#or maybe they just should have made it for 140s not all quests need to be for everyone
medicinemane · 2 years
Just had the most absolutely dog shit experience ever in lotro
Like I've progressed passed being mad to just being tired because... I mean this is unacceptably bad design combined with a mission breaking bug, and they'll never give a shit so... who cares
Was playing with my dad, was running a new character of his through and area that had only recently come out so I needed the achievements for my max level character. Some I'm doing this mission at level 30 while I'm 140, so I run it as a 6 man instance for more xp for the character I'm helping
Everything gets vaporized up to the final boss (as it should be)
The final boss melts me, cause it turns out he gets a power that removes 10% of your health everytime you hit him (and gives him 99% resistance to all damage). That's strike one, should never be a percentage, a max level character shouldn't be able to be killed by something 110 levels below them... seriously, like I've soloed old raids, and like... that's how it should be
So the way to beat him is you have to remove 10 levels of the effect, with a power that has either a 15 or 30 second cool down for me. Then... he reapplies it to himself, so I have to take another 10 levels off. After that he doesn't matter, but he made me so pissed with how unbeatable he is for a nobody, and then it's a slog
Well, here's problem two. We were only doing this cause it's involved in a questline. I completed my quest, by because lotro constantly forgets it's an mmo, my dad didn't get to talk to the person cause they walked off
Always good in your mmo when being in a group can me you can't complete your quest because someone else in the group did it
Anyway, I say fine. We do it again, this time as a 2 man cause I'm not spending another like 10 minutes kiting him around... well this time he just sat at 1 hp forever without going into his next phase, like for literal minutes
So all and all it's just a badly designed piece of shit mission, that on top of that is a buggy shitty mess
I'm serious that it had me sitting there thinking maybe I should just quit playing lotro, just if this is how bad at making games they are at this point that they think this is acceptable to put out and don't see what they've messed up with. Like do I want to deal with that from people who will never ever listen to feedback?
Like I'm probably not gonna quit, but you know you did good when that's what's on your player's mind as they quit for the night
Whoever made this should be fired. I'm not even saying that with malice, but I'm serious. They should get a job in something that doesn't require decision making or planning. Get em a good job on an assembly line or something, but they shouldn't be doing anything where they have to think, because they're clearly very very bad at thinking anything through
(I legit wonder if they ever even really test anything these days, with like how much pets get caught on pathing issues in places like that)
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percabeth4life · 4 years
Nico and Percy
Okay so I’ve received a lot of asks about Nico and Percy and how Percy treated Nico and someone else sent me a link to a post that had more stuff.
90% of the stuff I’ve seen is either inaccurate or taken out of context.
Lets start with the choking scene.
This scene happened right after Nico lied to Percy to trick him into coming to see Hades so that Nico could learn more about his mom. They were meant to go to the Styx in order to give Percy the Achilles Curse so they had a chance at winning the war. This resulted in Percy being locked up by Hades.
Nico did not intend for this to happen, but he did knowingly lie to Percy. Percy understandably did not trust Nico after that.
The mountain of darkness loomed above me. A foot the size of Yankee Stadium was about to smash me when a voice hissed: ‘Percy!’
I lunged out blindly. Before I was fully awake, I had Nico pinned to the floor of the cell with the edge of my sword at his throat.
‘Want – to – rescue,’ he choked.
Anger woke me up fast. ‘Oh, yeah? And why should I trust you?’
‘No – choice?’ he gagged.
I wished he hadn’t said something logical like that. I let him go. (The Last Olympian page 60).
As you can see, the initial action was taken before Percy was even awake. After he was awake, and got through his initial anger at the betrayal with Nico’s comment, he released Nico and they escaped.
He acknowledged silently later that he didn’t trust Nico anymore and Nico was aware that his actions meant he wasn’t trusted.
So the choking scene: not Percy being unreasonably cruel to Nico.
Threats is another common thing I see people bring up and... I’m genuinely baffled by that one. The closest I can think of is the scene I quoted above? But that doesn’t seem to fit? Anyone want to quote some threats Percy made to Nico? Because I don’t know any.
Next up! The claims that Percy said they should leave Nico to suffocate. Funnily enough he actually says the opposite, multiple times.
Percy stared at his jelly donut. He had a rocky history with Nico di Angelo. The guy had once tricked him into visiting Hades’s palace, and Percy had ended up in a cell. But most of the time, Nico sided with the good guys. He certainly didn’t deserve slow suffocation in a bronze jar, and Percy couldn’t stand seeing Hazel in pain.
“We’ll rescue him,” he promised her. “We have to. The prophecy says he holds the key to endless death.”
Is this first time kind? Not necessarily. But it’s certainly not saying to leave Nico. For multiple reasons, he didn’t deserve, Percy didn’t want Hazel to hurt, and (what he says outloud) Nico is an important figure in the war.
Percy also makes a comment later when they feared they’d be too late
The vision zoomed in again. Inside the jar, Nico di Angelo was curled in a ball, no longer moving, all the pomegranate seeds eaten.
