#or domestic geto
mangospams · 2 years
Do you ever get the urge to write a very specific fic?? Like I have never wanted to write a Domestic JJK fic more in my whole life. Like
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sugume · 5 months
( CW ) f!reader, reader is pregnant(duh), tooth-rotting fluff  
Featuring: Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro, Nanami Kento, Geto Suguru 
author's note: short rewrite from my old blog
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"Toru, stop splashing my stomach!" you exclaimed at your playful husband, attempting to push the lukewarm bathwater onto your stomach, inadvertently splashing your face. "But she likes it, look!" he exclaimed with a huge smile as your daughter continued to kick your stomach. "I don’t need to look; I can feel it," you rolled your eyes. "Feels like she’s trying to break my ribs." You let out a little grunt when she kicks a particular spot. Satoru shoots a worried glance at you. "Are you alright?" he asks, rubbing smooth circles on your stomach. "I'm okay; she just keeps kicking the same spot," you gave him a small smile when he leans down to kiss your belly. "Hey now, take it easy on your momma, or no more splashes for you," he mummers to your stomach. As if your daughter understood, she stops and starts gently kicking in another area. "Look, Angel, she listened to me!" he exclaims before pushing more water into your stomach. "Toru! You got water in my nose!" 
"Are you okay, beautiful?" Toji inquired, concern evident in his eyes as he observes you holding your stomach with a furrowed expression. "Just a big kick from the baby," you struggle to get out, your stomach contracting. "C'mere--lemme make you feel better, baby," he whispered, sitting up on the headboard of the bed and pulling you between his open legs. "What are you doing, Toji?" You question as your husband reached towards the nightstand to grab something. "Makin’ my girl feel better–just lay down and relax," he whispers in your ear before placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder. With the cramps becoming unbearable, you had no other choice but to obey. Eyes squeezed tight, body resting on Toji’s toned chest, you tense when he starts to gently massage your stomach with what feels like lotion. A moan of relief escaped you involuntarily. "That’s right, let me take care of you," he mummers, continuing the soothing massage. 
"Are you ready to taste heaven, babies?" Nanami smiles warmly at your stomach as if expecting your unborn twins to give a response. Quickly, he leans down and places two affectionate kisses on your stomach, one for each baby. "C'mon, Kento, ’m hungry!" you pout, crossing your arms over your chest. Nanami was supposed to be giving you new food items that he found online, but the more he talks, the more it seems like he's eager for his children to be the taste testers rather than you. "You know they can’t actually give you a review, right?" you question your husband, but he ignores your sass and reaches for a plate. "Duh, ‘course I know that, but they're still going to taste it inside of you," he says as if it's the most obvious thing. "Yeah, all mashed up and mixed with a bunch of different foods. Now, give me that plate–I’m hungry!" you insist, reaching out for the plate as your husband laughs. 
"I don’t think they like me," Suguru grumbles, and you laugh as your unborn child tries and fails to kick their father's head off your stomach. "Hell," Suguru yanks his head up and glares at your protruding stomach. "Hey, don’t cuss at my baby," you laugh. "I wouldn’t have to if my baby wasn’t trying to give me a concussion," he rolls his eyes dramatically before rubbing his calloused fingers on your stomach, The baby kicks at his hand. "Don't be so dramatic, Sugu," you roll your eyes at your husband as he continues to tease your child with his hand. "How do you think I feel when they’re kicking my bladder at three AM?" you laugh. "You better not come out as moody as your mommy," he taunts before pressing a soft kiss on your stomach. "I’ll give you whatever you want when you come out if you let me lay down in peace, deal?" he whispers to your stomach, and all he gets is a harsh kick. "Deserved.” You huff out. 
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slttygeto · 5 months
you love touching suguru. it doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual, but the feeling of his skin is so comforting. he pretends to be annoyed at the fact that you can never seem to leave his personal space when he comes back from the gym, drenched in sweat and groaning that he stinks and that you’ll get acne from pressing your face against his sweaty one.
“you’re my stinky,” you press your lips against his cheek and mumble the words that have him making a face. he gently pulls you away from him.
“as much as I appreciate being your stinky, I wanna be your mr clean.” he tosses his clothes in the laundry basket in the bathroom.
“oh my god, like the guy on the cleaning product?” you gasp excitedly, and suguru stares st you both confused and amused at how you’re also taking off your clothes to join him.
“yknow the guy with white hair and pale skin—not gojo, this one is like much older and he’s ripped—“ you show with your hands how big his muscles are, and you giggle when you see suguru flex his back muscles as he steps into the shower.
“sounds like you have the hots for this cleaning product guy.” he turns on the water and waits for you to join him so that you both get warm enough.
“I mean, they do call him daddy…I think?”
and that makes him spray you with cold water until you’re begging for forgiveness.
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pengujoon · 8 months
cont. geto suguru x reader, fluff. suguru is really clingy when he’s sick, he’s so hot he’s burning up, living together!au, intentional lowercase, really wholesome
a/n. suguru brainrot is really hitting strong huh
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you woke up to a warm, sunny morning, and for a moment, everything felt perfect. but as you stirred in bed, you felt a familiar presence around you, but something was off.
suguru was nestled close to you, and his skin felt like it was on fire, radiating an intense heat. his cheeks were flushed with fever, and he clung to you as if your touch could cool the burning sensation that consumed him.
“suguru,” you said softly, reaching out to touch his forehead. it was burning up, and he groaned softly in response. his arms were wrapped around you, holding you close, but he seemed almost desperate for relief.
you gently shifted so that you were facing him, cradling his flushed face in your hands. “suguru, you’re burning up,” you murmured, worry filling your voice.
he nuzzled against your hand, seeking comfort. “i know,” he replied, his voice shaky. “i couldn’t sleep, and i needed to be close to you.”
you couldn’t help but feel your heartache for him. “i’m here, suguru. let’s get you cooled down.”
carefully, you disentangled yourself from his grip, leaving the bed to retrieve a damp, cool washcloth. you placed it on his forehead, and he sighed in relief. you could see the agony in his eyes, but he held onto you as if your presence alone could chase away the fever.
you climbed back into bed beside him, and he immediately snuggled against your side, his body seeking the comfort of your touch. you ran your fingers through his hair, trying to bring him some relief from the heat.
“let’s get you some porridge. it’ll help you feel better.”
with a gentle smile, you disentangled yourself from his grip, promising to return. you went to the kitchen to prepare a bowl of his favourite porridge, hoping it would help ease his fever. the scent of the simmering porridge filled the kitchen, comforting and inviting.
after a short while, you returned to his room with the warm bowl of porridge in hand. you found him still curled up under the blankets, looking miserable, but the moment he saw you, his eyes lit up at the sight.
“i’ve made some of your favorite porridge,” you said, holding it out to him. “it’s ready whenever you want.”
suguru’s gratitude shone in his feverish eyes as he accepted the bowl. “you’re the best,” he whispered, his voice full of appreciation.
you sat down on the edge of the bed and helped him sit up. but as you did, he couldn’t resist nuzzling into you, his head resting on your shoulder. he ate a few spoonfuls but seemed more interested in being close to you. his arms wrapped around your waist, and he snuggled against your side.
