#i too am either sunshines and rainbows
pigeonwit · 1 year
almost 5k into ianafe chapter 3 and these two idiots have STILL not interacted with each other
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silawastaken · 1 month
Thinking about Chuuya- specifically in reference to school aus.
Because Chuuya is SMART okay. He is one of very few people who can keep up with Dazai's chaos, from a combination of knowing him for so long and also from just being smart himself. In stormbringer, Chuuya is shown to at least accurately estimate the answer to rather complex physics equations that cannot be done in your head. He does it anyway. He has an advantage in this where he himself needs to be very concious of gravity and its affects and how it works, and he also has years of first hand experience with how it works he can apply practically to the situation to make estimates easier based on prior knowledge and experience. However, the biggest detriment to that in Chuuya has probably never seen the inside of a school in his life.
It's reasonable to assume that he receives some form of education in the PM as a teen, especially given the fact he needs to work with numbers for running the jewel market. He runs that market with the most success it's hard in years if I recall correctly, while likely not knowing his seven times table. (In chuuya's defense- I don't know my seven times table either and I have a HISTORY with physics that is actually largely sunshine and rainbows so.)
but he does physics that people who've been in school for YEARS fuck up. Mentally.
So he's far from stupid.
However- I am a firm believer in the Chuuya doesn't preform well in school. Regularly a B or C student. He doesn't fail, but he's not scoring the marks he could be.
Because things aren't explained the way he needs them to be. He questions why things work the way they do, explores other possibilities to a point where he confuses himself over the material because school only ever covers a surface level explaination of how and why things work, and expect students to just get it.
When Chuuya does understand something, he UNDERSTANDS it. It becomes common knowledge to him, he can remember it and apply it well in classes, any grades or scores on in class work about the material is scored high. But the second he's under test or exam conditions, he just blanks. It's not the stress or pressure, because he works well under both. It's the lack of practicality to it. It's question after question with no running line he can use to tie everything together and get it the way he needs too. On top of this, he doesn't understand the questions, with nuance and implications his brain isn't wired to pick up on, taking questions literally in a way that costs him marks repeatedly.
If he was in a college or university, he would do so much better, even under test and exam conditions, but while in high school I think that environment just would not work out for him.
As I can make anything about skk, the countermeasure to Chuuya not understanding the way certain things are explained is that Dazai explains them better in a way that's understandable and fills any of the gaps in his knowledge that trip Chuuya up because it should be 'common sense'.
In my head the ada and pm have a joint study group held in Fukuzawa's classroom after school onnnnn... hm. Tuesdays. Because by then the topics for the week have been established, and they each should have had at least one of each class. They all work on their school stuff until everything is covered and then they just watch a movie on the board in the class because it shuts them up (totally not because Fukuzawa has just a little bit of a soft spot for the rowdy group of teens all pressed up against each other sitting on the floor on a random tuesday in early decemeber because none of them really want to go home and it's too cold to go anywhere else. It's not like they're causing trouble or being annoying- they're watching Barbie princess and the popstar for the third time this term.) and they're not causing any harm.
Chuuya isn't the only one who struggles like this, just maybe the one who does so the most, but he would be an incredible physicist, and through support from a few of the nicer teachers and his friends, I'm sure he'd find a way to do well anyway.
I do know he'd get to college and have a realisation like 'huh? learning is actually kind of enjoyable' and that'd be it. He'd become a certified genius. A gilmore girls extra, if you will.
anyway autistic + dyslexic Chuuya who stuggles in school agenda is real.
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Is there anyway I could request an imagine for either Rhea Ripley or Roman Reigns? Where the Reader is a new star getting a really big push because they feel they have huge potential, and she’s a literal ray of sunshine. She’s always smiling and happy and colorful, and it shocks others that they are together. Then she ends up joining their faction, but the crowd just can’t hate her and even the announcers can’t hate her. <3 :) :)
PUSH AND PULL, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words
tags: tension between roman and rhea, you realize that i love making up stage names so... more stage names!
summary: it’s all sunshine and rainbows with you
"THE sunshine, (y/n), how are you feeling tonight?" you were backstage, doing a quick interview. "hello, hello! we're feeling great tonight, how are you?" you returned the question. "feeling good as well. so, how are you adapting to your new environment?" she asked, referring to your transfer from nxt to smackdown. "it's going well, i can't help but to thank all the people that support me! although i kinda miss the dark lighting, it's too bright here." you cracked a joke.
"right, any invitations to any factions?" she continued the interview. "no, but i'm open to any invitations. i'd love to work with anyone." she couldn't help but to smile at your reaction. "this has been (y/n), sunshine! it was so great talking to you." you nodded and gave her a hug as the camera stopped rolling. "thank you, you did a great job!" "you too, (y/n). it was so nice talking to you!"
the walk back to the locker room was filled with people greeting you left and right. you were well-known for your kindness. people grew comfortable with your presence. "yooo!" you saw one of your new locker room best friends, jimmy. "what's good, man?" you hugged him. "watched your promo earlier, you killed it!" your ears perked up in excitement. "really? god, i'm embarrassed!" you were blushing. "nah girl, you're killing the game. now let's go eat before we go back to the hotel." he gave you a huge grin.
"hope you don't mind but i asked roman to join us, not solo though. dude's been mia since this morning." you nodded at jey's sentence. you always loved meeting new people. this was also the first time you were going to meet roman. "i've always wanted to meet roman! this is gonna be fun." you grinned. "damn girl, are you always this positive? people are intimidated by him, yet you're excited?" jimmy parked the car. "nah man, i am only scared of paul. i swear that guy knows everything." the three of you laughed.
to say the least, people who met you thought that this positivity image was only for the cameras. but they were wrong, you weren't going to lose anything by being nice. denny's seemed like a good idea at 3 am in the morning. "yo man!" as the three of you entered the diner, roman was already sitting there–playing with his phone.
"hi! i'm (y/n)!" you sat in front of him, offering him a huge smile. he looked up from his phone, returning your expression. "hello." just a simple 'hello' made your heart flutter a bit. "i'm roman, finally glad to meet you. i heard so much about you from the twins." "they can't stop shit-talking me!" you frowned, lightly smacking their heads.
you always looked up to him. as the two of you came from the same background, a long reigning wrestling families. you were the only daughter of your family, so you had to continue the family business. "so wait, sorry. lost track of time, you just got drafted from nxt?" roman furrowed his brows. "yeah! i'm very very new." you chewed on your pancakes. "how come everyone has these locker room stories about you?"
"that's because she's different man." jimmy slung his arm over your shoulder. "no, no. those locker room stories are just exaggerations!" you shook your head in defense. "nah, she's too humble! she bought donuts the other week you were off. god, i swear, you're a blessing (y/n)." roman couldn't help but to smile at your little arguments with his cousins.
the 'locker room talk' was just a compilation of people admiring you for your kindness. "shit dude, gotta bounce." jey looked at his phone. "and where are you going?" you asked him. "bro and i haven't packed, y'all packed yet?" jimmy stood up from his seat, leaving only you and roman sitting down. "oh, yeah. packed earlier." "me too!"
"then, we'll leave you two. i trust her in your hands, bro." jey gave roman a fake warning, acting all 'big bro' moment. "she can beat your ass if she wants to!" jimmy continued. "okay shoo now! i'm trying to make friends!" they left and you continued your conversation with roman. "tell me more about yourself, (y/n)." his eyes sparked an interest in you. "really? you want to hear about my boring life?" you tilted your head in confusion. "there's no way your life is boring, you're a (l/n)."
and so the conversation went on and on. the two of you decided to leave denny's and drive around town together. it was never quiet. the entire ride was filled with laughter and jokes. "i actually look forward to my future. i'm excited for what life has planned for me." you parked in a random parking lot, still enjoying your talk with him. "and i'm excited for you as well, you're a good person, (y/n)." roman said, facing you. "i guess it's in my nature to treat people with kindness, i mean... it doesn't hurt anyone."
when the two of you went back to the hotel, you saw familiar faces going downstairs for breakfast. "and where have you been pretty girl?" you saw a certain black-haired girl greeting you with a sly smirk. "been around town with roman!" you hugged her, feeling her height towering you. "oh you're taking my girl now, reigns?" rhea raised a brow at him. "you're dating her?" roman was hella confused.
"oh no, it's a joke! i always call her my work wife!" you giggled, clearly not seeing that she was interested in you. "see you on the bus, wifey!" you waved at her, entering the elevator. "better watch it, bro." rhea whispered as roman followed you. he made a mental note that everyone was protective over you. being the new girl, your family thought that you'd be intimidated by the older talents–but in reality, everyone loved you.
it was clear that several talents took an interest in you, but being the friendly person you were, you saw everyone in a platonic way. "can i perhaps," he paused for a second. "get your number? you're a very fun person to talk to." you grinned and exchanged numbers. "if you need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to call or text me!" you parted ways.
and on that day, the roman reigns too, took an interest in you. "fuck." he whispered, realizing that he was soon going to develop an actual liking to you.
you were sharing the ride with several stars in the second bus. road trips were always exciting, whether it's cody singing on the back of the bus, or seth trying to do a backflip while becky stops him–not wanting him to throw up, it was always a magical moment seeing your fellow wrestlers without their strong tv persona. "hey." rhea greeted you, sitting on an empty seat next to you. "this empty?" she asked. "indi is gonna be pissed to know that her seat is taken. but, it's empty." you replied.
"where did you go yesterday?" rhea couldn't help but to terrorize you with questions. "with roman? we drove around town, shared stories. we ate with the twins earlier, but they left because they haven't packed." you recalled the moment. "i see." she shortly replied. "there was a picture of you two circling around twitter, you looked very close." rhea pulled out her phone, showing you a picture of you laughing with roman. "aw, i look so happy!" she couldn't help but to smile at your cluelessness. before she could say anything, seth pointed at you. "BACKFLIP CHALLENGE?" "IT'S ON!"
you heard from the fans that the second bus was the party bus. everyone was always on their highest spirits. the seat next to you was empty, as rhea was dragged to the back by dominik. that left you space for you to stretch your legs. you were about to watch a movie until you saw a notification popped up.
unknown number: how's your bus?
(y/n): sorry, who is this :)?
unknown number: oh it's roman
(y/n): HIIIII :)
roman: and why are you up? everyone's knocked out here
(y/n): sorry to say but the second bus is the party bus! we're still going :)
roman: damn that sounds fun, the only entertainment we have here is jey freestyling
(y/n): that's sounds amazing!
(y/n): gotta bounce, rhea wants to watch a movie with me n dominik :)!!
roman: okay, see you at the arena
(y/n): :)
the arena was swarmed with fans. some of them were holding signs and pictures of you. one of them said '(Y/N) JOIN THE BLOODLINE!' and some said 'JUDGEMENT DAY IS WAITING FOR YOU, SUNSHINE!'. you took some pictures of the sign and posted them on your twitter. you talked to several fans, trying your best to greet everyone.