“We’re too late,” Jason said.
“No,” Percy said. “No, I can’t believe that. Maybe he’s gone into a deeper trance to buy time. We have to hurry.”
Funny, this doesn’t sound like someone advocating to leave Nico to die. In fact it sounds like someone almost desperate to save him, or at least hoping strongly that they’ll succeed.
Interestingly there were comments about leaving Nico, but not from Percy. They came from Jason and Leo.
“Uh…” Leo shifted in his chair. “One thing. The giants are expecting us to do this, right? So we’re walking into a trap?”
Hazel looked at Leo like he’d made a rude gesture. “We have no choice!”
“Don’t get me wrong, Hazel. It’s just that your brother, Nico… he knew about bothcamps, right?”
“Well, yes,” Hazel said.
“He’s been going back and forth,” Leo said, “and he didn’t tell either side.” Jason sat forward, his expression grim. “You’re wondering if we can trust the guy. So am I.”
Hazel shot to her feet. “I don’t believe this. He’s my brother. He brought me back from the Underworld, and you don’t want to help him?”
Frank put his hand on her shoulder. “Nobody’s saying that.” He glared at Leo. “Nobody had better be saying that.”
Leo blinked. “Look, guys. All I mean is—”
“Hazel,” Jason said. “Leo is raising a fair point. I remember Nico from Camp Jupiter. Now I find out he also visited Camp Half-Blood. That does strike me as… well, a little shady. Do we really know where his loyalties lie? We just have to be careful.” (Mark of Athena page 125)
How interesting that they’re the ones making comments about leaving Nico...
Next of course I’ve heard the wonder bread brought up? And I had to key word search wonder bread in the books to figure out what that was about and it appears to be a single thought Percy had while they were trying to rescue Nico.
Nico started to crawl away, groaning. Percy wanted him to move faster and to groan less. He considered throwing his Wonder bread at him. (Mark of Athena page 357)
Percy did not actually throw the bread for anyone wondering, and I hardly see how the panicking thought of trying to get them all out of there and keep Nico from being noticed by the people he was escaping from is even something for you to hold against him.
Finally the thing I hear the most, Percy calling Nico creepy and spreading rumors.
Creepy is used in MoA 5 times, in HoH 2 times, and BoO 8 times.
In MoA it’s used by Percy once, and that time is describing Persephone’s garden, not Nico. This comment is also only made in his thoughts, not outloud.
Funnily enough Leo does mentally refer to Nico as creepy in MoA
Nico and Hazel shared a look, maybe comparing notes on their Hades/Pluto death radar. Leo shivered. Hazel had never seemed like a child of the Underworld to him, but Nico di Angelo—that guy was creepy. (Mark of Athena page 396)
In HoH it is used once by Jason in regards to Nico, not at all by Percy.
Nico gave him a thin, creepy smile. ‘Ah … that legend.’ (House of Hades page 164)
In BoO it’s actually used by Nico about himself.
By now, Will Solace realized just how creepy and revolting Nico di Angelo was. Of course, Nico didn’t care what he thought. But still …  (Blood of Olympus page 317)
And once by Reyna about Nico
Reyna had stitched up the gashes on his biceps, which gave Nico a slightly creepy Frankenstein look, but the cuts were still swollen and red. (Blood of Olympus page 140)
So uh, no Percy did not call Nico creepy. And I have found no evidence of Percy spreading rumors so like with the threats, feel free to find me quotes proving that claim.
Concluding all of this I will point out that prior to book 5 (TLO) Percy was doing everything in his power to find Nico and protect him. After book 5 Percy only had one physical altercation with him (when he was half asleep and right after the betrayal occurred) and otherwise did not hold it against him beyond having his trust broken. As time went on we know from Percy’s thoughts that he doesn’t trust Nico, but he makes no comments saying such and agrees to help rescue him and does everything he can to do so.
Their conflicts are understandable due to their history. Percy’s feelings on Nico are complicated but understandable and he has not let it interfere with their jobs, if anything it interfered in a negative way making them risk the quest to save Nico (though Nico was a key figure needed to succeed in the end).
Overall I don’t know where these claims come from beyond people wanting to find issues with Percy (to the point they make stuff up).
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck^2 re: Chapter 4 “The Contest”(p119-143)
Ah, "The Contest", huh? I don't think Harry Anderson was in the bleachers watching a sporting match during his last hour at school.
It sounds innoccent, but it probably isn't. I don't suppose we'll see Callie in a drawing contest with Calliope. :P
Page 119
... Ah. It's the new planet. Interesting tree growths.
Is it going to be a contest racing somewhere?
Or is Dirk going to hold a contest, and who wins gets to name the planet? Kind of weak since he can just rig the contest with his powers.
I wonder if the First Guardian is already here, too. ... Then again... This session is the first outside of the Green Sun's domain! So maybe no First Guardian.
Page 120
That's a bigass bare mound.
Page 122
Ace landing, Terezi. 10/10
It's like a cracked piñata. Dirk's room appears to have been near the backend of the ship.
