#or momo's fight in the license exam h
gradelstuff · 8 months
There's nothing more jarring than reading the manga and feeling like we are skipping some scenes that were in the anime, only to realize that stuff in the anime was filler and I never noticed
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys jealous moments
w/ bakugo, deku, kirishima
warnings: slight season 3 spoilers, fem! reader
bakugo rarely got jealous to be honest.
he was confident in your relationship and knew that you both loved each other more than you could express.
but there was something about the way that baldy, inasa yoarashi who used to go to shiketsu high school, talked to you so enthusiastically and made you laugh your ass off that had him fuming
it was the yearly meet up for the strange friend group, bakugo, todoroki, inasa, camie, and y/n.
the group that had to retake their license exam during high school, which resulted into a weird friendship that had the five meeting up every year to catch up.
the meet up itself was normal. at a fancy restaurant in a private area with an interesting conversation going on.
you were sitting between bakugo and inasa.
somehow, the conversation of first dates was brought up, and everyone was sharing the interesting stories of their first one.
todoroki explained how his first date was with momo, since everyone seemed to like them together. but it made him realize they had absolutely nothing in common
especially when it came to tea…
camie told everyone about how her first date was with some sleaze who only wanted her body for one night, which had you shaking your head is disgust.
anyways, the conversation resulted into you hearing about inasa’s first date, where he explained he was so nervous that his quirk went off involuntarily, blowing the food everywhere.
his enthusiastic story telling and the details he added had you laughing up a storm.
you were so engrossed in the story, that you hadn’t noticed your boyfriend staring at the man with an expression that could only be considered as pure acrimony
what the hell was so funny about what this baldy was saying?
“inasa that’s too crazy! i can’t believe that happened.” you breathed out, going to wipe some stray tears away from your eyes.
inasa looked at you with pure delight, pride filling his chest at the fact that he made you laugh so intensely.
you turned your head to look at bakugo who you hadn’t really been paying much attention to for most of the night.
right away you noticed his familiar grimace, that seemed way more irate than usual.
“what’s wrong kats?” you ask absentmindedly, taking a sip of your drink.
he just shook his head at you before looking at inasa. “that’s a pretty funny story baldy…” he mutters. “you know, my first date was with this beauty right here.” your boyfriend nudges you with a half smirk. “only girl i thought was capable enough to handle me.”
“i can see why. y/n’s quite fierce. i’d assumed she’d be able to put you in your place every now and then.” inasa shrugged, a competitive glint forming in his eyes.
“put me in my place?” bakugo scoffed. “please, a few dates after our first one, i already had her screaming under me. she could barely keep up.”
you gasp, turning to bakugo and slapping his hard bicep. “katsuki! why would you say that?”
he just chuckled, watching as inasa suddenly grew flustered and looked away. “just had to make sure that baldy knew who you’d be going home with tonight.” he kissed your cheek, and you turned away from him, pouting in embarrassment
deku 🥦
we know this precious boy had insecurities growing up, but as he got older they went away bit by bit
you played a big part in it. always reassuring him that he was perfect the way he is and he had nothing to be insecure about.
but being pro heroes and being in the public eye almost all the time did leave some room for those wondering thoughts and doubts to creep back up.
fortunately, izuku found new ways to handle those feelings. gave them head on with confidence like he did with most of his problems.
it was a cool night, and you and your boyfriend had just got done kicking some villain’s ass. of course, tons of reporters were surrounding you both.
“miss (hero name)! how would u describe the performance of both you and deku tonight!”
“was this particular villain hard to fight off? you seem a little more hazed than usual!”
you tired to answer every question as quick as possible, but one particular question you wish you didn’t hear had to stumped to the core.
“have you heard about the recent news of you being shipped with another pro-hero?” the reporter asked.
“wha…no.” you tried to respond, but the question just seemed to get other reporters more hyped.
“much of the public believe you should be with another pro-hero! one that matches your style more!”
“people are predicting the end of h/n and deku! what do you have to say about that?”
“um, no me and izu-ah deku are completely fine. i would never leave him!” you try to retaliate.
“but there are tons of other heroes who have their eyes on you h/n! it’d be stupid to not give them a chance!”
you scoffed at the reporter’s words, trying to go against what they were saying when you suddenly felt a hand wrap your waist and a big frame stand behind you.
“don’t you think if h/n and i weren’t perfect for each other, we’d have broken up already?” izuku comes into frame with a hard expression, his question leaving the reporters speechless.
“it’s been so many years, i don’t think we would continue to torture ourselves in an uncommitted relationship if we didn’t love each other, right h/n”
you nodded feverishly, letting izuku take over as he looked directly into the camera “oh, and to all the pro-heroes who have their eyes on my girlfriend, you better keep that fantasy in your head, cause this girl is all mine.”
he gave you an affection squeeze on the hips before pulling you away to the car.
you sighed out in relief and turned to him with a big smile. “thank you for helping me back there izu.” you smile, and peck his cheek.
