#oshi no ko 123
nyakidu · 11 months
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mastimio · 11 months
If you look at chapter 123 of onk, there is a glass door between aqua and ruby.
My boy didn't hear shit about rubys marriage thing
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sarinatendouji · 11 months
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mygeekcorner · 1 year
and about that final panel
I mean I know this is the website that pisses on the poor but come on
I honestly can’t believe so many people in the tag are seeing that line and thinking that’s some sort of confirmation that we’re going an incesty route???
it’s been established from day one that Sarina has a crush on the Doctor, yes. But it has also been just as early established that he did not have any kind of romantic interest in her.
we’ve known all along that them having their old memories have led her to idolize her childhood crush on the only person to seemingly care about her, and she has done nothing to get over it. But also, what chances has she had to Get Over it? She’s been busy being a baby, watching her mum get killed, trying to navigate the struggles that come with being in the spotlight, trying to have a functioning family life with her new family, gaining interests and hobbies, making new friends. There has been No Time for romance! Of course that will lead her to hold on to the one crush she can remember having.
as for the doctors line about considering things once she turned 16? An easy way to gently turn down a dying child. That’s it. End. Period. He was being Kind, not a creep! How was he supposed to know that the sickly 12yo trying to confess to him in the last year she was estimated to live would end up reincarnated as a pretty idol years later who still harboured a crush? Nobody would expect that!
Aqua has never shown anything other than protective brotherly instincts when it comes to Ruby and I am sure that is still true, no matter what their old lives might have thought of each other. And Ruby has always been icked out by seeing Aqua in a romantic setting as well, which to me screams familiar but if shippers want to see it as jealousy go ahead, I’ve had worse logic for my ships before
That said I’m kind of proud of Ruby for finally confessing (again) now that she can. Just to get it off her chest, you know? Good on her. Honestly.
But also I can’t help but read that last line in a kind of joking manner, not sure if that’s their intent or just me, but it looks to me like she is trying to just win one over him by confessing one final time. Not as if she’s expecting something to come from it but more as a way to get the last word about how her crush back then should be treated.
And I mean, honestly, no matter Where this goes (though I still can’t see it going the incesty route no matter how convinced the poor antis are that it will) they just have a Very interesting character dynamic now that their two selves have merged and both know the others both sides. That’s gonna take some navigation and I am pumped to see how they do it!
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slyfoxann544 · 11 months
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I wanna wear cool dresses, sing cute songs, get an encore, stand on a big stage and make everyone happy like Ai. That's my dream!
Ruby Hoshino | Oshi no ko
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fategoflatass · 1 year
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excuse me what—
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ace-aro-taku · 1 year
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Please don’t go the incest route
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the-annoying-moth · 1 year
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Creo que los que se leen ONK saben de donde viene esta imagen y pues...quise re hacerla a mi estilo por que me causó bastante gracia en realidad(aunque 2 días después por que por esto mismo tuve una discusión media fuerte con alguien que aprecio bastante)
Los que quieren saber contexto acá abajo está:
Bueno,para los que han visto o el manga o el anime saben que,Ruby y Aqua son reencarnaciones de Sarina Tendouji y el doctor Gorou verdad? Verán,en el capítulo 1 se nos da a entender que Sarina gustaba del doctor(aunque la mocosa tuviese 18 años de diferencia con él pues Sarina tenía 12 y Gorou 30 para esa época)pero,cuando Sarina murió y Gorou igual así volviendo a renacer en los hijos de Ai Hoshino mantuvieron sus identidades en secreto
En uno de los capítulos,Ruby logra encontrar el cadáver del doctor y ese mismo día(si no me equivoco xddd)Aqua/Gorou se encuentra con la diosa loli o diosa del espectáculo,Aqua le pregunta si hay podría reencarnar y la diosa contesta
"Los restos de Ai Hoshino fueron triturados y,devueltos al mar y a las estrellas de regreso"
Por ende,la mayoría de teorías de que Ai volveria fueron destrozadas
Aún así en el capítulo 122 del manga Aqua y Ruby revelan sus identidades haciendo que Ruby recuperase su alegría y estallara en llanto
Ya en el capítulo 123 sucede que,Ruby al parecer sigue recordando que ella le pidió matrimonio al doctor cuando ella aún tenía 12(osea vida pasada) y eso es algo que olvidé mencionar más arribita xd,PERO- el doctor le contesta que se lo planteará cuando ella cumpla 16 así surgiendo este panel de Ruby originalmente diciendo
"Doctor,ya tengo 16"
"Hermanito/Onii-Chan,ya tengo 16"
Ojito que el panel que yo dibujé a mi estilo no es canon,si no que es una edición en broma del editor del manga(al menos el que hace las ediciones al español)
Así que de aquí viene este dibujo tan funable kakaskskak
Juro que no pensaba ponerle tanto esfuerzo a un dibujo tan pndejo XDDD
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Oshi no Ko is just an anime soap opera. It focuses on the lives of the rich and famous, it has a bunch of super contrived plotlines involving murder, revenge, relationship drama, secret kids, and previously unknown family members being suddenly revealed. And it's all delivered with the maximum melodrama, so that people will keep coming back to read/watch every week.
And after this most recent chapter, you can't even tell me I'm wrong. This is peak soap opera garbage.
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simonespeaks · 1 year
ruby, girl, u better be joking. pls don’t make me regret not following my intuition about giving this series a chance.
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raven-cat · 11 months
Oshi no ko Chapter 123 was great, amazing, sweet, all the nice things… imma just ignore that last panel
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cleohatena · 1 year
huge major oshi no ko manga spoilers warning cause i wanna say something about ch 123
ruby feels like she can finally trust in aqua / goro again and when he tells her did didnt mean that theyd get married and said it cause he knew shed die is going to be the last piece of her to break and i am absolutely terrified thank you so much
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hotshitno2 · 1 year
If we pretend the last panel didn’t happen, 123 is actually really sweet and extremely depressing 😭
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sarinatendouji · 11 months
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there are two wolves inside of you. one desperately wants aka akasaka to cling to the last shred of sanity he has left and be normal, please god be normal, and one wants aka akasaka to single-handedly decimate the entire fandom of the world's most infamous manga series overnight by making rubyaqua canon
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Alright so I haven't read all of Oshi no Ko yet, but I read the most recent chapters and...
I swear to all that is holy and unholy, if this series pulls a "Bunny Drop", I'm going to riot
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farahswife · 1 year
i’m going to start killing people what the FUCKKKKKKKKK
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