#or ceaselessly rolling a boulder up a hill
bexiguess · 2 years
reporting pornbots is a herculean, if not sisyphean, task
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drakewyne · 2 months
tim drake loaded the chunks of evidence he had wasted his summer on, a grueling ordeal into paranoia of the existence of a lazarus pit he had missed nearly six years prior, onto a thumbdrive. he held that hurt in the palm of his hand and let the dark circles beneath his eyes ring into nothing.
the slim hand of nancy van der huis pulling him out, pulling it out of his hand.
your friends supply the drugs, your good friends stage the intervention.
“i’m going to hide it where you won’t find it.”
he shrugs, moody cold new england ice to his sublevel floor. not even the gotham heatwave could melt his eyes out.
hers, though, melted gooey and thick.
“i can find anything.”
“not this.”
“maybe i’ll have you beat this time.”
she swagger walks backwards, a smooth jolt in her backstep; like she was walking perpendicular to reality. he watched her with a tilted head. she cocked hers to match.
“you have to close your eyes,” she says.
he rolls them briefly instead, but she insists: close your eyes.
( in darkness, he knows where her sneakers take her. she could not fathom how to step quietly enough for him to not know. still, he sees the way she paws for a hiding place in some calculation of psyching him out, and he pictures double blinds. )
“i didn’t stop you when you were rolling a boulder up a hill this summer.”
( her fluttering hands stopping. starting again. triple blinds. )
“because i knew what i was doing had substance.”
( her dark voice carries across the sublevel and his head instinctively follows. quadruple blinds. )
“because i was looking for a thing that i knew i could find.”
( her dark voice that carries air. )
“but you don’t look for things.”
( her dark voice carrying the dark— )
“you look for doorways to doorways.”
( —searching for the path it took, she took— )
“until you’re out, ( her sigh, like some boat ceaselessly adrift perpetually, dragged farther out into the current. ) and out, and out . . . “
“you know the difference. i know you do.”
( was someone coming back for him? yes, that delicate swing to slightness was telltale on his floor — he’d memorized it. he could visualize her walking, swaying lazily, her arms behind her back with a tilted chin and seeking eyes like he’d blocked this scene out. like he was shooting her movie, and she was performing really spectacularly, this friend of his that he couldn’t have dreamed of. this friend of hers that she couldn’t have either. they competed for gravity just to enjoy it being taken away again. they just went around and around. )
“between . . . mm . . . being on the right track and self sabotage.”
( shifting her long, slim legs and staggering her weight to counter that of immeasurable talent; it was hopeful that she was not hard. that she saw cats with the pawpads ripped off and still believed good luck was very real. it was an arrogant notion for her to think that she had any control over the whim of the universe, whatever cruel god was out there exacting punishment until she pointed her bed northwest, but the delusion had a purity in it that he couldn’t replicate. she just wanted some wrong to be righted. didn’t they all? )
“when you know, tim . . . you know.”
( and she was right. )
“you won’t get what you want from this because there isn’t a chance for an answer. you could tear this building down brick by brick and you won’t find what you’re looking for. you’ll just have dirty hands.”
breath escapes his parted mouth.
“you’re ruled by desire, but you really hate the suffering that comes from wanting. like you want the cake but not the calories. like . . . ”
( she was this carbon copy imprint on the backs of his eyelids; so to say, his permanent hide and seek player. the bonds between his carbon atoms, 1 - diazidocarbamoyl - 5 - azidotetrazole. stress held them firm and they cyclized at room temperature and ate each other’s electrons on their own compound tension. their hands clasped together, as if she had looked down, as if she had clicked her tongue: you know, now that you're here, we should get comfortable, huh? )
“you want to be loved but you don’t want to be known.”
( in where they hit the equilibrium point; wherein the reactants and the products stop blooming and only create free energy. )
“i’m like that. the feeling that i have to make it up to someone. it’s a very transactional feeling. i think all rich kids can be like that. i don’t wonder why we’re all obsessed with paying to be liked, but i let it happen anyway. i pay. i let them pay. well . . . it’s all we know how to do.”
“a secret.”
