#digital well being
glowupwithamy · 22 days
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Solitude is your path of personal independence -
Being alone makes me really happy its like my special place where i can be myself and feel good i don't feel the need for another person to take responsibility for my happiness and emotional needs and i don't really want somebody in the phase i am in i can think and be creative without any interruptions it's like a peaceful break from everything else
Being alone helps me find peace in simple things like reading or walking outside these moments refresh me and make me feel more creative. Being alone also helps me understand myself better now I can think deeply about my feelings and thoughts which helps me grow as a person indeed.
Solitude is a phase that teaches you how to handle your emotions and bad days without relying on someone else. It actually teaches you how to live without depending on others and without ranting about your problems to them
And i want to message those people who constantly seek emotional support from everyone and keep crying that they need someone i feel they need to work on themselves or they have to accept the situation and think about what they can do themselves..instead of constantly seeking attention. Seeking attention all the time makes you mentally weak remember that. I feel that they should question themselves "Why do i need someone else am i not enough?"
Being alone doesn't mean staying comfortable It's about finding strength and discovering who you are ...it's about facing challenges, overcoming fears, and becoming stronger ..when you're alone you have the power to chase your dreams and conquer obstacles so don't think it's not brave to be alone it actually shows how strong and determined you really are.
Solitude makes you quickly observe things around you apart from the world of social media. If you begin on a journey of self discovery and learn to be with yourself ...you won't feel the need for others as much. This journey is very difficult I'm not saying that it's easy lol no!! especially for those who can't live without relying on others but if you want your future self to thank you then don't hesitate just start today . Because today's generation is busy distracting people but we need to bring self control. If you want to understand yourself better.
It took me three years to get in this habit and now i don't need anyone. I don't like to share my problems with anyone because i don't feel it's necessary. I have made myself mentally strong to the point where i don't feel the need for a second person
Last Note :
And if you guys have any questions or anything to ask related to this don't hesitate you can ask me freely :) thanks for giving your time
I have a self discovery questions sheets so that you can guys know yourself better if you want that Dm me 🎀
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7 ways to reduce your screen time...
If you create content for a living, schedule your posts in one sitting so you don't have to spend as much time putting them out throughout the day.
Turn on your phone's grayscale setting — this overrides our natural inclination to click on the brightly colored app icons of addictive socials like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and more.
Use a minimalist phone app. This removes icons altogether, and forces you to intentionally look for what you need from a list of apps as opposed to mindlessly clicking. I'm currently using an app called Oasis Launcher from the Google Play Store.
Turn off notifications from social media, so you are only prompted to spend time on those apps through your own natural inclination.
Oftentimes we reach for our phones because our hands are idle, not because we actually want to spend the time on them — find something to keep your hands busy. For me this is crochet, but it could be a book, a painting, or some other kind of project.
If you find that you spend a lot of time on certain social media apps, try uninstalling the app itself, and only using that form of media through your phone browser. I used to spend a lot of time window shopping on Amazon, and the added inconvenience of not having it available in one click has really helped deter me from spending so much time on it — now I only jump on and use it when I truly need to order something for the household.
Reevaluate your screen time at the end of every week. Many phones have a "digital well-being" feature now that allows you to set time limits on apps, and see how your screen time compares to previous weeks. This can be a great way to evaluate where you need to trim down your usage.
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A bit about @princessproductivity! What is the 12 week year? 7 ways to organize your life...
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shroomsnsuch · 1 month
I am consumed by my addiction to consume. Over consumption is a disease that plagues me and each day I work towards overcoming it. There is progress, and it is slow. I have to remember that it takes more than one day of success and more than one day of failure to tip the scale. Everything is going to be okay.
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consistentclimb · 1 month
The Power of Concentration: Avoiding Distractions in a Digital Age
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In an era where digital notifications constantly vie for our attention, the ancient art of concentration faces unprecedented challenges. The whispers of history and the wisdom of those who came before us offer a sanctuary of knowledge, teaching us how to navigate the treacherous waters of distraction and reclaim our ability to focus. This article delves into timeless strategies, fortified by philosophical insights and psychological principles, to help you cultivate a fortress of concentration in the digital age.