“thank you,” he mumbled between nuzzles. “you’re always so good to me.”
you smiled, running your fingers through his hair. “of course, suguru. i’ll take care of you until you’re better.”
once he finished, you set the empty bowl aside and turned to face him. his feverish gaze met yours, and in that moment, you knew you needed to offer more than just comfort food.
you moved closer, your hand gently finding its way to the back of suguru’s head, fingers threading through his hair. you felt the heat radiating from him, but you didn’t mind. in this quiet, intimate moment, you leaned in, and your foreheads met. your touch was soft, and your eyes locked with his, offering a silent reassurance that you’d be there for him.
suguru closed his eyes, his hand resting on your cheek, and he whispered, “thank you for taking care of me.”
your heart swelled with affection, and you continued to run your fingers through his hair, giving him the comfort he craved. in this close, loving moment, you knew that your presence was the best medicine for him.
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nanami in today's episode... mappa is never beating the gay for nanami allegations
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irisintheafterglow · 4 months
you were glowing again.
you, you, beautiful you tucked under the sheets of his tiny twin bed in an even tinier university dorm. with barely enough room to fit both of you, the arm pinning you against him was simultaneously ensuring you didn't roll onto the carpet. the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, bathing his room in a comforting orange glow. and there you were, smiling at him like he'd placed every star in the sky.
"i don't understand how you could be so enchanting," he whispers, "but still know zero shit about chemistry."
"there's no correlation between those two things," you point out just as softly, a small smirk teasing at the corner of your mouth. "one can be enchanting and stupid at the same time." he shrugs but peeks down at you with one sleepy eye open.
"i guess so."
"maybe i'm enchantingly stupid," you joke and his chuckle rumbles against your body. "it's a possibility."
"no, no. i think you're stupidly enchanting," he corrects, pressing his lips to the top of your forehead. "don't fall asleep. you still need to finish that worksheet."
"fuck the worksheet," you mutter against the fabric of his shirt. you grip tighter to his body even when he makes no indication of pushing you off and it makes him smile again. "i like being here with you."
"i like being here with you, too."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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nyctoaerah · 3 months
Hi queen aerah! I'm a follower from quotev and i really love your works especially divine punishment 🩷🫶🏻 i was hoping to request something, if you accept ofcourse, if you do then could you please do a yandere suguru one?🥰
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╰┈➤𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: Nanako and Mimiko asks you the reason as to why you’re wearing a blindfold, and what they found out chilled them to the bone, as they realized the truth about your blindness.
╰┈➤𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Yandere stuff, Medical description of stuff, Manipulation, Drugging, Forced Blindness (Lmao)
╰┈➤𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: Yandere! Suguru Geto x Oblivious! Blind! Reader
╰┈➤𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: I do not support or approve of any of the behaviors and actions depicted in this story. The content is intended solely for entertainment purposes. Hearts and reblogs are greatly appreciated<3. Kinda mid ig? Not rlly satisfied abt this. I'll do the other reqs next once i get the motivation to write<3
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You softly hummed a tune while sitting on the plush mattress, feeling Nanako gently brush your hair.   Mimiko was lounging on your lap as she stared at the ceiling.
“Your hair is so soft mama.. like silk”
Nanako said, admiration tinging in her voice at the softness of your hair, showering you with compliments as she held the right section in her hand and the left in her left hand, leaving the middle section loose. 
Despite having no vision, you could feel her lips curling into a smile and it made a small smile to appear on your lip.
“Thank you, Nanako.” You said softly.
The bond between you, Nanako, and Mimiko had grown strong over time, as they were practically adopted by Suguru, your husband, and raised as his own.  Despite Nanako and Mimiko’s bratty tendencies, they showed genuine kindness and affection towards you.
Nanako, in particular, often displayed a more bratty attitude, while Mimiko seemed content to follow her lead like her loyal minion. It was reminiscent of the classic dynamic between a popular girl and her devoted sidekick.
However, despite that, you loved them too, and treats them as your own daughters.
“Mama, can I ask you something?”
Nanako’s sudden inquiry cut through the air, her eyes searching for affirmation as she sucked in a deep breath and stole a fleeting glance at Mimiko. Without breaking eye contact with you, she searched your expression for any signs of discomfort, to know if you are comfortable with her asking you questions.
“Hm? Ofcourse,” You replied.
Curiosity danced in your mind as you could feel Nanako’s hesitant demeanor. Even without sight, the slight hastening of her heartbeat was a sign of her nerves. Sensory perception was your gift, something that helped you a lot, because you don’t really have a vision.
“Well...” Nanako trailed off, unsure of how to start.
“Don’t hesitate to ask, okay?”
You gently reached out, your fingers seeking hers, your lips parted when you felt the texture beneath your touch felt different—It wasn’t Nanako's hand you held, but Mimiko’s.
“...wait, your hands feels different.. wait no, these are mimiko’s”
The sudden awareness painted your cheeks with a blush of embarrassment, a mix of confusion and awkwardness mingling in your expression.
As the realization dawned on you, Nanako's suppressed laughter bubbled forth, a ghost of a smile gracing Mimiko's features. A reassuring squeeze of your hand conveyed understanding and acceptance. “It's okay,” Mimiko's silent gesture seemed to say.
Apologizing sheepishly for your mistake, you couldn't deny the lingering embarrassment. “I’m sorry,” you murmured, hoping to dissipate the awkwardness that hung between you.
“Didn’t see that, sorry girls.” You chuckled.
“Mama, stop with the blind jokes.” Nanako deadpanned, watching you rub the taut muscles on the back of your neck awkwardly.
“Um, right... What was it you were going to ask, Nanako?” You quickly shifted the conversation, eager to move past the momentary misstep.
Nanako hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper. She cleared her throat, her gaze fixed on you as her fingers gently ran through your hair.
“Why do you always wear a blindfold?”
The room fell silent, the weight of her question hanging in the air. 
Confusion clouded your expression as you searched for the right words to respond. The idea of why you wear the blindfold had never crossed your mind, as it was just a part of your daily routine. After all, you were blind, and the blindfold didn't make much of a difference in your world of darkness. All you knew was that Suguru had made it clear that it should never be removed—and you had no desire to provoke him.
Nanako could sense your discomfort as she observed your tense body language. Worried that she may have touched a nerve, she inquired tentatively, “Are you okay mama? You seemed agitated...”
“Nanako...” Mimiko began, her own brows knitting in concern. “That’s quite a sensitive question, don't you think?” She spoke softly, trying to redirect the conversation. 
Realizing her misstep, Nanako quickly shook her head and apologized, burying her face in the crook of your neck, her features partially obscured by your hair. “Ah.. I’m sorry mama! I didn’t realized that i was being insensitive...”
