#or make one but thats not ideal id prefer to avoid that if we can. but i can feel myself reaching my limits for this
princessmyriad · 4 months
#personal#i dont really know how to talk about this but i am scared. for myself. not for my system but for me and also for my sys#im primary protector. i am the oldest being in this body by time (not by age). i was one of the first created at the bodys 9month old Thing#ive always had a background almost co-con role. not fully cocon but i contribute to a lot of the blur because im always close enough to#the front to be able to step in as quickly as possible if needed. and to give instructions and warnings to whoevers in front and needing it#the last maybe 2 months? 3? ive taken up a more active hosting role in a cycle with 3 others#im really worried that its been happening so much that its impacting my duties as primary protector. im scared the brain has been#keeping things from me or shutting of knowledge i did have access to to help me adjust to concept of hosting#i cant see the inner as clearly as i could. i know my girlfriends in there somewhere but reaching out only has like a 12% chance of#getting through when ive spent the last 14 years almost living on top of her as she was the old host.#it feels rough and scary. like i know shes in there i think our gatekeep would tell me if she became dormant even if i was full host so i#i have to belive shes alright in there but i do miss her so bad. i want to know shes okay. i want to hold her#im mostly worried about losing more access to information i used to have and diminishing my use in my protector role as a result#i dont want to be a host. i need to feel like i can talk to my guys and gals and pals with the clarity and communication weve spent the last#4 years building. i feel there are more capable than me to replace me and allow me to step back and resume background-host/protector stuff#they are untrained and unfamiliar with our life but theyre not trauma holders. what do they call those? normal parts? dont like that languag#but they dont have the trauma related issues that some olthers/old hosts do and can be trained in the running of the life#we dont work we dont really leave the house due to agoraphobia so we have the time and space to train a new host#idk what to do#idk where this went i guess this is venting you can ignore it#but i guess the solution is to talk to the one cohost i can still talk with and see if they can do some hiring for me#get them to head in and see if the brain will cooperate to bring someone else out to take my host spot soon#or make one but thats not ideal id prefer to avoid that if we can. but i can feel myself reaching my limits for this#somethings gotta give soon either way#system#although we already have 3 other hosts in roster and several alters created specifically for that hanging out inside too so maybe#maybe things wont crumble if i just decide to step back on my own. if i can. harder to step back when i cant access inner but maybe if i can#then we will survive with the 3
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primadonnatartuffe · 7 years
RYAN: -tonight is the night ryan would fall off the wagon after spending way too long in a bar singing, fending off offers to buy her drinks as well as her own impulses. but this is what happens when you put yourself in these kinds of locations. it was only a matter of time.- 
RYAN: -pain pills are easy enough to come by, and even easier to choke down when you're drunk. a wild evening results in ryan making her usual commute back home, late at night, on her own... making her an easy target for a mugging.- 
RYAN: -things get a little hazy after that point. but she remembers seeing jack arrive on the scene before blacking out.- 
RYAN: -... and then she woke up, back at the bar where it all began. she snorts awake from a puddle of drool with the bar tender tapping her head and telling her they're closing. she had a half finished drink which apparently made her both sleepy and guilty enough to pass out and have some kind of shitty nightmare. or... something. regardless, it's time to make the trek home, but her mind is still buzzing.- 
RYAN: -she's been having an awful lot of realistic dreams lately. way more than she has her entire life. jack seems to play a role in a considerable number of them, but she finds it unsettling in this case. this isn't her idealizing him rescuing her. it's more like... a very plausible thing if he ever saw her getting into trouble in one of his visions. and the idea of that makes her feel incredibly guilty.- 
RYAN: -she snaps out of her thoughts long enough to notice she's coming upon the alley from her dream. it would be wise to avoid it, but she wants to prove to herself it was just a dream... it would all be alright, like every other evening. and besides, she'd be on her toes anyway. she can fend for herself. still, her heart races as she turns down that street.-
JACK: -It's a feeling that creeps up his spine and settles with a heavy weight in his mind. Nagging and insistent, Jack knows no rest until he's forced to emerge from his apartment and pace the Skaian streets. He knows this feeling by now, like tuning into a radio station full of scenarios that chill his blood in a terribly familiar way.- 
JACK: -He can practically taste the dread in his mouth. His hands feel for a pack tucked into the pocket of his windbreaker until he's fishing out the cig he's searching for. Before too long, Jack has it tucked between his teeth. The tobacco burning in a (failed) hope of stowing off the metallic tang on his tongue.- 
JACK: -While his feet carry him down the turns of concrete and crosswalks, images begin to press to the blanket of sightlessness that were his eyes. Taking him an hour, half an hour, moments into the future. Stringlets of fate belonging to complete strangers, they paint Jack's surroundings to perfect clarity. He can See the darkened street where Ryan turns. Her steps hobbled and uncertain, the very opposite of sober.- 
JACK: -He also Sees when the three figures depart from the bar, having watched Ryan the whole time she'd spent drinking and then finally leaving on her own. A few seconds of context and clairvoyant observation left Jack knowing their intention. They were faceless, strangers in his visions, except for Ryan. Her face he would recognize anywhere and he realizes... He doesn't have much time to revel in the picturesque details he'd been missing out on.- 
JACK: -And so Jack takes a short cut, cutting straight through an alley where he might intercept Ryan on the other side. No need for conflict if he can avoid it. His hand shoots out to catch her at the elbow.- (Ryan.)
RYAN: -as alert as she tries to be, naturally she's glancing around nervously in all directions except the one jack suddenly emerges from. she feels his hand on her, stirring up a yelp and a startled jump.- JESUS FUCK. 
RYAN: -her heart beats right out of her chest and it only starts to settle when she recognizes the dimly lit figure beside her.- (jack???) 
RYAN: (what are you doing here?) -she doesn't sound entirely clueless, but she asks it all the same.-
JACK: -He can sense the group's balk in the distance as they see his interception of Ryan. But it'll only be a moment, just long enough for Jack to take her by the hand and zip further into the alley.- (No time.)
JACK: -Navigates with surprising finesse for a blind guy. Managing to avoid crates, broken bottles, garbage cans, anything that will cut it close to an encounter with their would-be pursuers. Within a few minutes, Jack is pulling Ryan in... only to duck with her into the archway of a backway door. The locked from the outside kind, probably belonging to the grounded restaurant kitchen beyond. His visions told him as much.- 
JACK: -He keeps a hand to her, hushing her while he listened and searched the immediate future. They were certainly out of sight now...-
RYAN: -alright, so much for her calming down. she sputters one last incoherent protest before the pair of them bob and weave through the alley's obstacles. this is all too fucking Real, she thinks, and it certainly doesn't quell her paranoid fears that what she saw was, in some way, her fate.- 
RYAN: -they linger in the archway, but the pause does nothing to quiet her racing thoughts or the unpleasant churn of anxiety in her stomach. she looks to jack, leaning into him a little to try to relax and trust that whatever is going on, he's got it under control better than she does. because what the fuck???- 
RYAN: -exhales after a moment and turns towards him to hiss a whisper.- (we got time now?)
JACK: -As the prospect of danger fades, so does his pseudo-ability to see. Everything takes to the comfort of pitch black and once again, Jack is left alone with the hush of Ryan's voice in his ear. The smell of booze is on her breath, the same way the cigarette smell must be clinging to his own clothes.- 
JACK: -his hand releases her and finds its way to her shoulder, squeezing at her in a way he hopes is reassuring.- Yes. 
JACK: We'll give it another minute or two. -talks as if they're avoiding something like a sudden bout of rain instead of... what just could have been.-
RYAN: alright. -she fidgets, but manages to collect herself as quiet returns between them. there are things she'd like to say that she isn't sure how.- 
RYAN: ... jack? i uh... 
RYAN: -sighs- there were guys following me. right?
JACK: -There's no point in lying... but he doesn't like the tension in her voice either. Despite everything, he would still prefer not to take it as what it could have been but rather what it is now. Ryan, safe because of his own intervention. He would count his lucky stars if he could.- 
JACK: There were.
JACK: But safe to say, they're gone now. -blinks and kind of registers their proximity of one another. Crossing his arms, Jack turns to lean back against the door instead, lining her shoulder up by his own.- Lucky break.
RYAN: ... i knew about them. 
RYAN: but i didnt think it would actually happen. 
RYAN: i mean... fuck. -runs a hand through her hair.- how do i put this? 
RYAN: -she turns her head to look at him again, confused and scared, but if anyone would understand, it had to be him... right?- i keep having these dreams. theyre always about me... things that happen to me. and they feel so real. but they never... theyve never happened. 
RYAN: i saw those guys coming after me. but even in that dream it was different. 
RYAN: ... i dunno. maybe its just a coincidence. im basically a sitting duck walking out here on my own.
JACK: Not always, you know. Just this one time. -gently nudges her with an elbow. He can't see how confused and fearful her expression is, but he can certainly hear it in her words. Jack opts to keep a cool head.- When did you have this dream.
RYAN: -scoffs and nudges him back.- just earlier today. 
RYAN: at the bar. 
RYAN: ... after i drank a little. 
RYAN: i guess i fell asleep.
JACK: -falls quiet and thoughtful at that, focusing on the circumstance. It was unique to say the least and one he couldn't help but identify with.- Is this a recent thing? You say dreams in the plural sense of the word.
RYAN: -nods slowly- yeah. for the past... month or so? 
RYAN: theyre usually about... shit like this. 
RYAN: me making poor decisions or getting into trouble or... 
RYAN: uhh... -glances off, flustered when she remembers the bulk of the things she dreams about. whoops.- mostly just that.
JACK: -strokes a thumb at his chin, nodding. Ohhh if he knew what she was thinking.- It's interesting. 
JACK: But something you can't expect to know the ins and outs of right away. 
JACK: I would suggest you take it with a grain of salt. Maybe... -drops the cane from his sylladex, weighing it in one hand for a moment.- Try not to tempt fate so often. 
JACK: The dreams are there for a reason.
RYAN: mrgg. well that much is obvious to me. -rubs at her head, feeling annoyed with herself when she reflects back on all these potential disasters she's gotten herself into. but of course, not everything she dreams about is regrettable.- 
RYAN: sometimes thats easier said than done. 
RYAN: but hey. im trying to be wiser. 
RYAN: -glances down at the ground, then loops her arm with his.- youre walking home with me of course.