Embracing the Monastic Mindset
The monks of the past, with their monastic lifestyles, exemplified unparalleled focus and dedication. Their secret? A profound understanding of the value of solitude and purposeful work. In your quest to enhance concentration, consider creating a 'digital monastery'—a sacred space where distractions are intentionally limited, and deep work is revered. Allocate specific hours of your day to this monastery, where digital devices are silenced, allowing you to immerse yourself in tasks with monastic intensity.
The Stoic Art of Selective Attention
Stoicism, an ancient philosophy, teaches the value of focusing only on what is within our control. Marcus Aurelius, a Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor, advocated for the disciplined use of attention, emphasizing the importance of disregarding what doesn't contribute to the common good or personal virtue. Apply this Stoic principle by consciously choosing where to direct your attention. Ask yourself, "Is this within my control? Does it align with my values and goals?" If the answer is no, it's a distraction to be gracefully set aside.
The Flow State: Lessons from Csikszentmihalyi
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a renowned psychologist, introduced the concept of the 'flow state'—a condition of heightened focus and immersion in activities. Achieving flow requires tasks that are challenging yet matched to our skill level, providing clear goals and immediate feedback. To harness this in your daily life, break down tasks into specific, achievable goals that stretch your capabilities but are not insurmountable. This balance encourages concentration and the rewarding experience of flow.
Cultivating Mindfulness: The Power of Now
Mindfulness, a practice rooted in Buddhist philosophy, emphasizes the power of being fully present in the moment. In the context of concentration, mindfulness trains your mind to recognize and gently redirect from distractions, anchoring your attention in the task at hand. Begin by integrating short mindfulness exercises into your routine, focusing on your breath or the sensations of your activities, to develop a more attentive and concentrated mind.
Actionable Wisdom for Daily Practice
Create Your Digital Monastery: Designate a physical and temporal space for deep work, free from digital interruptions.
Practice Stoic Selective Attention: Daily, reflect on your activities and interactions, identifying those that align with your control and values, and consciously limit engagement with the rest.
Seek the Flow: Break your work into challenging but attainable tasks, setting clear goals and seeking immediate feedback to engage deeply with your work.
Embrace Mindfulness: Start and end your day with a five-minute mindfulness practice, focusing on your breath or the sensations of your immediate environment, to enhance your present-moment awareness.
In our journey through the digital age, the ability to concentrate is not just a skill but a sanctuary—a space where the essence of our creativity, productivity, and peace resides. By drawing on the wisdom of the past and applying these time-tested strategies, we can fortify our minds against the barrage of distractions and cultivate a deep, unwavering focus that is both a refuge and a source of unparalleled strength.
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// Week 8: Instagram Filters //
Pixel Perfect: Navigating the Digital Mirage of Instagram Filters and AR Effects
Hey there, fellow nomads of the internet! Get ready to embark on an adventure through the colourful world of Instagram filters and AR effects. Aesthetics, identity, and self-perception are linked in this fleeting world of pixels and perfection, where every selfie tells a narrative and every swipe uncovers a new facade.
Imagine a future where digital magic makes all your dreams come true at the touch of a finger, where regular people may accessorise their faces with magical crowns and halos, and where digital magic can hide any flaws. This is the captivating charm of Instagram filters; they invite us to discover the boundless potential for individual expression and creativity.
However, beyond the surface of apparent attractiveness is a more profound reality, one shrouded in the gloom of cultural mores and social mores. As we explore the intricate web of our online personas, we will inevitably face the disturbing truth that these filters influence how we view femininity, self-worth, and physical attractiveness.
Fasten your seatbelts, my friends, for you are about to go on a fantastical adventure through the looking glass, a place where fact and fiction blend together and where, in the midst of a digital mirage, you may find your authentic identity.
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The Rise of Instagram Filters
Visual content, such as photos and videos, is the bread and butter of social media platforms like Instagram. To facilitate this, site designers have poured resources into tools like filters, airbrushing, and photo editing options (Vendemia & DeAndrea 2018). More over a third of Instagram's users fall within the 18–29 age bracket, thus this is likely to resonate with them (Anderson 2023). Augmented reality (AR) filters are the most recent and game-changing addition to this toolbox; users can superimpose various effects on their faces, such as "cool" clothing, enhanced facial characteristics, imaginary creatures, or even "silly" items like a birthday hat. Augmented reality (AR) effects have made it possible to superimpose virtual information on top of a user's real-world surroundings, allowing for real-time interaction as if the user were physically present in the real location (Hilken et al. 2017). For instance, the Instagram account @face.effects has 191,000 followers and is known for its frequent filter releases that showcase various effects, such as those that are imaginative, political, humorous, goofy, or animal-like. 
