avarossso · 6 years
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A tribute art for Denis Ten. This is the Greatest Show!
Otabek Week Day 2: Olympics
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otabek-altin-week · 6 years
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Hello everyone - we’re back! We couldn’t let another year pass without a week of celebration for our best boy! So, we are proud to present to you Otabek Altin Week 2018!
Dates: October 25th - 31st, 2018
Tag: #otabekaltinweek2018 
Work should be centered around Otabek Altin, although other characters featured alongside him are welcome.
Tag your work with the tag #otabekaltinweek2018, and/or @ this blog so we can find and reblog you during the week.
Submission of work directly is also allowed, just follow the link in the blog.
SFW and NSFW content will be allowed, but please tag your NSFW (and we will too).
Any and all types of content are allowed, fanart, fanfic, edits, audio, cosplay, something we didn’t even think of, etc… whatever you like, create it!
Thursday, October 25th: Good Boy / Bad Boy
Friday, October 26th: Olympics / Adventure
Saturday, October 27th: Night Out / Night In
Sunday, October 28th: AU / Favorite Ship
Monday, October 29th:  Tattoos / Memories
Tuesday, October 30th: God of Victory / Destiny
Wednesday, October 31st: Birthday | Free day!
We reused some popular and fan favorite prompts from last year, as well as added some new ones for returning creators! As always, feel free to interpret these prompts any way you enjoy. This event is about having fun, being creative and celebrating Otabek!
We cannot wait to see what all of you come up with this year, and we hope you will have fun ! If you have any questions, our ask box is open. Our FAQ is also located here for reference!
[Event Mods: @kawaiilo-ren​ @djdaddybek and @yuri-purrsetsky​]
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ainitsuite-agape · 6 years
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This is a little something I drew for the Otabek’s birthday party my dear @mitty3000​ organised in Kyoto on the 31st of October! I wish I could have been there in person, but at least a part of me (and my heart) was there! :D 
And it goes really well with @otabek-altin-week || day 1 || Bad Boy ||
Some pics of the event under the cut! <3 thanks Mitty! <3
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darkhorsezine · 6 years
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Hi Everyone,
Greetings from Dark Horse Zine!
In honour of Otabek's birthday tomorrow, we will be having a final sale of the remaining zines and merch we have.  
All proceeds from this sale will be donated to the Denis Ten Foundation.
Kazakhstani figure skater and 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Bronze Medalist, Denis Ten, was the main inspiration for the creation of the character of Otabek Altin. He passed away on 19 July 2018. The Denis Ten Foundation was founded by his parents, Oxana and Yurii Ten, in order to preserve his legacy and continue to develop the many projects which Denis had begun during his life, including the establishment of the Denis Ten International Figure Skating Academy.    
If you do not intend to purchase from this sale but still wish to donate to the Foundation, please visit this page. All help is highly appreciated. 
The Dark Horse Zine donation sale will be hosted on darkhorsezine.bigcartel.com and will go live on 31 October 2018, 12:00 PM (EST). Stocks are very limited and each product will be sold individually so you can fill your carts with whichever items you want. You can find out more about the zine and merch items here. Shipments will be processed in the USA. For any concerns, please contact us at [email protected].
It has been more than a year since we launched this zine project and we continue to be deeply touched by all the support it has received. We hope you can support us one last time on this final ride.
👍 The Dark Horse Zine Team
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yuriplisetsky-rp · 6 years
Heartbreak and Victory
//Entry for Day Two of Otabek Altin 2018. The prompt choices were Olympics / Adventure, and I chose Olympics. Basically, Yuri gets hut before the Olympics, and can’t compete, so Otabek does it for them. I hope you enjoy!//
Otabek looked down at Yuri as soon as he hit the ice and knew immediately something was wrong. Every skater falls, no matter how good they were. It just happened from time to time. Yuri fell sometimes but always got back up, more determined than before. Since he was going through a major growth spurt at the moment, his jumps hadn’t been quite as secure as before, but he was still a force to be reckoned with.
This time, it had almost looked like Yuri’s blade had skid before coming out from underneath him, landing the blond on the ice hard. It had happened so fast, it was hard to tell. All he knew was that one minute he looked fine, and the next minute, his little love had fallen and had not gotten back up.