JACK: I can't see an instance where I don't. -ba dum tshh. He's glad to take her arm in his and takes the lead out of the alley way. Truly homefree.- I don't suppose you mean my home. Or yours.
RYAN: well... technically were closer to my place from here but. 
RYAN: i think id rather crash with you. if thats alright.
JACK: I won't oppose you... -when it comes time for them to take that street turn, Jack leads them on.- But on a more serious note. 
JACK: I'm also going to suggest you stay away from the kareoke bars a while. 
JACK: It's... not an easy thing. Relapsing. -squeezes at her wrist a little. As if reminding.-
RYAN: yeah... -as he squeezes her wrist, she finds herself drifting closer to him, brushing elbows.- 
RYAN: guess thatd count as making wiser decisions. 
RYAN: -she quiets, her train of thought bringing her away from him again, though she keeps her hand on his arm.- im... sorry jack.
JACK: -a smile quirks on his face as their elbows brush.- No need to be. 
JACK: I was here this time. I'd say if anything, this night turned out well. It's what's real and it's what matters.
RYAN: -that answer surprises her a little, but it's a relief.- i guess so... 
RYAN: i just dont wanna worry you. that you gotta hunt me down like that. 
RYAN: im... trying.
JACK: If anyone knows how hard you're trying, it's me. -says, squeezing at her knuckles now.- And I won't worry either. 
JACK: I can put off pre-mature grays for only so long.
RYAN: -that makes her smile and she returns to leaning against him, taking his hand up in hers just to squeeze back.- fair. 
RYAN: i can rest assured knowing youre gonna look good gray too. -snickers-
JACK: You know for a fact? -sounds bemused- 
JACK: I don't suppose your dreams tell you as much.
RYAN: i mean its hard to go wrong. 
RYAN: youre somehow pulling off this disheveled gives no fucks look after all. -ruffles his hair with her free hand.-
JACK: Thank you. -smiles, glad for the hair mussings.- 
JACK: The secret is forgetting that combs exist from time to time. At least twice a week.
RYAN: oh yeah. at the very least. id be surprised if you even own one anymore. -the closer they get to jack's place, the more her heart rate quickens. she worries if this is real, and if she's going to do something she shouldn't again. it's only a matter of time before that becomes a reality too, isn't it? she tries to tell herself it's probably in her head, but it doesn't stop the anxiety.- 
RYAN: ... by the way thanks for letting me stay with you so often. i know neither of you would wanna turn me away but you know. i appreciate being welcome all the time. -shrugs a little.-
JACK: -It's just like Ryan to shrug off an honest sentiment. So the blind guy leads the buzzed girl up the stairs and it goes about as well as one expects. He nods, holding her hand and feeling up the stair rails with the free hand.- 
JACK: If it was your house, you would be doing the same for me. -touches the first door but it's obviously not their house. He guides Ryan all the way to the third. He begins fiddling with his keys to get the door unlocked.- I personally enjoy having space to my own. 
JACK: No moms or dads staying up late to make sure I'm home in one piece. I appreciate their concern but nine times out of ten, I'm perfectly fine. -rambles the whole way into the house. Predictably, Audrey the pitbull greets them with a sniff and a boop of her nose at their hands. Oh yeah. Jack should probably release that now.-
RYAN: -NEVER. but it's alright, her hands are now occupied giving this pup pets.- tell me about it... 
RYAN: one of these days ill have my own place again. or i can room with someone i guess. since russet suggested it i kinda feel compelled to resist it with all my being. 
RYAN: plus i just... ya know. dont wanna burden anybody until im in a better place. 
RYAN: ... but then again i guess im kinda doing that already without necessarily burdening anybody so hey. 
RYAN: not that im suggesting i room with yall but uh yeah thats just where my train of thought took me. 
RYAN: ... -wanders inside, but she's lingering a little awkwardly like she isn't sure if she wants to sit or not.-
JACK: All the couch needs is a plaque with your name on it. -He doesn't seem to mind that she lingers, shuffling off for his kitchen like he is. After a few minutes and from the smell of it, Jack is making himself a mug of hot chocolate.- I know Sage would like the prospect of extended sleepovers.
RYAN: -belatedly decides to hover, joining him in the kitchen.- heh. without a doubt. 
RYAN: hey... make me one. -prods at him.-
JACK: -lets her have this drink he's already done preparing.- Fine. -gets to making himself another. Feeling around a cabinet for another mug.- 
JACK: I think you should consider a roommate though. It's a system that works wonders on Sage and I. Hell. 
JACK: It's best if you can find someone you can fuss at the same way they fuss at you. That way you don't feel like it's a burdening dynamic. It's how it works for us.
RYAN: -scoffs...- oh wait youre serious. 
RYAN: i dunno if i know anyone that i can fuss at. pretty much everyone i know has their shit together waaay more than i do. -sips the chocolate as she leans against a counter and thinks about this.-
JACK: It helps not to make those assumptions. -stirs the powder into the hot water with a spoon.- But again. 
JACK: Just an idea.
RYAN: its something to consider i guess. maybe ill get lucky. or however that works.
JACK: You could ask your dreams about it. -licks the spoon, tapping it at his mouth in contemplation.- Another hypothetical thought.
RYAN: yeah right. maybe if i want some insight on the worst candidates for the position since so far theyve only been good for warning me not to be a complete dunderfuck. 
RYAN: or to be like prepared. 
RYAN: for things. 
RYAN: that some people apparently arent prepared for. 
RYAN: since theyre not all bad dreams so. i dunno maybe youre onto something. -STOP WHILE YOU STILL CAN RYAN. she squints at her mug and takes a generous gulp.-
JACK: So if they're not bad, they must be good. -sips his own mug, elbow leaned back against the counter.- I say you give it a try.
RYAN: guess it cant hurt! 
RYAN: -she's feeling flustered all over again now that they're back to this subject. she wonders if it's something she should address, or if that would be an even worse decision. maybe she can be subtle about it.- 
RYAN: heeeeeeey. actually while were still talking about my whacky dream shenanigans... 
RYAN: so some of them arent exactly bad... sure... maybe they are actually really good! 
RYAN: but what if they arent? i mean if the running theme of every other dream is something i shouldnt do then maybe these good dreams could be categorized as the same thing. 
RYAN: and even if they ARENT then what DO they mean? since as you said they mean SOMETHING...
JACK: -fishes out a marshmallow before answering.- Tough question but it's a good one to ask. 
JACK: From my perspective, the visions manifest as... often worst-case scenarios. What would happen if I don't do "x". But your dreams? You can't say they're the same thing. 
JACK: Maybe it's not inherently about good or bad but rather your decisions. And what comes out of them. That make sense?
RYAN: -turns the mug in her hand.- when you put it like that... yeah. it does. -baccia said more or less the same thing, but it still raises some questions.- 
RYAN: but i guess in this case im not sure... what would come out of it... if i did wind up doing those things. and thats why im wary of it. 
RYAN: cuz it could be great. or it could totally set u-- uhh. me... up for disaster and its... 
RYAN: -glances down at the hot chocolate.- its something i really wouldnt wanna fuck up.
JACK: Hmmm. Well. 
JACK: Great or not, I guess... just like with most major, uncertain decisions. 
JACK: You would have to make a gamble on whether it's worth going through with or not. Not that I'm the best candidate to offer such advice. -snorts a little into his drink.- But the possibilities still stand.
RYAN: -quiets, shuffling her feet and letting all this rattle around in her head. then she shuffles her feet over to him, standing shoulder to shoulder again.- 
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: theyre sex dreams.
RYAN: a metric fuck ton of sex dreams. 
RYAN: aboutttttt... yooouuu?
JACK: -He can physically hear the record scratch in his head as he takes a long hard gulp of hot chocolate. Scalding his mouth and leaving him to stifle the wheeze. He deserved this.- Mgh. Ghhhhf. 
JACK: -SWALLOWS.- Metric fuck ton. 
JACK: Of... chronologically probable sex dreams. -Has to repeat it to make sure he's hearing this right.-
RYAN: yeeeeeup. 
RYAN: im only kind of exaggerating. hahaha. 
RYAN: oh god.
RYAN: -hello darkness my old friend...-
JACK: -stands there with his mug like mmmmmmmygod.- "Kind of". -clears his throat and shakes his head.- 
JACK: How often do they occur before you have to qualify something as "a metric fuck ton"? -He's almost afraid to ask but well. Here he is. Staring into the void.-
RYAN: like... i dunno... about as often as i stay over??? 
RYAN: i say... after deciding to stay over.
RYAN: fuck.
JACK: Well. That... 
JACK: ... -ends up holding his chin just to grasp the gravity of all that she's implying.- 
JACK: Certainly... puts things into perspective.
RYAN: lmaoooo. 
RYAN: yeah i... okay im not just bringing this up so we can be collectively ashamed of ourselves. 
RYAN: i figure... if all these dreams are about my decisions and shit then im DECIDING to talk about it instead of jumping your bones. or waiting for you to jump my bones. or for both of us to jump at each other at the same time. 
RYAN: ... -puts her head in her hand and SIGHS- not that those details matter... or i guess maybe they do if these are things that actually couldve happened. 
RYAN: cuz that means... it isnt just me...?
JACK: -he gnaws absently on his thumb as she rambles. Picturing all the times he shuffled around, debating. Knowing he wasn't going to go through with it but wanting to. Fantasizing?? Even just remembering was bringing some sweat to his forehead.- ...Christ. 
JACK: It's... a pickle. To say the least. -chews his thumb.- Sorry. 
JACK: I'm probably not much help with this. -wheezes gently.-
RYAN: -frowns- you could be though? 
RYAN: like clearly theres an elephant in the room we should be addressing. 
RYAN: or!! its something i want to address. 
RYAN: because it sucks just sitting on how im feeling. and i know i suck at talking about it. but i wanna try to be better at that too. 
RYAN: especially... especially with you.
JACK: -takes a deep breath... ultimately nodding. He runs his hand through his hair.- Yeah. 
JACK: You're right. It's just... 
JACK: God. -brings a hand and runs it down his face.- It's fucking insane. -says muffled.- 
JACK: Sometimes... fantasies oughta stay fantasies, huh? -drops his hands back down to his sides.- Sheesh.
RYAN: ... maybe. 
