#I love Maeve but when she wants food she wants it
planetsallalign · 6 months
I woke up at 4am with a migraine that felt like an ice pick was being jammed from one temple through the other. I stumbled my way downstairs and downed a couple ibuprofen and some water then went and laid back down. Unfortunately this migraine decided it was going to be one of those that the pain gets so intense you throw up. And I threw up the only pain relief medicine that was in the house. After throwing up the pain wasn’t as blinding, but Maeve decided if I was up she should be eating. So after 2.5 hours of her in my face purring/licking/digging at the blankets and me pushing her off the bed I gave up. Got up and fed them and then remembered Walmart opens at 6am. Threw clothes on, luckily the sun isn’t out today because the migraine was still killing me. Grabbed some excederin migraine and a bunch of other random things. Now I’m back home straight into bed. I should have made coffee but I don’t have it in me at the moment. I did buy myself a treat for later. Can’t wait to have this once everything is nice and cold in the fridge.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 3 months
His What? (Homelander)
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Description: Nobody believes that Homelander has a wife even when she’s right in front of them.
Warning: Smut
Word Count: 877
Author’s note: Send in requests for The Boys!!!
The Deep’s jaw dropped and Maeve laughed. The rest of the room went silent, too scared to have a reaction. “Your Wife?” The Deep asked as if that was the most shocking thing he’s ever heard. “Yeah right.” Maeve said. There was no way that Homelander had a wife. Who the fuck would want to marry him? “Yes my wife and I don’t know why that is so shocking.” “Have you met yourself?” Maeve asked. He ignored her question and carried on with the meeting. 
Y/N made dinner for the two of them as she waited for him to come home. Homelander was a different person at his house. He was John just for his wife. She heard him land outside the house and just in time for dinner to be done. She set out plates and as he walked in he smelt the delicious food that she made. “Hey babe, how was work?” She asked as she brought the food to the table. “They don’t believe you exist.” He said as he sat down at the table. “Who doesn’t believe I exist?” She asked as she sat down across from him. “The Seven.” He said and frowned.
Her eyes softened as she saw the frown on his face. “Why not?” She asked as she took a bite of the food. “I have no clue.” He said but that was a lie. He had more than just a clue. He knew why. “Well then tomorrow they are going to be shocked.” She said and he gave her a small smile. She never looked at him like he did anything wrong. She loved him for him and well that was all he could ask for.
The Seven’s jaws were to the floor as they stared at the beautiful woman that was in Homelander’s chair. Homie stood behind the chair and smirked at the reactions. “How much did he give you?” Maeve asked. Y/N looked at her confused. “What?” “How much money did he give you to act like his wife?” She asked. Homelander’s smirk dropped but Y/N brought it back. “I’m his wife you dumb bitch he didn’t pay me anything.” A Train let out a laugh as Maeve’s face went red. “Any other questions?” She asked and looked around at the members.
“Why him?” A Train asked. “Yeah. You’re so fucking hot and you end up with him?” The Deep asked. They knew that Homelander wouldn’t hurt them while Y/N was right there. “He’s hot too. And I’m not sure why this surprises you guys.” She said. “What can I do to get you guys to believe me?” Homelander asked. “Fuck her.” The Deep said. Y/N looked at him in disgusted. “What?” She asked. “If you guys are married then fuck.” “I’m not fucking my wife in front of you, you perv-” “Okay.” Y/N said and stood up. Homelander looked at her in shock as she motioned for him to take a seat in the chair. He did and she stripped down in front of the others.
Homie didn’t like that so much but she motioned for him to pull down his pants. Her shirt was still on and nothing else as she straddled him. His dick was already rock hard like every other dick in the room. Her hand ran itself up and down his dick as he held back groans. He bit his lip and tried not to think about the fact that everyone was watching them. She lined herself up with his dick and slid on it like she was used to it already. She was but to the others that was impressive. She gasped out and he finally let out a groan. She looked back at the others and all of them still looked shocked and some even looked in awe at the sight.
She smirked as she made eye contact with the Deep and started moving her hips. He didn’t know where to look. Her fucked out face or her hips riding Homelander’s cock? A Train stared directly at her bare ass as it moved. Homelander noticed this and moved his hands from her hips to her ass so he couldn’t stare any longer. She let out a soft moan as his hands helped her ride him. He stared up at her in awe and she stared back down at him with a small smile.
It took everything in A Train and Deep not to jerk off to the sight. Y/N felt herself get close at the thought of them watching her fuck her husband. “John, I’m close.” She whimpered and he chuckled. “Fucking me in front of my co workers just to prove that you belong to me.” He growled and one of his hands grabbed her throat.
She gasped and moaned out, “I do belong to you John. Every part of me.” The two got lost in each other, dirty talking and moaning until they both came. She let out the loudest moan as she came all over him. “Fuck.” Deep whispered as he watched her body shake and give out. Homelander came right after her and held her close as they calmed down. She sat up moments later and looked back at the seven. “Now do you believe us?”
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reiderwriter · 1 year
Hi!!! I really love your writing 🥺 Idk how this works so Idk if my request is alright so If it's ok for you to write it, I got this idea about Spencer turning into a player/manwhore after maeve died so he's not into y/n in the beginning but the others always joke about how she's totally in love with him and he doesn't believe until he starts to notice little things she does for him(like getting him coffee every morning, remembering everything he says) so he start to fall for her. Genre: smut with soft!Dom Spencer, dirty talk, degradation(please no daddy kink) (Sorry if it's to long, I read it's best for you if we give as much detail as possible so that's that) I'm going to identify myself with this emoji 🥺 when I read the fic or in my next requests, hope I gave you something to write with.
A/N: Thank you for the request and omg this plot has given me brain rot since you sent it in 💀 I accidentally made this a little angst-heavy for the first half but there's a very "happy ending" if you catch my drift. I hope you love it! ❤️
Summary: Spencer Reid's heart is broken. But in healing himself in the arms of countless woman, he doesn't realise he's breaking yours.
Word count: 4.6k
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, angst, oral (F receiving), fingering, P in V penetration, dirty talk, degradation of you squint a little, soft!Dom Spencer is incredibly soft.
My masterlist with all my other works is here, and my requests are open!
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It had taken four whole months before someone on the team had confronted Spencer about his grief, his lack of sleep, his overall dreariness, and they were almost shocked that it wasn’t you that did it. When Rossi had walked up to him, offering a story about his Uncle Sal in an attempt to get him to open up, or at least seek help, the others were on the other side of the glass, shooting looks over at you, quietly enquiring with their eyes about why it hadn’’t been you to offer him that out.
But you had, you’d been trying. You’d been following him around, taking him food every couple days to make sure he was eating, sticking around to make sure that he wasn’t lonely. You’d even cleaned up after him on the particularly hard days, where he didn’t want to move from his bed and couldn’t bring himself to go outside if there was no work, no one else to save. But you couldn’t offer him more, because he already had all of you.
You’d first realised that you were in love with Spencer Reid a few months after you’d joined the team. You’d been bought on as a fresh set of eyes on a case that had a lot more to do with you then the rest of the team had been led to believe.
Your high school boyfriend had been the victim of a notorious highway murderer, and you yourself had been kidnapped by the unsub, put in hell for the following three days and escaped with your life only because of an earlier BAU team, including agents Hotchner and Rossi. When bodies had started turning up on the same stretch of highway, you needed to be involved or you’d never prove to yourself that you could do what they did to save you. That you’d be able to put your feelings aside and catch monsters.
You’d found the man responsible of course, and in restraining yourself from putting a bullet in his brain, you’d found yourself a place on the team, and some peace for a time. And then Spencer happened.
You really should have known. You were always fond of the nerdy type, of men who had such deep interests that they forgot to pay attention to social queues, who had too many cute habits (like purposefully mismatching socks) that you couldn’t help but find endearing. You’d grown close quickly, with the man grateful that there was finally someone to listen to him ramble and not judge him, and you grateful that he also held himself back enough, listened closely and well to remember so many details about your conversations. You knew an eidetic memory helped, but it was the care in the small actions, like buying you the beanie baby you lost as a child but still mourned, that you’d mentioned in conversation a grand total of one time, that really solidly made you realise. You were in love with him and had dug yourself a hole that you weren’t going to be able to climb out of anytime soon.
You’d almost told him once. Convinced that if you just explained your feelings, he’d suddenly feel the same or realise that he felt the same way, too. You’d opened your mouth to let the words run freely, but he beat you to it.
“I’ve met someone, and she’s totally brilliant and I think I might love her, and that must be an insane thing to say considering I’ve never even seen her face.” You’d willed the broken pieces of your heart together as you forced a smile on your face, ready to listen to the man who owned your heart smile for another, live for another, breath for another.
When Maeve had ultimately passed away, you knew that you’d never be able to say those words to him. You weren’t going to be the replacement for a dead woman, and you weren’t going to push those feelings on him when he was grieving. But you loved him and he needed you, so you stayed.
On the nights where he was so angry with the world that his words were biting, on the days where he said almost nothing so trapped inside his brain, in the hours between dusk and dawn where there was no rest for him, wiping away the tears that fell silently and just being as near to him as he needed.
You had some experience in broken hearts, anyways. You might as well put it to good use.
It had taken five whole months since Maeve’s death for the team to realise that Spencer was changing. He was still the same person intrinsically, ready to spring into a conversation about absolutely anything and everything that interested him at the drop of a hat, still debating with Penelope about which of them was smarter, still being teased in that playful way by Morgan. But there was a confidence to him now that was almost dangerous in the fact that it was uncharted territory for him.
You’d noticed it first on one of your regular coffee runs. The two of your were so serious about your coffee tasting like anything but actual coffee that you’d bonded over the need for a sweet treat, and had been going for coffee before all of your office shifts almost since you’d started. You were glad to have him finally back by your side, making stupid jokes about how many philosophers it would take to change a lightbulb, and actually smiling and laughing with you that you almost didn’t notice anything amiss.
But when the barista who took his order carefully slipped him her number - something she’d been doing for the whole six months you’d been frequenting that cafe - for once, he hadn’t thrown it away. He’d taken a lingering look at the digits inked neatly into the napkin and quietly slipped it into his pocket. You were confused to say the least, but since that night of your almost confession, there had been a boundary between you two in that sense.
It was almost as if, if you didn’t ask questions about Spencer’s love life, it was like he wasn’t out there, being in love. With Maeve it had worked fine because he’d never met her, and honestly, until you’d started trying to save her he hadn’t brought her up a lot. But now, you were too afraid to break your own heart again to check up on him, deciding to let it go for your own well-being.
The others had noticed soon enough. Comments about a pep in his step, his flirtacious manner with some of the female witnesses. He’d gained a few claps on the back from Morgan after closed off conversations that you had decided you were thankful not to have heard.
Because if you never saw or heard what Reid was doing, and apparently doing with multiple women, multiple times a week, then it couldn’t hurt you anymore than you were already hurting now.
It took seven months from Maeve’s death to realise that you were only fooling yourself this entire time.
Despite his new-found release, the therapy he’d found in the beds of women whose names he never learnt, there was one thing that you could still rely on with Reid, and that was your Friday night Star Trek watch-along.
You’d mentioned once a few weeks into your job that you’d never seen it before, and he’d had this absolutely starry-eyed look on his face in bewilderment, that when he’d half-heartedly suggested you watch it together, you’d leapt at the chance. Since there was so much of it, here you were over a year later, still keeping to that Friday night ritual. You’d watched it together in motels in the middle of nowhere, you’d watched it together over the Christmas holidays, you’d watched it together in the days directly after Maeve’s death, and tonight was supposed to be no different.
You pulled up to his apartment and knocked on the door, and when you couldn’t immediately hear him shout to “come in” from his kitchen as he was preparing the popcorn, you knew that something was wrong. His door was always unlocked, and he laughed at your habit of knocking on the door, insisting that you could just walk in anytime you needed.
Now that you needed to, your hand seemed heavier than ever. You gripped the cold metal of the handle, knowing exactly what you would find on the other side of the door, but still wanting to live in the clear denial of it. You prayed it was something else keeping him distracted.
You let yourself in and were welcomed with the sight that shattered your heart for the final time. There were clothes scattered across the floor, male and female. Shoes discarded in the heat of the moment. You didn’t want your eyes to follow, but your feet weren’t listening as they walked you to the bedroom door, thrust wide open, and you saw him there finally.
“Shit, Y/N, what are you doing here?” he scrambled to pull his clothes back on, to cover whatever woman it was underneath him that day, to make sure you didn’t see anymore of the image that would be burned into the back of your brain for the rest of your life.
You couldn’t say anything. You knew that he had been doing this, doing it to cope, doing it to move on, doing it to feel a sense of intimacy after he didn’t get that with Maeve. But here was the irrefutable proof that he’d never even looked at you with an ounce of the feeling you had for him. You held up the bag of snacks you usually bought to your Trek marathons as a response, the tears filling up your eyes rendering you mute as you finally tore yourself out of the room.
“Oh god, it’s Friday. I didn’t realise…. I’m sorry, can we do a raincheck, Y/N?” He guided you further out of the room, placing a hand to the small of your back to help move you along. Something in you snapped then and you recoiled from his touch, whipping your head up to him and just staring at him with all the defiance you could muster. He had broken your heart, you weren’t going to let him dismiss you that quickly.
“Y/N, why are you crying? What’s wrong, what happened? Tell me and I’ll do everything I can to fix it.” He finished his words, and made to wipe the tears from your face, but you slapped his hands away from you before he could make contact.
“Don’t… just don’t touch me, Spencer.” Those were the only words you could offer in explanation before you turned on your heel and ran straight out of his apartment for the last time.
It took one month from you storming out of his apartment for Spencer to realise that he hadn’t dreamt of Maeve in the same amount of time. Where his dreams had been full of her asking him to dance, they were now full of you recoiling from his touch, refusing to speak to him outside of your professional work, withdrawing into yourself and crying. The worst ones were the ones where you were crying because he tried desperately to hold you, to wipe the kisses away, but everytime he tried you moved further and further from his reach.
It had been a month of you ignoring him, and he still didn’t know what went wrong. Yes, you’d caught him in bed with a girl, but you knew he was doing that. You’d known from the start, and he’d known that you’d known, so surely it wasn't just that.
Morgan wasn’t helping him on that front either. He’d explained the awkward run-in in his apartment, desperate for some answers and received some pretty curt replies.
“Pretty boy, if you don’t realise what you did wrong, then there’s nothing I’m going to do to help you. You’re on your own until then.” He’d refused to talk about it anymore.
He’d thought a few times about talking to the girls on the team, but you’d been partnered with JJ for the last month on cases to avoid him, and there was a bond there between the two of you that he didn’t want to overstep.
It was in this confusion that Rossi found him again, taking pity on the boy wandering around like a lost puppy in the absence of your friendship.
“Kid, what is up with you again recently?”
“Y/N has been avoiding me, and I don’t know why. Derek said it was my fault because she… well she walked in on something that I’d rather she hadn’t, you know, and I don’t know why she still won’t talk to me because it’s been a month.” He rambled out, thankful that someone was finally hearing him out.
“If I’m understanding your insinuation here, I think I know what the problem is.” Rossi sat back, choosing his words carefully, so as not to startle the younger man. But he was so worked up all over you, missing your voice, your touch, your company, and just wanting you back in whatever way he could get you that he jumped at the very suggestion of answers.
“Then please, tell me, I’m begging you. I’ve been tearing my hair out trying to figure out what it is and I just miss her so much that it hurts.”
“Spencer, you know I usually don’t get involved in the personal lives of my coworkers, but just listen to me now, nice and calmly - and dont try to interrupt me or say a word. I know what I’m talking about, okay?” He gave a quick nod of his head, waiting with baited breath for Rossi to continue.
“The girl is in love with you. Head over heels, in fact, and has been for quite some time. And she was holding it together real nice until you decided to become this casanova and now she is heartbroken,” Spencer looked like he was about to interrupt, to spew out that that couldn’t possibly be the case, but Rossi silenced him with a look. “If you don’t believe me, you use that memory of yours and you do what you do best. Think about it.”
For the next three months, that was all Spencer did. He thought about every interaction you’d ever had. The blush on your cheeks when he’d introduced himself for the first time (and refused to shake your hand). The countless nights spent curled up on opposite sides of his couch, laughing and crying together at silly sci-fi shows. The way you’d thrown yourself into his arms after a particularly gruelling case, buried your head in his chest instead of anyone else's. The day you’d finally confessed your past to him, how he’d felt your heart beating as he held a finger to your pulse, hand gently holding yours waiting for you to finish describing the time you’d stared death in the face.
You’d noticed the change, but you wouldn’t let yourself acknowledge it fully. Noticed how he’d shoot you lingering glances from across the room, how he’d look like he had something to say when you announced you were leaving for the night. How he’d ask everyone together what their friday night plans were just to hear you admit that you were going home alone in the company of the rest of the team.
You’d noticed, and god had it given you a spark of hope that you wished would die quickly. You’d noticed, and so you weren’t as surprised when he turned up on your doorstep four months after you’d last talked to him, on another friday evening.
“What are you doing here?” you greeted him, the words coming out colder than you wanted them to seem, inwardly cursing yourself for letting your emotions get the better of you.
“Don’t make me leave, please, I just have something to ask and I’ll leave you alone.”
“Spencer, it’s been a long day, and I just want to go to bed so-”
“Do you still love me?” His words cut you off and your heart all but stopped. Your tongue grew heavy, and the inside of your mouth tasted acidic, knowing that you weren’t going to be able to fully stomach whatever conversation was coming.
“Excuse me?” you spluttered out eventually.
“Three months ago, Rossi said that you were in love with me, and I need to know that if that was the case, are you still in love with me now?” You expected some cold curious look to be gracing his face, but you looked up to see his eyes perfectly trained on your own, his mouth set in a line, a look of stony determination set on his face.
“If I say yes, what difference does that make?” you tried not to spit out the words, but you had no control over the venom in your heart.
“If you say yes, then I am going to kiss you, and then I am going to spend every last day I have on the planet making up for being an idiot for the last two years.” Your breath caught in your throat, and, not for the first time in front of Spencer Reid, you were stunned into silence.
“So, what is your answer?” He looked down at you again, and you started to see the cracks in his stony facade, started to see through to the man who desperately wanted you to say yes, to scream it at him.
The word hadn’t even fully formed on your tongue before he was crashing down into you, his mouth pleading for forgiveness and wrapping you up in him. He grabbed you and pulled you back into your apartment, whispering into each of your kisses.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” The two of you stumbled into the space, but he never moved his hands from the sides of your face, cupping your cheeks gently as his lips brushed against yours again and again.
Your legs gave way beneath you by the time you’d reached the open space of your living room, but instead of catching you, he fell to his knees with you, content for the two of you to just sit there together in each other's embrace.
“You’ve loved me this entire time, and I was too stupid to realise that you’re everything I need.” He kissed your mouth, your jaw, your neck, moving his hands from your face to your waist, pulling you in deep again as you desperately pulled away in search of breath. That only toppled you further to the ground, and he came down on top of you again as well, one hand coming up to cup the back of your head so you didn’t hurt yourself.
And you kissed him back just as fervently when your breath returned, listening to every apology and forgiving him with every touch. His kisses said “I’m sorry,” and yours said “I know,” and that was all the communication you needed for now.
He pulled your shirt over your head eventually, and your skin met the cold tile of the floor, a shiver running up your spine causing you to buck your hips up into his. He hissed at the contact and pushed his bodyweight down further into yours, his legs slotting perfectly between your splayed ones now.
“It took me too long to realise, and it has taken me too long to act on the knowledge, but I am not going to let you go again, do you understand?” he pushed his lips into yours again before you could respond, and you clawed into his shoulders as he started grinding down into your body. His hand trailed up your waist to your breasts, pulling them free from the constraints of your bra, as he let his tongue slide down from your neck to your chest.
“I need to hear you say it baby, need you to say you understand, can you do that for me?” Your body burned under his attention, back arching desperately for more contact as his tongue swirled your nipple into his mouth, gasping breaths loud enough to fill the empty air of your apartment. His stiff cock was firmly pressing against your core now, barely clothed in the pajamas you’d pulled on before his arrival.
“Spencer, yes, I need you, I need you right now, please,” grabbed at either side of his face and pulled him back up so he was face to face with you. You initiated the kiss this time, and you could feel your heart soar at the tender kiss he met you with, thankful for the reciprocation.
“Not yet, baby, not yet, okay?” he whispered in your ear, trailing his hands down to your centre and slipping his hand under your clothes. “So fucking wet for me, baby. Just for me, right, baby?” His fingers found your clit, and he started rolling it between his fingers. He worked slowly enough to drive you insane, but giving you just enough relief that you couldn’t complain.
“Yes, Spencer, yes, yes it’s all for you. Only for you,” you managed to gasp out. He shifted his hand after a few minutes, still pressing love bites down your chest, claiming you as his in the most animalistic way possible. He spread the wetness that pooled at your core around, making sure that his fingers were coated in you before pushing a single digit into your aching hole, thumb continuing to draw circles around your bundle of nerves.
“That’s my little slut, so desperate for me, so needy for me.” His words shot through you, and you started thrusting your hips up desperate for more friction with his hand. He roughly pushed you back down, pinning you under him with his free hand.
