#or they’ll wrestle against it and slam each other into the door till it’s opened
planetsallalign · 6 months
I woke up at 4am with a migraine that felt like an ice pick was being jammed from one temple through the other. I stumbled my way downstairs and downed a couple ibuprofen and some water then went and laid back down. Unfortunately this migraine decided it was going to be one of those that the pain gets so intense you throw up. And I threw up the only pain relief medicine that was in the house. After throwing up the pain wasn’t as blinding, but Maeve decided if I was up she should be eating. So after 2.5 hours of her in my face purring/licking/digging at the blankets and me pushing her off the bed I gave up. Got up and fed them and then remembered Walmart opens at 6am. Threw clothes on, luckily the sun isn’t out today because the migraine was still killing me. Grabbed some excederin migraine and a bunch of other random things. Now I’m back home straight into bed. I should have made coffee but I don’t have it in me at the moment. I did buy myself a treat for later. Can’t wait to have this once everything is nice and cold in the fridge.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
So a scenario (please please please feel free to ignore it if it's not your liking, no pressure on you, I really really appreciate your hardwork and I love your writing thank you so much for all of this amazing fanfics you keep bringing) where f! Mc urges Lucifer to take break from his relentless overworking but Luci refuses and says something harsh which he didn't mean, Mc get's extreamly upset and leaves the house to get fresh air but she got kidnapped which Luci didn't realise till 2-3 days because he put spells on his office door to keep away his brothers and MC's whinning but when he comes out he sees whole house on rampage Because mc was missing and they can't sense anything with pact Because it was fading and Everyone is extremely angry at Luci, Luci realises his mistake and finds his Mc almost half dead where before falling into coma Mc makes Luci realise how much they (his brothers & Mc) all need him to be physically with all of them and Mc ends up in Coma, end it with fluff (wake mc up) please I beg you 😖 I know you love angst but I don't think I can take more angst I cried whole night yesterday after reading your "A question of time", love you and please take care of yourself ~ 💜
House of Stone (Lucifer x GN!MC)
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There you were, skipping into his office as you always did, the softest smile gracing your lips as you reached his desk, leaning over it to look at him, but he didn’t look at you. There was no time to play your games, there was no time for anything, not when Lord Diavolo had his desk constantly stacked with paperwork that needed to be completed. He didn’t mind doing it, not before you came along, but now there was the constant pressure of keeping you occupied and satisfied while also trying to complete the never ending work pile. His pride never allowed him to put you at the top of his list of priorities because as much as he cares about you, he needed his Lord's respect, and he owed it to him as well. “Lucifer, you should take a break. You’re working too much, and way too hard. We’re all worried about you.” Your voice broke through his thoughts and his head whipped up to look at you finally. His eyes narrowed, and he found it almost laughable that you’d try to have a say in how much or how little he worked. He scoffed at you, flicking his wrist to shoo you out of his office. “I don’t need your opinion, or your worry, Y/N. If you’d stay out of my office and let me concentrate, maybe I could actually get something done. You think you can do that?” 
For once you didn’t put up an argument, you actually backed away from his desk and left his office quietly. He knew that what he had said was out of line, but as always, his pride kept him from going after you to apologize, well, it kept him from apologizing at all. You meant well, but he also had to finish his work, and it’s not like what he said wasn’t entirely true. If everyone would just leave him be for a little longer he could finish what he had to get done and maybe he could actually get some rest, which is what everyone was apparently worried about. The door was quickly put under a spell, no one would come in and no one would get out, and by no one, it meant him. He wouldn’t allow himself to leave until every single sheet of paper on his desk was read and signed off, no matter how time consuming or exhausting it was, he would get it done. Along with what was basically a locking spell, he also soundproofed the room, the only noises he could hear was his own breathing and the sound of pen against paper as he scribbled his name at the bottom of each paper. What he hadn’t heard was the sound of the front door slamming shut and all his brothers begging and pleading for you not to leave, and then the sound of their fists pounding against the door to his office as they tried to tell him that you had left. 
How much time had passed since he had snapped at you, since that spell had been placed on the door? He’s not sure, and if it wasn’t for the coffee pot that he had set up in his office, he would have figured out sooner, but the fact that he was able to survive somehow on solely coffee and stale bread while he was working made it quite easy to lose track of the days and how many had passed by. The work on his desk was finally done though, and he could finally leave his office, and he was hoping that the home that he had left to the care of you and his brothers was still standing outside of his office. Long legs and arms stretched out in front of him as he finally pushed his chair away from the desk, gathering up all the papers and preparing them to be taken to Lord Diavolo. “Then I’ll see how Y/N is doing…” He told himself, because deep down, he knew that he had been too harsh. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you or his brothers to worry about him, it felt nice to have people actually care about him for once. His brothers usually cared about themselves, well, most of them did, and you, well… you always cared about him, although he didn’t know why. 
As he took the spell off the door, that’s when he first heard it. The commotion of his brothers outside of his office, although they weren’t right outside the door, they were speaking loud enough for him to tell they weren’t all in their own separate rooms, which was strange. His first thought was that someone had unintentionally burned the kitchen down, or maybe they had made a hole in the wall while fake wrestling, and he was entirely prepared to brush it off until he got an adequate amount of sleep, but then he opened the door and saw all of his brothers rushing around the halls, their phones in their hands as they fervently typed out messages, others had their phones up to their ears, growling loudly when they clearly didn’t get an answer. “What is going on?” Every head in the room turned to look at him, all of their eyes were shooting daggers in his directions, and for once, he was the one who didn’t have a clue of what was happening or why everyone seemed so irritated. 
“Y/N is gone!” “I don’t know what happened!” “-Just walked out the door, looked like they were crying!” “-Not answering their phone!” “I don’t feel it anymore…” “-Like the connection is fading.” All of his brothers were speaking over each other, but all of their words were directed at him. You had walked out, you had left the house, and he felt this strange sense, a pang of guilt mixed with worry. He was worried about you, as were all of his brothers as well. It looked like none of them had gotten a wink of sleep, not even Belphegor who looked like he was struggling to keep his eyes open just to glare at him. “Will you all be quiet!? Mammon… tell me what’s going on!” All of the tiredness he had felt before had quickly vanished as soon as he heard that you weren’t there, and now the only thing that he wanted to do was make sure you were okay, to get you back home safe. Mammon would know what was going on better than any of his brothers because other than himself, Mammon was the one who kept a close eye on you, he was the one who made sure you stayed out of trouble. 
“After leavin’ yer office… Y/N just walked straight out the door. We tried callin’ for them, but they weren’t listenin’. We tried callin their phone too, and textin’, but they ain’t pickin’ up. Now… we can’t feel ‘em anymore… like the pact is fadin’ or something.” It was like everybody in the room froze, because that “or something” wasn’t good, the pact fading wasn’t good. Although he himself hadn’t made a pact with you, he knew that his brothers weren’t lying, because he didn’t need a pact with you to feel a connection, and now that he was out of his spellbound office, he could feel that something was fading, he just didn’t know for sure what it was until his brothers verified it for him.
How long had he actually been locked up in his office? How had he allowed something like this to happen? He knew this was his fault entirely. If he would have just gotten up, satisfied you just enough to make you feel better, pretend that he was getting some sleep… anything but scolding you for caring… this wouldn’t be happening. But then again, his pride won’t ever allow him to admit that he was in the wrong. This was somehow his brother's faults for not stopping you, for not going after you. Why hadn’t they tried to stop you, why didn’t they follow you? They knew well enough that it wasn’t safe for you outside of the house, that you shouldn’t be roaming around the streets of the Devildom by yourself, but they let you go. Maybe this was more of his brother's faults than he thought, but he didn’t have time to argue with them. 
“We have to find them. Mammon, Asmo, and Levi, you take the upper side of town, Beel, Belphie and Satan, you take the lower side, I’ll stay in the middle and look around. If any of you find them, you call me immediately and tell me exactly where you are. Now go.” He’s hoping that you hadn’t gone far, that nothing terribly bad has happened to you, although their words of the connection with you fading has him beyond worried, and he’s almost terrified of what he or his brothers will find if they do find you. There’s only one reason why pacts would fade, and that’s a reason that he doesn’t want to dwell on too long. If he starts believing that you’re dead already, he’ll give up, his brothers will give up, and that’s something they can’t risk. As long as there’s some type of feeling… no matter how faint, it means that you’re still alive. You’re somewhere, and they’ll find you, and hopefully it won’t be too late. 
The groups dispersed and Lucifer went out on his own, searching everywhere and anywhere for you. Places he never would have stepped foot in, he was right there. He was on edge, and every second that passed just set him further into a panic. “Where…?” Where could you possibly be? None of the brothers had texted him, so they clearly hadn’t found you either, and he was starting to feel hopeless, like he would never find you, and if he or they ever did, you surely wouldn’t be breathing. His brain was fogged with worry, and he couldn’t even begin to think of where you could have ended up, or what could have happened to you. At this point, he was walking through the streets in a daze, he wasn’t even watching where he was going, and that’s when he ended up in a back alley that was almost too dark to navigate. It led to a dead end though, and just as he was about to turn around and walk back out onto the street something caught his eye. A single shoe sticking out from behind a pile of rubbish, and he felt the bile rise in his throat as his blood began to boil. He knew without a doubt that it was you, he knew those shoes, and he knew they were yours, and he immediately ran over, pulling your body up off the ground. “Y/N…” 
He could barely hold himself up on his own two feet anymore, just the sight of you like that had made him weak, and he was seeing red. If he hadn’t known any better, upon first look he would have thought that you were dead, but your heart was still beating, although feably. “Just… hold on a little longer… Okay?” Did you even hear him? Your entire body was limp, and even though he knew there was still some life in you, it was fading fast, and you already appeared lifeless, and you weren’t responding to him at all. He had hoped for the best, but no amount of preparing could have gotten him ready for this. 
