#or what would even happen if he accidentally teleported into like some solid space like inside a mountain or in the building walls
zoppzoop · 1 year
I just realised, coordinates aren't just on the x and y axis
Kurogiri would have to make sure to be on the proper heights as well
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randomthefox · 2 months
This may be a stupid question but one of your posts said that shadow needed a chaos emerald to use chaos control but what about :
Sa2 when you fight shadow he uses chaos control to teleport in front of sonic?
The opening of shadow the hedgehog where he teleports multiple times and even use it to take out some black arms?
When he used chaos control to kick the phantom shadow copy away from sonic?
Or was he hiding a chaos emerald or just using short burst of it without an emerald? Sorry if it seems dumb.
The confusion is that chaos control is used as an umbrella term for multiple different abilities that all clearly function in different ways under different conditions.
Chaos Control as far as I use it is referring to what is definitively a TIME STOPPING ability. This is the first thing that Shadow ever does which is dubbed as chaos control. It's when he's on the GUN robot with the green emerald, Sonic runs up at him, Shadow says the words "chaos control" out loud and uses the power of the chaos emerald. It then shows him running past Sonic and Sonic SEEING AND REACTING to him rushing past, so it's clearly not a teleport because if it was a teleport he'd have just blipped out of one location and appeared in another (like Sonic does later in the story) and this moment of Sonic SEEING Shadow going past him would not have happened. We also see Shadow using the Chaos Emerald and saying Chaos Control to stop time in Sonic 06 when he kicks Silver. And he says Chaos Control and stops time again in Sonic Forces to kick the phantom ruby clone of himself, the Chaos Emeralds do not feature in Forces and never appear on screen outside of DLC but we can safely presume Shadow just had the emerald on him during the game and it just never got shown.
As far as I'm concerned this is the TRUE Chaos Control and everything else is them just calling other stuff Chaos Control because wgaf. This shit doesn't have hard defined absolute rules In Universe, they're just doing silly shit and calling it whatever they want. It's like how Goku explains the different levels of Super Saiyan to Babidi and Buu and says "you can think of this as Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3." Those aren't their officially designated god given names as bestowed by an absolute creator. It's just terms Goku is pulling out of his ass to make it make sense to people who have no idea what a Super Saiyan is.
Sonic sees Shadow use Chaos Control and his first conclusion is "wow he fast =o " but then immediately dismisses that and thinks TO HIMSELF that he "must be using the chaos emerald to warp." Sonic has NO IDEA what chaos control is or how it works, this is his own conclusion of trying to explain something he doesn't understand with limited information. So later when he's locked in a space capsule about to die with a FAKE chaos emerald, he thinks "might as well give this a shot." Sonic proceeds to TELEPORT THROUGH SOLID MATTER AND ACROSS SPACE back to the safety of the ARK. This is very emphatically NOT what Shadow did earlier in the game, and when Shadow confronts Sonic he straight up asks him "just what are you anyway?" Sonic just placebo effected his way into doing something impossible and Shadow is flabbergasted at first, but then concludes well fuck it if Sonic can do it then so can I. From then on Shadow displays the ability to spontaneously teleport WITHOUT needing a chaos emerald OR needing to say the words chaos control out loud. This to me proves that Sonic is just a dipshit and thought he was doing what he saw Shadow do but accidentally broke the laws of physics instead, and now they just CALL that Chaos Control as well because fuck fan wiki editors. You can think of this by the fan term "chaos snap" if you think it needs a name.
The third ability that is called chaos control appears to require all seven chaos emeralds and saying Chaos Control out loud, which then allows them to teleport the ARK or Black Comet through space. So that's basically Super Chaos Control if you wanna think of it like that. Consistently it has been shown that to move a huge stellar mass like that it requires all seven emeralds like what Black Doom does or while in a Super Sonic/Shadow state where the emeralds are manifested inside of their bodies.
The last thing that is called chaos control is in Sonic 06 where they use it to open portals through time to time travel. Every time it's done it needs at least two chaos emeralds and two wielders of those emeralds saying chaos control out loud in order to open the time portal. This only ever happens in Sonic 06.
So yeah Chaos Control is just confusing unless you're an insane person like me basically. And I'm mostly being a pedantic semantic by insisting that chaos control refers to any one thing because obviously in universe they couldn't care less.
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telemna-hyelle · 2 years
hi ❤️
TM has Thoughts about the Sonic Cenimatic Universe part 2
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So rings in the movies have a very different purpose than rings than in the games (duh) and I've been wondering how that difference might be handled regarding these two (bc. wearing them.)
The bigger elephant in the room is Shadow imo since those rings preserve his power, and it calls into question the origins and uses of rings in the movie verse. Sure, they could be his normal inhibitor rings, but I want to see the movies continue to shake things up. Do rings have more uses than just fast travel? Was a part of Project Shadow testing the rings for multiple uses? Imbuing the Ultimate Lifeform with the item's power to track how said power manifests in a living creature? Heck, if Shadow can teleport without a Chaos Emerald then the writers can easily say that he uses power from the LITERAL PORTALS he wears on his wrists (and maybe ankles). And of course, regarding what I've said, it's possible that the rings Shadow wears are the source of his power instead of a limiter, and him taking them off would make him tired for the opposite reason than what's normally portrayed.
Note that in the last paragraph I said "Chaos Emerald" and not "Chaos Control" in regards to Shadow's teleportation. I, personally, think it's possible that normal rings have either been imbued with Chaos energy or ARE pieces of solid Chaos energy, making them single-use Chaos Control items. This circles back to the question of "can the movie verse rings do more than just serve as portals," but that's a question that we really don't have an answer to.
It wouldn't be a stretch if it was possible to draw power from the the rings though.
Now. Amy. If the rings can do more than send the user over long distances, then that could explain how she stores her hammer. But like I said, I want to imagine that the movies will take this a little further. There's one post I reblogged that imagines Amy as someone who creates these rings, and I honestly love that a LOT. But for ideas independent of that? Maybe she's actually well versed in all these different ways to utilize rings, and by extension, Chaos energy.
To take this even further, we know that Amy is the reason Shadow remember's Maria's true final words in SA2, so I think it would be neat if there was a parallel between them; the power and how it relates to the rings they wear could be a good place to start. Perhaps both can be working to utilize their rings to their maximum potential... or at least Shadow was before the incident on the space colony. But the thing is, Shadow had to learn about Chaos energy through what the ppl on the a.r.k. told him with some trial and error, while Amy could've been taken under a Mobian's wing, so she has a better grasp on its limits and etc. Amy becomes a natural with Chaos. Shadow, on the other hand, had a somewhat unreliable source of information, and his ocean of power leaves him a potential danger to everything around him since he's not 100% sure What's Up. Especially if his memories were altered for the revenge route instead of just straight up amnesia like in that one game.
And uh. Amy could mentor him on how to control his power.
This started as a "how can the SCU rings relate to Shadow's and Amy's character designs" essay but it accidentally became "these two might meet and become mentor and mente to friends." Funny how that works.
Because like. In my vision of SCU Shadow, Gerald and his team of scientists are very much using Project Shadow to study Chaos energy, but the one who actually has that energy has no clue how to use it because the people around him have no clue either. He has to figure things out as he goes. The a.r.k. incident goes down, 50 years pass, stuff happens, and then Amy teleports to a battle (accidentally) and Gets Shadow Out Of There because he's outnumbered. Over the course of the movie they grow closer (which is possible even in the revenge route because Amy's no human) and Shadow becomes more.... for lack of better word, tame, over the course of them training together. Anything after that I need to think on more.
There's a lot of holes in this and I realize rereading that that Amy could take Rouge's place in that script, and that's not what I want to happen. I just think that it would be a disservice to Amy to come into the cenimatic universe in any movie later than 3 since she predates Shadow.
This was a mess, I'll get out of your inbox now ogxofzotxltx
Ooooh, these are very interesting thoughts! I especially like your thoughts on Amy, it'd be wonderful to see her better utilized, like she was in the comics. And the thought of Shadow having to figure out his powers as he goes... yes yes good stuff
Technically, though, the rings do have the same purpose as they do in the games... sorta. Because when you throw them they get big--that's based on the end-of-stage giant ring that appears. They did shrink them though, and my guess that form was taken from the rings you collect in-stage.