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The use of augmented reality face filters offers a distinct opportunity to enhance one's self-presentation, as has been shown in earlier studies (Erz, Marder & Osadchaya 2018; Javornik et al. 2021). Furthermore, compared to its contemporaries like Facebook or Twitter, Instagram appears to prioritise self-presentation and self-promotion above the development and maintenance of connections (Sheldon & Bryant 2016). Actually, Instagram's layout subtly promotes users to portray an idealised version of themselves online (Hu, Manikonda & Kambhampati 2014).
People using Instagram feel extra pressure to display themselves attractively because the network is centred upon altering and sharing images. Users may resort to a range of deceitful behaviours in an effort to cope with their heightened social concerns. Instagram users may, for instance, alter photos before, during, or after taking them, or chose older photos that they find more beautiful to utilise on their profiles (Hancock & Toma 2009). With Instagram's augmented reality filters, users may improve their material in a variety of ways, including modifying images. And with the help of easily accessible Photoshop knockoff apps, users may do digital cosmetic surgery to further alter their online persona. A significant incentive for participating in this visually deceitful conduct is the augmented probability of the image achieving success on the internet. Dumas et al. (2017) cites prior research that indicates Instagram's "like"-based design acts as a positive reinforcement system that consistently pushes users to showcase themselves.
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In addition, users know that their post might be seen by more people than just their friends and family on Instagram because accounts are set to public by default. This creates a paradox in which Instagram serves to promote and encourage self-presentation. Fundamentally, the accessibility of images to unfamiliar individuals on the internet has led to heightened societal expectations regarding one's self-presentation. Simultaneously, the increased engagement with strangers online facilitates a more calculated and idealised self-presentation by eliminating social responsibility (Walther, Slovacek & Tidwell 2001). Since Instagram allows users to communicate with people outside of their personal social circle on a regular basis, it stands to reason that users will continue to showcase themselves on the platform. On the surface, Instagram is unique among social media platforms because it encourages users to promote themselves while offering a veneer of anonymity, which sets it apart from other platforms.
Recognising the Purpose: What Makes Us Apply Filters?
For example, when people use social media to reveal secret parts of themselves or to help them explore their identity, it can have a positive effect on their mental health (Yau, Marder & O'Donohoe 2019). Users initiate an intricate process of visually representing themselves when they virtually alter their physical attributes in instantaneously for the purpose of self-presentation. This transformation is motivated by their aspirations, authentic selves, and evolved selves. When it comes to the self, research has shown that users are more likely to visually associate with other entities when using augmented reality filters. This supports the idea that AR overlays are a powerful tool for online activities that have personal significance (Rifkin & Etkin 2019). Additionally, augmented reality can be used to engage users in cause-related activities and raise awareness (Kristofferson, White & Peloza 2014).
Although creativity has been found to be a common motivation for social media use (Sheldon et al., 2017), Javornik et al. (2022) found that augmented reality face filters encourage a particular form of creativity. In particular, augmented reality filters facilitate and encourage originality in the selection of aesthetically pleasing interactive material for social networking platforms. Instagram, like other social media platforms, relies on user-generated content (UGC) to function (Kostyk & Huhmann, 2021). This content can range from dramatic displays of admiration or preferences to more subtle attempts to get attention (Bigley & Leonhardt, 2018). Because of their one-of-a-kind properties, augmented reality filters offer a fresh platform for content creation. These filters allow for the seamless and realistic overlay of virtual objects in real-time.
As previously stated reasons for augmented reality adoption (Jang & Liu 2018), AR face filters are mostly driven by fun and social interactions. Recognising enjoyment as a key factor in both exploratory and frequent use of digital technology highlights the significance of hedonic satisfaction in this context (McLean & Osei-Frimpong 2019). The ability to facilitate communication with others is yet another important factor in the widespread adoption of various forms of electronic media (Sheldon et al. 2017). Particularly, augmented reality filters are employed to start conversations, attract people' interest, and commence social connections. The complexities of online social psychology are growing as users engage in virtual self-augmentation in pursuit of social relationships (Turkle 2009). Additionally, one utilitarian incentive for augmented reality filter interactions is ease. This finding aligns with previous research that has identified efficiency, convenience, and simplicity of use as utilitarian motivations that take precedence over the utilisation of platforms and features (Rauschnabel 2018).
