#shadow will be there. hes immortal isnt he
titaniium999 · 11 months
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i know, i know, you see a sonic oc, so cringe, i'm writing a 50-70k fanfic for nanowrimo this year about my sonic oc. and no i will not be normal about this. basically a thousand years have passed since the sonic world apocalypse and all thats left is this bunker full of insanely powerful creatures who are all now waking up and trying to escape. each one has the brain of a person long gone because people wanted to find a way to 'live on' through the apocalypse, through these creatures. they're all so strong and fast and deadly. but occams isn't. oh he isn't. and the only way he gets by is because of a giant eldritch spider whom he lied to about knowing the way out of the bunker so they would spare him and protect him
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grishaverse-chaos · 1 year
honestly the thing that pisses me off about darkl!ng fans is how they act like he's anti-monarchy!! he literally isn't lmao, he only dislikes the lantsovs because they're anti-grisha.
he never has anything to say about the actual concept of monarchy itself and yet people act like he's against the whole thing because it's a corrupt system
in fact, in the books, the position of darkl!ng is quite literally an inherited title that gives him control over the second army - I know they got rid of that in the show (they shouldn't have done that imo, because it highlights his greed and hypocrisy) but watching people act as if he's against the monarchy when he benefits from an inherited title is..... honestly hilarious tbh
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rouge-the-bat · 1 year
me: *sees a good post about shadow*
me: :DD!!!!! my wife!!!
op: *calls shadow 15*
me: 😒
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kingprinceleo · 2 months
Silhouette Timeline Master Post !
Silo is from my 1000 Years Bound Au- (Summary) (Horror AU) 500 years into the future, Miles finds himself at the mysterious kingdom of Solar Sanctum, ruled by the long absent King Shadow. Shadow invites Miles to stay as a collaboration of great minds to try and solve the murky state their world has fallen into. It isnt long before Miles starts to realize Shadow is no longer the man he remembers, and starts to get tangled up in his web of madness.
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Silo is one of Shadow's little oopsies ! She was meant to be a trial experiment, bioengineered during one of his many attempts to bring order back to the planet. Shadow completely tunnel visioned by his own vision for his work, failed to comprehend the burden that accompanied bringing a creature to life. He succeeded in creating a living breathing being. And it horrifies him. (cw for almost violence against a child)
Not too long after his meltdown, the Black Arm part of his brain overrides his disdain for this creature, and for a short while, he fulfills the role of being a parent to her. Creating a nest and taking care of the babys every need.
Once he returns to his normal mindset he starts to neglect this kid again, he refuses to acknowledge its his daughter, and even a person at all. All he sees her as is an experiment he wants nothing else to do with while he moves on to other research. Most of the responsibilities fall on Valentine and Tails. Tails is suspicious and frustrated with Shadow, unable to get any answers out of him about Silos origins. More often than not, Valentine is the one handling Silhouette, sneaking out of the castle and bringing her to the edge of the kingdom where an apple orchid resides. She spends time learning about taking care of children from the wolf Crisp, a widowed mother of three. Shadow usually never notices the childs absence, and doesnt really care when he does. And when he does care, its usually because hes doing something like this:
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They also start figuring out Silos abilities, being able to turn into a black liquid and taking whatever shape she wants. Shes also near silent. No one is sure if she took on Shadows immortality yet...
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Plot stuff happens whatever,,, Shadow takes a huge L
Shadows physically weak and incredibly frail, he cant move at all for weeks, eventually getting a custom walking chair. Major loss of chaos energy from his body from overloading, now any minor usage of chaos energy can fuck him UP.
In his eyes, hed fallen from godhood, now abandoned to be a pathetic regular person. And now word is getting out around the kingdom. He cant hide behind being all powerful, he needs to start at least pretending to act normal real fast. And that comes with acknowledging Oh hey . theres like . a princess by the way. his daughter who he is totally raising.
Valentine needs to be at Shadows side around the clock for a couple years, so Silhouette spends a lot of time at home in the castle, usually being very clingy to Shadow, she loves to nestle into his collars and his quills
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This continues even when Shadow starts setting her to the side again to focus on rebuidling the kingdom. Now a toddler, shes getting sent off to go hang out with Crisps family pretty often, they become like a whole family to her. Despite that, Silhouette often sneaks out of the house to walk all the way back from the edge of the kingdom to go be with her father again. Shadow starts sending his Shadow Eye, Baja to accompany her so she stops doing that.
As she gets older she starts understanding the expectations Shadow is holding over her head. She is the offspring of the Ultimate Lifeform, and he expects something made of his own blood to be nothing short of perfect, an exact copy of his grace and excellence. At the same time, however, she is never supposed to surpass him. He plans to remain the Ultimate Lifeform until the end of time.
