#or lifting heavy ass items 7 feet off the ground to get it into the bed
clowningaroundmars · 10 months
Love seeing more and more little trucks out in the wild lately
Nature is healing 😌
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trollhunter94 · 6 years
Listen Closely
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Pairing: Castiel x Reader
Others: Sam, Dean and Crowley
Warnings: Cannon Divergence, Swearing.
Words: 3.8K
A/N: Part 4 of the Castiel Soulmate series. Here’s Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, __, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7. I want to thank you guys for sticking with me as this series develops, especially @sumara62 and her words of encouragement. 
Summary: A pit stop for the night allows you to get acquainted with your kidnappers and the mess that they’re dealing with. A quiet chat with Castiel allows him to get to know you… much more intimately.
Ten minutes of silence followed your outburst and the thumping against the back of your seat had thankfully stopped. You occasionally glanced up, feeling the tension disappear as the conversation between Sam and Dean began to flow again.
The subject of their conversation was ‘Dick’. You weren’t entirely sure whether they were talking in sexual innuendos or referring to a person. Either way, you had no idea what they were talking about, feeling even more lost and secluded.
Castiel had resumed the position of staring ominously out of the window, deep in thought and internal debate. Every twenty minutes or so, you would glance away from the scenery through your window to watch the Angel.
By the time Castiel next looked over at you, the car had driven hundreds of miles and the sun was beginning to set. As the car approached a local motel, Dean slowed down and signalled to turn in, causing Sam to look curiously at him. “Dean. We know where the trucks are gonna be. Why are you stopping?”
Dean pulled up into the parking lot and switched the ignition off. “Look, Sammy. I need to rest, okay? It’s been a long drive and some of us need our four hours".
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“Uh, yes please” you sighed from the back seat, prompting all three of them to turn and look at you. “It’s settled then" Dean said, closing the debate. “Right, I’m gonna check us in. Two rooms should do it”.
Sam nodded in reluctant agreement, reaching to pick up his bag as you and Dean opened the car doors in unison. As you stepped out to the parking lot, you took in your surroundings as Dean strolled towards the building. The hotel was situated at the side of the interstate, cars speeding past and the smell of gas fumes thick in the air.
Two metallic clunking sounds were heard as Castiel stepped out the car, quickly followed by Sam, who walked over to the trunk. You edged closer, curious as to how they managed to trap a Demon in there. As Sam lifted the door, you noticed the white symbols and markings painted on it.
Crowley’s long-winded grunt was instantly heard as the fading sunlight filled the dark and stuffy trunk. He squinted, looking up at the two tall figures that towered above him. “Alright. Come on. Up you get”. Sam gripped Crowley’s arm and yanked him out.
“Uh, not so rough, Moose. I’m feeling delicate after that bumpy ride”. Sam took his jacket off and placed it over Crowley’s handcuffs before retorting back. "Shut up. Nobody cares about your comfort Crowley”.
As both men led him towards the motel, you followed behind and he began to plead to you. “You can’t let them do this to me. I have rights! Please, you have to help me. I’ll make it worth your while”.
Sam tugged on the special handcuffs, making Crowley jerk forwards. Castiel quickly swivelled around to advise you. “Don’t fall for his dirty tricks, Y/N. He’ll say anything to gain his freedom”. You silently nodded, wondering why they were holding him captive in the first place. Were these people the bad guys?
Meeting Dean in the walkway, he opened the door of room 24, where Castiel and Sam dragged the Demon inside. You began to follow but Dean quickly intercepted, placing an arm across the doorway. He turned the doorknob to 23, the next room over and gestured for you to enter.
“You’re in here with me love. We’re keeping you away from that ass-hat. Don’t trust a single thing he says, okay?” You quickly obliged, stepping into the room and inspecting the interior. It was a basic room, with two queen-sized beds, cable and magic fingers.
Half an hour had passed before the doorknob turned and the brothers came waltzing in, giving you nods of greeting as they wiped their feet and scanned the room. They shifted about, pulling items out of their bags and settling in. Sam pulled his laptop out of his bag as Dean took some items into the bathroom.
You tapped your hands on the table, unsure of what to do. You had no belongings with you anymore, no way of contacting home, so you decided to spark up a conversation. “So, what do you guys do exactly?”
Sam approached the table, placing his laptop down and perching on a chair. “We’re Hunters. Or at least we used to be. We kill monsters and save people from the supernatural”.
“Hunters?” you repeated back at him. “Hunting monsters?” He smirked with a look of familiarity at your scepticism, illustrating how many times he’s had to convince people that this other world existed. “Yep”.
You nodded your head, thinking that these people were just crazy. Why would any sensible person make a career out of this?
Dean came strolling out of the bathroom in the midst of brushing his teeth. “It’s true” he mumbled with a mouthful of toothpaste before strolling back out of sight. You took it with a pinch of salt. “Okay, so what do you guys do now?”
Sam answered you with a nonchalant attitude. “Not much, just saving the world from catastrophic threats”. You scoffed and then laughed at his words. “No, seriously?”
Dean walked back in, face stone cold and expressionless. “Seriously. We save the world. Multiple times now”. Your smile dropped, realizing that these guys were serious. They must be crazy.
“From what exactly?”
“Well”… Sam rubbed the back of his neck, trying to find the right words. “We stopped Lucifer from bringing on the apocalypse”. Your eyes squinted, fully doubtful of this. “What, the actual apocalypse? As in, four horsemen, biblical damnation apocalypse?”
