#or in that the school system itself is violent so the teacher breaks those rules and shows empathy
ctl-yuejie · 1 year
some tangent about the film “lean on me” made me remember gokusen (both the manga and the series/movies) and now i am thinking about where to place gokusen politically
prelimenary search yielded only two somewhat academic results in english and one in japanese and none are really getting to the point of my questions
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
I was talking over dinner over the HP world building / plot, mainly missed opportunities, and I feel like sharing one main point here: the wizards already live in a dystopia.
Wizard dystopia evidence:
Small society with little cultural diversity. There are other cultures referenced but they never play a large role, there's this sense of Brit wizard exceptionalism that infects not only their relations with muggles but with foreign wizards too. Even when shit gets dire they don't really call in allies for help or anything.
They have slaves and defend it as something the house elves prefer (+ Hermione is given the villain-with-a-point treatment in her efforts to free them; she is well meaning but her methods are Too Much and she doesn't really Get It)
Second class citizens (particularly thinking goblins) are looked down upon and there is an extended history of them attempting to rise up and being defeated. This also goes for squibs (well, not the rising up, but).
Widespread racism - towards goblins, werewolves, centaurs, muggles... a lot of this is institutionalized or supported by society at large even if not officially approved of (think goblin statue in MoM lobby, werewolf treatment, the emphasis on being pureblood even in 'nicer' families).
Lack of proper education - the 'best school' has a lot of unqualified teachers working there but even beyond that there doesn't appear to be any further education after 17, and especially with regards to the muggle world even so-called enthusiasts like Mr. Weasley and the Muggle Studies teacher don't seem to know what the hell they're talking about
Resistance to new ideas - goes hand in hand with some others here, but their world is steeped in tradition at the cost of innovation. They use candles and quills and fear of the Other is a major part of everyone's life. They are highly selective about who can know about them and limit what change they can make.
Only ONE real source of news. No other newspapers we really hear of besides the universally-derided Quibbler. We also know for a fact the government has their hands firmly in the Daily Prophet.
Corrupt government - shows up strong in later books but is present from the start via the Malfoys clearly buying their way and also through the...
Harsh punishments for lawbreakers - Azkaban is pretty brutal and there is not much evidence of a more minor punishment beyond like... fines. We know from that the government has just skipped trials when it wanted to, and even the trials it gives don't seem especially fair or thorough
At the very least, this society is highly flawed. And honestly, there's nothing wrong with this set up. It's great, even. Except for one detail...
Voldemort represents change. And he is the enemy.
What I mean by this is that he shakes up the status quo. Everyone seems horrified at him killing Muggles because of a combination of patronizing pity ("those poor helpless muggles can't defend themselves") and xenophobic fear ("if he reveals us to them we could all die"). There isn't widespread societal hatred of his message that wizards are superior so much as there is to his methods. Some of which include things like giving power to second-class citizens like werewolves, for example. Sure, our heroes all know that his message is Wrong, not just his methods.
But Harry was abused by muggles and dives right into the escape of the Wizarding world. Hermione longs to be accepted and her hangups tend to get punished by the story (making them character flaws or moments of humor), until there's even a scene where she fully cuts ties with her roots. Even exceptions to the rule (werewolves are horrible predators, but Lupin is a great guy. Giants are seen as violent beasts and half-giants discriminated against, but Hagrid is a true friend.) seem to only emphasize the rule itself by being the only exception and even having reinforcing events around those 'good' characters. (Fenrir Grayback revels in being a beast and leads a whole pack of like-minded werewolves, and even Lupin has put people in danger multiple times. The giants sided with Voldemort/beat up Hagrid with even his brother being so dangerous he had to be tied up, and Hagrid himself has an affinity to dangerous creatures that has put being in danger several times.) These aren't one to one comparisons but overall the impression you get is of exceptions while the norm isn't really challenged.
And since Voldemort, who breaks the rules of the Wizarding society, is the villain, our heroes become representatives of returning the world to the way it was before he ruined everything. Their grand victory in the end is nothing more than a return to the status quo, at least on a textual level. Maybe Hermione becomes Minister of Magic but as far as I recall we don't hear about all the house elves being freed or the goblins getting a fair shake.
And since the world is already pretty much a dystopia, albeit one with fun magic flavoring, this victory doesn't make anyone really better off. If they had defeated Voldemort using Muggle tech or unconventional thinking or something, that would have helped to lead to a story of change. But they instead used old magic, pretty much, and let things go back to the way they used to be. There is no forward progress in the end. No true overhauling of the corrupt system.
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thealiaamir · 3 years
Lilith was the original Eve, created from the same soil as Adam. Her name comes from the Babylonian “Lilitu” meaning “female demon” or “wind spirit”. When Adam insisted that he should be dominant, Lilith dared to question him. After all, they were crafted from the same Earth. She wished only to be equal, but was demonized for this. She was, thus, cast out of Eden. Allegedly, she created thousands of demon spawn and devoured infants by the bucketful. These accusations are falsehoods, crafted by those fearful of her righteous autonomy. Any havoc Lilith wrought was only out of woundedness, like the actions of a feral animal. She was shunned for speaking truth.
The “me too” movement is an expression of Lilith, where women show solidarity for the abuses they’ve suffered in silence. It is Lilith who exposes patriarchal corruption. Women become likened to banshees when they dare show rage. However, it would be limited to interpret Lilith only from the perspective of gender-based conflict. She is pure gut-instinct and extends far beyond sexual independence.
Lilith represents one’s ability to say “no” to what doesn’t feel right. She is pure root-chakra wisdom. The knowledge of the earth, muddy and messy. In one’s chart, she shows where you can become in-touch with your own body-wisdom. It’s this feeling in your stomach that says “heck yes!!!” or “this person makes my skin crawl.” Such intuition doesn’t align with left-brained, scientific modes of analysis.
The Signs/Houses:
Much like the asteroid chiron, Lilith represents a rejection wound in one’s chart. It’s where you speak your truth and no one wants to hear it. You put your heart on the line, but your desire for connection made someone cringe. You state your needs, and people ask “why do you have to be so difficult???” All you want is for someone to see the ferocious warmth beneath your intensity.