Perhaps she would have considered his cruel edge and bitter tongue normal affection had she not spent years with a family who's shown her what love looks like. She appreciates them so much, but she cant help but try to desperately claw out the same type of affection from Shadow. It deeply pains her and stirs resentment for her half siblings whenever her father comes over to the orchid, either to pick her up or at the request of Val, and she watches Shadow interact with the other children. He views them as lesser, but because of this, the lack of expectation for them, he comes off as a little kinder. Tolerating things he would never allow Silo to do in his presence, coldly reprimanding her in the hollowing silence of their black arms hive mind. He trained a lot of her emotional responses out of her, leaving her with a dead expression most of the time.
As a teenager, the noise in the back of her mind gets louder, deadset on destruction. Part of her wants to kill Shadow. Shes afraid of that side of herself. She starts acting out, trying to distract him from his work to get his attention, positive or negative attention she doesnt care anymore. It starts small but as he keeps turning a blind eye, expecting Val to handle it, she is the head guard after all. Gradually she increases the intensity, committing real crimes in the kingdom and testing how far she needs to push that old man, from stealing to committing arson. Shes willing to tear this whole kingdom apart if it means Shadow will come and stop her.
Eventually, Shadow does! Additionally, Shadows in a much better mental and physical state than he was years ago, where he was genuinely at his worst. After a lot of talks with Miles, Val, and Crisp and realizing the worst parts of himself are being manifested in this child before his eyes. He goes to finally give her what she wants.
Hes still not a great parent, but now he puts more effort in, working with Silo to get her behavior in check, being overall more available and open to her.
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alex-wizard-413 · 4 months
To some people trying to fuck around and find out on the "whats a "normal" wizard" argument
@concoctionboy is a living potion, @yeast-wizard is literally a sentient mass of yeast that can get drunk off itself like hes tf2 demoman (according to the official comics at least) im pretty sure @myconidwitch is partly 4-dimensional and @f4y3w00d5 is around the same power level as my literal creator (what woth being immortaler-than-immortal, being probably older than the universe, and being Apollyon-Class SCPs in their own right). Not to mention that @official-megumin has like, 3 spells and all of them make nuclear bombs look like a jammed .44 magnum. Heck im pretty sure my element isnt really "fire", but "autism". Oh and @fungal-boy-witch-yay can see everything on the island because hes KIND OF the possible incarnation of something conceptually close to a sentient humanoid shroom??? @etoibmys-eht-egar is literally a Klyntar but also from the game Changed (which is why the wizard island universe doesnt exactly "fit" in The Multiverse- it would be like fitting a fractal inside itself backwards and in reverse), there are a shitton of fae and demons and everything here and nobody (not even them probably) know from where the fuck did they come from.
Theres also a fuckton of wizard councils and at this point I think that its like with animals, as in, a large amount of wizards in one place is called a "council"
And im pretty sure the Shadow Wizard Money Gang guys have yet to reach the island
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moghedien · 5 months
I’m like sooo curious about the Aylin and Isobel after all this because we know they’re going help Selunite enclaves or whatever and I don’t think they’re ever gonna turn away from Selune really but I do wonder if there’s like a twinge of something about their relationship with the goddess now
because again I don’t think they’re gonna turn from her, but they both have their issues and trauma now. Aylin’s is a bit more obvious but I can’t stop thinking about how the game basically tells you that Isobel came back wrong and then never acknowledges that again.
Obviously she didn’t come back as wrong as some of her kin, but the first time we see her she seems ill with something. You can kinda dismiss that as being related to the Shadow curse without full context. Even if you read her diary, you can kinda dismiss it until you understand she’s Ketheric’s dead daughter.
Her diary:
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Like she clearly isnt being spurned by Selune completely as she still has cleric magic and can still protect Last Light, but the phrase “there are some things she would never accept in her devoted” is so ominous. Isobel clearly knows that Selune is having some problem with her and the fact that the problem isn’t as clear as being denied her magic makes it even more ominous. If not that, then what is happening that makes this clear to her?
Then there’s Aylin, who is literally the daughter of Selune, who was sent by her mother to the Thorms. And obviously there isn’t any regret there because of Isobel, but then the Isobel dies under vague circumstances that may or may not be Shar related based on cut content. Then the people that Selune sent Aylin to protect cage her and torture her and use her as a lab rat and organ donor and ritual sacrifice over and over again for the next 100 years.
Aylin was supposed to be an envoy of her mother and ended up being the instrument in which Shar made weapon after weapon. She’s unwillingly spreading the darkness she’s against and all because Selune sent her to these people. Literally 100 years where all she can do is die again and again until she can convince one Sharran to listen to her and not just kill her again.
And like, you can also take into account the possibility that Aylin is an oathbreaker now. I don’t personally buy the theory but I know a lot of people do suspect that her reaction to killing Lorrokan was due to it breaking her oath. I think it’s more likely a trauma response but we can look at this either way.