( she has many of his. she keeps them like a promise. )
( there is a lull in the dark and he pictures her taking her swarovski teeth into the plush of her bottom lip, fitting manufactured lines in a deep dusted rose. she does that short hum that she does — the pull of her brown brow into dissociative maladaption, into conception, into decision. she decides. he sees it in the space of his skull. he reviews the softness of her decision again and again and again. )
“can i tell you a secret?”
“what for?”
“so i can make it up to you, the fact that you burnt through your summer. your rotten feeling.”
his hands slip out of his pockets and sit cold and beautiful and destroyed at his side.
“that’s not your fault.”
“i know. that doesn’t really matter to me, though. all my action is newtonian.”
( still believed if she did enough, a wrong would be righted. )
“okay,” he says.
he angles his long body down—
( —and she angles up and smells like boozy cherry and white beaches and the summer he completely blew searching for the search for bomb misconception; which yes, was self punishing and tortuous. and he certainly would have inevitably gotten some win that would have made him realize the futility of this device, but instead he was being led out in the dark by this very slim hand that made things out of nothing. his self evisceration was as arrogant as her luck — both of which were just grapples for some sense of control. they hated suffering but both found it very necessary because they wanted too much. the curve of her hand against his cheekbone to cup away from no one else, she opens her mouth, and then the hesitation audibly catches the soft breath in her throat. )
he turns his face somewhat, still listening—
( —and she shifts her face as well, uncharacteristically demure for a moment. he feels briefly the puppysoft skin of her cheek slightly warm against his. contemplative, very thoughtful, the subconscious and haunting ability she has to stop start all of time for him. the eerie anticipation of a secret, or maybe of just being touched in a way that isn’t derisive or trying to kill him. )
"hey . . . tim . . . "
" . . . yeah?"
the backs of her cold fingers brushed against his jawline, and she pulled no blood from the sheer sharpness of how gaunt he was in the face, and pressed rough fingertips against the other side of his face — the hallow of his cheek, some valley to her adept artisan hands. and he kept his eyes closed because he was taught to find everything out of nothing, because he could have found her needle body in a haystack he was so talented, because her sooty eyelashes fluttered against his cheek like a butterfly wing. tim knew it was a good secret because she was so embarrassed about the act of giving it, but of course he would keep it very safely. there was still the filter of some nodding off, gooey half of a dream between the press of her mouth to his, but it was still violently tangible and slow. he archived the feeling of this deliberation, and then he got lost. doorways to doorways. they were very dark halls, but he didn’t mind the dark if she didn’t mind either.
after all, he thinks he leaned in before she did.
( she tastes like sweet mint. )
“i could hide here too,” she murmured, “if you want.”
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I am sorry folks but i simply must:
Down in the green hay where monkey and bear usually lay, they woke from the stable boy’s cry. Said, “Someone come quick! The horses got loose, got grass-sick! They’ll founder! Fain, they’ll die! What is now known by the sorrel and the roan, by the chestnut, and the bay, and the gelding grey? It is: stay by the gate that you are given and remain in your place for your season. And had the overfed dead but listened to the high-fence, horse-sense wisdom…” “Did you hear that, Bear?” said Monkey, “We’ll get out of here, fair and square. They've left the gate door open wide! So, my bride, here is my hand. Where is your paw? Try and understand my plan Ursula. My heart, it is a furnace full of love that’s just and earnest. Now you know that we must unlearn this allegiance to a life of service, and no longer answer to that heartless hay-monger, nor be his accomplice (the charlatan, with artless hustling!). But Ursula, we’ve got to eat something and earn our keep, while still within the borders of the land that men has girded (all double-bolted and tightfisted), until we reach the open country, a-steeped in milk and honey. Will you keep your fancy clothes on for me? Can you bear a little longer to wear that leash? My love, I swear by the air I breathe: Sooner or later, you’ll bare your teeth. But for now, just dance, darling. Come on, will you dance, my darling? Darling, there’s a place for us. Can we go, before I turn to dust? Oh, my darling, there’s