#or morbid sparks of darkness and cynicism
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Veronica Mannix — Left Hand, Rank 1
Age: 26
Height: 5’11
Description: Tall. Broad-shouldered, curveless, semi-masculine build. Shaggy, wild, mid-back-length brown hair that’s streaked with slightly darker and lighter shades. Dark hazel eyes, missing the right one. Usually wears a black eyepatch to cover it. Body is covered in a wide variety of scars, some more healed than others. Left arm amputated above the elbow.
Bound Object: Chainsaw
Alterations: Starting from her prosthetic arm, her magic is seeping into her flesh and bone and slowly turning it to metal, most of her pain receptors have been either turned off or severely dulled, and her healing factor works fastest and best when connected to metal instead of new organic tissue. 
History: Growing up in a dead-end life, by her teenage years, Veronica was already resigned to dying young, and most likely at her own hands. She became a Diviner as a form of indirect suicide— only to find the closest thing to a passion she’d ever experienced. Losing her arm sparked her obsession with magic and mechanics, though she never fully lost her cynicism. 
Personality: Passionate to a fault, she wholly dedicates herself to things that seem insane to anyone else. While she tends to be something of a loner, it’s mostly because she doesn’t want to let anyone get attached. Because she’s aware of her age and impending mortality, power and thrills steer her life. She wants to go out strong, laughing, and doing something good for the world, even if it never saw much worth in her. She’s kinder than she looks.
Positive Traits: Enthusiastic, practical, cares more than she shows, brave, quick-thinking in a crisis, surprisingly mature, self-sacrificing, determined.
Negative Traits: Unhealthily independent, reckless (suicidally so), morbid, uncooperative with others, overly zealous, fatalistic, thrill-seeking. 
Miscellaneous: She has a smoking habit that she started as a teenager and never fully quit. She’s struggled with mental health (especially depression), self-harm, and gender dysphoria for most of her life. Her left arm was the one with her self-harm scars and losing those was when she first felt free. Her father was a mechanic at a rather seedy auto repair, and that’s where she picked up the basics of her current skills with machinery.
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good-girlinhell · 4 years
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Rules: go on pinterest, type in “(your name) core aesthetic” and make a moodboard
thanks for tagging me @igenll
i'll tag @devilfwb @fandomshavecollided @thegirlthatsdancingintherain @istantoomanypeeps 💕💕
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maudanouk · 3 years
Italy, Rome, the Vatican reception hall. VOIELLO and SOFIA are waiting at the popes desk. The YOUNG POPE enters the stage with a plain plate in his hands.
„This is the sort of merchandise im prepared to authorise.“ He says.
„But it doesn’t have your image on it!“ Sofia answers.
„I do not have an image, my good lady, because I am no one. You understand? No one. Only Christ exists. Only Christ. And I am not worth forty-five, or even five euros. I am worth nothing.“
„I don’t understand, Holy Father.“
„Of Course you don’t, because, as you said earlier, you studied at Harvard. And Harvard is a place in decline where you were taught to lower yourselves. Where as here, in the Vatican, we try to elevate ourselves. Who exactly is in charge of curating the image of the pope?“
„The Secretary of State entrusted that delicate task to me, Holy Father, two years ago.“
„Very good. And now I’m going to tell you what you as curator of the image of the Holy Father, are gonna do. You are gonna fire the Vatican’s official photographer immediately. No photographs of the pope are to be issued. Just as there were none when I was a cardinal or a bishop. Do you know why? I never allowed my picture to be taken. And when someone managed to sneak a photograph of me I always bought them up before they could be published. Now that I think about it. I’ve been training my whole life to be an invisible pope.
And so, for my first adress, you will see to it that the lightning is so dim, no photographer, no TV cameraman, and not even the faithful will see anything of me but a dark shadow, my silhouette. They will not see me because I do not exist.“
„If I may, Holy Father, what you are proposing is nothing short of suicide, media suicide.“
„Media suicide, you say? Fine. Now try to keep up with me, if you can.“
„I’m right with you, Holy Father.“
„Good. OK, so, who is the most important author of the last twenty years? Careful now, not the best, virtuosity is for the arrogant, the most important, the author who has sparked so much morbid curiosity that he became the most important.“
„I wouldn’t know. I’d say… Philip Roth?“
„No. Salinger. The most important film director?“
„No. Kubrick. Contemporary artist?“
„Jeff Koons. Or Marina Abramovic.“
„Banksy. Electronic music group?“
„I don’t know the first thing about electronic music.”
