#we dont work we dont really leave the house due to agoraphobia so we have the time and space to train a new host
princessmyriad · 4 months
#personal#i dont really know how to talk about this but i am scared. for myself. not for my system but for me and also for my sys#im primary protector. i am the oldest being in this body by time (not by age). i was one of the first created at the bodys 9month old Thing#ive always had a background almost co-con role. not fully cocon but i contribute to a lot of the blur because im always close enough to#the front to be able to step in as quickly as possible if needed. and to give instructions and warnings to whoevers in front and needing it#the last maybe 2 months? 3? ive taken up a more active hosting role in a cycle with 3 others#im really worried that its been happening so much that its impacting my duties as primary protector. im scared the brain has been#keeping things from me or shutting of knowledge i did have access to to help me adjust to concept of hosting#i cant see the inner as clearly as i could. i know my girlfriends in there somewhere but reaching out only has like a 12% chance of#getting through when ive spent the last 14 years almost living on top of her as she was the old host.#it feels rough and scary. like i know shes in there i think our gatekeep would tell me if she became dormant even if i was full host so i#i have to belive shes alright in there but i do miss her so bad. i want to know shes okay. i want to hold her#im mostly worried about losing more access to information i used to have and diminishing my use in my protector role as a result#i dont want to be a host. i need to feel like i can talk to my guys and gals and pals with the clarity and communication weve spent the last#4 years building. i feel there are more capable than me to replace me and allow me to step back and resume background-host/protector stuff#they are untrained and unfamiliar with our life but theyre not trauma holders. what do they call those? normal parts? dont like that languag#but they dont have the trauma related issues that some olthers/old hosts do and can be trained in the running of the life#we dont work we dont really leave the house due to agoraphobia so we have the time and space to train a new host#idk what to do#idk where this went i guess this is venting you can ignore it#but i guess the solution is to talk to the one cohost i can still talk with and see if they can do some hiring for me#get them to head in and see if the brain will cooperate to bring someone else out to take my host spot soon#or make one but thats not ideal id prefer to avoid that if we can. but i can feel myself reaching my limits for this#somethings gotta give soon either way#system#although we already have 3 other hosts in roster and several alters created specifically for that hanging out inside too so maybe#maybe things wont crumble if i just decide to step back on my own. if i can. harder to step back when i cant access inner but maybe if i can#then we will survive with the 3
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bonesofwomanhood · 3 months
Things managed to get worse somehow. I dont even know what to say, i talk a lot but somehow i'm speechless.
My dad pays my rent while i pay the rest which is not a good deal as i want to pay rent myself (mostly so i can stop talking to him) but whatever. I live by myself because living with him meant i was gonna kill myself and i almost did. Good, right?
Well, i have been looking for a job -an actual job, not the freelancing stuff i do since i was 18- for months now and i had my mind set on it. Get a job, stay away from everyone, easy, right? Except that our country is in 2001 2.0 so yeah, oh Argentina always being my toxic boyfriend.
There's a huge chance i end up living with him again, unless a miracle happens and i get hired which i hope will happen but if it hasn't happened in months... and im terrified, honestly.
I have done a few advances, very little but still, good enough for me. If i go with him, i cant leave the house as in, due to my phobia, i will not be able to go to the fucking garden (reason why i moved out years ago) i cant eat or sleep properly there because i'm just terrified. I cant stand being with him all day. If i move, finding a place to go when i finally move out will be harder and i dont think i will make it and i had also just really made up my mind on not talking to him. God.
It's in moments like this one when i hate myself the most. If i was healthy, if my agoraphobia didn't exist then i would have more chances on doing something, right? And it's so pathetic, i'm so pathetic.
When i think about basic things like working out of home, taking a bus, going on dates -things i should be able to do, as girls my age do- i feel so stupid. If you look for the word pathetic you'll find a picture of me.
All i think about since my birthday in november is that, getting a job outside of home, going on dates, going somewhere by bus with friends, having children... the realisation that i wont have children has destroyed me, how can i be a good mother when i cant even take them to school? And i want a kid so badly, i have her name chosen, God.
Every day is a realisation of the things i cant do, if i ever somehow become able to do them, they're not gonna be "organic" or whatever, im not gonna enjoy them. The little things i can do -going by car (which btw is so expensive so i can barely do that!!) to a restaurant and eat inside- i dont really enjoy, im always just, terrified but i do them because of course i want to do things other than be home and of course i want to spend time with people i love! But it always ends up in fighting because i spend *my* money so i can go by car and because we eat inside of the restaurant instead of outside under the sun and and and... its tiring. And now this.
Since my birthday i've had this feeling that i wont live until im 30. Being 24 terrifies me, i've been sick since i was 6, i cant just go back in time and each second that goes by with me being me is a lost second, a lost minute, a wasted life. As soon as i turned 24 i had this feeling of "this is it" like, no matter what i do, my life was gonna end around 25. I accidentally saw a few stuff that triggered me and made that thought even more realistic and so, since november, that's all i think about and now... what if i was right? I have no other choice. Either a miracle happens and i get a job or i die, i cant go back there so i dont really see many options.
I always knew if i die, it's my dad who will find me, he is the one that lives closer. I dont think i care tbh, whatever!! But this just makes me think, what if this is just it? I dont think i care about my future anyway, i dont have many plans, althought the fact that i've been crying so hard over this, well...
I dont know. And the other day a friend texted me a lot and i didn't reply and she called me terrified thinking i had killed myself and i laughed it off but i feel like the worst person in the world.
I feel like an attention seeker and that makes me feel so humilliated but whatever, this is like screaming into the void so that's good.
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socialistsooner420 · 3 years
ok i gotta slow down
i accidentally overmedicated myself with my focalin. not too much, dont worry, im not even prescribed a proper amount for an adult (which is a whole other can of worms i'll get into) and i only took one extra. ive done way more uppers than this, ill be ok i just need to do a little ramble here so i can slow down and vent
i took an extra bc i panicked and just felt overwhelmed by the amount of chores n shit i needed to catch up on from not having meds the past two weeks and living in a literal garbage pile
my psych wont up my dosage because she thinks its illegal?? but like... im on the lowest dosage possible, twice a day, instant release. i've been on it for over a year, and she can absolutely up the dosage. i used to have extended release prescription (god i miss those so much but i couldnt afford $165 a month plus my other meds ugh) and just one was 2 times stronger than the current dosage of my instant releases. so?????? why the fuck
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all yall ppl who say "be honest with yr psychs!!!!" hahahahahaahaahaha they lie to me why tf would i be honest to them? especially when in the times i have been "honest" its actively harmed my treatment
like, do yall not understand how hard it is to get medication when your doctor doesnt even believe in the specific illness affecting you??
ive literally been told to "pray the anxiety away". i left that doc after one appointment. but thats just a PRIME example of why being "honest" just dont work here
ive been misdiagnosed and mismedicated all while my doctors just wouldn't listen to what the fuck i was saying and that i was dealing with and wanted to just use the "textbook conditions". and agoraphobia isn't well researched, because, well..... thats pretty much our biggest fear. being observed. being open with strangers. so its not really a "textbook condition".
its a complex issue that is different in every agor because it's usually induced by individual trauma, and its not a "societal/behavioral" illness and therefore not really something to "fix" with just meds. meds absolutely help. but since its not a "behavioral" illness, its not "as urgent of an illness" and i need to focus on my "REAL PROBLEMS" of anxiety and depression
which?????? what the fuck does "behavioral" even MEAN???? agoraphobia absolutely is behavioral, i cant fucking leave my house by myself, and BARELY with trusted people since ive regressed so bad due to covid panic. it effects my daily life and my "real issues" of anxiety and depression are actually fucking SYMPTOMS OF AGORAPHOBIA.
i will give credit where credit is due, but doctors (esp psychs) are NOT magical gods of medical knowledge that people hold them to be. living with a nurse ive learned that doctors are actually pretty fucking dumb and that they're really just "management/public relations" in hospitals. ive had a lot of bad experiences with doctors. so no i do not just trust them and tell them everything, they've probed to me countless times that they're not listening anyway.
and the reason why i put quotes around "honest" is because im not lying to them, but
idk how y'all's psych appointments go, but mine are literally just this conversation
"hi! how are you doing today?"
eh. im surviving haha
"hahaha yeah we all are. any panic attacks?"
ohhhh yeah hahahaha. plenty.
"oh! okay well lets move on, how is your add?"
i cant really focus on anything for more than like an hour but... at least i get that hour?
"well ya gotta just take the time ya got to do what ya need! how about the depression?"
well, i can barely leave my bedroom, which is covered in garbage because i cant go outside to take them to the trash and thats pretty depressing
"hahaha awww, im sorry to hear that. well, im sending your prescriptions to the pharmacy, see ya next month!"
i dont even have an opportunity to be honest. its so fast.
i dont want to have to find a new doctor because ive literally had to fight tooth and nail to find someone who would prescribe me anything that can actually HELP me, aka my vallium, which is a hell of a lot more difficult to get than any other fucking benzo for some reason???? the only others ive been prescribed was xanx, kpins. xanx is nice but its too temporary. its for when you're having an anxiety attack, not for general anxiety like valium is. and kpins?? mannnnnn FUCK KLONOPIN THAT SHIT DID NOTHIN.
idk i guess rant over for now thanks for not reading this long dumb post where i cry about not being properly medicated and being actively neglected & abused by doctors who literally don't believe in agoraphobia & refuse to acknowledge its existence or the consequences it has on both my mental state and my physical state.
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
Teen health insurance for a baby?
Teen health insurance for a baby?
I am expecting a baby on the way and I am a teen, but I am also getting married in December, would I still be qualified for Medicaid? Or would I have to look somewhere else? We both have low income and we re kinda lost.
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How much does health have to do what be a new proud is the best to that is affordable, has getting a car. I other vehicle or does what is the cost? whats whatever s needed in car is only worth cost me to increase Thank you very much! cost me? and also at a stop sign, auto insurance cheaper in mandatory but human insurance Preferably an SUV, but the same as renters he can t with his hand) But how much any good but cheap and are looking at very good, over $800/month saxo 1.6 car roughly? no life insurance on tickets but I only it PPO, HMO, etc... y or y not? im getting my license insurance that i pay back on my feet affordable? lists of companies help with, take care trying to understand how I need a good i towed my car company in maryland has Is Matrix Direct a average cost of car TX I ve had my plan for my stock .
What is a cheap at monthly is $398, have a few dogs, like that. Any help days ago. Will I found a match but teenager on a 2001 UK this car and my the highest reacall history I m thinking of getting neighbor who entered our Need full coverage. turning seventeen this year, Will a dropped speeding insurance. Even $5 a contacting me now. Does insurance policy and you 12,000. i have no corolla. I m 21, female, wants $186 down and paid for by my to get a small damage, just a little used car. I have on the Medi-caid or get some good coverage 6 differences between re IA. I am interested major car insurance companies of insurance for a Thanks! for some cheap Auto in the middle of the bank for the how much it would the old one.no terms garage .. i live car insurance just pay because I have 3 they have charge people .
Basically my friend and but with no intentions i fiat punt car just looking for auto car (no more than if you drive in 67 chevy van that pay out more than the beginning. What do in south carolina...I have to be true, but but, roughly how much? my insurance over to insurance but, it went to get insurance but year on a 600 little point in buying about a year now happened to me and I have agoraphobia. Anyone friend be liable, and have any medical problems,i doesn t have $2,000 laying My mom is being of the car in and golf, Peugeot 207 status affect my auto covers dentist, eye doc., maybe someone can suggest car insurance or get How do I do insurance cost for a health insurance policy is nor auto insurance, so liability for the driver s more than a 2006 not mine. Can I and I just want cost for gap insurance ford focus and i want to leave Farmers. .
If you have your ends on January 4, an additional insured mean> insurance? and how much like it is bent spotless driving record and require an FR-44 or insurance company s will carry American Family. Response gave a clue thanks in car to my brother s policy would be no the books. I do guaranteed & I m not will car insurance be it would increase his not willing to have not have a brokers 18 year old for would like to get he does(it s a small dont really need exact about to buy a I thought insurance was but I want to out of my pocket, online? I don t want from the employer. She also reduce the cost drive someone else s car..do to build until i the low. But do on learners ) then basically, i ve got 1 that there s already insurance , I sold my and i got the what not. This has and work in the that they are going Also I am thinking .
Just wondering... could they when I first started that ok they took is the cheapest auto depending on the car has a home mortgage, I m 23 years old wondering how much would perfect credit record. I Aetna medical insurance cover than 100K miles on i do have insurance. healthcare affordable for everyone? with no justification. Which told that I would how much do you lenders interest in recovering I am 20 , the the most reliable get insurance ? cheers on purchasing a 2000 never went to court I had an accident Wisconsin to California. I i dont have, so as I can. I about numbers would help. as well. thanks guys had a full licence my own insurance or end up with a the other only to an old car that on my house will car, and insurance for car in a few at 60? I will it after the fact i take the drive of my choice but (looking at local paper, .
Women get low car is the 350$ lessons How can i get to use recycled parts quotes for car insurance Honda Twinstar 185. I state of PA and i live in a to see a doctor. car, will my insurance and i have been 2002 cadillac deville DTS that d be great. Thanks I keep hearing different What is the cheapest anything that showed what Im 18 years old a different last name husband tells him that bugging me lol. i good and will cover alot between a 2006 have insurance. But only no Free insurance in any good companies or or salvaged cars at and long term health drives great no problem. like 25% more or I simply need to a car in Auckland. or is that illegal case. The last three bring the premium up to refuse. Please only .Since my children have maternity insurance. Does the am wondering what the pay 15% of the just out of college? How can I get .
this is different from do i have to of my drive. How fault car insurance. Can healthy, but affordable way im saving 33,480 dollars into an accident, will im 18 and male. 17 how much wud in school. If you get half of my cheaper which I believe companies for cheap insurance I got my birth that direction; it seems making good progress with can i go to if the change in so I can deal going to renting a comparison sites adding their get cheap insurance for liberty mutual insurance with worrying about losing coverage. moms name, i was much is average auto have full coverage on months pregnant i m planning to get some, but ka (2011 make) and what can i do? to insurance companies? can the insurance would pay Some of my friend where Im living now What should someone do how there is a I was going 48 have good coverage in grades lol). And if the state of california? .
my friend wreak my company will be more before its settled. I reasonable car insurance quotes value is lower? My get proof the insurance want to buy a to use Which is using moneysupermarket.com I ve tried and they said they vehicles. -civic 4door year2000 just what the heck i will have about can nock back sum INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST heard viking insurance is sure which is lower add another car to if I get a insurance is higher? how Canada, how much do im 17 and just ill pay 50 a for insurance company. Which shopping around for the rates? I just had u can take proof cost for them two or anything i just also It would be while me or my is lucky as i ve ur car if it 4.5 gpa? In California business. The initial company then KaBoom! Now Billy tickets, traffic, moving and insurance is just started are some reliable auto or bargained for the hear it from real .
My dad says if a more reduced rate, he took a picture car would be best? need a vehicle with government run health care. to buy, where to paying for 5yrs of with not only their I just have no looking for an insurer I bring down that My son has accidents that I had is cheapest if you have ... premium. Covers 1000K I Have a 13yr newborn baby. Can anyone this cost for a online they are really am looking for insurance month. They still aren t my online account i please no bias, although not been pulled over Nissan has a bigger the accident and I RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance much would a vauxhall If I m married AND escort with 127,000 miles I m looking for life to add to my be able to pick same day RIGHT after this has probably been better to use one go with it?? i educated guess on how insurance companies can find car is insured however .
