#or Joseph hehe
baylardo · 1 year
i have to write down my jj carey ideas (THRESHOLD AU!!!!!!!) or ill forget them and die and when i say my ideas it broadens to my friends talking about jj carey with me and then me munching on it collaboratively
premise with ive been HUMORING a relationship with him and philippa idk if ill GOOOOOO that route but im really enjoying likeeeeee developing their friendship off of the premise that in ficcy Lesson Plans it got established that him and Philippa would be pen pals and also that philippa was very fond of Joe Carey before he died and all THAT.
age gap for them is roughlyyyyy like 9 yearsssss which is fineeeeee hahaha. *looks away*
A-ANYWAY substance ideas were like we were thinking occupationally hed be a civil engineer or whatever, not in starfleet but really equivalent experience wise to being a chief engineer. been going back and fourth on whether or not i think hed go anywhere in starfleet before leaving. like in Widow’s Walk it describes him as being EAGER to join at the age of 14 despite knowing his father had passed away. and idk conveniently the eternal tide is around the time hed be joining starfleet academy.
idk they have likeeee an interval of several years together before philippa leaves to the DQ woth her family around unmm Unworthy and he stays and probably enters fhe academy? 🤔 maybe theyd be interacting in that time period, pip’s grieving her mother, JJ’s helping?? idk hes had to get over his dad dying im sure hed wanna be there for her. whether or not shes receptive to it UUUUUUUH. probably later in life she looks back and appreciates what he did. but anyway was thinking maybe they pen pal again when she leaves in Unworthy and is in the DQ (and beyond) for several years. :)
had the thought today that maybe when theyre both older they reunite at a Voyager reunion. philippa hates it there, shes wondering why JJ even showed up considering. i think theyd kinda go hide away somewhere and maybe philippas venting about her mommy and family hehe. he just listens. shes very tightly wound around her academy age.
not really set on a look for him im letting alice dabble a little bit WINKY ;) inevitably gonna be two redheads hahaha. 😞👍 we were talking maybe hes a lil chub as a kid and thins out with age. MIGHT HAVE GLASSES.
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ashleyloob · 12 days
I randomly got dragged to Mormon church and met the illustrator for A Series of Unfortunate Events who is apparently a bishop at the church, and now we are Instagram mutuals. today was so bizarre
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sayurinn · 6 months
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Quick Joseph doodle!! More doodles under the cut :D
I used pics by @figuo_figuyama on Instagram as reference!! Their photography is so awesomeee hehe
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almondpiglet · 10 months
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super five/claw stuff i did for practice
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goatpaste · 6 months
anything pillar fam pleaseee
yay pillar fam yay!!
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add1ictwithapen · 7 months
joshler edit :3
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cirr0stratus · 10 days
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“where the hell have you been the past three years?”
episode 9: Why We Fight
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swarenar · 13 days
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quiet night in the dorms
kevin is doing homework watching exy in the living room
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michel-feuilly · 4 months
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Comission for @usergreenpixel again xD
A short story with a headcanon that Fouche practiced alchemy in a monastery
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marypickfords · 6 months
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Deadstream (Joseph & Vanessa Winter, 2022)
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madelynraemunson · 7 months
Eddie’s not dead
Eddie’s not dead
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xiaogesword · 9 days
~ Zeng Shunxi sings to you while it rains ~
Wear headphones 🎧
Song: Zeng Shunxi's cover of How Can I Not Think of Her featured in his new drama A Lonely Hero's Journey. Includes: English translation, pinyin, Mandarin Native title: 教我如何不想她 by 赵元任 (1926)
Translation and rain sounds by me.
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josephandjamie · 2 months
also where’s THIS interview
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Does anyone else stare off into the distance like they've been Vecna'd as they think about Steve and Eddie wrestling, then it turning sexual? Like, no one use a song to wake me up. I'm good. 😆
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vrieseasees · 10 months
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Team Mustang! I'm a sucker for squad guys lol gotta collect em all.....
