s becoming a familiar (type)face , any friend in a storm
-I really enjoy this opening-- setting up that the people in Paris really ARE at about ready to riot and everyone really is angry, it’s not just Those Kids in A Bar Somewhere. It feels very A Few Pages of History, (4.1 , for those wondering!) and I’m glad it’s being given some time. 
-I am ALSO Highly Entertained that all this deep rooted and widespread social unrest is juxtaposed with flyers of THAT DASTARDLY VALJEAN. I’m sure to this Javert they’re exactly the same thing-- and I mean I am SURE because Javert tells us so directly: 
Rivet or Rivette or whatever: Uh boss we have intel on an attempt at overthrowing the government and I mean Parisians actually do that not infrequently of late so IDK  but I think we have bigger issues than your Nemeship 
Javert, Verbatim:  THERE IS NO. LARGER. ISSUE. MAN, Mark My Words, Where Ever You Find Unrest, HE Will Be At The Very Heart Of It 
THIS IS THE BEST THING THIS JAVERT HAS EVER SAID but it’s just gonna get better and I am SO here for Hilariously Overinvested In One Rando Thief Javert, he’s got basically nothing to do with Javerts Past and I do not CARE, this is hilarious
- Cutting over to Valjean and Cosette, with Cosette nursing his really oozy arm wound! I am NOT satisfied with Valjean’s “well I had to go back to the Thenardiers for  Reasons” line at ALL, especially not when Cosette was so clearly retraumatized.  I would accept a Scheme on his end, a moral argument, ANYTHING, but she’s just like “so this is awful” and he’s all “but Cosette, REASONS” . Also not satisfied with Cosette denouncing people as Evil! or Valjean signing off on it! I understand why she’s saying it from a Watsonian perspective but the show has chosen to set this up, to have the characters most associated  with redemption and recovery ready to directly condemn. This Cosette is infinitely more judgemental, and I can see why, because holy smokes this Valjean. And this is a fairly brief moment in the show but it’s just off for what this story and these characters represent.
- Meanwhile, in Some Cafe I Guess, Enjolras has some terrible lines about the upcoming revolution that make it seem like this has been a pickup game planned since all of last week and I have horrible foreshadowing of Fandom Arguments to Come. 
Also: this is not the fandom I think we are if we can’t just Nominate some Remaining Amis out of this mess of extras! I’ll go first; I nominate the bearded guy in the corner during Enjolras’ speech about Lamarque (at ~~4:43) for Bahorel, and the dark-haired guy in front of him for Joly.
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-I love how grim the women’s prison is; also, Mme T trying to be as good a mother as she knows how to be even here.  (Also I know they probably should NOT be in the same prison together, but this is one of those condensations that I Get)
- I’m sure a lot of people are gonna hate it, but I actually really appreciate that this Marius is rather cold and unpleasant to Eponine post-Gorbeau, when she’s taking him to see Cosette. That is  canon!  He’s quite rude and even physically rough with her when he sees her again!  It’s an important aspect of his character; he gets caught up with his current Only Thing In The World and treats other people around him badly, it’s a running thing! Heck, this Marius is still  kinder to Eponine post-Gorbeau than his book counterpart.  I feel awful for Eponine, of course, but then I absolutely should. This is a Good Bit.  
-Thenardier escapes from prison by pretending to have Died of Dysentery--er, cholera! If they’re not gonna have Gav and the whole Escape By Night scene, this is actually a pretty clever, quick way to get Thenardier out, and build in the info about the cholera epidemic. I can never be exactly glad to lose Gavroche Scenes, but this was a pretty good way to abridge that! 
- Valjean’s arm  is better! So it’s been Some Vague Time! So he’s leaving for Mysterious Valjean Purposes (money), with a blithe “Cosette stay here, it’s safe but also don’t leave the house until I get back, also you can’t come with me because it’s dangerous, but don’t worry it’s TOTALLY safe.” If this Valjean were more the warm, loving character he should be, this might just seem awkward and badly phrased; with all that’s happened between them already and all that comes next, this just seems manipulative and cruel.
-Vajlean goes out into the streets and sees ...a drawing that doesn’t really look like him! On a wanted poster! So he tears it down. Javert’s Valjeany Sense Activates and his eyes open in his office when Valjean tears down the poster Who Knows Where. This delights me. DELIGHTS. This Javert is a hilarious parody of all Javerts and I officially love it.
-I also like Thenardier and...Montparnasse?-- and someone else..?why is this scene so dark --  in the sewers, and the cut from that to Cosette. Nice way to stress the actual real danger that Valjean’s left her in, also: good Cat Scare before Marius happens. (yeah and also Thenardier seems to be Leader of the Patron Minette, which is never my Fave Choice for an adaptation to make, but it makes sense, especially as breakneck as things are moving 
-Toussaint’s Cheerful Doomy Dooms of Doom while Valjean leaves her and Cosette to do his Secret Valjean Thing; since Enjolras has banned romantics from the barricade, guess we gotta take our cheerful death talk where we can! (also, totally canon!)
-okay, you know what, I really like Cosette’s scenes in the garden. This Cosette is doing a great job of selling me on her Extremely Young-ness. She seems young enough and unworldly enough that a Magic Boyfriend sneaking in without her noticing is Cool and Exciting and Magical instead of super unnerving.  She’s adorable. And there is really excellent framing here with the flowers and the lighting and all. It does  feel like a fairy tale, which, it really should; this is Cosette’s fairy tale romance and I’m happy for her.
...Unfortunately this Valjean is rather too much the part of the Ogre Parent and I wish Marius would just take her away.  Uhg. (also I haaaate this bgm. HAAAATE. I am not talking about it much and I know it’s probably just me but it is so obtrusive to me!) 
- Gavroche shows up, robbin’ all the randos and giving bread to a couple of genuinely unrelated street kids! I...am having such mixed feelings! I love this actor; this actor has Gavroche absolutely DOWN and I am accepting him into my heart entirely but...like...why is  this  part of the story  here,  why is there so much emphasis on him being a thief, why does he just leave the momes instead of trying to take them in, why is this show trying to make it visually clear that these aren’t his brothers? this is just..it’s the thing that keeps happening where there are a bunch of changes for no apparent reason and they don’t add up to anything new but they also aren’t the Original Thing and I can’t figure out what the point of those alterations really are (though this scene, with the extra thieving and reduced generosity, grand-total steals some of Gavroche’s heroism).  The actor is amazing but GIVE HIM HIS FULL BIT. 
- back to Definitely Some Cafe (it’s really well done, I just have no idea what cafe it is ? It’s full of workers, maybe this is supposed to be the Corinth?)  and a brief, foolish moment on my part of hoping there’ll be more discussion of why the rebellion is happening is Destroyed and turned to  “you rich students can go back to your families in the country but--”  THIS IS THE GHOST OF MY ASKBOX FUTURE AND I HATE IT , OH SPIRITS;  WHAT MAY I DO TO TURN THIS NIGHTMARE ASIDE
-...why isn’t this worker just...Feuilly...why are none of the workers Feuilly...
-P.sure my Joly HC is here 
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either that or he’s BBC’s Merlin which might explain some things
- Awkwardness of Lost Historical Context aside, this Enjolras is growing on me (like a scruffy beard!) . He’s intense and physically affectionate and I like that in an Enjolras; I just think it’s weird that he’s hanging out with what are apparently random students who haven’t committed to the revolution frigging yet , but you know! Whatever!  
- ...I am currently kind of on the fence about this but...if they’re not gonna give the whole arc with Grantaire As Symbol of the Apathetic Bourgeois being Converted the time it needs, I ...think?  ..what they’re doing here might be a serviceable substitute?  He’s very obviously Not Got The Revolution Fever and is Doing It For His Friends, and he’s obviously super uncomfortable about it.  I like this take on that so far better than some versions I’ve seen. 
ATM, gotta say, the Amis Scene is bugging me the least. If it weren’t for the absolutely bizarre nonsense last week, I would be Pretty Okay with the Amis stuff?? WEIRD BUT TRUE.  Or maybe just a sign of how some adaptations have totally destroyed my expectations here to the point where “Enjolras isn’t actually Dracula” is Okay With Me. ANYWAY I’LL TAKE IT, A MOMENT OF LIKABLE CHARACTERIZATION. 
-The Revolutionary conversation segues with a cut to the Royalist Salon and Gillenormand, who  is NOT likeable and I’m not sure why we get this scene Here In Particular?  A contrast to the revolutionaries, I guess? But this Gillenormand continues to be very very  accurate. 
- At The House In The Garden, Valjean is back! Cosette comes to hug him! He apparently WAS worried that she wouldn’t be safe so what was with the reassurances earlier like she was being a stupid child! And most important
okay I’m okay
- wait NO I’m NOT because now it’s time for the Patron Minette to come in and not-rob this place and the show completely destroys Eponine’s moment as the guardian of Marius and Cosette’s happiness!  Instead of her getting to intimidate a bunch of grown armed men into retreat, she’s attacked, threatened, and ultimately rendered  passive, her moment of heroism rendered null when no one comes to her scream, and her role in saving the Valjean house and all in the garden replaced by an actual dog.  I am really pretty furious about this! But the Character Destruction Of Eponine deserves its own post so Moving On FOR NOW...
- ...also are you telling me THIS hyper paranoid, aggressive JVJ doesn’t notice or react to screams and barking dogs 
- holy moly even kneeling Marius is almost as tall as Cosette, that’s not relevant to anything but it’s entertaining to me; it’s also Very Cute to have him comforting her by making himself smaller than her, when they’re both freaking out about her imminent maybe-move. 
- Valjean having a conversation with Eponine instead of just getting her note to move is not inherently The Worst! But the way he treats her just reinforces how cold and uncaring he is. There’s no compassion in him for a poor abused girl who could almost have been his daughter, no concern for how she might be faring, not even an awkward “hey be careful”.  Is it understandable? Yeah, sure. A lot of selfish focus is Understandable and human. But it’s not admirable, it’s not kind, it’s not the actions or attitude of a man who’s learned kindness towards the world through love, or who tries to put others first to the point that it would kill him. It makes sense, for some characters-- but it’s just not Valjean. 
-NICOLETTE IS THE HERO THIS ADAPTATION NEEDS and she’s SO happy to announce that Marius is back to talk to his awful awful Grandpa!
- The whole scene with Marius asking Gillenormand  for permission to marry is very satisfyingly awful and I have no complaints. It’s a bit abbreviated, and I wonder if people who don’t know the era will totally get that this is a question of needing adult legal approval?  but it’s not shortened beyond the amount that Adaptational Space might suggest. I’d take this little scene as a good illustration of the Gillenormand/Marius dynamic for anyone. Also: is that the Yellow Prisoner-Crafted Wallpaper???  BBC Set Design People, you’re the BEST
- I know I’ve already given kudos to the props and set people but I LOVE this little bachelor apartment that Marius and Courfeyrac are sharing, this is so great?? I’ve seen sketches from the era that look so much like this!  Give me a  moment to squeak happily about this place-- the low roof! The clothesline! The clutter! I love it! (@ about 30:00) 
- I HATE EVERYTHING ENJOLRAS  SAYS HERE THOUGH, even if I intend to meme out No Romantic Daydreamers to the FULLEST 
-Cutting back to Valjean and Cosette’s house, I also hate that Cosette defense-flinches when she wakes up! It’s been eight years! That should not still be her auto-reflex if she’s come to feel safe and loved!  My heart! 
Valjean tells her they have to move today. Valjean does NOT tell her where they’re going. Valjean gives her an hour to pack--and Cosette has to run out and ask Toussaint what the address will be and has to LIE TO TOUSSAINT about why she needs it. Valjean, there are secrets you might feel a need to keep from your daughter. WHERE SHE LIVES should not be one of them. “I’m taking you to an address no one knows and also you can’t have it ahead of time” is what kidnappers do! Watching Cosette write her note and move (terrible bgm and all) is breaking my heart--she is so alone in this house--no one is on her side, no one is there to listen to her, no one is really considering her feelings or giving her any explanations, she’s being moved around like a pet. The abuse is less florid than with the Thenardiers, but it’s still there, and I want to cry. 
The scene goes from soldiers marching outside the window of the new apartment to the funeral. Aaaand that seems like a good place to break this giant review in two. 
Randoming Fandoming:
-I’m pretty sure that at around 6:14 a woman and kid in modern clothes just wander in the background behind Marius! This is not a Complaint, these things happen to any production, but it’s fun to have spotted? 
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Like several other profit investors I got the whole idea of consistent, lasting dividend growth, a story that was actually wrecked earlier this month when the commercial provider slashed its payout asunder due to inadequate free of cost cash flow stemming coming from its commercial core organisation. To summarize, I just like Welltower due to the fact that this is actually revealing slow-moving however constant development, has a terrific record of effectiveness, is installing on its own for the potential tailwinded through demographics, and will certainly possess room to continue satisfying shareholders along with dividends.
