#or errors for that matter- i'll proofread it tomorrow
fissions-chips · 3 months
(day 7: can't scream- eldritch au, winged jon. tw for broken bones and injury)
   Fuck. Fuck. Fuck-
   Chest heaving for breath, Jon flung himself forwards, talons only just reaching the branch before him and snagging- sharp pain shivered up the joint of each finger as he hauled himself up to press against the smooth black bark of its trunk, struggling not to slip and fall into the waiting water below. 
   Pressing one hand to his chest, Jon’s wings hung behind him, shaking with strain- surrounded on all sides by closely-woven branches and vines and lush, dizzying greenery, there was no room for full flight. He wasn’t built for the stop-and-start of fluttering from tree to tree, he was built to dive, but the closely-packed canopy above was too dense to break through, little light reaching beneath the leaves to guide his way. Legs trembling, he clung to the branch beneath him and tried to catch his breath, ears pricked for the sounds of creaking wood and rustling, smooth scales- 
   The breaking of a branch, somewhere above him. 
   Jon leapt from the tree just as a massive hand slammed down where he had perched just moments before, sending him hurtling forward. 
   The chase was on again. 
   He hadn’t met many other gods before- Artemis didn’t allow it. Jon wasn’t built for combat the way his soldiers or the Butlers were, strong of tooth and talon. He was… a priest. A servant. One to perch on the Hunt’s shoulder and oversee his dark dealings, his cult organized and efficient under Jon’s watchful eye- one to bend under his hand and murmur his praises, keeping his god well-fed and well-worshipped, feathers straightened (and pulled, when Artemis was in one of his moods) by clever fingers. He’d been gifted wings of his own for it, soft and warm things, but it wasn’t for Jon to swoop down on prey from above alone- it was a symbol. Artemis, the Hunter, and his trusted hunting hawk. 
    Artemis had told him to stay with the others. This was uncharted territory, the hallowed grounds of some other great creature- a vast, verdant jungle of green, growing things, the air heavy with the scent of flowers and faint, sugary smoke. It was a beautiful place, Jon had admitted, even if they had been told simply to wait and stay put while Artemis investigated the rumors of another god’s presence. The sole member of Foxworth’s coven chosen to accompany them had warned them not to touch anything but the grass beneath their feet, for fear of something toxic- and it seems he had been right. Everything here, pollen and petal and sap and stream, was poison, the danger only evident when the first of Artemis’s men to drink from the water had keeled over. 
   He was the only one to pass so peacefully- Valentine, velveteen and venomous ruler of this jungle, had found them first.
   The ground blurred below him as Jon darted left, a loud snarl of rage shaking the air behind him as the serpentine creature collided teeth-first with the trunk of a massive cypress, massive claws flailing about blindly as his body hurriedly curled around the trunk to steady himself. Shaking his head and spitting out a needle-like tooth, the god let out a chilling shriek of rage as Jon shot past him in a blur of black-barred feathers. 
   “You fucking cunt!” 
   Valentine was a massive, massive creature- bigger than Artemis, even. Built like a snake, finned and frilled, flytrap-like, his black scales had blended in perfectly with the dappled ground when he had darted down from the trees to snatch the first man from the dirt, pulling him screaming into the branches above. Not even Butler had noticed he was there. 
   I hope he’s alright.
   The cult’s finest soldier had darted into the undergrowth as soon as the other god had arrived, and Jon didn’t have time to look for him- he needed to find Artemis, warn him, beg him for help, something. Hide beneath his wings and wait for his god to drive the other away. They were not meant to be here- he could feel it, down to the tip of each feather. Everything, the swamp below him and the black-barked trees and the bones he had seen, scattered among the branches, warned him that this was an evil, evil place, far from the warm garden they had stumbled into. Butler would have to look after himself.
   A twinge of pain rattled up his ribs, lungs aching, and he hurriedly spiraled down, landing hard on a tangled mass of roots and bending over, gasping for breath. A quick glance around him revealed that, for the moment, he seemed to have lost the serpent- Jon leaned against the wood behind him and tried to catch his breath. 
   He was being driven… somewhere. Further from where they had first arrived, deeper into the jungle- Jon tilted his head back to find the canopy above a tangled mass of knotted wood and vines. There was no breaking through that- he’d break his wings trying. Pulling them tighter around him, Jon swallowed, fighting back a shiver as he continued to pant, eyes darting left and right and praying not to find the flash of teeth or scales. 
   He was being hunted. 
   Crouching down, Jon peered into the swampy waters below- dark and thick with mud, they bubbled strangely, the air heavy and reeking of sulfur and fumes His face twisted into one of disgust. Nasty. He shook his head, feathers bristling at his back. Fucking nasty.
   He was trapped from above and below, then. Wincing, Jon let his wings fall behind him for a moment, careful to keep his feathers brushing only the bark below. He didn’t want to know what would happen if they became waterlogged with that muck. The muscles at his shoulders were trembling, and for a moment Jon focused on trying to stretch them out, as carefully as he could. He couldn’t afford for them to fail him, and he was already exhausted- but he couldn’t afford to stay here much longer either. Already, the shadows around him were growing longer as the sun slowly began to dip beyond the leaves. Jon could see in the dark better than most, as a servant of Artemis, but he didn’t trust himself not to crash in such closely-packed conditions- 
   Jon froze, paling as a soft, lilting voice echoed among the trees- he flattened himself against the trunk behind him, eyes screwing shut as cold fear snatched the breath from his chest. 
