aichu-ojo · 5 years
FANFIC: Before I go... (KBTBB) -
REQUEST by b________s: 
“Do you know about the hanahaki disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. How about mc having this condition because she thought that it was a one sided love from her to eisuke. Can you make this angsty please because I love to see a desperate eisuke”
I am really sorry for the late story..!!
Yes, I have heard of it and the story idea, sounds so Eisuke!! No lie- I actually enjoyed writing this one a little too much. I haven’t been this excited for a fanfic for a while so, Yippy!! Plus, I got to build off the MC a little more to be brave and dramatic more.
MAIN: Eisuke = Doctor | MC = Middle Class Family Wealth 
TIMELINE: Edo Era in Japan - 1800′s
CONTAINS SMUT** Please read with Caution.
Another day has come.
I hear the birds chirping as I open my eyes.
“I’m still alive,” with a low voice.
Turning my head towards the window to see birds outside flying. I finally sit up on my bed and see that Spring is almost here. The buds on the sakura’s are finally blooming and it makes me wonder if I will last that long. I suffer from special disease called, “Hanahaki,” which has been said to curse victims in this town randomly and I happen to be a long term victim of this curse. It started when I noticed my feelings for a particular man in the town which I didn’t even know I had feelings for. I thought that I have been in love before but apparently, I have not like this.
**Knock knock**
“Yes,” I sit up straight.
“______,” mother calls, “Doctor Eisuke is here to check up on you this morning.”
ALREADY?! It’s barely noon?! I start to feel the heat rise in my body and look at my hands to see sakura petals on my skin. Another attack? Already..?! I start to feel my chest tightening and before I can reply, the door slams open.
“_____!!!” Eisuke calls out to me.
“Ei-,” before I can finish his name, he pushes me down and frantically looks for the medicine. 
I look over to see my mother’s panicked face. I smile trying to ease her but I feel like I’m just making her feel worse with my attack happening.
“Here,” Eisuke leans over and gives me the pill to eat.
I try my hardest to take it but I can feel my throat swelling and I cough it right out of my mouth.
Hearing my mother weep, I try to sit up but before I could, Eisuke leans in and kisses me. I can feel his tongue opening my mouth and as I did, a gush of liquid came rushing in that tasted bitter. I gulped it down as his tongue wandered inside my mouth playing with my tongue. As I slowly reciprocate the feeling of his tongue inside my mouth, I can feel the medicine working and my attack is slowly going away.
Eisuke pulls away slowly from out mouth to mouth contact, the tip of our tongues pull away, and I can feel the heat in my cheeks rising.
“Feel better,” as his hand reaches to touch my cheeks.
Nodding in confirmation, I lean my head into his hand, closing my eyes wishing this moment never ends. This is the man I long for. This feeling inside me keeps growing as we spend more time together even if it is just these simple and normal check ups. I start to doze off from this feeling and fell asleep. Hours Later, I finally wake again.
I didn’t even get to spend time with Eisuke today.
I make my way down the hall and hear my mother and father laughing. I rush over wondering if we had company or relatives visiting. As soon as I turn the corning, I see Eisuke sitting across from my parents at the table.
“Eisuke,” I exclaimed surprise and happy.
“_____,” gesturing me over to her side.
As I walk over, my father starts to speak.
“_____, after talking to Doctor Ichinomiya about your condition and how it is worsening, we thought it might be best if you went to stay with him for the time being.”
I cannot help but be shocked at what my father proposed.
“To be honest,” Eisuke says as I turn my head his way, “I am the one who offered them the idea since your attacks are happening more frequently nowadays.”
“_____,” my mother grabs my hand, “What do you say?”
I look down and start to think.
It’s not like I want to die and to think that Eisuke is willing to go this far to try to save my life. We all know it is only a matter of time before I subcome to this disease knowing that my love will never be returned as the man before probably doesn’t have any romantic feelings towards me. To make my parents not worry, I agree to these terms and start to pack few of my things to take with me. It’s been 2 weeks living at the Ichinomiya House and my attacks have reduced to happening only once every 2-3 days. From what Eisuke said, the only known way to cure this disease is if I get the one I desire romantically to return my feelings for me. Of course, he asked me who it was and I couldn’t tell him that it was him. We have been arguing about this personal matter since the day I came because I started to feel more of an experiment now than a patient for him.
