#osrry not sorry
titaniium999 · 11 months
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i know, i know, you see a sonic oc, so cringe, i'm writing a 50-70k fanfic for nanowrimo this year about my sonic oc. and no i will not be normal about this. basically a thousand years have passed since the sonic world apocalypse and all thats left is this bunker full of insanely powerful creatures who are all now waking up and trying to escape. each one has the brain of a person long gone because people wanted to find a way to 'live on' through the apocalypse, through these creatures. they're all so strong and fast and deadly. but occams isn't. oh he isn't. and the only way he gets by is because of a giant eldritch spider whom he lied to about knowing the way out of the bunker so they would spare him and protect him
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let-them-fight · 20 days
every miracle (fanmade minecraft story mode remake) has a price (minecraft movie trailer)
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graveyard-society · 1 year
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i keep forgetting to post a comic thingy i made but i'm out right now and have no way to access the files, have a hajime air guitar
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ask-mephone-woahhh · 4 months
“tha’s no’d very uh,- good- of ya,, heh. he,gh,”
oh ew
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moth-yea · 4 months
Day 8 of Dragona
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sleepinginmygrave · 7 months
sooo what do you like doing in your free time?
AAAAAAAA okay so i love love love love art i love drawing painting mostly OIL PASTELS i love oil pastels hehe :] i also love crocheting and knitting! i learned knitting first but i crochet more ngl but thats also because i don't know how to cast the stitches on my own anyway yeah i love crocheting it's so fun i made a beanie last day!!! i also love love love going outside i live in the countryside so its really cool i also love reading (yesterday i read in a tree hehe :3 ) i also play the harp! its been 8 years now :D and!!! i LOVE baking. i don't really cook but baking?? i love it sm i make crêpes basically every weeks (IT'S SO GOOD WHAT CAN I SAY) but yeah i love making cakes and other stuffs like that its sm fun! also fc listening to music but i do this all the time!!
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ratnukegenius · 10 months
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[ ID in alt. ]
where life can grow without decay.
PROLEGOMENON is three years old today, so you should celebrate by reading it or something? if you want i mean. i'm not your mom.
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iychodon · 8 months
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swietadusza · 4 months
So i have this idea for a fanfic or cross over whatever uou wanna call it where its scully and mulder except they are solvong a case from true detective s1… it’s both paranormal and aesthetically it would just make me explode … god I don’t remember last time I wrote something except for poetry and I never wrote a fanfic but like UGHHH!!! It would be so good.. might write it might not I don’t know, maybe…
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yoylechess · 8 months
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hiiii idk if your still doing this/have to many to do but you could draw 2 of my ocs if you want. this is connie and selina and they are in a cute just romantic-ish/platonic-ish relationship :]
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Haiii orangggeee i really like these guys im particularly fond of connie's design ^_^* i added the bands because their hands were in front of their hair but wawa :3 these designs are a lil' outside of my wheelhouse so i dont think these are particularly good... sorry.. but i hope you like anyway
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The gang liked my post
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morguemaw · 1 year
haiiiieeee can i get some more yummer asks...... im wanting to draw and i got a extra day off LMAO
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smaragdine · 8 months
PISSED OFF ABOUT THE UNDERTALE THING STILL whatever man i get it kicks the ground
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rocals · 2 years
individual frankgirls* I love you so hard. frankgirls as a whole... the frankgirl diaspora... well. some of them are a blight on this gay earth <3
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dusterson · 2 years
11, 12, 13 for the questions left unanswered mun edition (imtheircleric)
11 : What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to RPing?
Hmm. Honestly it's kind of hard to peeve me off in RP; not a whole lot of passive stuff i.e. writing style/skill or canon character portrayal gets on my nerves unless it's just outright illegible or moves nothing in the story we're writing together as RP partners. And even then I'm more likely to be driven to give advice than be annoyed. I guess when people just plop a ship on me. EspECIALLY when it's with my older characters, which is where it happens most often. I'll be writing one of my miserable grandpas with someone's younger character and I'll be like, "Aww I'm so happy my character has a son/daughter figure in their life :'D" and I kid you not they IMMEDIATELY will go "They should get together 8)" The kicker's when, if I agree, they go straight to the Smut. Don't even ask me, don't take no time to see what kind of dynamic they have in said relationship, just getting straight to the goddamn point. Don't spring intimate relationships on my characters. OH MAN and if someone does then gets mad at whatever kind of relationships my character's in (someone tried to smut my OC and then read his info and cHEWED ME OUT BECAUSE HE WAS POLYAMOROUS???), I'm out. I might also bite your face off, then I'm out.