"you're quite popular." a familiar voice startled you. "roman!" "hi." everyone was looking at the two of you. "how was your trip?" you asked, still signing some pictures. "knocked out cold, can't stand solo's snores though." you chuckled. "mine was filled of seth jumping from seats to seats." he was obviously not surprised by one of his friend's antics. "you should ride with me, we can judge jey's freestyle together." you nodded in agreement. "that sounds fun!"
you walked away with roman, still chatting up. little did you know, people were still looking at the two of you. "they look cute together." one of your fans said. "nah man, she's with rhea." "nah, that's a long-running joke. (y/n) is obviously single." and they were right. you were single and maybe, ready to mingle.
you were hanging out in your hotel room with your manager, ethan. ethan went over your schedule. "you got quite the boost here, (y/n)." he muttered, still looking at his phone. "hmmm?" you tilted your head. "you and roman now?" he asked. "why does everyone keep on asking me that? we're friends!" you chuckled. "because everyone is apparently 'shipping' you guys now." "oh please, they ship me with everyone i interact with! remember when they 'shipped' me with balor? because we went to the gym together?"
tonight, you were fighting against dakota kai. you always looked forward to dance in the ring with her. of course, the company was going to make you win this fight. "good luck, sunshine." she hugged you as the training ended. "see you tonight, love!" you hugged her back.
the locker room was hyping you up. "LET'S GO, (Y/N)! LET'S GO, (Y/N)!" you were stretching your body, matching the energy of the locker room. your true hypemen were there; the twins. "go kill it, (y/n)!" jey said, patting your back. "thanks, i will do my best!" as the crew called your name, you went outside the locker room.
everyone was busy doing their job. you passed several crew, waving at them. you saw a similar face and immediately ran to him. "roman!" your high-pitched voice caught his attention. "(y/n)! you're up in 5." a crew said. "i'll be there!" you replied. "good luck." came out of his mouth. "i'm rooting for you." he joked, knowing well that he already saw the script. "thanks big boy." you jokingly punched his chest. "cheer for me!"
"and her contender for tonight, the rising superstar–sunshine!"
roman was looking at the monitor from his locker room, which was practically empty. "should watch her match tonight man, it's gonna be crazy." jey passed him a bottle of water. "watch this." jimmy pointed at the screen. the crowd went wild when they saw you do your signature move. with your colorful gear, you were definitely the centre of everyone's attention.
he saw immense talent coming straight from you. "this is wild as hell." roman commented. "you sure she's new here?" he asked. "i think creatives landed a goldmine when they decided they were going to push her." paul commented. seeing you do a super kick clicked something inside of him. "i want her in."
you were exhausted as you lifted your fist up in the air. you helped dakota from her position and took her hand. "you did amazing!" you mouthed. "you did great, girl!" she replied. you won but it was all because of the help of your opponent. the walk backstage was kind of painful as you were limping from your injuries. the smile on your face was still there, you didn't want to show people that your leg was hurting.
"you okay there, (y/n)?" as you took off your hand-wrap, the voice from earlier greeted you again. "you again?" you teased him. roman was also sweating from his appearance. "can't help but to see you limping." roman chuckled, sitting on the bench next to you. "i'm good, kinda botched the last move, but i lifted my leg so dakota won't land on her neck!" you explained. "you did that to save her?" "hey, i'll take a bullet for anyone!"
the next following days were filled with more road trips and endless training time. "(y/n)!" you were in the gym, staring the red punching bag. "hey, ethan! what's up?" you asked him, cracking your knuckles. "you have time?" "just say whatever you want, i can multitask!" you started your work out. "so, you're gonna want to hear this." punch. "yeah, what's that?" punch.
"you're going to be in the bloodline." another punch. "i am going to be in the what?" the punching bag fell on the floor. "I AM TURNING HEEL?" you grinned with excitement. sometimes people around you wonder about what goes on in your head–like your stage name, you were always the sunshine of the room.
"you heard the news?" roman and you were eating lunch together. it became a routine for the two of you. everyone couldn't help but to notice the two of you becoming closer than before. you shared the same brand, but you were never one to eat lunch with the tribal chief. "yeah! god, it's so thrilling... me? finally joining a faction? couldn't ask for more!" you took a sip of your water. "a bit too cynical for you?" you shook your head. "i can fit right in!" you pulled off a fake smug face. "okay, you don't fit this evil-like image."
as it became a routine, you took a liking to the champion. he was nice, returning the energy that you had for everyone. he also took you to several 'lunch dates' that ended on the two of you gaining more feelings for each other. there was definitely something going on between you. "are we going to the dog park this weekend?" you asked him. "whatever you want to do, princess." he smiled. "i'll bring my dog! god, a dog park date, that sounds fun!" your cheeks flared up as you mentioned that it was going to be a date.
"is it a date?" he teased you. "shut up, i didn't mean it like that!" you blushed. "damn, i'm disappointed." he 'cried'. "or do you want it as a date date?" you teased back. "i don't mind, princess." roman replied. the constant flirtings, the never-ending dates, or phone calls when the two of you weren't together, it was obvious that romance sparked in between. tension was there. he slung his arm around your shoulder, your bodies colliding with each other, it was already a muscle memory for the two of you.
even the staffs noticed that the kindness you gave roman was different. "but i don't mind if you consider it as a date, i'd love that." you confessed. "i'm gonna take you on as many dates as we can, baby." he smiled. "sorry for bothering you, but your gear is done." you looked up and saw the costume staff approaching you. they altered your gear to fit the bloodline's aesthetic. "oh really? thanks!" you replied.
"you wanna see it?" you asked roman. receiving a nod from the tribal chief. "let's go!" you took his hand and went to one of the locker rooms. "dude, this is amazing!" black and red–the bloodline colors. "wait, go out! i'm gonna change." roman quickly went out the locker room. "are you done?" "YES! GOD, THIS IS SO COOL!" roman went inside the room and saw you with the bloodline gear. you looked amazing, he thought. "y- you look good." he stuttered. "AND I FEEL GOOD!" he was really thankful that the two of you were going to work together.
there you were, in the backstage, with the bloodline. "how you feeling tonight?" solo asked you. you were jumping up and down with adrenaline in your veins. "SO EXCITED!" you spoke louder, due to the loud music. none of your fans knew that you were turning heel, it was the company's secret. the crowd was kind of worried because they didn't hear from you for days. it was going to be a huge surprise.
"the bloodline!" you huffed out the air, waiting for the grand entrance. as you walked out, carrying one of roman's title, you could hear gasps coming from the crowd. "is that- is that sunshine with the bloodline? why is she with them?" you expected everyone to boo at you, but they did the opposite. the crowd popped.
as soon as you got inside the ring, roman started speaking to the mic. "i know y'all are wondering about why sunshine is here." he spoke. "and you guessed it right, our newest member of the bloodline, my personal pick, sunshine." roman winked at you, only to receive a huge smile that didn't match the persona of the bloodline members.
maybe, just maybe, turning heel and being in the same ring as your crush was going to be a fun rollercoaster ride.
a/n: hi!! thank you for the request, sorry if it’s a bit underwhelming, but i hope you enjoyed it!! i decided this request would fit roman as i already have a similar draft for this… so yeah :) i have 2 more requests coming up, but requests are still open!!
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Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows 5
Warnings: non/dubcon, clashing personalities, exclusion, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: moody boy Curtis Everett x bubbly, plus-size reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your lunch is a bit hectic and tour tummy is aching for your missed meal but your mission is accomplished. You have the box of coffee, the exact brand they keep in the break room. You stop at your desk and attach one of your heart-shaped post-its, writing Curtis’ name on it with a smiley face over the i. You'll let it be anonymous, a nice surprise.
The only hitch is finding the opportunity to drop it at his desk. So you do some snooping through the internal calendar. He has a meeting at fifteen. That's doable.
You watch the clock, not getting much done in your anticipation. You wait until two minutes after then hug the box to your stomach and make your way towards IT. You keep your head down, laser focused on the target.
You slip past Jensen's desk, he isn't there either. You see just ahead that Curtis’ chair is empty and you almost leap in delight. You tiptoe over, hovering the box beside the keyboard but don't put it down.
You shouldn't look but you know that shade of pink. The slightly open drawer slides open as you poke your toe under it. Your pillow! The stuffed donut pops up as it's released from the tension of the cramped drawer.
Wait? How'd it get there?
“What the hell are you doing?” Curtis startles you as he comes around the corner.
You look up at him and bat your lashes. He stole it. Why? Revenge? Does he hate you that much?
You drop the box of coffee and it bounces onto the floor. You snatch the pillow from the drawer and scramble in the other direction. You nearly collide with Jensen as Curtis grumbles behind you, the drawer slamming harshly.
“You okay?” Jensen touches your sleeve.
You can't talk. You're confused and hurt and… you really thought you misplaced the pillow, you didn't think someone would steal it. You shake your head and push past, clinging to your pillow as your eyes sting. You're done trying to be nice.
You take your pillow home with you that night. You won't bring it back. You'll just suffer the pain.
You can't believe you ever tried to be his friend. Why did it matter so much to you? You suppose there's still lots of people to meet at the office. Or you can eat your lunch alone.
Oh well, it's the weekend. You don't have to face the music for a couple days. You spend the night on your computer, playing the new game you downloaded on Steam, a puppy dress-up sim. It was free.
You sleep, not well. You don't know why you're so uneasy. Halfway through the night, you hide the donut pillow in your closet.
The next day you think of all the ways you can spend your time. You come up with nothing but that's fine. You'll go to the mall!
You put on a yellow and green patchwork overall skirt over a plaid blouse and set off. You won't spend too much but a new plushie will cheer you up.
The bus drops you off at the east entrance of the mall. You enter and stop to buy yourself a cinnamon bun. You're starving!
You wander and wipe away the stickiness on a crumpled napkin as you enter the game shop. You pass by the collectible figures for a tabletop RPG and find your way to the squishmallows. The taco one is adorable.
You squat down to grab the fried egg plushy and smile. This one will go with your toast pillow. As you stand, you press against someone else. You apologise but stop as an arm hooks around you. Another comes around your other side, claiming the stuffy from your grasp.
“You like these things?” The gristly voice rolls into you.
You gasp and pull away, turning to face Curtis as he eyes the smiling sunny-side up. Your back hits the shelves as you stare with wide eyes. You don't get it, how did he find you?
“Where did you come from?” You ask dumbly.
“Relax, I was here to buy dice,” he continues to examine the toy.
“Oh…” you look around, “you play that game; diners, dives and dragons.”
“Dungeons and dragons,” he corrects you.
“Ha, I know, just a very not funny joke,” you shrug.
You reach for the stuffy but he pulls it out of reach. He finally looks at you. You could wilt like a dying flower.
“I'll get it for you.”
You're stunned speechless. Your mouth falls open as he looks away. He pulls his shoulders up and drops them.
“Fair trade. For the coffee.”
“Oh,” you snap your mouth shut, “that's not… that's fine.”
You try to take the toy again but he puts it behind him. He steps closer, crowding you against the shelves. You sweat as your eyes skitter side to side.
“I shouldn't have taken your… donut thing.”
“Uh, yeah, well, it's… really, I think it's better we just keep our distance,” you rub the back of your neck, “it's nice of you to offer to make it up but I'm over it.”
“Over it?” He echoes.
“Yeah, I don't wanna be friends. We're coworkers. Let's keep it profesh.”
“Profesh…” he squints.
“So I'll just take the squish,” you sidle and reach around him, tugging the toy until he lets go, “have fun with your dragons.”
He doesn't move as you march up the aisle. You go to the counter and proudly present the fried egg. You unzip your furry purse as Curtis strides towards the till.
“Wait,” he says.