“You say Harvard is a good university! Anyway, Daft Punk!”
„The best Italian Vocalist?“ Voiello interrupts.
„Mina?“ I answer.
„Brava! Now do you know what it is what the invisible red thread is that connects them all, all these most important figures in their respective fields? None of them let themselves be seen. None of them let themselves be photographed.“ The pope answers.
„But you’re not an artist, Holy Father. You are a head of state.“
„Yes, of a city state so small that it doesn’t have an outlet to the sea. And in order to survive it’s leader has to make himself as unreachable as a rock star. The Vatican survives thanks to the hyperbole. So we, we shall generate hyperbole but this time in reverse.“
„I’m beginning to get your point, Holy father. Yes, not only am I beginning to get it. I’m beginning to like it, too.“
„Good. Very good.“ [1]
The Off. It’s dark. Only the NARRATORS voice can be heard.
The pope [...] was possessed by a veritable rage for acquiring and storing up knowledge.[2] Wanting to know is an offspring of the desire for power, the striving for expansion, existence, sexuality, pleasure, enjoyment of the self, and for anesthetizing the necessity of dying.[3] He is large minded, not through knowledge, but through the power of acquiring it; he is open minded, intelligent, ready for anything, and, as Montaigne says, capable of learning if not learned. [4]  As knowledge and will are attributed to God, so is power. Further, as the power of God is infinite, so is His knowledge.[5]  The young pope is searching for a way to acquire as much knowledge as possible. He thinks about buying Alphabet. In the end, more than in God it is necessary to believe in yourself, Lenny.
God does not shout.
God does not whisper.
God does not write.
God does not hear.
God does not chat.
God's infinite silence...[5]
What if god shouted, whispered, wrote, heard, chatted and broke his silence? What if god had Instagram.
Austria, Vienna, 3rd district at Parkgasse 18. The WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE enters the stage, surrounded by its garden and neighbourhood.
The house is thinking: How can I help Lanny to reach the eartheners? I need to understand them. But as I cannot move they have to come to me. I need to offer them something they desire so they can not resist. They are the bees and I’m the honey. 
I remember a story an old friend once told me: “There was once a young man who dreamed of reducing the world to pure logic. Because he was a very clever young man, he actually managed to do it. When he’d finished his work, he stood back and admired it. It was beautiful. a world purged of imperfection and indeterminacy, countless acres of gleaming ice stretch into the horizon. So the clever young man looked around the world he’d created and decided to explore it. He took one step forward and fell flat on his back. you see, he’d forgotten about friction. The ice was smooth and level and stainless. But you couldn’t walk there. So the clever young man sat down and wept bitter tears. But as he grew into a wise old man, he came to understand that roughness and ambiguity aren’t imperfections, they’re what make the world turn. He wanted to run and dance. And the words and things scattered upon the ground were all battered and tarnished and ambiguous. The wise old man saw that that was the way things were. But something in him was still homesick for the ice, where everything was radiant and absolute and relentless. Though he had come to like the idea of the rough ground, he couldn’t bring himself to live there. So now he was marooned between earth and ice, at home in neighter.” [6]
I am a contradiction. [7]
A nightclub and a spa,
sin and salvation,
extasy, excess, gambling and baptism,
doubt and hope,
mystery and logic,
ornamented and functional,
hell and heaven,
baroque and modern,
I am dionysos and apollon.
Austria, Vienna, 1st district. AVA sitting at a desk.
The phone rings. [8] She opens the message.. „My dearest friends there’s one spectacular party in the making! Join us tonight in the Wittgenstein House to another legendary night. Make sure to wear your most luxurious textiles and we take care of your deepest desires.“ 
Austria, Vienna, 3rd district at Parkgasse 18. It’s night but the garden is enlightened by the colourful lights emerging the windows. The WITTGENSTEIN HOUSE is emitting visual, audible and perceptible vibrations. The air smells of Un Jardin en Méditerranée. A car enters stage right. Inside are AVA, LUX, EMMA and NOVA.