a place for us. Oh, darling. Come on will you dance my darling? Oh, the hills are groaning with excess like a table ceaselessly being set. Oh my darling, we will get there yet.” They trooped past the guards, past the coops and the fields and the farmyards all night, till finally the space they gained grew much farther than the stone that Bear threw to mark where they’d stop for tea. But, “Walk a little faster and don’t look backwards. Your feast is to the east, which lies a little past the pasture, and the blackbirds hear tea whistling and then rise and clap, and their applause calls the kettle black, and we can’t have none of that. Move along, Bear, there, there, that’s that.” Though cast in plaster, our Ursala’s heart beat faster than Monkey’s ever will. But still, they had got to pay the bills, hadn’t they? That is what the monkey’d say. So, with the courage of a clown or a cur or a kite jerking tight at its tether, in her dun-brown gown of fur And a jerkin of swansdown and leather, bear would sway on her hind legs. The organ would grind dregs of song for the pleasure of the children who’d shriek, throwing coins at her feet and recoiling in terror. Sing, “Dance, darling. C'mon, will you dance, my darling? Oh,  darling, there’s a place for us. Can we go, before I turn to dust? Oh, my darling there’s a place for us. Oh Darling. Come on, will you dance my darling? You keep your eyes fixed on the highest hill where you’ll ever-after eat your fill. Oh my darling, dear, mine...if you dance, dance, darling, and I’ll love you still.” Deep in the night shone a weak and miserly light where the monkey shouldered his lamp. Someone had told him that Bear'd been wandering a fair piece away from where they were camped. Someone had told him that Bear’d been sneaking away to the seaside caverns to bathe, and the thought troubled the monkey for he was afraid of spelunking down in those caves. Also afraid what the village people would say if they saw the bear in that state- Lolling and splashing obscenely. Well, it seemed irrational, really washing that face, washing that matted and flea-bit pelt in some sea-spit-shine, old kelp dripping with brine. But monkey just laughed, and he muttered, “When she comes back, Ursula will be bursting with pride, till I jump up, saying, ‘You've been rolling in muck,’ saying, ‘You smell of garbage and grime!’” But far out, far out by now, by now, far out, by now, Bear ploughed cause she would not drown: First the outside-legs of the bear up and fell down, in the water, like knobby garters, then the outside-arms of the bear fell off, as easy as if sloughed from boiled tomatoes. Low’red in a genteel curtsy, Bear shed the mantle of her Diluvian shoulders, and, with a sigh, she allowed the burden of belly to drop like an apron full of boulders. If you could hold up her threadbare coat to the light where it’s worn translucent in places, you’d see spots where almost every night of the year, Bear’d been mending, suspending that baseness. Now her coat drags through the water, bagging, with a life’s-worth of hunger, limitless minnows, in the magnetic embrace, balletic and glacial of bear’s insatiable shadow. Left there! Left there! When Bear left bear. Left there, left there! When Bear stepped clear of bear.
Sooner or later you’ll bare your teeth.
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melleonis · 4 years
[SCENE: a blasted, rolling waste under a desolate sky. The wind whips past as the camera flies over the grey ash. The soundtrack is a slow, loping drumbeat.]
CHRISTOPHER JUDGE (in gravelly voiceover): The gods had condemned Sisyphus to ceaselessly rolling a rock to the top of a mountain, whence the stone would fall back of its own weight.
[Cut to a similar shot, the camera moving in on the foot of an immense and impossible mountain.]
CJ (VO): They had thought with some reason that there is no more dreadful punishment than futile and hopeless labor.
[Cut to another shot, the camera moving slower around the foot of the mountain, towards a jutting outcrop.]
CJ (VO): He had chained and cheated death many times over, in defiance of divine decree.
[The camera begins to round the outcrop, revealing the curve of an immense boulder.]
CJ (VO): His scorn of the gods, his hatred of death, and his passion for life won him that unspeakable penalty in which the whole being is exerted toward accomplishing nothing.
[The boulder's full bulk comes into view now, at the end of a long furrow in the ash which extends up the mountain slope. Long, dragging footprints move away, as the camera pulls up to reveal a fiery horizon. Electric cellos join the soundtrack in slow falling arpeggios. The camera begins to move forward again, cutting between various fantastic landscapes, always following the same footprints.]