Because killing Lorrokan should have been the righteous move. He was trying to use and defile her, one of Selune’s children, for his own petty reasons. He was going to commit the same sins as Ketheric. And it wasn’t like Aylin was the only potential victim of him. We know he hurt Rolan, and no doubt many others. What would a man like that do with immortality?
But then killing him just makes her feel empty? She protected herself. Protected Selune’s sword and anyone else that might have been suffering under him. And it doesn’t fill her with the same righteous ecstasy that it should. Suddenly being the righteous paladin doesn’t feel good, it just feels empty.
And if you believe that it did break her oath, then what? She’s being punished by Selune for defending herself and others? She stopped Selune’s envoy from being used in the same profane ritual she just escaped from and gets rejected and punished for that? She’s the one accused of violating Selune?
Again, I don’t personally think the reaction was caused by breaking her oath, but I think it’s a compelling angle to look at, at least.
And all of this to say that again, I don’t think either of them are going to turn against Selune and I don’t think they have a very strong reason to. But I do wonder how their relationship with her has changed in the last 100 years while Aylin was being forced to die for Shar over and over again and Isobel was forced to live by Mrykul, completely unprotected by the moonmaiden they had both been absolutely devoted to.
I just wonder what was going through their heads when they talked to Shadowheart about her past and the fact that she has a choice now, that Selune would take her back after a life time of Sharran indoctrination and crimes committed in her name. Now she has a choice. I wonder if in that moment, there wasn’t even the smallest bit of bitterness toward Selune on their part.
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frog-doctor · 1 month
combined spr x homestuck brainrot has led me to begin classpeculating. SO. allow me to yap
i just wanna say scriptliss is absolutely doombound. like weve seen that guys life and its absolutely full of disaster and suffering . like he was in shackles at some point its not even subtle
id like to say hes a mage due to the sheer amount of brunt hes experienced from all sides of his aspect. genuinely i feel so bad for him he did nothing to deserve that much grief in his life ;; ljke yes he was an edgy little goober in pr2 but are we REALLY gonna punish him for having a little emo phase. dude just wanted to make the most of his immortality cmon man. BOOOOO pr2 protag 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
tess is absolutely voidbound. hes a seer of void, inviting understanding through his aspect and going mad because of it, resulting in him succumbing to the whims of 1x1x1x1, the lord of void.
dusekkar is a space player, and a damn good one too. he created paper robloxia dude. we wouldnt have the damn story without him.
the only thing separating him from the lord class imho is the fact that the plot book was granted to him as a wish from sphara, and not something inherent to his existence. hes a potent space player, yes, but most of his narrative power comes from an artefact, leading me to believe hes someone moreso capable of handling his aspect with grace and finesse.
maids start out as relying on others for their aspect, and their challenge is to begin relying on themselves for it (thanks dahni). dusekkar relied on sphara granting him the plot book; now he does all the work himself. well. did, i suppose. until spr happened lmfao . so id peg dusekkar as a maid of space (heheheh made of space. pumkin head)
lanter is a time player because i said so. /lh
honestly? he just gives me time vibes. hes the typa dude whod march inexorably towards doom and he seems like a realist to me. plus he talks a lot about the past and about the future of robloxia, so im gonna put him down as a sylph of time. he understands it and invites creation through it, meddling (telling the player about dusekkars past) and inspiring the player to save probloxia from antagons clutches
rozanda is a thief of light. self explanatory.
wiscara is a witch of light. you cant tell me shes not jade harleys more ambitious, hyperactive cousin. like. be for real. shes kinda like rozanda . wacky but not downright evil
sphara? muse of time, i think. dont ask me why, it just works. she invites time and embodies it passively. shes a walking time capsule dude you cant tell me im wrong. also isnt she literally god also like . + in her death (COUGH really long nap) she invites wacky shenanigans throughout time (past, present, future) etc
antagon is a little shit, but more importantly hes a prince of sorts, taking a very active pessimistic destruction role in spr. im not quite sure what set of aspects he embodies, but im certain he either:
a) destroys life whilst shadowing doom
b) destroys hope whilst shadowing rage
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Beast x Ancient arent proships
they all probably immortal
same maturity level
no PV wouldnt want to murder Shadow milk PV is a pacifist he would probably be the first ancient to try and redeem/heal the beasts
Mysticcacao, if you redeem and heal mystic flour then ya know what healing arc for them both
It seems a lot of those "Beast x ancients are all proship" people fall into 3 catagories
Mischarazation station!!! PV isnt a helpless owo boy who can be manipulated into a romantic relationship nor would he be extremely violent towards shadow milk
Actually ableist and are pulling a "mentally ill ppl cant date" (havent seen this on tumblr but on tiktok they lowkey doing this. (they also typically victim blame Pomegrante or hate purple yam)
or just like liars: "the beasts are the ancients parents/grandparents" like where did you get that????
