#organization13 x reader
xehanora · 2 years
"It wasn't me" - ISA X READER || KINGDOM HEARTS.
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Genre: angst/fluff
⚠️: contains swear words!
"I... i swear, that wasn't me" Isa's eyes were big, his gaze fixed onto the ground. It was obvious, his nervous body made it clear. And you knew it all along. It broke you, finding out.
"Isa, stop lying to me" you stood up, hands set on the table the two of you were sitting at. You were done at this point, and all he did was deny it. "Y/n..." He stuttered, as you knew for sure now. How could he? You loved him so much, and you thought it was the same for him. You almost broke down, but you knew it only made you look weaker, like he had a grip on you that you couldn't bare to lose. "Isa, how could you do this to me!?" Tears started forming in your eyes, as you accepted the fact that you were furious, and let the tears flow. "How could you fucking do this!?" Isa shrugged his shoulders as he avoided your eyes, looking at his lap. How childish.
"Look, i'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to. Please just-" you didn't let him finish as you scoffed while whiping your tears.
"A 'sorry' isn't going to fix this. Isa, i really thought we would work out, just tell me why, without avoiding my fucking question!" You yelled out. It annoyed you that he was avoiding your question every single time. It started to get to you.
"I just really wanted to win..."
He still had his eyes focused on his lap, his his watery.
"That doesn't mean you get to disconnect my fucking joy-con!"
He nodded as he apologized many more times. What a child. "its MY nintendo switch, remember? You smurf" You flipped your hair as you sat down again, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "But i forgive you, idiot"
God, what an evening.
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queenied · 3 years
And a million years ago she said to me 'This ones mine...'
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loosely based off of a Hamilton scene.
Your sister, S/N, along with you were attending the ball tonight. This ball marked the celebration of our new Keyblade Masters, the young Masters Xehanort, Eraqus, and Yen Sid All you could ever dream of was meeting Xehanort, you only caught a fleeting glimpse of the young silverette around the beautiful town of Scala Ad Caelum, but other than that...you have never exchanged sweet words.
You and your sister walked up the steps of the beautiful banquet hall which was charmingly decorated to fit the evening theme. Your father was a rich man and he was a famous politician within the city...automatically allowing you and your sister access to this party. Your father along with other famous men were going to share a few toasts and cheers for the masters..praising them and wishing nothing but good health. And all your father wants for you, the eldest of the two is to be able to marry rich. Your father shown no interest in your romantic fantasies of Xehanort, and he was rather more interested in you marrying someone like Yen Sid, a master whom was on the road to magical studies, which was a fine and wealthy trade. Alas, your heart yearned for Xehanort and you vowed to dance with him tonight.
"Oh isn't this wonderful Y/N?" Your sister squealed with delight as she clutched your wrist gently as the two of you walked into the hall. Your beautiful gown which was the rich colour of F/C gleamed stunningly against the light of the many chandeliers.
Nodding quickly, you glanced at your sister. Giving a quick smile towards her. "Oh...uhm.." you moved your head around the dance-floor of the ballroom, in search of Xehanort, trying to fake your small interest in what your sister was saying. "Most definitely!" you said as your E/C eyes lit up when the young man who stole your heart came into view. He was surrounded by neatly dressed males who were patting his back and congratulating him. Along with your father who smirked widely at the boy.
Adjusting your dress so it was neatly hugging your frame, you cleared your throat turning to your beloved sister. "S/N, be honest! Do I look ravishing?" you asked her, hopeful orbs filled your eyes. She chuckled lightly, how that chuckle creates a whirlwind of happiness within you. Your younger sister who was only three months younger than you, who was your better half, she made you happy and you knew her like you knew your own mind.
"Are you sure?" You rested your hand on your hips. She nodded quickly and touched her nose. "Who are you even trying to impress anyways?" she asked in a questioning voice before stuffing her mouth with the most cute and beautifully decorated pastries ever.
You scratched your chin and glanced over at Xehanort. Not sure if you were willing to reveal your crush yet...you decided to half-way tell your sister. "W-well he's in the ballroom alright...and he's talking to father. I'd rather wait when father is no longer occupying him...I want to steal a dance." you winked at your sister and glanced back at Xehanort who was then greeted by Eraqus, the other young master.
S/N raised a brow and nodded. "Oh, okay...have fun waiting then! I'll be over here admiring these pastries. Until someone here catches my eyes as well as someone has caught yours sister." she said to you and then faced the table of sweets.