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malarkgirlypop · 11 months
hihi I had an idea with Joe Liebgott x Nurse where they despised each other in high school and never saw each other again after that. Once the war begins, reader volunteered to become a nurse in aid stations, and one day lieb gets shot in the ass lol and has to go to the aid station where she is. She never imagined he'd become her patient, and he never imagined they'd ever cross paths again, and it feels like they're back in high school all over again
enemies to lovers basically hihi 
Goody Part 1 (Joseph Liebgott x Fem!Reader)
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OMG This is the best idea. I hope that you like it. This is the first part! More to come after this. As soon as I got this message I dropped everything to write it. I'm so excited for the next part so stay tuned! Also let me know how smutty I can be ahaha. This is based off the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to the people involved.
Mr Lancy drones on, my eyes droop as he speaks. My brain can’t handle all the maths questions on the board. Maths is my least favourite subject for two reasons. One I hate it all the numbers they jumble together and I can never make sense of the questions and two Joseph Liebgott is in this class with me. We don’t get to pick our seats either, Mr Lancy isn’t nice enough for that. 
So when I walked in on the first day of the year I took my respective seat from the chart that was pinned to the board, I thought there must be an odd amount of students in the class since everyone had a desk partner except for me. I wasn’t too fussed, I was at the back of the class, so I could get away with doing nothing. The bell rang and in came Mr Lancy, he was calling the roster when Joe strolled in. Oh no! I thought, please don’t be my desk buddy! Joseph Liebgott had a reputation around school for being a miscreant, always getting into trouble. He once gave all the boys in our year the most dreadful skullets in the school toilets. He got suspended for a whole week. They never actually expel him, because he is one of the top scoring students in our year. I have no idea how he is so smart when he makes so many stupid choices. I groan internally as he makes a B-line to my desk. Joe and I have never gotten along, I like to follow rules unlike him and he likes to tease me for it.
“Ugh, I’m with you goody!” I glare at the boy as he slumps down into the seat next to me, using the shortened version of the nick-name he has for me, goody-two-shoes. 
“Don’t flatter yourself ass-hat, I’m not pleased to be with you either.” I growl at him, clenching my fists on the desk. No one pisses me off quite like Joe does, I see him and I just want to strangle him. 
“Ass-hat, that’s a good one. Where did you come up with that?” I roll my eyes, ignoring his taunting.  I know that if I bite we will end up in a fist fight on the floor and I do not need him getting me into trouble. 
So everyday I have to deal with the ass-hat that is Joseph Liebgott and maths. I sigh, looking at the clock, come on, how has it only been two minutes since I last checked the time. 
“Miss Y/L/N, how about you come up and solve this one!” Mr Lancy calls my name, snapping me from the thoughts, shit! I have not been paying attention at all. Joe chuckles from beside me seeing the panic on my face. I send daggers his way, he pretends to cower back. I plaster a tight smile to my face, and make my way to the front, taking the chalk from Mr Lancy. I stand in front of the board, my heartbeat accelerating, a sweat breaks out across my forehead. I don’t even get the equation on the board. I bit my lower lip, glancing out of the corner of my eye, Mr Lancy stands with his arms crossed over his chest waiting for me to solve the equation. My hand shakes as I raise the chalk, feeling pressured to write something. I shakily drag the chalk down the blackboard, it squeaks making me wince. I cringe, I just wrote one. Someone end my suffering. I plead quietly in my brain. A chortle of laughter comes from the back of the room, everyone turns to see Joe bright red in the face dying from a fit of giggles. I scowl at him as he wipes tears from his eyes. 
“Well if you think you can do better Mr Liebgott, by all means come up.” I sigh from relief, putting down the chalk and walking back to my seat, I pass Joe who makes his way to the front, he chuckles again as we pass. I clench my fists, don’t punch him. I take a breath trying to control my hatred. I sit down as Joe saunters to the front. He picks up the chalk erasing my shakey one with his hand. He solved the maths problem quickly. Turning and grinning at the class, some of the girls let out dreamy sighs. I roll my eyes. He makes eye contact with me, raising his eyebrows, giving me his signature smirk. I control myself from slapping the smug look off his face as he comes and sits down next to me again. 