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The well-being effects of augmented reality facial filters: how do users feel?
The ramifications of digitally altering one's appearance transcend superficial aesthetics (Lee & Lee 2021). It intersects with the intricate phenomenon known as digitised dysmorphia, which functions on a continuum with body dysmorphic disorder. Perceived social constraints, cultural beauty standards and the availability of image-editing technologies shape this form of socially conditioned dysmorphia (Coy-Dibley 2016). This dysmorphic perspective, especially when it comes to female bodies, has been made easier and more intense by advances in picture technology. The prevalence of digitally changed depictions in modern fashion and advertising has skewed public views of women's bodies negatively.
Selfie enhancement can lead to "Selfie dysmorphia," a related phenomena in which users report low self-esteem and an exaggerated sense of their own body (Rajanala, Maymone & Vashi 2018). AR filters may amplify this issue, given that virtual modifications transpire in real time and possess a greater degree of realism. It has been found to drive some individuals to seek out cosmetic surgery in extreme instances (Hunt 2019). This supports the idea that augmented reality makeup try-on can alter people's ideal-actual gap and reduce their tolerance for perceived appearance defects, and it also shows how this popular social media feature can influence a user's self-concept and, by extension, their subjective well-being (Ryff 1989; Javornik et al. 2021). Additionally, users' self-perceptions can be negatively impacted by idealising or fabricating their online personas. This highlights the negative effects of social media on promoting unrealistic expectations of body image (Hogue & Mills 2019) and continual comparison to others (Chae 2017).
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Nevertheless, Javornik et al. (2022) demonstrated through their thorough research that using AR filters for self-transformation or authentic self-presentation might result in good consequences. Pera, Quinton, and Baima (2020) found a positive correlation between social media use and self-acceptance among members of the LGBT community and the elderly. Creative content curation, genuine and altered self-presentation, enjoyment, and social engagement all contributed to an uplifted mood. On the flip side, data that are just marginally significant provide some evidence that an idealised version of oneself may reduce good emotion.
Javornik et al. (2022) found that users' moods can be lifted by utilising filters to increase social engagement, despite previous research showing that users can be anxious about how their content will be perceived by their social contacts (Alkis, Kadirhan & Sat 2017). Filters enhance users' sense of connection with others by facilitating additional online social interactions such as comments, likes, and emoticons (Sheldon et al. 2017). As a result, filters function as a social lubricant.
Future Implications for Digital Citizens
When thinking about how to promote responsible and ethical behaviour online, the ubiquitous use of AR effects and Instagram filters brings up fundamental questions about digital citizenship. Several outcomes arise as individuals interact with these technologies to improve their online presence and communication:
Promoting Media Literacy: The capacity to understand and effectively use digital media is a cornerstone of digital citizenship. Stressing the significance of media literacy skills to social media users is crucial in light of the proliferation of digitally altered photographs and the pressure to conform to unattainable beauty standards. Users can be empowered to make better-informed judgements online by being educated about the potential implications of excessive filter use and encouraged to critically reflect on digitally modified content (Kozyreva et al. 2023).
Advocating for Ethical Technology Use: Promoting responsible and ethical use of technology that acknowledges and protects the rights and welfare of others is an important part of being a good digital citizen. Jhaver et al. (2022) assert that it is the duty of social media platforms and their developers to ensure that the design and regulation of filters foster constructive online interactions while mitigating potential negative consequences. In addition to upholding the principles of integrity, empathy, and respect in their online interactions, users ought to be motivated to contemplate the ethical ramifications of their digital behaviours, such as the implementation of filters.
Empowering Responsible Digital Choices: At its core, digital citizenship is all about giving people the tools they need to live their digital lives responsibly and ethically. A more welcoming and supportive online community can be achieved when people are more educated about the consequences of filter use, develop their capacity for critical thinking, and work to establish a culture of digital empathy and respect. Together, we can protect ourselves and others from the worst aspects of social media while also taking use of its many great features, such as the ability to express ourselves creatively and make meaningful connections with others.
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In summary, the proliferation of Instagram filters and augmented reality (AR) effects highlights the criticality of advocating for conscientious digital citizenship behaviours that place emphasis on media literacy, appropriate self-perception, ethical utilisation of technology, genuine online persona, and empowered decision-making in the digital realm. A more welcoming, considerate, and egalitarian online community can be achieved through critical discourse and joint initiatives to encourage beneficial digital behaviours.