Both of them nodded their heads in agreement. You ran a hand down the side of your face before stroking your chin, trying to soak in this craziness. “So Lucifer is real? And he was here on earth, just roaming about?”
“He was topside”, Dean replied. “That was until Sammy here shoved his ass back into his cage”. He gave Sam a heavy pat on the shoulder, causing him to jump a little, crossing his arms. “The new threat is these slimy sons of a bitches. Leviathans”.
“Okay” you paused him with a hand gesture, trying to take in this information. “So Lucifer is gone, and the apocalypse was stopped, by you two?” They nodded their heads again before Dean interjected. “And Castiel, Bobby and some other good friends of ours”.
“That’s insane” you said, high pitched and full of disbelief. Sam huffed with amusement and uncrossed his arms. “Well, insane is kinda what we do”.
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“Okay”, you nodded your head slowly in acceptance of these facts. “So, what are these Leviathans and why are they a threat?”
They looked at each other before Dean motioned for Sam to answer this question. “Okay, don’t freak out” he began, holding his hands up cautiously. “But they’re ancient creatures that broke out of purgatory and are basically trying to turn all humans into prime cattle”.
Your eyebrows knitted at his explanation. “What?”
Dean walked to the fridge, opening the door and grabbing a beer. “They’re tampering with the food supply. Trying to fatten us up like prized turkeys, making us non-resistant and easy to pluck”.
“But how can they do that?” You questioned them, brows furrowed and a hand raised in scepticism. “People won’t just accept this. Surely the powers that be have some say against this? The police? The government?”
Dean sat back down and leant forward slightly, keeping stern eye contact and lifting his hand. “Ever heard of Roman Industries?”
“Yeah”… You prompted him to continue. 
“Well, Dick Roman is their leader. He’s the one who’s funding this whole campaign”. You sat there shocked as Dean leaned back in his chair and took a swig of the beer.
This instantly cleared up the context of their conversation in the car earlier. You lowered your eyes, thinking about their current predicament, when a thought occurred to you. Looking back up at the two Hunters, you plead your case. “I can totally help you guys. Use me as bait or something”.
Dean glared at you before dismissing the idea with a wave of his hand. “Nope. Not happening. You’re staying here”.
Sam thought you were right to offer help. He began to convince his brother. “Dean, think about this for a minute. I mean, she can help us. We need as many boots on the ground as possible if we’re gonna beat these things”.
Dean shook his head in a blind refusal. “No Sammy, we can’t look after her and keep hold of Crowley. There won’t be enough time for any kind of error and if this shit goes sideways, we won’t get another chance to nail the bastard”.
Sam shifted his eyes in deep thought before shooting them straight back to Dean with an idea. “What if she and Cas deal with the warehouse and we take Crowley straight to Dick? Two birds with one stone”.
Dean’s face was portraying a blank disapproval. “What don’t you get about this Sam? She’s an untrained civilian. Placing her in the centre of this mess will only get her killed. She’d last two minutes in there, tops”.
You piped up, feeling underestimated and positive that you could be helpful to their cause. “Excuse me. She is right here. And I’m up for the task. Just tell me how to kill these things”. This was a chance be a part of something huge. A life-changing adventure and a chance to save the world!
Your enthusiasm made Sam smile. “See” he gestured to Dean. “She’ll be alright. We’ll just load her up on Borax”.
He picked up a large canister of cleaning product and placed it on the table. You read the label before looking at them sceptically. “That’s their weakness? Cleaning fluid?”
“Yeah, it literally melts their skin. It’s like a scene from Terminator” Dean said, failing to contain his excitement. The surprise of these facts slowly transitioned into realization, that this mission was actually achievable and sounded pretty bad-ass.
“Oh my God. Please let me come and fight? I want to do this. I can do this, guys. I’m ready”. The way you raised your hands pleadingly may have portrayed a hint of desperation but may have just played in your favour.
Dean raised a hand with caution. “Alright. Calm down, Calamity. Let’s not willingly jump at the chance of certain death”. His gaze quickly shifted to his brother. “Sam, are you sure about this?”
He knew from previous experience that this plan was going to fail, but the certainty that was portrayed on his little brother’s face, reminded him of how strong and resilient they were as a team. Besides, Castiel could take care of you better than him or Sam ever could.
A deep breath was followed by his surrender. “Alright. But I’m not happy about this plan”. His eyes moved from Sam to you with a pointed finger. “If you die, it’s not on me”.
“I’ll be alright” you said with a shrug of your shoulders. “I’ve got an Angel watching over me”. Dean’s eyes lifted to the doorway as he thought about his best friend. “Where is the brooding idiot anyway?”
Sam walked to the window, pulling back the thin, blue curtain to scan the darkness outside. “He’s out there, watching Crowley’s room“. He walked back to the table and tapped you on the shoulder.
“You know, you’ve really had an effect on him. He’s only usually like this when he’s feeling guilty or when Dean’s not speaking to him”.
Dean grumbled at this remark before agreeing with his brother. “Now you mention it, he has been acting weird. I mean, why did he touch your soul and not tell us about it? He said you passed out, back at the bunker”.
Something inside of you stirred at the mention of this. Why would he lie to his friends about what happened? There was something that he knew, and he wasn’t telling anyone.
You needed to see him. To talk to him. To clear this weirdness between you. Standing up, you told the brothers where you were going. “I’d better go talk to him. I feel bad about what happened earlier”.
You stepped outside of the room, looking in both directions and seeing Castiel perched on the wooden side walk.
Standing in the background quietly, you watched him for a few seconds, taking in his appearance. The way that his shoulders were hunched, his eyes transfixed to the palm of his hand as he consulted his thoughts.