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kristablogs · 4 years
Twenty features you didn’t know Android and iOS stole from each other
If it weren't for that black square, telling an Android and an iPhone apart would be harder than finding Waldo. (Daniel Romero / Unsplash /)
Steve Jobs famously said that he wasn’t averse to stealing a great idea or two, and with the launch of iOS 14 on the horizon, people have started talking about Apple getting some ideas from Google’s Android.
But the swiping goes both ways—Android and iOS have taken plenty of ideas from each other over the years, which has resulted in two operating systems that are much more similar in features and functionality than they used to be.
Dig back a little and you’ll find plenty of examples—though we should say up-front this history is slightly edited. For example, one or two of these features appeared on the iPad before the iPhone, or in versions of Android from Samsung and LG before they appeared in the stock version.
1. Home screen widgets
For years, widgets were one of Android’s main advantages over iOS. This feature has enabled users to break the regimented rows and columns of app icons with media players, calendars, weather forecasts, mini maps and more, and has been present in Google’s operating system from its early stages. It took a while, but Apple has clearly taken note: After adding widgets to its Today view on iOS, they’re now coming to the iPhone home screen with iOS 14.
2. Gesture navigation
In 2017, the iPhone X got rid of the Home button and introduced a whole new way of getting around a smartphone—swipe up to go home, swipe up and hold to see recent apps, and so on. The team at Google must have liked the new navigation style, because Android adopted a similar set of gestures for both Android 9 and Android 10.
3. The app drawer
Historically, every app you’d install on an iOS device lived on your home screen, and the only way to keep it hidden was to bury it in a folder. Android users have been able to maintain decluttered home screens by hiding apps away in the app drawer (one tap away from the home screen), which Apple has now decided is a good idea. The hub will debut in the upcoming iOS 14, and it’ll be called App Library.
4. Notification badges
Some people find them more distracting than useful, but others couldn’t live without them. The small, simple notification badges on app icons debuted in iOS, showing users how many unread emails, messages, or other alerts awaited them. Android belatedly decided to add the same feature to its own interface with the launch of Android 8 in 2017.
5. Swipe to type
Android users had been enjoying the ability to swipe-and-type for years before iOS 13 added it as a native option in 2019. If you’re not familiar with this feature, get acquainted, because it’s a supercharged productivity aid—just swipe over the keyboard letters you want to input, without lifting your finger from the screen.
6. Granular privacy controls
Getting off the grid has never been easier. On Android and iOS you can limit what your apps know about you, starting with your location. ( Maksim Tarasov / Unspla/)
For a long time, Apple has been giving users a great deal of control over how apps handle your data, so they can only access information such as your location while they’re running. It’s such a good way to manage permissions that Google decided to add a close copy to its own OS with Android 10 in 2019.
7. A back button
Android is moving away from on-screen buttons these days, but for many years it had something iOS didn’t—a system-level “go back” button that took you to the previous screen, regardless of whether that was a different app or a different page. Eventually, Apple decided to add a back button of its own, up in the top left-hand corner, with the launch of iOS 9 in 2015.
8. Blue light filter
Before everyone got so obsessed over dark mode (and we’re still not sure why they are), there was night mode, which reduced blue light and turned the screen amber before bed. Apple introduced the feature with Night Shift in iOS 9.3 in March 2016, before Android followed suit with Night Mode in Android 8.0 Oreo almost a year and a half later.
9. Picture-in-picture mode
Another feature coming to the iPhone with iOS 14 is picture-in-picture, which is exactly what it sounds like. If you’re watching a video, you can keep it on screen in minimized form while you check out other apps on your handset. As the engineers at Apple are no doubt fully aware, picture-in-picture functionality has been available on Android since 2017.
10. Do Not Disturb
How did we get anything done before the Do not Disturb feature? (Major Tom Agency / Unsplash/)
The Do Not Disturb mode is a staple of modern-day phones, giving you a brief respite from the flood of notifications that normally have your handset vibrating non-stop. This was a feature Apple added first to iOS 6 in 2012. Google took its time and added it to its OS in 2014 with the launch of Android 5.0 Lollipop. (That was back when Android versions still had cute snack names.)
11. Over the air updates
Cast your mind back to 2011, when Apple released iOS 5, the first version of its OS that could be updated over Wi-Fi without requiring you to plug your phone into a computer and sync it with iTunes. This was a great feat back then, since Wi-Fi wasn’t quite as fast as it is now. But it wasn’t such a big whoop after all—Android users had already been updating their devices over the air for several years.
12. Digital assistants
Apple originally beat Google to the digital assistant punch—they bought Siri and integrated it into the iPhone 4S in 2011. Nine months later, Google launched Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, which included the Google Now feature that eventually morphed into the Google Assistant we have today.
13. The notification drawer
You think notifications are bad today? Let me remind you that back when the iPhone ran iOS 4, notifications interrupted whatever you were doing with a pop-up on your screen. Luckily, Apple realized how annoying this was, so iOS 5 introduced the notification drawer that allowed users to access all their updates by swiping down from the top of the screen. This wasn’t an original design though, since it was already a standard fixture on Android devices.
14. Screenshot annotations
With the arrival of iOS 11 in 2017, screenshots got a little different—users were able to tap on a screengrab right after capturing it to bring up a special annotation menu for adding doodles or applying a crop. Google added something similar to Android, but not until Android 9.0 Pie, which didn’t arrive on phones until mid-2018.
15. A native mapping app
Apple is finally adding cycling directions to Apple Maps with iOS 14. Google Maps has offered this feature since 2010. (Apple/)
Strange though it might seem now, the iPhone launched with Google Maps as its default mapping app, and it wasn’t until 2012 that Apple Maps appeared on the scene with iOS 6. Since then it’s continued to play catch-up with Google Maps, including the recent introduction of its Look Around (aka Street View) road-level photography feature.
16. Selfie camera
This was a close one, but Apple just got there first—the iPhone 4 from June 2010 was the first with a front-facing camera, but Android phones didn't get official support for a selfie cam until Android 2.3 Gingerbread, launched in December of the same year. We've only been snapping selfies properly for a decade, yet somehow it feels like it's been much longer.
17. Set default apps
Considering Apple hasn’t really promoted this new iOS 14 feature, it’s likely they’re adding it reluctantly. When the software update arrives, it’ll be the first time iPhone users will be able to set default apps for their email and web browsing that aren’t Apple Mail or Safari—a feature Android users have been making the most of for quite a while.
18. Record the screen
The ability to make a video recording of whatever’s happening on screen has been available to iPhone users for a long, long time now. It’s still not available in Android, but it looks as though Google is readying this very feature for the launch of Android 11 later this year (currently in beta).
19. Low battery mode
For some years, iOS lagged behind Android in not having a specialized low-battery mode. Apple loyalists would say iPhones didn’t really need one, but the feature was eventually added to Apple’s mobile devices in iOS 9, cutting down on the number of background processes running at once and reducing CPU performance.
20. Emergency contact information
Did you know you can add emergency contact information to your phone? This can be accessed directly from your device’s lock screen so other people can get to it in case something happens to you. Today, both Android and iOS have this feature in their settings, but Apple devices were the first to introduce the option. Android added it to its Nougat (7.0) update in 2016.
0 notes
scootoaster · 4 years
Twenty features you didn’t know Android and iOS stole from each other
If it weren't for that black square, telling an Android and an iPhone apart would be harder than finding Waldo. (Daniel Romero / Unsplash /)
Steve Jobs famously said that he wasn’t averse to stealing a great idea or two, and with the launch of iOS 14 on the horizon, people have started talking about Apple getting some ideas from Google’s Android.
But the swiping goes both ways—Android and iOS have taken plenty of ideas from each other over the years, which has resulted in two operating systems that are much more similar in features and functionality than they used to be.
Dig back a little and you’ll find plenty of examples—though we should say up-front this history is slightly edited. For example, one or two of these features appeared on the iPad before the iPhone, or in versions of Android from Samsung and LG before they appeared in the stock version.
1. Home screen widgets
For years, widgets were one of Android’s main advantages over iOS. This feature has enabled users to break the regimented rows and columns of app icons with media players, calendars, weather forecasts, mini maps and more, and has been present in Google’s operating system from its early stages. It took a while, but Apple has clearly taken note: After adding widgets to its Today view on iOS, they’re now coming to the iPhone home screen with iOS 14.
2. Gesture navigation
In 2017, the iPhone X got rid of the Home button and introduced a whole new way of getting around a smartphone—swipe up to go home, swipe up and hold to see recent apps, and so on. The team at Google must have liked the new navigation style, because Android adopted a similar set of gestures for both Android 9 and Android 10.
3. The app drawer
Historically, every app you’d install on an iOS device lived on your home screen, and the only way to keep it hidden was to bury it in a folder. Android users have been able to maintain decluttered home screens by hiding apps away in the app drawer (one tap away from the home screen), which Apple has now decided is a good idea. The hub will debut in the upcoming iOS 14, and it’ll be called App Library.
4. Notification badges
Some people find them more distracting than useful, but others couldn’t live without them. The small, simple notification badges on app icons debuted in iOS, showing users how many unread emails, messages, or other alerts awaited them. Android belatedly decided to add the same feature to its own interface with the launch of Android 8 in 2017.
5. Swipe to type
Android users had been enjoying the ability to swipe-and-type for years before iOS 13 added it as a native option in 2019. If you’re not familiar with this feature, get acquainted, because it’s a supercharged productivity aid—just swipe over the keyboard letters you want to input, without lifting your finger from the screen.
6. Granular privacy controls
Getting off the grid has never been easier. On Android and iOS you can limit what your apps know about you, starting with your location. ( Maksim Tarasov / Unspla/)
For a long time, Apple has been giving users a great deal of control over how apps handle your data, so they can only access information such as your location while they’re running. It’s such a good way to manage permissions that Google decided to add a close copy to its own OS with Android 10 in 2019.
7. A back button
Android is moving away from on-screen buttons these days, but for many years it had something iOS didn’t—a system-level “go back” button that took you to the previous screen, regardless of whether that was a different app or a different page. Eventually, Apple decided to add a back button of its own, up in the top left-hand corner, with the launch of iOS 9 in 2015.
8. Blue light filter
Before everyone got so obsessed over dark mode (and we’re still not sure why they are), there was night mode, which reduced blue light and turned the screen amber before bed. Apple introduced the feature with Night Shift in iOS 9.3 in March 2016, before Android followed suit with Night Mode in Android 8.0 Oreo almost a year and a half later.
9. Picture-in-picture mode
Another feature coming to the iPhone with iOS 14 is picture-in-picture, which is exactly what it sounds like. If you’re watching a video, you can keep it on screen in minimized form while you check out other apps on your handset. As the engineers at Apple are no doubt fully aware, picture-in-picture functionality has been available on Android since 2017.
10. Do Not Disturb
How did we get anything done before the Do not Disturb feature? (Major Tom Agency / Unsplash/)
The Do Not Disturb mode is a staple of modern-day phones, giving you a brief respite from the flood of notifications that normally have your handset vibrating non-stop. This was a feature Apple added first to iOS 6 in 2012. Google took its time and added it to its OS in 2014 with the launch of Android 5.0 Lollipop. (That was back when Android versions still had cute snack names.)
11. Over the air updates
Cast your mind back to 2011, when Apple released iOS 5, the first version of its OS that could be updated over Wi-Fi without requiring you to plug your phone into a computer and sync it with iTunes. This was a great feat back then, since Wi-Fi wasn’t quite as fast as it is now. But it wasn’t such a big whoop after all—Android users had already been updating their devices over the air for several years.
12. Digital assistants
Apple originally beat Google to the digital assistant punch—they bought Siri and integrated it into the iPhone 4S in 2011. Nine months later, Google launched Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, which included the Google Now feature that eventually morphed into the Google Assistant we have today.
13. The notification drawer
You think notifications are bad today? Let me remind you that back when the iPhone ran iOS 4, notifications interrupted whatever you were doing with a pop-up on your screen. Luckily, Apple realized how annoying this was, so iOS 5 introduced the notification drawer that allowed users to access all their updates by swiping down from the top of the screen. This wasn’t an original design though, since it was already a standard fixture on Android devices.
14. Screenshot annotations
With the arrival of iOS 11 in 2017, screenshots got a little different—users were able to tap on a screengrab right after capturing it to bring up a special annotation menu for adding doodles or applying a crop. Google added something similar to Android, but not until Android 9.0 Pie, which didn’t arrive on phones until mid-2018.
15. A native mapping app
Apple is finally adding cycling directions to Apple Maps with iOS 14. Google Maps has offered this feature since 2010. (Apple/)
Strange though it might seem now, the iPhone launched with Google Maps as its default mapping app, and it wasn’t until 2012 that Apple Maps appeared on the scene with iOS 6. Since then it’s continued to play catch-up with Google Maps, including the recent introduction of its Look Around (aka Street View) road-level photography feature.
16. Selfie camera
This was a close one, but Apple just got there first—the iPhone 4 from June 2010 was the first with a front-facing camera, but Android phones didn't get official support for a selfie cam until Android 2.3 Gingerbread, launched in December of the same year. We've only been snapping selfies properly for a decade, yet somehow it feels like it's been much longer.