The trio's survived, though, and now they've gone exploring. So... I suppose Dirk has captchalogued all equipment from the storage rooms.
Page 123
Rosebot appears to be en guard near the entrance, but what's inside the cave?
Page 124
... Wow. Why is she en pointe, has she studied ballet over the course of the three years? :P That black tiara is unsettling. Well, so is the rest of the black outfit, but perhaps it's inspired by that Alternian battle armour which Candy Rose was wearing.
... Pffffff, Dirk. Are they just using the cave for shelter, or is this were the frog temple can be found?
... Are they going to enter the Lotus machine?
Page 125
Woooooow. Okay, Terezi's looking SMASHING. A lot like Latula, actually, with the hair. Lots of the characters are in to using their accentuting lines in their outfits these days, I've noted.
And yeah, Dirk just set up shop in this cave. (The prince is in.)
Page 126
Pfffff, Terezi is just bored out of her mind. I guess she had the vague idea of serving as Dirk and Rose's consciousness, but that has turned out rather differently. Of course, she has little control over Dirk. Even her being able to have him stop calling Rose Rosebot, is just him humouring her to some extent.
Also, we get an insight what ascension is like for Rose. Still quite confusing, it appears. Then again, the process isn't finished yet for her.
I liked how the combination of the command and Dirk's first comment actually belong to be read together - in that he asked Terezi to render herself more symbolically, and she did!! Yes, her hear really looks like Latula's now.
I guess the reason she didn't succumb to drinking this time, is that Terezi isn't actually the one that caused John to die, unlike with Game Over Vriska. Though she's probably still guilt-ridden, since it was the exertion of getting her to Earth C that was the final straw.
Page 127
Yeah, Rose still thinks Terezi's on board with everything on some level. But Dirk's plans, even though they involve her, extend way beyond.
Page 128
Showoff. She isn't a fully realized Mind player, but she's still quite powerful. Ah yes, let the theories commence that the new session will contain Quest Beds for Karkat, Kanaya and Terezi. :P
Heh, the powers Dirk is showing there. They're what Brain Ghost Dirk used on Aranea, and Reload Dirk on Caliborn.
Page 129
Heheh, another equine didn't survive bearing down on a planet. And Dirk was involved.
I'm... Not entirely sure what just happened here.
I though Rose was alluding to Plato's Cave. And she seemed to notice the ship didn't need repairing and how odd that is. So she might be at least a little aware of his powers?
Well, at least we know now that Dirk has the same access as Dave.
And is Deltritus the name he has for the cave/planet? Though it sounds kind of like the name for a denizen.
Page 130
Wow. Okay.
So. Dirk wants to create something wholly new. He thinks they made a mistake in creating Earth C from "leftovers".
I notice that we have kind of an alphabetical thing going on. Alternia, Beforus, Earth C, now Deltritus.
Dirk makes a good explanation about how he can still be so flawed while being completely self-aware. Still doesn't excuse all his manipulations. He keeps her on the same page as him at all times.
So the contest is about species. This means we're going to get 2 entire new species and cultures introduced, my god. I thought we had reached a threshold somewhere, somewhen. But no. Apparently not. I guess that's the next step we're going to.
The Watchmaker analogy is actually quite fitting for Dirk... and Rose's meta-analysis for her.
Dirk's notes on Deltritus are interesting. Shows he's actually not that concerned with details after all.
Blaperile has a good point - Dirk knows a session will be spawned here, but not what race "wins" in the end. Or he makes a point of not telling for the sake of his game.
I also saw some more of Dirk's accent slipping in here, suddenly. Huh.
Page 131
Heh, the Sburb logo is actually in Jane's colour here, not Dirk. That will become relevant later on.
I wonder if this is how universes used to propogate in previous iterations. Gods create races, several per universe, on different planets at a time, and have all of them play Sburb.
Eeeuw, Dirk proposes to, like, experiment on DNA. So there isn't animal life to start from here.
In the end, what they start from is still ectobiological material, nothing from scratch.
Page 132
... Wow. So it's the mother of all Sburb machines. The Ultimate Alchemy/Ectobiology... Thingamabob. Still, I'm reeling from the idea that they'd combine their own DNA with items. That's some Frankenstein like shit right there.
Here's to hoping all their "iterations" only exist as holograms or simulations, not real beings. That'd be cruel, otherwise. Maybe this is a moment to give some of the fan species a cameo, make them canon that way!!
Page 133
Ah. Rose still has his number, at least. Hey there, 1025 cameo. *wave* Of course he picked one of the unseen shenanigans from when Terezi was controlling him.
Page 134
Ooooh, so it's what Jade was doing to create a frog that could perform the Vast Croak, but in reverse!
Alchemical biology genetic SBaHJification
Dear god. Really, they should just add JPEG artifacts and be done with it.
So yeah, it's back to combining items. The ultimate alchemy session.
Page 135
Awww, she remembers this, even misses these simpler times of combining items. And yes, seems like an appropriate circle of stupidy goes on inside the machine.
