slicesofapple · 5 months
They are at the movies. It had been Tooru's turn to pick.
Tobio is slumped over, blatantly asleep - even snoring a little. Osamu is halfway there himself. Tooru is staring avidly at the screen. He mechanically stuffs a handful of popcorn into his mouth. He watches, mesmerized, as Godzilla stomps his way across the screen. Every glomping step spells delicious destruction (Tooru learned to love Godzilla from Iwaizumi).
Osamu starts to count sheep in the hopes of either falling asleep or making it to the end of the movie with his sanity intact.
And then he happens to catch sight of Tooru's ear. He's not sure why he never noticed before, but right now his eyes are only inches away. Maybe that's why he's paying attention.
The earring is so small (miniscule): a tiny diamond stud. It's barely visible, except when Godzilla's eyes shoot fire. Then, the stud sparkles in the blue light.
It's tantalizing.
Osamu wants to bite into that ear and then he wants to eat Tooru up in entirety.
He hopes he gets his chance later.
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fleuristsstuff · 1 year
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Dazi Smut
Dazi and Y/N had been friends for years, but it wasn't until one drunken night that things took a steamy turn between them. They had always had a strong connection, but it wasn't until that night that they realized their true feelings for each other.
They stumbled into Dazi's bedroom, giggling and kissing each other passionately. They couldn't keep their hands off each other as they undressed, their bodies pressed against one another.
Dazi's hands roamed over Y/N's body, teasing and exploring every inch of skin. Y/N moaned in response, her hands tangled in Dazi's hair as she pulled him closer.
Their lips met in a heated kiss, their tongues dancing together as their bodies moved in perfect synchronization. Dazi's hands found their way to Y/N's breasts, teasing and pinching her nipples until she was gasping for air.
Y/N's hands traveled down to Dazi's pants, eagerly unbuttoning them and freeing him from his confines. She stroked him gently, feeling him grow harder in her hand.
Dazi groaned and pulled Y/N onto the bed, their bodies now fully exposed to each other. He trailed kisses down her neck, his hands caressing her curves as he made his way down to her chest.
He took her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it, causing Y/N to arch her back in pleasure. She moaned his name, her hands gripping his hair as he continued to pleasure her.
Dazi moved his kisses down Y/N's stomach, his hands trailing behind to her hips. He pulled her closer to him, his lips teasing her inner thighs before finally reaching her core.
He used his tongue to explore her, earning moans and gasps from Y/N. Her hips bucked against him, unable to control her desire for him.
Dazi then positioned himself on top of Y/N, his member teasing her entrance. He looked into her eyes and asked, "Are you sure you want this?"
Y/N nodded eagerly, her eyes filled with desire for him. Without another word, Dazi entered her, causing both of them to moan in pleasure.
Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their moans and gasps filling the room as they reached their climax together. They collapsed onto the bed, their bodies intertwined as they caught their breath.
As they lay there, Dazi pulled Y/N closer to him and whispered, "I never want to lose you."
Y/N smiled and replied, "You never will."
From that night on, Dazi and Y/N's friendship turned into a passionate and loving relationship, with many more steamy nights to come.
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buzzdixonwriter · 2 years
All The Myriad METROPOLISes
I don’t think there’s any film that’s been picked apart and stitched back together more times than Friz Lang’s masterpiece, Metropolis.
My love for the movie is unbounded, but it’s a love that came slowly.
For a long time, the only versions available were the US and UK edits, both of which severely truncated the film and robbed it of its balance and complexity, rendering the story virtually incomprehensible.
The main plot: Jon Fredersen manages the huge technocratic city of Metropolis.  While Fredersen is not a cruel leader, his focus on keeping Metropolis running efficiently keeps him from regarding the living conditions of the workers who make the marvelous city possible.
Maria is a missionary / social worker among the workers who live deep beneath the city, operating its many machines.  She tries to offer them hope while at the same time trying to make the surface elite realize they need to treat the workers more equitably.