“It's okay,” you reassured her awkwardly, letting out a nervous chuckle as you cleared your throat.
“You’re not mad?” She asked, her voice soft and vulnerable as she pulled away from you, her eyes wide and pleading. Her puppy eyes looked up at you, brimming with an innocence that would have probably tugged at your heartstrings—only if you could see it.
“Hm..? ‘course not, don’t worry," you assured her, a gentle smile playing on your lips.
“‘S fine, really,” you said, your tone calm and reassuring.
“Ah.. right, about your previous question...Well, the reason I wear the blindfold is because Suguru told me to.”
“Huh..? Why would Geto-sama want you to wear a blindfold?”
Nanako’s perplexed tone cut through the air like a sharp blade, her confusion palpable. In her mind, she had painted Suguru as one who adored gazing into one’s eyes, the windows to one’s soul. But now, she couldn’t fathom the reasoning behind concealing them, especially when blindness couldn’t erase the existence of your eyes.
“I... Don’t know...” you trailed off as the room fell into an uneasy silence.
The silence was eventually shattered by Mimiko’s voice, breaking through the tension.
“Geto-sama says that you have the prettiest eyes that he has ever seen.” she chimed in, her gaze flitting between you and Nanako. A subtle shift in her posture saw her abandoning her spot on your lap, choosing instead to perch on the plush mattress.
“Huh? Geto-sama saw mama’s eyes?” Nanako asked, looking flabbergasted.
“Nanako, He’s her husband.” Mimiko reminded her twin sister.
“But then.. if he likes your eyes so much, why would he want you to hide them?” Mimiko’s words cut through the haze of confusion.
Your brows drew together, shoulders slightly slouching.
“I suppose that remains a mystery,” you finally replied, your voice laced with a tinge of curiosity and apprehension.
Mimiko and Nanako studied you curiously, wondering what your eyes truly looked like. Were they as beautiful as Suguru had described? However, they had never been permitted to remove your blindfold, and they weren’t the type to disobey Suguru. Despite their bratty tendencies, they were obedient. 
But then, What secrets actually lay behind that blindfold? They were tempted to take a look, Yet, the girls remained restrained by their loyalty to Suguru, reluctance staining their disobedient thoughts. 
“Perhaps he prefers it that way?” you mused, resting your head on your palms and propping your elbow on your thigh.
“I’m not really sure, if i’m gonna be honest.. he just likes it that way i guess.”
“I can’t even remember how I lost my vision too.”
You had no recollection of how you lost your sight, as your memories seemed to have vanished without a trace. All you knew was that Suguru was your husband, and he claimed that you had lost your memories due to your immune system attacking your eyes. 
According to him, your immune system had somehow identified your eyes as a threat, leading to inflammation and damage that resulted in your blindness. He insisted that there was a scientific basis for this too, as the immune system would attack the eye once it recognized its existence.  
And ofcourse, as the dumb little thing you are, you Believed him.
“Mama, are you okay?” Mimiko’s concerned voice breaks through the fog of your thoughts, drawing your attention. 
You compose yourself, managing a smile.
“I’m fine,” you reassure her softly.
Nanako’s eyes are searching, her worry palpable. “Are you sure?” she presses gently.
You can’t help but be touched by their concern, feeling a warmth blossoming in your chest. Meeting their gazes, you offer another smile.
“I promise, my loves, I truly am okay,” you say, a hint of laughter in your voice as you reach out to embrace them both. 
A surge of gratitude sweeps over you as you hold them close, basking in their presence.
“Having you two by my side and a husband who supports me tirelessly every day, I couldn’t ask for more,” you whisper.
“Life is tough, but atleast i have you all.”
Dumb little you was so oblivious and didn’t knew that suguru was the reason why your life was tough.
If only you had been aware that he was the mastermind behind all of this. He orchestrated the entire scheme that led to your memory loss and deceived you into believing he was your husband. It was also because of him that you lost your sight, although you were too dumb to realize it at the time. 
Suguru was deeply enamored with you and the two of you were once in a romantic relationship. However, when you decided to break up with him, his feelings of love turned into obsession. He resorted to disturbing and dangerous tactics to make sure you stayed with him—Such as manipulating and drugging you, all in the name of his overwhelming love for you as he was unable to bear the thought of losing you.  
It may have been your mistake to allow him into your life, however. Perhaps if you had declined Satoru’s invitation to hang out with him and Suguru, you would have never crossed paths with him. Maybe if you had refused to give Suguru your number or declined the love letters he presented, things would be different.
You wouldn’t be in this situation.
After embracing the girls tightly, you gently released them and affectionately patted their heads. Your expression brightened as you spoke,
“I’ll just show you how they look like to satisfy your curiosity, ‘kay?”
Nanako and Mimiko both eagerly nodded in agreement.  
“I bet they’re really pretty just as Geto-Sama says!” Nanako says and Mimiko nods in agreement.
“.. Suguru shouldn’t mind, at least I hope not,” you muttered under your breath.
With a deliberate motion, you gently lifted the blindfold with a slender finger, allowing just a sliver of sight for Mimiko and Nanako to catch a glimpse of your eyes. The room grew eerily silent as the two girls eagerly leaned in, their gazes fixed upon your mysterious orbs.
However, what they beheld was beyond their wildest imaginations, shattering their preconceived notions. Their eyes widened in disbelief, their pupils constricting in shock as a chilling wave of fear washed over them. Their jaws slackened.
Your eyes were tightly sewn together by a thick black thread infused with cursed energy. The thread was so tightly wound, and your eyelids were merged together, giving the appearance of eyes belonging to a puppet with carefully stitched features.
That was when they realized that you weren’t actually blind.
Nanako’s throat constricted as a strangled gasp clawed at her lips, her heart hammering violently against her ribcage. Mimiko’s body tensed, a tremor coursing through her frame as her eyes widened in sheer horror.
Suguru’s presence seemed to loom unnoticed until that moment, as he loitered casually by the door, propped against the wall with a nonchalant air, his head cocked to one side, observing them with a detached interest.
He was just there the whole moment you three were talking, completely silent and just watching.
A shiver ran down the two girl’s spines as their gazes collided. Suguru’s lips curled up in a knowing smirk, his ice-cold eyes staring at them as he brought a finger to his own lips as he mouths something.
“Can you keep a secret?”
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akicult · 1 year
contains ; domesticity. bf!suguru. suggestive themes. modern / college au. geto wants you to be his housewife basically. just a short drabble. mostly fluff.