“Sorry, I got stuff to do. See ya around the office though,” you swipe your card and the machine bings with approval, “I'm sure you're busy too.”
You smile at the cashier and take your bag and receipt. You spin and stroll out. You sense Curtis behind you and walk faster. He catches up to you and blocks your path. You nearly fall over your feet as you stop abruptly.
“I apologised.”
“Thanks?” He growls.
“Uh huh.”
His brows draw together and his lashes flick, “I… I'm trying–”
“It's too late. Sorry, can't help you,” you shrug, “enjoy the coffee and the silence. I know you prefer both to me.”
You sidestep him again and hear him sputter. You scurry without looking back. You don't hear him but don't let out your breath until you turn into the next wing of the mall. You hope you didn't just make him hate you even worse but you have to protect your happiness. And your squishmallows.
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
what effect do have on others?
My Masterlist ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ paid services
Disclaimer : for entertainment purpose only .
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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I am hearing the word LOVE~ it's either that you make people feel loved and make them love themselves. You inspire people. Like really there's something about you that makes people feel extremely positive. Wow, I really admire you guys. I'm getting that you might be the therapist friend? You inspire people to do what they love and follow their passion. You follow the motto that nothing is impossible . Idk why but I'm getting that when you do something others go like " If pile 1 can do this, I can too" . Your energy makes people want to change like they want to change for the better . You may have an earth moon.
And I'm also getting that you make people fall in love with you. People fall in love with your personality and how you carry yourself . People may get attracted to you just because of your beauty but they fall in love with your personality. You are the perfect combination of beauty and brains. You're very self disciplined and you pamper yourself. I'm getting that you make people come out of their shell. you might have go through a lot or endings and may get tired around a lot of people . You are a social butterfly on the outside but an sleeping bag at home lol.
If you wonder why you attract only messed up people and the people who are mostly depressed trust me man I don't know too 💀 #webothmessedup . Jk it's because you are healed and you trigger those who are not healed yet . You might attract a lot of energy vampires or toxic people. So please protect yourself and your energy.
And one last thing,
YOU GUYS ARE PRETTY AF. like I was trying to not type it but I couldn't control myself.
I'm hearing the word Luck for this pile. You bring a lot of luck in other people's life. Like there could be black clouds and thunderstorms everywhere but then you enter the room and BOOM sunshine and rainbows everywhere. Its funny how I'm trying to explain this. But one thing you make people speechless. You might even look different from the people in your area or just that you have a very unique aesthetic that no one in your are has. You might even speak two or more languages and people find that amazing.
T, O, M, R, A I'm getting these initials for some reason. Wait, they make AMOR which mean love in French . Maybe some of you are learning French or just have some sort of connection with France. I'm getting that you might give French artist vibes to people. It also makes RAM which is the name of one hindu God. Let me know if you see more words . You might have a lot of knowledge about different cultures . Also it's random but you look good in blue or shades of blue. Are you a middle child? Just asking.
Okay a lot of tarot readers in this pile , so hello to the tarot readers of this community! Honestly this pile has some abilities with tarot or could become famous in tarot community. Also you're very mysterious to others , they want to know you more and what's going inside your head.All I'm getting is Knowledge, intelligence, brilliance, a lot of intellect. You guys have a lot of unique and weird ideas . Sometimes you brain makes people go like "are you serious rn? " . You are always thinking about new things and you might over think a lot. Pile 1 and 2 are giving siblings vibes.
One last thing
Sjjsjsjs this group is femme fatal , if you don't know what that is, google it up. But yeah people tend to put you on a pedestal. People are ready to worship you like literally, they are ready to bow down to you. Because ya know you focus on yourself and never give other much of your time and keep people wanting for more. And that makes them obsessed with you. But this burdens you because you don't want this. You just want to work, earn, enjoy. Just to let ya know , two boys are extremely obsessed with you.
You make people fall for you at the first glance. I'm hearing " You're one you're two✌" . You are their first and you're their second. There's no one who has the same amount of charm as you. Even the people who look emotionless and reserved will fall for you. You fill their heart with love till it overflows. And they can't control their feelings for you. They feel instant connection with you.
K, L, W, V are the initials I got for you. You embody the Girlboss energy. Like the rich CEO who is also pretty AF. You guys are filled with confidence and know your worth and that's very ahem hot to others. You're also very grounded and don't like to show off. A lot of you could be leo. I just heard Dove, you might like dove or just give their vibes.
One last thing
Stop being so hot all the time Momma 😫💀 . Alright that was weird but I hope you get the point ;)
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1K notes · View notes
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Chloe propaganda:
“main love interest for the playable character (there's another option but he's generally not liked) she's badass, she's supposed to die but the player changes her fate, they were childhood friends but had a fallout but eventually met again, she lost her dad and previous friend/girlfriend (she appears in the prequel and the relationship is dependant on how the player wants it to be) she has blue hair she says the word hella a lot and (spoiler) by the end you either have to sacrifice her or the town it's one of those really depressing games”
“My Gay Awakening <3”
Mammon propaganda:
“He was done dirty in the first round, I hope he wins this time because he deserves it 
First of all, he hates you at the start but then he starts to like you but he exclaimed his hate too much at the start so he can't admit it 
Everyone knows that he likes MC, even his little D (who are demons familiars) thinks that they should date 
He is a classic tsundere but doesn't actually hurt you like other tsunderes but he is so bad at hiding his feelings that everyone is just ignores it 
He is the avatar of greed, meaning he is clingy which may be a turn away for some people but he cares for you so so much 
He has never turned into his demon form to hurt you (Asmo hasn't but he has tried to seduce you with his power)
Don't get me started on his story cards, he literally is so cute
He wants to be a mentor to Luke, like Lucifer was to him, he is only mean to Luke because he wants Luke to learn about how life isn't all sunshine and rainbows
He is also so hot, he is a bisexual panic 
He is bullied by his brothers but he cares for them so so much despite their bullying
I am so in love with him and have written so many fics about him 
Anyway, I'm going to stop here because otherwise I'll be here all day”
108 notes · View notes
whenlostinthedarkness · 3 months
Afterglow: Chapter 5 - No Idea
Lead Singer!Reader x Lead Guitarist!Ellie Williams
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Summary: Your band journeys to California for a performance where you and Ellie just may have taken things too far.
Warnings: Angst, Infidelity, and a small bit of sexual content (thigh riding)
WC: 5.2k
A/N: You know the drill! Listen to the song No Idea by MUNA and watch the performance while you're at it too - here . Enjoy!
✮ Ways that you can help Palestine
✮ taglist: @diddiqueen @camillecrellin @teawithnosugar
✮ Series Masterlist
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“You’re an idiot, you know that!” Your elbow dug into the side of Ellie’s ribs, causing her to mouth a yelping sound along with a mischievous grin.
“I didn’t do shit! You’re the one who liked it.”
You didn’t say anything to her teasing, instead, you opted for a smile that said every word.
Eventually, Ellie’s attention was caught on the screen of her phone, leaving you to look around the first class section of the plane. Per usual, you felt a shaking in your limbs as you watched other passengers find their seats or stick their luggage in an overhead compartment. Everyone seemed so excited to be lifted into the air inside an enclosed capsule, flown across thousands of miles of land and sea, and dropped off at their desired destination just like that. Is that not crazy to anyone else?
As if she already knew, Ellie’s hand slid to fit in between your fingers, making you jolt slightly.
“You okay?” She spoke softly into your ear as her hand gave yours a slight squeeze before settling to hold your palm with hers. 
You hesitantly nodded, because sure, you weren’t hyperventilating on the floor (yet), but you also weren’t sunshine and rainbows either. “You know how I am with these damn things.”
Ellie nodded in understanding as she took both of your interlocked hands and brought them down to rest on the top of her thigh that was crossed widely over her leg. If you had asked yourself days ago if you’d ever be in a situation like this with Ellie again, you would’ve said not a million years.
 Look at you now.
“You never liked things that you couldn’t control.”
This made you winch a bit, even though Ellie had no intention of bringing up some of the very words that were spoken minutes before she stormed out of your shared apartment those years ago. It stung and Ellie could see that all over your face.
“I-i mean like you know, roller coasters and shit. You never liked things that you couldn’t know the outcome of..”
There Ellie was, digging herself into an even deeper hole. Thankfully, you found that humor outweighed the remembered pain, at least for now.
“You’re fine Ellie.”
Her dough eyes looked up at your warm, grinning face with the sincerest of apologies, you couldn’t help but bring your other hand to pinch at the skin on the tip of her chin. “You’re cute when you’re nervous.”
“Don’t say that,” Ellie shook her head with playfulness to her pupils, “I'll have to be way more nervous from now on if you’re going to grab my chin like that.”
Her suggestive eyes made your mouth lower as your mind thought of playfully smacking Ellie on the side of her cheek, but opted that she may enjoy that part a little too much as well.
“You can’t say shit like that out loud!” you whispered through gritted teeth as your eyes scanned your surface area to make sure no one had laid their attention on the both of you.
Ellie grinned cheekily, knowing that her flirtations would get a rise of a reaction from you, and damn was she right.
It was scary how much comfort she was finding in using the old tricks she had sitting in a metaphorical box. Now, it was like the box had never been super glued shut, tossed in a corner, and cursed from ever being ripped open again. Instead, Ellie found the box cutter and took that bait the second she was able to. Not that you weren’t a willing participant either.
Just then, a voice came over the intercom as it warned that lift-off would be happening shortly and seatbelts were mandatory - something you’d buckled yourself into the second your ass sat in your seat thirty minutes ago.
Ellie pulled the strap of the seatbelt across the entire length of her mid-half, snapping the buckle shut before her eyes went directly back to you.
Your hands were tense as they pinched the top fabric on the leg of your sweatpants. Your knees bounced at an alarming rate, one that made Ellie’s seat vibrate and alert her to just how well, or not well, you were holding up.
“Hey,” Ellie nearly whispered as she tucked away the hair blocking your side profile from her view. Your eyes glanced over towards her just as you were letting out a breath through your nose.
Without much thought, Ellie wrapped her arm around your shoulders, pulling you as close to her as possible. The only time she released her comfort was when the plane made a graceful landing in its designated location. 
It was much warmer in California.
Your skin was sticky as you peeled the hoodie off of your arms-in desperate need of some free flowing air to cool down your rapidly growing body temperature.
“Damn”, Ellie said as her hand shielded her eyes from the bright sun. “This is a fucking contrast.”
Jesse laughed, “Yeah seriously.”
The entire band stood in a circle formation just outside the back entrance of the music venue. It was a type of space that you always appreciated. The ethereal architecture, vintage warm wallpaper, and high ceilings almost made you feel as if you were in a church, except this building held far less trauma.
Ellie flicked her finger along her lighter as a loose cigarette emerged from behind her ear. Even though you tried your hardest to ignore her plump lips as they wrapped around the thin white cylinder, your eyes betrayed you.
As Ellie exhaled her first intake, her eyes moved upwards and instantly met with yours. You quickly moved your eyes, but knew that you were caught. Except this time it didn’t feel as though you were caught doing something you weren’t allowed to do. This time felt more like that embarrassment you feel after getting caught doodling someone’s name over and over in a notebook. 
Ellie felt flattered and cocky all in one knowing that you were watching her with that look that she knew had you creating scenarios she would hopefully get to act out on you later. She couldn’t help but smirk as she silently teased and taunted you in the friendliest way possible.