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Racking up the courage, you took a deep breath and walked up to him. His face softened as you approached, your presence pulling him from frazzled thoughts.
“Hi. Do you mind if I sit with you?”
He sat upright, switching his gaze from your dark figure, down to the spot beside him, then back up to you. “Not at all, please”.
You sat down and broke the awkward silence with an apology. “I’m sorry about kicking you, back in the car. It’s just a lot to take in, you know. Angels, Demons, Leviathans. I was an Atheist two days ago”.
He looked at you with an expression of relief before counteracting the apology. “It was understandable, seeing as I took you without your consent and invaded your personal space. I profoundly apologize for that”.
“Ah, it’s okay” you replied, taking in the surroundings of the car park. “I forgive you, for abducting me and the whole soul-touching thing". You swivelled round to face him as something important came to mind.
He watched closely as you raised a finger at him. "But if you ever put me to sleep like that again, I'll be forced to kick your ass". Castiel chuckled at your threat but nodded his head in agreement. His melancholic state began to change, the longer you were in his company.
You rubbed your hands together, trying to adjust to the cold breeze as you casually caught his gaze. “So, what are you doing out here?”
He stared off into the distance before glancing down at his clutched hands. “I’m just thinking about Heaven”. Castiel was thinking about how simpler things were, only a decade ago. In Heaven, he was surrounded by his family and was certain of his role.
You looked up at the night sky, thinking about it. “I bet it’s amazing up there. Why would you even leave in the first place?” He gave you the simple answer. “It was my mission to save Dean from the depths of Hell and to help him to fulfil the prophecy of revelations”.
“Yeah, Dean just mentioned that” you said, shifting on the bench. “But you guys stopped it, right? So, why did you stick around and not go back?” 
Castiel let out a heavy sigh. How could he explain everything to you? How Lucifer reduced him to a pile of dust, yet somehow, he was still here. The fact that the Angels conspired to bring forth the apocalypse or were fighting for power in Heaven.
“Heaven is not what it used to be” he stated with a hint of warning. “Without our father’s presence upstairs, the Angels split into factions and a civil war ensued. I lost a large number of my brothers and sisters in the Garrison”.
This instantly crushed the thought that Heaven was a peaceful sanctuary, where everything was clouds and rainbows. Now, it was a battlefield for Angels and Castiel was feeling the loss of his family. “I’m sorry to hear that. Family fights are the worst” you said, trying to be sympathetic.
“Yes” he agreed. “But the Winchesters have taught me more about family in the last few years, than the millennia spent in Heaven”. Your eyes widened at the sudden realization of how old he was. Too old to comprehend.
This brought your thoughts back to that awkward moment in the car. How one touch of his feathers had sparked arousal through the both of you. Had Castiel even had any experience of love or relationships?
“What about you?” he asked, gently brushing his shoulder against yours, pulling you from your thoughts. “What’s it like, a day in the life of Y/N?”
Your eyes shifted from his kneecaps over to the cars that rushed past on the interstate, not feeling very eager to talk about yourself. Nothing you could say could even start to compare to the exciting life of a Hunter or an Angel.
“Yeah, there’s not much to tell you really. I’m... a normal Human, I guess. I eat, sleep, work and just live my life, you know?”
His head tilted sideways sympathetically. “I don’t believe that is true. You’re not like any other human I’ve encountered, Y/N. There’s something special about you”. Your shoulders instinctively shrugged with an accompanied scoff. “If there is, then I’m yet to discover it”.
Castiel knew for sure that there was a deeper meaning behind this bond between you. Back at the bunker, when he stuck his fist through your chest and touched your soul, he felt it for sure. It was a pure and Angelic experience for him; the equivalent of 'love at first sight'.
But he was yet to know why. Why it was you. Maybe the answer was stored in the deepest recesses of your memory. But how to access this information? The old Castiel would take it without asking, but things were different now. That would only make things worse.
“Would you permit me to read your mind?”
You inched backwards sceptically as soon as he lifted a hand. The gesture bringing recollection of pain and fear. “I… I’m not sure that’s a good idea”.
The look of hurt was evident on his face, from the fact that you didn’t trust him enough to know that he would never intentionally hurt you. At least not now, knowing what you were to him.
He lowered his head again, filling with a sense of disappointment and regret. “I would never hurt you, Y/N. I do not wish to cause you pain or distress”. You knew he meant these words, deep down. Ever since you crashed into him, back in that elevator, all he’s ever done is to try and keep you close to him. Maybe that’s just his way of keeping you safe.
The guilt started to spread again, for denying him the chance to rummage through your mind, where your secrets, private thoughts and desires were buried.
It was only rational to think like this. If anything, you should be mad at him. For keeping the truth from you, for lying to his friends and for even bring you here in the first place. But a small part of you wanted him to know you, who you really were and what goes on in your mind.
That one word filled the silence between you, causing his head to shoot upwards. He looked at you cautiously, eyes wide and unblinking. “What?”
Taking a deep breath, you set out your boundaries. “You can read my mind, as long as you stay away from the private stuff in there, you know? That’s not something I really want to share”.
He smiled at you, face illuminated with the hope of knowing you better. “Of course. If you feel me enter somewhere you don’t want me, just imagine a door shutting in front of it”.
You shifted on the bench to face him, sitting upright and letting him know that you were ready. “Okay, I’ll try. Let’s do this”. He lifted his hand up to your face with the softest expression, brushing a few strands of hair from your forehead.
The anticipation was making you nervous, giving him a weak smile and fumbling with your hands. “This is so weird. I can’t believe I’m letting you do this”.