But as the days passed these past couple of weeks, I came to understand a little more about Eisuke. Wither every small bicker, we tend to learn more about each other and I cannot help but fall for him more a little everyday. I was okay with him not returning my feelings since I got to spend these past 2 weeks in bliss. Even the smallest interaction made me happy.
It was the afternoon of week 3 and I finished cleaning the dishes.
“_____,” Eisuke calls me from his office, “Coffee.”
I rush over to the kitchen and make him his coffee. This is the only task I get from him throughout the day. Apparently, I make very good coffee? I never made this ‘coffee’ until I came to this house. I wonder if it is ‘good’ coffee as he claims?
As I finish, I slowly grab the cup and walk carefully to his office.
Knocking on his door, he gestures me to come in.
“Here you are Eisuke,” Happily.
“You need to be more efficient next time,” taking the cup out of my hand, “Still too slowly at making coffee.”
“Well,” pouting, “I am still new at this ‘coffee’ making so you will have to make due with whatever time I bring you coffee.”
As I turn away, Eisuke grabs me by the waist pulling me in. Unbalanced, I fall back and land on his lap.
I feel the heat in my face rise as I sit on Eisuke’s Lap.
I dare not to look at him.
“Daily check up.”
Turning my head, I finally make eye contact with Eisuke, and I feel nothing but embarrassed. I was way over my head thinking something else. “Hey Mr. Doctor~!”
I try to get up and leave but Eisuke has me held down with one arm. How strong can this man be with one arm?
“Get out Baba,” Eisuke scolds.
“Come on,” as he walks in from the terrace, “I was just coming by to check on the little princess you hold captive in your castle.”
“You cannot be mad at anyone but yourself for this Eisuke,” Soryou proclaims as he makes his was inside as well.
“Good Afternoon everyone,” I say shyly as I am held against my will on Eisuke’s Lap.
“Aww,” Ota says sarcastically, “Showing affection so early in the day are we Eisuke?”
“Can you please stop,” Officer Mamoru says, “It’s weird.”
Eisuke gets up with me in his arm carrying me as he walks away.
“Dare to follow me and you’ll know the consequences,” he announces. As he walks carrying me, I start to tell Eisuke to put me down.
“Your request has been denied.”
As we make it to Eisuke’s Bedroom, He closes the door behind him and puts me down on the bed.
“Wha-,” before I could finish.
“Check up,” as he takes out an extra pair of stethoscope from his night stand.
“Oh,” looking down at the floor, “Right.”
As I start to undo my obi a bit, I can feel Eisuke’s eyes staring at me. I’ve never been more embarrassed and shy doing a check yet until today. Knowing that we are in his bedroom just makes the blood rush to my head. As I start to dwell on this feeling, my breathing becomes irregular and my chest starts to tighten.
“An attack,” as Eisuke grabs a hold of me.
“I’m... sorry,” I try to hold myself up.
Eisuke lays me down on the bed and I start to grab my chest as I feel the pain swelling up. Something’s different about this attack. I can feel it. It feels deeper like someone stabbed me in the lungs as I gasp for air.
I see Eisuke above me as he leans in and kisses me. This is only the second time we’ve done this since the day I left home. I can feel the liquid flowing in as his tongue dives into my mouth. I shyly pull back but it doesn’t stop Eisuke from forcing himself gently down on me.
As our tongue start to slowly dance and feel each other, I start to feel a little bit of weight off my chest but it still hurts. No sooner does Eisuker pull away from my lips to see that the sakura markings are still on my skin.
“Are you still having an attack?”
“I don’t know,” as I look at my hands, “What’s happening to me?”
“Maybe,” as he slowly leans in towards me.
I have no idea what is going on but before I could speak, Eisuke’s hands start to caress the sides of my body, completely taking apart my obi while placing his head in-between my neck. I start to arch my back when I feel Eisuke’s lips kissing my neck gently at the same time as his hands make contact with my skin on my chest. I can feel the bottom of my stomach throbbing he slowly starts to caress my breast with his large hands. I can’t take this anymore so I try to wiggle my way out and Eisuke starts to chuckle lifting his head out of my neck.