“of course. anything for you but…you don’t actually think about being with other heroes? right?” you could basically see the sweat running down the side of his face.
“of course not! you’re my one and only deku.” you smile as he leans in, placing a loving kiss on your lips
kirishima 🪨
it’s really hard for kiri to get jealous
he just thinks everyone has positive motives and doesn’t like to assume the worst.
but when it’s really obvious someone is flirting with you, he’ll get involved quicker than he can harden.
you were out shopping with your red haired boyfie, and he had walked away for a bit to look at the men’s section.
it was only about five minutes when a weird looking man approached you, his aura already feeling off
“hey there sexy lady! saw you looking all pretty over here and i just had to talk to ya” he smiled crookedly, making you cringe.
“i’m flattered but, i have a boyfriend.” you try to smile, turning away and shuffling through clothes.
“well i don’t see him around.” the man says.
that’s always their response. isn’t it?
“he’s just over there in the men’s section. so i’d really appreciate it if you left me alone.”
“come on baby! there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun! i’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t mind.”
god if this man says one more thing to me i swear i’ll-
“you thought wrong sir.” you hear kirishima say, his usual voice dropping a few octaves making the man in front of you clench up.
“i know she’s already told you she had a boyfriend. what will it take for you to leave her alone hm?”
“i’m sorry dude-“
“yeah you are. now get out of here of while you can still walk.” kiri said, making the man skedaddle.
after he was out of sight, your boyfriend put a hand on his chest and let out a breath. “jeez that was scary babe!”
“eijiro, you’re a pro hero who fights scary villains all the time.”
“yeah! but the thought of someone stealing my baby away is my biggest fear!” he yells.
you laugh “good thing that’ll never happen babe.”
posted 7/1/21
really sorry about kiri’s being a little shorter. anyways hope you guys liked this. i’ll be answering requests tomorrow. it’s about 3:30 AM where i am rn so i’ll get some sleep and work on them right away. hope you liked this. leave a request here -> 🥀
gn loves! <3
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arsonistsblog · 3 years
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in which the overly affectionate reader hugs Sho after every exam/fight/mission
pairing: shouto x gender neutral! reader
warnings: none ; )
ok so you were overly endearing and still managed to not overstep his boundaries
but each villain attack
and each school activity ,,,every time he’d win and outdo everyone,you were there to greet and congratulate him.
it started out with casual praise,a gentle smile and a gracious bow.
but as your relationship blossomed from polite classmates to somewhat close friends
what he found amusing is that you didn’t try to be better than him,you weren’t bitter,you weren’t here to top everyone.
which he realised with fond interest ,mostly because in the hero course everyone has a superiority complex trying to be the best,himself included.
but you didn’t care about that.
thats why he liked you so much.
,,,anywho the first time a hug occurred was during the provisional hero license exam.
it was phase one,you eliminated the seiai students alongside tsu,momo,shoji and jiro.
you made your way over to the place where the lucky 10% wait for the next phase and you guys saw Shouto
now ,,,maybe its because of all the stress and emotions but seeing Sho made you the happiest.
“hey Todoroki, are you the first one of us to pass?” - Momo asked.
before he could answer ,you came to him and wrapped your hands around his torso.
The rest of your friends were shocked (although Momo’s face soon turned into a pleasant smile),
Shouto was still puzzled even after you pulled away.
a blush found its way on his cheek (protecc him 🥺)
soon after,insecurity followed...
“I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to invade your personal space i’m just really proud of you and happy and sad and nervous and overwhelmed because what if we don’t pass- I mean you will pass but- I don’t know I just- You mean a lot to me.”
my boy was S H O C K E D
you hid your face into your hands hoping there’s a kid with a quirk that can make the earth swallow you.
after a few seconds of him trying to think of something to say he just blurted out “you mean a lot to me too.”
you were kinda shocked but happy,besides that can mean just platonic (but you secretly hope it doesn’t)
after that it became a tradition that you hug him after every succes story you guys experience.
this was so random I apologise 😭
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class1akids · 4 years
would you care to shed some light on your take for the provisional license exams???
Sure. I think it was a hot mess with some good moments that in the end failed to deliver a consistent message.
It seems that the arc narratively had to achieve the following things: 
make Bakugou fail, so his fall from top applicant to rock bottom of the class can be complete, making him ripe to explode in Deku vs. Kacchan 2 and give a huge turning point to his character;
show how Todoroki was not over the whole Endeavor-thing to set up the Pro Hero / Endeavor redemption arc;
take both Bakugou and Todoroki fully out of the picture for the Overhaul arc, so it can concentrate on the Mirio vs. Deku comparison with regard to the “who was the best OFA-candidate?” question;
put Bakugou and Todoroki in a situation where they grow closer from the antagonistic relationship the Sports Festival left them in; if Horikoshi was already planning ahead to the Endeavor agency arc and beyond. 
So the exam had to be designed in a way where the weaknesses of these two would be their downfall, while nobody else gets caught up in the net. 
