thegrandimago · 3 years
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Taken 2021 16th November, my field trip took me to Stenbrottet i Hällekis. This was an Ordivician fossil site that had orthocones, most likely from 'Orthoceras regulare'. You don't even have to go to this site to find one, just looking at the stone floors of Sweden shows orthocones. #fossils #fossil #extinction #extinct #extinctanimals #extinctanimal #ordivician #prehistory #prehistoric #prehistoriclife #forhistorisk #invertebrate #invertebrates #bläckfiskar #orthocone #ordovicium #orthocones #blötdjur #mollusks #ortoceratiter #mollusk #animalia #mollusca #cephalopod #cephalopods #cephalopoda #orthoceratoidea #orthoceratidae #orthoceras #orthocerasregulare (at Stenbrottet I Hällekis) https://www.instagram.com/caseyunt2/p/CYYAfiPgU4n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ghostcultmagazine · 5 years
Watch The Ocean Perform “Ordovicium” Live in India Metal Blade Records has shared a video of The Ocean performing 'Ordovicium', live in India. It's pretty amazing. Check it out! 
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Lake Siljan, Rättvik (No. 3)
The area consists of the water system of Siljan and Orsasjön with connecting terrain, as well as the area along Siljansringen. The bedrock around Siljan consists, in addition to the precambrian rock, of sedimentary rocks from mainly ordovicium and silur.
These were put on edge at the meteorite impact that formed Siljan and are therefore preserved today. The area is type area for many fossils and therefore geologically important from a global point of view. There are many active and disused quarries in the area. An example of a disused quarry that has lived up again is Dalhalla outside Rättvik.
Within the area there is an extensive network of hiking and cycling trails, as well as ski trails. Siljansleden includes 340 km of hiking trails in varied countryside and countryside, mostly following the old pasture paths and with rest areas and overnight cabins in suitable places. Bathing areas can be found all around Siljan and Lake Orsa. As an outdoor and recreation area, the Siljan area has a long history. Health wells and open-air swimming pools were built in the area from an early age. The Siljan area is visited annually by hundreds of thousands of people. Both Sollerön and Skattungen are part of the Siljan area and are of national interest for outdoor recreation. GesundaBay is also interesting for outdoor recreation. In the Siljan area there is also the country's oldest local radio station that still broadcasts locally, Radio Siljan. They broadcast daily all year round and provide, among other things, tourists in the area with valuable tourist information.
Ancient remains on Sollerön from the late Iron Age (Viking Age). 
Source: Wikipedia
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brilmans · 4 years
Zwerffossielen van ‘t strand
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Vindplaatsen voor vaderlandse fossielen
Wie in ons land ‘plaatseigen’ fossielen wil vinden is aangewezen op een beperkt aantal vindplaatsen. Doordat in Nederland oude fossielrijke aardlagen, door het zakken van het land en de aanvoer van sediment via de rivieren, op de meeste plekken ver onder het oppervlak verborgen ligt, kan je er niet bij. In principe kun je in Nederland alleen daar zoeken waar menselijke activiteiten fossielhoudende lagen hebben blootgelegd. Steengroeve Winterswijk, de ENCI-groeve in Maastricht en zand- en grindwinlocaties her en der zijn daar goede voorbeelden van. Helaas zijn de meeste van die vindplaatsen deels of geheel gesloten.
Op onze stranden, de Zeeuwse en daar waar sleephopzuigers ter bescherming van het achterland het juiste zand hebben gespoten, kunt u wel terecht. Kosteloos en zonder afspraak. Vooral de Kaloot, Maasvlakte, Hoek van Holland en de Zandmotor zijn fantastische vindplaatsen. De fossielen die we daar vinden zijn afkomstig uit het Cenozoïcum, de meeste uit het pleistoceen. Geologisch gezien uit een recent verleden.
Fossielen van her en der
Toch zijn er in Nederland op diverse plaatsen ook veel oudere fossielen te vinden. Deze zijn alleen niet plaatseigen. Deze zogenaamde zwerffossielen zijn, door de eeuwen heen door gletsjers en rivieren in ons land afgezet. In het noordoosten van het land maakt u vooral kans op de door het landijs getransporteerde Scandinavische fossielen. Deze noemen we noordelijke zwerffossielen. De oostelijke en zuidelijke zwerffossielen vind u op plekken waar de rivieren door de eeuwen heen sediment hebben afgezet.
