#or can't afford a gym or doesn't have access to one
anti-ao3 · 8 months
society: why are so many young ppl developing eating disorders and other mental illnesses???
also society: you will only be truly happy if you lose weight/if you're skinny! that's self-care! 😘
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
So with you an anon discussing the terrible conditions of your schools and how all the money go to bullshit like P.E, basketball courts, uniforms etc
Lemme tell you some funny stories, you think California sucks? The deep south is WORSE
My mother went to a middle school sometime in the 70s, while playing volleyball in the gym she spiked the ball so hard it broke an upper window.
It was never fixed and by the time I entered that school in the mid 2000s it was still broken
.Same school was notorious for the heater to always be busted, same with the AC. my 7th grade English class was the worst with temperature since the windows faced the sun, and so we'd cook like weenies over an open fire
The female locker room bathrooms were never took care of and middle school girls are barbarians and would doodle dicks, and offensive language all over the walls and mirrors
The mirrors were confiscated afterwords
By the time I enrolled in high school it was worse, the textbooks hadn't been updated since the Civil rights era (holy fucking shit southern 60's something textbooks were TRASH) and one textbook I got was my mom's and i yelped when i saw her name scrawled in it
The high school had busted old soda machines that were just left to rot int he cafeteria and were a constant reminder that we can't have nothing nice
Oh but we can definitely afford NEW GODAMN MAC BOOKS JESUS GOD
And last but not least, back in the mid 2000s there was a devastating tornadoe that hit the neighboring town to ours and decimated the local high school there. Just wiped it off the fucking map.
SO OUR TOWN got super butt hurt when the president came down and gave funds to help rebuild the school and wanted a new high school as well
Once they secured the funds to build it sometime in the 2010s they went nuts trying to have it built before the next school year, so instead of replacing outdated textbooks, repairing the ventilation and other issues they decided NOPE WANT NEW SCHOOL NOW
Hilarious though nobody realized until too late that the new school was built on several sink holes, we lost a school bus to one I shit you not and now the school is sinking making the building lopsided as all hell
In summary all the money are schools received went to a brand new school that's half sunk in the ground, and shit for the football team
Not to take the Lord's name in vain but Jesus fucking Christ.
And it's so fucking blatant that education in the U.S. is just being sidelined in the priority scale. Like, yes: we don't need to push the narrative that kids HAVE to go to college to have successful lives. But holy fucking shite, K-12 has to be able to properly teach kids 'Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic' and Critical Thinking so that students can leave schools with at least basic comprehension and calculating skills.
There are far too many districts and school administrations that either focus too much on the fluff (sports, aesthetics, and 'Customer Service') or who have given up on their students completely so they just dump tax dollars into shite that really doesn't help student success in the long run but, hey! It's educational, so it must be good, right?
THE PRE-AP 'CURRICULUM' IS FUCKING BULLSHIT, and if you are a parent whose teen comes home with an English class syllabus that says 'Our class utilizes a PreAP system', you need to either hit the dash or call the district and lodge a complaint. Because that shite is useless and it's just school districts paying CollegeBoard for access to a nonsense website and workbooks and the ability to say 'we prep students for college'.
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princessproductivity · 5 months
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What is the 12-week year?
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While there is an entire book on the concept (The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington) of the 12 week year, I think it is so valuable that I might as well give it a quick run down...
The 12 week year works, because it keeps the pressure on. So often, we will make New Year resolutions, and never stick to them. We figure we have the whole year ahead of us, so why start now? Be honest, we are in April now... Did you really get the washboard abs you thought you would? How many times did you set foot in the gym? It's still 2024, it doesn't technically mean you failed... right?
In this book, Moran points out a study that found that people tend to be the most productive when the year is drawing to a close because they weren't productive toward their goal for the rest of the year, and feel pressured to play catch up as a result. The 12 year week utilizes the mindset surrounding this dynamic to the individual's advantage.
The 12 week year is a concept that encourages one to create goals not with an entire year in mind, but by splitting their year into quarters. Instead of focusing on what you want to accomplish by the end of 2024, instead focus on what you want to accomplish before the end of March. Then, by the end of June, September, December, and so forth.
The key to this entire dynamic is being incredibly detailed and intentional with your goals. Instead of saying "I want to walk more" say, "I will walk every morning after breakfast at Cedar Park for 15 minutes." Instead of saying "I want to read more books" say, "I will finish one audiobook a week by listening to it while I take my walk, cook dinner, and work on my crochet project." Then, prepare a list of books you have in mind.
Many people feel limited in their ability to be truly productive, but at the end of the day, it isn't who or what you know... It's how you implement those two things into your tangible decisions from day to day. Knowledge without acting upon said knowledge is hardly knowledge at all. My measly summary could never do this amazing book justice, and I highly recommend a full read through to anyone looking to restructure how they approach their goals in a truly beneficial way.
Can't afford to buy the book? That's fine! I am a firm believer that knowledge should be freely accessible to anyone who wants to better their lives regardless of their circumstances! You can read the PDF copy for free here, or listen to the audiobook version on YouTube for free here.
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A bit about @princessproductivity! 7 ways to organize your life... 7 ways to reduce your screen time...
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vclubgurugram · 6 months
Cool Off This Summer at V Club Swimming Pool in Gurgaon
Phew, it's hot out there! The scorching Gurgaon summers can really take it out of you. That's why it's so awesome that we have an amazing swimming pool in Gurgaon to help us beat the heat - the V Club Swimming Pool! This place is a total oasis when temperatures are sizzling.
If you haven't been to this swimming pool in Gurgaon yet, you're really missing out. The centerpiece is a massive Olympic-sized pool with super clean, refreshing water. As soon as you dive in, you'll feel instantly cooled off and re-energized. It's the perfect way to get exercise and have fun while escaping the brutal summer heat.
