#oracle of delphi art
hlblng · 2 years
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"I know the number of the sand and the measure of the sea;I understand the speech of the dumb and hear the voiceless." - Oracle of Delphi to Croesus of Lydia / According to Herodotus
Third version of the most powerful woman of the ancient greek world.
What a lonely life it must have been.
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the-evil-clergyman · 1 year
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Priestess of Delphi by John Collier (1891)
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hecatesdelights · 10 months
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The Oracle at Delphi
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1ndivara · 2 months
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Apollo raising the vapours
he is dancing!! are the vapours of delphi? is he raising the sick or having a vision?? or is it just dance night with the muses plus artemis (who knows)!
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grendel-menz · 2 years
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three-footed bowl
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echo-stimmingrose · 5 months
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The Oracle of Delphi
. . .
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nymphachilles · 2 months
Sharing more of my culture🤺🤺🤺
The title of Cumaean Sibyl was actually from the high Italic priestess, who presided over the oracle of Apollo, and Hecate. located in the Magna Graecia city of Cuma . She carried out her oracular activity near Lake Avernus , in a cave known as the " Cave of the Sibyl " where the priestess, inspired by the divinity, transcribed her prophecies in hexameters on palm leaves which, at the end of the prediction, were mixed by the winds coming from the hundred openings of the cave, making the prophecies "sibylline", that is, difficult and uncertain to interpret. Her importance in the Italic world was equal to that of the famous oracle of Apollo of Delphi in Greece .
These Sibyls were young virgins, who were thought to be able to live longer than ordinary mortals (which is why they are sometimes depicted as decrepit old women), who performed divinatory activities , entering a state of trance ( furor ).
The etymology of the Italian Sibilla derives from the Latin Sibylla , which in turn refers to the ancient Greek Σῐ́βυλλᾰ ( Síbulla ). Although the hypothesis remains uncertain, going back to the Doric Σίοβολλα ( Síobolla ), it is hypothesized that its meaning can be found in the Attic Θεοβούλη ( Theoboúlē ), that is, “divine will”.
So here is a drawing for now
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zaireetoo-draws · 1 year
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The Pythia
(and her god)
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transjudas · 8 months
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Pythia (n.)
"priestess of Apollo at Delphi," who received his oracles in the inner sanctuary of the great temple, 1842, from Greek pythia (hiereia) "(Priestess) of Pythian Apollo," from a variant form of Pythios, an epithet of Apollo, from Pytho, older name of the region of Delphi.
python (n.)
1580s, name of a fabled serpent, slain by Apollo near Delphi, from Latin Python, from Greek Pythōn "serpent slain by Apollo," probably related to Pythō, the old name of Delphi. Chaucer has it (late 14c.) as Phitoun.
This might be related to pythein "to rot," or from PIE *dhubh-(o)n-, from *dheub- "hollow, deep, bottom, depths," and used in reference to the monsters who inhabit them. Loosely used for "any very large snake," hence the zoological application to large non-venomous snakes of the tropics (1836, originally in French).
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cannibal-rat · 1 year
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The Oracle of the Ministry
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thesorceresstemple · 3 months
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Orestes at Delphi flanked by Athena and Pylades among the Erinyes and priestesses of the oracle, perhaps including Pythia behind the tripod - Paestan red-figured bell-krater, c. 330 BCE.
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brokenhorns · 25 days
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Commission for @starlitprism of their character Delphi!
Thank you again for commissioning me! 😊
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Charlotte's Art History Tarot - Card 2 - The High Priestess
Art: Priestess of Delphi – John Collier
interpret this card
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odddesignz · 5 months
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Pythi, the Oracle Pokémon! 🔮
Pythi is the Oracle of Delphi City, the capital of Altia!
Sound familiar? Pythi is based after Pythia, our real world equivalent oracle who is NOT a myth! Historians and scientists have even been examining the area she worked out of to determine the source of her fumes for years! (I recommend Kaz Rowe's video on the topic)
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parsleysparlor · 6 months
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may I introduce you to percy x annabeth x Rachel? Perhaps?
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victusinveritas · 20 days
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L’Oracle de Delphes by John William Godward (1899)
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