So in-story, the exam had two stated, main objectives:
Part 1 -  Select the 100 candidates with the best potential (because the streets are saturated with mediocre heroes) - quality over quantity.
Part 2 - See how these candidates do in rescue-under-pressure situation and fail them if they make too many mistakes.
So let’s look at Part 1:
The exam is designed with the three balls in a way that you have to be the last one to tag someone to pass. While this honestly feels like an everyone-for-themselves kind of situation, the narrative tries to push how teaming up is the way to go, to the point that many schools seem to come with pre-cooked strategies to target specifically Yueei students. 
Except it doesn’t make sense - there is a time pressure; you have to be in the first 100, which is pretty crap for team cohesion when it’s situations like this one:
A team of ten going after one single student known to be one of the strongest hero-candidates in the country? Why waste their time instead of pick on someone weaker? If they managed to corner Todoroki, which of that team would have gotten the pass? The leader? Why would the other nine follow him? Are they all that dumb?
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Same with Momo and the Seiai students. Why waste time playing tea-house when Momo’s team was only 4 people? It didn’t seem very intelligent for a girl whose quirk was literally super-intelligence to come up with this plan??
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Then we have Inasa who single-handedly eliminates 120 people, because - plot??? Also, those people are either total morons for not hitting the ground protecting their targets or it was impossible to evade, in which case, wasn’t there a single good candidate among the 120, who just got really unlucky?
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Then, the exam is designed to favour students with a stealth quirk - how the hell is Tooru not one of the first ones to pass?
Finally, a lot of the Class1a seem to pass because Iida refused to pass until all his classmates got through. It shows how selfless Iida is, how insanely seriously he takes his class-rep responsibilities - but it doesn’t in any way imply that people like Aoyama have proven that they have what it takes to make it on their own out there, let alone to be in the top 100.
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These are just a couple of examples - but it shows that Part 1 of the exam in no way selected the best 100 candidates - though some of the best candidates did make it to the second phase, pulling with them the people they cared about regardless of their individual potential.
That takes us to Part 2:
So here, the students are graded on their mistakes solely, but not at all on their positive contributions. 
The rescue part supposedly looks at things like:
How well they can triage
How effectively they can get people out from under rubble
How well they can connect with the victims to make them cooperate.
OK, so let’s not get into how Deku gets told by the first victim how the test is graded and what he should look out for, because that feels just like massive cheating to start with.
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Let’s look at other things:
Uraraka almost collapsing a building because she goes in all gung-ho gets no consequences, because Momo is there to warn her. So Uraraka has great potential as a hero, as long as she’ll always tag along next to Momo or someone else sensible and listens to her?
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Bakugou gets down-graded into oblivion for being a rude asshole (rightly so), but Kirishima and Kaminari who visibly get by on Bakugou’s impeccable triage skills get no negative consequence for not being able to make the right decisions by themselves. They’ll be fine out on the field, because surely Bakugou will always tell them what to do (oh, except he won’t be there, because he failed…) as long as they are nice…
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Then comes the part where the exam raises the stakes by putting the “villains” in the mix, seemingly trying to measure if students will make the right call about fight vs save. 
Except the students fighting Orca are basically Todoroki and Inasa (with a bit of help from Midoriya here and there)… They hold Orca and his gang back until the very end of the exam, even after their own chances of passing the exam are gone. Again, the rest of the students are not tested on their own skills to see what they would do under villain attack, they pass on the backs of the people who took the biggest risks and who will not be there out on the field, because they failed.
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To me, it really felt like the exam was designed to reward mediocrity over excellence. Although, although it fits in with the hero-spirit demonstrated during the sludge villain incident, where the pros stood around waiting for someone with the right quirk.
It somehow managed to target very specifically the weaknesses of some of the students with the greatest potential, but never managed to target other student’s well-known weaknesses, like Aoyama’s cowardice, Grape-boy panicking under pressure, Kirishima running into the fray without thinking things through, etc and it’s not because we have seen those students outgrew those weaknesses (they haven’t) - but because….plot. 
On Bakugou specifically:
In the first part of the exam, we see his character development - how he looked out for Kirishima and Kaminari, telling us he’s overcome at least part of his own selfishness (although illogically in the part of the exam, that was designed to play into his natural strength - to look out for himself only and pass as fast as he can).
Then in the second part, we see very little of him, other than yelling at the first people he encountered - but for example, we don’t know if he lost points for not going after Orca. 
But fine, despite development, he’s still an asshole and only respects his peers and not the victims, so he deserves to fail. 
As for Todoroki:
Narratively, he doesn’t need to be put in his place. He’s a good students, great skill, power, judgement, true hero heart which we saw in action in the Stain or the Kamino arcs. So it feels really a stretch for him to run into the one single thing in the exam that would make him lose his cool. 
And Inasa doesn’t feel like a real character, but really a plot-device designed to push Todoroki’s buttons specifically. 