There was no time to rush to the castle, and until he knew just who exactly had done this to you, he didn’t trust anyone in the Devildom except Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, and his brothers. His arms wrapped around you tightly as he zapped you and himself to the castle, standing in the entryway, and he didn’t even know what to do, and he couldn’t find his voice to call out for the butler, so he was more than grateful when the demon walked around the corner and kind of froze when he saw him standing there with you. 
He wasn’t the type that asked for help, but in this instance, there was nothing else he could do, and even though he couldn’t voice the word, he was pleading to Barbatos with his eyes to do something, anything to fix you, to make you better. “Right.” Was all the butler said as he rushed over to grab you from his arms, but he wouldn’t allow it. Wherever Barbatos planned on taking you, he would go to. All he needed was for the butler to lead the way, and he would follow. The last thing he wanted was to be away from you again. 
Hours, days, weeks passed by, and he never left your bedside. You had been laid up in one of the guest bedrooms of the castle, it had been turned into a makeshift hospital room, the slow, steady beeping of the heart monitor had been the only sign to him and his brothers that you were still alive. Other than that, you were lifeless, a shell of the person that you used to be. “Lucifer, it’s alright if you go back home. Y/N will be fine here, and you’re just making this harder on yourself sitting there and staring at them.” Diavolo’s voice sounded from the doorway of the room, and for once, Lucifer disagreed with him. He deserved all the pain that came along with seeing you like this because it was his fault that you ended up like this in the first place. 
“I’m staying here until they wake up. It’s the least I can do.” You were always there for him and he had shooed you away, he had pushed you away, and this is how you ended up because of that. He’ll sit by your bed for another week, for another month, he doesn’t care how long it takes, because when you do wake up he wants to be the one you see first. “Lucifer, I understand… but your brothers need you back at the house. They’re just as upset about this as you are.” As if he didn’t already know that. They weren’t just upset about what happened to you, they were upset with him, as they should be, because he was the reason behind it. That wasn’t the thing that was keeping him from going back though, it was you. You were keeping him from leaving, because he refuses to go back to the house when you’re not there, because as much as his brothers and you need him, he needs you and his brothers just as much. 
“Lucifer…” He had fallen asleep, and it happened so scarcely that once his eyes shut, he found it difficult to open them again even if he did feel fully rested… but that voice… it wasn’t Diavolo’s, it wasn’t his brothers, it was weak… soft, almost a whisper. It was you. He sat up straight, his eyes shooting open to look at you, and a sigh of relief escaped him when he realized that it wasn’t just a dream, that he hadn’t heard your voice calling his name in his head. You were awake, and you were saying his name, and Father, it sounded so sweet. “Y/N… I’m…” How does he say he’s sorry? Would you even accept it if he did? Why would you? Why should you? He didn’t expect you to, but he still felt the need to say it. To push his pride aside for once and actually own up to his mistake, because this was the biggest mistake he had ever made. 
“I know you’re sorry…” You had said it for him, before him, but it wasn’t enough. He needed you to hear it from his own voice, because this past month as he sat beside your bed wondering if you’d ever wake up again, he realized that he doesn’t just need you, and he doesn’t just care about you. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean what I said… and I hope that you can forgive me.” Because he loves you, and he never wants to go through the fear of losing you again. He needs you more than you’ll ever need him, and although his pride would never allow him to say it out loud, it’s the truth, and he doesn’t know what he’d do without you. 
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calmsweetcreature · 4 years
Steal My Hood(ie) C.H
A/N: Hey guys! Here’s another fic - I’ve stuck to my lane (Calum) for now but I have a Mikey piece coming soon! Let me know what you think! 
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: SMUT (and Fluff)
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“Y/N have you seen my green hoodie?” Calum’s voice rings out through the apartment and you groan, putting a pillow over your banging head. It had been a late saturday night out with your girlfriends and you were determined you would spend the whole sunday in bed. Your roommate however had other plans.
“Y/N mate I need it, have you borrowed it?” His head pops through your door and you send him the biggest death glare you could muster.“It’s in the kitchen. Now kindly fuck off.” Your voice is a husky growl and you pull the duvet over your head. You hear a low chuckle from across the room. “Cheers doll.” 
You hear his footsteps grow quieter as he walks towards the kitchen. You groan loudly, knowing that you’re too awake to go back to sleep and throw the duvet off yourself and stand up with a slight wobble. You stretch out your aching muscles, dressed in only your underwear from the night before. You grab one of Calum’s other hoodies and slip it over your head, the soft material resting at the top of your thighs. 
You made a habit of stealing Cal’ clothes because let’s face it, he smelt good and the tall boy’s clothes always drowned you. There wasn’t anything between you both exactly, a flirty banter here or there and yeah you occasionally wrestled for the remote but nothing further. 
You walked into the kitchen rubbing your eyes before focusing on the figures sat at the kitchen island. You gasp, your hands tugging the hoodie lower as you realise that it is not just Calum but also Ashton.
“Late night chickadee?” Ashton’s voice is full of laughter as he swigs from a bottled beer. You blush, walking over the coffee machine in the corner of the room and preparing the biggest coffee you could make. 
“You could say that, didn’t get in till gone four,” As if to prove your point you yawn loudly.“Well it’s two in the afternoon now, we’re going to have a few beers and kick back a bit if you want to join?” You could tell the boys were teasing but that sounded like fun and hey - it was still the weekend right?
“Sounds good to me, I’ll need to eat before I drink again though,” You turn to the boys and sip your coffee, smirking as you see Ashton eyeing up your bare legs. You watch as Cal’s eyes flicker from Ashton’s face to where he is staring before he slaps Ashton lightly over the head who just grins at his pal.
“Jeez you on a mission littlun? Didn’t think you’d touch a drop after I heard you empty your guts last night?” You glare at Calum playfully before practically gulping down your coffee.
“What the gentleman to my right is saying is that we’ve ordered in, we’ve got you covered.” Ashton grins, walking to the fridge and grabbing another beer and passing you two for you and Calum. You climb into the stool next to Cal and lift your legs, placing them over his lap and passing his beer. He takes a swig, his free hand resting on your leg lightly. 
“Didn’t decide to bring anyone back then?” Ashton’s eyes flicker from your face to Calum’s and you frown in confusion as you watch Calum glare at Ashton who laughs loudly.
“No, there was someone who seemed promising but he got a little handsy so I kneed him in the dick instead. Think that might have ruined my chances,” The boys crack up, Calum’s hand slowly trailing up and down your leg as he whispers “That’s my girl,” grinning at you. 
The three of you chat away the hours until the sky outside is dark and you’ve been through two orders of food.
“Is it cool if I crash in the spare? My house is so far.” Ashton’s words are slurred and the way he whines the last few words makes you burst into a fit of giggles.
“Yeah man that’s cool. Yeah that’s cool.” Calum furrows his brows, “Did I just say that twice?” he gets pulled out of his thoughts as you bang on the counter, tears streaming down your face as you crack up laughing. “Fuck you Y/N,” 
Although as he says this he can’t help the laughter falling from his mouth too. Ashton stands up from the table, stumbling down the hallway mumbling about his future drum kit brand ‘Bashton Drums’.
“That kid, I swear to god.” Calum laughs.
“That kid is all man,” You smirk and Cal, his eyes getting angrier as he stares you down. 
“I’m manlier than him though right?” he asks, pointing to his chest which he puffs out slightly.
“Eh,” You giggle, shrugging until you feel two hands grabbing your hips until you're straddling his thighs on the stool and his fingers are digging into your sides tickling you.“Calum, s-stop it! Stop it you dick!” you’re words are a spluttery mess and he keeps going until you shout the words “Fine you’re fucking manly ok!” and he stops dead, the both of you in fits of giggles.
Yours and Calum’s laughter dies down until you’re both grinning at each other. His eyes fall to your lips and you feel your breath catch in your throat as you watch his eyes move up and down your face. 
Before things can get more intense you climb off Calum’s lap, giggling over to the cupboards. “I need some food,” You open one door and draw out a sigh as you stare at the contents. 
You spy doritos on the top shelf and gasp, “Fuck yeah!” You stand on your tip toes, reaching for the chips. They are just out of your reach and you start to grumble about the ‘tall ass giant’ fitting the ‘tall ass cupboards’ into your apartment. You hear a low chuckle behind you and growl softly.
“Yeah laugh it up you fucking prick, just cus you don’t need a ladder to reach the food here, whereas I-” Your words are cut off when you feel a long body pressed up against your back and an arm against yours as the much taller man grabs what you were reaching for. He places them in front of you, both of his arms resting on either side of yours on the counter. 
You lower yourself until you’re flat on your feet, the slight movement making you rub against Calum gently and you hear him choke out a breath. His hands move to cover your own and he grips your hands, his fingers slotting in between yours. You both stand in silence, just enjoying being pressed up against each other.You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or just how needy you are but you push your butt back into him and he groans softly, his forehead resting on your shoulder as he pushes forward to meet your backside. 
“Y/N what are you doing to me?” His words are low and hoarse and you can hear the pain in his rhetorical words.You still your movements, a blush rising to your cheeks. “Sorry, I’ll stop.” His hands leave yours and move to your hips, spinning you around. You feel yourself being lifted and Calum’s body shifts so he is standing in the gap between your legs.
“Y/N I don’t want you to stop, but you need to say right now if you don’t want this because once I start I don’t think I’ll be able to stop until you are panting underneath me..” His words set something alight in you and you can feel your body heat up with his words.He knew this could be the only chance he could get with you, that tomorrow you might wake up and never mention it again but it was worth the risk because he really wanted to make you feel good - even if only for tonight.
“Calum. Kiss me.” Your eyes were staring straight at his pink plump lips and you internally groaned as he wets them with his tongue. Your words were steady and you could feel the buzz from the beer disappearing, being replaced with the buzz of your arousal. “Are you sure, doll?” His words were a husky whisper and you growl in annoyance, your hand going to the back of his head and slamming your lips against his. 
Your arms wrap around his neck as his hands hold you still by your hips with a grip tight enough that you know you could wake up with a faint bruise tomorrow. His mouth battles against yours for dominance until he lifts you, wrapping your legs around his waist. You gasp against his mouth and his tongue moves against yours as he starts walking towards the bedrooms.
