#old tags from like a few weeks ago lolol
koskela-knights · 6 months
Thinking of AUs to put my boys in becos loving them in one universe/reality isn't enough anymore 😂 Gotta love them in every new universe all at once <3
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badventist-petite · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ⭐️
i'm sorry this took so long for me post, i really had to think about things that make me happy that's not y'know... hot old men lolol
1. that feeling of bliss when i'm on-stage playing bass or drums and i'm not overthinking and worrying about every fucking little thing and i can just enjoy it for a change (i play for my church's worship team)
2. when my sister and i are laughing over something dumb and obscure that we would only understand and we can barely breathe, like that meme that's been going around with the two guys from that car show or whatever
3. my sweet dog, Lulu
4. my pastor's coffee. he is very much into coffee (and has 2 or 3 coffee machines on his kitchen counter) and i don't get to have it very often but my sister and i had lunch at their house after church a few weeks ago with some of our other church peeps and after dessert, he made some for us with some decanter looking thing and it was very involved and very tasty. i don't even like hot coffee! also i was up until 4am but it was worth it
5. when i'm listening to a song that i've heard COUNTLESS times before and hear something new that i've never heard before, whether it's vocalizations or instruments or a sound effect, it's just so cool
and now i'm tagging: @vreenak, @ofsmokenandgold, @obscure-hedgehog, @silverblue94, @lacefedora, @thatisnotagoodswamp, @lizzy0305, @drthskyguy, @bearfeathers, @kaelang12,
oh and bonus tag of course @bowserbabe
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backslashdelta · 1 year
Thank you for the tags @smythecriminal and @autistichummel !!
(I don't use Pinterest so I'm not going to do that one, but I appreciate the tag there as well 💜)
Name: Bella 💖
Sign: Aries ☀️ Aries 🌙 Cancer ⬆️
Height: 5' 7.5"
Time: currently 10:54pm (I'm in AST)
Birthday: April 11th
Favourite band/artist: Fall Out Boy 💖
Last movie: I rewatched Bo Burnham's Inside last this evening if that counts?
Last show: Currently watching the new season of The Circle because apparently I'm really into reality TV lately.
When I created this blog: October 23rd 2010 😅 this account is uhh very old lol
What I post: Mostly Glee! Some Fall Out Boy, Taylor Swift, stuff about math, various memes, and a few other fandoms slip in occasionally too.
Other blogs: I'm an admin of kurtbastianarchive and gleesource, and a member of gleeful-paintbox-project 🥰 I also technically have a couple other inactive sideblogs, one of which was going to my Glee sideblog when I got into the fandom before I just gave up and used my main instead, but I'm not going to bother listing any of them since I don't use them anymore.
Do I get asks: Not often, but occasionally! And people are always welcome to send me asks (although I may be a bit slow to reply depending on what it is).
Followers: 840. It was 841 yesterday, guess someone got sick of me lolol
Average hours of sleep: ummm like 6 through the week probably? More on weekends.
Instruments: I could play clarinet really well once upon a time but that was like... 12+ years ago. So currently, no.
What am I wearing: Pajamas lol. I work from home so I am usually wearing pajama bottoms at the very least 😅
Dream job: My dream job is not having to work 😂 but honestly I'm not sure that I have one, my focus is more on just making sure I have a job that I don't dislike and that pays me enough to afford the things I want outside of work.
Dream trip: I'm not really a traveller so I'm not sure I have a good answer for this either LOL maybe Hawaii? Or New Zealand? I'd also love to go up north to one of the territories in the winter.
Favourite songs: Hmm I'm not sure I can really pick favourite overall songs tbh. My favourite Fall Out Boy songs are Young Volcanoes and Lake Effect Kid, so let's go with those.
Umm I am sleep deprived and don't want to think of who to tag, so if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged 💖
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damnedparker · 2 years
snow days (part one)
pairing: tasm (andrew garfield) peter parker x reader (gender neutral; no y/n) warnings: mutual pining, best friends to lovers, kind of a slow burn i suppose? lolol summary: a snowstorm has hit New York hard, and with nowhere to go and nothing to do, Peter and you hole up in the dorm together, which seems to push some feelings over the edge.
hellooo this is going to be my attempt at writing a multi-chapter fic!! it won't be too long, right now i'm thinking just three parts. i hope this is interesting or good enough, i've been working on it for weeks and i just feel a bit nervous about it!!! but anyways i hope you like this first part!!
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Cold air seeped through the window and into your back, slightly exposed from your shirt riding up in your sleep and your comforter becoming tangled with your legs. You shivered as you climbed out of the drowsy hold of sleep, wincing when you recognized the loud knocks at your door, the sing-songy voice calling your name from behind it. You groaned. If it were anyone else, any other knock or voice beyond the door, you would've simply gone back to sleep. Nobody that woke you up on a day off of classes this early deserved your attention.
Except Peter Parker.
Peter, your best friend, and the one person you liked enough to be at his beck and call no matter what. Yes, because he was your best friend, the person you trusted most, but also, that tiny little nagging part of you that was addicted to seeing his smile, his warm gooey-chocolate eyes that seemed to soften when he set them on you. It made your ears, cheeks, soul burn just at the very image in your mind.
You practically threw yourself out of bed, taking half the comforter with you, just as he started to sing your name obnoxiously to that tune of that old Name Game song. He was getting to the fee-fi-fos when you pulled open your door, albeit more dramatically than you needed to. You'd do anything for Peter, sure, but it didn't eliminate complaining while doing so.
“Classes got cancelled!” He cheered as soon as your face appeared in front of him. You squinted in annoyance at the bright fluorescent overhead lights in the hallway, your eyes not adequately prepared to adjust from the stark black of your room, purposefully so due to your blackout curtains. They had been a gift from the very boy standing in front of you, a sleepy grin that stretched across his face and scrunched his eyes together in an expression that almost matched yours.
The curtains had appeared in your room one day after you’d been complaining about not being able to sleep in on the weekends due to the sun blazing through the seemingly useless blinds. They’d been messily wrapped, covered with that day’s newspaper, which just so happened to be plastered with a front-page story about Spider-Man. There was no note, no tag saying who it was from, but just from that detail, you knew. Little shit. You'd perfectly heard Peter’s amused little snicker in your head.
“You could have just, I don’t know, called me. Sent a text.” You raised your eyebrows pointedly. Peter tilted his head sheepishly with a shrug. He admired your current form far more than he probably should have, so much so that you definitely noticed his eyes raking over you. Your hair was a mess, pajama shorts rumpled, and the collar of an oversized t-shirt, one he had bought you at a concert you'd been to a few years ago, exposing your collarbone. You crossed your arms and made your way back to your bed, inviting him in.
“Point taken,” he shoved his hands in the pockets of his joggers as he shut the door behind him. You turned on your lamp so the two of you weren't talking in darkness, but your vision could still stay intact. Peter plopped on the bed next to you as he offered you his next proposal. “But I thought we could hang out today, watch some movies or something since we have the day off. And we can’t exactly go anywhere.”
“Spider-Man afraid of a little snow?” You cocked an eyebrow teasingly, and Peter gave you an annoyed look.
“The sidewalks and roads have already iced over, whatever criminal is out there today will probably slip and take themselves out,” he shrugged. “And spandex isn’t very warm.” He paused a moment, as if debating if he should say his next words. “Besides, I feel like we haven’t spent much time together lately… I-I miss you.” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. Even in the dim light, you swore his cheeks tinted pink. Peter could sense your heart-rate increase. A smile tugged at his lips. You didn't know how to reciprocate that, yes, you had missed him too. It'd been only a week or so of your free-time not aligning as usual, so you'd only seen him in passing; in the silly selfies and messages he'd send you. Normal things for friends to go through, but it felt like a punch to the gut for you. Peter felt much the same, although you weren't clued into just how much. The two of you were practically glued at the hip, and there was no solvent that could separate you without the world falling apart as you knew it. But, lately, it'd felt like you had been pulled forcibly apart. Given the two of you were meant to graduate soon, and wouldn’t have the excuse of living in the same building, it settled a rock of dread in your stomach. One that seemed to sink deeper and deeper into you every graduation e-mail you got, every time you looked at the calendar.
“I just think you’re lazy,” you changed the subject, pinching his side. He made an indignant noise, then retaliated by tackling you on the bed. You were thankful you could cover up the presence of the heat in your cheeks by your uncontrollable laughter as Peter tickled you to death. He only stopped when you nearly rolled off the mattress. Your head hung slightly off the edge as you peeked up at him over you, cheeks flushed and hair even more of a mess. You fought the butterflies swarming through your stomach desperately as you tried not to think about the implications of your best friend on top of you. “You’re so... insufferable.”
“I wouldn’t call it insufferable, I’d call it revenge,” he jerked towards you again with his hands, making you squeeze your eyes shut reflexively. Peter chuckled at your reaction, finally relenting to let you sit up again. He didn't go far though; as you sat up properly next to him, his thigh pressed against yours. A fire spread through your leg, all the way up your spine, into your head and heart. One you tried to ignore. But it was hard with the way his doe eyes looked at you, the way he leaned over so casually to kiss the top of your head while mumbling something about going to grab breakfast.
Peter waited patiently for you to brush your hair and get somewhat ready for the day. You were so focused on picking out something to wear that he could stare openly, admiring the little quirks, habits you exhibited in doing a daily task. The way you hummed a song under your breath, leaning side to side like a sunflower in the wind along to whatever was playing in your head that day. Every little thing you did had his heart bursting, practically jumping out of his chest cavity and into your hands. He barely registered himself giving an opinion when you asked which shirt went better with your sweatpants. He fought the smile pulling at his lips once again when you ignored his advice and picked out a whole new shirt from the options you’d been fretting over. You could wear the most atrocious color combo in the world, and, to him, you’d still look cute as ever.
He tried his best not to float off the ground like an old cartoon in love when he followed you out the door.
When you reached the exit closest to the dining hall, you weren’t expecting it to be pure white outside. You knew the snow was supposed to get heavy, but it had snowed at least a couple of inches overnight already. It was that beautiful snow too; smooth white blankets that had yet to be ruined by footprints or melted into grey slush by the sun. Flurries drifted overhead as the two of you walked, and you made the mistake of looking over at your best friend. There wasn’t anything in the world prettier than Peter Parker with a pink nose and snow in his messy brown hair, dressed in joggers and an old high school hoodie with his trusty army green jacket on top. Even adorned with a Spider-Man button you’d given him as a gift when he first told you about his identity, what felt like centuries ago. It took all the restraint in the world not to pull him into you and kiss him stupid.
In fact, you were so distracted by your best friend that when your shoe made contact with a patch of ice and didn’t gain any traction, it slipped right from under you and nearly made you fall on your ass. If it weren’t for Peter catching you.
“You okay?” He giggled, giggled, and you swore the heat in your cheeks alone could have melted the patch of ice that had just been your downfall. The way he beamed down at you, snow falling around him, was something out of a movie and it took a moment longer than it should have to reply to him.
“Yeah, I’m good,” you mumbled, slowly standing back up; but not without almost falling again on the same patch of ice. You nearly pulled him down with you, but he regained his balance quick enough with you holding on for dear life. Another laugh escaped him, one that warmed your bones from the inside out.
“You sure you got it, bub?” Peter kept an arm around you, his other hand taken by yours for further stability as you steadied yourself. You wordlessly nodded, and began walking again. His hand stayed in yours, lacing your fingers together as you made your way to the dining hall. He swung your hands between the two of you with a laugh, and for a moment you wondered what it’d be like if this were real. And he weren’t doing it as a joke.
It was a joke, right?
You asked yourself that question again when he didn’t let go once you made it inside. And a similar one when you chose a booth and he slid in next to you instead of on the other side.
We’re just friends, right?
Peter was asking himself similar questions as he sat next to you in the booth and shoveled an ungodly amount of waffles in his mouth. The two of you were quiet as you ate, but a comfortable silence, and he was trying not to freak out over the fact that he had held your hand, and you had let him, albeit with him doing his best to frame it as a haha we’re holding hands, isn’t this silly kind of joke. If it was even considered a joke when he was using it as an excuse to be affectionate with you. Sure, he was pretty touchy normally, but this felt like a step into something new.
The flurries had picked up into full-on snow by the time you had finished breakfast, and the two of you stood in the foyer of the dining hall staring out into the cold white skeptically.
“We can make a run for it?” You suggested, watching as a lone person sprinted across the field from the quad towards your direction. Peter scoffed. His elbow bumped into you teasingly.
“You sure? It might be faster if I just carry you, one foot out the door you’ll be on the ground again.”
“You are so mean, Parker,” your cheeks burned indignantly at his comment, hands reaching to smack him on the shoulder. He caught you before you made contact, stupid spidey sense, instead bringing a hand to his mouth for a kiss. Everything seemed to stop in place for a few seconds, ones that felt like a stretch of years, and a lick of heat settled in your chest. You could’ve sworn splotches of pink were beginning to appear in Peter’s cheeks, but your gaze was torn away when he actually threw you over his shoulder and bolted out into the cold. You had no idea how spider DNA gave him the ability to run over slippery ground without casualty, but you weren’t going to question it. Not with your head hanging over ice-covered concrete.
Your feet only met the ground again when you were back at your door, and had to unlock it. Well, Peter offered to just pick the lock, and you had flailed in his arms to let you down.
The two of you fell into your regular hang-out routine pretty easily for the first few hours, finally taking the time to catch each other up on every little complaint about a professor and the weird places you’d found the notorious campus raccoons lately. Peter sprawled out on your bed, clutching a stuffed animal to his chest as he ranted about how his physics professor didn’t know how to use the online assignment modules. You were half listening, nodding and adding input where it felt right, but most of your attention was caught up in his long form on top of your blankets, the way he rolled his head to the side to smile at you. It was cozy, domestic almost. If you could call four walls of concrete plastered with movie posters and post-it notes a home.