He’s a cheerful, friendly character, who somehow has been so scarred for life by a one-minute interaction with Endeavor a decade ago that upon running into his son at the UA entrance exam (where Todoroki wasn’t even that bad???), he simply forgoes going to the best school because he can’t stomach the possibility of being together with Shouto??? OK, whatever.
Then he goes out of his way during a high-stakes exam to push Todoroki?
While other people are saved by the power of friendship / team around them, somehow it’s the one time none of Shouto’s friends intervene until it’s too late??
Nothing about this plot makes sense, other than Horikoshi really wanted Shouto to fail. 
So at the end of the exam, we have the entire Class 1A and 1B pass. So, apparently by the parameters of the exam, everyone is ready to be unleashed on the streets as heroes other than Bakugou and Todoroki. Nobody other than them have any shortcomings to correct. Right. Sorry if I’m not buying it.
Sure, there were a couple of students who really excelled like Midoriya, Momo and Iida, but it’s really hard to believe that all the others passed on their merits alone, proving that they are ready to be heroes and have no weaknesses, while what we saw was them getting lucky (like Uraraka) or being pulled along by others (basically half the class in part 1 of the exam) often.
In the end, it doesn’t matter of course, because the only ones who will get to do anything with their licenses are Deku, Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsuyu (and Tokoyami is out there, but not involved in the Overhaul- plot). While other students who showed much better potential at the exams, like Momo or Iida don’t get anything out of passing it so well - there is no correlation between their performance at the exam and their hero debut. (I mean Momo helped both Tsuyu and Uraraka pass, and yet she doesn’t get a work-study and a hero debut, but the other two do???)
So, it wouldn’t have made a narrative difference to have others fail too - but Horikoshi didn’t just want Bakugou and Todoroki to fail, but he wanted them to fail as badly as possible, to be as humiliated as they can be - to get that desperate explosion out of Bakugou (and unfortunately, it feels that Todoroki is more collateral damage in this, because there is absolutely no narrative reason to push him down so badly).
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Like, was this supposed to be funny??? Because I could cry rage-tears any time I see this. Also, great demonstration of your newly-minted hero license, asshole! I’m so convinced you deserved it.
All these things make it that it doesn’t feel real - the exam just feels like a giant plot device serving the goal of making Deku’s biggest rivals fail. 
In the end, the only thing I really agree with the Hero Commission on is this:
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Yep, from what we saw, some of the best potential is among the failed students (Todoroki, Bakugou, Inasa even) - which just tells me how spectacularly the Hero Commission failed in designing this exam to really select the best candidates.
TL; DR: The exam was badly designed that was completely illogical in order to achieve its stated goals. It was instead plot device after plot device to achieve the narrative goal of having Bakugou and Todoroki fail in the worst way possible to set up future arcs targeting their very specific weaknesses, while failing to identify anyone else’s shortcomings. It rewarded mediocrity over excellence. The internal logic of the exam didn’t justify this outcome. 
Though, there is good coming out of this. The Remedial arc is really good and the TodoBaku friendship that grows out of this makes up somewhat for this mess. 
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Bnha opinions woo! (Slight spoilers I guess be warned)
This is me finishing season 1-4 dub and the movie in 18 days and my opinions on it all so far! (Some May be very unpopular but bare with I’m new here ;;)
KIRIFUCKINGSHIMA IS A LEGEND WHO DESERVES EVERYTHING ON THIS PLANET okay but takes hits for everyone, gets hurt, his backstory djdkdk h his LOVE AND FRIENDSHIP FOR BAKUMAN he’s literally the best character no questions asked Thankyou
On this note KIRIFUCKINGBAKU OTP the thing that got me originally was when he’d only grab kirishimas hand and then you started to see more little bits that you just think Hm 👀 but in the movie omg not only does it look like they’re sharing a bed (idk there’s probably a couch in there too) but kiri bringing him formal clothes and how soft bakugo sounded when just talking to him in the room and on the way and stuff AND when kiri got knocked out of the way Bakugo called his name out of worry? Concern? Are you alive? Not nickname or kept fighting like he took note of his buddy ;; they truly otp for me
I actually only found my love for todoroki during watching the movie? He seemed a lot more worky together and supportive and using his flames and idk I loved him in the movie which has kinda changed my view on him so yay (also a fanfic thanku)
This is the unpopular opinion but I like Mineta? Obviously not for the Pervy side but like... in the practical tests he was technically on his own and he managed to fight against midnight and save Sero- also his quirk is really helpful and when he gets over it he’s actually incredibly useful. I also say he’s only an amplified version of Okajima- they both have a goal that strives from women’s attention (photography and hero) and say pervy stuff but when you get down to it they’re both useful to their classes
Also unpopular but Aoyama is actually really good too- he wanted to sacrifice his hero license (not knowing about the lessons after) to help iida Get his and in the end he helped everyone. Even tho he is a little full of himself he is actually a good character still who deserves more love. Also SAD AOYAMA IN BACKSTORY IS SAD
