#or like random popular aus like monster aus or smth like that
koskela-knights · 9 months
Thinking of AUs to put my boys in becos loving them in one universe/reality isn't enough anymore 😂 Gotta love them in every new universe all at once <3
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celticmess · 6 years
Dystopian Descendants City Au or smth idk they’re taken from their hosts and trapped in a city
Dorkiplier Darkiplier 
Sanders Sides
JSE Egos
Iplier Egos
Blankgameplays (Corrupted Crank, Ethan’s one)
Apocalypse (Tyler’s one)
Now for the details!
they’re held in a small, secluded + abandoned city by humans
they’re given free rein within the city
egos like Dark + Anti call other egos that they share a host with “siblings”
there’s no government
no law
the place is run by violence
everyone is short on temper for different reasons
all of the egos and their host were taken by special services
no one knows where they are now
two rules: do not attempt to escape + no killing
once a month the humans gather them in the city centre and one figment is taken
for now they’ve only taken a few minor figments + characters (Paultin, Pluck, Heathen + the Author)
no one knows where they go
or why
but they don’t come back.
like our Anti, but edgier.
hangs around with Darkiishu, Dark, Peevils, Infelix + Madzia
fights with Dark regularly
basically daily
and it never surprises anyone at this point
he’s from a large ego group (they call each other siblings)
he’s the oldest ego but they alienate him the most
he terrifies his “siblings” when he’s angry and/or drunk
usually stays out of the house messing about with his group
by messing about I mean tearing up the area
he comes home when his “siblings” are asleep and leaves before they wake up
whenever he’s home before they go to sleep, they end up being really hostile
never physically, but it’s implied
they know they can’t beat him in a fight
everyone can tell when to stop pushing his temper
his glitches get more uncontrollable as his heart rate heightens
you can hear him before you see him, the sound of static follows him everywhere
has everyone on strings
you need something? You have 2-3 choices depending on what you need: Darkiishu, Phantom + Darkiplier
only hangs out with Anti, Dark + Infelix because they work as bodyguards without knowing it
bc as if you’re gonna attack a lady who hangs with the power trio
only likes two people: Peevils + Madzia
and she even ends up arguing with the sometimes
they’re usually able to talk it out tho
unlike Dark + Anti who’ll beat the shit out of each other anywhere anytime
can never be in photos bc her ability blurs them
the blurriness of he photo changes with her mood
if she’s happy, it’s not too bad, but photograph her pissed and it’s a blurry mess
she stays in a random old broken apartment she fixed up herself
sometimes Anti crashes on her sofa
she’s always the one who hosts Ladies Nights on Saturdays
she controls illusions
Do̴rk͢ip͜l̶ier  Darkiplier
a lot more reckless than our Dark
wears a lot of hoodies
he has a ornate little silver bracelet to keep his powers in check
the googles made it for him
he probably turns it into the top of his cane later on
his hobby is pissing off Anti
starts the fights on purpose
sometimes to vent, sometimes for entertainment
either way, Anti is happy to fight
he’s the third oldest out of his ego group
the host and Wilford are older than him. There was the Author...
he argues with Wilford a lot and Host too when he comes out of his library
he scares the younger ones (Bim, Ed, Silver, King, etc.)
he also doesn’t control his aura very well (hence why he has the bracelet)
so his shell cracks a lot more frequently than it does in our universe
lives with Darkiishu most of the time
can manipulate reflections
if you’ve pissed her off avoid any and all reflective surfaces
she can and will summon your reflection from said surface and have it murder you brutally
she’s very close with Darkiishu
if you mess with one you mess with both
and both are scary
she could not care less about Dark, Anti or Infelix even if she tries
has nearly gotten into a fight with Anti on many occasions
will most likely leave the apartment if Anti is crashing for the night
her and Anti avoid each other as much as possible
is dangerously close to strangling Infelix with his own reflection
lives with Madzia in an isolated apartment in a place no one knows about
none of the others have ever been there
he has eyes everywhere
quite literally
can create semi-sentient ink monsters
he’s the most powerful entity
and everyone knows it
even if he doesn’t fight
the other figments and entities can fight over a subject
but Infelix says something about it? that thing is always considered
low-key cares about the people he hangs out with
he pretends he doesn’t tho
he finds Anti + Dark’s fights highly entertaining
makes it his mission to try and start a fight between Anti and Peevils
the sclera of her eyes are a faint pastel colour (she can change whenever she wants)
when she uses her powers, her whole eye goes the colour of her sclera
she’s part siren
so she can charm anyone except sirens
she doesn’t need to sing
she lives with Infelix
they get along really well
she enjoys her Ladies Night with Peevils and Darkiishu on Saturdays tho
she gets really fed up with the fights
she herself is actually pretty docile
doesn’t mean she’s harmless though
her, Peevils and Darkiishu are always there for each other
they all love each other’s company
they’re so close because they’re basically the only females
Sanders Sides
by far the most harmless figments
Logan spends a lot of time with Dr. Iplier and Dr. Schneeplestein in the makeshift infirmary
he makes a lot of the cures with what they have
if it weren’t for these three, the no killing rule would’ve been broken ten billion times
Patton runs a safehouse for the smaller, peaceful egos (King, Bim, Silver, Ed, Robbie as well as Heathen and Pluck occasionally) and was one of the most emotional when Heathen and Pluck got taken
Sometimes Virgil hangs out with Patton’s group, sometimes he joins Darkiishu, Peevils + Madzia for Ladies Night
his best friend was Heathen