In every dorm room you’d been in, Peter always looked like he belonged. Not in the room itself, persay, but among the rest of your belongings. Flipping through whatever book you were reading to comment on your notes in the margins, sitting at your desk with his homework spread out as you did yours on your bed, and, your favorite picture, the handful of times you’d come home late from a study session and found him asleep in your bed. Laid out across the top of your sheets, bruises littering his face, while he slept soundly in his boxers and a shirt borrowed from your dresser. He’d always tell you "your room was closer, was too tired to walk up the stairs," but you knew that wasn’t the case. Peter could get up time and time again; after getting thrown around violently by actual monsters, after getting stabbed, he’d never not gotten back to his feet. He could just swing up to his window, no stairs at all. You didn't fully understand, but were glad he felt safe enough with you, even alone in your room.
What you didn't realize was that he wanted to be in your room instead of his, hoping to find you to patch him up. Even for the smallest of injuries. Your hands gently working a band-aid over a scratch on his face, wrapping a bandage around his midsection. Your touch was just as good as any medicine in his eyes. That being said, the times where he’d crawl through your first-floor window to an empty room, that was still enough sometimes. Being surrounded by reminders of you, the scent of the latest candle you’d smuggled in, the scraps of paper with doodles that littered your desk, that was more than enough to heal him. Especially the gentle expression on your face when you gently woke him to make room for you in your own bed, crossed with worry and the way your eyebrows knitted together at the injuries he was always sporting. The softness of your voice as you asked him what happened. And once, a late, late night, the way your fingers had brushed over an angry purple bruise flowering into yellows just above his jaw. Any of that was enough to make him feel safe, to relax enough to get some sleep. To wake up and see you again, a teasing lilt in your voice as you made some joke about him waking up in your bed in his underwear yet again.
“Hey,” you nearly jumped when Peter’s voice came back into focus again. “What movies do you wanna marathon?”
“Uh… Star Wars?” You offered the first thing that came to your mind. Peter hummed, agreeing to your spontaneous choice with the reasoning that you’d likely be snowed in for the rest of the weekend, so it’d be plenty of time to watch every movie. Maybe even some of Clone Wars if you really felt like it.
Before you knew it, Peter and you were shuffling around the contents of your bed to make a pillow fort. Partially a practical idea as the freezing temperatures outside were steadily making your room colder and colder.
Since your bed wasn't lofted, the two of you draped blankets over the tops of the bed rail and tall ends of the frame, creating a makeshift roof. You gathered every pillow you had, beginning to create a nest, and Peter even went to grab his own collection of bed things to add to the fort. You both knew he would end up sleeping over as much as possible, anyways.
When you were done, the two of you admired your work from across the room. Peter slung his arm over your shoulders affectionately with a grin.
"Nice job, bubs," he squeezed you into a side hug, one you gratefully accepted. "What a beautiful home we’ve made.”
"How will we afford the mortgage?" Peter snorted a laugh and jumped into the blankets and pillows unceremoniously. He peeked up at you fondly from the small fabric hills obscuring part of his face. All you could do was shake your head and turn to move your TV, sat atop your desk, so it was now facing where you’d be sitting on your bed. Once that was done, and you’d gathered Peter his requested snacks, you came to settle next to him. Wordlessly, he tugged a blanket over both of your laps, despite the fact there was more than plenty for you each to have one. It took all your stead to ignore the blush settling over your cheeks when you felt him move impossibly close to you, his side fully against yours.
As the day passed quickly among lightsabers and stormtroopers, you and Peter hardly moved from your spots in your bed. Eventually, it had become night, and you were beginning to drowse off against your best friend’s arm. It wasn’t very late, but it had been long enough that your body was tired from having been woken up so early. Peter wasn’t faring much better, since juggling all of his responsibilities made him feel constantly tired. He could feel the sleepiness just beginning to fall over him in a wave, a strange combination with the nerves that were still wiring him awake.
It’s not like he’d never been this close to you before; you two had been best friends for years now. Something about the way he’d held your hand earlier today, taking that first step into chasing his true feelings for you, that had changed everything. He normally felt like any touch you gave him was a pleasant shock to his system, but now everything felt tingly and multiplied by twenty. Your head had come to rest against him now, and by some grace of whatever god existed, he had the nerve to lift his arm, drawing you closer to his chest. You were so sleepy you barely realized what you were doing, just trying your best to inch closer to the warmth of body heat that was a welcome change from the cold; snuggling into the soft material of his t-shirt, the scent of his body wash flooding your senses. Sleep gripped you fast when Peter tucked you into his side, your brain sending your body signals of it’s okay to relax now, you’re safe.
Peter tried his best to focus on the end of Return of the Jedi, but no amount of Ewoks or Force ghosts could draw his racing mind away from you. Your entire body weight was now leaning against him, one he didn’t mind a single bit. It was comforting; to know you were safe, that you felt secure enough to drift off with him being the only thing holding you up. He could hear your breathing, now evened out and deep, confirming you were fully asleep. He took this chance to gently lay the both of you down in bed. Ever so softly, for fear of waking you, he brushed your hair back away from your face. His fingers trailed back down from your hairline to cross your cheekbone, trace over your jawline to your chin. He smiled when your nose twitched in your sleep as he leaned forward to press a kiss to your forehead. His voice was barely audible, even to himself, as he watched your features relax again.
“Fuck, I'm in love with you.”
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Lol idk why but I want to see MC over power yoosung (I’m bad at spelling) rank by becoming No. 1 secretly till last second
Gamer’s Fight 
Yoosung x Mc  Funny/ Fluff Story 
Summary: One day Mc notices that her Husband thought of himself too hight and decides to show him can be the better gamer...
Hey! I hope that you are happy with what I came up with! Please tell me your honest opinion!
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Once again you observed Yoosung as he played LOLOL on his new computer, not caring that dinner was ready ten minutes ago. ,,Ahahaha, Hyung, you’re such a loser, I wonder how you take the courage to even come up here to play!‘‘ Yoosung seemed to tease a player online, something you didn’t expect of him.
,,I honestly don‘t like it when you talk to other people as if you are looking down on them,‘‘ you commented, taking his headphones off his ears and making him look up to you. ,,Oh, did you call me?‘‘ he asked you, making you look at him rather annoyed in a grimace. ,,Kim Yoosung, you told me a while ago that you would come to eat. Did you just agree without listening?‘‘ you asked him. However, he was already too busy to listen to you as he turned off the game, saving his history.
That’s when you decided that someone had to teach him some manners. You spent days with Seven to refresh your game as you too once played LOLOL and were actually one of the best. The red haired man really enjoyed helping you beat Yoosung, but was really amazed when he saw that you could overpower him even without using dirty tricks.
,,Have fun and don’t play too much,“ you warned your husband as he excitedly walked out of the door because Seven invited him to play LOLOL and share his chips with him. What Yoosung still wasn’t aware of was that you were going to beat him in LOLOL. ,,Apparently nowadays there is an old gamer in the LOLOL fandom again who beats everyone. I hope they’re online,‘‘ Seven said, knowing that you were the one person. ,,They surely aren‘t as good as I am… besides, why are you saying they? It‘s a man for sure,‘‘ Yoosung laughed, putting some chips in his mouth as he logged in. ,,Boy, that‘s not true,‘‘ Seven said as he shook his head and made himself comfortable as he was about to see Yoosung get beaten by you. And so, Yoosung sat for five hours in front of the computer. ,,Is that the person?‘‘ he asked his red haired friend, shocked that he lost. Seven didn‘t even have the time to respond as Yoosung opened the third bottle of Dr. Pepper. ,,Ya, I don‘t get them for free. I do pay them. Can‘t you just-‚‘‘ ,,Don‘t talk to me, I need to concentrate!‘‘ he hissed. A few hours later, Yoosung opened the front door to his apartment as he stepped in, totally depressed about losing in his game. Of course, you on the other hand was totally happy and couldn‘t believe that you just beat him.
At first you wanted to tell Yoosung that the one who was teasing him was you, but honestly speaking, it was a bit funny. And so this teasing from you went on for a week straight until the veterinary hospital called. ,,Dr. Kim is already missing for a week now and we are short on staff,‘‘ the vet tech mumbled, surprising you that Yoosung had been lying to you for a week. ,,So the one who beat me was you all along?‘‘ he mumbled as you pulled him out of the internet café. ,,Yes and now please go to work!‘‘ ,,But Mc! I got beaten by you and- please teach me the tricks!‘‘ he begged you. Since that day, you and Yoosung agreed on playing once a week together with the deal that he would take regular breaks.
25.08.2021// 22:29 MEST
@sanity-sam​​ @lunastorm725 @shiromew​ @shy-nanya​​ @neko-gaia​​ @greenlit-mess​  @alexandramunteanu132
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hotpinkhoshi · 5 years
the pact (2)
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pairing: jinyoung x reader
genre: romance, smut, a lil angst
warnings: sexual content, cursing, alcohol, cliche fwb to lovers, fuckboy!jb
word count: 7.4k
summary: you desperately need to get over your decade-long crush on lim jaebeom, and your close friend jinyoung needs to get over his ex—so the two of you make an arrangement: just sex, no feelings. what could go wrong?
a/n: first of all, thank you all so so so much for the love for the first part! i was so nervous posting and it completely blew my mind to get such a good response. this part is a bit longer and the smut is a bit more ... smutty lolol so just be aware of that. again please let me know your thoughts/feels it absolutely makes my day :) enjoy! 
(part one here)
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The rest of the weekend went quickly, considering you ended up sleeping until nearly twelve o’clock Saturday afternoon. 
You honestly thought the night before had been a dream, until you’d tripped on the box of condoms laying on the floor on your way to the bathroom to pee. Vaguely, you remembered Jinyoung tossing them there just before…
Groaning, you stared at your reflection in the mirror. Surely, you’d made a mistake. A big one—risking one of your longest friendships just for one night of blissful ignorance. This was not something you would normally do.  
While you weren’t nearly as calculated and cautious as Jinyoung, you usually knew better than to make hasty decisions, especially ones that could cost you your relationship with your loved ones. 
Filled with guilt and regret low in your stomach, you trudged back into your bedroom to check your phone. There were more than a few drunken snaps from the boys that had gone out last night, including one of Jackson drinking some concoction from a wine glass that made you shudder.
No texts, though. Honestly, you weren’t sure if that was a good thing or not. You’d half expected Jinyoung to text you as soon as he got home, telling you he’d made a terrible mistake and that he’d rather not talk to you ever again.
However, it felt strange that he hadn’t messaged you at all, for a reason you couldn’t quite put your finger on. This had been what you’d wanted, right? Just two friends helping each other out, no extra strings involved. And Jinyoung had never been the type to text more than necessary.
This thought relieved some of your worries, enough that you could put your phone down and venture out to get some food in your stomach. You weren’t hungover, necessarily, but you felt the effects of staying up too late and to be frank, you were sore. 
If Sana had any idea what had gone on last night after she retired to bed, she kept it hidden well. She was sitting at the kitchen island, scrolling through her phone and eating lunch. 
“Good morning,” you muttered, praying the tee you’d chosen had a high enough neck to keep your marks from Jinyoung hidden. The last thing you needed was for Sana to see a hickey that you most definitely did not have the last time she’d seen you.
“Do you mean good afternoon? What time did you get to bed last night, anyway?” Sana asked, spoon of soup halfway to her lips. 
You turned to the cupboard and pretended to mull over which mug you wanted to use for coffee. “Um, maybe... two? Not more than an hour after you went to bed...” 
“Hm,” she replied, and you held your breath waiting to see if she would say anything else to indicate she knew something had happened. “Oh my god, look at this video of a corgi my cousin tagged me in.”
Your entire body relaxed as you turned back to your roommate to watch the video on her phone. Maybe you had gotten away with it after all. 
The rest of the weekend, you found yourself back at work even though you weren’t scheduled to be there. There was always work to do, and it kept your mind busy to focus on something besides your reckless decisions. 
By Sunday evening, you’d outlined an entire business plan to get your sales back up before the summer hit, reorganized the entire cookbook section, and laid out next month’s employee schedule. 
Yugyeom made your life a little easier by staying until close, placing sale stickers on old paperbacks that you’d been trying to sell for months. He’d talked your ear off about Friday night, filling in all the details that you never asked for. 
“I’m not kidding, noona, this guy was two seconds from sucker punching Jackson just because he accidentally made out with his fiance. But she wasn’t wearing an engagement ring! I checked!” 
This was part of the reason you never went out with the guys when they hit the clubs. It was always fun until inevitably one of them caused utter chaos that you found yourself involved in every time, if only to try and diffuse the situation. 
You were becoming too old for the nightlife scene, you figured. 
“That’s crazy.” 
“I know!” Yugyeom placed his next sticker harshly, almost knocking over the entire pile. “But apparently, there is a God, because at that moment, a bachelor party came through the crowd and we lost them.”
You were about to mutter another ‘wow’ or ‘that’s crazy’ when the front door jingled. Just as you were about to tell the customer you closed in a few minutes, your words died in your throat. It wasn’t just any customer, it was Jinyoung. 
For a moment, you forgot that you’d just seen him naked two days ago. He was just Jinyoung, your oldest friend. 
“Jinyoung!” you exclaimed, setting down your clipboard. 
He offered you a smile, running his fingers through his hair before shoving his hands in his pockets. “Hey. Sorry, I know you guys close soon. I just wanted to see if you’d gotten a particular book in.” 
Nodding, you came out from behind the counter once he told you the title, leading him to the row of shelves where you kept the new releases. You shouted back for Yugyeom to lock the front door and clock out a while, since this wasn’t the first time you’d let Jinyoung in the store past closing time. 
“Ah, right here,” you said, pulling the book from the shelf and placing it in Jinyoung’s hands. 
It wasn’t until you made eye contact with him, his shoulder close enough to brush against yours, that you had a flashback to the other night. His head between your thighs, your fingers laced into his hair. 