RYAN: but why is it... on our minds in the first place? and so frequently??? 
RYAN: its not... mmrg. 
RYAN: its not just a fantasy for me. its not just about fucking around. okay?
JACK: -he sobers up a little, unsure of himself but dammit. Wanting to give talking it through a try.- I know. That's not what I meant. 
JACK: I just... 
JACK: Thought it was a safe thing. 
JACK: Letting myself be indecisive.
JACK: You know it never works out if we think too much so... often times it's just about the feelings. -He doesn't know what he's saying but whatever it is, Jack is sure it was making him sound like a thoughtless dick. The shame is starting to catch up now that he thinks about it.-
RYAN: -winces and turns away from him, setting the mug down on the counter to use the mindless action as an excuse to process this. it's definitely a little frustrating, but even moreso when she doesn't really understand.- what do you mean... a safe thing?
JACK: -rubs his head in frustration and sighs.- Do you ever see me turning away? In these visions?
JACK: Dreams. Sorry.
RYAN: ... no. i dont.
JACK: -drums his fingers a little bit.- Well, logically speaking. 
JACK: It's not just your own desires that are inducing the decisions behind the dreams. And you're not selfish or crazy for having them.
RYAN: -folds her arms, hugging herself while her stomach does all sorts of acrobatic stunts.- okay so... then what??? 
RYAN: thats what i wanna know. 
RYAN: if youre feeling the same way i am... i just want to figure out what i should do about it. 
RYAN: what... we should do about it.
JACK: I don't... have that answer. I don't See what happens if we go through with.... these hypothetical scenarios. 
JACK: It's not disastrous? You've never been disastrous. -makes a vague gesture. It seems kind of wistful.- You've always been... 
JACK: Just you. A person. 
JACK: Reaching for the good as much as anyone else.
RYAN: -looks at him again, expression softening.- ... well. since neither of us knows where things would go... 
RYAN: maybe a better question is... what do we want to do about it?
JACK: -He has to consider everything in front of him now. It was like living through a dose of ice cold deja vu. Ryan, their relationship, the past, the future... In these few moments, Jack is quiet. The conflict warring on his face, despite being unable to see her. If only he had the reassurance of her expression, then he'd be able to make sense of all the blank spaces.- 
JACK: You're always so close. -begins carefully, his blind eyes worried.- It seems... inevitable. No matter what we do. How hard we try.
RYAN: -swallows dryly as she turns to face him and reaches to touch his arm, gentle and reassuring in the absence of the look on her face.- are you scared?
JACK: -as she touches him, he releases the breath he didnt know he was holding.- Always. 
JACK: You know me.
RYAN: -her hand travels up along his shoulder till she's coiling her arms around him, pulling him into a hug.- yeah. 
RYAN: me too. 
RYAN: maybe we can be... scared together? 
RYAN: im not trying to say that we need to have it all figured out right now... 
RYAN: i just dont wanna... run away from this. i dont wanna do that kinda thing anymore jackie.
JACK: -hardly resists her embrace. In fact, he coils into it. Burying himself against her shoulder and holding her tight.- I know... 
JACK: But habits are hard to put to rest. And it's hard trying to... 
JACK: Tell myself that I'm ready. And that I won't catch myself in the same cycle as before. I've spent so long trying to break from it. But is it enough? 
JACK: -He nuzzles her.- I have no fucking clue.
RYAN: -laughs a little, returning the nuzzles.- well fuck. im right there with you. 
RYAN: im not gonna be reckless about it though and say i dont give a fuck?? cuz i do. like... 
RYAN: i wanna be more aware of my own bullshit. 
RYAN: but i feel like its been easier... cuz ive had help. and ive let people help. i never did before. 
RYAN: -squeezes him a little tighter.- i think we can help each other too. youre already doing that for me...
JACK: -Hugs her so tight, he lifts her a little bit. The stronk hobo that he is.- Yeah... 
JACK: -And with that, he turns and presses a kiss to her cheek.- I just. 
JACK: Love you. Somewhere in all this fuckery of a mess. I do.
RYAN: -her cheeks warm at the contact, butterflies fluttering all around her stomach and chest, inspiring more laughter and the threat of tears.- i love you too. i never fucking stopped. 
RYAN: -returns the kiss, and then once more. leaving behind lipstick stains he unfortunately won't be able to discover later, but they're there all the same.-
JACK: -It's hard being on the receiving end of Ryan kisses. It's hard and nobody understands that when you receive one, you had to receive more. And so Jack leans, bringing a hand to her hair, the back of her head. Angling her chin up so he can press a soft sweet kiss to her lips.-
RYAN: -chills run up and down her spine, an elating warmth settling over her skin when it passes. her hands clasp at his hair, interlocking with messy strands to give her a grip while she returns this kiss too, deepening it with the tilt of her head.-
JACK: -The velvety soft of her kiss was like everything Jack remembered... but in real time. No longer clouded by memory or the passing of time. It was a crystal clear, high definition of Ryan Strider brand kisses. Tinted by the taste of hot chocolate, he knew each time his lips energetically plucked the kisses from hers.- 
JACK: Fuck it all... -says while humming with satisfaction, the more she carded fingers through his hair.-
RYAN: thats what i like to hear. -the shape of her lips form a wide smile against his, but that alone couldn't even express her joy. her hands move to frame his face instead for her to look him over. scruffy as he is, he's still the most handsome man she's ever laid eyes on, and it feels good to admire this without guilt.- 
RYAN: hey jack... its really getting late. shouldnt we think about lying down?
JACK: Late for you maybe. The wicked know no sleep. -he smiles, exhaling with relief and the buzz of warmth in his cheeks. He fiddles with more of her downy soft hair between his fingers.- But I guess I could lie in wait for a while.
RYAN: -snickers at his jokes, nudging into his touch.- alright edward. come on. -captures his hand in hers so she can escort him to his own bedroom. she's visited it enough in her dreams to know every step like the back of her hand. when she passes through the door, she's pulling him in for more kisses, as if she had been waiting another lifetime for them, rather than only a few moments.-
JACK: -follows her kisses into well... His bedroom. He knew the direction and he was conscious of how bold she was for leading the way. The truth was really shedding some light on the situation. Holy moly.- Make yourself at home. -mutters, squeezing at her hands and stealing more precious pecks. The door is closing behind them.-
RYAN: i always do. -guides him to the bed, slowly seating herself and tugging him along with her continued insistence. side by side, she pauses to run her hands over his shoulders, studying his frame as if testing the solidity of him. the reality of him.- 
RYAN: im not dreaming again am i?
JACK: I guess we'll find out tomorrow when you wake up. -for all his griping, he stifles a yawn. Relaxing under the hands that run by his shoulders. One of his own thumb comes to lightly stroke her chin. Coaxing her to relax.-
RYAN: ... yeah. alright. -she's torn between the anxiety to stay awake with him, to savor every moment of this, and getting rest to test out the theory that in the morning they'll actually wake up together. but ultimately, his touch has her lying back against the pillows and sheets, beckoning him to follow.-
JACK: -Here he comes. Rolling into bed and feeling around for a way to get comfortable. Preferably with Ryan gathered up in his arms.-
RYAN: -she helps him out, fitting herself against the shape of him, juxtaposed with her back to his front. and with his arms around her, she can finally start to relax.-
1 note · View note
themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
Exploring the Connections Between Your Professional Life and Your Financial Life
This is the sixth entry in an eight part series exploring the connections between your finances and other areas of your life. A few weeks ago, I started a series exploring the connections between personal finance and the other spheres of my life. The first entry covered the connections between ones physical life and financial life, the second entry covered the connections between ones mental and spiritual life and financial life, the third entry covered the connections between ones intellectual life and financial life, the fourth entry covered the connections between ones marital life and financial life, the fifth entry covered the connections between ones parental life and financial life, and today were looking at ones professional life and financial life. As noted in the first entry, I tend to view life as a bunch of spheres, or areas of focus. I really like Michael Hyatts list of nine such spheres: physical, mental/spiritual, intellectual, social, marital, parental, avocational (hobbies), vocational, and financial they cover much of what life is all about. Ive come to view these spheres as deeply interconnected, in that success in one sphere is usually linked in some significant ways to success in other spheres (and failures are similarly connected) and that knowing the connections can help people figure out how to succeed in both areas at once. Today, were going to look at the professional sphere and how it connects to ones financial life. What Is Professional Life? Ones professional life is simply what one does with their time and energy in an effort to earn money. (Things you do outside of earning money tend to fall into the other spheres of life.) My professional life is centered around being a freelance writer, with a few other side gigs here and there. My wifes professional life is that of a teacher. My fathers professional life was commercial fishing and factory work. Professional life encompasses both the day to day work that you have to do to fulfill the requirements of your job and get paid as well as the additional efforts you take on to discover new and better moneymaking opportunities, like furthering your education or getting a certification or going to professional conferences. Obviously, the connections between ones professional life and financial life are many. After all, for most people, their professional life is the source of income in their life. Yet thats just the start of the connections between your financial life and your professional life. Here are several more. Often, your professional life comes with costs. Maybe you have to buy a particular wardrobe for work. Maybe you have to take classes in order to maintain certain certifications. Many people have some sort of commuting cost thats required to get them to and from work. Those costs add up and they drain away from your income. In fact, youre usually better off working for a dollar or two per hour less if the extra costs (like commuting and clothing) are significantly lower or nonexistent. Youll pay fewer taxes and have fewer expenses, which will recoup the salary difference. Stressful jobs often require unwinding, which also has financial implications. Many people gravitate toward expensive ways to unwind after a busy day, or else they gravitate toward simply resting to unwind and that ends up bringing on other expenses. I used to unwind by playing a lot of video games. I would often buy a new video game twice a month, which added up to $100 a month just to unwind from my job. I would often stop for a snack after work as well, because I would often eat to de-stress, and sometimes Id hit a bookstore as well. Those costs can add up. The stress of work can really add to your life. Your job benefits have a profound impact on your overall financial picture. A job with a strong 401(k) or 403(b) match, a continuing education program, and a great health care plan is well worth a lower salary than a job without any of those benefits. Jobs need to be considered in terms of the total value of their benefits and salary, not just the dollar amount on your paycheck. No job is completely stable, and treating your job as permanent and untouchable is a huge financial risk. Your eyes should always be peering ahead at what your next gig is going to be. An unexpected job loss would be financially devastating to the majority of American households. Dont leave your own household at risk. This list could go on and on, of course. The core message here is that the connection between your financial life and your professional life is much deeper than your next paycheck. Here are five low cost strategies I use for maintaining and improving my own professional life. Strategy #1 Never Stick with a Job You Hate If you are genuinely unhappy going to work each morning, substantially beyond the mere preference of a day of leisure that we all have, then you should not stick around at that job. It is likely damaging you in a number of long term ways and making your daily life miserable. Stress and worry and unhappiness have tremendous negative long term health impacts. No job is worth that. Your focus in that situation shouldnt be on perfect job performance, but rather on doing enough to maintain that job while you work on an exit strategy. You should be doing everything you can to open a new door for you to walk through in your career. What does that mean in practical terms? Change your perspective and look at your work solely as a tool to get ready for your next job. Everything you do there should be oriented toward