losing Heathen hit him really hard
now he hangs out with Robbie, JJ and sometimes Marvin when he’s not running around with JB and Roman
Roman loves playing hero with JB and sometimes Marvin
occasionally Silver will join in
the group break up fights before the no kill rule gets broken
Deceit doesn’t “hang out” with anyone
but he’s a good source of information
his top clients are Dark, Peevils and Phantom
there’s a lack of entertainment in the city
so Mare performs in the city centre regularly
sometimes he’ll have Anti drum for him
it usually attracts a crowd
there isn’t really anything in the city to do except fight
so most of the population turns up
he’s also had a fair share of fights
Sharper is the one who fixed up the place that the battle egos stay in
so the place is full of tools and random machines
he always patches up Mare and Phantom when they get into fights
he doesn’t trust them not to kill the doctors
Phantom isn’t home very often
usually when he comes home it’s because he’s hurt
the rest of the time he’s in his office
he won the place in a bet
and traded info for interior decoration
it doubles as a bar and it’s pretty popular because it is the only bar
Mare and Phantom were livid when Heathen was taken
fortunately Sharper built a saferoom when he fixed up the place
he had to lock them in for several days
JSE Egos
none of them trust Anti
JB goes into protective mode if Anti turns up while they’re awake
the only one who goes near him is Robbie and sometimes JJ
the others all tend to keep their distance
JB loves spending time with Roman when he’s not protecting his siblings
stopping fights make him feel like a real hero
it also boosts his confidence and every time he goes home he feels more prepared to defend against Anti
he’s convinced Anti is planning something and is determined to keep his siblings safe
on the rare occasion JB isn’t home when Anti is, Marvin steps up
he’s not as confident or as hostile as JB
or as powerful
but he’s just as protective
on the nights he knows Anti is staying with Darkiishu he joins Roman and JB
he loves those nights
JJ is very curious
him and Robbie are the only JSE Egos who have willingly and peacefully approached Anti
When JJ first walked up to Anti, it surprised Anti so much he dropped his croissant
a croissant he stole from Peevils
then he tried to scare him away
but JJ just smiled at him
they don’t interact often at all but JJ will always try and calm JB and Marvin down before they attack
Anti is always hella grateful but never gets a chance to show it
Robbie shocked Anti by straight up walking into his room and sitting down
he finds the static noise that follows Anti really comforting
and Robbie didn’t seem like a threat so Anti let him stay
Robbie always leaves to go back to his room before Anti wakes up
it stops the other egos from jumping to conclusions
Chase is hardly home
but when he is he’s usually a tad drunk after a night out drinking with Paultin, Pluck and occasionally Warfstache
when Paultin and Pluck got taken his mental health took a nose dive
he began to stay out longer
he got drunker
and it got out of hand and he became increasingly depressed
his brothers love him but it gets extremely tense whenever he comes home drunk
he usually starts a fight with Anti on purpose
the nights he comes home sober are the best in the eyes of the other egos
they’re fun and Anti stays away
and it takes Chase’s mind off Paultin, Pluck, Stacy and his kids
one time Chase and Anti both came home drunk
JB ended up fighting both of them to get them to stop while Marvin got the others out of there
they went to Patton and the other sides for safety
the fight lasted all night
the end result was an injured, unconscious Chase with an empty gun, a passed out Anti (sleep deprivation) and a seriously injured JB
Anti avoided them for weeks after
Chase stayed with them while he recovered
Dr. Shneeplestein was the one who saved JB and Chase Brody from dying of their wounds
when he’s not with his siblings, he’s with Dr. Iplier and Logan in the infirmary
the three of them get along incredibly well
but as much as he likes work, he also likes his family
he gets incredibly nervous around Anti
when it was just him and Anti, Anti took great pleasure in messing with the Doctor before he met his current friends
by “messing with” I mean bringing him to the brink of death but stopping at the last second
so Schneep is real wary of Anti
Iplier Egos
They’re more organised than other groups
King, Silver, Ed + Bim spend all their time with Patton in the safehouse that he built
When Dark isn’t home, he’s out on the streets tearing it up with Anti, Infelix, Darkiishu, Peevils + Madzia
he lives for thrill
it’s why he fights Anti
they both love it
the Googles run the place
the place being a several storey building 
the second floor is the Google’s lab
sometimes they work with Madpat
Blue thinks he’s too unpredictable, Ollie think’s he’s scary, Green considers him a risk
Red gets along with him just fine
most of the time though the googles work alone
they’ve banned Anti from the building
Wilford is avoided by everyone
he’s unstable, volatile and unpredictable
Anti has tried to goad him into a fight but Dark stopped him
when Wilford’s bored he spends time with Chase
it surprises everyone
but it’s Wilford Warfstache, he always surprises
The Host used to stay on his library floor with the Author
he stopped coming out of the library after the Author was taken
Oliver tried to get him to come out but he gave up eventually
Lesser Known Egos
he’s a crazed scientist
he hangs with Natemare a lot
The pair cause trouble but don’t really get into fights
he also enjoy dragging Google Red into his projects
Blank doesn’t have friends
he walks the streets aimlessly
just shivering
he’s cold to the touch
don’t test that fact
touch him and you slowly freeze from the outside in
he’s a brute
he’s big, strong and scary
he’s also the subject of many fights
him and JB always end up in a fight
they don’t get along
he starts most of the fights on the streets
The rest of the population are egos that we don’t even know exist yet.
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