“No, baby, I’m in charge here. You sit back and relax and let me make you feel good,okay?” His words soothed you, the growing heat in the pit of your stomach fizzing in anticipation. His kisses dropped lower and lower, until he was finally pulling off your remaining clothing and replacing his thumb with his lips.
“Fuck Spencer, if you keep doing that, I’m going to-” another sharp intake as he pumped a second finger in and out of you.
“Going to what, baby? Use your words?”
“I’m going to cum, Spencer please, I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum.,,” you rode out your high with his face stuffed between your legs still, swallowing your loud moans for fear of the entire neighbourhood knowing just how obsessed you were with this man.
“You did so good for me, baby, so good. I love you so much, okay? I’m going to take care of you from now on, okay?” He began pressing kisses to your mouth again, and you could taste yourself against him now.
“I need you so badly, baby, are you going to let me have you?” He started pulling off his own clothing now, removing his shirt and tie, but never once leaving your embrace for too long.
“I love you so much, baby. I’m sorry for not realising before, but I realise now. I was so terrible to you after Maeve, and god, even before she died I was using you as a therapist to talk through my thoughts and fears, but I was too dense to even realise that I was only in love with Maeve because she was safe. I couldn’t meet her, couldn’t touch her, didn’t have the chance to ruin anything I had with her. I couldn't realise that she wasn’t you, that she wasn’t going to feel like you do in my arms. And maybe some part of me loved her, but we were using each other, and I was using her to avoid confronting how I felt about you.”
“And how I feel for you is different. I am obsessed with you, Y/N. I am so madly in love with you that the last four months have felt like hell. I could have emptied myself of all the blood in my body and still my heart would be beating for you. Do you understand?”
You answered in a chaste kiss on his lips, sweet and quick, but as much as you could muster without driving yourself to the brink of insanity getting yourself high on his touch.
“Use your words, baby. Tell me what you want now, okay?” He’d unbuttoned his pants shortly after that and you stared transfixed at the head of his cock poking up and out of them, desperate to see it, touch it, taste it.
“I need you inside of me, Spence, please,” you cried out, tears welling in your eyes at the tender contact, the confession. All the emotions you’d been burying for the last four months bubbling to the surface, dancing around your head as he made you dizzy with desire.
“You’re so perfect, Y/N. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you,” with the last of his clothing removed he was finally free, taking his heavy,aching cock in his hand and lining himself up with you. With a single thrust, and another confession of love, he gave you what you wanted so much.
“You wanted me like this, baby? So desperate to have my cock inside you?” he plagued you with questions as you adjusted to his size, watching your face for any discomfort as you mumbled out yes after yes.
“Me too, baby. I wanted you just like this, wanted you so desperate and dripping for me that I could slide right in, wanted you like this for me and only me.” He began thrusting then, slowly pumping his cock into you, heavy with each return, the sound of skin slapping against skin joining the ensemble of your moans.
“I love you,” he said again, and with each thrust of his hips, and you responded in kind, matching his thrusts with your own and pressing a kiss into the skin of his shoulders. You were so desperate and needy, so starved of touch and starved of one another that neither of you lasted long. Your bodies were so in sync that as soon as he’d pushed you over the edge for a second time, you could feel him spill himself inside you, filling you completely.
He rolled off you, but didn’t leave you there, picking you up and carrying you to the bedroom. He cleaned you up as much as possible, then folded you back into his arms, holding you again so tenderly that you let the tears flow down your cheeks for a final time.
It was Friday night, and he was here, and he loved you. You weren’t going to let him go again.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
Supe Preference: Asking You Out
Requested: hi, idk if you write for the supes, but I will try request anyway :D how would the supes ( the boys series) ask a gn reader out? Ty - anon
A/N: I hope this is okay my love! I tried to stay true to character as much as possible, so I'm not sure how romantic some of them are. I tried writing for new Supes too, at least new for me, so apologies if it's not totally in character! Feedback is always appreciated! 💜💜💜
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Homelander doesn't exactly ask you out. Rather, on live TV during an interview or event, he grabs your hand and proclaims that you're in love, that you're a couple. Whether or not you're into him, it still comes as a shock. Afterwards he'll ask you on a date where the public and paparazzi can see and take pictures. It's not as intimate as you'd like, but the date goes well. He takes you to an expensive restaurant where you've gotten rid of your suit for something classy and elegant, but he sticks with his regular attire. It's definitely not how you were expecting to be asked out or how you thought your relationship would progress. Ashley thinks it's great! You are both insanely powerful and, for selfish reasons, she wants Homelander off her back. She appreciates that you'll take some of the attention off her.
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The Deep probably makes more than a few inappropriate, crude, raunchy jokes about and around you before he properly introduces himself. It's almost compulsive the way his jokes come out. He just can't help himself. He later apologizes and asks to start fresh. Would you want to go out on a date with him? When you say yes, he instantly tells you about all his ideas. You could go to the aquarium or to dinner or to the amusement park or coffee or whatever you want to do. You stick to coffee. It's pretty cute how excited he is. He wasn't expecting you to say yes, so he really didn't have it planned all the way through. He was expecting, like everyone else in his life, for you to call him stupid and move on without answering.
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A-Train and you have been dating forever, but you haven't been out on a date in ages. He's still shy trying to ask you out even now. Of course you say yes, excited you'll get some time alone. You might have to reschedule once or twice because Homelander is on the rampage, but when you do get together, he takes you rollerskating. Despite how fast he is in sneakers, he's awful on wheels. He holds your hand the entire time and definitely drags you down when he falls. He stays pretty casual in his clothes and tries to keep his hood up, but it just falls down. You guys find a roller-rink in the middle of nowhere, so you're pretty safe in being discovered. You make fun of his clumsiness and check him for bruises when he falls, especially hard. He makes the same joke over and over: that he "fell" for you. You think he's an idiot, but this is by far one of your most favorite dates.
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Queen Maeve asks you out over text. When you say yes, she shows up in her civilian clothes. She makes sure she isn't followed and that Homelander is distracted the entire day. She takes you to the movies. It's dark and secluded, but she knows you love movie theater popcorn specifically with all the butter and the blue raspberry slushies, and you picked the only movie not funded by or produced by Vought. It's a really terrible comedy, but you two can laugh at it anyway. Maeve even holds your hand during the movie which makes her heart beat out of her chest. Afterwards she makes you stay after to kiss you and tell you she had a really great time. It's the first time in forever where she's felt like a real person whose allowed to do real person things. She wants to get your read on it, but you're both excited for a second date.
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Firecracker would ask you on a date to some fast food restaurant where you can get the best greasy food and the thickest milkshakes. She'll definitely be sported because she doesn't go incognito and ends up spending a few minutes at least taking pictures and videos for everyone who wants one. She apologizes for them, but secretly, she loves it. You don't mind. You knew what you were getting into when you said yes to the date. She tells you about her life growing up and her past with Starlight. You tell her about your own life and how you came to New York to follow your dreams. She tells you about joining The Seven and what she really thinks of Vought. It isn't the most magical date, but you're glad you said yes. It made you feel like a teenager again, getting food with your old crush, trying to play it cool when you're actually freaking out.
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Soldier Boy doesn't really ask you out on a date. You two *get busy* in bed and afterwards he asks if you'd want to go to a bar. You say yes and find yourself at a local hole in the wall, a place that definitely doesn't see new faces. Most of the patrons are as old as Ben would be if he'd aged. He looks so familiar to them, but they can't figure out where he's from. An old friend? An old co-worker? Regardless, they don't pay attention to the two of you. You and Ben start trying to out drink one another and though his tolerance is astronomically higher than yours, you keep up enough to impress him. You two probably go back to bed and keep drinking, sharing stories about your lives between sweaty sheets and shared sips of whatever booze he has lying around. It's not too official, but you both kind of think of it as a date.
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Bonus! Annie asks you to go bowling with her. Like in the show, she plays it off like she's not very good until you point it out to her. That's when she starts kicking your ass. She's really embarrassed and worried that you'll think she's showing off or just trying to make you feel bad, but you love it. You love her strength. You love her showing off and almost breaking the pins with the ball. You get really awful bowling alley food and beers, and it's a really fun night despite all the drama that comes with being Starlight. It's the first time in a long time she's felt normal and safe and excited to be here, excited to be herself. You're not shy about asking for a second date, though you know you're risking a lot by wanting to be with her. She makes that known before anything else.
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gorgeys · 1 month
heyyy i've been thinking about this specific scenario w our queen for a while now and id love to see you writing about it if possible bc ur amazinggg
so basically ive been thinking about maeve and reader being in the beginning of their relationship but maeve is still very closed off and hates any sign of vulnerability so when reader notices that and tries to help maeve process her emotions in a healthier way than w drugs or just bottling up like she always does she gets really defensive and fight w reader about it but then maeve realize that it was a shitty thing to do n apologize to reader because she really wants this to work its just that old habits die hard
basically angst w happy ending bc im a sucker for hurt/comfort
never let me go ★ queen maeve
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Queen Maeve x fem!reader
Maeve has her walls up, but you help her break them down
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2960
Note: thank you sm for the great request! i'm not the best at writing this hurt/comfort stuff but i really tried!! i hope you enjoy!
you stuffed shredded chicken into a searing pan of sauce.  if someone had walked in, they would have assumed you were cooking for a family of six. but no, the pan was piled high just for your girlfriend who had a never-ending appetite and claimed she'd rather eat your food than the meals at any restaurant.  that boosted your ego quite a bit considering maeve had literally dined at the most expensive and renowned restaurants in America.
some nights she'd come up behind you while you whipped up one of your classic dishes and wrap her arms around your waist.  she'd leave little kisses behind your ear and tell you how much she missed you, leaving a stupid smile on your face.  then she'd rest her head on your shoulder and ask you to tell her everything about your day because her day was "boring as usual."  you didn't consider being a crime-fighting superhero boring by any means, but you got the hint that she didn't want to talk about it.
but then other nights you wondered if the meal was all she came for.  it was nights like tonight, where she sat silently at the kitchen table with a beer in one hand and an empty bottle beside her, that left you worrying. whenever you glanced back at her, she always seemed to be blankly staring off into space, as if complicated thoughts were clouding her mind.  you had tried giving her space but you couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was wrong.
she only makes her presence known when she gets up from her chair, opens the fridge, and reaches for another beer.  upon noticing, you release a tired sigh that catches her attention.
"maeve, do you really need another?" you ask without turning around.  "i mean, you're gonna finish the whole case."
she closes the fridge behind her.
"i can just go out and buy some more," she says with a simple shrug.
"no, maeve, that's not what i mean," you say.  you half turn to meet her eyes and just look at her for a moment, wondering if she'll catch on.  from the little twitch of her eyes, you think she does, but she still doesn't say anything.  she just stands there and stares back at you, her hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle.  you sigh once more.  "is something going on?"
"what? no," she quickly says with the slight furrow of her eyebrows as if it's a stupid question. she doesn't sound one bit convincing.
"right," you say, fully turning around and dropping the wooden spoon into the pan. you lean your back against the edge of the counter.  "so you just sit in silence, drinking like a fish for no reason at all?"
she scoffs and laughs as if you're being absurd.
"since when do you care how much i drink?" she asks with her usual satirical smile.  you know that smile well.  it's the one she always displays when the conversation is teetering on something uncomfortable.
"since you started drinking like a middle-aged man going through a divorce."
"oh, come on, y/n" she says, waving you off.  "it's just cause i can't really get drunk like a normal person.  i need a few more."
"a few more?" you ask with raised eyebrows.  "maeve, you drink enough to kill a couple racehorses.  i mean, the only people i've seen drink that much are people trying to forget things."
her smile falters and you take it as a sign that you're headed in the right direction.
"if anything's going on, i want you to know that you can talk to me about it," you say sincerely, taking a step toward her.  "i'm always here for you, no matter what."
you catch her rolling her eyes before she turns away from you.
"god, stop with all the sappy shit," she says sharply.  she slams the beer on the tabletop rather hard.  "i'm fine, okay?" she says, borderline shouting.
"then talk to me, please," you say, placing a hand over your chest.  you know you sound a little pathetic as you plead but you hope it gets through to her.  "because it's so hard to guess what you're feeling when you just sit there not saying anything.  i can only imagine the worst."
she audibly groans before she sits back in her chair.  her eyes lock dead onto yours and she ignores the desperation written all over your face.
"i have shitty enough days already, the last thing i wanna do is come here and talk about my fucking feelings like i'm in kindergarten.  i deal with enough children at vought already," she says, crossing her arms and staring daggers into you.
you press your lips together out of frustration.  she's a grown woman but she's acting like an immature teenager.
"well you can't just keep everything to yourself," you say, matching her posture and crossing your own arms.  "i know it's a lot to carry between the seven and vought and having to save everyone in this whole shitty city, so don't feel like you have to carry it alone."
she laughs at you and it only feels like a punch to your gut.
"god, i didn't know i was talking to my fucking therapist," she says, overenunciating her words and practically spitting at you in the process.  "do you come up with these lines yourself or do you steal them off inspirational pinterest boards?" she asks with a derisive smile.
"maeve," you sigh, growing tired of this game that you're playing.  she's usually awful at these touchy conversations but she's especially defensive tonight.  you take another step toward her. "all i'm asking is that you have a real conversation with me.  i mean, i feel like i'm talking to a stranger half the time because i don't know a single thing about you.  you wanna talk about the bachelor for an hour but can't tell me a thing about your day or what's actually bothering you.  it's like pulling teeth with you."
you take a final cautious step toward her and place one palm on the table to support your weight. you're standing just inches away from her.
"stop shutting me out.  it's hurting both of us," you say, more softly this time.
"you mean it's hurting you," she says, punctuating her words by slamming her fist on the table, causing you to flinch and jump away from her.  you look down and notice she's cracked the wooden surface.
you've never been seriously scared of her strength before, but you are in this moment.
"i'm doing just fine, actually. you just want me to have a break down so you can feel better about yourself and your small, meaningless problems," she says, rising from her chair.
you scoff out of disbelief.
"do you even hear yourself right now?" you ask, throwing your hands up in the air.  "i'm your girlfriend, not some villain you have to fight.  i'm not praying on your downfall.  all i wanna do is help you."
she laughs and shakes her head while you huff.  it boils your blood when she treats you like this, like some ignorant outsider, not someone who cares so deeply about her.
"oh, okay y/n, so let's just hold hands and sing kumbaya and maybe all my problems will disappear," she says, the typical sarcasm dripping from her tone.  it's quickly replaced by venom.  "you can't do anything to help me.  you're stupid for ever thinking you could," she yells, before falling back into her chair and opening the beer bottle with the flick of her thumb.
once again, you just stare at her, wondering if she'll recognize the insanity behind her words and the visible hurt they've inflicted on you.  but no, she just takes a long swig from the bottle, letting you know that nothing you've said has pierced her tough exterior.
finally, you've reached your limit with her.  you know this is going nowhere.
"well fuck me, maeve, for trying to help," you say, spinning around and turning the stove off.  she puts her beer down, a little surprised by the abrupt change in your usually understanding nature.  "you can make your own dinner and go back to your bougie penthouse and drink yourself to death up there, okay?  i'm not fucking doing this tonight."
she only watches as you, with glossy eyes, stomp toward your bedroom and slam the door behind you.  she doesn't make an effort to stop you, but instead sits there almost dumbfounded by the way she's tipped you over the edge.  she had never seen you like this before.
she stays at your now cracked kitchen table for quite a while, downing her third beer and contemplating if she should go in and talk to you or leave like you asked.
even if she did push aside the embarrassment and work up the courage to knock on your bedroom door, what would she even say to you?  that she has blood on her hands from all the people homelander's killed and she can't take it anymore?  that when she closes her eyes, all she can see are those screaming, terrified, innocent people?  that that's why she's broken inside?  no, those are her burdens to carry, not yours, she thinks.  she can't scare you away now, not this soon.
"fuck," she curses as she stands up from the table, eyes locked on your bedroom door.
she wants to be in that bed with you, her head tucked in the crook of your neck as you sleep soundly.  she wants to fall asleep to your perfect, soothing smell and the soft sound of your breathing like she usually does.
but no.  no matter how much her heart hurts, she can't bring herself to your door.  she can't let you see through her like that.  instead, she throws the bottles into your trash can and walks out of your apartment.
for the next few days, all maeve can think about is you.  she thinks about you opening your apartment door for her, close to midnight, after a long night of crime-fighting.  you're in your cute plaid pajama pants and maybe your oversized queen maeve shirt that she stole for you from vought tower.
she thinks about watching netflix on the couch with you, cuddled under your favorite soft blue blanket.  she thinks about the moment you slump against her shoulder as you begin to doze off.
she even misses your texts.  she misses your "have the best day, baby!!" texts.  she misses all the heart-eye emojis you send her.  she misses the cute impromptu pictures you take, especially the ones you take of yourself kissing random queen maeve billboards or posters around the city.  she misses your "i love you <3" texts.
and it's during a boring seven meeting where she keeps checking her phone, hoping for a text from you, that she realizes that she can't lose you.  she desperately needs you and every day that she doesn't see you feels like a pointless one.  she can't carry on with vought or the seven or saving people if she doesn't have you to come home to.
so maybe, to make this thing between the two of you work, she needs to change.  maybe she needs to open up, because losing you is not an option.
that's the sentiment she repeats in her head as she knocks on your apartment door, waiting impatiently to see you for the first time since your fight.
she hears the pitter pattering of your bare feet from behind the door before you swing it open.  and there you are, in all your glory of messy hair and sweatpants.  you don't say anything, so maeve sends you a weak smile.
"hi," she says awkwardly, looking almost embarrassed to be in her current situation.
"hi," you reply, more coldly than she's used to.  though she understands after everything she said last time.
she stares at you for another beat, soaking in every part of your presence.  relief floods her body just seeing you.
"i, um, i bought you a new table," she says, raising the cardboard ikea box she had tucked under one arm.  "i'm sorry about what i did to your other one."
you open the door wider so she can come in and set the box down in your kitchen.  when she walks back to you, you still have one hand on the door edge, holding the door open.
"is that all you came to do or..."
she can't read your blank expression.  do you want her to leave or stay?  it doesn't matter.  she has to be brave right now.
"no," she says, standing awkwardly in your living room, her fingers playing with the hem of her sweater.  she nervously looks down at the floor for a moment.  she reminds you of a shy school girl that's trying to work up the courage to ask out her crush.  "can we talk?"
you close and lock the door and notice that maeve's already invited herself to sit on your couch.  so you sit beside her, your body turned toward her and your elbow resting on the top of the couch.  you watch as she sits there stiffly, as if she's never been there before, with her hands tightly folded in her lap.
her gaze nervously flickers from your face to her hands every few seconds.  you can see the gears in her brain spinning in overdrive as she tries to find the right words.  although the air is slightly tense and awkward, you would sit there for hours if it meant maeve would finally share herself with you.
"y/n," she finally says, abruptly raising her head to look you in the eye.  your heart jumps a little. "being a hero isn't all it's cracked up to be.  i've...seen terrible things," she says before taking a deep breath.  "i've done terrible things."
you realize that this is the moment.  this is the moment where she's finally going to let you into her life.  her whole life.  so, you shelve your anger and gently rest a hand over one of her wrists.  you give her skin a soft, encouraging squeeze that tells her to continue.
"and...the guilt is the worst part.  i-" she pauses to take another shaky breath and then press her lips together.  you can see that tears are beginning to prick the corners of her eyes.  "i don't know what to do," she admits, her voice cracking.  your heart cracks along with it.
"and i guess..." she continues.  "i didn't want you to have to worry about that.  i didn't want to scare you," she says, looking back down at her hands.
"maeve," you coo, resting your other hand on her shoulder.  a pout naturally finds it's way to your lips.  seeing her this emotional almost makes you want to cry with her.
"and i'm so sorry.  because...not telling you made everything even worse.  and i just don't want to lose you," she says, a tear rolling down her cheek.  her hand immediately rises to wipe it away.  "i don't want to lose you because of something stupid like this."
"maeve," you say, your hand leaving her shoulder to push a strand of hair out of her face.  "it's okay., it's not stupid.  i get it, you're not used to doing...this. i know it's hard for you."  you gently hold her cheek in her hand, forcing her to make eye contact with you.  "but you could never scare me away.  i promise.  i'm with you because i want to know all of you.  all the bad stuff too."
"but, y/n, it's really bad," she says, pressing her lips together to prevent herself from breaking down.
you're leaning into her and holding her face with both hands now, your foreheads almost touching.
"maeve, you're a good person," you say.  you sound so sincere that maeve can't help the silent tears that start to flow rapidly.  that was everything she needed to hear and more.  "i know that.  you know that.  whatever is going on, it's not something that we can't overcome together.  if you let me in, i'm going to help you as much as i can, okay?  i'm always here for you," you say.
she nods in your hands and feels her body flooded by an overwhelming sense of comfort.
"i need you, y/n.  i need this to work. and i wanna be better.  for you," she says, finally bumping your forehead with hers.
"i know.  and i know it's scary to tell me all this stuff but i promise, it's going to get easier.  if you trust me, there's nothing we can't do," you say, a little smile finding it's way to your face.  you know it sounds cheesy and it's something maeve would have made fun of you for under typical circumstances, but in the moment, it feels right.  "and you know i love you, right?"
she instinctively wraps her arms around your shoulders, engulfing you in the tightest hug you've ever received from her.  she familiarly tucks her head into the crook of your neck, inhaling that smell she missed so much.