What really makes the V Club Swimming Pool stand out is that it's great for the whole family. Yes, the huge main pool is an ideal spot for adult swimmers to get in laps. But there's also a separate, smaller pool area that's perfect and safe for little kids. The children can splash around carefreely in the shallow water while attentive lifeguards keep a close watch. 
With these two pool areas, the swimming pool in Gurgaon ensures there's something for all ages to enjoy. The kids can have a blast while mom and dad get in a solid swim workout. It's an awesome family outing!
Awesome Amenities and Affordable Prices
But the fun definitely doesn't stop at just the pools. The V Club Swimming Pool boasts tons of other outstanding amenities to make your visit as enjoyable as possible.
After your swim, you can refuel at the poolside cafe and restaurant. They've got refreshing drinks, energizing snacks, and light meals to help replenish you. You can even make an entire day of it by utilizing the first-rate gym facilities on site. Get a full workout in before or after your pool time!
Despite offering so many excellent amenities, the swimming pool in Gurgaon is surprisingly affordable, especially for families. Day passes for adults are only 300 rupees and just 200 rupees for kids under 12. Such a steal for access to the amazing pools, cafe, and gym. 
If you plan to be a regular visitor, they also offer discounted monthly and annual memberships. These passes are a great value and provide unlimited access to all the V Club Swimming Pool has to offer.
The staff also works hard to make your time at the swimming pool in Gurgaon as comfortable and hassle-free as possible. The pool areas and facilities are kept meticulously clean and the lifeguards are super attentive to ensure maximum safety. You can just sit back, relax, and have fun!
Is it safe to swim in hotel pools in India?
Hotel pools in India are generally safe to swim in, provided the hotel maintains proper chlorination and cleaning protocols. However, it's advisable to check the pool's cleanliness visually before entering. Avoid swallowing pool water and shower immediately after swimming to minimize any potential health risks.
Make a Splash This Season!
In summary, the V Club Swimming Pool is pretty much a summertime essential for Gurgaon residents and visitors alike. Beating the scorching heat has never been easier or more enjoyable thanks to this aquatic paradise.
With a world-class Olympic pool, separate kids area, modern gym, tasty cafe, affordable pricing, and top-notch service, the swimming pool in Gurgaon simply can't be topped. It's got everything you need for an awesome, refreshing day out with the whole family.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your swimsuits and head to the V Club Swimming Pool today! It's the number one way to make a splash and stay cool all summer long. Let's go!
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eatwellnutrition · 2 years
Burn Fat Fast With Daily Movement
Since the pandemic blew up, the majority of folks are now working from home. Sitting all day, at a desk, staring at their computer. We are getting little to no movement in our day. Even if you are one of the few to make it to the gym every day for exercise, sitting for 8 hours of your day won't burn off 3 meals + snacks.
So, what's the solution? Move! We burn calories and expend energy when we move, and that includes any kind of movement. Fidgeting is movement, it's called NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis). Carrying groceries, putting dishes away, folding laundry, and walking up stairs, are all non-exercise activities.
And then there is standing! Standing is better than sitting. So, you could at least stand more, and no you don't have to have a standing desk, but if you can get one great!
Next step, start walking! Walking increases glucose uptake into your muscle cells, so that means less glucose for your fat cells. Walking burns calories. Walking is easy as long as you have legs!
How To Leverage Walking For MAXIMAL Fat Loss
1. Walk in the morning when you first wake up, in a fasted state. Grab your black coffee or tea, or just a glass of water and go for a walk. If you can't walk outside, walking inside on a treadmill will do fine, maybe you have a bike, or some type of aerobic exercise machine, and this will work too. Just 20-30 minutes of light to moderate exercise before you start your day helps to lower cortisol and burn body fat. Likewise, you could use a sauna and get in a sweat that way as well, just make sure you are well-hydrated!
2. Walk in the sunshine, if it's sunny where you are, or at least get outside sometime in the morning for a mental health break. This sets the stage for your cortisol and sleep rhythm throughout the day when you expose your eyes to natural blue light from the sun, plus you get vitamin D synthesis, and burn fat!
3. Walk after meals, especially carb-heavy meals. Walking 20-30 minutes at a moderate-brisk pace post-meal is shown to have a massive impact on blood glucose levels. Again, your muscles are using glucose for energy without raising insulin. It's a win-win.
My Tips for Success
My # 1 Tip, If you can afford it and if you don't have access to relatively decent weather and sun year-round, is to buy a walking pad or treadmill. I bought a standing desk this year, then I bought a walking pad. It is a game changer. I can walk 2-3 miles in just 30 minutes! It is much smaller than a treadmill and much cheaper. It's cost-efficient and space-saving. You can find so many different ones online that range from $150-$500, and who knows your health insurance or your company may pay for or reimburse you for your health investment.
My second tip is to schedule the times you are going to commit to moving. My best advice is to do it when you first wake up, then get your regular exercise routine in later in the day!
My last tip, ask a friend or loved one to do it with you. Being accountable helps you follow through and establish a habit. Even if you aren't doing it in the same space together, just knowing someone is on the same page as you will help encourage you and keep you accountable when you feel like quitting.