Shaking your head you began to approach Xehanort, luckily all of the males surrounding him were gone. It was just you and him and the dance-floor. Just your luck, the song changed to a violin sounding waltz. His beautiful silver eyes met yours and his gentle and lightly tanned skin shone as the chandelier light reflected its rich melanin. He smirked and bowed his head, reaching his hand out. "Have you been desiring a dance from me? This entire time you have been watching me from afar..." he said as he exposed your thoughts.
Staring in embarassment and disbelief, you cleared your throat, your h/c locks fell in your face before you moved a strand away. "Whatever happened to greetings?" you gave a light chuckle to the new master. He raised both silver brows, then his smirk intensified. "You know what? You strike me...as a woman who has never been satisfied." Xehanort spoke lowly as he grabbed one of your hands and the other on your waist, he stared into your E/C and chuckled when your cheeks began to flush a light pink. "I-I'm sorry I dont know what you mean...you forget yourself?" I slowly backed up, I felt my whole world spin as the man I always dreamt of holding is touching me, oh so gently! But...what did he mean? When he said 'As a woman who has never been satisfied.'?
"You're like me...I've never been satisfied." Xehanort repeated the last part. "Always training with Eraqus." he spun me around as our feet worked in harmony to waltz perfectly. "Constant training never reaching my true goal...my true potential." He whispered the potential part and I slightly shuttered. He held my hand slightly tighter when he noticed that I nearly tripped.
There was a moment of awkward silence, just as dancing...no more talking. I'm not going to lose my chance of never speaking to Xehanort again...so I did what any civilized stranger would. "My name's Y/N L/N."
"Where's your family from?" I asked him kindly. "Are you from Scala Ad Caelum or did you decide to move here due to your desire to wield a keyblade...?" I clarified my question, turning warm inside when his smirk grew.
"Unimportant...but there's a million things I haven't done." Xehanort coughed a bit and his eyes met mine. "I dont want to just understand what little...the light has to offer. I want to understand the darkness as well." Xehanort admitted to Y/N before letting her hand go and releasing his gently grip on her waist. He backed up and bowed his head. "Miss L/N..I bid you farewell. Until we shall meet again." he said and turned away and approached his friends Eraqus and Yen Sid again.
My heart could not stop pounding, my foot began to tap slowly and I rested my right hand over my heart, and took at last glance at the keyblade master, he was literally all I had wanted, and I know love at first sight makes now sense...not being able to be proven that it exists...but Xehanort made me a believer. This is what it exactly feels like to actually want someone's heart as your own...
Squealing sounds were audible as my sister ran towards me. Her cheeks were a bright red and I can tell that she was flustered, I knew everything about her. She was currently entranced by someone, I wonder whom.
"Hey S/N what happened?" I asked in curiosity once S/N relaxed, she looked over at the crowd where Xehanort and his friends were. "S-sister! He is so handsome!" She said as she squealed once more, her flustered-ness taking over her. Chuckling, I held her shoulders. "What do you mean? Who is so handsome? Master Eraqus?" I questioned, but the next thing my sister said...made my heart drop. My legs began to feel weak and the ebony walls of the ballroom felt as if they were closing in on me.
"Y-You find Xehanort handsome?" I whispered in a hurt voice. "A-as in...you are in love with him?" I asked her, looking to my sister's E/C orbs.
S/N nodded quickly. "Oh goodness, yes sister. I am so sure! Xehanort..." she whispered, practicing his name on her pink small lips. "My beloved Master Xehanort. Sister...could you please talk to him for me? At least bring him over here!" she pleaded me, holding my arm, A pout grew on my lips.
I was hurt, I did not know what to do. But my sister, she comes first before anything. I love her and whatever she wants...she gets. So forgetting all about the love that I once harbored for Xehanort...is gone. Xehanort would be lucky to have my sister...he will never find anyone as trusting or as kind.
"Fine." I said to her finally and took a deep breath, approaching Xehanort, Eraqus, and Yen sid. Bowing my heads at the masters, I turned to Xehanort whose stoic stare turned into a smirk.
"Hello Y/N. Long time no see." Xehanort said sarcastically. He then walked towards me, my heart pounded like hammer against a nail. For S/N.
"There's someone I'd like for you to meet. I'm about to change your life forever." I faked a smile and grabbed Xehanort's hand, directing him to where my sister was, Xehanort's eyes lit up and his smirk intensified. "My name is Xehanort...it's nice to meet you." he spoke to S/N.
S/N glanced at me, her smile growing, she bowed her head, blushing when Xehanort grabbed her hand to kiss her knuckles. "S/N L/N...it's a pleasure to meet you too." she confused. Out of confusion, Xehanort turned to me. "L/N?"
"My sister." Y/N said to him and sighed lightly. "I'll leave you two to it."
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