Otabek immediately skated over to him, his heart pounding so loud. “What’s wrong, Yura? What happened?” Yuri shook his head, wincing as he tried to push himself up, and unable to. It seemed to be his right hip which was given him trouble. “Okay, kitten, let’s go. I’m taking you to the hospital.” He gently picked him up, careful to keep his hip as still as possible. Viktor and Yuuri immediately followed, helping him take off Yuri’s skates as he carried him to Viktor’s car.
All the while, Yuri was whimpering and crying. “I can’t, I have to be okay, the Olympics are next month, I have to, I have to…” he would whine, burying his face into Otabek’s chest. It broke his heart seeing his love like this and knowing there was nothing he could to help him. Even a minor injury would most likely mean he was out of the Olympics.
The timing could not have been worse.
The prognosis wasn’t good. It was a hip sprain. Yuri would be off the ice for months. Next season would most likely be okay, but it would be at least six months before he was back to normal. The Olympics and Worlds were out of the question, as he would likely not even be able to walk for at least a couple months. In a split second, Yuri’s season had ended just like that.
Yuri barely spoke the entire way home. As Otabek got him settled in on the couch with the television and his laptop, Yuri was mostly quiet. It worried him because that was unlike him. Otabek sat next to him, wrapping his arm around him. “What I can do for you, kitten?” he asked.
Yuri shook his head. “I - I don’t know,” he said, his voice quiet. “I just… I don’t know what to do. How… how am I supposed to…” His voice started to break, tears started to come down his cheeks. “How am I supposed to just sit back and watch while everyone else competes? We were supposed to do this together!”
It broke Otabek’s heart, and he hated that there was nothing he could do to help him. He couldn’t make the injury go away. “What do you want me to do?” he asked, reaching a hand up and gently petting Yuri’s hair.
Yuri shook his head. “I - I don’t know…” he said, leaning into him. It was silent for a moment until Potya jumped up, curling up into her Papa’s lap. Yuri reached a hand up to pet her soft fur.
“Do you want me to stay home with you?”
“What?” He could feel Yuri’s eyes on him.  Otabek would do it, if Yuri asked him to. Yes, he wanted to make a name for Kazakhstan and this was his first Olympics, too, but… If Yuri asked, he would withdraw in a heartbeat to stay home and take care of him. “No, that’s not… that’s not what I want.”
He nodded. “Okay, Yuratchka, what do you want?” he asked.
“I want… If I can’t be there to kick their asses, then… do it for me?” Otabek looked down at him, meeting Yuri’s eyes. “Kick ass at the Olympics for me.” A small smile crossed Otabek’s face.  That sounded a lot more like the Yuri he knew and loved. It was the least he could do.
Otabek stood on the ice for the short program. His group included Christophe Giacometti, Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov, Jean-Jacques Leroy, and Phichit Chulanont. He skated third in the group. As his name was announced before the warmup, he was looking for Yuri the entire time. He was sitting with his mother and older sister in the audience with the families of the other skaters. He didn’t see him, but as he was doing his warm-up, he heard him as his name was announced again.
“The next skater in this warm-up group represents Kazakhstan, Otabek Altin.” As the words were translated into Korean, he heard that familiar yell - Yuri. “He is the 2016 World Bronze Medalist, a two-time Four Continents medalist, the 2017 Grand Prix Final Silver Medalist, a two-time Junior World Medalist, and a two-time Kazakhstan National Champion.” He was coming back around, and then he saw him. Yuri was screaming for him, and he saw that flash of blond hair. A smile crossed his face.
After the warm-up ended, he skated to the boards, putting on his skate guards and heading back. He took off his skates and continued to stay warm as he prepared to go back out on the ice. When he got back out onto the ice, he tried to drown out the sound of JJ’s scores as they were announced but failed. “And the scores, please… the short program score for Jean-Jacques Leroy of Canada… 114.95. He is currently in first place.”
Forget it, Altin, think about Yuri. He had to do this. He had to kick ass for Yuri. He had promised him. “Our next skater represents Kazakhstan…. Ladies and Gentlemen, give a round of applause for Otabek Altin.” As he skated, everything seemed to click. He thought about Yuri’s face through every jump, every step, every spin. When he ended in his final pose, he had never felt so good after a skate. The only thing that would make it better is if Yuri was competing with him.
