#or at least I dont wanna be ignorant about it lmfaooo
katcirce · 11 months
A lot of people on here have replies turned off… Do people not enjoy replies on their posts or? Am confusion
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tradingjack · 3 months
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yuppeeee just having fun!!!! ig!!!!! consistency Who (i dont know her :)) (thank you for tagging me @creepycoffins i used this opportunity to simply vibe i hope that's ok 😭)
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boybandsim · 4 years
leafeana replied to your post: 
WAIT i was just scrolling through your blog cause im hungry for content and saw this again and realized you asked what version i was playing? which i dont remember answering whoops
im playing it on pc! which is great bc then i get to mess around with mods (like the one that gives cindy some real clothing lol) but its also got its downsides since my computer is definitely not a gaming computer, which means graphics take a serious hit and lagging isnt uncommon
im...not sure if its royal edition?? I think windows edition has all the features of royal edition, although im not completely sure. I think luna has a cutscene in Insomnia thats only in royal edition, so once im there ill be able to tell. technically im in Insomnia now but ive time traveled back and it might be a while before i push on to the finale. after dealing with Altissia --> the start of Insomnia linearly i wanted some time to chill with the bros and pretend
everything is fine for a while. it has been a WILD ride for sure and yeah I haven't even started up any of the dlc yet! theres so much content!! ive been practicing playing as the other bros during medium-hard combat which has kept it feeling really fresh too. also its hilarious just blasting bad guys with a bazooka while the other people are in there swinging around swords and knives. and i haven't done any of the crossover quests yet, which seem big and exciting!
ill be forever sad that i missed the assassins festival but theres definitely plenty to do that I'm excited for. and im getting really into the fishing!! charmed is definitely the right word like..its not perfect at all but this game is so genuinely endearing with its characters personalites and development and its themes and music as well and it really does some things SO well.
god okay this is a lot of words. sorry for rambling and for the late reply! no one i know plays this game or has much interest in it so youre getting all my bottled up enthusiasm
PLEASE DO NOT EVER APOLOGISE FOR RAMBLING SEND ME AS MUCH AS I LOVE WORDS AND THOUGHTS AND TALKING ABOUT FFXV DUDE <3333 also literally no worries about late replies or replying at all im forever shit at them myself i get it bro nw nw nw
hell yeah pc is royal edition with a bunch of other shit and the dlcs (bar ardyn) incorporated, dont worry, also i would die for that one cindy in a decent outfit mod i know the exact one youre on about LOL (also i can recommend you some other mods if u like!!)
if i can share some knowledge with you right quick cuz i had the same problem and wouldve died to have someone tell me i went from barely 20fps on a good day to being able to run multiple programs with ffxv in the background; specialk is a very quick install and majorly helped with multithreading; otherwise for the in game options are using low resolution texture pack (assets option); shadows look near visually identical on the lowest option compared to the highest; all nvidia effects can be turned off with no significant graphic change; turning off anti aliasing entirely genuinely makes the game look better for me; i can post my full settings if itll help you and ive also read through a few tutorials for modding around lag so i can try and help you with that, i do get pretty major lag spikes though and frequently find it near impossible to stream/record, but i manage to nail that 60fps on average if im solely running ffxv with a few cut corners like those
also dont blame you with altissia, ngl i boiled through the story rollercoaster right quick after exploring most of the open world before even touching altissia and ended up ignoring all postgame content for starting a new save immediately and replaying just to get that hangout time in the open world that wasnt just go-back-in-time-through-magic-dog. but i feel you so hard dude i just want more of them chilling. literally i have 300 hours in this game already and i know half of those have been using the car listening to tunes LMFAO
yeah the crossover quests are funnn the one with terra wars is sweet and the ffxiv one is SO funny its literally hysterical i was roaring with laughter a couple times!!! and good on you practising i didnt touch any of the extended combat until my third save and yeah honestly if you want to do the postgame menaces those skillsll come in useful, its funny because the maingame bosses arent that hard but the postgame is mental. but yeah i love blowing shit up with proms bazooka it fucking rules nerds can keep their swords
ALSO SAME... i wanna play the promptis date so bad!! i wanna play episode duscae so bad!!! wanna play the platinum demo with baby noctis so bad!! knowing theyll never be ported kills meeeeee. sad & upset but as you say theres so much to do and the dlc honestly offer so much im still finding shit i havent done and ive spent a year playing already
honestly so much of this game for me is literally just booting it to go hang with the guys its really relaxing lmfaooo... hiking around with these goofy dudes. sometimes i just wanna chill with the anime boys. YEAH literally its sweet and charming and then fucking heartbreaking and even though the writing is hammy as hell im honestly so willing to forgive it. not only for the clear amount of care and love that went into specifically building the guys relationship (which anyone knows is the best and most realised part of the game) but the details and amount of lore you can uncover if you take a step and interpret a little. maybe thats too generous a statement for what was an executive nightmare and critically underdeveloped but i grew up on ffxiii and knowing the versus 13 lore and that ffxv was part of that extended canon im satisfied with it being another side to that story and running with that. i think supplemented with its additional content years after release ffxv isnt a complete experience but enough of one to leave an impact or at least it did majorly for me! ive been obsessed.