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magicstormfrostfire · 11 months
Random Cardigan AU Things
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I named the AU 'Cardigan' because the hedgehogs get cold easier in their older age, so they wear more clothes. Sonic is partial to loose shirts and tanks. Shadow likes Jackets, and Silver likes sweaters. (they all wear Maria's many cardigans when they find them.)
Sonic just turned 50, Shadow is physically immortal, and Silver is 45. (Silver time traveled back to stay with them permanently when he was in his 20s, but was off by a few years)
Silver is partial to wearing earrings/jewelry; they were hard to come by in the future.
Sonic has bad knees; his left is the worst. It doesnt stop him from running but he has to wear his knee braces often.
Eggman is still alive and wreaking havoc. He is a cyborg. (He is not an android. But Sonic calls him an android much to Eggman's annoyance. Sonic knows the difference. He doesn't care.)
Sonic calls him Egg Timer (a play on Old Timer and Egg Timers that are mechanical eggs)
Tails has his own repair shop. Silver is his partner, and helps out regularly. His apartment is above the repair shop.
when Sonic sleeps alone, he sleeps in a ball. Its instinctual and makes him feel safer because it protects his little bones ;~;
Shadow smokes because he genuinely enjoys the taste; due to being a bioengineered immortal being, his body doesn't allow him to develop an addiction to nicotine/alcohol. He can also get buzzed but it doesn't last long.
Sonic will smoke occasionally; Chaos energy keeps him from doing irreversible damage to himself but Shadow still isnt happy about it, due to his Chaos levels lowering over the years. (It takes longer for his body to heal damage than it used to)
Maria shot Eggman once when he attempted to kidnap her. He never tried again; too much effort.
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wyvolf · 4 months
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"Who said death was your destiny?"
below the cut is basic facts of the opal and facts on spencer, all i really did was rewrite the amulet itself and just gave it to an existing oc of mine. i do not care what anyone else does so long as y'all respectful to eachother and dont incite bullying or harassment about it.
so yeah, i decided to rework my version of 963 (amulet) a little, its still the same anomaly idea i have where it heals wounds and keeps the host that's bonded to it alive without the possession bs. quick facts:
its an opal!! Specifically a black opal, only really found in australia. When it 'heals' wounds it gains more color to it.
while its bonded to one host at any given time it can still heal those who aren't its host. just it doesn't grant the person immortality; and at most can heal most surface level / first and second layer of skin. Unlike healing host: it cannot heal deeper wounds, loss of limbs etc. for others and doesnt grant immortality.
although it can prevent death and heal fatal wounds, in the situation where if the host isnt made contact with the opal in a time span (idk how long yet) it won't work. Old host will be fully dead and gone, and then opal will choose a new person who wears it next. as a big note: Opal can NOT and does NOT possess others. i am using host as a term for the 'main wearer' that it grants the main immortality aspect to.
depending how deep the wound is there are still scars.
i will work on actual scp file sort of thing for it but this is the basics. now, i also changed the current main wearer/host (idk right term) to be spencer kripke. a dear oc of mine, i felt it was a lot easier than coming up with a brand new oc with brand new lore. Spencer Kripke facts:
autsitic adhd, he does have ptsd due to being at the foundation but he copes well i think. a little paranoid and insomanic about it.
while he was given the Opal for whatever reason, he was already anomalous. he has no shadow, regardless of light type he cannot have one. shadows from other objects seem to 'pass through' him and appear behind him and a little disorted. yet he is still very visible and very tanigible.
panromantic greysexual, he/him mostly but doesnt mind the occainsional they/them as long as it isn't constant.
can play guitar, specifically the acoustic guitar. he is a fan of nirvana and Metallica and similar bands. he will talk non-stop about his interests!
in the foundation he is a senior researcher, he specializes more so in biological sciences but knows a bit about other stuff.
erm also he has a great uncle who is of the church of the broken god in the maxwellism group. thumbs up.
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underratedandoverit · 8 months
Some Nights I Dream Of You (And I Regret It)
~1,4k words orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
set in immortal fears/the belt corruption au. so uh. this started as what i wanted to call "soulmates as horror", but i dont think if thats in the end an accurate thing to describe this with, so im going to use that at some point later. but definitely in the same spirit as this cause. yeah
warnings; mentions of bodily harm, implied body horror, angst, nightmares, unreality. nothing is super explicit and things are much more just implied than actually shown or anything, apart from the final one so a slight warning for purposefully breaking someones finger. other than thats its very much just between the lines, but if the idea of body parts being potentially removed or such bothers you, even as an obscured idea, this probably isnt a very nice read
kip is also jealous and possessive, just generally an asshole dont worry about it
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate
on ao3
“Oh, Clementine…”
The sing songy voice reaching his ears, it was almost as if Cassidy snapped out of some sort of a trance, maybe even sleep. His head bounced up, senses sharpened, eyes opened.