Remember, change doesn't happen overnight. It happens over time, slowly, but if you are consistent you will reap the reward.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
Her Light
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Includes- Drug use, depression, protective Yoongi, crying, panic
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She sits in her armchair, ignoring the ringing of her cell phone as she slowly pulls the razor's edge down her skin
The bite of pain allows some of the agony inside to be relieved
She woke up like she did everyday for the past two months
Feeling dread followed by crying
She got up from her bed to her chair and it was exhausting
She tried for as long as she could not to cut but after hours of sitting and staring at nothing she can't take the pain anymore
The feelings of inadequacy, the self hate, the wish for everything to stop, to go away
The wish to die
Putting the razor next to the other cut, she presses down, blood running from the wound onto her pajama pants
Then she swipes down, splitting her skin open
And she does it again and again and again until she feels like she can breathe
Her phone rings again
She looks at the screen as she places the razor on the side table
She doesn't know why he's calling
He hasn't talked to her for awhile, too busy with being an idol and with his girlfriend
She doesn't blame him though
She's not as important as everything he has to do
And he doesn't need a fuck up like her in his life
She holds her cut up arm against her body, once again staring at nothing and falling into her thoughts
She hates cutting
But it's the only thing that works since she ran out of her medication
And she can't get more
Three months ago, her job was laying people off
And she was one of them
Receptionist at a gym
She'd been at that job for three years and they just let her go
Effectively cutting off her health insurance and access to her meds
At the time she wasn't worried
She knew that it took at least two weeks for her meds to leave her system so she had a few days too look for a job
Resumes were sent out, interviews occured but nothing ever came of them
She couldn't even get a stupid cashier position at a supermarket
No one was hiring
Everywhere was firing and laying off people instead of hiring new ones
And the more the she fell back into the depression the less she cared about finding a job
Without a job her money ran out
And her meds are ridiculously expensive without insurance
She spent the last of her money yesterday when she used a delivery service to bring her food from the supermarket
She doesn't have an appetite and doesn't eat much
She can't afford it and honestly she doesn't want to eat anyway
So she bought a lot of snacks and water so she could survive
She knows that next month she'll be kicked out of her apartment
Her internet and tv had already been shut off for lack of payment
She used all the money she had saved for bills and rent
But now she's going to be homeless
Just like she was when she followed her best friend, Yoongi, to Seoul
She's such a mess
Her parents were right, she'd never amount to anything
Tears slide down her face yet again
She doesn't know how she can still cry
She's been crying everyday, all day
But the tears still come
Her phone rings again but she doesn't have the energy to talk to anyone
She lets the phone ring, leaning her head against the cushion
Closing her eyes she hopes that if she falls asleep, she won't wake up
He's panicking, driving like a madman to her house
He stopped by her job to surprise her
He had today off and he wanted to spend some time with her
He feels bad for being such a shitty friend
Not calling her for the last few months
He just got so wrapped up at work
And to be truth be told, he listened to his ex when she said she didn't want him hanging out with Joanne alone
No matter what he said, no matter that she was his best friend, his ex gave him a hard time
And the dumb ass he is, thought that it maybe could really work out with her so he gave in
He didn't exactly ignore Joanne because she didn't call him either
But when he got to her job, he found out that she was laid off months ago
He doesn't know why she didn't tell him
Why she hid it
And when he called her three times, texted her like fifty times and got no answer, he started to panic
Not hearing from her for months and now her not answering him is scaring him, making him wonder if something bad happened to her
Parking his car in front of her apartment building, he runs inside and into the elevator
Using the key she gave him, he opens her door
It's dark inside, no lights on
"Jo", he calls, going to her bedroom first
He takes in the unmade bed, the mess of clothes on the floor that's usually never there
Joanne is a neat freak
He runs into the living room, calling her name again, weak sunlight peering in through the windows
Passing by her chair, he glances at it and stops when he sees her there, curled up on the chair, asleep
She looks so different, so skinny
Her clothes are huge on her, like she's swimming in them
"Jo?", he calls
He moves closer to her, kneeling down to her, taking in the bags under her eyes and what seems like tear streaks on her cheeks
"Jo", he calls softly, moving her hair out of her face
He thinks she has to be in a deep sleep because she's not responding to him at all
A splash of red catches his eye and he looks down
The substance looks like blood
But why is she bleeding?
He moves her arm to get a better look and feels something sticky on his hand
He holds his hand in front of him, gasping when he sees blood
He grabs her arm and turns it over, horrified at what he sees
Long deep angry cuts littering her arm, blood running from them
Scabs and scars all over as well
He looks at her shirt where congealed blood is all over it
Her cuts started bleeding when he moved her arm away from her shirt, he realizes
He immediately puts his fingers to her neck, feeling for a pulse
"Please be alive, please be alive", he whispers over and over
He feels her pulse throbbing against his fingers and his heart slows down in relief
His eyes move to the side table where her phone is
And where the bloody razor is
Tears burst from his eyes as he sees it and realized what happened
What's been happening
She's cutting herself
She's depressed
Why didn't she tell him?
Why didn't she ask for help?
He knows what it's like to be depressed, he could of helped her
She knows he went through this
Why would she go through this alone?
How long has this been going on?
Why didn't he check on her?
Why did he wait so long before reaching out to her again?
Why did he let his ex talk him into not seeing her?
Why is he such a failure at being a friend?
He gently takes her other arm, looking at, seeing the scars and scabs on this one too
He cries harder, yelling at himself for not noticing anything
She hears crying in her sleep, wondering if it's her crying again
It wouldn't be the first time she woke up crying
But then she feels a hand around her arm
The arm she cut
Someone is here
She forces her eyes open, dread hitting her hard
She hates feeling that every time she wakes up
She'd never wish that feeling on her worst enemy
Forcing her eyes to focus, she noticed bright blond hair, the person kneeling in front of her with their head down, crying sounds coming from them
"Yoongi?", she whispers, shocked that he's here
His head lifts immediately his eyes on her in a second
"Jo", he chokes out
Why is he crying?
Did something happen?
"What's... what's-"
"Why Jo?"
She blinks in confusion
"Why what?", she asks softly
His eyes move to her arm and her gaze follows
Her arm
Oh god her cut bloody arm
She pulls it away from him, holding it against her chest
He saw
He was never supposed to see
No one was supposed to see
No one was supposed to know
"Why? Why didn't you tell me?"
She doesn't know what to say
She didn't want to bother him with her issues
He always works so hard and he has his own things to deal with he doesn't need hers on top of it
And he was with his girlfriend
She didn't want to bother him when he was with her
She already accepted that he would never love her the way she loves him
But that doesn't mean she doesn't want him to be happy
No matter who it's with
If he's happy with someone else then she'll be ok
And he's happy with his girlfriend and she wanted to leave him alone
She just shakes her head
"Please tell me why you didn't tell me"
She looks down in her lap, silent
"Please baby, tell me"
He gaze moves to him at the nickname, wondering why he's calling her that
"Are....are you depressed?"