keeping the job in the short term and preparing yourself for your next career step. If your task isnt doing either, then it should be a very, very low priority. Figure out what kind of job you want when you leave, then start building the resume to get that job. Ill cover this in more detail with strategy #2, but you should identify what the requirements and preferred skills and attributes are for the job that you are aiming for next. A good place to start is to go look at job listings for the job you want. Tap your professional relationships for leads. Again, Ill touch on this with strategy #3, but the key idea here is to reach out to your professional network to find out if there are any appropriate jobs available for you. Just ask around with professional colleagues who are employed elsewhere about the existence of jobs that you might be able to apply for and, ideally, those colleagues will help you get your foot in the door for those jobs. It is never worthwhile to stick around at a job that you truly hate. There is always another job that you can do that will earn a similar income. Leave behind poisonous situations and move to pleasant ones. Strategy #2 Always Have a Plan in Place for Your Next Step, and Always Be Taking Daily Action on That Plan Even if youre reasonably happy at your current job, its still a good idea to have a plan in place for whatever your next professional step might be. It might even be something as simple as a raise at your current job. You might be aiming at a promotion at your current workplace. You might be aiming for a big promotion at another employer, or maybe youre even considering moving to another career path entirely. Whatever you might have in mind, you should move that daydream into reality, setting it as a goal and developing a plan to get there. The first step, of course, is identifying where you want to go with your next professional step in a very concrete manner. Think seriously about where you want to be in a few years. It might be your current job with a bit more pay. It might be a promotion at work, or a move elsewhere. Whatever it is, give it serious thought and figure out what your goal is. Where do you really want to go next? Once youve figured that out, you need to develop a plan for achieving that next step. This is going to vary widely depending on what your aim is. If your aim is simply to get a raise at your current job or earn a small promotion at work, the best place to start is with your supervisor. Sit down with your supervisor and simply explain your goal to him or her, then ask for your supervisors help in developing a plan that will get you there. If your aim is a major promotion or a move outside of your current employer, you will have to develop such a plan on your own. I would highly suggest finding a mentor (see the next strategy) to help you do this. Regardless of how you develop a plan for your next career step, you need to be taking daily concrete action on it. This should not be just a fun exercise, but a very clear set of steps you should be following daily to move forward on your professional path. Ideally, you can synergize some of these steps with the work youre already doing by choosing tasks that will really help build you for whats next. If not, you should do your best to block off some time each day for taking that next step, whether its within your workplace or outside of it. If youre not moving forward, youre moving backward. The river of professional life is always flowing against you. Strategy #3 Build and Maintain Positive Professional Relationships and Avoid Burning Bridges Having a lot of positive professional relationships is a boon for any career. They can give you resources to draw on when things are difficult. They can give you a strong positive reputation in your field, one that will often precede you (and a negative reputation will precede you as well if you dont have positive relationships or have a lot of negative ones). They can give you people to swap stories with and connect with in a professional setting. They can give you powerful guidance in terms of what to do next. Occasionally, these relationships can develop into lifelong ones. Building a lot of good professional relationships requires a lot of effort, however. Here are some useful strategies Ive found for doing just that. Dont speak negatively about others, even when theyre not around. If you do speak negatively about others, not only do you establish a reputation for being a person who will trash other people, the word often gets back to the people you trash. The safest rule of thumb is to just avoid it entirely. Dont speak negatively about others, even when theyre not around. If you must criticize someone, do it to their face in a one-on-one session and do it in a constructive way so that they can move forward in a more positive direction. Speaking negatively just damages relationships. Dont burn bridges. If you step down from a position, do it with as much grace as possible. Dont destroy things or say negative things about people on your way out. It doesnt help you; all it does is close doors that you might want to have open in the future. Build positive relationships with everyone you work with. You should have some level of positive relationship with everyone you work with, if thats possible (obviously, there may be a few people who are difficult, but if youre finding most people to be difficult, you may want to look at yourself). Get to know everyone, even the quiet people, and have some things with which you can relate to them. Try to spend at least some time with everyone in your office and be a generally helpful and positive person. Get involved in local professional groups as well as conferences, and use those situations as an opportunity to make yourself known and to get to know others. Beyond your workplace, get involved in every situation you can where you will get to know professional colleagues in your field. Join any local professional groups you can find. Go to conferences. Look for any opportunity you can to present your work to people. Use social media in the same way. Give abundant credit to others and minimize the credit you take for yourself. This is one of the best things you can do for your own reputation. When youre discussing a work project, give as much credit as possible to the other people on the team and dont even mention your own efforts, and if theyre brought up, be humble about them. Talk about what other people contributed to the work in a very positive way. Your own efforts will be known anyway, youll be seen as humble, the reputation of those who helped you will be raised, and theyll think more of you, too. Its one of the best things you can do to build relationships while also building your own reputation. Check in with those people with whom you have a positive professional relationship regularly to maintain that relationship. One of the best strategies Ive actually found is to simply keep a list of people with whom I really want to keep a good professional relationship, split them into three groups basically at random, and then each month, check in and touch base with everyone in one of those groups, then rotate to the next group the following month. So, lets say you have 99 professional relationships. You split them into three groups of 33 each and then you touch base with everyone in one of those groups in January, then another group in February, then another in March. I do this simply to make sure that someone I care about doesnt fall through the cracks. I do it with both professional and personal relationships. When you can do a favor for someone without too much cost to yourself, do it without expecting reciprocation. To me, this is just a natural extension of the golden rule do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What youll find is that if you have a reputation of being helpful without expecting a tit-for-tat, when you actually do need help, a lot of those people you helped will be right there to help you if you ask. Find a mentor, but dont use that word and be careful with it. A mentor is someone many years ahead of you on a career path that you hope to follow. A good professional mentor is incredibly helpful to have, but there are a few challenges, the biggest being the fact that most of the people you would want to have as a mentor are incredibly busy and view a formal mentor relationship as yet another commitment that they dont have time for. It can also be difficult to be on their radar in a positive way if you go in trying to garner attention to yourself, it wont go well. A good approach is to not be formal about it. Rather, simply look for an opportunity to help someone that you would like to be your mentor figure. Then, when you have that opportunity, knock it out of the park without expecting reciprocation. Just nail whatever it is youve agreed to do. Do it so well that they notice your effort above all else, not your hand-waving. This usually opens a door, at least a little. In that situation, dont ask for a formal mentor relationship then, either. Instead, simply ask them that if you are ever in a very difficult situation and youve tried everything you can think of, if it would be okay to contact them once and ask for advice. Theyll likely say yes. Then, wait until you actually are in that situation and ask for that advice. List out all of the things youve already done, and then just ask what they would do. Dont try to schedule a lunch. Dont try to schedule any meeting. Do this by email. If the mentor is engaged and wants to help, theyll schedule a meeting; most likely, theyll just give you a good response by email. Leave it at that and dont make a pest of yourself. Rather, look for another opportunity to volunteer and wow that person. The most valuable thing that will happen here, however, is when youre not around. You will be thought of as a person that your mentor can use for an opportunity or recommend to someone else, and that will happen when youre not in the room. Strategy #4 Dont Shy Away from Professional Challenges, Even If You Fear Failure If youre in a situation where theres a big professional challenge on the offer at work and youre scared of taking it on thats a sure sign that you should take it on. Take that opportunity and give it your genuine best shot. Sure, maybe youll fail. Thats okay. Youll likely learn a ton from failure and that failure likely wont be the end of your career. Or, maybe youll succeed and youll find yourself in a much better professional position than you could have ever dreamed. In either case, youll push your limits and learn a ton along the way. Youll probably have experiences that will burnish your resume for whatever comes next. Remember, in these situations, a professional network is helpful. If youre really challenged by something, ask for help. If you happen to have a mentor, ask for help (in the hands-off way mentioned above). Dont back down from a challenge. It will open doors for you whether you succeed or fail, as long as you give it your genuine best shot. Strategy #5 Always Be Prepared for Unexpected Unemployment No matter how great your job seems, no matter how stable it seems, no matter how good your career seems to be going, unexpected events can and will happen. The government might shut down for a couple of months. Your boss thats your biggest advocate might suddenly die. The owner of your business might be secretly bankrupting the company and then one day its just out of business. Those things can and will happen, and you owe it to yourself and your family to be prepared. Here are a few things you can always do. One, have an emergency fund in a savings account that has at least a month or two of living expenses in it. That way, if youre suddenly out of a job, your financial situation doesnt immediately collapse. You have some breathing room and can immediately focus on finding a new job without worrying about paying the bills next week. Two, have your resume ready to go at all times. Have a well-formatted one you can send out, as well as at least one or two online where they can be found. Keep those resumes updated all the time. Three, know who you can immediately talk to in your professional network. If you lose your job, who might be able to help you quickly find more work? If you dont have those kinds of relationships, start building them. You should have those things in hand at all times. Final Thoughts Your professional life is a vital source of income that youll use to support the rest of your life. Your financial life is mostly about processing the income earned by your professional life. Thus, if you want to get ahead financially, you should focus on getting the most value possible out of your career. If you want to get ahead and build your income, you cant just go to work, clock in, and go home. That will help you keep your job, but it wont help you get ahead in your career and make more money. Hard work is a key ingredient, but so is smart work building relationships, working toward the skills you need for the next step, and making sure that a setback isnt devastating. Good luck! https://www.thesimpledollar.com/exploring-the-connections-between-your-professional-life-and-your-financial-life/
0 notes
gamecheat288-blog · 6 years
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack APK - Get Unlimited Crystals & Credits! [Android-IOS]
Get Chromium MEGA-PACK, Crystals and Credits for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Now you can learn some tricks! Use generator or Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk! Here you have two options of adding Crystals, Credits and Chromium MEGA-PACK!Use Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack now!