“Just relax” he advised, moving his left hand to cup the side of your face, and that anticipated touch of skin-on-skin was no longer electrifying. Instead, a tranquil wave of energy filled the space inside of your head. Your shoulders dropped at the soothing sensation.
His soft and warm fingers rested gently against your temples as he accessed the stream of neurons in your temporal lobe. The pictures of thousands of memories came rushing to him like a homemade movie. Your first steps, the first time you ate a lemon, your childhood home, your family and that time you almost wet yourself from hysterical laughter.
His lips curved upwards into a smile. “Such happy memories in there… Your thoughts are so… beautiful”. His eyes flickered behind his eyelids as he accessed what you were thinking at this moment:
What am I doing here? With an Angel, who is so fucking hot. Just look at that face, those wings. Stop it. That’s so wrong, Angels and Humans. Wasn’t that shit forbidden by God? It would probably make him angry, or guarantee a one-way ticket to hell… But he chose me, the only human to see his wings. At least I think he likes me. Why else would he bring me here?
The confliction was tearing at you from every direction.
You suddenly remembered that he could see everything that you were thinking as it unfolded. Quickly picturing a door like he’d told you; rounded and made of dark mahogany, you slammed it shut in the forefront of your mind. Castiel watched as this door closed before him, shutting him out of your head.
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His immediate reaction was shock to know that you feel the same attraction too, followed by an acceptance of his earlier doubts. These feelings he has for you and this rare connection was wrong, and even you knew it.
His father did decree, many centuries ago, that Angels were no longer allowed to procreate with any daughter of Eve. The risk of a Nephilim being born was too high and would once again, bring the wrath of Heaven.
He wanted you to know the depth of his affection though. As much as his head was telling him to walk away, his heart was urging to reach out and show affection.
Reaching out and gently opening your hand, he placed an object against your palm before closing your fingers around it. Every press of his fingers against yours, warm and welcoming.
Before you could formulate a thought, he scooted forward and stood up, his tall figure blocking the light from the street lamp behind. His shoulders dropped with a sense of sadness as his head tilted in your direction. “Goodnight Y/N”.
Awkwardness held the moment as you wanted to explain to him, why you had thought the way you did. But he was quick to leave you, sat alone on the bench and wondering where it all went wrong.
You opened your hand to inspect the object that he had placed there. It was a red, paper heart. A piece of origami. A symbol of his endearment.
Thanks for reading. Here’s Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
@uselessace @superheavymetalunicorn  @eziggyra
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diddlfanaat · 3 years
With The First Kiss *A BTS reverse harem x Y/n
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Genre: Romance, Soulmate Fantasy with maybe a little angst and a lot of smut
Pairing: BTS x Reader (all seven)
Summary: The first kiss between two people gifts one of them with a soulmate mark. To seal it, the other has to say ‘I love you’
Join Y/n when she meets her soulmate, and the adventure it takes her on.
(Y/n is very, very open-minded, you have been warned)
Word Count: 107.450 so far.
Part; 8/?
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, masturbation, voyeurism, pornography, blindfolding, spanking, choking,
*7. The one who hasn’t kissed me yet*
When I woke up the next day, I relaxed in bed for a while, not in the mood to get up and see anyone. This week has been overwhelming to say the least. On Wednesday Jin joined me grocery shopping. When we got back in the car after loading the car up with everything we got, I somehow lost the keys, I had them in my hand, and Jin was waving his arms big and fast to emphasize the joke he was telling me, his arm hit mine and the keys flew back into the car. I get out and climb in the back searching for the keys, I don't notice Jin doing the same on the other side, instead he isn't searching, he sits and pulls me on his lap, both legs on his sides, straddling him. His hands pull my face to his, crashing my lips on his, he is rough and impatient, biting and licking, asking entrance, I deny him for now, he just needs to be a little more desperate. My hands are on his back, sliding up and down, his frame is so wide, I'm dwarfed by him, but it makes me feel safe. His hands slide into my hair, he grabs tightly fisting my hair. He tilts my head up, making me gasp loudly at the almost pain and his dominance. It gives him the thing he wants, and his tongue tastes and slides, probes, explores and licks. His hands move down over my breasts, which he squeezes, before settling on my waist, moving me over his cock. The kiss continues, getting more and more heated, the windows of the car fogging up. He moves his hands up again and when I stop moving, his hands are back in no time moving me again, he wants me to keep moving, okay. When his hands move up again, I don't stop, instead I rotate my hips to change the sort of friction. His hands stop on my breasts and he squeezes hard, pushing them together and up. I keep grinding and he keeps fondling, all the while kissing. When I can't take it anymore and need air I pull away. My breath is erratic and my lips feel swollen and tingle. I get off him and continue the search, there are still items in the car that need to be put in the refrigerator.
Arriving home, the evidence of us making out is barely visible, We get everything inside and put away. I escaped Jin's presence by claiming I needed a shower and practically ran up to my room. And now last night happened, after it, as I lay in bed, I listened to the song on repeat, remembering what happened between my handsome guy and me. Dreaming and picturing what the song was about. I finally get up, and take a shower, finishing my morning routine after. I get dressed in my usual, panties, easy pants and a t-shirt, no bra. I get in the kitchen but don't hear anything in the house, I get my usual breakfast and eat while reading on my phone. Hands slid over my eyes, halting the spoon that was on it's way to my mouth. I was pressed up against the counter in the kitchen, I didn't bother moving to the dining table to eat my breakfast, so here I am now, a hard body pressed against my back, pushing me into the counter, a hand over my eyes. His other hand pushed the spoon back down into the bowl, he slid the bowl away and pushed me down on the counter, lifting my feet off the ground. He grinds his cock against my ass, he rotates his hips and rocks them, dry humping me exquisitely, every time he pushes forward, it feels like he's sliding right into me, he keeps grinding till I'm a mewling mess on the counter, squirming and moaning.