"i love you so much," she whispers into your skin and you melt in her arms.  you hold her just as tightly, your fingers rubbing up and down her back.  "i missed you."
"i missed you more," you say.
"i'm never letting you go again," she says, squeezing you to her chest even tighter, and you laugh softly.  she's telling the honest truth.
though fear still lingered in the back of her mind, this feeling sure as hell beat any alcohol.
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All I Ever Wanted, All I Ever Needed Pt. 2
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Warnings: siblingxsibling implications, Homelander being such a narcissist that he falls in "love" with his own sibling, Homelander being a stalker, innocent reader, naive reader, Homelander being a basic menace, some uncomfortable parts, dubcon, secrets, manipulation, grooming (feel like that's what Homelander is doing), age gap, power imbalance, there will be one more part after this then i think i'm gonna wrap up this little story
Words: 3472
Summary: Starlight unravels the secrets which Homelander and Vought so desperately wanted to keep in the dark.
Part 1 Part 3
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Annie was still reeling from the events of yesterday. She'd barely stepped foot into her apartment before a Vought assistant was scrambling to reach her. They inform Annie about the dinner being held that night to introduce a Seven-Trainee. This only further raised the hairs of alarm on the back of her neck.
Worst of all was that you nor anyone else saw a problem with this. Maeve wore her mask well and kept her thoughts to herself though their conversation was till fresh. Maeve really wanted to ignore how odd it was.
Maeve rose her glass with everyone else, a smile plastered across her face. And you, you were beyond happy; unaware of the wolf that paraded beside you. Annie could barely stomach her meal, forcing down bits of lamb but the richness of it soured immediately on her tongue.
Thankfully once everyone seemed to finish, the group parted ways with you and Homelander walking away together side by side.
That night was hard to sleep, even after calling Hughie and telling him all about it. He'd said that him and the Boys would look into it. See what they could find on you. That did help enough to lull Annie to sleep.
Reality was there in the Seven's conference room though, cheerfully beaming up at Annie.
"Good morning Starlight!" You chirp, the mug in your hand is put down forgotten by her entrance. Homelander is taking slow sips of his coffee, watching their interaction like a hawk. Annie didn't have to look at him to know that. She could feel the drilling of his piercing blue eyes. The eyes of a sociopath.
She puts on her best face, similar to the ones she wore when meeting fans. "How was your first night in the Tower?"
"It was great!" Really, it had been a great night. Probably the best one in your life. After the delicious dinner Homelander took you out around the city, giving you an aerial tour. Then he got ice cream for the two of you to enjoy back on Vought Tower's roof. You listened to the urban music it made at night. Honking of cars, sizzling of food, the chatter of people; the city was so alive. Your nights at home were spent quietly.
The warmth that Homelander made you feel took you by surprise. From the moment he showed up at your house, you felt an immediate connection. Like the two of you meeting was fated, written in the stars. In a short amount of time, Homelander had embedded himself in you. Last night all you could think about was spending the next day with him and the rest of the Seven. He gave you comfort in a way your parents never did. They loved you sure but they never really understood you. They were fearful when you started flying. You didn't even want to remember the conniption your father had when you'd accidentally fried an expensive painting with your lasers. To them your powers were somewhat of a burden, not something to revel in.
Yesterday you'd used your powers more than you have in your entire life. Homelander encouraged you.
A bit of a cliche, you already felt yourself really falling in love with him. You'd already been fairly attracted to him to begin with. When you saw him on tv, he was your ideal of the perfect man. Well spoken, handsome, chivalrous- everything you thought your future partner would be. He ticked off all of those boxes.
Chances though that he reciprocated such feelings so soon was low. He must see you as still a child. The age difference didn't help either.
"She'll be shadowing me today." Homelander tells Starlight as she stops by the breakfast buffet that was set up for the Seven. Her hand lingers on the cup of coffee she'd poured herself. "Just to get an idea of what we do on a daily basis."
She raises her brows. "You're taking her out on the field so soon?"
It's obvious that Homelander doesn't like Starlight questioning his choices when it comes to you.
You cheerfully nod. You memorized the schedule Homelander had given to you a few moments before Starlight had entered the conference room. Holding out the sheet of paper to her, she takes it and looks it over.
Starlight doesn't remove her eyes from the paper. "Don't you think she'd benefit from shadowing myself or Maeve one of these days? It looks like she's mainly going to be with you and Black Noir."
He keeps his tight lipped smile. "I'm giving her the basics. Once she's advancing to my satisfaction she can work with you and Queen Maeve. For now I want to be hands on with her training. After all, anyone would kill to be taught by America's number one hero." Homelander's smile that he gives you sends your tummy in a flurry.
Taking everything in you to maintain a professional appearance, you hide your blush by taking a sip of your coffee. You didn't want Starlight to see you obviously simping for him. That would be embarrassing. You wanted to be taken seriously during your time here. This was a once in a life time opportunity that you didn't want to squander. You planned on absorbing everything you learn during your time with the Seven. Maybe one day. . . you'd be able to join their ranks. Wasn't that every little supe's dream?
Starlight was actually happy to see Black Noir and Maeve walk in, A-Train trailing behind them; his eyes glued to his phone.
You straighten in your seat, showing them that you understood the great privilege it was to be there with them. Your heart raced being around so many big names.
You listen attentively as the Seven get down to morning business.
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The next few days are spent integrating yourself into the lifestyle and schedule of the Seven. Homelander took control of your training in the beginning, but he had other priorities that pulled him away from you. Much to both of your chagrin. He handed you off to Maeve during his busy hours. Unlike Homelander, Maeve isn't quite as warm. She's a tough teacher. Even when you walk around with her in public she keeps everything professional. She holds herself perfectly which you catch yourself trying to replicate. Maeve had you learning the different districts of New York. Important to understand the diversity in each and the crime statistics that reflected upon it.
"You need to know the streets like the back of your hand. Especially when criminals try to run. They'll do whatever it takes to shake you from their trail." Maeve explains. "Since you can fly, it'll be especially important for you to memorize an aerial map too."
You diligently studied any and all maps you could get ahold of. Even went as far as spreading all of them out around your apartment.
Problems came at the prospect of Maeve sparring with you. With someone like Maeve it was necessary to take care to not use the full capacity of your powers on her. She wasn't completely indestructible, unlike you and Homelander. Physical training would have to wait until Homelander's schedule freed up.
He texts you as you wait for him in Vought's state of the art gym. The both of you make plans after training to hang out.
Finding yourself internally swooning, you shake your head free of any thoughts of that ilk. You wanted to remain professional. He's just being friendly and must know that you might be missing your family.
And it was weird that you hadn't received any calls or texts from either your mom or your dad. When you'd attempted to contact them yourself they never answer. Your messages go unreturned.
You'd thought about paying an actual visit with this concerning behavior. They'd gone from helicopter parents to ghost quiet. Your schedule was just so busy. Maybe you'd take the time to ask Homelander if you could take time off to go.
When Starlight shows up, gym bag hanging off of her shoulder, she's pleasantly surprised to find you alone in the locker room. "Hey! I feel like I haven't seen you in a while."
She was still in her supe outfit but lacked her long lashes that she wore to public events and patrol. Still she was so pretty.
"I've been shadowing Queen Maeve during the day. And then training in the afternoons whenever Homelander's available. I tried sparring with Queen Maeve, but even when I tried not to punch so hard. . ." You rub your knuckles. Even when you held back you still sent Queen Maeve a couple of feet away before she steadies herself to get back up. Really, it was you who insisted to train with Homelander after that. You knew nothing you did would seriously hurt him.
Pressing her lips together, Starlight suggests "You know, I may not look it,, but I'm pretty tough." She offers you a tentative smile. "If you want to try sparring with me? I don't have much to do today."
"Sure! You're supposed to be learning from all of us, right?"
You enthusiastically nod and close your locker door before you hop to your feet. "Okay! Guess I should get a warm up in before Homelander gets here."
Both of you laugh as you exit the lockers side by side. It was odd when you remember that Starlight is only a year or two older than you. She carries herself with such confidence. Each stride she takes is strong. Every block she makes, calculated. She'd only been in the Seven for little more than a year and she fit in so easily.
As much as you idolized Homelander, you loved Starlight. Even after Vought decided to change her supe uniform to something more scandalous. From the first photoshoots she'd done in her new outfit, there was a look of contempt that shadowed her eyes. Clear that this change wasn't her decision. Whatever Vought was trying to make her out to be, Starlight would remain herself. She was still the bad ass girl that gave you hope that you could one day join the Seven officially.
Starlight proved to be a competent sparring partner. Dodging any of your offensive attacks. You had to move quick around her. She was fast, even impressing you.
Neither of you noticed when Homelander strolls into the gym where supes honed their skills. You don't see the twitching of his jaw or the haughty way he folds his arms in front of his expansive chest. His eyes are particularly glued to Starlight, the interloper. It was one thing letting you follow and learn from Maeve. Homelander didn't trust Starlight one bit. He'd always felt something off about her. She just felt fake to him. And he didn't like how her expression had become hostile when he introduced you. Like he was doing something wrong by bringing you to the Tower. He wonders if she knew the truth about you.
A trickle of sweat was rolling down the side of your face when you finally turn to where Homelander was standing. "Oh! Hey Homelander!" You use the front of your tank top to wipe your face.
He forces his iciness to melt just enough so that he could return your bright smile while still shooting Starlight eyes that could only mean 'watch yourself'. "I thought you didn't feel comfortable physically training with anyone but me?" Homelander puts on a tone of faux hurt.
"Starlight assured me that she's sturdier than she looks. And she was right! Plus she's fast and I hardly landed any serious blows to her." Confidence made your smile widen and Homelander felt that familiar clenching in his chest. How precious and perfect you were to him. Starlight threatened that. She could be a bad influence on you. He could already see you dressing in a skimpy outfit like Starlight wore. And while he wouldn't mind seeing that, he would mind everyone else's penetrating gaze. That was something he couldn't risk.
"You almost got me a few times." She chuckles in return, already feeling the both of you were becoming actual friends.
"Well," Homelander inserts himself between you two "thank you for warming her up, but I'm here now. I'll take over."
Starlight's smile waver, her dark eyes hardening toward the leader of the Seven. "Of course." Her warmth returns when she addresses you. "We should do that again. I had fun."
You felt like you could explode. "Y-yeah! I had fun too. I'll see you later!" You didn't have many friends, at least not organic friends that you made yourself.
Yeah, your friendship with Starlight was definitely not Homelander approved.
The entire time it takes Starlight to leave the gym, Homelander's glare didn't move from her back. He didn't like her around his sister one bit.
"Alright!" Your cheerful hum brings him back to you. "Now I can really go all out. You ready?"
Corner of his mouth curling up into one of affection. He'd put a pin in it, wait until later. For now, he just wanted to enjoy being around you and having you beam up at him like he was your own personal deity. Your main god whom you would always rely on.
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With Homelander distracted, Starlight takes the opportunity to slink out of the Tower and to the Boys' hideout. Her gray hoodie covers her signature gold hair. Hopefully that and her ripped pants would deter anyone from her identity. What she was doing was not only stupid but dangerous. For her, for Hughie, even for Butcher who wasn't exactly her favorite person.
"Annie! I was about to call you." Hughie immediately opens the door once he spies her through the peephole. "That girl-"
Annie holds her breath, waiting for what information they'd scrounged up.
"Another fuckin' supe." Butcher steals Hughie's opportunity as his heavy gaze lands on Annie.
She blinks and turns to Hughie. "What's he talking about?"
Hughie ruefully glances at Butcher before finishing what he was going to say earlier "That girl is Homelander's sister."
"That's. . ." The air in her lungs was stolen for her as it sunk in. Homelander's predatory claim of her, his hovering. But did you even know? It didn't seem likely.
Sitting her down, Hughie goes on to divulge more of Vought's dirty secrets that they tried to bury. A lot of hard work went into finding anything about you. All they had to go off of was your name. Any lead they managed to get was followed up. It was a wonder that they ever came upon the truth of your origin.
Staring at the blotchy piece of paper that Frenchie handed her, Annie felt her mouth go completely dry. The page was weathered, an old copy that held stains on the surface. Some words were so faded that they were intelligible.
John [the Homelander] failure uncontrollable neutralize
Lack of normal childhood had greatly damaged the psyche of Homelander. The problem lay in the fact that Homelander was indestructible. There was no known way to seriously maim him.
That was where the conception of you was truly developed. You would be raised entirely different than how Homelander was. That was Vought's mistake.
This was a tightly held secret. No one was meant to know about it. It sounded like Stan Edgar and his gaggle of scientists did everything they possibly could to ensure that you being related to Homelander would never come out.
"I guess with the truth of Ryan, he must have grown even more suspicious and found the information himself." quietly mused Hughie.
"Where did you get this document?" Annie forces her eyes up to him.
That has Butcher scoffing "What's it to you?"
Hughie intercedes. "We broke into Vogelbaum's home. Wasn't exactly the easiest thing to do. He was one of the scientist in charge of Homelander when he was growing up."
Worriedly chewing on her bottom lip, Annie closes her eyes to replay all of Homelander's interactions with you. Something still wasn't right. Why didn't you know? And why hadn't Homelander told you yet?
All of those questions plague her trip back to the Tower. It was never a good idea for her to be gone for too long. Others might grow suspicious of her outings.
She shouldn't be poking her nose deeper into Vought's business. But she couldn't let you be influenced by someone like Homelander. He was lying to you like he was lying to the rest of the world about how much of a good person he was. He wasn't golden. He was tarnished and distorted. And by how you gaze at him, Annie worries that you'd be all too willing to be corrupted by him. Eventually Homelander will show his true colors. When he does it will be too late for you to back out. He won't let you. Annie could see your future unfold before her. How you'd be stuck in the Seven similar to everyone else, including herself.
Slipping back in easily, Annie had to shed her sweatshirt and pants to dawn her Starlight uniform. Well, it felt more like a costume to her now. Losing all meaning when she discovered the Seven were not as honorable as she'd first imagined.
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You'd done so well during your training, Homelander deemed it only right that you get a special treat: a special viewing of the new Vought supe movie. Better was that it would be screened in Vought's private theatre that was only accessible for the higher ups in the company. For tonight, he'd call in a favor to reserve the whole room just for you. Gourmet treats would be included and anything else you wanted.
Going back to your room to shower and change, you show up in a comfortable pair of yoga pants and an old graphic tee. You're about to put on a lightweight jacket until you catch the buzzing of your phone.
Hope that it's your mom and or dad, you rush to where your phone was charging only to be disappointed. Just a useless app notification.
You try not to let it get to you but it was already nearing a month since you got there and you hadn't spoken to your parents once. Weighing the phone in your hand, you contemplate trying to call them again. Mind changing when you notice the time. You replace your morose mood to one of giddiness and slip your phone into the pocket of your yoga pants.
You were a little surprised to see him still in his uniform and partially embarrassed for yourself. Maybe you should have dressed up a little bit more?
Homelander didn't appear to mind. In fact his smile grew.
"Should I go back and change?"
"No, you're perfect. Just the way you are." His smile disarms any concern you may have previously had. "In fact I feel overdressed."
"Next time we'll have to coordinate outfit aesthetics." You chuckle and follow him in. The theatre was no yet darkened. This wasn't like any screening room you'd been in before. Each seat was the size of a couch that were capable of reclining. Except for the two of you, the room was completely empty.
Seeing Homelander in such a setting was a bit weird. Homelander was doing something as normal as sitting down and watching a movie was bizarre. He even used the reclining button for his own seat.
Before the movie started, he calls in for food and drinks be brought to the both of you.
Once you were in possession of your snacks, the room darkens and the screen comes to life.
You like when Homelander becomes your personal commentator. He tells you behind the scenes bloopers that others would not be privy to on the special features. Both of you are loud and don't care when you laugh or talk. Honestly you didn't pay much attention to the movie. You were more entertained with talking to Homelander and spending time with him.
The feeling was mutual. Homelander had never felt as carefree as he did when he was with you. Your laugh was a beautiful one that he wanted to hear all the time.
And with you looking at him with eyes that shine lightening strike blue from the light of the movie, he really couldn't hold himself back. He removes one of his red gloves and moves it to tenderly brush against your cheek, asking without using his words for your lips.
From that single point of contact, your entire body is set aflame. Your breath lodged in your throat as you realize what is about to happen. To show your consent you tilt your face up and allow him access.
Homelander doesn't waste a second in closing the gap.
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boldlyvoid · 1 year
prompt: reader (or another character) taking care of spencer during a depressive episode
Home is where ever I'm with you
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tw: depressive episode, Spencer going non-verbal/one-worded when he needs to speak, mentions of spencers anxiety/depression, his past trauma with maeve, case talk, food mention
wc: 1.8k
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Morgan drives him home and walks him up the stairs to his apartment, “can I have your keys?” He asks, reid just nods and hands them to him. 
He unlocks Spencer’s apartment and turns on the lights, waking up Spencer’s girlfriend who’s sleeping on the couch. “Hey…” she rubs her eyes, thinking it’s just Spencer. He didn’t know she was over, she came over when he said he was on his way home, and she failed to wait up for him. 
“Hi?” Derek answers, “who are you?” 
“Y/N,” Spencer finally speaks, he’s been nonverbal since the case ended. It was a bad case. He got a little hurt. All he wanted was to see her and it’s like she knew that. 
“Oh,” Derek knows this is the person Spencer’s been talking to for a while now, he remembers all the times he caught Spencer staring at his phone with a smile. This was his new love. 
He drops his bag on the ground and rushes over to her, burying his face in her neck and holding her impossibly close. She wraps her arms around him, “I’m here, I’ve got you, baby.” 
“Thank you,” Derek shoots her a smile, backing up towards the door. “Have him text me later when he’s feeling better?” 
“Will do, thank you, Derek,” she shoots him a smile, knowing him from all Spencers stories. She gives him a little wave as he closes the apartment door, and then they’re alone. “Do you want to eat, have a shower or go to bed?” 
“Shower,” he whispers, pulling back he looks at her with such sad eyes. “I’m tired.” 
“So we’ll get in the bath,” she whispers, cupping his face in her hands. “I’ve got you.” 
She gets him into the bathroom, helps him strip down and she puts a towel over the closed toilet seat. He takes a seat while she runs the bath water, he has the coolest bathtub. His apartment is so old yet a lot of it is newly renovated, his tub is one of those old claw-foot tubs, it’s pretty big and they’ve fit in it together before. 
She reaches into the cupboard under his sink and gets the pail she uses to wash his hair when he’s sitting down in the tub. This isn’t the first time she’s done this, it won’t be the last either. The first time she had to take care of him, he felt so awful, he felt like a kid… but from what she’s heard about his childhood, even as a kid, he didn’t have someone to take care of him like this. 
She helps him into the tub, she sits on a little stool outside the tub for a moment and then he looks at her with pleading eyes, he wants her to get in too. So she carefully strips and gets into the water right behind him, letting him rest against her chest. She has a washcloth and she covers it in soap, she runs it along his chest and his shoulders, washing the case off him. She kisses his head and right behind his ear, “You can talk to me whenever you’re ready…” 
He hums, he knows. He’s just unable to get any words out yet. That’s completely okay. It must’ve been really bad. The last time that this happened, he had to kill someone. That’s the worst part about the job. He hates it. He firmly believes that no matter what someone did, they don’t deserve to die. People can be rehabilitated, they may not be able to change, but you can learn more from a killer when they’re alive than when they’re dead. More people get saved with their prison interviews. 
“Scoot forward,” she requests and he does. She gets the pail and fills it with water, “tilt your head back for me?” 
He listens again, letting her run the water over his hair so she could wash it for him. He reaches out for the shampoo and hands it back to her, she lathers it up in her hands and starts to run it through his hair. It lathers up… fine but his hair was greasy, she knows if she washes it out and does it again, it’ll actually work this time. So she rinses it out, reapplies the shampoo and watches it bubble up a lot more. He leans his head back even more, clearly enjoying the way she’s managing his scalp. She keeps going just so he can feel some semblance of peace today. He deserved it. 
When she does rinse it out again, he sighs, “Thank you.” 
“You know I’d do anything for you, Spence,” she whispers before pressing a kiss to his shoulder. 
“Nothing happened,” he whispers back. “I’m just low… I think I need to go back on my meds.” 
“We can call and make an appointment with your psychiatrist in the morning,” she suggests. “Is it just depression or is there also anxiety?” 
“Both,” he says with a nod. “I listened to my meditations on the way home but it’s still bad.” 
“Do you want me to order you that good salmon rice bowl and get you some more magnesium supplements?” 
“Would you mind?” He worries. 
She leans over his shoulder and turns his face to the side. “Spence, I’m never going to mind.” 
“Thank you,” he says with tears in his eyes. 
She simply kisses him, “Do you want to get out?
He nods moving away from her so she can get out of the tub first. She’s quick to dry herself and then hold open a towel to wrap around him once he stands up. She picks up her clothes from the floor so he can step out and not get them wet. “I’m going to the bedroom, I’ll see you in there?” 
“Okay,” he agrees, taking a moment to brush his hair in the mirror. 
She sets out his favourite comfy clothes and gets into a pair of her pjs that stay in his room for times like these. She changes first and then heads back out to the living room to get her phone so she can order them some food. It’s not too late, so it’ll be no problem getting a delivery. When she makes her way back into the bedroom, Spencer has all the lights out except his little fairy lights, he’s changed into the outfit she picked out for him and getting into bed. She smiles at him, “Comfy?” 