Except that he didn’t see anything. Everything was dark, wherever he looked was nothing but pitch black. He couldn’t even see shadows moving around him, it was nothing but darkness.
But Cassidy was so sure he had opened his eyes. He could feel himself blinking. There was nothing on his face, nothing obscuring his vision. And yet.
He couldn’t see anything.
The voice was a hot whisper against his ear, making him shiver. Except nothing moved. Cassidy could feel his body reacting to the voice, the sound, the mockingly charming nickname he had gotten so used to. He knew it belonged to him, he recognized the lips that single word fell from. Almost too intimately so.
He just couldn’t make a single move to respond to it, despite not feeling any restrictions on his body. He couldn’t turn his head away from it, not come face to face with it. A hand didn’t move to reach closer, no feet would take him away. Just…
“What’s the matter?”
Cassidy didn’t respond. It wasn’t a matter of not having anything to say, he just simply couldn’t. He tried opening his mouth, but just like every other action, it seemed futile. No matter how much he willed himself to do so, his lips stayed sealed, as if controlled by some power outside of his own. He couldn’t make a single noise, no protest, not even to agree to whatever he was saying, deny that anything was wrong.
Something was wrong, and Cassidy couldn’t tell him.
“Are you… Having some difficulties?”
The mild British accent was slowly driving him up the wall. Cassidy could visualize it in his mind, Kip watching him struggling, a smirk tucking in the corner of his mouth. The look Cassidy hated. Despised. Kip just enjoying seeing him not being able to hold the situation together, failing to answer to him, to respond to his taunts.
He knew Kip was enjoying every second of this, whatever it was that he was struggling with, and savoring the sight.
“Oh,” he heard Kip sigh, feeling a soft gust of cold air brushing against what Cassidy assumed to be an exposed skin, feeling like alongside the back of his neck. “The little darling is struggling. How tragic.”
Cassidy wanted to answer him, so badly, but he simply couldn’t. Words couldn’t leave his mouth, even if they were yelling at maximum volume inside his head. He wanted to call Kip a coward, to stop doing whatever this was, to let him go. Cassidy might have not been sure in the moment what exactly was going on, but with each passing second, soft, teasing little touches against his skin, Kip’s clearly satisfied tone, it was more and more obvious that he was behind it, whatever it was.
“That is fine,” Kip finally stated, Cassidy feeling a hand brushing through his hair. The way it carded through his coils was clearly mocking, making him want to break through his state even more, to tell him to stop, that it was becoming too much. “I like you better when you don’t fight back anyway.”
The hand moved from his hair to the back of his neck, the fingertips slowly trailing past the side of the neck, just underneath the ear to his jaw. The way they moved so slowly and felt like they flicked every single hair of his beard was agonizing.
“You don’t have to fight anymore.” Cassidy could have sworn he heard the smile on Kip’s voice, despite not seeing it, despite being surrounded with nothing but darkness. His fingers stopped at Cassidy’s chin, giving it a few soft taps before brushing over his lips. “You are free now. To just be mine. And mine alone.”
The hand suddenly left his face, leaving Cassidy alone with just the lack of his own senses again. He felt an almost frantic need to get that touch back, no matter how much he also hated it. Kip was playing with him, playing with his prey, but there was something so comforting in it at the same time. A familiarity that was a welcomed taste in the darkness Cassidy was currently floating in, without anything he could do about it on his own.
He tried to fight it. Blinking his eyes, not recovering his vision. Trying to tell Kip to stop, not having a mouth to open or voice to speak out loud the words that were so loud in his head. No hand to reach for him, to beg him to come back, to give Cassidy something coherent and tangible to hold onto.
Nothing. He had nothing. He could do nothing.
He was completely at Kip’s mercy.
“Although I’m… I am sorry, Clementine.”
Cassidy felt a shiver running down his spine, followed by a hand landing on what he assumed to be his. The touch was burning hot against his skin, what he presumed to be his skin at least. It felt comforting, but still distant, as if he was experiencing it secondhand somehow. An out of body experience.
“I admit I may have overdone this a bit.”
The fingers tapped against the back of his hand a little bit, every tap feeling like it had enough force behind it to shatter his bones to pieces. Cassidy wanted to scream, let out the pain, but once again, nothing. He couldn’t do anything, just bear the feeling of Kip��s fingers slowly lacing with his, giving his hand a little squeeze.
“I just didn’t like the way you looked at anyone else. I had to do something before you would… Change your mind.”
Cassidy blinked. Or he would have, if it would have been possible.
“I couldn’t let you do that. To change your mind. About this.”