While doing this, she encounters Freder, Jon Fredersen’s son.  Freder follows her down to the workers’ level and is horrified by the conditions he sees.  He tries to convince his father to do something about it.
Maria preaches to the workers, offering them hope for justice but also cautioning against violent rebellion that might have disastrous unintended consequences.  Freder contacts her again, and the two fall in love.
Jon Fredersen, not knowing Maria’s desire to prevent a violent confrontation, goes to the scientist Rotwang to see what can be done to neutralize her influence among the workers.  While Rotwang and Jon Fredersen once loved the same woman, she chose Jon Fredersen and bore his son, Freder, but subsequently died.
Jon Fredersen assumes Rotwang has gotten over this long lost love.
Oh No He’s Not…
Rotwang suggests making a robot duplicate of Maria to discredit her among the workers.  Jon Fredersen approves and Rotwang kidnaps Maria, duplicating her in his lab and replacing her with the evil Robot Maria.
As a proof of concept, he shows Jon Fredersen how lifelike Robot Maria appears by having her perform an erotic dance before many of Metropolis’ elite.
As Jon Fredersen gives Robot Maria her final instructions, Freder bursts in, distraught at not being able to locate the real Maria.  He sees his father seemingly in an intimate clinch with Robot Maria and suffers a nervous breakdown.
Rotwang, however, programed Robot Maria not to merely disillusion the workers but stir them up into a nihilistic frenzy that will destroy Metropolis once and for all, his revenge for Jon Fredersen stealing the woman he loved so long ago.
Robot Maria leads the workers in an orgy of violence.  The genuine Maria escapes Rotwang’s lab and links up with Freder to save the workers’ children who are in danger of drowning when their parents’ violent rebellion smashes the machines that kept the lower city from flooding.
The two rescue the children but the real Maria is almost killed by the mob of workers who not realize the lower city has flooded. 
Fortunately the evil Robot Maria is exposed, the real Maria is saved, and Freder dukes it out with Rotwang to kill him.  The film ends with Freder, under the real maria’s guidance, acting as a mediator to get the workers and Jon Fredersen to work with one another to rebuild Metropolis while avoiding the social disparity that once contaminated it.
(As noted above, this is the main plot, there are three major subplots involving Josaphat, Jon Fredersen’s assistant who gets demoted to worker status; The Thin Man, Jon Fredersen’s enforcer, who despite working for the ruling elite demonstrates he knows the trues cost of keeping Metropolis functioning; and 11811, a worker Freder befriends who later betrays him.)
Running time (with scissors): Metropolis clocked in at 157 minutes in its original German premiere.  Silent film running speeds vary, but we know Lang’s preferred projection speed and so the 157 minute length is our benchmark.
When the film went into wide release in Germany, the UFA studio trimmed it down to 116 minutes.
Lang reportedly was not happy with this cut but tolerated it.
However, when the film was released in the US, Parufamet (a distribution company fronting for Paramount and MGM when distributing UFA movies in America) decided the film remained too long and hired Channing Pollock, a Broadway playwright with extensive credits, to edit the film and re-write the intertitles to make a more streamlined story.
Pollock decided since it was a sci-fi story, he would jettison everything except the sci-fi elements, eliminating the four interlocking sub-plots that made Metropolis the thoughtful and complex epic Lang intended and focusing instead solely on Robot Maria, turning the film into a movie about an evil robot.
AFU, Channing Pollock.
This version ran about 105-107 minutes (time inexact due to varying projection speeds of that era).
For the UK release, British distributors originally ran a 127 minute version in major markets, later trimmed down to 118 minutes for the provinces, following Pollock’s edit but keeping a bit more of the original footage.
In eliminating everything non-science fictional about Metropolis, Pollock also dropped Jon Fredersen’s desire to merely neutralize Maria as well as Rotwang’s revenge motive.