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just thinking about college bf!suguru that didn’t realize he was a domestic person until he met you.
he’s still young, only in his third year at university and he’s still deciding on what his near future will look like. he’s had his fair share of girlfriends, and little hookups, and to be quite frank—he didn’t think he was done either.
how was he supposed to know the first night he met you, bent over his backseat, was about to be the start of the most serious relationship he’d ever have.
that night started the first of many, slowly realizing he was only asking to hookup just because he wanted to see you. how he’d send a pickup text, with a frown on his cheeks because he thought you were only in it for that reason.
and when he finally swallowed his stubbornness, he was met with the most amazing two years of his life, stuck with you by his side.
college bf!suguru who, until he met you, hardly even dreamt about a future where the love of his life would carry his child in her arms, kissing his cheek and brewing a cup of coffee for the two of them to share in the morning.
he didn’t even care to imagine what that future would be like, what the woman would look like. it didn’t feel achievable, or even desirable until he fell in love with you.
and it was a random realization, but looking back on it—it was building. slowly.
weeks and weeks spent of you just pampering him, praising him, for even the most average things. like, getting an amazing score on an exam, and all you had to do was say, “aw! good job, baby!” before he was putty in your fingertips.
his room is all messy, deep dark circles under his eyes. it was procrastination’s fault—his fingers hurt from typing on his computer all day thanks to waiting until hours before a huge essay was due.
you offered to leave his apartment, to give him the concentration he needs to get it finished, but he was ushering a “no, no stay,” because he honestly didn’t want you to leave. so you stayed, situating yourself in the other room, occasionally popping in to check up on him—and eventually lay on his bed after he insists you to.
it’s only when he finally finishes—8 hours later and it’s already nighttime. his shoulders are slouched, his back is stiff and he’s walking out of his room with his closed computer weighing by his side.
and you’re still there.
not only are you still there, but you’re washing his dishes.
hair clipped back, sweatshirt engulfing your body and sweats tightly tied around your waist. you’re humming along to some music that plays over a speaker—quiet but loud enough to know what song is playing.
you look so utterly homey.
like you’ve settled into your personal home after a long day at work, just blissfully scrubbing away on glossy white dishes that were previously eaten on. your clothes acknowledge that you’re comfortable, uncaring of what he sees you in.
although it’s not just the fact that you’re dressed like that—it’s the fact that you’re cleaning his things.
cleaning a mess you didn’t even make, just out of the kindness in your heart that’s making geto’s throat close and his palms sweaty. he’s in absolute awe that he doesn’t realize you’ve noticed his presence until you’re turning to face him.
“oh! did you finish?” you ask, turning the water off and rushing towards him.
he’s blinking, nodding slowly. “yeah—just submitted it.”
“yay! ‘m so proud of you!” you grin, lacing your fingers behind the back of his neck and pulling him in for a chaste kiss like you always do—but it feels so much different this time.
like you’re congratulating him on a big promotion, tugging on his work tie and kissing him until he’s forgetting his own name.
he feels like his ring finger is so cold, and there’s a missing heavy weight that’s never even been there in the first place.
like he’s an idiot for not tying you down on the spot—wrapping vows and vows around the two of you until you’re barely mobile.
and he wants to be your doting husband for the rest of his life. he wants to walk through his front door every evening with an awaiting kiss to his cheek, and a home-cooked meal fresh in his senses.
he wants to go to sleep with you in his arms every night, mumbling sweet ‘i love you’’s after flickering off the bedside lamp.
and maybe, just maybe one day, he wants to hear the gentle pitter patter of two little feet charging down the hallway.
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this is accidentally freud coded (emphasis on accidentally)
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luv4fushi · 1 year
hi!! i read your gojo smaus and they're so cute <3 may i request some texts between geto and reader in a relationship? thanks sm if you do this! i love your work :)
latte here to deliver! enjoy ~
bf geto suguru text messages
jjk geto suguru x gn!reader
content: lots of pet names and FLUFF!!!
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grocery shopping
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hate you
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A Long-Awaited Proposal
Suguru Geto x Reader
Suguru loves you. You never doubted it for a moment, but he had a hard time letting you take care of him. Suguru always felt it was his job to take care of you, not the other way around. This idea was hard to live up to when you two moved in together. He found himself slowly liking having you around to help. Having you in his arms made the day feel like it was worth it. You just existing made the world seem brighter. 
Suguru opened the door to your shared home to find the smell of food cooking. He nervously fiddled with the small box in his pocket. Suguru walked into the kitchen and leaned on the doorway, smiling. He watched you for a minute with you none the wiser. 
“You left the door unlocked, dork.” Suguru finally spoke up. You jumped and whipped around to look at him. You pouted and he chuckled at your reaction. 
“Oh, sure. Get home from work and you immediately scold me.” You said, dramatically. “No, ‘Hi, honey’ or ‘I missed you’ or ‘I love you’ or anything nice?” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, darling.” Suguru teased. “How can I possibly convince my lovely, gorgeous partner, who I love very much, to forgive me?” 
“You can always buy my forgiveness with kisses.” You suggested. Your boyfriend grinned and came over to your spot in the kitchen. He gave you short, sweet kisses on your lips, then your cheek, then your forehead, then he glanced at the food in the pan. 
“Food is gonna burn.” Suguru muttered against your forehead. 
“Oh, crap!” You said and quickly turned to tend to the food. Suguru looked around the kitchen. Aside from the dishes in the sink, ones you used while making dinner, everything was in order. He briefly felt bad. He was a mess when you first moved in, not really feeling the need to clean unless he needed to use something. Suguru had been keeping things tidy and taking care of himself more. Even Satoru had mentioned it. 
“She’s something, alright.” Satoru had said. “You seem happier with her than even me.” 
As much as Satoru teased him about it, he wasn’t wrong. Suguru was happier with you. He didn’t know how you put up with him sometimes, but you were always there when he needed you. You put up with his stubbornness when he tried refusing your help and he did the same when you did it. It wasn’t perfect by any means, but nothing was. You loved him, and he loved you. You made each other happier and better. Which is why he went out today. He had told you it was a mission, but that was a lie. Suguru fidgeted with the box in his pocket again. 
After dinner, you and Suguru were cuddled up on the couch when he suddenly got up. He grabbed your hand and led you out of the door without a word. 
“Suguru?” You asked. “Where are we going?” 
“You’ll see.” Was all he said. You trusted him with your life, of course but this was weird. No teasing or flirting to make you flustered. He was oddly quiet. 
Eventually, you two got to a place you recognized. Suguru had brought you up here for your first date because the view was beautiful. It was the perfect time of day to come up here, too. The sunset was at the point that it was making gorgeous colors in the sky. You were watching the sky for a bit before speaking up. 
“So, what’s the occasion, Sugu-” You cut yourself off when you turned and saw Suguru. He was on one knee and holding up an engagement ring in the box. 
“I, uh- damnit.” Suguru said. “I had had a whole speech prepared and everything, but seeing you here like this, my mind is completely blank and I feel like an idiot.” 
He laughed at himself. 
 “I love you.” Suguru continued. “I’ve never loved anyone more and I never will, so if you’ll have me, I’m all yours. Now and forever. Please, marry me?” 
You could feel yourself tearing up. You nodded frantically and hugged him with enough force that you two sprawled to the ground. Suguru laughed. 
“Oh, thank god.” He said. “If you said no, I’d have probably crawled into a hole and died.” 
You laughed.