This would have to do.
Otabek skated off the ice, putting on his skate guards as his coach told him what a good job he had done. He made his way over to the Kiss & Cry, as he waited for his scores. “The scores please… the short program score for Otabek Altin of Kazakhstan… 116.37.” He couldn’t keep the shock or happiness off his face. That was a personal best! The perfect time to do it. “He is currently in first place.” That thought hadn’t occurred to him, either, but he was in first place with three skaters left to skate.
Regardless of where he ended up, he was very proud of what he had done. He knew Yuri would be, too.
Otabek went backstage, and took off his skates, sitting around to wait for the final three skaters to skate. He had taken a moment to get out his phone to text Yuri and found several messages from him.
Yuri OMG you look so good out there
Yuri your warm-up looked awesome!
Yuri don’t worry about JJ, you’ll do great!
Yuri that program was fucking awesome!
Yuri that’s your highest score yet!
Otabek smiled, immediately texting him back.
Thank you, kitten. I’m glad you approve. I hope I made you proud.
Yuri’s reply was immediate.
You did. You were fucking amazing. I love you so much.
I love you, too, kitten.
Otabek watched as the final three skaters performed, and ended the night in third place. Third! The top six at the end of the night were:
Yuuri Katsuki JPN - 119.01
Viktor Nikiforov - RUS - 117.23
Otabek Altin - KAZ - 116.37
Jean-Jacques Leroy - CAN - 114.95
Christophe Giacometti - SUI - 111.05
Guang-hong Ji - CHN - 105.42
He had wanted to see Yuri right away, but he had interviews and the press conference so that would have to wait. He texted him, telling him to go back to the hotel room and wait because it might be a while. He hated all this shit, though, and would much rather be back with Yuri. It was part of the job, though, so he would do it.
Otabek was exhausted by the time he got back to their hotel room.  Yuri was laying in bed - he assumed his mother had helped him out, but she wasn’t here. The blond smiled as soon as he saw him. He went over, sitting on the bed next to him and wrapping his arms around him. “You were so good, you were so fucking good,” he said. “I wish I had been skating there with you, though.”
Otabek pressed a kiss to the side of Yuri’s face. “I know, I know, but I did it all for you,” he said. “You were all I was thinking about the entire time. I wanted you there with me.”
Yuri kissed him firmly. “You’re going to be awesome in the free, I just know.” He kissed him again. “And then I promise you, next year, I’ll give you a run for your fucking money. It’ll be you and me because let’s face it, Katsudon and Viktor will probably retire into domestic bliss. That’s what I want - you and me controlling the figure skating world.”
Otabek smiled, kissing Yuri back. He was glad to see some of his lover’s usual fire. “That’s what I like to hear.” He reached a hand up and pet his hair. “I know this is so incredibly hard for you, and you’re being so very strong. I will do everything I can for you to help you get better. Together, yes?” Yuri nodded.
Yes, together forever and always. No matter what.
The free skate was two days later, and Otabek skated last. He had to skate right after Viktor. Who the fuck decided that was a good idea? He skated last in his group, meaning it was a long wait for him. He heard Viktor’s scores, too, as he waited for his name to be called - it was high. He was second, though. He didn’t know who was leading but had to assume it was Yuuri.
He couldn’t think about that. He had to think about Yuri. Yuri was counting on him. He had to do this for Yuri. As Otabek took his place in the center of the ice, that was the only thing on his mind. As he went through the familiar moves of his free program, Yuri was in everything he did, every move he made. He could feel the energy in his program building, and through every jump, every flourish, it all seemed to be right.
When he finished, the crowd was cheering. He pretended he could hear Yuri screaming louder than everyone else, though he couldn’t. He skated off, putting on his skate guards before sitting in the Kiss and Cry with his coach. The scores were announced - 215.45. “He is currently in third place.” Third place. Third place! He had a medal! He was an Olympic Medalist.
He couldn’t wait to get done with the interviews and celebrate with Yuri, but they seemed to take forever. He knew that was how it worked, and that it wasn’t likely to stop because now he was an Olympic Medalist. He would figure all of that out later. As soon as he got back to the hotel, he felt better. Yuri was there waiting for him with open arms.