 “Yours or mine sweetness?” His forehead presses against yours as you both pant softly as he pushes you against the wall of the corridor, his hips pushing into yours.“Yours is furthest from the spare, I don’t want Ash waking up.” You murmur, your lips swollen and your eyes glazed over as you stare into Calum’s twinkling eyes.
“Doll the way things are going, they’ll be able to hear us in the next building over never mind a few rooms down.” His smile is smug and you laugh at the cockiness in his voice.
“Prove it,” Your words are a fevered whisper, the challenge clear in your eyes. Calum growls softly, his lips finding your neck as he lifts you again, walking towards his bedroom and kicking the door open with his foot. 
The feel of his teeth grazing the sensitive skin of your neck makes you whimper before his tongue swipes painfully slow back over it and your hips buck up to meet his. You both groan at the contact, Calum dropping your legs softly down to the ground and spinning you until your back is against his front as you slowly walk further into your room. 
One of his hands grazes up your thigh and under the edge of his hoodie while the other grips your hair and tilts your head so his lips hover over your ear.“You don’t know what it does to me to see you walk around in my hoodies. Especially when you’ve got nothing underneath but those fucking lacy panties you always wear. It gets me so fucking hard knowing that you go to bed smelling like me, that when people come over you’re wearing something of mine - like you’re mine. Have you ever touched yourself wearing one doll?” 
You bite your lip and whine softly, his grip in your hair meaning that he can feel you nod your head in response. “Good girl for being honest. Some nights I can hear you edging yourself and I’m right there with you doll, wishing I could be the one to make your thighs shake.” His fingers slide through the material of your soaked panties and lazily circles your clit with the coarse pad of his middle finger. 
“C-cal… I always think of you, only you.” He chuckles against the skin of your neck and you gasp out your breaths as tingles shoot through your body. His hand leaves you and he brings both hands up your body, dragging the thick jumper up and off of your body before turning you to face him.
“Jeez Y/N you’re so fucking beautiful.” You bring your hands up to cover parts of your body but his hands encapture your own as he pulls them away leaving you uncovered, if only for your underwear. “Don’t do that shit with me, you know I’m being fucking real with you so don’t hide from me, please.” You reach your fingers under the hem of his t-shirt, skimming along his chest. 
He pulls of the t-shirt, throwing it behind him before bending slightly to hook his hands on the back of your knees, pulling until you feel yourself falling back onto the plush bed. You both crawl up to the top of the bed with Calum hovering over you. 
“I want to make you cum before I fuck you sweetheart, I don’t think I’ll last long and I want to make you feel good.” He rests on one arm, his free hand stroking the side of your face and his thumb swiping across your bottom lip. You use your tongue and pull his thumb into your mouth, sucking softly. Calum groans softly and watches you with dark eyes. 
“Cal I just want you in me, please.” Your words are muffled and Calum pulls his thumb from your mouth, swiping his thumb down your neck and chest, watching the wet trail grow down your body.
The only light in the room was an LED lamp in the corner, the room glowing in changing light of red, purple, blue, pink and green which made the outline of your bodies moving together seem almost ethereal. “Please,” Your voice was a whisper and your eyes were pleading but Calum ignores this, dipping his head lower to take a nipple into his mouth, sucking softly.
 As you let out whimpers of need he sucks harder and the delicious mix of pleasure and pain makes you throw your head back onto the pillows.His lips trail down your body and you gasp as he stops to nip, lick or bite parts of your skin, leaving little marks wherever he chooses. 
He pulls down your underwear, groaning at the sight of how wet you are. “I’ll give you what you want sweetheart but I just need a little taste.” His mouth goes down and connects with your dripping heat, his tongue swiping up and tracing your clit, your thighs clamping around his head to lessen the sensation but his hands go to your knees and push them up to your chest, exposing you as much as possible. He devours you and it’s only a matter of seconds before you feel yourself reaching your high.“C-cal, I’m going to…”
He moves back slightly, a hand coming down on your core in a harsh little tap and you come undone, his hot mouth covering you as you ride out your high. Your back arches off the bed as you grip the sheets, your thighs shaking as you come back down to earth. Calum releases your legs and you rest your feet against the bed, catching your breath as he traces kisses up your body.
 You open your eyes lazily and smile up at the man above you, reaching a hand down to his shorts. He stops you, shaking his head with a lazy grin on his face. “I’d give anything for you to touch me doll but I need to be inside you. If you still want me tomorrow you can owe me one.” 
You frown at his words, you hadn’t even considered what would happen but in your heart you knew that you couldn’t go back to before. You wanted him, and not just in his bed. You place your hand on his cheek and he nestles his face against you.“I think I’m going to want you for always Cal.” 
His eyes sparkle at your words and he kisses your palm.“I know I want you for always Y/N, and I’ll remind you of that in the morning too.” He leans down and kisses your lips softly. You both move against each other gently but as the kiss progresses your movements become rougher and heavier.
You use your hands to push at his shorts as Calum takes a hold of his dick, rubbing it against your wetness as you both moan.“Tell me you’re sure princess. Tell me you want this.” 
His eyes stare into yours and you feel a surge of love go through your heart. This man who had cared for you, laughed with you and loved you for so long had wormed his way directly into your soul.“I need it, please Cal.” 
He slides into you slowly, inch by inch and you can feel that he’s holding his breath, his eyes clenched shut.“Fuck. Y/N you feel so fucking good.” He bottoms out and you both grunt at the sensations rippling through you.“Fuck me Cal.”
Those three little words were all it takes and he lets go of any hesitation, moving back to thrust as hard as he can, the both of you shouting out curse words as he fucks you into the mattress.He rests his forehead against yours and gives you everything his body is capable of and you stare into each others eyes, the look shared between you just as intense as the feelings happening in your body.“Think you can cum again baby? Need to feel you cum again.” 
His words are panted out, his warm breath hitting your face. You run your nails up his back and lift your hips, making him hit a new angle and you sob out a breath.“I’m gonna-” You cry out as your second orgasm hits you, your nails no doubt drawing blood as your body lifts up, the sound of skin hitting skin filling the bedroom.“Oh shit, Y/N.” 
Calum’s words come out in a strangled moan as his hip movements get sloppy, his hips hitting yours as he releases. You both slow your movements down but don’t become still, riding out your highs and panting heavily together. Your chests are slick with sweat as you both flop onto the bed. 
You both lay there for a moment, catching your breath.“I meant it you know.” He whispers, his hand clasping your cheek.“Meant what?” You reply, trailing your own hand up and down his chest.
“I’m always going to want you. And not just for sex either.” He leans towards you, a shy look in his face. A giggle bursts out of you and you gasp at the hurt look in Calum’s eyes. You lean up and kiss him in a quick peck.“Cal, I’ve had a crush on you since I moved in… How have you not noticed?” 
You peck him again and his hand moves to the back of your head, keeping you there.“Oh fuck Y/N I’ve been so fucking stupid. All I want is for you to be mine.” 
His words are mumbled against your lips and you sigh happily. You rest your head on his chest as he pulls the sheets over your naked bodies and he twirls your hair between his fingers.“Ask me in the morning baby.” You murmur, feeling sleep pulling you in.
You stand at the kitchen counter, coffee in your hand. You’re dressed only in a pair of Calum’s boxers and his green hoodie. Your body is deliciously sore and you smile at the thought of the sleeping boy left in the room down the hall. 
You stare out of the window at the view, feeling the most content you had in the longest time. You feel a body press up against your back and jump, coffee spilling over the kitchen surface.“Jesus Calum, warn a girl!”
He chuckles as he presses a kiss to the side of your head, his arms wrapping around your waist.
“Be mine.” He murmurs.
“Not wasting any time are you champ?” You reply, place your coffee down and twisting in his arms until you were facing him.
“I’ve wasted too much time already, I’m not waiting any more. Be mine?” He kisses your forehead this time.
“Now see, I’ll have to think about that,” You tease, his fingers digging into your sides and tickling you.
“Okay! Okay! I give, yes!” You laugh, pulling him in for a kiss.
“I had the weirdest fucking dream last night you guys,” Ashton’s voice is carried down through the hall and he gasps as he walks into the sight of the pair of you. 
“I dreamt that you two had sex. Wait. Did you have sex? Did I hear you having sex in my fucking sleep?”You laugh, nestling your face into Calum’s chest as you blush. 
You feel his chest vibrate with laughter and you look up to see Ashton glaring at the two of you playfully before he grins big and wraps his arms around the pair of you.
“It’s about fucking time! Wait, ew you both smell like sex. You can buy me breakfast to make up for invading my sleepy time.” He slaps Calum on the butt and walks away, leaving the two of you grinning at each other as the morning begins.
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~2.6k
Summary: In which an undercover mission to catch a group of infamous HYDRA bosses has you ending up with much more than you bargained for. You were expecting to have several surprise thrown your way, but never would you have guessed this included discovering your true feelings towards a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed Captain.
Warning: horrible writing because this is an old oneshot, mentions of blood, slight!angst, fluff
A/N: the ending sucked and I apologize. and even the gif’s horrible quality couldn’t ruin his beautiful eyes omg asdlfjdl
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"Party of four, under Chris Evans?" 
"This way, please."
You linked your arm through Steve’s and you, him, Clint, and Natasha followed the waitress to your tables right across from each other.
"You see them yet?" Natasha murmured into her wrist communicator as she placed the velvet-red napkin over her lap, covertly sliding her gun from her purse into her thigh holster, and you did the same once seeing her do this, slightly lifting up the edge of your shimmery, navy blue dress. "Y/N?"
"No..." you muttered as you observed your surroundings, unable to catch anything suspicious about the scene around you. "Clint?"
"Not yet," the archer replied, "Cap?"
"I don't think they've arrived yet..." Steve’s eyes narrowed as he glanced back towards the entrance. "We'll keep an eye out for 'em."
"Roger that."
"So, I heard the seafood pasta here is really good," Steve spoke up to break the awkward silence that had fallen between you since you'd been seated, "and the pizza."