“Where are you going?” Smirking down on me.
Frantically panting, I answer panically, “I don’t know,” as my eyes start to water, “But this is too much for me..!”
As I start to close my eyes, I hear Eisuke say, “Not enough you mean?”
No sooner, does his lips meet mines. Our kiss deepens as our tongues dancing violently with each other like we have never done this before. His hands slowly cups my breast, gently massaging, making me yelp.
“Ah,” moaning inside our breathe from all the kissing, “...Eisu-,” cutting me off with a forcefully kiss covering my mouth.
My legs start to twist as the throbbing gets deeper.
Pulling away from the kiss, I yelp, “No more” trying to push him away, “Please..!”
I feel Eisuke’s stop, pulling away from every inch of my body.
“You marks are gone,” he says walking towards the doors and out.
I lay their wondering what was happening to me before making my way out the bedroom joining the guys out on the terrace. 
The next days, I wake up to find Eisuke missing. He left me note on the dining table stating that he went to go find the special herb for my disease with the guys in the mountain and won’t be back until the late evening. With that said, I decided to do some cleaning in the house.
It’s been 4 days since he left and I only had on attack since his trip. It wasn’t crazy and very mild. My medicine is almost out so I pray for their soft return soon since I do not know when my next attack will be.
I hear ruckus outside the terrace and I see the guys coming.
“Welcome back,” I exclaimed.
Overjoyed, Baba says, “I’m back my wife,” while running towards me.
Before I jumped back, someone from behind says, “Don’t touch what’s mines.”
Baba immediately stops in his tracks and I see Eisuke standing behind him with a frown. Baba tells Eisuke that it was just a joke and that he should lighten up. I start to laugh as this goes on. Slowly, everyone starts to go home for the night as I finish cleaning and I hear Eisuke call for me.
“_____. Come to my office.”
I stop in my tracks and start heading to his office.
“Yes Eisuke,” peeking in questioning him.
“We didn’t find anymore of the herb to make more of your medicine with to suppress the effects of the hanahaki. Whatever we have is the last of it,” he says in a low grunge voice.
I don’t dwell too much as I knew that it was a long shot to begin with. I march over to EIsuke, answering with a smile, “Thank you for trying to find more and for everything.”
Eisuke looks at me confused and angry, “Why are you not mad?”
“There is nothing to be mad about,” I calmly try to say.
While Eisuke gets frustrated, I grab his hand and tell him, “I knew it was wishful thinking that this medicine was going to last me a lifetime,” trying to hold back my tears, “But I’m glad that I got to meet you and the guys before I go.”
Grabbing my hand in return, Eisuke stands up and starts dragging me to his bedroom. Once we enter, he tosses me on the bed. Confused, I try to sit up but I was too slow as Eisuke is on top of me in bed.
“Eisuke...?” I can see the irritation in his facial expression.
His eyes are narrow and his mouth is not frowning but his glare is so intimidating that I just lay there, motionless.
“You,” sighing, “Really think I don’t know who you like?”
I look at him confused as I never really told him since all we did was bicker.
“Just say you love me....”as he glares at me.
My cheeks start to burn as I look dumbfounded. HE KNOWS?! How?! With all my might, I deny it in all possible ways I can by words and action. As I slowly begin to lash out, Eisuke pins one on my arms down by the wrist.
With this sudden action, I stare at him as he leans.
“Just tell me,” he says with a lower husky voice.
Closing my eyes tightly, I shut my mouth as I fear the rejection but then I feel the aching in my chest and then suddenly, I start heaving.
Another attack? Already?! I just had one yesterday and it wasn’t even this strong..!
I grab my chest with my free hand and Eisuke takes no chance. Gettin off, He rushes to grab the medicine and starts to open the bottle. Looking at my hands, the sakura markings are there but darker. They are not the bright pink but a dark dusty pink. The pain starts to build up as it gets harder to gasp for air.
“_____!!!” Eisuke starts to panic.
Staring back at him with whatever conscious I have left, his facial starts to become blurry and then I felt his warmth on my lips.