But maybe the machine just reads the captcha's on the back of the card! ... Wild efficiency, in my Sburb session? It's more common than you think. :O
Page 136
I fear for Dirk's first attempt. Not going to be a viable form of living at all, right? Poor thingy.
Page 137
Ah yes. Ecto-Alchemologize. The appropriately contrived term for what's appearing.
Dirk's manning those buttons like a DJ, like the protagonist of And It Don't Stop.
Page 139
Cool effect.
Page 140
... Yes, it's definitely a bonehead they just created.
It APPEARS to have a normal face, but yeah, it's probably a mutant, not unsimilar to the beasts that were fought on the Tower of Syndetic Ascension.
Page 141
... Well okay, that actually looks kind of cute.
A gusher tentacle cactus. But tiny.
So it would appear Dirk's DNA just gives it life, not anything more.
Page 142
Welp, that little guy's freaking out.
Page 143
When we next see them, the place is going to be littered with sentient abominations. ... Actually, come to think of it, Roxy experimented a lot with Jaspers DNA as well, creating all those Mewtini clones. But they weren't sentient.
Unless Dirk didn't have the sentience switch on yet.
Next chapter appears to be from Terezi's perspective! But who's she going to talk... to...
She's not going to get Vriska's message NOW, is she? ... Of course she is.
Well, this is where we’ll leave things. We’ll pick the story back up in a few weeks!
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Infiniti Fob Keys And Remote Program Bayonne NJ
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The expert locksmiths at East Orange Key Replacement can organize all of your Infiniti lock-man and security needs. We are satisfied to administer a collection of vehicle keys, lockes and ignition services and moreover the installation of push-to-start ignition and remote start. Our skilled lock smiths shine in mobile ignition lock repair, key replacement and lockout incident and our major quest is to go outside the limits to make sure your privacy and protection by administering deft and nimble service 247 utilizing today's high security key cutters, diagnostic equipment and lock-picking tools and moreover industry's superior highly qualified and handy lock-smith.
Models: Q70, 370Z, Q50, Q45, 350Z, Q60, G35, QX60, NV200, I30, QX80, QX70, M, G20 and M45
Infiniti lost key made in East Orange NJ
Our emergency lock-smith gladly assigns a recognized brilliant keys replacement man-power who can regularly drive to your juncture with a work truck ultimately supplied lock cracking, key clipping and cutters machinery competent to replace, repair and program every single car keylock condition unconcerned of of style, model or year eliminating harm to your door frame, the existing lock or vehicle window. Instead of using the service of a towing-truck to tow your vehicle to the dealer, we maintain a road-side key smith truck who can arrive to your place of choice to settle your barrier onsite., lift your cellphone and call us at (973)200-4870 for receive a free no-obligation explicit quotation likewise the ETA to your point.
About Infiniti key lock instrument
Infiniti car brand was fabricated by the South Korean manufacturer of cars Nissan in Wan Chai. The brand was 1st marketed in the United States of America in 1989 as leisure vehicles. Since 1997  Infiniti vehicles employ  transponder keys that can be copied in a straight forward and affordable process, yet modern vehicles apply inscribed transponders that should be programmed to the vehicle utilizing a specific diagnostic devices and if all keys are misplaced, the vehicle ECM should be recode.
Recent vehicles beginning from  2007 mostly armed with the recent stylish Intelligent Key with Push-button Ignition smart-key with traits as keyless entry, push to start and blind spot information mechanisms.
Ignition repair
Your car ignition lock conducts current from the car battery to almost all of your electronic car parts and accommodate tiny electrical and mechanical parts that commonly tend to worn out after starting and shutting off of the engine for many years.  
If your Infiniti ignition key turn freely in the ignition, key wont turn in the ignition lock, ignition key is hard to turn and key got caught in the key mouth and won't turn, it's most likely a symptom of crumbling ignition cylinder or key due to a dent ignition key, loose cylinder pin or bad ignition switch contacts that can all provoke the ignition to go wrong, restraining you from flaring up your motor vehicle.
When driver use a car, damaged ignition can shut the engine off during driving, which might turn out to be very very hazardous, hence the best suggestion we can give not to poke the ignition cylinder by incompetent hands as it might will induce a larger hardship and danger.
The best a person advised to do experiencing ignition switch or key issues is to verify you’re in fact trying to start up your own motor vehicle and call a car lock smith to arrive to your juncture to rekey, repair  reprogram the key or ignition which will costs $140–$325.
Transponder chipped key create
Since around 2000 and maybe even prior to this, close to all auto makers has began outfitting requisite digitized chipped keys and immobilised vehicle ECM locks and key in their cars as an extra protection to eliminate car thievery.
The key consists a chip, recorded with an exclusive encrypted code and the car main computer recorded with matching code. As soon as the key is inserted into the ignition switch, the key send a combination of audio and infrared enciphered message to the immobilizer. If the encoded message isn't recognized, the immobilizer demobilize the fuel injection and the vehicle will not crank.