You looked down abruptly, tucking your hands into the pockets of your cardigan. “Anything else I can help you find?” 
Jinyoung didn’t answer at first, just rubbed the back of his neck and exhaled slowly. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you. About Friday.” He lowered his voice, leaning close enough you could smell his cologne. 
You swallowed. “Okay.” 
“I wanted to apologize,” he said, taking you by surprise. 
“For what?”
Jinyoung sighed, chewing his lip with his teeth for a moment. “I was worried that I took advantage of you. You were drinking, you were upset, and maybe you didn’t exactly have a clear head.” 
Somehow, his response was a relief. You’d been expecting him to have regrets for completely different reasons than just his conscience. 
“I wasn’t drunk,” you told him, shaking your head. “I was basically sober. And yeah, I was upset, but... I don’t regret it. I think I needed it.” 
Jinyoung looked relieved as well. His shoulders visibly relaxed and he raised his brows. “Me too, actually. It’s hard to explain, but--”  
“I get it,” you said, because you were sure you did, without him saying the words. “It reminded you Yeri isn’t the only girl in the world that could want you?” 
Jinyoung nodded. “Same for you?” 
“Yeah. Except I know Jaebeom doesn’t want me, not the way I want him to. I just needed to see that someone else could. Plus, it was a nice distraction, right?” You smiled, trying to lighten the mood. 
“Exactly,” he chuckled. “A really nice distraction.” 
Again, you were reminded of the way it felt to have his skin against yours and the weight of his body on you. The way his teeth grazed your neck. It was hard to forget, considering you’d had to layer up concealer over the purple marks that just barely peeked over the collar of your shirt. 
There was an air of awkwardness between the two of you, but that was to be expected, you figured. It didn’t make you regret that night or want to do it again any less. 
“Well, what are friends for, right?” you joked, and Jinyoung let out a lighthearted laugh. Your stomach flipped ever so slightly that you could make him laugh like that, for some reason. You’d never cared before. 
“Right,” he agreed. “Also, finding incredible books.” He held up the one in his hand, which served as a reminder that Yugyeom was still in the store somewhere, and he had a way of popping up places you didn’t expect him to be.
“Here, let me get you checked out and you can head home.” 
You led Jinyoung back to the register, already feeling so much better about the whole situation. You hadn’t lost him forever, which was truly what you’d been worried about. 
But you realized that was a silly notion. You’d both wanted it, and frankly, you’d both needed it. 
After ringing up Jinyoung’s book, you walked him out of the store to bid him goodbye, letting him know to text you to let you know how the book was. Just like you normally would. 
It wasn’t until Wednesday night that you found yourself contemplating texting Jinyoung. To be specific, texting Jinyoung for sex. It still sounded absolutely ridiculous in your head, but it was the truth. 
You’d spoken a few times, no more than usual, mostly about his new read and other random things that came up. It appeared that your friendship would continue as normal. 
Then Jaebeom had texted you. In the middle of the week, during your lunchtime, a simple ‘hey :)’ that had you gawking at your phone and almost choking on your chicken salad. 
Since you weren’t an idiot and you were committed to truly moving on from your infatuation, you ignored it. But you couldn’t help thinking about it for the rest of the day, even after you arrived home. 
You needed a distraction, and you needed it bad. 
you: hey you: are you home from work?
Jinyoung: Yeah, why?
you: ...can I come over?
Jinyoung: Of course.
Even though he texted like a robot, you knew he would have said no if he really didn’t want you coming over. You prayed he understood the implications of your visit, that you weren’t just coming over to discuss the weather. 
Jinyoung lived close enough that you were at his apartment within half an hour, a modest but definite upgrade from your tiny two bedroom. 
Somehow, you pushed your nerves down by the time Jinyoung answered the door, dressed in a simple black long sleeved tee and his work khakis. You now appreciated him in this outfit in a way you wouldn’t have a week ago. 
“Hey,” he said, inviting you inside. “I was just finishing up a quick dinner. Are you hungry?”
“Mm,” you replied, inhaling the scent of frying veggies and garlic. “Actually, yeah. What did you make?” 
“Just some stir fry and ramen, nothing special,” he told you, leading you into the kitchen with a hand at the small of your back. It sent tingles up your spine, and something told you it was intentional on his part. 
Once he sat you down at the kitchen island on one of the stools there, you watched as he made the finishing touches to the pan he had warming on the stove. 
You hadn’t been to his place in a while, but it looked like nothing had changed. It was clean, even the kitchen, despite the fact that he’d been making dinner. When you made dinner, it looked like a tornado hit the kitchen. 
There weren’t many personal touches in his space, but enough for you to recognize it as Jinyoung’s. A photo of himself and his parents on the fridge, an old record player set up in the corner, and bookshelf stuffed full with novels in the living room. The open floor plan made his apartment appear much bigger than it was, in reality, but you preferred it over your cluttered space. 
“Here, try this,” Jinyoung said, holding a wooden spoon in front of your lips. You obeyed, letting him feed you the broth. 
It was delicious. You’d never eaten anything he’d prepared as far as you could remember, but you were thoroughly impressed so far. 
“Mm, I had no idea you were such a great cook.” 
He chuckled, shaking his head and walking back over to finish up the food. “I’m not. I just know how to follow a recipe, that’s all.” 
“Yeah, so do I, but somehow it always ends up terrible.” 
“That’s because you’re actually awful at following a recipe,” he said as he turned back to you, a bowl of ramen in one hand and a plate of stir fry in the other. 
You gasped, offended. “I am not!” 
Jinyoung raised a brow. “Remember that cooking class we had to take in high school? You messed up banana bread. There are like, four ingredients in banana bread.” 
“Well, the recipe was wrong.” You pressed your lips together defiantly. “It didn’t taste that bad, anyway.” 
Jinyoung set your meal down in front of you, then leaned his elbows on the counter and stared at you. “Are you sure about that?”
You pouted. You vaguely remembered your teacher immediately coughing and grabbing for a napkin to spit your banana bread out into. Jinyoung, at the time, hadn’t even laughed at you even while everyone else did. He just came over to your station while everyone else was cleaning up, going over the recipe with you to find where you’d gone wrong. 
“Well, I’ve gotten better since then. Maybe.” 
Jinyoung chuckled, turning away from you once more to grab his own plates. “I believe you, though you might have to prove it to me sometime.” 
“I will,” you told him firmly. “But it definitely won’t smell or taste as good as this.” 
And it did taste good, once you took your first bite. Better than good. It’d been a long time since you’d had a warm, home cooked meal. You’d been lazy these days, heating up instant meals or ordering takeout. This was a welcome change. 
While the two of you ate, you mostly talked about your days at work. Nothing in particular, but the conversation flowed the way it did between two friends that had known each other as long as you’d known Jinyoung. Even the silence while you ate was comfortable. 
After you both finished with your meal, you stood and insisted on gathering up the dishes. If you couldn’t cook him a decent meal to return the favor, you’d at least help clean up. 
You stacked the plates, dumping the bits of food left over into the trash and rinsing off the plates. When you turned back around from the dishwasher, you found Jinyoung much closer to you than he had been a minute ago. 
“You really don’t have to do that,” he told you, crowding you against the sink. He placed his hands on the counter on either side of you, boxing you in. “But thank you.” 
You shivered, looking up at him and nodding meekly. “You’re welcome.” Your voice came out much quieter than intended. 
“Now,” he said, moving even closer until you felt his hips pressing into yours. “How about dessert?” 
It would have sounded cheesy coming from anyone else, but from him, it sent a wave of heat through your body. After all, this was what you came for. 
When Jinyoung finally leaned in to press his lips into yours, you relaxed, sliding your hands up his torso until they rested on his chest. Though neither of you had any alcohol in your system, you felt more at ease than you had the other night. 
You knew he wanted you, and you both knew your intentions. There was no reason to worry. As a bonus, you could freely move about his apartment without trying to be quiet. 
Jinyoung kissed you as if he’d been thinking of this all day, like he’d been waiting to feel your lips against his and your tongue dipping into the wetness of his mouth. It’d been so long since anyone kissed you the way Jinyoung did. 
Though you’d been intoxicated beyond coherence, you had committed your one kiss with Jaebeom to memory at this point. He’d kissed you lazily—like he knew you weren’t going anywhere, like it could have been anyone and it wouldn’t have made a difference. 
Jinyoung was receptive when he kissed, as if gauging your reactions to each of his movements and using the knowledge to make your knees weak. Each lick, kiss, and bite was perfectly calculated to prepare you for the pleasure he would bring you later. 
For a while, you simply just kissed. His hands traveled from the counter to your hips, sliding them upwards until they were on your skin underneath of your simple white shirt. This could have been enough for you, honestly. The way he melted his lips into yours was warming your entire body, just aching to be closer to him in whatever way you could. 
When you pulled away, it was only to drag Jinyoung’s sweater up off of his torso and drop it to the floor. It still surprised you to see how fit he was, even more so in much better lighting this time—despite having just eaten a full meal. How had he been hiding this from you for so long? 
You wanted to give his physique the proper attention it deserved, so you ran your fingertips down his solid chest, until they grazed over the ridges of his abs. You licked your lips, imagining what it would be like to run your tongue over the skin there. 
He had just the lightest happy trail leading you right to the button on his khakis. Your eyes traveled back up his body until you locked eyes with him, where you found him staring at you hungrily. 
“Jinyoung… can I…?” You started, popping open the button with your index finger. 
His eyes widened ever so slightly once he realized what you meant. “Yes. God, yes.” 
So you dropped to your knees right on the kitchen floor, tipping your chin up to maintain eye contact. “I kept thinking about this, you know.” You willed yourself not to blush and betray your nerves. 
“Yeah?” he asked, running his teeth over his bottom lip. “What else have you thought about?”
You slid the zipper of his khakis down, revealing the plain black boxer briefs underneath. The fabric strained, fighting a losing battle with the bulge it was trying to contain. “The way you fit inside me—god, it felt perfect, Jinyoung.” 
You teased the waistband with your fingers, your eyes traveling up his body once more until you could look up at him, blinking innocently. “I kept wondering how you’d taste. If you’d feel just as perfect like this.” 
For the most part, Jinyoung kept his composure, but you knew him well enough to see beyond the steeled expression on his face. How his jaw tightened, his knuckles turning white as they gripped the countertop in front of him. The barely detectable hitch in his breath.
“Go ahead and find out.” 
You sat back on your heels, your hand dipping inside his waistband to grip his erection. You were grateful for the lighting of the kitchen, allowing you to see up close just how flawless he was, from head to toe. 
Jinyoung inhaled sharply as you freed his cock from inside of his khakis, your fingers wrapping around the middle of his shaft. You realized just how much you’d missed out on the other night.
Your eyes stayed on him as you leaned forward, sticking your tongue out flat as you ran it up the underside of the shaft. Though he didn’t make a noise, you caught the way his eyelashes fluttered and his gaze darkened. 
You placed a wet kiss at the tip of his cock before you began to take him into your mouth. Slowly. You wanted him to feel every inch of your mouth as it surrounded him, desperate to break his steady demeanor. 
One of his hands released its grip from the countertop, coming to the side of your face to brush your hair away, his thumb stroking your cheek. “So,” he said, “how does it feel, angel? Good?”
You batted your eyelashes up at him, your mouth still wrapped around his shaft. You weren’t quite ready to pull away, so you just nodded your head, careful not to let any bit of his cock slip out. 
The way Jinyoung smirked back down at you sent warmth straight between your thighs, causing you to squeeze your knees together from where you sat on the cold kitchen floor. 
Giving head had never been your favorite. You didn’t hate it, but something about it made you feel awkward and sometimes uncomfortable. It caused you a pinch of anxiety, worrying that you’d do something wrong or embarrassing like choke or accidentally bite down. 
However, you were loving this. You really had fantasized about it all week, though you weren’t sure why, considering you never had before. Something about having this power over Jinyoung, even as he stared down at you with such a domineering gaze, turned you on beyond words. You were hungry for it for the first time. 
Jinyoung slipped his fingers through your hair, gripping onto the strands to gently guide your mouth off of him, then pushed with the lightest pressure so you’d take him in again. You let your eyes fall closed, your hands traveling up his thighs to give yourself something to hold onto. 
You let him set the pace with his hand at the back of your head. He was gentle with you, but you knew he was holding back. He’d looked the same the other night. His brow twitched, and his lips pressed firmly together. 
“You’re doing so well,” he told you, his other hand coming to join the other at the back of your head, stroking your hair softly. 
Encouraged by his praise, you attempted to take just one extra inch inside your mouth on your next downstroke. You squeezed your eyes shut as the head hit the back of your throat, making you cough around his cock but you didn’t give up. 
“Oh, fuck,” Jinyoung whispered, just as he slipped past the resistance of your gag reflex and you dug your nails into the fabric of his pants.
When you opened your eyes to look up at him, you were pleased to see you had definitely had an effect on him. His head was thrown back, his face screwed up in pleasure. 
You continued. Working hard to train your throat to take more and more of him inside, even though your jaw ached and your throat was becoming sore. It was worth it for the quiet moans and groans you were pulling out of Jinyoung. 
“Oh, oh shit—“ Jinyoung said suddenly after a few more minutes, his hands tugging harshly on your hair to pull your mouth off of him. You winced at the sudden sharp pain at your scalp. “Fuck, I’m sorry, I just. You need to stop.”
You’d gotten lost in the act, only focused on one thing, you hadn’t realized just how hard he’d become. As curious as you were to see what it would feel like, what he’d look like coming into your mouth, you needed him inside of you.
Standing from the kitchen floor, you wiped at your mouth and chin with your sleeve. You didn’t realize how messy you’d gotten.
Jinyoung didn’t waste much time. Your shirt was off in seconds, joining his sweater somewhere on the floor. His eyes caught sight of your marks, almost entirely faded but still visible. 