He nods, “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, love,” she says again, never tiring of all his appreciation. She hops into bed with him. “The food will be here in half an hour… did you want to watch something or read? Maybe listen to some music?” 
He sighs, thinking it over. “You can pick the show. I just want to sit with you.” 
“Okay,” she understands that. “I love you, you know?” 
He nods, smiling building, “I know… I love you.” 
She leans over and shares a kiss with him, she cups his cheek and runs her thumb over his prickly facial hair. When she pulls back, she keeps rubbing his cheek with her thumb, “You’re okay, you’re safe, I’m not going anywhere.” 
Those are 3 things she knows his anxiety and likes to tell him lies about. His brain convinces him she won’t stay if he’s ‘hard to take care of.’ His brain makes him think that he’s constantly fighting for his life… the adrenaline in his body is too strong, so a simple “you’re okay” or “you’re safe” can change his whole mindset. She’s sat in with him at therapy, she’s learned all the things that set him off and what makes him comfortable, and she’d do anything to make sure that he stays safe. That he stays alive and with her. Even if one day he decided he didn’t love her anymore, there’s nothing she wants more than for him to keep living. 
He snuggles into her side, she opens up his laptop and heads right to Netflix, resuming where they were in Grey’s Anatomy the last time she was over. Sure, this shows intense, but the plot is fun to follow, he can tell her what medical facts aren’t true and even try to guess the endings. He loves how she’s already seen it all yet she won’t ever tell him if he’s correct with his guesses… but he’s good at his job, he can tell when she’s trying to pretend he isn’t right. It’s fun for them. 
And then their food arrives, they both head out to the kitchen to put it on plates, get real silverware and put their drinks in a glass with ice. They put the laptop on the tiny kitchen table, sit side by side and eat in silence while their show is on. She watches him eat the whole plate, she sees the colour return in his cheeks and his eyes start to get heavy when the carb dump starts to rush through his veins. He’s tired. But she makes him stay up another hour so the food can digest before they head back into the bedroom. 
“Can you text Derek,” she suggests, handing him his phone. “Tell him you’re doing better and thank him for the ride home.” 
“Okay,” he takes the phone from her and does just that. “Derek says thank you for taking care of me.” 
“It’s my pleasure… maybe we can go out for lunch with him this weekend?” She suggests. 
He nods, “Yeah… if I’m feeling better.” 
“Of course,” she would never rush him. “I’d like to meet everyone at some point.” 
“I like that you don’t know them,” he admits. “Then you can’t get hurt.” 
There’s another anxious thought. 
“I’m not going to get hurt,” she assures him. She wraps her arms around him and looks up into his eyes, “I promise, I’m not going anywhere. I will kill someone with my bare hands to come home to you.” 
He manages to smile a bit, “Me too… maybe we could live together? For real?” 
She lights right up, “Yeah, yeah I would love that. I mean, maybe not here… this place is already crowded when I visit, but we could start looking for a new apartment together?” 
“I’d like that. I’d like to start something fresh and new with you. I think we deserve a happy little place just for us,” he explains, its the most he’s said tonight. He must be feeling better. “I love being with you. I wish you were here all the time.” 
“Me too, Spence, that’s why I ran over here tonight,” she shares. “I felt like you’d need some us time.” 
“You’re too good to me,” he wraps her up in his arms. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
“Me either.”  
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Eddie Munson X SingleMom!Reader
Summary: You and Eddie had been dating for months now, the only thing was, he didn’t know about your daughter, Margot.
Word Count : 4.5k
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Warnings : Petnames, mean reader family, a couple swears, no real discussion of physical features of reader, teen pregnancy, there may be spelling mistakes, pure fluff, girl dad eddie.
Y/E/C - Your eye colour
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Being a mom at 18 wasn’t your plan at all, but now with your 2 year old beautiful baby girl you couldn’t have been happier.
After finding out you were pregnant, you were kicked out immediately, few things in a bag and gone. The baby daddy had been useless too, claiming it couldn’t have been his, even-though he was the one and only guy you’d slept with.
You had bounced between friends homes and a crumbling apartment, but then had regained
contact with your Aunt Maeve who lived in the town of Hawkins. That had been your home from almost 8 months now.
You had a job as a job that paid okay, and gave you time to study too. Along with being there for your little one, Margo and Aunt Maeve was a great help too.
“Goodnight Mar, Mama loves you,” you said kissing her head gently, closing the door behind you. “Hey Maeve, she’s down now. I left the number of the restaurant on the kitchen counter for you, so please call if you need me.”
Maeve pushed herself up from her worn armchair, “Sweetheart go have fun, you know you deserve it. He’s a nice kid, Uncle raised him right,” she smiled, kissing your cheek and pushing you towards the door.
Walking down the path, a smile appeared on your face as you saw a familiar van show up.
Climbing inside, “Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” The famous Eddie Munson.
A metal head who you had met through your Aunts friend Wayne. And had fallen for quite soon after … only one thing, he had no clue about Margo.
Listen, it wasn’t that you were embarrassed, not at all. Your baby was the light of your life. She was everything. You just wanted to make sure Eddie was a keeper before they met.
Now 5 months of dates, hand holding and stolen kisses, you were sure he wouldn’t turn screaming when he found out.
Leaning over he pressed his lips to your cheek, “You look great too Eds.”
“You ready?” he asked, sliding his fingers through yours. “Let’s go!”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Okay that food was incredible!” You beamed at Eddie, who nodded. “It really was. Company was even better.” You pushed his arm lightly, “You, Eddie Munson, are a sweet talker.”
“Sweet enough to get you to stay the night?” he asked, pulling you close. “You’re something else,” pushing a curl behind his ear you kissed him gently.
“Is that a yes?”
“Eds I-” You were cut off by a woman walking over, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I have a call for you.” You stood, eyebrows furrowed, it could only be one person.
Following her to the phone, you quickly picked it up. “Maeve?”
“Mommy?” a small voice spoke from the other end. “Mar? What are you doing up my love it’s late?”
“Mama come home.”
“Baby can you give the phone to Auntie Maeve.”
“I’m so sorry I had to call,” Maeve spoke, her voice full of regret. “It’s okay, what’s going on?”
“Bad dream. She’s won’t settle, only stopped crying when she heard your voice.”
“I’ll be home as soon as I can okay?”
“Okay, say bye Mama.” You heard a faint ‘buh-bye’ from the girl.
Hanging up the phone you walked over to Eddie. “I’m so sorry, I can’t do tonight. Issues at home,” you explained.
“Don’t worry Sweetheart. Some other time?”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“I’ll call you okay?” you said to Eddie kissing him square on the lips. “Thank you for tonight it was amazing. I’m paying next time.”
“You’ve said that the last 3 times,” he laughed.
“Well someone keeps taking the bill!” Kissing him again you slid out of the van. “Night Eds.”
“Night Sweetheart.”
You waved goodbye and Eddie drove away, entering the house you heard a faint, “Mamas home!”
“MAMA MAMA MAMA!” Margot came flying through the hall and to you. “Hello my love,” you smiled, taking her in your arms, rubbing your hand through her ringlets. “miss-ed you Mommy,” she spoke, her dummy in her mouth and voice laced with sleep.
“Shall we go back to bed my love?” you asked her. Nodding into your neck, she mimicked your actions playing with your hair. “Okay let’s say goodnight to Auntie Maeve.”
The woman walked into the hall, “I’m just getting my tea and I’ll be up. Goodnight my darlings.”
“Night Maeve.”
“Nuh-nih.” Chuckling softly at the sleepy girl in your arms, you went on your way to bed.
Laying Mar down in your double bed, she whined slightly. “It’s okay, I’m just getting my pyjamas.”
“Mama, you wook pwetty,” she said.
“Thank you, you look so pretty too.” Margot smiled at that. She was the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen, but maybe you were biased.
As you were about to climb into bed next to her you paused, “Where’s bun?” you asked. She let out a huge gasp. “Still in bed!”
“Still in your bed?” She nodded. “Okay I’ll go get him okay?”
Wondering into her room you grabbed her small rabbit teddy who she loved so much. You were surprised she hadn’t noticed his absence sooner. “Here his is my Lo-” hearing soft snores you smiled.
Climbing in next to Margot, you placed her bunny in her arms, kissing her head softly. “Goodnight my Sweet Girl.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“We’ll be back in a little while Maeve,” you shouted walking out the door. “Mama, where we go?”
“We have to go to the store, get some things for dinner.” Margot nodded at that, pulling herself up into her car seat.
You buckled her in, making sure she was secure and placed a kiss on her head. The drive went smoothly, Margot was singing along to a couple of the songs on the radio, and chatting away to you the rest of the time.
“Mommy, we have pastas for din-ner?” The small girl spoke from the back of the car. “Sure babe, if that’s what you want.” You saw how she nodded happily through your mirror, making you smile. That’s all you wanted to do, make her happy.
Parking the car, you walked round to Margots seat, unbuckling her and holding her on your hip. Walking past the door, Margot exclaimed, “Mama we gotta go store!” Chuckling at the small girl,”We need a cart baby. We need to put our shopping somewhere.”
You slid her into the cart, she kicked her legs slightly in excitement. “Okay let’s go,” you smiled. “Let’s go!” she mimicked.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Pushing the cart and holding the shopping list in your other hand you stopped. “What flavour do you want babe? Strawberry or Blueberry?”
“Blueberry okay.” Picking up the pop tarts you passed them to Mar so she could put them in the cart.
You noticed then that something was missing. “Mar, where’s bunny?” you asked.
“He’s- oh,” she looked at you with her big eyes, “Mama he’s gone!” tears started forming in her eyes. “Hey it’s okay. We’re gonna find him, come on let’s walk back this way and have a look.”
You wiped away some stray tears running down her face. You walked back down past the diary, the fruit and veggies. No sign of him. “Maybe we left him in the car,” you said to Mar.
“No Mama, I had him!”
“Okay that’s fine then. He must be in here somewhere, why don’t we ask that lady over there.” Pushing the cart over to one of the workers at the store you smiled at her, “Hi I was just wondering if you could see if someone’s handed in a toy rabbit?” Looking at you she nodded, seeing Margots upset face.
Waiting for her to return you lifted your baby from her place in the cart. Cuddling her to your body, as you rocked hushed her gently. The store assistant walked back over to you, “I’m really sorry but nothings been handed in, if you leave your number I could call you if it shows up.”
“Thank you,” you smiled at her. Putting Margot down on the floor, you took the small pad of paper and pen off the woman, writing your name and number down. “Mama! Mama! Bunny!” Margot squealed.
The small girl ran down the aisle to a familiar looking man. Shit. Eddie.
“Is this yours?” he asked, crouching down to Margots height, handing over the plush toy. “I found him out in the parking lot.”
“Mommy wook!” she turned to you, walking over quickly, you saw Eddies eyes widen slightly.
“Mama! Bunny!” Taking her in to your arms you smiled, “Yeah babe, what do you say?”
“Twank you.”
“No problem sweetheart.” Margot was so happy she got her bunny back, her focus was solely focused on him. “Mama?”he asked.
“I’m so sorry. I was going to tell you. I just, Eddie I wanted to make sure you were a good guy, she’s my everything.” He hummed and nodded. “Let’s be honest most people run screaming at the thought of teen pregnancy.”
“I understand. So uh, where does this leave us?”
“I don’t know Eds. I think that’s up to you. I wanted you to meet her, not like this, but I was - I am ready for that. I really hope you’d understand.”
“I do. Maybe we could go to the park one of the days?”
“Yeah I’d like that.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Walking hand in hand with Margot you waved towards Eddie who was waiting by a bench. “Mama, who dat?” she asked, bunny in her other hand. “That’s my friend Eddie, the man who found Bun at the store. He’s gonna hang out with us today. Shall we go say hi?”
She nodded, and you finally made it to the metalhead. “Hey,” you smiled.
“Hey you two. Hi little lady, I’m Eddie,” he said, getting down to her height, similarly to what had occurred in the store. “I’m Maw-go.”
“Margot?” She hummed.
“Mama, we go swing?” she asked, tugging you. “Course baby, let’s go.” Lifting her into the the small swing, you pushed gently letting her get used to it. “So I’m sure you have some questions. Please feel free to ask any,” you said to Eddie.
“I mean I understand why you didn’t mention her, seems like a great kid though,” he nodded to the giggling girl. “Mama higher!” she squealed, kicking her legs. You laughed at her, “She’s amazing.”
“So um … her dad?”
“Not in the picture. Never has been, never will be.”
“Is that why you live with your Aunt?”
“Yeah, sofa surfed for a while. Got a crummy apartment. Then Maeve got in touch, we hadn’t spoken for a while, I assumed she hated me like the rest of my family.
“But she offered me a home. Us a home. Margot loves her, loves it here.”
“I’m sorry the rest of your family aren’t like that. I’m sorry her d- that guy was like that too.”
“It’s fine, we’re were 17 when I got pregnant. It was scary, I get that. It’s his loss anyways, he doesn’t get her in his life, and anyone who has that is lucky.”
“Mommy! Can we slide?”
“You wanna go on the slide?”
“Yeah!” she shouted.
Gently stopping the swing, you picked her up and let her run over to the steps to get up to the slide. “Oh Mama, you have bunny so I cliwb up.” She said, running back and handing him over. Eddie smiled at her. “She’s like you.”
“You think?”
“Mhm, for sure. It’s how I imagine baby you.”
“Well speaking of, Maeve wanted me to invite you and Wayne over for dinner. You could confirm your theory, if you wanted.”
“Yeah I’d really like that.”
He slipped his fingers through yours and stepped closer, pressing his lips to your head. “Thank you for letting me into this part of your life.”
“Thank you for accepting it.”
“Mama watch!” Margot screamed from the top of the slide. She slid down quickly, feet landing in the sand below.
“Wow babe! That was quick!” She laughed running over to you two, “Hey mistwer Eddie?” she said, looking up with her big Y/E/C eyes.
“Yeah Sweetheart?”
“Can you pwush me on the spinner?” she asked.
He looked over at you, asking for your thoughts. You nodded your head, smiling slightly. “Sure Kid, let’s go.”
She sat down on the merry go round, “You ready?” he asked.
“Hold on tight.”
He didn’t push her too fast, but fast enough for her to squeal whilst giggling loudly. This went on for a few minutes until she heard a familiar tune. “Ice cweam!” Eddie slowly stopped the merry go round and helped her up.
Wobbly slightly, she shook her head, holding on to Eddies hands. Her own were tiny in his, he looked at her in awe, she really was a sweet kid. Like her mom clearly. He understood why you’d ‘hidden’ her, because who would want to break that little heart. She was your priority. Your everything.
“Mama, we get ice cweam?” she asked.
“I think we can do that, Eds you want one?”
“Sure, let’s go.” He expected Margot to run off again, but she walked in between you. Keeping her grip on Eddies hand and taking your own.
Grabbing three ice cream cones you sat down on the grass, and not even a few moments into it, it had coated the majority of the Margots lower face. “You’re meant to eat it,” Eddie chuckled, which Margot copied.
Once she was done she showed you her small hands, “They sticky Mommy.” Pulling open your small bag, which you had carried almost everywhere for the last 3 years of your life, you got some wipes and began cleaning the girl.
“All better?” you asked.
“Mhm. Twanks.” She rested her head on your shoulder, cuddling into you. “Tired my love?” you asked. “Mhm.” Checking your watch, it was the time when she would take a nap.
“You need to take her home?” he asked.
“I’ve got her stroller in the car, so we can walk whilst she naps?”
“Yeah I’d like that.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Buckling her in and laying back the seat, you placed her blanket over her. Handing her, her dummy and bunny. She was quickly soothed and fell to sleep. “How are you feeling?” you asked Eddie. “Well her asking me to play with her and the hand holding, it took me by surprise honestly.”
“She’s always been a good judge of character,” you smiled, as you two walked through the park. “I’m just having some doubts,”he sighed.
“I understand. Can I ask what about?” He heard the upset in your voice. “Oh babe not about you. You two are perfect.”
“Then what?”
“You know how I told you a few years back, those rumours about me. Satanist, killer, all of that.” You hummed a yes. “Well some people still think that, and I would never want you or Margot to be judged for that. For me.”
“Eds, you don’t have to worry about that. I know you will no matter what I say. I adore you, Im falling for you more and more everyday, and well Mar has clearly taken a liking to you.”
“I just don’t want you to suffer cause of me.”
“We’ll deal with that together Sweetheart. Don’t worry. Now I must ask, what would you and Wayne like for dinner when you come over?”
“Now you’re asking babe.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
It was now 4 months later, and the day before Margot third birthday. There was a knock at the door. “Eddie Eddie Eddie!” The small girl squealed, running towards it. “Mar slow down,” you laughed.
“Hurry Mama it’s Eddie!”
“I know I know,” you said, sliding the latch off, twisting the handle. “Hey you two,” he smiled.
“Eddie!” Margot screamed throwing her arms around his legs.
“Hey you!” he grinned, picking her up, hanging her upside down and over her shoulder, making her laugh loudly. “I cannot believe you’re 3 tomorrow!” he said.
“I’m big gwurl.”
“Nope! Always my baby,” you said taking her back into your arms, hugging her close.
“Nooo, big gwurl.”
“Fine, big girl. Go find Auntie Maeve, she needs you to test the pasta for dinner.” She ran off straight away, feet slamming down as she went. Looking back at Eddie you smiled, “Hey,” he said. “Hi.” He pulled you close by the waist, kissing you.
“I have gifts in the van, and my overnight bag.”
“Great, do you want any help?”
“Nah babe, I’ve got it, I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” he pressed his lips to your again.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Eddie!” Margot smiled, as he walked into the kitchen. “Hey Kid,” he said, brushing her curls. “How are you Maeve?” he asked, kissing her cheek. “Good thank you sweetheart, you keeping out of trouble?”
“Always, and I’ve got these two ladies to help me.” She nodded, smiling at the three.
“Well dinner is almost ready, you go get washed up,” she said.
“Mar let’s go to the bathroom before dinner.” Holding your hand out to the little girl you walked to the bathroom with her. Hearing Eddie offering to set the table. This made a smile make its way on your face.
“Hey Mar I have a question.”
“Yeah Mama?”
“How would you feel about Eddie sleeping over tonight?” you asked.
“Yeah. Is that okay with you?”
“Mhm! But where he sweep?”
“Well he’d sleep in my bed, is that alright?”
“Yeah, cause he can’t fit in my bwed Mama,” she laughed. “No he can’t baby.”
Helping her clean up, she climbed on her stool to wash her hands, you doing the same.
“Ready?” you asked.
“Wedy!” You went hand in hand to the dining room, helping Margot into her seat next to your own. “Yummy!” she smiled at her pasta filled bowl. “Hang on Mar,” you said, grabbing a bib and placing it round her neck. “There you go, eat up.”
Mouth full of pasta, Margot spoke. “Eddie?”
“Yeah sweetheart?”
“If that’s okay with you, I’d like to have a sleepover. I’d like to spend your birthday here too, if that’s okay?”
“Of course. And hey Wayne is gonna come and see you too.”
“Wayne!” she kicked her legs in excitement.
“Yeah, babe. Now come on, eat up, need to be big and strong when you turn 3,” he smiled, brushing her cheek.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Come on then baby, bed time. Say night night.” She went and hugged Maeve, and then headed over to Eddie. “Nuh-nih Eddie,” she smiled, he lifted her up and hugged her. “Night sweetheart,” he said, kissing her head.
He handed her over to you and you went up the stairs. “You excited for your birthday?” you asked her. “So so ex-exwited mommy.”
“Well you’re gonna need so much energy tomorrow, so try and get some sleep my love.”
“Okay.” Kissing her head and tucking her in, her bunny in her arms and dummy in her mouth the girls eyes shut.
You turned on her small nightlight and headed out the room. “I love you.”
“Wove you Mama.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Sighing as you dropped into bed, Eddie chuckled, “Come here,” he spoke. You snuggled up in his arms, head resting on his chest. “I can’t believe she’s gonna be 3. My little baby, I’m going to have to start looking at preschool soon.”
“I can help if you want?”
“Would you?” you asked, looking up at him.
“Course babe, I’d do anything for you guys.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, and I love that little madam.” Laughing you pecked his lips.
Listening to his heartbeat and feeling his chest move with each breath Eddie spoke once more. “Wayne asked that woman on a date.”
“No shit!” you said, sitting up.
“Yeah, next weekend.”
“Oh my god, he’s liked her for ages. I’m so happy for him. What’s her name again?”
“Delores, or Dee. She’s nice.”
“Looks like both Munson boys are getting lucky in love.”
“Don’t think Wayne and Dee have anything on us,” he grinned. “Only person left is Maeve.”
“Trust me Mae has her hidden life,” you smiled.
“Tell me more.”
“You know her friend, Annie?”
“No shit!”
“Yes shit.”
“Damn, we’re all lucky.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
“Mama! Eddie! Wake up wake up wake up!” A small voice screamed. “Woah where’s the fire?” Eddie laughed.
“Wake up!”
“We’re up babe,” you said, pulling the little girl up into your arms. Her curls messy from sleep, one trouser leg up, eyes sleepy. “Happy Birthday my love.” Smiling you kissed her head.
“Happy Birthday Kid,” Eddie spoke, voice groggy. “Pwesents.”