CJ (VO): If this story is tragic, that is because its hero is conscious. Sisyphus, powerless and rebellious, knows the whole extent of his wretched condition. The lucidity that was to constitute his torture at the same time crowns his victory.
[The camera slows as it nears the mouth of an ominous cave. A large man, grey-skinned and black-bearded, with red tattoos and an enormous axe, steps into view, facing the cave. Noises of sobbing and tearing flesh echo from within. The camera begins to move into the darkness.]
CJ (VO): There is no fate -
[The screen is entirely black.]
CJ (VO): - which cannot be surmounted by scorn.
[The sound of rending, gurgling flesh grow louder. The drums cease. The cellos ascend to a shrill discordant pitch. Silence.]
CJ (VO): One must imagine Sisyphus...angry.
[A single flash of a gaunt-yet-obscenely muscled man, with stringy grey hair and wild eyes tearing at the flesh of a teenage boy with his mouth. Saturn Devouring His Son. Cut to black. The soundtrack resumes, joined by an ethereal-voiced singer in a slowed-down rendition of "Running Up That Hill" by Kate Bush. The title appears: "God of War V: The Myth of Sisyphus."]
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orbemnews · 4 years
They Can’t Go away the Bay Space Quick Sufficient SAN FRANCISCO — The Bay Space struck a tough discount with its tech employees. Hire was astronomical. Taxes had been excessive. Your neighbors didn’t such as you. When you lived in San Francisco, you may need commuted an hour south to your job at Apple or Google or Fb. Or in case your workplace was within the metropolis, possibly it was in a neighborhood with an excessive amount of avenue crime, open drug use and $5 coffees. Nevertheless it was value it. Dwelling within the epicenter of a growth that was altering the world was what mattered. The town gave its employees a selection of attention-grabbing jobs and an opportunity on the brass ring. That’s, till the pandemic. Distant work supplied an opportunity at residing for just a few months in cities the place life felt simpler. Tech employees and their bosses realized they won’t want all of the perks and after-work schmooze occasions. However possibly they wanted elbow room and a yard for the brand new pet. A spot to put the Peloton. A prime public college. They fled. They fled to tropical seashore cities. They fled to extra inexpensive locations like Georgia. They fled to states with out revenue taxes like Texas and Florida. That’s the place the story of the Bay Space’s newest tech period is ending for a rising crowd of tech employees and their corporations. They’ve all of a sudden movable jobs and cash within the financial institution — cash that can go loads additional elsewhere. However the place? The No. 1 decide for folks leaving San Francisco is Austin, Texas, with different winners together with Seattle, New York and Chicago, in accordance with moveBuddha, a web site that compiles information on shifting. Some cities have even arrange recruiting applications to lure them to new properties. Miami’s mayor has even been inviting tech folks to maneuver there in his Twitter posts. I talked to greater than two dozen tech executives and employees who’ve left San Francisco for different components of the nation during the last 12 months, like a younger entrepreneur who moved house to Georgia and one other who has created a group in Puerto Rico. Listed here are a few of their tales. Ah, the traditional life “I miss San Francisco. I miss the life I had there,” mentioned John Gardner, 35, the founder and chief govt of Kickoff, a distant private coaching start-up, who packed his issues into storage and left in a camper van to wander America. “However proper now it’s similar to: What else can God and the world and authorities provide you with to make the place much less livable?” A few months later, Mr. Gardner wrote: “Greetings from sunny Miami Seaside! That is in regards to the fortieth place I’ve arrange a brief headquarters for Kickoff.” Distant private coaching occurs to coincide effectively with distant life, however he mentioned his start-up’s progress this previous 12 months was additionally because of his leaving the tech bubble and immersing himself in additional regular communities, just a few days at a time. The largest tech corporations aren’t going wherever, and tech shares are nonetheless hovering. Apple’s flying-saucer-shaped campus is just not going to zoom away. Google remains to be absorbing ever extra workplace house in San Jose and San Francisco. New founders are nonetheless coming to city. However the migration from the Bay Space seems actual. Residential rents in San Francisco are down 27 % from a 12 months in the