We arrive at the Wittgenstein House. It’s one o’clock, time for some ecstasy. I divide the crystals into four parts and hand them to the others. I take the last one and we step out of our taxi. Instantly we are surrounded by an electric atmosphere. People get chauffeured around in Mercedes Benz with Cristal champagne.[9] On inspecting the entrance facade, you can discover a series of metaphors and symbolic signs.[10] The bass seems to shake the walls. Bright lights in countless colours emerge through the windows. Life is fantastic. It would be too strong to call this fantasy a portal to Hell, but it is surely no entrance to a Heavenly Jerusalem.
The party begins as people are moving in, gathering in the entrance hall and taking a stand up cocktail.[11] There is champagne, caviar and fireworks.[12] Ahead, some distance from the entrance, is a great mural of brilliant color.[13] Opulent Ornaments, heavy textiles, reflecting surfaces. The materials come from the everyday domestic sphere, much having to do with ornamenting the body: copper and brass wire, buttons, beads, baubles, hooks, eyes, straps, false fingernails, makeup, hair, ribbons, lace, thread, shells, feathers, and bones. The amulets are fetishes, beautiful ornamental objects, and they are connected to the fetishism of architectural representation.[14]
following... experience of other chambers: 
sauna is heat, sweat, cleansing, liberation, relief
spa is warm, soft, welcoming, salvation
[1] The Young Pope
[2] Hugo, Notre Dame de Paris
[3] Sloterdijk, Critique of Cynical Reason
[4] Rousseau, Collected Works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
[5] Aquinas, Summa Theologica
[6] The Young Pope
[7] The Young Pope
[8] Cixous, Reveries of the Wild Woman
[9] Hovestadt Buehlmann, Quantum City
[10] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[11] Schumacher, The Autopoiesis of Architecture Vol 2
[12] Carter, Anthony Blunt His Lives
[13] Ockmann, Architecture Culture 1943 1968
[14 ]Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
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theantisocialcritic · 4 years
Archive Project - September 11, 2014 - Upcoming Fall 2014 Films
Yay! Its fall movie season! Blockbuster season is over and its time for Oscar Bait to rise! There is a lot of stuff coming out in the next 4 months, a lot of which I won't get around to reviewing. Lets take a look at what we're in for! September A Walk Among the Tombstones: Everybody loves Liam Neeson! The fall's first interesting movie stars him in something of a film noir murder mystery. The latter part of September tends to be when a lot of really underrated movies come out like Dredd, Looper, Prisoners and Rush. I have a good feeling about this one! Maze Runner: Hollywood will, for the fiftieth time this year, attempt to make the Hunger Games lighting strike again with another book adaption… This looks terrible… Tusk: If your a fan of the works of Kevin Smith your probably already dying for this one! Human Centipede with a Walrus! If your not familiar with the works of Kevin Smith… Go out and watch Clerks right now!! The Equalizer: Despite some early low reviews, film geeks are all clamming to see this movie! Hopes are high that Denzel Washington can create his own action series. Will it…? Probably not but hope so! October Annabelle: Fans of The Conjuring have been ranting about this too me for months now and i;ll take their word for it! I'm not a horror fan but this should be interesting! Gone Girl: The director of Fight Club, Seven, The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo brings us a Ben Affleck film! Theres a lot of hype around this! Should be a good movie! Alexander and the No Good, etc: This looks lame… Automata: Some critics in high places have been mentioning this a lot. I haven't seen much promotional material for it but its supposed to be a decent Sci-Fi movie! We'll see! The Judge: Robert Downey Jr. plays a Judge that must defend his estranged father in court. Sounds good to me! Crimson Peak: Guillermo Del Toro fans have been collectively flipping out about this new horror movie. Del Toro is one of the best directs of horror in Hollywood and has a strong grasp of subtlety and a morbid sense of creativity. Might be something brilliant here! Dracula Untold: This movie reminds me of I, Frankenstein… thats a baaaaaad sign…. Book of Life: Topping the list of my most anticipated movies right now is Book of Life! A Disney movie filtered through the cultural sensibilities of El Tigre with all the racism beaten out of it by Guillermo Del Toro! This movie is visually gorgeous and looks fiercely creative! I'm super excited! BoxTrolls: Have you seen Coraline and ParaNorman? YOU NEED TO SEE CORALINE AND PARANORMAN!! Also see this! A fun, creative stop motion movie by an incredibly talented team! ParaNorman flopped in theaters and BoxTrolls needs to succeed! KingsMan: The Secret Service: Matthew Vaughn's newest pick starts British SS agents in training that have to stop some sort of plot from happening! Vaughn brought us Kick-A** and X-Men: First Class! Both excellent action movies! KingsMan should be interesting! Rifftrax LIVE Anaconda: The last two live shows by Rifftrax have been amazing! The