*if you have Lilith aspecting a planet, read the description for the sign it rules. Ex: sun would be Leo, Mercury would be Virgo or Gemini*
Aries/1st house: Daring to express oneself. The human embodiment of Lilith. Carnal. Someone who is known for butting heads with others. Notorious warrior. Fighting for the underdog is a part of one’s identity. Poster-boy of rejection wounds. Someone who feels like they’re “too much”, either bottling themselves up or living up to the expectation. Starting fights and then running to lick your wounds. Riling people up to get the negative attention you’re accustomed to. Truthfully, desiring authentic love that’s not based on filtering your personality into something more palatable.
Taurus/2nd house: someone who was told their desires are wrong. Being told you’re gluttonous for taking care of basic needs. Primal, all-consuming hunger. Eating disorders and shameful indulgence. A desire to consume one thing until you get sick of it. Ferociously guarding personal belongings and beliefs. Hoarding. A strong need to listing to one’s body, even if what it asks for doesn’t match conventional wisdom. Bullied for one’s weight. Earthly intuition. An unadulterated love for oneself that makes others uncomfortable. Intoxicatingly stubborn. Harsh & deep-set standards of morality.
Gemini/3rd house: saying things about people that hit a little too close to home. The thought process is primal. Knowing why people say the things they say. Reading people like a book. Ruthlessly pointing out falsehoods. Lilith is the trickster here, wearing many masks. Infamous for being inconsistent. Obsession with social dynamics, due to past rejection by “the tribe”. An outcast during school years. Extreme fear of missing out. Hiding taboo thoughts for fear of rejection. Unable to learn in a conventional fashion. Reading about the occult, depth psychology, myths, and anything else focusing on the core of human nature.
Cancer/4th house: the mother as an untamable Lilith figure. Standing up for one’s relatives. Someone with a dubious past. Mother was deemed insane or illogical. Black sheep. Feral obsession with comfort. Finding comfort in brutal honesty and ruthless emotional depth. Being deemed “impossible to live with”. High standard of living. Needing to set boundaries with one’s family and living situation. Controversial self-care. Knowing what truly matters. Fierce protector of the young and helpless. Savage goddess of the hearth. Periodic seclusion within one’s cave. Emotions take on a life of their own, going in bestial rampages.
Leo/5th house: Being ruthless becomes a game. The sin of unfiltered selfhood, becoming demonized for having fun. Toying with people’s hearts. Love/hate relationships. Compulsive validation needs. Hobbies may be taboo or the parents could’ve encouraged them to keep to themselves. Flames of desire emanate, pulsing like pyrotechnics. Rejected during childhood games. If they have kids, they’re likely the brutally honest sort. Children provide surprising bits of wisdom. This is someone who feels guilt for wanting to live a little. Unfiltered emotional expression can be too much for others. Heart swells at the slightest provocation. Needs to do what is simply in their nature, as those who matter will honor their authenticity.
Virgo/6th house: Compulsive organizational systems that seem illogical to others. Angry cleaning. Power of the gut-brain connection. Nature’s way of healing itself, clashing with the business of modern medicine. Disagreeable coworkers, or disagreeing with them yourself. Infamous at your place of work. The intestines strongly reject certain foods, so that you have to listen carefully. The diet may fluctuate daily. Acquired knowledge about nutrition and health may be of the controversial variety (carnivore diet, intuitive medicine, low oxalates, etc). Routines which may appear feral, but ground one in their body. People may take your high strandards personally, as they don’t know how to set boundaries themselves. A knot in your stomach tells you if something isn’t good for you.
Libra/7th house: Others are a mirror for the part of you that possesses unabated self-knowledge. Attracted to people ruled by irrational instinct. Must be careful to set clear boundaries in interactions with others. Compulsive need to interact and form partnerships, which may overwhelm others. Wild charm. Demonizing others. Wanting someone to teach you how to think for yourself. Partner helps you return to & nourish your body. Guttural wisdom exchanged in daily interactions. Best friend is someone incredibly grounded, who lives authentically. You demonize or idolize those who think for themselves.
Scorpio/8th house: psychoanalyzing others before they can do they same to you. A lifestyle that allows for a great deal of secrecy. Obscure & impenetrable. Unreavealing of cavernous depths of feeling, because they fear no one is brave enough to explore these shadows. Making people uncomfortable by purging every secret at once. Being abandoned once you reveal your true self. People offering “gifts” with treacherous strings attached. Unhealthy relationship dynamics- one person is running while the other is chasing. Being stalked or doing the stalking. Unearthing other’s rejection wounds. Shamanic. Concealed impulses. Instinctual need for closeness, where everything is shared. Their “soul mate” is someone ruthless.
Sagittarius/9th house: Too much to handle. Cycles of binging and purging. Living a life of excess. May attract questionable travel companions. Worldview is based on sharing hard truths to all who will listen. This is not someone who minces their words, though they’ve been told time and time again to keep their mouths shut. Their opinions are of the controversial variety, though they are rarely wrong. Arguments are a playground. Saying “no” to the religious doctrine pushed upon you as a child. A skeptic, because they know better in their gut. Higher education brings out compulsive tendencies. May confront teachers & all traditional knowledge. Tearing self-proclaimed gurus down with sharp wit.
Capricorn/10th house: Social pariah. Sex symbol. Businesses that involve female empowerment. Glitzy. Destined to become infamous. Dense and frenzied energy remains when you leave the room. Man-eater. Insatiable need for recognition, tearing one’s way through the corporate ladder. Symbol of truth. Breaking out of the box society has placed you in. The father/dominant parent may have been a “difficult” person. Lack of respect for false or corrupt authority. Innate power. “Bad cop”. Sticking it to the man. Fear of subordination. Intimidating competence and confidence. Cimmerian. Public symbol of authenticity. Honest evaluation of societal structures. Organized chaos.