“As if there was a chance I’d say no to you.” You said. Suguru reached over to the ring that had fallen out of his hand when you’d practically tackled him in a hug. He slipped the ring on your finger and kissed you.
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scarletevening · 6 months
For the Christmas request:
Prompt: hey look it's snowing
My idea??: walking through the Christmas market with gojo backhugging reader *lip bite emoji*
With a cold, introverted reader pls!
ⓑⓔⓐⓤⓣⓨ [ 𝚐𝚘𝚓𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚞 ]
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𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓; ❞ Look! Look! it's snowing!"
cw: none, fluff, mutual pining, cold, introverted, gn! reader.
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Even with mitten on your hands, the cold air was not any kinder to your fingertips.
The two of you walked together, hands stuffed in your pockets, worshiping the shiny craftsman ship of Christmas ornaments, cards, wrapping, trinkets, gifts, all littered around you like stars.
Of course, climate isn't something too avoidable, so as you and your company walked, Gojo having more of a strut, the cold air picked up, and the sun hid behind the clouds.
"You know what this means!"
His voice rang in your ear as a joyful bell, pulling the corners of your lips into a subtle smile.
"Yes, Gojo, yes I-"
"Look! Look! It's snowing!!"
And it indeed was. Soft, plush, minuscule flakes descending from the dreary sky. Habitually, maybe instinctually, both you raised your hands reached to grasp the snowflakes, knowing they would melt with contact. It was slow, gentle flakes touching and dissolving at every object around you.
His hair was already white, but it glittered like a diamond as each snowflake took hold, the sprinkled rays of sunlight reflecting off of each droplet. His eyes peaking under his cover as he looks toward you, the glimmering ornaments of celebration framing his face like a picture, glowing like the moon among the night.
He was undeniably gorgeous, and you knew that the moment you look into his cerulean eyes you couldn't keep a straight face. So you didn't, you kept your eyes away, blamed the blush on your cheeks on cold air rather than your imagination.
He laughed beside you, collecting the snow in his palms with a grin. Of course, he was him, and he naturally began to try to throw it at you. You gasped, glaring at him with a smile pulling at the corner of your lips, your hand picking up what little snow there was on the floor of Tokyo streets to throw back at him.
You snarl at him as he grins and laughs, dramatically tripping over his feet,
"You merciless monster!"
He cries, bystanders staring at him in confusion and disdain. The eyes intimidate you, he knows, the way you move three steps ahead to seem as though you don't associate with him, reaching the end of the pop-up market.
Even with your feeble, playful attempt at getting him off your tail, you failed.
A man who could never touch, never feel the contact of another casually, without thought, let his barrier go. Wrapped around you, slipping between your arms and tugging around your waist lazily, his rouge-tinted lips brushing your ear,
"You're just so mean."
You froze, probably from being flustered, but you'd like to blame the snow. But you didn't pull away, letting your eyes wander to the snow-covered bricks of the sidewalk. Your breath mingled with his, hot air turning white in the cold air. The end of the market, where the two of you stood, trapped in his arms as he waited for your reply.
To him, it didn't matter what you said, if you protested without movement, if your grumbled and mumbled. All he had to acknowledge was that he held you as snow fell around your bodies, his warmth pressing into your back. He sighed into your scarf once more,
"I know you never mean it when your mean."
You smile, unable to cold the smile that broke past your face as you glanced towards him,
"Don't be so sure, Satoru."
didn't know how to end it again i need to learn to problem solve. anyways thank you sm for the rq and sorry for taking so long!!!
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fictionfordays · 9 months
Domestic Life HCs
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Suguru Getou x Fem!Reader
CW: Mentions of periods, affectionate Sug', kisses, piv sex, marking, light choking, use of pet names like "good girl," oral (f receiving), orgasm denial, cum, hair pulling, slight size kink, praise, creampie, Sug' is the king of aftercare istg
A/N: Mina bby, I hope these are sufficient!<3 I wanna sit on his face
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❀ He loves to be in the same room as you. You could be cooking in the kitchen, and he’s leaning against the counter waiting for you to let him taste test whatever it is you’re making as you guys chat away - though tbh he’d be the one cooking dinner. Or breakfast ;3
❀ Hugs are mandatory for him. Even if it’s first thing in the morning and you’re standing on your porch with a hot cup of coffee/tea in your hands, he’s coming up behind you and carefully wrapping his big arms around your waist, inhaling the lingering scent of your shampoo and committing it to memory (he really loves when you’re not fully awake, just a silent bliss as you both take in the sunrise)
❀ He can be a distraction. Not to the extent as a certain someone, but a distraction nonetheless. It’s cleaning day, you’re dusting the ceiling fan with music playing from the tv when he’s suddenly taking you by the hands and twirling you around the living room and singing along to whatever song started playing from the shuffle. He’ll plant playful kisses all over your face as he pulls you close to him. He walks away like he didn’t just do that (“Dammit, Sug’ I’m trying to clean!” but he just smirks at you and continues cleaning in the kitchen)
❀ He LOVES cuddling with you. He usually makes you initiate since he likes to tease you. (“Aw, ya wanna cuddle, baby? Why didn’t you just say so?”)
❀ If you’re sick, not feeling great, on your period, or whatever, prepare to be coddled. He loves you so much and he wants you to feel better! Feverish? He has a cool, damp towel for your forehead and will bring you whatever medications you need (with a glass of water!) Not doing great today? Don’t worry, y/n, he’ll make sure to get your fave snack, and your fave comfort movie queued up and ready to go. Period stuff? He’ll rub your tummy, your boobies, or your forehead if you need! (Chocolates and your go-to product will be waiting for you, too)
❀ Man loves sketching. Idk I just love the hc of him being some kind of artist. HOWEVER, don’t try to romanticize this shit bc he’s definitely a fan of horror media. He’ll draw a picture of you if you’d like, but you might not like the result. If you want something cute or nice, you may have to request it specifically. Occasionally he might draw something with you as his muse that’s actually really lovely, but usually it’s when he’s feeling a little down and looking for inspiration (“You just looked so pretty today, baby~”)
❀ I hc him to be a gift giver and an acts of service type of guy. He’ll gift you little treats or small trinkets that remind him of you, especially if you two get into an argument and he feels bad about it. He’ll rub your back, your feet, wherever you need his hands, you got it
❀ Sug’ takes really good care of his hair. His hair care routine is I M P E C C A B L E. Hair masks (the fancy ones or even diy) are applied weekly and oils (usually argan or tea tree) are used nightly. He also uses a heat protectant on the warmer days of the year. He swears by his silk scrunchie that you keep forgetting to return (he ended up buying a new one), and adores his silk pillow case. He’s very insistent on you doing his routine with him, or even for him when he’s feeling lazy. He just loves when your fingers massage his scalp and when you gingerly comb through his pretty locks. He feels so relaxed when you spend this time with him.