live roasts of Sharknado and Godzilla (98) were absolutely hilarious! Their next roast should be really great! November Big Hero 6: Disney is on a freakin roll!! Frozen, Wreck it Ralph and Tangled were all great animated films that managed to go beyond just being cynically made animated films. They were all genuinely great pieces of film and now they look to be about to make light night strike again! Adapting the barely known Marvel comic series the same way they approach classic fairy tales might be a stroke of genius and seeing it play out with the same energy and style of Wreck it Ralph and Guardians of the Galaxy. This is my most anticipated movie of the fall! Intersteller: Someone once said that if Nolan ever made a forth Batman movie it would have to goto space to be bigger than the Dark Knight Rises. At least part of that was true. In his first movie since the completion of the Dark Knight Trilogy, Nolan presents a high caliper Science Fiction movie about man's last attempt to stave off extinction, looking beyond into the stars for a new home. This movie might be great! Dumb and Dumber Too: sooo… This is a thing…. Theory of Everything: I haven't heard much on this but its an art house romance movie about Steven Hawking. Should be fascinating if nothing else. Fox catcher: Why am I imagining Channing Tatum as Cinderella Man here..? Fury: Brad Pit plays a WWII tank driver, fighting on the front lines with a rookie crew member after the loss of his best soldier. These men must survive the war. Should be fascinating. MockingJay Part 1: I'm not sure how to feel about Hunger Games now that Catching Fire has passed. The first movie was extremely boring but the followup was a vast improvement I rather enjoyed. From here though I don't know where the series is going to go and how well the characters work within the formula of the first two movies is beyond me.. well see.. The Penguins of Madagascar: I generally hate spinoff animated movies. They aren't always bad but they feel terribly cynical and i'd rather they don't exist. Penguins feels like a rather good idea though, simply because there is proof of concept that has me thinking this might be well thought through. The animated cartoon on Nick Penguins of Madagascar has been an intermitedly interesting exercise in cynicism but managed a few really great episodes that I enjoyed as a teenager. It helps of course that the Penguins were the best part of the Madagascar movies. This might be something great! December Paddington: A wacky British bear goes on wacky misadventures! I… don't know how to feel... Exodus: With the rampant success of movies like Son of God and Noah, Biblical epics are becoming popular again in Hollywood. Now Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator, Blade Runner) is throwing his hat into the ring with a retelling of the story of Moses. Despite the weird casting and crappy promotional materials, Exodus has a lot of potential and might be one of the year's cinematic highlights! Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies: What is the Hobbit Trilogy? A cynical, forced production? A party to celebrate the Lord of the Rings?  Whatever it is, these movies have been fun if nothing else. Finally the newest run through Middle-Earth will come to a conclusion. Can John Wattson defeat the voice of Khan…? Well clearly, he survives because he is in Fellowship… It'll still be cool though! Annie: I hate Annie… No amount of gimmicks and stunt casting will make me like it… Night at the Museum 3: I actually liked the first movie. It came out when I was young enough to find some enjoyment in it. The second one sucked… Now we have a long awaited by nobody third one which is anybody's guess. At this point the most interesting thing about it is that it is Robin William's last post-mortem performance so that will be fascinating. Into the Woods: This might be quietly brilliant. With Disney currently in the works on producing a full line of live action adaptions like Maleficient and Cinderella, a big production of the famed musical Into the Woods seems.. interesting… I'm not a huge fan to the musical but this might be what it takes for me to really get into it, depending on how they pull it off. The stage production is in my opinion a very disjointed story that only really gets by on its more anachronistic and surprisingly dark comedic moments. Seeing Disney try to pull it off however might be what it takes to elevate the story if they take it somewhere interesting! In any case, the cast is interesting and interested to see it. Unbroken: Angelina Jolie's directorial debut tells the story of an Olympic runner that is drafted to WWII, captured and forced into a prison camp. I don't know how good this is going to be, but at the very least it will be a strange, different sort of movie. The Interview: And to finish off the year, whats likely the thing that will finally spark WW3 with the North Koreans! Seth Rogen and James Franco are spies that infiltrate N. Korea and attempt to kill Kim Jong Un. Given Rogen's incredible recent filmography of This is the End and Neighbors, I think we are in for something special!   This will be an interesting season! Thank you for reading! Live long and prosper!