12 : What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
NOBODY WRITIN WITH DOUBLES OF THE CANON THEY PLAYYY! It's a silly and pointless peeve I know, but I really really want Dustin to meet another Dustin and then they can COMMENCE
Ok but for a more serious one I would like to Complain and I am sorry ahead of time but I have a lot of Feelings about my boy.
Note, I enjoy Billy as a character, I really do. BECAUSE he's not a decent person!
And I. Love. Jason. And feel horribly bad for him.
He was written to be doomed from the start and condemned for doing what he thought was right. But Billy is a better person despite TRYING TO RUN OVER KIDS??? even if he didn't intend to actually hit, do you think Max knew that??? what if he’d messed up and HAD hit one or more of the kids? think you that risk crossed his mind? Clearly not long enough for him to think twice about traumatizing his little sister. also it's tOTALLY not racist for him to say "hanging out with THOSE KINDS OF PEOPLE--” or whatever like. didn’t dacre like, BEG the duffers to make billy LESS racist? in my books that intention’s still there and it was still pretty,, blatant to me that he didn’t like Lucas SPECIFICALLY.
Everyone saying they were frightened for Erica’s safety because he forced the door open? I getchya. I’d rather a door than a fuck-you-miles-per-hour vehicle. I can kick someone holding my door open. You don’t think she would have kneecapped Jason in the nads if he tried? Also he was in the middle of a psychotic breakdown and You Do Not Act Right during those. Y’all have no idea how upset I was that Jason didn't even get a respectful death. People are all like "duffers said 5 people died well that was a lie lol" INCORRECT. 5 PEOPLE DID DIE. They just didn't give a shit about them. They're both racist because THAT'S HOW THEY WERE RAISED and they were both traumatized teenagers but the one that's less forgivable is the one that was TRYING TO PROTECT HIS FRIENDS? TWO OF WHICH WERE BLACK? Also anyone else notice the cops broke the fucking law and didn't take down his statement which you're SUPPOSED TO DO NO MATTER HOW OUTLANDISH THE STATEMENT IS?? (Also anyone else notice how GODDAMN RIGHT JASON WAS EVEN THOUGH HE HAD ZERO! CLUE!! WHAT WAS HAPPENING!!!)
(Also he brought a gun because he was p sure he was going up against Satanists in the middle of summoning said goddamn-literally Satan. I’d fucking gear up like that if I thought someone could mutilate me just by looking at me. Did we all forget that he also saw that happen? Not just the blorbie morbson? He saw his best friend fucking die but hey you know)
Just. He wasn’t written to be a person. He was written to be an inconvenience that was swept under the rug-- ALSO I WANTED TO SEE A MOB. WHERE WAS MY HELLFIRE CLUB OUTRUNNING THE YUPPIES. If I don’t get more Satanic panic next season I’m mutineering.
So in conclusion: hypocritical interpretation and demonisation and/or woobifying. Keep it away from me. Keep my boy's name outta your mouth if you're gonna slander it then turn around and be all googoo eyed at the other, arguably shittier boy. Conclusion of conclusion: I love Jason and I will braid Billy's mullet. Also Jason was right to call Eddie out for harassing ppl in the cafeteria :P ok done being a bastard
13 : Who is your least favorite character in the fandom you RP in? List three admirable traits about them.
UHM. I love all of them, your honour. WAIT-- Except that lady Hopper slept with in season 1. CAN'T YOU TELL A BITCH BE DEPRESSED? give him a hug or smth don't nag him for the D and get huffy that he don't wanna give you the D 'cos a KID JUST WENT MISSING AND HIS FRIEND SUPPOSEDLY KILLED HIMSELF like jesus murphy No admirable traits no sympathy get outta jimbo's house
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gooseshamsoup · 2 months
only ~100 ml of my drink left and it doesnt taste like alcohol no more. Might down it.
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