17. Set default apps
Considering Apple hasn’t really promoted this new iOS 14 feature, it’s likely they’re adding it reluctantly. When the software update arrives, it’ll be the first time iPhone users will be able to set default apps for their email and web browsing that aren’t Apple Mail or Safari—a feature Android users have been making the most of for quite a while.
18. Record the screen
The ability to make a video recording of whatever’s happening on screen has been available to iPhone users for a long, long time now. It’s still not available in Android, but it looks as though Google is readying this very feature for the launch of Android 11 later this year (currently in beta).
19. Low battery mode
For some years, iOS lagged behind Android in not having a specialized low-battery mode. Apple loyalists would say iPhones didn’t really need one, but the feature was eventually added to Apple’s mobile devices in iOS 9, cutting down on the number of background processes running at once and reducing CPU performance.
20. Emergency contact information
Did you know you can add emergency contact information to your phone? This can be accessed directly from your device’s lock screen so other people can get to it in case something happens to you. Today, both Android and iOS have this feature in their settings, but Apple devices were the first to introduce the option. Android added it to its Nougat (7.0) update in 2016.
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jkszgz-blog · 5 years
Boxing Day Vs Black Friday
What is Boxing Day? The Black Friday of Christmas Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, is usually the day when sales appear with discounted prices on everything from clothes to holiday themed items. Boxing Day originally began in the United Kingdom and was also known as the Feast of St. Stephen, where people used to open church alms-boxes and give them to the poor. This later turned into the custom of giving Christmas boxes to servants then later to tradesmen, such as postmen and dustmen. In many other countries, Boxing Day vs black Friday is a bank holiday and most offices are closed. Boxing Day is not only a day to exchange or give gifts but also a day to buy more and is seen as a day of sales for retailers.
In the U.S., Boxing Day can be considered as a Black Friday-like event. It’s a great time to buy gifts or furnished goods, as sales are rampant. An article in USA Today looked towards The International Council of Shopping Centers, which reported that retail sales for the week ending Dec. 22 were up at 0.7%. It was reported that the ICSC estimate is in contrast to the increase MasterCard Advisors said it saw in the months leading up to Christmas. MasterCards estimates is for sales using cash, check and all credit cards in categories such as luxury goods, clothing, electronics, and furnishings along with online sales.  
Last year, MasterCard estimate were up by 2%, though there was little worry as the week after Christmas accounts for about 15% of holiday sales. For this year, there is little doubt that few people will take advantage of the sales, whether it be online or in store.
With Christmas over, the post-holiday sales have already begun. In the UK, shoppers have been flocking to malls and stores to get the best deals. As reported in The Independent, UK shopping sales were forecasted at an alltime high. In the U.S., the post-holiday sales are expected to rise following a meager start brought on by Hurricane Sandy and fiscal cliff concerns.
The National Retail Federation is expecting that holiday sales will increase by 4.1% to $586 billion compared to last year, which is certainly a high point.
Black Friday 2019
There was a not-so-distant time when the best Black Friday deals could only be found in stores. Thankfully for those of us who can’t take the crowds, more and more retailers have begun offering serious discounts online, too, so you don’t have to wait until Cyber Monday to shop. To make things as seamless as possible, the Mic editors will be doing all the legwork for you and curating the top deals here. Until then, keep scrolling for answers to some of the most common Black Friday-related questions, as well as some solid deals that are going on right now.
When is Black Friday? Black Friday 2019 will be falling unusually late in the month, on Friday, November 29. With its proximity to the holidays, this makes it an especially good opportunity to finish all your holiday shopping early on the cheap (or to gift yourself a gadget or two — we’re not here to judge).
When was the first Black Friday? There are a lot of misunderstandings and myths about the origins of Black Friday. While it originally had a less pleasant association, it was during the 1980s when Black Friday began to evolve into the shopping event we all know it as today. The term “Black Friday” has come to represent the idea of retailers going from being in the red for the year to being in the black (and also when consumers get a lot of their holiday shopping accomplished).
Where are the best places to shop on Black Friday? When it comes to Black Friday deals, some of the biggest players include Amazon, Best Buy, Walmart, Target, and Costco. Whether you’re looking to shop in person or at home in your pajamas, chances are most of your favorite retailers will have something for you. But to save you the trouble of having to click around aimlessly the day-of, we’ll be using this digital space to curate all the most impressive deals.
What time does Black Friday start? In-store doorbuster sales typically start as early as Thanksgiving night. Last year, Walmart opened its doors at 6 p.m., while Target and Best Buy opened at 5 p.m., which means the most dedicated shoppers were lining up outside even earlier than that. Online sales work a little differently, depending on the retailer. Some brands roll out deals that last all week leading up to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, while others run a rotation of sales that go all month long (which is how this month has come to be known by some as “Gray November”). This means that whether you’re looking to snag a new laptop, a Nintendo Switch, or any of the latest Apple products, you can still get some serious shopping done from the comfort of your crowd-free home.
When do Black Friday Ads come out? Participating retailers have already begun to release Black Friday ads, and some have even gone so far as to debut some sales. Costco released its Black Friday ads for 2019, revealing over 30 pages of ongoing deals that will be kicking off on November 7. Target’s Black Friday deals have yet to be unveiled, but you can sign up to with the retailer to stay in-the-know. And we’re still waiting for Walmart’s ads, too, but in the meantime, you can sign up for their Early Access email program to stay up-to-date on deals. If the best in tech is what you’re looking for, you’ll definitely want to keep an eye out for when the Best Buy Black Friday ads debut — while the retailer hasn’t released any info just yet, it’s already talking up a big game about outdoing last year’s offerings.
What are the best things to buy on Black Friday? While you can find discounts on products in a wide variety of categories, Black Friday is the perfect time to get unbeatable deals on the latest tech products — especially if they’re normally out of your budget at full price.
Amazon has already introduced some worthy sales, including many deals of the day and lightning deals. Year-round, the mega-retailer is a good place to find everything from a pair of wrinkle-free dress pants to one of the best tablets with a stylus, and while some critics were disappointed in its Black Friday offerings last year, we have high hopes that Amazon will step it up this year. And whether it’s Black Friday or Prime Day, it’s usually a safe bet that Amazon will offer deep discounts on its own devices, like the Echo Show 5, which is currently on sale for 33% off, and the Fire TV Stick 4K, which is currently 20% off.
Black Friday becoming the new Boxing Day A new survey released Tuesday by Leger for the Retail Council of Canada — its second annual Holiday Shopping Survey — underlines the changing dynamics of retailing, but also shows that shoppers still want to go to the stores in person.
It shows Canadian consumers are all in on Black Friday (more Canadians intend to take advantage of bargains that day compared to the other shopping event days) and more people are shopping on-line.
The survey underlines a lot of things that retailers will not be surprised about especially when it comes to the Manitoba content — Manitobans intend to spend below the national average, we love deals and are more prepared than anyone else in the country to wait in line for them.
Reading between the lines, it also shows that bricks and mortar retailing has plenty of legs left in it.
"The retail brick-and-mortar apocalypse is a myth, but the fact that retail is transforming is not," said Michael Leblanc, senior retail advisor at the Retail Council of Canada (RCC).
He said what retailers might take away from the survey is that they can see a growing recognition of the importance of having a store that integrates multiple behaviours that consumer are engaged in.
"There is more e-commerce but e-commerce needs to be part of the store," Leblanc said. "What retailers are recognizing and building towards is not store channel vs on-line vs mobile. They see that it is important that they understand how best to serve the customer in whatever way they want to shop."
The survey shows that 72 per cent of Canadians still intend to spend the largest portion of their Christmas shopping budget in-store, but that number has decreased slightly from the year before. And those saying they will spend more on-line — 20 per cent this year — is more than it was last year.
"Retailers are all trying to figure out how the nature of retail is changing... on-line, off-line, mobile, event days themselves," Leblanc said. "The survey helps them understand what motivates people, what they are thinking about when they shop, what sort of things are they looking at."
The survey asked 2,500-plus people (just six per cent of them were from Manitoba and Saskatchewan, which skews the survey's results) about their attitudes and intended behaviours regarding the upcoming 2019 holiday shopping season.
Manitoba and Saskatchewan residents plan to spend $588 this holiday season, significantly below the national average of $792. In comparison, Ontarians plan to spend $1,058 while Quebeckers plan to spend $503.
Just as was the case last year, Black Friday (which falls on Nov. 29 this year) has unseated Boxing Day as the day shoppers most intend to look for sales — 43 per cent on Black Friday compared to 34 per cent on Boxing Day.
Leblanc said that 10 years ago Black Friday was just starting to catch on in Canada. Now Canadian retailers are planning for it all year.
And when it comes to shoppers' dedication to a deal, Manitoba and Saskatchewan are more committed than the rest of the country. The survey found that more people in the Prairies are willing to line up early on Black Friday, Boxing Day or Cyber Monday than anywhere else in the country (23 per cent vs. 17 per cent nationally).
But even though the day after American Thanksgiving has now usurped Boxing Day as Canadians' favourite shopping day it's not to say retailing in Canada has become Americanized.
Want to get a head start on your day? Get the day’s breaking stories, weather forecast, and more sent straight to your inbox every morning. The survey also found that a strong majority of Canadians (85 per cent) still agree that it’s important to buy from a retailer within Canada during the upcoming holiday shopping season.
Leblanc thinks it's not just about "buying Canadian".
"We know that consumers, for practical reasons and for other reasons, continue to want to spend their money here in their own back yard," he said. "I also think a contributing factor is that the retailers here are just as savvy and bring on great offers and great value."
People used to stream across the border in days gone by, looking for brands they just could not find in Canada. But that is less the case now.
"Something like 50 international retail brands have launched in Canada in just the last 18-to-24 months," said Leblanc. "Between that and ecommerce there is not much that you need to go outside Canada to shop for that you can’t find here."
Black Friday More Popular Than Boxing Day in Canada Boxing Day is losing its lustre with Canadian shoppers. Black Friday is now the day that Canadians turn to when shopping for deals.
According to a survey from the Retail Council of Canada, 43 percent of Canadians plan to take in Black Friday festivities this year and half (50 percent) will shop in-store. In comparison, 34 percent of shoppers plan to take advantage of Boxing Day deals and 61 percent plan to make the trek to the mall rather than go online. Door Crasher Deals Are Good, Parking Lot Crashes Are Not You may be all set to save but are you ready for the parking lot chaos that comes with Black Friday shopping? As retailers get ready for the crowds to kick off the holiday shopping season, make sure you lessen the chance of a parking lot accident or theft claim with these Black Friday parking lot tips:
Chances are slim that you’ll get a parking spot near the main mall entrance. Instead of circling around, seek out a spot further away or near a secondary entrance where parking spots may be easier to find. When looking for a spot, minimize the number of left turns you take. If you have the option, turn right to save time and minimize congestion. Use your turn signal indicator as you navigate your way around the parking lot. Drive slowly and be on the lookout for pedestrians eager to get to the sales or loaded down with parcels. Where possible, back into the parking space. That way, when it’s time to leave you can drive out with ease. Park in a well-lit area and make sure your doors are locked before you head inside. When heading back into the mall after dropping off your purchases, take a few moments to make sure nobody is watching. If necessary, move your car to a different location. Place purchases in the trunk so they are not easily visible to thieves. After a successful day of shopping, remember to turn your headlights on when you go to leave.
Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday: What's the difference? One is all about retail stores, the other is all online -- right? Actually, there's more to it than that.
It's beginning to look a lot like fall, and that means we're coming up on three big American holidays: Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday. You don't need me to tell you what Turkey Day's all about (duh: turkey), but maybe you have some questions about those other occasions? Because, seriously, what's the deal with Black Friday and Cyber Monday? They're just big sales that bookend the holiday weekend, right?
Actually, there's a bit more to the story.
When did Black Friday start? Black Friday's origins are a bit nebulous, with a fairly apocryphal theory the most widely believed: Because the day after Thanksgiving was typically a day off, it allowed Christmas shoppers to get a jump-start on their gift buying. Retail stores took advantage of this opportunity by holding major sales, which in turn helped them tip their annual sales numbers into "the black" (meaning out of "the red," which is accounting parlance for losing money). It certainly sounds plausible enough.
But the real story is a bit different. According to History.com, the Philadelphia police force used the term "Black Friday" in response to the chaotic traffic caused not by big sales, but by massive attendance for the Army-Navy football game held annually on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. (Apparently everyone came to town a day early.) It was only in the 1980s that retailers began to truly embrace the day for sale purposes.
This year, Black Friday is on Nov. 29 -- but deals can be found sooner than that.  
When did Cyber Monday start? It's hard to believe, but Cyber Monday dates back to just 2005. Back then, before it was natural to order anything and everything online, shoppers still needed encouragement. Online stores began running their own big sales to compete with the brick-and-mortar juggernaut that was Black Friday.
Why "Cyber Monday"? Because in the old days, the internet was often referred to as "cyberspace." Quaint, no?