With little strength I have left, all I feel is Eisuke’s tongue pushing all the liquid inside my mouth. Pulling away, I start to feel light headed but the pain in my chest is still there. Is this the end?
I can breathe but I can also tell my Eisuke’s expression that the markings still haven’t gone away.
“....it’s....okay....” As I try saying with any strength I have left. I can tell he isn’t satisfied with my response so I ask him, “...could I...ask...for....one last... memory...if I...can?”
Grabbing my hand, he just stares at me.
“...please...make me...yo-,” before finishing, I feel Eisuke’s lips on mines give me nothing more than a long kiss with all his warmth.
Slowly, our lips separate and I stare long at Eisuke.
Reaching for my cheek with his hand, I lean towards is hand and place my face into his palm as he caresses my cheek.
“Shut up,” mumbling under his breath as I enjoy the moment. Sitting me up, Eisuke starts to slowly loosen my obi to my kimono from the back. His cool hands brush against my hot shoulders while pulling down my kimono off which makes me moan unconsciously under my breath.
“Look up at me _____.” His voice is lower than usual.
I lift my head up and our eyes meet. Lowering his head down, I start to close my eyes and I feel our lips touch gently repetitively before Eisuke begins eating me whole. As this goes on, my kimono starts to fall off my shoulder. Just the thought of being completely naked in front of Eisuke get the heat rising inside of me. I start to feel the throbbing in-between my legs.
His hands slowly explores my backside up and down making me shiver and moan.
“Ahh,” I cry without holding back.
“I like that sound,” he proclaims as I catch my breath in-between our kisses.
Slowly, I lean back, falling as Eisuke leans on top of me.
“....EIsuke...” Catching my breath.
Climbing on top of me, he steals my breath more kissing me deeply and I wrap my arms around Eisuke’s neck. Pulling away from out deep kiss, Eisuke sits up and stares at my body. Embarrassed, I use my hands and arms to cover my body.
“What are you embarrassed about?” As he starts to take off his top.
“...um, I...” Flustered, “...I know...my body isn’t...”
Eisuke’s hand reaches down grabbing my hand pulling it to his face, kissing the palm, “It’s beautiful,” he says as we both make eye contact.
The heat starts to rise in me and my eyes start to water.
Releasing my hand, “This is not going to be the last time I see your beautiful body.”
I stare up with my blurry eyes, respond, “I don’t even know if I’ll make it after today so maybe it will be.”
Feeling Eisuke’s hands touching my bare body, I freeze from the embarrassment and shyness. Suddenly, my waist up in the air, I screech from my voice.
“Don’t worry,” He says as I feel his breath near my honey pot, “This isn’t going to be the last time.”
As I shyly protest for him to stop, suddenly, I feel his tongue gently gliding along my honey pot, rounding my clit, and making it’s way inside. I can’t hold my voice back anymore as he continues to make me cry in pleasure from his tongue teasing me.
“Eisuke...!! Ahhh,” I try to push his head away from me bottom, “Nmmh... I can’t....!! Ahhhh~!!”
As I keep protesting, He goes deeper inside me with his tongue while teasing my clit with his finger. As I feel the tension rise inside me, I beg him even more to stop.
“Cum for me,” he mumbles as he continues to satisfy me below.
Before long, I submit to the feeling and cum in front of Eisuke’s Face.
Embarrassed and out of breath, I cover my face.
“Are you not going to tell me?’
I uncover my eyes and see that Eisuke is staring back at me. I guess he must be talking about me liking him. I shake my head in response. 
Riling Eisuke up, he gets frustrated with by spouting, “If you won’t tell me, then I’ll have your body tell me instead.”
I feel Eisuke’s shaft rubbing me below as it starts to hit my clit as well and I start to arch my back as I can feel my body craving his cock inside me. 
“Tell me,” he groans, “that you love me.”
I start to get frustrated as I begin to cave in slowly. I want to tell him but I’m afraid of getting rejected so I bite my tongue and turn my head away.
“Fine,” as he adjusts himself at my entrance, “I’ll force it out of you.”
I feel him spreading me inside and lunges himself deep within me. Gasping for air, I feel the heat of his cock spreading inside of me. It feels so good, it makes me give in to all the pleasure.
