orionzeta · 3 months
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My ArtFight
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moved28474729229 · 7 years
Weird symbol that looks like a sigma but idk, character ask thingy
a furry burns down a building, inspiring many to follow in his footsteps
Send me a ⅀ and I’ll explain one of my characters’ backstories really badly
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paladinofselune · 7 years
orioniszeta replied to your post: “mmm I hope I have money to get dinner on my bday….I go back to work...”:
Whens ur birthday?
sept. 2nd :D
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transmlms · 7 years
I hc the main character from magikarp jump is a gay male aligned non binary
send me your headcanons!
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jay0fspad3s · 7 years
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Yeah yeah I’ve always had sensory problems, and no one ever took it seriously and just thought I was angry and throwing a fit as a kid when I’d go into sensory overload.
that’s not the only thing I’ve noticed that I wonder about if I might be mildly autistic, but it’s a big one. Others include inability to make eye contact, becoming nonverbal when upset, auditory processing problems, lack of facial expressions, problems starting and stopping tasks, no volume control with my speech, needing to constantly fidget etc. 
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ctrlbrain · 5 years
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// been a while since i did an oc hour, here’s one of my joke characters. theyre named yeet and they play smeet golf which is exactly how it sounds
blank here: https://www.deviantart.com/orioniszeta/art/Blank-Invader-Zim-Original-Character-Sheet-823521865
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orionzeta · 4 months
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orioniszeta · 6 years
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firedrake · 7 years
Someone already asked the one that's my name so... Lets go with Rigel and Gemini
Rigel: Have you ever gone on a rollercoaster?
yes! i’ve been on a few & they were rlly fun! i haven’t been on one recently ;v;
Gemini: Favourite song?
my favorite song changes a lot bc every time i find a song i rlly like i listen to it on repeat until i get sick of it lol! i rlly like this one rn
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jay0fspad3s · 7 years
orioniszeta replied to your post “Ya know what’s exhausting? Trying to pick up on what’s appropriate to...”
I know the feeling
It’s so frustrating because I don’t know what I’m doing wrong until it’s too late or I don’t understand what happened until someone explains it or I’m stuck standing there awkwardly while everyone is like, “That was a joke,” or “Oh, uh, nothing,” and laugh it off with the rest of the group or something. I have bad social anxiety and this shit just makes it worse and it’s frustrating
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orionzeta · 1 year
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officialgleamstar · 8 years
I wanna say eevee lol
send me what pokemon you think would be my main partner
Yesss, I love Eevee!!
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firedrake · 7 years
porter robinson & madeon - sheltermarin - galacticthe national - exile vilifyyears and years - worshiptora - jaigantic
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jay0fspad3s · 7 years
orioniszeta replied to your photo: Yeah yeah I’ve always had sensory problems, and no...
Autism is a spectrum after all, but it sounds like you woulda fit the “mild aspergers” label back when that was a thing
(yay tumblr is letting me reply to replies again)
Yeah true. I just wonder about it sometimes, I know somethings up with me but I don’t know what exactly and I’m having a hard time trying to describe why things are hard for me that aren’t hard for others?? I’m not sure what’s wrong with me exactly, so I wonder about different things.
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winterywitch · 8 years
Hows it going?
its going pretty ok!! im getting my driving license this friday hopefully
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listentothepages · 9 years
Maple leaves, Earl Grey tea, dark brown, speaking softly, sweaters, stray cats.Name aesthetics!
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