Suddenly I lose his body heat and I'm left gasping in loss, wishing for him to come back. Once I'm used to the cold left by him, I finish breakfast and decide to go dance a little. I get over to my small studio and that's where I find them all, goofing around and having fun. I plop myself down and just watch, smiling at their antics. After a few hours they leave one after the other, until it's just the two of us, we sit next to each other, not talking, just enjoying each other's company. He can't seem to sit still, constantly moving in his spot. Brushing his arm against mine, or his leg. On the fifth brush, I suspect him doing it on purpose, "what you're thinking about?", I inquire, "you can't seem to sit still." He chuckles darkly, "just thinking about how I'm going to do this", hearing him say that has anticipation run through my blood, I lift my head and my breath catches seeing him so close, our noses touching, "do what?", leaves me softly on a breath, but he hears me clearly. As an answer he leans in and presses his lips softly against mine, he's hesitant, not sure I want him too. I moan softly to encourage him to go deeper and go all in. He grabs my neck and straddles me, groaning when I part my lips to let him go deeper, electricity singing over my skin. He rolls his hips, my gasp going straight into his mouth, our breaths mingling. He tastes like, minty chocolate, my favorite. The kiss turns demanding, his hands touching me everywhere, leaving fire in its wake. I tilt my head back to get some air, he lets me reluctantly, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth, biting it slightly, then he bites down harder and pulls back until my lips pop from between his teeth, his hands stop right above my breasts, just beneath my collarbone. His hands going up together with my heaving chest. His eyes switch between my lips and eyes to finally stop on my eyes. "Angel, I've wanted to do this since the first time I saw you , and those sinful lips", he breaths out. I lick my lips, the lower one stinging a little from his bite, it sends a sweet tingle right into my pussy, craving his touch deep within. "Then what's stopping you now?", my voice filled with desire for him, he groans at that and swoops in and explores my mouth, my hands explore him too. Stroking up his chest, I grab the fabric of his shirt and pull him closer, trying to drink from him. His hands are still where he left them right before the kiss, and he probably can feel my heart racing a race car and falling behind, trying desperately to catch up. I can feel his heart trying to jump out of his chest right into mine, the beat feels loud and heavy, beating very fast, just like mine.
"Hoseok?", we hear softly calling, it's for him, and he pulls back, sighing, "looks like we have to continue this another time", he smiles sadly and pulls my lips towards his for one last taste. "aaah, come on, you here?", it's a little louder now, and he scrambles off me. Cold floods my front immediately, I almost lift my arms up to him to pull him back, I don't do it, but I want to, I miss his warmth so much it shocks me, freezing my limbs. All I can do is watch him leave, just when he reaches the door, he looks back at me and winks, he then slips through the door, leaving it open a little so I can hear, "oh, I knew you would be here. I need help setting the table, Jin thought it was a great idea to ask Namjoon to help him, so if you don't want to go hungry, try to snack a little before dinner. You seen Y/n?", I hear a clap, probably on the back, or shoulder, "No haven't seen her. Come on lets go set the table", and with that the silence settles in and I know they are gone. I get up and select my playlist with favorite songs to freestyle to and start the music. I let myself sink into the music and the emotions I'm feeling, they are so overwhelming in intensity I need to release them from my body, and the only way I know how is to dance. I slowly start to move and let my limbs take over instead of my mind, this puts me in a trance like state. I only hear and feel the music, I don't see my surroundings, just where I'm going, so I don't crash into anything, like a wall or mirror. Song after song, I push on, my body still bottled up with feelings. I don't see the two in the door frame watching me, or hear their low conversation. I become aware of them, when they close in on me, front and back, slowly trapping me between them with nowhere to go. "We called you, but you clearly didn't hear us", the one behind me breaths against my ear, his hands snaking around my waist, tightening his hold, pulling me against him. The one in front steps with me, never losing body contact with mine, My breath was already coming fast because of the dancing, but now my mouth dries up and the air stutters through my throat. My heart is beating in my throat and ears, making me almost deaf, I barely hear anything, I know he asked me something, I just don't know what. The one in front of me, nuzzles his nose against mine, breathing on my lips, "I don't think she heard you. Y/n, you here?", he asks with a little worry in his voice, the worry snaps like a rubber band and I register what they asked me, "I'm here, sorry I was in a zone, didn't hear you. What's happening?", my voice sounds raspier than normally, due to the dryness of my throat and mouth. The one back hugging me lifts his head from kissing my neck, "Dinner's ready. We thought you might like to eat", going back to kissing my neck, he tilts my head for better access. My hands need an anchor, two who overwhelm me are becoming too much, so my hands reach out and grab the first thing they encounter, which turns out to be his waist, more specifically the waistband of his jeans. I pull him closer, and because my head is tilted to the side and back a little, his lips connect to mine, when I pull him, we haven't really kissed, he just slid his tongue in my mouth once, so I don't know his kiss really. At the touch, I moan against his lips, and he glides, and slides his tongue slowly and sensually into my mouth, feeling how his tongue moves in my mouth and hearing his breathing, triggers the memory from the club, and I know right away, he kissed me at the club. I don't let him know I know. I move one of my hands up, over his abs, up to his neck and keep it there, and the other pulls on the waistband. The realization it's him, my soulmate, has the mark throbbing and pulsating, shooting tingles constantly through my whole body, and once they reach the edge and can't go further they bounce of the skin and shoot back, centering right on my clit, throbbing and aching to be touched, soaking my panties. His hands grab my waist tightly. The kiss was so good, promising a lot of different things, all equally delicious, and I can't wait for them to happen. The one not kissing me levels his mouth with my ear, "you smell delicious when you're aroused. His kiss that good?", Tarzan then licks my earlobe and groans before diving for my neck again. His hold on my waist loosens and he cups my breasts and kneads, groaning at the feeling, "fuck, I can't get enough of you", Tarzan breathes. One of the hands on my waist slide into my panties right away and his finger presses down on my clit, making me jump at the feeling, moaning quite loudly, "shhhhh, just wait", Sexy says between kissing my lips, and sucking my tongue into his mouth.