   “Little bird… come out, come out, wherever you are…” 
   Valentine’s words dripped, hissing, sticky and saccharine as sap- the distant creak of wood and tree limbs and scales brushing bark met Jon’s ears as the serpent slowly wove himself among the branches, golden-green eyes glittering as they roamed the understory around him. “Come out and say hello, little sparrow,” he purred, forked tongue flickering from between his teeth. “I won’t bite.” 
   Jon forced one eye open, slowly looking upwards as massive, hooked claws curled around the branches far above him, Valentine slowly moving to coil himself around the tree he was hiding under. His shadow shifted over Jon, and the man found himself beginning to shiver, unable to stop himself. His feathers flattened against his back completely, one hand grabbing at the edge of his wing as Jon pressed his back to the bark and prayed that the creature didn’t look down. 
   Up close, he could make out scattered green and sundew-pink scales across the god’s back and down his spine, fins flattening down the sides of his slithering body as he lazily leaned against a nearby trunk, lifting a hand to his mouth and calling, voice still sweetened and soft. 
   “I’ll find you eventually, little winged thing- you serve Artemis, don’t you? I thought I felt another god’s presence nearby, that prowling creature… won’t you fetch him for me? I’d love to meet him…” 
   The claws above him dug deep into the trunk, chips of bark and splintered wood falling against Jon’s feathers as something sinister bled into the tone of his voice. 
   “I can’t wait to taste his feathers between my teeth. Who do you think will find him first- me, or you?” 
   Jon paled- he clapped his hands over his mouth to bite back a shriek of fear. He wants to hurt Artemis- he couldn’t, could he? Artemis had always seemed untouchable, immortal, even surrounded by his kin- but Jon knew gods could bleed. Looking up at the massive serpent, terror sank its teeth into the pit of his stomach as Jon pictured his god slashed and bitten, sinking to the ground and lying still. Artemis wasn’t immune to poison, and he wasn’t immune to venom. 
   “Do you think he’s hiding?” Valentine continued, taunting- he suddenly stooped, beginning to peer at the swampy waters below. “Is he afraid of me like you are? I can smell it- where are you? I won’t hurt you, if you come out. I just want you to fetch him. That’s not too hard, is it?” 
   Jon watched as the serpent paused for a moment, eyes narrowed as he took in a deep breath. He opened his mouth, and suddenly blew a long jet of thick, black smoke into the air- it began to fall across the swamp like fog, thick and choking and reeking of fumes.
   “Come out,” the serpent hissed- he leaned back and turned, the tree trunk shuddering against Jon’s back as he settled against it, waiting. “Or I’ll smoke you out. You can come up here and say hello, or choke... I’ll wait.”
   Jon lifted a foot and flinched as he felt it brush his skin, stinking like melting plastic- he covered his face, eyes stinging as he felt his chest seize tightly. Shaking, he held his breath and screwed his eyes shut, heart pounding. 
   He couldn’t stay here- his wings were trembling, still overworked and sore, but his head was spinning and his skin itched, the taste of fumes bathing his tongue even with his hands shielding his mouth and nose. His lungs ached for breath and the urge to cough, and Jon felt his ribs tighten in his chest, unbidden. Don’t, he begged himself, wings slowly stretching wide as his talons dug into the bark below his feet. 
   Don’t cough. Don’t scream. Just fly.
   His body failed him just as Jon pushed himself forward, wings snapping downwards to send him hurtling skyward as he choked on air, one arm covering his mouth as he frantically dodged branches and climbed higher. Half-blinded and shaking, he struggled not to crash into Valentine himself as he pulled free from the smoke.
   Valentine’s head whipped around, eyes widening as Jon darted past, just out of arm’s reach. Baring his teeth, the serpent arched his back and grinned, reaching out and beginning to race after the other, tail lashing. “There you are!” He crowed, lip curling as Jon barely dodged another trunk, gasping for breath.  
   He couldn’t see. He could hardly breathe. Jon’s feathers brushed bark and he flinched, nearly tumbling from the air entirely as he smacked into a branch and dragged past it. Shit. Turning his head, he saw a blurred shape swipe at him, Valentine’s claws barely clipping the edge of one wing, nearly slicing through his feathers as Jon let out a shriek and lashed out- the god snarled and ducked away, eyes narrowed to shield them from a slash of Jon’s talons. 
   Diving, Jon ducked beneath his outstretched arm and wheeled around, flying as fast as he could back the way he had come. His shoulders screamed with pain, and his vision refused to clear completely, shapes blurring and darkening as he fluttered a frantic, crazed path beneath the trees. Behind him, he could hear crashing and the snap of teeth, Valentine weaving among the branches with expert skill, claws leaving deep gouges in the wood as he surged forward. Jon couldn’t tell if he was gaining or falling behind, but he could see the shape of his sinister, sneered smile, amused. Not hurried. Not annoyed.
   He’s playing. This is a game- just a game. 
   Horror struck him and turned his blood cold, the irony not lost on Jon as he fled. He was being toyed with, like a cat with a mouse- like Artemis did with his prey, pinning it and rolling it beneath his talons to feel it shriek and squirm. Jon was utterly lost in this jungle. For all he knew, he was only flying further into the swamp- 
   Jon hit the tree full-force, his shoulder taking the brunt of the blow and sending a shock down his body- something caved, wing grinding against its joint as Jon dropped like a stone, flailing and clawing at the bark to try to slow his fall. He hit a branch stomach-first, all the air punched from his chest- he hooked an arm around it, only for pain to suddenly seize him completely, so sharp and blinding that he barely felt himself slip loose. 
   When Jon came to a second later, he was upside-down- his wings hung limp and uneven, stretched out above his head. The tips of his feathers were dragging in the swampy water below. Jon blinked, shuddering as a white-hot, dizzying pain spiraled up his shoulder and down his body. His vision refused to clear, but he forced himself to lift his head. 