“Not yet,” as he thrust me once.
“AHH~!!” I yelp loudly.
“_____,” he says while reaching to my face with his hand.
He leans forward being on top of me while connected. He stares at me while my eyes start to water a bit.
“Just, please... Just tell me...”
I smile back and he just bites his lips and starts thrusting inside me. With each thrust, my mind slowly begins to go blank from all the pleasure. Then, his thrust started getting rougher slowly like he was trying to tell me something. Slowly lifting my waist up, I feel him going deeper inside me and I couldn’t contain my moans anymore.
“Wa-WAIT...! Ahh~, Eisuke!!!”
“Pl-Please..! I’m, I’m begging you...! Ahhhh~!! Mnhhm....!!”
As I feel myself loosing to this feeling, I just bask in it the pleasure.
“I’m cumming...!”
Thrusting inside me aggressively, a big wave of satisfying pleasure comes over me.
“...I...Love you...Eisuke...” I say before I faint.
If this was my last moment, I don’t mind it being with Eisuke, the man I love. I hear birds chirping.
Opening my eyes, “It’s..morning..?”
I feel someone next to me and turn to see Eisuke, Laying there, sleeping. A rush of memories start to flood in my brain as I start to remember what happened last night. I confessed my love to Eisuke.
But if I didn’t die, How am I alive?
Then I start to remember what Eisuke said about the cure... Does he love me?
Slowly, as I try to get off the bed, Eisuke grabs me by the waist pulling me back in bed.
“Be quite. I’m still tired.” says pulling me in to cuddle.
“Um, Eisuke...”
Giving me the silent treatment.
“Um,” I try asking nicely, “Do you... Do you love me..?”
I lay there waiting to hear a reply but I get nothing. Then suddenly, he pulls me under him while he is on top. Staring down at me, I stare back.
“You’re alive are you not?”
Wait- is this a trick question? I want to hear him say it... I did last night.
“Do you Eisuke? Do you love me?” I start to doubt it now.
“Ugh...” He starts to sigh. “Really?”
Reaching my hands to hold his face, “Eisuke,” as we stare at each others eyes, “I love you. I love you so much I can di-..!”
Eisuke kisses me to shut me up. I can feel his tongue dancing with mines, ravaging my mouth of any words that may come out. I start gasping for air and push his face off of mines.
“_____,” as I stop pushing his face off of mines, “I love you. Don’t go dying without my permission now okay.”
Stunned at his answer, I barely fight back anymore as we lock lips again giving into the wave of pleasure to this love. ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ
Thank you for reading.
Slowly getting the hang of this FANFIC but if you have any suggestions or tips about these stories, comment please.
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itsfrany · 1 year
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Made you look~!! I have Shorts On~
But would you be interested in seeing me with nothing??
14 notes · View notes
itsfrany · 1 year
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Come join me in bed please?
It’s okay. It’s the weekend. We can stay in bed all day.
11 notes · View notes
itsfrany · 1 year
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I do not just SIMPLY “Wake up”
I roll around in bed because I’m a Night Owl.
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itsfrany · 1 year
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Which view is better?? Top or look at me ON top??
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itsfrany · 1 year
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Selfie. Selca. Just me. Hi there.
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itsfrany · 7 months
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Hi. It’s been a while.
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itsfrany · 1 year
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Anyone curious…
I’ve been stuck on Genshin Impact.
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aichu-ojo · 6 years
FANFIC: Running Out of Patience (KBTBB)
“May I get a request about Eisuke and the MC being frisky in bed but the MC takes the lead this time. Thanks.”
- I love Eisuke, honestly, one of my favorite characters of all time in Voltage next to Minato (OTBS), Toma (IR), and Takahisa (RITE). I, personally, do not like the MC’a personality overall but she has a buildable character. Hopefully, this FANFIC feels your desire well and meets standards.
- This story takes place before the wedding and after the Engagement.
Eisuke and I are getting ready to leave for one of his glamour party tonight. I just finished putting on the dress today and honestly, it is has a lot more coverage than most dresses he tells me to wear for these events. It’s a little white dress with white laced sleeves and it makes me think of a wedding dress.
