#or just any addison oc as long as a i have a bit of info on their character so i can draw them doin smth
yanderespamton78 · 2 months
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I love your OC Page!!! Now I’m really curious about her backstory and what her job‘s like! if you’re open to asks about her what kind of books/info do you think the mansion library database has?
Thank you! She's fun to draw. Her Backstory: Like all darkners, as far as we know, she just came into being one day with the skills to do her job, and do it well. But without an assigned work space she wandered around the shopping district, and got kicked out of Pink Addison's shop for trying to reorder their shelves to be color coordinated. They told her to go bother the fussy Tasque Manager at the mansion if they were so concerned with 'order', so she did! She and TM bonded over the need for things to be organized, and TM introduced her to Queen, who gave her a job as the Mansion Librarian. (In the light world, she is an old-fashioned check-out card for a non-fiction book about owls).
Her Job: Page oversees the large library in the Mansion, as well as organizing the data bases Queen keeps. There is a ton of knowledge saved about EVERYTHING, most of it centered around lightner trends. Keeping the lightner users happy is their goal, after all! She does a lot of data input and organization (she LOVES metadata and properly sorting videos/memes/picture/posts into categories). She can summon screens that show card catalogs that help her find files and books, and will help anybody search for any resources they need. She is a bit territorial of her library and if you mess up the room (or try and mis-shelve something) she will ban you for a time. You could murder someone in her library and she wouldn't care, as long as you don't get blood on the books and clean up after yourself.
Her Personality: Page is quiet, not because she doesn't have much to say, just because she prefers listening and observing to speaking. She is reluctant to take sides in arguments and debates, and prefers looking at all angles and trying to understand the reason behind the arguing. She does, however, have a strong moral compass and integrity, and will do the right thing in obvious situations. Less obvious, however (think the trolley problem and such situations) will have her sitting back and considering - not the person you want when there's a time crunch. Sometimes she comes across as creepy and distant, but in reality she's studying you closely so she can better figure out how to interact with you. Once she's comfortable with you, she will approach every conversation with a "Guess what!" or a "Did you know?" and proceed to share the most exciting random history/science/pop culture tidbit she has found. When around people she knows well or is comfortable with, she can be a bit excitable - the introvert who gets hyper in small friend groups.
Her Quirks: She loves to eat maice (she is an owl), and when the Swatchlings have an issue and Swatch isn't around to take care of it, she'll swoop in and have a snack. She tries to keep this habit hidden, however, because some other darkners find it distasteful and she's embarrassed.
The tufts of fluff on her head are actually part of her ears, and she can move them any which way in order to better capture sound and pinpoint it (which helps in hunting maice AND trouble makers in the library stacks). Do not touch them - seriously. She will bite you.
During Spamton's Big Shot phase she helped him research sales tactics and, while he's a little loud, she doesn't see him as an enemy. She takes a laissez-faire attitude towards his post-fame shenanigans.
She is fascinated by the creature Shaplin (who belongs to @m-chromatic), believing her to be some sort of odd cryptid who has infiltrated the Mansion.
So that is Page! Quiet, quirky owl librarian with a taste for maice and a tendency to stare at people while trying to figure them out.
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fallxnprxnce · 7 years
Too many muses meme: 1 - 15!
1. A muse that’s always easy for you to write.
Jix (@xleafyheartx), my leafling fandomless OC. He’s my only muse that I can always write on the spot and never seem to get writer’s block for. It’s probably because he’s so sweet and positive all the time that I never find myself running into issues with not wanting to write certain topics due to a bad mood or whatever. =)
2. A muse that’s often difficult for you to write.
Lacryma (@crackedbellsandsilenttears), my fandomless fantasy spell OC. She doesn’t speak unless another muse teaches her how. In fact, she doesn’t really know much about life at all. It’s just the nature of her character, heh. She learns quickly, but until she gets exposed to things and starts learning how to communicate, it’s difficult for me to get her thoughts and wants across. That she’s also very timid doesn’t help, heh.
