#orfnsp spoilers
goodkwuestion · 3 years
Carrie disgusts me. I HATE her. What she’s doing to to manipulate/force Mickey to consider someone else is not okay. And now I Hate Mickey! Instead of defending Ian and their relationship (because enough with everyone shitting on Ian already!) and telling Carrie to go to hell, Mickey decides to cheat. Yes, cheat. He took back the tags, he got back together with Ian and now he’s on a date with someone else. Mickey is being a hypocrite and so unfair to Ian, after Ian has worked so hard to prove himself to Mickey, and Ian also tells Mickey he loves him all the time, he shows Mickey he loves him all the time, but Mickey has decided to throw that away and not even talk to Ian, just cuts him off and goes behind his back. He doesn’t care about Ian’s feelings, or their relationship, at all. I shouldn’t be surprised given he would never even tell Ian “I love you” ………….. This is heartbreaking. My family is sitting here wondering what the hell is wrong with me because I suddenly became distraught …………….. Sorry for the run-on sentence outburst I’m too upset 😭💔
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sluttymickey · 3 years
I can't get over Himbo Ian going, "You want to lend me a bed?😊" when Mickey was hinting at Ian moving in with him 😭
“I guess the time has come for me to go shop for a big boy bed.”
Mickey did a double take at that. “Why? Why would you do that?”
“Uh, to get a good night’s sleep? I like a firm mattress, but the floor isn’t going to cut it. And I’m not riding the couch in my own place.”
“I mean...that’s just a waste of money though, and for what?” Mickey said, still puzzled. “I’ve got beds, Ian. I’ve got like three of them.”
"You want to lend me a bed?"
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"Jesus Christ, Ian, why are you like this?!"
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gallavichismyjam · 3 years
Ok, I'm guessing it's a throwback to an earlier chapter, but what's the line about "I finally got out of the bathtub" referring to??
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
People are speculating you're going to kill ORFNSP Ian off. I of course said, no way. But um... could you reassure us of an eventual happy ending?
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Some of y'all are cheese and crackers, I swear.
I know I mixed in a wee bit of angst here and there on the account of this being a cheating/love triangle fic and all, but are people really out there speculating that I'm going to kill one of my OTP mains in my sexxytimez DRAMEDY fic?!
I mean I guess I could send them both off a cliff Thelma and Louise style, but we all know Old Rules Mickey would never wreck one of his precious cars like that.
Is this because of TIPDIG? It's because of TIPDIG, isn't it? He wasn't even really dead! I can't with y'all.
Listen, some of you need to admit that you're mega-angst junkies. I learned this about the Shameless fandom ages ago: you like the happy, but you live for the agony. Admit you want the pain turned all the way up to eleven, with the catharsis of an ugly cry and a truly broken heart.
But again, this is a DRAMEDY!
I mean yeah, I suppose it's not unprecedented for comedy-leaning media to have tragic components/endings, and I do like to subvert expectations on occasion and even twist the knife, but come on man, I'm not gonna do Tony like that. Can you imagine trying to explain death to that Golden Retriever? Get out of here.
I just... Who looked at this silly fic and thought "yeah...death is coming!"?!
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
First things first, you've had me singing The Boy is Mine all week and I'm not happy about it. So thank you very much.
Second, I can't believe you did this 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
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Mickey is a menace and should not be allowed out unsupervised 😭😭
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This was so much fun to read. TIPDIG callbacks always make me shiver (in a good way) I'm always trying to leave a Kudos at the end but ao3 won't let me prosper.
Speaking of shivers and TIPDIG call backs, I don't know if anyone caught it yet, but the spot where Sal caught the heebie-jeebies was the very spot he was gunned downed in TIPDIG.
Just a fun fact to start off the week. 👻
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
Frame this and put it in the Louvre, goddamnit.
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Mickey really loves art.
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
Carrie needs to be cancelled I'm sorry.
OoOoh, I see how it is. Some of you are getting bold now that a certain ginger hasn't been acting a fool lately.
But remind me, who was there picking up the pieces when their shattered bff was stuck sobbing along to the freaking Backstreet Boys?
Who was there propping Mickey up and pulling him together so he could still do his job effectively and not put himself at risk of violating the terms of his parole? Hmm?
Who was dog sitting Tony and keeping him happy and distracted while Mickey crawled into a bottle and Ian stayed trapped in quiet despair?
I hope each and every one of you has at least one real one in your life like Carrie Sinclair.
Canceled...the disrespect.