I’d die for Shoji- he’s such a gentleman keeping Tsu warm and looking away for momo- also carrying a broken Deku and I’d die for his emo friendship with Tokoyami
I also really hope Melissa becomes the Dave to Deku’s all might like- I was like do I ship them do I love their friendship do I wish they were siblings idk and i think It’s just theyre the next successors and beans I love them
Do I ship allmight and aizawa I don’t know but I defo do as friends expecially going round the students houses to ask about dorms
OH YEAH ID DIE FOR ALL THE RANDOM UNAPPRECIATED FRIENDSHIPS IN THE CLASS?!!!!?????!?!!! Sero and Satou sharing a room in the movie, Deku and Kirishima in season 4, Momo and iida, Momo and Todoroki, Shoji and Tokoyami, Mineta and Kaminari, ALL THE TEACHERS ARE BROS
Toga and Twice are best beans if you get to season 4 you know why
I want shigaraki to give mr compress one of his hands to tie at the end of his sleeve but he’s too much of a selfish baby to do that
Please tell me I get more kiriboi
That’s all
But no on a real note
I think this is what assclass doesn’t give. The whole every character uses their abilities in certain ways like- everhthing could be solved with either Nagisa or Karma or Terasaka punching something. Like okay Sugaya had a moment to build a scarecrow and chiba and hayami as the sharpshooters took their spotlight but like- imagine Hazama in the island arc party room managing to fire insults and questions at a rapid rate that baffles anyone who stood against them, or allowing other students to create assassination attempts like Hara putting bb pellets in food or something like Takebayashi hacking into Asanos phone or Yoshida being able to distract a bad guy from his motorbike
I know that’s a ramble but assclass has characteristics for everyone that sadly they just don’t use- bnha they had kirishima perfect for the rappa fight and Tokoyami for the Calvary battle and Sero and uraraka a team you’d never expect did awesome in the hero exam!
But yeah
That’s my opinions so far- I’m hoping to turn this blog into a bnha one too still with assclass obviously!
Thanku for reading my crazy rambles!
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
My Top 10 Favorite (and Top 5 least favorite) Izuocha moments
OK, to explain that title and why I didn’t have a “least favorite” for any other ship: While I have moments for other ships that I don’t like, none of those ships are canon. I have no interest in making people feel bad about shipping things. I do feel it’s ok to critique writing choices you don’t agree with in the actual show, and there are a few big Izuocha moments I don’t like, so I needed to cover them. I do like this ship, for the record - but the canon handling was odd to me, so I thought I’d do a favorite and least for this list instead of just a favorites.
#10. Battle Trial Arc Teamwork 
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From: Episodes 7-8
What Happens: Deku and Uraraka are teamed up to fight Iida and Bakugo. Uraraka is very reassurring to Deku about their teamwork and at the climax of the arc, they work together to defeat their opponents in awesome fashion. Uraraka also goes up to Deku post arc with concern
Why I Like It: I do like me some battle couples. I love seeing Deku talk to Uraraka about his feelings (albeit for Bakugo) and Uraraka calling them a team and working hard because Deku inspires her to try harder. Deku showcases his scheming brilliant brain here too.
#9. Voting for Deku 
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From; Episode 9 “Just Do your best Iida”
What Happens: The voting happens. Bakugo pitches a fit that two people voted for Deku, and Uraraka whistles while thinking “I’ll just keep my vote to myself”
Why I Like It: Uraraka voted for Deku, like Shoto did for Momo, and keeps it a secret. I’m hoping we get a similar scene to the Todomomo one where Ochako reveals this, though I’m not sure how that would play out.
#8. Someone you like  
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From: Season 3 Episode 15
What Happens: Uraraka, embarrassed about her classmates grilling her on her love life, floats to the ceiling - and sees Deku out the window practicing ultimate moves. She seems very smitten.
Why I Like It; This is a more pure Izuocha moment as she responds to him romantically, reaction to how cool he is and how much she admires him. I’m not wild about Mina telling Uraraka she likes Deku, but I do like he actually acting like she does.
#7. Cavalry Battle Teamup 
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From: The Sports Festival Arc 2.04-2.05
What Happens: Ochako teams up with Deku in the Cavalry battle, hoping to as she later puts it “rely on him to get by”. She gets jealous of how much attention he pays Mei. Deku thinks about her support of him and all she’s done for him as he fights hard to win.
Why I Like It; This is actually more of a Deku on Ochako moment, since she later complicates her own role in this with her admission about Iida. But Deku says that he wanted her for his team, and thinks how cool she is, and is inspired by her support of him to fight Todoroki. It shows how much he values her support.
#6. Joint Training Arc Teamwork 
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From: Chapters 209-216
What Happens: Deku and Uraraka watch each others’ backs in combat. Uraraka saves him from his powers gone mad, hugging him to calm him down. Afterwards she blushes about it, and he possibly blushes too though it’s not clear.
Why I Like It: Again, love some teamwork pairings. I wanted a little more from this arc (Uraraka talking Deku down instead of Shinso) but we still got her hugging him and blushing about it while thinking about her new “who saves the heroes” motivation. Deku is also grateful to her for saving him. Uraraka works well with him, worries about him, but now she doesn’t let it distract her.