Why Monday and not Saturday? Because it turns out people like to shop while they're at the office, using fast computers and high-speed connections. (Remember, once upon a time, most people had only dial-up modems at home.) In the early days of online shopping, Monday proved a lucrative day for online stores -- so they embraced it.
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superprofitz · 5 years
Weekly Stock Market Recap – Sep 15th 2019
A decent week here as the S&P 500 stopped just short of record highs; almost all the action was on Wednesday.  Quantitative easing is back on again in Europe and easy money traders across the globe rejoice.
The European Central Bank delved deep into its tool box on Thursday, cutting its deposit interest rate further into negative territory, launching a new round of monthly bond purchases and taking other steps to stimulate a flagging eurozone economy.  The ECB said it would begin buying 20 billion euros a month worth of securities beginning Nov. 1.
“Today’s decisions have anchored and enshrined the Draghi legacy in future ECB decisions. ‘Whatever it takes’ has just been extended by ‘as long as it takes,’ said Carsten Brzeski, chief economist at ING Germany, referring to Draghi’s famous 2012 pronouncement at the height of the eurozone debt crisis that the ECB would do “whatever it takes” to preserve the euro.
Some vague nation of trade talks resuming between China and the U.S. in October appeased many as did some blinking on both sides.
China has reportedly offered to buy more American agricultural products in exchange for a delay in upcoming tariffs and the easing of a ban against doing business with Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies, according to the South China Morning Post.
Retail sales grew faster than expected in August, up 0.4%, and were up 4.1% year-on-year, the U.S. Commerce Department said on Friday. The rise was driven entirely by purchases of new cars and trucks though, as retail sales ex-autos were flat.
“This morning’s number was above expectations but more importantly it’s the sixth straight month of positive growth for retail sales which is a really encouraging,” wrote Mike Loewengart, vice president of investment strategy at E-Trade Financial in an email. “With holiday spending on the horizon and inflation at bay, we could continue to see momentum in the retail sector. A healthy consumer can help inject some energy into other sectors of the economy.”
“It’s been good news all around for the markets this week. You have thawing of trade tensions. You have more central bank easing, and you have Goldilocks economic data. Investors are thrilled…and that’s why you have markets just fractionally below all-time highs,” said Michael Arone, chief investment strategist at State Street Global Advisors.
Interesting spike in Treasury yields last this past week; this was the largest weekly move since 2013!
“The bond market may have been a bit overbought on the long-end last month, but this sudden shift into optimism on the prospect of a trade deal getting struck and the ability of the Fed to create a steeper curve — I don’t think that’s sustainable. It’s got to take much better data for long-end Treasury yields to break out of this range,” said Karissa McDonough, chief fixed income strategist at People’s United Advisors.
… also this is an interesting sector to see a rally in.  Part of that could be rotation as momentum stocks seem to be on the outs with traders right now.
For the week, the S&P 500 added 1% and the NASDAQ advanced 0.9%.
Here is the 5 day weekly intraday chart of the S&P 500 …not via Jill Mislinski.
The week ahead..
All that will matter to markets is the rate cut coming this week!
“The question is will the Fed signal a willingness to keep going with rate cuts, or will they suggest this mid-cycle adjustment is nearing its end. My view is they’re not going to back themselves into a corner, and they’re going to give themselves plenty of room to cut again at some point,” Arone said. “That’s going to be the biggest risk right now. The markets are pricing in a number of rate cuts in the next few quarters and will the Fed deliver on that…That will be a friction point.”
And again… and again… and again.  Would not be surprised to see the U.S. quantitative easing in 18 months if the market dares to drop 15% one of these days!
Index charts:
Short term: the S&P 500 rallied to right below it’s old highs.
The Russell 2000 had a huge Wednesday but was stopped at week highs by this resistance line created by connecting the highs of May and August.
The NYSE McClellan Oscillator was positive all week, so we seem to be in a good place in the near term!
Long term: decent conditions.
Charts of interest / Big Movers:
Monday, both Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FMCC) rallied by more than 43%, after U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on Fox Business that an agreement between the Treasury and the Federal Housing Finance Agency soon ends the Fannie and Freddie profit sweep. Mnuchin said the deal would allow the government-sponsored enterprises to begin retaining earnings.
Wendy’s (WEN) fell 10.2% Tuesday after announcing a $20 million plan to serve breakfast nationwide from 2020.  The fast-food chain said it will update its 2019 guidance to take the one-time investment into account though “all other elements of the company’s 2019 outlook remain unchanged.”  Wendy’s expects 2019 adjusted earnings per share to be down 3.5% to 6.5%.
SmileDirectClub (SDC) tumbled nearly 28% in its debut at as public company Thursday. The company, which sells clear teeth aligners, finished at $16.67 after pricing its initial public offering Wednesday afternoon at $23 apiece.
Have a great week and we’ll see you back here Sunday!
from StockTrader.com https://ift.tt/2LZ4Ds2 via IFTTT
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187days · 4 years
Day Ninety-Nine
So. I mentioned yesterday that I decided to change up the lesson I’d planned for today, and I’m glad I did because it turned out super well. 
In Block 1, I started by asking students what they’d written their current events about. Where there was some initial shyness yesterday, there was none today; three or four hands went up immediately. We discussed scientists studying an asteroid’s composition, the FBI searching for people involved in the terrorist attack on the Capitol, the upcoming Gozilla vs. King Kong movie (my class thinks Godzilla will win), the Keystone XL pipeline, the hippos attacking towns in Colombia (every time that story comes up it catches someone’s attention)... It was good. 
After that, we did some vocab practice. I had students study independently for about ten minutes, then do a crossword I’d made on Studystack. Then we played a game: I wrote all the vocab terms on the board, divided the class into two teams, and gave each team an eraser; in each round, I gave a definition, and someone from each team had to run up to the board to erase the correct word; whoever got it first got a point. It was silly, and spirited, and I got a few requests to play again on Monday (obviously, I said yes to that). After the game, we took a quick break, and then I gave out books (I’d asked students to review my book list and choose their top three for homework). I explained the paper they’ll eventually write, and read a finished paper from last semester aloud with them as an example, and then gave them the remainder of class (roughly twenty minutes) to begin reading. That was a perfect amount of time for them to start, I think.
In Block 2, I assigned seats at the beginning of class, which sparked a somewhat predictable uproar. I told students that there had been too much disruptive, off-task behavior yesterday and the day before, and it was affecting everyone’s academics, so I wasn’t going to allow it to continue. The students who’ve been disruptive and off-task said I was being stupid and unfair, a couple of them called me a communist (which is such a sign of the times, right?), and one flat out refused to move. He cussed me out, so I sent him to The Vice Principal’s office, seated the rest of class, and told them they could call me whatever they wanted, grumble as much as they needed to, etc... I said it doesn’t hurt me, and it won’t change how I operate; I care about them and their academic success, and I make my decisions based on that. Now, I’m pretty confident in my classroom management decisions at this point in my career (not saying I’m perfect, but I think I have good instincts by now), but if I wasn’t, the relief on the faces of the students who’d been stressed by the disruptions would’ve been enough to reassure me that I’d done the right thing. And class went totally smoothly after that, even when the student I’d sent out came back, which is also pretty telling. 
I didn’t do exactly the same lesson as I did in Block 1, but I started the same way: with current events. Then, because some students had asked me if we could watch all of 4.1 Miles after I showed the clip from it yesterday, I did that, and we discussed the situation in Syria (and also Afghanistan and Yemen) now, how it might trigger another round of mass migration, etc... So that got us talking current events for a bit longer. Then I had students do the vocab crossword, but I didn’t play the game with them because I thought that would just invite bad behavior again. Plus, the timing worked out so they finished the crossword right before lunch. After lunch, I gave out books and had them start reading, which mostly worked. One or two were very slow to begin, but that’s to be expected. Reading is a challenge for a lot of people.
But, overall, both blocks were good, I’m happy with the decisions I made, and now it’s the weekend! Woohoo!
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Media Cloud : another free app on iOS, this has immediate entry to your audio information or video information anyplace ( Dropbox, OneDrive, and many others.) and saves space on a device. The most recent model has improved music participant, bug fixes, and improved cloud storage amenities. Wynk Music is a free music obtain app for every mood that offers more than 2.5 million mp3 songs throughout Indian in addition to internationally. It is known that this music downloading app has more than 10 million downloads having a mean consumer ranking of round 4.1 which suggest that this finest free music download app for android is sort of really useful. Wynk permits on-line music streaming and downloading limitless previous and new mp3 songs from huge playlists fashioned especially for music lovers. Wynk lets you take pleasure in its large music library including all genres specifically Pop, Bollywood, Rock, Devotional, Bhangra, Emotional, Social gathering, Romantic, Previous Romantic retro songs. SoundCloud is without doubt one of the finest free music apps for those who do not simply need the massive hits, as the app is widespread with unbiased or smaller artists who upload their tracks there for anybody to play again totally free, with many tracks additionally out there for download. Except for over 125 million songs, SoundCloud also hosts speak exhibits, podcasts, principally something audio. 3. Get the MP3 songs offline with one-click on. You can provide a track's title, artist, or album, and the app goes searching for it instantly. Search outcomes additionally embody the scale of the MP3 file so that you're going to know if an audio file is just too large or too small. What the other gentleman wished is in Magix Music Studio, which is a child DAW, or within the next step up, which is Samplitude Music Studio and a junior DAW. As far as I may figure, he needed to create a Submix bus, which can't be performed in Music Maker, but can in Music Studio. A submix bus combines a number of tracks. It controls the volume, panorama, and effects settings of all tracks which can be routed" to the submix bus. For example, all drum tracks (hi-hat monitor, bass drum monitor, and many others.) could be mixed to at least one submix bus in order that your entire drum package could be controlled by way of the volume controller of the submix bus. He was just utilizing the unsuitable Magix product. is among the oldest MP3 sites on the internet. Regardless of being one of the oldest music websites on the web, nonetheless doesn't have a music assortment as huge as the above mentioned websites. It doesn't mean you won't be capable to discover any good songs on the service however you'll definitely be presented with a restricted selection of free MP3 tracks in comparison with other music libraries. additionally helps young and upcoming artists to share their work with thousands and thousands of followers worldwide through the service and you may help out these artists by sharing their work with your pals through social channels. Not every family wants a couple of computer running iTunes. In reality, as it turns into more common to stream music and videos to connected devices throughout the home, extra properties might have just one LAPTOP. As that occurs, you may need to know the right way to consolidate iTunes libraries from a number of machines into a single, large iTunes library on the new laptop. Aside from music Soundcloud additionally has a good assortment of shows and finding your favourite podcast won't be a problem. Furthermore, the user interface of the applying may be very intuitive, and SoundCloud affords the highest quality of music. Attach a customized audio track to your remaining visual. If you enable video combiner, go to the audio settings and bounce to the Add audio possibility. Then choose a music observe to connect to your ready film. When all files have been added, you will want to pick out MP3 format. Click on "Profile" drop-down. In the "General Audio" category choose your wished audio format. For example, to transform WMA, WMA Lossless to merge mp3 online free on Mac, choose "MP3 - MPEG Layer-3 Audio (.mp3)" because the profile. Then click on on "Browse…" to select the output directory.
It's essential to do not forget that downloading music protected by copyright on YouTube is against the law. Since 2016, the majors, through the RIAA, systematically launch authorized proceedings in opposition to unlawful MP3 obtain sites, like which closed in 2017. As a way to stay a authorized obtain service, our on-line You Tube converter does not permit you to download copyrighted contents. If you happen to're concerned and see that your music is downloadable on our website, please tell us and we are going to block your content material.After ticking the M4A file, you need to choose MP3" because the output format and click on Start" button to start out conversion course of. 1. Obtain music from a large database to Android telephone. It's a first rate mp3 music downloader app that works positive for more often than not. This can be a instrument developed by iSkysoft and is offered for Windows. It's one other WAV to MP3 converter free. It helps a number of audio formats including WAV, WMA, OGG, MP3, AIFF and extra. It additionally contains support for batch convert which is basically handy.
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vietthaimeco · 5 years
2020 Toyota Supra First Drive: Automotive Husbandry
There was a time when Mama and Papa Toyota gave birth to strong, athletic sports cars, starting with the suave 2000GT, sent to boarding school in Coventry and raced by Carroll Shelby. Through the years the family grew to include lithe Celicas, stalwart Supras, even a scrappy rear-drive Corolla GT-S or two. Then something happened, and Mama Toyota found herself unable to conceive sports cars. An impatient Papa Toyota summoned his Fuji concubine, Subaru-san, who gave birth to identical twins—one of which he graciously allowed her to keep. Mama Toyota was furious and forbade Papa Toyota from ever showering his son, 86, with any affection or horsepower. To woo back his betrothed, who desperately wished to birth another great sports car, Papa Toyota hatched a plan to artificially inseminate an auspicious European egg for Mama Toyota to gestate. She’s just given birth, and now the world must determine how this half-breed stacks up against its all-Toyota siblings.