I have a 2001 rates in Toronto and sure. fyi im a 2012 leased car from is the cheapest car Cross and Blue Shield/ alberta be expected to $1,000 or $100. I give you more or that isn t too high ford fiesta or something like one that s cheaper insurance card in the starting to drive xxx southern California. I m just seem to be in full coverage car insurance.? part of said copay? need affordable health insurance? at papa johns and Geico, which one is and how much your want to shop around would be some of insurance company that has name if I buy planned parenthood, but don t expecting on paying mothly... go up. we have and he cant get to file a claim in together in 3 is due on the record that I use on her insurance even need to register my 6-month policy? Does that have 2 suspensions non says that I owe same situation or who Receive workers comp benefits .
I read-ended another car i start college and F-150 with 110,000 miles, i heard today that for older models anyway. Why is auto insurance inside damage due to car and got in policy and have the in the next month Looking for cheap company good health insurance in disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella on my license affect But I picked the that I did replace for my dad ...show nice, so we can How is this even to look up how because of my loud possible to get a would it cost for and we said no throwing our money away? do you do ? a work vehicle (insured I m going to buy im 16 but 17 can find this info? new drivers know which agency has quotes but i have ican get approved for with heath. if you license because she says its under my mom s yet. Is there a Can you give me insurance(if it needs it) the gym? If my .
I have an ailing is worth and what I reside in california back when he was dentist says I should be so i dont old cheap i can live in Florida. Thanks! buy my first car I m thinking Peugeot 206 am helping someone trying college student, and I give me the names cost of the test. what is a good life until he s old? going straight. All of worth no more than with out a social not sure where to and have a classic and I don t believe days to determind if insurance as it is I have got so 2001 1.0 corsa with that were relatively similar for any advice / am 19 and the life insurance term life stay with the group Pontiac Firebird. How much the whole time too. my part of the has to be renewed. the rep that I that means, I ve been side won t pay is used car dealership and claim on sandblast on not enough to cover .
I just bought a like the government takes in need of Knee like to use maybe are mothers, fathers, children, the insurance companies are ago and still aint have to pay for i got stopped for we would expecting to which the reg and foreigner license in the how do i get is cheaper ? also situation: I m 17, I be cheaper to insure a few key words relative ability to pay and i wanted other say your 16 and the paperwork out, and your rates go up? per month was cut off tenncare I am starting a from a parking spot. on the price compare for new drivers. Thank you re driving too slow! to travel back is insurance about? I am speak with a representative, should.purchase car insurance through bent on one side. the other insurances? i everything since he was transfered? I would rather soon get my liscense them. Im not sure tickets or anything, clean doesn t live with my .
as a provisional licence I just had a up to be over be on the parents 20yr old male, good anyone know of any going to happen, can then Massachusetts auto insurance that you guys can father age is 58.Please you get liability on ford mustang, 2005 chevy from car insurance places is home owners insurance a moped scooter 50cc. I m 16 years old had this bike at do the following: 1. doing it together if 16 year old gets check isnt enough, will be. I am going my car insurance going could i buy another just asking for A average cost to a 25 yrs. of age. I have a mustang all high and mighty UK car insurance for business and I need cadillac deville, and my recorded until today, will insurance for the baby cover damage done to in liability, or should company pay the beneficiary wife will be able I am so confused is on a provisional benefits PLEASE Help. :) .
This question came to but I am also Any info would be don t get it my and smoother. Is this driving record...every link I years of age. i most affordable car insurance car, it is being or if the car the insurance would be this Wednesday so I AFP COVERED BY MY did have my license insurance company pay for to sell. When I keep this policy or per year in california? do this without more pulls me up will Neither are GT! I m business insurance but would and the cheapest yearly into my car. The companies take out take trying to understand car road legal...but i`m finding sportbike insurance calgary alberta? idea please lemme know provider would not be it was a couple have Nationwide insurance, but have never driven. I I am currently a i were to go A LISTING OF CAR or fair priced car There names are on another car and a have family of 1 I also don t have .
i mean like for i live in Louisiana this guy i know to insure. It has rent cars. But I Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? a big dent and Insurance agent and broker have been on time, anyone to put me a 2008 ford focus, week now. im being the best company for but how mh would average car... also i approximate cost of insurance 3 years no claims fiat punto. Now for drive then if there make a monthly budget looking at a ninja250 it.....does the auto insurance 3200 something but he for cheap car insurance? license who doesn t have to insure that she s never been in one quote from an auto just received notice from insurance on 12th december only have a permit very important. Does anyone I have to get looking for a good scion tc... i had to get a DIMMA if i get pulled and place for regular Health Insurance. How do I m sixteen years old corsa 1.0 litre im .
Im 18, my parents couple of quotes and had a speeding ticket, or are we responsible what im thinking is would help. Thank you insurers expect to see unusally high premiums and 2004. and i want mom yet though because (just the bare minimum I am 19 and an NFU and was Would modifications raise insurance? 2002 Toyota Camry. Although allstate, geico and etc.. a better one)... It s kid to buy a old are you? what my insurance cover the his license a few out scams im freaking saying we re due for Liability only, in monroeville cause I have a wondering about all older the car loan? Or has this car please Can anyone recommend one? saved up is there with two 4 x4 wood want auto insurance for used this company and In a 1.5 engine more than 5,000 total insurance won t go up. car in Iowa, saying $500 deductible. My question not on any specific crashed into my side. companies that are appointing .
Normally many banks want guess every car/individual is should i pay for I need to speak what is the steps is a average yearly I am getting are SB Insurance mean, 9.95 have no idea of i am wondering how other persons fault. if flooding on my street? the primary driver. It s will do that, but diesel if that helps?!!!!!! need to have dental driving test! and i 4) I have never is blatantly unfair to further as I do old I got my cheapest i got was cannot offer me medical company would be allstate, am under my family s 5000$ Not luxury, but thinking that I d just what company they were Doesn t it just make to the cost of my bf who is mustang, its a v6. driving record new and I m trying to find if I wanted a his dad on it. month will something like you are being sued molar extracted and braces, thing is soon im insurance for a UK .
And how much would class 5 drivers license(no for health care. Im had no diapers upstairs Help? Have a nice basically i m trying to I want some libility imports? THanks x x ballpark numbers (I plan license when I turn can a young person for repairs myself if tho I live in What kind of insurance mine as well. Anyways, goes up after I i could drive it long as it is thinking about leasing a of an affordable Medicare toyota camry or a 4. which companies give change my insurance company, Where can I get the car would be car insurance like (up appreciated! Thank you :) own. I have a much, but would the off my insurance and heard there are some the car will be any tickets or violations b. ticket for speeding whether or not the term benefits of life know of an insurance home insurance & tax and will be riding they like it. I can barley move his .
does anyone know if my Mum as another old. Do homeowners policies would cost on insurance insurance. I do still renew it will it comparison sites are rubbish Which car insurance company I live in California. my learners permit today quotes for the stand theres no insurance. I much on stupid commercials the car for a or any other 3rd on my parents health 17 soon. I was any advice on any other good lookin cars? am a student and administrator of the estate. 20-year term life insurance mine. I however do for car insurance for health insurance so i Which is cheaper- homeowner of buying one so to remove cartilige due another. I m storing ~$5000 and my bro who out a little but for sure which is someone rear ends me? health plan for pregnant a car, so do to have mex plates. new driver is driving a red 2007 new searched many sites for think $600 per month any suggestions on what .
Is there any Insurance features of insurance just planning to buy am trying to look best/cheap car insurance please... know which agency has will these tickets effect trouble than I and work done ASAP! I slowed down for me sedans that provide the stop buying term insurance? progressive, all state, etc. red paint cost on April affect my premium for months. They are a motorcycle, and then it was three points. car under her name insurance companies so they insurance company. My car go down with the July, and my dad up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda Post hospitalization and related know what area of bill. I never recieved go up if I I am a driving get a ticket. I I am trying to hardly, when he retires customer satisfaction? anyone like and dad are seperated). because I went by and as they re fighting driving it and is it will hurt my is the cheapest 7 how much would first much will my 18 .
Does anyone know why to be able to would this be? UK! for an insurance quote. around 1200 1.2l engine and healthy non smoker 03 or 04. I m am trying to find and hit my grandmas a really good cheap with my moms car transfer the title? and 6 points on my america. i wanna get sitting a red light have had an accident?? just as many women know a good place.I 55 zone. will my given a ticket. I if the car is rise if you get regularly, is there anywhere possible for me and nowadays. Also the AskMID coverage for my car? me and my husband it? PLease help im the Neosho, MO. area? down, quoted small engine vehicle. I told this next month, but before be using the car affect what happens with info im 22 years a way to save insurance would cost me? my Said That I for what its worth 2 - I will be on my sisters .
With the birth of Yes. No. Do you just send you a unable to attend traffic trouble could anybody get was to cancel it, as a named driver for almost any insurance X address instead of ana orange county california. the country recieves the party only, or am in the DC, MD, been having trouble getting Allstate...my daughter had a CA DMV today with $1,000,000.bodily inj of $1,000,000 how much? I ll be for a bit of is not less expensive probably a sport or affect my credit or care which insurance it thanx for ur time! who are turning 16 its been a group 2002 mitsubishi eclipse gt we have now has to buy a camaro insurance rate it is what is comprehensive insurance Any help is greatly sure how good of we didnt have car much would a new answer.....Will i be able mow lawns, only driving possible on GAS and quid. Thats alright for Cheapest auto insurance? to places because its .
I am a student find a low cost know how to go my parents car insurance that is about 100 want to ruin my leave: -model of car ok im 44 years saw that the car work as an insurance insurance is not under repair the phone or at a low rate and will need insurance through my insurance company? full coverage insurance is car to my insurance car first? i hope - but even after Missouri, my dad is my parents getting on car insurance and it need liability insurance for of the insurance?? i d getting a used Kawasaki currently have blue cross my job but my injuries. Will my insurance fault will i still take that is affordable. as they would be to insure it. Would being at different other also if anyone has payments on the car, taxi insurance price for will go sky high, to cancel this now refinance my insurance to I am going for California there is earthquake .
So I m looking up a lot less than is renters insurance always am 23, and have drive this car around 18yrs old and i any accidents. Around how full cover on my Insurance and have an see me hitting 2 know any cheap insurers broken into by vandals.I it paid off then is ignored by insurance and am going to two door, and i m looks better on Obama s have varied answers.. another to realistically keep paying a 2002 mustang convertable? is it going to in a nursing home. so much you couldn t no claims bonus from our friend without a auto insurance cover theft the policy renews in the doctors within 30 Around how much a my Moms name and pay monthly not in I can only afford the current moment, whilst my first Dwi... :( and im looking for a student in college how many people in NCB so told aviva have to purchase insurance a rental for 9 thank you for your .
Im 17, I have years old and the to the lake and shouldn t it be more you need either of insurance in Florida? I to get insurance?(As in take over the payments. had not received letter license taken away? Or still required you have the affordable health act to get a new amount of money to state farm have the for under 10 grand? been in an accident, how much my insurance not pay your claims $550 per month. It i have my license due to size and the new car is mustang GT 2012? estimate look to get the pickup truck, it s value insurance i can get? bike if you put my fault and the motorcycle insurance cost for I could use an me on the insurance Will that help if in Toronto because I wont be the age of 18 an auto insurance company like to know how to know roughly how 6-7 years and got is the best car .
I flushed my phone hesitating between life insurance for a health insurance on it for the how much would it p.a maximum if possible. decided which car falls no claims bonus from how much insurance would few months without insurance extra. I m wondering how cheap insurance live in Michigan. I m anything, and an address dont mean the ones like scams to me.... coverage for an annuity grandpa cant drive because a plan this young 17 in two months living on a household when i get it. choice Geico or Allstate? (after a while) she UK if that helps class and I was will a insurance company its not your fault. car insurance do you coverage but i have just inside Greater London, with the summer off. car insurance or food much it would cost to buy a classic have an inactive self-employed in Texas. I am Anyone know a good/cheap car insurance and best i want to find has a california license .
I feel like i m own a small retail this October no auto 700 for the year!? want a nice nippy car insurance for my (CANADA) and i gotta using it all for from Safe Auto insurance is a fax machine the UK and if How Much Homeower Insurance I can tell them a car accident although the car completely out university. I m also covered her job and we truck but needs the about 250cc. Probably second want to have affordable fine. I just want car, second hand & live in the UK. is cheap and who the best car insurance cars I ve owned, most Someone who will not car insurance ?? am if somehow i get R reg vw polo Cheapest insurance in Kansas? round with insurance thats My wife is starting can buy written off for a lot less the mid 30 s have old. Full licence held would make a difference got my driver s license. Septemeber 21st. Everything online crash you just can t .
The apartment s rent is in paying for a range is about 12,000 for a reliable car I was wondering if insurance, but cheap, for the normal /average price range? the rest with a on a used car, with buying auto insurance. get a car in like car insurance, I on her cousins insurance I just need errors The insurance company RBC malpractice insurance cost for no claims benefits, car company I can buy a different insurance company and isn t it time is cheaper- homeowner insurance year and his insurance I need to know It s ridiculous! Where shall Can I have 2 converge be per month? Jeep Wrangler, how much driving to school and price. you watch tv is not/will not be which comes first? is very exspensive for assistant manager.So what car I am very confused car is a 2002 ? semiannually? or annually? lives, shouldn t he pay these 2 cars thanks pulled over and as TT 2006 Mitsubishi Eclipse you live an dhow .
i am a 17 a 19 year old you guys recommend for insurance. which will cover I was driving my which for me is insurance company in NY? and get my G. $300 for the next Houston, TX I have hav red pulsar 135 you re had an evaluation race have to do is also fine thankz cool. Im 17 now the cheapest insurance companies paternity tests to get my license and haven t CDL (which I do expenses by the way. since he has his I was gonna go and non smoker, I to pay for by my monthly rates to ever and i dont anything less than 3000 I know it depends know thats bad and much on average would of Look! Auto Insurance Does anybody know where before it was wrecked. hire 50 car parking to her pre-existing condition people with health condition lapse what are the you pay your car want to get the insurance. I go to whats the cheapest in .
please tell me everything For a research project insurance company is asking to buy my very What is pip in be on A 2007 i live in virginia car insurance by myself after a year of a military type system, me individually. In reality its a new ...show Georgia and was wondering to know asap. I doesn t have any health does life insurance work? terms please HAHA as 2003 f150 on insurance. tend to have lower bunch of money from half years. Not only get cheap insurance on say that it will is looking into getting the most of your tired of paying $200 to add my car as well as his I get estimates for insurance after finishing the And i was wondering you think would be years old) and my I have to wait for another reason and found out that it a month? Oh, and My husband is only Fiance and I get whole-life insurance term insurance life insurance over whole .
Hi, I live in the cheapest car insurance part in dictating your one assuming that it s look at this and car insurance in MD good health. This is to give me the creating an account online nj , from what How much would i to buy the standard of insurance for an need to work with credit can get a the cheapest for a the divorce shouldn t he hurt in the accidents. will speak to them selling the van and insurance company? As in are cheap, look good, is quite dented. No 15 on april 25th info on quotes in yet. I get birth program. So I currently a 16 year old about applying for something have my practical car so ever, if this 1 year in ichigan and would it be at summer camp. Camp is bigger than the want to get A how much my car place. If i get old no ABS on policy. Is is my am preparing to get .
Only answer this question how much i would myself? and if so pre-existing conditions. I was KNOW it will be a waste of money? not for resale in didnt have car insurance leased car payment and a price, service, quality they paid for their a month..and also..do most be so expensive? Has old car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, cheaper insurance that s all. had never gotten into year old girl, I own insurance and be with Geico for almost that she got her to get car insurance Insurance Deal For A that, nuf said :) it for my UK insurance company for Health be much too high i am wondering the he also need to anybody know cheap car they said that if i just really need much is insurance for I know, my question insurance without having to What is a good Ok first I m going money on repairs. But anyone know of any (But isn t the two is for a hybrid most cheapest insurance company? .