"Oh, playing without me?" I jump again, and my head whips towards the voice, he looks at me, eyes extremely dark, and they sweep me up and down. I must look completely fucked, I feel completely fucked, lips swollen and red, eyes glazed with lust, clutching the one in front, held by the one in the back. He stalks towards me like a snow leopard, when he reaches me, he wastes no time and pulls my face towards him to claim my lips. The other two holding me in their arms, they even start their movements again, one kneading and squeezing both breasts, and the other slowly sliding his finger through my folds, and with every upwards stroke, he brushes my clit, then he presses down on it, waits a few seconds before sliding down again. It's tortuously slow and I want more speed, but at the same time I don't. The heady knowledge that three men are pleasuring me is intoxicating, filling my veins with liquid living fire, burning me from the inside out. They consume me completely and I give myself freely and willingly. Suddenly two fingers are pushed into me, they don't encounter any restriction, I'm so wet and slick, they glide right in, and he keeps them inside me and makes a come here gesture deep inside, brushing a small spot, that has me seeing stars. This combined with everything else that is done to my body gives me a sensory overload and my orgasm catches me by surprise, and judging by their reaction, it's a surprise for them too. My whole body, shudders and spasms in pleasure, the finger movement inside of me continues, but slower, prolonging the orgasm, the kiss still consumes me, and he eats every sound that leave my lips, my nipples hard and tingling underneath the hands. when I'm almost down from my high, the cheeky bastard, inside of me, speeds his fingers up, and a second orgasm explodes within me almost right away, My eyes roll back and I almost pass out, my limbs turning to jelly. They catch me and bring me down, they stroke and whisper small nothings. I've closed my eyes just listening to them enjoying their voices, mixed together. When I'm back to myself, "Thank you, I needed that", I giggle and smile brightly at them, "I'm hungry, let's eat", and with that I get up and walk out. they follow, after they made sure everything looked normal. I'm not going to bother, let them wonder what happened and with whom. Dinner was quiet, them not talking much, giving me the time to think things through. I know who kissed me at the club, I'm ecstatic about it. The mark, throbbing, but it is pleasant. I like the feeling but underneath it I can feel a new layer of emotions and wants, they feel foreign, like they're not mine, and maybe they aren't, maybe they're his. The most feeling that comes from the new layer is lust, heady, spicy, sexy, needy, it turns me on. I look at him and he looks back, and I see the whole world in his eyes, and it's beautiful, pulling me in, a small moan leaving my mouth, all eyes shift to mine, "what was that?", Jin asks me, I clear my throat to prevent it from happening again, "well, sometimes while eating, eh sounds will leave me involuntary. I've been holding them in, but I figured since you all heard me moan before, I could stop holding back", I look around, seeing no disapproval, I finish my meal and wait for the others to finish too. We clean up together and retreat to the living room.
The mood is relaxed, almost sleepy. "Should we finish the game we started last week?", Taehyung and Jimin say at the same time, making the others laugh. "I want to start" Taehyung yells a little while clapping, "but it's Y/n's turn", Jin interjects. Taehyung's face falls, "oh yeah, I forgot", seeing him all disappointed pulls at my heart, "I don't mind", I say beaming at Taehyung. His face light up with the biggest smile, "you sure?", Namjoon asks. I nod and wait for Taehyung. He sits up straighter, smooths his clothes down and clears his throat, it looks like he's preparing for a world speech. I giggle, he's adorable, "how many of us have kissed you so far?" His face has an eager glow, the others sport similar looks, some even look smug, giving themselves away. "You're all going to think I'm desperate", my voice sounding small with dread, waiting for their judgment. "Six, and since you only know of two, how about you guys try figuring out who hasn't kissed me yet, and give him an opportunity during my next dare" I say looking around at them. They eye each other suspiciously. "You saw two, so I'm not going to tell who they were, one of you kissed me after I received a very thoughtful gift", I don't look at the boy in question, I don't want to help them in any way, so I keep my eyes on my fingers in my lap. "One was today, the next was last Wednesday and the last was at the club," hearing the last part shocked them. "At the club?", Hoseok asks bewildered, "you know who it is?", I shake my head, "not going to say, that's not part of the question. Look at it this way, if you choose wrong, one of you gets to kiss me again, sorry for the two who are known, and only if you want to kiss me again of course", I finish timidly. The two, slump in their seats, pout and Namjoon even crosses his arm in front of his chest, looking like a child denied his favorite treat. I know he at least wants to kiss me again, he kissed me twice already, as my mystery man, I smile brightly, "so you want to play, and figure it out?", I ask looking up at them, they all nod and grin with promise, "but first it's my turn." I laugh at seeing some of their faces fall a little. "Namjoon, truth or dare?", He's smart, maybe he can figure it out. He looks at each in turn, biting his lip, thinking hard, he smiles at me, truth. Oh wait, I need a question, my mind whirls, flying everywhere, then it settles. "Which kiss was better. The one during