skeppsbrott · 3 years
I have a mutual who every so often remembers that she really, really, really likes Hannibal.
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
Being male passing while having tits (especially tits you're not all that dysphoric about) is a lot like being spiritually bound to like, ten oranges.
Because a guy carrying around an orange or two isn't THAT weird, but ten of them? That's kinda weird, and also kinda cumbersome. Theoretically, you could strap them down into a bag and people wouldn't even see them, but then you have this bag you have to carry around, and eventually it gets heavy, or you go to the beach or something and sure you COULD carry the bag with you out into the water but that would be weird but then the option is just to let your oranges loose on the waters and then you'll have to deal with people staring at this guy who's surrounded by what must be a dozen or so oranges, and maybe they'll even call the guard or something because THAT doesn't seem appropriate at ALL to them,
Sometimes you stuff a few in your pockets and carry the rest; kinda cumbersome but three oranges isn't as weird as ten so whatever. Sometimes you have sex with people and they're like hey so what's in the bag and you're like "my oranges," and they're like huh sure I kinda like oranges but then you just fuck surrounded by all these oranges that you're just not into, making your partner feel really weird about interacting with them so they just end up rolling around and being in the way of everything.
And at the end of the day? They're perfectly good oranges, and you feel kinda bad at the thought of throwing them away because of that, and most of the time you can just stuff them in your backpack and when you come home from work you can just pour all of them out in the couch to chill while you watch Netflix.
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
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@boys-say-go submitted:
du är välkommen
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
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And I say to you the same thing in year 10, as I said in 1981, when there were 41 cases. Until we get our acts together, all of us, we are as good as dead.
How To Survive A Plague (2012)
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
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If you’re not already, do yourself a service and follow @shrimptin
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
Den här bilden på Steffe är 1:1 med mitt humör re: rådande politiska situationen
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skeppsbrott · 7 years
So this has been stuck in my head ever since I heard it three days ago.
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
Fun viking sport
get two persons without sense of self preservation
blindfold them
give each a sack filled with material of your choice, entry level is fabric, if you’re a bit more daring you may go with something like potatoes, if your players have no fear of Odin just fucking fill the sacks with rocks or something
seat both players down on their knees with each their left hand on a tree stump or rock in between them
this exchange follows:
player A: Markus?!
player B: Ja?!
player A: Vill du smaka på min daskus?!
player A proceeds to try and smack player B in the head with their sack while player B tries to dodge
reverse back and forth between Markus and the person doing the dasking
you win when your opponent looses grip of the stone/stump inbetween you
or just whenever the people who put you in this position starts to wonder whether just maybe that priest talking about heaven and hell that the village hanged last month might actually have had a point
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
"We have to build the republic of heaven where we are, because for us there is no elsewhere."
- Philip Pullman, His Dark Materials: The Amber Spyglass
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
Look, the vegans are objectively right, choosing a vegan diet is 100% the right thing to do for the environment in 2018, and sure a lot of people can't, because medical or financial or social reasons, but the vast majority of people on here who plug shit about how "veganism isn't ethical!" aren't actually doing NEARLY as much as they could and look, I get it, I don't do veganism either (working on it, but no, it's not my top priority, and yeah, that's probably way worse than I can do), but come ON.
Not everyone can eat a vegan diet? This is true, and if you're one of these people you have all the right in the world to deflect people who say otherwise, but "don't want to" is not the same as "can" and the reality of the matter is that your choice counts.
A diet being vegan doesn't make it more ethical? Also entirely true. But unless you only eat organic, locally produced veggies and meats (or maybe you even obtain all your meats by way of say, personal hunting and fishing), I can almost guarantee that the average vegan diet is still more ethical than whatever you're eating.
Hell, I don't eat vegan either. I could. I'm not. This is objectively the wrong choice in this situation but you know what? Taking the baby steps and acknowledging the blood I'm silently washing off my hands is at least not something that's going to make people who eat mass produced meat on the daily feel more justified in their complacency.
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
I first read His Dark Materials (more specifically, Northern Lights) when I was eight, or nine. I got it as a audio book, and would listen to the CDs before and until I fell asleep. I never had the book for that one, but until this day I can recite the Swedish translation of the Paradise Lost-epithet, almost entirely from memory.