She nods, not trusting herself to speak
"For how long?"
Looking away she doesn't answer
It's not his problem and she won't make it his problem
"Have you been eating?"
Still no answer
"Have you been cccc...", he stops, stammering on that word, "Cutting for a long time?"
Biting her lip she refuses to answer or look at him
"Joanne, baby please. Talk to me"
She shakes her head, tears pricking her eyes
"Please", he begs
She can't
If she starts then she's going to tell him everything
Everything she ever hid from him their entire friendship
Hearing him say her name is breaking her resolve, tears falling down her face
She wants to talk to him but she doesn't want to burden him
She feels his hand gently turn her head to him
She looks at him, his fingers wiping her tears
"Baby", he whispers
She caves, moving from the chair into him
She buries her face in his neck, sobbing, his arms immediately around her, holding her tightly
She can't describe the immense comfort she feels in his arms
Aside from him, she's never let anyone get close
She never let anyone touch her, including him
Yeah side hugs or high fives but nothing else
But to finally feel his arms around her is like heaven
And for him, it's the same
He's wanted her in his arms for years
Holding her, feeling her hold him back like she's doing now
Yes it's not perfect now because she's crying but he'll take what he can get
He runs his fingers in her hair, just holding her and letting her cry
Her sobs are tearing his heart apart
He hates that she's upset, crying, depressed and wants to make everything better
"It's ok baby. It's gonna be ok", he whispers
He knows he's calling her baby
He doesn't know why it came out but now that it has, he can't stop
And he doesn't want to
He holds, rocks and comforts her until her tears slow
After a few minutes of silence, he asks, "Why didn't you tell me you lost your job?"
She shrugs, "It's not your problem"
He doesn't like that answer
She's his best friend, he wants to know about things in her life
"Is that why you've been depressed?"
She shakes her head, "No. It's not because of the job"
"Can you tell me why?"
"Bbb....because I ran out of my depression medication. I don't have insurance anymore and I can't afford to pay the full price. I...I thought I'd be able to find a job right away but I couldn't."
Her answer sinks in
She's been on antidepressant meds?
He didn't know she was depressed before
"I don't get it baby. Why were you depressed before? You never told me anything"
"I didn't tell you a lot of things"
He's surprised at her answer
What things?
Why wouldn't she tell him?
Didn't she trust him?
"I didn't have money for my meds", she repeats, tears in her voice, "And it came back. Worse than before. And I...I just can't do anything. I can't get up, I can't care enough to look for another job, all I feel is pain from the second I wake up until I fall asleep. And every night I wish I won't wake up so it could stop"
That alarms him
"No jagi. Don't think that. Don't wish for that. I want you here. The guys want you here.", he panics
She shakes her head, her head against his chest, "I want it to stop. It's not. It's all the time. The only time I feel any better is when I drag a razor through my skin. And it's only for a few minutes until it's back. And I have no money for anything. I can't pay my rent next month and I'm going to be homeless again"
'Again?', he thinks
When was she homeless the first time?
"Jagi when were you homeless? What are you talking about?"
She shakes her head, "I can't tell you. You won't want to be around me anymore"
He can't believe she thinks that
That's not true and never will be
"Jo, look at me", he says, moving her back gently
His heart breaks at the pain and fear in her eyes
"That's not true baby ok? I'll always want to be around you"
She shakes her head, "You won't"
"Yes", he says firmly, "I will Joanne because I love you."
Surprised enters her eyes and body
He loves her?
Is he just saying that or does he really mean it?
Or does he mean he loves her as a friend?
"I love you ok? I know it's not the greatest time to say it but I'm in love with you. For awhile."
He feels like she does?
"So believe me when I say that nothing you tell me will keep me away from you ok? You can tell me anything. You always could and always will ok?"
She nods, believing him
"Tell me baby. What are you so scared to tell me? When were you homeless? Why were you depressed before?"
"Because of my life. My parents"
Her parents?
They always seem nice to him but I guess they weren't
"They uh...they used to beat me. Badly"
What?, he thinks
He remembers some bruises on her face and arms but she always said it was from her and her brother fighting
"But you said your brother-", he starts
"I don't have a brother"
His brain stops working for a few seconds
She doesn't have a brother
So that means.....her parents were hitting her
Oh my god
That was happening and he had no idea
He bought the brother lie
"Why...why did you lie?"
"I had to. My parents told me to say that my brother and I used to fight all the time. Fist fight"
Oh my god
"I never told anyone. Wore long sleeves and pants when they hit my arms or legs"
"Why didn't you tell me?", I ask horrified
"Because we were kids Yoongi. And you...you took my mind off of everything. You were the only good thing in my life. I didn't want to ruin it. I felt safe with you. Happy. And if you knew then you'd always ask me about it and I just wanted to pretend it didn't happen"
He doesn't know what to say
He's glad he was able to help her without knowing but he still would of wanted to know
"When I was around you everything went away for a little while. When you left for Seoul I was happy for you. You were achieving your dream. But everything got worse for me"
"Worse how?", he asks, scared to hear what she was going to say
"The abuse got more constant because I was home all the time. I dropped out of high school right before the end because the beatings were severe. My depression got worse, my cutting got worse and I just wanted everything to end. And I tried to end it"
'What does that mean?', he thinks
"Baby...when you say you tried to stop it-"
"I tried to commit suicide", she whispers, small tears falling down her face again
Oh fuck
She tried....while he was training and making friend with the guys
She was in that much pain that she felt like that was her only way out
And he wasn't there for her
It hits him hard, pain in his chest
"Hhh...how?", he asks
He has to know
How she tried....how he failed her
"Pills. Parents found me, took me to the hospital and got my stomach pumped. My parents declined a psych hold, saying I'm already in therapy and they're gonna take me to my therapist. When I was discharged from the hospital, they brought me home and beat me until I was unconscious"
Rage fills his heart and hate for her parents
"I was brought to a different hospital, my parents saying I was jumped by kids at school. No one said anything. No one asked me anything. They just accepted what my parents said, treated me and sent me home"
He's horrified by everything he's hearing
And by his sheer ignorance of what was happening
"After that, as soon as I could walk again, I packed a bookbag, stole some money from them and left."