He ran the tip of his index finger down the side of your neck and along your collarbone, making you shiver. “Did anyone see these?” he asked, his eyes flicking up to meet yours. 
You shook your head. “No, I kept them covered. I had to use makeup the first couple of days, though.” 
You’d been paranoid all week, making sure the collar of your shirts covered all of the hickies Jinyoung had left on your skin. It wouldn’t have been a huge deal if you didn’t live with Sana—if she had seen, she would have had  too many questions and you were an awful liar. You would have broken in moments and told her everything. 
Jinyoung hummed, slipping his fingers back to the nape of your neck. “I guess this time I’ll have to mark you where no one can see them but me.” 
He pulled you in for a kiss, his other hand sliding down to your lower back so he could bring your bodies flush together. You moaned into his mouth, feeling his hardness pressed between you. 
Jinyoung’s hand slid around to the front of you, undoing your jeans with one hand while the other stayed buried in your hair. You helped him out, pushing your jeans down your hips and kicking them off once they’d gotten down to your shins. 
He parted from your lips after a moment and took his hands off of you, stepping back to take in your half naked frame. Your cheeks felt hot under his stare. He looked at you with such a lustful, predatory gaze that was totally new to you. Your skin tingled, just wanting to feel his touch once more. 
“You wanna know what I thought about these last few days?” He asked, running his tongue over his bottom lip, pink and slightly swollen from your kisses. 
All you could do was nod, your heart pounding in your chest. 
“All the sounds I could get you to make. I bet you sound incredible when you just let go, and especially when you come.” Jinyoung took one step towards you, trailing a fingertip down the front of your throat, down between the valley of your breasts. “Let’s see how loud you can be, hm?” 
You knew, deep in your soul, that Jinyoung could easily get you screaming and writhing underneath of him. It was as if the other night had just been a fraction of the pleasure he could give you. After all, you’d been forced to stay quiet and you’d been so nervous. But he had an air about him, a confidence that suggested he knew what he was doing, and exactly how to unravel you. 
When Jinyoung stepped forward again, this time he was grabbing you around the backs of your thighs, lifting you up to wrap your legs around him. He carried you the short distance over to the couch, setting you down so you perched on the back edge. 
“Remember what I promised?” 
How could you forget? The image he’d painted into your mind while he was thrusting inside of you, of your body bent over the back of his couch, letting the entire world hear just how good he could make you feel. It had replayed in your mind countless times since then.
“Yes,” you answered, hands gripping onto the fabric of the couch on either side of you. 
“Spread your legs,” he told you, then kneeled down in front of you. You obeyed. You could feel his eyes raking over you once more, which never affected you any less. Had he ever looked at you like this before? It was taking the breath right from your chest. “Take that off.” 
As he nodded to your top half, you reached behind yourself, unclasping your bra before letting it fall away. You would have done whatever he asked right now, no question. All you could see in your haze of desire was Jinyoung. You shivered and noticed his window was open, letting a light breeze drift across your half naked frame. 
God, he really did want all of his neighbors to hear you. 
Just as he did last time, he started slow. He propped one of your legs up on his shoulder, turning his head to place gentle kisses on your inner thighs. His hands kept your legs spread to his liking, giving him ample room where he knelt. 
If anything, he was teasing you more this time around. Maybe because it was just you and him, no time constraints, no reason to keep your pleasure to yourselves. You were screwed, if your first experience with him was just a warm up. 
You tipped your head back and closed your eyes, basking in the gentle ministrations of his mouth. He hadn’t even gotten to your heat yet, just nuzzling your thighs and leaving wet kisses on your skin. Every now and then, he stopped to suck at your skin, undoubtedly leaving a hickey in his wake. 
When you felt his teeth sink into your thigh, you gasped, lowering your chin to look down at him. He raised a brow to check that you were okay, you nodded eagerly. Though most probably wouldn’t expect it from you, you absolutely loved when men were a bit more rough with you. Nothing too crazy, but you craved the delicate balance between pain and pleasure. 
Jinyoung finally led his kisses upwards, closer and closer to your core. When his lips met the edge of your panties, he pulled back to remove them, sliding the lace down your legs until they dropped off your ankle. 
His burning gaze scanned over you once more, full of hunger, before he finally leaned in and got to work. The moment his tongue touched your clit, your mouth fell open and your nails dug into the upholstery you were keeping balance on. 
Even just the slightest kitten licks he started with had your hips twitching up towards his face, causing his hands to come around your waist, holding you in place. You had thought of him all week, just like this, more times than you would admit to him or yourself. He’d worked magic with his tongue, and you’d been desperate to feel it again. 
At a perfectly angled flick of his tongue, you moaned out his name instinctively, which just encouraged him even more. He was pulling out all the stops, you figured, determined to have you noisy as could be. 
“Fuck, right there,” you moaned, your hand reaching for the back of his head. 
Jinyoung scooted closer, grabbing both of your thighs to hook them over his shoulders, while his tongue drifted down to your center to taste you there. He hummed as soon as your wetness hit his tongue, the vibrations going straight to your clit. He really wanted to drive you crazy. 
He pulled back just enough to circle his index and middle fingers around your entrance, coating them with your arousal before they pushed inside. You whimpered, your walls clamping on his digits. 
“Tell me how it feels,” he told you, his voice deep and laced with want.
Your eyes opened and you lifted your head, tilting your face down to watch him. “So—fuck, so good,” you started, biting hard onto your lower lip as you watched him twist his fingers inside of you. “I thought about this so many times,” you admitted. 
“Yeah?” he asked, leaning in to suck at your clit for a long moment just because he could. Your hips lifted as he pulled away, whining when the sensation of his mouth left you. “Did you touch yourself?”
Your throat went dry as you stared down at him, cheeks going red as you thought back to the other night in bed. You’d tossed and turned, debating with yourself. It seemed to cross a line, somehow, to touch yourself while thinking of him. But you’d lost the battle, eventually shoving your hands into your sweatpants and rubbing yourself to your peak. 
“Yes,” you answered, swallowing. “I had to. I couldn’t stop thinking about your mouth on me.” 
Jinyoung had the nerve to smirk, his fingers still working in and out of you. “Dirty girl,” he teased, his voice condescending in a way that sent a tingle straight to your core. “Did you come?” 
You could only nod, unable to form words with the way he was fucking his fingers into you. He looked awfully pleased with your answer, and you couldn’t believe how hot it was. He’d always been cocky, but you had no idea it would turn you on so much. 
Just as you expected him to continue eating you out, he stood from between your legs, his fingers sliding out of you. He silenced your protesting with his lips on yours, kissing you hard enough to take your breath away. 
As he pulled away, he grabbed your hips and forced you to stand. “You want to see what I’ve been thinking about all week?” He turned you around, sliding his arms tenderly around your waist and placing a kiss to your shoulder. “Bend over, angel. And don’t move.” 
His touch left you then as he walked away. You stood there, bent over the couch with your arms folded in front of you for what felt like an hour but in reality, was probably less than a minute. You’d never felt so exposed, quite literally, even though you’d made sure that his curtains were closed and you weren’t giving any of his neighbors a free show.
When Jinyoung returned, you heard the clinking of his pants and underwear being shoved to the floor, then the foil of the condom wrapper. You waited, obedient as ever, while Jinyoung rolled the condom onto himself. It felt like your heart was about to pound right out of your chest in anticipation.
“Ready?” he asked, sliding his hand down from your shoulder blades to your lower back. 
“Mm,” you responded, arching your back. 
As he sank into you, you both let out sighs of pleasure. You felt like you’d memorized how he had felt inside of you before, but this was entirely new. The way his hips aligned with yours was heavenly, his cock angling inside of you just right. 
“Oh. Oh my God,” you moaned, your hands grasping onto the couch. “Don’t move for a sec, okay?” 
He listened, caressing your back with his hands and rubbing circles into your skin. “You okay?” he asked. 
“Yeah, you’re just—big,” you said, blushing and glancing back at him.
He managed not to smirk at you this time, but you knew he wanted to. Every guy liked to hear his dick was big, you were almost positive of that. As your walls stretched to accommodate him, you nodded at him, signaling for him to continue. 
Jinyoung set a slow but deep pace inside of you and it had you moaning every time he bottomed out. He was muttering words of praise, mostly inaudible, but you could barely focus on anything besides the way he was pushing into your g-spot. 
You made up for his silence. Moaning his name, louder and louder as he picked up his pace. Your head dipped forward to rest against your arm, one hand covering your mouth to silence a particularly loud cry. 
Before you even realized what was happening, Jinyoung tore your hand away from your mouth. “I don’t think so,” he told you. He reached around you, relentless with his thrusts, and grabbed both of your hands. He pulled both of your arms behind you until he had your wrists linked behind your back, clasped underneath of his palm.
“Fuck, Jinyoung, I can’t—“ you whined, pressing your forehead into the cushion. 
“You can,” he responded. “I told you, I want you loud. Tell me what you need.”
“You’re—” you started, letting out a strangled moan, “so good. Fuck me harder, please. Please.” 
His hips snapped against you in a forceful thrust, pushing you forward into the couch, but you loved it. The noises he had you making were louder and dirtier than anything that had ever come out of your mouth with previous partners. You were still getting used to the fact that Jinyoung could get you to this place, so needy and desperate.
Jinyoung’s pace inside of you got faster, and you drowned out the sounds of his skin hitting yours with your moans, the volume reaching new heights when he reached around with his free hand to rub your clit. 
“Are you close?” he asked, leaning forward to kiss your shoulder. “You’re so tight. Jesus.” 
You nodded. “I-I’m so close, Jinyoung. Please, please, don’t stop.” 
For once, Jinyoung was the obedient one, driving into you at a consistently breathtaking pace. All you could think about was the way he felt inside of you and his two fingers drawing patterns on your clit. 
“Come on, baby,” he whispered near your ear, “Be a good girl for me.” 
That was all it took. Somewhere, in the back of your head, you knew you were too loud. It was the middle of the evening, there was no way there wouldn’t be a noise complaint called into his landlord. But you couldn’t help it. 
The heat in your belly spread to flames, engulfing your entire body as you came, hard, around him. He practically had you sobbing, your hands pinned behind your back giving you absolutely nothing to hold onto. You were completely at his mercy. 
Jinyoung at least let you rest for a moment, slowing his movements inside of you. He dropped your hands and you slumped over the couch, your thighs still twitching with the aftershocks. 
“Come here,” he said, gently pulling you up to a full standing position and turning you around, his cock slipping out of you. Just that was enough to make you whimper, too oversensitive from your orgasm. 
He lifted you up again, carrying you around to the other side of the couch. Laying you down, he climbed on top of you. You were finally coherent enough to wrap your arms around him, pulling him down for a kiss. 
As great as your previous position had been, you had missed seeing his face, which was unexpected but you decided to push that feeling down. 
When he pulled away, you locked eyes with him and nodded, silently signaling for him to continue. You wanted to make him feel good, wanted him to reach euphoria just as you had, though it’d be a much quieter experience. 
You exhaled when he slipped back inside of you, your walls still wet and eager for him, if not more so now. He kept eye contact with you as if he knew that’s what you had been missing before. His gaze was so intense it had you pulsing between your legs all over again. 
This time, his pace wasn’t as quick or forceful, but he was still reaching spots inside of you that made you shiver. One hand came up to the side of your face, stroking his thumb over your cheek gently, contrasting with the way he was pushing inside of you. 
You wrapped your arms around him, pressing your fingers into the skin of his shoulder blades. He groaned and leaned his forehead against yours, thrusting into you deep. 
“Right there,” you told him, resisting every urge to squeeze your eyes shut. You wouldn’t come again, you were too worn out, but you knew he was capable of taking you there, if he had a little less mercy.
Jinyoung’s thrusts got faster, a bit less controlled, hinting that he wouldn’t last much longer. “Fuck, Y/N,” he panted. He dropped his head down, kissing down your jaw to your throat. “Gonna come soon.”
“Please,” you breathed, mustering the strength to roll your hips up to meet his next thrust. “I want it, Jinyoung, please.”
With a few more thrusts, he suddenly slowed to a stop, his entire body stiffening as he came. His teeth scraped against your skin, hard enough to nearly break skin. The sound he made was one you wanted to remember forever.
Jinyoung stilled inside of you after a moment, pressing his lips into your skin one final time before he pulled away. “Are you okay?” he asked, not because he was worried but just because he cared. 
“Mhm,” you answered. “Legs are jelly still, though.” 
He chuckled lowly and sat up, sliding out of you. “Should I apologize or say you’re welcome?” 
You slapped playfully at his chest and sat up as well. “Loser. Get me a towel, please?” 
Once you’d gotten cleaned up and your clothes back on, you and Jinyoung sat on the couch, Netflix playing some true crime documentary you’d both seen the first episode of before and never continued. Neither of you were one to binge TV. Books, however, were a different story. 
The way you were curled up on the couch could have appeared rather romantic, but it was mostly because your legs were already sore from bending over the back of the couch. Or so you told yourself. 
You leaned into Jinyoung’s side, his arm thrown over the cushion beside you. The evening was still young, and you’d both figured there was no need for you to leave so soon. Besides, it made the whole situation feel cheap if you left within five minutes of having an orgasm. 
“Have you ever wondered how many serial killers you’ve sold books to?” Jinyoung asked, breaking the silence. 
You stared at him, furrowing your eyebrows. “No. But now I will, asshole.” He grinned, running his fingertips up and down the curve of your shoulder. “Oh, God. Probably so many.” 
“You know that guy with the big cowboy belt? The one that’s always buying the sleazy novels?”
“Oh, definitely,” you answered, turning your head into his chest and giggling. “He always puts them face down as if I don’t know what I’m ringing up.” 
“If you disappear, I’ll be sure to let the police know to add him to the suspect list.” 
You huffed. “Thanks, Jinyoung.” 