❀ On the weekends or on days neither of you are working, you both like to laze around in bed for the morning. He loves being lazy with you but he also needs his exercise so he may go for a run or do a quick body weight work out while you’re laying in bed. If you’re not up by the time he’s finished, he’ll come wake you up with a plate of your favourite breakfast and a hot cup of coffee/tea, and leave soft little kisses all over your face until you wake up
❀ Man is so sexy and he knows it. Will wash your car for you and smirk every time he catches your eyes trailing his shirtless torso
❀ Enjoys singing in the shower or humming while he’s doing chores. #FACT and he has a lovely singing voice
❀ Loves to read while sitting on the balcony. If it’s too cold outside then he’ll sit near a window. But his favourite spot to read is laying on the couch with his head on your lap 
❀ If you’re tired, he’ll lay next to you and softly trace your facial features until you fall asleep. Loves staring at your face
❀ Back to his hands, he’ll rub other places for you too. If you’ve had a stressful day, he’s carrying you to whatever comfortable surface is closest (the couch, the bed, that comfortable rug in your room?) and set you down on his lap, your back pressed against his chest. He’ll nibble your earlobes while whispering praises lowly, one hand groping your breasts, the other traveling further south
❀ While it’s not his go-to, lazy sex is his favourite. He doesn’t care how you’re positioned as long as you’re both laying down, but missionary seems to be what happens the most. The intimacy and closeness really gets him. He moves slow, hitting those sweet spots nice and deep, holding you close. He likes to tell you how much he loves you right before he cums
❀ Pleasure-dom for sure. He gets off on going down on you, humping the bed while his tongue explores your folds. He groans so lowly that you almost come undone right then
❀ He loooooves going down on you, but don’t expect to finish any time soon. He can be really mean, denying your orgasm a few times, praises falling from his lips too (“Look at you, so pretty for me. You really wanna cum don’t you? Be a good girl and ask for what you need, baby~”)
❀ Absolutely loves your pussy. Will absent-mindedly rub your clit while you two are watching a movie. Or while you’re reading a book. He’ll even stand behind you while you’re washing your face. Doesn’t matter where you are, he’ll find a way
❀ Shower sex. I mean… Have you seen him??? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t
❀ He likes wrapping his big hand around your throat. You? Trust him?? Gets off on that fact alone. Plus his hand looks SO BIG wrapped around your pretty neck
❀ Loves to shove his fingers in your mouth. Your mouth is so warm and wet and inviting. The way your plush lips wrap around his thick digits and your tongue swirls around the pads of his fingers while his eyes hold your gaze. You get to watch how blown out his pupils get as the tent in his pants grows bigger
❀ When he’s about to cum, he bites down on your neck or your shoulder with a deep groan rumbling from his chest
❀ Loves marking you. Bite marks, hickeys, bruises in the shape of his fingers on your hips
❀ Cumming inside of you is his favourite place to release. He just loves filling up his sweet baby, and seeing it leaking out around his cock gets him hard again
❀ Pull his hair
❀ Pull it
❀And lightly scratch his scalp. While he loves this for self-care days, it makes him groan like a desperate bitch if you do it while making out
❀ Ooh and if you scratch his scalp and pull his hair while he’s inside of you? Oooooohhhhhh boy, you’ve never heard a prettier moan come out of his mouth before
❀ Suguru is the king of aftercare
❀ He’ll lay on top of you for a few moments while you catch your breaths before getting a wet rag from the bathroom to clean you up. If it was an exceptionally messy session then he’ll carry you to the shower and give you a gentle wash. He’ll wash your hair if it needs to be washed, and he’ll gently rub soap over your skin. If it was a tiring session then he’ll lay behind you in the bathtub to clean you up
❀ Once you’re both cleaned up and in pjs, he’ll get you some water. If you fall asleep before he gets back, he’ll try to gently wake you up and make you hydrate, but if you don’t wake up then he’ll set the glass of water on the nightstand for you
❀ He cuddles you pretty tight. Even if it wasn’t especially rough this time. He’ll leave some kisses on your skin along with sweet praises and an “I love you” or two. He just wants you to know that he loves and cares about you
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Tags: @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @nanamis-wifey-reye @enchantedforest-network
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2023.
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starsinmylatte · 3 months
For my fellow curly-haired lovelies
Tonight, I'm thinking about how the JJK men (specifically Nanami, Geto, Higuruma, Gojo, and Ino... they just give off the vibes) would learn your haircare routine as yet another gesture of how much they love you and want to take care of you in every possible way.
Their strong hands gently help you oil/condition your hair when it's time or simply massage your scalp as you relax in front of them, warm and sighing in blissful adoration.
They'd be wonderful and attentive about it, too, even going so far as to memorize your routine for wash day and to learn how you refresh in the mornings so they can help.
And if there's ever a time when you'd just prefer their company while you follow your routine, they'll lovingly watch and talk with you, keeping you company for as long as you want.
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sugume · 4 months
( CW ) f!reader, children, tantrums, lots of tears  
FEATURING: Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Choso Kamo 
Authors note: the way Choso’s son refuses to eat dinner when you all sit down, he just huffs and puffs and you eventually have to give in and buy him Taco Bell, so he doesn’t go to sleep on an empty stomach. And Gojo’s son knew what he was doing when he hit him hehe. 
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“Daddy, I wanna go to the park.” His twins yell for what feels like the thousandth time today. Satoru whines, throwing his arm over his eyes when one of the twins points flashlights in his face. “I said no, Daddy doesn’t feel well today—we can play in your room, how about we build a fort?” Satoru answers again—just like he did the last time and the time before and the time before that. “No Daddy! Wanna go to ‘park!” His girl screams before his son hits him square in the dick with the flashlight. He jumps up, howling in pain. “I said not today!” He snaps and instantly regrets it when he hears the venom in his voice. How holds his throbbing dick before looking up and his babies. They both stare at him with frowns. His little girl looks about ready to start sobbing and his son looks like he wants to hit him with the flashlight again. “Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell,” He apologizes, flinching back when little tears slip out their eyes. “I’m sorry, I'm sorry, don’t cry. How ‘bout we go to the park okay? Daddy didn’t mean to yell, oh don’t cry, baby.” He whispers, reaching out with big hands to grab them and pull them into his lap. “Park?” “Yep, park.” They look at each other before breaking out in a scream. 
“Daddy?” His daughter pulls the end of his long hair. “I'm busy, baby.” He answers as he scrolls through his emails on his work computer. “Wanna see.” She whines, trying to climb onto her father’s lap. She just slides off, unable to pull her body weight up with small arms. “In a little bit, go play with Mommy baby,” he says, trying to convince his daughter who just huffs and holds her arms up to him. “I wanna work too!” She whines and Suguru grumbles before lifting her onto his lap. He sets her in the nook of her arm. She snuggles into Suguru's content for a few minutes. “My turn Daddy.” She stands up on his lap and reaches over to touch the computer. She fails, instead pushing the cup of water he had been slipping on. The cup tilts over and pours all over Suguru’s computer. “Dammit D/n!” He growls out and though he doesn't yell his deep voice is enough to cause his daughter to jump in fear. “Sorry, ’m sorry.” She cries, trying to crawl out of her father's lap. “Shit--It’s alright baby. Hey, it’s okay sweet girl.” “I didn’t mean to.” “I know. Let’s clean up our mess, okay?” He kisses his daughter's forehead and carries her to grab a towel. 