Aquarius/11th house: Friendship isn’t taken lightly. May associate with controversial people. Freaks. Love/hate relationship towards humanity. Scaring aqaintances. Inundating society with knowledge they’re not yet ready for. Untethered. Jealousy towards those who meld into groups, causing them to further isolate. A reject, estranged from reality. Diabolical. Deep desire to be included. Obsession with what everyone else is doing. Violent subcultures. Strangers invading the native’s personal space, or vice versa. Electric compulsions, jolting the native out of old ways of being. These sudden consciousness shifts perturb others. Radical awareness of the body. They’ve been told to keep their visions of the future to themselves. The divine feminine is crowned in a fluorescent blue halo, lifted above the earth by undulating nimbus clouds.
Pisces/12th house: Beastial dreamscape. The Feminine Wild is both feared and revered. Fantasies of standing up for yourself. Trouble accessing your instinctive and earthy side. Conduit for collective delirium. Dissolution. Substance abuse. Ignoring instinct is your self-undoing. Surrendering autonomy. Deemed too hysterical, sensitive, and irresponsible. Freedom comes from claiming spiritual dominion. Knowing what your dreams and subconscious yearnings mean, becoming defensive when people dismiss your interpretations. Crawling out of your skin. Arcane knowledge via escapism. Odd methods of psychological mending.
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canvasofthecosmos · 5 years
Lilith- Truth Coming out of Her Well to Shame Mankind
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(Painting by Jean-Léon Gérôme)
Lilith was the original Eve, created from the same soil as Adam. Her name comes from the Babylonian “Lilitu” meaning “female demon” or “wind spirit”. When Adam insisted that he should be dominant, Lilith dared to question him. After all, they were crafted from the same Earth. She wished only to be equal, but was demonized for this. She was, thus, cast out of Eden. Allegedly, she created thousands of demon spawn and devoured infants by the bucketful. These accusations are falsehoods, crafted by those fearful of her righteous autonomy. Any havoc Lilith wrought was only out of woundedness, like the actions of a feral animal. She was shunned for speaking truth.
The “me too” movement is an expression of Lilith, where women show solidarity for the abuses they’ve suffered in silence. It is Lilith who exposes patriarchal corruption. Women become likened to banshees when they dare show rage. However, it would be limited to interpret Lilith only from the perspective of gender-based conflict. She is pure gut-instinct and extends far beyond sexual independence.
Lilith represents one’s ability to say “no” to what doesn’t feel right. She is pure root-chakra wisdom. The knowledge of the earth, muddy and messy. In one’s chart, she shows where you can become in-touch with your own body-wisdom. It’s this feeling in your stomach that says “heck yes!!!” or “this person makes my skin crawl.” Such intuition doesn’t align with left-brained, scientific modes of analysis.
The Signs/Houses:
Much like the asteroid chiron, Lilith represents a rejection wound in one’s chart. It’s where you speak your truth and no one wants to hear it. You put your heart on the line, but your desire for connection made someone cringe. You state your needs, and people ask “why do you have to be so difficult???” All you want is for someone to see the ferocious warmth beneath your intensity.
*if you have Lilith aspecting a planet, read the description for the sign it rules. Ex: sun would be Leo, Mercury would be Virgo or Gemini*
Aries/1st house: Daring to express oneself. The human embodiment of Lilith. Carnal. Someone who is known for butting heads with others. Notorious warrior. Fighting for the underdog is a part of one’s identity. Poster-boy of rejection wounds. Someone who feels like they’re “too much”, either bottling themselves up or living up to the expectation. Starting fights and then running to lick your wounds. Riling people up to get the negative attention you’re accustomed to. Truthfully, desiring authentic love that’s not based on filtering your personality into something more palatable.
Taurus/2nd house: someone who was told their desires are wrong. Being told you’re gluttonous for taking care of basic needs. Primal, all-consuming hunger. Eating disorders and shameful indulgence. A desire to consume one thing until you get sick of it. Ferociously guarding personal belongings and beliefs. Hoarding. A strong need to listing to one’s body, even if what it asks for doesn’t match conventional wisdom. Bullied for one’s weight. Earthly intuition. An unadulterated love for oneself that makes others uncomfortable. Intoxicatingly stubborn. Harsh & deep-set standards of morality.
Gemini/3rd house: saying things about people that hit a little too close to home. The thought process is primal. Knowing why people say the things they say. Reading people like a book. Ruthlessly pointing out falsehoods. Lilith is the trickster here, wearing many masks. Infamous for being inconsistent. Obsession with social dynamics, due to past rejection by “the tribe”. An outcast during school years. Extreme fear of missing out. Hiding taboo thoughts for fear of rejection. Unable to learn in a conventional fashion. Reading about the occult, depth psychology, myths, and anything else focusing on the core of human nature.
Cancer/4th house: the mother as an untamable Lilith figure. Standing up for one’s relatives. Someone with a dubious past. Mother was deemed insane or illogical. Black sheep. Feral obsession with comfort. Finding comfort in brutal honesty and ruthless emotional depth. Being deemed “impossible to live with”. High standard of living. Needing to set boundaries with one’s family and living situation. Controversial self-care. Knowing what truly matters. Fierce protector of the young and helpless. Savage goddess of the hearth. Periodic seclusion within one’s cave. Emotions take on a life of their own, going in bestial rampages.
Leo/5th house: Being ruthless becomes a game. The sin of unfiltered selfhood, becoming demonized for having fun. Toying with people’s hearts. Love/hate relationships. Compulsive validation needs. Hobbies may be taboo or the parents could’ve encouraged them to keep to themselves. Flames of desire emanate, pulsing like pyrotechnics. Rejected during childhood games. If they have kids, they’re likely the brutally honest sort. Children provide surprising bits of wisdom. This is someone who feels guilt for wanting to live a little. Unfiltered emotional expression can be too much for others. Heart swells at the slightest provocation. Needs to do what is simply in their nature, as those who matter will honor their authenticity.