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ghost-party · 3 years
Hiyaa if it’s possible, I’d love it if you could do prompt 8 and 21 with our friendly lil crackhead, Goio. Your writing gives me much serotonin yes ily ( ◉ ⁻̫ ◉)♡
Thanks, anon! These were fun prompts to work with. 😊❤️
Warnings: swearing
• • •
Gojo + “brushing hands by accident” + “accidentally knocking your head into someone’s chin”
“Need some help?”
You can hear the smile in Gojo’s voice, and, if anything, it worsens your already tenuous mood.
It was supposed to be a simple task: Go to one of Jujutsu Tech’s many storerooms (you swear they have one for everything) and retrieve some items for tomorrow’s lecture on cursed relics.
But the shelf you need to reach is too damn high.
You had thought you could handle it yourself. You’re a strong, capable sorcerer. Resourceful, too. How hard could it be?
But now here you are, staring up at the large, padlocked box in question, bristling at the feeling of Gojo’s gaze on you.
“No. I can get it.” And yet, you know it’s impossible. Your fingers barely brush against the edge of the shelf, and there’s no step stool or ladder in sight.
With an annoyed huff, you turn around and are met with your fellow teacher’s cheeky grin. Such a punchable face... A punchable, handsome face... And therein lies the problem.
It’s that precise combination that always puts you at risk of tripping over yourself whenever he’s around — or throwing a book at his head. It really depends on your mood.
You only recently realized just how hard you’ve fallen for him. It’s confusing and troublesome, and now every interaction with him feels like walking a high wire. One wrong move, and you’ll never hear the end of it. He’s the strongest sorcerer, after all. Of course he would find your infatuation with him hilarious.
“Fine. Please, by all means, you insufferable giant.” You mockingly bow and gesture for Gojo to join you in the cramped storage space, eliciting a chuckle from him.
He strides forward, rubbing his hands together. “I’m always happy to help, sweet pea. No need to be so stubborn.”
He’s mid-reach, making it look way too easy, when three things happen at nearly the same time: There’s a loud slam behind you, you’re both plunged into total darkness, and you gasp while Gojo merely mutters, “Huh...?”
“The door,” you manage, heart pounding. “I propped it open, but it must have... Were you leaning on it or something?”
“Eh, maybe.” He sounds infuriatingly unconcerned. “I was too busy being your knight in shining armor to notice.”
You snort, arms outstretched as you walk in the direction of the door. “Yeah, right.” When your hands brush against the wood grain, you quickly drag them down until they reach the handle. But when you push — and pull, out of sheer desperation — the door refuses to budge.
“It’s locked.”
“Whoops. You must’ve left the key in.”
Biting back a reply, you turn on your heel, take a step forward, and immediately collide with a warm, solid object.
“Whoa there, are you — Ow!” Your head snaps up at the sound of Gojo’s voice right above you, your forehead colliding with what feels like his jaw. “Geez, pumpkin. You trying to knock my teeth out?”
You ignore the question, stunned into silence by his close proximity. Although you can’t see him, you can feel him, and his nearness and warmth are making you feel slightly faint. “Can’t you just teleport us out of here?”
“Technically, yes...”
“Good. Let’s go.”
“... but I don’t really feel like it.”
Your mouth drops open. “I’m sorry, what?” You blindly reach out and jab a finger at what you’re pretty sure is his chest. “Stop being an asshole.”
“Oh, I’m the asshole?” As you pull your hand back, it brushes against bare skin. Every nerve in your body feels electrified as Gojo’s long fingers wrap around yours, firm enough to keep them caught there.
“You’ve been giving me the cold shoulder for days. I want to know why.”
“I... It’s...” You can’t help but feel embarrassed by your recent behavior, having reverted to extreme defensiveness and avoidance out of fear of rejection. It was better to push him away than to be pushed away... Right?
But now you aren’t so sure. “It’s nothing. I’m sorry. Just... personal stuff.”
“It’s definitely felt personal.” Gojo doesn’t sound upset. His tone is light and teasing, with a thread of concern woven through.
“Come on,” he coaxes, squeezing your hand. “Be honest with me.”
“If I’m not, are we going to be stuck in here forever?”
Gojo hums a little. “Maybe. I could always take a guess, if you don’t feel like telling me.”
He takes a step closer and pulls your hand to his chest. “Hmm... Let’s see... I did raid your candy stash last week.”
“Of course that was you.”
“In my defense, it was an obvious hiding spot. But this seems more serious...” He taps his fingers against your knuckles, seemingly deep in thought. “I’m perfectly charming, so it can’t be anything I said.” You laugh softly. “And I’m an exemplary coworker.”
“You snuck off during yesterday’s training to pull a prank on Ijichi.”
“Your hurtful objection is duly noted.” He hesitates for a moment, and then asks, “Could it be... that you have a crush on me?”
You have never wished so hard for the earth to open up and swallow you whole. But at least he can’t see the stricken, pained expression on your face. Wait. Who are you kidding? He probably can, with those stupid eyes of his. There’s no use denying it, you think, biting your lip.
“Yeah... I do.”
When he laughs, you wince, already anticipating the worst. “You have a strange way of showing it,” he says.
“Please, just... forget about it, okay? It’s stupid.”
“Well, if it’s stupid, then I guess my feelings are stupid, too, huh?”
If you could see his face, you’d be staring into it, wide-eyed and gaping. “What...?”
You suddenly feel his free hand settle on top of your head, gently ruffling your hair. “I like you, too, pumpkin. Even when you’re being ridiculous.”
“And how was I supposed to know that?” you splutter, cheeks burning. “You tease everyone. It’s hard to tell when you’re flirting.”
Impossibly, he moves even closer, and you suck in a sharp breath as his hand slides down to your cheek. “I guess I need to try harder,” he murmurs. “Or you need to pay more attention.”
“I never thought the day would come when Gojo Satoru called me ridiculous.”
“What exactly are you implying?” He brings your joined hands to his lips, and you can feel his smile against your skin.
“Nothing at all.”
“Maybe I can persuade you to tell me over dinner tonight.”
Your heart leaps — a date? — and you nod against his hand, which is now tracing small circles along your face.
“Perfect. Now, I think it’s about time we got out of here, hmm? I can’t wait to see how flustered you look in the daylight!”
In the blink of an eye, you’re both standing in the hallway — right in front of a very startled Yuuji and a smirking Nobara.
“I’ll never get used to that!” Yuuji says with a laugh, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“Did you both have a nice chat?” Nobara’s smile widens into a true Cheshire grin. “It was hard to hear through the door. Pretty disappointing. But...” Her gaze drifts down to your still-joined hands. “... that looks like a success.”
“You locked us in there?” Something in your tone causes the two of them to stiffen and look mildly frightened. “What is this, The Parent Trap?”
“We just... You two... Uh...” Yuuji trails off, slowly backing away, Nobara mirroring his movements. “Sorrysenseibye!” And then they’re gone, running faster than you’ve seen them move during actual fights.
“While their methods may have been questionable,” Gojo says, swinging your hands between the two of you, “you can’t deny that they worked.”
“You know they get this shit from you, right?” Your words are softened by the smile you throw at him, and he beams down at you.
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derangedhyena-zoids · 3 years
it’s time for Shitposts In the Shitpost Blog.  Organoid Teleportation: Locations 
So, this is a concept I’ve had in-mind for a while, borne largely out of hating how teleporting works in DRoP and not wanting to emulate it. At all.