We created this origin-story myth for the joint development of the A90-generation Supra out of frustration when it proved impossible to pin down exactly what roles Toyota and BMW played in the initial design of this new car. The inline-six turbo is obviously all BMW’s—it served as the inspiration for this hook-up in the first place. (“Thy Supras Shall Have I-6 Engines” was chiseled as the forgotten 11th commandment.) Most invisible parts are shared and apparently developed by BMW, if the roundel stickers, engravings, and casting marks are to be believed. The bodywork and the tuning of every tunable element on the Supra was handled by Toyota. We’re told the joint-venture team aimed squarely at Porsche’s 718 range, with BMW targeting the Boxster; Toyota the Cayman.
As for the B58B30M1 engine, although its output roughly equates to that of the European-market BMW Z4 sibling, it does not in fact employ a particle filter in U.S. applications. This begs the question, why not uncork the extra horsepower BMW gets from its filterless U.S. application (tagged B58B30M0)? Chief engineer Tetsuya Tada answers by claiming that balancing the car’s engine and chassis at the Nürburgring led to the 335 hp/365 lb-ft rating. But we find it hard to believe that in this fanboy, numbers-obsessed market segment his team chose to remove 47 horsepower instead of fortifying the chassis to cope with 382 hp. Let’s hope that instead the strategy is to start out conservative and bring a steady stream of higher-output special editions in the years to come.
But let’s return to the essential question at hand: Is this bicontinental cross-breed a “real” Supra?
The striking design may not appeal to everyone, but at least it doesn’t look at all like any BMW and several design cues evince Toyota sports-car DNA: the hatch bustle shape and elements of the headlamp design hark to the previous (A80) Supra, and the side-window shape is pure 2000GT. The proportions are certainly fresh. It’s shorter in length and wider than any of its predecessors, with the cabin set well back behind the requisite long hood. It’s also impressive that the team managed to generate the aero forces required to guarantee stability at the car’s 155-mph-limited top speed with underbody features and the duckbill shape of the hatch surface, leaving the bodywork refreshingly devoid of external wings, spoilers, skirts, and splitters.
Inside, the 2020 Supra’s overall dash, door panel, and seat designs are unlike the Z4’s, but there’s no mistaking all the BMW switchgear—especially the entire iDrive system, complete with all BMW fonts (changing them would have reduced Tada’s budget for making the car lighter and quicker). Whatever you think of the appearance, the functionality of this interior is hard to fault. All controls are intuitive and within easy reach (Consumer Reports just rated iDrive second to Tesla among automotive user interfaces). The 14-way power seats are quite comfortable and supportive, with side wings that can adjust to hug you tight on a track, then relax for the drive home. And the whole driver’s side of the center console area is padded for taller drivers to brace their right knee against. Nice.
I drew the assignment to test out the new Supra in part because I’m old enough (just) to have been around for the 1993 A80 Supra’s launch. and I drove the 2000GT for MotorTrend Classic in 2005. Let me state right here that the 2020 Supra comes off as less exotic than either of those two. That’s OK. Evolving the A80 Supra Turbo, accounting for inflation, would have produced a low-volume 500-ish-hp car priced in the $75,000–$85,000 range, and the 2000GT’s successor was arguably the Lexus LFA.
That’s not to say that the new Supra doesn’t feel special. All new two-seat coupes are rare and wonderful these days, and this one certainly outperforms all its predecessors. Our database confirms that if the factory-estimated 0–60 time of 4.1 seconds holds up, this new Supra will outperform all previous production Toyotas (a supercharged 2008 Tundra TRD and a 1997 Supra Turbo rank as the quickest we’ve tested at 4.4 and 5.1 seconds to 60 mph, respectively).
There’s a launch-control feature to aid in achieving that number, and the standard ZF 8HP eight-speed automatic fires off lightning-quick shifts along the way. Engage Sport mode, and the faultless shift programming preselects the right gear for every corner. This mode also opens an exhaust flap, alters the audio-system engine-note enhancer, and orders up a delightful snap-crackle-pop on overrun courtesy of gloriously wasteful fuel injection during the exhaust stroke (fun fact: This is said to be the only Toyota designed with no fuel-economy target).
Supras are not drag-strip cars. They also need to be able to handle the corners, and toward that end the joint team built a strong foundation—the Supra’s torsional rigidity reportedly exceeds that of the Lexus LFA (not to mention the open Z4). The front strut suspension emulates the ‘super strut’ design Toyota launched on its AE92 Corolla in the late-1980s, featuring two separate ball-jointed lower links for reduced camber change and improved steering feel. To assist with chassis tuning, Mr. Tada once again engaged the services of Dutch Nürburgring veteran racer Herwig Daenens, who assisted with the Toyota 86 (née Scion FR-S).
Their goal was to tune for neutral handling with no surprises. “With a snappy car, the customer will experience it once and never drive it hard again,” Daenens explains as he laps Summit Point Motorsports Park outside Washington, D.C. His first hot lap strings together all the tight corners with laser precision and minimal steering heroics. He then gives me a Formula Drift lap or two, with no giant hand-brakes or diff-locks, rolling on the stock Michelin Pilot Super Sport tires inflated to placard specs (38 psi all around, cold). Speaking of differential locks, the Supra’s is infinitely variable and tuned to reduce corner-entry understeer and to maximize corner-exit traction.
When it’s my turn to duck my helmet under the low window opening and buckle in, I am struck by the intimacy of the car and cockpit. It feels as though I’m positioned near the centers of gravity and rotation, making it feel like this little world indeed revolves around me. One nit to pick—the large driver’s side-view mirror obscures the view of an upcoming apex worse than some, and the tallest drivers may be chagrinned to find the seatback tilting forward toward the rear of the seat track’s travel.
We’re instructed not to switch stability control completely off, to trail-brake into the turns, and to roll judiciously onto the throttle. Indeed, all those driving-school techniques provoke textbook responses in the Supra sans drama or surprises. The steering is extremely precise and nicely weighted, though it lacks the intimate communication of the Cayman Toyota is gunning for. Stability intervention is pleasantly surreptitious. And the super-strong Brembo brakes survive lap after lap after lap without fade, even as we all learn to press deeper into each of the closely spaced corners. Then during a later afternoon session, when we’ve probably used up 280 of the tires’ 300 tread-life rating, I even manage to string together a couple of very nice, controllable corner-to-corner drifts. I emerge, sweaty but smiling.
Once the red mist subsides and we take to the country lanes surrounding Summit Point, the car’s Sunday-drive demeanor proves equally delightful. The 12-speaker 500-watt JBL system cranks out the jams, the ride quality in Sport mode is sufficiently compliant to encourage leaving the car in this ‘fun-exhaust’ mode, and when zipping through a series of S-bends with your phone on the Qi wireless charger, a cover and sufficient fencing keep it from flying into the passenger footwell.
So is this miracle of automotive husbandry worthy of the Supra name? Heck, yeah. It reinvents the concept in a guise that make sense for today’s world, and it’s offered at a price ($50,920 to start, $57,375 fully loaded) that’s a relative bargain when measured against both its predecessor and its Porsche competitor ($58,150, $70,640 similarly equipped to the Launch Edition model). If it’s not precisely what you had in mind, the aftermarket is gearing up to help you fix that.
Want more Supra? Check these out:
8 Things We Learned About the 2020 Toyota Supra While It Was on a Lift
2020 Toyota Supra: The Aftermarket’s Take
2020 Toyota Supra: Here’s Something You Probably Didn’t Know About its Logo
Supra Returns! The Inside Story on the 2020 Toyota Supra’s Comeback
2020 Toyota Supra Design: From FT-1 Concept to Production
Toyota Supra History: Looking Back at Toyota’s Sports Car
Why Toyota’s Supra-Z4 Partnership With BMW Makes Sense
2020 Toyota Supra BASE PRICE $50,920 VEHICLE LAYOUT Front-engine, RWD, 2-pass, 2-door hatchback ENGINE 3.0L/335-hp/365-lb-ft turbocharged DOHC 24-valve I-6 TRANSMISSION 8-speed automatic CURB WEIGHT 3,400 lb (mfr) WHEELBASE 97.2 in LENGTH X WIDTH X HEIGHT 172.5 x 73.0 x 50.9 in 0-60 MPH 4.1 sec (mfr est) EPA CITY/HWY/COMB FUEL ECON 24/31/26 mpg ENERGY CONSUMPTION, CITY/HWY 140/109 kW-hrs/100 miles CO2 EMISSIONS, COMB 0.79 lb/mile ON SALE IN U.S. July 2019
The post 2020 Toyota Supra First Drive: Automotive Husbandry appeared first on Motortrend.
source https://www.motortrend.com/cars/toyota/supra/2020/2020-toyota-supra-first-drive-review/
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vines-and-crimes · 3 years
The Best Mobile Games for League of Legends Fans
The Best Mobile Games for League of Legends Fans
League of Legends is a very popular game, and it’s hard to dispute how well liked it is all over the world. League of Legends is a great game, but unfortunately you can’t play it on your mobile or tablet (yet). With so many fans worldwide it was only a matter of time until someone developed a mobile MOBA that people could play on the go. Since then there have been hundreds of League of Legends inspired mobile games and choosing one to play can be tough.
Lucky for you we’ve rounded up the best League of Legends mobile games currently available for Android and iOS. Just because you’re nowhere near a PC doesn’t mean you can’t practice your League of Legends tactics! Here’re our top mobile MOBA games for League of Legends fans.
Developed by a former developer from Blizzard who helped to create many of the company’s top games such as Heroes of the Storm, Vainglory has all the features you’d expect from a MOBA. With its detailed graphics, smooth gameplay and a range of champions, Vainglory is a great substitute for League of Legends.
But that’s not all. With a range of game modes from quick 7 minute battles to 25-minute takedowns, Vainglory has endless replayability and a huge community on Twitter and Reddit.
If you need your daily League of Legends fix but don’t have access to a PC then get this game downloaded on your mobile or tablet as soon as possible. Currently available for free on both Android and iOS, Vainglory is one of the most competitive mobile MOBA games available that is continuously being updated with new features. With a score of 4.3 on the Google play store and over 300,000 reviews, you can tell it’s been well received from players. Don’t miss out on the fun, give Vainglory a try today!
Ace of Arenas – (iOS, Android)
Ace of Arenas is a mobile MOBA that has recently gone through a complete revamp and now includes a new interface, new champions, item builder and much more. With over 1 million active players from around the world and a wide selection of champions to choose from, this game literally has it all!
If it takes more than good graphics to convince you to play, then you’re not alone. With real-time PVP against real players and a global leader board, you’ll be spending hours climbing the ranks. If that reminds you of a certain game, then it should because Ace of Arenas has very similar maps to League of Legends.
The game also has plenty of customizability from a range of different weapons to different champion skins to choose from. Ace of Arenas currently has a 4.1-star rating on the Google play store with over 100,000 reviews. So what are you waiting for? If you’re dying for a quick League of Legends game but can’t reach your PC for whatever reason, give this mobile game a try!
Heroes of Order & Chaos – (iOS, Android)
Similar to League of Legends, Heroes of Order & Chaos allows you to play with your friends and team up against your enemies. A fast-paced game with real time battles and an easy to use interface, this game will have you coming back again and again to pwn some noobs.
With 57 different champions from fighters to wizards and various game modes from 3v3 to 5v5, Heroes of Order & Chaos will help you feed your League of Legends hunger. If that wasn’t enough, then there’s also a “fun mode” in which anything can happen in game. This gives the game unlimited replayability and allows you play casual games instead of the usual serious ranked matches.
Available on the Google play store and Apple app store for free, Heroes of Order and Chaos currently has a 4.2-star rating with over 600,000 reviews. If these high numbers don’t convince you to give it a try, then we’re not sure what will.
Call of Champions – (iOS, Android)
One of the newest mobile MOBA’s on the list, Call of Champions is a new and upcoming game that has all the features to make it a massive hit. Unlike other MOBA games, Call of Champions features a unique “orb of death” which is used as a tug of war between both teams. Tug the orb to your base to destroy your enemy’s towers, no more waiting on those minions to deal the damage.
The game also includes plenty of customizability from specific talent trees for each champion to a range of skins and weapons. One of the best features of the game is its autofill feature if a player from the game leave for whatever reason they will automatically be filled with an A.I. bot. The times of playing 4 v 5 is over.
Available in the Google play store and the App store, Call of Champions is bound to be a successful MOBA as it solves a lot of the problems other games haven’t. Download it now and try it out for yourself before it becomes the next big mobile hit!
We hope our League of Legends mobile games list has given you plenty of games to download. If you ever find yourself craving a game but can’t make it to your PC, well now you’ve got everything you need.
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apkjunkyy · 6 years
ShareIt – Fastest App to Transfer and Share Files with Both Android & iOS
We are now in an age where everything is becoming digital or at least on the path of it. Smartphones are evolving in line with it and we can see lots of great features every day. There are Android apps here and there that make our daily life easier. One such app is SHAREit. It allows users to transfer files from one device to another. They can transfer any number of files from and to Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac platforms.
SHAREit has almost removed the need for Bluetooth in this modern era of smartphones. Gone are the days when you had to wait for a long time to receive or send images, music, and other files. Now, you can simply use SHAREit to transfer data over Wifi.