“I am so fucking proud of you,” he said into Otabek’s chest, which was sure to be tearstained. “You were so amazing.” Yuri lifted his head and kissed in between words. “You were perfect, and I’m so happy for you, and fuck that’s an Olympic Medal, your Olympic medal.”
Otabek chuckled, silencing Yuri with a kiss. “It was all for you, all of it,” he said. “This medal, that skate, everything.
“I will be there with you next time, I promise.”
“Then promise me you’ll start taking your pain meds and doing your exercises.” Yuri was silent. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed. You haven’t been yourself lately, and I get it, I do, but you need to take care of yourself. You always tell me that you’ll do it, but you don’t, and you won’t let me help you. I’ve been so wrapped up in everything, but I always notice you.”
Yuri was silent for a moment. “It’s just… hard. Watching you and everyone else do so well when I can’t even fucking walk, I -”
Otabek pressed a soft kiss to Yuri’s lips. “I know, kitten, but you won’t let me take care of you.”
“You’ve been busy.”
“I am never too busy for you, love.” He pressed another soft, lingering kiss to his boyfriend’s lips. “Let me help you.”
“I hate the medication. It makes me drowsy.”
“Then sleep. If it makes you heal, then who cares. I know you hate it, but it’s what’s necessary for you to get better.” Yuri nodded. “Will you let me help you now? Please, kitten?” Another nod from that blond head that he loved so much. “Okay. Good. Now, let me help you get undressed, then you can take half a dose now and then half a bit later, okay?” Yuri nodded, and Otabek pressed another kiss to the side of his face. “Let’s go, then.”
It wouldn’t be easy, but like everything, they would do it together.
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thymedraws · 6 years
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Otabek week day 1. Bad boy. Oh yeah, inspired by Welcome to madness.
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anonbaph · 6 years
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I’m so sorry, Otabek- I had to work better in you birthday-- but you are so difficult to draw D’= And I died looking for references.
> Days 3 [night out] and 1 [good boy] of @otabek-altin-week
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otabangbang · 6 years
((So I am...GONNA TRY to fully participate in Otabek Altin week. We’ll see how it goes as tomorrow will be pretty busy. Today’s prompt is Good Boy/Bad Boy!)) If he had wanted to be a bad boy, a real trouble maker, Otabek easily could have been. After the letdown that was the training camp in Russia he had moved off to North America while feeling desperate and weak. It had to change. He worked on himself - and not just in skating. Otabek hit the gym for one. He starting working out, wanting to be better, stronger. He looked at the other boys around him. Who held envy and respect? Who was avoided and who was included? No, he didn't want all of that exactly. Respect was his biggest goal after he failed to achieve what he wanted overseas. Guys in sports were well liked. They were also very outgoing and popular, more-so than he ever wanted to be. Oh sure, he wanted to be known and all that, but he didn't want people crowding him and sucking up to him. It was shameful. And so, being that he very much was in a sport, he looked for something to help him on the side.
Otabek liked the look of the leather jacket, how a man in black with short dark hair seemed to say he was tough and smart about certain ways of the world. He liked the fingerless gloves, the way they made him feel. The classic bad boy look, he learned, was a thing he very much admired. He was a figure skater and clueless people acted as though that wasn't much of a sport, so it was doubly important to convey how strong and intimidating it really was.
When he lived in Quebec and was friends with JJ, he really found his place.
Wearing that sort of fashion attracted some less desirable acquaintances. He liked them okay at first, the group of guys who would start talking to him at the college dining hall and shoot the shit with him before class. They too wore similar clothes, their ears pierced, other things too. They were older than him by a few years and though he told himself he wasn't a little flattered by their attention, he kind of was.
"Shot before class?" he recalled one asking him once outside of one of the building. Otabek had to process the English spoken with a French accent before he shook his head no. "C'mon, makes Bruno's rambling on maths more bearable," he pressed.
Otabek said no again, he had a test that day and to keep with the funds he had for his training and living, he needed to keep grades up. The other student shrugged and dribbled out what he was sure was a slur, but he didn't ask him to clarify.
He told little white lies for a few of the boys, let them cheat off his homework. When they cursed out another student or a teacher, he didn't say anything even if he wasn't really okay with it. Whenever they suggested something a little sleazier - drinking behind a building, picking wallets, finding a drunk girl - he would say he had something to do.