   One leg was held tightly, wrapped in the tip of the serpent’s tail- Jon let his head fall back down, half-stunned and falling limp in fear. His body wouldn’t obey him. He stared down at the swamp below him, bubbling- a quiet whine slipped from his throat, the stench of burnt feathers nearly lost to him as he was slowly pulled up into the trees. 
   “Poor birdy,” Valentine cooed, appearing from between the branches as he caught up with the rest of his body, curling himself over a particularly thick branch and blinking down at the small, shivering man, dropping him into his open palms. “Hit your head? Ohh, your poor little wing-“ His claws curled around his feathers, Jon’s eyes widening as he realized they were blackened, flaking away between the god’s fingers. Suddenly, Valentine pulled, and Jon screamed as it was nearly pulled from the joint, broken bone grinding at the point closest to his shoulder. 
   Jon shrank away, Valentine releasing his feathers only to brush the tip of one claw against Jon’s scalp, like one would pet a bird. “I told you not to run,” he muttered, the god’s voice taking on a petulant note, dripping with shallow, false sympathy. “I didn’t want to hurt you- you’re so cute. Where’s Artemis? …Maybe he can fix you…” 
   Wincing, Jon shook his head- the sharp edge against his throat pressed deeper, blood welling beneath as the serpent’s voice turned coaxing. 
   “Come on, pet… don’t make me hurt you. Call your god- he’ll come running, right? You must be so special to have earned such a pretty little gift as these feathers…” Leaning close, his eyes narrowed as his hand was suddenly joined by the other, curling around Jon to trap him between them. The man screamed as his broken wing was forced against his back at an awkward angle, feather breaking between the god’s fingers as Valentine hissed, voice no longer quite so pleasant. 
   “Call for Artemis.”
   A whine slipped between his teeth- Jon shook his head again stubbornly, Valentine’s lip curling as his fingers squeezed tighter. He shook him slightly. “I can mend you, little one… I’ll fix your broken wing, keep you safe in my gardens while it heals…” he coaxed, scratching at Jon’s chin gently with a claw. “I’d hate for your bones to rot here- you’d look so pretty perched at my arm. Wouldn’t you like that?” 
   Trembling, Jon turned his head away, his eyes screwing shut- cold fear had caught him completely, his teeth chattering, but he forced himself to bite his tongue, even as tears dotted his eyes. 
   Valentine’s eyes narrowed, glittering cruelly- then, he sighed. “Last warning.” He muttered, brows lifting when Jon only remained as he was, turned away and shivering. Rolling his shoulders, the serpent shrugged, Jon lifted further between his hands as his shadow fell across him. 
   “Suit yourself…” 
   Jon blinked open his eyes to find Valentine looming over him, forked tongue flickering- he froze as the god’s mouth parted to reveal rows of razor-edged needle teeth and a dark, dripping mouth, the man left staring up into the serpent’s throat as smoke curled around him. For a moment, neither moved- then, he was lifted upwards, Valentine slowly beginning to bite down. Teeth sank into Jon’s back, brushed against his chest, the man flinching away with a shrill, choked scream as the serpent’s tongue brushed his face. Venom dripped to trace down his shoulders, and it burned, eating away at flesh and feather to mingle with sudden, spilt blood. 
  Jon’s vision darkened, every sense filled with needling teeth and smoke and the stench of burning feathers and blood. Overwhelmed with terror, his nerve failed him, and Valentine paused as he felt the man begin to thrash and struggle and squirm, gasping for air as he suddenly, violently screamed.
   Jon screamed. He screamed and screamed and screamed, sobbing and begging for his god to appear until his voice broke completely- he didn’t know when the serpent pulled away, or when he was held aloft by his tattered wing, shuddering with pain. All he knew was that when he couldn’t scream anymore, he sobbed, wreathed by smoke and blinded by terror, tucked beneath the god’s hand to wait for Artemis, eventually, to arrive.
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rusmii · 6 months
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my new assistant!
ෆ : hanako!dazai x nene!reader(fem.)
syp ෆ your ghost summoning doesn't quite go to plan...
cw ෆ ghosts(dazai), no mentions of suicide surprisingly, reiteration of half of the 1st ep but with you and dazai, bi reader lol
notes ෆ i love me the tbhk universe so i bring you guys whatever this is. should I do ep.2??? (THIS WAS RAN ON QUEUED AND NOT PROOFREAD!! expect spelling errors)
guys I keep disappearing from the tags..
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"hey c'mere! have you heard the rumors about the schools seven wonders? well, there's one in particular. the seventh of the seven wonders. dazai the bathroom ghost. they say that he's taken on a human girl as his assistant."
"ughhnn," you groan. bathroom cleaning yesterday. bathroom cleaning today. bathroom cleaning tomorrow. scrubbing, scrubbing, and more scrubbing!
"you can do it, [name]!!" dazai cheers from behind you. "a little help, please!" you cry out. "nope!~" he grins from ear to ear as he disappears into his stall. "screw you!!" you scream, throwing the mop aside as you wailed.
"hey, c'mere! have you heard the rumors about the schools' seven wonders? you really haven't? oh my gosh! well, where do i start? I'll tell you the most famous one first. it's the seventh of the seven wonders, dazai, the bathroom ghost. she's on the third floor of the old building, in the third stall in the girl's bathroom. you can go there and summon her right now if you want. she'll grant you any wish, no matter what it is. but she'll take something precious from you in exchange. and you won't know what it is until it's too late."
you stood by the opening of the old buildings' bathroom, hands clutched tightly into your chest as you breathed anxiously. the interior of the bathroom standing wide and spacious, despite its narrow look.
you creaked slowly past the red stalls, each peeling from the worn-out paint. you sucked in a breath as you stretched out your arm, hand ready to knock on the stall door.