Hers is Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes Hack Generator: http://freegamecheats.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
CAUTION! Generator is not compatible with FIREFOX browser. We prefer to use CHROME Browser on Android and Windows devices!!
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Features
? Unlimited Crystals.
? Unlimited Credits .
? Gain an advantage within the game.
? Regular script up-dates.
? Tested and undetectable.
? No download needed.
? 24/7 online access.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Generator Tool:
1. Go Visit: http://freegamecheats.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
2. Enter your game username/email id
3. Choose the operational system of your device on which you run the game.
4. Enter the amount of resources to generate.
5. Click 'Generate' Button.
6. Wait until the process is complete.
7. Enjoy the free resources.
Learn how to use the hack.
1- Select your device
Please make sure you selected your device
2- Select amount of Crystals
Make sure you select how many Crystals you want to be added to your account.
3- Select amount of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Credits
Make sure you select how many Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Crystals and Credits you want to be added to your account.
4- Select your Chromium MEGA-PACK
Make sure you select the any of the free Chromium MEGA-PACK you would like to receive.
5- Input your google, iOS or Facebook e-mail
Please make sure you have the correct Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes you want the hack to be applied to.
6- Get and enter your 'Unique Key' for verification
Get 1 'Unique Key' and enter in the given field to finalize the process (this is to prevent abusers and automated bots to leech our site), resources request will be added to your account in just few minutes.
Get Gift Codes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes?
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack proof
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is fantastic game which needs a lot of Crystals and Credits. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes allows you to redeem gift codes. You need to tap OPTIONS and GIFT CODE button, then you can redeem code and get special packs. We've got list of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift codes. If you don't like use hacks and cheats you can simply download this codes list and use it.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list contains 25 codes, we up-date list every day, so there is no risk that codes are outdated. So, get the codes and enjoy your game:
Now you can simply download Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list:
What is this all about?
Today within this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack guide. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk today launched below it's you for all! Benefit from the complete gambling experience with this application hack. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device gives all of the products required for all amounts of play Finish it Free Of Charge to you. Do you need Chromium MEGA-PACK or Crystals? We created this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk in easy method.
With the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack you can generate unlimited Crystals & Credits. The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Cheats that power our online Cheat engine are completely undetectable and safe to use.
Unlike most other Galaxy of Heroes Hack Tools you can use ours can be used directly from your browser. No need to download any suspicious software and risk getting a virus on your device. It also means that the hacking actions can't be traced back to you; the Cheats are completely safe and anonymous.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes WINDOWS PHONE FULL GAME and hack apk mod: PC version (compatible with Windows, ANDROID, iOS)
This is exactly the fully working Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack that you are looking for. It's fully effective and free of charge, we won't charge you a single penny for using this hack so make use of our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack benefits and gain huge advantage over other players by generating an infinite amount of Crystals to your account. You will avoid the hard path of the game and reach your tasks much faster than before. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online was made to assist you and often to perform this game easier. It works this objective by generating Credits in your need, endless Crystals or Chromium MEGA-PACK. Would you like to perform Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? You found the place that was right. Your developers has generated an Online Hack Mod device which was ideal to obtain Credits and unlimited Crystals. All products will work with pills Android or iOS and this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Online Hack ? smartphones. Merely make use of the Online Mod online.
Having your choice of the amount of crystals or credits by using our Galaxy of Heroes cheats means you can just ad a few hundred so you can finally make that big upgrade you have been wanting to do or you can receive an infinite amount so you can truly dominate that game. Utilize this Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes hack will put you into a position in the galaxy that all other online players will bow down to your reign. Meaning no one will be able to beat you and your warriors.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack produce a Cheat Code, that you may use to obtain all acquisitions within the game free of charge and utilize the game information. Since you do not have to invest money to obtain various things within the game it is extremely awesome. Several players that are leading employ our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack. However this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack's greatest point isn't any download needed. This really is Cheat Code thats why that you don't have to obtain any Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device.
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gamecheat260-blog · 6 years
[Android-iOS] Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack and Cheats 2018
Get Chromium MEGA-PACK, Crystals and Credits for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Now you can learn some tricks! Use generator or Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk! Here you have two options of adding Crystals, Credits and Chromium MEGA-PACK!Use Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack now!
'''Here is Free Crystals, Credits,Energy Refill, Cantina Energy Refill, Shard Currency, Cantina Credits, War Tokens, Arena, Ally Points and Sims Generator'''
Click The Link Below and Generate Unlimited Free Crystals, Credits, , Energy Refill, Cantina Energy Refill, Shard Currency, Cantina Credits, War Tokens, Arena, Ally Points and Sims :d) http://gamehack101.website/top/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes-hack/
if there any problem you face or if you don't get free Crystals, Credits, , Energy Refill, Cantina Energy Refill, Shard Currency, Cantina Credits, War Tokens, Arena, Ally Points and Sims don't hesitate reply comment section below
This Free Cheats Created BY: gamehack101.website
CAUTION! Generator is not compatible with FIREFOX browser. We prefer to use CHROME Browser on Android and Windows devices!!
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Features
? Unlimited Crystals.
? Unlimited Credits .
? Gain an advantage within the game.
? Regular script Updates.
? Tested and undetectable.
? No download needed.
? 24/7 online access.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Generator Tool:
1. Go Visit: http://gamehack101.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
2. Enter your game username/email id
3. Choose the operational system of your device on which you run the game.
4. Enter the amount of resources to generate.
5. Click 'Generate' Button.
6. Wait until the process is complete.
7. Enjoy the free resources.
Learn how to use the hack.
1- Select your device
Please make sure you selected your device
2- Select amount of Crystals
Make sure you select how many Crystals you want to be added to your account.
3- Select amount of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Credits
Make sure you select how many Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Crystals and Credits you want to be added to your account.
4- Select your Chromium MEGA-PACK
Make sure you select the any of the free Chromium MEGA-PACK you would like to receive.
5- Input your google, iOS or Facebook e-mail
Please make sure you have the correct Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes you want the hack to be applied to.
6- Get and enter your 'Unique Key' for verification
Get 1 'Unique Key' and enter in the given field to finalize the process (this is to prevent abusers and automated bots to leech our site), resources request will be added to your account in just few minutes.
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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is fantastic game which needs a lot of Crystals and Credits. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes allows you to redeem gift codes. You need to tap OPTIONS and GIFT CODE button, then you can redeem code and get special packs. We've got list of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift codes. If you don't like use hacks and cheats you can simply download this codes list and use it.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list contains 25 codes, we Update list every day, so there is no risk that codes are outdated. So, get the codes and enjoy your game:
Now you can simply download Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list:
What is this all about?
Today within this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack guide. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk today launched below it's you for all! Benefit from the complete gambling experience with this application hack. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device gives all of the products required for all amounts of play Finish it Free Of Charge to you. Do you need Chromium MEGA-PACK or Crystals? We created this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk in easy method.
With the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack you can generate unlimited Crystals & Credits. The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Cheats that power our online Cheat engine are completely undetectable and safe to use.
Unlike most other Galaxy of Heroes Hack Tools you can use ours can be used directly from your browser. No need to download any suspicious software and risk getting a virus on your device. It also means that the hacking actions can't be traced back to you; the Cheats are completely safe and anonymous.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes WINDOWS PHONE FULL GAME and hack apk mod: PC version (compatible with Windows, ANDROID, iOS)
This is exactly the fully working Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack that you are looking for. It's fully effective and free of charge, we won't charge you a single penny for using this hack so make use of our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack benefits and gain huge advantage over other players by generating an infinite amount of Crystals to your account. You will avoid the hard path of the game and reach your tasks much faster than before. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online was made to assist you and often to perform this game easier. It works this objective by generating Credits in your need, endless Crystals or Chromium MEGA-PACK. Would you like to perform Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? You found the place that was right. Your developers has generated an Online Hack Mod device which was ideal to obtain Credits and unlimited Crystals. All products will work with pills Android or iOS and this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Online Hack ? smartphones. Merely make use of the Online Mod online.
Having your choice of the amount of crystals or credits by using our Galaxy of Heroes cheats means you can just ad a few hundred so you can finally make that big upgrade you have been wanting to do or you can receive an infinite amount so you can truly dominate that game. Utilize this Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes hack will put you into a position in the galaxy that all other online players will bow down to your reign. Meaning no one will be able to beat you and your warriors.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack produce a Cheat Code, that you may use to obtain all acquisitions within the game free of charge and utilize the game information. Since you do not have to invest money to obtain various things within the game it is extremely awesome. Several players that are leading employ our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack. However this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack's greatest point isn't any download needed. This really is Cheat Code thats why that you don't have to obtain any Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device.
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gamecheat262-blog · 6 years
[MOD APK Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack and Cheats 2018
Get Chromium MEGA-PACK, Crystals and Credits for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Now you can learn some tricks! Use generator or Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk! Here you have two options of adding Crystals, Credits and Chromium MEGA-PACK!Use Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack now!
Hers is Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes Hack Generator: http://gamehack101.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
CAUTION! Generator is not compatible with FIREFOX browser. We prefer to use CHROME Browser on Android and Windows devices!!
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Features
? Unlimited Crystals.
? Unlimited Credits .
? Gain an advantage within the game.
? Regular script Updates.
? Tested and undetectable.
? No download needed.
? 24/7 online access.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Generator Tool:
1. Go Visit: http://gamehack101.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
2. Enter your game username/email id
3. Choose the operational system of your device on which you run the game.
4. Enter the amount of resources to generate.
5. Click 'Generate' Button.
6. Wait until the process is complete.
7. Enjoy the free resources.
Learn how to use the hack.
1- Select your device
Please make sure you selected your device
2- Select amount of Crystals
Make sure you select how many Crystals you want to be added to your account.
3- Select amount of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Credits
Make sure you select how many Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Crystals and Credits you want to be added to your account.
4- Select your Chromium MEGA-PACK
Make sure you select the any of the free Chromium MEGA-PACK you would like to receive.
5- Input your google, iOS or Facebook e-mail
Please make sure you have the correct Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes you want the hack to be applied to.