This is less about “how” - tbh I’m not gonna even fuck with that - but more about “how it works for them”, eg from their perspective. They don’t know “how” it works, but they certainly know “how” to use it. Part of the problem with explaining this, I realize, is that my thought process hinges on a weird hybrid of how neurons behave in one’s optical cortex (read: the way it works, not having anything to do with it itself), actual physical coordinates, and magnetic fields? It’s kind of a weird smash of multiple ideas.  Garbage art time:
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so, you exist at a point in space, and there’s basically a shitton of other points in space you do not exist. you have a mental concept of these points in a sort of dynamic grid. (imagine if each point was in a cube.) The SPACE (cube) itself is fixed but your perception of it is somewhat flexible based on environmental details - the POINT in that space is dynamic based on your knowledge of the surrounding space’s relationships to each other, and where YOU are in relation to each consecutive known point. This applies to accessible areas. How do you know what areas are accessible? Because your ancestors have been going there for eons and have it all conveniently mapped out!  Organoid colonies basically had very detailed knowledge of their surroundings, resulting in “high resolution” maps that were basically shared as a hivemind-level cultural-knowledge, part and parcel of living in such an intensely social colony.  This meant they had very, very good knowledge of their own territory, and increasingly sparse knowledge of places foreign to them. General outgroup socialization did happen, and with it, they’d share information about some places (with friends, obv.) This would increase the resolution of each colonies’ respective maps - and by the peak of Zoidian civilization, a lot of the world was “mapped” and accessible via Organoid very, very easily.  (granted, teleportation is very energy-intensive and extremely obvious to other Organoids. in addition, huge groups teleporting causes problems by scrambling everyone’s ‘connection’ with their intended spaces; it also ran the risk of individuals trying to teleport into the same space. all of this made it impractical for any use as means to move armies or conduct battles, just fyi Organoids also simply understood not to do certain things, from days of yore, and would not allow their partners to entertain anything that violated these instinctive rules.) Unlike dragons in Pern-lore, Organoids *can’t* accidentally teleport into solid things - it’s just not possible. Their teleportation is ish-like a lightning strike, in that it initiates a sort of ‘stepped leader’ concept towards wherever they’re going. Them getting there relies on there actually being a suitable point in space that returns a concept of “all clear.” It would otherwise come back as a mental “n/a” if solid/obstructed. Big kicker for our sad little ‘noid remnant?  The world’s changed. A lot. The old “maps” are useless. Nothing’s where it was, eons ago. In addition to everything the Death Duo ruined, Moonfall happened and wrecked shit, unseen. Seismic activity tore the planet up, and only the scrappiest, tiny remaining fauna managed to survive. Except in the oceans. :’D  Basically, RIP Hiltz and Ambient having to relearn their own goddamn planet. By the time Ryss was in the picture, he had something functional to share, but. It wasn’t great. Fwiw, moving in your immediate area or projecting into reasonable distances is easy and do-able; they just perceive [current area] + [calculated distance’s worth of space]. This works best in open air where everything’s simple, which is why they tend to use the sky) (this is also why it was necessary for Hiltz to look for ruins/etc, even of his own group. Ambient didn’t know where anything was anymore!!) Anyway, tl;dr this is why someone with an Organoid can’t just magic-go wherever they want. There’s rules and prerequisite knowledge. (and if you’re wondering how Ambient got into Backdraft’s base without knowing it? well, he could pick up on the ungod commotion of One, and basically started trial-and-erroring in that direction. that’s a possibility too but it can be really, really irritating to do, especially if you’re going for something underground. ambient.... had nothing better to do.) I hope this makes sense. :v    
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hyperfixrat · 4 years
“COLD SEASON” inspired by @too-many-umbrellas
PROMPT: “Do you think the Hargreeves’ powers go off when they sneeze?”
*sorry it’s so late <3
It's the evening of November 30th, and the academy has just settled down after a long day out in the cold. Vanya insisted that they go together to see the lights—something about 'finally spending time as a family'.
It took a little extra convincing to get Diego onboard, as the holidays just weren't his thing, however, he reluctantly agreed after Klaus practically begged him to join— after he’d been informed that there'd be eggnog and stuffed animals.
And of course Allison was onboard, as she had hoped to find a gift for Claire for when she sees her again. Luther barely gave it a thought before agreeing to go, not having experienced anything majorly relating to Christmas since.....ever.
Five joined the bunch without a word, not really feeling the Christmas spirit but wanting to see his siblings happy together.
They spent the evening at the park, drinking hot chocolate, sampling pastries and enjoying the festive atmosphere.
It got late and the temperature dropped, so they all made their way back to the academy. As they drop their coats at the door, Five jumps to the fireplace, placing an armful of firewood onto the rack.
He grabs a matchbox off the mantle, stealing a quick glance at the painting on the wall above before swiping the match along the side of the box and tossing it onto the wood.
Five turns to his family with a smile, watching Allison pass out blankets while Klaus delivers warm cups of cocoa to his siblings before snuggling into the corner of the couch.
Klaus subconsciously leaves space for Ben, before remembering that he'd moved on. Nonetheless, he pulls the edge of the blanket closer in order to pat the couch to invite Five to sit next to him.
Accepting Klaus's offer, Five makes his way to the couch. He stops in his tracks as his nose begins to burn—achoo!
Five disappears, the mug of cocoa shattering as it hits the floor. The sound startles the siblings, immediately waking them from their exhaustion.
Klaus jumps up from the couch, searching the room to make sure Five hadn't just teleported behind him by accident.
"Fuck!" Five's distant voice echoes from the third floor. Diego's attention turns to the source of the sound, along with the others.
It falls quiet for a moment before a low rumble shakes the room, the mugs on the table practically vibrate with the sound.
Diego looks to Vanya, who looks just as perplexed as him. The lights flicker violently as a gust of wind rips through the room scattering papers and whipping through the drapes.
In a split second Five re-appears, landing back-first on the coffee table. Cocoa is spilled on the floor and blankets are soaked, but not one of them bat an eye at it.
Vanya is the first to check on Five, helping him off the table and making sure he's unscathed. Five pinches the bridge of his nose as he feels another sneeze emerging, praying that he could hold it off so that his powers don't spaz again.
Allison makes her way over, placing the back of her hand on his forehead. He's definitely got a fever. She sighs and walks away to grab the thermometer from the bathroom.
Vanya guides Five to the couch, having him sit in her previous spot before covering him with a dry blanket. "I told you to wear a damn jacket, Five." Diego speaks from where he's knelt on the floor, picking up the scattered papers from Five's portal.
"It was 28 degrees outside and you still went out in those shorts." Luther shakes his head at the irony, Five may be the smartest among the bunch at most times—but he can also be stubborn as hell.
"So what? It's better than those stiff ass slacks that dad made us wear every winter." They nod in agreement, Reginald often thought 'punctuality over comfort' was a suitable reason to not let them wear sweatpants in winter.
Allison returns with the thermometer, handing it to Vanya so that she could check Five’s temperature. A moment of silence passes before the thermometer beeps with the confirmation that Five indeed had a fever.
Shit. Diego cursed internally as he came to a concerning realization. When they were younger Reginald would quarantine the siblings to their rooms; as every time one of them spiked a fever or had shown any signs of sickness—a chain reaction occurred to where they all immediately became ill.
Of course, that hadn't happened in years—achoo! Klaus sneezes, sending a couple bottles from Reggie's liquor cabinet crashing into the far wall. He sniffles, scratching the side of his nose with his pinky. 
"Damn," He sighs. "What a waste of perfectly good alcohol."
Over the course of the next 48 hours, all six of the Hargreeves children had fallen ill.
Klaus had been the first to succumb due to his compromised immune system—from years worth of drugs and alcohol—at first he would be mildly startled when he'd sneeze or cough and a random ghost would appear in the corner of his room, but now he barely flinches.
Vanya caught the worst of it from Five, having to board up all of the windows in the house after she blew her nose once and all the glassware in the living room shattered. Allison suggested that she keep her breakable items in her room down the hall, as it was far enough to be out of the 'danger zone' as Diego liked to call it.
Next was Diego. Who was in the middle of training when he coughed and accidentally sent his knives hurdling towards Pogo as he watched from a distance. Thankfully, Pogo stepped out of the way before he was injured.
Five encountered the most issues as he continued to jump from one end of the house to the other with each cough and sneeze. At one point he found himself in Vanya's isolation chamber and decided to just lay down for a while, as he lacked the energy to jump back to his room.
Allison and Luther waited in the kitchen silently. Their powers accumulated less damaging issues, leaving them able to assist Grace and Pogo in caring for their siblings. Ultimately, Allison found Five asleep in Vanya's chamber after searching the entire academy for him when Grace stated that he wasn't in his room and didn't show up for supper.
Presently, Luther and Allison sit at the kitchen table--a cup of coffee in Luther's hands as he watched Allison's expressions as she sat in deep thought. The two had significantly less problems when they got sick, since their powers were easier to maintain. So, they volunteered to help Pogo and Grace with the others until they were all better.
Allison usually helps Pogo with checking vitals and temperatures while Luther helped Grace with meals in the kitchen. Luther decided the previous evening to help Pogo and let Allison take some time with Grace, knowing that Allison had a greater chance of getting sick from being around their siblings for more than a few minutes.
"Quit staring at me, Lu. I'm fine." Allison's voice catches Luther off guard and he's brought into focus. "I've been helping Pogo for three days now. If I were going to get sick, I already would have." 
Luther sighs, raking a hand through his hair. He hadn't taken time to stop and think since the night everyone got sick. He'd been on his feet and endlessly worrying about his siblings and their powers--not that he'd ever admit it.