"to call her, knock three times."
knocking three times, the pliant wood echoed.
"and then say..."
"dazai! dazai? dazai, are you in there?" you stood, heart beat rapidly increasing as the sunset glooms through the stained window.
you held your palms together, head down as you shut your eyes. awaiting for what's to come as the door creaks open. you quiver in your uniform, the tension of it all made you sweatdrop.
slowly cracking open your eyes, you see the door slightly ajar. it's golden round knob staring right back at you. you trailed your eyes down to where the fingers appeared and froze in place as it gripped the edge of the stall.
it's voice sending alarms in your brains as you whimpered and looked away.
"hellooo~" its ghostly voice bounced inside the room— the door now swinging open. you opened an eye to see nothing but a toilet seat.
just when you breathed a relieved sigh, a hand ghosted over your shoulder as it made its presence known behind you. "okay. hearing things?-" — "you summoned me?"
you jumped back, and without another word, launched your hands into it. screaming when you saw that your hands went through its face. "no!" you ducked, covering your head as the spirit floats next to you.
"pfft-" a snort, then an onslaught of ugly cackles erupted.
'that sounds like a boy,' you thought, opening your eyes to view the ghost. without even realizing it, the spirit had floated around you and crouched down to your level. "what's the matter with you?~" it sneaks into your ear. — "wah!" you flinched and jumped up, scrambling back till your back hit the wall.
your face was just as pale as his was, 'i can see right through him..!'. you were damn near about to bite your nails off as you observed his appearance. such an old uniform—those look like arms!— "are you a ghost?" you asked him, fear in your tone.
his smile made you nervous, "i prefer... apparition," he says as he flies over to his toilet seat, sitting on top of the tanks lid. "or the seventh of the seven wonders of the school. dazai, the bathroom ghost!" he had one leg up, a cheek resting on one arm as he introduced himself.
now holding his cap, he smiles, big. "i'm delighted to meet you~."
"wait- are you saying that you're dazai?" you asked, in huge disbelief that this twink looking guy was dazai. the girl in the bathroom. not a boy!
"yeah! you rang?" he gave you two piece signs, swinging a leg up while he was at it. "i'm not stupid!" you yell, fists in a tight clench as he held his strikingly weird pose. "and where's your bob haircut and red jump skirt?!"
"well, uh. that's not really the look i'm into these days!" his piece sign pose never ending. "these days?!" you screeched. "anyway.. mind telling me who you are?" he asks you, "i don't understand. you look like a boy..." an unwarranted comment, but dazai decides to answer nonetheless.
"that's because i am a boy. believe me, i'm just as bothered about that inaccuracy as you are," he shrugs his shoulders, "but the rest of what you've heard is true."
a white floating ball came into his hand, "i will grant your wish and collect a payment that i see fit."
"so what is your wish? please don't tell me you came here unprepared.." — "why are you in here?" you ask, completely ignoring his question in favor of shock. "what kind of pervy ghost chooses to hunt the girls' bathroom?"
a moment of silence, and dazai suddenly teleports back into his stall. "okaaay.. we're done," he moped. in a panic, you took back what you said, "i take it back! you can hunt any bathroom you'd like!- and i think that it's cool that you're a boy!"
dazai stopped in his tracks, "you think i'm cool??" it was like flipping a light switch. suddenly dazai had a notepad and a pencil, ready to jot down anything you say. "in that case, tell me your name and what is it you wish."
'he got over that fast...' you sweatdropped. you raised your hand as you happily announced yourself, "my name is [name], and i'm a first year in class A! my wish is that the person i'm crushing on will like me back as much as i like them."
"...[name], got it," dazai whispers as he writes down your name, along with the word love written next to it. "and you're asking for your love to be returned? what's the guys name?"
you pulled out your phone to show him a picture, "everybody calls her kouyou. she's a second year and way smart. she's that girl who's so cool but still nice to everyone," you explained. "a her, huh?" dazai noted.
"one time, i dropped my pencil case, and she picked it up for me!" you swoon. "i see~" dazai stares at your phone, with an interesting look on his face. "easy enough!" he claps, "consider your wish granted!"
"are you serious?!" you lit up. "wait, how does the wish grant thing work from the toilet stall? do you use a special item or something?" — "i do," dazai starts digging into his pockets. "the one i carry works wonders!"
you eagerly waited for him to pull out his special item, "will you show it to me!?" — dazai let out a little giggle before pulling out a worn-out old 100 methods of love: this is love edition, "voila."
a damn how-to-book.
you put your palm facing forward and shook your head, "nu-uh." — "eh- hear me out!"
dazai sat himself on the windows ledge, "if i use my power to help you, we'll have to do an equivalent exchange," he waves the book around. "and if i'm making a human heart- do something that's not natural, the price is going to reflect that."
you stare at the waving book, "trust me, this is much safer," he finishes. "hold on," your brows furrowed, "what if i'm okay with any price?"
"oh? are you?"
he threw the book aside and started flapping his arms, "i'd say sorry! i don't have tools that advanced!~" — "you were bluffing?!"
you stood in thought, 'but.. maybe i should try..?- i mean, he's a ghost who grants wishes. he must know some tricks!- i can't be the first person to ask for help in the love department!!'
oblivious to your high hopes, dazai reads aloud, "method number 78. find creative ways to impress him with your skills." dazai shuts the book and turns to you, "let's show you off! what are your talents?"
time passed, and you two were out in the garden. "where are we?" dazai asks. "the best place i could think of to show what i can do, the schools student garden!"
you huffed as you plowed the soil. "i'm the garden club superstar!-" dazai looms at the sight of dirt, "-why are you looking at me like that?! i can grow flowers too, y'know!- i'm feminine and delicate!!!"
the trees move as the wind whisks past them, the sun never fully setting just yet.