In the vibrant social media maze, Instagram filters and augmented reality effects have replaced real-life artists with virtual ones, letting us create vivid, enhanced selves. Amidst the charm of flawless pictures and magical makeovers, it's important to stop and think about the bigger picture of our digital beauty quests.
Recognising the possible pitfalls of delving into a healthy connection with digital aesthetic identity and self-perception via the lens of the pathologization of women's bodies is crucial. Staying alert against the spread of damaging stereotypes and unattainable beauty standards is essential as we explore this online space for self-expression and beauty.
Let us not forget to embrace diversity, celebrate imperfection, and cultivate true connections beyond the glossy sheen of our online personalities as we strive for authenticity in the middle of pixels and filters. We should work towards a world where people are empowered rather than insecure, and where they are valued for who they are rather than how they look on screen.
Additional Resources:
"THE PROBLEM WITH SOCIAL MEDIA FILTERS (mental health, colourism, unhealthy beauty standards)”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wByiJGw7Z7o
"influencers aren't to blame for the toxic beauty standards. we are.”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgKbO-eT3oQ
Alkis, Y, Kadirhan, Z & Sat, M 2017, ‘Development and Validation of Social Anxiety Scale for Social Media Users’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 72, Elsevier BV, pp. 296–303.
Anderson, M 2023, ‘Teens, Social Media and Technology 2023’, Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, 11 December, viewed 12 March 2024, <https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2023/12/11/teens-social-media-and-technology-2023/>.
Bigley, IP & Leonhardt, JM 2018, ‘Extremity Bias in User-Generated Content Creation and Consumption in Social Media’, Journal of Interactive Advertising, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 125–135.
Chae, J 2017, ‘Virtual makeover: Selfie-taking and Social Media Use Increase selfie-editing Frequency through Social Comparison’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 66, Elsevier BV, pp. 370–376.
Choi, TR & Sung, Y 2018, ‘Instagram versus Snapchat: Self-expression and Privacy Concern on Social Media’, Telematics and Informatics, vol. 35, no. 8, Elsevier BV, pp. 2289–2298.
Coy-Dibley, I 2016, ‘“Digitized Dysmorphia” of the Female body: The re/disfigurement of the Image’, Palgrave Communications, vol. 2, no. 1, Palgrave Macmillan, p. 16040.
Dumas, TM, Maxwell-Smith, M, Davis, JP & Giulietti, PA 2017, ‘Lying or Longing for likes? Narcissism, Peer belonging, Loneliness and Normative versus Deceptive like-seeking on Instagram in Emerging Adulthood’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 71, Elsevier BV, pp. 1–10.
Erz, A, Marder, B & Osadchaya, E 2018, ‘Hashtags: Motivational drivers, Their use, and Differences between Influencers and Followers’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 89, Elsevier BV, pp. 48–60.
Hancock, JT & Toma, CL 2009, ‘Putting Your Best Face Forward: the Accuracy of Online Dating Photographs’, Journal of Communication, vol. 59, no. 2, Oxford University Press, pp. 367–386.
Hilken, T, Ruyter, K de, Chylinski, M, Mahr, D & Keeling, DI 2017, ‘Augmenting the Eye of the beholder: Exploring the Strategic Potential of Augmented Reality to Enhance Online Service Experiences’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 45, no. 6, Springer Science+Business Media, pp. 884–905.
Hogue, JV & Mills, JS 2019, ‘The Effects of Active Social Media Engagement with Peers on Body Image in Young Women’, Body Image, vol. 28, Elsevier BV, pp. 1–5.
Hu, Y, Manikonda, L & Kambhampati, S 2014, ‘View of What We Instagram: A First Analysis of Instagram Photo Content and User Types’, Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, pp. 595–598.
Hunt, E 2019, ‘Faking it: How Selfie Dysmorphia Is Driving People to Seek Surgery’, The Guardian, The Guardian, viewed 7 March 2024, <https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/jan/23/faking-it-how-selfie-dysmorphia-is-driving-people-to-seek-surgery>.
Jang, S & Liu, Y 2018, ‘Continuance Use Intention with Mobile Augmented Reality games: Overall and Multigroup Analyses on Pokémon Go’, Information Technology & People, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 37–55.