the game, or the one after the painting?", his eyes glaze over, thinking back, before focusing back on mine, "I agree they were very different, firstly the position wasn't the same, and in that regard was the second kiss better", he pauses and gathers a deep breath of air, "I can't pick one, they're both great, sexy, hot, craving for more", he winks at me and leans his arms on his knees, contemplating all of his best friends, deciding. "Y/n, truth or dare?", I slide to the edge of the couch, my back as straight as a rod, extremely curious who he is going to pick, "dare?", I say licking my lips in anticipation of a kiss. "Kiss", he looks at all of them again, "okay, kiss Jimin", I smile at him, "I'll let you know after the kiss if you're right, okay?", I get on my knees and crawl towards Jimin, and I can see his eyes darken, and he wipes his hands on his jeans. When I'm in front of him, I grab his knees and push myself up, and climb on top of him, He feels divine, all hard muscle, but still so soft, 'his cock probably would really feel like soft steel', I think, when I straddle him and have my core right on said cock. My hands travel over his physic, till I reach his shoulders and keep them there. I still want him to kiss me, not me kissing him, so I need to coax it out of him, 'this is going to be fun', trying to find what will send him over the edge. I lean in and lick his earlobe, a small moan, only I can hear, comes from him. I whisper in his ear, "you want more? The next time we're alone, maybe I'll suck your beautiful cock? Would you like that? Sliding down my thro-", he groans, grabs my neck and pulls me to him, crashing his lips on mine greedily and he devours them hungrily, pushing his tongue in forcefully, but still very gentle. My hands play with the hairs at the nape of his neck, making him shudder, his hand on my head tightens and pulls harder, while the other hand travels down over my breast down to my waist, getting me to move and grind on him. We make out for a while, tongues dancing together and memorizing the feeling his touch gives me, so I can revisit it when I'm alone. When he moves his lips to my ear I can feel his hot quick breaths and goosebumps rush over me. "Is that a promise?", he asks huskily, but loud enough for the others to hear, "of course", I suck his bottom lip one last time and move off of him. I go back to my place, "sorry Namjoon, that was wrong, but thank you, I enjoyed it very much", I giggle seeing his disappointed face at getting it wrong. "So.....Taehyung, truth or dare?" He also picks truth, it looks like they want to speed through this. Fine, "Ever kissed any of the guys?", he looks at Jin and turns a little red, as does Jin. "well, that one drunken time we all did some stupid shit, so yeah, but you didn't ask who, so, I'm not going to tell. Now my turn." He rubs his hands together, "truth or dare?"
"Dare, what else?", He looks at his friends, some longer than others, "Sorry Jin, I'm not picking you, I believe you kissed her Wednesday", Jin looks outraged, "What, why tell the rest, now I'm not going to be picked either", he pouts cutely and shoots angry glares at Taehyung, who scratches his neck, looking sheepish, "oops, I didn't think about that, sorry." He clears his throat, gives Jin one last apologetic look, "Y/n, I dare you to kiss Yoongi", my inner goddess, who is a snow leopard, is purring in delight, I can barely contain myself from making a silly little jump in my seat, but I can't be too eager. I crawl over to him and straddle his lap. He stares at me with a dark and predatory look, eyes dark and half-lidded, his hands are laying on my thighs. I trace my index finger all over his face, starting on his forehead, over the bridge of his cute nose, to his gorgeous lips, so seductive. I lick my lips unconsciously when my finger travels over his lips. His eyes flick to my lips when my tongue peeks out. I nuzzle my nose in his neck, and he shudders feeling my breath on his skin. I skim my nose up his neck towards his ear, giving his earlobe a lick, and I whisper, "you know, I would love for you to go down on me and show me that tongue technology you rap about. I think about it when I'm in bed, alone, touching myself, thinking of you. Wishing you're with me doing the deed yourself, fantasizing about it going a step further with you finally fucking me, sliding your cock into my warmth, my walls squeezing your rockhar-", and just like with Jimin, I'm transported away to an island made out of lust and pleasure. His tongue is dominant, rough, greedy, but still soft, sweet, loving. 'How does he do that?' My hands stroke his neck, going up and down, and his are on my waist rockin me into him. If kisses were food and you needed them to sustain you, I would be eating a feast right now. My mind is dizzy, it's completely filled with everything Yoongi, his smell, his taste, the feel of him, the feeling of his hands on me, and just like with Jimin, I memorize everything about him, for later reuse. I pull back, pulling air into my lungs, my forehead against his, "you're a naughty little one, aren't you?", he gives me his signature smile and bucks his hips up, making me feel everything harder. I moan at that and giggle, "what can I say, I'm greedy. Sorry Taehyung you're wrong", and I climb off Yoongi and take my place again. "Jungkook, truth or dare?", he snaps his head at me, his eyes still look a little dazed, "truth", again, fine, "Ever had a threesome?", He nods his head, his eyes clear with the memory, "yeah, it was great", he smiles at me, but doesn't elaborate. 'oh no you don't, I need more', goes through my mind. "That's all you're going to say?", I ask right away, "that's all you're going to get, at least for now. So, truth or dare", he has a cheeky grin and winks.