6- Get and enter your 'Unique Key' for verification
Get 1 'Unique Key' and enter in the given field to finalize the process (this is to prevent abusers and automated bots to leech our site), resources request will be added to your account in just few minutes.
Get Gift Codes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes?
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack proof
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is fantastic game which needs a lot of Crystals and Credits. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes allows you to redeem gift codes. You need to tap OPTIONS and GIFT CODE button, then you can redeem code and get special packs. We've got list of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift codes. If you don't like use hacks and cheats you can simply download this codes list and use it.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list contains 25 codes, we Update list every day, so there is no risk that codes are outdated. So, get the codes and enjoy your game:
Now you can simply download Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list:
What is this all about?
Today within this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack guide. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk today launched below it's you for all! Benefit from the complete gambling experience with this application hack. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device gives all of the products required for all amounts of play Finish it Free Of Charge to you. Do you need Chromium MEGA-PACK or Crystals? We created this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk in easy method.
With the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack you can generate unlimited Crystals & Credits. The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Cheats that power our online Cheat engine are completely undetectable and safe to use.
Unlike most other Galaxy of Heroes Hack Tools you can use ours can be used directly from your browser. No need to download any suspicious software and risk getting a virus on your device. It also means that the hacking actions can't be traced back to you; the Cheats are completely safe and anonymous.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes WINDOWS PHONE FULL GAME and hack apk mod: PC version (compatible with Windows, ANDROID, iOS)
This is exactly the fully working Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack that you are looking for. It's fully effective and free of charge, we won't charge you a single penny for using this hack so make use of our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack benefits and gain huge advantage over other players by generating an infinite amount of Crystals to your account. You will avoid the hard path of the game and reach your tasks much faster than before. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online was made to assist you and often to perform this game easier. It works this objective by generating Credits in your need, endless Crystals or Chromium MEGA-PACK. Would you like to perform Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? You found the place that was right. Your developers has generated an Online Hack Mod device which was ideal to obtain Credits and unlimited Crystals. All products will work with pills Android or iOS and this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Online Hack ? smartphones. Merely make use of the Online Mod online.
Having your choice of the amount of crystals or credits by using our Galaxy of Heroes cheats means you can just ad a few hundred so you can finally make that big upgrade you have been wanting to do or you can receive an infinite amount so you can truly dominate that game. Utilize this Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes hack will put you into a position in the galaxy that all other online players will bow down to your reign. Meaning no one will be able to beat you and your warriors.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack produce a Cheat Code, that you may use to obtain all acquisitions within the game free of charge and utilize the game information. Since you do not have to invest money to obtain various things within the game it is extremely awesome. Several players that are leading employ our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack. However this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack's greatest point isn't any download needed. This really is Cheat Code thats why that you don't have to obtain any Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device.
We has released an new Online hack apk for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes game. With this specific Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online device you are able to produce Credits, endless Crystals and cheat the overall game more quickly which you believe. Imagine in the event that you may have 999 milions Crystals how is likely to be, Credits compromised in your Android and iOS within game. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack enables you to produce an endless quantity of Bronze and Crystals. you could possibly be the first, although you will get all of the assets at no cost within the game, you will find huge numbers of people who're ready to make use of this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk. Therefore, what're you awaiting?
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amiamansfield-blog · 6 years
[Android-iOS] Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack and Cheats 2017
Get Chromium MEGA-PACK, Crystals and Credits for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Now you can learn some tricks! Use generator or Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk! Here you have two options of adding Crystals, Credits and Chromium MEGA-PACK!Use Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack now!
‘‘‘Here is Free Crystals, Credits,Energy Refill, Cantina Energy Refill, Shard Currency, Cantina Credits, War Tokens, Arena, Ally Points and Sims Generator’‘‘
Click The Link Below and Generate Unlimited Free Crystals, Credits, , Energy Refill, Cantina Energy Refill, Shard Currency, Cantina Credits, War Tokens, Arena, Ally Points and Sims  :d)     http://downloadhackedgames.online/top/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes-hack/
if there any problem you face or if you don’t get free Crystals, Credits, , Energy Refill, Cantina Energy Refill, Shard Currency, Cantina Credits, War Tokens, Arena, Ally Points and Sims don’t hesitate reply comment section below
This Free Cheats Created BY: downloadhackedgames.online
CAUTION! Generator is not compatible with FIREFOX browser. We prefer to use CHROME Browser on Android and Windows devices!!
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Features
– Unlimited Crystals.
– Unlimited Credits .
– Gain an advantage within the game.
– Regular script up-dates.
– Tested and undetectable.
– No download needed.
– 24/7 online access.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Generator Tool:
1. Go Visit:     http://downloadhackedgames.online/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
2. Enter your game username/email id
3. Choose the operational system of your device on which you run the game.
4. Enter the amount of resources to generate.
5. Click ‘Generate’ Button.
6. Wait until the process is complete.
7. Enjoy the free resources.
Learn how to use the hack.
1- Select your device
Please make sure you selected your device
2- Select amount of Crystals
Make sure you select how many Crystals you want to be added to your account.
3- Select amount of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Credits
Make sure you select how many Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Crystals and Credits you want to be added to your account.
4- Select your Chromium MEGA-PACK
Make sure you select the any of the free Chromium MEGA-PACK you would like to receive.
5- Input your google, iOS or Facebook e-mail
Please make sure you have the correct Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes you want the hack to be applied to.
6- Get and enter your ‘Unique Key’ for verification
Get 1 ‘Unique Key’ and enter in the given field to finalize the process (this is to prevent abusers and automated bots to leech our site), resources request will be added to your account in just few minutes.
Get Gift Codes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes?
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack proof
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is fantastic game which needs a lot of Crystals and Credits. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes allows you to redeem gift codes. You need to tap OPTIONS and GIFT CODE button, then you can redeem code and get special packs. We’ve got list of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift codes. If you don’t like use hacks and cheats you can simply download this codes list and use it.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list contains 25 codes, we up-date list every day, so there is no risk that codes are outdated. So, get the codes and enjoy your game:
Now you can simply download Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list:
What is this all about?
Today within this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack guide. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk today launched below it’s you for all! Benefit from the complete gambling experience with this application hack. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device gives all of the products required for all amounts of play Finish it Free Of Charge to you. Do you need Chromium MEGA-PACK or Crystals? We created this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk in easy method.
With the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack you can generate unlimited Crystals & Credits. The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Cheats that power our online Cheat engine are completely undetectable and safe to use.
Unlike most other Galaxy of Heroes Hack Tools you can use ours can be used directly from your browser. No need to download any suspicious software and risk getting a virus on your device. It also means that the hacking actions can’t be traced back to you; the Cheats are completely safe and anonymous.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes WINDOWS PHONE FULL GAME and hack apk mod: PC version (compatible with Windows, ANDROID, iOS)
This is exactly the fully working Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack that you are looking for. It’s fully effective and free of charge, we won’t charge you a single penny for using this hack so make use of our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack benefits and gain huge advantage over other players by generating an infinite amount of Crystals to your account. You will avoid the hard path of the game and reach your tasks much faster than before. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online was made to assist you and often to perform this game easier. It works this objective by generating Credits in your need, endless Crystals or Chromium MEGA-PACK. Would you like to perform Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? You found the place that was right. Your developers has generated an Online Hack Mod device which was ideal to obtain Credits and unlimited Crystals. All products will work with pills Android or iOS and this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Online Hack – smartphones. Merely make use of the Online Mod online.
Having your choice of the amount of crystals or credits by using our Galaxy of Heroes cheats means you can just ad a few hundred so you can finally make that big upgrade you have been wanting to do or you can receive an infinite amount so you can truly dominate that game. Utilize this Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes hack will put you into a position in the galaxy that all other online players will bow down to your reign. Meaning no one will be able to beat you and your warriors.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack produce a Cheat Code, that you may use to obtain all acquisitions within the game free of charge and utilize the game information. Since you do not have to invest money to obtain various things within the game it is extremely awesome. Several players that are leading employ our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack. However this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack’s greatest point isn’t any download needed. This really is Cheat Code thats why that you don’t have to obtain any Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device.
We has released an new Online hack apk for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes game. With this specific Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online device you are able to produce Credits, endless Crystals and cheat the overall game more quickly which you believe. Imagine in the event that you may have 999 milions Crystals how is likely to be, Credits compromised in your Android and iOS within game. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack enables you to produce an endless quantity of Bronze and Crystals. you could possibly be the first, although you will get all of the assets at no cost within the game, you will find huge numbers of people who’re ready to make use of this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk. Therefore, what’re you awaiting?
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thesoggychef-blog · 7 years
What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/what-can-i-use-for-blind-baking-a-pastry-case/
What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
You are here: Home page > The blog > Random post > What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
The blog of cooking-ez.com
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When it comes to home-made desserts, tarts are always popular. They can be divided into two basic types: those cooked with their filling, such as an apricot and almond cream tart, and those where the filling is added after baking the pastry case, such as a strawberry tart or chocolate tart.
For tarts where the filling will be added later, we need to cook the pastry case “blind, as pastry cooks say.
It won’t do to simply to line the tart tin with the pastry and bake it empty the pastry will puff up unevenly in big bubbles which will harden as they cook and the sides are likely to fall in. In short, a disaster. And this is even worse with puff pastry.
To avoid this problem when baking blind, we need to put something in the pastry case to weight it down and keep the base flat, and also hold up the sides. It needs to be easy to remove afterwards, too. Lets take a look at the various possibilities:
1) Pie-weight chain
This is a long string of stainless-steel beads which can be coiled in the pastry case. Its not too bad for keeping the bottom flat, but does little to stop the sides falling in.
2) Baking beads
These are either metal or ceramic and can be poured in to give an even layer in the pastry case. They are quite effective (just dont use the aluminium ones), even for the sides. But they tend to be fairly large, so not good for small tarts.
3) Dried lentils/beans
This method is as old as the hills and cheap: simply fill the pastry case with dried beans, peas or lentils they are very effective.
Use lentils if you can, as their small size makes them ideal for all sizes of tarts, even tiny ones and vol-au-vents.
Of course, they can be kept and used again and again. I must have been using the same lentils for 25 years!
You will have noticed that I have a preference for lentils, but you should form your own opinion and see what works best for you.