When she could walk again?
That means they....broke her leg
"I came to Seoul right after your debut"
He didn't know that
She didn't contact him until three years later
"That's when you were homeless", he whispers
She nods, "I....I didn't want to ruin what you had. What you were doing. So I worked jobs that were cash only and I lived in the parks by the Han river, sleeping under trees or on benches. I worked until I had enough money to get a shitty apartment. Then I got a receptionist job for a doctor's office and worked until I could get this apartment."
He remembers that
When she called him and told him she was in Seoul, she had that job
"The job came with health insurance. I went to a therapist and got medication. I...I did try getting off the meds while I was in therapy a few times but the depression came back worse every time. So I was told I'd have to be on it for life. And I'm ok with it. Only when I finished therapy did I call you and tell you I was here."
This is a lot for him to take in
He hates that he wasn't there for her when she needed him
That she hid it from him
But he can't dwell on the past
She needs him now and he's going to be there for her
"And now", she sniffles, her eyes filled with tears, "I can't afford the medication and I'm going to be homeless again. The landlord hates me and he's going to kick me out. I'm going to lose everything again."
He shakes his head, "No you're not baby. You're not going to lose anything ok? I'm going to help you"
"You can't. I don't want to be a problem for you. You're better off without a mess like me in your life"
He can't listen to her say that
She's all he's ever needed
"No jagi. You'll never be a problem ok? I love you. I'm not letting anything bad happen to you again ok?"
"But you have a girlfriend", she answers
She's happy he's saying he loves her, it's all she ever wanted to hear
But he has a girlfriend and he shouldn't be saying these things to her
"No baby, I don't. I broke up with her weeks ago. She...she wasn't you."
"What do you mean?", she asks, confused
"Every girl I ever dated was to try to get over you. I didn't think you'd see me like that. You never let me get close to you. Never let me hug you or anything so I thought you didn't want me like that. But I.. I realized I loved you when I left for Seoul. I missed you so much and I thought about you all the time. I still think about you all the time"
She's shocked at what she's hearing
His confession is a spark of light in her dark world
She loves him completely too
He was always her light
"But even if I didn't love you, I'd still never let you go through this alone. I know what being depressed is like. I never want you to feel like that. And I'm gonna help you ok?"
"I'm paying your rent, all your bills so you can stay here. So you won't lose anything"
"Yoongi-", she starts
This is what she didn't want
Him doing this for her, being a burden
"Then tomorrow, we're going to the pharmacy where you get your medication, refill it and I'm going to pay for it."
She opens her mouth to say something but he hold up his hand
"If you feel like you need a therapist, you're going and I'm paying for it. And if you want me too, I'll stay with you here until your medicine starts working and you feel better"
She shakes her head, "No Yoongi. I didn't tell you everything so you could pay for my things. This is what I wanted to avoid. Being a burden on you."
"You're not", he insists, "I love you, you're my best friend and I'm going to help you. You can never be a burden to me. Ever"
She hesitates
"Please baby? It's just until you get better and find another job ok?"
She nods, taking the help he's offering
She knows she can't help herself so she'll let him now and repay him for it later
"Ok", he says in relief, hugging her tightly
"Yoongi", she says softly, "I love you"
He smiles
"I... I always have been in love with you. You're everything to me", she whispers
His heart is overjoyed hearing her but right now he is more concerned with getting her better than starting a relationship right away
It's not the right time while she's feeling like this
He's not going anywhere anyway and they have the rest of their lives to be together
"I love you too Jo. But let's focus on you getting better ok? When you are, I'll take you on a date and we'll be together ok? I'm not going anywhere"
She nods, "Ok"
She thinks that's a good idea too
She's not going anywhere either
"C'mon baby", he says, "Let's clean up your arm ok?"
She nods, and he stands up, carrying her to the bathroom
He washes her arm softly with soap, then dries it with paper towels
Going through he medicine drawers, he finds ointment, a bandage and gauze.
Holding her arm out, he gently puts the ointment on, rubbing it on her cuts, not caring that he's touching her bloody wounds
Nothing on her could gross him out
"Baby please promise me that if you feel like doing this again, you'll call me ok? I don't want you to do it again and I'll help you however you want."
"You can't drop everything for me", she murmurs
"The fuck I can't. This is serious jagi and I don't care what I have to leave to get to you. If you need me with you, I'll be there. I swear"
Her eyes fill with tears, this time happy tears
He's amazing, he really is
He doesn't have to do anything for her but he his
She's glad she has him
"Ok baby? Promise me?"
"I promise", she nods
He puts the bandage on the cuts then wraps the gauze on it to hold the bandage
Then he leans forward and kisses her forehead
She smiles for the first time in months
After he washes his hands, she goes to change her blood clothes and he flushes the razor she used to cut
He waits outside her room while she changes
She opens her door for him
"What do you wanna do?", he asks
"Sleep", she answers
He nods, "I'll stay in the living room. Call me if you need me"
He starts to turn away
"I need you"
He stops and turns back around, "Are you sure?"
She nods, "Stay with me?"
He nods, "Always"
He follows her into her room, getting in next to her in the bed.
He pulls her to him, holding her as she move right against him, her head on his shoulder
"I love you", she whispers
"I love you", he answers, kissing her forehead again
She closes her eyes, laying in his arms, finally feeling safe
Her pain hasn't gone away but for the first time in the last few months, he's given her something she thought she lost, the light that only he could give
Something that she feels inside through the pain
The feeling that everything will be ok
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How to Choose the Right Condos for sale in Long Branch NJ
Have you ever lived in a very condominium unit? If like you grew up in a house with a garden then likelihood is you've got no plan what factors and options to think about once staring at condos available. Not being conscious of key aspects that might have an effect on your quality of life, still because the unit's marketing price might leave you with a dwelling house you can't board or sell.