“You wanna open your presents?”
“Okay but we’ve gotta go and get Maeve first baby.”
Almost leaping off the bed she ran towards Maeves room. “Awntie Mae!” she squealed.
“I think she’s excited,” Eddie laughed.
“Come on pretty boy, let’s go.” Kissing his lips the pair of them headed down the stairs.
Mae came down the stairs with a wriggling Margot on her hip. “Good morning you two, I’m going to go start some coffee, you get the presents opened. Eddie, cameras on the shelf, pictures please.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Margot squealed loudly seeing presents covering the sofa. “Mommy look!”
“I see baby, you go ahead and open them.”
Grinning, she sat on the floor pulling a present into her lap.
20 minutes later there was paper all over the floor, and a very happy little girl. “Mama, I wear it?” she asked, handing you her cinderella dress. “Let’s have breakfast first, we don’t want to dirty it,” you said.
Maeve smiled, “Pancakes for the birthday girl.”
“Pancakes! Sywup?” she asked Maeve.
“Of course Honey.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Margot hadn’t stopped all day, running around at a million miles an hour. Her princess dress never leaving her body. Full of sugar and syrup. “Think she’s had a good birthday?” Eddie asked, arms around your waist and head on your shoulder.
“Mhm, you’ve helped that happen too.”
“Nah babe it’s all you.” There was a knock on the door. “Hey Kid that must be Uncle Wayne.”
“Uncle Wayne!” she shouted, running towards the door.
“I’ll go get the latch,” Eddie said kissing your cheek. “Thanks Eds.” You walked to the kitchen to find Maeve, “Candles are all ready.”
“Thank you for this Maeve. For everything.”
“You never have to thank me honey, you and Margot have given me everything I’ve ever wanted, but never got to have.”
Wrapping your arms around Maeve you squeezed her tightly. “Mommy, come see what Uncle Wayne got me!”
“How that child has so much energy I do not know,” you laughed.
“She’s just like you when you were that small.”
Wondering into the living room you saw Wayne on the couch and Margot jumping up and down with a cabbage patch baby in her hand. “Look Mama!”
“I see, did you say thank you to Wayne?”
“Twank you Wayne!”
“You’re very welcome little lady.”
The light clicked off and Maeve walked in with a birthday cake, soon the four of you were singing to Margot. She blew out the candles and Eddie snapped a photo. “Cake!”
“Hang on babe, let’s get the candles out first,” you laughed.
“Mae will take it and cut it up,” Maeve spoke, wandering to the kitchen. “Wayne cake?” she asked. “Yeah kiddo I’ll stay for cake.”
“Come on baby, let’s take off your pretty dress for cake. Then after that we need your jammies, and we’ll watch a movie okay?” She nodded, letting you help her take off her dress.
She had a t-shirt and shorts on underneath so she walked to Eddie so he could help her into her seat. “You had a good day?” he asked her.
“Yes, you sweepover?”
“Again?” he asked.
“Mhm, wike you here.”
“I like being here too Sweetheart. I’ll have to ask your Mom and Maeve okay?”
“‘kay,” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
He took the seat next to her, smiling at her little face. You couldn’t help but grin yourself, stomach fluttering at the sight. “Thank you,” Wayne spoke from beside you. “For?”
“This. I’ve not seen him so happy for years.”
“I love him so much Wayne, he’s made my life so much better. And Margot loves him too. Always asks when Eddie and you are next coming over.” He chuckled at that.
“You know you’re always welcome to my home too.”
“Thank you Wayne, I really do appreciate that.”
“Mama, Wayne, cake!”
“We’re being summoned,” he smiled, taking a seat across from Eddie. “Twank you Mae,”Margot said as she tucked into her cake.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
The credits of Cinderella began rolling, and soft snores were heard form Margot. Eddie smiled at the little girl, sleeping on his chest. “I can’t believe she’s asleep.”
“I can you’re comfy babe. But I think her bed is a better place for her to sleep tonight.”
You stood up ready to take her, “You relax, I’ll take her up,” Eddie spoke.
“You sure?”
“Course,” he said, standing up and kissing your lips.
Eddie gently lay the girl in her bed, putting her bunny in her arms. Leaving her dummy next to the night light he kissed her head. “Goodnight sweetheart.”
“nuh-nih daddy.”
Sucking in his breath, his eyes became glassy. He heard the door creaked open slightly. “You okay?” you asked him.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming,” he said, getting up, walking over to you.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, drying his eyes.
“She called me dad.” Your face dropped.
“Oh Eds I’m so sorry, I’ll speak to her tomorrow.”
“No! Sorry, I just, if it’s okay with you. I really don’t mind. I know it hasn’t been long, but I love you and her.”
“You’re really okay with it?”
“Baby I would be so proud to be her dad. We obviously need to sit down and talk, but I’d be fine if she swapped between Eddie and you know … dad.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Wove you too.”
You both turned to Margots bed, “What you doing awake Little Lady?” Eddie ask.
“Stay with you.”
“Stay in our bed?” you asked.
“Mhm. Pwease.”
“Come on then baby.”
She grabbed her bunny and dummy and wandered over to you, Eddie clicked off her nightlight and the three of you headed down the hall.
Lifting her up on the bed Eddie smiled, watching as she cuddled into your side. “You comfy?”
“Mhm. Eddie come,” she said, doing a grabby hand towards him. He laughed and climbed in next to her. The three of you cuddle up and got comfy.
“Nuh-nih Mama,” she said.
“Night Baby.”
“Nuh-nih Da.”
“Goodnight Sweet Girl.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Part Two is here : Cinderella and Warm Milk
Part Three is here : Cuddles and Stew
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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amazingmaeve · 1 year
Queen Maeve x fem!reader
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summary — working in a bar where supes go to calm their nerves and to blow off steam is kind of nerve racking. obviously saying no to a supe could go one of two ways: they either crawl back to whatever pathetic hole they came out of or they try to take advantage of you, but luckily using the threat of calling the media gets most of them to back off. but when queen maeve come to bar you are in for a ride.
warnings — smut (18+), alcohol, talks of sexual harassment, swearing, and some spoilers to season 3
word count — 4, 743
authors note — yayyyy! Yup another queen maeve fic, I just can’t stop writing her, she is amazing and I love her so much. Also happy pride I know it’s late but it’s here! also not proofread.
Queen Maeve masterlist | The Boys masterlist
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You sigh as you walk through the door that leads into the bar. This bar was kind of like your own living hell, but with the paycheck and tips you got, you had decided to stay. The money was great and you didn’t need to worry about paying the bills and worrying how you were gonna find some food for the next week.
But working at Hypnosis (the bar you work in) has changed everything for you.
The Supes weren’t the best, some were nice and just wanted to get drinks and delve in their own self destruction. They didn’t do much; they just kept ordering drinks and you just kept serving them. Those weren’t the Supes you were worried about.
The Supes you were worried about were the ones who couldn’t take no for an answer, who thought just because they were a Supe meant that you would want to fuck them. That you were lucky to even be in their presence, that you should do whatever the fuck they want because their parents/guardians took them to Vought and had them drugged on Compound V.
Most of the time you wanted to roll your eyes and maybe knee some of them in the balls, but due to this being your job you just politely declined with the most fake smile you could plaster on.
Due to the extreme egos of some Supes that meant that you were bruising their own ego by saying no and sometimes tried to just rape you. You usually had some defense like, bringing up the media and calling them. If that didn’t work then you would try to get the attention of the bouncer (who was also a Supe), and he usually took care of them.
If some Supe had raped you, you probably couldn’t even do anything about it since the bar was owned by Vought and most of the Supes that came here worked for Vought. So if you did something you would probably end up in a grave being the worst case scenario, best case scenario you would probably be given some money and sent on your way, with all the trauma still with you.
But the most you got was groping, which just made you go home and wash your body as disgust washed all over you. You knew this job you had wasn’t going to stick forever and you would need to find a replacement job that might even be safer. But employment was a hard thing to find at the moment and for now this was just your normal.
Only a few members of The Seven had come to this bar and most of the time it was either The Deep and Translucent, who were both humongous creeps. A-Train came once and while but most of the time he would just be sitting off in a group basking in the glory of it all, and only occasionally flirting with you. Whilst The Deep and Translucent tried to have sex with you multiple times and it just ended with you just rolling your eyes and threatening to call the media, which made them sit back down and call you a bitch or a cunt because you wouldn’t sleep with them.
So you weren’t surprised to find out that The Deep had done what he did to Starlight.
One member of The Seven you were glad didn’t show up was Homelander. Something about him just seemed off to you, even before the whole sleeping with a Nazi thing. You knew if he came into this bar and he wanted to have sex with you, it was going to happen whether you wanted it or not. No one could stop him.
But lucky for you and every other waitress/bartender in this place, he hadn’t shown up at all.
Due to the scummy people that came to this bar has left you in no other words than horny. You couldn’t find a decent person to sleep with who didn’t try to assault you, or they were too much into themselves to even focus on your pleasure only focused on theirs.
To the surprise of no one the people you had slept with in the past month were guys and you hoped that at least one knew how to please a woman but nonetheless you were left a mess after each and every sexual endeavor.
You’d only had sex with two women in your life and those two were the ones you dated and even loved. But you couldn’t find a woman to sleep with due to you being too nervous to talk to women. It was kind of weird since you were outwardly confident to men but with women, they made your heart flutter that you’d think it would hop out of your chest and hop around. Even if it was a woman you just wanted to have sex with, you couldn’t gather the courage to go up and talk to them.
But you just dealt with the bad sex with the men in the bar and had to finish the job after they left (which wasn’t long).
So you had assumed that this time working in the bar would be the same exact way it goes every time you came to work. You get harassed and served drinks to them and other non harming Supes and maybe end up going home with one of them while you had to jerk off after they left since their head was too big and only focused on their own pleasure.
Walking into the bar, you started to serve the Supes with your fake smile plastered on your face and had idle chit chat with them. Some of them try to flirt with you but then end up being pulled away by other Supes. It wasn’t that busy tonight and you were glad since you were having a stressful day already and didn’t want any more.
Someone had sat on one of the barstools in front of you and you looked up in shock to see the one and only Queen Maeve sitting there with a tight smile on her face as if she’s been in this position before.
Now you knew who Queen Maeve was, I mean who didn’t know her. Anyone who said that were people probably living under a fucking rock. But you had loads of sympathy for her, since Homelander basically outed her on live television.
And you couldn't deny that she was an attractive woman.
You weren’t expecting one of The Seven to come in this bar (besides The Deep even though he was married and A-Train on a couple occasions) and you were shocked to say the least. Shaking off the shock you gave her a smile that mirrored hers getting ready to pour her a drink.
“What can I get you?” You questioned after clearing your throat, finally meeting her gaze.
“Just a whiskey please,” Maeve answered, giving you a once over, which you didn’t pick up on and nodded, going to get a glass and the bottle of whiskey.
Maeve hadn’t been to this bar even though she’s heard good things about it and it was only for Supes so it would be comfortable, but she usually did her self destruction in her own penthouse but after hearing A-Train rave about this place she had to check it out.
And hey if she could get away from Homelander it really didn’t matter.
But something about you made her stop in her tracks. It’s been a while since a woman has done that to her and that was Elena. She didn’t know what it was about you that made her like this, but maybe it’s just because you’re a beautiful woman.
But needless to say, you’ve caught her attention.
“Here you go,” You turn around saying and putting the glass of whiskey on the table and sliding it over to her. She mutters out a thanks before downing the whole thing.
“Another please,” Maeve requests, sliding the glass over to you and your eyebrows jump at that.
“Rough day,” You observe out loud pouring more whiskey into the glass and giving it to her again.
“Rough year,” Maeve corrects before taking a smaller sip of the whiskey before putting it down. “And even shitter day,” She says following it up.
“Definitely can relate to that,” You mutter. “You come with your teammate,” You question, pointing over to the direction where The Deep was hitting on one of your co-workers who looked mildly annoyed.
“Fuck no, wouldn’t follow that guy to the nicest bar in the city,” Maeve say with a little chuckle with a look of disgust on her face. She obviously didn’t like him that much and hey you couldn't really blame her, he definitely was an asshole. “Why does he come here often,” She asks, leaning forward a bit.
“Often is an understatement,” It’s your turn to chuckle now. “Yeah he’s married but it definitely doesn’t seem to turn him away,” You say with a hint of amusement in your tone.
“That’s not a shocker,” Maeve says, taking another drink of her whiskey. “So, how long have you been working here,” She questions.
“A few years, it’s definitely been a ride,” You say leaning against the bar, engaging in the conversation with her. Conversations with the customers was a usual thing and you were trying to tell yourself that it was just that. Talking to a customer to make them more comfortable, but deep down you knew it was something different. “I know it’s your first time here,” You say confidently.
“And how would you know that,” Maeve says with a smile, after finishing her drink and sliding it towards you. You took the hint and refilled it.
“Just a hunch, since the time I’ve been here, I’ve never seen you and none of my co-workers mentioned you, but hey I know some people like to keep it low key,” You explained.
“Well you would be correct, I’ve never been in this bar a day in my fucking life,” Maeve responds, tracing the rim of her glass, that had remained full. “But If I had known that someone as beautiful as you worked here, I would have shown up a hell of a lot sooner,” She sultry says, giving you a flirtatious smile.
You give her a look of surprise at the forward response and you can feel your heart start to race. She couldn’t be flirting with you, she was Queen fucking Maeve and you were just a non Supe bartender who was just trying to get by. You bit your lip and gave her a smile.
“That’s really sweet of you,” You blurt out and you're inwardly cringing at the response. Really was that all you could respond to. God this you were such a fucking loser.
“Trust me I can be a whole lot sweeter,” Maeve flirted before taking a drink of her whiskey.
You swallow, starting to feel your throat start to dry. God you didn’t even know how to respond to that and you let out a nervous chuckle at that.
“Uh I have to use the restroom, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” You say lying and scurrying off to the bathroom, where you rest your head on the cold wall.
You felt like your whole entire body was on fire and the whole conversation was replaying in your head and you suddenly felt like an idiot, you were already getting horny from a few sentences.
But you couldn’t help it. She was a very hot woman and you hadn’t had a decent orgasm with anyone in the past few months. The only time you had a release was with your own hand or a vibrator. You walked up to the sink and looked at yourself in the mirror, trying to take deep breaths.
Turning on the sink you splashed some water onto your face, trying to cool off before you could return and even though you were nervous, you were also itching to get back to her and return to the conversation.
As you were trying to collect yourself the door opened and you turned around to see your co-worker standing there with a knowing smirk on her face.
“You’re being asked for,” Sophie says and you give her a confused look.
“What,” You question.
“Queen Maeve, I asked if she needed anything else besides the whiskey in her hand and she said you,” Sophie answers. “You seriously need to get out there before she starts to look for you herself,” She says, giving you a pat on your arm. “Now go out there and get lucky,” She whispers with a little laugh.
You laugh nervously before walking out of the bathroom and walking around the crowded people in the bar and finally made your way behind the bar and walked to Maeve who, to be honest, looked like she was bored out of her fucking mind.
“Heard you missed me,” You cooly say, as if your own heart didn't feel like it was about to explode.
“Well you’re the only thing in this bar that has my attention so it’s kinda hard not to,” Maeve responded with her own flirty comment.
“Need anything else, I can get some pretzels if you want some,” You ask, trying to shake off the horniness as if you weren’t already starting to get wet.
“Nope, no pretzels needed,” Maeve responds and puts her own hand on your arm, your breath hitched at that. She noticed and smirked. “When do you get off work,” She whispers the question leaning in closer to where your faces are inches apart.
“Uh, not for another hour,” You whispered, after looking at the clock.
Maeve groans. Just her luck. God she just needed you so fucking bad, and it wasn’t the need she had for the guys she fucked and kicked out of her room, you were different. She felt like she couldn’t wait to have you in any way that you wanted.
She moved her hand so that it was caressing your cheek and you felt heat travel up your neck to your cheeks, and it had to be obvious that she could feel it. She leaned in and pressed her lips against yours. Not wasting any time you move your lips along hers and her hand grabs your jaw and you moan into her mouth at the roughness. She slips her tongue inside your mouth and starts to explore the territory.
“I need you,” Maeve groans against your lips and starts to peck your lips. “So fucking bad,” She says in between pecks. If it weren’t the bar between the two of you, she’d start to train kisses down your neck, marking you. You held back a moan even though it was pretty loud.
Before you could say anything, you felt someone squeeze your shoulder and you turned your attention from Maeve to Sophie.
“Why don’t you just leave and I’ll take your shift,” Sophie says, giving you a look.
“Uh yeah,” You say as you feel Maeve's other hand move to your other cheek. “Let’s get out of here,” You say, turning around to Maeve who gave you a smirk.
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Your back hits your door as Maeve trails kisses down your back and you let tiny moans that you tried to conceal, due to the fact that you weren’t even in your apartment yet. Maeve's hand moved to under your skirt and started to squeeze your thigh as you felt your panties start to get more and more drenched.
“Okay I need to unlock my door,” You say breathless as Maeve didn’t stop her sweet torture on your neck.
Before you could even try to unlock your door, Maeve moved one of her hands to the door and twisted it and opened the door herself. You looked at her in shock and you were gonna start to worry about how you were going to fix that until Maeve brought you into your living room and brought your lips to hers as her hands went to your shoulders.
You kiss her back, hard but definitely not as hard as her. You can feel her kisses maybe starting to bruise you. You felt like you were going to pass out due to the heat traveling all over your body.
“Where’s your bedroom,” Maeve questions in between kisses as she moves you around the apartment, accidents bumping into a chair and you let out a tiny laugh.
“Down the hall, to the left,” You muttered, wrapping your arms around her neck and kissing her again.
She maneuvered you around the apartment, til she found the door knob and opened the door and moved you to your bed. You took your shirt off and your bra trying to get naked as fast as possible. You look up and you didn’t even know how Maeve got all of her armor but you couldn’t think fast as she fell on top of you and kissed you.
You were still left in your skirt but that didn’t stop Maeve as she pulled your panties and the skirt off. She moved her hand to your core as she gently slid her fingers through your folds and you moaned into her mouth as she kept kissing you.
Her hand found your clit and she started to draw figure eights on the swollen nub while you moved your hand to her naked thigh and caressed her inner thigh as you gave gentle squeezes, trying to tease her. She whined your name into your mouth and you gave in.
You moved your fingers across her core as her fingers went to a halt but you didn’t even care at the moment, at the moment you just wanted to make her feel good.
Slipping your fingers inside of her, you started to thrust them in slowly and moved your thumb to your clit as she started to pepper kisses alongside your cheek and your neck as she moaned and whimpered into your ear.
“God your fingers feel so fucking good,” She moaned into your ear as you started to move your fingers faster and cured them into the right spot and she jolted her hips so as she moaned your name loudly.
You started to grind up on her thigh as you felt yourself get more and more turned on. Whilst you kept thrust your fingers up into Maeve and on one particular thrust Maeve squeezed her eyes shut as moaned into your neck. She squeezed her hand around your thigh, that’ll probably leave bruises but in that moment the pain made you let out a moan.
Removing your fingers from her pussy and you brought your fingers to your lips and slipped them into your mouth, moaning at the taste of her.
Meanwhile Maeve recovered from the mind blowing orgasm and began to kiss up your neck and unwrapped her hand from your thigh and slowly slid it up your body, to your breast, where she started to gently massage. She moves her lips to your mouth and captures your lip in a hot kiss that makes you moan into her mouth as she uses her thumb to rub circles on your already hard nipple.
You move your hands around her neck and bury your hands in her hair as she moves her tongue inside your mouth exploring the territory that she's tasted not so long ago. You thread your fingers in her red hair as her hand went from your breast to your neck and wrapped her fingers around your throat.
She gave your throat a gentle squeeze. You felt another tingle shoot straight down to your core as you moaned into her mouth. You moved your hands from her hair to her hips and started to grind them up to her thigh, moaning as you dragged your clit up and down her thigh, you were surprised that you hadn’t already orgasmed due to the sexual tension you had coiled in your stomach.
“God you are so wet,” Maeve moaned into your mouth as she put both her hands on your hips and pressed them into the bed so that you couldn’t thrust up to her thigh.
“Oh come on I need something,” You whined out, deciding to stop trying to thrust up, because Maeve could literally stop a truck with her body, she can most certainly stop you from thrusting up.
“Calm down, don’t worry I’m gonna get you what you want,” Maeve smirked down at you, admiring your body as in this flustered state. “Just relax,” She cooed, before getting up and leaving you confused in a state of lust. “You have any handcuffs,” She questions, making your eyebrows jump at the question. She was looking around your darkened room.
“Uh maybe why do you ask,” You question, sitting up and closing your legs so you didn’t feel so exposed. Now you were no stranger to having sex toys, and things akin to that, you loved being tied down and loved tying people down. With that question she asked still in the air, you could feel your pussy throb at that, you needed something and you couldn’t wait to get it.
“Come on, I know you’re not that stupid,” Maeve teases, giving you a look. You smirk as you bite your lip as you stare at her.
“There’s some in this top drawer,” You give her answer, quietly as if it would disturb the tension in the air. Maeve traveled to the dressers on the left side of your bed. You give her a smile as she pulls out two pairs of handcuffs.
“Looks like you’ve been at this for a while,” Maeve smirks as she looks through the drawer, seeing all the toys inside.