Worth noting, whatever you choose:
– Its a good idea to put a sheet of cooking parchment between the pastry and the lentils or beads. This makes it much easier to remove them after cooking. – To know when the pastry is done, check the edges: when the top of the pastry crust is nicely browned, the bottom of the case should be cooked. – After baking, the bottom of the pastry case might well still be very pale, unlike the browned edge. If this bothers you, remove the lentils and paper towards the end of the baking time and leave the pastry to cook uncovered in the top of the oven for a further 5 minutes. – Always leave a tart case to cool completely before filling, possibly on a wire rack, as this will help the pastry to stay crisp.
To sum up: For blind baking, lentils make the best pie weights. Line the pastry with a sheet of cooking parchment before pouring them in.
Note: When I say that the trick of using dried beans or lentils is as old as the hills, its because thats how I make my own tarts (maybe you, too). Thats how I still see my mother make her tarts now, and how she saw my grandmother do it, and so on
Last modified on: May 2nd 2017
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gamecheat288-blog · 6 years
[APK] Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack - Get Unlimited Crystals & Credits!
Get Chromium MEGA-PACK, Crystals and Credits for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Now you can learn some tricks! Use generator or Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk! Here you have two options of adding Crystals, Credits and Chromium MEGA-PACK!Use Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack now!
Hers is Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes Hack Generator: http://freegamecheats.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
CAUTION! Generator is not compatible with FIREFOX browser. We prefer to use CHROME Browser on Android and Windows devices!!
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Features
? Unlimited Crystals.
? Unlimited Credits .
? Gain an advantage within the game.
? Regular script up-dates.
? Tested and undetectable.
? No download needed.
? 24/7 online access.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Generator Tool:
1. Go Visit: http://freegamecheats.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
2. Enter your game username/email id
3. Choose the operational system of your device on which you run the game.
4. Enter the amount of resources to generate.
5. Click 'Generate' Button.
6. Wait until the process is complete.
7. Enjoy the free resources.
Learn how to use the hack.
1- Select your device
Please make sure you selected your device
2- Select amount of Crystals
Make sure you select how many Crystals you want to be added to your account.
3- Select amount of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Credits
Make sure you select how many Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Crystals and Credits you want to be added to your account.
4- Select your Chromium MEGA-PACK
Make sure you select the any of the free Chromium MEGA-PACK you would like to receive.
5- Input your google, iOS or Facebook e-mail
Please make sure you have the correct Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes you want the hack to be applied to.
6- Get and enter your 'Unique Key' for verification
Get 1 'Unique Key' and enter in the given field to finalize the process (this is to prevent abusers and automated bots to leech our site), resources request will be added to your account in just few minutes.
Get Gift Codes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes?
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack proof
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is fantastic game which needs a lot of Crystals and Credits. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes allows you to redeem gift codes. You need to tap OPTIONS and GIFT CODE button, then you can redeem code and get special packs. We've got list of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift codes. If you don't like use hacks and cheats you can simply download this codes list and use it.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list contains 25 codes, we up-date list every day, so there is no risk that codes are outdated. So, get the codes and enjoy your game:
Now you can simply download Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list:
What is this all about?
Today within this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack guide. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk today launched below it's you for all! Benefit from the complete gambling experience with this application hack. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device gives all of the products required for all amounts of play Finish it Free Of Charge to you. Do you need Chromium MEGA-PACK or Crystals? We created this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk in easy method.
With the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack you can generate unlimited Crystals & Credits. The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Cheats that power our online Cheat engine are completely undetectable and safe to use.
Unlike most other Galaxy of Heroes Hack Tools you can use ours can be used directly from your browser. No need to download any suspicious software and risk getting a virus on your device. It also means that the hacking actions can't be traced back to you; the Cheats are completely safe and anonymous.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes WINDOWS PHONE FULL GAME and hack apk mod: PC version (compatible with Windows, ANDROID, iOS)
This is exactly the fully working Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack that you are looking for. It's fully effective and free of charge, we won't charge you a single penny for using this hack so make use of our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack benefits and gain huge advantage over other players by generating an infinite amount of Crystals to your account. You will avoid the hard path of the game and reach your tasks much faster than before. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online was made to assist you and often to perform this game easier. It works this objective by generating Credits in your need, endless Crystals or Chromium MEGA-PACK. Would you like to perform Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? You found the place that was right. Your developers has generated an Online Hack Mod device which was ideal to obtain Credits and unlimited Crystals. All products will work with pills Android or iOS and this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Online Hack ? smartphones. Merely make use of the Online Mod online.
Having your choice of the amount of crystals or credits by using our Galaxy of Heroes cheats means you can just ad a few hundred so you can finally make that big upgrade you have been wanting to do or you can receive an infinite amount so you can truly dominate that game. Utilize this Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes hack will put you into a position in the galaxy that all other online players will bow down to your reign. Meaning no one will be able to beat you and your warriors.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack produce a Cheat Code, that you may use to obtain all acquisitions within the game free of charge and utilize the game information. Since you do not have to invest money to obtain various things within the game it is extremely awesome. Several players that are leading employ our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack. However this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack's greatest point isn't any download needed. This really is Cheat Code thats why that you don't have to obtain any Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device.
We has released an new Online hack apk for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes game. With this specific Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online device you are able to produce Credits, endless Crystals and cheat the overall game more quickly which you believe. Imagine in the event that you may have 999 milions Crystals how is likely to be, Credits compromised in your Android and iOS within game. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack enables you to produce an endless quantity of Bronze and Crystals. you could possibly be the first, although you will get all of the assets at no cost within the game, you will find huge numbers of people who're ready to make use of this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk. Therefore, what're you awaiting?
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gamecheat260-blog · 6 years
[MOD APK Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack and Cheats 2018
Get Chromium MEGA-PACK, Crystals and Credits for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Now you can learn some tricks! Use generator or Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk! Here you have two options of adding Crystals, Credits and Chromium MEGA-PACK!Use Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack now!
Hers is Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes Hack Generator: http://gamehack101.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
CAUTION! Generator is not compatible with FIREFOX browser. We prefer to use CHROME Browser on Android and Windows devices!!
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Features
? Unlimited Crystals.
? Unlimited Credits .
? Gain an advantage within the game.
? Regular script Updates.
? Tested and undetectable.
? No download needed.
? 24/7 online access.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Generator Tool:
1. Go Visit: http://gamehack101.website/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
2. Enter your game username/email id
3. Choose the operational system of your device on which you run the game.
4. Enter the amount of resources to generate.
5. Click 'Generate' Button.
6. Wait until the process is complete.
7. Enjoy the free resources.
Learn how to use the hack.
1- Select your device
Please make sure you selected your device
2- Select amount of Crystals
Make sure you select how many Crystals you want to be added to your account.
3- Select amount of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Credits
Make sure you select how many Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Crystals and Credits you want to be added to your account.
4- Select your Chromium MEGA-PACK
Make sure you select the any of the free Chromium MEGA-PACK you would like to receive.
5- Input your google, iOS or Facebook e-mail
Please make sure you have the correct Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes you want the hack to be applied to.
6- Get and enter your 'Unique Key' for verification
Get 1 'Unique Key' and enter in the given field to finalize the process (this is to prevent abusers and automated bots to leech our site), resources request will be added to your account in just few minutes.
Get Gift Codes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes?
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack proof
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is fantastic game which needs a lot of Crystals and Credits. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes allows you to redeem gift codes. You need to tap OPTIONS and GIFT CODE button, then you can redeem code and get special packs. We've got list of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift codes. If you don't like use hacks and cheats you can simply download this codes list and use it.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list contains 25 codes, we Update list every day, so there is no risk that codes are outdated. So, get the codes and enjoy your game:
Now you can simply download Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list:
What is this all about?
Today within this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack guide. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk today launched below it's you for all! Benefit from the complete gambling experience with this application hack. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device gives all of the products required for all amounts of play Finish it Free Of Charge to you. Do you need Chromium MEGA-PACK or Crystals? We created this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk in easy method.
With the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack you can generate unlimited Crystals & Credits. The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Cheats that power our online Cheat engine are completely undetectable and safe to use.
Unlike most other Galaxy of Heroes Hack Tools you can use ours can be used directly from your browser. No need to download any suspicious software and risk getting a virus on your device. It also means that the hacking actions can't be traced back to you; the Cheats are completely safe and anonymous.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes WINDOWS PHONE FULL GAME and hack apk mod: PC version (compatible with Windows, ANDROID, iOS)
This is exactly the fully working Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack that you are looking for. It's fully effective and free of charge, we won't charge you a single penny for using this hack so make use of our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack benefits and gain huge advantage over other players by generating an infinite amount of Crystals to your account. You will avoid the hard path of the game and reach your tasks much faster than before. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online was made to assist you and often to perform this game easier. It works this objective by generating Credits in your need, endless Crystals or Chromium MEGA-PACK. Would you like to perform Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? You found the place that was right. Your developers has generated an Online Hack Mod device which was ideal to obtain Credits and unlimited Crystals. All products will work with pills Android or iOS and this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Online Hack ? smartphones. Merely make use of the Online Mod online.
Having your choice of the amount of crystals or credits by using our Galaxy of Heroes cheats means you can just ad a few hundred so you can finally make that big upgrade you have been wanting to do or you can receive an infinite amount so you can truly dominate that game. Utilize this Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes hack will put you into a position in the galaxy that all other online players will bow down to your reign. Meaning no one will be able to beat you and your warriors.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack produce a Cheat Code, that you may use to obtain all acquisitions within the game free of charge and utilize the game information. Since you do not have to invest money to obtain various things within the game it is extremely awesome. Several players that are leading employ our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack. However this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack's greatest point isn't any download needed. This really is Cheat Code thats why that you don't have to obtain any Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device.
We has released an new Online hack apk for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes game. With this specific Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online device you are able to produce Credits, endless Crystals and cheat the overall game more quickly which you believe. Imagine in the event that you may have 999 milions Crystals how is likely to be, Credits compromised in your Android and iOS within game. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack enables you to produce an endless quantity of Bronze and Crystals. you could possibly be the first, although you will get all of the assets at no cost within the game, you will find huge numbers of people who're ready to make use of this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk. Therefore, what're you awaiting?