What to arrange before sorting out Condos in Long Branch NJ when someone decides to undertake shopping for a Condos unit the primary issue they are doing is check adds, this is often one amongst the foremost common mistakes consumers create. Before staring at units, preparations have to be compelled to be created which may create searching for a dwelling house easier and within the finish a lot of advantageous for you. Down through the ages folks have continuously same data is that the key and looking out at condos available is not any totally different. Before visiting totally different units rent associate older land agent. He or she is going to be ready to provide you with priceless recommendation and their services are free since the vendor can pay the commission. Another person you wish on your aspect may be an attorney. "Legalize" may be a language not everyone seems to be accustomed to and it's continuously an honest concept we tend to perceive everything we sign. Next, crunch the numbers and appearance through mortgage necessities. Being prepared on the money front can provide you with a sensible read of what you'll be able to and can't afford. What to avoid whereas staring at condos available Unfortunately, not everyone seems to be ready to notice that little details will create an enormous distinction in ones' quality of life. The subsequent are some stuff you might not have thought to require into consideration: • Steer away from units that overlook the doorway to the garage or wherever vehicular traffic is that if you price peace and quiet. • Yet again for peace associated quiet don't opt for a unit across from or beside an elevator. • certify your suite doesn't look over the world wherever garbage is picked up; this is often obvious however may be a detail the majority can miss. • certify most of the condo's occupants are house owners, not tenants. • Avoid dwelling house buildings that aren't simply accessible by any variety of conveyance services.
• Avoid dwelling house buildings wherever the neighborhood isn't as pleasant as you'd like. The building itself is also top-notch however if the placement isn't at par then debate. • Avoid creating a call before about to the dwelling house many times and at totally different times of the day and night. • Bear in mind to speak with the neighbors. You'll want info concerning the world and if you'll be able to stand living beside them. • Don't commit before you've got mentioned all the monthly fees, maintenance prices, association dues, closing fees, and every one money matters. You wish to understand you'll be able to afford it all while not breaking a sweat. Looking for a Long Branch condos for sale? Then, one should think about the ways that to search out the most effective dwelling house unit. To form this happen, one has to think about doing one's search on-line, and after all, one has to apprehend what he/she actually desires within the initial place. Buying a property may be a huge choice to think about. Therefore, one desires decent time researching and educating oneself concerning the choice. The subsequent are some easy tips one has to apprehend initial before shopping for any property like a condominium unit. 1. Set One's Budget Buying a brand new house or property are often an enormous and risky call, therefore it's best to search out the one that most closely fits one's desires and mode. Once it involves shopping for a dwelling house, one's budget can continuously be the highest priority. Observe that dwelling house units typically go along with variable costs and that they all rely on their sizes, types, and even locations. It’s easier to seem for and opt for dwelling a house if resources are out there. 2. Think about the Condo's Location and Building Amenities when it involves a dwelling house available, different noteworthy things one has to bear in mind are the placement and therefore the amenities they supply to their occupants. Living in a very dwelling house unit will provide several blessings that may be a truth. If one's dwelling house is in a very strategic location, then, one can realize it a lot of easier to maneuver round the town. As for the placement, it's continuously best to settle on the one that is close to colleges and one's work. This may offer one with several conveniences on the method. On the opposite hand, it's best to ascertain the amenities of a prospective dwelling house. A number of the foremost noteworthy facilities and amenities one ought to wrestle a condominium building embody a sports advanced, natatorium, fire exits, gym, etc. 3. Consult a true agent, Visit the location Real estate agents are people that have the most effective information and skills to search out an acceptable dwelling house available. One will talk over with them to assist one decide. Ne’er ever have a flash call within the method as this may solely get one to form associate inaccurate and faulty alternative in the finish. In addition, it's best to require time to urge out with one assets agent associated have an ocular visit and examine the outside and interior of the unit. 4. Realize a dwelling house available on-line It is sensible to find out concerning this sort of endeavor initial, particularly for a first-timer, to do this, one will cross-check on-line reviews and take time to match one location with another. Sometimes it's necessary to bring a modification in our routine lives. We tend to stand up within the morning, rush to figure, get our youngsters to high school, slog at work to fulfill deadlines, and at last come home to catch abreast of some sleep. Wouldn't or not it's nice to sleep as long as we'd wish to while not having to rush anywhere? The most effective thanks to come through this purpose are to travel for a vacation together with your family or friends. Nowadays, loads of travelers are selecting Condos for sale in Long Branch as their resort area. The selection isn't shocking considering the stunning weather and therefore the beautiful beaches of this place. But, the negative facet is that the majority hotels are engaged to capability throughout all seasons that makes it tough to rearrange for adequate accommodation. Your best bet would take a permanent dwelling house in order that you don't have to be compelled to rely on edifice bookings. If you go browsing to the web, you may stumble upon several websites and advertisements that are providing condos available. A dwelling house are going to be like having your own removed from home. These are continuously engineered keeping the comfort consider mind. If you're traveling with an outsized cluster, then a dwelling house is often the right alternative as they're equipped with multiple bedrooms. Condos for sale in Long Branch NJ are wide and spacious and are wonderfully embellished.
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eatwellnutrition · 2 years
Daily Movement
How to Burn Fat Fast
Cortisol, Weightloss
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Since the pandemic blew up, the majority of folks are now working from home. Sitting all day, at a desk, staring at their computer. We are getting little to no movement in our day. Even if you are one of the few to make it to the gym every day for exercise, sitting for 8 hours of your day won't burn off 3 meals + snacks. 
So, what's the solution? Move! We burn calories and expend energy when we move, and that includes any kind of movement. Fidgeting is movement, it's called NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis).  Carrying groceries, putting dishes away, folding laundry, and walking up stairs, are all non-exercise activities. 