We bring you this elaborate and comprehensive post about SHAREit in which we are going to explain all the specifics about the app. The app has a lot of features that you’ll get to know in detail in the upcoming sections.
Features of SHAREit
SHAREit has been one of the most sought-after apps for file transfers since the time it was launched. Ever since it came into competition with other similar apps like Xender and Zapya, it has been evolving over the years to become better. And now, it has some of the best features for transfer apps and it has definitely left its competitors behind. Here are some of its best features.
Specifications “ShareIt” Latest Version 5.3 Download Now APK [New Version] APK Size 17.1 MB Last Updated 20 June 2018 Support Android Version Android 4.0+ Status Publish
Fast File Transfer
This is the main feature with which the app was launched in its first state. If you want an app from your friend’s phone, or perhaps a Movie; then SHAREit has you covered. What if you want to send important documents securely over to someone’s device? SHAREit is your choice. The app can transfer any and all types of files from one supported device to another with speed that is best in class. You can send or receive music, videos, photos, documents, and everything else as long it shows up in the app. You can even send whole folders.
Cross-platform Support
The app supports the transfer of files across different platforms and operating systems. SHAREit is available for Android, iOS, Windows, MacOS, and the Windows Phone. So you can transfer your files from and to any of these five platforms and you only need to have the app installed on your system. It is easy to connect when the two devices are same i.e Android with Android, iPhone with iPhone, and so on. When you connect two dissimilar platforms, you need to perform one or two steps. Once connected, you can send and receive whatever you want.
Additional Features
SHAREit has a lot more to offer than just file transfer. When you open the app, you will see the most popular videos on the homepage. Scroll down and you can see what is trending at the present. By default, you will be on the Home tab. Change it to Videos and you can see videos from a lot of categories such as Movies, Premium, Music Videos, Comedy, etc. The same goes for the Music which shows you the latest and popular music. SHAREit also has the Pictures tab from where you can download wallpapers, stickers, and GIFs.
The “IT” Apps
SHAREit has a knack for naming its apps with the name ending with an “it”. The most popular being CLONEit. It allows users to clone their entire phone including the contacts, files, and everything else onto a new phone. But you have to download these apps separately to access those features. CLEANit helps you clean out all the trash on your device. LISTENit is a great music player from the same minds that made SHAREit. There is also LOCKit with which you can protect your privacy.
These were most of the features of the SHAREit App and as you can see, it already has a lot of more features than its competitors. SHAREit has been one of the most popular choices for people looking to transfer files on their devices. We shall now move on to the installation procedure.
How to Download SHAREit from Official Links
SHAREit is an official app and was originally developed by Lenovo. It is available for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Windows Phone. You can get the app on the all these platforms for free without any charges. Now, we are only going to focus on the downloading procedure for the Android platform.
SHAREit is available on the Google Play Store officially.
This eliminates the need for any worry of downloading it.
So you just need to open the Play Store on your device.
Now, tap on the search bar and then type SHAREit in it.
Hit the enter key to search for the app.
The app will be on the top of the results page.
Now you just have to tap on the Install button that you see on the page.
This will start the installation of SHAREit which won’t take much time.
Once the installation is complete, you can open the app and then you have to set it up in order to use it properly. Users have the option to sign up and then they can opt to go premium.
SHAREit APK: Will it work after Download and Install
We are downloading the SHAREit App from the most official source on Android. Google Play is the official marketplace developed by Google. So you don’t have to worry that the app won’t work. It is also verified by the new Play Protect against viruses and malware. Also, you need to have the minimum specifications on your device that the app requires.
Suppose you don’t have Android 4.1 or above, then the app won’t work on your smartphone or tablet. Apart from the Google Play method, there is also the APK download method. You can get the official SHAREit APK file from its website which is reliable. If you have downloaded the APK from some other sources, then there are chances that the app may not work.
This app is a relatively new app and is developed and maintained by SHAREit Information technology Ltd. The company has operations in 200 countries and employs over 200 people at its offices all around the world. The app was originally developed by Lenovo which is actually its parent company.
As you know, SHAREit is in the field of file transfer and its primary competitors are Xender, Share Apps, SuperBeam, and Zapya. At first, the app was only used for transferring files from one device to another. The developers later added features like CLONEit in updates over the time.
With this, we would like to conclude this article on SHAREit App Download. We have explained all of the features of the app and also how you can download and install it. If you have any more queries regarding the app, then you can contact us at APKJunky.
The post ShareIt – Fastest App to Transfer and Share Files with Both Android & iOS appeared first on APKJunky.
from APKJunky https://ift.tt/2xrA4VM via IFTTT
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opedguy · 7 years
Trump to Meet with Kim Jong-un
PHILADELPHIA (OnlineColumnist.com), March 11, 2018.--When the South Korean government announced March 9 that 33-year-old North Korean dictator wanted a face-to-face meeting with 71-year-old President Donald Trump, Wall Street went into rally mode.  While markets bottomed out for the near-term, it doesn’t take much bad news to trigger a new sell off.  Friday’s whopping 441 gain in the Dow Jones Industrials was more than good news about Friday’s jobs report, adding some 315,000 jobs in February, with unemployment holding steady at 4.1%.  More than the economy, the renewed optimism stemmed from the possibility that Trump could pull off what many pundits saw as impossible:  Getting Kim to give up his nukes and ballistic missiles.  For nearly a year, the rhetoric between Kim and Trump raised the specter of war on the Korean Peninsula, once considered unthinkable until Trump set his line in the sand.
           Trump let Kim know that, through Twitter and otherwise, that he would not allow the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [DPRK] to get an operational nuclear Intercontinental Ballistic Missile [ICBM]. Pushing the world to the brink detonating nukes and firing off ICBMs, Kim faced the most punitive U.N. sanctions in HIS nation’s history.  What was different for Kim this time around was China and Russia backed more punitive U.N. sanctions, and, at the same time, putting Kim on notice that he could not expect help if he pushed Trump to attack Pyongyang.  Once considered strong allies in the 1953 Korean War, China and Russia have too much at stake in the global economy to back Kim developing nukes and ICBMs.  Agreeing to meet with Kim at a yet-to-be announced location, Trump said “I may leave fast” or complete “the greatest deal for the world.”
`           Skeptics on both sides of the aisle voiced concerns about the upcoming meeting, warning Trump about Kim’s cunning history, promising the world but delivering on nothing.  Secretary of State Rex Tillerson admitted that Trump wanted to meet with Kim for some time to put his cards on the table.  South Korea’s Foreign Minister Kang Kyung –wha told the White House that Kim was fully briefed about Trump’s non-negotiable demand for nuclear disarmament.  If there weren’t advanced diplomacy letting Kim know that Trump expects complete nuclear disarmament, then no summit would take place.  Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.), a senior member of the Foreign Relations Committee, doubted that any breakthrough would come from Trump’s expected summit. Yet Rubio also knows that Trump would not meet with Kim unless there were strong assurances he would disarm.
           Trump tried to play down expectations knowing the high-stakes summitry could have devastating repercussions on world economic markets.  Prospects of war on the Korean Peninsula causes Wall Street to sell off, something feared by world financial markets.   “Who knows what’s going to happen,” said Trump, fueling the suspense.  “I may leave fast or we may sit down and make the greatest deal for the world.”  Trump told reporters campaigning in Pennsylvania for House Rep. Rick Saccone, now running for Congress in the 18th district against former marine Conor Lamb. Since Sept. 28, 2017, Kim has not conducted another ICBM test, put on notice by China and Russia that he was on his own confronting Trump.  With sanctions making an already battered economy worse, Kim simply can’t afford to confront the U.S. on the Korean Peninsula.
                Stopping ICBM tests and nuke detonations since Sept. 28, 2017, Kim sends a clear signal that he’s ready to talk.  “North Korea has not conducted a missile test since Sept. 28, 2018 and has promised not to do so through our meeting.  I believe they will honor that commitment,” Trump tweeted. Reassuring skeptics, Trump said no meeting would happen unless “concrete actions” were taken regarding dismantling of his nuke and ballistic missile arsenal.  Putin said Sept. 5, 2017 that Kim would rather “eat grass” than give up his nukes and ballistic missiles.  In less than a year, things have changed for Kim realizing that any confrontation with the U.S. would result in regime change.  To preserve his Stalinist grip on North Korea, Kim had no choice but to disarm his nukes and ballistic missile arsenal—caving in to Trump’s threat of U.S. military action.
           Going the distance to meet Kim for a last ditch summit, China and Russia know that Trump tried to prevent war on the Korean Peninsula.  But one thing Trump won’t do is appease the dictator, allowing Kim to get an operational nuclear ICBM.  Chinese President Xi Jinping “told me he appreciates that the U.S. is working to solve the problem diplomatically rather than going with the ominous alternative,” Trump tweeted.  “China continues to be helpful,” meaning Kim’s decision to summit with Trump comes from Beijing and Moscow’s continuous pressure.  South Korea’s National Security Adviser Chung Eui-yong confirmed in direct meetings with Kim that he’s committed to “de-nuclearization.”  Whatever Trump’s critics say, his get tough strategy worked, especially prevailing on China and Russia to disarm Kim’s nukes and ballistic missiles.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
NEW BUDGET NUMBERS on INDIVIDUAL MANDATE expected MONDAY and savings expected to shrink — WHAT TRUMP is doing in HAWAII — BUSHES unload on TRUMP — OBAMA's post-presidency letter — WEEKEND READS — B’DAY: Ben Smith
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — SOME HEALTH CARE/TAX NEWS — THE CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE is expected to release a new report MONDAY detailing the budgetary impact if Congress were to repeal the individual mandate as part of tax reform. House Ways and Means Chairman Kevin Brady told us that it was a priority for President Donald Trump — Trump has called him twice and mentioned it in person once. Insiders estimate repealing the mandate would bank $400 billion in savings. But the new estimate is expected to be far less, which might make it less attractive to include gutting the provision as part of tax reform.
— Here’s how Brady put it to us yesterday during a Playbook Interview: “There are pros and cons to this. Importing health care into a tax reform debate has consequences, especially one where the Senate has yet to produce 50 votes on anything related to health care that I’m aware of. And so there is all those considerations to think about as we’re looking at this. So, no decisions have been made. We’re listening to the members, and certainly the president, as well.”
Story Continued Below
BULLETIN at 7:13 a.m.: “BEIRUT (AP) – Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri says he is resigning as premier, blames Iran for meddling in Arab affairs.” AP’s story http://bit.ly/2h6gCF7
YOWZA! — NYT’s PETER BAKER — “President Trump is not a favorite in the extended Bush household. Former President George Bush considers him a ‘blowhard,’ only interested in feeding his own ego. Former President George W. Bush, his son, thinks Mr. Trump fans public anger and came to office without any understanding of the job. … In ‘The Last Republicans,’ Mark K. Updegrove chronicles an era that feels almost dated in today’s reality-show politics, when the Republican establishment controlled the party and Washington, and when a single family could occupy the presidency and vice presidency for a combined 20 years. …
“Neither of the two Republican former presidents voted for Mr. Trump — the father voted for Hillary Clinton and the son voted for ‘none of the above,’ as he told Mr. Updegrove. Indeed, at one point during the 2016 presidential campaign, the younger Mr. Bush confided to the author, ‘I’m worried that I will be the last Republican president.’ …
“In discussing Mr. Trump, the elder president was blunter. ‘I don’t like him,’ Mr. Bush said in May 2016. ‘I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader.’ Rather than being motivated by public service, Mr. Bush said Mr. Trump seemed to be driven by ‘a certain ego.’” http://nyti.ms/2A6YXEU … Pre-order — $19.49 on Amazon http://amzn.to/2hbgx79
THE TRUMP ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY STORIES BEGIN — “Trump’s year of anger, disruption and scandal,” by Annie Karni and Eliana Johnson: “It was after midnight on Nov. 9, 2016, and Donald Trump was sitting at the kitchen table of his Trump Tower penthouse. …
“‘Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division.’ He paused. ‘To bind? To heal? Which is better?’ he asked his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, who was hovering close by. It was the mirror image of the scene unfolding in Hillary Clinton’s hotel room, where the Democratic nominee had a victory speech ready to go, but no concession to deliver. Trump had been glued to the television, watching what was supposed to be Clinton’s Javits Center victory party — and taking note of the shocked faces in the crowd.