“Come on, I thought you were just looking for the handcuffs,” You say trying to sound strong, but it comes off in a whine which makes Maeve chuckle. You couldn’t help it, you were thoroughly turned on.
“Gosh you sound like a fucking brat,” Maeve let’s out a little laugh as she sat there kneeled besides the bed. You give her a pout, giving her what she thought you were. “Although I think you are one,” Maeve groans as she stands up and you look up at her, excited for what’s gonna happen next.
“You got that right,” You say, batting your eyelashes up at her, as she moves onto the bed.
Maeve lays you down again as she sets the handcuffs to the side, you look up at her as she leans down to give you a deep kiss that makes you moan into her moan and try to reach up and wrap your arms around her. Although she doesn’t allow you to as she moves away from you making you whine again. God she was right you do sound like a brat.
“Don’t worry, like I said I’m gonna give you what you want,” Maeve says, lifting one of your hands and handcuffing it to the headboard and doing the same with the other hand. You shake your hands in the toy as if to show her that you can’t get out. You felt like you were going to explode with how wet you were.
Her hands glide down your body as her mouth leans down to bite at your neck and start to suck bruises. You moan out her name as she pinches your nipple in her right hand, you rub your thighs together trying to have some friction on your aching pussy.
She gives your lip a little bite as her head moves down lower to wrap her wet lips around your already sensitive and hard nipple, as strings of moans keep falling out of your mouth, that you might be worried that the neighbors might hear. But in this moment you don’t give a fuck, you just needed her.
Whilst her mouth was working on your nipple her hand decides to glide down your body to your throbbing core. She teases your folds as you bite your lip and moan, trying to keep you from screaming her name. Her fingers nudge your clit as you feel your whole entire body set on fire. You want to wrap your hands around her. The restrictions of your hands make you just wrap them around the handcuffs and squeeze them. You’re squirming on the bed as you're basically just a mess with her.
She looks up at you from where her head is, lips around your nipple and sucking on the hard bud.
“Maeve,” You moan as she moves her fingers lower to your entrance and then just thrusts them in hard making you jump a little. Whimpering as her fingers already find the precious spot that could make you see stars.
She shushes you, removing her mouth from your nipple. Then decides to decorate your body with hickeys littering all of your stomach as she continues to thrust your fingers up into your pussy, always stopping when she feels like you are going to come. Meanwhile you’re just moaning and groaning as she works her magic on you.
Sliding further down the bed she starts to suck the skin on your thighs and move from one leg to the other, making sure to give them the same amount of attention. You feel her start to move faster making you clench around her fingers as you whimper her name out for what felt like the millionth time. But as soon as she does that she stops and you slouch against the bed in frustration.
Even though you’re frustrated, you know this orgasm is going to be one of the best you ever had in your whole life.
“I bet you taste as amazing as you look,” Maeve mutters against your thigh, making you clench around her fingers and she chuckles silently.
In a swift motion, Maeve's mouth moves to your pussy and wraps her soft lips around your throbbing clit. You let out a loud moan as she starts to thrust her fingers again, hitting that same spot over and over again.
And there it is, you can feel the burn from the coiling tension inside your stomach. You were about to cum and it seems finally she was going to let you. Looking up at you through her eyelashes she runs her experienced tongue around your clit, lapping at it and then wrapping your clit in between her lips again and sucks harder.
Due to the constant, fingering of your g spot and her sucking on your clit and there it is. You arch your back off the bed and finally climax on her fingers. You moan her name loudly, probably loud enough that would wake the neighbors and you would be worried but with the shaking of your legs at the moment you don’t. Even though your eyes are squeezed shut, you can still see stars.
Maeve smiles as she sucks your cum off her fingers and slides up your body and presses her lips against yours, this time much softer than before. You hum into your mouth as you can still feel your legs twitch from the intense orgasm.
“The keys are in the drawer,” You murmur, still feeling hazy.
“No shit Sherlock,” Maeve rolls her eyes and gives your thighs a teasing slap. Which makes you jolt up. She rustles around to find them and then releases you from the toys.
You stretch and sit up as your hands and arms are finally free. You gasp in shock as Maeve brings you down with her arms, so that your head is resting on her chest. Her hands rub down your back in a soothing manner that makes you smile.
“You’re gonna have to stay the night at least, don’t want anyone breaking in with the door knob you broke,” You mutter as you feel your eyes droop from exhaustion.
“Don’t worry,” Maeve promises as she reaches for the blankets and pulls them around the both of you. “I’ll keep you safe and your door knob will be fixed by tomorrow afternoon.”
“Well if you’re staying I wouldn’t be mad if you found some creative ways to wake me up,” You whisper out the tease making her squeeze your butt.
“Is that consent,” She questions with a quirk of an eyebrow.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months
Dou you still write for fenrys? If you do, can we get some fluff? Everything you wrote about him is absolutely PERFECT!! But ofc, take your time❤️❤️
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Hard days
warning: some tog spoilers, loss of a family member, grief.
You had taken shelter in one of the rebuilt cities once Aelin had rightfully claimed her throne. The court was filling up way quicker than expected. The city growing and expanding every day. You had come there with hopes of a better future as well. Full of hope. Full of longing for something better. You had a little shop of your own. Kindly gifted by the queen herself. It wasn't anything big, you just loved sowing. Dresses, tunics, suits you name it. It was an honor to be able to bring your queen's wishes to life.
But it wasn't only the queen who had taken a liking to you. Fenrys had been a regular visitor to your shop. You only knew a couple of things about him. And those too were only from the gossip floating around town. He had a brother. Had. He had been killed by Maeve and he had never truly recovered. Most said that he only walked through the city in his wolf form. Rarely in any of the gatherings as a male. So the white wolf had because quite a regular visitor.
He sat outside for almost all the time. Until it had started snowing and your heart simply couldn't take it any longer. Dropping the fabric and needles you reached for the door. Your heart suddenly started beating fast. In the wolf form, he was huge. No average wild wolf. His head turned to you as you stepped outside. You swallowed quickly. Slightly regret your choice but there was no backing out now.
"It's snowing", you muttered, "You should come inside, the fire is blazing", you nodded towards the fireplace. Fanrys glanced through the window. "I bet wet fur ain't too pleasant either", you giggled slightly. The wolf let out a huff but still got up. Slowly stepping inside. "Is it okay if I close the door, i'll get it open for you the moment you want to go", you said softly, truly to make as little noise as possible. He nodded, continuing to sniff around.
You had continued to talk to him the whole night as you got back to work. Occasionally asking for his opinion on draping and color choices. He responded with blinks nods or growls at times. But you could tell that soon his anxiety eased, his fur getting all fluffy and smooth as he drifted off to sleep. That had been a useful norm for weeks now. Almost every night he was there waiting for the moment the last customer left. You had also started making more food, offering him a pot of his dinner.
Until almost a couple of months down the line when Fenrys hadn't shown up and your anxiety had peaked straight away. You had sat for hours waiting for him but there had been no sign of him coming any time soon. So you did the first thing that came to your mind. "Your grace", you bowed deeply as Aelin opened her cabin door. Dinner sounds falling through the open door. "Yn, what a pleasant surprise", she had smiled, "come in".
But you shook your head, "Have you seen Fenrys, is he here by any chance?". Her face changed instantly as she looked over her shoulder, "No, dear, he doesn't spend time with us that often. Is something wrong?". You swallowed thickly, "He spends nights in my shop but... he didn't show up tonight and I just have this bad feeling", you said, worry lacing your words. A large male with dark features stepped up, "Today marks a year since his brother had been killed, it's better if you leave him alone, girl", the male snarled at you. "Lorcan", another female called out in your defense.
But you only held yourself higher, "I'm telling you that I need to find him. I need to make sure he's okay", your hands twisted into fists, "With or without your help", you said firmly. Lorcan narrowed his eyes at you but something in his eyes had shifted. "Gavriel, you mind", he turned towards the table where a male with long blond hair sat. He simply nodded before getting up, "This won't be pretty", he said in a much calmer tone. "Does it look to you like I care if it's pretty?", you grumbled back.
The woods were dark and maker, you would never step into them on your own. You bad no idea how Gavriel and Lorcan even saw anything. "He might be in a mood", Lorcan warned you. "He's been going through it, our boy", Gavriel added, "But I'm glad that he found a friend in you". You smiled at them your mind still racing. Till your eye fell on a heaving figure. Labored breathing, pained cries. Your steps picked up instantly as you rushed before the two males.
"Fenrys", you called out, pushing through the branches. The wolf only howled in pain. "Fen", you said once more making his head twirl to the side. Fangs out as he gets ready to attack. You stopped instantly and within a beat of a heart two fea soldiers were right in front of you but that only made Fenrys grow more. "Let me", you muttered, stepping from between them. "I got worried", you muttered, "Was waiting for you all night", you said softly, extending your hand towards him. Fenrys's eyes softened as a pained whine left his lips. You simply nodded along, "I know, but you don't have to go through this alone". Almost at the last sound of your words a warm light flashed and a male almost twisted your size and sagged forward. You had reached to catch him your Fenrys as you two sunk to the floor. His hair was all matted and dirty, the scars on his face in desperate need of cleaning and some soothing salve. Yet he was still so beautiful. "Oh, Fenrys", you said softly, guiding his face to your shoulder as you pulled your cloak over him.
The two males had helped you carry him back to your shop, where you had ushered him into a warm bath filled with soothing oil mixtures. Humming to yourself as you carefully detangled his hair section by section. A satisfied growl left the wolf's lips from time to time. "I can give it a little trim, just the tips though", you said after a moment, "Braid it for you as well". Fenrys turned to you slightly, "You should be disgusted by this", his voice was raspy and shaky almost no doubt from the lack of using it. "Nothing about you can be disgusting", you said with a smile, "You are going through a rough period in your life and if I can help even a little, I will", you said firmly, making sure he understood that you truly meant it. "But you've already done so much. You've given me hope", his eyes trailed down and you instantly cupped his cheek, wanting to look him in the eyes, "and I am willing to give you so much more, my white wolf", you leaned in brushing your lips over Fenrys's cheek.
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 5 months
Obsessed with Homelander
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Y/N wanted to fuck Homelander so bad, it was pathetic. The others were very confused on why anyone would wanna fuck him, given the things he’s done and how he acts. Did Y/N even know the things he’s done? They wouldn’t put it past her given how dumb she was at times. 
There was a meeting that the seven were having that was kind of important. It was about the Supe Terrorists and how they needed to stop em’. Homelander was ranting on about it and Y/N just stared at him like he was the whole world to her. He was to her and himself. “You’re so beautiful.” She accidentally blurted out. She looked around and the others stared at her with a weird look. “When I’m talking, no one else is to be.” He said with anger. “Sorry, Daddy.” She said and looked down at her lap. The others’ weird looks didn’t go away. Homelander looked at the girl with wide eyes. 
Y/N would constantly bring him gifts. (Food, Milk) She knew that he had a milk obsession but it wasn’t because she stalked him…or anything. She handed him the gallon of Milk with a smile. He took it from her, very confused on how she knew that he loved Milk. She leaned down and whispered in his ear. “You know..If you make me a mommy you could have milk anytime you wanted.” His face got so red after that. He hated that she would say stuff like that to him before meetings. 
On Halloween Y/N would dress up like him, just to impress him. Though she went the more skankier route. She had a very sexy two piece with a cape, boots and gloves. It was his exact outfit, just a slutty version. His jaw dropped as he saw her walking around Vought like that. She wasn’t in her costume but was in one that resembled his. She walked up to him. “You know..If you fuck me right now, you’d basically be fucking yourself just as a woman.” She winked. 
Starlight and Maeve tried telling her that Homelander was dangerous and that she did in fact not want to fuck him. It wasn’t a good idea. She didn’t listen and ended up sending him pictures of herself nude just to see if that would get his attention. He did but it also made everything a lot worse. “Y/N i’m flattered that you have an obsession with me, really I am. But you can’t send me nude pictures of yourself and whisper dirty things in my ear.” He would tell her. He lied to her and told her he doesn’t fuck other members of the seven. She said she would leave but he told her No.
Stormfront came along and Y/N realized that he was lying to her. She felt hurt and sad that he couldn’t just tell her No but lie to her instead. What did Stormfront have that she didn’t? Stormfront knew that Y/N had an obsession with him, thanks to Homelander and always had to tease her or show off the fact that Homelander wanted her more. Y/N watched as Stormfront would kiss him and basically fuck him right infront of her. She would just storm away, mad. Stormfront would smirk.
Homelander noticed that Y/N was quiet during meetings and didn’t hit on him. He was confused and definitely missed it. She barely even looked at him which annoyed him. He realized that he liked having her all over him and hated that she wasn’t. He would roll his eyes anytime StormFront tried to rub whatever they had in her face. “Stop doing that.” He would tell her. “The poor girl gets it.” StormFront was offended. “What, Do you like her or something?” StormFront asked him. He didn’t answer her, causing her to go away. 
When all the nazi shit about StormFront came out and the girls teamed up on her, Y/N really kicked her ass. She didn’t like the bitch from the start. Homelander saw that Y/N was using all her powers and abilities on StormFront. She really didn’t hold back. “You got some nerve.” He growled at her. She huffed and rolled her eyes. “Oh my god Homelander, I’m right here waiting for you, always have been. You don’t need that Nazi loving skank. I’ve been here the whole time.” She would yell back at him. 
His hips pounded into hers, not caring who walked in. She was so loud, her moans and whines were so loud but he loved it. His name fell off her lips over and over again. “I’ve waited so long for this moment.” She whined. “Just to have you inside of me.” He could cum at what she was saying to him. Having someone actually obsessed with him and want him in every way shape or form was great. He was moaning himself at her tight pussy squeezing him. “I love the way you treat me like i’m your world. It’s so hot.” He whined. “You are my world, John. Always have been, always will be.” She moaned. Her calling him by his real name was so hot and making him twitch. “I want you to cum for me John. I want you to fill me up and make me carry your baby.” She managed to say to him. He whined and groaned as he came. She came right after, moaning his name. “Just so you know, you’re mine now.” He whispered in her ear. “I’ve always been yours, John.”
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the-ascended-weeb · 29 days
Hound, Hounded (Part 2)
Here's part two, because I'm still on my shit. Part One <-
TW! Cursing, depictions of violence, two idiots already in love, Marie is their daughter figure your honor
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X-Men Movie!Logan "Wolverine" Howlett x Fem!OC
Summery: Maeve and Logan get to know each other, only for an unwanted third, forth, and fifth party to interfere.
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“You don’t got anything to eat do you?”
Maeve felt herself tense up a little. She looked at her little sister from the rear-view mirror. “I know what you had at the bar wasn’t much, but we’ll get some food when we get off at the next town, okay?”
For as gruff as their nameless savior tried to be, it was clear he had a good heart. However, she didn’t want to ask for too much, lest he kick them out again. Marie nodded slowly and went back to trying to sleep. Turning back to face the front, she felt the anxiety start to creep in. What was she going to do? They were running out of money, on the run, and had no home to go to or plan in mind. They were fucked. 
From beside Maeve, the man wordlessly pulled a bag of jerky out of the glove box and handed it back to Marie, who began to devour it, only to stop and sheepishly hand the half-empty bag to Maeve, who smiled at her little sister.
“Aw, thank you bug, you didn’t have to,” she cooed as she stuck her hand in the bag, taking a few pieces before handing it back to her sister. She refused to take it back.
“You should have it. You haven’t eaten in two days.”
“Baby I’m fine, if I were hungry I would have gotten something at the bar.”
Bullshit. Marie seemed to know it too, but she smiled at her little sister again and gestured for her to take the bag, and she did so reluctantly. Then she felt his eyes on her again.
He glanced between her and the road. “There’s another one of those if you’re hungry.”
He knew it too, apparently. “I’m good, but thanks. She can have it if she gets hungry again. I’ll be fine.”
Turning to look out the window, she ignored the pointed stares from both people in the truck and watched the racing horizon. She could see the sun creeping over the mountains. It was likely five or six in the morning now. And god above it was cold. This truck struggled even more than the last to keep the chill out. But, it was better than being on the side of the road for who knows how many hours, so she stayed quiet.
Suddenly a large hand came into view, turning up one of the fans to full heat, taking her hands and pressing them against the fan. She flinched hard at the contact. For a moment she was horrified to think she didn’t have any gloves on.
“I ain’t gonna hurt ya’, j-just keep your hands on the heater.”
There was more hurt in his voice than she was expecting, and it gave an unwanted tug at her heartstrings. God above, why did he have to go and make her feel things? This wasn’t what she signed up for when she decided to catch a ride with the moody mutant she saw across the bar. She expected a silent ride with tall dark and brooding, not to find herself concerned about the man’s feelings.
“I-I’m sorry. It isn’t anything personal, but bad things happen to people who touch my skin, and for a moment I forgot I had my gloves on. I was just worried for ya’.”
“Huh.” This time there was a mix of something satisfied in his voice, and she couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face. He was surprisingly easy to read. He coughed into his hand and continued speaking, ignoring her amused smile as she watched ahead. “What happens when you touch someone?” 
Maeve shrugged, glancing over at the man. “Not sure. It seems to drain them. The first time it happened it put a guy in a coma for a month. I nearly killed him.”
“It’s the same with me too, just not as strong as hers,” Marie piped up from the back. “Oh, and I’m Rogue by the way. Does that tag mean you were in the army? That’s what that means, right?”
Following Marie’s line of sight, she saw the dog tag hanging around his neck, reading out a serial number and ‘Wolverine.’ Maeve watched as he stuffed the dog tag into his shirt without answering the question, and her eyes lingered on his hand as it gripped the steering wheel. The concern and morbid curiosity dug hooks into her brain. 
“Does it hurt? When they come out, I mean.”
There was a brief silence that followed, one just long enough for Maeve to worry she had hit the wrong nerve when he responded. And once again, she felt her heart twist painfully.
“Every time.”
He seemed uncomfortable with the topic, his voice catching in his throat for a moment. It was understandable. She never exactly felt the need to broadcast the fact that her skin was the equivalent of a soul-sucking energy canister, and that was putting it mildly.
“On the topic of weird names, mine’s Hound.” 
It was an admittedly awful attempt at a topic change and she knew it, but it did the job. He glanced at her with an eyebrow raised in unfiltered, but amused judgment.
“What kinda name is Hound? Or Rogue for that matter?” Hah! The call was coming from inside the house of strange names with this one. He just didn’t realize he was the owner.
“I don’t know, what kind of a name is Wolverine?” She shot back, using every ounce of willpower she had to not smile, but failed the moment she saw his face. He was so done with her bullshit, he looked ready to kick her out himself. Behind them, Marie had begun to giggle uncontrollably into her gloves.
She couldn’t remember the last time she heard Marie laugh like that. 
It was then that she decided that stowing away in the back of this man’s trailer was the best decision she had made in a long time. The hours passed by and the conversation went back and forth from banter to personal and downright heartfelt. Maeve found herself hoping that the car ride would never end. Sure, she did most of the talking, but she could tell her co-driver was listening to what she said, and when he did speak she made sure to be just as attentive. It was nice. 
He was nice.
Wolverine felt his heart beating. Why did this woman make him feel so damn funny? Was it her looks? Her stupidly bright smile? The heartachingly soft look on her face every time she looked at her sister like she was the only thing in this world that mattered? Was it the fact that she seemed to look at him the same way? Did she even realize what she was doing to him? Silence settled over the cab as they watched the passing scenery, leaving Logan to stew in his useless thoughts, and the usually sullen man found himself speaking before he could think his decision through.
“My name’s Logan.”
The sweet voice next to him replied with a smile. He felt his grip on his steering wheel tighten. Was he… nervous? Really? Over a lady he had met just hours before? One who had stolen away in his truck?
“I’m Maeve.”
“And I’m Marie!” the young girl in the back exclaimed, “You know you really should wear your seatbelt.”
Logan pointed his finger at her through the rear-view mirror, ignoring the fond smile on the face of the woman- of Maeve as she sat beside him. She had to be doing this on purpose-
“Now listen kid, I don’t need advice on auto safety-“
And then he was face first in the snow, bleeding profusely and ears ringing like a symphony. Through it all he could hear a single, recognizable voice.
God must truly hate him.
Maeve shook off the spinning in her head as she pulled herself off the dashboard. Trying to piece together what the fuck just happened, she looked around, eyes slowly trailing from the empty seat next to her to the fallen tree in front of her, and stopping where Logan lay motionless in the snowy slush twenty feet away, shattered glass glinting around him under the morning sun.
‘Stay calm. Don’t freak out. You have to help Logan and Marie. You can’t do that if you’re freaking the fuck out. Get it together girl.’
Marie was still in place and one-piece behind her, looking dazed and bruised, but otherwise fine.
Except for the fact that a fire had sparked in Logan’s trailer, gradually filling the whole thing with smoke. Maeve’s hand went for her seatbelt, attempting to undo it. She couldn’t.
Don’t freak out.
In the calmest voice she could muster, Maeve looked to her sister, a gentle smile on her face as she spoke, “Hey bug, I know a lot just happened but I need you to get out of the truck, give me my bag, and go check on Mr. Logan okay? He’s out cold in the snow and needs our help.”
Marie nodded slowly, taking a painful amount of time to do as she was told, but did it, stumbling over to Logan moments later. There was a genuine chance of Maeve dying in a painful and firey explosion, so she had to get Marie out of range and act fast.