“Anytime.” He gave you a shit eating grin, squeezing your shoulder. “Hey, you going to BamBam’s birthday thing on Saturday?” 
You hummed in response. “Are you?” 
“I thought about it. Been a while since I’ve been out to a club, though. I’m afraid I’ll look like the old grumpy man in the corner.” 
The mental image had you giggling again. “I mean, you might. But yeah, I’ll be there. Need me to get you drunk to loosen you up?”
Jinyoung chuckled. “Maybe. As long as you don’t take advantage of me, try and drag me into any dark corridors...”
You feigned offense, a hand to your chest. “Would I do something like that?” 
“I don’t know,” he stared down at you, “would you?” 
You narrowed your eyes. “Never. I’m a lady.” 
Jinyoung snorted. “Pretty sure the noises you were making just a bit ago were not very ladylike.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said. “I’m a respectable young woman.” 
When Jinyoung’s hand drifted down from your shoulder to your waist, pulling you closer, you stared up at him with raised eyebrows. “Do you need a reminder?” 
You swatted his hand away, wiggling away from him. “Oh my God, you’re insatiable. I’m still sore, you freak. Give me at least a 24 hour recovery period.” 
When his hand decided to squeeze and tickle your sides, you shrieked and tried to scoot away from him but he was too quick, grasping both your hips and keeping you in place. 
“I’ll give you something, alright,” he said, grinning down at you. “You’re gonna have to work on your stamina.” 
You tried and failed to move away from him, your hands weakly slapping at his shoulders while you giggled underneath of him. “Jinyoung!”
“Hmm, now that sounds familiar.” 
“I hate you so much,” you said around your laughs, practically gasping for breath now. Jinyoung finally relented, ceasing his tickling but remaining on top of you. 
“I doubt that,” he responded, leaning down to catch your lips with his. You relaxed under him, your hands clasping his shoulders as you deepened the kiss.
When you instinctively rolled your hips up towards the growing bulge in his pants, he pulled away, a shocked look on his face. “I thought you needed 24 hours?”
You scrunched your nose at him, pinching his ear. “Shut up and take my clothes off.” 
It turned out, you didn’t quite need as much recovery time as you thought. After Jinyoung brought you over the edge twice, one time with just his fingers and another deep inside of you, you both got dressed once more. 
Reminiscent of your first night together, Jinyoung smoothed your hair back away from your face and thumbed your chin as you stood by the door. “Drive safe.” 
“I will. Thanks,” you told him again, chewing your lip. “I’ll see you Saturday?” 
“Mm. Text me if you need me before then, okay?”
You both knew what he meant. Even as you walked out of his apartment down to your car, you had a feeling you’d be begging to see him long before Saturday arrived.
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2020inhumanform · 3 years
Rules: Answer questions and tag blogs you are contractually obligated to know better. Thanks for the tag, @massivegothdreamerpanda !
Name: Jeremy/Jamie
Pronouns: He/him
Star Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5'10 
Time Currently: 3:56 a.m.
Birthday: December 10th
Favorite Bands/Groups: One Direction, Panic! At the Disco, Semisonic, Den-Mate, Plain White T's, Cherry Glazerr, idk my tastes change a lot. 
Favorite Solo Artists: Jesus. Uh… Taylor Swift (don't @ me), Harry Styles (seriously, don't @ me), Hozier, Billie Eilish, Adele, Bruno Mars, Ariana Grande, Frank Ocean, Angel Olsen, Madonna, SO many others, jfc. 
Song stuck in your head: lmaooo!  Boys, by Charli XCX, no joke. (Also add her to the fave solo artists list.)
Last movie you watched: Legally Blond, this afternoon w my partner, but it was w zoning-out pick bc we were both tired, so imma add Three Days of the Condor, bc I saw it for the first time recently and was fucking blown away. 
Last show you binged: The Untamed. Taking my previously-referenced partner through it and he loves (obviously). We've been doing 1-3 a day. We're on Episode 38. 😎
When you created your blog: A few weeks ago lolol. But I had one for a couple of years that I deleted for safety reasons last April, and it's fucking staggering how different it feels after spending so much time on twitter for the last few months. Plus I think social media has changed a lot with the pandemic. A lot of my friends and old followers are almost exclusively on Insta or Snap now, which are apps I'm just never gonna be into. 
Last thing you googled: Fuck. Um. I'm gonna skip this one. (But it was for science, promise.)
Why I chose my URL: Just my morbid sense of humor. I'm still having some trouble looking in the mirror and joking helps me feel brave I guess.
Do you get asks: Not like I used to, or like I did when I attempted having a curiouscat blog. The ones I do get are from my friends, and they're ones my friends know for sure I'm not going to answer lolol. 
How many people are you following: 94 rn.
How many followers do you have: Just 42 so far. 
Average hours of sleep: Around six. I can't sleep too long bc I'm prone to bgl drops and waking up with one sucks. I take a midday nap to compensate if I can. 
Instruments: None really. I played the flute for two years in middle school (*insert obvious gay joke here*) and can tap out a couple of pieces on the piano, but don't play either instrument well. 
Currently wearing: Black sweats, a gray T-Shirt, and an ankle boot (they took off my cast early, yay!!!).
Dream Job: Novelist. 
Dream Trip: Exploring the UK, or a Mediterranean cruise. 
Favorite food: Damn, idk. All of them? I'm big into Mexican food bc I can adapt so many recipes for my diet--and bc I'm from California, probably. But I had a chicken pho soup today I almost cried over, it was so good. (Did I mention? I also got my wires removed early! I've got bands now. They still suck and I can't yet really eat the kinds of solids you have to chew but OH MY GOD the improvement! And I can really kiss Gabe now!!!! ...well, kiss him better. lolol)
Top three fictional universes you'd like to live in: Is it fucked up if I say Harry Potter? (😩 Predicated on the Death of the Author ofc.) And maybe More's Utopia, or Narnia. Oh, can I live in The Untamed universe? Because there, frfr.
Consider yourself tagged if you want to do this! 
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sebspocketsquare · 5 years
Wishing you were here... 1
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (chatroom)
A/N: Hey guys! Here’s the first real thing I’ve worked on this year... oops! Anyway, I’ve had a lot of fun writing this, so I hope you enjoy reading it! Part 1 is mostly just a preview of what’s to come, I have other, longer chapters written and I’m thinking I’ll post once a week! Let me know what you think! (PS i did put a ‘read more’ link in here, so hopefully it works!)
Warnings: language, maybe? flirting? pet names
The only light illuminating your bedroom is the one that comes from your computer screen - bright, almost blinding, and making your eyes silently scream for sleep. 
You’re moments from giving in, from turning away from the chat room you’d found your way into a few weeks ago, hoping that you’d find someone to take the edge off your loneliness.
Unfortunately, all you’d managed to find was creepy 60 year old men begging to see your breasts. You weren’t here for it. 
A long yawn escapes you, the kind that makes you raise your arms over your head and extend your entire spine. You’re in the process of lowering your arms to exit out of the chat program, when a new IM appears on your screen.
[Sarge1917]: Hello.
You refrain from rolling your eyes, willing yourself to believe that this one won’t be a creep… but there’s a nagging thought in the back of your head, one that whispers: he’s just like the rest.
You reply anyway.
[SpaceKitten]: Hi there.
It takes a few moments before you receive a response.
[Sarge1917]: How are you?
You’re used to the first question someone asks you being “pics?” Or “dtf?” You can’t even think of one person on this god awful site that asked you how you were.
[SpaceKitten]: Honestly.. I’m exhausted. How are you?
His reply is almost instant this time.
[Sarge1917]: Oh, about the same. It’s pretty late where I am.. nearly morning, but I just can’t sleep. What’s got you up?
The fact that he has taken the time to try to have a normal conversation with you has you appalled… but also intrigued.
[SpaceKitten]: My mind won’t stop racing. I’m up all night, every night. I’d blame insomnia, but…
You hit the send button before you realize it. 
  [Sarge1917]: but…?
You don’t expect him to reply so quickly and you face an internal struggle: do you be honest, or do you lie? 
He’s a complete stranger, so why not tell the truth?
[SpaceKitten]: Honestly, I’ve never liked sleeping alone.. Once the sun sets and night takes over I.. I’m overwhelmed with how lonely I really am. I can’t stop thinking about it.
He doesn’t respond straight away this time, and you’re afraid you might’ve scared him off. Fiddling with a random toy on your desk, you anxiously await the sound of a new IM coming through.
[Sarge1917]: We have more in common than you think. I know that feeling, exactly, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’m sorry.
You’re chewing your lip as you re-read each word, letting it soak in. 
A total creep would never speak to you in such a sweet way, right? 
You decide to be brave.
[SpaceKitten]: I keep telling myself that Mr. Right will come along some day and sweep me off my feet, but.. The more I think about it, the more it seems unlikely.
[Sarge1917]: Why’s that?
You sit back in your chair for a moment, letting out a long sigh as you contemplate your response. You’d been honest with him so far, so why not continue on that note?
[SpaceKitten]: Honestly?
[Sarge1917]: Honestly.
Taking in a large breath, you write out your reply.
[SpaceKitten]: Honestly.. most of the men I’ve gone on dates with, and the ones I’ve met here only want one thing from me.. and I’m not looking for just that, you know? I want something.. real, I guess? That probably sounds stupid..
His response is delayed for a few moments, but when it finally shows on your screen, you have to bite back a smile.
[Sarge1917]: Not stupid at all.
[Sarge1917]: In fact, I’d like to apologize on behalf of all of the men who have made you feel like a sex object.
[Sarge1917]: Nowadays, most men are.. for a lack of a better word, pigs. It makes all of us look bad.
[Sarge1917]: You deserve better than that. You deserve to be treated like a goddess.
[SpaceKitten]: Oh, I don’t know about a ‘goddess’, but.. I’d like to at least be treated like a person.
[Sarge1917]: Like an equal.
[SpaceKitten]: It’s like you read my mind.
[Sarge1917]: (:
You’re not sure how late you stayed up talking to your new mystery friend, mostly because you end up falling asleep at the keyboard. The only reason you wake is the sun peeking through the curtains and directly on your face. 
The first thing you’re acutely aware of is that your back and neck are killing you. You’ve got drool stuck to your cheek and you’re quite sure the shape of the keys are embedded into the side of your face. 
You couldn’t look worse. 
The computer is still up and running, your chat app still open, along with your conversation.
You feel guilt flood your belly immediately.
While having such a pleasant conversation, you fall asleep on him? What kind of jerk does that make you?
The guilt starts to swirl and alter to another emotion as you read the last bit of your conversation over, the skin up your neck and to your cheeks burning with.. embarrassment? Desire? You weren’t sure.
[Sarge1917]: Well, kitten, it would appear you’ve fallen asleep on me. Can’t say I blame you, it’s nearly 7am here..
[Sarge1917]: I really enjoyed talking with you. And I’m glad I was able to help you find a way to sleep.
There’s a long time gap between the last message and the next.
[Sarge1917]: I was thinking.. maybe if you wanted.. we could talk again? I don’t know what it is, but.. I really would like to get to know you better.
[Sarge1917]: Would that be alright with you?
[Sarge1917]: I hope so.. Sweet dreams, kitten.
How could you possibly say no?
Night after night, week after week, you fall asleep at your desk messaging back and forth with Sarge. He’s sweet, charming and almost a little too perfect in some ways. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t grown attached - the kind of attached when chatting with him was the highlight of your day; the kind where you’d once spent an entire hour wondering what the color of his eyes were and if he has a beard or not. 
It’s the kind where you’re afraid that someday, he might disappear.
6 months later, you were still conversing every day, but that fear just seemed to grow and grow. How long would this last?
You’re in your usual spot at your computer with your usual snacks, listening to music. It’s late, your neighbors have already gone to sleep, and it almost feels like you’re the only person left awake in the entire world.
Until a new IM notification appears on your screen.