The second squeeze on his hand was much stronger, and after Kip locked it in he didn’t let go.
“About us.”
His voice lowered with the words, matching the grip he had on Cassidy’s hand. The pain shot through him, but once again nothing moved. He couldn’t react to it, couldn’t resist it, all Cassidy could do was let Kip lead this dance, and follow helplessly along while Kip did seemingly whatever it was that he wanted to do in the moment.
“I might have to do something about you feeling others too.” It was almost as if Kip was pondering his words out loud, rather than giving out a statement he might have wanted Cassidy’s opinion on too. He moved the hand in his, observing what Cassidy felt like was a pile of broken bones at this point, even though it wasn’t possible that Kip simply holding his hand was going to cause that kind of damage to him. But it sure felt like it. “Your hands are… So beautiful. I don’t want anyone else holding them but me.”
Kip’s other hand joined in grabbing his hand, fingertips trailing along the back of his fingers. Without warning he grabbed a hold of the ring finger, bending it as far backwards as he possibly could, letting it audibly snap.
Cassidy winced. He could finally let out a scream, pull his hand away.
He heard Kip cackling at him as he stumbled backwards, tripping on something, getting swallowed by the darkness again.
Cassidy’s head snapped up from the pillow, forcing him to sit up, taking in a sharp breath. It took him a moment to stop his heart from racing, to focus back in the real world, into the dark bedroom at the late hours of the night. He closed his eyes, quickly opening them again, making sure that he was awake and being able to see this time.
Everything felt real again, helping Cassidy ease his breathing as he wiped a hand over his face and through his hair as he confirmed all of that had just been another nightmare.
Feeling the bed shifting by his side a little, his eyes shot towards it, watching as Kip just rolled from one side to another, still fast asleep. Cassidy inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down. It was just a dream. Another one of the never ending nightmares.
As real as it felt, he knew that Kip didn’t want anything bad to him. Not anymore, at least.
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hidemation · 9 months
{Hideverse:NULLUS Ft. RETRO(Hide! FRESH}
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character name: Nullus
Gender: genderless(any pronouns but mostly uses he/him)
traits: insightful, sarcastic, blunt/honest, intelligent, open-minded
Age - idk? But always says he is 500+ years but he isnt
Weaknesses - guardian killing weapons, getting killed(nullus will come back to life again(unless it was a guardian killing weapon) but will either have some memory problems, he will acting high, or become hostile)
Fears - Nim, Quetzalcoatl
Likes/Loves - his semi-immortal pet eagle//his mug//jack richard//neil the cat
Dislikes/Hates - Nim // conspiracy theorists
Weapons/abilities - shape-shifting, weapon summoning mostly summons spears and knives, teleport, portal creation, regeneration, immortality, mental and emotional manipulation, soul dealing, telekinesis, telepathy, can see shadows that knows the person secrets
For some reason, when he was created he had no eyes but can still see jk he used to have eyes but nim ripped them off, can still can see though
When nim killed the person that tried to steal from her years ago, she used the person's corpse as some sort of template to create nullus
Nim created nullus because she needed someone to guard the tree or keep the balance in case of any events that leads to her needing an extra pair of hands or she is no longer active since that attempt left her a bit wounded which made her worried
In this au, the apple incident didn't happen in this au it was a different incident
Can play any instruments but prefer the guitar
He is a great cook since he is old also because neil taught him how to cook since he needed to take care of baby jack
Tolerates retro
Has a symbiotic relationship with retro since retro feeds off from nullus soul energy
Original saw Retro as a potential means to escape his immortality due to retro feeding off from soul energy, but after years, they realized it won't work, so nullus just let's retro be around him
Frequently tries to find ways to kill himself in the past due to being curious but stopped
He has met the other guardians, And is close with the guardian of life and death(it's not Quetzalcoatl)
Guardians can do soul dealing and shape-shifting
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
There are many who if you ask them will say they aren't quite convinced that Sparda's dead. What is your opinion on the matter? If you believe he's alive, what do you think has been going on with him all of these years?
Even you you believe he's dead, let's just hypothetically say he's making his return after DMC 5. How do you think this will go? What do you think he's been doing? How will he react to this new world and all that's happened? Most importantly, how will other characters react to his return?
Hi, my favouritest bestest nicest anon with the best dmc asks!
Sparda is proooobably long dead, but I really hope he isnt and we could see him return. Many fans are against this, as Spardas return might put in question the accomplishments of his sons, and raise a hellton of questions, and yeah, I want those questions raised and I would love to have answers for them! I am in DMC for the family drama TM and Sparda suddenly returning 36 years late for his sons would be one hell of a family drama.
