Brent, Lyra, and Thistle: (sitting on a bench)
Orrig: Why do you guys look so sad?
Brent: Sit down and we'll tell you
Orrig: (sits)
Lyra: The bench was freshly painted .
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dafukdidiwatch · 10 months
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Alt Text says "School of Hard Knocks" I still say Homeschool would work too.
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kraniumet · 2 years
miku makes 10 year old girls listen to industrial noise she's so great
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bludragongal · 3 months
Respectfully, how old is Orrig?
He is in his late fifties!
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....and still lookin' good!
He is starting to feel his age catching up to him, which really stresses him out. His wife has been nagging him to retire for a couple years now; she wants him at home full time because she wuvs him.
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rpgchoices · 2 months
If a tournament for orcs not from non-game media ever occurs. Can I submit Lem King of Seasons of Hieron and Orrig of Daughter of the Lilies in advance.
I should listen to these!! Are they both podcasts?
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sunkern-plus · 9 months
i feel very alienated by a lot of lgbt history blogs that seemingly only divide their histories into "transfem history" and "transmasc history" and then broadly into "trans history" but never take into account people who are neither transfem or transmasc but nevertheless are trans
it almost feels like...people like us straight up didn't exist, people like us who (in my case) identified WITH binary genders (as in identifying WITH masculinity and femininity in my case) but don't identify AS binary genders and mostly identify as a person of an indeterminate shape or a person who has characteristics of both men and women but is neither or a person who has a defined gender but it's not male or female
like...is there anyone like us in history prior to the coining of maverique on tumblr or the popularization of "neutrois" meaning "neutral gender" or...
like i'm the kind of person who identifies as a pandrogyne not as in a more popular "pangender androgyne" meaning but as genesis p-orrige coined it more as a third gendered sort of feeling. like. yeah.
and then the fact i identify with mlm and wlw but i don't want to be gendered as a man or a woman, but more "my experiences can be GENDERED as a gay/bi/pan/etc man and GENDERED as a gay/bi/pan/etc woman but not AS a woman or man who is gay/bi/pan/etc specifically" and it makes me feel alienated from the wlw + mlm people who identify HEAVILY with both female and male genders
just another thing that makes me feel really alienated from the trans community and nonbinary community as a whole i guess
and that's not even getting into the whole xenogender/neurogender/kingender umbrella stuff with me
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maebird-melody · 3 years
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Got my Kickstarter goodies today. Now is the perfect time to catch up on Daughter of the Lilies. Comic written by @bludragongal
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creative-type · 5 years
It was easy, sometimes, to forget Thistle was human. 
Or if not human, mortal. With actual limits that had actual consequences if crossed. Limits that for whatever reason she was afraid to admit, whether by ignorance, the desire to avoid appearing weak, of the thought that they would think of her any less if she asked for a chance to rest. 
She would push and push and push until she couldn’t push any more, going past the point of emptiness until she shut down completely and collapse in an undignified heap. 
After that first instance with the Drath, they came prepared. When she woke up they would tease her until they knew she was blushing even with the hood, admonish her gently, and encourage her to keep doing her best, to trust them as much as they trusted her. 
Maybe someday she actually would. But until then, they were ready.
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sendryl · 8 years
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WIP of Orrig from DotL. Working on flower scarification for the main cast. Orrig is getting flax and fern. Also trying to relate these to Inktober, sooooooo Flax and fern for the "hunger" prompt. Because I'm behind. But yeah, I'm pleased so far! :D
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kitalphahart · 6 years
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Yes I posted them all individually already But here's them all in one post I'd do the mysterious glowy finger guns while appearing out of nowhere figure but we don't know much of anything about them...yet Tidbits behind making them: Main four: okay so Brent and Orrig may not actually fit the green/purple oni descriptions. However, Lyra and Thistle fit red and blue fairly well and I didn't want to reuse them, so the boys got the secondary oni colors Thistle: so many varieties of lily. Soooooooo many. Blue oni Lyra: she knows martial arts, though so far they haven't been shown. Red oni Brent: headcanon that he can play bagpipes, and play them well. Purple oni Orrig: has a Russian accent but wears samurai armor. His topknot brought this about. Green oni Gwen(dolyn): two-faced, a spider web that, when broken, reveals the spider Wu: sorry, couldn't help myself with his sacred form. Wu hu! https://ko-fi.com/kitalphahart
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Brent: This is bad, this is really bad!
Lyra: Dude, what is it?
Brent: I kissed Thistle!
Lyra: Woah.
Lyra: I owe Orrig so much money.
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dafukdidiwatch · 10 months
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Hey Everyone? Look at Orrig. Look at this man. If your boss isn't like Orrig then thing really hard if you want to work for someone NOT Orrig
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Just finished rereading the Daughter of the Lilies webcomic (because the writer and artist are posting remastered pages with commentary while they're on hiatus) and I have two things to say:
(A) storms it's so good.
(B) I have never wished for October so hard in my entire life.
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bludragongal · 1 year
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Here are Brent and Thistle in their Elden Ring garb!
This made for some great inking practice, but reminded me that I am no good at colors. I’ll try it again one day when I can add Lyra and Orrig to the lineup.
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harseik · 7 years
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Struck by inspiration from this page of one of my favorite webcomics EVER, Daughter of the Lilies. Written and drawn by MegSyv! Someone: "Hey, girl! What'cha drawing? A young version of Orrig? That's awesome!" Me: "It's a nameless NPC from chapter 7." Someone: "..." Me. "He's purdy."
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I’m currently working on some bigger fanart-thingie, but that’ll take me still a lot of time. So I decided to draw something less involved for a change and started to draw another idea I liked: Dotl characters at the beach. Background is something along the lines that the guild throws a big beach party; it’s free but you must attend in appropriate beach attire.
As someone who fights with his bare chest I think Orrig would cover up a little bit more than usual.
Next one will be probably Dotra; I’m looking most forward to drawing Thistle; so naturally I’ll draw her last. :)
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