Sadly, the quiet flirting came to a halt as Ellie’s hands began digging in each of her Jean pockets as she searched for her vibrating phone. 
Immediately, a new pinch of guilt and fear hit Ellie like a ton of bricks as her eyes nervously looked back at yours. 
“I uh-gotta take this.”, Ellie addressed the group while holding up her phone just before she slid her thumb along the screen. Her voice was low as she walked away from the group, but you were still able to make out the gut wrenching  “hey babe”  she spoke to her girlfriend on the receiving end.
Dina studied you. The way your body tensed and the way your pupils grew twice their normal size. She didn’t want it to be true-god, she really didn’t, but She was growing tired of having zero answers to her inquiries so she took matters into her own hands while she had the opportunity.
“You wanna go on a walk?”, Dina said as she nodded towards you with her hands stuffed inside her front pockets.
You nodded with guilt graffitied all over your face as you mentally scorned yourself about being less obvious from here on out. Now, you just had to face your friend and ensure that everything was fine.
“What’s up with you and Ellie?”
Dina didn’t waste time beating around the bush once the both of you made your way into the venue and began walking through the large empty space. You were just happy she was bringing this up when it was just the two of you instead of in a group setting.
“What do you mean? Everything’s fine.”
Dina shook her head, humored, “It is so clear that things are different between you and Ellie..I don’t know what happened at the hotel that night, but ever since then you’ve both been acting weird around each other.”
“Weird how?”
Again, Dina shook her head, but this time, her feet came to a halt. “Don’t lie to me like that babe. I know you and Ellie better than that.”
She was right. She had known every phase of you and Ellie all the way from roommates to crushes to girlfriends to ex’s. This was going to be tough to hide from her, not to mention, it didn’t feel right keeping something like this from someone who was your best friend. But what else could you do?
“Alright-yeah… Something did happen last night.” You started as Dina braced herself for the worst while she nodded to encourage you to continue.
“It just kind of happened… I didn’t mean for it too, but… me and Ellie talked about everything. Our break up and relationship. We’d never really gotten that closure from each other after everything went down and we sort of laid it all out on the table.”
You hated lying to her-your best friend and confidant, but you couldn’t have her thinking you were a home wrecker either. Her opinion was much too valuable to you and jeopardizing that would feel like letting down your parents or guardian.
“Awe babe,” Dina relaxed honestly as she smiled and rested a reassuring hand on the top of your shoulder. “Is that why you guys have been-I don’t know, “she trailed off, then made direct eye contact, “...more friendly with one another? I almost swore you guys were flirting, but it makes sense now that you were both just more comfortable around each other.”
You knew she was buying everything you were feeding her and that’s what made the sting of it that much worse. Lying to one of your best friends never felt good, but gaslighting her into believing what she was seeing was incorrect, somehow felt that much more betraying.
“Yeah, exactly,” you nodded, “It’s like a weight has been lifted or something. We can talk to each other without this weird barrier now ya know?”
Dina smiled and nodded along as she grabbed both of your hands. “All I ever wanted for the both of you was for you to find happiness. Even if that happiness isn’t with one another in a romantic sense.”
Your front teeth jammed into your lower lip at the mention, but you kept your lips pinched together in a smile that you hoped didn’t look too much like a disguise.
“...i’m just fucking glad this is out of the way now. I’m sure it’s easier on your friendship now that everything's out in the open.”
The guilt began to weigh heavier and heavier the longer this conversation went on. You were desperately searching for a way to end it in a way that wasn’t abrupt or obvious. 
“Yeah it is for sure. It’s been nice,” you said with eyes that swiveled around the room until you laid eyes on your escape.  “Hey, I'm going to hit up the bathroom.”
With departing words, you and Dina both split off in opposite directions and Thank god, because you were in desperate need of breathing room.
As you entered the bathroom, the first thing you did was press your palms on the bathroom sink and look at yourself in the mirror. You felt uneasy staring back at the person who just lied repeatedly to their friend and bandmate. You’d never had anything happen that you didn’t feel comfortable telling Dina. It felt weird to have this type of confidential information, with no one to share it with. Well, except for-
Suddenly, the squealing of a stall door opened and out walked the very thing that had lie after lie rolling off of your tongue.
“What are you doing here?”
“So I'm not allowed to use the bathroom now?” Ellie quirked as she walked to the long double sink next to the one you still had your hands pressed against.
“I didn’t see you come in-you scared the shit out of me.”
Ellie’s damp hands reached for a nearby paper towel just before she, so slowly it almost felt like slow motion, slipped two silver rings over one finger on each hand.
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t watch. Ellie would be lying if she said she didn’t do it on purpose.
“So..how are you?”
“Seriously Ellie?”, you disputed as your lower back rested along the porcelain of the white sink.
Of course, Ellie came to stand directly in front of you, but not without checking her surroundings first to make sure you were truly alone.
She had a look in her eyes that had you aching for her hands to reach out and touch you. You invited her in closer with a silent nod.
“Can I kiss you?” Ellie spoke with the softest voice you’d ever heard. Of course, you couldn’t help but nod at the green eyes that were glistening at you.
Her mouth tasted like honey and Marlboro as the dew from her chapstick spread onto your lips, making you rub them together once both of your mouths had departed the others.
“I missed this.”
You nodded in agreement, “I did too.”
“For how long?”
You looked at her puzzled, “What?”
“How long have you missed this?”
Her forehead rested against yours as she asked you the question that made you want to crawl under a rock and never, ever reveal your true answer. You stayed silent as a large gulp moved through your throat.
“What if I said that I've missed this for a really long time.”
You shook your head at her confession as if what she said wasn’t true or that you didn’t want to believe it was true. “Don’t say that.”
Ellie’s forehead creased up as she questioned, “Why?”
Because in your eyes Ellie had it all. She had a loving girlfriend that supported her entirely and to the ends of the earth. They both seemed so happy and so in love and everyone else thought the same as you, but how can two people be so in love if the other is desiring secret affection with another person, let alone a person who is their ex.
Ellie didn’t like your puzzled face or the silence. “Why is it so hard for you to believe that I missed it?”
Your eyes burned the second they locked with hers, making you pull them away quickly. “What about Kat Ellie?”
“What about her?”
You sighed loudly as your hands raised in the air briefly before smacking back down against your legs in frustration. “How can you say that you missed this when you and Kat seem so happy together.”
“We are happy together,” Ellie verified with lips that sat in an unreadable straight line and yes that were avoidant.
“Then how can you miss us kissing and..doing whatever this is and be happy with your girlfriend?”
That one had Ellie stumped. She searched every crevice, unpacked every suitcase, and unraveled every scrap piece of paper that was floating around in her brain, but she didn’t have an answer. Instead, she stood with arms crossed in front of her chest until she thought of what to say next.
“If you don’t want to do this just say so-.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“Then what are you trying to do?” Ellie questioned with a voice that begged to raise an octave, but she fought the urge. “Why can’t you just accept the fact that I like kissing you and touching you and being around you? This is exactly what we did when we were dating.”
“Because we aren’t dating Ellie! We are sleeping around behind your girlfriend's back which is the complete opposite of dating.”
A build-up that felt like fire rose in Ellie’s brain. She couldn’t tell the difference between anger and tension. “Then tell me that you want to stop! I don’t know what you want from me!.” 
“God fucking damn it Ellie!” You began pacing in a circle until your forehead gently met the white bathroom wall. With closed eyes, you rested in her words. What were you trying to do by bringing this up? Were you trying to find a reason to stop this? Why would you stop something that felt so damn good?
Ellie was hesitant, yet followed through as she slowly wrapped her arms around your center and rested her chin on your shoulder. “What are you feeling right now?”
You didn’t know or you didn’t care to know. Everything felt so damn complicated.
“I don’t know”, you simply stated before a layer of silence comfortably filled the porcelain filled room.
To both of your shock, the bathroom door flew open. Surely not with enough time for you and Ellie to part and act as if you were having a normal gathering with your bandmate.
Luckily it wasn’t anyone either of you knew. Ellie mumbled a fuck under her breath as she silently ushered you to the door as quickly as possible.
“How are we feeling so far California?!” You spoke into your microphone just before bringing a water bottle to your parched lips. Your question was answered by the screams of the crowd that seemed to never end as you peered over the tops of thousands of people’s heads.
“I don’t think we could hear you,” Ellie smirked as she shouted excitedly into the microphone, “How are we feeling tonight?!”
You found yourself smiling as you watched the way Ellie could command a crowd to scream louder than you thought possible. She was always so good at complimenting your stage presence and ensuring that the crowd was meeting your exact energy.
As the crowd’s yells died down, the entire venue went pitch black with only a handful of red lights pointed toward the stage lighting up the room. The voices of those who were familiar with your setlist began to rise in anticipation and excitement; you found your smiling lips grace the caged foam of the microphone as you opened your mouth and began to sing the beginning of the first verse.
One thing you knew how to do was flirt with the crowd. Your eyes scanned as you sang, making sure to stop and hold eye contact with someone in the crowd for at least a couple of seconds to really engage with them. Something that you’d never do when off stage, yet when you were up here in the lights and with your favorite people, you felt so powerful and confident. 
As you got to the chorus, your hips swayed along with the beat and the lyrics that were suggestive in a very clear way. You remembered when you sat down to write this sing after having been on a date where the girl said you, “looked so innocent and sweet”. You found yourself with your hands in between your legs that night, thinking about that very girl and how you wanted to do things that weren’t so sweet and innocent. You could say the thought of you being perceived as innocent in a sexual sense got you off.
As you got to the second verse, your eyes caught on Ellie who, unbeknownst to you, had been watching you the entire performance. Her expression was somehow challenging you, but to what? You weren’t quite sure.
You managed to pull your eyes away from hers as your legs carried you to the opposite side of the stage. The crowd’s voices began to rise as they prepared for your lazily choreographed dancing that always drew screams and camera flashes from the audience.
You continued singing as you watched Dina as if she were your prey. You drew closer and closer until your front came in contact with Dina’s back. Yours and her hips began to move back and forth in sync with one another as you sang the lyrics that expressed how there was a ring around your finger that you’d pulled from your lips. Jokingly, your hand felt up Dina’s ass, as she swatted you away with a smile that had the both of you laughing. 
Now, it was time for your bit with Ellie, except this time you felt nervous.
Night after night; concert after concert, you’d done this small dance with her in the center of the stage that had you both swaying in sync. However, that was all before this entire thing with Ellie began. Now, you were dancing with your ex-girlfriend turned secret affair to a song that spoke of how badly you wanted to fuck someone.
Having to look Ellie in the eye, sing those lyrics, and move in a sexually indicative way with her just felt scary somehow. It seemed Ellie wasn’t feeling any of those same feelings or at least she was just better at hiding them
You turned on the ball of your foot and sauntered towards a girl who still wore that overconfident smirk all while her fingers were busy strumming on the electric guitar that hung around her shoulders. Just as the beat for the chorus began, you both stood in front of the other and began swaying your hips from side to side, just as you did every performance.
The crowd’s high-pitched screams squealed through the venue as you and Ellie stood so close to one another, that your knees were bumping with every movement. Then, Ellie got on her knees.