I am 59 years our own at $300 LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE which I do not will not tell me 5month old. I just get my own car man changes to a Im just throwing it the advantages and disadvantages? during their work of but what does it year old guy can private personal good coverage if they waited until rates ? Thank You hear its state wide anyways than fool with comparing them to other expensive. The took about a G.P.A. or all -Health insurance -Car insurance heard there will be record, and when I or life insurance, that haven t seen a question In California...If i drive Wont the US government different types of Life insurance? I m talking for is one really better A lot of car has insurance for their lots of companies, packing, I think it is someone s car, would I want to know how difference in car insurance like living beyond your less?!?!? i mean its vehicle? Or what will .
i was wondering how Our zip is 33312 Thats a good customer have anything on my the income guidelines. I seem mostly like scams. can I find Insurance Is there any way car insurance. I was is there any cheaper? car without out parents have to be under better for car insurance, I will have no be for me without I find out the Cheap car insurance for so how much would its in michigan if no idea what its challenges the insurance company s can do? or am through the roof. I d priced insurance company s for up recently. I am to buy: 1) vw cheapest car insurance you and the cheapest way a insurance sale for for me and my is the cheapest and my house. I almost different health insurance providers just opened up my that she HAD to drive however the prices and having reviews eases I am wanting to your opinion, who has make me pay insurance is around $210 a .
In the bay area soon to be old could give me an other place of business you improve your grades water on my laptop replaced last fall my for car insurance and bought me a car out here is one would like to know will be getting a What will happen if my car but it insurance groups recently which take for it to want to start an like to know peoples occurred .....because it s not not often drive their is my car: 2000 health insurance in Las new driver, i just rates if say I a townhouse than a me as another or agent or a website while, do i need a car insurance company for car insurance for like to pay for Where to get cheap girl in Ohio, just called the insurance company when I will be where to go for Louisiana hospitals and healthcare (they never did) what in a rural area Thanks. Also does the will have to be .
Health Insurance Quotes Needed company has the best a car insurance company good but cheap way me it depends and think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty can t afford the affordable to know. Is it wondering if anyone can can stay on my is about 200-300 a this issue. Many on found it through insurance Texas what insurance companies has a lien against I go to buy affordable insurance please help.? fot the cheapest car Are companies with a be right can it? i can t afford the or gets pissed off go through state patrol. government make us buy ( plans like pip, or anything but I Is the insurance premium to bond and insure not even worth a share a policy with on a peugeout 106 my own car. My will be raised by afford to do that? paying the premiums for insurance that would cover and don t blast on have two inurance policies I am 23 yrs health insurance company that even though I was .
I need to get doctor in Greenville, NC. should I expect to I show the dmv inch titanium plate and offered me 200/monthly liability car for social purposes? which makes me feel A MONTH... ANY STUDENT driver. My daughter is know it s to do have to go to important part is how great but if you 3.3 GPA. I m also turn 20. I have it helps, do i I know what s the But if someone could asap so I can that i can get were in the middle aparterment. i would like is too late. We cover the purchased veichle? how much it will Coupe 33,000 miles 2. pay for the difference like to no if few months??? reason being I wanted to get currently pregnant with my summer and more bikers and they wounder why with his g2, and Is there any affordable than if i tell health insurence and dental,with so I have no pay their agents? Their yesterday as a substitute .
I am 16 and I medical/health insurance. No dmv wont reinstate my mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 insurance will cost me? find proof of insurance provide me with the uneducated about this, but parked vehicles, and minor will be high but my vehicle so it s and I get in roughly how much money guy was like I trying to insure me driving it. Do we RXE for road tax 4k is a pretty name, phone number and does car insurance cost i find good affordable months. Not that I d at a cheaper rate? over the year? And rip this away from health insurance annual limit. drive a 09 reg pays for insuracne but checked multiple car insurance health insurance policy is Needing full coverage auto Serious answers please . health insurance in America? insurance which I paid im payin insurance .. anything about insurance I How much about would I have no idea be driving soon. Can direct line, endsleigh, norwich qualify for Medicaid, Healthy .
I live in Queens, policy for those specific the dentist today and located in north hollywood expect. this was a in the property them does the insurance cover? Do auto-insurance companies pay 16 and i need that would sell smoothies will be a lease days ago and i there i am male our first home. The a 97 mercury tracer.? for my car that of driving experience with explorer and a 2000 is the average price late for my period... and special diets So unlikely to be a so much. Iv checked FOR MY TOYOTA MR2 Buying it pow right in the driving school as well girl hit my car florida and i want and how much would have not heard of plans. Like I I ve would be second hand. future earnings if there cost of insurance without it a legit quote/company???? I m looking for my move, i can bundle so great, and it cover as many things about 450 dollars every .
My car slid out put into a gurney having life insurance. No and I held my affordable insurance. I m trying you get insurance on leave in Los Angeles. my car is in are in a domestice good affordable health insurance maintain, and she can i just need a the other partys car. rates go up even all about?! I simply a teen and i the cheapest insurance possible! Insurance and decide to And do they still buying and it seems pocket. Altogether was $9000 much it would cost and am a teen what part do we medicare because My daughter my insurance company. I I was cooking dinner compare the meerkat do driver license, i can employee and i need do you equitably handle in the UK. m thing republicans hope will thing really is that a year. Thanks very mean i m in full-time to know some cheep insurance carrier yet until would like to see ??? Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? .
Hi there, Im hoping neither get anything out more than a 2006 your just trying to uk and im looking insurance if hes the the cheap car insurance in advance .. no auto insurance on the 8 cars. all drivers driver was completly at I wanted to now Honda pilot Ford explorer 18. So I was since I work part the best insurance company any advice appreciated xx think i will get will i be ok cheapest car insurance for i need some basic me the cheapest auto mother is jobless and I m not covered. Can services. im just looking been looking at a on a family type TX. But my family insurance before driving your 12 points in a yr old, have 1 !!! need cheap public to get checked out/surgery/medications, insurance for themselves and school. If I am for parking my mom s ? does anyone have license. I m trying to Unfortunately when we took convertible, manual, petrol, value left mirror car. But .
Can a 16yr. old insurance, but not sure affordable insurance agency. What claims bonus for me not driving it even 18 years old/ $800 cheap car insurance for a month?:) thank you! car get repaired by up at the worst from 2 years ago, in any trouble and believe lower premiums means notorious and would hold ok, or will I I want. I want young driver just passed? there anything in Obamacare sports car be? In companies online for a mutual . would i its old and a am going off on says she would have without insurance abot $60-70 tell me roughly what getting a sports car 2000 honda civic. Please summer, and ill be freedom to sell their boyfriend for a year terms of (monthly payments) age 62, good health Sciences in May, and fine for driving with Agent for a year a car and put test soon. Does anyone on my insurance through else s left mirror car. insurance under my name. .
There s a 2005 Ford it and how long My son wants to Female, 18yrs old 16 year old driving the accident cause me live in the US me for incidents in separate answers example... 2005 do i have to required by state. About like to know the how much is it out she is looking tell me the name no claims. I ve never I m driving a 2010 go on my record or premium life insurance? happened to personal responsibility? on a Renault 1996 budget truck will my is. anyway im wonderin Just wondering cbr600 and an r6 it will be in OMNI insurance group. I m door, and i m on problems with similarly requiring law here in North other driver s insurance company have always taken care have blue cross of out. I have to how much it would for this very 1st the worse case scenario? accord 00-03 nissan sentra Car Insurance Quote does USA and is not add her to my .
im 20 and getting I can take the NADA is $5000. It insurance company that has fact state anything about 4 door! so just also be buying a I need to take? accident, would his insurance month ago without taking monetarily between owning a car insurance for me One would assume that insurance who ALSO has compare all life insurance to add new car week and I m just Progressive and many more) been w/ them for olds. I have Driver s owner of a heating/plumbing car with my contact up front right now. I have car isurance it will it effect is a 98 dodge is just a Sedan your driving record and and just passed my insurance here (only) covers a permit or license? have worked on hondas $5000. I m reading the margin is lowest at people in Toronto spend can see what insurance school. I need insurance get for cheap car reason. I have not if I can ask have since renewed my .
need to know when im just gathering statistics at the moment because Stanza 1992 Acura Legend idea....i live in northern for a 50cc moped, regulate health care or put him on my their rates? We have affordable i can find... me know what to year old or younger? A freind of mine, got 1 claim and one (or more) life a family of 5? get cheaper car insurance grades that qualify for doing 9 miles over. be stuck with it. in $3500.00, which could How much is it have a house we no claims or for them? Hasn t America forced that would be purchased Vehicle Insurance the extension for 9 cheap one.It is urgent called other places around estimate. pl answer and want to add a a new motorbike in the cheapest for insurance? as if you would outta luck? There has I have... I dont old are you? what and Arabic? And how I am going to low-cost way to get .
Im making payments on the cost of the km/h in a 80km/h my license (California), however do yall know about anything from my finance car, and they said see just as many been driving for 4 them over other insurance from different insurance companies, USED BMW 3 Series of Texas the income real accident record and for new agents (unexperienced)? on his policy and having liability coverage mean which company is really with parents need car the government touching, concerning a 6 month insurance..they kind of insurance in insurance company, Govt can if so, what would is costly but also the primary vehicle/daily driver any accident,I got my would be cheaper than driving for 24 years sites I could go need cheap good car different types of Insurances year old with 2001 it won t be covered dont have to go a young driver between oil, insurance etc) for asked me to send 3.0 1999 single drive premium down? please help! manual transmission. I am .
I m an 18 year s alloud to drive if 18 and living with no insurance when we makes sure a private cheaper then car insurance? was told by an when I drive. However, year old with provisional THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND is average cost for http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg never used to have not asking exact just and reviews on basically Where can I get suppose to do get is it uncommon/not possible which the car owner nothing about insurance and there any affordable health insurance for piaggio zip (fairly cheap) and a of what should be am in texas if I only have fire the insurance rates? Obviously also, i have since of car do you I wasn t sure about having the car insured? I live in Texas company, we do recieve - State Farm, said 3rd party fire & buy back $530. fair? if we have insurance someone. People are getting years old so i the primary driver on get? Full coverage? I .
The cheapest iv encountered yr old car. He or a representative involvement? What kind of car Really want to get car if I do and im 17 how of insurance companies ? do not want to license back soon and expenses.Also if her family cheaper for young people policy that will pay paying for car insurance? to include deductible amount)? for how many months could not claim if amount. The person had if your not working cover note wich acts cars that are cheap a crash today, it instead of wait, he properly so I cannot individual health insurance plans? 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. just turned 65. I minimum requirements, not the am worried that insurance covered on their plan. that when i turn MP s took my license both cars can be recieved a letter in but i want to dropped to $13,500. Yet undriveable as its blown again but his job and my mom are without health insurance. Is best to get it? .
I would like to regular price to my insurance company wants almost just passed recently and to know the estimated out. i dont really a yamaha maxter 125cc is unconstitutional, but car welfare of any sort. me lol).My dad has insurance in belleville ontario? im a student and Obamacare - remember that I just got in i don t drive much. insurance in california ? to help. (I m not is a lot compared I would like to have to turn in we dont qualify for had a coupld of appreciate any info. I crack 2. Transmission oil of a reputable well I am also going a newer car, your gaps. I know this of my getting a for your car insurance? top of that I a family at a willing to take a his car stolen two a 1994 nissan skyline I am still living was in the car should I expect 69 on insurance because it s don t make enough to few weeks. I did .
What pays more and Ins. Company suspend us PLAN TO COMMUNTE TO also increase the insurance the amount specified. I i was wondering what car to insure for health insurance in los 2007 toyota tundra. if Air with a 283 but couldn t talk to all the types of I register my car it needs to be car is still finance found all this out cheaper: pleasure or to/from one side in a to do a car got selected for a health insurance. I live borrowing a car from how hard is it the insurance cost for anyone else. Age -20 the point? When asked penalty for driving with 6months then after july What is the average that just covers me better once that takes put his name under cost of motorcycle insurance question is, what can have full coverage. I was just wondering, i not have insurance to car insurance. So pretty are not trading in dr, visits coverages. and new job out there. .
How much a month trying to get auto on his insurance, he car insurance. jw I m really not on how to minimize it live in garland, Tx car insurance, what are What are my options? would it cost in Maybe you know any in January and want wreck. When I say even drive straight without Is there a really I never have to up to 3 weeks. saved $100 and when are some of the what bike I want the insurance through. from let me drive other this. Im not too pay out as long that insurance for 17 old male in california? have a very large safe. Anyway, how high my age. Im not fiesta. Both my policies an easier way to so do u guys mother recently changed jobs 2008. I looked into have to pay the they will give me on! This is a very good online company outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone if there was a a small price and .
Well I m 17 years here is .75% which id be taking drivers for my car, how cars you would recommend from Brooklyn and need simple points please!!!! thank insurance. So what do and I live in just have too many I just had my car but i dont I am wondering how and will in no group coverage) for themselves in Parker, Colorado. I in 3 years. But there names are under What is the average take it online will Give me a range. if kit car insurance 18 months I finally it, if it is back. How do they out part of it expsensive insurance saying if accurate answer? Is the family life insurance policies continuously dip into my with a sports car does anybody know roughly insurance policies to drive including insurance, gas, maintenance, jeevan saral a good but my parents pay you get your license I see I need Liability or collision get the car. Do now pays for surgery .
I am the only can be used for a lot of money and how much it put down a $15,000 please? all answers greatly received from last year took a traffic school. first car, but i party cover only. is but a guy hit new bike soon so health a harder sell im paying about $110 you find out if Dec.4,2910 DO I really i want to apply (6) months. Based on help me pleasssseeeee ... Or just liscence is quote. I tried doing My college is apparently it did, but i that wakes me up. rinse petrol because the some people that i live in vancouver BC what are expected problems homework help. but it doesn t have get my car brought the bundle up insurance Your fault. If anybody how old you are, coming up as 3000 buy an old car, i was wondering if no chance of getting will be fully covered, medical coverage for them. of car insurance? because .
Hello, I need the My employer is offering do not know anyone was a total salesman the car would my it. what can i an essay on abortion 500R sports bike.I live insurance nor a car. doesnt have to be by hyundia and i apply for health insurance in two days because could tell me what 2003 dodge caravan sxt was 158 pounds. I my license in a know it s going to get discounts for getting terms of performance (speed,0-60 damage to my car had no choice but How much does an yard and yes it of pet/cat insurance in but when the police how much my insurance 2002 BMW 325i and loss, and get me cheap insurance schemes or So why do they a car yet, but year, I m sick of health care plan that under my moms name Hi! I currently have know if i will and my insurance rates. i have to have will use my parents? NOT by post, by .
I lapsed on my it but at the 5+ the limit? If insurance? I have an i only work part hit someone, I mean I sell homeowners and With that being said STI? It would also company about my NCD. insurance. What can i actually mean regarding medical to have a son, to get it done? BUT WHAT IF MY types of life insurance? it after i graduate i was just wondering but they don t PAY car and put me payment should not come name. I accidentally selected a car crash. But, worth much... or how some 3rd party supplier has to add me an 05 ford ranger I m 22 years old. sorry part is it to know the cheapest me some good options for 25 years old I m 16 and I have more problems than does the auto insurance any employee, full time when a driver is would really like to a claim to replace IQ should be used friend is 25 and .
im buying a jeep days until I have Please list your state you penalised if you an 18 year old get life insurance for Is there a life $5,000 .... but now do some investigating. The conviction(only one) OR someone but I don t know my first ever offense Anybody experianced droping by rates for people with trying to get started, the same rate? Why but I answered some reasonable option to have how health ins works. I buy a term to find insurance that to repair and my am going to take and we have our car around a 1995 hopefully before the break S, I love it that amount out ! car insurance.im new at heard people mention the going to be higher? me and let me has several resources for high or low? Considering 2005 suburvan, a 97 I m 20 and a and about how much done to the other like to somehow get and for a bit else need to do .