“I don’t want your ugly food.” His son screams at him. “Well, you aren’t getting Fast food.” He mutters. “I want Taco Bell!” He screams, but Choso just ignores him and continues to stir the food. “I said I want Taco Bell!” He throws himself on the floor, kicking and rolling around Choso’s legs. Choso tries to ignore the temper tantrum his son is throwing but after several minutes it starts to get unbearable. Anything he says just goes in one ear and out the other. “No Fast food!” He eventually snaps. S/n immediately stops rolling on the floor when he hears his father yell. Choso turns the stove on low before walking over and crouching in front of his son. “Daddy doesn’t wanna yell baby, but you gotta understand that you can’t get Fast food every day. It’s not healthy for you alright?” He explains to his son. His son just glares up at him. Choso smiles back which prompts the little boy to grumble how stupid and ugly his father looks. When they eventually come to an understanding, he picks him up and lets him help him cook.  
Nanami’s loud voice echoes through the living room, and you race to the living room in worry. Once you turn the corner you see your daughter looking at him with wide tear-filled eyes. She’s never seen this side of her dad; you can’t think of one time her dad raised his voice at her. “Kento? What’s going on?” You glare at him as your daughter comes running into you. You hold her little body to you. Kento stands there with a shocked expression on his face. He didn’t mean to snap at his little girl, he just had a bad day at the office and brought that attitude home. “Daddy’s mean.” Your daughter cries out, wrapping her small arms tighter around your legs. “Princess,” Kento whispers as he cautiously walks towards you two. “I didn’t mean to yell at you princess, I’m so sorry.” He chokes out, crouching down to her level. When she hears the familiar softness in her dad’s voice, she slowly peaks around you. Kento holds his arms open. She doesn’t hesitate and jumps into her father's arms. “s’ok I forgive you, Daddy.” She sniffles into his neck. Nanami squeezes her tightly, whispering out apologies on how he’ll never do it again. You can tell by the look in his eyes your daughter will be getting extra spoiled in the next few days.  
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superluver · 7 months
hiiii hope ur having a good day there, if ur requests are open, can i request suguru (suguru after premature death) with non sorcerer reader, she thought he saved her but he just wanted to get a curse from her, but then he falls for her
basically geto falling for ‘monkey’ reader ^^^ and him having an(other) existential crisis,
hope this makes sense T.T and thank u!! <3
Geto. S. - Cursed
Pairing: Geto Suguru x Reader
SORRY FOR THE WAIT ☹️☹️ If this wasn't what u were looking for (which i feel it isnt) message me again and i'll do it again, 🙏🙏
Cw: angst-ish to fluff, Mentions of murder, mental health, FEMreader, Mimiko and Nanako, a lot of monkey calling, domestic suguru
Wc: 1.6k
Description: You're cursed and Suguru wants it. Suguru having internal conflict
BEFORE YOU READ: this doesnt pertain to the story but i swearrrrr in the gojo x reader following a lot of spam has been posted please dont forget to report it
“If you’re trying to enter the building, you have to go through the back.”
Your voice is bland, tired, uninterested.. Suguru can go on and on about the monkey’s voice in front of him. He was still staring at you, though his line of vision was more like what was beside you, something that you couldn’t see. You were leaning onto a fence in an alleyway that connected your office building to the next one over, elbow and forearm holding your balance.
He stays unchanging, smiling while staring you down. It was seemingly innocent, with a hint of menacing. Suguru wanted to kill you, he thought about it really hard; The guy had been watching you for weeks now.
It was hard to not notice the curse attached to you, any sorcerer could feel its cursed energy from all of Japan. It was intense, and rightfully so.
This was a special grade, and he had to be the one to have it.
You never even glanced at him, a burning cigarette in between your lips. Hey, maybe you’d get murdered by some handsome weirdo.. that wouldn’t be so bad, right?
“Hey, if you’re going to kill me can you hurry up with it.”
Again, your voice is so tired.
This time, you finally turn your head to face him, and he finds his smile faltering. So similar to his when he was younger. Defeated, tired, and no one knew.
No one cared to find out further, and who could he even talk to? Shoko was out practicing her Reversal Cursed Technique, his juniors were still experiencing the world, and Satoru has become the strongest on his own.
So he was on his own, until he finally broke.
But, you were a monkey. What would you know about hard work. What would you know about sacrifice?
Afterall, you’re just a monkey.
Yet, he finds himself faltering. He just couldn’t kill you, and the curse beside you began pulsating. Not to mention the fact that you never questioned his monk attire.
“What,” he stutters, throat going dry. His voice is cracking, so he pauses , licking his lips before resuming. Was is always this hard to talk with a monkey? “What’s your name?” He asked you.
Your eyes inspected him, and he takes note that you haven't puffed the cigarette yet.
“You gonna smoke that?”
He doesn't know why, but the anger wells up inside of him once more. Maybe the two of you weren’t so similar after all. Smoking was something he did to cope, and now look at you, doing it for show.
“I don’t wanna smoke when someone’s talking to me, ‘s rude..” you slur, pulling out the half burned cig and pressing it down on the ash tray.
He feels his heart pang, and a mixture of emotions flood through him. How unusual, he’s never felt like this before, not even in his Highschool years.
“It’s (L/N), (Y/N). By the way.” You inform, the last but coming out weakly in whisper.
“Is that so?” He mumbles, watching you fumble into your jacket, pulling out a half empty box and flicking it open. You extend your arm out, holding the box open, and he feels his world become distorted.
Almost like a lullaby, feeling like a kid again. The world he sees is full of color, then dark, only in black and white, then nothing at all, and now he’a seeing you, the only thing with color in this monkey-ridden world. And now, back to all black and white, execpt you, now full of color.
He wonders if this has something to due with the curse on you. It’s hugging you hightly, like a snake. It’s thin, hugging your breasts, wrapped around your neck, ready to kill you, but he doesn’t want that.
Suguru blinks, time resuming as normal as he utters a thanks, taking it and using the lighter you hand out right after.
“I haven’t smoked since I was a teenager,” he confesses, and he doesn’t know why he felt the need to say that, to a monkey at that.
“Really? How’d you stop?” You ask, genuinely curious. You’d been trying to quit for years, but with the things life has been throwing at you, you think you’d end up smoking yourself to death.
Suguru glances around, thinking hard, “I decided to do what I wanted to do.” And it’s true, he decided to follow his heart and exterminate monkeys for a living. It brings him joy.
“And what’s that?” You ask him, fully intrigued with he’s talking about. He gulps, staring down at you, biting his tongue he furrows his eyebrows ag you. The damn curse, it’s doing this to him.
He grabs your wrist, staring at you darkly, and you think this is where he’ll kill you.
But he doesn't.