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
This is for the anon who thinks Kay is capable of being a fluff Queen 😂😂
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May I present the real Kay. Who after everytime she writes something fluffy, concludes with the word 'disgusting'
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Not only disgusting but also repulsive 😂😂
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You are who you are Kay, and fluff Queen is not one of them. We still love and accept you 🤗
*a tear tries to come to her eye, but is repulsed by her disgust*
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
i’ve been really obsessed with the word partner as it’s used right before ian makes the (final?) decision to leave trevor. stay with me here. as we know, partner has the inherent connotation of equality, and we also know that ian and trevor are never quite on equal footing. in fact, the foundation of their relationship relies on these ideas of indebtedness and obligation and familiarity, but generally speaking, partnerships are entered willingly and may have expectations or boundaries but never straight up coercion. but the only times in which ian and trevor actually do act as partners and manage some sort of equilibrium is when they’re fighting for their collective cause (lgbtq+ rights). we saw this earlier when mickey’s secretly observing them at the benefit and is upset because the image of them working the room doesn’t match the description of their relationship that ian has been painting. and then again when ian has his panic attack and the emt is talking up how well he and trevor work with the kids, this image of them as a united front again belies the dysfunction found in their private relationship. and like!! ian knows healthy partnerships!! he and maria are friends and partners in work. and like with mickey, just considering their sexual relationship, they were partners and in sync unlike with trevor. and it just makes so much sense that dr. lester urging him to think about the long-term future completely reorients his perception of partnership because it forces him to confront the dysfunction head on. and i don’t know if you planned it or not, but i love the parallel between the emt complimenting him and trevor cementing his decision to come back to him and trevor planning future events cementing his decision to leave. i truly love the reminder that everything is cyclical. brilliant writing!! ❤️
Inject it into my veins! ♥♥♥
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
Uproar done? The Carrie hate is out of pocket. Watching it go down is nearly as entertaining as the Hallway Scene, Ch. 28.
I know you not author, so I won't try to guess your mindset when you wrote the Carrie "date someone else" scene. What I knew for certain was that the reader comments would be off the chain today. Was I secretly hoping that a low-grade hum of "AND WHAT?" was running through your mind as you wrote it? Maybe. Am I enjoying artistic expression that shakes anew the already shook? Yep, and I write this with hands that are tremor free.
As someone who abandoned a fic because a very vocal reader was unhappy with a scene that I'd written, it is heartening to witness someone treat the hand wringing with jocularity. I regretted abandoning my fic and it will never happen again. It's just nice to see that grace under pressure and standing firmly by your work is possible.
That super sucks that you felt you had to abandon your fic after rough feedback. I fully empathize tho; I'm sure every creative empathizes. Even now, 19 people can say how wonderful, but it's that 1 criticism that can follow you and weigh you down for days. It's like a reverse Lady Gaga. I'm glad you're at better place mentally where you feel you'd be able to withstand that kind of thing if it happened again.
I don't know if it's because I'm older and because I've been a part of fandom for a while, but I'm getting a little better at just riding the waves and floating around once the flailing starts. My inbox can get wild sometimes. I don't post a lot of the stuff I get (always anon, natch), because honestly, I'm just here to have a good time, make you laugh sometimes, and occasionally put you in your feelings.
Ngl, I don't think I'll ever get used to how intense fandom feelings can be or how strongly opinionated fanwork consumers can get about narrative choices, character actions and the like. But I'm at the 'love it or leave it' stage of my fandom life cycle. I'm posting a 200k fic after finishing a 50hr work week, so I'm going to make myself happy before I get too worked up about dissenting opinions.
It makes me so glad that I can bring out so many types of emotions and opinions with my work. And I love trolling the hysterical because it cleans my pores and clears my skin. I LOVE IT ALL!! I love my readers, man. You guys are so amazing and make it all worth it.
P.S. The Carrie haters can stay mad tho. A girl is not bothered.
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
But for real where is Ian’s air mattress from? Because every one I’ve ever had gets a hole if I look at it wrong, and this thing is seeing all kinds of vigorous action and seems to be holding strong.
That air mattress was purchased from the same place Trevor got that breakfast table. All the items there are fanfiction certified to bear the weight of AT LEAST two fully grown adults going at it full throttle.
But yeah, none of the air mattresses I've encountered could even hear about that noise. I did do some research into higher quality air mattresses, because I research everything, and found some that theoretically could hang, but I wouldn't trust them.
There is a deleted scene, if you could call it that, where Gab comes over while Ian is putting some air in, and he tells her that he has to resuscitate the bed after every time Mickey comes over.
Gabby wonders if Ian isn't scared he'll puncture the bed with his sharp ass knees (@piecesofres lovingly refers to them as "knobby".) This immediately penetrates Ian's psyche as he imagines stabbing his vulnerable mattress.
His poor mind.
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
Ian’s much loved media files!!!
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Like Mickey, I too could never let art languish in the oblivion.
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
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goodkwuestion · 3 years
Also I think it's possible to disagree with what Carrie did ( I do) and still see where she's coming from and acknowledge her intentions are pure towards Mickey.
My read of that whole interaction between Carrie and Mickey was that Mickey is vulnerable and doubting himself and his relationship and Carrie is using that to get him to go out on a date because that's what Carrie thinks is best for Mickey.
What about what Mickey wants? It seems like Mickey is choosing the path of least resistance. Both with Ian and with Carrie. Just go along with Ian and hope things work out and just go along with Carrie so that she can drop it. I think both IxC should maybe talk through things with Mickey and let him decide what he wants.
I loved Ivan's interaction with Mickey best, when he was dealing with brokenhearted Mick. He was looking at the situation from Mickey's perspective. Mickey growing up and wanting to love and settle down. Ian and Carrie on the other hand ( again imho) are looking at it from their perspective, what they want/want for Mickey. They are doing it because they love Mickey, but it's from a selfish lense.
Good God this was too damn long I would understand if you didn't read it 😅😅
Wonderful ♥
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