Your legs spread even further apart to make room for her to sit right in between them as you throw your hips in a circular motion, nearly making Ellie’s face collide directly with your crotch if it weren’t for the guitar she held in her hands. 
She looked up at you as if you were her goddess. The way the light hit you, the way you looked so confident as you moved your body with your eyes half lidded-she was lusting after you in front of thousands of people and she didn’t care because you were all that she could focus on. 
Then, you bent down and rested your palms against the tops of your knees, which brought your face so close to hers. The sweet glistened over your top lip and Ellie found herself missing notes that should’ve been muscle memory by now, all because she was envisioning how your mouth, and other things, tasted right this very second. 
Your eyes locked onto Ellies as the both of your faces began to move closer and closer to one another's, something that wasn’t unusual for this performance…that is until you felt her bottom lip brush along your mouth. That definitely wasn’t a common occurrence.
You jerked back to a full standing position so fast, in the hopes that no one caught on to what sins nearly happened on center stage. Meanwhile Ellie stayed low on the ground with a smile that spoke of zero guilt. You found it amusing how little she could care or worry.
You patted her head as if she were your guard dog- Ellie replied by nuzzling her face against your thigh with the cheekiest smile on her face.
Eventually, Ellie moved back to her place on stage left; it seemed that smirk was permanently etched into her smooth lips for the entirety of the performance. Somehow you were able to recover quickly, most likely due to the pressure to perform in front of thousands of pairs of eyes, especially when you were only halfway through the setlist. 
The air was chillier now that the sun had been long gone for the day. You hugged your jacket around your body as a gust of wind caused your hair to fly out in various directions.
“What are we doing tonight fellas? Bar? Club?”
You winced at the mention of the social places that were the furthest thing from what you wanted right now. “How are you not tired Jesse?”
“C’mon. It’s LA. There’s gotta be some cool elite clubs or some shit.”
You shook your head with a grin, “Can’t tonight. I already have reservations with the bed in my hotel room.”
“Ah, whatever. D you coming with me?”
Dina had her mouth open ready to answer, but a crowd of several dozen concert goer’s had taken up camp in the parking lot that was just over the fence that separated the band from the admirerers. As you, Ellie, Dina, and Jesse came into their view, the eyes and voices of those who kindly waited just to catch a glimpse and a wave from the foursome began to rise. 
You gave a wave and a kiss that spread from your lips to the tips of your fingers as you extended the gesture to the fans who awaited your departure from the venue. 
“Gimme a sec.”
The onlookers hands shook rapidly the closer you got. Phones and pens and anything else you could imagine were being extended to you and you were quick to please the crowd.
“I love you so much!! ” You answered with a genuine “i love you too” as you placed the pen back in the fans hand.
“When is your next album coming out.” You smiled as your finger hit the shutter button before you handed the phone back to it’s owner. “Soon enough I promise.”
“You and Ellie were so hot tonight.” You prayed no one could see the wince that was mixed in with your smile as the mention of a nearly fatal mistake to your reputation. “Thank you for coming tonight,” was all you could manage to say.
Your cheeks nearly felt as if they would fall off the second you got into the safety of the dark SUV. Your body met the plush cushion of the seat and you felt like you could fall asleep right then and there if you closed your eyes for even a millisecond.
Ellie scooted in closer to you in the most back row of seats as her hand pushed the still sweat drenched waves from her forehead. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched her struggle to maintain control of the locks that seemed to defy gravity.
“Let me,” you said as you reached for the keys that were hung around a hot pink carabiner that hung freely from the loop of your jeans.
Ellie looked at you confused until you moved your finger in a twirl-like motion. “Turn around.”
Ellies cheeks were warm and grin severe as she turned around in her seat. Meanwhile, your hands lightly touched the thin strands of her hair as you began to gather the top layer in your hands. The black hair tie snuggly held half of Ellie’s hair up in a messy bun that enunciated every single one of her facial features.
“Thanks”, Ellie whispered with that same grin still on her face as you nodded and tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. She made you feel like a high schooler who had the biggest crush on the coolest girl in school. 
“How was tonight for you?”, Ellie said as she got comfortable in her seat and angled her body towards you. She still had a grin on her face, but this one was much more boyish-filled with a hint of humor and a dash of admiration.
“Why don’t you tell me?”
Ellie shrugged her shoulders confidently, “I asked you first.”
You could feel your eyes rolling already as your grin became a teeth-baring one.
“You guys cool if we go out tonight?” Dian interrupted as she gazed back at the both of you from her seat a row ahead.
“As long as you don’t wake me up I don’t give a fuck what you kids get up to,” Ellie clapped the back of Jesse’s shoulder teasingly as he shook his head and shoved her hand as if they were two kids having a playful fight.
“Me and Jesse could always room together so we don’t wake you guys up only if that’s okay with you guys.”
Ellie shrugged in such a nonchalant way, you’d never know that she had been scheming on  how to get Dina and Jesse to share a hotel room again so she could be alone with you. 
“Works with me if it works with you.”
As Ellie’s eyes scanned yours, you felt a rush of goosebumps cover your arms and legs. You nodded, keeping your eyes trained on Ellie, “Yeah, that’s chill with me too.”
You were both so impatient.
The second the hotel door shut behind Ellie, your hands were in her hair and hers around your waist as both of your lips smacked together.
“The way your eyes get dark like that makes me lose my mind”, you spoke breathlessly as your forehead rested against Ellie’s.
Her eyes pinched together in confusion, “What?”
Your lips ghosted along her jawline as they made headway towards her neck, forcing Ellie to close her eyes as she caved into the pleasure. 
“When you want to fuck me your eyes turn almost jet black.” Ellie groaned as her fingertips dug into your hips while your lips continued assaulting her neck. This time your teeth joined in as they gently ground into the tight flesh that tasted of mild salt of previous sweat.
“I love it when you make that sound.” The most Ellie could reply was another pitiful little whine.
Slowly, the both of you started making your way towards the nearby bed until Ellie’s back was colliding with the mattresses and you were straddling her waist.
“Get back down here, we’re not done.” Ellie’s hand that rested on the back of your head guided your face and body to bend downwards at her command. Your mouths consumed one another again and again.
Your hands clutched the white duvet as your hips desperately ground down to meet Ellie’s as your lips continued moving in synchrony. That is until, without cause, Ellie grabbed your hips harshly as she fought your back-and-forth movements, causing you to slow down drastically against her force.
You looked at her with widened eyes that were begging her to allow you to writhe against her freely, but then she did it. With a couple of wriggles of yours and her body, she bent her leg upwards, sending her kneecap to gently bump against the thumping space between your legs.
Your eyes instantly softened as you moved slowly against the hill her knee created. “You really thought I wouldn’t remember how much you like to get off on my thigh? Please, give me a little more credit than that.”
As good as it felt, you couldn’t keep a straight face as you chuckled and lifted one of your hands to playfully smack Ellie’s chest. “Shut the fuck up”.
“Am I wrong?” Ellie said with an amused grin that you didn’t respond to. Instead, you ground your hips down to rub your center against her knee that was hitting exactly where you needed it to hit.
With a shaky breath and your head bent low, Ellie watched you grind against her covered knee until you were a stuttered, wet mess. She loved every minute of it.
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sortasirius · 12 days
"Ashes, Ashes" and Eddie Diaz's Grief
This entire post is just about Eddie, literally him and him alone lol
Good lord what a stressful fucking episode.
Just to start off, after Buck meets KIM WHEN SHE JUST SWAGS ON IN TO THE FIREHOUSE WITH HER BROWNIES, the way Eddie opens the back door like he's not sure who would be there, only for him to scoff when Buck asks if he can come in...it's giving "this is Eddie's house, I'm not really a guest."
"Eddie...who's Kim?"
And Eddie immediately turning away from him and picking up dishes to put in the sink...yeah my man how's that denial taste?
"Marisol's my girlfriend. Kim's just...a friend."
"Just a friend who's a...dead ringer for your late wife?"
I don't think there's anyone else in the world who could talk like this to Eddie. I genuinely think he would turn tail and run if it was anyone else.
I noticed when Eddie says that "nothing's going on" he has an eerily similar expression on his face when Ana showed up to the firehouse. And Buck clocked him then, too.
"It's not even what I want from her."
"Okay. So what do you want?"
"I...don't know."
And that's it. That's Eddie's narrative arc. He doesn't want Shannon. He thinks he does, he's so lost in this fantasy of having her back, of doing things "right this time" that he's convinced himself that, if he could just have her alive again, everything would be perfect. He doesn't want Marisol, we know that, but he doesn't want Kim either. And if I'm honest, he wouldn't want Shannon if he had her back.
What does Eddie want? What does he really want? It's a question none of us can answer. In fact, I don't even think Eddie can answer it right now.
"Does this poor woman know that she is a carbon copy of your dead wife?"
Absolutely brutal line. Wake his ass up, Buck!!!!
"I'm worried about you."
"Yeah. I'm worried about me too."
Insane that after one (1) conversation with Buck, Eddie decides to come clean to Kim. The power that he holds.
"Have you been spending time with me? Or with her?"
What a fucking gut punch of a line.
"I didn't realize how much I...missed her. Then I saw you."
This is the thing!!! It's almost like he feels like seeing Kim somehow gives him a second chance with Shannon. If he could just have Shannon back, if he could just do it all over again, he would do it right. They would finally have that happy, perfect relationship that he remembers, he would finally be the best husband that he could be, Chris would finally be happy.
He doesn't seem to get that Chris is already happy. OF COURSE he misses his mom, he always will, and Eddie will always miss Shannon, but dragging in this person that just happens to look like her to cling to this semblance of a perfect marriage that never even existed in the first place? Yikes, my guy.
"I guess she was the love of your life."
"I think she was. Yeah. Though I'm not sure I knew at the time."
Because what he remembers isn't real!!! He's whitewashed this relationship to the point that it's not recognizable. She's the love of his life...that he ran away from before she even gave birth to enlist in the army. The love of his life that he reenlisted to stay away from. The love of his life that he fought with constantly. The love of his life that left him a few months after he was discharged. The love of his life that asked him for a divorce days before she died.
I'm not saying relationships are all sunshine and rainbows, but we saw next to none of that with Shannon and Eddie. The sex was good, they both loved Chris, they cared for each other deeply...but love of his life?
I don't even know that he would be able to identify what that even means for him.
I think his grief has taken so much from him, he can vocalize how much time they spent apart in their marriage, how so much of it didn't work, but it's like it doesn't get all the way through to him. Kim is right when she says they have unfinished business, because that's what happens when you lose someone unexpectedly like that. It's clear Eddie has never gotten over it, maybe never even tried to process it, but seeing Kim brought it all back to the surface, similar to how realizing that all of the people in his unit were dead brought up his untreated PTSD.
He so carefully bottles everything up until it explodes, and this is no different, we're just seeing the explosion and the fallout of something he has tried to tamp down for five years.
Look y'all, I felt as bad for Kim as anybody could, she did not deserve to be used as a pawn in Eddie's strange journey with grief, but for her to show up with those fuck ass bangs and basically cosplay as Shannon to try and get Eddie to open but about his grief???? WHAT ARE WE DOING????
I think ultimately, this comes down to the fact that Kim is trying, in a very weird, very misguided way, to do a good thing. Eddie said he never got closure, and was trying to use her for that closure, so she thought that, if she just dressed up like Shannon, she could help him move on from her.