"Sorry. It's just a lot right now." Luther sips his coffee. "This hasn't happened since we were eight, and even then it was a lot to handle." Allison nods, understanding where her brother was coming from. Reginald would make them all train until they were too sick to continue.
And once the others were bed-ridden, Allison and Luther were forced to take up their training time by themselves—stopping only if they too became sick, or were injured to the point where training was no longer an option.
Both heads turn to the doorway, where a tired-eyed and groggy Klaus stands. He yawns, pulling his stuffed llama close to his chest and making his way over to the coffee pot.
Now, they may all be similar in age, but Klaus always had a child-like nature growing up. He always had a thing for stuffed animals or anything remotely soft when he wasn't feeling good.
There was one instance when he was grounded on their tenth birthday after calling Reginald an 'asshole' for yelling at Vanya for practicing her violin. He was forced to stay in his room while Grace took the other siblings to the fair.
Diego felt bad and brought Klaus the stuffed llama from the fair, saying the rainbow swirls and sparkles reminded him of him. Ever since then, 'Fruit' has been Klaus' comfort whenever he was down.
Klaus pours himself a cup of coffee and sits at the table next to Allison, proceeding to lean his head on her shoulder. "Al?" He whispers, earning a hummed response from his sister. "When do you think we're gonna be better?" Allison sighs, gently placing her hand on the top of Klaus' head to pet him lightly. 
"Soon, I'm sure." Klaus hums, taking a long sip of his coffee. A few moments later, Five and Vanya stroll into the kitchen, shoulders covered in thick blankets to keep them warm in their pajamas. Vanya sits next to Luther, tugging the blanket closer with a sniffle. 
Five attempts to jump to the coffee pot, only to fade from solid to translucent. He sighs and walks over to pour the remainder of coffee into his 'number five brother' mug. Vanya had scratched out the one and scribbled the five over as a joke when they were younger, but it easily became five's favorite mug.
"I guess we're all here, then" Klaus states as he sits up, holding Fruit in his lap. Five joins the siblings at the table, clutching his coffee like a lifeline. They sit in silence for a few moments before Grace and Pogo walk in, mildly shocked. It had been almost two weeks since the siblings were all in the same room together.
Grace takes it upon herself to prepare a brunch for the family, hoping none of their powers spaz while she has the knives out. Pogo sits at the head seat, looking over the siblings to make sure they were well enough to sit together. "I presume you are all feeling better?" He questions. All six siblings nod in response.
"Scrambled or Over Easy?" Grace asks from the stove, having just placed a carton of eggs on the counter before buttering the pan. She already knows the sibling's preferences, but she always asks to make sure. After receiving answers, she proceeds with cooking.
The siblings begin to converse, talking about their week in isolation or dreams they had. Pogo listens in silently, occasionally adding to the conversation but mainly enjoying seeing the siblings together and happy.
They spend a couple hours just talking and laughing and being a family. After brunch, the siblings go up to the living room to watch a movie. And by three in the afternoon, they're all feeling better. Pogo still suggests that they stay inside one more day so that he can be sure that the sickness has passed.
That evening, they gather in the living room once again to decorate for the holiday season. After a couple of bottles of wine and so many cookies the siblings crash on the couch and floor in front of the fireplace and twinkling lights on the Christmas tree. Pogo and Grace stand in the foyer, overlooking the siblings sleeping in the living room.
"I suppose we'll leave them be." He suggests. Grace nods her head and accompanies Pogo upstairs so that they, too can go to sleep. After all, they'll have a long day tomorrow.
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jekkifics · 3 years
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fading lights
Suwon was always different. So his parents enrolled him into a special kids school.
At dot 11:11 something emerged from the wall, startling Suwon. What followed was some kind of foul smelling powder being blown into his face. He waved his hand vigorously in front of his face and coughed stepping behind. “..the fuck?”
“Hey boy!” said a little figure floating in the air. It was the high pitched voice of a female.
“ooOh~ he looks cute!” said another.
When the dust from the powder magically cleared up, Suwon saw three women or girls he couldn’t really guess because they were so small. A little bigger than his hand. They were dressed in sparkly white dresses and tiny white boots. Suwon noticed that they weren’t floating, in fact they were flying, using their translucent webbed wings. He had never seen such creatures before.
“What’s your name?” asked the first.
Suwon stared at them.
“He’s deaf” whispered another girl.
“Blind too..” whispered another as she waved her tiny hands at him receiving no response.
“I’m not,” said Suwon.
“See, he’s not blind, maybe just deaf”
The middle girl who seemed like the older one smacked her. “He wouldn’t have heard you if he was deaf!” Then turning to Suwon, she flew lower to come in level with his face. “Hi there! I am Bada. And we are faeries, faes, if you may.”
Suwon nodded. Faes, whatever that is.
“We are here to take you to your new home safely. So kindly follow us” said Bada as she turned around and walked right into the wall.
“I’m Eugene” said another fae and followed Bada into the wall.
“And I’m Shoo'' said the remaining one. “It's shoo, and not shoe. As in S-H-O-O-'' She paused to look at the nervousness on Suwon’s face. “What happened?”
“I can’t do this” Suwon shook his head. “I can’t walk into the wall” Being the complete human he was, walking into a wall seemed impossible. He was never able to do it before and he was sure he still couldn’t
“Cmon, it's no big deal. Just close your eyes and follow your noona” said Shoo proudly.
Suwon’s eyes were fixed on the concrete wall. This is dumb. This is dumb! I wanna go home!
“Okay, alright. If you’re that afraid. Take a few steps back and run in” suggested Shoo.
Suwon obeyed. Water splashed on his shoes as he accidentally stepped into puddles. It didn’t bother him. There was no turning back now.
“Now listen to me carefully” began Shoo. “number one, you might feel a little giddy when you emerge on the other side because it's your first time. Number two, while you’re inside the wall for a second, you’ll hear deafening noises because you are teleporting so do not stop. Number three, do not stop until you’re out in the open again. Now at the count of three, 1, 2-”
Suwon dashed at full speed at the concrete wall. His eyes shut as he was a few inches from the wall and entered it. It was something he hadn’t felt before. Like someone was trying to tear him apart but he was faster. His surroundings were spinning and he was afraid he’d come out at some other exit, yet Suwon didn’t dare to open his eyes. He kept running on what didn’t seem like ground. It was solid air? Nothing made sense anymore.
Suwon tripped and fell down the next second. His foot had been caught into a twig. He was on grass, in a jungle. The environment was so fresh. He dusted his clothes and stood up. The three faes looked like they had been waiting for him for a while now.
“See, that wasn't that bad, was it?” asked Shoo.
“I am never doing this again” Suwon huffed combing fingers across his hair. He glanced behind and there was literally just more jungle. He had emerged from thin air. It was merely a second that he had been inside the wall but he was going to remember it forever.
The three faes led Suwon through the jungle. It was a bright pleasant day. From behind the trees at a distance peaked a tower. Bada began rambling about the school, the people, the teachers, the subjects, the fun stuff. Apparently these three were part of the student council and volunteered to get first years to the campus.
They emerged into an open field next to which was the huge school. For once Suwon thought it might not be that bad after all. If this school was really for special kids, he won’t be an outcast anymore. He could finally be normal.
Suwon was taken up a spiral staircase at the end of the hallway. It was about ten floors later that they reached a cabin. The faes left him alone there.
“Jang Suwon! Good…” the man glanced at the clock that struck 12 at that moment. “afternoon!” He was a small man with black rectangular glasses. He was pale and had swept across dark brown hair. He was the principal, Seo Taiji.
Suwon bowed. “Good afternoon sir”
“I have been waiting for you my boy” Taiji put his hand on the younger’s shoulder. He continued talking about how he was delighted to know about Suwon when his father reached out to Taiji a few days ago. “You’ll find a lot of people here. Some weird, some very weird. You have to choose your weird. Everyone here is unique and so are you, but promise me one thing” Taiji’s voice deepened and softened. “Never, ever, ever, tell anybody what your powers are”
Suwon’s eyes widened. His heart started pounding. This is supposed to be a safe place for him right? Where he could be himself. What was this now?
“Why?” Suwon asked promptly.
“Because-” Taiji paused straightening himself. His heightened senses told him someone was approaching. About a minute later, they heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Is the new boy here, sir?” It was Prof Jinu.
Taiji put on a warm smile turning Suwon to Jinu. “Here he is. You should take him to his dorm” Taiji nudged Suwon.