"Dare", I say a little vexed, looking at him annoyed. "I dare you to kiss Hoseok", I look to my left, Hoseok is already looking at me hungrily, I lift my right leg over him so now I'm straddling him. He doesn't wait for me and pulls me wholly against him, one hand on the small of my back, just over my ass, and the other is pulling my head towards his lips, but instead of kissing me, he licks my lips, wanting access right away, "impatient are we?", I breathe against his lips, moving them over his while talking. He groans and licks my lips again, I want it as much so, I part my lips and he slid right in taking me hostage, swirling, licking, tasting, committing it to memory, I'm grinding on him and his hands tighten while he groans, my moans just with the other two get eaten up by him greedily. After a few minutes I pull back, both trying to catch our breath. I spin and land on my place again. I close my eyes for a few moments with my hand over my heart, feeling the erratic pace and gulping in much needed air to slow it down. "Jin, truth or dare?"
"Dare", he says, surprising me, 'okay, an easy one then', I think  but I can't seem to make my mind work properly. "I dare you to kiss Taehyung, you don't have to use your tongue, if you don't want to." I look over at Taehyung and he looks slightly happy, or am I seeing it wrong. Jin gets up and quickly walks over, grabbing Taehyung's hands, he pulls him from his seat so both are standing, and Jin presses his lips to Taehyung's soft looking lips. They stay like this for longer than I anticipated. They don't move, and then Jin pulls back, slightly red in the face, he goes back to his seat and looks at me, "I dare you to kiss Jungkook?", and before I can make any move, Jungkook has pulled Hoseok away and taken his place. Within the next second I'm straddling him, his hands already moving my hips back and forth, over his cock, which is hard already. He is even more impatient than Hoseok, "eager little bunny you are", as an answer, he licks my earlobe, before sliding his tongue over my jaw towards my mouth, the wet trail giving me goosebumps. My lips are parted already, taking small, fast little breaths, and he dives right in sliding over my tongue with his, moaning at the feeling, I get lost again in the sensations, forgetting everything except the one kissing me, After a few minutes, my mind clears a little and I pull away reluctantly, I never want to stop kissing them, all of them. He opens his eyes and in them I see adoration and possession. weird combination, but I shrug it away. I take my seat again. My core has been abused for the last hour without release and it's aching and burning, the pleasure running in my blood the whole time, making me horny as fuck. "Sorry, Wrong again. Jimin, truth or dare?", He looks at me with a knowing smile, does he know who I haven't kissed yet. "truth."
"Out of the kisses you witnessed tonight, which one turned you on the most, and you can't pick your own", he contemplates for a minute before he speaks, "I think, I liked Yoongi's best. Truth or dare?", oh he doesn't want to elaborate, fine, I'll ask again later. "Dare", I say, I know what he is going to ask, as does the boy in question. "I dare you to kiss Taehyung", At this Taehyung jumps out of his chair and pushes Jungkook from his spot. Instead of him making me straddle him, he turns my body and pushes me down, so I'm laying on the couch, he makes himself comfortable between my legs and hovers his upper body over me, "Ready?", voice filled with lust. I nod and wait for his next move. He slowly lowers himself down and attacks my neck greedily, sucking and licking, adding teeth. He moves up and claims my lips in a searing kiss, that takes my breath away, my lips part on a gasp and he deepens right away. Occasionally he steals cheeky squeezes to my breasts and his hips roll into me hitting my sensitive spot every time. With every contact, moans leave me, turning him on and vice versa. He is unrestrained and it looks like he has no intention of stopping. When the lack of oxygen is becoming a problem, I gently push on his chest, he gets the hint and moves away slowly breathing hard, face flushed and lips swollen and red. We both sit up straight, the silence heavy hanging around the eight of us. "Fine Jimin you won", and with that I get up and walk away without looking back. I need to be alone.
 3rd POV
 The boys watch her leave, all a little sad. They miss her company already. They all are rubbing the spot over their hearts. Only one notices. Another gets up and follows her, "I'm going to bed, good night." They regard him with suspicion. When he sees that he chuckles, "relax, I won't follow her, I'm just tired." The one who noticed their weird behavior waits until he is gone and out of earshot. Just out of curiosity, he starts, "did any of you receive the soulmate mark?" The silence stretches on and becomes heavier still, Namjoon is the first to open his mouth, "actually, I did", he looks down, fearing their reaction. "Me too", Jin replies, after that the others also say they received it. The impact is overwhelming and they go to bed without further discussion, the last thing being said, "Lets keep this between us, I don't believe he received the mark, he wasn't rubbing a certain spot, and we all were." The house settles into a quiet atmosphere filled with promise and anticipation, on what it gets to see the next time the occupants are awake.
Meanwhile on the other side of the world, in a little cozy cafe, seven come together. "Where the hell are they, A screams. When they found each other online, and got together for the first time, they decided to give each other a letter as a name, instead of using their own. This way they could talk about each other, without fear. "Relax, we'll find them, E says.
"How do you even know they're not in Korea?", D asked the girl known as A. "I just know. That Jin look-alike in Korea is not my Jin, he is different. So I'm assuming they are decoys and the real Light 7 is somewhere else." Every girl has a crush on one of the members of Light 7, going as far as saying they're soulmates. The girl known as G thinks back on her chance of almost kissing her bias, sadly she got taken away before she could. Now she needed plastic surgery, so they won't recognize her the next time. A was really mad at her, this would put a kink in the plans. 'What plans?' G thinks to herself, they are not even in range. We need to find them first, C is looking around thoughtfully, "what if we ask on the dark web?" A's face lights up in glee, and it turns her features ugly, like a deranged person.
"Yes, let's do it."
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