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amiamansfield-blog · 6 years
[MOD APK Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack and Cheats 2017
Get Chromium MEGA-PACK, Crystals and Credits for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! Now you can learn some tricks! Use generator or Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk! Here you have two options of adding Crystals, Credits and Chromium MEGA-PACK!Use Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack now!
Hers is Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes Hack Generator:     http://downloadhackedgames.online/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
CAUTION! Generator is not compatible with FIREFOX browser. We prefer to use CHROME Browser on Android and Windows devices!!
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Features
– Unlimited Crystals.
– Unlimited Credits .
– Gain an advantage within the game.
– Regular script up-dates.
– Tested and undetectable.
– No download needed.
– 24/7 online access.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Generator Tool:
1. Go Visit:     http://downloadhackedgames.online/star-wars-galaxy-of-heroes.html
2. Enter your game username/email id
3. Choose the operational system of your device on which you run the game.
4. Enter the amount of resources to generate.
5. Click ‘Generate’ Button.
6. Wait until the process is complete.
7. Enjoy the free resources.
Learn how to use the hack.
1- Select your device
Please make sure you selected your device
2- Select amount of Crystals
Make sure you select how many Crystals you want to be added to your account.
3- Select amount of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Credits
Make sure you select how many Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Crystals and Credits you want to be added to your account.
4- Select your Chromium MEGA-PACK
Make sure you select the any of the free Chromium MEGA-PACK you would like to receive.
5- Input your google, iOS or Facebook e-mail
Please make sure you have the correct Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes you want the hack to be applied to.
6- Get and enter your ‘Unique Key’ for verification
Get 1 ‘Unique Key’ and enter in the given field to finalize the process (this is to prevent abusers and automated bots to leech our site), resources request will be added to your account in just few minutes.
Get Gift Codes for Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes?
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes hack proof
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is fantastic game which needs a lot of Crystals and Credits. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes allows you to redeem gift codes. You need to tap OPTIONS and GIFT CODE button, then you can redeem code and get special packs. We’ve got list of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift codes. If you don’t like use hacks and cheats you can simply download this codes list and use it.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list contains 25 codes, we up-date list every day, so there is no risk that codes are outdated. So, get the codes and enjoy your game:
Now you can simply download Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes gift code list:
What is this all about?
Today within this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack guide. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk today launched below it’s you for all! Benefit from the complete gambling experience with this application hack. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device gives all of the products required for all amounts of play Finish it Free Of Charge to you. Do you need Chromium MEGA-PACK or Crystals? We created this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes mod apk in easy method.
With the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack you can generate unlimited Crystals & Credits. The Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Cheats that power our online Cheat engine are completely undetectable and safe to use.
Unlike most other Galaxy of Heroes Hack Tools you can use ours can be used directly from your browser. No need to download any suspicious software and risk getting a virus on your device. It also means that the hacking actions can’t be traced back to you; the Cheats are completely safe and anonymous.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes WINDOWS PHONE FULL GAME and hack apk mod: PC version (compatible with Windows, ANDROID, iOS)
This is exactly the fully working Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack that you are looking for. It’s fully effective and free of charge, we won’t charge you a single penny for using this hack so make use of our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack benefits and gain huge advantage over other players by generating an infinite amount of Crystals to your account. You will avoid the hard path of the game and reach your tasks much faster than before. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Online was made to assist you and often to perform this game easier. It works this objective by generating Credits in your need, endless Crystals or Chromium MEGA-PACK. Would you like to perform Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes? You found the place that was right. Your developers has generated an Online Hack Mod device which was ideal to obtain Credits and unlimited Crystals. All products will work with pills Android or iOS and this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Online Hack – smartphones. Merely make use of the Online Mod online.
Having your choice of the amount of crystals or credits by using our Galaxy of Heroes cheats means you can just ad a few hundred so you can finally make that big upgrade you have been wanting to do or you can receive an infinite amount so you can truly dominate that game. Utilize this Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes hack will put you into a position in the galaxy that all other online players will bow down to your reign. Meaning no one will be able to beat you and your warriors.
Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack produce a Cheat Code, that you may use to obtain all acquisitions within the game free of charge and utilize the game information. Since you do not have to invest money to obtain various things within the game it is extremely awesome. Several players that are leading employ our Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack. However this Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack’s greatest point isn’t any download needed. This really is Cheat Code thats why that you don’t have to obtain any Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Hack Device.
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thesoggychef-blog · 7 years
What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/what-can-i-use-for-blind-baking-a-pastry-case/
What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = " thesoggychef-20 "; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "cooking"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "Kitchen"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "51fe4d035c7af8dc5928e6f5e5b79c4e"; amzn_assoc_default_browse_node = "284507"; amzn_assoc_rows = "4"; amzn_assoc_design = "text_links";
You are here: Home page > The blog > Random post > What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
The blog of cooking-ez.com
Follow this page – Send to a friend
When it comes to home-made desserts, tarts are always popular. They can be divided into two basic types: those cooked with their filling, such as an apricot and almond cream tart, and those where the filling is added after baking the pastry case, such as a strawberry tart or chocolate tart.
For tarts where the filling will be added later, we need to cook the pastry case “blind, as pastry cooks say.
It won’t do to simply to line the tart tin with the pastry and bake it empty the pastry will puff up unevenly in big bubbles which will harden as they cook and the sides are likely to fall in. In short, a disaster. And this is even worse with puff pastry.
To avoid this problem when baking blind, we need to put something in the pastry case to weight it down and keep the base flat, and also hold up the sides. It needs to be easy to remove afterwards, too. Lets take a look at the various possibilities:
1) Pie-weight chain
This is a long string of stainless-steel beads which can be coiled in the pastry case. Its not too bad for keeping the bottom flat, but does little to stop the sides falling in.
2) Baking beads
These are either metal or ceramic and can be poured in to give an even layer in the pastry case. They are quite effective (just dont use the aluminium ones), even for the sides. But they tend to be fairly large, so not good for small tarts.
3) Dried lentils/beans
This method is as old as the hills and cheap: simply fill the pastry case with dried beans, peas or lentils they are very effective.
Use lentils if you can, as their small size makes them ideal for all sizes of tarts, even tiny ones and vol-au-vents.
Of course, they can be kept and used again and again. I must have been using the same lentils for 25 years!
You will have noticed that I have a preference for lentils, but you should form your own opinion and see what works best for you.
Worth noting, whatever you choose:
– Its a good idea to put a sheet of cooking parchment between the pastry and the lentils or beads. This makes it much easier to remove them after cooking. – To know when the pastry is done, check the edges: when the top of the pastry crust is nicely browned, the bottom of the case should be cooked. – After baking, the bottom of the pastry case might well still be very pale, unlike the browned edge. If this bothers you, remove the lentils and paper towards the end of the baking time and leave the pastry to cook uncovered in the top of the oven for a further 5 minutes. – Always leave a tart case to cool completely before filling, possibly on a wire rack, as this will help the pastry to stay crisp.
To sum up: For blind baking, lentils make the best pie weights. Line the pastry with a sheet of cooking parchment before pouring them in.
Note: When I say that the trick of using dried beans or lentils is as old as the hills, its because thats how I make my own tarts (maybe you, too). Thats how I still see my mother make her tarts now, and how she saw my grandmother do it, and so on
Last modified on: May 2nd 2017
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(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_EN/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.10"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_search_bar_position = "bottom"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = " thesoggychef-20 "; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Shop Related Products"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "cookware"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "b45319dac495d29e17b5eff312392025"; Source link
0 notes
thesoggychef-blog · 7 years
What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
New Post has been published on https://simpleeasycooking.com/what-can-i-use-for-blind-baking-a-pastry-case/
What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
You are here: Home page > The blog > Random post > What can I use for blind baking a pastry case?
The blog of cooking-ez.com
Follow this page – Send to a friend
When it comes to home-made desserts, tarts are always popular. They can be divided into two basic types: those cooked with their filling, such as an apricot and almond cream tart, and those where the filling is added after baking the pastry case, such as a strawberry tart or chocolate tart.
For tarts where the filling will be added later, we need to cook the pastry case “blind, as pastry cooks say.
It won’t do to simply to line the tart tin with the pastry and bake it empty the pastry will puff up unevenly in big bubbles which will harden as they cook and the sides are likely to fall in. In short, a disaster. And this is even worse with puff pastry.
To avoid this problem when baking blind, we need to put something in the pastry case to weight it down and keep the base flat, and also hold up the sides. It needs to be easy to remove afterwards, too. Lets take a look at the various possibilities:
1) Pie-weight chain
This is a long string of stainless-steel beads which can be coiled in the pastry case. Its not too bad for keeping the bottom flat, but does little to stop the sides falling in.
2) Baking beads
These are either metal or ceramic and can be poured in to give an even layer in the pastry case. They are quite effective (just dont use the aluminium ones), even for the sides. But they tend to be fairly large, so not good for small tarts.
3) Dried lentils/beans
This method is as old as the hills and cheap: simply fill the pastry case with dried beans, peas or lentils they are very effective.
Use lentils if you can, as their small size makes them ideal for all sizes of tarts, even tiny ones and vol-au-vents.
Of course, they can be kept and used again and again. I must have been using the same lentils for 25 years!
You will have noticed that I have a preference for lentils, but you should form your own opinion and see what works best for you.
Worth noting, whatever you choose:
– Its a good idea to put a sheet of cooking parchment between the pastry and the lentils or beads. This makes it much easier to remove them after cooking. – To know when the pastry is done, check the edges: when the top of the pastry crust is nicely browned, the bottom of the case should be cooked. – After baking, the bottom of the pastry case might well still be very pale, unlike the browned edge. If this bothers you, remove the lentils and paper towards the end of the baking time and leave the pastry to cook uncovered in the top of the oven for a further 5 minutes. – Always leave a tart case to cool completely before filling, possibly on a wire rack, as this will help the pastry to stay crisp.
To sum up: For blind baking, lentils make the best pie weights. Line the pastry with a sheet of cooking parchment before pouring them in.
Note: When I say that the trick of using dried beans or lentils is as old as the hills, its because thats how I make my own tarts (maybe you, too). Thats how I still see my mother make her tarts now, and how she saw my grandmother do it, and so on
Last modified on: May 2nd 2017
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(function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_EN/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.10"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "thesoggychef-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "Cook book"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "7687f0a409a2a1d4bc785464e4a8293f"; amzn_assoc_design = "in_content"; Source link
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