But for her, this is an acting job. For Eddie (and for Chris), the loss of Shannon is very, very real.
"I know I wasn't a perfect husband, I did my fair share of running too."
Babe...you ran the whole ENTIRE time...
"I came back because I couldn't imagine a life without...without you."
I'm so fascinated by this delivery, because is he looking at Kim and having a hard time saying that? Or is he looking at SHANNON and having a hard time saying that?
"And you know what? I still can't. But I'm still living it. But it's broken. I'm broken. And I can't fix it. This is the life I have now. This is the life from now on. The life...without you. You were supposed to be here with me, baby. And now you're not. And you never will be."
First of all...Ryan Guzman...actor that you are.
This monologue is so heartbreaking because that grief is still such a raw nerve. He's stuck in that moment in the back of the ambulance. wishing that he had done things differently.
But the thing is...Kim is talking to him as a person that she doesn't know, as a person who never existed.
Eddie asks why he never got a letter, but he doesn't mention that she wanted a divorce. He can mention all the times he left her, or she left him, or even the fights they had, but he can't seem to ever remember, ever think about that. His speech seems doubled sided. It's not just that she left them when she died...it's that she was going to leave him before, WHEN SHE WAS ALIVE. It's that she didn't want to make things work and he never got to ask her why.
And then...the other shoe.
I think we all knew Chris would find out one way or another, and while I hope that conversation with "Shannon" was healing for Eddie, it is going to set Chris back years. Because he doesn't know that it's not her! For all he knows, his mom is back again, answering that Christmas wish he asked for five years ago all over again.
I'm gonna be honest, I love Eddie so much, more than anything, but I was...pretty fucking pissed the moment they walked through that door and he called Kim "mom." Because it was SELFISH, and Eddie has never been allowed to be selfish, not once in all his life, and I wish I could support this selfishness now, but not at the cost of Chris. AND I KNOW EDDIE FEELS THE SAME WAY! This is going to fuck him up just as much as it fucks Chris up!
I know that Tim has talked about how season 7 is kind of a mirror for season 4. He's trying to get back to that narrative and tell the story he wants to tell again. If we look at that, we know that Eddie is incapacitated (shot) at the end of season 4, and that, after his recovery, he tells Buck that he's in his will, that he will get Chris if something happens to him.
Well. Something is really happening to him now. And they couldn't have Eddie near death again, but what if he becomes incapable of taking care of Chris in another way? We know that Helena and Ramon are in the last episode too...what if someone calls them, and they plan to take Chris back to Texas, only for it to be revealed to them that Buck is the one that gets Chris, not them?
This plotline was so strange in so many ways, but I think it served a very specific purpose for Eddie to begin to move beyond his grief over Shannon. And while we are, in no way, finished with the fallout of it, I hope that this conversation with Kim will help him be able to move forward with his life, instead of sticking himself in relationships he thinks he needs to be in to fill the void in his life that he thinks Shannon left.
And yes, I'm a Buck and Eddie truther until the day I die, but I really just want Eddie to begin to process this raw grief, because this was clearly the first time he had even tried.
It seems like we have A LOT to deal with in the finale, and with everything going on, I'll be interested to see the aftermath of this moment, and how it effects Eddie and Chris' relationship in particular.
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tryingtograspctrl · 1 month
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SUMMARY - Your sister comes to visit you and turns the small world you managed to build outside of her upside down.
I decided to dabble into the invisible sister trope and let me just say mannnn this is gonna be long but i promise it’s not gonna be boring so stick with me please!
The two of you had been compared to each other since you were toddlers.
You were always the clumsy one, the one that cried too much, the one that didn't keep anyone entertained for long enough.
As you both grew into young adults it was obvious that you weren't as liked as your older sister. She was fun and outgoing, a party girl, someone that people could hold a conversation with, a favorite not only amongst friends but relatives too.
It really hurt when you began to notice that everyone ignored you and gravitated towards her, if you got the chance to talk to anybody all they'd care about was her.
Its not like you were super insecure, you knew you were pretty, you liked how you looked, you thought you were pretty funny and had a lot of interesting things to say but that didn't matter when you were next to your sister. You knew that if it came down to the two of you, you wouldn't exactly be first pick.
Your sister wasn't always the nicest to you either, neither were you to her but that's just the way the two of you were. Like every other sibling relationship sometimes you fought and didn't speak to each other, other times it was like the both of you against the world.
When other people were around it was a different story, obviously fueled by all the praise she'd treat you like shit, often using you as a stepping stone to boost her own ego, to attract more attention to herself.
Despite how rocky your relationship could be you two were attached at the hip, doing nearly everything together so it came as quite a shock when you packed up all your things and decided to leave your small home in Louisiana for New york.
"What the hell am i supposed to do on my own?!" She huffed throwing a tantrum like a child.
"What you always do, don't act like you can't survive without me. We both know you got a bit more pull in this town than me." You snorted.
"I'm serious y/n if you leave i'll jump off the roof of this house." She whined.
"Would you stop it?" You started to get annoyed.
"No you stop it! You can be so stupid sometimes you know that? Dropping everything and leaving your home, your family? You tremble like a scared puppy at the thought of going to the grocery store alone but you can move halfway across the country by yourself? Please you're probably gonna have one of your little anxiety attacks in the uber on the way to the airport.”
"You know i really thought for once you'd be supportive of a decision i decided to make on my own, but you never do change do you? All my life i've stuck beside you, going where you went, doing what you wanted to do being your fucking shadow. For once i want to take control of my own life, i want to go somewhere and start fresh, go somewhere where i could possibly be known by my own name, not just as your sister." You spat, hot angry tears streaming down your face.
"This was never about you missing me when I'm gone, it was about you hating the fact that you won't have your puppet with you wherever you go anymore." You grabbed your bags loading them up into your car.
Your sister never showed up to the airport to see you off, she didn't call you when you landed, and she hasn't spoken to you since that night at your home.
Three years had passed and you'd be lying if you said your move to New york was all sunshine and rainbows.
Your passion was cooking but you loved to make sweet treats so you always leaned towards those sorts of jobs and you had been through many in your first year in the big apple.
One shitty bakery job after another had you ready to eat your words and pack your bags to move back home but you'd never give your sister the satisfaction, not after everything she said.
So you stuck it out, bouncing around hoping that one day you'd land somewhere worthwhile and eventually you did in the most unexpected fashion.
It had been a long day at work, you were swamped the entire time because you were the only employee in the shop. Frank was a cheap son of a bitch that couldn't stand the idea of hiring more workers and having to pay them as-well so he insisted that you do the work of multiple people, you baked all the goods, took orders, cleaned the shop and pretty much everything else one person alone shouldn't be doing.
And to make matters worse everyone insisted on being an ass, you weren't sure if it was god punishing you or if there was just something in the air that morning but everyone decided to give you a hard time.
"Hey could you hurry the fuck up? I'm already 10 minutes late." A man yelled as you went to the back to grab another pan of donuts.
"Listen i'm doing the best i can here, i only have two hands and as you can see i'm the only one here." You sighed handing the man his pastry.
"Yeah what the hell ever." He snatched the bag and left.
"Morning sir what can i get for you?" You wiped the sweat off your forehead doing your best to smile.
"I'll take a dozen, and you'll be taking the rest of the day off. Sorry folks shop's closed!" The guy announced.
A bunch of curses and groans were thrown around but nonetheless they all cleared out.
"Sir you can't do that! My boss is gonna have my head." You frowned in protest.
"Considering the fact that i now own this place whatever i say goes and i say you have the rest of the day off. Mind taking a walk with me?" He took a bite out of one of his donuts.
You were a bit embarrassed to find out who you were talking to was the Tony Stark and you didn't even recognize him
right of the bat but he brushed it off.
Apparently he had been interested in purchasing the shop for quite some time, it was a childhood favorite of his and he felt pretty bad once he found out Frank suckered yet another young ambitious baker into his schemes, he knew then he had to take the place. Not surprising Frank practically threw the keys into Tony's hands once he made an offer. Money was everything to that man, apparently it meant way more to him than the little bake shop his grandfather built from the ground up and handed down to him.
Tony had also took quite a liking to you and he insisted that you be the team's personal chef.
"You guys are superhero's when do you even have the time to sit down and have a meal?" You looked at him in disbelief.
"Never really, most things we take on the go which also seems impractical but it helps us feel grounded in a way." He shrugged.
"Plus i'm really tired of having to pretend to like Steve's cooking, it'd be nice to have someone that actually knows what they're doing in the kitchen." He shook his head.
"Wait ste- i mean Captain america cooks?" You laughed.
"Barley, he nearly burns down the kitchen every time he steps into it." He bumped your shoulder snorting.
"Okay." You spoke up after some time.
"Okay?" He raised a brow, knowing exactly what you meant but wanting you to say it.
"Okay i'll do it, i'll be your personal chef." You smiled brightly at him.
"Great, you can start tomorrow." He nodded handing you his card which also had the address to the tower on it.
That's how it began.
Part two coming soon....
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theoraclesystem · 4 months
I would really appreciate people stop fakeclaiming systems just because they have a TikTok and once again spreading the misinformation that DID is "incredibly rare" and systems do not devote their time to making TikToks.
While sure, there are likely many fakers, it isn't right to just fakeclaim people you have never personally met and know nothing about other than the 15 second video they record.
Systems make TikToks to cope, because they are bored, or to spread awareness. We made them quite often about a year ago to cope, and while we do it a lot less now, we do it because we can and because they are still a coping thing - though we are a lot more hesitant to make TikToks because we do not want to end up on those cringe "faking disorders" YouTube channels (ABLAZE, I am looking at you).
DID is not always sunshine and rainbows, it is so, so far from it. Though we can still have moments where we can just... be. Where we are not stuck in traumatic memories and revolted with the idea that we exist and are alive.
Why can we not have fun just like anyone else and make TikToks? Why do we have to constantly be suffering and in agony for you to believe we are real?
DID is not as rare as you think, either. It is not less than 1% of the world's population, it is 2-3% of those that are DIAGNOSED. Many people go their entire life without being diagnosed, so there are more. 2-3% is the same number of red heads in the world, and about 140 MILLION people, and those are just the diagnosed people. There are many more.
Are you going to say I - a natural red head - am faking being a red head because it is "too rare"? No, that is preposterous.
And systems can be aware of one another through therapy and trauma work. lt is ridiculous to say it is impossible to know you are a system or being aware of your alters.
Please just shut up.