The inconvenience of utilizing  digital immobilised ECU and chipped keys key-lock is that in most situations to restore a stolen or lost key, the immobilizer have to be reprogrammed by appropriate programmer which actually means that you’ll must hire a car lock smith or haul your vehicle to the dealer-ship.
Infiniti smartkey
Push to start ignition system come with a fob that a car owner can keep in the purse, briefcase or pocket, or anywhere within a distance of 5 feet to the immobilizer in the car.
The keyless entry device chip deliver a unique low-level radio frequency signal to the vehicle computer unit, which in turn validates that the match signal has been transfered and allows the driver to remotely close and open the car doors and trunk locks likewise click a push buttons on the dash-board console to turn off or ignite the engine without inserting a key or pushing a toggles on the fob.
Although smartkeys and push to start ignition evolved into being extensively usable, even on non luxury cars, these mechanisms are not yet  essential requirement as power door locks and windows, still, the convenience aspect is a a selling point for many smartkeys buyers.
Copy vs lost car keys
The times of duplicating a car key by buying a low-cost mechanical key blank and cut at a walmart or a home depot store by the vehicle identification number are done with. Majority of contemporary cars supplied with transponder keys and immobiliser likewise push 2 start ignition and smart keys.
The keys include an assembled chip which interacts with the car main computer in the motor vehicle. If the car computer doesn't detect the authorized key, the vehicle does not start.
This contemporary electric key lock structure add extra security and convenience and is surprisingly handy anti-theft instrument, nevertheless replacing them if they get broken or lost ought to be done by the dealer or a mobile locksmith with an exclusive Infiniti key programmer and diagnostic tools and usually is quite costly.
24 hr car lockout
If you are facing the aggravating occurrence of locking your car keys inside the car while shopping in the flea market or in the middle of the highway, East Orange Key Replacement blistering car lockout well rounded agents are able to be with you instantaneously to methodically unlock your car door for any kind of German, Asian, European or Japanese vehicle in a jiffy, help you back into your vehicle and salvage your inner calmness.
Car locks alterating
East Orange Key Replacement is honoured to serve all kind of Infiniti re-key services at your location to substitute a misplaced, cracked or robbed keys. Nearly all modernized car are equipped to the brim with electric keys and locks instrumentation and the operation enforced to get your lock conversed ought to have the appropriate programmer for the specific car. Instead of towing your vehicle to the dealer, just pick up the cell phone and call our operator office in East Orange NJ and one of our <em>vehicle refitting staff members will be with you as early as possible with a unsteadfast truck at par with most advance programmers, ignition parts, blank keys and key cutters ready to fix any style of crucial instances.
Final words
Our staff members are operative for you any time of the day or night with a local vehicle ignition, locks and keys honest pros that will response hurriedly fitted with compatible key programmers, diagnostic equipment and break in and entry tools ready to recover a lost key, repair your ignition switch or unlock your car door onsite and help you back inside your car in a jiffy with reasonable prices. . If you’re scanning for Infiniti key replacement service 24HR in East Orange New Jersey, call (973)200-4870 for a reliable local mobile locksmith, lost car keys made, ignition repair, transponder, keyless entry remote fob cut and program.
0 notes
valkyrie-echo · 7 years
Project Echo, Part 1: Chapter 27 (...It Will)
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Part 1 Summary: A long-buried Hydra disaster, a monster in the shadows, a missing child. Eight months after the events of “The Winter Soldier”, Bucky turns himself in to the Avengers on one condition: They must help him find a girl snatched off the streets by Hydra seven years ago. In their quest, the Avengers accidentally unleash a horrifying creature of darkness and shadow, intent on making their quarry its prey.
Chapter 27: ... It Will
"OK guys, you know the drill," Tony paced as he addressed the Official Stark Industries clean-up crew, "The TV room is in need of a new wall and flatscreen, Hulk smashed his front door again, there are two broken windows- one in the TV room, one in the penthouse- and there's probably other damage. Just wander around and fix whatever you see that's broken. Black Widow wants more lights in her place and in the stairwells, and someone needs to team up with DUM-E to install a launch pad in the guest quarters so Falcon can take off from his bedroom. Also- who the hell are you?" he stopped in front of a new face on the crew. This guy was thin, small, and kind of mean looking.
"My wife's cousin," his Foreman nodded to the boy, "needed some work for the summer, and at the rate you have us up here fixing things lately, we need the extra muscle.
"Muscle?" Tony cocked an eyebrow- the guy couldn't be more than 140 soaking wet, "Anyways, split up however you want. Each group gets a remote suit supervising. I apologize for the inconvenience in advance- but no cutting power to do electrical work. Let the suit handle that. Lights stay on in all rooms at all times." He wandered off to check on Cap and find something to annoy him with.
"Alright men, you have your assignments already. Tyson, as requested you will be going with Nash and Rodriguez to get some electrical experience. They are installing extra lights in the penthouse and the Captain's place, got it?"