Op onze stranden zijn deze zwerffossielen ook te vinden. Zo maakt u op het strand dus bubbel kans. De vindplaats van Nederland dus!
Om u een indruk te geven van wat er zoal op onze stranden aan zwerffossielen te vinden is, hieronder een selectie uit mijn verzameling. De precieze ouderdom en determinatie moet ik u in alle gevallen schuldig blijven. U moet het deus doen met hun schoonheid.
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Een steen met een stuk belemniet. Belemnieten zijn bekend uit het Paleozoïcum en het Mesozoïcum en waren vooral algemeen tijdens de Jura en het Krijt.
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Een stuk ammoniet. Ammonieten verschenen voor het eerst in het laat-Siluur en kwamen tot een echte bloei gedurende het Mesozoïcum. zo’n 65 miljoen jaar geleden stierven de meeste ammonieten uit.
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Twee stukken koraal uit lang vervlogen tijden.
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Sedimentaire gesteente met verschillende mij onbekende restanten van tweekleppigen een slakken er in.
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Een vuursteen met een fossiel schelpje erop. Vermoedelijk uit het Krijt.
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Een afdruk van vermoedelijk een spirifeer.
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Een stuk crinoidenkalk. De eerste zeelelies zijn bekend uit het Ordovicium, en waren bewoners van ondiepe zeeën. De zeelelies kwamen tot bloei in het Siluur, ongeveer 350 tot 400 miljoen jaar geleden. Het talrijkst waren ze in het Carboon. Crinoiden komen nu nog steeds voor.
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Je moet er waarschijnlijk wat voor inzoomen. Maar deze steen heeft een fossiele afdruk van een sponsdier ofwel Bryozoa. Welke? geen idee!
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moss-wizard · 5 years
@misfit-on-a-journey tagged me to list 10 songs stuck in my head. Thanks!!
Solstafir - Kold
The National - Oblivions
Rome - We Who Fell in Love with the Sea
Ulver - Rolling Stone
Agalloch - You Were But A Ghost in My Arms
Damh the Bard - Ceridwen and Taliesin
Jack de Quidt - The Long Way Around
Rachel Grimes - My Dear Companion
Dark Captain - Long Distance Driver
The Ocean - Ordovicium: The Glaciation of Gondwana
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farewell-persephone · 6 years
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the line "You showed your true colors only in my absence" from "Ordovicium: The Glaciation of Gondwana" by @theoceancollective had me wanting to paint a chameleon #art #watercolor https://www.instagram.com/p/BuXpXT-AkWO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zsyqmeytzpei
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mundoagropecuario · 3 years
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alex-werkin · 5 years
The Ocean "Ordovicium: The Glaciation of Gondwana" (Live in India)
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opsikpro · 5 years
THE OCEAN Release Pro-Shot Live Video For "Ordovicium"
THE OCEAN Release Pro-Shot Live Video For “Ordovicium”
Last week we released the beautifully shot 3-part series from The Ocean’s tour through India, giving fans a behind the scenes look at the band on tour in a space many have never seen before. This week we’re happy to present the live video filmed during the tour for their track “Ordovicium”, and it absolutely rips in the most majestic way!
Catch The Ocean on tour this Autumn at the…
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jdrespling · 5 years
The Ocean Release “Ordovicium” Live Video
The Ocean Release “Ordovicium” Live Video
Filmed live in India.
The post The Ocean Release “Ordovicium” Live Video appeared first on Theprp.com.
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archerton84-blog · 6 years
On we go into the 12th installment of this list, in which I’ve added three more songs. To check out the previous installments of this expanding list, you’ll find them behind this link, and to learn what this series is all about, go here.
Well, you had to know there would be an Alkaloid song on this list. We devoted a lot of attention to Liquid Anatomy (and of course so did the rest of metaldom), including Andy’s review of the album and premiere of a song, his subsequent placement of the album on his Critical Top 10 list for all of 2018, and DGR’s positioning of the record at the No. 2 spot on his own year-end Top 50 list, accompanied by an extensive write-up.
Although I’m prone to quoting from our previous writings about albums in introducing the songs for this list, I’m just going to cut to the chase this time, and tell you that I’ve picked “Kernel Panic“. It was a stunning way to open Liquid Anatomy, and seemed to me an obvious choice for one of the year’s most infectious songs — though I came very very close to picking “As Decreed by Laws Unwritten”, which is the song we premiered before the album’s release. You can’t go wrong with either track, or with the album as a whole.