"Not pineapple, right?" you raised an eyebrow at him as you took a sip of water, "If it's pineapple, I'm out."
"In case you're forgetting, this is an Italian restaurant, not Hawaiian," he reminded you. "So no, it's not pineapple pizza. That stuff's a big no for me."
"Are you kidding me?" Sam groaned into his mic as he sat around in the lounge with the others back at HQs. "You guys really suck at this stuff."
"What do you mean, Wilson," you sighed as you fiddled with your necklace. "Don't be weird."
"Is this really y'alls idea of flirting?" the Falcon scoffed. "You guys are supposed to pose as couples to divert attention from yourselves, not act like some twelve-year olds debating over whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not."
"Come on, kick things up a notch, will ya?" Pietro took the mic from Sam's hands, "Even Bucky could do better, and you know he's terrible at acting. Tony’s standing behind me right now, Y/N, and he says if you don't play your part he's eating all your toast when you get back."
"The agents haven't even arrived yet, Speedy," you rolled your eyes, "don't need to keep up my act when there's no one around to watch."
"Actually," Steve began, lightly nudging your foot underneath the table, "keep a close watch on that table of six up front. They're looking pretty suspicious. Nat, Clint, did you get that?"
"Yup," Clint replied, taking note of the six men, who all dressed in identical black suits at a round table across the room close to the entrance. "I see them."
"Play your part, lovebirds, play your part," the speedster reminded you. "Alright, I'm out."
"Clint, you get a scan on those guys?" you asked. "Rhodey wants us to send the data back as soon as we can."
"Doing it right now," he responded, pulling out a small tablet from Natasha's purse, "Nat, keep an eye on them. Something goes wrong, then you and Steve gotta back us up."
"Yeah, got it."
"Wait, hold on a second," Steve lowered his voice, "something's not right. Wasn't this place completely occupied just a few minutes ago?"
You looked up and realized that half the restaurant was now empty, the chairs where the men had been sitting at pushed in and plates left untouched. "Where the hell did they go?"
Just as you were beginning to come to your sense, the lights flickered on and off and a loud gunshot echoed off the walls, glass shattering and people frantically clamoring around as they hurried to grab their things and get out of the place.
You quickly stood up and slid your gun out of your thigh holster, loading it up as you grabbed the sleeve of Steve’s suit and tugged him around the corner to the kitchen.
"You guys okay?"
"Yeah. You and Nat?"
"We're fine. Keep an eye out for them. They're splitting up and calling others over; it won't be long 'till they all get here."
"Well," Steve breathed out, leaning against the wall to catch his breath, "what now?"
"What do you think? Take them down and try not to get killed in the process," you panted, undoing your updo and tying it into a high ponytail, "We've done things like this before. Now shut up, will you? They'll find us right away if you don't be quiet."
"Too late, they're gonna find us now," he rolled his shirt collar down and wrung out his hands, "and it's a dead end. We go out and we're surrounded."
"Shh," you put a finger to his lips, "they're coming."
"What do we do, then? I think they'll be pretty suspicious of two people trying to take cover under the tables.”
"I don't know!"
"Then what?"
"Promise me you're not gonna freak out," you gazed straight into his icy blue eyes as you heard footsteps echoing throughout the hallway. "Don't blow our cover."
"Okay? But what are you—"
"Just go with this," you muttered, and you took his face into your hands and pressed your lips to his. What you once thought were mere butterflies in your stomach had now erupted into that of hummingbirds rushing around your insides, with a feeling of electricity flowing through your veins. It's just an act, you reminded yourself, but even when you pulled away you swore your lips felt as if they were on fire. 
"Sergeant? Come in. You find them?"
"Negative," the man with the red tie spoke into his walkie-talkie as you and Steve pulled apart, breathless, "it's just a couple that had one too many drinks. They must've escaped. Sweep the nearby locations and the area outside, then report back to me."
"Yes, sir."
"How the hell am I supposed to fight in a floor-length dress," you muttered under your breath as you bunched up your dress in your hands and kicked off your heels, "damn, dressing up fancy is uncomfortable. Don't know how Tony does it."
"Glad I'm not a woman," Steve joked. "I don't have to put on a bunch of makeup whenever I go out."
"I did this," you gestured to your face, "against my own will."
He went over to the storage closet, pulling his shield out from underneath the rags. “Alright, let’s go get ‘em.”
“Where and when the hell did you - how did you get tha-”
Just as the man who'd come across the two of you was rounding the corner, you locked and loaded your gun, shooting him straight in the back of his head and he immediately slumped to the ground. 
"One down, five to go."
"Four," Steve interrupted as one agent attempted to go at him from behind, delivering a solid kick right to his solar plexus before slamming him to the wall. "You're brutal, Y/N."
"Well, you can't be nice to an organization that's attempting world domination, can you?" you shouted over the noise as a dozen more men filed in and began opening fire. "Get behind me!"
"I’m Captain America, I don't need your protection!" he yelled back as he swung his shield out, the vibranium soaring smoothly through the air before swiftly knocking down four men all at once. 
"Make your way out as soon as you can," Natasha stated, "we're taking the ones outside, then we gotta head back."
"Still handling them!" you grunted as an agent wrestled you into a tight headlock, pressing a small blade up against your neck. You're lucky that you're much smaller than him, so wriggling out of his iron grip is easier for you to do. 
Slamming your elbow against his chest to knock him down, you whip out your twin daggers and drive them into his abdomen, trying not to flinch when you yank them back out and blood splatters across the marble floors. 
You barely make it out the doors before you stumble and nearly trip over your own feet. Your vision starts blurring and you feel dizzy, and everything blurs together into one hazy mass. You can barely keep yourself upright for longer than a few seconds at a time before your legs give out underneath you. 
Steve quickly catches you before you can sink to the ground, scooping you up into his arms and carrying you to the car.
The rest of the ride back to the compound is dead silent. Earlier you'd been too wrapped up in trying to not get yourself killed to fully let the kiss with Steve sink in, but now it had come crashing down all at once. 
"I'm sorry," you mumbled, "for what I did back there. I didn't mean it."
"It's okay," he murmured as you leaned into him and rested your head against his chest.
He tries to ignore the sparks that shoot up his body at the feeling of your body leaning into his, and the way your lips felt so perfectly molded to his because it was done to throw the agents off your backs, and he's not supposed to feel anything more for you. 
He tries to ignore how his heart breaks just a little at the fact you didn't think of it as any more than an act.
But he brushes the thought off. Because Captain America isn’t supposed to catch feelings for his teammate. He especially cannot fall in love with his best friend, as that would be unprofessional and go against all the rules he previously set out for himself - which were to avoid loving someone as more than a simple friend as much as possible. 
You let out a sigh as you slide your dress over your head, standing in the shower and letting the hot water run over your body, staying in there for a bit longer than normal before deciding to step out. You change into a pair of sweatpants and someone’s sky blue hoodie, before heading downstairs to the lounge. 
"Wow, so you're indeed alive," Thor comments as you pour yourself a latte and sit down on the couch, wrapping yourself up in a fleece blanket. "And surprisingly, not beat up."
"You got stabbed in the eye before, so you're not one to talk," you sassed. 
"Lady Y/N, I would not appreciate it if you came back in a body bag or something. I very much need you around because I live off your snickerdoodle supply."
You scoffed. "Oh, that's the only reason why we're friends?"
"It most certainly is not! You are a wonderful woman..."
"I'm going to go upstairs and beat Sir Samuel's ass in Mario Kart for the second time, so you can get the TV here to yourself. You may watch all the rom-coms you want," the Norse god stretched his arms in the air and stood up. 
"I don't watch rom-coms. I Love Lucy was the only exception, and that was because I was bored and Steve was the only one who was free last Saturday afternoon."
"Alright," he replied before going upstairs. 
You lean back against the couch and throw an arm across your face. The memory of kissing Steve keeps replaying in your mind over and over and over again, and as much as you'd like to forget it, a part of you doesn't want to, because despite the inconvenience of the situation, it still felt so perfect. You swore your lips were still burning from it.
His lips that were so soft and warm against your own, the way he gently held you as if you were something fragile, the way he made you feel. 
"Well, you look rather depressed and unhappy," you heard Steve comment as he came up to you from behind. "You alright?"
"Totally," you replied in a sarcastic tone as you stood up, throwing the blanket off yourself and coming around the sofa to stand in front of him. "You need something, Rogers?"
No," he stuffed his hands in his pockets, "I just wanted to check up on you and see if you were okay."
You exhale, and you lean forward and put your forehead on his chest, allowing yourself to get lost in him for a moment, lost in the way he made you feel despite all your efforts to try and do the exact opposite. You didn't let your arms go around him like they so badly wanted to. You didn't let the rest of your body melt into him or even your cheek find its way against the soft cotton of his shirt because you knew if you took things a step further, you'd fall in too deep and would cross the line.
"I'll only need a moment. I'm not planning on staying like this forever," you mumble. "I just needed some company."
He chuckles and wraps his strong arms around you. "It's okay, I have plenty of time. There's no need to rush."
Steve pulls you closer, but your arms were still crossed over your chest to create a necessary barrier between the two of you. You remembered telling him once that there was no better feeling in the world than having the right person holding you in their arms, and it was true. Hearing his breath in your ear, his warm breath falling against your neck, feeling the steadiness of his heartbeat against you, and the warmth of his body seeping into your sent a tingle down your spine. He bent down so that his head filled in the space next to yours, settling against the crook of your neck.
You decide to just swallow your protests for a bit and ignore the wild thoughts racing rapidly around inside your head. You don't want to remember what had happened earlier. You don't want to remember the past nor what was to come in the future. You just wanted to stay in the present with no other cares or worries in the world. And for the briefest of moments, your wish seemed to come true.
But then you come to your senses and realize what exactly you're doing, pushing your arms against him and he releases his hold, though he does so hesitantly. This wasn’t right. You were acting like a complete child - in front of Steve, for all that matter.
You wiped at your cheeks with your sleeves. "Thanks, but I think I'm okay now."