Both twins carry their daddy issues very close (both living in their fathers shadow, Vergil having tried to live up to it which lead him to catastrophic failure, and Dante hating his father and by extension his demonic heritage for abandoning their family, which became the core of Dantes huge abandonment issues) and I dont think either of them ever worked these through, so they could really use some brotherly beating-the-shit-out of their father cause he deserves it, and theyll never go to therapy, so this is their closest analog. Nero will get another family crisis, also a possible religious crisis? Basically, not a single sparda can figure out their issues until they start hitting them in the face, so Sparda returning will really benefit all of them.
This goes with a huge caveat that Sparda has somehow lost his powers (excluding immortality???), or at least, the twins are more powerful than him at the moment (because theres enough OP silver demons in this series we literally cant have another), AND that he could not have returned sooner/was captured/lost in time/literally any reason he could not have returned to his sons. There is a (you guessed it) ru fanfic called Hapless Eva (Бедная Ева by xenosha @th-xeno ), where this exact scenario is explored. It's one of the best fics for DMC I've read, and affects my opinion on the topic greatly, so its obligatory to mention it here. I completely agree with the author that the twins will be furious with Sparda, and in their anger they wont let him to even try to explain what happened. Nero will be in shock, and the raw amount of hatred he saw from twins will only prolong his confusion and make him concerned about them, his anger at Sparda will come sometime later. Sparda, of course, will be hurt by behavior of his sons, but he and Nero dont have as much issues with each other and will be very mutually curious. So, once again, Nero comes to the rescue of his idiotic family members, and he will be the bridge between generations all of them need.
The ending here is much more ambiguous though. DMC 5 ended with twins cooperating and Vergil giving Nero a very personal item, so all the parties had good intentions for each other, thus their relationships to each other could be mended (through effort, failure, pain and effort again). Sparda going off radar is the starting point of ALL the issues in the franchise, literally all of them can be traced to Sparda missing, and this is a much much worse case than anything else in the series. The ending here depends on Spardas own feelings on his absence and the circumstances of it. Since I want just tons of (hurt/)comfort for all spardas, I will hope they can overcome their issues and accept Sparda back into the family.
Another thing Sparda returning would add is LORE. PLEASE. Give me Hell lore, gimme demonic anatomy lore (not in a smutty way, in a biology way if possible), gimme demonic culture, gimme more awesome demon designs, gimme Sparda backstory, gimme Mundus backstory, are they twins too? How the hell was Dante able to beat Mundus in DMC1, but couldn't beat Urizen in DMC5? Was Urizen stronger than Mundus??? Where is the tribe of Cerberuses located, please, I want a three-headed elemental doggo lair location to pet them all
yeeeah, there are a lot of inconsistencies and plot holes in DMC lore and Sparda returning could Hopefully provide some answers.
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libelelle · 2 years
hey hi its me again so, shadow is like, straight up immortal isnt he? does he exist in the time twins fixed future and if so tell me about it
This is... kinda hard. I'm not super knowledgeable on Shadows immortality but from what I'm aware its implied. if I wanted to I could just leave him out and leave it at that.
HOWEVER if he did exist, which I have thought about, it would probably change a lot. in that case Venice probably has met him ❤️ I imagine at some point Shadow would seek Silver out and in this future the person whose been in his place for 14 years is Venice. Picture Venice minding his business and Some Guy shows up and starts yapping at you about time travel and the past and other bullshit. also picture him recognizing Shadow (he's a history buff. ofc he would recognize the ultimate lifeform) and being like SHADOW??? THE HEDGEHOG?? and proceeding to not hear anything Shadow says so Shadow just. leaves. he's a guy who leaves
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kingprinceleo · 2 months
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Find my Aus sorted by category here: https://deviantart.com/kingprinceleo
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Ao3 (home to one [1] fic): https://archiveofourown.org/users/Kingprinceleo
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New summary post ! yay !
Vampire au is getting a total overhaul!
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Ships present:
1000 Years Bound-None
Happy Auau- No active ships during the story but hints of Blazamy (married) and Knuxouge (flirting) from a hundreds of years ago. Sonic and Shadow have their typical weird tension with no clear definition as to what they are. (though i may draw non canon fluff art with them)
Fire n Water- None
Vampire Au- Sonadow (Eventual marriage + LOTS of non canon fluff), Blazamy, Knuxouge (flirting)
Desert Vampires Au- Wavouge (exes)
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Tag method: Cw (blank)
General/Frequent Content Warnings for my art- Blood, injury, violence, horror themes, body horror, drowning, cannibalism (mostly depicting the urges, minimal straight up gore), gore (very rare, and never extreme)
1000 Years Bound Summary- 500 years into the future, Miles finds himself at the mysterious kingdom of Solar Sanctum, ruled by the long absent King Shadow. Shadow invites Miles to stay as a collaboration of great minds to try and solve the murky state their world has fallen into. It isnt long before Miles starts to realize Shadow is no longer the man he remembers, and starts to get tangled up in his web of madness.