“Eisuke...” He turned his head around and I said with a questionable remark, “This dress isn’t particularly your style...”
“Tonight’s event is a birthday party for the Wife of the Jeweler who we met a while back. She’s lady-like and a women of etiquette.”
He doesn’t seem to happy about the situation but I’m actually really glad that I am wearing something that even I would pick out for myself. Makes me happy that it sort of matches my style a bit.
We soon arrived at the party and as soon as we walked in, the jeweler man walked over and greeted us both.
“Ichinomiya!! Glad you and your fiancé could join us today!”
I looked over at Eisuke and he has his business face on responding with a fake smile, “Thank you for inviting us. I hope your wife is enjoying her birthday party.”
I smiled in response while looking around to see that all the ladies here are dressed sexy a bit. Wondering where the jeweler’s wife was since she was suppose to be lady-like, I start to feel out of place but then all the lights go out and we look over to see a 4 tier cake come out with candles lit on it. We are all singing happy birthday but Eisuke (obviously) who is just standing next to me being quite. A single light shines on the wife and she is wearing a sleeved dress with flowers on it and she was a lady of etiquette. She blew out her candles and everyone cheered.
The party continued and before I knew it, she tapped my shoulder and asked me who I was.
“I am _____. Fiancé of Ichinomiya Eisuke ma’am.”
“THEE Ichinomiya,” she exclaimed.
I didn’t know she felt that ‘way’ about him although I’m not really sure what way at this point. I felt lost so I turned to find that Eisuke was nowhere near me. My eyes started wandering, looking for him.
“Honey, I see you have met _____,” her husband says.
“Are you sure that she is Ichinomiya’s fiancé,” and honestly, I can see why she would ask that. He is pretty much a control freak when it comes to his “belongings” and doesn’t like to negotiate.
I smile with all my heart answering her, “Yes I am.”
Her face lit up like stars and she was so happy, she started giggling to herself.
“I’m glad he has someone like you in his life. Keep loving him with all your heart. He needs it.”
All I could do is smile from her words alone. Of course I love him, we have been through so much together now.
Realizing that Eisuke has been gone for too long from my side for a while, I decided to search for him only to spot him at the bar drinking alone near a group of guys.
I rushed over to him and he just smiles at me. Is he actually, tipsy..?
“Who might you be,” one of the guys stopped me to ask.
“She’s mine.”
Eisuke yanks me in with one arm around my waist up to his side and my face hits his chest. He finishes his drink by slamming his cup on the bar and starts to drag me as we leave the party.
“Ei-EISUKE,” I shouted but he doesn’t stop and keeps dragging me.
We arrive at the elevator and instead of going down, we end up going up.
“Where are we going?”
He doesn’t respond so I keep asking that question over and over. The elevator dinged and we walked out to rush over to one of the hotel rooms that Eisuke carded us to go in.
Before the room door closed, Eisuke’s hands slowly slid down my sides to my waist and pulled me in his embrace. He was rough but gentle with his movement. I felt his bulge and the blood started to rush to my head.
His mouth covered mines before I could even say his name or anything else.
Our kisses got rougher as we continued to search deep inside each other’s mouth with our tongue and I slowly started running out of breath. My knees buckled and before I fell, Eisuke caught me in his arms.
Carrying me like a princess in his arm, he lays me face forward on the bed and starts to unzip the dress slowly with his teeth on my zipper. I can feel his hot breath on my back from the slow unzipping and I cannot help but moan into the bed. I can hear him chuckling from my embarrassment.
“_____. What about me?”
I freeze from that comment and feel his weight lift off the bed. I whipped my head around just to see him start stripping off his shirt, taking off his belt, and loosening his pant’s button. I cannot help but lower my eyes to his bulge as he started to undress.
He sat down near the head board of the bed and pointed at his crotch suggestively.
“Here,” smirking at me.
This was the first time he has wanted me to please him and I couldn’t help but be eager at the idea to make him feel good. I crawled over, adjusted my face near his crotch, to find his zipper so I could unzip him. As I finished unzipping, I started to pull down his brief and pants just to watch his erect cock whip out almost hitting my face. I couldn’t help but stare at it. I wasn’t shy nor embarrassed. I slowly started to feel excited and before I knew it, my mouth was on his member while my hand was on his shaft stroking it gently.