"Y/N, if this is about earlier..."
"I don't know why, but I can't stop thinking about it," you mumbled, wrapping your arms around him again, "I keep telling myself it was just for a mission, that if I pretend I don't have feelings then maybe it won't hurt as much to have my heart broken."
“You don’t need to pretend,” he said quietly, “if I feel the same way.”
"What do you—"
He cuts you off by sliding a hand up to the back of your neck and pulling you to him, his lips gently pressing against yours once again. But it feels more relaxed, more natural than the last time you'd done it several hours ago. Nonetheless you still get that electric feeling, the feeling of fireworks exploding in your body and fire lighting up and running through your veins upon his touch, your heart racing at what feels like a million miles per hour as he rests his hands against your hips and yours go to the sides of his face. 
"That was better," he breathes out as you pull apart, and you can't help from cracking a small grin. 
"It was."
"Don't be a cockblock," Bucky growled as he gripped Sam's forearm, preventing him from bursting into the lounge. "Leave them alone for once. They deserve a break."
"Like you aren't one, either."
“Y’all are damn children!” Sam shouted from the hallway. “Act your age! Thirty-something year-olds don’t act like this!”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut it, Wilson.”
“Eh. I ship it, anyway.”
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wydobrien · 7 years
attitude check
AUTHOR: @wydobrien​
WORD COUNT: a whopping 6,278
WARNINGS: descriptive violence, blood, roughness, choking, rough spanking, daddy kink, oral (m & f) and generally just hot mitch rapp overall. nsfw smut.
⋆ listen to me ⋆
i’m still rusty on writing smut and writing in general, since i’ve been on a writing hiatus for quite a while. but after watching both trailers for american assassin and reading some awesomeness from @writing-obrien​ and @sincerelystiles​ it has brought me out of my hiatus-hole !! i hope you all enjoy this as much as i did writing it. ;-) big thanks for @thelittlestkitsune​ for being the usual angel she is and helping me power through writing this. i also felt like i rushed the ending but :)))))). if you want a part two or anything, please please let me know !!
also, obv (y/n) = your name and (y/l/n) = your last name.
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  It’s not like you had given up, everything you had worked for has been temporarily stolen from you. All because you had done the one thing that is most discouraged in your line of work. You had made things personal for you.
  All of the hard work, the sweat, the energy. Constant time in the training room, constant gun training, constant sleepless nights. You are always so doused in anger, so energized with the desire of vengeance, it has made you into this cold, killer machine no one had the power to turn on and off. Your instructor, especially, has been at her wits end trying to make sure you keep your ass out of trouble, being busy with her own conflicts. Recently you had broken one of her recruit’s wrists during a wrestling match in the training room, and your instructor had snapped. And that is what led you to your environment right now, being driven towards some random home in the middle of absolute nowhere.
  The deep green and brown colors surrounding you did little to ease you, and with your instructor being the one driving, it annoyingly erased the chance of turning around. You’re a soldier, an agent, an assassin; top of your classes, ruthless with a gun and merciless with its trigger. Not a child having to be driven to her babysitter because your agency can’t handle the insatiable fire roaring inside you.
  “You did this to yourself, (y/n).” Your instructor’s voice is stern, just how it always is, and you turn your head to look towards her, her own attention focused on the dirt-clad road ahead. “The only reason you’re not kicked out is because of me convincing them to do this.” You squint your eyes with a small scowl across your face, crossing one leg over the other as your eyes bore into your own window to your right. You feel like you’re being treated like a child. But, you still said nothing. All that was brewing in your mind was how long you had to stay wherever your instructor is taking you.
  The rest of the drive, fortunately, is short and quiet.
  Once she turns the last corner, the home is revealed. It appears to be like any other house, despite being surrounding by thick trees and dirt. You feel like you’ve been here before, but, you can’t seem to place when. Maybe it was just your head playing deja-vu on you.
  Your instructor exits the car first, with you following suit patiently, lugging your bag from where your feet had been onto your back. You shut the door with your calf before meeting your instructor at the steps of the home, the heavy smell of earth entering your nose quickly. “Who lives here?” You mumble, and your instructor turns towards you as soon as the sound of a doorknob wiggling to unlock itself. Immediately, your attention is pointed towards the door, watching the face that reveals itself when the door finally opens. It’s an older man, possibly in his mid-to-late 40s, but has a strong build and a seriously firm resting bitch face, looking towards your instructor. He looks like someone of big authority, however, so you made sure being polite was at high remembrance each time you saw this man.
  “This is the one, Irene?” He asks, and you tilt your head at his rude tone of surprise. Your instructor, Irene, visibly nods and he looks at you up and down, as if analyzing you in disbelief. “I’m Hurley. From what I heard, and what I’ve read from your records, you need an attitude check.” Attitude check. Seriously. You bottle up any irritation from the belittling phrase and simply lift your chin.
  “Yes, sir.” You speak monotonically, and Hurley scoffs. You grip onto your bag’s shoulder straps tighter and he moves to the side for you to step in, which you do. Once again, this looks just like any other, normal home. Framed pictures of family, the home is neat and organized, and there is even a clean smell of a candle somewhere in it.
  Irene and Hurley meet you on each of your sides before they step in front of you, wrapped up in their own small, private conversation clearly involving you at the hushed tone of voice they were using. “I know exactly what I need to do with you, (y/n).” Hurley speaks, and you gulp, but quickly brush off the sheepish gesture by rolling your shoulders and peering up at your, apparently, new instructor. “There’s rooms upstairs. Pick one, get dressed and get ready in ten. You’ll have time to unpack later.” You lick over your lips and brush past Hurley, walking towards the set of stairs. And, this time, you can hear their conversation from a few feet.
  “You know I’m not going to have proper time for this, Irene. They’re already sending that other one you were talking to me about, with a case just like this one, and I have the rest of the Orion group I’m training. I’m not a babysitter.” Hurley’s voice sounds evidently impatient, and as much as you want to listen more, you keep walking up the steps at a normal pace. Unfortunately, you are unable to listen to what your previous instructor has to say, something you wish had heard before your future.
  “But you’re what she needs, Stan. Trust me, when those two meet, they’ll be something you’ve never seen before. Put them with guns and they’ll definitely be something this agency hasn’t ever experienced before. Trust me when I say this, Stan, Rapp and (y/l/n) will be unstoppable.”
  With white, hot anger coursing through your body, you, once again, take another leap at your competitor, your mind flashing with images of much more violent, but similar, events that have happened to you.
  “(y/l/n), what did I just say?” The frustrated voice speaks through your ear-piece as you slip into the room with ease. The sleek, form-fitting gown that is draped over your body brings moderate attention towards you, with your target being only three feet away. Scum is what your target is, being no different than all the rest of the bastards you’re trained on killing. “Get your ass back out to your team outside. You’ll cause too much commotion. Listen to me, dammit. (y/ln)-” You brush some fallen strands of hair behind your ear, slyly turning off your cleverly hidden ear-piece in the process as you make your way to your target with a sickly sweet smile.
  Grabbing onto your competitor’s arm, your legs have his way of escape blocked as you yank it behind his back, slithering one of your legs from your lock-hold to his back, where you knock his knees in, with you pushing down on his back till the side of his face hits the sweaty mat.
  Once the door is locked, your target immediately goes for the thin shoulder straps of your dress. All that is buzzing through your mind is that one day, that one day, where your normal life was snatched away from you. Hand snaking to your back to reach for the tucked-in holster behind your bra strap, you manage to get good grip on the handle of the knife before swinging it out and immediately going for the throat. And with the close proximity, you were able to brush the blade clean across the midsection of his throat, unable to drive it right through like you had wanted. The target curses, holding the sliced skin with one hand while the other reaches behind him, ready to pull out his gun. You kick him square in the chest with your heel instead, slamming him up the wall and handling your knife once more, lifting it ever-so accordingly to your differentiating heights as your target’s blood splatters down your cheeks, neck and chest.
  “Release!” The sudden order goes over your head as you hold your competitor down with your foot, watching as his tightly shut eyes and tense body try to move against your hold. “Release (y/l/n)!” Once more, you numbly tilt your head to the side, bringing two hands to your competitor’s arm, the one pinned behind his back, getting a good opposing hold and gently lifting it from his back, grip tightening.
  The knife wedged in his throat, you reach for the gun he had recently tried to grab for, pulling it easily and cocking the pistol to ready the bullets in the small barrel. You point the barrel right between his eyes and pull the trigger, standing firm against the blast as his blood spews behind his head onto the silky white wallpaper. You pull the knife out of his throat with your free hand and dig the tip of it into the bullet-hole of his head, pulling the bullet out and smiling to see it drenched in hot, deep scarlet. Setting the gun in the same hand you have your knife in, you grab the bullet with numb fingers and stick it right between your target’s lips and into his mouth, before letting him fall to the floor. Loading the gun once more with the knife’s handle in-between your free fingers, you scowl down at the target and finally find it in yourself to turn your ear-piece back on with your free hand.
  “The job’s already done. Backup in ten, I can already hear more of them coming up the stairs.”
  You feel hands grab at you away from your competitor, hearing him gasp out in breath of relief as you blink rapidly. Hurley is the one holding you, but you quickly escape from his grasp and breathe heavily, looking at him with squinted eyes. “I told you to release. You’ve been here for a month and still can’t follow a simple order.” You huff, turning around to face him and being slightly surprised to see a new scruffy face standing next to him, the honey-golden eyes staring intently into your own. “Fucking unbelievable, (y/l/n). You need a leash? Or do I need to watch you train like the child you are?” Your mouth opens in frustration, ready to lash out at your instructor but finding last-minute control as you fall from your high.
  “No, sir.” Hurley rolls his eyes and gestures his head towards what you guessed to be the newest recruit. You can see the defined muscles easily of the new recruit in his jacket and shirt, his dark brown, almost black, messy hair complimenting his sharp features. You lick over your lips and wait for the introduction of this new person, suddenly really finding interest in hearing his name. Or- last name- considering first name’s are discouraged.