Instead, he had the two plotting to replace the workers with robots, and used Robot Maria to lure them to their destruction.
Problem: You don’t want to massacre all the workers until you’ve built enough robots to replace them!
You see why the most commonly available versions of Metropolis were virtually incomprehensible.
Metropolis got trimmed down again in the 1930s for the art house circuit, now limping in at 91 minutes.
The UK also ended trimming their version down to around 80 minutes, though oddly enough their version made a bit more sense than the US cut.
This remained the state of things for most of the 20th century. 
The first time I saw Metropolis was at Noreascon in Boston in 1971, but my pump had been primed by numerous articles extolling its virtues in various monster mags, sci-fi digests, and fanzines, including a few by people old enough to remember seeing it in its original US run before it got truncated even more severely.
I certainly felt impressed by the sheer visual spectacle, but remember feeling the story felt kind of trite and cliché (not surprising, since so many imitated it later, and I’d seen those lesser works first).
I later saw it on PBS, and again at the old Sherman Theater in the San Fernando Valley, a revival house that used to have a yearly sci-fi film festival.
That version was the UK cut, and it caught my attention that the intertitles read differently, many of the characters now had different names, and several scenes I remembered were missing.
Still, the editors working on the UK version did a better job than the US version, but it still remained an incomprehensible movie.
At some point (perhaps as far back as my Army days), I read the Ace paperback reprint of the novel version of Metropolis by Lang’s wife and screenwriting collaborator, Thea von Harbou.
I remember it being very Germanic, and it did little to increase my comprehension of the film’s plot.
In 1984 composer Giorgio Moroder released his restored and colorized version of Metropolis, using a copy of the original script as a template, footage found in East Germany, and re-created scenes using stills with animation.
His version clocked in at a mere 83 minutes, but that’s attributable to his eliminating intertitles in favor over overdubbing and music.
What can I say?  I like Moroder’s Metropolis.  He restored enough of the Rotwang sub-plot for the film to finally make sense, and while purists dislike the overdubbing / music / colorization, it gave the film a vibrant, robust look and feel that lifted it far above the crappy US & UK public domain versions popping up in video collections everywhere.
If you’ve seen Metropolis only on a bargain basement DVD collection, you’ve only seen the grossly edited versions.
You owe it to yourself to track down the really primo restoration.
Whatever one’s opinion of the Moroder restoration, it sparked international interest in restoring Metropolis to as close to the original release as possible.
The written score for the original silent film was located, and this confirmed the 153 minute running time.  The first major restoration effort began in 1987 and culminated in 2001 with what’s now called Metropolis:  The Restored Authorized Edition which finally got the film back to its 157 minute length.
For still missing scenes and footage, the 2001 restoration used still photos and title cards.
This meant some pretty lengthy sequences where viewers were staring at the same title card for several minutes, but it finally gave modern audiences a glimpse of what Lang intended.
Over the next decade more missing footage was discovered in Argentina and although it was a badly degraded and poorly cropped 16mm print, it restored most of the missing scenes.
The Complete Metropolis (2010) is probably about as complete a version as we’re likely to see.  It’s missing a few short bits at the beginnings and ends of some scenes, a sermon delivered by a monk that is later referenced by The Thin Man in this restored version, and half of Freder’s climactic fight with Rotwang, but it got most of the important missing material, including the harrowing escape of the children led by Freder and the real Maria from the flooding workers’ quarters.
Seriously, Pollock?  You left this out, some of the best and most exciting material in the movie?
Metropolis now is the great and grandiose epic Friz Lang intended, far superior to any of his other films (and he made some damn fine films in both Germany and the US).
It’s 2 ½ hours you won’t mind spending in the dark.
. . .
We might as well mention all the other “Metropolis” movies out there, inspired (more or less) by Lang’s epic work.