"that's why i joined." as the wind blows behind you, the strands of your hair framing your face. your head was leaned atop the tool, your voice nice and calm than what it was earlier. "a boy i once liked said he was only attracted to girly girls, and i noticed there were lots of them in the gardening club."
dazai stayed quiet, "i was also learning how to cook and sew at the same time. figured once i mastered all three skills, i'd tell him how i felt."
a leaf blew by.
"how long did you like him?" dazai finally pops a question in. "since right after i started junior high.. i only told him how i felt last month- it took me three years to do it, but.."
the paper bag you clutched tightly to your chest was feeling heavier than usual, and your uniform tightened as your heart raced.
"hold on-" the guy in front of you says, his undoubtedly awkward smile looking down on you. "-you're saying you like me? do i even know you?" what came out as a rejection, turned into a mean compilation of words.
you were shocked to the core, "creepy.. sorry you're just not my type." he shrugged his shoulders, "i'm not into thick daikon legs."
daikon legs... daikon.. daikon......
you shoved your face into your palms, "that was a month ago!- i'm completely over it, and i'm a completely different person now!!" — dazai didn't believe a single word that came out of your muffled mouth, "i don't believe you." — "well, you should!!!"
"i'm totally obsessed over someone else now," you say, "once that guy sees that someone like kouyou loves back, he'll regret ever turning me down."
"is that so?" peeking through your hands, you see dazai smiling at you. "so, anyone to do?" — "huh..?- no, mr. smarty pants. i want kouyou! don't pull any funny stuff." you wave him off.
dazai finger points you, "are you sure?~ because something tells me you don't know very much about this girl." — "yes i do..." — "then answer this question. what's her full name?"
a stretch of silence came across the garden. "oh! look how big this worm is! bet mr. carp would like to eat that!" — "that's what i thought," he sighed.
he handed you a blank tag gift, "here."
"a blank tag gift?" you questioned, "yep," he replied, doing that stupid two piece pose again. "write a sweet message! then give it to your girl with something you grew!~ i call this move, operation present!"
"creative title..." you mutter. "i tried things like this before. i need magic!-" — "-you haven't tried exactly this on this day, have you?" well, you couldn't really argue with that.
dazai makes a heart with his fingers around his eye, looking straight at you. "make the most of what you have now," his view of you encased in a heart, "let your hard work work for you..~"
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©CHURUAI ;;; don't steal, plagiarize, or repost my works
rbs and comments appreciated <3<3
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angelic-dew · 10 months
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# what they say when you fall asleep !
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▸🪐・yuri's thoughts :: i'm back on my shit and i'm lazier than ever!
▸🍚・pairing :: Muichiro T. x g/n reader ⁞⁞ Kyojuro R. x g/n reader ⁞⁞ Giyu T. x g/n reader ⁞⁞ Sanemi S. x g/n reader — {you/your pronouns | separately done}
▸✖ ・trigger warnings :: grammatical errors. very slight angst. ooc? | proofread.
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⯎. - “I may not express this often, but truly dear, I love you more than you can imagine.”
⯎. - “(name).. I'm terribly sorry if I upset you today, or well made it seem as if I ignored you. I'll try to make it up tomorrow, I promise. ”
⯎. - “We should definitely go cloud-watching tomorrow, just us two.”
⯎. - “I have a mission soon. But I plan on returning without a single scratch for you; and if I do, I need to be severely punished for hurting what's yours. ”
⯎. - “Sometimes I think about the day we first met, from then up till now; you haven't lost even a shrivel of your angelic beauty, (name). ”
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⯎. - “My little flame, the world doesn't know how precious you are to me; if something were to happen, I couldn't live with myself. ”
⯎. -“You know sunshine, I love everyone I encounter, but, I haven't yet loved anyone as much as I've ever loved you.”
⯎. -“(name), don't you think Senjuro would be a great uncle?”
⯎. -“I'm not sure how my love, but my heart ignites with passion when you're with me. Like an everlasting flame.”
⯎. -“My precious flame, I don't ever wish to hurt you, and if I do dare soil your ethereal beauty, I am a dead man.”
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⯎. -“Hey.. (name), thank you for being there for me in my lowest times, thank you for accepting me... out of all people to be yours.”
⯎. -“I promise to stay true to you, and you alone, angel.”
⯎. -“You're like no other (name).. everything about you is special, you're different yet you shine brighter than the rest.”
⯎. -“Though I don't express it openly, I hope you know that I love you dearly my angel.”
⯎. -“Just being able to wake up and see you next to me, (name); that would already be a blessing by itself.”
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⯎. -“Mmm, I'm so sorry if I ever yell or.. well, say hurtful things to you, those words have no meaning behind them and never will.”
⯎. -“Baby, you have no idea how much I wish I could spend all our nights like this - with you in my arms safely.”
⯎. -“Babe I think if I ever lost you, I'd go crazy, that's how badly I need you.”
⯎. -“I wonder, what did I ever do to be granted such a cutie.”
⯎. -“I hope you're sleeping well darling, I'm not gonna leave your side, no matter what.”
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©angelic-dew :: reblogs are appreciated! <3
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Hello!! For the 100+ follower request
Id like to request cloud 9 (1) Chuuya and romantic if possible
Congratulations on over 100 followers <3
Cloud 9
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Pairing: Chūya Nakahara x Fem! Reader
Type: Oneshot
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Not proofread
Synopsis: Chūya Nakahara grew to love his assistant just like how she turned out to loved him.