“Aw goody, you’ll get it next time.” He teases. 
“Fuck off!” I say lowly. He chuckles again, knowing how to really get under my skin. I swear he takes pleasure in just pissing me off. 
Last day of the year, and we would’ve graduated high-school. I walk with my friends as we collect our year books. We look through the photos, laughing at the terrible ones that were submitted. We all sign each other’s books, writing cute notes to each other about how we will miss each other and how we need to stay in touch. I sit reading all the notes left for me, smiling down at my book. It’s ripped from my hands, I gasp looking up to find a smirking Joe. I groan out loud. 
“Give it back ass-hat!” I say standing, maybe this is the day I finally punch this guy in his big nose. 
“Aww how sweet!” He mocks pouting, reading all of the messages written. 
“Joe! Give it back, or I swear!” I say louder, stepping forward to grab the book from him, but he moves quickly away and holds the book over his head out of my reach. 
“Or you swear you'll do what?” He taunts. I raise my foot, harshly stomping on his toes. His smug look replaced with pain. He drops his guard, I take my chance. I leap up grabbing my book from his hand, not realising he is only standing on one foot. He loses his balance as I jump on him. We topple backwards, landing in a heap on the ground. I look down at our position, I straddle his torso, our faces very close together as we both grip the year book in our outstretched hands. I pant in his face, our eyes locking briefly. Before we both snap to our senses. 
“Oh god!” I shout, as he pushes me off him. “Get off me goody!” I take my yearbook back. 
“Jesus if you wanted to get into my pants, all you had to do is ask!” His smug grin returned.
“Gross, I would never.” I hissed in his face. “Me either!” he retorts with the same energy. 
That was the last time I saw the dreaded Joseph Liebgott. After I finished high-school, I went to university and studied to be a nurse. I got my degree and got a job in the hospital. I had only been working for a year before Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. I had wanted to help so I volunteered with a few of the other nurses I was working with. They had scooped us up immediately needing all the help they could get. Before we knew it we were on a boat to Europe, to help the soldiers. We had been assigned to the aid stations close to the front, where the medics sent back their men to be treated and then moved back onto the front again. It was hard work, the men that came in were often in very bad shape, needing assistance immediately. We only had one doctor and very limited supplies. So most of the decisions being made were by the nurses. I liked it, it made me think, tested my limits. Sometimes it tested them a bit too much though. Not everyone can be saved, no matter how hard you try, or go over the scenarios in your head each time, thinking of something you could’ve done differently. After a while the thrill got old. It was more heartbreaking than anything. But the nurses kept each other spirits high, if we were down the men could tell which brought down morale too. We weren’t just here to heal them of their injuries but support them. I always put on a smile, made small talk with the men, built rapports so they felt safe.
Eugene Roe, the medic for Easy company, came into the aid station with other men carrying a soldier on a stretcher.
“Hey Gene!” I chirped to the man as I finished tending to one of the patients.
“Hi Y/N!” He smiled back at me, turning around to tell the men to put the soldier on one of the beds. 
“What have we got today?” I said as I approached the medic.
“You’re gonna love this, it’s another ass wound.” He chuckled. I sigh, the men of Easy company have a way of getting their asses shot. It had become an inside joke between Gene and I, we said that it’s because when they were lying down flat that their butts were still higher than their heads, because they’re so juicy. 
“Easy men I swear.” I grin looking down at the patient who lay on their front. I bent down looking at the dressing Gene had put on, the man’s pants had been ripped open for Gene to get at the injury. 
“Any pain meds?” I asked, lifting the dressing. A fairly deep graze was on the left cheek of the man’s behind. Like the bullet had just skimmed the top of it.  
“No, he's a tough one.” Gene replied, giving the man a pat on the back. 
“Damn right I am!” I froze, my hands stilled. Not moving, my eyes glanced at the face of the injured man. That nose was unforgettable.
“Joseph Liebgott!” I uttered. Joe craned his head around to look at me. 