#5. First Meeting and Rescue 
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From: Chapters 2-4
What Happens: Uraraka saves Deku from tripping over his feet. Deku is attracted to her; she gets trapped in the fight and Deku saves her. This gets him into UA. She also offers him her points to Present Mic.
Why I Like It; It’s such a sweet first impression. He thinks she’s cute (she finds him plain, which annoys me - someone call Deku pretty before the series if over.) He saves her, she saves him, she offers him her points, he thinks about how she helped him before and tries to go talk to her. I like how he compares it to saving Kacchan from the sludge monster too - saving Uraraka is put in the same category as saving his lifelong acquaintance, despite having just met her.
#4. Deku means you can do it 
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From: Episode 6 Rage you Damn Nerd
What Happens: Uraraka greets Izuku as “Deku” based on Bakugo’s name. Izuku corrects her but she suggests Deku could mean “you can do it.” Izuku immediately changes his attitude on the name. Later that ep he takes her name as his “you can do it” motto, which she finds touching.
Why I Like It; The Deku name is one of my favorite Izuocha bits. I love how she gives his nickname a new meaning and he likes it, takes it for himself, and finds strength from this support. (Of course, this is one of many moments on this list that some how also connects with Bakugo. There’s a lot of subtle parallelism  between Ochako and Kacchan, probably since these three were the first three characters designed for the series).
#3. Giving her a plan  
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From: Season 2 Episode 8 Battle on challengers
What Happens: Deku notices how upset Uraraka is before her match and offers her a scheme to use against Bakugo. She declines and heads out to her match; post fight, he comes in to comfort her and is touched again by her support.
Why I Like It; Deku noticed she was upset! He offered to help her, wanting to support her like she’s supported him! He roots for her and admires her techniques, corrects Bakugo about her hard work, and tries to be there for her when she loses. She’s so sad about her loss, and I wish she’d cried on his shoulder instead of shutting him out - one day, she will, I hope.
#2. The real Uraraka 
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From; Shiketsu High Lurking 3.16
What Happens: Deku, while fighting Camieraka, recognizes that she isn’t Ochako. He runs down all of Uraraka’s features and why Camieraka can’t really be her.
Why I Like It; Deku shows here that he actually knows Uraraka pretty well, understands her, knows what she would never do and guesses that Camie was impersonating her. I like when people show they know their dates - once again, he knows her by now to the same degree that he knows his lifelong acquaintance Bakugo (in S1’s BTA he also knows Bakugo’s techniques in the same manner). I like that kind of familiariity.
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#1. Deku, that has to be my codename
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From: Season 2 Episode 13 Time to pick some names
What Happens: Midoriya picks Deku as his hero name, explaining that Uraraka made him see it in a different way, and smiling about it. We see Kacchan and Ochako both reacting.
Why I Like It; This simple scene is my favorite Izuocha moment, because I love how much the Deku name means to Midoriya. It’s kind of a motif among friendships in the show, this “picking your hero name” thing, and while Bakugo did come up with the name, Ochako gave it its new meaning. I like seeing them happy.
Top 5 Least Favorite
#5.  Putting those feelings away 
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From: Provisional License Exam Arc
What Happens: Ochako decides to put her feelings for Deku away instead of acting on them in a little monologue.
Why I Didn’t Like It; While I’m glad we get to focus more on Ochako being a badass, as a shipper I found her decision frustrating. It just makes no sense that she can’t just tell Deku she likes him, date him and be happy. All that buildup doesn’t seem to be leading towards anything but delaying the inevitable. I find it really annoying when series up off the inevitable get together till the end just because it’s expected.
#4. Running away at the mall 
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From: Season 2 Episode 25 “Encounter”
What Happens: Ochako, left alone with Deku, runs away yelling about bug spray. He gets attacked by Tomura while she freaks out about her feelings.
Why I Didn’t Like It; Well for one, we miss a chance for them to hang out one-on-one. Two, Uraraka indirectly calls Deku a “pest”, hurting his feelings. Three, we juxtapose her feelings with Tomura nearly killing Deku. Forth, she finds the idea of liking him so scary and off-putting, and this becomes her story for the next two arcs, which I find annoying since it just repeats the same thing over and over again.
#3. Because you like him? 
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From: Final Exam Arc
What Happens: During their fight with 13, Uraraka is thinking “what would Deku do?” Aoyama asks Uraraka if she likes Deku. This freaks her out and nearly gets her killed.
Why I Didn’t Like it: I don’t get why Aoyama did this. Why? What was he thinking, why ask this during their test, why does this lead to Uraraka beating 13, why was this the way we made Izuocha canon? I don’t get why Uraraka’s crush on Deku has to be something other people tell her she has, can’t she just figure it out for herself? Aoyama what is your deal? I legitimately don’t get what Horikoshi was going for her.