Jinu led Suwon across the room to another exit. They entered an alley that opened into a slide. Jinu turned to Suwon, gesturing to him to go first. Suwon craned his neck out. The slide was so long and steep, he couldn’t see the other end. He gulped and sat down. His heart was beating harder than ever. Is there anything normal here? Suwon thought, and the answer struck him immediately. Of course there isn’t. That’s exactly why he was here.
However, the slide looked more like a rollercoaster without safety measures aka, death. He gulped, “Sir, is there any other-” before Suwon could complete Jinu pushed him down the slide.
Suwon screamed his lungs out as he fell down the hole. He was afraid any movement he made would topple him off but he couldn’t even see where he’d fall. About ten seconds of yelling Suwon’s throat dried up and he still hadn’t reached the end. He stopped making any noise and sat there falling. The only sound was of air cutting past him. Towards the end, the slide was 180 degrees and Suwon was literally falling down, his butt was barely touching the slide anymore. An ending opened at a distance. Suwon fell right through onto a hard wooden floor.
“OW!” He yelped. A sharp jerk ran up his spine from the impact. He hadn’t broken any bones but his ass was sore. Really sore.
The door in front of him swung open. Until then Suwon hadn’t even noticed the door.
“Guys! he’s here!” said a good-looking boy. He looked as old as Suwon and had light brown hair that shaped his face. He stretched out a hand to help Suwon up. “Your stuff was brought nearly twenty minutes ago, we were wondering where you were,” he said. Their room was pretty spacious. There were three beds lined on one side and two on the other. Four were occupied and a crumpled one probably belonged to the boy who led him in. “I’m Sunghoon” said the boy. “This is Jiyong” he pointed to the tall lanky boy sleeping on the bed next to him. “That’s Jiwon hyung,” he pointed at the boy on the opposite bed. He was too busy playing gameboy with his headphones on. “That’s Jaijin hyung” he peeked from behind his comic book, scanning Suwon from head to toe. “And that’s-”
“I’m Kim Jaeduck” said the last boy as he sprang from his bed with excitement. “Nice to meet you….?” he trailed off.
“Suwon, right. Nice to meet you Suwon!” Jaeduck and Sunghoon were by far the most normal people Suwon had met since morning. He had already made up his mind to stick with the two of them in case he couldn’t get along with the other three in the room.
Suwon collected his suitcase and backpack that were lying in the end of the room. “Where do I sleep?”
Sunghoon pouted with hands on his hips as he looked around the room. There wasn't space for another bed and it was too small to share.
“You can take mine for now.” chimed Jaeduck. “You only need it for night right, take mine”
“What about you then?” asked Suwon.
“It's that time of the month for me so I’ll be out all night anyway” said Jaeduck.
Suwon’s eyebrows furrowed. “That time of the month?”
Jaeduck smacked his lips. “You know, blood and all,”
Periods? Suwon could bet he never heard of guys menstruating. Was it even possible? Of course not! Guys don’t have a uterus that's basic biology. Unless, he’s…. A eunuch? But do you eunuchs have a uterus? Now that Suwon thought of it, he really didn’t know. Who was he to judge anyway? Wait, why did that require him to be out all night? Omg! Is that how people here treated eunuchs?! That’s fucking horrible!
“So you have to stay out all night?? As… punishment???”
“I wouldn’t call it punishment. It's the best option for us all” said Jaeduck.
Best option my ass! Who treats humans like this!
“You don’t deserve this kinda treatment!”
“Hey calm down” Jaeduck chuckled, settling the younger down on the bed next to him. “It's nothing new here. Our kind is used to this”
It pissed Suwon even more.
“Why the fuck do you have to be out all night! Just use pads like girls do!”
From the corner of his eyes Suwon felt Hoony turning around to look at him in utter confusion.
There was complete silence for a moment, then Jaijin burst out laughing, almost doubling over himself. Seconds later, Sunghoon started laughing when he realized.
Jaeduck and Suwon watched them cluelessly.
“You think he’s talking about periods??” Jaijin asked, battling his laughter.
“No?” Suwon asked, partly relieved, partly confused.
“Omg NOOO!!” Jaeduck squealed. “Are you crazy?! I’m A GUY!”
“What he means is, he’s a werewolf,” explained Jaijin.
Huh? Suwon thought he heard something wrong.
“A what?”
“A werewolf. It's a full moon today, so,, time for him to go wild and attack any human. Hence the isolation. It's not just him. All werewolves here go into the jungle on full moon nights so they can’t harm any of us”
Suwon wasn't listening. His brain had stopped working the moment Jaijin said Jaeduck was a werewolf.
further on : ao3
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vibranch · 5 years
The Keybearer’s Keychains (5/6) - Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction
Rating: T Word Count: 3,870 AO3 link here (Contains some Author’s notes stuff) Part 5/6 The One-Winged Angel, Diamond Dust, Ultima Weapon
Part 1 Previous Part                         Next Part
Summary: So many Worlds, and so many people. Each one was unique and an adventure to Sora. But one thing that was constant on his journey, was the keychains he received. An exploration of Sora’s thoughts, experiences, and feelings for each keychain he received during his first journey in no particular order.
                                           The One-Winged Angel
Sora didn’t like this Keyblade.
He wanted to. He’d fought so hard to earn it. It was another Keychain he considered a trophy. But he didn’t get the slightest feeling of satisfaction when wielded it. He felt the weapon sap his energy every time he held it in his palm. After every battle with it he swayed and felt dizzy on his feet
Donald noticed faster than Goofy that Sora was having trouble keeping up with them. It was especially noticeable when he used magic. The problems that arose while using this keychain never seemed to pop up when he was using the Keyblade’s other forms.
“Sora, go change Keychains!” Donald yelled at him after a particularly dangerous fight at the Ends of the Worlds.
“No way. I had to fight that Sephiroth guy to get it!” Sora yelled back. He was honestly the most frustrated with it. Sephiroth nearly killed him in their fight and if didn’t learn to use it properly then he would have nothing to show for it.
Goofy handed Sora an ether. An item Sora hungrily devoured. Because, despite how much Sora wanted to deny it, the One-Winged Angel was wearing him down faster than he expected.
Sora tried to focus on the things he liked about this keychain. Such as how the blade ignited the air with flames as he swung it. And, although it wasn’t an especially powerful version of the Keyblade, occasionally the blade would reverberate nicely off a satisfying blow against the Heartless.
Those two aspects were the only upsides to this keychain. But still, Sora kept fighting with it, determined to master it and become a stronger warrior to show for it.
And then it happened.
Sora passed out in the middle of battle. He didn’t even notice at first. He was knocked over by a Heartless and when he thought he blinked, everyone’s position on the field changed. Sora blinked a second time, and once again everybody seemed to teleport from where they once were or what they were doing.
Goofy now stood over him, his shield between Sora and the blade of a Heartless Jiminy had dubbed an Invisible. Donald wasn’t too far away, blasting away with all sorts of different magics.
By the third blink, the Heartless were gone and Donald and Goofy both hovered over him with worried looks on their faces.
“Sora, are you okay?” Donald asked in a tone so concerned, that Sora immediately felt guilty for making him worry so much.
Still delirious, Sora babbled half attempted tries to assure them that he was okay. Determined to prove it, even if he couldn’t say it, Sora summoned his Keyblade to his hand. A burst of flame surrounded the space in front of it as it burst into existence. The minute Sora grasped it, his arm shook from the strain.
Just holding it was challenge now. Immediately dropping the magical weapon on the ground, the rest of Sora’s body began to shake. Partially from exhaustion, but most of it was frustration.
“It’s not supposed to be like this.” Soar said, feeling even more frustrated at just how childish the statement sounded. His voice quivered. “I should be stronger than this!”
Donald drooped his head. “I know Sora, you don’t have to prove yourself to us. Just use a different keychain and see if you feel better, okay?”
“Yeah, you haven’t been able to keep up ever since we got here.” Goofy agreed. “We know you can do better, the only thing that’s changed is the keychain you’re usin’.”
Sora wanted to argue but he didn’t have the strength to even keep a grip on the Keyblade. It vanished from existence a short time later. He studied the ground where the Keyblade had once laid. Just a small burnt outline remained of where it used to lie.
Goofy handed Sora a potion. “Here, drink this.” Sora did, but only got halfway through it before the world changed again.
 Sora awoke inside a one-use tent Donald had bought from Huey Dewy and Louie back at Traverse Town. Any trace of Donald and Goofy being in the tent was missing.