He covers your eyes with his large palm, and it’s unusually calloused, more than the average worker. He does it gently, despite his dark expression. Your line of sight is completely darkened, and suddenly, you feel weightless.
He didn’t kill you— he wouldn’t kill you.
“Ge— Suguru. Suguru, could you help me here?” You call him from the bedroom.
He’s 22 years old and has been living with you for two. Peering his head in, he watches you struggle in holding the matress cover down to pull it over on the other side.
“It won’t stay!” You groan, watching the other side pop out. He chuckles, walking to the opposite corner of the bed and pulling it down under it.
It feels oddly domestic when he’s with you.
When the four of you hang out, you holding the girls hands while he walks behind you three, it feels like he’s with his family.
Though sometimes he feels like he sees Satoru—
“Suguru?” You call him, your face close to his own. He catches himself holding his breath when you near, ‘monkey’ he finds his mind calling you.
His hands go to your cheeks, thumbs stroking your cheeks. Your lips part, observing his solemn facial expression. His eyes seem so.. so lonely. “What’s wrong?”
His rough hands trail down your face now, loosely around your neck. Thumb stroking your throat, applying small pressure. “I could kill you right now.” He mumbles, and the voice in his head is shouting at him, manipulating him.
All monkeys.
That’s right. When did he stray so far off from his goal? When did he stop trying to fulfill his dream?
The perfect world he was going to create, just for sorcerers. A world where his best friend didn’t have to work like a dog, a work where they could just be people. A world where peace was the only way.
It was probably when he met you.
“But you won't. Well, I hope you won't!” You chuckle sheepishly. Your fingers taking his from your neck, holding them to your lips. “You saved me in ways that you could never even imagine.” You murmur, his half lidded eyes staring down at you, at that curse he still hasn't stolen.
He didn’t save you. He stole you. Suguru Geto is a selfish man, and no better than Gojo, he’ll do whatever he can to have something. That something is you.
The curse doesn't matter to him anymore, he just wants you. He wants to rid you of this curse that hangs on you.
He’s tried, but it seems to be feeding off of you. He would have to kill you to get it, but he can't, he won't, he refuses.
He finds the words slipping out of his mouth, he can't control himself anymore.
“I love you.”
You blink, eyes wide as you replay his words.
Those three words.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” he confesses, enveloping you in a hug. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to feel that he’s crying. The way his large back trembles in your hold. “It’s alright, don’t cry now.” You whisper, stroking his hair. “I love you very much.”
Your voice feels so quiet, and you don't think your words even reached him but when he squeezes you, pulling you even closer to him, trying to become one, you know he got it.
“Thank you, Suguru.” You thank gratefully, chin on his shoulder. “Thank you for giving me a family, thank you for giving me somewhere to belong.”
“Thank you.”
You don't even remember how the two of you ended up on the floor, holding each other while the bed stays unmade. A single pillow the both of you shared while snoozing on the ground.
Nanako and Mimiko peer into the room, heads poking in to see your laying figures. How scared they got when they grew near, thinking something happened to the two of you. But when they see your chests rise and fall, they rest easy.
Though, their gazes stayed more with your figure. Your curse was gone, no longer attached to you.
Nanako grabs her phone, a limited one only for phone calls and photos(given to her by Suguru) and snaps a couple photos of you, some serious, and some zoomed in on your faces.
Mimiko returns back, dragging a blanket from the couch and draping it over the two of you, giving you both a kiss on the cheek.
“C’mon, Nana.” Mimiko says, taking hold of her twin's hand and walking out the dimly lit room.
They should be the one’s thanking the two of you, for giving them parents that they never had.
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onlylowercase · 6 months
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Fox & Leopard
First image I used a random photo I found online as reference
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gojoshooter · 1 year
Manchild & Malewife : Satosugu
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Pairing : husband!gojo x malewife!geto
A/N : this was my dream to write about malewife geto with husband gojo djsjkd i had fun ^^
WARNINGS : established relationship, malewife geto
Malewife!Geto waking up before his heavy sleeper husband who whines for a bit more sleep just like his four kids
Husband!Gojo who lowkey loves when his wife fusses about him being so irresponsible, feeding him breakfast while he dresses himself for work so it gets done faster
Husband!Gojo who doesn't care if his wife is mad, he would pull geto into a sweet kiss for packing his lunch box & reminding to take his phone & wallet while he runs late to work
Malewife!Geto who shoves his husband out of the house to work, wants to look done with his acts but the truth is the kisses reset him for the day
Husband!Gojo who calls his wife to tell him "Sugar, i reached office safely. Take care of the kids for me hm? "
Malewife!Geto who after a moment of pause responds with, "...for you? I'm not your war bride omega, Satoru."
Husband!Gojo who just needed a silly excuse to listen his name roll off his wife's tongue— and oh the giddy smile when he succeeds
Malewife!Geto who'd not consider himself the best at housekeeping but knows little things like separating colored clothes from white ones before laundry
Husband!Gojo who would rather daydream about his wife's reaction to his gift tonight than work for his promotion
Husband!Gojo who picks up the call only to hear Nanako's hurried whisper of "dad, quick, just help me with the last two questions of this project. papa's sleeping " and couldn't bring himself to reject, helping her sneakily to get the A+
Malewife!Geto is loved by his neighbours and the middle aged women who are curious about his relationship
Malewife!Geto who likes to exaggerate about his husband a little more when he realizes some of the women envy him
Husband!Gojo bringing sweets and desserts back home from work because he kids love it
Malewife!Geto who helps his husband take his coat off, rolling his eyes with a smile when gojo says "do that with my pants too"
Husband!Gojo noticing a little heart sewen on the hem of his office shirt, smiling to himself choosing to not point it out because geto would get embarrassed
Malewife!Geto who listens to Megumi and his husband talk about space theories as he prepares their dinner ready
Husband!Gojo who pulls out the five boxes of kikufuku he brought on his way back home, loving as his four kids jump on their desserts
Malewife!Gojo who did not expect that, mortified & somewhat offended with dinner plates in his hands
Husband!Gojo 's equally mortified face at the realization who brings a sweet box with himself for self defence sharing it with geto who drags him to a dark corner
Malewife!Geto who in his clearly intimidating pissed off face whispers "what is that? and just before the dinner? "
Husband!Gojo trying to make it up somehow, offering a kikufuku with "Sugar, I'm sorry, i did this for you! Come on now, say aaa? "
Malewife!Geto who knows he can't keep his voice low when pissed off, but still going for "Say aaa? You didn't even know I'm dieting, did you Satoru?! What, do you want me all bloated bouncing on your di-"
Husband!Gojo covering his mouth shut with a hand as fast as light, wide eyes & red face
Malewife!Geto who swats his husband's plam away looking equally flustered and shoving a big bite of kikufuku for the self control...
A/N : they're still the satosugu™ back from highschool 😉 lmk if you liked it, likes & reblogs are appreciated! —♡
Tags : @maybekoya @nanamikentoseyebags @luckimoon
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