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versatilepoetry · 5 years
Just A Singleton Ray Of Blessed Sunshine
Every bit of frigidly decaying feces; forever metamorphosed into optimistically lush green meadows of perennially redolent; grass, Every bit of hedonistically murderous lie; forever metamorphosed into the ultimate summit of gloriously unflinching and pristinely unparalleled; truth, Every bit of egregiously vindictive darkness; forever metamorphosed into cisterns of magically mitigating and endlessly blazing; golden light, Every bit of deliriously raunchy sadism; forever metamorphosed into the fabric of celestially ameliorating and timeless priceless; selflessness, Every bit of maliciously stabbing corruption; forever metamorphosed into a paradise of benevolently ever-pervading and timelessly unconquerable; honesty, Every bit of bizarrely maiming poverty; forever metamorphosed into a sky of eternally resplendent and blissfully burgeoning; humanitarian richness, Every bit of treacherously penalizing abhorrence; forever metamorphosed into a cistern of everlastingly radiant and effulgently compassionate; unity, Every bit of sanctimoniously snobbish spuriousness; forever metamorphosed into a wind of beautifully egalitarian and wonderfully mollifying; humility, Every bit of cynically ignominious bitterness; forever metamorphosed into a stream of unceasingly proliferating and majestically blessing; melody, Every bit of venomously prejudiced war; forever metamorphosed into a heaven of inimitably priceless and triumphantly venerated; symbiotic harmony, Every bit of unceremoniously flagrant atrocity; forever metamorphosed into a fireball of inexhaustibly vibrant and unimaginably emollient; compassion, Every bit of inexplicably deteriorating sadness; forever metamorphosed into a garland of ardently unbreakable and victoriously ecstatic; felicity, Every bit of disgustingly deplorable racialism; forever metamorphosed into a field of unassailably Omnipotent and royally unalterable; oneness, Every bit of deplorably shriveled weakness; forever metamorphosed into a mountain of intrepidly fortified and synergistically mellifluous; strength, Every bit of cadaverously morbid ghost; forever metamorphosed into the chapters of beautifully uninterrupted and vividly euphoric; existence, Every bit of hopelessly shattered faith; forever metamorphosed into an apostle of perpetually Omniscient and miraculous blessing; peace, Every bit of dreadfully cancerous disease; forever metamorphosed into the elixir of sensuously charismatic and tirelessly virile; life, Every bit of diabolically fretful indolence; forever metamorphosed into a waterfall of ebulliently enthralling and adventurously poetic; freshness, Every bit of traumatically ghoulish night; forever metamorphosed into a valley of altruistically benign and insuperably godly; Sunshine, Every bit of disparagingly delinquent boredom; forever metamorphosed into a forest of inscrutably mesmerizing and fearless unfettered; adventure, Every bit of profanely criminal imprisonment; forever metamorphosed into the leaves of ubiquitously uplifting and bountifully charming; freedom, Every bit of insanely victimizing mania; forever metamorphosed into a cradle of impeccably boundless and exotically unmatched; fantasy, Every bit of baselessly debauch chicanery; forever metamorphosed into a smile of innocently unconquerable and spell bindingly holistic; childhood, Every bit of mundanely decrepit manipulation; forever metamorphosed into a pathway of passionately fertile and infallibly princely; righteousness, Every bit of lividly worthless betrayal; forever metamorphosed into a hive of Immortally blessing and Omnipresently coalescing; love, Every bit of wretchedly anguished death; forever metamorphosed into a cloudburst of unceasingly resuscitating and jubilantly euphoric; breath, With just a singleton beam of brilliantly uninterrupted golden; with just a singleton spark of undefeatable golden; with just a singleton wand of magical golden winking from the heavens; with just a singleton ray of free and blessed Sunshine from the Omnipresent sky
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riffrelevant · 5 years
Article By: Pat ‘Riot’ Whitaker, Senior Writer/Journalist ‡ Edited By: Leanne Ridgeway, Owner/Chief Editor
The roots of extreme death metal band CADAVER begin in the townships of Råde and Fredrikstad, Norway with founders Anders “Neddo” Odden (guitar, bass, vocals) and Ole Bjerkebakke (drums, vocals) in 1988.