“Goody?” A shocked look dawned his face. 
“You two know each other or something?” Gene asked, watching the interaction.
“Ugh out of everyone, why did it have to be you!” I groaned, not replying to Gene. 
“Oh like I’m so thrilled!” Joe retorted in a sarcastic tone. “We went to high-school together, she was a pain in my ass.” Joe looked at Gene answering his question.
I scoffed, “Pain in your ass, I doubt it. He was a nightmare, Gene. Always up to no good.”
“Oh I could imagine that. Well I will leave him in your care then, Y/N.” Gene patted me on the shoulder as he made his way to the door. 
“Gene, don't leave me here with her! She might try to kill me!” Joe cried, reaching for the leaving medic who just laughed at Joe. 
“You’ll be fine, Liebgott, she’s a great nurse.” Gene called to him, giving us a cheesy grin before ducking out of sight. 
“I’m not going to kill you Joe.” I rolled my eyes at his antics.
“You tried to kill me in high-school.” Joe protested. 
“Yeah well this isn’t high-school. So turn around and let me do my job.” He groaned but did as I asked, burying his head into the pillow and letting out an audible groan. 
I got to work, cleaning his wound. I washed out the laceration with clean water, cleaning around the peri-wound as well. It was deep enough to be packed, so I cut my gauze and packed it into the wound. 
“Ouch!” Joe groaned. His butt cheeks clenching.  
“Sorry, hold still.” I said as he squirmed under my touch. I finished the last of my packing, then placed a clean dressing over the injury. “I’ll go get you some new pants.” I scurried away to get some fresh pants for him. I returned with new pants, giving them to him, before closing the curtain and letting him change. He pulled back the curtain, looking ready to leave. 
“Where are you going?” I asked him, as I moved from another soldier’s bed. 
“Well you fixed me up so I can go.” Joe said, trying to move past me, I blocked his path. 
“We haven't discharged you yet. You will need to stay until it heals fully.” I informed him.
He didn’t look pleased with me. “But it’s fine!”
“Well no, I have packed it and that needs to be changed daily. So you can’t leave. And no before you say it, Gene cannot do it in the field.” I interrupt him, seeing the thought in his mind before he can say it. 
“Tell me Joe, what do you do in your foxhole most of the day?” I ask the man trying to get my point across. 
“Sit.” He replies, looking confused. 
“Exactly, you sit. That wound on your butt, that you sit on, will not heal if you go back to the front.” I explained to him, “Plus, because it’s on your ass, there is a greater chance of infection. So no, you’re not leaving until we say so.” I raise my eyebrows daring him to speak. He gives me a tight lipped smile, sighing loudly. He lies back down on his bed. 
“Can you do a double tonight?” Mary asks me with puppy dog eyes. I glance at the clock, I’m supposed to be finishing in about ten minutes and I was so excited to go to sleep. 
“Why can’t you do the night shift?” I ask her. 
She blushes, becoming sheepish. “I have a date.” She grins at me. I know exactly who she is going on a date with as well, one of the soldiers that she tended to last week. They both became infatuated with each other, she didn’t leave the hospital that whole week, begging to do all of the night shifts so that she could stay with her lover boy. She even did one of my shifts for me, I had the whole day to lie in bed and do nothing. So I suppose I owe it to her. I nod reluctantly, as she grins clapping her hands together. 
Night shift isn’t always too bad, most of them men just sleep and sometimes we have people brought in. But due to poor visibility at night, nothing much really happens to warrant a trip to the aid station. But today I feel extra exhausted, because I was fighting the whole time with ass-hat. Every time I turned around I found his eyes on me. Watching me like a hawk. He would smirk at me, while I sent daggers back. He was back to his old antics of winding me up and it was driving me up the wall. All I had wanted to do was go home and lie down. Now I had to stay and listen to him snore peacefully in bed, while I stayed up all night.