As Peter van der Ploeg‘s List of Lists, The Ocean’s Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic was one of the most widely acclaimed albums during the 2018 listmania frenzy (along with the preceding release by Alkaloid). Honestly, however, that has very little effect on my choices for this list. More consequential to me are the reactions of my fellow NCS writers. For example, between his review of the album and his explanation for putting the record at the No. 4 spot on his year-end list, DGR lavished enough words of praise to sink a battleship. I’ll just excerpt a few of them:
“Although it doesn’t stray too far from what The Ocean collective have been doing for the better part of a decade, the five-year gap between albums is one that nevertheless has paid massive dividends. The songs here — small in number though they are — all play out like they’ve been hammered on again and again so that they can truly be the best that they can be. Phanerozoic is such a dynamic album that it’s hard not to get swept up in it, and the magic trick that the band pulls off — making forty minutes feel like nothing — means that you’ll find yourself constantly looping back to Song One before you notice.”
I confess that all that enthusiasm played a role in leading me to pay closer attention to the album than I might have. Having done so, I latched onto a song for this list. DGR recommended “Ordovicium: The Glaciation of Gondwana”, with the one I ultimately chose — “Permian: The Great Dying” — as his second choice (because, he said, “Permian…” has “an amazing back half (like me, heeeyyyoooo)”.
I’m not going to comment on DGR’s own back half, but I agree about the song — it’s very damned easy to lose yourself when the band lock into the last two minutes or so of hammering, while your head bobs along like a crazy person, and DGR’s right — the vocals in the song’s latter half are particularly impressive. What comes before all that is a hell of an interesting trip, too.
“Burst In the Event Horizon“ actually surfaced in the summer of 2017, and it was then unclear whether the track was a stand-alone or the first excerpt from a new album by Monolithe. Later that mystery was cleared up — it did indeed prove to be the first single from 2018’s Nebula Septem. Because the song can therefore be credited to 2018, I feel okay about choosing it for this list, even though its origins can be traced to the year before.
Every song on Monolithe’s two albums preceding this most recent one (three songs on each of them) was exactly 15 minutes long. With the closing of those chapters, Monolithe embarked on a new approach in Nebula Septem — which presented seven songs at exactly seven minutes each. As my friend Andy summed up in his haiku review of the record:
A change of pace, a
Change embraced. Shorter songs but
Still a grand design
The shorter song lengths made these new ones more easily considered as “infectious” tracks, but the fact that they were more quickly consumable in no way detracted from the immensity of their impact, as Andy noted. In the case of “Burst In the Event Horizon“, the music is mesmerizing, its sweeping, intense melodic vibrations soaring over a prominent bass pulse, building an atmosphere that’s majestic, cosmic, and frighteningly foreboding. The vocals are strikingly (and terrifyingly) powerful as well.
Even on one hearing, the song became hard to forget, and I still love listening to it. So, I think it belongs here.
Source: https://www.nocleansinging.com/2019/01/23/our-list-of-2018s-most-infectious-extreme-metal-songs-part-12-alkaloid-the-ocean-monolithe/
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deadhatecom-blog · 6 years
The Ocean - Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic (Instrumentals) (2018) Album Download
The Ocean – Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic (Instrumentals) (2018) Album Download
Artist: The Ocean Album: Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic (Instrumentals) Genre: Progressive Metal, Post-Metal Release: November , 2018 Format/Quality: MP3/320kbps Total length: 47:48
Tracklist: 01. The Cambrian Explosion (Instrumental) (1:54) 02. Cambrian II: Eternal Recurrence (Instrumental) (7:51) 03. Ordovicium: The Glaciation of Gondwana (Instrumental) (4:49) 04. Silurian: Age of Sea Scorpions…
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bjekkergauken · 3 years
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I found a bunch of old sketches of stylized landscapes for geological eras that I made to follow up the cambrian landscape that I drew a few years back so I guess i’ll draw the rest too
Here’s some ordovician scenery
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moss-wizard · 6 years
Woah after 8 years there’s a new The Ocean album!! It has titles like  ‘Ordovicium: The Glaciation of Gondwana’, ‘Silurian: Age of Sea Scorpions’, & ‘The Carboniferous Rainforest Collapse’, so you know it’s gonna be a baller metal album. 
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