#2. Hey jealousy  
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From: Various
What Happens: Uraraka freaks out when Deku gets near Mei, Melissa, and Camie, burning with Jealousy. Most recently she punched herself in the face for doing so.
Why I Didn’t Like It; I didn’t mind the first time with Mei, because it was Deku complimenting Mei, or Melissa in the film. But the other times, Deku is getting felt up and creeped out by invasive girls who scare or harm him, and Uraraka reacts by getting jealous of him, instead of trying to defend him. Try flipping their genders and see how disturbing it comes across. Like a “Nice Guy” getting mad that his crush is daring to get felt up by other men. Even if she says it makes her uncomfortable.
#1. Himiko Toga’s monologue 
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From: Training Camp Arc
What Happens: Toga recognizes that Uraraka likes Deku and creepily tells her that she has “her smell”, that they’re both obsessed with copying and replacing their boys. She later says “a great deal of faith is placed in you”.
Why I Didn’t Like It; Toga is Uraraka’s evil foil. If liking Deku this way is Uraraka’s flaw, that places a really negative spin on Izuocha. It makes it seem like liking Deku is only going to lead Uraraka down a wrong path and make her fall. Why? Why does her main romance have to be something that apparently scares and hurts her? It’s Deku for crying out loud! He’s a sweetheart, he likes her, they get along. This implies that Uraraka’s feelings for Deku are similar to Toga’s for Stain - she wants to kill and replace the person she admires. Also, the “trust in you” line sounds like blatant Traitor-Uraraka baiting, like that line in her bio about there being no “hidden side to her”. I love Toga, I love Ochako, I want them to be great foils, but I don’t want that to be in a way that makes Ochako’s romance look creepy.
So that’s my thoughts - read my meta for the whole story. I ship it but I want the story to start handling it differently.
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lemongogo · 5 years
Ask game for Aizawa (if you please)!
favorite thing about them: his character design !! i love the eye animation when he activates his quirk &&  and the way his hair & wrap scarf float up around him. his goggles are really cute, too. the guy also knows how to style his hair !! i love scenes where he puts it up,, bruh. his grin is so funky too im HERE for it..  aizawa stans eatin GOOD
looks aside, i also enjoy his silent respect for class 1-a. he may not voice it too often (though the s3 licensing exam treated us well), but you can tell through his actions that he cares about his students. how he intentionally lost against momo to help her regain the confidence she so desperately needed, recognized midoriya’s strength and ability to adapt early on, took shinsou under his wing, acted as mirios support following the overhaul arc and even rushed to todoroki’s side during the endeavor high end fight, etc.. he’s a guy of few words, but he cares so deeply about his students, and i rly appreciate that. h god and how he’s defended on bakugo on multiple occasions (sports festival and kamino kidnapping) ! what a good guy
least favorite thing about them: im. HM . this is hard, i rly like aizawa but if he were a real person and i had to actually talk to him, i would probably cry bc he looks intimidating as hell ://
favorite line: “they’ve been exposed to the outside world, up close and personal. they’ve had that fear planted in them, and they’ve endured it. overcome it. each has grown from that experience and forgotten how to hesitate.”
brOTP: mic !
OTP: i dont actively ship him w anyone, but im not opposed to erasermic
nOTP: ^ same w the above, i havent really thought about it too much
random headcanon: *slaps apartment* this bad boy can fit so many cats inside… 
also deals w rly bad ptsd from events such as the usj incident, the overhaul attack, and generally anything he mightve encountered on the streets. i think he’s seen and dealt w far worse than a lot of heroes can say , and has trouble sleeping at night bc of it. thats why i feel like he’s always sleeping any chance he gets; it might be his only one :/
unpopular opinion: wow im bad at unpopular opinions too. h,m. normal opinion : hes a rly good teacher and all might WISHES he were half as good as aizawa
song i associate with them: white noise by badflower
favorite picture of them:
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craftyshipper · 5 years
Ojiro Blabs
"Wait, wait, wait, hold on a minute!" Hagakure's gloves waved around frantically as she tried to stop Ojiro from continuing his story and to back track to what he just said. "Todoroki was rooting for Yaomomo?!"
"Well yeah." Ojiro scratched the back of his head. "I mean, he wasn't shouting in encouragement or anything but but her fight was the only one he gave any comment to and he seemed to really believe in her abilities."
"Oh, do you know what this means!" She squealed in excitement.
“Uh, no?”
“Oh come on! Todoroki obviously has a crush on her!”
It was then that Ojiro knew he shouldn’t have said a thing to the invisible girl at all.
Sorry Todoroki.
“Are you serious?” Mina leaned across the bed in Momo’s dorm room. The girls had all met up in here after Hagakure called an emergency meeting, or rather an emergency girl talk.
“Absolutely! Ojirou heard him say it!”
Momo sat against the head of her bed with a pillow clutched tightly in her arms, her face turning more red by the minute. The story that Hagakure told them about Todoroki had caused most of the girls to stare at her in disbelief. Momo seemed to have somehow captured the attention of the aloof teen and the girls were all curious about how she did it.