OMG sorry im nerding too its all good lol just genuinely i love this game and its hard to find people talking about it these days but i really had such a good time and still am continuing to and i love it fuck it ball hard
real shit though it has the best fishing minigame of all time hands down nothing has come close fuck the haters
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sehunhoney · 7 years
big tag game !
i’ve combined like 3 tags in here because i’m lazy sorry this is long but thank you @wintersolqiers my love 
1. Are you named after someone?
2. When is the last time you cried?
yesterday watching a movie i’m weak
3. Do you like your handwriting?
no its a mess
4. What is your favorite lunch meat?
i dont really lunch meat tbh 
5. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
6. Do you use sarcasm?
7. Do you have your tonsils?
8. Would you bungee jump?
uhhhh nooooo
9. What is your favorite kind of cereal?
the frosted flakes stuff 
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take off your shoes?
11. Do you think you’re a strong person?
12. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
anything with chocolate 
13. What is the first thing you notice about people?
maybe their height?
14. Red or pink?
15. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
humm i have weird leggos
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
pink skirt and blue shoes
17. What was the last thing you ate?
cake :)
18. What are you listening to right now?
@wintersolqiers ur mashup of dont wanna cry and gravel to tempo (everyone listen to it)
19. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
20. Favorite smell?
21. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
my best friend 
22. Favorite sport to watch?
23. hair color?
24. eye color?
25. Do you wear contacts?
26. Favorite food to eat?
27. Scary movie or comedy?
28. last movie you watched?
29. What color of shirt are you wearing?
30. Summer or winter
31. Hugs or kisses
kisses !!
32.What book are you currently reading?
ff lmfaooo
33. Who do you miss right now?
34. What is on your mouse pad?
who im who has a mouse pad 
35. What is the last program you watched?
i was watching star of the universe for like the fourth time
36. What is the best sound?
uhh i like vacuum cleaners
37. Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
38. What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
i dunno
39. Do you have a special talent?
noo :(
40. Where were you born
its a secret 
you thought that was long but theres moreeeee sorry to the people who are tagged in thissssssss
name: pastel
height: we dont talk about that
ultimate bias: osh!
nicknames: pastel is a nickname
zodiac sign: taurus
favorite fruit: peachesss
favorite season: summer!
favorite color: pink or peach 
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?: i cant chooooose
favorite animals: sloths probs
dream trip: all over the world!
number of blankets you sleep with: twoo
song stuck in my head: the one im listening to 
what kind of stuff do i post?: exooooooo (letsgooo)
last thing i googled: red velvet comeback 
side-blog: none
following: hehehehe
follower count: hahahahahahahahahahaha
when did you make this blog: october last year!
do you get asks regularly: noooo
why did you choose your url: sehun i love sehun
average hours of sleep: no
for this last part the rules are answer the 8 questions of the person who tagged you, tag 8 people and come up with 8 questions of your own
1) Who is your k-idol spirit animal?
i wanna say sehun but i think its jeonghan from seventeen!
2) If you could meet your ultimate bias (and ignoring language barriers etc.) what would you say/do to them?
i would tell sehun i loved him and i would give him a big hug
3) (please humour me with this even if you don’t really like film scores) What is your favourite movie soundtrack?
um i really liked the hobbits soundtrack!
4) What are your opinions on the Australian accent (lmao)?
they are cute!! so different from my accent lol 
5) If you could go on your dream trip, all expenses paid for, what would you do?
 i would travel the entire world because otherwise that would be very expensive ahhhhh i would to lots of shopping in hong kong and japan and korea! 
6) What is the last song you listened to and why do you like it?
the last song i listened to was @wintersolqiers don’t wanna cry and gravel to tempo mashup and i like it because even though she said shes not confident because its her first time doing a mashup its really good! (i love u elise)
7) If you were a k-idol, what position would you want?
i would want to be the dancer! i cant dance but its fun!
8) This is not really a question, but rather because I have no life and I love presents, if you could request me to make you one edit, what would it be? (And like honestly it might take me some time but I’ll do it)
when exo has their comeback can i have a sehun edit pretty please? i loved the exo phone screen you did when we first became friends and i know youll make it really pretty!
the8 (lol) people i tag are @thesoapclub @theparallelline @exo-yehet-xoxo @sehunsraani @sehunshake <3 @accara-park @idkimmaturegirl @rollinbuffalos
and my 8 questions are
1) you have a chance to kiss your bias. where do you kiss them?
2) if you could be a member in your bias group, what kind of song would you like to perform? 
3) describe yourself as a harry potter spell!
4) what was the first impression of your very first bias? 
5) why do you love your bias(es)?
6) if you could travel in time where would you go? 
7) what color are you and why do you relate to that color?
8) you have to spend one day with the person you hate the most. what do you do with them? 
thank you so so much @wintersolqiers im sorry to the people who were tagged you dont have to do this i know its long 
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