“_____....” he groaned as he started to pull my hair out of my face holding it.
I pulled my mouth away to overlap the tip with my tongue and he started to grunt.
I’ve never felt anything like this before and before I knew it, my patience was running out. I wanted to please him like he does to me.
I took his cock all the way into my mouth while my hands started to focus on massaging his balls. His grip on my hair got tighter and he started to thrust himself inside my mouth slowly. The heat between my legs grew hotter by the second as I pleased Eisuke.
“Fuck _____..”
Tears start to form in the corner of my eyes and he pulls out his cock from my mouth. I try to catch my breath and Eisuke pulls down my dress and starts sucking my breast. While my moans filled the room, with technique, Eisuke pulled of the rest of my clothes, chucked them to the floor, and started to spread my legs.
He stared at me while my eyes were tearing up. While adjusting himself, I could feel the tip near my clit and entrance. The heat inside me started to make me crazy. Teasing his cock near my entrance, I begged him, “Eisuke, please~!! I want it..!”
He smirked at me telling me, “That’s my girl,” while spreading my insides with his impressive size and with just that one lunge, I felt so satisfied.
“_____. It’s my turn to please you.” He thrusted himself in me and my moans started to become louder and louder with each thrust as the pleasure started to get intense and satisfying inside me.
Before my moans got too loud, Eisuke covered my mouth with his and our tongues began dancing. With his hands making its way to my breast, every inch of me was drowning in pleasure. With all this pleasure, I clenched down on Eisuke’s cock and he began to fuck me harder.
“Ahhh... Ei-Eisuke.. I can’t..!”
“I’m gonna cum.”
A few my thrust later, Eisuke shot his load inside me. I could feel it filling me up. My mind went blank as he fell on top of me while we were still connected. I could see his sweat dripping off the side of his face.
I whispered with little strength in my voice.
He got up, still on top of me, pulling out, and I yelp a bit from the feeling.
“Don’t worry,” smirking at me.
He reached down below with a tissue in his hand wiping me.
He seductively looked straight into my eyes. I felt so embarrassed but captivated by his face. I reached up with both hands, touching his face, just to beg sweetly for more.
“Deeper... I want it deeper inside please.”
Lifting me up, he hugged me tightly.
“I couldn’t even stop even if you told me to.”
I prayed for the sun to never come up as my body ached for his love tonight more than ever.
Thank you for reading.
Slowly getting the hang of this FANFIC but if you have any suggestions or tips about these stories, comment please.
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aichu-ojo · 6 years
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Recently- I have started playing this story called, “Irresistable Mistake,” by Voltage Inc. this character is called Toma and honestly, I would have choosen someone else but my GUT was telling me to go for him....!!! SO GLAD I DID (For now) because I get to have this SEXY PHOTO!!
** Please make sure to buythe story if you haven’t to support Voltage Inc.**
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aichu-ojo · 6 years
Here is a master post for all the FANFIC I have written on here. I hope you all enjoy the stories. I will try to post stories as often as I can. Please be patient with me and story making. I will also take initiative to write stories on all/most characters and not just my favorites.
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+ Please put the Name of the Character and Title of Game ^^
**NOTE** There are Titles I have not listed on here (Which you will see or already have seen) and the reason is because I have not had a chance to read it/purchased. I have not personally found the character(s) I want to play just yet. If you have an suggestions on which character I should play in the Love365 App, Please MSG ME and I would take a look.
LAST UPDATE: December 13, 2019
Enchanted in the Moonlight
Rose in the Embers
Star-Crossed Myth
Irresistible Mistakes
Kings of Paradise
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
+ Ichinomiya Eisuke - Running Out of Patience  - Before I go
Masquerade Kiss
My Last First Kiss
Our Two Bedroom Story
+ Okouchi Minato - Coming Soon~
True Love, Sweet Lies
After School Affair
Dreamy Days in West Tokyo
Thank You for Reading. Don’t Forget to LIKE, REPOST, and Comment ^^
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itsfrany · 6 years
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