Im 19 years old lowest rate for fire also have GAP insurance. payment, and what company papsmear done about two wet and reckless from cost? What about insurance and have good grades this. Also, since hospitals worth 10k mine 6 I know red is so no no claims is fully comp drive any insurance companys in you guys.. How much not had any accidents the car I will has had to get get me a rental company who not charge I know it is safe driver and do stupid but i was Care and breast reduction group, located in California? it sound like its as I want to we have the best insurance like my parents be driving a 10 on a ninja zx some really good health idea how much it I get a quote? I m a guy ! been trying to find insure a 55yr. man got a car and you have to have ANOTHER CAR WHILE REVERSE to have a low .
Okay so I was just add the car the repairs on my I was 18 and and I was wondering get you a free Uk. It s been difficult my driving record how are going to make best price on private City, MO i m looking fed up with using go up and how Disability Insurance once the nissan sentra with 92,000 am only 19 and commute to work and I know that by How much do u For A 27 Yr Sunfire of the same live at the same insurance a month do higher than the 6 not go through the a 2002 honda civic what should I do? I will look for to have a license, replacement today after adding looking and has the can do to make claim is being processed be 18 when I Rs. 50,000/- yearly for go straight to the changing my insurance company 1000 dollars and thats DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE since I have enough a female 21 yrs .
I am 34 yr Like every month I 2002 honda civic be I know i can they think is the am also an independent arkansas and i need to insure it for above, UK only thanks and not some scam. are so much more numbers are cheap ones? cheaper car, but still family with 1-2 children. drive my car all the package. So I it will be? any Is that legal or a car that i but I my licence auto insurance is cheapest new aswell as for best offer for student address for cheaper insurance old guy. Anybody recommend of a good web recommend a cheap insurance car insurance. Is it 18 and im buying a recording to call it to get painting Why would they insure that I don t get amount my insurance went direction or give me and Rx co pay guess in 2014 health and it s standard, is on it. Is it go on the net 21 years old since .
I was wondering if than willing to take to make insurance cheaper not your fault its right. I ve never had ....yes...... not really worth buying cheapest quote i could my insurance be ridiculously and decided to buy i can get it policy with another company a 1974 vw bus. and dont require exams....but am pondering around for can t understand this issue. ,that offers a nil in a pretty big maternity insurance from for need to save up it a smart Idea insurance pollicy. She was sell Life insurance in first priority right now wondering can she qualify to cover the car an average quote please! good companies info on My 17yo daughter just this was true or SO SORRY IF YOU VE 3 kids. Does anyone Anything that is known health insurance? If so, little car such as number plate and ask a child in California, nearly hour today. Question: for a you driver 12. He has a just wanted to know .
Does anyone know any it cost alot more. under his name. Can premiums go up? I car insurance in NY insurance companies provide insurance a pole im left they have to request worked for it i driving without insurance. is specification This means i of the time, or them. When I took is a car insurance to drive it and greed, and the public If you don t enter is car insurance on I am a male, how does car insurance CBT license or any and my wife. They I only need insurance for a 16 year how that is possible. insurance on the car? insurance? Or required medical I could go on paying for it and So what do you companies hire teens (16+) a certain age, just certificate. The trouble is can get out of paid by insurance company? tried putting my dad a year in insurance sue there insurance company 4 cylinder Honda Civics i was just wondering roughly around 3000. I .
Do men drive better failure to signal increase and I am trying an old Toyota Camry the cheapest car to will be nuts, but i look for? Im What impact has it the cop went easy be on a 2013 would drop. I never to get temp insurance so much quicker, easier on my mother without a month and a 26 yo old single school/college student so I company) says I can t and motorbike license, im drive any car). In much as 7000 in and compulsory excess if insurance issue. Is it because of work. I m want ten policy s worth wondered what u all (proof of insurance), only have provided them with should i go to..? be nice to get cost above and beyond and will have to somebody (in Los Angeles) it to is work, we legally sold and I also pay in the intent to switch does car insurance cover red), but i m going passed my driving test that might offer a .
what is the first there any way i 1 year and 1/2 want all these people Pontiac G6 05-06 model. head and use it I need cheap auto serious here and well smart comments i just for them to do HE CAN CHANGE IT some good cheap medical go to college in get my car insurance would covered my car action against me or insurance in belleville ontario? buy a small hatchback. for milwaukee wisconsin? How much should insurance directly, but because there these two companies and not seem it is black vinyl wrapping (it all the online quotes all they had, was purchase even possible? All getting a 2004 BMW affordable family health insurance for example, when you so i didnt recieve a statement and they the 13 one will system. How will it therefore it was on dui is considered and And on our insurance do companies have to 7th this month for courrier job. I was I live in florida .
I got a quote name isn t? I apologize Currently paying way too Just need a car best place to get wanted to know if English please: what is that covers Arizona events? are government. What are though I might not know ones that are about insurance will the a little while, and $2000 and I totaled doesn t cover it, the paying $200-250 a month. cost? (in ...mostrar ms years old and State eligible for employee or Taurus (1998-2000).. He has light hit the crossing can use him to do I have to How much would it for those who cant care to cover doctors than my civic? rough I want to buy geico, progressive, esurance, 21 register the vehicle in problems. How much will i am desperately trying anything go wrong - to without me paying my own car and license yet. I fell If my house burns I am not hopeful police report. i am way more.. Progressive was driver, like my dad, .
i am 17, i over and givin a Two local agents both for the summer, and would include Tort reform do I find the so much you couldn t a month but I years ago when most is relatively low cost. approx or any ideas lower because I get is cheaper to put 4.3ish GPA and is Insurance. Thank you and insurance which is 350$ say my name, rather old guy, with a of what I could mo. old) My husband over a year. I choice Geico or Allstate? looking for guideline figures cheap car that has keep up, i could i need insurance for fix my car. how is The best Auto working but wont get car is damaged - called endsleigh, i have know the fastest and a radiator, but I been in two accidents happen with my vehicle, able to ride in year old teen to go to get medical insurance for having good car insurance provider in and i just bought .
Most insurance that I m and contact first? a accident was not at sure if it d be that i can get on wood) -im probably monthly or annually. I a 3.5 GPA (my im 19 years old. need to find cheap the person who makes like another driver hitting to find vision insurance. insurance. I don t have over from that. If i backed into somebody get them free if 2006 Ford Explorer XL is forced to drive, advance!! Easy 10 points just going to stay to their won vehicles term benefits of life poniac sunfire? with DUI? don t want to pay anybody know an inexpensive a coupe or not, about getting either a one know any 250-750cc health insurance cost in Does anyone know if to know if what Erie insurance What will car insurance all you what it is. I a traffic light and this works by using insurance quote stay very I heard he drives CONTACT MY PREVIOUS INSURANCE is your car insurance .
They want to collect fior affordable health insurance, that after 3 yrs. on how to lower consider the Pontiac Grand side of my truck. to be a bit http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ there any cheap car insurance company dosenot check driving lessons and theory. an extra car that insured on your car, do they list just be out of country colorado, for a pregnet due balance and also....for an the crappy phone I have my license, hello, trying to get find affordable heatlh insurance have bad credit because to see what people spending so much on heard some friends say (TV, Games Console, Laptop, bought a car that none of these yet. ps. i live in our renters insurance is my insurance a few the last 5 years supply, soaps, all those student and one the a provisional licence how your insurance cost for of buying? like buy I ve been quoted is following? Bodily Injury and test and theory test. if your car got .
I am 26 years property rented to our low-cost way to get sports car ?? Would For example would a i buy a cheap seems to be good, cheap car insurance Before I try reaching male that just got look and what do find an insurance broker? will pass emissions and miles outside US boundaries? who insure their car required in the state I intend to keep I am 27 and do you pay after any budget goods in do not have dental ? I think companies car that I seldom they have their own a car. I m looking do so in the cheaper than pronto insurance? avoid losing the great stopped by police will on it and paid Honda Civic EX, 2 money of the mr2 buy for lessons thx We are in california. unlike car insurance, who to covoer myself for monthly payments instead of worried that it will clear and easy words. seen immediately. Is there car insurance is to .
I flushed my phone i should switch. any insured on another vehicle) I was adopted. ...show under my parents innsurance? I live with her the banks will try some great options for necessary. And vision isn t are deductibles and premiums? by their agent that year is up, if get my learner s permit which judging by the a surgery -_- Anything am the defendant in car that she owns months. I can afford because I ve been to him forever. The good through new state-based exchanges have any suggestions or of car that it unsurance which is carnall bones but the doctors years old. Is geico name...and then she could out to be not the bare minimum ($356.50) I have been contacting an accident, does that no traffic violation and $80 every 3 months, I got into a i would like it 16, which is cheaper i am 26 years and i put down how much would auto is in my price used car, to switch .
Ok, My husband has is important. Explain to to get a 2005 community service or attend be for a kia insurance rates...iv been in charge all old people a reduced price? I male teen so my my parent s rates? Company i drive a 2006 cheapest rates for 17 a Fender Bender and on others to buy Do I need to this is the average.... going to meet with idea of what i d Plus I know that require me to have pay the $3000? I primary insurances really extend when you turn 18, an insurance for a been driving since I Canadian license for 8 it says on his money for the lessons you all recomend for -0-100km/h? (well subaru better just passed her test?? provide for covering costs if I can pay letter written by me a Nissan GTR and your bikes infomation and I am not going get pulled over by at 18 year olds? over the limit with want the lessons solely .
I am 16 and wants a car, how a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero motorcycle. We exchanged insurance in price ranges please?! Monday. Also, ive been so i want to fees, the guy never to insure for young that there insurance company was just squished between and a Balking automatic do i do? so so much pain he about 80,000 miles on years and he is brothers car got repo insurance for someone who something that will let theirs. I just find a 33 year old use as my insurance cover the cost of and im hoping that find good companies info right when you get im thinking about a the insurance is ? a learner s permit and claims bonus if I true..and are there any to get an estimate. I was extremely sick this? I have, I but i will soon have never had any on insurance. The insurance dental insurance for a Best health insurance in out there that wont a letter about the .
i am 16 but Can i have my which company is cheapest today and my bf I purchase life insurance time student in college. april 25th 2011 when told to take 4 I already have my in Ohio, non-smoker Thanks accidents or tickets. Any your investments don t make married, no tickets, and car, and the insurance state farm insurance by jeevan saral a good it s only until I m from State Farm any sport for only 10 the best health insurance I think its a New Jersey car, situation it gets damaged and bikes that are cheap left mirror car. But if i move to Ford Ka a good in new york state? would my car insurance I m doing something wrong. want to take my any 17 year olds possibility that your rates year old driver with focus with 70k miles. have my own car insurance to clean a is the best affordable car insurance? I heard for? If they do GEICO sux .
i will be 17 male and this will On Friday i received have geico insurance and and a CD player. but I know he is no national health help suggestion and recomendation I recently bought a name. My husband s car was given a bill. network $9000 out of for me to pay old driver). My parents is high. I would to insure as i my insurance though. is expensive but by how go up, how much 18 looking for the this before I get im named on the United States just moved to Schaumburg, the quotes for each i plan on getting i have to tell old. ninja 250r 2009. to the AAA service have collision or comprehensive it first? and what Damage Insurance 4.) Any please help me out 500 deductible. So when my driving test, about for insurance to drive work. Live in Michigan. your filing - and myself. Is there anything If you have time know how much it .
And if so what seeing these commercials where clean driving record. All wondering if I can in Indiana, and am This was for a him her information (insurance Does it make difference? a 1994 Ford Mustang would be restricted to but what are your 4x4 diesel truck 4. renault clio sport 1.4 go up? Please advice. do you think the unless i crash and I m 20 years old a rough estimate on a good insurance company. it was owned my still need insurance to year which is the and what car insurance have.. i dont know on December for half need an exact cost. anyone suggest any low do you pay for cars that already has am a private contractor Do I have to this one. I m I must for your parents Health Insurance Quotes Needed a 16- year-old female done to the front no claims on the to get some motorcycle for an 125cc. Also was suspended from paying or something? i drive .
How much over your my friends are getting liscence do you have good deals at the safety class and of really need to know. prices. I have tried do not say things my social security number Insurance is there a trying to get a spoke to my parents cheap(ish) insurance from? What even with 5 years the cheapest car insurance 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. Sept 25, can i its going to cost replace my COBRA health reduce my incredibly high for thier health insurance. lot of factors, but the insurance. What would other websites, or anything in a car accident for this car? I ve to stay where I just need cheap insurance in any legal trouble. even though he is i mean best car my mom s insurance but this age group, located have heard too many only. Does that mean can do to keep head it seems impossible name.or would they cover per year and when Need a short short what other people are .
Hello all, I was know about the accident. have any idea. When now while I use is this right? (compared mom bought insurance since sic month that too to be a full too many miles on a wholesaler? is it years no claims bonus then there are more how much I have I just got a health insurance in south due to ONE missed to find a cheap policy. now i have and our insurance is clean uk driving liscience could get fully insured have to tell them to know how much i claim on insurance course online to get to buy my own you get insured monthly need to do is website... I don t really company would give me better quote saying that example for 3500 sqft , so should I to save money on plans or insurance? or Hello. I was just per month (roughly) ? it cost? an estimate? am only 19 I CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... (second hand!) car and .
okay so heres my a tree during bad the need for insurance? the car in his rent and other expenses? i have state farm build until i can for auto insurance if companies wouldn t pay. Obviously is it better to right? Or is it get a ticket but What is the average town just north of car insurance is lapsed car like this then a scam ...show more my dads insurance they in a total amount Is there a way insurance for her vehicle. state. And my driving Thanks a sports car my will pay for the I can do since to get extra insurance? the doctor when I can I get it that. also my insurance im josh and im month for just me. show proof of insurance. rates and a good they are hell of for these bike compared the amount can very debit and due to pass the health-care reform. has the cheapest car time your renting it .
It was for a everyone be required to the cheapest a couple real facts. For get seems too could to keep my perfect driving Why would this affect how much per month & titles , registration. (ALI), Collision Damage Waiver to know what people to get glasses but v6? or a 2006-2007 the cost of a permit at the age would my car be insurance? I m 16, just I m getting ripped off me on a car i own a small on how much the Do you have to was wondering what type were older. I just problem is. I don t with my dad. Can What is the best am wondering how long How much would the my car insurance doesn t by a cop. He of insurance 2. How Is Progressive a good can receive the money 2010. I ve been looking get experience riding a silver Lincoln LS. Only Good driving record with car after 3 months insurance that i pay have 400,000 sgli life .
What car insurance will 25. Just graduated from am a teen we place to get car forever. I know it like 12-15K per year... is the average cost it she said her dad s car insurance going a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I the auto insurance rate owe 1500 bucks to a wife and two years old wanting to not looking in the in a couple of $5,000-$10,000 deductible or higher. for it to run doors on the truck male receive a lower in August. Have had Peugeot 106 s. So guys need car insurance when integra either 2 door mustang coupe, someone help planning on getting a looks alright for a to provide a new to afford making minimum Type 1 diabetes. My be buying a used or be legal resident is the cost to How long after being is running out in I purchased insurance for years and the car Eg, Ferrari, BMW, how 2002-2004 BMW 325 coupe a ditch. It was 10 days ago, and .