The Giant Of Metropolis (1961) is an Italian pepblum which, for a change of pace, takes place thousands of years in the future instead of thousands of years in the past.  The production and costume design for a low budget 1960s sci-fi film are pretty amazing but what’s even more amazing is that it took six guys to write this! Available on YouTube.
Siegfried Saves Metropolis (1965) is not one but at least eight short amateur films made for a film contest sponsored by Famous Monsters Of Filmland magazine.  Forry Ackerman, FM’s editor, wrote two short film scripts for “monster kids” to make, one for stop motion fans, the other (Twin Of Frankenstein) for those interested in make-up.  Winners include later pros such as Richard Corben (who entered under his then wife’s name since he was selling art to Warren Publishing on the side) and Paul Davids, who became a writer on the original Transformers.  Among Davids’ many credits is the documentary The Sci Fi Boys, which contains a brief clip of the only known surviving footage from any of the contest films.   None of the other entries are known to have survived, and several contestants complained they never received either their prizes or their films back.
Express Yourself (1989) is a Madonna video heavily derived from Metropolis imagery.  Good, but not among her very best.  I’m disappointed she didn’t turn into a robot.  While we’re at it, I might as well include Queen’s Radio Gaga from 1984 and this fan edit video of Zager & Evans’ In the Year 2525 by Sanjin from 2014.
Metropolis (2001) is an anime based on a 1945 Osuma Tezuka manga.  Tezuka built his story around a single image, a still of robot Maria’s creation in the original Metropolis.  The film incorporates more elements of Lang’s film, expanding on Tezuka’s original.  It’s a good anime, but nowhere near the power of the original. 
   © Buzz Dixon
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tabathastan · 2 months
Warning: violence
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Yan! PM Osuma Dazai
Extremely possessive with you, he won’t let you met or go near any of is coworkers except Oda.
He keeps a close eye on you at all times even when he’s working It doesn’t matter. 
Kills over guy the talks to you.
Will not let you out of eyesight when in public.
Literally killed a person in front of you.
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cartoonbrain · 24 days
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Drawing’s by Ward Kimball and Osuma Tezuka on a Napkin.
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m00nsworldsstuff · 12 days
How I feel on an daily basis
The song is called dazai osuma hyperventilation dance!
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himaristhings · 26 days
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What y'all think abt my oc! It's my first actual good one so I'm very happy with it. His name is osuma misaki. His breathing style is death breathing. His fav food is katsdon. He is 19yrs old! If you wanna make fan art I'll post a full version of him but for now this is a lil teaser of what he looks like! Hope you all will like him! ♡♡♡ luv y'all!
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victorluvsalice · 5 months
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-->Anyway, with the rush over, I decided that I wanted Alice to make a pizza in her new pizza oven, so I had her check out her options, then prep some veggies and make some cheese in order to get a garden pizza going. Victor and Smiler kept working the sales floor, chatting to customers and leading to a few more sales – a guy named Umber snagged one of Victor’s Energizing scents for $744, while Brytani deigned to buy some watermelon conserve for $171 (I made sure Victor rung her up, since Smiler doesn’t like her for some reason). Cameron Fletcher also came by to grab a $2 spinach – I’m glad he’s not too annoyed that I banned him from the break room microwave. XD Alice wandered back upstairs while waiting on the stand mixer to clean one of the displays (which WERE getting a bit manky) – I promptly sent her back downstairs to collect her prepped vegetables and get the pizza in the oven while I had Victor finish the cleaning magically and conjure up some spaghetti for himself. Smiler meanwhile got another sale – someone named Anaya buying a box of veggie MREs for $241. For five seconds, everything seemed to be going well –