  Hurley folds his arms neatly across his chest. “Good. Because this is your new partner. Introduce yourselves, get acquainted, get friendly, because I’m tired of you almost breaking bones in my training room.” And he turns away, ready to leave us alone. Partner? Oh hell fucking no.
  “Sir, I don’t need a partner. I don’t need to be training with some newbie who probably references off of action movies for his own training.” Hurley snaps his head back with cold eyes, appearing stressed as all hell. “This is not necessary.”
  “Well, good thing I didn’t ask you.” And that is all it takes for you to shut your mouth after that, not looking forward to another month being added to your sentence for your back-talk. You sigh frustratedly and snap your head to your new ‘partner’, his looks now completely thrown out your head. He looks annoyed with you already, probably from the small diss you’ve already laid on him without even saying hello to him, but he drags his tongue along the skin inside his mouth below his bottom lips, the protruding bulge of it causing your eyes to follow its short path from right to left.
  Stretching your back some to pop some of the creaks you had, you peer up at him with a single eyebrow rose high-enough to show your sour attitude towards him. “Rapp.” Is all he says for his own introduction. He doesn’t hold out a hand or anything, which you didn’t expect him to, and you place your hands on your hips, lifting your chin almost arrogantly.
  “(y/l/n).” You retort back. “I suggest you get your gear. . . or else you’d like to train with your head pinned against the floor as well.” And with that settled, you turn around and sway your hips in a confident, but heated, stride. What you didn’t see is that his eyes raked your figure as you did so, but, that would be the least of the subtle things that would happen between you two. “Ridiculous.” You whisper inaudibly underneath your breath.
  Partner, you spat in your head, partner my ass.
  There is nothing but heavy, gruff breaths between the two of you, the drive back to the place you have become more accustomed to less than pleasant. “You just never listen to anyone but yourself, don’t you?” His harsh words are meant to be harsh, but you find no offense in them because they are right. Still, you’re pissed off, and Mitch knows better than to edge you in when you’re pissed off. “You had to jump on him. You had to ruin the game-plan because you can’t control yourself.”
  You turn your body towards him in your seat, crossing your arms. “That’s because I’m not a pussy, Rapp. Something you and I don’t have in common. You know I’m famous for going my own way. They fucking deserve to rot and I don’t wait for the right time to kill them when any given amount of free time is the right time.” Mitch tsks, one of the hands he had gripped on the steering wheel smacking against it.
 “Being ignorant is not ‘not being a pussy’, (y/n). You’re so desperate to get killed, why don’t you just go running straight into their fire like your some Goddamn Wonder Woman? Out of everything you have taught me, I’m just glad being a foolhardy idiot wasn’t on the list because that is just something you’ve learnt all on your own.” This time, something pangs into my chest at his rant, and I grip onto my seat, glaring directly onto the profile of his face, a sharp look of anger hitting my features. “We don’t have a lot of things in common, (y/n), but not being a pussy is not one of them. Just fucking- fucking- fuck!” The car suddenly goes to a stop, both of our bodies being yanked forwards. Mitch hits the wheel once more angrily, the veins popping out from the tops of his large hands and along his forearm easily.
  “What the fuck Mitch?” You sneer, and he turns his head towards you quickly, unbuckling himself.
  “It’s the damn car, bitch. Not my fault.” You chuckle with no humor in your voice, readjusting yourself in your seat. He yanks his door open and stands for a second, looking at the steam flowing out from the hood of the truck you two had borrowed from your agency for your guy’s mission - the same one you had apparently ‘almost ruined’.
  Running a hand through your hair, your glare still remains firm on Mitch. “It is your fault when your dumbass was so focused on arguing with me rather than your own driving-” Slam. He shuts his door on you before you can even finish, leaving you to slump back in your own seat and growl beneath your breath. “Such a cunt.” It seems like he can hear you through the thin glass as well because next thing you know he’s throwing a middle finger towards your way, and you roll your eyes. Fortunately, with the sky quickly darkening and the urgent task at hand he was busying himself with, Mitch couldn’t see the fact that you’re flipping him off back with both hands. And for a while, when your middle fingers curl back into your fists, you’re left to sit there while your grumpy partner tries to fix your only way of transportation back to the house.
  However, the short time period of silence left you to sit in your head for a while, which is something you usually either avoid doing or never had the time to. Your thoughts often open too many wounds for you to handle, but, your phone is dead and the one person you actually enjoyed talking to, believe it or not, is being an asshole by himself outside and doesn’t want to hear another word you say. Normally what clogs up your head is what if the attack hadn’t happened. You’d still be together with your boyfriend, you’d be more focused on your writing instead of guns, you’d be. . . whole. Not what you are now. Incomplete, still picking up the pieces of yourself, forever cracked. You’re sure your mentality will never be the same. Beforehand, you found yourself to be discomforted by the idea of guns. Now, you feel most safe and content with one loaded in your hand. If the incident hadn’t happened, you would’ve been a good person. Sweet, kind, like you used to be. You used to be sympathetic, a gentle breeze that people always welcomed.
  But that’s not what you are anymore.
  You gulp and wipe at your face, before shaking your head and gripping the door handle to open it, the sounds and smells of the night filling your senses. You slam your door shut and maneuver to where Mitch is, ignoring the short cold glare he spikes towards you. “Having fun?” He doesn’t answer. “What, cat got your tongue? Normally Mitchie is one for comebacks. Something only I have been able to bring fully out of you.” Though that last part is slightly bleak in truth, it seemed completely true and honest to you. Originally, you had thought Mitch to be a kiss-ass. An arrogant kiss-ass that the agency still favors over you because he knows how to listen and you don’t. Most people call that jealousy, you call it bullshit. “You’re so handy with guns, but you can’t handle a few nuts and bolts.” At this point, he’s still not amusing you with a retort back, so you turn your back to leave him, finding more enjoyment playing with the dirt if playing with his anger wasn’t getting you anywhere.
  “Oh my God, can you just shut the fuck up.” Instantly, your head snaps his direction, stopping mid-step to face the red-faced man yourself. Your eyebrows crinkle together, with your lips slightly tilted downwards and eyes squinted to exhibit your anger at his spat towards you. He stands in front of you, staring directly at you with his darkened eyes, fists tightly balled on each of his sides, skin glistening with sweat from all the steam from the hood hitting him and the humidity of the night from the woods surrounding you two. You act fast in your irritation, placing both hands flat on his hard chest and pushing threateningly.
  “Make me.” Your words are sharp and clear, but you are still unable to catch the smirk on his face. You move to push him again at his delayed response, but, he catches both of the small of your wrists, yanking you towards him till your chest hits his own. His nose bumps yours in the sudden movement, and he speaks before you can retaliate.
  His breath his hot against your face, the air between you and him thickening rather quicker than you would’ve ever expected. “Oh, trust me, babygirl.” He leans towards your ear, a shiver being coaxed out of your body from his breaths tickling the quickly sensitizing skin. “I will.” This is not a side you have seen Mitch show at all, and it leaves you, for once in your life, in shock. This new attitude he’s showing you and is about to show you knocks you clean off the pedestal you had spent months building. And judging from the smirk still on his lips, he likes it.
  His movements are fast, still gripping onto your wrists and using his torso to help push you backwards. For a split second, he releases one of them and diverts his line of sight off of you, but only to slam your waist against the side of the hood of the car. You had expected a sneer, a glare, a cold insult. Not this. Not any of this. You still aren’t sure how to react, you had never felt intimidated before. And as soon as that thought hits you, you feel another scowl hitting your lips. You’re a counter-terrorist operative, you aren’t some damn damsel who obeys when someone like Mitch, someone who you have never been scared of, suddenly decides to go into this random ass alpha-mode. You suddenly jolt forward, attempting to push out of his grip, but you are yet again surprised with the amount of strength his pushes back with, keeping you firm in place. Slowly, his head turns back towards you. “I’m so fucking sick and tired of your Goddamn attitude.”
  Before you know it, you’re spun around, front facing the side of the hood of the truck. But Mitch doesn’t stop there, he uses his free hand to harshly push your front flat onto the metal, the side of your face hitting the hood. A tiny moan slips from your lips, the roughness making things in you squirm that you never knew had been there. He notices the sound as soon as it leaves your lips. “You’ve never listened to anyone in your fucking life, but that’s not how things are going to work tonight. You listen to me, understand?” You can’t find it in yourself to answer right away, too caught up in the heat of the moment. You hear a low growl rumble behind you, and you feel him push against you even harder. “Say you do.”
  “I understand.”
  “Show some fucking respect.” You had never called anyone m’am or sir unless it was someone you considered of high authority. For Mitch, it had always been dumbass, cunt, Mitchie, because he never questioned what you called him, just for the fact that you pretty much treat everyone you didn’t like, which was a lot, like shit. Mitch must’ve just felt lucky you even acknowledged him enough to call him out. But, not tonight; tonight is full of surprises. The heat starting to pool between your legs being one of them.
  “I understand, sir.” He hums what you assume to be a dark laugh, and you seem to find relief in him being pleased with you. But, instead, he drags his free hand up your back and into your hair, wounding it around his fist.
  Pulling your head back, he leans his face forward, this time planting small kisses and bites below your ear. “That’s not good enough.” He pushes his hips forward into your ass, giving you the opportunity to feel the slowly growing erection pressed against you.
  “I understand. . .” He pauses his actions, seemingly anticipating for the next word that is about to leave your mouth. “Daddy.” Shivers, once more, attack your spine, now truly comprehending the situation you’re about to go head-on into. Part of you suspected he’d be into that kind of thing, but you, of course, would’ve never believed you would be able to experience the answer of your inquiries first-hand. He slips his hand out from your hair, and you sigh in slight sadness, enjoying the slight burn in your scalp it brought. Despite of how much dominance he’s already exhibited to you, there’s still that fire inside you. The one telling you to take charge back. Hell, if you two are going to get into this, you feel as if you might as well make it worth it. You didn’t want Mitch to think you’re easily submissive. You move against him once more, and this time you succeed to slither out of his hold. You grab his face to yank his lips down to yours, crashing into it with teeth and tongue. He growls into your mouth, firmly grasping the back of your thighs and lifting you off your feet, wrapping your thighs around his hips.