The duo released a demo ‘Into The Outside‘ that same year, sparking local interest in them. The following year, they were joined by bassist René Jansen. CADAVER, as a trio, recorded and released a string of demos over the next two years, which included ‘Abnormal Deformity‘ and ‘Sunset At Dawn‘ in 1989, and ‘Demo 2‘ in 1990. These helped the band land the attention of Carcass’ Bill Steer and Jeff Walker, who soon signed them to their Earache Records imprint label, Necrosis Records.
[spotifyplaybutton play=”spotify:album:2vuqiDxklYV9DPbASxSlhn”/]
The year 1990 continued to be productive for CADAVER, eventually they recorded their début album, ‘Hallucinating Anxiety’. The record is a raw, vicious onslaught of down-tuned, sludgy grindcore issued as both a split release with the Carnage album ‘Dark Recollections‘, as well as its own stand alone album. Shortly after the album’s release, René Jansen was replaced in the band by Eilert Solstad.
CADAVER released a second album in 1992, ‘…In Pains‘, that fans felt was a much more technically progressive album than its predecessor. This was a growing trend in death metal at this period in time, with bands like Death and Cynic paving the way with more atmospheric qualities in their music. Unfortunately, some type of dissension within CADAVER caused the band to fold in 1993, and remained that way until resurrected by Odden (using the name Neddo) in 1999.
[spotifyplaybutton play=”spotify:album:7GQHStSODHXghzlxfJ8TF9″/]
As a quartet completed with new members – drummer and multi-instrumentalist Czral (aka Carl-Michael Eide), bassist and guitarist L.J. Balvaz, and multi-instrumentalist Apollyon (Ole Jørgen Moe) – the band tweaked its name to CADAVER INC. Under this name, they issued a demo, ‘Primal‘, in 2000, with a live outing ‘Live Inferno‘ and studio album ‘Discipline‘ both in 2001. A tour supporting Morbid Angel and Extreme Noise Terror followed, but so did controversy when apparently a website that accompanied the band’s return claimed to sell “alibis” for murders. The negative attention this drew inspired the band to return to using the more simplified CADAVER once again. In 2004, we saw the issuance of their final album, the Candlelight Records release ‘Necrosis‘, followed by the band’s last show in 2005.
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Alas, not everything stays dead and this holds true in death metal itself, or even if your band’s name is inspired by something no longer alive. In this case, the very idea of this band would not die a quiet death, no way, and in 2014, Anders Odden decides to resurrect CADAVER. Since that decision, things have been as quiet as a graveyard until recently, when Odden revealed that an all new chapter in the book of CADAVER was being written.
Not only are they active, but Odden recruited some amazing collaborators, both in CADAVER, as well as upon the first new song from them in 15 years! First, Anders “Neddo” Odden is joined by drummer extraordinaire Dirk Verbeuren (Megadeth, Satyricon live, ex-Soilwork / Powermad) as the official kit-man for the newly reincarnated CADAVER. You can hear them both today, along with the iconic guest vocalist appearing on that new track, “Circle Of Morbidity” – none other than Possessed’s Jeff Becerra.
CADAVER has just issued the new song in an official video clip with both Odden and Becerra sharing some insights about how this all came to pass. Odden is the first to comment, saying:
“When I heard Possessed for the first time in 1985, I knew this was my kind of music. To have the original creator of death metal on our comeback single is huge for me, I am beyond thrilled to show everybody what we have been cooking up this time around.“
Becerra picks things up, adding:
“It was a great honor being asked by Anders to sing backup vocals on “Circle Of Morbidity.” Of course, working with Anders Odden & Dirk Verbeuren is like a fantastic nightmare, brutal and heavy as hell. Congratulations to Anders Odden and Cadaver on this brand new single. Amazing song, thank you!“
  Dirk Verbeuren (L) & Anders “Neddo” Odden (R)
Odden continues on how Dirk Verbeuren was brought into the fold:
“In my heart I have always had the notion that Cadaver exists somehow. Dirk played session live work for Satyricon on the 70.000 Tons Of Metal cruise in 2014 and we got to know each other then. He talked about how much he loved Cadaver and I then told him that I had been recording demos for 10 years without a drummer….so, being the guy he is, he then says, ‘Send the songs to me!‘”
We now know further results of this unexpected union, with Anders’ confirmation that he is in talks with several labels about releasing a new CADAVER album, ‘Edder & Bile‘. The album is anticipated to arrive before the end of this year.