past, and the workplace emptiness charge has spiked to 16.7 %, a quantity not seen in a decade. Although costs had dropped solely barely, Zillow reported extra properties on the market in San Francisco than a 12 months in the past. For greater than month final 12 months, 90 % of the searches involving San Francisco on moveBuddha had been for folks shifting out. Twitter, Yelp, Airbnb and Dropbox have tried to sublease a few of their San Francisco workplace house. Pinterest, which has some of the iconic places of work on the town, paid $90 million to interrupt a lease for a web site the place it deliberate to develop. And firms like Twitter and Fb have introduced “earn a living from home ceaselessly” plans. “Shifting right into a $1.3 million home that we noticed solely on video for 20 minutes and mentioned sure,” wrote Mike Rothermel, a designer at Cisco who moved from the Bay Space to Boulder, Colo., together with his spouse final summer season. “It’s a mansion in comparison with SF for a similar cash.” The quantity of room they’ve felt surreal after numerous Bay Space residences. He instructed me they’ve a lot counter house, they’ll maintain home equipment just like the meals processor within the kitchen itself. After which the folks round them — neighbors — began doing one thing unusual. They introduced cinnamons rolls and handwritten welcome notes. Wait, no revenue tax? “We’re promoting our home and shifting out of SF. The place ought to we go and why?” Justin Kan, a serial entrepreneur who co-founded Twitch, requested on Twitter in August. Joe Lonsdale, a co-founder of the software program firm Palantir, which moved from Silicon Valley to Denver, wrote again: “Come to Austin with us. Rising tech ecosystem and Texas is one of the best place to make a stand collectively for a free society.” Additionally: no state revenue taxes. Austin, inhabitants a million and the Texas metropolis most would say is closest in spirit to the Bay Space, has lengthy had a wholesome tech business. The pc large Dell is predicated close by. The College of Texas is without doubt one of the prime public faculties within the nation. And the music scene is eclectic and artistic. Now the native tech business is quickly increasing. Apple is opening a $1 billion, 133-acre campus. Alphabet, Amazon and Fb have all both expanded their footprints in Austin or have plans to. Elon Musk, the Tesla founder and one of many two richest males on the planet, mentioned he had moved to Texas. Begin-up investor cash is arriving, too: The buyers at 8VC and Breyer Capital opened Austin places of work final 12 months. A few of the favourite gurus of tech employees are already there, like Tim Ferriss, life-hacker, who left for Austin in 2017, and Ryan Vacation, whose writing about stoicism is influential among the many start-up set. Sahin Boydas, the founding father of a remote-work start-up who had lived in San Francisco and its suburbs during the last decade, noticed all of that. He checked out his spouse and two younger kids, working and studying from house whereas crammed right into a Cupertino rental that had seen higher days. A lot of the late summer season, the air was stuffed with smoke from wildfires. For days, electrical energy would go out and in at his home. “You begin to really feel silly,” mentioned Mr. Boydas, who’s 37. “I can perceive the 1 % wealthy folks, the very prime buyers and entrepreneurs, they are often completely happy there.” So he and his household moved to Austin. For a similar value as their three-bedroom house in Cupertino, they’ve a five-bedroom house on an acre of land. For the primary time, Mr. Boydas has outside house. He simply acquired two rabbits for his kids. Positive, it’s (very) scorching, however he’s prepared for it. “We’re going to get a cat and a canine,” he mentioned. “We might by no means do this earlier than.” And it’s not simply the price of lease that’s decrease — the water invoice is decrease; the trash invoice is decrease; the price of a household dinner at a restaurant has fallen considerably. Mr. Boydas mentioned he hadn’t even recognized in regards to the taxes. “I run payroll for myself, and once I noticed zero, I referred to as the accountant like there’s an error — there’s no tax line right here,” he mentioned. “And so they had been like, ‘Yeah there’s no tax.’” “Okay guys hear me out, what if we transfer Silicon Valley to Miami,” tweeted Delian Asparouhov, a principal at Founders Fund, which invests in start-ups. The mayor of Miami wrote again final month: “How can I assist?” Now there’s a very vocal Miami faction, led by just a few enterprise capital influencers, making an attempt to tweet town’s start-up world into existence. The San