A/n: I'm feeling pretty useless and a bit suicidal right now :) semester starts on the 1st day of August so I'll be pretty busy after that. I am sorry if this isn't what you looked for..
Was in my drafts for who knows how long because Tumblr had an error and my drafts wouldn't save...
Event // PM.Masterlist // M.Masterlist
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The five tall buildings in the center of Yokohama casted a shadow on the moonlit streets. It was the buildings owned by Mori corporation and where the rulers of the night lies, you are not foreign to them just as they are to you. The automatic door opened and you walked in, a few members showed respect by greetings and you did so too. Your black boots hit the tiled floor while walking towards the elevators, putting in the floor number, you took your phone out of your pocket and dialed a number. The phone in your hand slowly rang, and the elevator closed.
"Sir?" You called his name and could hear his slurs on the other line.
"(name).?" Oh how you loved to hear his voice, hearing your name slip out of his lips made your heart falter.
"Sir, pardon me but where exactly are you?" You tried fo gain back your composure. "Thank heavens he can't see my face right now" you thought to yourself, feeling hot in your face.
"I'm here at a bar, why?" He muttered between hiccups.
"The boss sent me a message to inform you about a sudden meeting. Osam-I mean the former executive Dazai Osamu is held captive in the dungeon, his execution is already on date" the elevator rang and opened, stepping out, you headed to your office; while he continued to listen.
You could feel his anger from the other line while he gritted his teeth upon hearing his former partner's name. You stopped by your office and grabbed a document before closing the door, releasing a thud.
"When's the meeting?" He asked, it seemed as if he really was sober now.
"About three days from now, but it's preferable for you to return the day after tomorrow. After all you do have some matters to attend to in Yokohama, boss said that he'll call you later" You entered the elevator once again and waited for his response.
"I'll return be there tomorrow, answer me if I call alright?"
"Yes sir, good night" You hung up, putting your phone on the pocket of your overcoat. Leaning on the elevator wall, you blushed. Excitement is an understatement of how you felt right now; you could finally see him after a few weeks during his trip overseas.
You put your hand over your chest and began to feel your rapid heartbeat.
"This is wrong.. I'm his secretary and he's my boss, nothing more.. nothing less.. a professional relationship" You struggled as you said the last words, and before you knew it you reached the dungeon.
Clenching the document in hand, you walked down the stairs, the smell of of blood reeking on the air. Your eyes fell to the captive, his arms hanging on the wall and wrists bounded in chains.
"How much do you plan to risk your life , Dazai?" You asked his 'asleep' form, walking near him you noticed the slight twitch on his finger before gently slapping his cheek.
"That really hurt" he opened his eyes to your form.
"Good." You rolled your eyes before brushing away the strand of hair on his face.
"You're so cruel... You do know that you'll be a traitor if you helped me"
"I know." You let out a breathless sigh before removing the bobby pin on his hair and handed it to his hand.
"Reach for my right pocket." His tone of voice was demanding but nonetheless you did what he asked.
"What's this.?" It was a bracelet, it had a flower pattern with a few glass-like-jewels was on top and in the color of gold, on the back it had his and your small initials written on it; as if to prove you it wasn't stolen.
"A bracelet duh!"
"No I mean why.?"
"I missed your birthday for four years didn't I?" He softly smirked before you lightly punched his shoulder.
"...you still owe me three gifts." You muttered before putting the bracelet in the pocket of your overcoat.
Silence engulfed the room before she decided to break it.
"Get your stupid ass ready, Akutagawa will beat you up for tomorrow once he knows that you're held captive. You have only tomorrow before that tiger gets captured" You turned around to the stairs after picking the lock of the chains on his feet.
"Ouch. So Akutagawa will come here after capturing Atsushi-kun huh." It was more like a confirmation than a question but yi still answered.
"Yes if that tiger's name is Atsushi"
"Hmm.. But how did you know I'll be here?" He smirked and you continued to go up the stairs.
"Because I know you" You said before you slowly fading into the distance.
"Thanks (name)"
You left the dungeon, went back to her office, and left your overcoat on the couch. Locking the door, you flopped onto your chair and started your computer, you typed and typed, before you knew it; it was already morning. Glancing at the bracelet, it shone while it was hit with the bright sun, then you decided to put it on. Your phone suddenly started to ring just in sync when you slid your arms on your overcoat. Looking at the contact caller, your heart skipped a beat.
"I'm going to arrive at the airport soon. Be there with the files" He ordered, his tone of voice was hoarse and demanding.
"Yes." You slightly nodded as if he could see you. With that he hung up, and you sighed. For you that call was more like a reminder that you are nothing but his assistant even if he never knew of your lingering feelings; but it won't make any changes. You left the building and went in your car, driving to the airport.
Chūya's POV
He hung up and his phone dropped to his lap. He heavenly exhaled and looked to the window, as if to hide the blush that crept up to his cheeks.
"How nice it is to hear her voice.." He thought to himself, he felt like pulling his hair out at how stupid he felt for extending his trip to not see her. How foolish he really was..
Ever since he met her a few years back, he grew to love her. He was enchanted by her intelligence, her beauty, her fierce nature, he loved everything about her. He was overcome with excitement when he finally became an executive because it meaned that she could be his assistant, and he would able to see her everyday. That was when he noticed that it was love...
Upon hearing her voice, he wanted to get drunk on it. He wanted to wake up with her beside, while shuffling through her hair just as she did back then to his former partner. He liked her and it was only an understatement, he wants to give her the world and everything she wants.. and now he could finally have his chance to finally do so.