I sat catching up on the notes for the day. They were normally brief due to having no real down time to finish them all since we were always so busy and understaffed. I sat tapping my pencil to paper trying to think of what happened to the particular patient I was writing about. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander to the sleeping Joe. A candle dimly lit the room so I could make out his face in the dark. He lay on his back snoring quietly. His brown hair tousled slightly on his forehead, a relaxed expression on his face, I hate to admit it but he’s very handsome. Only when he isn’t pestering me, I think I could get used to a sleeping Joe, he doesn’t drive me nuts in this state. 
I sat staring at the clock, willing it to be 0700 so that I could leave and get some sleep. My eyes drooped as I propped my head up on my hand. Mary arrived early, bursting into the room all excited. I grinned at the young girl, as she made her way over to me. I was eager to hear how her date went with the soldier. She kept me company while waiting for the next shift of nurses to arrive telling me about her night. 
“And then he lent in and kissed me.” She almost swooned out of her seat. I laughed watching her. “Oh Y/N it was so romantic, truly!” She lent in closer whispering, “I think I’m in love.” 
“Steady on Mary, it was only your first date.” I cautioned the young nurse. But all she did was grin at me. I shook my head, laughing at her again.
“Y/N we need you to stay on just for a little while longer.” Dr. Johns told me, my smile dropped. I nodded reluctantly, knowing they needed me. I did my round leaving Joe till the end. He lay on his stomach reading a comic he had borrowed off of one of the other soldiers. 
“Morning Joe.” I said sleepily, not really in the mood for his smugness. 
“Morning goody.” He grinned, turning to look at me, his face dropped. He tilted his head assessing me. “Have you been here all this time?” He asked, looking at my face. I’m sure the bags under my eyes gave away my lack of sleep. I nodded barely able to keep my eyes open. 
“I just need to change your dressings, can you pull your pants down for me.” I asked, he looked like he was going to make a snarky comment but bit his tongue, doing as I had asked. I removed the previous dressing, cleaned it and then packed it again and applied a new dressing over top. He pulled his pants back up after I was done, rolling onto his side. I didn’t get up immediately, enjoying the softness of his bed. I felt myself nodding off, I put out my hand to steady myself, leaning onto my elbow. My eyes won’t even open. I feel a tug, as my arm is pulled from under me, I fall onto the bed. I feel gentle hands place a pillow under my head. I sigh, feeling comfortable. The bed moves, I hear the sound of the curtain being pulled. The bed dips again, someone takes a seat beside me. I don’t hear much after that, I fall fast asleep. 
“Goody.” Someone shakes my shoulder. I blink, raising my head from the pillow. I look up to find Joe lying beside me, one hand on my shoulder the other grasping the comic. I am positioned awkwardly on the bed lying half way down the mattress, curled into a little ball. “I let you sleep for an hour, but people are looking for you.” Joe informs me lying back on his pillow, and continuing his reading. I rub my eyes and yawn. Joe let me sleep on his bed. I’ve been asleep for an hour SHIT! 
“Oh shit!” I say springing up from my position. I fix my hair and uniform, straightening out the creases in my dress. I pull back the curtain, trying to make it look like I didn’t just fall asleep on a patient’s bed for an hour. 
“A thank you would be nice.” I hear from behind me, as Joe stares at me waiting. 
“Thank you Joe.” I smile and leave quickly to try and find the other nurses. The rest of the shift is a blur. I don’t think I would’ve made it without the nap Joe let me have. It was so busy I didn’t even get a chance to sit down and they were supposed to let me leave after the morning but they insisted I stayed since it was so hectic, I didn’t have a choice but to stay. I finally gather all of my stuff and head for the door, passing Joe’s bed on my way out. 
“Bye Joe.” I say as I leave, not really thinking too much about it. 
“Why are you being so nice, Goody?” I hear him pipe up. I sigh and smile as I turn to face him. 
“I can be nice, Joe.” I state. 
“I don’t know, I don’t like it. What are you up to?” He squints his eyes at me looking suspicious. 
“I’m not up to anything!” I counter, “I’m just too tired to have to fight with you.” Without giving him the chance to reply I leave quickly, saying goodbye to the other men on my way out.
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