Sora was about to call out for the two of them when he heard Donald arguing about something from outside the tent.
“One use! It’s wasteful is what it is!” Donald yelled, his voice full of hot-tempered feeling. “I don’t know how you can be incompetent enough to make a tent that’s good for only one use! It’s clearly an example of planned obsolescence!”
“Gwarsh, maybe you should have a talk with yer nephews about it. Or we could try buyin’ one of them fancy one-use cottages instead.”
“A one-use cottage!? How is a cottage good for only one use?! How would we even carry a cottage with us the first place?!”
“Umm,” Sora hesitated. His voice instantly caught the attention of Donald and Goofy.
“Sora, you’re awake!” Goofy hollered as he wrapped him in a hug. Donald placed a feathered hand against Sora and allowed himself to let out a sigh of relief.
“Yeah, I’m awake.” Sora squeaked from Goofy’s crushing embrace. “Sorry if I worried you guys.”
“Aw, I wasn’t scared,” Donald folded his arms and tried to look disinterested.
“Oh yeah? I think you were,” Goofy hyucked.
“Who asked you!” Donald fired back before turning back to Sora. “Sora? Are you still going to use that keychain?”
“No,” Sora said, summoning his Keyblade to his hand and tearing the winged charm from it. Instantly it reverted to its original form with the Kingdom Key keychain hanging where the One-Winged Angel once hung. “I’m done trying to use it. It doesn’t want to be used. There’s a darkness inside this keychain.”
“Whaddya mean?” Goofy asked.
“It’s kinda hard to put into words,” Sora responded. “Just holding this keychain feels…” Sora trailed off, trying to find the right word. He didn’t want to worry his friends more than he already had, but they would probably worry even more if he said nothing. “Bad, or maybe wrong? It’s harmful at least.”
Goofy gulped in response. “Whaddya think we should do?”
Sora stared into the vast landscape of former Worlds before looking down at winged keychain still in his hand. An idea sprouted in his mind. His grip tightened on the small winged keychain as he knew what to do.
“Sora?” Donald reached out for his friend, trying to offer some reassurance to the boy who’d grown so quiet.
Jerking his body before Donald could touch him, Sora threw the keychain into the distance. He turned around to face Donald and Goofy.
They both gave him questioning looks. He loved gathering his collection of keychains, they couldn’t believe he’d just toss one away like that.
Seeing the question on their faces, Sora spoke before they could ask. “The One-Winged Angel, it’s not something for me to conquer, I see that now.” Sora spoke in a tone free of the doubts and insecurities his voice held earlier. “Like I told you, Goofy. It’s harmful, so I’m not going to bother letting it hurt me anymore.”
Goofy smiled and placed a hand on Sora’s shoulder. “If that’s what you think is best!”
Donald moved to do the same, but he wasn’t tall enough to reach, so instead gripped Sora’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Yeah, good riddance to bad rubbish!”
Sora began to laugh. About what, he wasn’t sure. “Hey, don’t you two start getting mushy on me!”
“Aww, the three of us have always been mushy!” Goofy chuckled as he leaned against Sora and brandished his shield. “But that’s okay. So long as I’ve got my shield, I won’t let nothin’ touch us three mushies!”
Sora laughed as he playfully shoved him off his shoulder. “You guys keep talking like that and I’m liable to throw up!”
Donald and Goofy kept teasing as Sora looked back from where they’d come. He couldn’t help but be taken aback by how far they’d come together. Not just in this World either. Every World they’d walked through, every challenge they faced, it all seemed to form up in a straight line behind them.
They’d been through a lot of tough battles, but Sora knew their toughest ones were just ahead. Sora looked towards the road they still had to travel and steeled himself for whatever he’d have to face next. The future didn’t scare him at all. Afterall, Goofy still had his shield to protect the three mushies.
                                              The Diamond Dust
Sora made his way back to the Gummi ship after a particularly grueling battle against a colossal being called the Ice Titan. As the name suggested, it was made of living ice and commanded said element in all manners of ice based attacks.
Despite mostly throwing solid ice at him, the Ice Titan occasionally breathed out a frosty breath that coated the ground beneath it with snow and froze what lay under as ice. Sora was amazed by it, his thoughts raced back to when he was first learning the Blizzard spell and could only produce small amounts of slush. It was the most snow Sora had ever seen. In fact, even now Sora still felt a chill cling to him as he walked along with Donald and Goofy.
“Say, Sora. You’ve got a little somethin’ stuck to ya there.” Goofy said, noticing a perfectly preserved snowflake on Sora’s hoodie. Goofy made special care not to accidentally crush it in his grip as he plucked it from Sora’s shoulder,
“Huh?” Sora turned to see what Goofy was pinching between his fingers. “What is it?”
“Looks like a snowflake.” Goofy said, in the comically serious way only he seemed to be able to do. He studied the small frozen water crystal as if it were a rare synthesis ingredient.
Donald looked up at the object in Goofy’s hand before turning to address Sora. “Must be a leftover from your exhibition against the Ice Titan.”
“Really…” Sora grinned, pulling his arms over his head and thought back to the battle he’d won singlehandedly. He tried to recall when the snowflake might’ve gotten attached to him, but he was dodging so much snow and ice being hurled at him it was impossible to figure out when it had stuck to him. “I’m surprised it hasn’t melted yet.”
“Gwarsh, good point.” Goofy said, finally looking away from the ice crystal. “Wonder how much longer it’ll last.”
“Well, let’s take it with us and find out.” Donald said as he moved on ahead from the rest of the group. “C’mon, you guys! We gotta get back to Traverse Town! Sora, you told Kairi you’d visit her as soon as you were done here, remember?” he called back at the two stragglers.
“Oh, right!” Sora shouted in return as he ran to catch up with Donald.
“Hey fellers, wait for me!” Goofy hollered after them.
 Sora scurried down the streets of Traverse Town alone. He held the snowflake in his hand, careful not to drop it. Curiously, it hadn’t melted during the trip back to Traverse Town.
Sora bounded through the alley that eventually lead into the waterway. Sora figured Kairi would be intrigued by the miraculous snowflake that wouldn’t melt, and secretly he was excited to be the one to show her it.
“Kairi!” Sora shouted, once she was in sight.
Kairi jumped at Sora’s sudden and unexpectedly loud volume. For a moment, she worried something might be wrong.
But Sora ran right up to her and outstretched his hand holding the snowflake. “You’ll never guess what I found! He chuckled proudly.
Kairi looked at the tiny object, and then back at Sora. That was it? Kairi thought. She half expected Sora to be running in to tell her about some sort of emergency from how loudly he’d shouted to her, and here he was with a snowflake of all things!
“Sora, why do you have a snowflake?” she asked. Sora’s grin widened and she suddenly understood exactly why Sora had been so noisy. He get’s excited so easily. She thought.
“It’s not just any snowflake, Kairi. It’s a snowflake that refuses to melt.”
“It… Refuses?” Kairi repeated. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, I’ve had it for a couple hours now and it still hasn’t melted.” Sora extended his arm again, offering Kairi the chance to hold the small ice crystal.
Cautiously, Kairi took it from Sora, half worried that she might accidentally crush it if she wasn’t careful. She held the snowflake between her fingers and slowly turned it over in her hand as she examined it. “Why won’t it melt?”
“I don’t know.” Sora shrugged. “Donald said it might be magical or something… I mean it did come from a giant ice monster, that might be why it won’t melt.”
“An Ice Monster?”
“Well, I think its actual called an Ice Titan, but it wasn’t really much for conversation. So we didn’t get the chance to exchange names.” Sora admitted.
Kairi giggled at the thought of Sora sitting down to talk with a giant ice monster. If anyone could, Sora could, she figured.
After spending some more time examining it, Kairi at last spoke up again. “You know, this snowflake kind of reminds me of home…”
Sora’s smile changed into an expression of curiosity. “Really?” he hadn’t expected her to talk about that. She’d never talked about where she’d come from for as long as he’d known her. “How come? I thought you couldn’t remember anything from your home?”
“It used to snow on my World.” Kairi said, as she stared deeply into the snowflake’s patterns. “It’s weird, I still can’t remember much, but I can remember trying to catch the falling snowflakes in my hand to look at them when I was little. But they usually melted before I got a good look.” She looked back at Sora and gave him a grin that matched the one he had when he first arrived. “It’s nice to finally have a good long look at one”
Sora’s smile returned, he was glad that he had this chance to make her smile. But there was a pang of jealousy inside him that caused his smile to only stay temporarily. “You know, despite all the Worlds I’ve traveled to while looking for you and Riku, none of them had snow…”
Kairi thought back to all the events she could remember while being a passenger in Sora’s Heart. “Well, that might be a good thing.” She teased. “You’re kind of used to the beach. The snow might look kind of similar to sand, but it’s much colder.”