-->BOOM ANOTHER MASS BUYING EVENT! Complete with lag, because you gotta have lag. *heavy sigh* I had Alice stay downstairs long enough to get her pizza (as it was almost done by the time everyone decided they wanted to buy something), but after that, it was all hands on deck to take care of customers! Fortunately, they got them all – Paolo with a cube of beeswax for $18; Tetsuya with a box of canned fishcakes for $413; Dali with a box of chocolate syrup jars for $413; Jeb and Osuma both with friendly animal treats for $17 each. Oh, and a guy named Chad grabbed a strawberry out of the produce fridges for $19. Whew! I put Victor on "removing all of the out-of-stock signs" duty afterward while Smiler cleaned up some stray plates and glasses that had ended up on the produce stands (the custom “farmer’s market”-style ones I got from Brazen have slots on the little shelf underneath, it appears – perfect for Sims to hide shit from you) and Alice made a clay bunny. As you do. Alice then used the toilet and ate a container of prepped veggies over the bathroom sinks (I forgot you could just eat prepped ingredients straight-up) before running off to shower in the rain. *shakes fist* ERRATIC SIMS! While she was busy causing newcomers to the lot to gasp, Victor and Smiler handled what I decided would be the last sales of the day – Ivana with a box of canned tomato sauce for $413, and Francine with a pumpkin animal treat for $46. There was another lady wanting to buy something, but for some reason Smiler kept insisting they couldn’t get to her, so before things got any more chaotic, I decided to have them close the store. All in all, they sold 18 total items for a profit of $3,729! Not bad for a day’s work!
-->Except – when Smiler closed up shop, three people stayed behind, the previously-stuck lady and two others, all with shopping carts over their heads. Puzzled, I had Smiler and Alice (back in her clothes) ring up the two that could be reached (Victor heading back into the break room for another nap) while I let the “stuck” one time out – this did NOT result in any post-closing sales, though, just some customer goodwill. Well, for everyone except the customer who was mysteriously blocked. Sorry, lady, not sure what happened there! Try again next time!
-->Anyway – with that sorted, the trio decamped to the break room to watch a bit of TV and do a bit of flirting, as they do. :) Once the last customer had FINALLY left the store, they headed back to their place, arriving back home at about 9 PM in-game –
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pupucino · 8 months
Jos vauvat pistää temmeltää eläinten keskelle lattial pienestä pitäen niil tulee aikuisena hyvä vastustuskyky ja tosi vähän mitään allergioita. Elukat aika usein ymmärtää eron lapsis et ketä voi lähestyy ja ketä ei kannata. Mäkin vauvana melkein söin samast astiasta koiran kans ja pissittii samal vanhal säkkituolille kilpaa samal ku tönittii toisiamme siitä alas.
Joo tietty on tyhmii vanhempii mikkä antaa räkänokkansa tehä mitä vaan mut se on hyvä myös antaa niiden tutustuu maailmaan. Ja niistä läimäsyistä ne oppii ettei tee uudestaa. Siskon 2v poikakin tykkää paljon koirasta mut vähän pelkää jos lähestyy liian nopee ku se on sitä vie paljon isompi.
Kyl elukat poistuu paikalta ite jos ei haluu olla seurois
Kyllä ja ei. Koska tää on tumppuhöpöttelyy, en jaksa kaivaa lähteitä. Mutta joo esim. koukkumatoinfektio vähentää merkittävästi riskiä saada allergioita tai astmaa, mutta sit sulla on koukkumatoinfektio :D
Mä kasvoin kans kissan kanssa perseillen ja samoi herkkui napostellen, mutta tulin sit kissalle (ja vähä kaikelle muulleki) allergiseks ja sain astman ja mun vastustuskyky on pelottavan huono, että ei se ole sataprosenttinen suoja niitä vastaan
Kissan suussa elävien bakteerien pääseminen vauvan naaman herkälle iholle hirvittää
Kissan kynnen osuma silmään voi aiheuttaa pysyvän vaurion. Jos mulla ois vauva, en ikinä ottais sitä riskiä saattamalla vauvaa tommoseen tilanteeseen :(
Vauvat on puolestaan yllättävän vahvoja ja tuhovoimaisia :D
Toi video oli siit just ahdistava, et tilanne oli selkeesti lavastettu: pennut laitettu lattialle kasaan suoraan vauvan eteen ja katotaan mitä tapahtuu
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opinated-user · 2 years
I saw her anime rant, the funniest thing besides the whole “using the infantilization art of Hideo Azuma” (which if you look at his art you can see his style is inspired by Osuma Tezuka the guy who made Princess Knight (but don’t tell Lily that her show has infantilization art) was the fact I can see she copied Zero Punctuation’s rant of Sonic. About Sonic games having serious storylines despite well a blue hedgehog yet Lily got all defensive when EOT called Kingdom Hearts a children’s game. Which it kind of is. Since the highest rating any KH game got was e10
tbf some people were insisting that Kingdom Hearts and Pokemon were not children's game because... adults sometimes play them. which actually makes no real sense, but it wasn't a exclusive take from LO. still... LO plagiarizing? on 2022-23? more likely than you think.