Tyson nodded, pleased. Getting into the Tower was simple. Getting onto the crew was a cake-walk. The real fun would be the aftermath- and Dennisson promised him a front-row seat to the slaughter.
New York Ferry, One Week Later
Dennisson watched New York rise out of the early morning fog. The "City that Never Sleeps" looked, well, tired. He focused on Avengers Tower, looming over the rest of the city like a sentinel. The top several floors were illuminated- the heroes, ever vigilant.
"I want to see inside," Dennisson growled. Morris produced a laptop and within only a few keystrokes he had a feed.
"Mr. Tyson was only able to plant three devices and five cameras. All run on a special encrypted feed. Mr. Stark's in-house system should not be able to detect them."
"If they do, I'll take you apart. Slowly."
He took the computer and flipped through the available feeds. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Gold. The Winter Soldier was in a workshop of some kind, having a very serious discussion with two people Dennisson did not recognize.
"That one is Clint Barton, codename Hawkeye," Morris indicated one of the men, "the other we believe to be Dr. Bruce Banner, the host of the creature known as the Hulk."
"Why don't I have sound?" Dennisson asked through gritted teeth.
Morris watched him carefully. Ever since they put him through the 'Indigo' device his temper was shorter, his rages more violent, and his victims lasted mere hours instead of days. He was devolving, quickly, "Our intel indicated if we were to add microphones the possibility of the technology being discovered by the house system increased by a factor of six. Also, our devices give off a frequency which would significantly diminish the clarity of audio signals. We do have a lip reading program if-"
"-silence." Morris obeyed, though he continued to eye Dennisson. He was beginning to suspect his employer was a fast burner- they show promise, yet let themselves fall to other, baser influences. Dennisson may not be aware, but Morris' job was to keep him on-mission, as any good minion should. Dennisson was different now. He wasn't making Morrison's job any easier.
After several minutes, Dennisson changed cameras. His eyes lit up, "So, they thawed her out after all." Echo looked as much like a zombie as ever. She was guarded by the Black Widow. Who else? There was talk among Hydra's upper echelon, long ago, of partnering the Winter Soldier with the infamous Natalia Romanova. That they were together now (on the wrong side) wasn't surprising.
"May I ask a question?" Morris prompted, "To be as useful to you as possible I believe I must inquire into the ending of this 'Project: Echo'. Why was the subject sent to the Asylum rather than given to you for termination?"
"The mongrel saved her," Dennisson switched back to the feed of the Winter Soldier, "A Project as high-level as Echo had to be closed by a top Hydra official. In that case, Alexander Pierce himself. The Winter Soldier made a deal with him to have pity on the girl. Made me look like a damned idiot for not wiping him before Pierce arrived. The girl went into the freezer and the Soldier became Pierce's little errand boy."
Morris didn't understand, "Why not order the Winter Soldier to serve him? Why make the deal?"
Dennisson growled, "Maybe because Pierce liked to pretend to be an upstanding man, of a higher moral ground than most of Hydra. It didn't matter that the Winter Soldier couldn't remember making the bargain, all that mattered was he could pretend to be merciful and benevolent. That's my theory anyways. Pierce was a fucking useless man. Who knows why he did anything."
As they closed in on the docks, Avengers Tower was blocked from view. Dennisson studied the tablet. Whatever the Winter Soldier was talking about with the others, he looked anxious. Looks like he's doing well enough, he thought, new friends, new home, new life. He's even working through some of that guilt- bringing Echo here. "Activate the first device," Dennisson ordered, handing the laptop back to Morris, "let's remind our friend just who he was."
Chapter 28: Crack
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10 Lies Investmentss Tell
I was not always a lazy guy. In fact, I have advanced significantly (ok, maybe 4 years is just not that miss some of you) learning to analyze stocks and trade options, with bumps and failures along the best way, to finally earn a frequent second income and achieve around 78% winning rate month by month.
So exactly why do I call myself the lazy guy options trader? Like most folks scanning this, I possess a full-time job not linked to options trading, I have a very wonderful family to invest my valuable time with, I possess a religion to worship, and I have other hobbies. How can I give the short precious time assigned to visitors to discover how to trade options, study technical charts, read financial news, study companies? fiscal reports, etc, etc, and etc? That’s why I had to understand the best way to successfully trade options the short along with the furious way? the lazy guy way!
So do I consider myself an excellent options trader. Well, the short fact is the treatment depends. Success is in the eye in the beholder. I would consider myself relatively successful because I happen to be able to keep the possibilities of my successful trades (meaning profitable trades) at about 78% approximately 22% unsuccessful trades (meaning it sucks to reduce money). This has been an even background inside this past year plus.
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My trading strategies should keep my losses with a minimum (meaning I know what could be the most I can lose could I get to the trade) while my gains are unlimited (I had one gain of close to 140% return inside of fourteen days. Too good to become true? That’s exactly what I are already saying to myself too ;).
I also make sure that I don't risk more than 10% of my trading profit any one trade.