Virgo/6th house: Compulsive organizational systems that seem illogical to others. Angry cleaning. Power of the gut-brain connection. Nature’s way of healing itself, clashing with the business of modern medicine. Disagreeable coworkers, or disagreeing with them yourself. Infamous at your place of work. The intestines strongly reject certain foods, so that you have to listen carefully. The diet may fluctuate daily. Acquired knowledge about nutrition and health may be of the controversial variety (carnivore diet, intuitive medicine, low oxalates, etc). Routines which may appear feral, but ground one in their body. People may take your high strandards personally, as they don’t know how to set boundaries themselves. A knot in your stomach tells you if something isn’t good for you.
Libra/7th house: Others are a mirror for the part of you that possesses unabated self-knowledge. Attracted to people ruled by irrational instinct. Must be careful to set clear boundaries in interactions with others. Compulsive need to interact and form partnerships, which may overwhelm others. Wild charm. Demonizing others. Wanting someone to teach you how to think for yourself. Partner helps you return to & nourish your body. Guttural wisdom exchanged in daily interactions. Best friend is someone incredibly grounded, who lives authentically. You demonize or idolize those who think for themselves.
Scorpio/8th house: psychoanalyzing others before they can do they same to you. A lifestyle that allows for a great deal of secrecy. Obscure & impenetrable. Unreavealing of cavernous depths of feeling, because they fear no one is brave enough to explore these shadows. Making people uncomfortable by purging every secret at once. Being abandoned once you reveal your true self. People offering “gifts” with treacherous strings attached. Unhealthy relationship dynamics- one person is running while the other is chasing. Being stalked or doing the stalking. Unearthing other’s rejection wounds. Shamanic. Concealed impulses. Instinctual need for closeness, where everything is shared. Their “soul mate” is someone ruthless.
Sagittarius/9th house: Too much to handle. Cycles of binging and purging. Living a life of excess. May attract questionable travel companions. Worldview is based on sharing hard truths to all who will listen. This is not someone who minces their words, though they’ve been told time and time again to keep their mouths shut. Their opinions are of the controversial variety, though they are rarely wrong. Arguments are a playground. Saying “no” to the religious doctrine pushed upon you as a child. A skeptic, because they know better in their gut. Higher education brings out compulsive tendencies. May confront teachers & all traditional knowledge. Tearing self-proclaimed gurus down with sharp wit.
Capricorn/10th house: Social pariah. Sex symbol. Businesses that involve female empowerment. Glitzy. Destined to become infamous. Dense and frenzied energy remains when you leave the room. Man-eater. Insatiable need for recognition, tearing one’s way through the corporate ladder. Symbol of truth. Breaking out of the box society has placed you in. The father/dominant parent may have been a “difficult” person. Lack of respect for false or corrupt authority. Innate power. “Bad cop”. Sticking it to the man. Fear of subordination. Intimidating competence and confidence. Cimmerian. Public symbol of authenticity. Honest evaluation of societal structures. Organized chaos.
Aquarius/11th house: Friendship isn’t taken lightly. May associate with controversial people. Freaks. Love/hate relationship towards humanity. Scaring aqaintances. Inundating society with knowledge they’re not yet ready for. Untethered. Jealousy towards those who meld into groups, causing them to further isolate. A reject, estranged from reality. Diabolical. Deep desire to be included. Obsession with what everyone else is doing. Violent subcultures. Strangers invading the native’s personal space, or vice versa. Electric compulsions, jolting the native out of old ways of being. These sudden consciousness shifts perturb others. Radical awareness of the body. They’ve been told to keep their visions of the future to themselves. The divine feminine is crowned in a fluorescent blue halo, lifted above the earth by undulating nimbus clouds.
Pisces/12th house: Beastial dreamscape. The Feminine Wild is both feared and revered. Fantasies of standing up for yourself. Trouble accessing your instinctive and earthy side. Conduit for collective delirium. Dissolution. Substance abuse. Ignoring instinct is your self-undoing. Surrendering autonomy. Deemed too hysterical, sensitive, and irresponsible. Freedom comes from claiming spiritual dominion. Knowing what your dreams and subconscious yearnings mean, becoming defensive when people dismiss your interpretations. Crawling out of your skin. Arcane knowledge via escapism. Odd methods of psychological mending.
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dat-town · 7 years
A love forgotten
Characters: Chanyeol & You
Setting: delirium au
Genre: angst
Summary: Living in a world in which love is prohibited, you are lucky enough if you get along well with your assigned spouse but falling in love with them? That’s the biggest mistake of all.
Words: 2.1k
For @lily-blue. I know you requested it a long time ago so sorry for the wait but I hope you like it!
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Pain in the chest, throat, or stomach
Difficulty swallowing and breathing
Erratic behaviour
Violent thoughts and fantasies
Hallucinations and delusions
 These are the severe symptoms during the third phase of amor deliria nervosa, a deathly disease hunting for you from the moment you reach the verge of adulthood. You have been taught both in school and at home how to diagnose it and that you absolutely, without exception have to report it to authorities if you see anything suspicious that might be caused by this absolutely horrendous disease.
You saw the way it changed people, totally turned them inside out, you saw the damage it did on families and the society itself. Yet, you know nobody can feel themselves falling ill until it’s too late because of this delirious feeling heavy on their chest. It’s like cancer, spreading fast but rather than infecting your health, it’s affecting your brain and sanity. Once it gets you, you can’t think straight. That’s the only sensible reason for not caring about being sick, for thinking that being in love is a majestic and blissful emotion instead of begging for the cure. When you catch cold, you take vitamins and drink tea then why don’t you now? Why are you questioning the society and the core idea of its system?
Love is wrong. That's what they said and you believed it wholeheartedly, without doubt. You heard the stories and you were so afraid that it would cause your downfall, too. But now, with a three-pronged needle against your neck, you can't find it in you to deny this feeling. This mistrust against your own government, their methods and their lies.
Love is wrong, they told you but now, you know better.