“Hey c’mon, I know that much!” Sora laughed. “I fought the ice thing!”
Kairi laughed in return. “I thought you said it was called an Ice Titan!”
“Whatever it was, it was made of ice!” Their laughter echoed through the cave. After a while silence slowly settled in again. “Anyway, once this is all over, we’ll be going back home. Back to the Islands.”
“Yeah,” Kairi said.
“I’m kinda disappointed that I won’t get to see any actual snow for myself. It’s not like it ever snows on the Islands.”
“Oh,” Kairi didn’t expect Sora to sound so down about it. “I’m sorry, Sora.”
“No, it’s fine. It’s not your fault I never got to see it.” Sora suddenly had a thought. He paused for a moment in nervous apprehension as he considered sharing it. “Hey Kairi?”
“Could you tell me what snow is like? Actual snow, not the small stuff Donald can spray from his staff.”
Kairi was a little surprised. She wasn’t sure she could do it. It had been nearly nine years, at best, since she’d last seen the snow, but she didn’t want to deny Sora his request. “Sure, Sora. Anything you want to know in particular?”
“No,” Sora shook his head. “Just tell me what it’s like for it to snow where you live.”
“Well, sometimes it’s really wet and slushy, and other times it’s more compact. You could almost walk on it, but I mean, I was only four at the time. So maybe I just didn’t weigh enough to fall through it.”
“Yeah, it was pretty magical. Sometimes I’d go to bed and there wouldn’t be any. Then when I would wake up, the whole place would be covered in the stuff!”
“Wow…” Sora said, trying to imagine what that must have been like.
“We even had a name for it back on my world, when we woke up in the morning and the landscape was covered in snow.”
“What did you guys call it?”
“Diamond dust. Because of the way the rising sun gleamed off it.”
“Diamond Dust, huh?” Sora brought his hand to his chin and tried to picture that as well. “That sounds really pretty.”
“It was.” Kairi said wistfully as more thoughts of a home she’d thought long forgotten flooded back to her.
She turned back to Sora. “But try not to feel too disappointed, okay?” She paused to gently place the small snowflake back into Sora’s hand. “After all. you’ve got a little piece of Diamond Dust for yourself.”
Sora looked at the snowflake, another small smile slowly grew on his face. “Yeah, I guess so!”
Another thought crossed Sora’s mind, if the snowflake really wouldn’t ever melt, maybe he could make a keychain out of it. It could serve as a reminder of this moment with Kairi.
“Do you still want to talk about snow?” Kairi asked, her voice cutting through his thoughts.
“Nah, I’ve got a better idea. Check this out,” Sora said, pointing his Keyblade away from Kairi. He could make a keychain out of the snowflake later. Right now, he wanted to see some real snow with Kairi. “Deep Freeze!” He shouted.
                                              The Ultima Weapon
Sora spent a lot of time experimenting with the Moogle synthesis. It was an interesting curiosity to him at first. However, as his journey approached its end, Sora found himself visiting it more frequently.
When pressed about why he was so committed synthesizing, he’d claim that he was doing it to make something cool for everyone. It wasn’t untrue, he’d made all sorts of things. A staff of Donald, a shield for Goofy, along with an assortment of other objects. From bangles, to ribbons, to earrings, to even a crown, Sora had done it all.
But Donald and Goofy could tell there was more to Sora’s sudden interest in synthesizing than he was letting on. He just wouldn’t come clean.
One day, while rifling through the Moogles’s ancient synthesis recipe book, Sora stumbled upon an entry for Keyblade wielders of old, called the ‘Ultima Weapon’. It was the perfect recipe for Sora. It required materials from every World he’d been to, meaning it would take a long time to create. And since its name implied it would be of great use to the dangerous place they were heading towards eventually, Donald and Goofy agreed to postpone their trip to the End of the World
Unlike most keychains Sora had collected, Ultima Weapon was made entirely by him. Looking at the finished Ultima Weapon, Sora could see why it was given that name. Unlike all his other keychains, this one was truly a weapon. An actual sword blade was hidden beneath an elaborate wreath of gold. It vaguely reminded Sora of a sword he’d used once in a bizarre dream.
A dream he had just days before the Islands fell to Darkness. Those days felt so long ago to him now. And now with the Ultima Weapon finished, Sora, Donald, and Goofy were soon to depart to the End of the World and set everything back to normal.
But what even was normal anymore? Sora’s new normal was flying to new Worlds and making new friends with Donald and Goofy by his side. If things did go back to normal, the way he remembered normal being at least, then ironically the only thing that wouldn’t be normal anymore would be Sora. Was it selfish to wish that things could just stay they way they were now?
Holding the finished keychain in his hand, Sora was tempted to hide it someplace and tell Donald and Goofy the synthesis failed and that they’d have to try to make it again. But even they wouldn’t delay traveling to the End of the World a second time.
So, with a bit of apprehension, Sora showed off his entirely self-made keychain to Donald, Goofy, and Kairi, before taking off in the Gummi Ship.
 Sora only used the Ultima Weapon occasionally. They stopped at various Worlds. Mostly to visit friends and make Testing it out on the various Heartless that showed up on the Worlds they stopped at, on their way to the End of the World.
It felt powerful, and if its name was anything to go by, it was powerful. But what Sora liked most about his keychains were the events that lead to him receiving them. Each one contained their own story and reminded him of the friendships he’d made.
When the time came that they arrived at the End of the World, Sora hesitated to take his newest keychain with him. Ultima Weapon had no real story to it. Sora had spent a lot of time making it, which held a certain satisfaction. But Sora had synthesized a lot of items along the way to Ultima Weapon. The thought of choosing the Ultima Weapon keychain over all his other keychains didn’t sit right with Sora, especially for what was likely the final new World he’d ever set foot on.
There was a temptation to take all of his keychains with him, to show no favoritism to any of them. But ultimately, Sora decided to only take the Oathkeeper and One-Winged Angel keychains with him.
“No point in traveling with a ton of stuff jangling around in my pockets,” Sora said to himself.
There was a thrill to taking the One-Winged Angel over Ultima Weapon. Sora hadn’t mastered it yet, but the End of the World could be his trial by fire with it.
“Sora are you coming?!” Donald called for him.
“Yeah, Coming!” Sora called back, giving one last look to his newest keychain. Sora set it down on his desk and gave it a slight smile. “Next time,” he whispered to it before running out the door.
Unfortunately for the Ultima Weapon, next time would never arrive. The reforming worlds would claim even the small keychains Sora had Collected. As these too, came from other Worlds.
The Ultima Weapon was ripped apart by the pull of the Worlds Sora had visited, each one claiming back the resources used to create the keychain.
Nearly a full year would pass before Sora returned to the Gummi Ship. By that point the promise of using the Ultima Weapon was a distant thought Sora no longer recalled. Not even the memory of setting it down on his desk remained. Even if he did remember, Sora was far more distraught over the total loss of his entire collection, to care about a promise he had made to a single keychain.