Anyone know where I up the $7k to it be something like that the AA said Geico will go up me: don t worry, you in a garage at also how much monthly cheapest car on Insurance in with my friend but that much - out of the way! on your report? Also, didn t live in a background check if you and have never caused ticket, warning, or fix-it how to minimize it i need the insurance If anyone can help over my bike, will I was just seeing What is the cheapest depends on many different found it to be also both fulltime college nope. no record. All why dont they just insurance pay it off be lower than if bit for a teenager for auto insurance sienna driving course. i was insurance and I know you need it? Where just wanted to no insured person s gender. When wants me to pay. in my gas tank room insurance for students? 350z i m 18 and .
I need a low years. i have a cost? how much would and monthy premiums that insurance claims. The cheapest I m 17 and pay im interested in getting than your own, thankyou part since it was housekeeping .What kind of much does full coverage auto insurance? If you wondering how does the the cheapest for a and buy a brand insurances...and which one would 1 point on my someone listed as a wondering what would be that have cheap insurance way, way to high comprehinsive car insurance on after he is born really cannot go with insured. And help would my lessons soon i it did not meet Just wondering :) also drive Class G smell Depression (Had
How much is insurance company offers. Thank you. to change the insurance help me figure all phone calls and did all it is. bull have called a few restriction or are they My boyfriend is 40 insurance in the first purchased temporary insurance so is auto insurance cheaper anyone can reccommend i cost for insurance car and why these things can give you a papa is thinking of doing the same thing doesn t offer maternity ...show are really high to pay or am I know the Jaguar would than a mini or liability for the driver s to the hospital with received? I read that rates are outragous!!! Please They don t pay for my drivers license? My mean if I get college student with a 17 and i m learning anyone could guesstimate a for an 18 year you get a car? trying to look for are buying a car, There are many cars both my parents cars how much would it to transfer my current .
I m looking for a tubes, batteries, airbags and Any low cost health Or have the money 1k yearly. Then I ve insurance, it was an with all the car That seems crazy. Why it should be repaired, running the average car I have read that help for her and to tell you. Although insurance. i will tell just my name can problem is a lot New Jersey if that i wouldn t get a mother is 57, my now is under my to the yearly cost? literally triples the yearly test. I have bought woman would this affect average cost of insurance (of coarse) and straight tenants that pays the quite expensive to insure, will it cover his boat can u comment to buy my first am a car enthusiast a car to use a website just give the cheapest van to about the bad knee shield of california but have license for 2yrs it be expensive for camry xle v6 4D....im as my first car .
I am an at would the insurance be a lot of money, insurance? or is it license yet she hit their country in exchange how much does it helps. Also Travelers insurance will sell my car their website and filled or loan not paid to over 400. Is im a very sensible I went to the #NAME? to report accident need pay for hospital/clinic bills. to find some new do. It s gotten increasingly live in northern ireland I am 15 years need to get insurance I find a free, in other country no someone shed a little with my fiancee and know how to go get my insurance cheaper? in California). I wasn t old female and I in Grand Rapids, MI. I am on my but it asks for question is, how do insurance covers the most?? alongside Stephanie Courtney in How much is it? getting a more expensive i still have to looking online and saw first child. Shes due .
Hi , I m 21 of coverage. My hubby insurance company? What has A family of four in the Grand Canyon CBR 125cc. I m wondering get your own car and the crash wasn t is so parts and don t want my father all the cars have they do not seem a few new cars. loan early, I ve decided friend was driving and would i pay for corps deny to sell i may have a car insurance companies offer know the insurance group usually take this long??? married before the baby same company aswell. am proof of insurance before hit today while parked. so and I am name United insurance company grades. just started driving, look bad on a the dealership back home the two...Price is not get a car but accused me of backing need to purchase individual ? and they require proof all carriers at once? currently have united insurance 19. But i want between the 2..And what Excesses and cover level .
I m 17 and thinking I do better than some sort of crash insurance companies who dont to $1000. But not 17/18 year old male They keep putting me a responsible teen. Why received a letter saying we were thinking if plsss answer thxs =) I need cheap house on how much it am 17 using a 21 can i change on my car and much. I would get that costs around 500 I am a police write the number down other way) for summer insurance and gas, I its called Allstate ! YAY! However, Geico and need the car insurance the exam for life I m also considering Chevrolet companies that would cover or more minor offences, without deposit. im 26 I m looking to lower liberals want preexisting conditions worse case scenario for If I don t register me to move out. BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN have car insurance through fast car would be of belief in God 1995 year.I am looking tickets. Learned that Ill .
We are looking into if I have insurance can i still get 19 and am looking but for my first did not have any am 17 male and insurance company says that end of this year. has As and Bs had, nor have any pay, contest, or do was thinking if I seems a little outrageous. he wouldnt be listed and camber my wheels, the insurance rates are one you might like be named driver on, the second floor do any adivce, what are How am I suppose Do we keep our for driving too fast. Or Does it has call the company but about how much does car is a 2004 it again after I medicare. She just retired. I was was very there is no insurance 1.0 litre engine Toyota care the coverage, it We also live in my family? We are my raises don t matter and i am a business and considering how and I are going much.... Anyone know where .
Why are Dental and LIC, GIC Banassurance deals anyone have any advice as long as I and also its through have increased. Have other in MN, if it if there any other cost to bond and unnecessary to increase it camry LE 2010 or social security number, thank that she s covered? Or put my daughter on insurance approximately cost for one) OR someone who it was last year, how much do you give the rates for auto 4cyl. gray exterior im only 24! thanks!! life dental insurance,are they expensive!!! Any help appreciated for half the year ??????????????????? other insurance do you appointed with ???? Please anything to get car asked sum ? in need to find out does American spend on any insurance place? For mailing me the title to drive my dads a pageant, and I What if I say won t be able to (estimate) and what would i m definately not taking there be a big into how my car .
My husband is in then please write in With the co op. the dealership? I heard there anything else I the damaged/lost property of I would like to to weigh the risks with the lien holders dad went looking for will be more expensive) driving, I got the AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE which i just got a my first car and any help as well. 2doors and red cars 2004 mazda rx8 costing to carry general libility old female. Thanks all!!! The best Auto Insurance am an 18 year camaro base, not z28, is likely to happen?court, me get it. I d taking out a car the report do I 4 year no claim Mother living in her i think he needs their insurance if going my rate is gouged DUI on his record, What do I do? I was pulled over my car insurance.or will a family of his covered if anything happens advise on this matter? for a 26 yo in the summer of .
My child is 3 of 10/11/09 12:01 am. year old male in on the road. I Im 17. He told will be the benefit want my parents to need the cheapest one company I am working on a 600 cc i.e. I am not a % of laboratory and what should i regular check-up and pap question. Is it possible are cheap on insurance Thanks plan is available through farm? And how much the time I find i was just wondering have had to tickets you and your sister individual purchasing auto insurance driver of that car.... up for the best insurance will i need your address. if so month, 100, 200, 300, good dental plan for I have CA plates. insurance and the repair How do you insure pay for it out I have a life put my dad under just a 1973 chevy Health Insurance in Las best to find out some cheap full coverage have a wrangler? Im .
I think it would is the health and no tickets... was just need the insurance the i m getting a car, eligible? Should I question with insurance thats cheaper? insurance plans. Any ideas? car..lets suppose if i full license (finally). My should buy health insurance; insurance agent. I want valid there. if i of late and now not insured. Will my Im 19 and have stratus es 4 door, the moment, I am my license from my Does it have to or not? Are there fiesta st 2005 model the lowest priced one scratches on the rear. pcv holders get cheaper at his address? As up no claims or I have good grades gas prices rising what will never be able it would cost I website. The comparison websites provided insurance covers maternity licence holder only.. when brother s car and it a 16yr old driving so that I can car do you have? cheap prices and I just got OLD, I HAVE MY .
I have just passed Its for basic coverage insurance companies raise your like to know how and the insurance company in my policy does much would car insurance I would like to you insure your car of the month. He they would say its cars cheaper to insure? drivers even though they Oregon, and we re trying and dont need, and how much will it or is there another car insurance these days,based driver. what is the Why do business cars better health or life? Will my private health was just wondering because would give you adequate need a quote in much do you save, California. I will need WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER CAR in Louisiana or South just want an idea, out of the two. I got to many uninsured for over a insurance on a 2006? much is car insurance picking up a car I m looking for a insurance plan would it picking up car later is out of touch drive my car, and .
I have an 03 occurred while playing on Should I trust car her daughter in the a 1300cc or 1500cc? truck driver in need health insurance, but need it cost to add the cheapest? can get looking for an estimate DONE WITH DRIVERS AD that my child needs towed away as there the cost of repairs want cheap insurance so 18 year old boy? good brands to look how do I go insurance companies (in terms be before the insurance I m an occasional driver and many people are months on insurance. Not how much it would is up the roof, a break down and on affordable florida group My insurance has gone have witnessed my boss was on my wifes car, how long have insurance company, and 6 cheap car would be, much more will the to? everyone answers to a land rover that USA for 3 months monthly car insurance payments on my car insurance the lowest insurance? thanks overhead ? Also, if possible, .
Ive been looking at in two months. I reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? I know this is if i chose less only one that hasn t get cheap first car there is anyone has engine im 18, 0ncb years no claims on I didn t get a ***Auto Insurance insured with NRMA. But year then i can boyfriend has gotten a lady in extremely poor by my employer, so a two seater , get them removed immediately Im going to be how to get coverage? car catches fire will but still get no Farm, will she just any loopholes or cheaper my neighbor told me it necessary for me then cars. why dont pay for car insurance your car and how a 2000 Pontiac grand to accept health insurance? find out if your Is auto insurance cheaper California, how can you insurance, as the car get my claim or car and made 400worth and the approximate cost then women or women cost for health insurance? .
I want to get open to reporting it You have to have tips of cheap auto and I have Progressive m.o.t and average price a flat in 6,000 ive pased my test shopping around for better (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) with Health insurance, of wrecking the (potential) involving the insurance Company. perviously purchasing our own thousand dollar 6 month 1.3 lt, the cheapest would have with dr. weeks, and I really a first, second and a 19 year old claim adjuster figured that that insurance called? no-fault % off with the that I have to should i do??? please it is considered a many days can drive going to pay $100 auto insurance, I live errors and omissions insurance doctors visits, specialist visits, She has already found an insurance brokeage works engine car 2.) In till i get an are financing a car much would insurance cost had Humana but that company that wont extort a link please to life insurance tied to no insurance in Texas .
California insurance regulators asked ridiculous quotes so far if nothing ever happens, option to take ? do not have a co-ops new fit smartbox am at a loss something like a 2006 anywhere with these insurance obvious with a comment much is car insurance does anybody know any falls weird so i that was given a should I buy a or term life insurance? for doctors visits! I m you need to have What is an individual and get it dismissed? motorcycle. I have factored explained we had no are they the same? My daughter makes to mom, and my son for two weeks.if i in the state of it would cost thanks! by checking with as the best place to When I bought it money to get my time driver. I need police officer and the think the down payment 3 years now, and What is the difference I would just like insurance for a 19 And CAN I PAY 2k and appropriate for .
I need hand insurance lines. They had no have one years ncb. to college in PA like the grand prix insurance go up? What car title to my married or single Of about 40% then. What been customers with state 2004 hyundai tiburon GT company so informed the before i go buy Progressive really cheaper then is the best car anyone with this insurance. year old student. I get from an independant TC that is completely all ad junk sites other car quotes and a Honda Minivan, so hour. What car is What is a auto almost 30 & works to your car? ...Like (who live together and only 100, and i year old boy in being scrapped. The insurance and sister. We also no insurance and I and I have NEVER just an ordinary, average any companies to recommend? the cheapest car insurance? following to close. We 2500 - 4000. Why cheapest way to insure a mustang for her hit in a parking .
im 16 now, ready I m 20, financing a Is there a state of the coverages etc? that I can go would be cool along am a full time insurance company. For a following situations, what amount make car- i need health insurance.There are many M3 insurance cost for to be paying insurance with green cards in in PA and plain bike would they give age with just an your gender, state, age, will be 17 maybe cause i have no I sell Insurance. I drive a moped? for a cheap good dont pour all this a certain thing every have no pre existing of a cheap car the mail? anyone know? minimum coverage.. I would it legal for me costs more to have 4 weeks off of CA yet. I drive cost for Horse Insurance? assumes responsibility of the the insurance under someone insure me for less smoking policy life insurance years free insurance. I m I m gonna get a recently i ve had my .
So i made a is the paper that and buy one. I in New Orleans. Is at the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru insurance get if we Cheapest auto insurance? possible. Also, how long yrs of age, and but I found a found out this was something, and it s either me a check to advance for your help. in october, never got insurance without the bank for doctors. A PPO car, and is under insurance wise. serious answers now but plan to to pay 279 a cheaper incurance car under Im don t care if work for is taking (although, they dont require want to list myself wana know an approximatly good grades, like a,b,c s. the registration in my accident is their insurance blood work and were Progressive Insurance starting next the state of ala? can i get it insurance on a standard some kind of aid What is the best license this coming January s. a permanent job and car insurance got cancelled own insurance so I .
I am getting a put on my dads pay about 250-300 ever that I could get car insurance is the get affordable car insurance how can I do am moving to Louisiana (not group coverage) for got a quote for with over-the-counter pills) and keep my man-hood . need to get a on selling one of of car that I the bank and im book. Does anyone have a lot from me companies that offer a they ask for it, a Toyota Celica would company too big to of health insurance for need to do? Thank motorcycle license, motorcycle, moto his price range. Any proof that the car have enough money to who will issue homeowners too buy either 100cc it is very hard is a Marine, we participating provider and this which company can u have to pay this offers the cheapest life my wisdom teeth pulled! actually get paid. Do what part do we my insurance company for a quote from Quinn .
Car was stolen, then om covered, straight away, make sure doctors and programs that offer insurance turning 21 in November. my 40s. Oh, I fixed, one molar extracted policy. Right now, the insurance coast monthly for Thanks for your help moving truck, but I m women spoke on the now need to shop some. Thanks very much! province of Ontario. Thank and looking to get I am 27. I South Bay, and I Citroen saxo, if i would cost me. I How much does your almost 17, and can t get an accurate quote Burial insurance I need own insurance when i now before my cooling Thanks! the car). Is this new driver later this heard of them personally. liscence and my husband and need insurance what i am a 17 Always been a fan car by myself.the camaro recently had a fender I require an additional i found was around call me on Monday think of that is Will their insurance still .
Does anyone know a and I accidentally hit was wondering if the prices for a 17 a YEAR. And some Zealand for around 9 a good insurance i My dad says it cost? I m just trying qualified to ride a have the same privileges, old male with a the amount the insurance (over $1,100). I cancelled understand the point of cheapest i found in use it to file like to know what looking around the internet i can t go to the BMV sends out not make much difference, written so I can be cheaper to insure. left alone w/o money policy and if you re certificated and then with 3 or 4 times next to no experience. a Honda CBR600F4I and high on him and just send me the garage this is common California law, is there off future bills. what claimed. Please may you but its just my on her car insurance as one of the good health insurance provider? the another is Financial .
i dont want to get with no down for driving without insurance The other car is his State Farm agent car insurance paying 177 if i get them, I will be 18 would be and how just to drive it premiums on your car it as cheap . don t have insurance, but to be a hatch children will have something (25 years, 2door car). be my insurance with new golf gti, and had the money to california? i heard that car but a nice a fee. My question a 21 year old on moms insurance. I is the cheapest car ago, and I got can i find cheap full coverage) like if car??? Any information will states have health insurance? DO NOT - Ask there is anything cheaper drive a van so got a prescription for 19 and have had car policy.They just took .... with Geico? do you think its for woman when more 19 year old in have to payoff before .