  You huff a breath of frustration through your nose, before all the air is knocked out from your lungs as he roughly brings your back down onto the side of the hood of the truck. “Disobey me like that again and expect much more. Now, scoot up some and open your legs more for me. Don’t grab onto anything; the only thing you’ll be grabbing onto is my hair when I get hands on you properly.” A shaky moan leaves your lips. Despite all the things in your head to do otherwise, you finally oblige to his orders entirely, which makes him hum another chuckle. “That’s what I thought.” You sit up on the car-hood, the slightly curved surface causing you to fear that you might slip. But Mitch’s firm hands tell you otherwise as he skillfully unbuttons your jeans and yanks them off in record time. With his eyes on your black thong you had chosen to wear, dropping your jeans on the dirt road next to his feet.
  And, just as he had told you, your hands found a home buried in his hair as soon as he crouched down, his hot breath fanning across your covered core. Leaning in even more, he licks a long stripe from your entrance to your clit, tongue massaging into the wet spot that had formed on your thong at the top. Your back lifts instinctively up on the hood, the spike of pleasure it brings you from just that singular movement blowing your mind in all directions. He hums in appreciation, sending vibrations to your core. “Lay back, babygirl.” He tells you, and you stay still, feeling frozen. He then moves you for you, placing the palm of his hand flat on your stomach and pressing down. Your thighs tense against the sides of his head, his wild and long hairs tickling the insides of your thighs. The new position causes your hands to pull from his hair, leaving them to brace themselves atop the hood of the car. He looks up to you, making sure you’re watching him, before leaning up slightly so his teeth can snag the top of the material of your thong. A single eyebrow is risen on his face as he pulls the thong downward, one hand still on your stomach while the other is gripping one of your hips.
  Once he successfully brings your thong down to your ankles, he lets that, too, fall to the ground, baring you entirely. He is too engulfed with his own desires that he leaves your top and bra on, and dives right in, pressing multiple open kisses against your clit. “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted to do this these past few weeks.” He mumbles, and you barely comprehend what he’s saying. “To bury my head in-between your legs, to be the one that makes you squirm and shake. Because I am the only one that can ever make you feel this way.” He kisses against you the way he would kiss your mouth, occasionally dipping his tongue and his lips brushing against your bundle of nerves. You inhale a sharp breath through your nose as he brings one of his hands down to you, the tips of his fingers gently tracing the edges of your entrance.
  “Oh, Daddy. . .” You breathe, fingers curling into the metal of the car.
  “That’s it, babygirl.” Mitch sighs against your clit, slipping a finger inside you and starting to pump. His pumps are in-sync with your sighs and moans, never once stopping, and he works his mouth against you, transferring from one technique to the next. From sucking against you to drawing shapes and impossible to decipher phrases onto your clit, letter by letter. His pumps start to become more rapid, which makes you feel utterly boneless, the hand that is not working inside you still holding you down. He adds another finger into the mix, twisting and turning his wrist to try out new angles, all while keeping his erratic pace. Your moans become more volumized and heavier as you reach your edge, leaning closer and closer over it as his movements only quicken. He curls his fingers as he buries them to the hilt inside you, his mouth moving back to pressing small kisses against your heat. “Come.” He demands, pushing a third finger in you, stretching you deliciously, and bringing them out only to slam them back in.
  It’s like your body is under his command because as soon as he curls his fingers once more, your orgasm rolls over you in waves. He doesn’t stop his fingers, but instead moves his face up to yours, slamming his lips atop of yours as his tongue explores every corner of your mouth, his teeth nibbling down on your bottom lip every now and then. You moan breathlessly into his mouth, which makes him only chuckle hoarsely in response, scissoring his fingers to reach newer places inside you. Your body is still shaking from the orgasm as he only built you up for a second one, milking every bit of you out onto his fingers. “I-I can’t, Daddy.” You whimper, breaking your kiss with him.
  “Yes you can.” He speaks firmly, his fingers reaching an unbelievable pace as he continuously slams his fingers inside you, all the while until his thumb reaches up to your clit, rubbing in a circular motion vigorously. “Come on babygirl, let go.” It takes a few seconds longer, but, you find yourself reaching another high and crashing down from it, coming all over his fingers once more. Slowly, he slips his fingers from you and wraps his lips around two of them, sucking graciously. He lifts the third finger up to your lips, the smirk returning to his features. “Taste yourself for me.” Mitch says, and you obey, allowing him to push his finger past your lips. He only growls in response to the feeling, pulling his finger from your mouth and pulling you to your feet.
  His hands are feisty and needy, clawing at any clothing you still had on. He lifts your shirt over your head and unclips your bra, while also stripping himself of his shirt, jeans and shoes. Fortunately, the ground is dry, so both Mitch’s and your clothes won’t be ruined.
  “Get on your knees.” He orders, already pushing down on your shoulders as he stares darkly down onto you, a slight tilt in his head - a motion only you had become famous for. You can only oblige, blinking numerously as your shaking hands move to the elastic of his boxers. Now, this is your chance. Your own smirk finds your face as you look up to meet his eyes as one of your hands move over to palm over his completely hardened erection, wrapping your fingers around the covered cock you had, secretly, wondered about. But, from the bulge straining against his boxers, you can tell he was bigger than you had thought. He sneers at you and tangles his hands in your hair, creating two fists. “You better get that mouth to work babygirl, before I do it for you. You aren’t allowed to tease me.” You don’t listen to his warning and continue your actions, planting gentle kisses against his hard-on.
  Mitch doesn’t tolerate it for another second, gripping onto your hair even tighter and bringing his hips closer to you, giving you a clear message that he meant business. You obey, tugging down his boxers enough to where his erection springs free. Mitch moans at the feeling of being unconfined, and your eyes widen at the size of him. You remember his words, but you toss them away for a handful of seconds, slowly sliding your tongue along the underside of his cock, right till the tip, where you kiss it once. You feel him shiver as you take just the head of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip and sucking in your cheeks, all while holding eye-contact with him. His own are shut for a split second, until he snaps them open, and you can see the darkened color of them.
  “What did I tell you?” He seethes, pushing your head further down on his length till his tip is brushing against the back of your throat. He even cants his hips forward, and his mouth hangs open as a empty moan flows right out through it. “Your mouth is only for my cock, got it?” You don’t say anything in response, but rather suck him hard as you bring your lips slowly up his cock. He licks his lips, already pushing you back down, right until it’s his hips doing most of the work. You still remember to use your tongue and even lightly brush your teeth against his cock each time he slips it out from your mouth, starting a punishing rhythm with his hips until it becomes increasingly erratic. “Oh, babygirl,” He moans, “that pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock feels so good.” You simply continue on with your own actions, wanting to bring him to his own orgasm just as well as he brought you to yours.
  When he does, he pushes you down on his cock further than before, your nose buried in the hairs of his happy-trail, with his warm seed hitting the back of your throat. “C’mon babygirl, take it all like a good girl.” Mitch speaks, and you do as said, your own wishes of dominance diminishing by the second. For the first time since the incident, someone has put you in your place. You had no desires to disobey.
  You pull from his cock, a string of saliva following afterwards. He heaves for a split second, trying to recollect himself, and does it efficiently, already yanking you back up to your feet and turning you around. “There’s no time for me to be teasing you, no time at all. All I want to do is just fuck you.” He sighs, pushing your front flat back onto the side of the hood on the truck, kicking your legs apart till he thought it was good enough space for him. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, so good, you won’t be walking straight for weeks.” He promises, and you believe him. One thing he hasn’t made you do yet is beg, but, he knows that even with the state you are at right now, begging is what you will never do. With a gun to your head, or on the highest peak of pleasure, you don’t beg. “Now, scream my name.”
  He rams inside you, not allowing you to adjust. He starts a quick, punishing pace, hands gripping on your hips roughly. You’re assured there will be bruises in replacement of his fingertips, but, you’re loving every second of this. “Next time you decide to not listen to me,” He starts, leaning in to suck hickeys onto your neck, one after the other, “you remember me fucking you like this.” Mitch sinks his teeth into the hot skin of the crook of your neck, and you let out the loudest moan you have this entire time. His pace never quivers, and it remains hard and fast, his hips snapping against your ass mercilessly. His name leaves your lips like a prayer. A sudden slap causes you to jolt forward, followed by two more, blood rushing to your ass cheeks as his hands continue to take turns slapping your ass till the skin is as red as a cherry, maybe even till purple spots started to show. “Come babygirl. Come for me.” He huffs, a hand reaching around to cup your neck, squeezing firmly but not inflicting too much pain. His hips start to lose formation, now ramming into you sloppily, his tongue still working over your neck. And with a final thrust and slap against your ass, you come undone, and he does too soon after, pulling out and tugging rapidly over his cock till white spurts of his release paints your lower back.
  You’re both out of breath and out of energy, and he presses a hand on the car next to you, pulling himself together. “Holy fucking shit.” He says, beneath his breath, and you nod slightly, body trembling from the intensities it just endured. Mitch laughs tiredly, picking up his clothes and redressing himself, and soon helping you as well. His hands massage over the covered sore flesh of your ass, humming against your neck as he brings his lips back up to yours once more, this time more gently than before.
 “You still gonna fix the car?”
  “You know, after everything we just did, you still always go back to the same you.” Mitch retorts, removing himself from you and moving back to the hood of the truck, popping it open and sighing at the little progress he has made.
  “Ridiculous.” You mumble beneath your breath, a smile making its way onto your lips as you re-enter the car, waiting for Mitch to fix the truck and for the new changes about to come your way into your life. Maybe it was time to be a little nicer, a little more obedient. You shake your head as you peer back up at Mitch, still smiling. Never.
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ajuimaginary · 7 years
Anon requested competitive!Minghao where you get into a contest and you're kind of mean to each other during because you want to win, but you end up really respecting each other.  