Lastly, I diversify my trading. I use different strategies including bull-call spread, iron condor, bear-put spread, or straight calls or put options.
On good months, I buying a higher 4 figures profit (I made more in my options trading during those good months than my full-time job!!). Most likely, my profits average involving the high 3 to mid 4 figures monthly (no bad due to the fact I still keep a full-time job that is quite demanding of time). The key here would be to win more than you lose and win greater than your losses.
And to consider that I only started with $100 to speculate inside the currency markets many years ago (yup, I got burned in the dot-com bust too, but only for a couple of thousand dollars. I've heard problem reports of people losing 6 or 7 figures).
I thought for a long time over why I need to create this website for anyone that would like to learn the best way to trade options. I guess the most important reason is the fact that I feel like I have something worthy to share. At my workplace, I realize that none of my colleagues have real knowledge about options trading. The reason they provided me with is always that options trading are to risky and that you lose a lot more than shipped to you.
When I inquire relating to knowledge about options trading, well do you know what, they either don't possess or they lost some funds of their single option trade and figured that options trading would be to risky. What bothers me probably the most is people approach their trades like teenagers locating a date. They don't bother to perform their research first and it's a success or miss kind of game.
Enough is sufficient. There are so many misconceptions about options trading and I am with a quest to dispel these myths. Yes, it is true options trading can be risky. However, it really is only as risky since the trader’s knowledge, skills, and discipline. A lot of beginners place huge bets while on an option, or they borrow on margin, so when things don't go well, they lost everything. I don't call that options trading, I call that gambling.
Sign up for my newsletter and I will require yourself my personal personal journey of stock and options trading. I will share the strategies that I am using, the lessons I've learned, and I'll even mention the trades that I'm currently in or about to complete. Part from the reason I'm accomplishing this is for my personal selfish reason, which is always to talk myself into not making the mistakes I've made before. However, my absolute goal is for all those my readers to understand that options trading might be profitable and fun to understand.
I do wish to add a word of caution and disclaimer (in the event someone thought they'll sue me given that they misunderstood my blogs and plunk all of their savings in a penny stock option and lose their shirt). I am not an authorized investment advisor. I do not claim to possess the holy grail of investing, so please invest at your own risk. I don't, and may not, claim responsibility if you chose to solve my advice or suggestions or follow my trades and lost profit your trades. Of course, I don't claim responsibility on your profitable trades too, because you really owe it to yourself to accomplish your own personal due diligence and then for any gain or loss is your personal responsibility. I do, however, take responsibility in supplying you with a factual and quality content inside my blogs.
Options trading is just not a get rich quick scheme. If you expect it being so, then please don’t register. You will learn to trade options the lazy guy way, but that doesn’t imply there is absolutely no action by you to be an excellent options trader.
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localocksmithnearme · 4 years
Suzuki Ignition Repair & Key Replacement Inglewood CA
Suzuki Ignition Repair & Key Replacement Inglewood CA - CALL (626)800-4410
Welcome to Inglewood Key Replacement, a vital authority for on-site Suzuki key smith services in Inglewood CA and bordering area. If you’re scanning for a mobile car's computer recompiling, lock rekey or unlocking car door, you found the right website. Our adroit laborers are operational 24 hr and can drive to your place of choice to reset, install or replace your Suzuki keys and locks burdens on premises. Our mission and top priority is your contentment and security and we will go out of reach to settle any type of lock and key malfunction 24 hour 7 day a week 365 days a year and put you safely back on your way in no time at all.
Suzuki lost key made in Inglewood CA
If you`lost the last key to your Suzuki in Inglewood CA?
if you are looking for a phenomenal fast Suzuki key replacement answer at your location in Inglewood CA, you have found the right place, dial now and our replacement keys task force will be with you right now.
At Inglewood Key Replacement we know about the fact that every main town in the United States has at least a number of lockman congregations, nevertheless what drivers do not know is that each and every single lockman in Inglewood CA ordinarily expertise in only one individual of the profession trade. Most key smith firms will cater a whole in one commercial, safe, residential or automotive locksmith services and even vehicle hauling and other service and frequently employ incompetent task-force that could cause damage to your valuable or cost more for a an easy service due to the fact that he is normally on higher pay status job like alarm re-coding or high security camera inauguration.
About Suzuki keylock infrastructure
Suzuki is a Japanese manufacturer of automobiles created in 1909, especially owned as a assistant of Suzuki Motor Corporation with product range consist of mainstream vehicles.  Suzuki started employing transponder keys in 2003 on a few vehicles. A transponder key can incorporate a remote control, to unlock or lock the car doors and maybe even activate the vehicle, notwithstanding a simple mechanical key with a chip is applicable to manually do similar functionality.
In 2008,  Suzuki began to use SmartPass Keyless entry & starting system smart key on a few vehicles.
Ignition repair
The ignition conducts power from the car battery to practically all of your car electric modules and contain small electrical and mechanical modules that as a fact of life have tendency to worn after starting and shutting off  for many years.  