Javornik, A, Marder, B, Barhorst, JB, McLean, G, Rogers, Y, Marshall, P & Warlop, L 2022, ‘“What Lies behind the filter?” Uncovering the Motivations for Using Augmented Reality (AR) Face Filters on Social Media and Their Effect on well-being’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 128, Elsevier BV, pp. 107126–107126.
Javornik, A, Marder, B, Pizzetti, M & Warlop, L 2021, ‘Augmented Self - the Effects of Virtual Face Augmentation on consumers’ self-concept’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 130, Elsevier BV, pp. 170–187.
Jhaver, S, Chen, QZ, Knauss, D & Zhang, AX 2022, ‘CHI ’22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems’, ACM Conferences, pp. 1–21.
Kostyk, A & Huhmann, BA 2021, ‘Perfect Social Media Image posts: Symmetry and Contrast Influence Consumer Response’, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 1747–1779.
Kozyreva, A, Wineburg, S, Lewandowsky, S & Hertwig, R 2023, ‘Critical Ignoring as a Core Competence for Digital Citizens’, Current Directions in Psychological Science, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 81–88.
Kristofferson, K, White, K & Peloza, J 2014, ‘The Nature of Slacktivism: How the Social Observability of an Initial Act of Token Support Affects Subsequent Prosocial Action’, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 40, no. 6, Oxford University Press, pp. 1149–1166.
Lee, M & Lee, H-H 2021, ‘Social Media Photo activity, internalization, Appearance comparison, and Body satisfaction: the Moderating Role of photo-editing Behavior’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 114, Elsevier BV, p. 106579.
McLean, G & Osei-Frimpong, K 2019, ‘Hey Alexa … Examine the Variables Influencing the Use of Artificial Intelligent in-home Voice Assistants’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 99, Elsevier BV, pp. 28–37.
Pera, R, Quinton, S & Baima, G 2020, ‘I Am Who I am: Sharing Photos on Social Media by Older Consumers and Its Influence on Subjective Well‐being’, Psychology & Marketing, vol. 37, no. 6, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 782–795.
Rajanala, S, Maymone, MBC & Vashi, NA 2018, ‘Selfies—Living in the Era of Filtered Photographs’, JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 443–444.
Rauschnabel, PA 2018, ‘Virtually Enhancing the Real World with Holograms: An Exploration of Expected Gratifications of Using Augmented Reality Smart Glasses’, Psychology & Marketing, vol. 35, no. 8, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 557–572.
Rifkin, JR & Etkin, J 2019, ‘Variety in Self-Expression Undermines Self-Continuity’, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 46, no. 4, Oxford University Press, pp. 725–749.
Ryff, C 1989, ‘Happiness Is everything, or Is it? Explorations on the Meaning of Psychological well-being’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 1069–1081.
Sheldon, P & Bryant, K 2016, ‘Instagram: Motives for Its Use and Relationship to Narcissism and Contextual Age’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 58, Elsevier BV, pp. 89–97.
Sheldon, P, Rauschnabel, PA, Antony, MG & Car, S 2017, ‘A cross-cultural Comparison of Croatian and American Social Network sites: Exploring Cultural Differences in Motives for Instagram Use’, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 75, Elsevier BV, pp. 643–651.
Turkle, S 2009, ‘Constructions and Reconstructions of Self in Virtual reality: Playing in the MUDs’, Mind, Culture, and Activity, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 158–167.
Vendemia, MA & DeAndrea, DC 2018, ‘The Effects of Viewing thin, Sexualized Selfies on Instagram: Investigating the Role of Image Source and Awareness of Photo Editing Practices’, Body Image, vol. 27, Elsevier BV, pp. 118–127.
Walther, JB, Slovacek, CL & Tidwell, LC 2001, ‘Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?: Photographic Images in Long-Term and Short-Term Computer-Mediated Communication’, Communication Research, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 105–134.
Yau, A, Marder, B & O’Donohoe, S 2019, ‘The Role of Social Media in Negotiating Identity during the Process of Acculturation’, Information Technology & People, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 554–575.w
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they are so in love and disgusting and also sarcastic bitches. follow for more / prev comic / next comic
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lochlot · 29 days
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i haven’t finished the show yet but they totally are gay and run away together and live happily ever after right? guys ? right? guys?