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lastgeeksdying · 7 years
On the twelve Friday the 13th films
I recently rewatched or watched for the first time all of the F13 movies.  Here's what I thought. On Part 1: The ending is a cool twist on expectations, even today.  Most folks go into this film still expecting Jason Vorhees and instead are shocked.  If they get that far.  Because this movie is super garbage otherwise.   Poorly written, poorly edited, it looks like it's from the early 70's but instead is from the 80's.  The movie goes out of it's way to make you hate most of the characters.   On Part 2: A remix of the first film, trying to make a sequel to a really strange final moment.  Lumberjack/Baghead/KKK Jason here is the where his personality seems maluable, but you can see the seeds of him starting to become the Silly theatrical maniac that would come on display as we go.   On Part 3: If the first film is laughable bad for it's low budget, this is laughable for how big it's budget is and how much time is wasted on shitty 3D effects.  But Jason with a Harpoon gun is choice.   On Part 4: Solid. Because it felt like it was going to be the last Jason movie, it did a good job creating the world of Crystal Lake and bringing it to a close. It also cautiously set up sequels.  Corey Feldman did a good job for a child actor.   On Part 5: Interesting ideas with Characters as developed as the first few films so...actually underrated. I think this film gets a lot of hate because SPOILERS the killer isn't Jason.  Much Like Halloween III, Every character that isn't Tommy, is laughably bad.  I think a really good reboot could do Tommy's arc justice.  If a writer was careful.  This also feels like the point where the series is taking itself less seriously.  This may be because it's become a cash grab annual franchise, but I think it gives the franchise a soul.  It's not a dark a gritty series anymore.  It's not Low Rent Halloween, but it's not the campy gore-fest of Nightmare on Elm Street. It's exactly where I want it to be.   On Part six: Great. If my favorite Jason movie didn't exist, this would be it.  It takes every trope established in the franchise up to this point and nails them.  It has Tommy come back and not pay off the ending of Part 5 since audiences hated that, and instead has been have a break down and create the thing he hates.  It's when the series moves from silly, but maybe real to Supernatural Killer.  I feel like every idea non-fans have of the character of Jason comes from this movie.  My only complaint is that his costume isn't as cool as the one in 7.   On Part Seven: The last act is cool.  Otherwise this movie just trots along at a slow pace.  Nothing super exciting happens, even with a telekinetic main character.  This was originially conceived as a Carrie vs Jason movie, but they couldn't get the rights.  Which is likely for the best considering how they handled Tina's backstory here.  But it'd be funny to use this movie as a launch pad for continuing Carries rain of destruction.  But the last 20-30 minutes are worth the wait.  Once Tina starts cutting loose with her powers, suddenly Jason has a real adversary that he can go toe to toe with.     On Takes Manhattan: Half good, half a joke So the funny story about this movie, go watch the trailer.  It's all this is a movie set in new york. You know this is new york.  And here's shots of Jason on a street!  Here's Jason on a Subway.   For anyone whose seen the movie, they laugh at the trailer.  Because it's actually set on a "cruise" ship that passes by Crystal Lake on it's way to New York.  It's 2/3rds of the film before they reach New York.  Then it's about 2/3rds of the time remaining on the docks and the warehouses there.  Including a really gross and needless mugging, drugging, and attempted rape scene.  The last third spends most of it's time getting from the docks, to downtown New York, onto a Subway, and then into the Sewers.  The last 10ish minutes are in the Sewers and Jason dies in the stupidiest, most non-sensical way.   Now, this is the part where I say something that sounds silly.  The stuff on the boat?   Actually feels like Jason and the Friday the Thirteenth movies.  The stuff in New York?  So bad, and such a joke...which leads us to...   On Jason Goes to Hell: Hated it.  Don't do it. This is the worst film in the franchise.  This is a film that is trying way way too hard to take itself seriously and make Jason scary again.  It loses all of the fun of the previous movies and it just falls apart.   It's way too late to try to go back. It's plot is nonsensical.  Long Story Short:  Jason gets tricked by the FBI who blow his body up.  Then via MAGIC(???) or something it's discovered in the dumbest way possible that Jason isn't just Supernatural, but a demon.  And it's the dumbest fucking thing.  The coroner examining Jason's body is maybe compelled by the heart, maybe he's just crazy, to eat Jason's heart.  This transfers Jason from his exploded body into the coroner's body.  Now he can run around and kill people, and as his new body is dying he has to change into a new person. Yeah, it's a body swaping movie that feels like they just reshot a huge chunk of the movie to take a generic horror movie and make it about Jason.  And surprise, it was heavily reshot and edited and changed by the producer/franchise creator because the lead actress walked off set and the director had to be let go with days of filming still to go.  And then later they went back and filmed more.  So about 60 percent of the movie was done after the principle filming.   This gets worse when you get to the fact that there was a secret Vorhees sister who had a daughter who had a daughter.  The Sister is killed and now Jason is hunting the Daughter and her daughter.  But it's not a Michael Myers situation.  It's because of a shitty prophecy that Jason can reborn his original body by using a blood relatives body.   At the end of the film, Jason breaks out of his body as a demon creature, and it looks really bad.  Eventually he uses the body the dead sister (He didn't use the sister earlier because the writers had thought of that plot line yet.  There were three writers, can you tell?).  Jason is reborn, there is another prophecy about only a Vorhees can kill a Vorhees so Jason's niece stabs Jason witha  magic knife and he gets pulled into hell.  Then big suprise ending moment.   The surprise ending moment is that Freddy Krugars claw comes out of the ground and Freddy Laughs.  At this point, they were trying hard to get a Freddy Vs Jason movie, but hadn't nailed the rights yet.  This will lead to them making Jason X.   The one redeeming moment is that they used a prop from another movie as just a creepy book in the Vorhees house.  But for fans it is the Necronomicon from Evil Dead.  Which lead to a comic of Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash.   On Jason X: Loved it.  Jason X is my favorite film in the franchise.  If Jason goes to Hell takes itself too seriously, Jason X understands how campy it needs to be and what a scifi movie needs to be.  There are characters I genuinely like and am saddened when they die.  There are surprises for someone who hadn't watched it in years.  You can tell that these were fans of Alien and Aliens and wanted to Mash them together with the previous core Jason concepts.  And by doing so it creates magic.   It also has a cool premise about the idea that Jason in the future isn't unstoppable, but he is tough.  They stop him, and then in the fifth act twist, space science accidentally gives him an upgrade and he becomes Uber Jason, who crashes on Earth 2.  I don't want to ruin anything else about the movie, but this is the movie with the best line.   "Hey guys, it's fine!  He just wanted his machete back!"  And not only is it a great line, it actually works in context and creates a hilarious but terrifying moment.   On Freddy Vs Jason: It's so bad.  And it's a shame because there is bare concept that's good.   The idea that Freddy has been forgotten.  That the town banded together to try and stop him from existing by blocking thoughts and dreams of him and redacting everything possible, that's neat.   The film is missing elements that are key to making it work.  The first thing is the teens. They are all shitlords and totally not worth your time.  The "Good" Characters are both flimsy at best, but also not really likable.   Characters don't make dumb choices, the writers drop bad ideas into their heads because they want certain scenes or plot.  The entire plot involving dream suppressing drugs feels like it is going to be important, but by the midpoint, the film has tossed it out.   Freddy has always been a pretty garbage and had traded entirely on gore and Robert Englund's performance.  Here he makes dumb decision after dumb decision.  And it's just...you know, I don't even care.   What really pushed this movie into almost Goes to Hell bad is it's portrayal of Jason.   This Jason has no personality.  He's a big killy monster who wants to kill. He doesn't have any of the theatrics that make Jason interesting to watch.  He doesn't have the weird teleports or the brutal kills.  He's boring here.  And then they gave him a weakness.  They handed him a water phobia.  Which doesn't fit the character or the continuity.  He Looks like a Jason Cosplayer and has the scripting of one.  It's bad, and mostly unforgivable.   The redeeming element of this movie is that there are ideas here that are interesting, but so much of it is mishandled by bad direction and bad writing that it just becomes a shame.   On the Remake: I appreciate that the used the film to try and pay homage to what little plot exists in the first three films.  Let's show the mom is a killer.   Let's show him do some kills with the bag on his head.  Let's have him find the mask after his bag is damaged.  And that's the first 40 minutes.  It is almost like they knew they a modern audience could take just one of those films plots and they really wanted to speed it up.   It even feels like they want to create a Tommy Jarvis like anti-Jason in the form of the very tall Jared Padelecki.   It's important to remember this is a new Jason, and a new world.  And I am okay with that.  But the writing feels too on the nose.  It gives character traits to people that are going to die, and character missions for characters who will survive.   I don't hate this new Jason.  I want to know why he grows weed and doesn't want to let anyone near it.  That's really weird.  But overall the film does some brutal kills.  It has nudity for nudity sake.  It has drug use.  It has virginal characters.  It has the killer.  It has the teens (Who are campers instead of counselors which annoys me but whatever).  And even has a smidge of heart.  I just feel like the film could have been tighter.  The flashback about Pamela should have been saved as a Camp Fire story flashback.  And the first group of Campers should have been killed off much faster.  The film spends a solid fifteen minutes with them, when it should have been five.   The biggest missed opportunity here is that it is trying to be serious again, and it needed to embrace the camp.  There is a part where a character walks off and starts singing with his ipod to Sister Christian.  This should have lead into a montage where Jason kills those five to that song.   Ultimately, there were only a few I will ever go back to.  And only one I'd tell people is worth the time to watch if you like comedy/horror(Jason X rules!) Don't worry guys, he just wanted his Machete back!
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