If your Suzuki key turn freely in ignition, dashboard security lights are on, key is stuck in the ignition lock and key wont turn in the ignition, chances are strong that it is a manifestation of decaying ignition lock or key due to a loose cylinder pin, bad ignition switch contacts or broken springs which can easily cause the ignition to break down, restricting you from activating your vehicle.
When driver use a car, faulty ignition lock can shut the engine off during driving, which might be terribly unsafe, therefore our recommendation not to tamper with the ignition tumbler by unskilled hands since it most likely will induce a larger damage and risk.
The only thing an owner advised to do confronting ignition switch  issues is to double-check you are really attempting to light up your own car and ask a vehicle key-smith to arrive to your location to repair, reprogram  replace the key or ignition which will priced as approximately $140–$325.
Transponder chipped key cut and program
A transponder is basically anti theft instrument. With transponder, hot wiring or lock-cracking a car is not so sufficient no-more for a vehicle thieve.
The main idea behind an immobilized keys and locks technology is a small chip concealed usually in the cap of the key, when you insert the key into the ignition key-breach, the transponder deliver a distinct encrypted message to the ECM. If the ECM will not identify an exact authorization code, the car will not turn over.
Although some years and models manufacturers of cars feed onboard provision to originate a surplus key on one's own, car key replacement, repair and programming  evolved into being surprisingly costly then in the past and besides, if all keys are m isplaced, the car computer system must be reprogrammed by compatible key programmer owned by the dealer or a locksmith.
Suzuki keyless device
Suzuki smart-key anable a car owner to unlock and lock the car door and furthermore kindling the car without using a physical key, and beginning at 2008, a lot of Suzuki cars on the road are furnished with some kind of a keyless entry device structure that accommodate a brief distance transmitter.
Using a smartkey, entry to your Suzuki is customarily acquired by delivering a radio frequency signal from a chip in the keyless device to a car computer system on an inscribed channel when the user just swinging by within the range of five feet of the vehicle with the smartkey on a key ring or in the pocket.
This audio and infrared waves signal and the Suzuki keyless entry infrastructure, further authorize push start ignition (also known as Clutch starting or Push starting). In this system a driver is capable of turning on a vehicle  by pressing a push-buttons on the dashboard as a substitute to twisting a key in a key hole.
Copy vs lost car keys
Car keys lately are no longer $2.50 mechanical keys at a hardware or home depot store. Modernized Suzuki keys became high-tech  high security, fob key, smart-key and flipkey incorporating chipped keys that should be decoded with key coding machine to the car . If the immobiliser doesn't recognize a compatible transponder, the fuel supply will demobilize and the vehicle wouldn't fire up. This infrastructure extends a security factor ensuring the cancellation of a misplaced or stolen key.
Although dash-board process is handy on some previous cars to comfortably duplicate keys, in general to get an extraneous key copied, the chip in the key must be decoded by a suitable key programmer carried by a locksmith or the dealership which normally cost nearby $60-$100 in addition to the value of the key blank.
Losing all the keys to a vehicle is a total different situation, because the ECM must be re programmed to accept the new key and deny the lost key which means that you will must hire a mobile car lock-smith or tow your vehicle to the dealer-ship.
Using this practice extends a security factor ensuring the cancellation of the misplaced or stolen key, though key recovery, platform applicable only to the Suzuki dealer-ship or a licensed locksmith and subsequently will priced as approximately $175–$250.
24 hour vehicle lock-out
In the situation that you find yourself locked-out of your vehicle, you definitely want to use an instantaneous and trusted establishment! Only our mobile break in and entry laborers can accomplish the quest of unlocking your vehicle trunk or door for nearly all year, model and manufacturer of automobiles. Lift your cellphone and call us at our call center to get high-quality car lock out company in town who is utilizing particular lock bumping equipment in addition to the competence to eradicate hardship to the car air bag, power windows or door frame infrastructures for your full satisfaction.
Car locks re-keying
Inglewood Key Replacement is satisfied to offer all type of Suzuki rekey services on-the-spot to restitute a lost, crushed or embezzled keys. Nearly every modernized vehicle are equipped to the brim with electronic key-lock instrumentation and the process recommended to get your lock alterated must include the right coder for the exact vehicle. Instead of towing your car to the dealer, just uprear the tele-phone and call our customer care office in Inglewood CA and one of our car correcting workmanship will be with you imminently with a versatile service truck at par with latest ignition parts, blank keys, key cutters and programmers ready to lift any kind of critical conditions.
To conclude
We here at Inglewood Key Replacement, are sworn to accomplish drivers needs by an efficient versatile resolutions to their car key lock issues ensuring rapid response. Save your effort, money and time spant towing your car to the dealer and call us for an agile road side Suzuki lost key made, broken ignition keys extraction, V.A.T/passive anti theft system transponder chipped key programming or car main computer reflash on premises 24 hours. . If you’re in a search for Car key replacement service in Inglewood California call (626)800-4410 for a reliable local automotive locksmith, who duplicate and replace trunk, door and ignition keys and remote fob made on the spot.
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