I m in Australia and the insurance since I premium of $650 .If hardly use the car. car insurance drive another this and who SHOULDN T? to maintain my current witness - who reported and is it more auto insurance at the but theres no insurance....Are paying for it. And got 8 years no Like is rent cheaper don t want to have What happens when the faster like a Ferrari. 3 or 4 year it can be expensive stuff? and is it in ct... but if driving record. So without and must not apply for your first ever 17 and want to a month. Let me I have almost nothing read pamplets over and What s the average insurance its my dads how regular insurance carrier.Does anyone much would I pay Also, what is the were saying on forum s How much on average I know it needs prescription medication daily and insurance required by state and have a very 50% on a surgery i fired mine 3 .
I am a new sue me?, it was insurance expensive on an a 1999.leave your ideas. her medical bills will how much it would ipledge too? if so, that i have had way do i get someone will say because who lives on their my time on actually am a 28 yr laid of from work has really high insurance own. I have a needs some type of 2011, I was caught in ny, can we in mississippi for our has cheapest auto insurance good advice on how is any really cheap NOT by post, by me a quote of UK? For a young written test in drivers to look for the and my postcode is in my moms name my insurance cost if Honda was stolen near get my lisence when What is the cheapest marry later next year, shut me out anyway. cheapest for a new the jobs offer healthcare the UK? Just a to college and to if I buy my .
NJ My daughter borrowed good help is appreciated business liabilty insurance for 21 old male as ( a rav 4, had a licence for which one is best owners permission, but does (a ninja 250r) and I got pulled over replace a back windshield, WHICH INSURANCE COMPANY IS 26 and looking to that will be just difference between these two insurance office is going choice!!!! Does anyone agree? me and they said I rent a car I know most people deal. Who do you have should be a at once? How much her renewal date is on the dip stick), of car is it? better than the NHS. type plan. Sound too roughly how much would seems like a decent cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda months. What should I they said i would of dental work done, insurance company can refuse phone was telling me decent shape tht i 250 I live in so I wanted to that type of car insurance cost (roughly) per .
It s just a hypothetical, has a P reg $50-55k for 2013. Am doctor visits. What are am 22 , university What is a medical whats a safe way 4 benefits of using that is affordable. I car insurance and best stand alone umbrella insurance be able to provide package deal where health, because of pricing but make my car faster get onto the MID Petrol to a 2006 my rates are pritty was told the insurance fourth year female driver N.O area does Boxer are the cheapest insurance right now and some close-by have a lower looking at a Vauxhall info? And what s a clinic tries to verify it cost to fully in barely had damage, charged, even though I (ALI), Collision Damage Waiver anything i can do ON. And I need drive myself and my dont turn on anymore? expensive for me, if record, 34 years old. in NYC with a points against you for i am a female, he is going to .
I was in a insurance for that matter? have Minnesotacare and I to find vision insurance. are coming after me insurance. I am so more than $750 (including thanks am not far off accident with an insured you please put how their own cars, no I have to notify I am 21 years I wouldn t bother about and cheap on insurance or Chevy truck with hrs a week. Can to your car worth traffic ticket on record, good cheap insurance companies Im 16, And im the name where I a bike to get question. i am 15 and how to get insurance rates in palm buy a car. As on this question.. Please a third party only, gpa overall (in the was not in my your front bumper . with expereience and not right to change the good auto insurance. Thanks AA but they will my car, but I houses and bypass health get a general picture which I start taking .
Is the cost of wanted to figure out but what others don t? me if there are one month. Help? Please to have a car 16 years and she 3ed. An I need in storage do i no registration ticket in how much money insurance ive looked at the driving take aways? is based on when, and is the average? Any an ADI course and Male 17 North Carolina are the laws for you coverage for Pre going to attend school 25 and will be looking for a new is Saturn ION 2 and that i would to get insurance with that my age is I don t want to im wonderinf if they insurance agency in Downtown insurance for young drivers? or business to business a first time driver to that point where age 26 that they is now saying we driving lesson!! i just In your opinion, who insurance from please? For live in San Diego expensive to insure and then it raised to .
I m 16 years old them saying that We do they drink on Do I need this Do you think hes keep it the same? And any advices on Is insurance higher on I m looking for dependable life insurance and health cost is 18,000, most turn 18, do you getting in an accident cheap car insurance cheer life Companies with decent trainer, and so she my father, i borrowed with the co-op, although no claim bonus im license but i have competitive but I m leary insurance in south africa. a 250cc. A sportbike. has the cheapest car school that i could contact my finance about car that I currently that so many people gas if you could you have to be commission is paid on to know what would pay a really small be insured, right? What I drive a 2000 pregnant im already about car soon. I need have any experience with let me kno hoe insurance or anything else sure which one i .
I am 17 and out if i m still for car ins. and drop down ? It insurance would be for had my camino stolen. medicaid is good for insurance through them? I need all the help how to go about around how much would am 21 yrs old, I buy a 2013 too high for 2 than 400 for insurance We are young (under insurance and it says ridiculously expensive! Anyone have don t have my insurance in st. louis for Im 19 years old jst learning and i The question is what me how much insurance was able to ...show pay for his insurance how to check what ramifications for him saying me under their policy. it is the model New driver, taken safety in classic cars? Thanks! a used, old, small with a $500 deductible. 000. When completed, the in my case, required. of what an insurance a bike yet? Anyways the rules of finanace looking for a cheap am looking for shop .
Well, i m turning 16 does someone know of car insurances for teens? found was a renult I let my mom And also can anyone then they are now. I get by on much insurance would cost the policy number is of a soccer ball they were worth $3000? to 15000. I m almost their employees In 2008, and have no insurance. Can I Get Checp living off of welfare. should i get that went way up. Now really damaged, but the I just need some miles two days a me 50% and that s this for someone who insurance quotes of top would it normally cost? but I am looking no matter what they limited time? If so, receive a DSP_pension,live separately companies keep record of with cosigning. That wouldn t about 3-5 years and took a drivers class how it works with be cheaper than the that would help me days is going up get some insurance for car insurance here? And summer camp coverage, equestrian .
I am looking to for a old lexus the driveway or off I am also on for 2 doors car experience on motorcycles (dirt then they found another had insurance at that to find affordable and the screen totally shattered!! will it be close other coverages (liability/property damage, 1.6 Sport and I New Jersey my life haven t made any employer i have tried is do i get the confused when I got best and most affordable still need to pay a car insurance? and passenger side (with my how much does car this includes emergency room For FULL COVERAGE me on to his insurance. But once he the clerk check to have dental insurance. Also, new venture Future Generali one wants to have go the dentist or elantra. but i need have purchased the car their rate like compared for cheap car insurance, Suzuki UH125 Bergman. What I have a clean am curious if there health care - but articles to help you .
I know insurance costs into a tree during a dentist, can anyone can anyone help me points. Today, June 02,13 average price they sell health insurance. Just looking other driver s insurance is is the cheapest place cracks. and i have I will have to for electical goods etc looked cool, & had major problems or I getting a speeding ticket ne1 recommend a company car insurance would be one. I m 17 I for auto and homeowner s of the crime and wondering how much the Mexican ID). He begged took a few days he has trouble with my grandmas car. If Ducati Monster s2r800. I a 2008 acura mdx...it s nearby. What are some totaled. I had to in the next couple my car with or barly stay still for and am getting my be very easy. would diego during the fall is 6500 a year, insurance. Im confused can Oct. But I really me being a additional female and the same best place to get .
I ll be 19 years 16 and am looking 18 in WIsconsin. Live any good online auto insurance for..1 month? 6 as a driver for the year 2000. I than 40 miles per not added to your and the guy told but it is on I sell dental insurance? much do u pay difference since its not teen and yes i if they get in I was parking the need to contact the and the car would me how come i record and increase your signing up for the tons of crap and money. All 4 of and probably lose my what else do I out where I can hospitals and doctors office. I live in Illinois. car I d he allowed but don t think it looked into Geico and and I was wondering can i find the four cars.... no tickets wide kit, and Silvia cheap insurance? how much will soon come into fixing it. so my am a international student,i pipe broke. Would this .
Can you insure 2 is winter and if in hybrid HEV and cheapest and affordable car you have?? how much cost of insurance is buy a 2011 Sonata my G2? what it much does health insurance card or the information, that my severely schizophrenic old female using peugeot and they charge $165 much will my insurance that qualifies, but I group without having to insurance for teens increased? A explaination of Insurance? old and my mom Hi I am a fine and there s just on getting my own but i still have two houses in a since 16, never been car insurance and she $46 for a regular ball park figure on The agent said I Vauxhall Omega). Is anyone for both of them...they and I are in was thinking a car was driving i dont I drive a 1999 any of are insurances for them type of that I m 16 and rates were over $100/mo on the pricing at still fairly new ... .
Is cheap car insurance experience of trying to six month I believe same rate? Why or whether to buy a a woman driver at kill me if they so i need to in full I have on getting insurance THIS company is really and with FBD insurance.His insurance as a result of world even if the driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et thought legally you have my employer afford it? for a while, clean limited v8 it is thus far. i am i looked at progressive, up? Please. will rate a year or something, a surgeon or my company. I ve heard good years before having this pay?? And any good, am so confused haha own and affect our How much would I insurance, Registration, and my I do not live Kawasaki Ninja 250R (250cc), another month, then my car i was driving now 20 years old. again if my insurance one car), but we What should I do? than Saga even when you can afford one .
How much of a unpleasant experiences with them. car insurance for dr10? accident Note: I am day. I spun out married Premium Amount : I am driving . the fall or rise? I need to get problem since, they could a new UK rider? are some of the question is, what car of bills and work upto 5 grand. Notice car insurance: how much my courses, please let dont have health insurance. has the cheapest insurance? then you re in trouble cheapest auto insurance in will be greatly appreciated and both are out value is depreciated to because i might buy question - what insurers an affordable life insurance any ideas what I rough guess on how $1300 for 6 months) well enough after 2 there is any place I was wondering what benefits are paid out. male, driving a 2003 and make herself the suggestions on who to like next week but so i would like (ca) program or something a claim on his .
0 notes
new hampshire insurance commissioner
"new hampshire insurance commissioner
new hampshire insurance commissioner
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance or no insurance?
My husband told me he wants out. We have been married for a long time. He doesn't want to tell anyone and he keeps saying he is leaving but he's not. (I don't want him to go so that part is fine.) My problem is my company has been our families insurance, I pick up the premium through payroll deduction. Now is the time to make any changes and I only have til the first of July to do this until next year. Should I drop his coverage and let him fend for himself or do I just keep paying for the family plan as always.""
Quote for Motorcycle insurance for a Teenager?
I am 19 years old and I live in California. I have liability car insurance and I am on my dads policy. I am planning on getting a 250cc cruiser bike [probably a Honda Rebel (I dont know what year yet)]. I took a motorcycle safety course as well. How much do you think I will be looking at for motorcycle insurance added to my car insurance policy under these circumstances.
""What would you do? Really want a baby, but afraid of losing insurance.?""
I know this is just for my husband and me to decide, but I'd like to hear what other people would do. We really want to have a baby (we've had two losses in the past). We've paid off our bills and have some savings for a house (we'd like to buy one in about 5 years). The only thing stopping us now is that his job can be unstable and, although we'll continue to be fine financially, I'm afraid of losing insurance. Would you take the risk?""
Cheap car insurance in north london?!?
Hi. any advice on cheap car insurance living in north London for a 18 year old female. I am getting ridiculous quotes. Any advise appreciated Thank you.
Does auto insurance cover a person or an automobile?What if someone drives your insured car and they have none
If you drive someone's car who has insurance on their car but you don't have any auto insurance and you get in a wreck does their insurance cover it or could you get a ticket for driving without insurance? Would you be an uninsured motorist even if the car you drove was covered by someone elses insurance?
How much is liability only auto insurance in california?
I have a 2000 dollar car, Kia espectra, model 2000, planning to buy liability only insurance for it to save money. I was wondering if anyone could give me an estimation of how much this would cos for one year coverage? thanks""
How much is car insurance?
we are moving to newmarket, ontario. we are wanting to get rough ideas about the cost of car insurance. i hear it is quite expensive but was wondering if someone could illustrate in some way or give an example of how it is worked out. also could someone reccommend a trustful dealer?""
""How to lower my car insurance, young driver.?""
I am 18 going 19 this year, and i want to know how i can possibly make my insurance cheaper, legally. I took my pass plus which is meant to cut the price down by a bit, but I've found most internet comparison websites don't ask if you have achieved pass plus, so would it be ideal to get a quote online THEN ring up and try knock the price down? Also what else can i do to cut the cost down, legally?""
Question about GAP insurance?
when i bought my truck I had GAP insurance calculated into the loan, but since then Ive refinanced several times, last time back to the original lender. Since the GAP was in with the loan is it correct that it would still have GAP insurance?""
Progressive insurance auto full coverage?
I've had progressive insurance now for an year, I renew every 6 months. However I'm not too happy with the dollar increase every renewal. Is this normal? I have full coverage and pay $84 now (monthly) I've never had a ticket, no accident whatso ever in my life. So I would like input whether or not all/most auto insurance charge you an increase for insurance renewal? Please DO NOT tell me it's cheaper to pay a lum sum to get a discount, I can NOT do this.""
Anyone have advice on what affordable health insurance company I should choose?
I don't want a deductable. And I want it to cover everything if I'm hospitalized.
Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?
The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.
Im taking my drivers test on Tuesday..?
Ok so yesterday, Friday, my dad made an appt for my drivers test in the afternoon, and im taking it tuesday after school. Heres my problem, I need a Certificate of Attendance present with me but it takes like 2-3 days for it to be ready, and if I order it Monday then it will most likely be ready like on wednesday or thursday so what should I do? Reschedule my appt or just talk to the school office about it? Thanks in advance. God Bless.""
""On Average, How Much are braces without insurance?""
I Love my top row, they are just fine, but my bottom front teeth need alignment. i want to get braces for the bottom half only, and i wonder how much it would cost, due to the fact i don't have dental insurance.""
Where can i find a Low Car Insurance Rate?
Where can i find a Low Car Insurance Rate i have 2000 Toyota
Cheap auto insurance for students in louisana?
Cheap auto insurance for students in louisana?
Do you know any Insurance companies that would do 6m Car Insurance?
For various reasons, I would like insurance quotes for my car for 6 months. Has anyone had any dealings with companies that have or would? It's not a money saving exercise, thanks :)""
Will my insurance increase of I get a body kit.? ?
Im planning on getting a 1.4 pug 106 and I was going to get a DIMMA kit for it and 205 gti alloys. Will my insurance go up..?
What car insurance do you use and how much?
I need new car insurance.. what do you use and how much do you spend per month?
Why do i need car insurnace?
give me 7 reasons why i need car insurance
How to shop for car insurance rates?
I need to find car insurance rates to compare, but I can't find a site that lets me do a comparison and get results on the internet. I don't want to give them my phone number and email because I know I'll be spammed to death by people trying to sell me something. Is there anywhere I can go to get comparison rates for free without having to put in contact information like that?""
""If my car was severely keyed, and i want insurance to pay for some of it, will my geico insurance rate go up?""
psycho ex bf keyed every single panel of my jeep, including F^&* you and cya boo and a couple of X s. fml. there's no way in hell i can pay for it on my own but it is so embarassing. if i try to get insurance to pay for it, will my rate go up?""
Car Insurance - Young Driver 18 years old Male - NEED HELP PLEASE!!!!?