Francisco exodus means the expertise and cash of newly distant tech employees are up for grabs. And it’s not simply the mayor of Miami making an attempt to lure them in. Topeka, Kan., began Select Topeka, which can reimburse new employees $10,000 for the primary 12 months of lease or $15,000 in the event that they purchase a house. Tulsa, Okla. can pay you $10,000 to maneuver there. The nation of Estonia has a brand new residency program only for digital nomads. A program in Savannah, Ga., will reimburse distant employees $2,000 for the transfer there, and town has created numerous social actions to introduce the newcomers to 1 one other and to locals. “We attempt to make the transition straightforward,” mentioned Jennifer Bonnett, vice chairman of Innovation & Entrepreneurship on the Savannah Financial Improvement Authority, whose program began in June. Keyan Karimi, 29 and a start-up investor, took Savannah’s invitation to maneuver there (although he didn’t ask for the reimbursement). Seeing the inequality of billionaires in San Francisco’s rich Pacific Heights neighborhood and the homeless camps down the hill floor on him. So Mr. Karimi went house to his dad and mom home in Atlanta to experience out a number of the pandemic. Then he detected one thing unusual. The town he thought was boring had gotten fairly attention-grabbing. Or possibly he had simply by no means observed earlier than. “I had no thought how a lot was occurring right here. I used to be form of myopic,” he mentioned, pausing and correcting himself: “No, I used to be conceited.” Mr. Karimi began taking a look at Zillow and learning the Southern cities he had ignored. He likes outdated homes and desires to repair one up. Savannah has a number of these. So only a few months after leaving his $4,000-a-month one-bedroom in San Francisco, he’s working with the native enterprise growth group to place collectively a maritime innovation heart in Savannah to put money into and information delivery and logistics start-ups. He purchased a kind of outdated homes. Savannah has one of many largest ports within the nation. “Nobody is aware of that,” Mr. Karimi mentioned. “I determine we will do one thing with that.” The one draw back is mosquitoes, he mentioned. “I get eaten alive.” There are 33,000 members within the Fb group Leaving California and 51,000 in its sister group, Life After California. Individuals submit footage of shifting vans and hyperlinks to Zillow listings in new cities. The founding father of each teams, Terry Gilliam, is planning to take members on a house-hunting street journey by jap Tennessee this spring with stops in common post-S.F. locations. One tour shall be Chattanooga, Knoxville and Johnson Metropolis. “When folks resolve to depart San Francisco, they often don’t know the place they wish to go, they only wish to go,” Mr. Gilliam mentioned. Mr. Gilliam, who met his spouse once they labored at a Bay Space Chili’s restaurant, mentioned she wouldn’t let the household transfer but. And so the Pied Piper of the California-bashing Fb group remains to be in Fremont, on the jap finish of Silicon Valley. The gang’s all … right here now “Individuals at all times get pissed at me once they hear birds in my Zoom,” mentioned Ed Zaydelman, a longtime chief in San Francisco’s Burning Man group (and former New York Metropolis membership promoter), who’s forming an entrepreneur group in Costa Rica. “And I say, ‘Come be a part of.’” If San Francisco of the 2010s proved something, it’s the ability of proximity. Entrepreneurs might discover a dozen start-up pitch competitions each week inside strolling distance. In the event that they left an enormous tech firm, there have been start-ups keen to rent, and if a start-up failed, there was at all times one other. They might stay jammed right into a rambling Victorian with fellow nerds who — because of the recognition of polyamory — had been having a number of intercourse. Extra money was made quicker within the Bay Space by fewer folks than at every other time in American historical past. Nobody leaving town is arguing {that a} tradition of innovation goes to spring up over Zoom. So some are attempting to recreate it. They’re moving into property growth, constructing luxurious tiny-home compounds and taking up massive, funky homes in outdated resort cities. “All these folks wish to do is that this live-on-the-land stuff, but it surely’s not as straightforward as folks suppose,” Mr. Zaydelman mentioned. He calls his new growth firm Nookleo, and he’s constructing 5 tiny-home communities for distant employees. The little homes value between $30,000 and 40,000. Every compound has 4 to 6 properties, a small natural farm, a yoga deck, a swimming