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shootingstarrfish · 12 days
belphie lvl 10 (i think) intimacy call spoilers!
hes such a spoilt brat i love him
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troll-prince · 8 days
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Messy doodle, but what if the boys had white streaks in their hair after being in the diamond bottles at the end of the third movie? :]
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cryptid-quill · 1 month
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new colorfes cards made me rise from the dead, I give art of gay people as offerings
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honeytonedhottie · 1 month
a glamorous well-being⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌸
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i've decided to write this post to remind my audience that you're own well being comes first and just share some ways on how you can focus on ur well being in small steps that can gradually build a lifestyle.
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go to bed at a reasonable time and wake up at a reasonable time. when ur well rested you'll feel and look your best. theres a reason why ppl call beauty sleep beauty sleep.
when u dont get enough sleep ur skin is dull, you'll start to have eyebags beneath ur eyes and can even shorten ur life span. and thats not hot.
if u feel like it'll make u more well rested, take a midday nap. if u find that u have problems sleeping, having a before bed routine that soothes u can rly help u to sleep like the angel that you are.
drink a warm cup of tea before bed
do gentle stretches
take a soothing bath or shower
we experience the fear of missing out bcuz of our habit of consuming hundreds if not thousands of unnecessary information every single day. in a way we've become information addicts.
no scroll mornings - cutting a habit completely might be hard so dont jump in with both feet immediately. go little by little.
digital declutter - intentionally cut out optional online activity and instead focus on something in person like ur community, urself and ur projects
if the weather permits, i rly recommend going for walks. walking is not only good for ur body but also ur mind and getting fresh air and sunlight is rly good for u and important.
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start doing guided meditations
go on daily walks to get some fresh air
journalling is so easy and fun and glamorous. i love the concept of journals bcuz its just such a cute way to get everything from ur mind onto paper which is helpful.
to journal with the intention of improving ur well being i recommend to get into shadow work cuz its like journal therapy. i'll link a post with shadow work prompts right here, that way you can have a place to kind of start off from.
other then simply doing shadow work journalling or maintaining a diary of sorts is also helpful for ur well being bcuz it showcases ur growth and its a great way to cultivate a sense of self without fear of judgement or privacy invasion from others.
i think that the secret to overall wellness in the most glamorous way possible is a bunch of little habits that can contribute to an overall beautiful and glamorous inside and outside.
so focus on building habits before you make a huge lifestyle switch. not to confuse this with not being all in. you must be all in otherwise you'll fall back into unhealthy and old patterns for the sake of comfort.
but thats not hot, you can take baby steps while still being all in. commit to a more vibrant and more well self cuz you'll thank urself in the long run.
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dog-teeth · 8 months
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something to recognize that choosing recovery again and again is difficult work, and you are not weak for faltering
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A bit about @princessproductivity!
Hey there, everyone! Welcome to the Princess Productivity blog! This blog is written by myself, a 23-year-old Christian woman, residing in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! I co-own two successful businesses with my ambitious husband, and I am now pursuing two more entrepreneurial ventures of my own.
My "business beliefs":
Everyone has room to become a better, more productive version of themselves.
Knowledge related to self-improvement should be freely available to those who are willing to take the necessary steps to improve their circumstances.
If a person wants to turn their unpaid passion into a successful business, that passion must be treated like a business, even if they aren't yet making a dime.
Entrepreneurial success can be achieved without the loss of one's humanity, compassion, and generosity.
We live in the era of opportunity, where over 300 million people in the U.S. alone have the wisdom of the internet at their fingertips. The sad reality is that only a handful (about 10%) of those 300 million have the self-discipline to truly pursue entrepreneurial success.
This blog was created for that handful.
On the Princess Productivity blog, I share the things I have learned while building two businesses, and the things I'm still learning as I pursue the founding of two more. From books and podcasts I've discovered along the way, to personal experience and lessons learned, this blog is my attempt at sharing knowledge with others.
No filters, no catch, and most importantly, no charge.
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What is the 12 week year? 7 ways to organize your life... 7 ways to reduce your screen time...
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z0mbzii · 5 months
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t girl apollo I love you 2 the ends of the earth ♡
(Click 4 quality as per routine)
629 notes · View notes
sagescider · 2 years
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my delirious 4 am interpretation of the new girl post on noelle’s blog. i think they’re the same in a way no one else in hometown is and i think it’s really important that they have that and that they have each other
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elnavegador · 22 days
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I'm so soft for them.
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