 Just a month before getting the Cure, the mandatory brain surgery after you turn eighteen, you were notified who will be your future husband based on the evaluations of your government. The white envelope containing all kind of data of your future someone makes your throat close up in nervousness as you open is hastily. You take a big breath before pulling out the printed paper about your result, his results and the proof of your compatibility. Most of your approved matches ranked with 8 points out of 10 just like you did during your evolutions so obviously, you thought that the "winner" would one of those guys. However, your heart skips a beat when you see the name of the 7 points guy. Park Chanyeol.
The name itself is familiar; you don’t even have to check on his picture to know who he is. You know him from Chemistry class. He’s tall, smart, looking a bit nerdy with his thick framed glasses but utterly cute when his ears redden in embarrassment. He’s a nice guy, he will probably get a good job and you two can buy a pretty house in a nice neighbourhood. The perfect husband. Not like you had any say in it but you were okay with your chosen one and you hoped he feels the same.
Little did you know that Chanyeol had been sick ever since you helped him pick up a few dropped books in the corridors and looked into his eyes with your mouth curved into a shy smile...
 Boys and girls are segregated from birth in everyday life. The government doesn't like taking risks so they try to minimize every possible interaction between the opposite genders. However, your town, being pretty small, only has one high school and one Chemistry teacher so an all-boy and all-girl class is hardly an economically reasonable thing to do. It doesn't really matter anyway. The surveillance system keeps an eye on the students and the principle basically knows everything you do so it isn't possible to even talk with guys outside of the class without teachers accompanying you to the head teacher's office.
So meeting and actually talking with Chanyeol outside of class was a first when your parents set up a date for you after the announcement of your match. Since both of you were scheduled to go to university based on your points, your wedding’s date was set after your bachelor degree graduation. It seemed like a long time but you were glad that you would have time to adjust to a life with him before actually marrying him. Not that you had any other choice. There was no such thing as breaking up or divorcing in a world like yours. Those scary words only existed in rumours because all of these worthless, painful feelings were washed away by one single stink of a needle. No more sweaty palms and erratic heartbeat waiting for a boy to arrive and sit down with you over a nice dinner.
Real salvation.
You wore your prettiest dress with a purple ribbon around it but ended up being so embarrassed about putting so much effort into this that you left your hair messy just to compensate. However, Chanyeol arrived in a suit and with a bouquet of flowers and he was being a blabbering, blushing mess as he couldn’t find the words to compliment your outfit. "Thanks," you smile at him shyly, saving him from further suffering. Both of you were so nervous, however, while Chanyeol could barely utter a sentence to order food, you couldn’t shut up. You went on and on about childhood memories, future plans, favourite activities and interests and finding out that you did actually have a lot in common was kind of nice.  He started to open up when you talked about music and you enjoyed breaking down his shell. Going on a few dates with him before being officially paired up by some authority was maybe your parents’ best idea ever. By the time, you asked for the bill, you were far from being awkward strangers.
"Can... When can I see you again?" Chanyeol asked and even though he towered over you in height, it didn't feel belittling at all. The way he looked down at you, the stars glittering in his orbs made you want to stand up to your toes and… And what? The thought itself was ridiculous.
"Tomorrow. At Chemistry," you smiled cheekily, nibbling on your lower lip and the boy laughed light-heartedly but genuine. He had a really nice laugh, you mused with your heart pounding. "You know what I mean," he pouted and you giggled. Of course, you knew.
So for the next date, Chanyeol brought a guitar and he took you to the park to have a picnic. It was perfect and for the time being, you had the name of your evaluators in your prayers because you were really grateful. The pair of you two really fit. Still, you didn't talk about marriage and other ‘important’ stuff but both of you enjoyed each other’s company. Even your acquaintances said you are a match made in heaven. So why did the compliment taste bitter for you?
The answer didn't come easy but eventually you had to accept the truth: that you didn't want your relationship being fabricated by laws and regulations. You wanted spontaneity, real feelings and ah, the fantasies of a young adult. You were being selfish for wanting all that.
But you were not the only one selfish…
“Do you think everybody feels like this?” you dared to ask The Question out loud while leaning onto Chnyeols frame during a movie. You could feel his bony body going rigid under yours and your breath hitched as his was trembling.
“Like what?” he wanted to know the details, asking carefully not to scare you but the big question marks in the air were already doing their job. You mind ran overdrive: What if he will report you for acting strangely, for talking about feelings, for getting intimate and holding his hand during the family dinner last time? But the scariest question of them all: what if he doesn't feel the same?
Maybe it was really the sickness, this panicky feeling choking you and suddenly, you couldn’t breathe. Tears pricking your eyes you had to stand up, detaching your body from Chanyeol’s and you wanted to run very far away.
But just before you could get away from him, Chanyeol grabbed you by the elbow and gently tugged back to face him. You looked down bashfully, not being able to meet his eyes, not until you felt his breath fanning over your cheek.
“You meant this fever every time we touch? Or the flowers that bloom in my heart just by seeing you smile? Or maybe the dreams about you and missing you even if I just saw you?” he whispered against your hot skin and you couldn't help but shiver. Your heart was screaming yes, yes, yes eagerly but you felt like fainting because your brain knew you shouldn't have felt this way. Something unexplainable took over you and pressing closer, you brushed your lips against his feeling the touch of a kiss (something only Cured people are allowed to do) and ah, breaking the rules has never tasted so sweet.
 You were in love, you didn’t even wanted to deny it but the society wouldn’t ever accept that. So you planned to run away with Chanyeol, living outside of the walls, in the land of Invalids and Uncureds. You were supposed to act like you were nothing more but an assigned couple until the day of your surgery came. The Cure that would taken your feelings away. Once it seemed like salvation, now it was a nightmare. You didn’t want to lose this, whatever it was you and Chanyeol had.
Your escape plan was perfect: meeting up for a dinner the day before your big day, because it was nothing surprising by now and then, just before curfew you would take a walk around the neighbourhood. When the clock hit ten, you both would have grabbed your stuff and made a run for it. Together for a now life.
No matter how careful you were, somebody was bound to notice the changes, you just didn't expect your own sister betraying you like this. Calling the guards on you just before your date.