- 🧿
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xiao-come-home · 2 months
hiiii!!!! if you’re comfortable with it, do you think you could do sum hurt/comfort hcs about getting into an argument with itto, and the aftermath? maybe he says something he doesn’t really mean and feels awful about it or something? my brains just been buzzing w this scenario and so i’m curious on what you think :)) thank you so much, i love your work btw :)
hurt/comfort meaning my worst fear but i tried my best pensive emoji :(
Arataki Itto:
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it's quite unusual for itto to feel genuine anger or even worse, say things in the heat of the moment because of it - things that he's had in the back of his mind, that were never supposed to be said out loud.
it truly has to be a day, when everything goes wrong - whether it's actual trouble or a fight with his gang members - itto would never lash out purposely or take his anger out on you, but when you scolded him for his childishness that day, it broke camels back.
itto stopped as soon as he saw you tear up and wipe your eyes; his breath hitched in his throat, the look of regret on his face took over and suddenly - no words could go past his lips, despite his mind spinning and trying so desperately to find something.
for the next few days, itto is nowhere to be seen - neither alone, or with his gang - he's actually silently processing past events at grandma oni's home. the scarlet eyes stare at the floor helplessly, switching between determination, wanting to do something to make it up to you, and sorrow - the thoughts whispering that you won't forgive him anymore; the guilt of bringing up your worst insecurity weighed on his shoulders more day by day, forcing his eyes to tear for hours - only to harshly scold himself and thinking how undeserving he is for crying, when it was you who truly got hurt.
the moment Grandma Oni asked itto what happened - itto told her everything, but declined her help; it was his responsibility to fix this, and finally, finally - he felt the strength to do it. the same day, Arataki Itto ran past the city to complete the first mission of his "Please, I'm begging you to forgive me sugarplum" plan.
He spent an entire day making the most beautiful bouquet of flowers that he laid his eyes on - dendrobium, sea ganoderma, fluorescent flowers he found on the way, hell, on his way back he probably got scammed by a fontainian merchant for rainbow roses with his few mora left. also, probably got slightly hurt by specters while collecting sango pearls to use it as finishing looks for some flowers.
what's next? a letter! except it's a letter from itto, and wording what he truly feels is worse than getting beaten up by kairagi. it's actually worse than climbing up inazuman hills and fighting whoever "wanted to take his flowers because he was first." either way, after spending hours, itto wrapped the letter in an envelope, careful not to tear the paper with his long nails.
since he had the spare key, he decided to bake you a cake at your place while you're at work. you can probably guess, we're about to witness a disaster.
is itto good at cooking? mm, yes, but baking... is a different story. let's say, at least you're impressed at how much you can mess up a cake, after seeing a green blob on a baking tray and depressed itto crying into your wooden table.
"m' sorry sunshine, i tried, i really really tried, but the greatest arataki itto has been defeated by a cake. A CAKE!" itto sobbed, "after all my hard work! listen, maybe i added too much flour and i almost grilled the onikabuto i caught for you, and the cinnamon that spilled in the bowl was a liiiiitle bit too much, but-"
before he could continue, you made a decision to cut his rambling short with a kiss.
after you pulled away, he cupped your cheeks and nuzzled his forehead into yours; "im sorry sugar. i really am, i-" itto let out a sigh, "i shouldn't have said that. i don't mean it. i didn't mean it. i was frustrated, but it was wrong of me to take it out on you."
the oni was prepared to hear rejection, but feeling you embrace him, he hugged the life out of you back, placing small kisses on your shoulder and twirling you in the air, before yelping and falling on the floor from his injuries.
well, at least you liked the flowers.
please treat his injuries with cute bandaids.
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redjennies · 4 months
i'm going to start taking screenshots of "Things Liberals (yes, liberals. if you don't want to be called a duck, don't quack like one.) Say On Those Vote Blue No Matter What Posts" so y'all understand that I'm not just angry at the posts themselves. this not me telling you "rah rah, i'm your preconceived notion of an anarchist. no, don't vote blue! i hate democracy and sunshine and rainbows and love bombs and chaos!" I mean all of that is true, obviously, (/joke) but that's not why I'm saying it. I'm saying it because I'm exhausted because every single one of them inevitably features some borderline American propaganda nonsense like this in the replies that y'all are reblogging entirely uncritically:
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truly! how fucking naive do you have to be to sincerely believe that Joe Biden is actually a secret ally in this? "advocating for justice and peace behind the scenes." I'm sorry but what? perhaps he will bring peace, though i suspect in the same way Henry Kissinger was called a "peacemaker," but justice? when has the United States ever been an instrument of justice? this is at best, a child's delusion that there are, in fact, good men in the government or at worst, the most cynical propaganda, and I must laugh to keep from screaming. tell of the United State's desire for justice to the people of near any other country, and they will laugh and scream at you, too. I will say this: in the matter of genocide, there is no difference between a man who calls for it in public and a man who decries it in public but still sends financial and military aid to those who commit genocide. there is no "just a dash of" genocide, and there are no bonus points for loyalty when the dead are still dead.
vote for Biden. I probably will tick the box, too, even though it really makes no difference in the state of Tennessee, but do not lie to yourselves. what you are saying is that you do not want to suffer under Trump and the Republican's policies and that Trump will make things even worse both in the US and through foreign policy, and that is not an inaccurate statement. you are saying that it will be easier to protest Biden than protest Trump, and that's not an inaccurate statement either. I'm not going to tell you it's all okay because you don't have a choice, that you're still a good person and the dead understand, absolving you of everything, but I am saying not to lie to yourself and others just so you can placate your need to feel good about yourself. I'm saying that when you vote for Biden, you should feel it. you should grapple with this double consciousness you exist under and feel repulsed by it. you should hate Joe Biden and the empire of this the United States, that has already committed and aided in many genocides and needless wars before this. you should do it, but not for a second should it feel like you're doing the right thing, proud of your contribution to American "democracy," as you stick your head in the sand.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
due to some Enid and Wednesday art I was spurred into watching it and if you're accepting requests (I got really excited seeing you write for it and didn't scroll down too far) could you write something where Enid meets an introverted new girl and they're just smitten with her immediately?
if someone like her came up to me and wanted to be friends I'd just. follow her sunshine to the end of the rainbow man. gay arrow to the heart. also fluffy werewolf gf is such bonus
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The moment you stepped foot on school grounds, you were physically sickened with anxiety and dread, your throat closed in on itself as your stomach decided to loose all forms of appetite. You didn’t want to be here but through threats and force, your parents made you attend Nevermore in hopes of gaining a tolerable level of control over your powers that had only became a problem in recent memory. That was what they wanted you to believe but you knew about their ulterior motive of riding you from the house you cooped yourself in and actively engage with others of your age and situation.
You awkwardly stood at the entrance hall like a sitting duck, waiting to be shot, looking about the grand room that smelt as old as it looked as you waited for your poor unfortunate tour guide to arrive. Throughout the duration of your wait, You must’ve been either bored beyond belief or lost within the chaos of your mind because by the time you stopped counting the individual specs of dust that coated the picture frames along the the walls; A pretty blonde girl with the tips dyed in a kaleidoscope of colours and prettily painted nails was stood before you with a beaming smile.
How and when she had gotten there, you weren’t sure but you weren’t exactly against the idea of a really pretty blonde girl with an equally as pretty smile showing you around school. It certainly beats be lead by a pervert or someone with a penchant for passive aggressive comments in your books, so who were you to complain? “Hi!” She chirped and you immediately felt the cold crushing grip of anxiety ease up at the sound of her warm, serene voice as the tension in your shoulder muscles fell back into a relaxed state. “Hi…” you trailed off, not use to being a conversation starter nor continue one long enough for people to develop in getting to know you more.
You preferred to follow then lead…also you had a definitive weakness for extremely pretty girls. “I’m Enid Sinclair and if what principle Weems tells me is right, then you must be y/n.” It was obvious that Enid has a talent for having to talk for a multitude of people who don’t want to exhaust themselves in idle conversation or have no capacity to speak whatsoever. Which was a bonus for you, seeing as social interactions were never your strong suit, however Enid didn’t seem to be the most observant of a person’s character; You on the other hand had a knack for keen observation which meant that your style of approach subconsciously adjust itself when within proximity of certain people of certain caricatures.
“I am y/n, that is she- I mean me.” Your little awkward slip up made Enid smile and you swore you felt reality as you know it take a step back to observe her beautiful, beautiful smile. ‘God how much more enteral could this girl get.’ You wondered internally as she fell in pace with you whilst giving her tour of the school that you were barely paying any attention towards because firstly, how could you when someone as pretty as her was walking so closely to you and smelling that good? It made no logical sense! You believed at one point that your mind was playing cruel tricks on you becuase whenever you attempted to give yourself a little space from Enid; Only for the girl to move just a little closer to you that the fabric of your purple striped blazers were rubbing up on one another.
You even had to check you pulse at one point to make sure you hadn’t accidentally died and gone to heaven. “Oh I forgot to show you the coolest part of Nevermore!” Your breath caught in your throat as Enid grabs ahold of your arm and redirects you down the hallway past several ongoing classes; past the quad where some students were huddled together, actively skipping their least favoured lessons to let themselves loose. “Hey Enid! Hey new kid!” One of them called, a boy of quite moderate height, a nice smile and a beanie that rests atop of his head. “Hey Ajax!” Enid called back cheerfully, her grip on your arm tightened as she pulled you closer to her side which only proved in making your brain short circuit at the contact. “This is y/n, I’m just showing them them around school!”
“Hey there.” You awkwardly waved at the boy who waved backed vigorously. You had to admit, while Ajax may lack social awareness skills, he was certainly making his way up on your short list of people to go to should you ever feel lost amidst the chaos that you were soon recognising this school to be. “Well have fun you two and don’t run headfirst to the lake fully clothed. Take it from me, it’s super cold dude.” Ajax advised but before you could ask where that penitent fact came from, Enid began to drag you away once more. “He’s high.” She whispered in your ear, her warm breath brushing against your skin, causing your breath to stifle at the closeness, “they all are, actually.” She adds as she looked back at the quad as it began shying away into the background.
“Ajax seems nice.” You offhandedly mentioned. I know right!” Enid squeals excitedly, “sooo nice in comparison to my dorm mate, she’s a real ‘wow is me’ type.” The blonde must’ve seen your apprehensive stance and grimaced, “as bad as I make her out to be, she’s really cool and I think you’d both will get along just fine.” Enid attempts to rectify your view on Wednesday, already having caught on the fact that you weren’t going to be keen towards certain people at Nevermore. She could tell that you’d warm up to the likes of her and Ajax overtime which meant that you’d get along well enough with Xavier, however his popularity might be a drawback for you; Wednesday on the other hand, in Enid’s opinion, was the perfect for someone like you.
“Why? Is it because we both come across as unapproachable or too uninteresting to get to know on a deeper level?” You scoffed, “Yeah sure, we’ll get along just fine.” You added sarcastically as you looked away from Enid to hide the hurt in your eyes at the insinuation that the prettiest and most kindest girl you’ve ever met was throwing you away, to becoming someone else’s problem. You should’ve known that you could never trust a pretty face, no matter how kindly they acted; for it will always be a farce. Enid pulled herself away from your side and moved in front of you, putting her hands on your shoulders as her hurt expression mimicked your own.
“I didn’t mean it like that y/n. It’s just that you and Wednesday share similar qualities that I thought you’d be better off being better friends with someone who understands you rather then someone like me…” the blonde trails off, saddened that you couldn’t help but feel the urge to comfort her, you hated being the reason she frowned and you’d found yourself wanting to make her smile that bright smile again, anything. “If it’s of any value to you but as far as I’m aware, we already get along quite well…don’t you think?” You smiled softly at her, resting your hands against Enid’s shoulders, rubbing them comfortingly as you watched the emotions in her eyes shift from upset, confusion, then realisation, and finally happy.