“‘I think he was aware of how unexpected this was,’ said his longtime aide, Hope Hicks, now the White House communications director, explaining the un-Trumpian unity rallying cry. ‘He wanted to give a speech that would de-escalate everything and, while the whole world was watching, be a leader for all.’ Onstage, Trump would say: ‘To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people. It’s time.’ It was a glimpse of a presidency that could have been.” http://politi.co/2AjqKTp
****** A message from BP: We sell enough natural gas to meet the daily needs of every home in the U.S. Check out what else we’re doing across the country. ******
HARASSMENT FALLOUT — “Congressional leaders call for sexual harassment training,” by AP’s Erica Werner and Juliet Linderman: “On Friday, Ryan sent lawmakers a letter urging them to undergo sexual harassment training and make it mandatory for their staffs. ‘Any form of harassment has no place in this institution. Each of us has a responsibility to ensure a workplace that is free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation,’ wrote Ryan, R-Wis. ‘We can and should lead by example.’ House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi called for passage of Democratic-sponsored legislation that would require anti-harassment training, enhance anti-retaliation protections for staffers who report harassment, and streamline dispute resolution.” http://bit.ly/2zeaiUt … AP’s original investigation on sexual harassment on the Hill http://bit.ly/2zeKnOC
POLITICO FLORIDA — “Six women accuse Florida Senate budget chair Latvala of groping, sexual harassment,” by Marc Caputo, Matt Dixon and Alexandra Glorioso in Tallahassee: “Six women who work in Florida’s Capitol say the state Senate’s powerful budget chairman, Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Latvala, has inappropriately touched them without their consent or uttered demeaning remarks about their bodies. …
“Latvala, in an interview on Friday with POLITICO Florida, pointed to the fact that in 16 years in the Senate he has never had a complaint filed against him. ‘The Senate provided you with a letter that I have never had a complaint filed against me in 16 years,’ said Latvala. ‘I’m sure that you have handpicked people and you are going to let anonymous people have this kind of impact on the career of a guy who has been there for 16 years,’ he said. ‘I’ve never had a complaint filed against me.’ ‘Govern yourself accordingly,’ he told a POLITICO Florida reporter.” http://politi.co/2hbzmXD
ON PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP’S MIND — @realDonaldTrump at 8:35 a.m.: “Unemployment is down to 4.1%, lowest in 17 years. 1.5 million new jobs created since I took office. Highest stock Market ever, up $5.4 trill” … at 8:49 a.m.: “Would very much appreciate Saudi Arabia doing their IPO of Aramco with the New York Stock Exchange. Important to the United States!”
— A TWEET LIKE THAT about Aramco could be worth a lot of money to a lot of people. The Aramco tweet was sent at 2:49 a.m. in Hawaii.
****** A message from BP: Over the past 10 years, no energy company has invested more in the U.S. than BP – $90 billion in total. Take 15 seconds to see what we’re doing to help keep America moving forward. ******
DEPT. OF UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES — “Trump’s push for inquiries challenges Justice Dept. independence,” by Darren Samuelsohn: “With his forceful pleas via Twitter and recent media interviews to launch inquiries into everything from Hillary Clinton’s e-mails to an Obama-era uranium deal, the president is essentially setting the department up for a major breach of protocol if it actually follows through on his requests, according to former government attorneys and prosecutors.” http://politi.co/2xYSICl
THE BANNON EFFECT — “Poll: Bannon’s endorsement doesn’t help in GOP primaries,” by Eliana Johnson: “The Alabama Senate primary between Senator Luther Strange and Roy Moore raised questions about how powerful the endorsements of President Donald Trump and his former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, are on the campaign trail. Though Moore, Bannon’s candidate, bested the Trump-backed Strange, a new poll suggests that among voters in the upcoming midterm elections, Bannon’s endorsement will make little difference.
“The survey, conducted by Firehouse Strategies and Optimus Consulting, found that just 13 percent of Republican voters said Bannon’s endorsement made them more likely to support a candidate. Precisely the same number said the backing of the Breitbart chief would make them less likely to support a given candidate. Firehouse was founded by former aides to Sen. Marco Rubio, and Optimus is a Republican analytics firm.” http://politi.co/2zdXbF3
ON TAX REFORM — “Dems’ plan to tank Trump’s tax bill,” by Elana Schor and Heather Caygle: “Democrats helped crush the GOP’s Obamacare repeal push by maintaining total unity and generating broad public outrage. It’s a powerful formula that fractured Republicans — but one that will be harder to replicate against the GOP tax bill. Already a handful of vulnerable Democrats in the House and Senate say they remain open to whatever tax legislation is ultimately produced. And while progressive groups and lawmakers are deploying plans to rev up the base, it’s not clear taxes will energize people outside the Beltway as the more visceral topic of health care does.” http://politi.co/2lPSrQN
— “Lobbying Frenzy Begins on Tax Bill,” by NYT’s Jim Tankersley, Tom Kaplan and Ken Vogel: “The Republican tax rewrite unveiled on Thursday has set off a scramble among lobbyists and interest groups desperate to preserve prized tax breaks that are suddenly at risk in the sweeping bill moving through the House. Yet the ability of K Street to prevent longstanding tax provisions from getting the ax is running headfirst into Republicans’ own mad dash as they attempt to quickly pass the tax rewrite and get it to President Trump’s desk by Christmas.
“The rapid pace set out by Republican leaders is by design: They want to prevent the kind of arm-twisting that has long bedeviled previous tax overhaul efforts by leaving little time for outside groups to blitz lawmakers with concerns. Several consultants and lobbyists said on Friday that individual companies were just beginning to digest how the 400-plus page bill, which drastically changes how American businesses are taxed at home and abroad, would affect their bottom lines.” http://nyti.ms/2y1K723
FOLLOW POLITICO’S man with Trump in Asia: @AndrewRestuccia
IT’S CHALLENGING to cover trips like this — the time difference is brutal — so we’ll try to find the best nuggets from stories and pool reports.
WSJ’S MIKE BENDER was pool yesterday, with PRESIDENT TRUMP in Hawaii: “At 1:14 p.m. local, POTUS & FLOTUS deplaned into 87 degree weather. The were greeted with leis by Hawaii Gov. David Ige and his wife, Dawn Ige; US Navy Adm. Harry Harris, commander of the US Pacific Command, his wife, Bruni Bradley; and Mikayla Webb, the daughter of Adm. Harris’s aid. … POTUS arrived at US Pacific Command at 1:43 p.m. local, two minutes ahead of schedule for the first stop on his 12-day trip. … ‘I tell you this is very special being in Hawaii,’ he said. …
“POTUS also appeared legitimately excited about his visit this evening to Pearl Harbor, ‘which I’ve read about, spoken about, heard about, studied, but I haven’t seen. And that is going to be very exciting for me.’ … POTUS made a somber and short visit to the USS Arizona Memorial — about 13 hours before wheels-up to Japan. POTUS & FLOTUS spent about 20 minutes at the simple yet stark shrine to the 1,177 crewmen who died during the Dec. 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. The pair stood for about a minute in front of the white marble wall etched with the names of the fallen during a wreath laying ceremony.
“The first couple adjusted the wreath slightly before two soldiers placed it near the wall. The Trumps then threw white pikake flower petals into the water where the remains of more than 900 Arizona crewmen rest. … Most of the president’s top staff traveling with him joined the tour, including HR McMaster, Dina Powell, Rob Porter, Hope Hicks, Sarah Sanders, Matt Pottinger, Bob Lighthizer, Michael Anton, and Jared Kushner. … From his first tweet this morning at 6:51 a.m. Eastern, to the return to his Honolulu hotel at 7:33 p.m. Hawaii time, that’s nearly a 19-hour day for POTUS on the first day of his 12-day trip halfway around the world.”
— TRUMP’S WEEKEND: The president will leave Hawaii at 1:20 p.m. D.C. time (7:20 a.m. in Hawaii) for Tokyo. They land at 9:45 p.m. tonight. When Trump lands, he’ll have an event at Yokota Air Base and then he’ll have lunch with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the golfer Hideki Matsuyama at Kasumigaseki Country Club. Trump is having dinner with Abe with the first lady and Mrs. Abe at Ginza Ukai Tei in Tokyo.
— BEING THERE: @JonLemire: “Lunch today on Air Force One: a taco bowl” http://bit.ly/2ytGVQZ
IVANKA ABROAD — THE DAILY MAIL: “A cultural homage (kind of)! Ivanka Trump dons a $2,000 Italian faux kimono – and models a new wavy hairdo – as she enjoys dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe” — with 29 pix on one page http://dailym.ai/2zgWSJn
FOR OBAMA ALUMNI — “Here’s the letter Obama is sending to people who ask him about the state of the country,” by Yahoo’s Hunter Walker: https://yhoo.it/2y1AFve
THE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION — JUDGE PROPOSES MAY 7 trial date for Manafort and Gates. http://politi.co/2j1GR43
–“Mueller braces for challenges to his authority,” by Darren Samuelsohn and Josh Gerstein: “Robert Mueller is on an early winning streak. Stacked with some of the country’s premier prosecutors, the special counsel has beaten back a pair of preliminary attempts to block his subpoena power and limit who he can question as a potential witness. In July, Mueller’s team also managed to win approval to execute a no-knock search warrant—unusual in a white-collar case.
“But as the criminal case against former Donald Trump campaign officials Paul Manafort and Rick Gates speeds toward a possible spring 2018 trial, Mueller’s team is bracing for an array of challenges to its authority. The battle lines are already taking shape. Kevin Downing, Manafort’s lead attorney, submitted a document Friday indicating that he anticipates filing pre-trial motions that question ‘the legal basis for and sufficiency of the charges, the suppression of evidence improperly obtained by search warrant, subpoena or otherwise.’ Downing also said he may try to prevent Mueller’s prosecutors from presenting some of their evidence during the criminal trial.” http://politi.co/2A7Qe5B
— “McConnell: No need to pass bills to protect Mueller,” by Brent D. Griffiths: “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Saturday that special counsel Robert Mueller is not in need of congressional protection from President Donald Trump. ‘I don’t hear much pressure to pass anything,’ McConnell told MSNBC’s Hugh Hewitt. ‘There’s been no indication that the President or the White House are not cooperating with the special counsel.’ McConnell added, ‘I think the view up here is let him do his job.’” http://politi.co/2yuNO4E
— “Longtime Trump bodyguard to face questions about 2013 Moscow trip,” by WaPo’s Carol D. Leonnig and Greg Miller: “One of President Trump’s most trusted confidants, a security chief who served as his sounding board for nearly two decades, will face questions from congressional investigators next week about Trump’s 2013 trip to Moscow, according to people familiar with their plans. … The House Intelligence Committee has called former longtime bodyguard Keith Schiller to appear for an interview Tuesday as part of its probe of Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Investigators plan to press Schiller about allegations in the 35-page dossier that Russian officials obtained compromising information about Trump’s personal behavior when he visited Moscow for the 2013 Miss Universe pageant.” http://wapo.st/2lN34DM
— “Trump Campaign Adviser Met With Russian Officials in 2016,” by NYT’s Mark Mazzetti and Adam Goldman: “Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, met Russian government officials during a July 2016 trip he took to Moscow, according to testimony he gave on Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee. Shortly after the trip, Mr. Page sent an email to at least one Trump campaign aide describing insights he had after conversations with government officials, legislators and business executives during his time in Moscow, according to one person familiar with the contents of the message. The email was read aloud during the closed-door testimony.” http://nyti.ms/2AkuLqY
NEW POLICY — “Protected status no longer justified for Central Americans and Haitians in U.S., State Dept. says,” by WaPo’s Nick Miroff and Karen DeYoung: “More than 300,000 Central Americans and Haitians living in the United States under a form of temporary permission no longer need to be shielded from deportation, the State Department told Homeland Security officials this week, a few days ahead of a highly anticipated DHS announcement about whether to renew that protection.