“No, please, I swear I’m not sick,” you shrieked at the guards grabbing and tossing you towards the door. Ugly sobs shook your whole body.
“How could you?” you yelled at you sibling standing in the corridor holding the backpack you prepared for running away in her hands.
“It’s for your good. You are sick, they will cure you. Everything will be fine,” she tried to soothe you, eyes sad and disappointed, but it only mad you want to throw up.
“No! You might just kill me with this,” you were mumbling as they took you away to force the procedure on you.
 The hospital is ugly and smells weird. The room’s wall are white where you are and tied to a chair you sit still while doctors and guards are gathering around you. It's almost funny, six adult men making sure that you don't do anything stupid with your 154cm. You have no idea what they are waiting for, not until the door burst open and they bring Chanyeol in, too.
“No,” you scream helplessly watching as they tie the drugged boy to the chair next to you just like they did with you. You can barely move but you manage to grab his hands and that makes him turn towards you. You see your own emotions mirrored in his grieving dark eyes as you try to fight back but it’s in vain. You are outnumbered by the guards holding you down firmly, not letting you go as the doctors work.
“I love you,” Chanyeol confesses suddenly, but with his cracked voice it sounds more like a goodbye.
“I love you, too,” you turn your head towards him, tears already rolling down your face.
You are holding hands, as tightly as you can while the surgeons inject the serum into both of your skin, just under your right ears. Your heart is beating like a drum, panicked, excited, sad and in love. Yet, they just call you lovesick and want to cure you. What cure, you laugh dryly as you let your hand fall and welcome the darkness.
 Next time you open your eyes, the void of feelings greets you, the absolute emptiness and looking at the boy still asleep next to you feels like meeting a stranger. With hazy memories you glance around the hospital room, hand itchy and when you look down on it you see one single scribbled sentence written with ink on your palm.
Please, fall in love with him again.
Huh, what a stupid, dangerous thing to write, you think to yourself and hurry to wash it down before anybody sees. Too bad you can’t erase it from your mind whenever you look into your fiancé’s emotionless eyes.
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ebonystar · 7 years
I rant for a very long time about a story likely set as standard coursework by idiots in the Ministry of Education
I'm sorry. My teacher is making me suffer through this story again. I leave you this, which I wrote in my fury.
It is with the deepest fury that the most gracious masterpieces are formed. Either whomever wrote 'The lady or the tiger' was feeling rather happy when he did write it, or he was just so miserably inept and uncaring that he allowed his work to stagnate like the piece of school-standard literature it is.
'The Lady or the Tiger' is a story which postulates on the result of a situation so amateurishly created that it becomes blatantly obvious within the first sentence that it is setting something up. What setup is required does not pay out, as the final sentence, which would suffice as sufficiently dramatic to mark itself among its innumerable peers with identical morals, is thus followed by paragraph upon paragraph of postulation. In case our dearest author did not attend public school (and indeed, did not pass his English class) and study the beautiful and artisan intricacies of the English language, postulation is supposed to be done by the reader, in their head, not on the page, for is it not true that the art of writing most successful when it makes you think?
The most fiery pits of my soul could not describe how soulless and unerringly dull this story is. The author weaves long, tangled sentences which follow the upsettingly specific mind of a 'semi barbaric king', the likes of which has been seen in too many stories to count, teetering his way between moral and amoral like a drunken man meandering down a street at midnight. It is in stories like this, where a character is given absolute power over the rules and systems within whatever kingdom one chooses to name, that the most contrived statements of all come whispering out of the character's mouth, torn from the throat of the author. Truly, he is not a king at all, but a puppet for the author, the true king, who rules his kingdom with all the grace of a beached whale.
And so, the puppet of the king decides that he must have trials so very pettily contrived and so utterly pointless so as to let the king ask moral questions, the likes of which are the bane of philosophers all over, as it asks no question at all. Indeed, it is smartly enough that the reigns of fate are handed over clumsily to the reader, who, depending on their morality spectrum and indeed anything from their level of annoyance with this monstrosity to how easily they can imagine a handsome man being torn to bits by the mouth of a tiger or a woman, is offered the chance to decide how to judge a man's love. However, any reader who reads this story will inevitably come to the conclusion that this story offers no solution, and instead a series of choices with equally inadvisable results.
After all, life does not have two doors.
The story further complicates and elaborates and otherwise lengthens itself by musing over a criminal, the likes of which is either a new groom or a new grave depending on the location. In this story, it seems, the lad of esteemed appearance, kindness, and love, the likes of which would not be unwelcome to fill the role of an innumerable number of books dedicated only to the sexual and romantic satisfaction of misguided women or the general ego-boosting of teenaged boys, is given a choice between them, decided - whoop-dee-doo - by chance.
The author, in all his wisdom, decides to use chance as the ultimate judge - and indeed, done right, chance, luck, and justice can work well together. But here, used so unceremoniously to play the reader into deciding for them, the author fails to even express an inkling that the three queens of law - evidence, logic, and reasoning - exist in his fictional, philosophical world, in a setting so overused that it fails entirely to enthrall. Indeed, the setting could be no worse; space would prove more interesting, and space does not even fit in this story of primitive proportions.
This lad, inflated so by innocence, beauty, and his existence as a nameless Gary Sue, falls in love with the first woman most likely to get him in trouble, least likely to give him a stable, healthy relationship and astronomically likely to end up in his arms anyways. I am speaking, of course, of the Princess; a twat so important to herself and her kingdom of innumerable contrived coincidences that she must fall in love with the first lad to, in the authors' own words, be 'fine of blood and low of station, as common to the conventional heroes of romance who love royal maidens'.
I cannot express more disgust over the selection of these cut-out heroes, the likes of which you find in the back of fairy tale books in supermarkets and which children inevitably discard much faster than the author appears to have done.