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Late nights, playin' in the dark And wakin' up inside my arms Boy, you'll always be in my heart and (Be in my heart, oh, baby) I'm just speaking from experience Nothing can compare to your first true love So I hope this will remind you When it's for real, it's forever So don't forget about us When you want me You simply ask me to be there (uh huh) And you're the only one Who makes me come running 'Cause what you got Is far beyond compare, ooh And it's just like honey (yeah) When your love (when your love) comes over me (comes over me) Oh, baby, I've got a dependency Always strung out For another taste of your honey (ooh) It's like honey when it washes over me You know sugar never ever was so sweet And I'm dying for ya Crying for ya (crying) I adore ya One hit of your love affected me (yeah) And I'm strung out on you, darling Don't you see (every night) Every night and day I can hardly wait For another taste of honey Oh, I can't be elusive with you honey (I like that) 'Cause it's sure
Late nights, playin' in the dark And wakin' up inside my arms Boy, you'll always be in my heart and (Be in my heart, oh, baby) I'm just speaking from experience Nothing can compare to your first true love So I hope this will remind you When it's for real, it's forever So don't forget about us When you want me You simply ask me to be there (uh huh) And you're the only one Who makes me come running 'Cause what you got Is far beyond compare, ooh And it's just like honey (yeah) When your love (when your love) comes over me (comes over me) Oh, baby, I've got a dependency Always strung out For another taste of your honey (ooh) It's like honey when it washes over me You know sugar never ever was so sweet And I'm dying for ya Crying for ya (crying) I adore ya One hit of your love affected me (yeah) And I'm strung out on you, darling Don't you see (every night) Every night and day I can hardly wait For another taste of honey Oh, I can't be elusive with you honey (I like that) 'Cause it's sure
Myöhäiset illat, leikkiä pimeässä Ja herää käsivarsieni sisällä Poika, tulet aina olemaan sydämessäni ja (Ole sydämessäni, oi, kulta) Puhun vain kokemuksesta Mikään ei ole verrattavissa ensimmäiseen todelliseen rakkauteesi Toivon siis, että tämä muistuttaa teitä Kun se on todellista, se on ikuista Joten älä unohda meitä Kun haluat minut Pyydät minua vain olemaan siellä (huh huh) Ja sinä olet ainoa Kuka saa minut tulemaan juoksemaan Koska mitä sait On kaukana vertaansa vailla, ooh Ja se on aivan kuin hunaja (kyllä) Kun rakkautesi (kun rakkautesi) tulee päälleni (tulee päälleni) Voi, kulta, minulla on riippuvuus Aina ulospäin Toinen maku hunajastasi (ooh) Se on kuin hunajaa, kun se huuhtoutuu ylitseni Tiedät, että sokeri ei ole koskaan ollut näin makeaa Ja minä kuolen ya:n puolesta Itku ya (itku) Rakastan ya Yksi osuma rakkaudestasi vaikutti minuun (kyllä) Ja minä olen kireällä sinuun, kultaseni Etkö näe (joka ilta) Joka ilta ja päivä tuskin maltan odottaa Toinen maku hunajaa Voi, en voi olla vaikeasti tavoitettavissa kanssasi hunaja (pidän siitä) Koska se on varma
