ojisanmansion · 11 months
I'm wondering, are there any sports manga that feature ojisans?
This has set in my box for a while along with several others, but I said I'm going to get back to maintaining this and I will.
Anyway, if you look into sports manga you have a good chance of finding ojisans. While sports manga normally focuses on youths typically an ojisan will be a coach, commentator, or even a legendary athlete.
Some noticeable examples that I have included
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Kataoka Tesshin from Ace of Diamond
In Kuroko's Basketball four coaches and one other character are ojisans. (I also haven't added all of them). They are
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Kagetora Aida
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Genta Takeuchi
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Masaaki Nakatani
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Katsunori Harasawa
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Eiji Shirogane
The rugby anime All Out!! has
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Komori Shingo
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Yoshida Satoshi
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Nanjiro Echizen from Prince of Tennis
Harlem Beat
Haikyuu!! also has a lot of ojisans in the form of coaches and retired players. So many in fact these are just a few noticeable ones
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Ikkei Ukai
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Fuki Hibarida
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Tanji Washijo
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Nobuteru Irihata
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Takuro Oiwake
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Tatsumi Osado
And those are at least in series I know. I'm aware of a few other sports series. Namely boxing ones:
Hajime no Ippo
And there are some other ones as well that I can't fully remember that might have ojisans at some point in them.
But I hope this answer is decent. Serious apologies about how long it took to answer
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guyyurienjoyer · 6 months
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I'm that guy who draws at the club now I guess
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okaeri-ossan · 2 months
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I am ossan. I hate men but I love ossans. This blog is 18+ because it's about eroge which only kids who can drink soda after 7 pm can partake in. I like Craftwork, Liar-soft, Misuzu Kamio, green haired girls and I've played the original ToHeart more times than is humanly acceptable.
Peace and Love on Planet Earth
To achieve this, we must bring death to America
Degenerates are warriors for a brighter tomorrow (処女厨 forbidden)
Ossans are like magnificent angels
Craftwork yaoi is real if you believe
never forget and never forgive
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With these rules in mind, we can kill Jun Maeda and Revolutionize the World!
 اتمنى لك يوما سعيدا 
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bakapandy · 5 months
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Late Day 15 of Daily Gaara
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moonkhao · 2 months
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Heng is choosing me. No. Heng is choosing me. Tell him who you are choosing. I've been his close friend for years. I can name 10 positive things about him.
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storge · 5 months
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Wait... why are you here? I heard it's cold, so I brought a hot pack. That's it? uh-huh. 🥰🥰🥰
Ossan's Love Returns (2024) 1.01
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thatsjustyou · 7 months
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Something about this pic is so intimate
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gunsatthaphan · 5 months
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earthmix in ossan's love returns ep4
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morika · 1 year
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🩸 you hungry? 🍴
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dragonsareawesome123 · 2 months
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A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) dir. Backaof Noppharnach Chaiwimol Episode 10 Ossan's Love Thailand (2024) dir. Au Kornprom Niyomsil Pilot Trailer
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theside-b · 12 days
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BL Couples + Husbands
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kyokyeo · 9 months
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stuff i drew
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GMMTV 2024 - PART2
All Posters and Trailers
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moonkhao · 2 months
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Boss likes me.
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storge · 5 months
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Ossan's Love Returns (2024) 1.03
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absolutebl · 2 months
GMMTV'S BL Line Up - Part 2
Presented in order of trailers I find most appealing:
The Heart Killers
FirstKhao & JoongDunk
Jojo directing an action romcom about assassin brothers (Khao & Joong) meet a tattoo artist ex-booster (First) and a mechanic (Dunk). I'm highly amused that Joong plays the older brother to Khao, and that we have a at take on Taming of the Shrew for that pair. I like that everyone is morally gray. This has all GMMTV's best chemistry in one BL and some fresh concepts that I've only really seen tackled in m/m romance (check out Amy Lane's Racing for the Sun, thank me later). I'm excited my only quibble is Jojo, I like his style but his characters can get unreliably messy so...
I genuinely dithered over whether this one should be first. Still it was the only trailer I grinned the whole way through, and had to watch 2x, so it takes top spot for me, but closely followed by a surprise silver medal...
Thame-Po (Heart that Skips a Beat)
A boy band member and his documentarian start a forbidden relationship. I LOVE Est and am delighted to see him at GMMTV but I've been getting a fatigued by celebrity BL of late. However, after watching the trailer I'm 100% in on this show. I've been waiting for a Blinding Lights style idol romance and this looks like it might be it (Korea, Japan, and Thailand have systemically disappointed me over the past 2 years). Bring it, boys.
Revamp the Undead Story
GMMTV have taken on this IP about a vampire prince and the human who awakens him that was with WabiSabi. Interesting that GMMTV are bring out two vampire BLs as a result. This one involves a coven (hello, who called it way back in 2019? Me. I DID.) Anygay, coven includes Santa (no lies spotter with that one).
(Previously: Vampire Project from Wabi Sabi - trailer now removed, also previously My Broccoli)
Wonder if they will tank that JossGawin one? There'd likely be rioting in the streets if they did. But they might just let it fade away.
Sweet Tooth Good Dentist
Finally Mark is leading out a BL! This one based on a Jittirain novel about a weird sunshine student dentist and his sugar-addicted patient, described as a romcom meets romantic therapy. Also, Jimmy is there, primarily to give me second lead syndrome. It looks silly but kinda earnest, I'm intrigued.
Perfect 10 Liners
ForceBook, PerthChimon, JuniorMark
New directing yet another university BL with engineers + their mentees. Based on a Jittirain novel. Massive cast. ForceBook playing the same old characters. Enemies to lovers tsunder/sunshine jock/nerd thing. PerthChimon are doing the cohabitation cool guy/dork trope. JuniorMark are doing popular sunshine meets lonely sad boy (the only interesting pair IMHO).
Not sure if these will be interwoven (My Engineer style) or shorter stand alones (Y-Destiny style).
The Ex-Morning
This is an original script written just for the OG, direct by Lit (SOTUS) about a news reporter plagued by scandal must work with his ex-boyfriend to rebuild his reputation. A reunion romance that's hitting pretty close to the IRL pair branded mark.
I've never claimed these two had any kind of chemistry and that would appear to still be the case. I think this one will bore me silly. I'm contemplating a trash watch but feel that's best reserved for...
Ossan‘s Love Thailand
WHY MUST THIS BE?!! I really don't like this IP but I still HAVE OPINIONS (of course I do) Look, I doubt even legendary EarthMix can save Ossan for me.
Shall I explain? Too much, let me sum up:
It's a terrible script based entirely on an unsympathetic love triangle, the viability of the whole show actually hinges on the boss character so he MUST be likable, because the lead is an unsympathetic looser (and user of people), and the roommate/love interest has no personality. Looks like this version is doing the same. ALSO Earth is grossly miss-cast. (On the other hand, maybe I'll like it more because of that, I would rather my H were toned down a bit.) Finally... where tf are my ladies? The female characters were the best thing about the original.
Of course I'll still watch it. I'm trash.
My order based on descriptions (and biases) before watching trailers was:
The Heart Killers
Sweet Tooth
Perfect 10 Liners
The Ex-Morning
Ossan’s Love Thailand
Now that we have finally gotten part 2 I have only one burning question left for GMMTV.
Why didn't my man Thor get to lead something, damn it?
I will also take this as an opertunity to remind you all that my predictions about my own taste are notorious terrible.
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