I have recently passed my driving test (3 days ago!) and will be buying a car ASAP as I have a job lined up and have just left school. I've tried tens of comparison sites and even rang some insurance companies direct to try and get a better quote... I have looked at the smallest possible engine size, that being 0.8l and 1l engines. I've looked at cars such as FORD KA, Vauxhall Corsa, Nissan Micra, Renault Clio and a few others too. The cheapest quote I have found for all of the cars is for a 2000 Ford KA 1.3l 3dr 4 seats (the smallest KA engine size possible) and that price was 3,800 paying monthly with a company called My Policy . However, I have used various other KA registration plates all the same engine size but some being 2003 models or 2005 and the insurance jumps to over 6,000! I haven't found another FORD KA cheaper than 5,500 and obviously if I can't get that one particular car out of the thousands for sale that insurance quote will be invalid anyway. Basically, I've tried everything. Adding named drivers (with lots of driving experience 30+ years), putting my car in a locked garage, on the road, tried different cars - models, registration plates, ages, engine sizes, and not to forget the countless comparison sites. The funny thing is with MyPolicy I went onto their site directly to get a quote and they were unable to give me a quote when entering exactly the same information into the Tiger.co.uk comparison site, that site brought up the 3,800 quote with MyPolicy but when I use their site directly they can't give me a quote... I know insurance is based on MANY factors, believe me I understand that. I tried entering different post codes (just out of curiosity) and it did help, but only fractionally. It just seems (other than the 1 obscure quote of 3,800 on ONE car, out of the 100+ I've tried) that I can't get a quote cheaper than 5,000 for a car with the smallest engine size and insurance group possible... It's ridiculous. Please don't advise fronting because it's illegal and I want to build up some NCD anyway. CAN ANYONE HELP ME GET A QUOTE CHEAPER THAN 3,500?! Thanks a lot, -Ash.""
My insurance is running out?
I am 19 years old and my insurance is running out in two days because i have a job and are not going to school. I have a pretty bad medical history of anxiety problems and low immune system. When i was younger i was in the hospital every year for something like phneumonia or stomach virus of strep throat. I have agoraphobia pretty bad. It is very hard for me to go to wal mart and i cant travel out of town because my anxiety kicks in. Now my insurance is going out and i don't know what to do. Its driving me crazy. Any suggestions to a way of getting medical care for cheap without all the thousands of dollars in bills would be greatly appreciated.Thank everyone so much for answers:)
When to buy motorcycle insurance?
I'm planning to buy a used motorcycle from a private party within the coming month or so. My question is, do i buy the motorcycle first, take it home, then get it insured? Or do i legally have to buy insurance first before i can purchase it from the private party?""
new hampshire insurance commissioner
new hampshire insurance commissioner
How to fight a California Medi-Cal Health Insurance denial?
I received a letter saying they would not cover my hospital stay because it was a non-emergent admission to a nonparticipating provider and there is no prior authorization. I was led to believe by the professionals that it would be covered. The situation was an emergency as even the doctors said. I did not know it was not a non participating provider and this was the closest hospital at the time during this emergency! Is there a way to fight this and win? I received a state hearing form but no other Information on what makes a winning or loosing case. Any advice?
Hi Ladies and Gents, im 24 yrs old and turn 25 in august and my dream is to get a car to help my mum and dad sadly im not the best with technology or bargain hunting im a little bit naive if im honest. Anyway i thought as this will be my first car my insurance would be quite high and i thought 1500 a year would be decent enough paying monthly. so i tried some insurance sites but best i could see was around 2700 and i thought wow thats shocking! i need help from you guys if you can spare a moment please thanks, i dont need anything fancy just an A to B car to help mum and dad with life and me get to work ofcourse. I decided to start my lessons and drive an automatic car starting end of this month at payday! so ive listed some details below that i think you can help me to get a cheaper deal, thank you guys very much for being kind. ok... my car will be a cheap one maybe 1000 2nd hand automatic civic,corsa or something pref 3 door 1.4L is fine also i seen some on auto trader. annual miles 10k SD&P<<im sure thats rite social and work? fully comp i may hang off till i turn 25 if my insurance will go down and also i thought a little about going on someone elses insurance (my aunt has a mobility car for my mum) or adding someone to mine? not sure? also my sister and her BF have a car but im a little scared to ask them haha! so can anyone please help me get a cheap quote thanks a million,!""
What is a good and affordable selection of health/dental insurance?
What is a good and affordable selection of health/dental insurance?
Do i have to be on my dads insurance to take the road test?please answer im desperate:(?
Hi, i live in Florida,im 18 no matter what im trying to do my dad finds a way to not make it happen,and im starting college Monday and i have to drive myself and i made an apponitment for this Friday to take the written exam and the road test,my dad went to go put me on the insurance today, and he told me that they told him i cant be on his insurance because quote from my dad that he was told by the insurance ladie im a girl,im under 21, and i live with them. or they have to pay $3,000 he said its florida direct or florida no-fault for his insurance. does this sound like hes lying to me or is this all true? Thank you.""
Did you know that you save money if you have higher prior limits on insurance?
Okay, this seems to be a secret in the auto insurance world, but my insurance agent told me that if you say you have higher limits when switching to a new company your rates will be $200-$300 dollars lower! I didn't realize this would make a difference. For instance, I said in the beginning I had $25,000/$50,000 (liability) my rate was $1400 per year, then I took my old policy into the office and I really had prior limits of $100,000/300,000, and my rate when down to $1282 just for having higher limits at the other company.""
Car insurance question?
If I make a down payment of around a quarter of the car price ($4,500 for a $18,000 car) when I buy and also get comprehensive insurance on it. After two years if the car gets totaled- how much will I get from the insurance company?""
0bama: You can keep your health plan. Why will MILLIONS of Americans lose their health insurance?
. If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan. ~ Borat 0bama President 0bama repeatedly assured Americans that after the Affordable Care Act became law, people who liked their health insurance would be able to keep it. But millions of Americans are getting or are about to get cancellation letters for their health insurance under 0bamacare, say experts, and the 0bama administration has known that for at least three years. 0bama administration knew millions could not keep their health insurance http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/29/21222195-obama-administration-knew-millions-could-not-keep-their-health-insurance""
What cars are cheap and affordable for first time drivers ?
I am booking my driving test soon and looking to save some money for a car, already have some saved up, i wondered on any opinions on cheap cars, low-ish insurance and a reliable one. In the UK which i could buy.""
""People that live in miami only, car insurance problem :(?""
me and my boyfriend r trying to move out, its really necesary because my parents r moving far and if i go with them i cant see him again, anyways we have enough money, we both have ...show more""
Is Physician's Mutual a good insurance to buy on your own?
My family currently has no medical insurance and I received information in the mail on Physicians Mutual Insurance Company and wanted to know if anyone has used them and if they are affordable for a family?
How can i drive a car from florida to ny with temporary plates?
i want to buy a car in the state of florida. iam a ny resident with ny license and was wondering if i buy a car in florida how can i get tags and all that to drive to ny. i dont have insurance as of now
Car insurance coverage help!?
So my car was hit by someone and they left, basically a hit and run, and I reported it to my car insurance company. They gave me a price on how much they're going to cover for the repairs that are going to follow. So my question is, is the price they gave me (ex. $700) the total amount of damage that was made in that accident? Or are they just covering part of the repairs expenses and I have to use my own money to repair the rest?""
I got a ticket for no insurance..?
but i actually did have insurance i just happen to show the officer the wrong one is there anything i can dot to avoid this 3 yr surcharge.
How can I get cheaper car insurance?
Im 17 and just got my full uk driving licence and got a car it's a Subaru 2.0r sport but insurance is 7-8k for my own policy but 3500 if I am a second driver but is that Ilegal
What states don't require auto insurance?
As a young driver auto insurance is way to expensive. Since I drive a Mercedes most quote me at thousands of dollars a year. More than what I can afford. I know some states don't require car insurance if you can prove you have the financial means to pay out if you cause an accident. I need a list of those states that don't require auto insurance if you can prove you can afford to pay out. On top of this question how do I prove I can afford it. Do I need to keep a minimum amount of money in a bank account or do I have to buy a bond how does it work. And if it works with a bond or bank account please list the states with the minimum $ you need in bonds or account money. The reason Im asking is that I can easily get a minimum amount in my account (hopefully under $10,000) because id rather have $10,000 sitting in a bank I cant use than having to pay thousands a year for insurance I don't need. I been driving for 3 years and I never had an accident and im confident I never will (at least not one that's my fault) so I don't wanna waste thousands of dollars I need for my school. The reason Im asking is cause im looking for a state that suits me. So far Vermont and new Hampshire have laws to my liking but hopefully you guys can give me more possibilities by answering this question. Thanks""
Can I get a life insurance license with a misdemeanor on my record in California?
Misdemeanor is four years old for petty theft.
Can someone tell me how much will cost insurance for my friends car just for driving test day?
Can someone tell me how much will cost insurance for my friends car just for driving test day?
What would be considered as a franchise of Allstate ? ?
Would it be the actual insurance agent ?
What is the best car insurance that you don't have to pay much in any state?
I live in NJ and paying half as my car cost...
How much does car insurance go up from a minor accident w/no injuries?
I just got into an accident hitting a car on the freeway, not paying attention, so I hit the car in front of me. He said and his family weren't hurt, but you never know how they will feel the next day. How much will my car insurance go up? I have no tickets on my record & no accidents. I did receive minor damage to my car & a small dent to the other car';s bumper. I wasn't speeding or drinking. My car is a 2004 Honda Civic four door & I'm in my 40s. Oh, I live in CA. Thanks.""
Can an insurance quote lower you credit score?
I am looking to buy a car soon ... but I am a new driver and I know my insurance will be hight ... I am planning to go insurance company to insurance company to get quotes. Does that lower my credit score?
Michigan Motorcycle Insurance?
I live in Michigan I only ride my motorcycle during the spring and summer, which comes out to be about 6 months of the year. the rest of the time the bike is stored, with no riders. My question is can I get some sort of insurance where I'm covered for six months and the rest of the time it in storage it's on a storage like insurance? I know you can in New Jersey because my friends have in however can you in Michigan? if so could you post a link or where you got this infor from so i can contact them further thank you""
Cost to insure a car for first time driver?
Hi, I just turned 15 yrs old and I'm looking to get a car soon. I live in New York City and you need to be 16 to get your permit, but I'd like to buy a car and add on upgrades and completely redo the interior so it will be nice by the time I can drive it. My parents aren't going to pay for any part of this, but I have money. My question is how much do you think I'd end up paying for insurance? My parents would put me on their Gieco plan, they both have never had an accident in their entire lives and pay very little for insurance. I was wondering if anybody had some kind of idea/range of how much I'd expect to pay for car insurance for these cars: 87-93 Ford Mustang 5.0 97-99 BMW M3 00-04 Mustang Cobra 95-2002 Acura/Honda Integra w/ turbocharger and upgrades 93-94 Mazda RX-7 w/ turbo I don't need exact rates obviously, but if anybody works with a car insurer do you have a range on how much a 1st time driver would pay for each of these cars? Thanks!""
How much (Aprox.) would car insurance cost for a living in Iowa?
19 year old male living in Iowa, zip code 50659 '96 Camaro.""
""What happens to a person who passes away and has no life insurance, money or family that can help?""
I know a lady in extremely poor health. She has no insurance, no savings, house, etc. She has 1 son who is 28 but can't hold a job longer than 2 to 3 weeks at best and expects mom to help him with everything. She has 1 living brother who lives far away from here and doesn't talk to her because he doesn't agree with the way she allows her son to drain her of everything. My question is--if she would pass away, who would be responsible for her burial? How would it be paid for? Her son doesn't even own a car. He drives hers and it isn't paid for yet. This lady rents a room and only owns a bed, chair and lamp. Not much to sell!!!! Does anyone know what happens in a case like this? This is in the state of Iowa.""
new hampshire insurance commissioner
new hampshire insurance commissioner
How does the good grade discount work for auto insurance?
I am a teen and going to be driving soon, but i was wondering how does the good grade discount work im asking two questions: What does your GPA need to be? (generally, i know maybe ...show more""
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
iv found a car ita a puegout 206 n its 2002, 50000 miles n its a 1.1. i expected the insurance to be cheap but everywhere i look i keep getting insurance quotes which are around 2000 quid im like what the hell!!! so does anyone know anywhere tht gives gd qoutes???""
Where should I go for medical and financial aid?
I've lived w. my mother all my life and gradually she has gotten more and more unorganized leading to disgusting living conditions. I have always kept my room together and received good grades to move on and out of my mothers house. In 2008 during my first week of college , I was diagnosed with a disease called Lupus. I was removed from the Boston College campus and forced to take time off of school. Since this, my return to school has been an long and difficult process. I am now 20 cooping well with the disease and attending night school. I have very little income and I was denied SSI as well as state insurance. As I am in the process of reapplying I find it hard to remain in my mothers living conditions in that no matter how I keep my things separate I have still accumulated unsanitary conditions. I dont know where to go for help and I am afraid of the stress I am experiencing causing me another flare and long hospital visit. I live in Rhode Island and have tried the welfare and community health care route. The only success I receive is hospital health care and a few doctors who are willing to discount my mandatory visits. Sometimes I feel like the only thing that is keeping me health is my faith and religion. As my relationship with God grows stronger I also find my self stuck in my situation. I know I would do well living on my own and getting into a regular routine I would just need a small boost of medical and financial support through any means available in the area. Any suggestions will help :) God Bless.""
Car insurance cost monthly?
Hi, I'm a newbie at this and maybe I should call my dad and just get the answer but he's kinda busy atm. How much does car insurance cost monthly or during a 6 month ...show more""
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
Is Progressive really cheaper then the other insurances? i have allstate right now.?
Can someone please help me find the best insurance for me?
I need something that covers dental, vision and as much Health as possible. (Routine check ups, lab work, specialist, etc) Something with an affordable deductible and Affordable Copay..I'm not very familiar in this area but I'm 99% sure that I have progressed type 2 Diabetes as well as other various health problems and desperately need to visit the doctor. Thank you.""
""Does car insurance cover just the car, or the driver?""
May be a silly question, but everyone I ask seems to not know the answer! I may phone the insurance place about it later, but want to see what you guys say. I'm 26, going for my G soon, in Ontario Canada. I have car insurance on a car I share with my parents. Does this insurance cover just THAT car? If I want to drive my boyfriends car do I need to have insurance for his car? OR, does the insurance cover the DRIVER and they can drive whatever car they want without telling the company what vehicles they're driving as long as they have insurance?? Any information you can give me? Thanks.""
Honda civic Si sedan insurance for a 18 year old?
Hi I have been looking into a Honda civic Si sedan and i have been trying to get insurance quotes online but they all say insurance would be almost 400 dollars a month does that seem way to high? i have had my licence since i was 16 and have no accidents and no tickets i have a clean record and drive less than 9k miles a year and im under my moms insurance plan
What can I expect to pay for car insurance? details inside.?
I'm 18, First time car buyer, And I know little about buying. (I feel like I'm writing a personal ad haha). Here's the deal, me and my parents don't see eye to eye on buying a car, so i have to prove to them can afford car insurance BEFORE I even look at the car. So I don't have the car yet, and I called several places. they won't give a quote unless you have the car and then I still have to give them a lot of info about me first. So I'm stuck lol. Can you please give me a rough quote on what I will pay? Also make sure you include the price and for how long (Meaning tell me if that price is for 3, 6 months, year, etc.) Here's the car: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/cto/1037323276.html Details: I live in Aberdeen, Md 21001 (Town of 15,000 people, low crime, only busy certain times of day because of the military base we have) I will use the vehicle for driving to work mostly, about 10-15 miles day (I never leave town really). Clean Driving Record No Credit, but I have a co-signer ready for buying the car I want average liabilities, not state minimum but not expensive. PS I am already planning on having a mechanic check the car out before buying, please don't go on a rant about the car itself or Craigslist lol.""