Late nights, playin' sa dilim At paggising 'up sa loob ng aking mga bisig Boy, lagi kang nasa puso ko at (Maging sa puso ko, oh, baby) Nagsasalita lang ako mula sa karanasan Walang makakapantay sa first true love mo Kaya sana ito ay magpaalala sa iyo Kapag para sa tunay, ito ay magpakailanman Kaya huwag mo kaming kalimutan Kapag gusto mo ako Hinihiling mo lang na ako ay naroon (uh huh) At ikaw lang ang Sino ang gumagawa sa akin na dumating tumatakbo 'Kasi ano ang nakuha mo Ay malayo sa maihahambing, ooh At parang pulot lang (oo) Kapag ang iyong pag ibig (kapag ang iyong pag ibig) ay dumating sa akin (ay dumating sa ibabaw ko) Naku baby, may dependency na ako Laging nag strung out Para sa ibang lasa ng honey mo (ooh) Parang honey kapag nahuhugas sa ibabaw ko Alam mo sugar never ever naging sweet At ako ay namamatay para sa ya Umiiyak para kay ya (umiiyak) i love ya One hit ng love mo naapektuhan ako (yeah) At ako ay strung out sa iyo, darling Hindi mo ba nakikita (gabi gabi) Bawat gabi at araw halos hindi na ako makapaghintay Para sa ibang lasa ng pulot Oh, hindi ako maaaring maging elusive sa iyo honey (gusto ko na) 'Pagka't ito'y sigurado
Late nights, playin' in the dark And wakin' up inside my arms Boy, you'll always be in my heart and (Be in my heart, oh, baby) I'm just speaking from experience Nothing can compare to your first true love So I hope this will remind you When it's for real, it's forever So don't forget about us When you want me You simply ask me to be there (uh huh) And you're the only one Who makes me come running 'Cause what you got Is far beyond compare, ooh And it's just like honey (yeah) When your love (when your love) comes over me (comes over me) Oh, baby, I've got a dependency Always strung out For another taste of your honey (ooh) It's like honey when it washes over me You know sugar never ever was so sweet And I'm dying for ya Crying for ya (crying) I adore ya One hit of your love affected me (yeah) And I'm strung out on you, darling Don't you see (every night) Every night and day I can hardly wait For another taste of honey Oh, I can't be elusive with you honey (I like that) 'Cause it's sure
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starsaver94 · 6 months
The idea of FERAL and Tozen switching rapidly is very funny to me-
LOL. Accurate.
Though Tozen wouldn’t give away his real name right away, he only does later on in the game.
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gosamiand-blog · 8 months
Osuma kilometrin päästä kolikon kokoiseen kohteeseen – britit testaavat ensimmäistä kertaa uutta laserasettaan | Tivi
0 notes
tabathastan · 2 months
Bungo Stray Dogs
Bungo Stray Dogs x Scarlet Witch! Reader
If i was in Bungo Stray Dogs
Yan! PM Osuma Dazai
Dating Dazai Osamu would include
Dating Chuuya Nakahara would include
Chuuya Nakahara x PM! Blue! Scarlet Witch! Reader
Akutagawa Ryunosuke x Ex PM Partner! Reader
Dating Akutagawa Ryunosuke would include
Dating Yosano Akiko would include
(Coming soon)
Fyodor Dostoevsky x Scarlet Witch! Reader
(Coming soon)
(Coming soon)
(Coming soon)
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6rdxx · 9 months
Books read 2023
9 Nentori - Colleen Hoover
No Longer Human - Osuma Dazai
Qyteti i Fundit - Petro Marko
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