He glances at the small blue box with a ribbon above it. It was a bracelet, one that was a souvenir from his trip, and a gift to you; his only hope for you to accept it along with his feelings.
~Time Skip~
You sat on a small bench and waited for Chūya. You tried to read a book but you couldn't focus because of how fast your heart was beating. No matter how you tried you couldn't get over him, flipping the page to a new chapter, you heard someone call out your name from behind. Looking over the bench, you could see your boss just behind you.
"Ah! Sir" You bowed lightly before continuing to apologize frantically. Ignoring your rambles, his eyes found it's way to your right wrist, and four capitalized letters shone and his eyebrows furrowed upon seeing what it was. 'D.O' and your initials.
"Sir.?" You asked him snapping out of his trance.
"hmm.? Do you need something?" He smiled at you, trying to hide the anger that built up when he realized whose initials those were.
"Uh. No.. I'm just asking if you want to go now" You fiddled with your fingers at the awkwardness.
"Then let's go." He tried his best not to sound angry but it came out more demanding and rude. He internally scolded himself at his pathetic attempt at covering it up, it was likely that you got upset by his actions. You laid your head down before fully responding with a quiet whisper.
The drive was quiet, you were focused on driving and he was looking out the window. You gave him quick glances using the mirror, his features is completely visible to you by such angle, the sunlight hit his ginger hair, it was a sight to behold. Looking away, you could feel your heart skip beats as you turned your focus back on the road. Just then, a pair of ocean eyes landed on you. He couldn't help but clench his fists tight when the bracelet was hit by the sunlight, making it shine. When he was about to look away, his eyes met your by the mirror.
"Do you need something sir?" You turned your eyes on the road, hoping he wouldn't see you blushing.
"Ehem. Yes.. I have a question for you." He tried to look away to hide his red cheeks.
"Ask ahead, sir"
"Why do you still call me by 'sir' and not by my surname or first name?" Truth be told, that was a question that lingered in his mind ever since he left for the trip. "and why do you call that bastard by his first name?" A question that he could never ask you since it may make you think that he was weird for trying to interfere with your personal life.
"I-its only proper for me to call you that since you're my superior" You tried your best to smile but to be honest you wanted to call his name in a honey-like tone, not that you knew he wanted to do the same.
"You've known me ever since I joined the mafia; besides, I call you by your first name for a while now and it's only fair for you to do the same" He nonchalantly explained, trying his best to convince you.
"Okay.. Chūya-san" Your voice was quiet and meek but enough for him to hear. His eyes lightened up before he cleared his voice and looked away.
"Just don't call me sir anymore. It's awkward" He tried to hide the smile that unconsciously crept up his lips, crossing his arms and legs he looked at you.
The drive was silent once again before you lightly chuckled at his reaction, the car was stopped with the heavy traffic, and you turned around to face him.
"I'll keep that in mind Chūya-kun" You smiled at him, your hair fluttering as you turned around. He blushed and muttered a small "whatever" before looking away again, his mind painted with the scene that happened moments ago.
Your mind was flooded with thoughts before you snapped out of it when you heard the traffic lights buzz.
"Oh! Also here" You reached for some files on the car's compartment and handed it to him. "It's a brief review of what you missed and some missions that the boss plans to send you to" You went back to driving after he took the files in your hand.
"Mhm" His expression changed and he looked more serious just as he looked at the files.
After that nobody spoke a single word. You drove to the mafia while he flipped through the documents. The silent breathing from you and the heavy exhales from Chūya is the only sound heard in the car, except the rustling of paper. You broke the silent by muttering a small "We're here" just in sync of you hitting the brakes. The car door released a small click when you opened it, you were about to step out until you felt a gloved hand pull you back.
"Chūya-san?" You stared at him with widened eyes before he let go of you and cleared his voice.
"Ehem! Here! I bought it because it reminded me of you" He reached for his pocket and handed you a small blue box.
"A.. gift.?" Your lips parted as you stared at the box in hand.
"I know that I'm very hard to put up with as you boss, and I realized that I want to—" He struggled to finally say the last words, a scenario playing in his head where you decline his feelings and things will become awkward with you and him.
"—I just.. I want to say say that I really appreciate you hard work" He thought that he finally had the courage to say those words just as he practiced in the mirror but something different came out of his lips.
"I see thank you, Chūya-san" You faintly smiled at before you came to a realization. "We should probably go.." "ah yes.."
That was how the day ended, no important events happened afterwards. You just went and arranged some documents and he attended to the boss's needs, you forgot to open his gift.
Chūya's POV
Another day passed and I was still not able to confess to her. I couldn't get my mind off the bracelet that was on her wrist. A thought that lingered in my mind for too long was"Why did she have a bracelet with his and her initials on it?" Yet, no matter how much I thought of it, I couldn't afford to ask her that, nor to ask her to be my lover.
I woke up in my bed, looking beside me was no one but a hope that I will be able to get the answers to my thoughts and questions. My driver picked me up and I headed to the dungeon, where my former partner is held captive.
"Well isn't this a sight to see... Don't you think so, hmm... Dazai?" Chūya emerged from the shadows and slowly went down the stairs, monitoring Dazai.
"Oh. It's you."
"Hey what's that supposed to mean?! Don't forget that you're the prisoner here shitty Dazai" He pulled his hair closer to him before letting go and turning around.
"Yeah whatever. What are you doing here Chūya."
"I'm here to give you a piece of my mind!" He said before kicking the chains the dangled above his head and punching him in the gut.
"Hmm" Dazai smirked before taking out a pin.
"So you could've escaped no matter what happens huh."