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TAGS: (sorry if you dont like being tagged, its been so long since i’ve posted idk who to tag anymore lolol. @mindingmyownbusiness @plumfondler  @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @loricameback @tinaferraldo @geminimoonbeamx  @preserumsteverogers @moderapoppins @lowkeysebby @buckyshattergirl  @jayattemptstoruletheworld   @the-observant-fangirl @moondancewrites @moonbeambucky @trinityjadec  @stevieang  @bionic-buckyb @eyecandybarnes @propertyofpoeandbucky @promarvelfangirl @ballyhoobarnes @bucky-plums-barnes @cate-lynne @witchymarvelspacecase @imaginingbucky @theimpossibleg1rl
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sassy-cissa · 4 years
Tagging Game Meme
Thanks for the tag @maesterchill! These are fun so here goes! (I did this last week and forgot to post) AO3 name: sassy_cissa Fandoms: Harry Potter. That’s it 😂 I’m a one-trick pony. Mainly Drarry, but I’ve written a few other pairings: Bill/Neville, Draco/Charlie, Snape/Hermione. Tropes: I like most and have written many. Tropes I particularly like are older Draco/Harry, Auror Partners, Drarry dads, getting together, getting back together, established relationship, infertility, Mediwizard Harry and/or Draco, Professor Harry and/or Draco, mpreg, seriously too many to remember. If I like it – I've probably written it. If it's on my "nope" list – you'll never see it from me. Number of fics: 90 (on AO3) there's probably a couple dozen more lingering around on LiveJournal - possibly more if you include the ones done for HD365 back in the day. Fic I spent the most time on: It would have to be "A Voice in a Dream" which I started in 2015 (facepalm) for that year's 25 Days of Draco and Harry and have not updated since 2016. I was just talking about it the other day and trying to decide if I should just pull it off AO3 (still pondering) - which is why I've not linked to it. It needs serious work. Fic I spent the least time on: Then the Tears Fall written for Drarry Drabble writers last year. It literally came out the second I read the prompt. (note it's MCD – so be warned) Longest fic: Next Time I Fall (21,639) written for 2019 H/D Glompfest on LJ. Shortest fic: See "Fic I spent the least time on" Most hits: We Found Love Right Where We Are Most kudos: same as most hits Most comment threads: Like the Sun Fades (Slowly, All At Once) Most bookmarks: Into My Heart Total word count: 531,533 Favourite fic I wrote: I can't possibly pick one when I've so many to choose from so here's a few: The White Dragon. By far not my most popular, but it holds a special place in my heart because – at the time – it was quite popular. lol French Blue. I love this one for many reasons. First it gave me the opportunity to explore absinthe and how do drink it properly and now to remember writing it with an old friend I've lost touch with. To this day it makes me smile. Scenes From a Remarkable Marriage NOTE: NOT H/D - Writing this took me so far out of my Drarry comfort zone it's crazy. But in the end it's one that I love. It was written a million years ago for hp10k_showcase. And to this day am still not sure why I was included in the group of writers. :P I could probably go on and on…but will stop there. Fic I want to rewrite/expand on: Really none. When I type "finis" at the end of a fic – I'm done. Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea your planning: Hmmm Currently I'm working on my fic for the H/D Mpreg Fest. I'm sure whatever line I would choose to post would give it away later – so not happening. And the other is a surprise… so again – not happening. Lol So either be thrilled that there are things in the works or annoyed for the same reason! lolol I'm sure everyone I know has been tagged – so skipping that part. But if you'd like to play…feel free.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What website is it easy to spend too much time on? Reddit. I used to spend hours on end on Reddit back when I had just discovered it and saw how many subreddits I can check out, but I’ve toned down these days. I mostly use scroll through the popular tag to help me fall asleep, but I still spend a lot of time on it nonetheless. What's been bothering you lately? One of my classes is a subject I never really wanted to venture into because it will demand me to be insanely extroverted, but I didn’t have a choice but to take it and now I’m worried for my sanity for the next four months. Do you ever get cravings for cheese? Yeah but I’m not as crazy for cheese as most girls around me seem to be lolol. Cheese is ayts. I mostly like it as a dip for Korean barbecue, and I don’t really like the more challenging/funky cheeses. Do you ever crave affection? Yep, sometimes I act needy towards my girlfriend. Would you name your baby after someone or give him/her his or her own name? Their main name would be their own, but I wouldn’t be opposed to having their second name be a tribute to somebody important to me. For instance, if I have a son I’ve always thought of giving him Owen as a second name as an homage to Owen Hart.
Do you think boys can wear pink and girls can wear blue? It’s 2020. We’re way past pink vs. blue now lmfao. But yes, of course. Which hair curlers have you had the best luck with? I don’t use those. What is the best way to curl your hair? In like the four times I’ve had my hair curled, the stylists always used a flat iron. Don't you hate it when people act like idiots just to make you mad? That’s a different level of assholery, but yep I imagine that would piss me off. If you were thrown into a lion's den, would you trust God to save you? Nope, I’ll be saying goodbye to all my loved ones in my head. Do you wish you could call the police on the police? Not in this country, because most police are abusive and dicks. Do you write in cursive or print more? Print. My penmanship is nicer that way, because my writing usually comes out in messy scribbles when I try to write in script. But I always regularly practice my high school’s unique cursive anyway so that I never forget it/get rusty at it. Were you alive before the Internet came out? No, I think the Internet was already kind of a thing by 1998. Do you like that trends from the 90's are coming back in style? Yeah tbh I’m a fan. I love the simple t-shirt/mom jeans combo because it looks so effortless, and because it’s pieces I already have in my closet lmao. ....or would you rather have the trends stay the same as the last decade? Not really, I’m pretty good with all the 90s stuff coming back. Some kids ruined it by wearing chunky sneakers too much, but I like all the other trends that came with it, like bucket hats and belts. What was a horrible trend when you were in high school? I honestly didn’t know much about the trends when I was in high school because 1) we wore our school uniforms every single day, so imagine having one outfit 5/7 days a week, and 2) being from a Catholic school, we had a very strict dress code so it’s not like we could wear whatever the trends were. I do remember never being impressed with Roshes though. What is a horrible trend now? Hype/street clothes like DBTK. What would you do differently if you were God? Not make people suffer. Have you ever met anyone who claimed to be God? No. If I did, I’d run far far away from them. If you had to leave the US and never come back, where would you move? First of all, I have to live in the US before I can leave the US. Would you buy a castle if you could afford one? Sure, whatever. What is something you aren't ok with? My default answer would be homophobia. Do you know anyone who isn't fake? Sure. I know more not-fake people than those who are. Name five people you know who aren't fake. Laurice, Aya, Tina, Danika, Amanda. Do you fully trust anyone? Yes. How many true Christians do you know? Do you know any? What does being a ‘true’ Christian even mean? Do you think someone's value is based on how much money they have or make? No. Would you rather be an aborted baby or a victim of child abuse? Wow THIS IS THE WORST QUESTION EVER. What's one trend you're behind the times on? Tiktok. I do nooooooot understand it for the life of me and do not wish to. Do idiots act like know-it-alls a lot around you? I think know-it-alls act like know-it-alls regardless of who they’re with. Do you think it's ok to call an idiot an idiot? Not to their face, but yes I’ve used that word occasionally.
If you had a child with down's syndrome, would you keep him/her? I’m honestly not sure, and I don’t really like stressing about that kind of stuff this early. Don't you wish people who weren't qualified would stop getting handed leadership positions? Obviously. But there’s little we can do, with the key word there being ‘handed.’ Who is the worst plagiarizer you know? People in high school would copy-paste whole paragraphs from websites or textbooks onto group papers and I hate those people to this day. If someone tried to murder your child, do you think it would be wrong to expose them publicly and talk about it on social media? It wouldn’t be the best and smartest way to go, especially if it was the first thing I planned on doing. ...Why do you think people think this is wrong? Because I would be putting vulnerable people under limelight they never asked for, and because I’d be talking about confidential stuff, especially if the whole ordeal is currently going through a legal process, which is stupid. Is there a toxic person that you miss? You know, despite how close I was with Athenna, I’ve never missed her. Are you still contemplating going back to someone you shouldn't? Nope. What do you need right now? I’m gonna need a higher inner morale for my business reporting class, which is the class I’m really scared about. When was the last time you had a new crush? December 2013. Do you know any "Christians" who are rude and judgmental? Almost all the Christians I know are rude and judgmental. What would you do if your Bible was falling apart? I dunno. Leave it wherever it’s always been. Do you have coffee with Jesus every morning? Groan. Do you pretend to be someone you're not on facebook? Why or why not? No because I have no reason to do that. Do you know anyone who pretends to be a Christian to get attention? Ooooh interesting haha, but no. I’m sure in this time and place they’d get called out almost immediately. Do you want Jesus to come back soon? I’m gonna paraphrase a quote from Friends and say “I know you’re asking me a lot of Jesus questions, but all I hear is blahhhhhblahhhhhhhhhblahhhhhhhhhh.” Do you believe that Jesus is going to come back in your lifetime? Holy shit. Would you rather wear blue jeans or jeggings? Blue jeans. I’ve never owned jeggings. What is the most comfortable type of pants ever? Anything but skinny jeans. What is something you can't wear because of your body type? I can’t wear dresses that are loose around the chest area. Stuff like those are loose because the boobs are meant to hold them up and give someone a flattering figure, but if I tried to wear those, the dress would drop down all the way to my stomach lmao. If you have curves, do you like them? I have some curves, but I’m generally skinny. I do like the ones I have though. What is the curviest part of your body? Butt. Have you ever been punished for doing the right thing? I don’t think so. How often do you cry? One or two times a week would be a good guess. How many Christians do you know who actually care? This is very vague. Is Tumblr all that it's hyped up to be? But it’s not hyped at all these days... Tumblr definitely already peaked a few years ago, and I don’t know what people are saying about it now. At what age do you think someone is old enough to give advice? I don’t think there’s an age requirement for advice. Have you ever worn matching pajamas with someone? No. What helps you fall asleep? When I’m alone, I need it to be quiet or at the very most have white noise around, like the buzz of an aircon or the whir of the electric fan. When I’m sleeping with my girlfriend I have to be cuddled and I have to fall asleep first, or else I’ll keep waking up and twist and turn through the night. I’m a difficult person to fall asleep with huhuh sorry Gab :’( Do you have a nighttime routine? No. I just scroll through social media until my eyes get tired enough to fall asleep within seconds. What was the last mountain you climbed? Not sure, but it was in Sagada. Who is the fakest Christian you know? One of my titas, although I love her to death, is a very devout Christian but had a meltdown/breakdown when her daughter (my cousin) revealed she was dating a black guy. I was stunned when my mom told me all about the ‘drama’ and it took every cell in my body not to explode and give a sermon to everyone else in my family who was upset about it. Just for context, Filipinos are among the MOST RACIST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET so stuff like this WILL be a big deal, especially among our traditional Gen X/Boomer population. Who are the fakest friends you've had? Athenna and Fern. Who's the most narcissistic person you know? I don’t know anyone like this, fortunately. Maybe me because I like taking these surveys??? Jk :((( Who gives the best hugs? Laurice!!! Who was the last person you hugged? My girlfriend.
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I Couldn’t Lose You (Yoosung x MC)
So someone requested RFA being afraid to tell MC that they are in love with MC because they are afraid MC doesn’t feel the same way. Unfortunately, that message has disappeared from my inbox and I have no idea who requested it. Yoosung came to mind first, but I will do all of the RFA! Thanks for requesting my love! Sorry I couldn’t get this out sooner and tag you!
“You’re my best friend, Yoosung. Please don’t shut me out.”
You weren’t really sure what was going on with him. Things had gone great after the two of you had finally met at your first RFA party a little over a year ago; you all had hit it off extremely well, and spent a ton of time together studying, gaming, and everything in-between. But in the past few months, Yoosung had grown distant. He immediately left the chat room when you entered, barely responded to your texts with more than a one worded answer, rebuffed your every attempt to get him to hang out with you and flat out ignored you when he saw you on campus.
You couldn’t figure out what you had done wrong. You didn’t want to bring it up to the other RFA members for fear of them thinking you were just whining, or not being supportive of Yoosung being super dedicated to his studies. But after months of the cold shoulder, you swallowed your pride and went to his door, prepared to apologize a million times over for whatever it was that made him hate you.
“Yoosung,” You repeated, knocking loudly on his door once more. “I’ll go if you want me to. I don’t understand what I did, but. You have the right to not want anything to do with me for no reason. But I’m going to be selfish and ask you to just tell me to my face that you want me to leave you alone.”
You were so numb, so heartbroken that you didn’t notice your own sniffles. The rain outside had soaked you, and it dripped from your face and hair even as you stood in the warm hallway. Tears welled up in your eyes and you tried to force them away—if you were going to make him face you and tell you he wanted you to leave, you didn’t want to guilt him into staying.
“Are you crying?” The question was sudden and just barely spoken above a whisper. After not hearing that voice for months, you were almost afraid you had imagined it. “Emcee?”
Not an imaginary voice, then. You pressed your head and hands against the door in an effort to get closer and took a deep breath. “No. I’m not. I think I just got the sniffles from being out in the rain.” You were amazed at how smooth your voice was. “Please just talk to me.”
You heard a soft thump, as if Yoosung had put his own head against the door. “You’re killing me.”
“I’ll go. I just need to hear you say it. Please. This will be the last thing I ask of you.”
“Are you leaning on the door? I don’t want to hurt you. I’m going to open it.”
You backed up for a minute and watched as he fiddled with the locks, twisting the doorknob and opening the door slowly. Everything seemed to slow down as he really looked at you for the first time in a long time, and he gazed at you guiltily. He reached out slowly and took you by the arm, gently tugging you closer to him. You held your hands out in front of you, steeling yourself as you pushed against his chest.
“No. No, Yoosung. I can’t. I can’t hug you right now.”
“You don’t have to hug me.” He rubbed his thumbs in circles on your upper arms. “I just wanted to hold you for a minute. You looked cold.”
“I’m very cold.” You agreed. “Cold and wet.”
“Can I hold you, then? Please?”
“Not until you tell me what’s going on.”
He bit his lip. “Will you come in?”
“I’d rather not do this on your doorstep.” You gently pushed past him and froze for a second, realizing just how soaked you had gotten outside. You were dripping on his carpet, something you were sure his mom would scream at him for if she ever were to see it. You definitely wouldn’t sit on his couch like this. Sighing, you turned around to face him, crossing your arms and raising a brow as you waited for him to speak.
He didn’t meet your gaze for awhile. He locked the door behind you and turned, glancing at you for a moment before finding a rather interesting spot on the carpet as he spoke. “I’ve been pushing you away.”
“Understatement of the century, Yoosung. I want to know why.”
“Because I am in love with you, Emcee.”
You took a step back, jaw dropping in horror. You weren’t sure whether you should be elated that your feelings were reciprocated, upset that he hadn’t trusted you enough to tell you this, or just plain furious that he had decided avoiding you was the best way to deal with this.
“I’m in love with you.” He repeated. “I was afraid that you didn’t feel the same way, so I thought I could get over you if I avoided you. I couldn’t lose your friendship because of some silly crush.”
Okay, you were angry. “You should know me better than that, Yoosung.”
“I know.”
“I hate you.” You glared at the ground. “There wouldn’t have been any danger of losing me if you had just been honest with me, Yoosung. Now there’s no friendship to be lost because you threw it away when you started pushing me away.”
“Here I thought, for months, mind you, that I had been the one that had done something wrong. I didn’t sleep for weeks because I was tossing and turning while going over every conversation we had ever had. I was so wound up I couldn’t eat. I needed a fucking friend, and you weren’t there because you were being a child!” You weren’t sure when you started screaming, but you were painfully aware of the soreness that was starting to manifest in your throat. “You wouldn’t even tell me that you needed space from me! You just ghosted me, and it hurts more than you could ever understand.”