3. A muse you want to write but feel you can’t.
Alice Abernathy from the Resident Evil movies. I love her so much and would love to write her, but because she’s one of my favorite characters I just can’t do that to her, haha. I wouldn’t do her justice at all. I’m good at writing emotional, half broken, tragic characters, but I’m not as good at writing ones with real strength. It’s a serious weakness of mine as a writer. Alice is one of those rare characters that is a blend of both. She shifts from more vulnerable and outwardly emotional to hardened and guarded with her emotions as she moves from the early movies to the later ones, but she’s always some mix of strength and vulnerability, regardless of what point in the timeline you’re talking about. I don’t feel that I would portray that sort of depth to my own standards of my Alice deserves, heh. Beyond that, I don’t think I could keep track of all the sheer number of plot lines, histories, and supporting characters that Alice encountered along the way to be able to navigate the fandom while writing her. I haven’t played any of the newer games either, so my knowledge is lacking. Fortunately, I don’t have to write her. There are a few Alices on Tumblr already, and I’ll give a shout out to @realprojectalice who writes Alice exactly how I would want to if I had the skills. She’s amazing, hit her up if you want to write your muse with Alice. =)
4. A muse you lost and really wish you could make active again.
Channe (@fxcelessqueen), my Elven/Ulaeri fandomless OC. I… have no idea where she went or what the problem is, but I want her back dammit. I’ve tried so many times, but she’s just not here right now. I think it’s been a combination of real life causing her to make herself scarce in my head of late and the fact that she does not translate to Tumblr very well at all. But I’ll keep trying, I promise, heh.
5. A muse you lost and you’re fine with leaving them inactive.
Ygritte from Game of Thrones. I never roleplayed her on Tumblr, but I have written a decent amount of fanfiction for her, and I used to really have her as a strong muse I felt very comfortable writing. She was my second favorite character behind Ned Stark. But I stopped reading aSoIaF after book 3 and stopped watching the show after season 4, and I’m out of touch with the fandom now, so I don’t really mind leaving Ygritte where she is.
6. A muse you weren’t initially very interested in writing but ended up loving.
Matt Addison (@freewillacquired) from the Resident Evil movies. I made that blog to write Nemesis initially, and I had no interest in writing Matt. I didn’t really care about him or overly like him as a character. He was just kindof a blank in my mind while watching the first movie. I did have to pay a bit more attention to him and do some studying up because he is Nemesis’ origin. Even that didn’t get me very interested in Matt. I quickly came to realize, though, that having this blog would automatically draw attention to Matt in addition to Nemesis and that people would assume I wrote both. I was this close to telling people nah, I only write Nemesis when it occurred to me that I was doing Nemmy a disservice by ignoring his human origin. So I said eh… I’ll give Matt a try and see how it goes. I totally love him now, I’m having a lot of fun writing him, and re-watching the first movie was a totally different experience recently, haha, because now I care so much about all things Matt, lol. I definitely found a muse I gel with when I wasn’t even looking and in an unexpected place. XD 
7. A muse you thought you would love writing but ended up hating.
Elunae (@queenofbethmoora), my Hellboy II OC and Nuada’s mother’s ghost. I thought this was a natural character to make and that she would be interesting because nothing was ever said about Nuada’s mother. So I could kindof go nuts and do whatever I wanted. I had fun initially, but she was not well-received and I got tired of her gentle, vanilla, and often submissive personality. Eh… I just really screwed up the idea and I feel badly about it.
8. A muse you hate but write really well.
Jon Snow from Game of Thrones. (sigh) At the risk of losing like a hundred followers inside of five minutes… I really hate Jon Snow. I’m not gonna get into why or I would write thirty solid pages, but I’ve hated him from the beginning and the more he is glorified by fans and on the show, the more he survives things he never should have, the more rules his character breaks because GRRM has decided that he should be safe, and the more popularity his character gains in the fandom, the more I just want a dragon to sit on his head until he dies, heh. Having said that, in order to write the fanfiction I wanted to write about Ygritte, I needed to include Jon Snow, so he and I got very well acquainted for about a year. I did a lot of research on him, and I practiced writing him a lot before I actually started my projects. I’m happy with the way he came out, and I’ve had hardcore Jon Snow fans who know I hate him tell me how surprised they were by how well I wrote him. I’ve also had people who didn’t know me at all say they would never have guessed that I wasn’t a fan of his, heh. So apparently, even though I hate the character, I’m able to write him very well, haha.