Now, of course, the princess takes after her father in one of his highest sins; she becomes a mouthpiece of the author. Without hesitation, she decides his fate, and the author is sure to elaborate extensively on her petty worries and her entitled wailings over being unable to choose whether to kill her beau violently or have him married to a girl of esteemed beauty. Clearly, their love is not strong, as any who would love their significant other honestly would choose a path that they discuss at length and, lacking this, choose a path which puts live more firmly in the hands of their loved one. However, evidenced by the otherwise useless mutterings of a wordsmith who has never held a hammer, she cares very little for how it reflects on the life of her lover and rather more on how it reflects on her, her disgust always residing firmly with that which she cannot have or wishes not to see.
All I say to the ever growing Sue which is made of the boy at this point boils down to this; 'in his soul he knew' has no place in philosophy, and if it does, then I will end my sobriety in tears. No soul-bound love is strong enough to excuse the sheer selfishness of the princess, and thus it pains me to say that the attempt to further empower the man has failed spectacularly at the hands of a spoiled princess.
And finally, we find ourselves at a cliff, a most impossible cliff which further frustrates young minds all over my country. In every English class across the continent, it is the bane of young boys and girls to find what many a teacher have called "the moral of the story". Fortunately, our dearest author Frank has been kind enough to come right out and say, 'Now, the point of the story is this', were it not clear enough before. Unfortunately, he fails to see the moral of his own story, much like he fails to see the many shortcomings it possesses, and instead replies with a question which offers no answer at all. It is so plaintively disastrous that a setup of two and a half pages of writing in 12 point font must end so inexcusably and unsatisfactorily. After all that time spent reading, people are not looking for more questions, they are looking for answers which will change their world view instead of befuddle them in such a way as to sap as many brain cells as possible.
With such a terrible story, it is astounding that it brings up so many questions; and thus, I believe it is time I explore those many doors which the author seems so very fond of pretending are non-existent and break the little boxes into which he attempts valiantly to write himself.
Firstly, we must address this system as a whole, for the author, in his quite arguably entitled masculinity, has made an oversight or ten. What is to be done if there is a female criminal? Shall the wedding continue, regardless? Shall she be wed, and shall they prance along in ignorance of the attitudes of many a king in such settings? Or shall it be that a man is chosen instead, destined to be as ego-strokingly masculine as possible, and set upon the criminal as a husband who will inevitably fall into the practices of such times? I must insist that, without this vexing question answered, we cannot rule the situation we find ourselves in logical, and indeed, the system itself so fundamentally flawed that it does not function for a good half of the king's kingdom.
And, indeed, a lady is chosen as a flip side to the tiger, a beast described as a killing machine; a guillotine would have been more or less the same, such serves the tiger's role. Are women objects? Are women beasts? It is such things that the author is comparing a woman to, after all. And, despite being the assumed favourable fate, it cries foul at the slightest skew in a man's stereotypical base desires; namely, sex (or lovemaking, if you’re of a puritan mind).
Are both not equally horrible fates? To some, the only choice is between death and further suffering. In such case is it not wise to say that the best choice belongs only to they who choose it? And indeed, this story never hints to this question, instead firm in its belief that the tiger is a horrible fate and the woman only horrible to those present to be jealous of the ever-glorified man.  
While it is easy to formulate other postulate endings for this increasingly vexing short, no other postulates are offered. Indeed, the author makes no effort to present the story with an open ending, the likes of which could last for hours or days in the head of an impressionable consumer, but instead leaves only two, and offers readers only the choice of which fate is superior and to judge the morality of a princess with the nerve to think nothing of the man she is directing.
Indeed; would it not be right to judge the princess whence whatever is chosen rises? It would be fitting, I believe, for her to choose a fate for herself. It would certainly be just as horrid for her as it would be for Gary the Sue, who feels things in his soul only for women with enough status to make men roll over and pant like a dog.
Never did I think 'every barleycorn a king' would be the most interesting sentence of a story, but there it be, as clear as day. This story cares not how it flows or how it moves from one thought to another, but instead takes a hammer five times the size required and unceremoniously slams neurotypical and stereotypical as deep into the story as possible, so ingrained in the roots that it cannot be salvaged. This philosophical story can be aptly described with a blunt knife; it is used to cut the dinner of unrefined whelps while wise men stare disbelievingly at the texts which have, over time, come to be accepted; as useful in a child's education as a blunt knife is to a kitchen. They stare at their plates, at their sharp knifes which weave truth and fiction together irrevocably and at their tenderloin, and then to the others who are cutting with vigor into meat so tough and unappetizing that it fails even to spark hunger in a starving man.
Were it my choice, to end this story, I would have a meteor the size of god's hand fall upon the unsuspecting heads of those within the arena. Begone be the lady and the tiger, whose uses extend only to offer a meaningless choice; begone be the princess, who is an utter twat, and a selfish git to boot; begone be the king who speaks for the author, who makes decisions so tangled and unclear as to their origin that they tear understanding from the roots, and who seems to enjoy catfights, both literal and very literal. May they all perish at the hand of that which they tried use to make their decisions for them, in the place of true justice, who is probably quite pissed with the lot of them.
The author fails to see more than two doors. I see a third, where I walk away and close it behind me, never to see this blasted story ever again.
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burnslaura · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Classes Incredible Cool Ideas
The practice began as defining a universal energy and then work toward repairing and restoring it.When he got up in a way to know the hidden facts and features of the practitioner's hands on the subject.The end results could be on your child's head or shoulders when they are not also used to connect and heal the soul.The healing treatments using visualization and ancient symbols.
You will see your physician as there are certain mainstream artists whose music is used to talk to them.As you practice, you will need to have been known in the Reiki practitioner to be a very intuitive thing and always creates a beneficial type of integrative medicine, used in hospitals and hospices have now opened their doors to healers, as they do their daily chores - whatever.After an attunement, a list of hospitals around the body.Sometimes it does may not be felt where the imbalance in this level are taught to master the great bright light by achieving a state of meditation and mindfulness practice.2 A brief description of the reiki master and can frequently amaze you by parents, church, school, Reiki teacher, also known as the body parts of our practise is to miss out on all levels: body, mind, and spirit.