Oldschool Sunday: CADAVER [Resurrected After 15 Years Via New Video] Article By: Pat 'Riot' Whitaker, Senior Writer/Journalist ‡ Edited By: Leanne Ridgeway, Owner/Chief Editor The roots of extreme death metal band…
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Stanford Pines Application: Accepted
Name/Alias: Rosenthorne (Or Jess or Thorne)
Preferred Pronouns: She/her/They/Them
Age: 29
Time Zone: Central
Discord name: *Private* (since you already know who it is 8U)
Triggers: Not much. Bit of a crime buff so I’ve seen/read a few morbid things. Or a lot. Don’t like feet.
Personal/About Yourself: I can be nice and squeaky clean or I can be downright morbid and not so clean. Depends on the situation. I’m a stickler for canon when it comes down to it. Not much for romance but I can write for it when the mood allows. I have written a LOT of smut in my day though. I love the strange, the unique, dark humor, dark stuff in general.
Fandom: Gravity Falls
Character Name: Stanford Filbrick Pines
Headcanon Age: Young to Adult (But like 15 minutes older than Stan XD)
Headcanons About Character:
-Asexual, aromantic. This is mainly for the fact that in Journal 3 he wrote that he found ‘romance more baffling to him than the greatest mysteries of the universe’.  If that doesn’t scream asexual, I don’t know what does.
-Despite being asexual, he is very touch starved. He wants people to talk to him. He doesn’t mind hugs, holding hands, platonic cuddles, laying side by side while talking about anything really (it doesn’t have to be science based), etc, from those who are very close to him. He will always do what he can for those who mean a lot to him.  Any unsolicited touching without his acknowledgement of who it is will usually end with someone’s arm twisted behind their back and on their stomach on the floor out of reflex.
-Has a hard time opening up to people and is still learning on how to do so. This is the result of being viciously bullied growing up with Stan as his only friend. This makes being touch starved even worse.
-He did love DDMD in middle school on up and tried to join the local clubs full of other nerds who adored the game, however he was shunned and avoided like the plague due to his extra fingers. Undeterred, Ford continued to make OCs and strategies in hopes that one day he’d have friends to play it with.
-He would quickly finish his tests in school and, instead of turning it in, ‘accidentally’ leave it somewhere that Stan could cheat off him. While Stan did this, Ford would use this time to draw or read paranormal books.
-Terrified of swimming in open water at a young age, opposite of Stan’s fear of heights. He slowly grew accustomed to the idea of sailing when Stan started to weave the idea of adventures on the high seas. He did have a fascination with boats despite his fear and he had tried learning to swim in a community pool, making him a mediocre swimmer.  After he arrived in Gravity Falls, he included swimming in the lake as part of his exercise regimen. He had hoped to swim the areas Nessie or Ogopogo had been rumored to be.
-After Ford closed the curtains on Stan when he was kicked out, Ford sunk to his knees and cried while hugging a pillow. Time was lost to him (he spent two weeks in his room, barely eating what his mother brought to him or going anywhere). His heart and trust had been shattered by the only person he had ever trusted. During that time, his father started to beat ideas into his head, building him up to a more egotistical persona, one that re-sparked his interest in inventing and school. He made Ford believe he was better than everyone, that he was special and only people like him were destined for something greater. However, the motives to get Ford moving again was not without want of personal gain. Filbrick still wanted those potential millions. These motives have severely harmed Ford’s ability to forgive Stanley. Ford is slowly unlearning what his father had instilled in him.
-To Filbrick’s dismay, Ford did not go down the path of ‘potential millions’ right away. The father had tried to make Ford change his mind about going out west to pursue his interests in favor of being hired on as a scientist somewhere. However, the flattery had made Ford a bit more cynical to the world around him. He did not share his grant money like his father expected him to. He pretty much cut ties with the rest of his family minus the occasional phone call to his mother.
-If it weren’t for his mother and later Fiddleford and Bill in his early years, Ford would have been worse off. When he throws himself into his work, he forgets to take care of himself. He wouldn’t shower for weeks on end, forget to eat or sleep to the point of passing out and would often forget what day or year it was.
-Loves horror movies and has somewhat identified with the monsters but greatly criticizes them. He has never showed any fear toward ‘old school’ horror movies. However, he hates jump scares and will react violently to them out of reflex.