"Of course! And you're not here to give me a piece of mind aren't you?" He stated before Chūya halted and furrowed eyebrows.
"What the hell are you saying-" "You're here to get answers regarding (name) aren't you?"
"What are you on-"
"You want to know why she has a bracelet with my initials don't you?" He stood silent, and Dazai began explaining.
That was the last straw for Chūya. He barged into your office without a word with clenched fists.
"Chūya-san? What are you–" You stood up with widened eyes, but before you could say anything, he pulled you in for a tight embrace.
"Damn it! I love you okay?!" He pulled away, and turned to look at you with determined eyes. You stood still, not processing the words he said. The atmosphere became tense, he wondered if it really was right that he confessed to you, but before he would apologize and leave you blurted out something from shock.
"What. The. Fuck." You lightly slapped your cheeks and he sent you a worried look.
"Excuse me, can you say that again Chu?" The nickname made him blush but he complied nonetheless.
"I love you (name). I don't want to lose you to anybody else other than me. I want to make you the happiest woman and I-" He closed his eyes out of embarrassment but he quickly opened them as he felt your lips against his.
"If this is a dream I don't want it to end" You let out a breathless whisper.
That was the day that a love was formed. A few years passed since then. Dazai became the wingman to their relationship by planning it from the dungeon, and now it was their five year anniversary.
"Hey Chu sorry I'm late." You sat down across Chūya and he faintly smiled.
"It's fine doll. You look beautiful" He smirked before leaving his chair. His eyes fell to the bracelet that he gifted you four years ago. He unconsciously smiled, feeling proud of what he did back then. Now you were wearing a gift from him and not Dazai's, and that was enough to make him feel accomplished.
"oh. Thank you" You raised an eyebrow at what he was doing until he knelt and reached for his pocket.
"(name).. you are a blessing in my life that I thought I didn't deserve. Would you by wife and let me have the pleasure of having you in my life for the rest of my life?" He looked at you with glimmering ocean eyes.
"Chūya Nakahara.—" You said in an endearing tone.
"I feel at Cloud 9 with you, and I wish to spend my entire life with you beside me." You smiled at him before he put the ring in your finger and hugged you in a tight embrace after he kissed you.
He buried his head into the crook of your neck before whispering something that made your heart falter, "I love you—"
"I love you more" You kissed his collarbone before he pulled away and kissed the back of your hand.
"—and I will always continue to love you"
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A/n: I am very sorry if that took a wrong turn... I'm currently bedridden right now so this took a long time to make.
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fordanoia · 7 years
Is anybody awake or should I just wait to post this part 2 to the Ford Almost Freezes To Death While Stan Is Scared To Death(tm) fic later?
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sandyyybonham · 2 years
A year to spend with you.
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Looking at your phone, you see the time is 12:58am. In a few minutes you will finally be in 2022.
This year has been tough to you, you've gone through so much but there's that one person who helped you get through it.
It's funny, really. Your comfort person being a fictional character? How can someone not real be there for you on your bad days? You don't want to explain, not like you felt the need to.
What matters is that you're still here and you're surviving, you're still pushing through with life everyday despite all the challenges and the problems you faced.
You took your sparkler and lit the candle with a match.
You lit the sparkler and you watch as the light, the beauty of it, bursts out.
You started to lit a few more and recorded it on your phone.
You noticed the clock struck 12am, you begin to hear loud noises coming from the fireworks that exploded from above. You immediately start recording it too. You stopped recording later on and continued watching as more beautiful explosions erupt from the sky. You were completely in awe, it's one of the most peaceful things you can experience. You all alone, admiring something as if it was a magical thing.
You were literally so lost in the sky. You felt a large hand on your shoulder, breaking you out of your trance with a gasp.
You turn around to see your comfort character and.. she's real? Your mouth hang open and eyes wide in shock. It's HER.
"Close your mouth dummy, you might catch some flies." You hear someone exclaim, both you and Alcina turns your way to the voice, leading both of your eyes to the sight of Daniela Dimitrescu, her sisters joining in, their swarms of flies quickly turning into their human figure.
They all surround your small figure, trying to scare you, giggling to themselves. You back away slightly, not knowing what to do as they approach you agonizingly slow. You gasp as you bumped into something, you turn and you see the Lady herself. The one you've always fell inlove with, even if she was "fictional".
"Oh Draga, if only you knew how adorable you look like right now." She cups your face in her hands. You couldn't help yourself, you went in and hugged her really tight. It's what her fans would've probably done anyway. She bent down to your level, her arms wrap around your much more petite body compared to hers.
"Come spend this year with me, won't you, Iubirea Mea?" She whispered softly in your ear. You nuzzled into her neck and smiled as a response. Gosh, yes. You wouldn't have it any other way.
"Happy New Year, my dearest. I'll make sure this year treats you much more better because you deserve it. I'm so proud of you." Those words combined with the beautiful voice you could admire for centuries, they make your heart soften more.
You flinched a little as the fireworks started exploding from the sky again. Scared that you are back to "reality" you look around and fortunately, they are still here. The girls now enjoying the sparkler a lot and you and Alcina admire the burst of light and color in the sky. She looks at you and chuckles.
"You needn't worry, my love. I'll be here for you until our last breaths and I won't leave you, ever."
A/N: Hello everyone! It's already the first of January here, it's almost 3am! I still can't sleep so I decided to write this. The original idea of this is not mine, I don't remember where I got it from but I did made the story slightly different. I apologize if there were any grammatical errors, I'll proofread this tomorrow but for now, enjoy this fic. Love you lots and I'm so proud of you for making it to 2022! Hope you ate well, stay hydrated and rest as much as you need. <33
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