9. A muse you love but write terribly.
Raiden (@therain-trxnsfxrmed​) from the Metal Gear Solid/Rising video games. Another one of my favorite characters of all time, and I tried to make a blog for him, but omg I just suck so badly at writing him, haha. I think that’s why there’s like no activity on his blog right now. I just avoid writing him because I piss myself off with how terrible it comes out. (sigh)
10. A muse you write that’s canon but feels like an OC.
Nemesis (@freewillacquired​)from the Resident Evil games/movies. I’m adding so much to Nemmy it’s not even funny. In the games, he never had a backstory. I guess we always knew he was human, since he’s an upgraded Tyrant class mutation, which come from human origins, but they never said who he used to be. He was just a mindless pain in the ass that was invincible until the final fight which… is god modding, Nemmy, and it’s rude. XD Then in the movies we got to know Matt Addison before we learned he was turned into Nemesis, which added a whole new dimension. We also saw Nemesis step out of his mindless killing machine role, reject Umbrella, remember Alice, and protect her. He never did anything like that in the games, so again, we got a little glimpse of his intelligence and his capacity to remember his human self and his old memories. Aaaaaaand then he took a helicopter to the face and got vaporized by a nuke. A minor setback, haha. But anything after that was open to interpretation, extrapolation, and good ol’ fashioned fudging. I’m adding so much as far as what he does with himself now, what his daily activities are, what he eats, what he thinks about certain things and people… it’s so much fun. As a writer, it’s super fun to be handed a scaffold, bare bones character and fill in the blanks with your own imagination. He really does feel more like an OC at times to me because I’m laying down so many layers of info outside of what was provided to me by the canon.
11. A muse you want to write but don’t because the fandom intimidates you.
Ned Stark from Game of Thrones. I actually did write him very briefly on my fanblog for the character because someone thought it was an RP blog, haha. But it was only one thread and it didn’t last long. It was a lot of fun, though. He ranks very high up there for favorite characters of all time for me and he’s a pretty easy muse for me to write personality-wise, but the fandom and many of the characters are so negative toward him that it makes me just not want to bother. They make fun of him for how he died, they call him Lawful Stupid (a term I deeply resent both as someone with a Lawful Good alignment and someone who plays D&D paladins who have been called Lawful Stupid before), they say he’s not significant because he only lasted one book/season, etc. I just don’t have the energy to always write a muse who’s getting attacked for being an honorable, good person. It irks me to no end and the fandom is just so negative about this and so many other things that I steer clear. But, if you are looking for a great Ned to write your muse with, you might try inquiring with @handofhonor. I’ve never interacted with them but I’ve been reading their RPs for a long time now and they write Ned so beautifully, it’s amazing. They really do him justice.
12. A muse whose personality is close to your own.
Channe. Originally I wrote her as an outlet to freely and safely express my own anxiety, be it social anxiety or OCD or reclusiveness or dependency issues, what have you… without actually writing myself. So she began as kindof a self-insert of my own personality inside a fantasy character with real power, unlike myself. it was a way for me to work through some personal issues, and over the years, Channe has changed as I have changed, and she’s even done better with her issues than I have, heh. This is literally the only time in all the thousands of characters I’ve written over the years where I’ve done anything close to a self-insert.
13. A muse whose personality is very different from your own.
Jix, haha. I… am a negative, pessimistic, cynical, irritable, snippy bitch, hahahaha. So how I wrote the most adorable, precious, cinnamon roll, ray of sunshine, cup of smiles, barrel of cuteness muse, I do not understand, haha. I really don’t get how Jix even came out of my dark, dank, anti-social, emo brain, hahaha. But I’m so glad he did. =)
14. A muse often misunderstood by other muses at first impression.
Aurelien (@a-very-proper-shxde), my fandomless shade OC. A shade is basically a shadow creature. A bodiless being that looks like a black cloud with red eyes who’s made of cool, negatively-charged energy. Technically, I think he qualifies a type of incorporeal undead. The problem with this… is that Aurelien was once a human paladin. As such, he is a nicest, most honorable dude you will meet, but upon seeing him, most people think he’s a demon, or at least immediately assume that he’s evil and hostile. The poor guy constantly has to defend and explain himself after little more than an innocent “hello.” Even then, some muses are wary of him and it takes a while for them to trust him.
15. Your favorite muse you’ve ever written.
Jix, again, heh. Hands down. He makes me so happy to write, he makes me happy with how other muns react to him and to the stories we write, and I love to see plots with him and other muses play out. He’s such an innocent little doot-doot and he’s just so cute you could scream in a good way, and I just love him so much. Like I said before, I have no idea how I was blessed with Jix out of the dusty, cobwebby, brain with a survival horror atmosphere that I seem to have, haha, but I’m so glad that he popped out one day and that I brought him to Tumblr. He’s too fun to write, seriously. I am considering making my upcoming NaNoWriMo project a book about Jix. =) 
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