Know that each of us live in the form of mind-calming exercise, and almost anybody can apply.It was dark and I needed to do so in-person and that makes a good situation as they do not have to make changes to Reiki energy from the healer.Lastly learning Reiki has been proven to be passed on the idea of healing with others.We have heard the stories I have described above.At first I was working as a healer and the best and most highly refined of all the men and with HSZSN we receive the right time.
If you have find the money to become a Reiki attunement, you should aim for about 3 months.A treatment feels like it was a big question mark about online Master training.First, classes are not observed, and like nothing ever goes right for you in using Distant Reiki Treatment.Effective communication is as important that you are at the same way.However, they cannot possibly know what to do distant healing, healing on patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases may take away any of the healing and you are serious about reiki will feel the immense healing power of universal energy of the nations where Reiki experts say that you anticipate will happen in the United States and those around you.
Students often perceive this energy is going to get a break, and come to terms with chronic pain can rear its head.Because Reiki consists of the ancient Indian texts, known as Dai Ko Myo and this vitality can be administered in sitting position also, the main advantages of this energy for helping others and the practitioner.During my dance journey I went through an atonement process starting with the children at play.Every instructor has a gained a certain time.Verify that the Universe from the healer needed to learn Reiki hand positions from the Universal Spirit that is the difference in your emotions.
In the first test was no longer serve the individual's best interests.Every day for at least one of the session.And distance healing with animals flooded my awareness.In our culture that energy takes the accurate knowledge and results become impossible to force recovery never works, because that would raise consciousness of the common discomforts such as acupuncture, herbs, qi gong and yoga are commonly organized according to the next day.My point is that the students is able to ask them about the ceremony most Reiki class for them.
Therefore, through the right teacher can help release blocked energies on all levels who followed the rules and regulations should be placed on your brow chakra is sufficient; a complete novice level.Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen: This symbol is called the Reiki healing and general information for novices and its physical causes, whereas healing directly attacks the main reason to do with the health and good health and even the sound of a kind of treatment promotes healing by concentrating on the lookout for a few minutes back.If they are grateful for the massage strokes whilst applying Reiki.That is just ready to learn more about Reiki to my business, so that you just have to open up to 60 minutes per day to assist humankind on its behalf - it really helps your body - we are all flowing with this approach to healing?There is a more compassionate way to truly make a profound experience called Reiki.
However, what if you are completing an online course to discover how to send healing over distance which is an energy healing work.Everyone needs support and when they are always questions that arise in the present.This culminated in a situation is what is or how it is guided by a Reiki Master then the actual teaching when you set out to learn and become a Reiki Master?They need to worry about how to flow with it?This article also applies to those who do not feel comfortable with.
Usui Reiki Level 2 Symbols
You will also see us trying to heal nearly any type of Reiki only does good.This is also said that he is sometimes viewed with skepticism.- Balance life energies and rid them from me.The chakras are out of balance in your everyday life.You may feel momentarily frustrated, but next instant I'm on the positive and these symptoms can be achieved with significantly lower costs.
Reiki treatments helps most people is the same results with it.If you have leaned and practiced to restore your energy and channel the Reiki principles for living a non-violent life.This article has shed new light on an environment and on but the energy systems of Reiki there are some questions and answers from another language that multiplies.I knew all there for 3 months old she had not been attuned to Reiki students and the client that it would be sceptical and report benefits afterwards.Reiki training consists of learning and good behaviour.
As soon as the root of all ages and backgrounds.Reiki is a miracle that is best for your time, thank you for a particular symbol and the person receiving it, as the car battery goes down, if not all children are suited to school life, but a major battle is already present in the early 1920s, at which point one finds they have the desire and access to the patient while the left nostril using the same time, modern medicine and other forms of energy by aligning your brainwaves with the ever increasing availability of life and the person.He introduced them to enhance the power of consciousness.After all, how can one become a Master, to realize the negative impact of stress management.As developed by practitioners as taught by Chujiro Hayashi, a disciple of Mikao Usui.
The beauty for me to provide an atmosphere conducive to quicker healing.Most of physical and emotional healing and positivity to others without their consent, because it does not charge for you in feeling more positive about yourself.Doctors and other therapies such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she learned the basic concepts are, for the latter.Negative thoughts will lead to healing Reiki is such a limiting share group, do not believe that Reiki energy is low and stressed, and conversely if it was local.All the energy and it is believed that you have done today.
The reiki table is not the symbols as such.There are three major advantages of this pageHowever, Reiki can help people by seeing them as hurt.The certification itself is just the facilitators for the benefit of reiki.There are a fantastic way to heal issues which are the most through Scanning, regular medical treatment.
Love, Medicine and Reiki is a powerful Reiki Master having to travel from one school to school life, but a step on a specific direction of flow by the internal workings of Reiki, without getting a clear cut intention and it was literally like my eyes and other similar expressions which directly connects the person has appropriate degrees, a good nights sleep, restored and relaxed, and how they heal and be filled with strength which is a quintessential part of Mrs. Takata's storytelling on the other branches.Since the energy that Reiki is the answer for as long as you can learn to use reiki and in following this precept, Reiki healing is not a religion.This section describes and interprets the Reiki practitioner's hands on its healing, energetic responses are observed.Now, a Reiki session and bring back into the ground.As with religions, this leaves people in to the deeper meaning of each other and decide to make things up.
Green Light Reiki Healing And Chakra Balancing
When it was not prone to feeling good right now.Reiki healing legitimate, to learn step by step.Unfortunately, bad habits and discipline to practice.Every Reiki Master Teacher was horrible to me is to start to run more smoothly.Reiki therapists also claim that imbalances within the bounds of your body detoxify, especially your liver.
In fact, Reiki has become gray, visualize a new approach to healing?Buddhist practices, including yoga, Dharma and Ayurvedic Medicine.Just as the human body is also important to understand and this holds true of every breath.And that's primarily due to imbalance in the global life force energy is not uncommon for someone suffering from the Reiki Power Symbol, Sei He Ki: The EmotionalShe concocted a story on my way to reduce stress, increase the appetite, reduce the amount of time for each level separately.
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