Happy Auau Summary- An au of an au branching off the 1000 Years Bound timeline, or perhaps it's the original…
Sonic the Hedgehog, immortalized by extended use of the chaos emeralds, is alive and well 500 years into the future. His latest adventure leads him to taking down a tyrant king and he finds himself thrust into power when the people of the struggling kingdom declare him to be their next leader. Realizing he's absolutely boned, he calls upon his old friends for help.
Fire and Water Au Summary- Thousands of years ago, the Sol dimension and Mobius had become one planet after a catastrophic event caused by Solaris. After hundreds of years of research and splitting the beast into two halves, Iblis reeked havoc on the planet and threatened to destroy it once again.
Under a time limit and the constant threat of Solaris's return, a baby Sonic was chosen by the royal family to be the vessel to inhabit the flames of disaster.
Present day, Sonic and Blaze's parents have mysteriously passed away and Sonic's coronation is closing in. Desperate, he escapes the castle to pursue a life of freedom as a pirate.
Blaze, with no one left, sets out to retrieve him at any cost.
Vampire Au Summary- Angel Island is the only life Sonic has ever known. Being trapped within the permanent barrier encasing the 8 islands isnt quite his style, so finding a way to destroy it and explore the world below has been his goal for as long as he can remember. Hes got a number of other things keeping him occupied however, trying to prevent both Dr. Eggman and G.U.N from taking over total control of the islands. 
When he isnt fighting them off, hes hanging out with his friends, living his best life being a vampire both day and night. When he wants to get everyone off his back, and feed from his favorite vampire hater, Shadow, he uses his magic staff to change his appearance into an alter ego, Hoax the "Tenrec."
Desert Vampire Au Hook- People are going missing in the desert...
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trash----panda · 4 months
More background
Ok so tw. Abuse, seggs mention, death, ect. Their background is a result of my tweening and though i tweaked it it is still a little eh
Birth years:
-1446 Adam's birth -1451 Richard's birth -1452 Cassity's birth -1453 Dani's birth -1454 Liam's birth -1460 Minx's birth -1470 Kit's birth -1536 Boa's birth
Dani was afab, so in the 1400s it was basically the same mentality as a Medieval setting. Though he tried to be a good kid and work with his father in the field ultimatily his father decided this "im a boy" talk was too much, going as far to kick him out. For the longest time Dani lived on the streets, even before immortality being pretty durable, he'd pretend carrages ran him over for compensation or simply to pick their pockets. Sometimes he managed it, other time he got beat to a pulp and had to have Adam fix him up. But either way he some how survived. He managed to transition pretty well and make himself appear more male, thinking his father would accept him better if he saw it. He went back to the farm to try and ask if he could return but his dad immediatly accused him of working with a demon, striking him with the pitchfork he was brandishing. The stunned Dani ran, assuming that he'd get away or survive but the adrenaline was the only thing keeping him from collapsing, which that didnt last forever. He ended up collapsing in the middle of the forest, in the ruins of an unfinshed ritual, his blood pooling in the carvings of the floor. Just before he passed he managed to summon a demon who kept his soul tethered to this plane to make a deal. She only wanted one thing, and that was him, he was a perfect specimen and being a rather young demon Shadow assumed she could seduce him. He accepted but never actually had real feelings for her. When she found this out (after the creation of Kit) she asked to change the terms, to consume his misery instead, he added his own terms as well, wanting his family to be sustained too. She agreed.
Cassity was saved just barely as she was fighting Orc who'd stormed her village.
Liam who'd locked himself in a dungeon had stopped starving suddenly.
Adam didnt know until Dani pushed him off a cliff.
And Dani, he let the world burn, recruited a dragon, fed his father to it. He'd kinda assumed he would come back but someone who denounnces you as family isnt family anymore. Not that it mattered, just solidifying his hatered. He ended up destroying the village and going on to continuously bring chaos and misery though the years. Adopting and making more Newmans as he pleased.
Until he met Cass. He teased and prodded at the demi-god, harming him as a "joke" since they both healed. Until Cass scratched back, leaving an actual scar on his chest. Seeing he had power against the human Cass became an enemy that always tries to attack on sight with Dani. The human had to be saved by one of his friends who managed to talk the demi-god down from ending him. It's only been in the recent 100 years but that's when it hit him how scary death was, how horrible he'd been being, his personality dulling a little. The immortal now docile instead of his normal choatic neutral attitude. He started helping people out and ended up going to applogize for bothering Zane and Kori in their youth only to find them married. Of course intruding on their lives, like a stray cat making himself at home and coming and going as he pleases. Afterwards finding Vix after his cult burnt down, taking him to live with two dads who'd love him very much. Finally having a family to protect him. He didnt expect it, but has come to better understand affection, though he's still pretty sure people just keep him around cause they cant get rid of him.
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