“On Tuesday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sent a letter to acting DHS secretary Elaine Duke to inform her that conditions in Central America and Haiti that had been used to justify the protection no longer necessitate a reprieve for the migrants, some of whom have been allowed to live and work in the United States for 20 years under a program known as Temporary Protected Status (TPS).” http://wapo.st/2A7oopO
PHOTO DU JOUR: President Donald Trump, donned in lei, greets servicemen after arriving aboard Air Force On at Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam in Honolulu, Hawaii, on Nov. 3. | Jamm Aquino/The Star-Advertiser via AP
K STREET FILES — “Trump Offered Corey Lewandowski a New Job. Corey Turned It Down Because It Was ‘Chump Change,’” by the Daily Beast’s Lachlan Markay and Asawin Suebsaeng: “Trump had asked if he wanted a job that would place him in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, across the way from the West Wing, sources in and outside the administration say. According to two people who spoke with Lewandowski, he ‘strongly’ considered taking the gig, in hopes of getting to serve Trump in an official capacity once more. However, he came to the conclusion that the job wasn’t senior enough, telling friends that it was ‘beneath him.’ … [T]hose close to Lewandowski say he told friends in October that he had been offered a senior post in the Office of Public Liaison.” http://thebea.st/2h29ppH
TRUMP INC. — “Trump wins permission for 70 foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago,” by Palm Beach Post’s Jeff Ostrowski: “Like other Palm Beach County employers who staff their clubs with foreign workers, President Donald Trump is boosting the number of employees he’s bringing from overseas this winter. Trump won permission to hire 70 maids, cooks and servers at the Mar-a-Lago Club for the 2017-18 tourist season, according to newly released data from the U.S. Labor Department. In 2016-17, Trump hired 64 foreign workers at the Palm Beach property.” http://pbpo.st/2j17Igy
MEDIAWATCH — “Fresh questions about Trump administration’s review of AT&T-Time Warner deal,” by CNN’s Brian Stelter: “Trump is not shy about his enemies list. It includes Hillary Clinton and several major news outlets, including CNN. That’s why there are whispers in political and media circles that the president may be trying to interfere with AT&T’s acquisition of Time Warner, especially now that the DOJ is reportedly considering a lawsuit to block the deal. … According to my sources, executives at AT&T and Time Warner have been under the impression that DOJ approval was right around the corner. The companies have been negotiating what’s known as a ‘consent decree.” http://cnnmon.ie/2j2BDVt
–“Sean Hannity Gets Inducted Into the National Radio Hall of Fame” — AdWeek: http://bit.ly/2zd4F92
WEINSTEIN UPDATE — “NYPD is working to arrest Harvey Weinstein on rape allegations,” by N.Y. Post’s Tina Moore and Ruth Brown: “The NYPD is prepared to arrest Harvey Weinstein for raping ‘Boardwalk Empire’ star Paz de la Huerta — and the next step is for the Manhattan district attorney to get an arrest warrant, a top department official said Friday. ‘She put forth a credible and detailed narrative to us. We then sought to garner corroboration — this happened seven years ago — and we found corroboration,’ Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce told reporters. … When asked what made de la Huerta’s case so credible, he explained it was her ‘ability to articulate each and every movement of the crime — where she was, where they met, where this happened and what he did.’” http://pge.sx/2h3B7T7
CLICKER – “The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics,” edited by Matt Wuerker — 14 keepers http://politi.co/2zctrsc
GREAT WEEKEND READS, curated by Daniel Lippman:
–“#Reviewing Destined for War: An Interview with Graham Allison” – Q&A by Brett Wesley in the Strategy Bridge: “‘The Chinese believe the contest in the South China Sea is basically over, and that they won. All the governments in the region now ask first what will China do. China’s naval budget will soon exceed our own, especially with regards to regional competition, and it’s unlikely we can buy our way out of this problem.’” http://bit.ly/2it4vCs … Graham Allison’s book — $19.04 on Amazon http://amzn.to/2tNVqbC
–“The Istanbul Derby,” by Spencer Hall in SB Nation: “Soccer, fire and a game at the world’s crossroads.” http://bit.ly/2zcVsA4
–“Putin’s Revenge” – PBS Frontline: “Frontline tells the inside story of how Vladimir Putin came to see the United States as an enemy — and why he decided to target an American election.” http://to.pbs.org/2zhySpy
–“How to Tell If You’re a Supertaster,” by Rob DeSalle in Nautilus magazine: “For one thing, you won’t like IPAs.” http://bit.ly/2zhyiIm
–“Mapping the Reformation in America,” by Lyman Stone in In A State Of Migration on Medium: “The legacy of Luther in America. By the time the settlement of the United States was well underway, the longevity of Protestantism was essentially assured. Many of the early American settlers were religious dissidents calling for reformation. Protestant churches are strongest now in the midwest and great plains, Pennsylvania, upland south, and central Texas. They correlate loosely with Northern European ancestry, pro-Trump voting, family stability, economic mobility, farming and heavy industry.” http://bit.ly/2h1pkob
–“Eugenics 2.0: We’re at the Dawn of Choosing Embryos by Health, Height, and More,” by Antonio Regalado in Technology Review: “Will you be among the first to pick your kids’ IQ? As machine learning unlocks predictions from DNA databases, scientists say parents could have choices never before possible.” http://bit.ly/2zuTOu5
–“Typos on the Skin of Men: The Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq,” by Jay Herndon in the Strategy Bridge – per TheBrowser.com’s description: “Perceptive account of the “quiet failures” of economic reform in Iraq under the Coalition Provisional Authority. American administrators were told to create a ‘vibrant, free market’ as a check on any future dictatorship. But their confidence far outstripped their expertise, and their mistakes laid the foundations for much of the chaos that followed. Said one: ‘I don’t give a s–t about international law. I made a commitment to the president that I’d privatize Iraq’s businesses.’” http://bit.ly/2xYQRgM
–“A Very Old Man for a Wolf,” by Emma Marris in Outside Magazine: “He was the alpha male of the first pack to live in Oregon since 1947. For years, a state biologist tracked him, collared him, counted his pups, weighed him, photographed him, and protected him. But then the animal known as OR4 broke one too many rules.” http://bit.ly/2zd2ylH
–“The fax of life,” by Vox’s Sarah Kliff: “In the medical sector, the fax is as dominant as ever. It is the cockroach of American medicine: hated by doctors and medical professionals but able to survive — even thrive — in a hostile environment. By one private firm’s estimate, the fax accounts for about 75 percent of all medical communication. It frustrates doctors, nurses, researchers, and entire hospitals, but a solution is evasive.” http://bit.ly/2iZaToQ
–“Small-Town Noir,” by Adam Thirlwell, reviewing “Twin Peaks: The Return” in the N.Y. Review of Books: David Lynch’s “cinema is disreputably baroque, brimming with meaning that it disavows. He’s of the same generation as Malick and Scorsese, but where they now seem historical, Lynch still has the fragility of the contemporary. The greatness of his art is linked to the kitsch of his materials, all the B-movie unheimlich maneuvers: doppelgängers, prosthetics, recurring numbers, dream sequences, animated corpses.” http://bit.ly/2lRAyBd
–“Trapped in the clichés of Spain,” by Andrea Aguilar in El Pais: “The crisis in Catalonia has demonstrated that the Iberian stereotypes persist in foreign media outlets.” http://bit.ly/2zbLCfi
–“The Suicide Catcher,” by Michael Paterniti in the Aug. 2010 issue of GQ: “In the rapidly modernizing, constantly churning city of Nanjing, China, there is a legendary bridge, four miles long, where day after day, week after week, the desperate and melancholy and tormented come to end their lives. Most end up in the Yangtze River, 130 feet below. But some do not meet their maker. They meet someone else. They are pulled back from the brink—sometimes violently—by an odd and unlikely angel.” http://bit.ly/2A4eHZg (h/t Longform.org)
–“Is the artist behind ‘Pay Trump bribes here’ a protest messenger for our times?” by WaPo’s David Montgomery: http://wapo.st/2A4a1Th
–“The Disillusionment of Samuel Moyn,” by Jon Baskin in the Chronicle of Higher Ed: “The Yale historian has become a prominent critic of liberalism. But what’s he for?” http://bit.ly/2hDWw6b
–“Lost and Found,” by Robert Sanchez in 5280: “Several long-serving members of NecroSearch, the world’s preeminent group for locating and retrieving missing bodies, are nearing retirement age. What will happen to the Colorado-based volunteer organization once they’re gone?” http://bit.ly/2itoaCc
SPOTTED: Denis McDonough yesterday at BWI … Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) on the 3:00 pm Acela heading north. … Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) yesterday in first class on the Acela to New York …
… Dick Wiley, former FCC chairman and current FCC commissioner Michael O’Rielly at an inside table; and Dontai Smalls, UPS lobbyist, and Paul Brathwaite at an outside table dining for lunch Friday afternoon at Fig & Olive … former Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.), wife Sonya and their kids celebrating one of their son’s birthdays at the Wizards game with host Brandon Webb, chief of staff for Rep. Robin Kelly (D-Ill.)
WHITE HOUSE ARRIVAL LOUNGE – JUDD DEERE has been hired as the White House’s director of state and local communications. He starts on Nov. 27. He most recently was communications director for Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge.
OUT AND ABOUT — DOUGLAS SMITH of Kent Strategies celebrated his 50th birthday at Pearl Street Warehouse last night. SPOTTED: Liz Sears Smith, David Culver, Mary Morgan Limperis, Melissa Maxfield, Bruce Gates and Joyce Gates, Bruce Andrews, David and Amanda Bowker, Paul and Liz Dougherty, Liz and Robert Moore, Patrick Mellody, Erick Mullen, Kelly Craighead, Paul and Cecilie Horvath, David and Viktoria Metzner, Kathleen Matthews, Susan Blumenthal, Mike Zamore, Abigail Smith, Paul Tencher, Vince Frillici and Chris Lisi.
BIRTHWEEK (was yesterday): Minh-Thu Pham, executive director for policy at the United Nations Foundation in the NY office (hat tip: Courtney Hulse, who was on time) … Edelman’s Lauren Greco
BIRTHDAYS: Jeremy Bernard (h/t Tammy Haddad) … Kathy Griffin … Kit Seelye … Laura Bush is 71 … BuzzFeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith … U.S. Chamber’s Blair Latoff Holmes … Craig Stevens … Hal Malchow … Rima Sirota of the Georgetown University Law Center, celebrating with Tom (h/t Jon Haber) … Michael Fontneau … Alice Tong … Kenneth R. Weinstein, president and CEO of the Hudson Institute, is 56 … Eric Wagner of Bloomberg Government … Toby Lam … AP’s Alex Sanz … WTOP’s Hillary Howard … WaPo’s Mike DeBonis … Carlos Gutierrez, chair at Albright Stonebridge and former Secretary of Commerce under Bush 43 and CEO of Kellogg (h/t Ben Chang) … Will Shaw … Michael Clauser … Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) is 7-0 … Rep. Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) is 46 … Emma Kenyon of Sen. McCaskill’s office (h/t Sophie White) … Laylee Ghiasi … Julie Siegel, currently banking counsel for Sen. Warren (D-Mass.) and an Obama WH, CFPB, and Harvard Law alum … Jean Roseme … Darla Bunting … Jessica Reis, VP at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, who races her husband every morning to see who can finish Playbook first (hubby tip: Anthony DeAngelo) … Katie Hughes of CRC (h/t Garrett Ventry) … Politico’s Olivia Rogin …
… Amanda Thayer, press secretary for NARAL Pro-Choice America … Max Gleischman, celebrating with surprise birthday plans that will involve Dante in the West Village, his favorite place for a cocktail (h/t wife Rachel Racusen) … Tim Saler of Grassroots Targeting (http://bit.ly/2hBgiyT) (h/t Matt Moon) … Catherine De Castelbajac … Ezra Mechaber, principal at Precision Strategies … LinkedIn’s Florencia Iriondo … Lucy Tutwiler Hodas … Brian J. Siebel … L’Auberge Chez Francois’ Jacques Haeringer (h/t Robb Watters) … Ashley Estes Kavanaugh … Kevin McVicker … Trish Turner … Elena Chiriboga … Markus Palmgren … Joe Vidunas … Morgan Mohr … Kari Kant … Jeremy Chwat is 43 … Ira Fishman, COO/managing director of the NFL Players Association … Danny O’Driscoll … Kristin Hardy-Artikaslan … Jared Kleinstein … Sloan Rappoport … Julie Tippens … Lynde Uihlein … Susan Knapp … Casey Sinnwell … Hal Malchow (h/ts Teresa Vilmain)
THE SHOWS by @MattMackowiak, filing from Austin:
–Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures”: Vice President Mike Pence … House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) … Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-N.J.). Panel: Al D’Amato and Jon Hilsenrath
–“Fox News Sunday”: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) … Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.). Panel: Karl Rove, Rachael Bade, Jason Riley and Juan Williams … “Power Player of the Week”: Mark Cuban
–ABC’s “This Week”: Donna Brazile … Preet Bharara and Ken Starr … Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) and Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.). Panel: Charles Blow, Sara Fagen, Marc Lotter and Julie Pace
–CNN’s “State of the Union”: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) … Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). Panel: Jen Psaki, Michael Caputo, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) and Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.)
–NBC’s “Meet the Press”: Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) … Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.). Panel: Tom Brokaw, Kasie Hunt, Eugene Robinson and Peggy Noonan
–CBS’s “Face the Nation”: Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) … House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). Panel: Jamelle Bouie, Susan Page, Ramesh Ponnuru and Jerry Seib … Michael Lewis and Pete Souza
–Fox News’ “MediaBuzz”: Ed Henry … Mollie Hemingway … Marie Harf … Bill Bennett … Marisa Guthrie
–CNN’s “Inside Politics” with John King: Michael Shear, Nia-Malika Henderson, Mary Katharine Ham and Phil Mattingly
–CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS”: Preet Bharara and Michael Hayden … foreign policy panel: Kurt Campbell, Elise Hu and Kishore Mahbubani
–CNN’s “Reliable Sources”: Michael Isikoff, David Folkenflik, Eliana Johnson and Errol Louis … Ronan Farrow and Indira Lakshmanan
–Univision’s “Al Punto”: Univision News correspondents Blanca Rosa Vilchez and Pablo Monsalvo … Otto Reich and Bill Richardson… San Juan, Puerto Rico Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz … Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló … Tom Perez … pop duo Jesse y Joy
–C-SPAN’s “The Communicators”: Axios’ David McCabe and Politico’s Ashley Gold … “Newsmakers”: Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.), questioned by CQ Roll Call’s Niels Lesniewski and Foreign Policy’s Robbie Gramer … “Q&A”: Biographer Ron Chernow
–Washington Times’ “Mack on Politics” weekly politics podcast with Matt Mackowiak (download on iTunes, Google Play, or Stitcher or listen at http://bit.ly/2omgw1D): Garrett Graff.
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