And then there is standing! Standing is better than sitting. So, you could at least stand more, and no you don't have to have a standing desk, but if you can get one great! 
Next step, start walking! Walking increases glucose uptake into your muscle cells, so that means less glucose for your fat cells. Walking burns calories. Walking is easy as long as you have legs!
How To Leverage Walking For MAXIMAL Fat Loss
1. Walk in the morning when you first wake up, in a fasted state. Grab your black coffee or tea, or just a glass of water and go for a walk. If you can't walk outside, walking inside on a treadmill will do fine, maybe you have a bike, or some type of aerobic exercise machine, and this will work too. Just 20-30 minutes of light to moderate exercise before you start your day helps to lower cortisol and burn body fat. Likewise, you could use a sauna and get in a sweat that way as well, just make sure you are well-hydrated! 
2. Walk in the sunshine, if it's sunny where you are, or at least get outside sometime in the morning for a mental health break. This sets the stage for your cortisol and sleep rhythm throughout the day when you expose your eyes to natural blue light from the sun, plus you get vitamin D synthesis, and burn fat! 
3. Walk after meals, especially carb-heavy meals. Walking 20-30 minutes at a moderate-brisk pace post-meal is shown to have a massive impact on blood glucose levels. Again, your muscles are using glucose for energy without raising insulin. It's a win-win. 
My Tips for Success
My # 1 Tip, If you can afford it and if you don't have access to relatively decent weather and sun year-round, is to buy a walking pad or treadmill. I bought a standing desk this year, then I bought a walking pad. It is a game changer. I can walk 2-3 miles in just 30 minutes! It is much smaller than a treadmill and much cheaper. It's cost-efficient and space-saving. You can find so many different ones online that range from $150-$500, and who knows your health insurance or your company may pay for or reimburse you for your health investment. 
My second tip is to schedule the times you are going to commit to moving. My best advice is to do it when you first wake up, then get your regular exercise routine in later in the day! 
My last tip, ask a friend or loved one to do it with you. Being accountable helps you follow through and establish a habit. Even if you aren't doing it in the same space together, just knowing someone is on the same page as you will help encourage you and keep you accountable when you feel like quitting. 
Remember, change doesn't happen overnight. It happens over time, slowly, but if you are consistent you will reap the reward. 
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How to Choose the Right Condos for sale in Long Branch NJ
Have you ever lived in a condominium unit? If like you grew up in a house with a garden then chances are high that you've got no plan what factors and options to think about once watching Condos in Long Branch NJ purchasable. Not being conscious of key aspects that might have an effect on your quality of life furthermore because the unit's marketing price could leave you with an abode you can't board or sell.
What to organize before finding out Condos in Long Branch NJ purchasable when someone decides to undertake shopping for a abode unit the primary issue they are doing is look around adds, this is often one amongst the foremost common mistakes patrons build. Before watching Pier village long branch condos, preparations ought to be created which might build searching for a abode easier and within the finish additional advantageous for you. Down through the ages folks have invariably same data is that the key and looking out at condos purchasable isn't any totally different before visiting totally different Pier village condos for sale. He or she's going to be ready to provide you with valuable recommendation and his or her services are free since the vendor can pay the commission. Another person you would like on your facet could be a professional. "Legalize" could be a language not most are at home with and it's invariably an honest concept we tend to perceive everything we sign, trust Maine on this my siblings are lawyers. Next, crunch the numbers and appearance through mortgage needs. Being prepared on the money front can provide you with a practical read on what you'll be able to and can't afford. What to avoid whereas watching new construction condos Long Branch NJ unfortunately not most are ready to understand that little details will build a giant distinction in ones' quality of life. The subsequent are some belongings you might not have thought to require into consideration: • Steer beyond units that overlook the doorway to the garage or wherever traffic is that if you price peace and quiet. • Yet again for peace and quiet don't opt for a unit across from or beside an elevator. • make certain your suite doesn't look over the world wherever garbage is picked up; this is often obvious however could be a detail the general public can miss. • make most of the Long branch beach condos occupants are house owners not tenants. • Avoid abode buildings that don't seem to be simply accessible by any variety of transport services. Trust Maine you'll want the service one amongst of late even though you are doing have a automotive. • Avoid abode buildings wherever the neighborhood isn't as pleasant as you'd like. The building itself perhaps prime notch however if the placement isn't at par then deliberate. • Avoid creating a call before planning to the abode many times and at totally different times of the day and night. • Bear in mind to speak with the neighbors you’ll know the details regarding the Long Branch condos for sale and if you'll be able to stand living beside them. • don't commit before you've got mentioned all the monthly fees, maintenance prices, association dues, closing fees and every one money matters. You would like to grasp you'll be able to afford it all while not breaking a sweat. • don't obtain a collection with a read you can't tolerate, regardless of what the building's amenities are. When you commit to move in a very low-maintenance home, you would possibly wish to think about finding out condos purchasable. Singles or tiny families will notice the convenience once they board a condominium. As compared to box-styled colonial homes or structure homes, an abode is affordable and sensible. There’s no want for you to mow a large field, and you are doing not ought to shut down the yard pool. Most abode units purchasable go with appealing amenities like a building, kiddies and adult pools, gym, and lawn tennis courts. The worth vary for every abode unit might vary, and you'll be able to notice the correct quantity that matches your budget. Before you begin searching for abode units purchasable, take into account the following pointers once buying this sort of home. Determine the area you would like Do you have lots of appliances and items of article of furniture that you simply may got to transfer to your new home? Make certain that you check condos purchasable with the best floor space for you and also the different occupants. It comes with a stairway that ends up in the chamber. If you would like a spacious space, you must an abode unit that has over one hundred sq. meters for the ground space. You’ll find the comfort of getting lots of rooms for your appliances, and a locality to entertain your guests. Check the parking lot and Security In most abode units, you would like to get parking slots for your vehicles. Different condos enable householders to rent a parking lot for an affordable value, thus you would possibly wish to think about transaction as a choice. Moreover, make certain that you simply check the general look of the parking lot. Inquire regarding the protection of the whole space, thus you'll be able to make certain that your vehicles are in a very safe location. You must conjointly take into account checking condos purchasable with security measures for all householders. Compare Rates and Amenities In numerous Condos in Long Branch NJ purchasable you should have many choices once you explore for condos purchasable. Consult property agents, and inquire regarding different condos that they'll provide. Explore for an abode with an honest location that's close to your geographical point. Then, get a computation of the entire unit value as well as the monthly fees, parking lot rental value, and several other others. If you choose to travel to the gymnasium or swim often, visit abode units with amenities that you simply want. Before you get Condos for sale in Long Branch NJ purchasable, make certain that you simply have settled all of your inquiries and uncertainties.