His face turned cold. “I think I I understand just fine.”
“At least with Rika you know the only reason she won’t talk to you is because she’s dead!” You stomped your foot, angry tears starting to spill. “When the person ghosting you is alive, it’s a bit harder to understand! So don’t you dare pull that card right now!”
You took a deep breath and tried to collect yourself, rubbing at your eyes and shaking your head.
“Coming here was a mistake. This is complete and utter bullshit.” You moved past him, brushing him a tad bit harder than necessary and quickly trying to unlock the door, but he grabbed you and pulled you to his chest before you could protest, hugging you tightly as you struggled against him. You finally gave up, sobbing into his shoulder and hesitantly hugging him back.
He buried his face in your damp hair and inhaled. “I am so, so sorry. I love you and I didn’t mean to hurt you. You are completely right to hate me, and you’re right. I was being a child. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me the most, but please let me be here for you now.”
You sniffled, sobbed for a moment, and tried to catch your breath before speaking. “You had better not ever do this to me again. Next time, you won’t get another chance.”
“I know, baby.”
You hugged him tighter, eyes closed as you tried to focus on him and his scent and the slow and steady beat of his heart. “For the record, I fell in love with you, too.”
He pressed a kiss against my temple. “Do you love me still?”
“Yes.” There was no point in lying. “But we have a lot to discuss. It’s going to take a while to get back to the way we were.”
“I understand.” He pulled away for a moment and stared into your eyes, looking for any hint of hesitation. “Can we start rebuilding that now?”
“I’m wet.” You sniffled.
“I have sweatpants and an old LOLOL t-shirt you can borrow.”
You couldn’t help but let out a snort as you giggled, wiping at your eyes as you nodded. “I’ll go to the bathroom and strip, then. Can you leave the clothes outside the door for me?”
He nodded emphatically, blushing a deep shade of red as he made a beeline for his room.
As frustrated as you could be with this dork, that’s what he was: a dork. That was one of the reasons you loved him, and his ignorance about relationships was one thing you were going to have to help him navigate. But you both had time to figure it out—you just had to figure it out together. But as he held you close and wrapped you in a blanket to keep you warm, you thought maybe, just maybe, you didn’t have to have all the answers.
You loved him. He loved you. For now, that was enough.
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ashyblondwaves · 6 years
tell us more about your kids and husband? The things you post are so cute
Alright, I can do that :) I’ll put it behind a read more because I got wordy and stupid. Oops! 
So let’s start with my husband. First thing’s first: He is very anti-social media. Always has been. I think the only time he’s had any kind of account on social media was AIM back in the day and that was just so he could chat with me. He has email and that’s really about it. I’ve tried so hard to convince him to come out of hiding but he just won’t do it, so I respect his choice to do so. 
Anyway, his name is Kosta (AKA: Kosta Rica as I call him). I’ve been referring to him as “K” on this blog for years, but I talked to him about it and we agreed that first names are OK now. 
What to say about Kosta? He’s truly my best friend. As annoying as I can be at times, he has always stuck by me (and he gets annoying too, for the record and I stick by him as well lol). I tell him everything and I’m never met with judgement. He just rolls with it and I couldn’t really ask for a better person to figure our life with. That sounds so corny, but it’s true. I still look forward to him coming home from work everyday (usually lolol).
What else? He’s Moroccan and Russian. Conceived in Morocco, born in Chicago, move here to Cleveland at 8 years old. That’s when I met him and I think I was instantly intrigued by him. 26 years later, I still am. 
So that’s the good stuff. What annoys me about him? He’s very dramatic. He carries a lot of anxious energy with him and that rubs off on me. So there are actually times that I just need to walk away and catch by breath. Everything is a bigger deal than it is and I have to be the one to tell him, “Kosta? It’s really not that complicated.” It’s tough and I want to shake him sometimes and yell in his face, but that’s not going to help. 
And he’s also a major Man Cold kind of guy and that just makes me want to die a little. My life is hell when he’s sick lmao. 
Now, to my oldest. M, that’s Mia. She just turned 13 on December 13th (yes, I started young). She is, personality-wise, a little me. And I’ll tell you what, it’s hard dealing with a tiny version of yourself. But at other times it’s easy cause I know all the tricks already. 
She’s in 7th grade and wicked smart. Always has been – she’s in the robotics club at school and loves it. She just demoed one of the bots they’re working on at the elementary school a few nights ago. 
Most of all though, she’s a reader. That child will read all day and all night and not move from her bed or the couch. I gave her a challenge last year to read all of my Harry Potter Books and each one she finished she could keep since I have a few sets of the books it was time to hand a set down to the kid, ya know. She had them done in a week and if it weren’t for school it probably would have been quicker. 
She’s a spitfire, for sure. The sarcasm runs deep with her and she could probably kill you with one glance. I remember when I was young my dad used to say that I was gun powder. That’s Mia. On one hand I’m proud and on the other I go out of my mind because she always has an answer to anyone’s shit. She’ll bottle up your shit and serve it right back to you piping hot. I love it until she does it to me lmao. 
Right now, she’s a total teenager. I talk with her often to make sure she’s ok, because I remember the mess that I was at 13. I’ve taught both of my kids to never be scared to talk to me, so thankfully she does allow me to have a glimpse into her world – as far as I know. I never demand she tell me, but I always make myself available to her. It’s hard being 13, so I want to help her navigate it as best as I can and the best she will allow me to. 
Finally, my youngest. “E”, that’s Elias. He’s 10, going on 11 January 15th. I have no idea how that happened. 
In short, Elias lives to dance. I mean.. loves to dance. On a whim, we put him in dance class when he was about 2 because he has so much energy we needed to find a way for him to use it. Even then, he danced constantly, so it felt like the most logical decision. He’s been dancing ever since. He’s been in a few plays as a dancer, Mary Poppins most recently, actually. 
Now, if you knew Elias when he was a baby you would never believe that he became the bubbly, sweet little kid that he is now. Elias suffers from quite a few life threatening food allergies. Before we knew about it, when he was just a little dude, he was the grumpiest baby I’d ever seen. It was alarming. His resting bitch face would have stopped you in your tracks. But as it turns out, he was unwell because of the allergies. We spent months doing everything we could to figure out exactly what his allergies were and after many appointments, trips to the ER and food elimination diets, we got a pretty good handle on all of that. Once we got that figured out, he was a completely different kid. 
He really is the complete opposite of Mia, which is an adventure when you’re a parent. Making sure each kid has what they need and that we understand their personalities. 
Him and I are extremely close right now. I say right now because he won’t be my 10 year old shadow forever. One day soon he’ll be 16 and embarrassed I even walked in the room. Mia is already there. So, for now, I’ll enjoy every second I have. He likes to tag along on errands and sit with me at night just talking – and he’s totally a talker. I have no worries about him telling me what’s going on and if there’s something bothering him lol. 
So that’s some off the top of my head stuff about this crazy family of mine. Thanks, anon. 
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starfiresupernova · 6 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by both @jiyamarrii & @chasethesun18 to do this, so I’ll be answering 22 questions. But I love these things so I’m totally okay with it LOL. Anyway, let’s get started!
Laura’s Questions
1. Marvel or DC? TV-Verse or Film-Verse? Why? — The easy answer to this question is that I like all superhero stuff. I tend to watch more Marvel, but I’m a big fan of both. MCU? Yes please. Smallville? Sign me up. I haven’t watched the Marvel Netflix shows yet, but I really want to. Cloak and Dagger on Freeform is pretty good so far! I watched the first two seasons of Arrow and most of the Flash, but since the CW added all the other DC shows to their programming, I’ve been a little overwhelmed, but they’re still good! So yeah, long story short, I like it all :)
2. I’m looking for new TV shows to watch. Recommend me a show and tell me why you think I’d like it. — I can’t remember if you’ve watched Gilmore Girls or not, but I recommend it to everyone who wants something funny and heartwarming, but heartbreaking sometimes, too. Lorelai is my SPIRIT ANIMAL. Otherwise, I recommend Lost in Space on Netflix if you’re into Sci-Fi stuff (it’s also funny, and the characters are amazing). One Tree Hill is amazing if you’re into soapy teen dramas (like 90210 or Gossip Girl). The awesome thing about OTH though, is that it’s obviously drama, but it deals with other serious topics and it isn’t bitchy like GG. The characters are all different in their own way, and it’s my favorite teen drama show of all time.
3. Watch a random episode of Timeless. Tell me your opinions on the episode and I’ll try to guess which episode you watched. — Okay, so I know each episode like the back of my hand, so let’s go. It’s my second favorite episode of the entire show. The music is A+. (You’ve probably already guessed it by now lolol.) It has one of my top 5 favorite Lucy outfits. I’ve seen this episode so many times I’m pretty sure I can almost recite it word for word (and I’m not sorry about that).
4. Do you have a skin care routine? If yes, what is it? — Not really. I don’t use much on my skin to tell you the truth. I use the St. Ives Blackhead Clearing green tea scrub every other day, and once in a while I’ll use a Biore charcoal pore strip. Other than that I don’t use anything.
5. What are your favorite pair of shoes? Why? — This might sound completely childish, but I LOVE my shoes that have daisies on them. I got them at Payless, and they’re Minnie Mouse brand, but they’re black with little daisies printed on them and I love them so much. I need a new pair soon because they’re a few years old and they’re worn, but I love them to death.
6. What is your phone wallpaper? What is your desktop wallpaper? — My lock screen on my phone is a picture I found on Google Images of Timeless. It’s blue and has the Time Team and the Timeless logo with a cloud. My home screen on my phone is a cotton candy-esque background. My desktop wallpaper is the Timeless edit I made with the Taylor lyric “Time won’t fly, it’s like I’m paralyzed by it.”
7. If you could have dinner with one person, dead, alive, or fictional, who would it be and why? — I really want to say Lorelai Gilmore (or anyone from Gilmore Girls, honestly..) for this one. Eating at Luke’s Diner? Yes. Please. I’m all in.
8. What’s your favorite smell? Why? — This is very oddly specific, but I have this notebook that I got for Christmas last year. And every book/notebook/paper smells good, but THIS NOTEBOOK. It’s my favorite kind of paper smell. I know, it’s weird, but it’s amazing. Otherwise I love lemon, vanilla, and peppermint scents and the smell of the grill when we grill hamburgers/hot dogs.
9. Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what are they? Do you regret any of them? — I do not have any tattoos, but I want to get one in the near future.
10. What is your horoscope for today? —  Jun 11, 2018 - You enjoy caring for others and you intervene regularly in their lives to guide them. Ironically, today you're the one who needs advice. You'll probably need to get away from it all in order to get a clear view of your own life, Leo. You could even decide to make the necessary arrangements for a trip abroad.
11. Beards: Yes or No? — UM YES.
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I also love Xavier from No Tomorrow, Hugh Jackman, and John Krasinski. Their beards are also pretty magical.
Ryan’s Questions
1. If a book becomes a movie do you read it or watch it first? — Most of the time I don’t realize a movie was a book until after I see it. And then I always end up liking the movie better. (IE the Twilight saga) I always try to read the book first, but sometimes I’ll just watch the movie. 
2. What’s your favorite Disney movie? — OOH OKAY LET’S GO. Tangled is my favorite all-animated Disney movie. Meet the Robinsons comes at a second. Enchanted is my all-time favorite Disney movie EVER. My Favorite Martian is my favorite all-non-animated Disney movie. Also The Princess Diaries comes at a close second.
3. If you could have one superpower what would it be? — If I got to choose I would want to have telekinesis. Matilda has solidified that dream LOL.
4. Do you believe in soul mates? — I’m not sure, to tell you the truth. I don’t like to think that there’s only ONE person in the entire world that I’m meant to be with, and that they’re my other half. I mean, it’s a nice concept, but also I feel like I would just be too worried that I won’t ever meet my soulmate because it could literally be anyone in the entire universe. I’m meh on the subject.
5. What’s your happiest memory? — Honestly I think my most happy memories are when I was really little, like in early elementary school? Like, ages 5-11 is when I think I was most happy. And don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy now and whatever, but I have more responsibility now and I was more carefree back then. One memory that sticks out is Christmas of 2010. I got my DSi XL and I was at my grandparents house with all of my cousins. We played around on the DS and took pictures, and I still have them saved on it. The very first picture I ever took on it. It was just such a happy time for me, and I love thinking back on it.
6. Most embarrassing memory? — I threw up in front of my entire classroom in 4th grade. It was terrible. And it happened so long ago, but I still can’t get over the fact that there are people my age who saw me throw up on the floor of our classroom. Nope. Let me go hide forever LOL.
7. Where do you see yourself in five years? — I don’t really like to plan that far ahead into the future, but in five years I’d like to be moved out of my parents’ house and working on getting my book published. (I’m still working on writing it at the moment, so hopefully I’ll be done with it by then and in the process of finding it a home.)
8. Who is/has been the most influential person in your life? — I have to go with my parents on this one. But only personality-wise. I’m not interested in what my parents do for a living, but I try to model my work-ethic and values after them. I’ve obviously grown my own personal tastes, but I see more of myself in them every day and I’m very proud of that.
9. If you could time travel to the start of this year and tell yourself something what would you tell yourself? — You won’t have everything figured out yet, and that’s okay. You’ll be pressured, but take things at your own pace. There’s nothing wrong with taking time to figure things out, no matter what everyone is telling you. You’ll get to where you want to be, you just have to take your time, and set your own pace.
10. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? — Wow, okay, this is going to sound lame. Are y’all ready? I stole a toy camera from Goodwill when I was, like, 6. I wanted it but I didn’t think my dad would let me, so I hid it in my coat pocket and never told anyone. That was literally the first thing that came to mind.. 
11. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? — I love that I don’t waver in my enjoyment of things. My sister mainly, always makes fun of me for wearing what I wear, for reading, and for listening to the kind of music that I listen to, but I’m very proud of all of those things and I don’t let it bother me. Yeah, it gets annoying when she tells me my taste in music sucks, but I will very happily listen to Two Weeks Late by Ashley Monroe at a high volume and sing along proudly. No shame. As Jessica Day so proudly states, “I break for birds! I rock a lot of polka-dots. I have touched glitter in the past twenty-four hours. I spend my entire day talking to children. And I find it fundamentally strange that you’re not a dessert person. That’s just weird and it freaks me out. And I’m sorry I don’t like Murphy Brown, and I hate your pantsuit; I wish it had ribbons on it or something to just make it slightly cuter. And that doesn’t mean I‘m not smart and tough and strong.” 
Thanks for the tag, guys! This was fun :)
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Not Today: The Beginning
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Mature??
Pairings: TBA
Warnings: this is going to be rough guys, it’s aliens vs Earth soooo
Word count: 1898
Author’s note: I had a dream about this so it became a thing lolol. Also at the end when I write the other parts I will link them at the bottom of this. I will also put separate links in the master list. If that was confusing, I’m sorry, but you’ll understand later. Enjoy!
The Year 3090 A.D.
Four months ago the war started. A giant metal aircraft parked itself in front of our sun and demanded to speak to our highest official. People freaked, ran for the hills when they showed up. They called themselves Tretords and wanted to know about our history, our world. Four months ago the Hellhounds, a special operations team, were sent on a mission into the atmosphere and the mysterious spacecraft just sitting there. It was like all the movies and books out there, everything that Earth had ever feared was coming true. Their ships were bigger, their guns were bigger, and by God, their monsters were bigger. The so-called peaceful beings were cruel and relentless. The small team was victorious in their trip, learning all they could before coming back to Earth from the peaceful confrontation. The four returned unscathed but worried. The Tretords feared humans. They had seen what war we were capable of, what horrors we had committed. They had seen everything from atomic bombs to guillotines and deemed us unworthy of inhabiting a planet. That’s when the Tretords released the Beasties onto the packed safety cities. Gigantic, wild furry monsters that tore buildings apart with ease. They smashed humans under their massive paws and shook their acid drool over the streets. Three million people died in a week. Who are the evil ones now?
Like most movies, Earth fought back, and like the movies, Earth was losing big time. That’s where the Hellhounds come into play. They have seen the Tretords up close under peaceful terms; they know the weaknesses that other people don’t that’s why they’re here today. To save what can’t be saved.
This is the story of how the human race died, and how Y/N tried her best to save it.
“Jungkook seriously, stop, I want my muffin.” Viviana frowned and held her hand out towards the tall, grinning man. His eyes disappeared into crescents as he laughed, bunny teeth showing as he took a bite of the chocolate treat. The dyed blonde Jimin beside him was doing his best not to laugh at the two as the truck lurches back and forth on the highway. Your stern gaze meets Jungkook’s eyes, and he reluctantly hands the muffin back to Viviana, who excitedly devours it in a few bites. Her dark hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and her sun-kissed skin is shining today. Your team, the Hellhounds, are on the way to America's army base. Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin are the best of the best when it comes to the South Korean army, which is why when the war started the elite team was put together. Viviana Encarnacion was one of the few Mexican spies left, and you were trained through a small and hidden Russian organization in the States. Your bulletproof vest scratches against your neck uncomfortably; you let your hand reach up and rest on the strap of the vest, holding it away from your neck. “The city is in bad shape.” You start, the Beasties had been unleashed on New York City a week ago, leaving it in ruins. “We don’t have time to stop to help anyone, we have to get below the city and to the base.” The words drone out of you, practiced, precise, and most importantly without emotion. You’re met with a well known, but comfortable silence. You all know what’s at stake in today’s world.
Once the truck comes to a stop, Viviana pushes the door open, and the sight you’re met with have you cursing under your breath. Smoke billows from buildings and there are still screaming echoing off of the skyscrapers walls. “Ay, mi Dios.” Viviana murmurs, her accent thick and voice cracking with emotion. Your boots hit the ground with a soft thump, and your breath is taken away with the sight of the city. The once majestic skyscraper-filled city is destroyed, rubble and dead bodies litter the streets. “Remember why we’re here,” Jungkook mutters as he climbs out of the truck, shaking you from the moment and helping you remember the reason why you’re standing here. The military needs to understand what they’re up against. The army captain that was driving the truck has made his way to stand beside Jimin, “A nasty sight, but we’re going to win this.” The man smiles. Hopefully, his dyed grey hair swoops over his forehead as he pushes a hand through it. His name tag reads Kim Taehyung, and you make a mental note to thank him for driving later, but now, your focus is getting to the army base. “Viv, with me,” you say to your left and swing the assault rifle off of your shoulders and into your hands, there’s no promise that there are no Tretords left in the city. Viviana is silent as she follows your footsteps while Jimin and Jungkook skirt around the buildings and Taehyung bring up the rear. Your breaths come out in quick gasps as you head towards the empire state building, only to be met with a broken skeleton of a building. That’s what the army wants the Tretords to think, that they’ve broken the humans. They haven’t even made a dent in human pride.
Fluorescent lights flicker above you as you head towards the stairs and into the basement. A large steel door stands ahead, and Viviana rings the buzzer. The camera swivels in its spot above the door, and the little red light flashes green as the door unlocks. Jungkook pulls the door open as Viviana heads into the next hallway. The end of the dark hall opens into a vast space, a giant bunker right under the city that had been here since after World War II when the threat of nuclear war had gotten more prominent. Now here you were, using it to hide from aliens.
Men march in lines across the room and some families laugh in the corners. They are building a lifestyle here. “Ah, if it isn’t the Hellhounds.” A deep voice calls from the security camera office. The General of the Army steps into the brightly lit metallic hall with a dimpled smile. “General Kim, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” You smile and shake his outstretched hand. His full name is Kim Namjoon, and when the world armies merged, the US President named him General of the army. The camo outfit fits him well, belt tight at the waist and boots laced high. “I’m just glad you could make it, it was a war zone up there.” He says, pushing a hand through his hair, “I saw.” You murmur, and he motions for you to follow him. The lieutenant general rushes up to General Kim, panting and out of breath. “They’re ready for the presentation.” He pants. “This is lieutenant Kim.” he says, gesturing towards the dark haired man, “there’s quite a lot of Kims around here.” Viviana snorts beside me, “You can call me, worldwide handsome.” The man smiles, pointing his finger and thumb out, resting his chin in the crook between the two fingers and winks. Viv snorts, covering her mouth with her hand and she rolls her eyes ridiculously. “His full name is Seokjin.” General Kim laughs and Seokjin groans, “You were supposed to play along!” You smile, what’s a little fun at the end of the world?
The conference room is packed with superiors from different sections of the condensed army. The fleet admiral, Min Yoongi, sits with his vice-admiral, Jung Hoseok, at the end of the table with some other navy men. Army men file in, Taehyung and Seokjin take a seat with them, and a couple of air force men twiddle their thumbs impatiently. “Sorry, we’re late.” You say as Jimin sets up the hologram box on the table. The hologram of a Tretord springs up into the air, causing a few people to wince. These things were scary and almost like an octopus. It reminded you of the old War of The Worlds illustrations, all noodly and octopus-like. With a deep breath you begin, “Tretords are small but don’t underestimate them. They may only come up to your waist, but those tentacles are nasty. They are filled with small hooks to help them grasp onto the walls or floor, that’s how they move around.” You take a breath and glance at Viviana before continuing. “Those small hooks on their arms easily cut through skin, making you bleed out in a matter of minutes. Armor helps, so please, wear your armor.” Viviana takes this as her cue to begin. “The Tretords have a small weakness, a chink in their armor so to speak, right in their beak. Like an octopus, their beak is the hardest part of their body, but inside the jaw is the softest. If you can hit the back of their throat, it kills them instantly.” She smiles triumphantly as the hologram opens its mouth, proving her point as a holographic bullet sinks into its throat. You cross your arms and look across the room, all the men and women pay close attention to the presentation, causing pride to swell in your chest. This information will save lives.
Jimin talks next of the Beasties, they have no official name, just the name we gave them. Beasties range in height, but most of them are about two stories tall, covered in fur, and acid drips from their mouth. These things are hard to kill. “Unless you have a well-aimed grenade,” Jimin says, voice shaky with nerves, he’s better at being a silent killer than a spokesperson. “Again, the mouth is your best option, but the legs work just as well.” Jimin takes a sip of water out of the glass before continuing. “If you are stuck with just a gun, aim for the eyes, it goes straight to the brain, and like most beings, once the brain is dead the body dies.” The hologram shuts off, and General Kim flicks the lights back on. Jungkook stands beside you, tall and fearless as the room bursts into sound. Questions fly through the air and Viviana flinches at the loudness of it all. “Quiet!” Jungkook shouts, and the room falls silent, his voice shaking them into quiet. “I will answer your questions one at a time.” That’s when a boy, barely eighteen, pushes his way into the room panicked and eyes wide with fear.
“The Tretords are breaking into our communications.” He pants, and that’s when the room explodes yet again, and the boy looks like he’s either going to wet himself or start crying. “Hey!” you shout, and slowly the room quiets back down. “I will speak to them, just put me through.” The boy nods, and as he turns to leave the room you point at someone, you know who and look him in the eyes. “You. With me.” And just like that, he follows you and the boy. From here on out you’re at war and there’s no way you’re losing. No, not today.
Who did y/n pick to go with her? The choice is up to you.
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spacechip707 · 7 years
tbh going in the mysme tag was a mistake because I haven't even started the route yet but people already leaked like 7000 CGs?? MY EYESSSS lolol the spoilers are insane. but anyways great job on recent chapter of WTIOH as always ^^^ you never fail to disappoint! your updates are like a huge part of my life rn it's just SO GOOD MAN LIKE HOW DO U DO WAT U DO UR SO GOOD AT WRITING I FREAKING WISH I could write as well as u can in a short time but instead I haven't updated my old fic in decades rofl
Same, anon. I went through part of the tag this afternoon, thinking I might avoid some spoilers if I went on the “saeyoung choi” tag instead. Yeah...nope. Bad idea. So off the tag for iOS users. It’s gonna be a long few days RIP But, hey! At least it’s been trending xD 
And oh my gosh, Thank you so much! I honestly can’t fathom it being part of someone’s life like that lol that’s so kind of you! 
Haha, THANK YOU. I usually only write chapters on the weekends, but I’m glad it’s paying off and it’s not as crap as I think it is some weeks XD Don’t worry...I have so many fics from long ago still left unfinished *couchCollegeAUcough*. I hope you get some inspiration soon and get to post some of those fanfics to this fandom:) Honestly so many talented writers and artists here.
Thanks for the sweet message, anon! May you not see any more spoilers 
( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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graphiteinink · 7 years
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged.

I was tagged by my favorite roommate 
@animetrash-and-otheraesthetics LAST: 
Last drink: water lmao
Last phone call: my friend, trying to find each other in a park lol
 Last text message: “me defending lily’s emo heart against altpress Gerard Way interviews” i’m dead lol she was sad that mcr are never reuniting
 Last song you listened to: all hands on deck by tinashe
 Last time I cried: good question lol two therapy sessions ago i think HAVE YOU EVER:
 Dated someone twice: nope
 Been cheated on: nope
 Kissed someone and regretted it: not really
 Lost someone special: i don’t know exactly what this is referring to but i guess not 
Been depressed: lmao
 Been drunk and thrown up: lolol yes IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU:
 Made a new friend: yes, a few i think actually
 Fallen out of love: yes
 maybe Laughed until you cried: lmao every week 
Met someone who changed you: yes
 Found out who your true friends were: not this year really
 Found out someone was talking about you: not really GENERAL:
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: 2 people lol
 Do you have any pets?: yup a blind/partially deaf arthritic old dog lol she’s still going tho 
Do you want to change your name?: not at all; i really like my name
 What time did you wake up this morning?: 9:35, i slept in because i was up until 1:30 watching a contra points sims survivor stream
 What were you doing last night?: see above lmao also looking at a potential job to apply for 
Name something you cannot wait for: playing the new uncharted game also the ne ac game
 What’s getting on your nerves rn?: life (i restrained myself from answering “death” for the above one okay i get one edgy copout answer)
 Blood type: O+
 Nickname: none
 Relationship status: single af
 Zodiac sign: leo sun, capricorn moon, gemini rising
 Pronouns: she/her 
Favorite tv show: rn i’m rewatching white collar lol all the emotions
 College: graduated undergrad
 Hair colour: blonde
 Do you have a crush on someone: no
 What do you like about yourself: my humor FIRSTS:
 First surgery: getting teeth out for orthodontia?
 First piercing: none 
First sport you joined: tennis, if we’re not counting rec soccer
 First vacation: florida
 First pair of sneakers: i have no idea; in terms of adult fashion sneakers converse

 Eating: nothing, just had coffee ice cream
 Drinking: water 
I’m about to: play video games 
Listening to: my mom watching this is us
 Want kids: no
 Get married: lol
 Career: lol WHICH IS BETTER:
 Lips or eyes: eyes
 Hugs or kisses: need both 
Shorter or taller: ambivalent
 Older or younger: ambivalent
 Romantic or spontaneous: idk
 Sensitive or loud: sensitive
 Hook up or relationship: either way
 Troublemaker or hesitant: what HAVE YOU EVER: 
Kissed a stranger: yes 
Drank hard liquor: yes 
 Lost glasses/contacts: not permanently lol
 Sex on first date: no 
Broken someone’s heart: i suppose
 Been arrested: no
 Turned someone down: yes 
Fallen for a friend: yeah DO YOU BELIEVE:
 In yourself: eh 
Miracles: eh 
Love at first sight: eh 
Heaven: no 
Santa Claus: lol
 25 people who need something to procrastinate with: i already did this one a while back and made people do this this is a lot of work lmao and i’m not going to make you guys do it again lol hmu if you want me to tag you tho
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