I never managed to fall quite so deeply in love with the second, and third parts of the series. Probably because I was no doubt a child and thus Lyra was to me the true heronie when she was a child, not when she started the balancing act of adulthood.
I do remember being engulfed in the books, however. I remember sitting on a bench outside, during recess in a cold, Swedish, February afternoon, reading. Re-reading The Subtle Knife and Amber Spyglass, was like reading them for the first time. I recognized the images my mind had conjured that first time - the prairies of the Mulefa's world, the gloom of the suburbs of the dead, Will alone - but many things came to me as if I had never read them before. Like my mind had blocked them out, because perhaps I had been too young to see them.
The definition of adulthood remains vague; Lyra isn't an adult when we close the book behind her. She's adult-er than when we opened it, but in most ways still a child. I assume that's why I never quite did close the book when I read it the first time; Lyra had surpassed me. Not in the way that Harry, Ron and Hermione had surpassed eleven year old me back in 2007 - no, while the golden trio outgrew me, they never left the child I knew them as behind. They were adults (as much as you may be when you're seventeen), but that was of growing into virtue. Lyra became an adult, and as she did she lost something, somewhere along the line, something that child-me retained for years to come. As the female academics seemed to Lyra dull and unlike her, Lyra became to me.
I have been an adult for a while now, arguably. When I turned twenty, my birthday celebration was a funeral for my teenagehood. Of course, within me remains that fourteen year old, or seventeen year old. As any adult will tell you, we build age like a tower; the lower levels may seem far away, but they could never disappear. Nonetheless, there is indeed an unbridgeable gap between me now, and the eight year old who felt equal parts proud and embarrassed when their classmates made fun of them for reading such a thick book instead of joining the snowball fight.
Children aren't perfect little angels, neither in the real world, nor in Pullman's. They can be mean, stubborn neusiances. I always did like that about Northern Lights as a child; Lyra felt real, like she could not only be my friend but just as well my bully. Perhaps that's why I could never take issue with the loss of grace, as to speak. Virtue by grace was never compelling to me in the first place.
I have a lot of thoughts about especially the theism in this book, but that's for another post. I just wanted to write down how incredibly thankful I am to this book (it even triggered that initial spark of theological interest, which lead to me seeing myself as a Christian today! Take that, uh, whoever), and to it's author, and to the fact that I actually sat down and finished it these past months.
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
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Politics is theatre. Doesn’t matter so much about winning, but you make a statement, you say… “I’m here”, you get their attention.
Milk (2008)
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
Pelle Svanslös är en transkille
Det är i själva namnet era blindblockar
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
"Well what I MEANT was that the only legitimate reason to have sex is to truly want to have sex!"
I'm too tired to write a real response to this but that "not sex positivity but sex responsibility" post is dumb, reeks of no-true-scotsman, radfem dogwhistles, and purity culture.
Like obviously having sex as self harm is bad and obviously having sex where you don't inform your partner about the potential asterisks attached to your consent is poor consent, but whether I want to fuck for the sole purpose of procreation or because my mistress would like to see me with another dude or because I'm bored and sex is fun or to form an intimate bond with my long term partner, you have jack all to do with.
It's not called "sex positivity" because your answer to any proposal should be "yes, do it", it's called sex positivity because women in the west have historically not been allowed to enjoy sex on their own terms, and fostering a positive relationship to your body and sexuality makes it much easier to make the right calls about what the right reasons to have or not have sex are for you.
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
Hey Americans since I've learned there are no real cross country train traffic in your part of the world and since y'all fly everywhere and since airline traffic is one of the biggest sources of carbohydrate emissions and since 2018 was the hottest year ever on record,
may I suggest you start asking your politicians about investments in this kind of infrastructure? The technology is moving rapidly and high speed trains are a reality; you have a proud history of cross country train traffic and literally everyone I know in Europe prefer the experience of taking the train to flying when it's an option.
Or if this is literally not an option please let me know why because it's been bothering me for months now.
Also to my fellow europeans and especially EU citizens: making the continental train traffic more accessible in terms of information and booking options is in all of our interest so let's talk to our governments about it!
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skeppsbrott · 6 years
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Bästa med att bo själv, tbh.
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