Digging through her bag she looked desperately for the knife she usually kept in the side pocket. Where was it? She knew she kept it in here-
No. No, she didn’t. She sold it for a quick buck to buy a meal when she thought she had lost her wallet.
Ice froze her blood and smoke filled her lungs.
Was she seriously about to die?
In front of her, Logan was back on his feet, swatting away Marie’s attempts to help him stand as he stumbled in her direction. His wounds were healing so fast, and his lips were moving but she couldn’t hear his voice. Behind her, she could feel the fire’s heat growing. Her head was feeling light and stuffy. She felt like she was this close to losing it.
“-eve! Maeve! Are you alright?”
No, she felt awful.
“I’m stuck!” Her voice cracked as she shouted, the inhalation of smoke sending her into a coughing fit.
Logan made quick strides toward her side of the truck, only to stop and look around, sniffing the air. Just as suddenly as his claws were extended, a large figure lunged out of the trees, sending him crashing through trees and into a snow bank, not giving Logan a chance to right himself as he was bashed in the head with a tree branch that sent him flying again, colliding with the hood of his truck. His claws retracted as consciousness left his body.
Yup. It was officially time to freak the fuck out. 
And then the real panic set in. Where was Marie? Where was her baby sister?! 
Through her tears, Maeve could see Marie dash into the treeline to hide and figure lumbering towards the truck. She could see a strange flash of red light and the silhouettes of two strangers. She could hear the banging on the side of the truck as Marie begged them for help. 
The last thing she saw before she passed out was the crying face of her baby sister. Please, look away, she thought. The last thing she wanted was for her little sister to have to watch her die.
‘It’s okay bug. I know Mr. Logan will take good care of you. I’ll haunt him for the rest of his life if he doesn’t.’
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amostimprobabledream · 2 months
Starlander headcanons
Omg I am a dumbass, @whatevermonkey please forgive me for taking so long with these! This is for my milestone giveaway celebration from a couple of months ago. I borrowed a shipping template for these, I hope you enjoy them! <3 These are some thoughts on Homelander/Starlight if the writers weren't COWARDS. Who Confesses First?: Homelander is the kind of guy to jump right to the L-bomb very quickly, especially if he's feeling his partner is withdrawing from him or his need for love flares up. Starlight, by contrast, tends to be a lot more hesitant about bearing her heart like that.
Who apologises first after a fight?: Starlight - Homelander is fucking impossible to deal with when he's riled up and he will mansplain, manwhore, manipulate in order to convince both the other person and himself why it isn't his fault, actually. Starlight will hold out because she doesn't like to apologise if she doesn't mean it - however, she knows that Homelander is likely to calm down enough to listen to reason if she prefaces it with "Sorry but..." so she tends to find workarounds.
Who is the more popular?: Homelander. Starlight might be America's sweetheart (while she's part of the Seven, anyway), but he's literally been the face of the Seven and he's been doing it for years, much longer than her. Plus there's the fact that while Starlight has people from her past who can tweet about her or air her dirty laundry on live TV, Homelander's image has been carefully curated since he was first debuted as a Supe.
Does the most speaking: Homelander, again. He was coached from a very young age of what to say and he's an attention whore at heart. Plus since he's the leader of the Seven he's used to doing the talking on their behalf - he does it with partners too, Maeve rarely got a word out when they dated.
The best caregiver when the other is sick: This is a tricky one as Homelander doesn't really get ill - the V in his system means that not only is it extremely difficult to damage him, but his immune system is insane. Germs boil to death inside him. Unfortunately he's not sure how to care for a sick person except bring stuff, so Starlight is the best in theory but doesn't get to show it.
Who has the most experience with relationships: Starlight, by a mile. She had a relatively normal upbringing and was implied to be popular during her highschool days and she canonically dated Supersonic and probably others before she met Hughie. Homelander fucks but all his relationships have been curated by Vought or have some other heavy angle of manipulation. Plus, Starlight's canon relationship with Hughie is like, the backbone of the show.
Sensitive to subtle changes in their partner: BOTH. Homelander knows every little physical change to Starlight - if he pulse or her heartbeat or whatever is off, he's going to pick up on it and demand an explanation. He also notices when her weight fluctuates or she hasn't been sleeping. Meanwhile Starlight becomes a connoisseur of Homelander's micro expressions and body language - initially to see when he was going to blow up at someone, but over time, she became attuned to his moods to know how he was feeling.
Uses pet names: Need you even ask? Homelander is the king of pet names. There's standard things like darling, sweetheart, babe, honey, etc, but he goes specific too like little star, twinkles, etc. Starlight tries a tentative "hun" once and he loved it.
Who does the cooking?: Starlight - Homelander has never cooked a damn thing in his life. He doesn't even use a microwave, he just heats what he wants with his laser vision, but he rarely if ever needs leftovers when Vought have some of the best chefs in the world just a phonecall away. Starlight can cook, though the show has implied she has a complicated history with food and I doubt her mother was too interested in teaching Starlight domestic skills when she was too busy parading her around the beauty pageant circuit. They probably go out to eat most of the time.
Who is most into PDA: Duh, Homelander - the man has no personal space with anyone. He'll pull her in by the waist, boop her nose, flick her hair when he wants to be annoying. Always wants Starlight to sit on his lap and sulks if she doesn't, even if it's during a board meeting or some other professional environment. He likes picking her up and carrying her like a little doll as well, he likes her nose scrunch whenever he does it.
Who proposes: Homelander - he man! He propose! Plus he's a big fan of grand romantic gestures because he is the kind of person who thinks love is something you need to prove. And he'd want to lock Starlight down and let everyone know she's spoken for. He'd probably fly her somewhere private to give her the ring - one he forced some poor sod at Vought to spend meticulous hours hunting down before he found one he deemed good enough. I think he'd go for a star sapphire - blue for his suit, star for her name.
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Me & You & Everyone We Know | Chapter 7 | S.R
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A/N - sorry it has been so long since I updated this, I have not have the impetus to write this fic but I am trying to restart it. Massive thank you to @reidselle for encouraging me to start writing this again and for reading chapters and discussing ideas with me, you are an angel 🖤
Chapter Summary - Spencer’s still reeling from the aftermath of his drunken mistake. With Luke’s words playing on his mind, he starts to realise his feelings towards his broken marriage aren’t as black and white as he thought.
Pairing - Single Dad! Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending, smut minors DNI.
Warnings - mentions of affairs, Spencer questions everything, swearing.
WC - 5.1k
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Chapter 7 - All At Once
And all at once the crowd begins to sing,
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.
Maybe you want her, maybe you need her,
Maybe you started to compare to someone not there. 
The weekend's events had taken so much out of Spencer he didn’t have a chance to call you and apologise for his drunken behaviour. 
In fact, if he was perfectly honest, with everything else going on he’d completely pushed it to the back of his mind. 
On Sunday he spent the day at the mall with the girls in an attempt to cheer Daisy up. 
Spencer loathed shopping. He only went shopping when he absolutely had to. Malls were too busy for his liking and most things were overpriced. But Daisy and Lily loved to shop, mostly because it wasn’t their hard earned money they were spending. 
He spent the day traipsing after them, lugging bags full of their hauls around while they ran from shop to shop excitedly. 
He practically brought Daisy a whole new wardrobe while Lily damn near put the toy store out of business. 
They ate pretzels in the food court while Spencer rested his aching arms from being their designated bag carrier. 
Lily fell asleep on the car ride home surrounded by all her new toys while Daisy excitedly looked over her new clothes. 
He spent hundreds of dollars trying to make up for the way Maeve had hurt her. He even let the girls talk him into buying an even bigger, plusher and more expensive bed for a dog he hated who never slept in his own bed anyway. 
By the time they made it home he was exhausted. He was too tired to cook so he ordered pizza which they ate in the living room while they rewatched Encanto for what had to be the fiftieth time. 
When he put them to bed they were both singing We Don’t Talk About Bruno, which Spencer also had stuck in his head when he crawled into his own bed. 
He also found himself humming it absent-mindedly in the shower the next morning, mentally cursing his girls for making him sit through that movie again. 
It was still whirring its way around his brain while he made the girls breakfast. 
He drove them to school after breakfast and dropped Taco off at the kennel and it was only after he was finally alone, his thoughts fell back to his monumentally stupid drunken mistake. 
Checking his watch and seeing he had time before he had to be on campus he made a pit stop at the florists. 
It was a good job he had time to spare because he spent an unfathomable amount of time staring at a wide variety of flowers in various colours.
He must have looked utterly lost as a young girl soon came over and asked if he needed help. 
Yes, he most certainly did. 
“I uh…I need something that says I’m sorry.” He toyed awkwardly with the strap of his satchel. 
The girl gave him a slightly playful smile. 
“You wouldn’t believe how often we get people in here looking for the exact same thing.” 
“What would you recommend?” 
“Well, lilies are great for apologising as they can express a new chapter. But roses are really romantic. White orchids are also good as they represent sincerity. And blue hyacinths look stunning in an apology bouquet.” She motioned around the various flowers she was describing while Spencer stared wide eyed in confusion. 
“Uh…” he scratched the back of his neck. “All of them. Just put all of them in a bouquet. A huge one. It doesn’t matter what it costs.” 
“Sure.” She looked a little startled by his choice, most guys just went for whatever was cheapest. 
She admired his decision. 
Spencer tapped his foot in the ground while the girl went about fashioning a giant bouquet of whites and blues and reds and yellows. 
She tied them all off in a big red ribbon and looked proud by her creation. 
Admittedly it did look beautiful and Spencer knew next to nothing about flower arranging. 
He paid two hundred dollars for the privilege and thanked the young girl before hurrying out of the store barely able to see over the large array. 
He quickly stopped at a coffee house and ordered an extra large cinnamon latte which was your favourite. 
The flowers took up the whole front seat of the car and the smell was overwhelming so he had to drive with the windows open. 
He felt heads turning and eyebrows furrowed into frowns as he got out of his car with the huge bouquet. It was like a large flashing beacon that he’d fucked up. 
He tried to ignore all the eyes on him as he waited for you outside the psychology building, flowers in one hand, coffee in the other. 
The weather was desperately trying to warm up and was slowly succeeding and the morning sun beating down on him made sweat gather at his temples. 
The nerves didn’t help. 
You couldn’t have looked any less amused when you spotted him, only just able to see him over the almost comically large bunch of flowers. 
If he wasn’t standing right outside the building you needed access to, you would have walked any other direction to avoid him. 
You clenched your jaw tightly and hugged your purse close to your body as you approached him. 
“I’m sorry.” He spoke the second you were in earshot. “I am so, so sorry. I was drunk, not that that’s an excuse but I was. I had a bad day and I was a fucking idiot. I am so, so sorry Y/N.” 
You didn’t say anything. Not a word. Honestly you didn’t have anything to say that wouldn’t either be fuck you or go to hell. 
He proffered the flowers towards you. 
“I’m really, really sorry.” He pouted a little.
He did look apologetic, almost pathetically so and there was a part of you that felt sorry for him. 
Not a big enough part to forgive him though. 
You took the flowers from his hand and Spencer momentarily believed things were going to be ok. 
But then you dropped the bouquet on the floor and stamped heavily on them with your heeled boot.
You didn’t stop there. 
You took the coffee out of his hand, removed the lid and poured the scalding liquid all over the crushed pile of flowers.
Spencer’s face fell.
“Oh come on, that was two hundred dollars worth of flowers.” He groaned, shoulders slumping. 
“You think coffee and flowers are going to make up for what you did?” You spat at him. 
“Not entirely. But I thought it might be a start.” He shrugged meekly, toying with his satchel. 
“Well it isn’t.” You stomped on the flowers again. “You were a world class asshole, Spencer. You do not get to show up at my apartment drunk in the middle of night and try to force me into bed! And the things you said to me…I am not a fling. I am not looking to be a casual hook up and if that’s all you want then you should find someone else.” 
“Y/N, I didn’t mean for you to-“
“Go to hell, Doctor Reid.” You cut him off, stamping on the flowers one more time for good measure. “Respectfully, go to hell.” 
He watched you storm past him inside the building, knowing nothing he could say was going to make this better. 
He’d really fucked this one up. And he had no idea how to fix it.
He left a cinnamon latte for you every single day for the next week in Monroe’s classroom. 
He left post it notes on your car that told you how sorry he was. 
He tried at every available opportunity to tell you to your face how sorry he was but every time you caught a glimpse of him, you would turn and walk in the opposite direction. 
He didn’t blame you. But he wished you would give him a chance to explain. 
Not that there was much to explain. He was drunk and he’d been forceful. He’d said horrible things to you. 
An explanation wasn’t really warranted. 
But that didn’t mean he was going to give up. He wasn’t giving you up without a fight. 
It didn’t matter that the two of you had only been on one date, you were all he could think about. You’d left a lasting impression in his heart and he wasn’t letting you just walk away. 
But he knew he couldn’t keep pushing you. You had to want to talk to him. If he kept trying to force you forgive him, he would end up pushing you away. 
He had to give it time and hope that you would come to forgive him on your own. 
In lieu of making things up with you, he had made up with Luke, even if slightly begrudgingly. 
They’d talked on the phone for the best part of a whole evening after the girls were asleep. Luke apologised for the way things had come out. He hadn’t meant them quite as they sounded 
Spencer in turn apologised for reacting the way he had, even though he still felt he was completely justified. 
Luke surprised him somewhat when he asked him, “did you ever really deal with Maeve’s affair?” 
“What do you mean?” Spencer frowned, putting his feet up on his desk and leaning back in his chair. 
“When you talk about it, you always talk about the effect it had on your kids but never how it affected you.” Luke was in full on profiler mode. Spencer had heard that voice countless times. 
“The fact that it affected my kids, affected me.” Spencer’s frown deepened. 
“I know you say it was a marriage of convenience but you were together a long time, Reid. You must have had some kind of feelings for her. It must have hurt.” Luke’s tone was soft yet held a hind of accusation. 
“Not especially.” Spencer shrugged. 
“Spencer,” Luke’s timbre shifted. “The woman you spent a large portion of your life with cheated on you. Your house is still like a goddamn shrine to the life you used to have. And you’ve never gotten over your anger towards her. I think that’s because she hurt you more than you want to admit. You like to pretend you didn’t love her and that you’re unaffected by what happened because you think it’s easier to deal with if you pretend it doesn’t hurt. But sometimes, pain needs to be felt.” 
“Have you ever thought about being a therapist?” Spencer rolled his eyes and sat up in the chair. “I’m fine Luke. I’m angry because she tore my family apart. I’m angry because my kids now only get to see their mother twice a month. I’m angry because I had to reevaluate my whole life after she left. 
But I’m not hurt, I’m not heartbroken. And my house is not a shrine. I work and when I’m not working I’m taking care of my daughters and now some stupid dog too. I’ve been meaning to call Morgan to help me renovate it. I just haven’t had time.” 
“If you insist.” Luke sighed. “I won’t keep pushing it. But just know I’m here if you ever need to talk.” 
“I know. Thanks. But I really am fine.” Spencer stood up and stretched his back. “I’ll talk to you soon, yeah?”
“Yeah no worries. Talk soon.” Luke replied and then hung up. 
Spencer kept his phone in his hand and typed out a quick text to you, almost identical to the ones he’d sent you every night this week. 
📲 Y/N Y/L/N: I’m still so sorry. I miss you. Please talk to me. Goodnight, beautiful. 
He checked in on the girls who were both sleeping soundly before having a quick shower and crawling into his own bed. 
And once again, he dreamt of you. 
It was probably for the best that you weren’t talking to him and that he hadn’t made plans with you for his child free weekend because he didn’t get a child free weekend. 
He picked Lily and Daisy up from school on Friday and drove them to Maeve’s only for Daisy to refuse to get out of the car. 
“Pumpkin, it’s your weekend with your mom, you have to go.” Spencer turned in his seat to face her. 
“No.” She spoke stubbornly. “I don’t want to see her.”
“You can’t stay mad at her forever.” Spencer leaned over the centre console and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 
“Yes I can.” She huffed. 
“Why don’t you want to see mommy?” Lily spoke up from the backseat. 
“Because I hate her.” Daisy stomped her foot on the floor. 
“Daisy, please don’t say that in front of your sister.” 
“Why? It’s true.” 
Spencer sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. 
“What about if Taco comes to mommy’s with you?” It would be doing him a favour too. 
“Yes! Let’s go get Taco!” Lily beamed. 
“No!” Daisy raised her voice. “I’m not going in there and you can’t make me!” 
She was right, he couldn’t. 
So in the end Lily had stayed at Maeve’s and Daisy had come home with Spencer. 
It was strange just having one of the girls, it wasn’t often the two were apart. It was almost like the days before Lily was born. 
He cooked dinner for the two of them and they ate ice cream for dessert. 
Daisy sat in Spencer’s office with him, laying on the floor with Taco while he graded papers. 
Usually Spencer liked to work alone, the kids rarely came in his office. But he found the sounds of Daisy cooing over the dog relaxing and every now and again when he heard her giggle over the mutt it made his heart swell in his chest. 
“Are you having fun there, pumpkin?” He asked her with an amused smile as he scrawled some notes on one of his students papers.
“Yeah, Taco is the best.” She giggled, giving Taco a belly scratch which he adored. “And it’s nice and quiet, like before Lily was born.” 
Spencer’s pen dropped from his hand as he looked at the back of his daughter's head where she laid on her front on the floor, her thick dark hair tied up on the back of her head. 
“What?” He frowned a little, thinking he must have misunderstood her. 
She rolled over onto her back and propped herself up on her one good arm. 
“I miss it sometimes. Before Lily was born and it was just you, me and mom. Did mom have an affair because of Lily?” She asked curiously. 
Spencer tried to hide his shock, knowing his daughter could read his features. 
He pushed himself up from his chair and rounded the desk, coming over to where Daisy and Taco laid. 
He lowered himself carefully to the floor, grimacing a little as an ache spread through the old injury in his leg. 
He sat next to her, stretching his legs out across the dark carpet. 
“What your mom did was neither of your faults. You know that, don’t you?” 
Daisy shrugged. 
“Why did you have Lily? I miss being an only child.” She changed the subject. 
“She’s your sister, don’t say that, please.” 
“We were happy before Lily.” Daisy shrugged again, crossing her legs and pulling Taco into her lap. 
“And we were happy after Lily too.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and she instinctively leaned into her fathers body. 
“Do you think mom would have cheated on you if you didn’t have Lily?” 
“I don’t know, pumpkin.” He sighed, pulling her closer. “But Lily isn’t the reason she cheated. And neither are you. I guess…I guess I just couldn’t make her happy.” 
“It’s not that I don’t love Lily.” Daisy tugged at Taco’s ear. “I just miss having all of your love.” 
Spencer felt his heart tear in half. He moved his hand from around her shoulder and cupped her jaw gently, guiding her to look at him. 
“Daisy,” he spoke seriously. “Just because I love your sister, it didn’t for a second make me love you any less, ok? You’re my baby girl, the first time I held you in my arms I felt like I could breathe properly for the first time in my life. The first time you looked at me, I finally knew the reason I was put on this Earth. And that was to love you and be your father. Please never think I could love you any less. You are my whole world ok, pumpkin?”
He felt choked up by the end of his speech and he noticed Daisy had tears in her eyes. 
She was quick to sit back and wipe her eyes on her sleeve. 
“God, mushy much dad?” She scoffed and Spencer chucked. 
He leaned in and placed another kiss at her temple. 
“Love you too, pumpkin.” He laughed against her skin. 
Spencer found Luke’s words were taking up too much space in his brain. 
When he awoke Saturday morning he laid in bed for a while, staring at the ceiling and just enjoying a moment of peace before Daisy woke up. 
Although it wasn’t all that peaceful.
He was ruminating on Luke’s implications of him living in a shrine. 
It wasn’t as though Spencer meant to do that. He really hadn’t had the time to even think about redecorating. 
Ok, maybe that wasn’t true. He had thought about it, quite often in fact. But there was always some kind of blocker between the thought and the action. For whatever reason, he’d never gotten over that hurdle of actually making a change. 
But it wasn’t because he was clinging to his old life. He didn’t pine over his broken marriage, he didn’t wish for Maeve to see sense and come home. 
But maybe there was a small chance that the reason he’d held off for so long was partly due to the fact that once he changed the house, there was no going back. 
If he decorated it was effectively shattering his dreams of the future he’d planned even though, really, those dreams had been destroyed over a year ago. 
Had he really been grasping at his old life so hard and not even realised? 
Something had to change. 
After breakfast he and Daisy went to the hardware store and he let her pick out a new paint for the living room. 
It wasn’t much but it was a start. It was something to prove he wasn’t living in a shrine to his ex-wife. 
Initially she’d chosen a gawdy bright green shade but thankfully Spencer had talked her down to a much more eye pleasing sage.  
The two of them spent the day painting the room, well Spencer did most of it while Daisy kept getting distracted by Taco. And Daisy did only have one good arm, which she kept reminding him. 
But by the time he was finished he felt accomplished. The new colour was much more his style than the buttermilk yellow Maeve had painted the walls when they moved in. 
The only room he’d really aided in decorating was his office with its dark walls, leather desk chair and dark oak desk and bookshelves. 
He’d still be working at the BAU when they moved in and as such wasn’t around much to help make decorating decisions. 
He’d never disliked the way she’d designed the house but maybe it never quite felt like home as it should have. 