0 notes
How to Choose the Right Condos in Long Branch NJ for You
Have you ever lived during Condos in Long Branch NJ? If like me you grew up in a house with a garden then chances are high that you have got no plan what factors and options to contemplate once staring at condos purchasable. Not being responsive to key aspects that would have an effect on your quality of life, still because the unit's marketing worth may leave you with a condominium you can't sleep in or sell.
What to organize before testing condos purchasable When someone decides to undertake shopping for a condominium unit the primary issue they are doing is browse adds, this is often one amongst the foremost common mistakes consumers build. Before staring at units, preparations must be created which may build searching for a condominium easier and within the finish a lot of advantageous for you. Down through the ages folks have continually same info is that the key and searching at condos purchasable is not any completely different. He or she is going to be able to provide you with valuable recommendation and his or her services are free since the vendor pays the commission. Another person you would like on your aspect may be a professional person. "Legalize" may be a language not everyone seems to be at home with and it's continually a decent concept we have a tendency to perceive everything we sign, trust me on this my siblings are lawyers. Next, crunch the numbers and appearance through mortgage necessities. Being prepared on the monetary front can provide you with a practical read of what you'll be able to and can't afford. What to avoid whereas staring at condos purchasable unfortunately, not everyone seems to be able to understand that little details will build an enormous distinction in ones quality of life. The subsequent are some belongings you might not have thought to require into consideration: • Steer away from units that overlook the doorway to the garage or wherever vehicular traffic is that if you worth peace and quiet.  • Once more for peace Associate in quiet don't opt for a unit across from or beside an elevator.  • confirm your suite doesn't look over the realm wherever garbage is picked up; this is often obvious however may be a detail the general public can miss.  • confirm most of the condo's occupants are homeowners, not tenants.  • Avoid condominium buildings that aren't simply accessible by any variety of conveyance services. Trust me you'll want the service one amongst nowadays whether or not you are doing have an automobile.  • Avoid condominium buildings wherever the neighborhood isn't as pleasant as you'd like. The building itself could also be prime notch however if the placement isn't at par then turn over.  • Avoid creating a call before visiting the condominium many times and at completely different times of the day and night.  • keep in mind to talk with the neighbors. You'll want details regarding the realm and if you'll be able to stand living beside them.  • don't commit before you have got mentioned all the monthly fees, maintenance prices, association dues, closing fees, and every one monetary matters. You would like to understand you'll be able to afford it all while not breaking a sweat.  • don't purchase a collection with a read you can't suffer, irrespective of what the building's amenities are. When you decide to move during a low-maintenance home, you may need to contemplate testing condos purchasable. Singles or tiny families will notice convenience once they sleep in a condominium. As compared to box-styled colonial homes or construction homes, a condominium is affordable and sensible. There’s no want for you to mow a large field, and you are doing not must shut down the yard pool. Most condominium units purchasable include appealing amenities like an edifice, kiddies and adult pools, gym, and lawn tennis courts. The value varies for every condominium unit could vary, and you'll be able to notice the correct quantity that matches your budget. Before you begin searching for condominium units purchasable, take into account the following tips once getting this kind of home. Determine the number of house you would like Do you have lots of appliances and items of article of furniture that you simply may transfer to your new home? Confirm that you check condos purchasable with the perfect floor space for you and therefore the different occupants. You’ll be able to additionally notice a loft sort unit that may be a fashionable alternative of the many consumers. It comes with a stairs that ends up in the chamber. If you wish a spacious space, you must a condominium unit that has over a hundred sq. meters for the ground space. You’ll fancy the comfort of getting lots of rooms for your appliances, and a locality to entertain your guests. Check the parking lot and Security most condominium units; you would like to buy a parking lot or slots for your vehicles. The parking fee is exclusive of payment for your condominium unit. Different condos permit owners to rent a parking zone for an inexpensive value, therefore you may need to contemplate rental as Associate in nursing choice. Moreover, confirm that you simply check the look of the parking zone. Inquire regarding the safety of the complete space; therefore you'll be able to make sure that your vehicles are during a safe location. You must additionally take into account checking condos purchasable with security measures for all owners. Security staffs ought to have strict policies before they permit non-homeowners to enter and visit relatives or friends United Nations agency reside within the condominium units. Compare Rates and Amenities In numerous Condos purchasable you should have many choices once you search for condos purchasable. Consult property agents, and inquire regarding different condos that they'll provide. Search for a condominium with a decent location that's close to your work. Then, get a computation of the overall unit value as well as the monthly fees, parking zone rental value, and several other others. If you choose to travel to the gymnasium or swim frequently, visit condominium units with amenities that you simply want. Inquire regarding many; tangled Details you can check the history of assessments in hot water the condominium units. Once you have learned that there are few assessments, it may mean that the buildings are well-managed. Additionally, inquire regarding different policies that involve having pets within the units, procedure for repair requests, and different considerations. Before you get condos purchasable, confirm that you simply have settled all of your inquiries and uncertainties. This way, you'll be able to build a prudent call once you enter your new Condos in Long Branch NJ.
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