pool and a kitchen clubhouse. Two clusters are already underway in Costa Rica, with Mexico and Portugal subsequent. In Puerto Rico, Gillian Morris, the founding father of the journey app Hitlist, can be recruiting. Her San Francisco breaking level got here after her roommate was attacked on their avenue, and she or he did a form of intestine examine of herself over whether or not the road scenes and feeling of hazard had been well worth the excessive lease. She moved to San Juan in 2019, regardless that it additionally has against the law drawback. However now she lives in an enormous home in the course of town. “I’ve 12 folks leaving San Francisco over the following three months to affix a co-living group I arrange,” she mentioned. “It’s superb right here.” And for the Baja-leaning, there may be Bear Kittay, a co-founder of Good Cash, a web-based banking platform. Now Mr. Kittay, one other longtime fixture of the Burning Man pageant turned developer, is constructing a property for the brand new digital nomads. “The issues that make this metropolis sick will not be inside my management to alter,” he mentioned of San Francisco. “Lots of people are selecting to go to locations the place there’s alternative, and possibly it’s a spot that’s extra conservative and there will be an integration of dialogue. Or a spot the place they’ll stay nearer to nature. That’s what we’re doing.” Nikil Viswanathan, who co-founded the blockchain start-up Alchemy, not too long ago fled San Francisco. He mentioned that there was no purpose anymore for him or his colleagues to be there, and that he had at all times needed to stay on the seashore. So now he does, in San Diego. However the expats nonetheless discover each other. Not way back, he discovered a cluster at a celebration. “I knew it was an S.F. crew as a result of once I walked in as a result of that they had the total twin monitor with the ergonomic keyboard on a standing desk,” Mr. Viswanathan mentioned, including that dialog revolved across the decrease value of dwelling. “One of many S.F. guys was like: ‘I simply had a burrito for $6. It was superb.’” The final burrito he had in San Francisco value $15. They gained’t essentially be missed Longtime Bay Space residents could effectively say good riddance to folks like Mr. Viswanathan. Individuals who distrusted the younger newcomers from the beginning will say this transformation is an effective factor. Hasn’t this steep progress in wealth and inhabitants in a tiny geography at all times appeared unsustainable? These tech employees got here like a whirlwind. Just about each group from San Jose within the south to Marin County within the north has fought the rise of recent housing for the arrivals of the final decade. Possibly spreading the tech expertise round America is sensible. Locals have additionally seen this play earlier than. Shifting vans come to take a technology of tech ambition away, and some years later shifting vans return with new dreamers and new ambitions. After the dot-com bust in 2001, there have been fallow years earlier than the most recent, long-lasting growth — simply as there have been fallow years after the PC business consolidated a decade earlier. That led to the dot-com growth. It’s the circle of life within the Bay Space. And people who are staying are digging in. “When 12 mates left, it felt like powerlessness,” mentioned Diana Helmuth, a 32-year-old author and marketer in Oakland. “Like these forces had been too massive. The forces of the world felt too massive.” Now, although, she is hardening towards those that say life is best elsewhere and had been on the town just for a job. “I say, ‘Nice, goodbye, have a good time elsewhere.’” Supply hyperlink #area #Bay #Fast #leave
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poetdreamerfool · 8 years
he ain’t even know he was twitching; moving to his dealer like a bus boy to the kitchen; carrying in his arms a lost and found bin filled with revenge and cold dishes; sincerely best wishes signed, a junkie prone to the reveries of a greater purpose; his dealer was like Yoda with the baking soda; whip like bola, trapped in the barrens of cool; jaded by the masquerade of playing a hedonist in an Escalade long after the Devil said his debt was paid; fade– to those who seek glory: anarchy doesn't differentiate; hope is the keenest form of misinformation; when dancing with the devil make sure you’re the one leading– do the waltz not the tango; ceaselessly strive, disregard solace; change isn’t pushing the proverbial boulder up the hill change is getting out of the way of the boulder rolling down one.
peace, love, and other credible threats
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