The sage green walls felt more cosy. It was reminiscent of his old apartment, the apartment he’d loved so much. He felt comfortable with a darker aesthetic, which was probably strange but to Spencer it felt more homely. 
Spencer always felt more at ease in darkness, he decided not to dwell too long on that thought and what that meant about his mental state. 
He should call Morgan and have him gut this place and start again from scratch. But he wasn’t quite ready to take that step. And not because he was pining over his old life. 
He didn’t know why. But not everything needed to have a reason. 
Once the painting was done and feeling much more satisfied with his living situation, he cooked dinner for the two of them and after he let Daisy choose a movie which he fell asleep halfway through. 
The closing credits woke him and he rubbed his eyes before focusing on Daisy who had her smartphone pointing at him. 
“What are you doing?” He grumbled, feeling the weight of the dog was laying on his chest. 
“Taking pictures.” She giggled. 
“Why?” He shuffled up the couch a little. 
“You look funny.” She snapped one more picture before her dad got mad. 
“How do I look funny?” He scooted the dog off of him and sat up properly, rubbing his eyes again. 
“See for yourself.” She handed him her phone and he stared at the photograph of his sleeping form, mangy dog sleeping soundly on him. 
But that’s not what he was looking at. 
“For the love of god!” He groaned, jumping up and dashing to the mirror by the door. 
“The paint must still have been wet.” Daisy giggled again. 
Spencer had two very distinctive sage coloured doggy paw prints on his face and many more covering his shirt. 
He glanced around and saw a spot on the wall near the TV where the idiotic mutt had put his front paws in the wet paint. 
There was a trail of the sage prints in the carpet from the wall to the couch. 
“This is why I didn’t want a freaking dog.” Spencer huffed as he made his way to the kitchen to clean his face. “What time is it?” 
“Uh…eight?” Daisy sounded unsure of herself. 
“Which means it’s actually later than that and you don’t want to tell me because you don’t want to go to bed.” He chuckled, wiping his face with some kitchen paper. 
“No.” Daisy whined. “Not true.” 
“You know I’m wearing a watch, right?” As he said this he glanced at it and saw it was a little after ten. “Bedtime missy.” 
“Boo!” Daisy sulked. 
He finished up cleaning his face, thankful the paint seemed to come off easily and came back through to the living room where his stubborn daughter sat vigil on the couch. 
“Come on, pumpkin. I can read to you if you like? We haven’t done that in a while.” 
She pulled a face like she was contemplating this for a moment or two. 
“Can Taco come to bed with me?” 
“Sure, why not. It’s not like I’ve brought him two dog beds or anything.” He sighed. 
Daisy happily picked up the little dog and carried him upstairs where she set him on her bed. 
Spencer sat with him while she went through to the bathroom to change and brush her teeth. 
He tucked her in and Taco curled up by her side. 
Spencer slotted himself on the small part of the empty mattress that was left and Daisy handed him a book. 
He read to her until she was sound asleep, snoring a little. She got that from her mother. 
He kissed her forehead and switched off the light before creeping from the room. 
He thought about having a drink but he was still ashamed of his actions the last time he drank so he decided against it. 
He pulled out his phone as he flopped to the couch and sent you a text. 
📲 Y/N Y/L/N: I really am so sorry. Please can we talk? I miss your voice. Goodnight, beautiful. 
Spencer stared at the freshly painted wall and the paw prints left in it, still having Luke’s words swirling around his brain. 
He didn’t love Maeve. He wasn’t heartbroken over her infidelity. He didn’t need to deal with what she’d done because he hadn’t affected him. Had it? 
Somehow he found himself on his feet and moving books aside on the bookshelf that shielded his gun safe. 
He hadn’t actually kept a gun in it for years, not since he left the bureau. But old habits die hard. 
He entered the combination and opened the thick metal door. His hand shook a little as he pulled out the photo album kept hidden inside. 
It was white once but was dirtied from fingerprints over the years. It was a little scuffed around the edges but that was probably from him stuffing it inside the safe that was just a little too small for it. 
Spencer didn’t know why he kept in there. He supposed it was because he didn’t want the kids stumbling across it and having to look at it before he was ready, before he had the capacity to take this particular trip down memory lane. 
He hadn’t even thought about the album in the year since he’d put it in there. He’d physically locked it away whilst mentally locking away the memories that went with the photographs. 
He took it back over to the couch and tentatively flipped to the first page. 
The first photograph depicted an unusually sunny fall day outside of DC city hall. Spencer wore a suit from his closet and Maeve wore a simple white summer dress, her pregnant belly very noticeable with the slim fitting nature of the dress. 
They both smiled brightly while Morgan snapped the photograph of them showing off their matching gold wedding bands, Spencer’s free hand cupping her stomach that housed baby Daisy. 
He saw no doubts in his eyes, no hint that he was only marrying this woman because he’d gotten her pregnant. He looked genuinely elated to be married. He didn’t remember ever feeling that happy. 
On the next page was a series of photos with the backdrop of a hospital room. 
Images of Spencer fussing over Maeve while she was in labour, a slightly fretful look on his features. 
There was a photo of Maeve with the newborn on her chest, seconds after she was born and Daisy was held by her mother for the first time. 
Another of Spencer in the worn leather chair next to the bed with the tiny seven pound baby cradled in his arms as tears streamed down his cheeks. 
There were a couple more of the three of them together in the hospital room and as they left the hospital the following day, Spencer and Maeve held hands while his free one carried Daisy in her rocker. 
The look on Spencer’s face in each one could only be described as pure bliss. 
There were pictures of Daisy with each member of her new family, with her Aunties Emily, JJ and Penelope and her Uncles Derek and Aaron and grandpa Dave. 
There were photographs from a few weeks later when they’d travelled to Vegas so Diana could meet her granddaughter. 
Diana’s smile when she held Daisy for the first time was the brightest he’d ever seen on his mother. She’d been lucid that day, thank god, and had cried and cooed over the gorgeous little bundle her son had created. 
Other photographs of Daisy’s first steps, her first time on the potty, her first Christmas and birthdays littered the pages. 
Birthday cakes and presents wrapped for a child too young to understand what they were. 
Gaudy Christmas jumpers set against the backdrop of an overly decorated tree. Paper hats from crackers adorned on heads. A small child overstimulated by a holiday she couldn’t comprehend. 
And in every single one he and Maeve looked so happy. The images showed them sharing loving looks, exchanging soft touches. 
If the photos didn’t exist, Spencer wouldn’t have believed it. His memories didn’t allow him to recall the joyful moments, only the hurt and the anger. 
Even as he looked at them he struggled to remember ever feeling the way the man in the photographs looked. 
The further into the album he got showed Maeve’s belly growing for the second time and more hospital photographs with Lily featuring Aunty Tara, and Uncles Luke and Matt. 
More holiday photos lined the pages, this time with Daisy helping her sister open her presents. 
Lots of photos of the two girls together riddled the pages. Daisy holding Lily’s hand while she learnt to walk, Daisy reading to her little sister. Daisy cuddling her new little sister and beaming proudly. 
They looked like the perfect family, smiling for the camera. But what was hiding beneath? Were they ever really happy at all? 
About a year after Lily’s birth, the photographs just stopped. The empty pages at the end of the album taunted Spencer. 
They just stopped. Ended with no warning. It was as though all the happy, smiling faces of the pages before had died. 
Maybe they had. 
Tensions had been high between him and Maeve after Spencer gave up the BAU. He resented Maeve and to a certain extent his beautiful daughter, for having to give up a job he adored. 
He was frustrated and exhausted all the time. He was making less money at Georgetown, which didn’t matter so much in the present as he had a substantial amount of savings, but not enough to send two kids to college. His future problems crossed over into his present day. 
It took its toll on Spencer. He went to work, came home and doted on his daughters and barely said two words to Maeve. 
He had a quick temper. His exhaustion manifested in anger and when he did talk to Maeve it was usually to argue with her about something. 
He’d been distant, far away even when he was at home, and she’d been lonely. So she met Bobby who made her feel wanted. 
Could he blame her for that? Was Luke right? He hadn’t been attentive to his wife and so she’d sought comfort elsewhere. Was it his fault she’d strayed? Had he pushed her to it? 
He flipped the album back to the first page to their wedding photo. Was he to blame in all of this? 
He was so wrapped up in his self pity, the knock at the door startled him. 
He frowned to himself as he pushed himself to his feet and padded over to the door. 
Who was knocking at his house so late at night? 
He unlocked the door and cautiously it opened a fraction so he could see who was on the other side before he committed to opening it. 
His frown only deepened when he looked into a familiar pair of eyes staring back at him from the dark. 
He opened the door fully and braced himself against the door jamb. 
“Y/N,” he swallowed. “What are you doing here?” 
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@andiebeaword @muffin-cup @takeyourleap-of-faith @ssa-uglywhore27 @foxy-eva @kbakery @chrissyflo3 @simxican @aysixdy @givemeth @its-yagirl-raelynn
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help-itrappedmyself · 7 months
Sacred Moments (Batman AU) Part 4
Apparently, I just needed to get this out of my system so I could work on my other WIPs. So here is the final part, and I should be back to working on my other works tomorrow. (Can you guys tell my days off yet?)
Robin and Nightwing take Hood and the girl back with them in the batmobile. They go to a safehouse in the nicer part of town. Robin leaves to finish patrol with Batman. Hood knows they’re both going to listening in through Nightwing’s comm. He ignores the chafe the lack of boundaries brings up, but reminds himself they’re his family and he would probably end up having to tell them anyway. Better to let them hear it than to have to actually talk about it later.
They give the girl some clothes to change into and let her take a shower before she comes back out. Nightwing sits at the table to wait as Hood starts for the kitchen, intent on making everyone some dinner. They don’t talk while they wait for her. 
She looks better when she comes back out. Still tired, now wearing too-big clothes that hang off a frame desperately in need of food. But her hair is now a lovely chestnut brown, fluffing as she tries to towel dry it. Her eyes are cyan blue, noticeable now in the lighting of the apartment.
She comes over and sits next to Nightwing at the table, bearing the closeness so that she isn’t putting Hood behind her. He follows her to the table, bringing over sandwiches and water. Nightwing digs in quickly. 
She ignores the food for the moment. “Is he alive?”
Hood sits across from her, knowing that this conversation is between them for now. Nightwing is mostly only there to report to the rest of them.
“Will you let me see your mark?” Hood asks gently. Marks are personal, usually only shared with family and those you hope can match them. He would understand her saying no, but hopes he can confirm before revealing any identities. The world still thinks Jason Todd is dead after all. 
But she is clearly hesitant to let a stranger see something so personal. “Do you know him? Did you know him? Can you tell me anything?” There’s a desperation in her voice. She clearly thought he was dead before, which makes sense because her mark would have darkened. Jason wonders if that changed when he came back to life. 
“Black Mask thought that it was the boy Wayne adopted. The second one.” Hood started, trying to think of a way they could say they knew him without linking the Waynes to the Bats.
“All the bats know the Waynes. We rescue them often enough.” Nightwing cuts in. “I met him after he was adopted. But we all know him.”
She nods. “You would recognize the mark if I showed it to you.” Her eyes turn piercing, looking between Hood and Nightwing.
Nightwing shakes his head, glancing towards Hood. “I would recognize it anywhere.” Hood states firmly. 
She nods. “Then you can see. Nightwing…”
He lifts his hands and turns back to the food. “I don’t need to see it and you don’t need to show everyone. Hood will tell us if it’s true or not.”
Maeve stands from her chair and Hood follows her back into the bedroom. 
“It’s on my left hip.” She tells him, gathering the baggy shirt, lifting it into a crop top and tying the extra fabric in a knot to keep it out of the way. Hood stays a respectful distance from her as she lowers the hem of the shorts she was given until her mark was visible. 
Hood sucks in a breath as he sees it, reaching out to touch it, prove to himself that this is real. That this is happening. She leans away from him, covering it back up and the sight of it disappearing without him being able to touch, to color it, to bring it to life is almost enough to bring tears to his eyes. He wants to snap, to grab, a wave of possessiveness coming over him only exacerbated by the lingering Lazarus Water in his system.  
He takes a breath and breathes. She doesn’t know that it’s him. That the mark is his. Hood straightens back up, shucking off his jacket and dropping it to the floor. She looks shocked for a moment before he starts reaching for his own left hip, pulling his shirt up and lowering his waistband. His belt fights him briefly, but he’s able to get it down enough for her to see. 
She has the same reaction he did. It’s instinctual, the urge to claim your mark. It’s immediately identical and her eyes water and she reaches to touch her mark on his skin. 
The second her skin touches the mark it lights, color bleeding into it from the point it meets her fingers outward. It turns the same magnificent blue as her eyes. 
“I thought you died.” She gasped out a breath as she looked back up to his face. 
“I did.” Hood said. “I got better.” He slowly lets his clothes fall back to their normal places and her eyes watch intently as they do. She looks back up at him and realization sparks in her eyes as he rips his gloves off his hands. 
She lowers the hem of her shorts again. They both watch as Jason brings his hand up to touch the mark on her skin. His mark. It responds, glowing faintly as color fills it. Hood is transfixed as he watches the color bleed into it. This is his. She is his and he is hers and he had thought he lost this when he died. The glow to the mark fades as it is entirely filled with a beautiful carmine. It fits him. It’s perfect. 
He moves his hand to press the palm flat against the mark. Taking a breath as he looks back at her face. She has gentle tears falling slowly from her eyes. He uses his other hand to brush them away, cradling her face in his hand.
“My name is Maeve.” She tells him, voice gentle and soft. 
“I’m Jason.” He responds, voice that same soft tone.
They have a lot to talk about. They both know that they almost missed this. That despite fate trying to match them together, they still almost never met. Maybe that’s why he’s still alive. But they both take this moment for what it is, sacred and meaningful. And they decide that that can wait for a while.
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anarchiii · 6 months
What could of been… —TOG AU
Part one | Warnings: angst | Rowan x Aelin
Summary: What if Rowan had known Lyria was pregnant and didn’t go off to war? Fenrys would have most likely trained Celaena, not Rowan, Would Celaena be the person she is in KOA?
Note: this is an AU this isn’t in the books.
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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Rowan’s POV
“Rowan! We’re ready!” Lyria’s called from the entryway pulling him back into reality from where he’d been lost in thought. “Coming love!” He echoed back, walking out of the shared bedroom to his wife and their youngest daughter, they were going out to Mistward to visit Emrys and malakai for a party. They were celebrating something along the lines of peace. Since Wendlyn hadn’t been in any conflicts which Rowan was grateful for as that meant Rowan got to spend more time with his family, His daughter Maisie—only eight—had not been pleased at the idea of going out but had begrudgingly accepted after the promise of good food.
He kissed his mates cheek before grabbing his jacket and walking out the door his family trailing behind, he was going to be meeting with Fenrys to see how he was going with the task their queen had given him.
He was tasked with training a girl to control, wield and hone her magic. And not to mention shift. Though from what Fenrys had said the girl was a real spitfire. He knew that because Fenrys had been ranting non stop about her for two hours straight while drinking a monumental amount of ale and then passing out onto Lorcan, he’d feel bad for the male if he wasn’t such a bastard.
Soon enough they were passing through the gates of Mistward heading for a particular building, walking through the door and discarding his jacket on the nearest hanger before doing the same for his mate, kissing her cheek and ruffling Maisie’s hair before going to greet Emrys.
Celaena’s POV
Celaena was grateful for no training today and so were her limbs, the gods knew they were on the brink of death. She’s been staring at the ceiling on her pathetic excuse of a bed when Fenrys had walked in. She turned her head to the side and stared at him intensely, annoyed that he had interrupted her daily existence check session.
Fenrys rightfully looked a little intimidated but brushed it of as he sat down on the bed next to her. She hated that about him, he was so carefree.
“So…there’s a little party going on in an hour and you’re kind of required to be there” he said. Great just great, she had to go socialise with some fae, how better could her day get?
She’d been getting dirty looks from all the Fae since she’d arrived, if they didn’t stop soon she’d surely end up burning them to a crisp and as much as she wanted to do that. She couldn’t.
She needed to go to Doranelle and learn everything about the wyrd keys and the Valg as she could, if she killed somebody her majesty Maeve would not be very pleased. “Earth to Elentiya you there?” Fenrys voice pulling her from her thoughts.
“Yeah I’m here” She answered, “Right, I want you to meet one of my friends.”
“Very well” she replied blankly,
Fenrys led her through the crowds of Demi and full blooded Fae and Faeries—even a few humans—all together, no fighting no conflicts. Just co existing for this one particular night. But apparently all this peaceful-ness didn’t include being nice to her.
After walking through the crowd for what felt like hours, they finally found Fenrys friends.
“Celaena I’d like you to meet my good friend Rowan and his mate Lyria, Rowan, Lyria this is Elentiya”
She looked to the Fae finding them already staring at her, awkward, the man—Rowan was beautiful really, with long white hair and dazzling emerald eyes she couldn’t help gaze into—but she wasn’t interested in men—males right now, the female, Lyria. Was a stunning woman, with a head of brown hair adorned with pearls, cascading down her shoulders and gold-brown eyes that reminded her of the freshest honey. She wasn’t a very envious woman but even she couldn’t help feeling jealous of such beauty, it had her looking away to the child clutching her mothers frilly pink dress, the girl couldn’t of been older than ten, her shoulder length light brown hair adorned with lime green bows and crystal clear gems, she was a natural beauty that even Celaena couldn’t help notice. “And this is our youngest daughter Maisie.” Lyria said, even her voice was beautiful, it was unfair really.
“It’s lovely to meet you three” Celaena said trying to sound as polite as possible, even mustering up the energy for a smile, she didn’t bother to think about how dirty her teeth must be or be embarrassed by them. The gods knew she probably looked like she was half dead, she didn’t care. Maybe a few months ago she would’ve but not now. She tried not to linger on the thoughts of if she’d ever care about her looks again.
“Celaena, I hear you are training. May I ask what for?” Rowan asked
Rowan worked for Maeve so there was no point in lying about it, besides Fenrys would call her out for the lie anyway. “I’m trying to get into Doranelle, Her Majesty Maeve insists I learn to wield my…gifts if I want to receive passage to her city.”
“What magic do you have? How much?” Lyria inquired. Almost looking bored with her. Did she not know it was rude to ask about those kind of things?
“Uh, fire magic. I have. Uhm just a small amount.” Celaena was getting uncomfortable with these questions, the female had no business knowing about her magic. She was getting ready to bolt when Rowan said, “well I won’t keep you here all night, I want to greet some old friends, if you’ll excuse us.” —practically dragging his wife away—She could’ve kissed the man for that, he most likely saw her getting uncomfortable. “Very well, it was lovely meeting you guys” she said. They were walking away when Lyria turned and gave her a dirty look. What the hell was that about? She hadn’t been that rude, for a matter of fact she’d been downright delightful.
She tried not to take it to personally as she made her way to the drinks table, grabbing a bottle of faerie wine as she walked over to a shady spot, swigging from the bottle as she surveyed everyone. The taste of the wine was a welcoming sensation as it slid down her throat. She was going to have a mad headache tomorrow but it was a small price to pay for the reprieve it brought.
Two hours and three bottles later Celaena was ready to leave, She didn’t remember why she’d even came in the first place, then again after all the wine she’d had she couldn’t remember much of anything. She was figuring out if she should just leave the bottles of faerie wine where they were or discard them somewhere appropriate when she saw Rowan make his way toward her. Shit? She didn’t have time to wonder if that was a bad thing as he was already in front of her, he had no business being that fast. “Hey, can I talk to you outside for a moment?” He said, “yeah sure” she answered back.
When they were away from everyone he turned to her, his beautiful eyes catching in the fae lights making them shine a bright emerald. She couldn’t help but be entranced in their beauty. He broke the silence first, “I’m sorry about my mate earlier, it was rude to ask such personal questions like that, I had a talk to her about it. I can get her to apologise if that’s what you want.” the idea of making the female apologise was appealing but she’d be a decent person today. “No it’s Alright, if I was her I most likely would’ve asked the same thing, there is no need to make anyone apologise.” She said, Celaena wondered why she was in such a good mood, maybe it was the wine or the dazzling male in front of her, she could get drunk off looking into his eyes all day, that’d be better than any wine. Why was she so..attracted to him? He had a mate and a child for gods sake she couldn’t be like this.
“Thank you for being so understanding Celaena.” He echoed back, god, the way he’d said her name—her alias— she wondered what it’d be like to have him say her name—her real name—to wake up next to him every day,to bear his children—She shut those thoughts away so far that they could only escape in her dreams, her wicked, cruel dreams. Filled with screams of beloved friends—and some of her own—of brown hair that shined in the sun, of sun kissed skin, bloody beds and tables, The scent of lotus and lavender. She shivered at the thoughts. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you, good luck on getting to Doranelle.” Rowan said before he walked back into the crowd—back to that mate of his, and child—She didn’t understand why this was bothering her so much, she didn’t even know his last name and yet she felt like she could, and would. lay down her life for him.
She walked back to her room and plopped down on her bed, pulling the blanket up to her shoulders. —To try and deter the cold— as she tried to drift off to sleep. Ignoring that golden threaded feeling blooming in her chest.
Finally the Sandman came for her and she fell into a dream filled slumber, dreams full of sparkling green eyes and a head full of silver hair lying beneath a crown of blue flames…
The End.
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