You were friends with Mingyu first, and now you’re friends with the rest of Seventeen through his introduction. You love them all, but the boy who seems to impact you most strongly is a certainly lanky member of the performance team. The one who takes any chance to dab, make a biting hilarious comment, or quickly reassure a sad friend in his no-nonsense voice. The one who is an intriguing balance of cool and cute. With perfect arms and a smile to die for. But also the most infuriating person you had ever met. Minghao. 
You find your thoughts drifting to him even now, as you walk into the dorms with Mingyu. Your eyes linger on a familiar jacket hanging on a hook, and you remembered how unfairly good it looks on its owner. You almost want to try it on just to prove you would look better. Mingyu laughs.
“Oh god, you’re so obvious.” he says. 
“What?” you snap at him. “I’m not obvious about anything because there’s nothing to be obvious about.”
“That made no sense,” Mingyu tells you. “And besides, I think I can recognize when my two best friends are getting the hots for each other.”
You scrunch your nose up. “Gross, Mingyu, why’d you have to word it like that?”
“Hey, you don’t even deny it!” Mingyu yells excitedly.
“Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” you tell him. “Minghao’s dead annoying. Now come on, let’s go join the guys.”
“Yeah,” Mingyu agrees. “Let’s go join Minghao.”
You aim a punch at his arm but he ducks ahead of you down the corridor to lead the way, so you follow without hitting him instead. Up ahead, you hear a sudden voice echo down the hall and a chorus of “ooooh”s from inside the room.
“Don’t let Y/N hear you say that!” Seungcheol is scolding someone. 
You push past Mingyu quickly when you hear your name, though he tries to grab you and hold you back from interrupting. You open the door to the room the voices are coming from. The boys inside turn in shock to look at you: Woozi, Seungcheol, Wonwoo, and Jun all seated. Minghao is standing, hands on hips, in front of the TV screen. 
“Don’t let me hear what?” you ask threateningly, directing the question at Seungcheol, who looks rather afraid despite his title as the group’s fearless leader.
“Oh, hi, Y/N, I didn’t know you’d be here already,” he says hesitantly.
“What can’t he say in front of me?” you demand, looking between them all. 
Wonwoo and Jun snicker to each other, and Woozi sighs as if he’s giving something up.
“May as well let them have it, Coups hyung.” he says heavily, dropping something onto the table that you realize is his hand held controller for video games. “We have to accept our fate now. She’s already heard, and so now he has to tell her the idea, and so she’ll definitely accept the challenge. We won’t get the game back till they’ve settled this.”
“Yes, thank you hyung!” Minghao beams when he gets Woozi’s support, however grudging it is, and then turns to Seungcheol. “Please pass me the other controller!”
Seungcheol sighs and throws it at him grumpily. He gestures for you to take Woozi’s, and you make your way to the couch and sit between them with your new device in your hand, looking up at Minghao.
“What are we doing?” you say.
“Playing some video game they like. I’ve been watching them fail all afternoon waiting my turn to take over. They said it was unfair for me to join them because I’d never played before and would be at a disadvantage, and I was just telling them I could beat them at this level even with no experience.” he says. “But they wanted me to wait for another first time player.”
“Yeah, and I suggested he play against you.” Wonwoo said, the glint in his eye he got when he was stirring up trouble and very amused by what was happening.
Minghao nods his agreement.
“And I said I would beat you easily.” he says with a shrug.
Your eyes narrow. You look up the TV, checking out the picture and deducing that it must be some sort of basic fighting game. You aren’t always in the mood for video games, but you won’t back down from that kind of challenge.
“As if.” you scoff.
Everyone else in the room groans.
“And there we go.” Mingyu sighs from the doorway. “They’ll be at it all afternoon. Anyone want to make snacks with me?”
“Nah,” Wonwoo says, eyes sparkling. “This’ll be fun to watch.”
You’ve yelled at Minghao at least three times already, and he’s in the middle of his second time yelling at you. Apparently it’s considered “cheating” if you elbow Woozi hard enough to make Woozi jump and jostle Minghao’s controller. You’re pretty sure it’s just called “winning.” You sneer and tell him if he can’t handle a little bump maybe she shouldn’t have challenged you.
As your voices get louder, Woozi and Seungcheol both move off the couch and join Jun and Wonwoo in their spots out of the way. You can hear them whispering to each other but all you care about right now is beating the crap out of Minghao’s dumb video game counterpart.
It’s surprising how quickly you both became absorbed in the game. Though you’ve never played before, it only took a brief run through of all the controls and the story line, and you got the hang of it quickly. Now it feels like winning is the only thing that matters. It’s exhilarating. Especially as you take a particularly good flying leap and watch your character knock several of the automated computer guards to the ground as you get closer to Minghao’s base. The sounds of the boys cheering for you is quite a rush. But not as much of a rush as the glance you steal at Minghao. 
He looks worried that you might be gaining the upper hand. His face is very focused, bare arms tensed as his long fingers fly over the controls, and his lovely lips are slightly pursed.
“Thanks for picking the bright red cloak for your character, you show off.” you tease him, but your voice sounds very serious because you’re so engaged in the game. “Makes it much easier to- HUH - to find you and kick your ass!”
“You’re lucky you have that advantage,” Minghao spits, leaning right back in that seat along with the movements of his on screen character. “Because without it you would be left in my wake as I - YAH!”
His whole body surges forward as his character knocks into yours onscreen and you both tumble further from the base he’s trying to protect.
You grit your teeth and put your energy back into your next move. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Mingyu returning with food and handing it to some of the other boys. Wonwoo begins to update him on what he missed. You can see your favorite snack among the pile he brought with him.
“So easily distracted,” Minghao tuts, though you barely lost focus, but he uses the advantage to push past you and begin directing his character along the pixel path to your own home base.
“Asshole,” you hiss, leaning forward in your seat and you force your character to run after him. “I bet you’re hungry too.”
“Never.” he says with a smirk, clearly ready to deliver some dramatic line. “My mental willpower is as strong as my body.”
You scoff openly at him.
“What are you talking about, beanpole?” you say, ignoring his flexing bicep right beside you. “What strong body?”
“Guys, don’t get mean,” Seungcheol warns quietly, as if he’s never gotten carried away by a competitive spirit before. Minghao doesn’t seem bothered by your comment though. In fact, you’re pretty sure he’s smiling. Not that you can risk the distraction of looking right now.
“Easy to criticize what you don’t understand.” Minghao says. “It’s not like you’re the strongest person here, Y/N...”
On screen, your character jumps down to block his path, and as he swears, you reply to his comment.
“I am very willing to arm wrestle everyone in this room later to prove that wrong. But anyway, I don’t need strength,” you point out. “When my opponent is such a fucking idiot.”
“Seriously!” Seungcheol says pleadingly. “Just be nice to each other.”
“They could get worse.” Wonwoo points out, sounding like he wants you to for the entertainment. Mingyu elbows him.
“Don’t encourage them.” he scolds.
But before long you and Minghao are shooting out insults as fast as they occur to you, and the game is getting genuinely frustrating. Every time one of you seems to be gaining, the other somehow manages to turn things around. Before long, you’ve killed off every single computer generated guard and it’s just down to the two of you to take the final step in destroying your opponent’s base. And, apparently, their self esteem.
Minghao’s insults are hilarious and creative though, and you know he’s appreciating yours. Seungcheol gives up on trying to stop you and sighs to the others that you’re both totally weird if you enjoy this sort of thing.
“I’m surprised neither of them have thought of the best way to distract one another though,” Jun says. 
Minghao and you both twitch half toward him at his fascinating tone of voice, but you manage to keep your eyes on the game.
“What do you mean?” Mingyu asks.
There’s a long moment of silence, and then Woozi says. “Are we allowed to point that out? I thought it was one of those unspoken things?”
“What’s an unspoken thing?” you ask them, unable to help yourself. 
“Minghao thinks you’re hot, right?” Jun says.
You almost lose focus completely. It’s Minghao who really does. He freezes up for just long enough for your character to take a flying kick, knocking his to the ground and bolting the last distance into his base. Your cheeks are warm now, but you keep going, trying to ignore what you heard until you have time to dwell on it properly. Minghao begins swearing, yells something furious at Jun in Chinese, and forces his character to chase you.  
But he’s too late. Finally you slam into the back wall of his base, touch the end spot, and win the entire game.
“Fuck, yes!” you yell, leaping into the air and throwing your controller. The other boys leap to their feet with cheers, and Mingyu and Jun both hug you as the others laugh and yell you behind you.
“Damn,” Woozi mumbles. “She beat my total kills record. It’ll take me days to get my place back on the score board.”
And as everyone begins to laugh at him, you finally turn and see Minghao, wondering if after such a heated game he’ll be angry. But as always, he’s not a sore loser. He looks a little upset, brow furrowed, but he dumps his controller on the couch and stands to face you, dipping his head in a sweet little bow.
“You did really well,” he tells you.
The sight of him there, so willingly admitting his respect of you, makes your heart hammer a little faster. You feel full of adrenaline, and you manage to smile with confidence at him.
“Is that all I get for my victory?” you say.
Minghao looks up at you, lips parted in surprise, very sweet. And then he seems to catch your meaning, and the look changes into a smirk.
“What else do you want?” he asks.
“I think we’re the only competitive equals for each other, so, um, why don’t you let me know if you kiss as well as I imagine you do?”
The room falls into stunned silence. You had forgotten, actually, that anyone else was there. But you don’t have much time to get embarrassed.
Minghao steps forward into your space instantly and, hands on your waist, kisses you right there in front of them all, a deep tender moment of pure passion that makes you gasp, and then his lips are gone. He smirks down at you.
“What do you think?”
“You win that one,” you breathe. “Not even my imagination could live up to that.”
Minghao beams the cutest eye scrunching smile you’ve ever seen, and you feel like everything right is falling into place. The other boys begin making gagging noises in the background, and Mingyu slaps a hand over his face.
“You guys have the weirdest courtship rituals I’ve ever seen,” he grumbles.
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