“What did you do Momo?”
“I-I don’t know!” She stuttered, her heart going a mile a minute.
“Are you two secretly dating and haven’t told us about it?!” Mina exclaimed. “Oh please tell me you guys are together!”
“Wh-what, of course not!” Momo stammered and hid her face against the pillow in her arms. “We-we’re just friends.”
“That’s not what it sounds like!”
Momo knew she was in for a long night of questioning and she hoped the other girls would tire out soon or give up when she refused to answer anymore questions, but she knew that wasn’t going to be the case.
Shouto leaned his head on his hand as he stared at their teacher as he talked about what their next hero exercises would be. He cast a side ways glance at the creation hero beside him and wondered if he had done something to upset her. She wouldn’t even look him in the eye let alone greet him like she usually did.
The bell rang which signaled the end of the school day, prompting his classmates to stand up and leave the room. He managed to snag Momo by the arm to stop her from leaving.
The raven haired beauty glanced at him and he could clearly see her face turning bright red and he had to admit she looked adorable.
Wait, adorable? Where did that come from?
"Um, T-Todoroki?" She prompted when he just stared at her. "Is there something wrong?"
"I was actually going to ask you that." Shouto realized he still had a hold of her and immediately let go to rub sheepishly at the back of his neck.
"What do you mean?"
"Well you're obviously avoiding me, you wouldn't look at me at all today and I didn't receive your usual greeting." He sighed and turned his gaze away from her. "Just wondering if i did something to upset you."
Upon hearing his words, Momo instantly felt horrible about ignoring him today. She wasn't upset, she had simply become too shy ever since Hagakure shared her story from Ojiro. Of course the girls had badgered her until she admitted she had liked him more than a friend so that didn't help.
"You've done nothing wrong."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's just..." She bit her lip, unsure if she should explain further and decided he deserved to know why she had been acting so strangely. "I...may have heard from a little bird that you were...rooting for me during our battles against Class 1B."
"Why would that-?"
"Because it’s you!" Momo stated loudly. "The one person in class that I admire above all others actually believes in me."
Her eyes met the ground since she refused to meet his hetero-chromatic gaze. He didn’t speak for a minute and his silence made her wish she hadn't said anything at all.
“Why do you admire me?”
The flinch made Shouto want to take back his question as she met his gaze. But he needed to know why she had so much faith in him, to her it was normal but to him he couldn’t understand it.
“Well, you’re the most capable-”
“Am I?” Shouto raised a brow. “Did you fail your provisional license test? Were you the one that got into a fight with another student during that test? And if not for you we would failed our final exams.”
“You’re not perfect, and believe me, neither am I.” He smiled softly. “But I do think you are the most capable in our class Yaoyorozu and I admire you’re strength and your intelligence, that’s why I will always root for you and be in your corner.”
Okay, those last few words had Shouto’s own cheeks turning red as he glanced to the side and rubbed the back of his head with embarrassment.
Momo on the other hand was ready to burst into flames, and she probably would have if she had his fire quirk, but that didn’t stop the two matryoshka dolls from popping out from her legs.
“H-how can you say that so casually?!” She covered her face with her hands.
“What’s wrong with saying it, if it’s true?” He knelt down and picked up the dolls, and was surprised that one of them was made to his likeness while the other was of the blushing female in front of him.
“These are cute, but I do have to wonder though, how many you have attempted to make before you got the look just right?”
“This is so embarrassing.” Momo took them from his hands when he offered them to her.
Dark orbs met dual colored ones and it was in that moment that they felt a shift between them. The distance that she felt in their connection seemed to have grown shorter and she leaned in slightly.
“Um, Shouto I-”
“Would you two just kiss already!!!”
The spell was broken as Mina slammed the door open, a fake crying look on her face as she stomped into the room.
“You two make it so hard for someone like me to enjoy the romance that I can see between you two.”
“K-kiss?” Momo stuttered as she realized that was exactly what she almost did.
“Romance?” Shouto murmured and his eyes widened slightly.
“I swear you two are so dense.” She stepped into their space. “Can’t you feel the sexual tension here.” She gestured to them.
Jirou took the opportunity to come in and remove the pink female from the room before she left with one last message.
“Looks like you guys have a few more things to talk about.” She smirked leaving the two stunned teens alone.
“I am so sorry about that.” Momo apologized.
Clearing his throat, Shouto spoke, “Um yeah, don’t worry about it.”
“Hey, would you want to grab dinner?” She asked out of the blue.
He shrugged. “Sure I suppose, seeing as we have so much to talk about.”
The way he said it in that deadpan tone succeeded in making her laugh which forced a smile to cross his lips.
“Come on.” Without thinking she grabbed his hand; feeling heat crawl up her neck again she was about to pull away until his hand closed around hers.
“Let’s go.”
She felt her heart began to beat wildly in her chest but it was feeling she didn’t want to end.
Just a fun little story, hope you enjoyed it. ^_^
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