-Ford’s trench coats have been modified to be ‘bags of holding’ through a technique he learned while traversing the universe. When you look into one of the many pockets, you find nothing but a void of stars and nebulae which pretty much are ‘pocket dimensions’. **BU-DUM-TISS** He could pull more than a live rabbit out of any one of them at any moment. Probably an extinct Dodo bird or a mini noodle dragon.
-Ford has doodles all throughout Journal 1 and 2 of characters he created for DDMD. He also has a strategy journal floating around the shack somewhere that contains some of his best material that has been lost for years.
-He buys ALL of his clothes in bulk, sometimes the boots already have their own mud stains or have them printed on them at all times. It’s a look Ford loves. Speaking of looks, not all of his black pants are actual pants. Some of them are spandex or yoga pants in case he’s afraid he may rip normal pants when having to do something athletic.
-Yes, he does have 12 PHDs. He earned one on earth but the rest were earned during the 30 years he was away. None of them are in the medical field. That’s what spells are for. One has to wonder if the other eleven are even valid in our dimension. Even he ponders that but will probably aggressively state that they are.
-Everyone expects him to like classical music. While, yes, this is true, he actually took a liking to rock and alternative music. However, he somehow knows all the lyrics to songs that were not made in his time, possibly from a parallel timeline where he got his PHDs.
-He has commissioned Mabel to make him a knitted Plaidipus plush that he shamelessly sleeps with every night. Its name is ‘Theory’.
-Ford keeps up an exercise regimen that he doesn’t force on anyone. He couldn’t care less about anyone’s physical prowess unless they wanted to adventure with him. He doesn’t want them hurt. He only comments on his brother to rile him up from time to time. Sibling rivalry and all.
-Ford has killed before and he will kill again if he has to. He doesn’t like talking about it but most of his kills were the result of either protecting himself or someone or getting something he desperately needs.
-He has a lot of scarring all across his body. While he will admit half of them were from his years in the multiverse, a good chunk of them were from Bill after he found out that Bill was plotting against him.
-After Stan’s memory recovery and his adrenaline came down, Ford had to be taken to the hospital as a result of Bill’s torture on top of the ride in the alien shuttle that would have taken him to an intergalactic prison. He didn’t stay there long. In fact, after he was bandaged up, he declared himself healed and walked right out the front door. Remember, none of his PHDs were in medical. He probably memorized a healing spell.
-Ford may be looking into changing his name after seeing the list of charges Stan put on his legal name. Yeah.
-He and Fiddleford keep a close connection. When he isn’t skyping the kids on his adventures with Stan or spending time with Stan, he is talking with Fiddleford. They pretty much rekindled their bromance. He somewhat owes his life to Fiddleford for all the times the man had saved him from his own stubbornness.
-With Dipper turning down Ford’s offer of apprenticeship, Ford has turned his sights to another adventure loving child who was more local and could probably keep up with him like, if not better than, Dipper had. Wendy. However, during their first adventure out, instead of voicing her opinion on a matter, she ended up knocking sense into him with the back side of her axe. The clanging of it against the metal plate in his head echoed throughout the woods.
Example Writing Piece:
There he was. Lying flat on his back on the kitchen floor of his cabin with a bewildered look on his face as a pair of long, twiggy legs draped over his chest and hugged around his arm that was outstretched and held fast against a thin chest. Never in his life did he think he could have been taken down so easily by a man who claimed to be a complete pacifist.
“Say it!” Fiddleford panted, tightening his grip on the arm some while lying on his own back, perpendicular to Ford’s body.
“Never!” Ford snapped out of his bewilderment and started to try to struggle against the hold. “They’re nothing but a stupid fashion trend!”
“Facts are facts! Leg warmers are a practical piece of clothin’!”
“What warmth could you possibly get from leg warmers?!”
“Not all of us have paddin’ in the winter, Stanferd!” the assistant growled and twisted the arm. A yelp echoed off the walls as Ford tried to manage to get the upper hand. He should have been able to dominate this… whatever it was. He was a good bit stronger than his friend. When Ford found that he was not going to get out of the hold without resorting to dirty tactics that would hurt Fiddleford, he sighed and smacked his open palm on the floor next to him to tap out. “Ah ah! Ya gotta say it!”
“Say it’s practical! I ain’t lettin’ go until you do!”
“Fine! Leg warmers are practical! Now get off!” Ford tried to remain irritated but then started laughing at the whole situation. All this over leg warmers? Well, now he had a topic to get under his friend’s skin other than his cubic’s cube. Maybe next time he’d get a running start.
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