One evening he was headed for the school housing he used when he saw two of the men with a tall, lanky kid from Ontario who was interested in sports commentary. The rougher of the two, a muscular guy named Marc with greasy brown hair and an eyebrow piercing, had him backed against the side of  the arts building.
"Shitstain owes me some money from last week," Marc explained, shoving the guy who looked anxious. "Spotted him for lunch."
"Just lunch?" Otabek asked with a huff and Marc gave him an annoyed look.
"It was still money - get him Otabek!"
That small moment of conversation was enough for the poor kid against the wall to start to break away. He met Otabek's eye briefly, and for a moment Otabek did nothing.
Then he suddenly grabbed the kid by the arm, pushed him quickly and forcefully back and slammed him up against the wall. His head went back and hit the wall, bouncing forward as he let out a loud cry. Otabek's forearm was pressed on his chest, keeping him there. It felt exciting for maybe a second.
"Woah!" Marc howled in laughter and slapped Otabek's back. "Damn kid, didn't think you had it in you! Punch this pissant in the gut!."
Otabek almost did, knowing he could hit him pretty hard. He'd already slammed him into the wall. It didn't feel good. And so, he released him and stepped back.
"What, your balls not fully dropped?" Marc teased and his little friend laughed too.
"Wasn't my money, why am I punching him?" Otabek replied with a shrug. It was the first way out he could think of.
Marc looked like he was going to respond when he heard a loud and familiar voice yelling to him. "Hey! OTABEK!"
Everyone picked their heads up to see JJ, standing there grinning like a dufus. "JJ?" Otabek responded.
"What're you doing with that Gaspesie trashbag?" JJ asked, still grinning as Marc fumed. "Come on, let's get outta here."
"Mmmhmm, coming," Otabek answered, because he'd rather hang out with JJ. Even if JJ was obnoxious, his warm, spirited nature at times helped Otabek feel rooted. Plus, he had a lot of games, movies, and expensive food.
As Otabek walked toward JJ the victim behind him followed, the two thugs angrily stewing since they had no desire to be seen beating someone up. He didn't stick with Otabek and JJ but took off. Years down the road he'd help Otabek with paperwork for a competition.
"The hell you doing with them, Otabek?" JJ asked him and pinched at his leather jacket. "You don't have to act like them cause you kinda dress like them."
"I wasn't," Otabek said simply.
"Good, you're too damn good for them. It's more fun to beat someone in honest competition anyway." JJ wasn't wrong. "Anyway I got a new game and no one to play with! Come over you jerk. It's been a while."
Otabek smiled despite himself.
He stopped talking to Marc and his pals. Two months later they were kicked out of the college for arson and he never saw them again anyway.
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crystalline-kai · 6 years
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I got this done on time! 💪🏽 Done for Otabek's birthday today and it's also for prompt of the last day of @otabek-altin-week as well~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST BOY~~ 💚💚💚
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avarossso · 6 years
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Had fun with this piece, although in the end I had no idea where this was heading, but it turned out nice-ish? I’m going in reverse for Otabek Week just cuz XD
Otabek Altin Week Day 6: God of Victory
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ainitsuite-agape · 6 years
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Catching up with @otabek-altin-week || day 2 || Night out || 
Gotta love dj Otabek <3 I’m happy this year I managed to have time to show my love to this Kazakh boy who stole my heart 2 years ago, and still he’s not planning to give it back. Plus I’m using him as an excuse to try a different style of digital painting. 
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ao3feed-yurionice · 6 years
The Path Here
by Gia_Sesshoumaru
Otabek and Yuri reminisce about the long path there on their wedding day.
Words: 716, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Otabek Altin Week 2018
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Otabek Altin, Yuri Plisetsky
Relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
Additional Tags: Fluff, Wedding Fluff, Wordcount: 500-1.000, Aged-Up Character(s), Aged-Up Yuri Plisetsky, Aged-Up Otabek Altin, Future Fic, Alternate Universe - Future, otabekaltinweek2018, Day Six: Destiny, Yuri Wears A Wedding Dress
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/16462304
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yuriplisetsky-rp · 6 years
The Path Here
//And here’s the entry for Day SIx of Otabek Altin Week 2018! The prompt was God of Victory / Destiny and I chose Destiny. I was a bit light with the prompt, but I think it works. Dedicated to @theviktornikiforov-rp who helped me come up with the idea because I was stuck! 