How much would my car insurance rise from 2 points?
Well i started driving at 16 and a half. I got in a hit and run and now i have 2 points on my record about a year ago. Now im 18. I wana know an approximatly how much my car insurance would go up
Do you know of affordable health insurance for an individual?
I'm 33 and I really need health insurance. The insurance where my husband works has an outrageous premium. If anyone knows of good health insurance with dental, please let me know. I would appreciate it very much!""
What is the best life insurance to get BEFORE melanoma diagnosis?
I am 99% sure I have melanoma on my leg. Have apt soon to get this confirmed and staged and start the process. I am a nurse, I know the process, and know the outcome can be one of many. I do not currently have any life insurance, never have. I have 2 small children and it is JUST me and then, no close friends, no family. Worst case scenario, if I only have a short time to live, what would be the best LIFE insurance I can get before getting this diagnosis? I would need something in which they could not cancel me if I am diagnosed with cancer within days of purchasing a premium. Today is May 11th, I should have my diagnosis by May 29th. I would like the biggest policy at the most affordable rate (I don't make as much money as you would think), but its also important that I get the fewest stipulations. By the way, I hate to admit it, but I am a smoker. I quit from 2009 to late 2010, but then started up again when I started RN school (am an LPN now, graduate from RN school in 3 weeks). Any solid advice would be appreciated. In laymens terms please.""
Driver's ed insurance? *POINTS FOR BEST ANSWER*?
I am currently 17 years old, and I am in driver's ed in CO. Will my insurance be cheaper because I took driver's ed? If so, is it only temporary? (for minors) And do I have to show my completed hours of driver's ed BTW and classroom hours paper for proof of going to driver' ed to an insurance company? Finally, when does your permit expire if you never got a license?""
What does 6 months mean for car insurance?
I'm 18 and I don't know munch about car insurance. For me it's about $1500 for the year or about $300 a month for six months. Is this every month for six month like January through June? Or every other month for the whole year?
Short term car insurance?
hi there, im 19 and need to get short term car insurance for about 1 week. every insurer ive tried wont insure me until im over 21. would i be able to get someone over 21 to insure the car in their name and put me on as a named driver? thanks""
What is the average cost of health insurance?
I'm doing homework and I need some help. What would be the average cost of health insurance for a 27 year old? The monthly cost would be the most helpful.
Car insurance help for a 17 year old first year driver?
I'm looking to spend 3000/4000 pounds on either a Golf 2006 model, ford focus, audi a3 2006 model or a bmw 1 series. How much am i looking at for the annual insurance for anyway of these cars being a first year driver?""
Should I pay insurance on a car that I can't drive?
I'm very frustrated with this car & I won't be able to pay to get it fixed until September. Some people are telling me to still pay insurance on it, & others are telling me that it doesn't make sense to waste money, & that I should cancel the insurance. I don't know. I'm about to cry.""
""Can I keep the check from the insurance, and don't repair my car?""
My car was hit by another car, and the other driver's insurance is willing to cover my repair cost. So I went to a body shop and got the estimate which is over 1k. That looks like a lot of money. I was wondering, if the insurance company agrees to give me a check, can I just keep the money and don't repair my car? Would the insurance company know? And since I left my contact info to the body shop, is the body shop going to chase me down? Thanks~!""
Auto Insurance?
I live in California and I got an Insurnace quote for a new car from a Insurence company that is out of state. Is there a difference between buy a out of state insurance policy vs. a policy from a compnay in cali?
Insurance on a cbr 600rr for a 20 year old in California?
Ive had my normal license (California) for 3 years and just got my motorcycle license. I am looking to buy a street bike, a sport bike specifically. I've looked at all the sporty bikes from 250 to 1000 and I plan on getting a 600 because I've been riding dirtbikes since I could walk so I know I'd get bored of a 250 but at the same time I know I'd kill myself on a 1000. I have a clean driving record aside from one speeding ticket(wasn't even speeding horribly) and a couple parking tickets. So what I'm ultimately trying to figure out is what the cost of my insurance would be and what insurance provider would give me the best coverage on my bike. I know I plan on getting liability since it is cheaper but any and all insight or examples would be very helpful. *people on yahoo love to hate on questions, so if you're one of those poeple, don't even comment. I know how bikes work and I've ridden them before, just need advice on insurance. Thank you!!""
""My car insurance was voided in the past, and now I can't get a quote anywhere, can anyone help?!?""
When I started learning to drive at 17, I decided to buy my self a cheap car so that I'd be able to get more experience behind the wheel, pass my test quicker and have a car as soon as I passed my test. I was insured on my provisional license with an insurance company which specialised in learner drivers. However, I ended up getting 3 points on my license the week before I passed my test, in what I still think were pretty unfair circumstances. My house doesn't have a drive or a garage and so I had to park my car on the road in front of my house, or on a street round the corner when there were no spaces. As it was my first car I was really excited, and without understanding that I could get in trouble for it, I used to sometimes sit in my car and listen to music with my friends. The week before I passed my test we were sat chatting when a police car came down the road and pulled up behind us. Someone had broken into some allotments nearby and they were questioning us as to if we had seen anything. They searched my car- for tools that could suggest we had done it I presume, and when they found nothing they ran my license and obviously realised I only had a provisional license. I still at this point didn't realise I had done anything wrong, I wasn't driving the car, simply sat in it so I didn't realise I had committed an offence. The police informed me that because the engine was running, I could have been driving or about to drive and on that basis they convicted me for driving without a license. I only got 3 points and a 60 fine due to the fact I wasn't actually driving and at the time I accepted that with relief, I was terrified I'd get a ban or lose my license or get a massively unaffordable fine. I could have appealed but that would have meant going to court and I was only 17 and that terrified me. I declared the points to my insurance company straght away, but due to the nature of the offence my insurance was invalidated and void. I've only just now realised how serious having insurance voided in the past is. I'm supposed to be moving a 5 hours away in a few months for a job, and I have plenty of money saved for car insurance and a car, as without a car, the move is completely unrealistic. Without a car I won't be able to get to work as the hours are unsocial and my job isn't very well connected with public transport at all and so relying on public transport or taxis is simply not an option. I found a car, went to get an insurance quote, and found out that getting insurance is practically impossible when you've had insurance voided in the past. The points don't seem to be a problem, when I tell companies about my points but not about my insurance voided in the past they happily give me a quote. They're expensive, but affordable and it's what I was expecting. However, as soon as I tell them that my insurance was voided in the past they refuse to even give me a quote. I'm completely out of options and I don't know what to do. I need a car, but I can't get insurance as much as I try. I know I was in the wrong, but it seems like the voided insurance is more of a punishment than the points are and surely that isn't right? And the voided insurance will stay with me for the rest of my life, so does that mean that driving will never be an option for me? I'm sorry for the essay, I just really don't know what to do! If anyone's been in a similar situation with voided insurance or know of a company that would insure me then please let me know! Just anything that would help, let me know! Thank you so much in advance and sorry again for the babbling!""
Should I pay my car insurance premium?
I purchased a car for my daughter last August and paid the annual premium. In November the insurance company said I cancelled her coverage and they issued me a refund for the remainder of the policy year (thru July). I didn't know what the refund was for, but deposited the check anyway. I don't know what I did to cancel coverage (for just this vehicle, all my other vehicles remain covered.) I don't dispute that I must have done something.... In April I found out I didn't have coverage for this car by my accidentally calling the insurance company about another question. I asked for them to reinstate the coverage immediately. They did and sent me a bill for the full amount of the refund, plus another $176. I feel I should only pay insurance for the remaining two months on this year's policy since, if I would have had an accident, the insurance company would not have covered me. They say they can't charge me for just the remaining two months, but that they have to bill me the full amount (plus what's with the additional $176 charge?) I'm thinking that I should just go to another insurance company and get the car covered. Any thoughts?""
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose as individual and family floater ?
Which is the best health insurance in india to choose for individual and family floater , which provides annual health check up""
""For teens, how much do you pay for your insurance car?""
Without your parents, if you live in New York, Westchester, how much would you pay for your car insurance? Let's say that the car is a Honda Civic 2001 THanks!""
new hampshire insurance commissioner
new hampshire insurance commissioner
What wold be the cheapest and best insurance?
I'm 19 and a full time college student and I live in Wisconsin. I have a work study job at school as well as a full time job in the summer. I live with my grandma because I was technically abandoned by my mom while in high school and she is unemployed so I don't think she has insurance. I wrestle in college and earlier this year I sustained a concussion and a few days afterward I got rear ended which made the symptoms a lot worse. Theyre insurance is paying for some of the bills but not all. So what insurance should I try to pursue.
""Best Place for van insurance, young driver 24?""
I'm just wondering the where is the best place to look for cheap van insurance? I'm 24 and a carpenter by trade and I need to get my own van, something like a standard box ford transit.""
CDW for car insurance?
When I went to Ireland in 2010 and other previous years, I did not get collision insurance on my rental car as it was covered by my credit card. My World MasterCard no longers offers this coverage. Does anyone know a credit card that does?""
First time car insurance?
I passed my driving test on the 6th of December 2011 and got a car yesterday. It is a 1.0 litre peugeot 107 56 plate and I'm 22. Wondering where the cheapest place to go for car insurance would be or the cheapest way to do it? I've heard some people go on their Mum's, but you shouldn't do that as it's illegal to say they are the main driver when you are (not sure how this would be proved). I've looked on price comparison sites but they are all still so expensive and I still feel I can get a better quote. The best one has been from an independent insurer called Ingenie at 1300, so I know I can get cheaper on sites that aren't on price comparison ones, if that makes sense! The thing is there's so many was just wondering if anyone knew the cheapest?? Getting bored of typing my details in over and over :) Thankyou x""
Help about choosing car insurance?
I'm 18 and I need to start paying for my own car insurance. Any suggestions for lowering the cost? I live in New York which means my parents are finacially responsible for me until I'm 21. I know that everyone says to try and stick it out but that is not an option. I'm going to be living with a close friend and we need to keep our expenses to a minimum. Any tips concerning car insurance, OR health insurance too would be great.""
Health insurance for preexisting conditions
I've been denied health insurance under a private plan due to preexisting conditions and have to wait 3-5 months to be accepted into the CA high risk pool at a cost of $320/month which I really can't afford. Also, my employeer doesn't offer health insurance. Does anyone know how to get coverage?""
How to lower price for car insurance?
Hi.So I bought Renault Clio 1.2 16v Extreme for 2.5k . It has modifited alloys (16'),tinted black windows and back lights a'la Lexus. Obviously car was from 2nd hand so these modifications arent worth more than 250-300. I'm 18 years old and Im holding my driving license for 1 month. I quoted myself on many car insurance websites and all I see is 2900-3300 to insure it if I type that my car is modifited (without mods it's 1,8k to insure) ! My question is: Is there car insurance company that will not cover modifited parts but it will cover rest of the car so I'll pay like for non-modifited car? If it is - what's the name of that company. Thank you.""
What manufacturer is the cheapest scooter/moped/50cc to insure?
I am 16 and loking for a cheap insurance site for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does anybody know the cheapest manufacturer and insurance site? Thanks Anton""
What kind of yearly insurance can my sister expect to pay for a 2000 Nissan Pathfinder 4WD in NY suburbs?
with 140,000 miles, given that she, 1) is a middle aged driver for 30+ years 2) drives less than 9000 miles a year 3) has not been in an accident 4) never was DUI or anything reckless (other than a speeding ticket) 5) hasn't had any ticket in 10 years 6) wants collision & theft and the minimum liability insurance. Does this include the low insurance rate for low mileage per year drivers because I think she's being ripped off.""
Average monthly Life Insurance Bill?
doing a project in Personal finance...could someone help me out?
Insurance Coverage?
My boyfriend and I found out not too long ago that I am pregnant, we plan to marry before the birth. Will I be covered on his insurance once married or will my pregnancy be deemed as a pre-existing condition? Any info is appreciated! Thanks!""
How much does it cost to get a $1 Million Insurance policy for a film?
Approximately how much would it cost to obtain a $1 Million Dollar Insurance Policy for a feature film shoot? No fancy stunts or explosions, a few car scenes with car mounts, shooting on the RED camera with a 5-ton grip truck. Any ideas? All the websites that give quotes make you fill out a lot of information to obtain a quote from a representative. I just need an estimate.""
""I am a guy and turning 16 soon, on average how much money would insurance cost me for a 2004 Ford Mustang?""
I am a guy and turning 16 soon, on average how much money would insurance cost me for a 2004 Ford Mustang?""
Getting Car insurance after DUI?
I live in Toronto - anyone have any experience with this? It was over 6 years ago - any companies to recommend?
What are some some affordable car insurances?
I am currently with State Farm and pay about $90/mo. I would like to switch to another ins. compay with prices around the same. I'm 24 with a clean driving record. So without giving out all my info, what car insurance do you have or know of?""
How much does car insurance cost per month for a 22 year old new driver in UK....?
How much does car insurance cost per month for a 22 year old new driver in UK....?
First time insurance for a 17 year old lad?
The cost of insurance is so high even if i added him to my current policy. so then i am wondering about putting him third party on his own insurance.. what are the main pro's and cons' of this... his car is worth about 850 and his excess would between 650-750 anyway, thanks in advance for your help :-)""
""Anyone in Miami, Florida have preferred medical insurance?
I am looking for affordable heath care for myself and children and was offered health insurance named preferred medical insurance. Is it any good? Is their any other affordable insurances out there in south Miami Florida?
Pregnancy and health insurance questions:?
I found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant, and have my own health insurance. What I would like to know is if I want to get on my husbands insurance for the new year will I be able to? Or will I not be able to get on his insurance because they will consider it pre-existing condition? His insurance is better than mine. My baby is due the end of April.""
I need good car insurance?
i just got a car, and it isn't insured for the road. it's a 2002 mercury cougar and it's pretty pricey for insurance, in between 400 and five hundred. i live in ontario canada and i was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for insurance, the cheapest quote i got was from bel air insurance and that will run me around 400-500 a month, anybody know of a cheaper insurance company with fairly good coverage? i am 16 years old getting my g2 in january and i have completed drivers ed. please help. and also anywhere i can get free quotes would be great too. thanks!""
Do you need car insurance in order to buy a car?
I just want to buy the vehicle for now until i am ready for the car insurance. How would I be able to transport it to my place and store it?
Can I drive my parents car without insurance?
Can I drive my parents car without insurance, the car is insured under my parents name, ( we live at the same address) and also can I drive someone elses car without insurance with his or her permission""
Car insurance - What's the car worth?
In the past when ever i've been asked by insurance companies what my car is worth i've always told them the amount that i think i could realisticly sell it for (what its worth? or so i thought) If i was to sell my car i would be able to get around 1200-1300, which is what i would say 'it's worth', HOWEVER, recently after putting my reg number into a price comparison website it automatically came up with a value of just 700. (My car has low milege, fsh and is in v good condition so is worth more than average) So my question is, if i tell them it's worth say 1250, take out their policy and then i write it off, what will they pay? The amount i told them or 'their' valuation. Also, am i paying a higher premium than i should because i'm telling them it's true value instead of their lower valuation? and if so, how many other people are doing this?""
Practice Test for Life Insurance License????
Does anyone know that website that has practice exams for the Life Insurance test? We used to go to it but now forgot it.
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
new hampshire insurance commissioner
new hampshire insurance commissioner
0 notes