“You really think we could work?” She asked as a smile crept up unexpectedly upon her lips that you had to snap yourself out of staring at them for longer then a friend should. “Oh most definitely,” You hummed in agreement and at that, Enid squealed happily before roping you into a crushing hug, her cutesy giggles purposely finding their home right in your ears as you stiffly moved your arms across her waist. “I’m so happy right now y/n, you have no idea!” She cried, tightening her grasp on your blazer as you rest your heads against the others shoulder. “If it’s anything akin to how I’m feeling right now, then I think I might have some idea.” You replied, a smile growing on your face as you stayed in each other’s embrace; You might actually get use to Nevermore.
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Walking on Sunshine 1
Sister series to Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows
Warnings: non/dubcon, antisocial behaviour, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: God The Bounty Hunter x reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You hum as you enter the break room. The aroma of dark roast tickles your nose as your eyes narrow in on the kettle. You’re not much of a coffee drinker, you're one of the few in the office who enjoy the packets of hot cocoa they keep in the big glass jar. You keep a stash of your own special flavours in your desk for particularly dull days.
As you cross the room, you slip and throw out your arm to keep from landing on your butt. You set your feet straight, gripping your mug tight as you’re near-shatter experience courses through you icily. That was too close.
You look down at your feet and the small puddle of coffee there. How irresponsible. Someone spilled and didn’t even clean it up. You could’ve been really hurt. In fact, you think you pulled something.
You take careful steps and trade your mug for the roll of paper towel. You set to cleaning up the mess, sopping it up with the cheap two-ply. You take a handful of soaked paper towels and dump them in the bin. You rinse your hands and flip on the kettle, shaking off the last of your adrenaline.
You tap your fingers on the counter top as you wait for the water to boil. You take one of the cardboard stir sticks and keep the rhythm against the brim of your cup. The apple-shaped mug is one of your favourites, though a bit more teacherly than office dweller.
You tear open a packet as the kettle begins to tremble. You let out a few lyrics without thinking as the dang earworm won’t leave your head. “I used to think maybe you loved me, now baby, I’m su-u-ure…’ You’re not much of a singer and it’s terribly off key but you could dance right there.
You pour the powder into your cup and add the hot water. You switch between singing and humming the words you don’t know. The chocolatey smell tugs at your empty stomach and you lift up your mug happily, turning on your heel only to stop short.
Your lyrics almost turn to a scream as you find someone watching you. You’re embarrassed to think they witnessed your little karaoke session. You give a sheepish smile and adjust your grip on the mug handle.
“Uh, hi, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear… I didn’t think anyone else was around,” you eke out, swallowing a giggle at yourself.
The man just stares. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t move. You’re choked by his stagnant silence. Your cheeks twitch as you fight to hold your smile in the wilting tension.
“Anyway…” your voice quakes, “it’s all yours, I’m just going to go back to my desk.”
You slowly cross the floor, watching him as his eyes follow you. There’s no expression around his alert eyes. He’s just staring. At you. Gaze following you diligently to the door. You smile a bit bigger before you dip out into the hallway.
His blue irises are stamped into your mind. Brilliant and bold. Eyes that say much more than he did.
You think you recognize him but don’t think much about it. The office is big and it feels like you see new faces every day and forget just as many. You’ve never been very good with names either.
You finally catch your breath as you get back to your cubicle. The unusual encounter flits away as you refocus on your work. You wiggle your foot and fidget in your chair, the squeaking of the old wheels drawing the agitated sighs of your neighbour. You still and glance over as a streak of colour distracts you.
That girl again. The one in the bright sweater. Her clothes are so cute. Your own style is eclectic in a different way; thrift store chic, you call it. You smile as her bubbly gait bobs a few rows down from you and she disappears back into the corporate zoo. 
You haven’t made any work friends, people just seem to tolerate you but she seems cool. You’re a bit too shy to introduce yourself as you think you have a few years on her. You don’t want to come off desperate or anything.
You exhale wistfully and make yourself go back to your emails. You really need to stop getting so easily off track. You can’t handle another poor performance review. 
You swivel back and as you go to rest your chin in your hand, you nearly yipe. Your eyes round and you sit up straight. That man! He’s watching you again. He sips from a gray mug as your lips part cluelessly. Why is he doing that?
You look over your shoulders, checking if perhaps he is looking at someone or something else. There’s nothing but a cubicle wall. You turn back and he’s gone. Huh?
You’re thinking too much. He probably just saw something else. Besides, people don’t notice you. Only when you do something wrong.
You swallow and look down at your hot chocolate. You lift it and blow over the top, tentatively sipping from the hot porcelain. Mmm, it always makes everything better. 
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opertabry · 1 year
| notes; prologue
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[ synopsis; there’s a cute girl that always sleeps in your intro pysch class. she just so happens to be ginger AND your dorm neighbor ]
I watched as she plopped herself on the chair again. Everyday for the past two semesters this girl, without fail, would sit right next to the window, two seats down from where I sat. She always looked tired, dark bags under her eyes, she would always walk into the lecture hall and sit down on that window seat and rest her head on her arms and sleep. I mean, come on, who pays this much for tuition and just walks into class to what? Rest your eyes? It's literally 2 in the afternoon.
No one took notice to her or seemed to care, honestly I don't think anyone cared about the class either (to be fair, it was intro psychology). I did though, even with the dark bags, the baggy hoodie, she was cute. As cute as a college student, who wanted nothing but to die, can be I guess. She never took notes in class, I figured she would be fine failing the class, so who cares right? Now, tell me why in the world am I feeling slightly bad for her as I write my notes down?
I watched as (I'm not creepy, trust me) her hood rode up slightly, exposing her newly dyed ginger hair to me. Ginger? Really? All the colors in the world, all the dyes that you could have chosen and this cute girl that I don't even know the name of, chose ginger? Like, come on cute girl, I liked you more when you were dirty blonde.
"Alright, guys, I can tell you're all very tired. You did a good job, let's pack it up."
A few relieved groans and a rushed stuffing my stuff in my bag later, I was out of the lecture hall and breathing in the fresh air as I walked towards my dorm. I froze as I saw cute girl punching in her code to her dorm. Okay pause, first off, how in the world did this girl get to her dorm faster than me? I was quite literally the first person to get out of that godforsaken lecture hall. And two, cute girl is my dorm neighbor? What in the literal fuck?
I put in my dorm code, swung the door wide open and slammed it shut with my eyes looking like saucers. My dorm mate, Hanni, was laying on the couch with TV remote in hand, while looking at me amused.
"Cute girl. Cute girl from intro psych. Next door. Ginger. WHAT THE FUCK."
"y/n calm your ASS down and tell me, with sentences, minimum 5th grade level. Can you do that for me, sweetie?" Hanni mockingly said, while sitting up.
"Okay I hate you, but remember cute girl I told you about? Always sleeps, hood on? From my intro psych class?"
"She dyed her hair ginger AND she lives in dorm next to us? It's been literally TWO semesters, how have I not seen her?" I said, shock evident in my voice.
"Wait, wait. Does she look or act like the epitome of happiness, sunshine and rainbows?"
"What the fuck, no? She sleeps in class."
"Oh my god. Cute girl is Kang Haerin?"
Hanni was about to open her mouth when we heard a knock on the door. We rolled our eyes as we assumed it was those frat boys who were playing ding dong ditch like little kids. We ignored it as I told Hanni to continue, and we heard another knock. I groaned as I pushed myself away from the couch and went to open the door.
"Hi! You must be my dorm neighbor, sorry, my name is Danielle!" She greeted with a weirdly happy, too happy look on her face for a broke college student that is most likely in debt.
"Oh Danielle! Hi, what brings you over here?" Hanni smiled as she walked up behind me.
"Nothing much, I just heard some yelling over here and wanted to check in on you guys. You're both alright, right?" She asked a worried expression plaguing her face.
"Yep, we were just really excited." I breathed out with a (not so) genuine smile.
"Alright, well. y/n right? Hanni told me and Haerin about you, it's nice to finally meet you! I'll get going now, Haerin wanted me to grab some things from the convenience store for her." Danielle waved as she left, not forgetting to smile (so hard I thought her face was about to combust. How does someone smile so much in college? Respect to her though).
I closed the door as I turned to Hanni with the fakest smile I could muster.
"You weren't kidding, huh?"
"Yep, sunshine and rainbows and fucking everything in between."
I mean at least I can put a name to a face now. Haerin. Kang Haerin. Cute name for a cute girl.
I guess.
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nyaagolor · 10 months
(Ask for SV asks and I who also vibrated alone for months will answer-)
Do you think Nemona or Arven attended school when the bullying was really bad? Do you think either of them were targeted?
I’m personally impartial to Nemona having been picked on but in enough of a backhanded compliment way that she didn’t quite realize they were deliberately trying to be mean to her kind of way
So i'll be honest I am not entirely positive what the timeline is for SV (which I promise is relevant). It's smth I really should try and figure out but I keep getting distracted so forgive me while I guess here. We know Arven barely comes to school after Mabosstiff is hurt, and iirc that happens a year before the protagonist moves to Paldea (someone says smth about Arven having a rough year so I'm taking that literally). Team Star forms + Penny is sent to Galar a year and a half before the protagonist moves in, so I can only assume that both Nemona and Arven were at least somewhat regularly attending classes while the bullies were there. We know Nemona is a straight A student and shows up to class regularly, with nothing to indicate this is new / she didn't attend class before, and Arven not attending class bc of Mabosstiff is mentioned to be a recent change in his behavior. TLDR I think they both attended the school when the bullying was happening and went to class regularly
THAT BEING SAID i think both of them had some school issues. I don't explicitly think Arven got made fun of per say, but I do think the expectations put on him by teachers or peers and the general reality of Being The Professor's Kid gave him a whole bevy of issues. Also I don't think he's very booksmart. Bad combo overall. Generally his prickly personality and complicated relationship with his parents and legacy lead me to believe he's a bit of a loner and mostly kept to himself. Couple that with bad grades and you have a recipe for the kid never picked for the group projects who isn't in any clubs and who eats lunch outside by himself. I think people might whisper things behind his back, but I also don't think he was really targeted because people were afraid of his parents and also he's just a naturally intimidating kinda person (mix of his stature, status, and RBF). Because of this, I also think Arven didn't really know much about the bullying. Imo he was pretty isolated from school culture as a whole, so he never really caught wind of any of the bullying that happened or anything with Team Star. In his lane, (not) thriving and (not) flourishing
Nemona, on the other hand. Hooooo boy. Penny, who was bullied enough to start a gang, calls the current school "sunshine and rainbows" but we see in the postgame that people are still uncomfortable with and isolating Nemona. She's being avoided and talks about being dismissed but we can see people are at least trying to be nice currently-- I don't think the previous school environment would be quite that considerate. Much like what happens in the postgame, I think people's true feelings don't register with her. With someone as enthusiastic, friendly, and socially oblivious as she is I find it hard to believe she wasn't bullied by the same people who harassed Team Star. I hate to say it but she's someone that strikes me as ridiculously easy to mess with and far too nice to ever retaliate, which is basically like bully catnip. People definitely sent her "invitations to battle" they would never show up to just to see how long she would wait there or assuage her with backhanded compliments just to laugh at her not understanding she was being made fun of. And if I'm being completely honest? I still don't think Nemona ever realized what it all was. I genuinely do not think Nemona realizes the extent to which people avoid her currently and I don't think she recognizes she had been bullied. It's not that she's stupid I just think the combination of her being so genuinely friendly and socially oblivious means it all goes over her head. On the bright side it means she's way better adjusted than the rest of them
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