Basically, Yuri and Otabek talk about the road to getting together on their wedding day  And yes, Yuri wears a wedding dress.//
“You look amazing.” Otabek gazed at Yuri as he turned around and smiled at him.
“Aren’t you supposed to wait to see me until the wedding?”
A chuckle escaped his lips. “I think after everything we’ve been through, I can see you now. And I’m glad I did. If the first time I saw you in that dress was you walking down towards me at the altar, I don’t think I could handle it.” He glanced him over from head to toe, and couldn’t believe that gorgeous creature wanted to marry him.
Yuri’s dress was ivory, and tight down to his knees. It flared out a bit at the bottom. The neckline of the dress was There was heavy beading around the neckline. The neckline had a bit of illusion at the top. The dress itself had intricate beading all through it, down into the skirt and the train. The back was mostly bare, except two pieces of fabric were connected in the middle, giving a bit of a peephole effect for the lower back. Buttons went down the bottom part of the dress, right down Yuri’s ass. The dress hugged his soon-to-be husband in all the right places and made his heart skip a beat. With the heels he was wearing that Otabek couldn’t see, he was a lot taller than him, but couldn’t care less.
“Do you approve?” Yuri did a little turn so that he could see every inch. “Worth the wait?”
“Yes, you’re gorgeous, but then again, you always are,” he said, “and you are absolutely worth the wait.”
Yuri gave a heartwarming smile. “You know, you might not have had to wait.”
Otabek sighed. Yes, he knew full well that when they met he had been an idiot. “Yes, I know. I was - “
“A moron, stupid, thoughtless -”
“Yes, Yura, all of those things and more, especially because I hurt you.” While it was old news now, he still hated that it had happened at all. Things could have been different for the two of them… He had been scared. Terrified of how deeply and quickly attached to Yuri he had become after they met again at the GP Final. “I was scared, and I let that fear control me.”
“There was no reason to be, but I was scared, too,” Yuri said, walking towards him.
He nodded. “I know that. I just… though it was too soon, and I was afraid that we were rushing into things,” he said, though he’d already told him that before. “You were so young, and I thought there was no way it could work out. I wasn’t sure I could take that…” Yuri had captivated him so completely, even at that age.
Yuri just smiled at him. “Well, you did finally propose… granted, it took you five years after we met.” The smile turned into a smirk.
Otabek chuckled, closing the space between them. He slipped his hand around the blond’s waist, feeling his bare skin there. “At least I realized my mistake, because if not, then we wouldn’t be here at all now, would we?”
Yuri laughed before wrapping his arms around his neck. “That is very true, even if it did take you two and a half years of unresolved tension and arguments and distance to finally ask me out on a proper date,” he said. “And if I recall, we kissed a few times in there, too, and yet, still, you kept - “
Otabek figured he had talked enough, and moved one hand swiftly to the back of Yuri’s head, his long blond hair done up in an intricate updo, and brought him down into a searing kiss. The words died, of course, and his soon-to-be husband eagerly kissed him back. Slowly, he drew back, and Yuri chased his lips, seeming to be aching for more.
“Regardless of the journey here, you are mine.” There was that smile again. “You were always going to be mine, no matter how long it took, because the moment I saw you again, I knew somehow, you and I were destined to be together.” That’s why he had been so scared because he had known he would fall in love with that boy somehow.
“Yes, I am all yours. Always and forever, Beka.”
“Always and forever.”
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otabangbang · 6 years
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((So like...I didn't have time to draw or write tonight in between trick or Treating and drunk mario.
The plush pillow mask does nothing to hide the boobs. Happy birthday Beka!))
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avarossso · 6 years
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Happy Birthday, Hero!
So, I think I made it for Otabek’s Birthday. Had to rush this one first before the rest of the submission, just cuz it’s O T A B E K ‘ S  B I R T H D A Y ! ! !
Subtle OtaYuri hint, wink-wink.
I-I’ll try to complete the rest of the submissions for Otabek Week but first, this! Cruisin’ pass the Monument of Independence (and I hope I didn’t butcher the building?)
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