#other than stuff the cooler with high quality reblogs
awaylaughing · 2 years
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I posted 413 times in 2022
That's 120 more posts than 2021!
31 posts created (8%)
382 posts reblogged (92%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 413 of my posts in 2022
#i laughed okay - 65 posts
#about me - 56 posts
#memery and prophecy - 38 posts
#the more you know - 32 posts
#the assorted works of middle earth - 23 posts
#awaylaughing writes - 21 posts
#critical role - 17 posts
#this is the sort of quality content i signed up for - 15 posts
#vtm night road - 15 posts
#dragon age - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i'd share stuff about amen but he's lurking in the corner of my brain brandishing a knfe and hissing about how i better keep my mouth shut
My Top Posts in 2022:
2 years late with some VtM Night Road Courier HCs because I'm late to everything, always (spoilers for Night Road I guess but also it's been two years). This is very long and doesn't even begin to cover my myriad thoughts lol
Echo is a Ravnos and despite a very shady past with very immoral things (trafficking and luring migrants to their death, eek) she’s got very high humanity. Turns out how kind she is to others is directly tied to how kind she is to herself, and she was not very nice to herself for the ten years spanning from 1997 to 2007.
Is insanely loyal to her BMW3 and kept it in tip top shape the whole way through. Made Dove swear to keep it safe. Dove agreed but thought it was stupid to be so attached to such a cheap car.
Echo's Cajun from Louisiana. As she was raised by her adoptive mother who was rather older than usual, French is actually still her native language and since she was home schooled she was educated in it too, up until she was 13 and her mother died anyway.
Despite this, most people think she's from some southwester urban centre, but when she's distracted she slips into being the good little Cajun that she really is.
Related, more than once she had to stop herself from saying "cher" once she got more comfortable with Lettow. She's not *that* brazen. Has definitely used it on Riga though, more than once and long before Lettow indicated he too had some feelings and wasn’t just humouring her.
Also calls her lobo cher. His name is Rocket and he’s the bestest boy and genuinely got her through some very rough times.
Echo is a siren feeder because the lonely little Ravnos craves connection so very badly. To say her relationship with sex is complicated is an understatement and Julian telling her she could honeypot Lettow really upset her quite a lot.
Speaking of Lettow, Echo's Ravnos and so her decision to openly flirt with him from the word go seems borderline suicidal. Gangrel do not like Ravnos and she knows it; Camarilla do not like Ravnos and she also knows that, pretty much nothing could be worse than a Gangrel Elder and Prince then, you'd think. But her clan compulsion is tempting fate, basically, so Echo was less actually thirsting and more pushing to see how far she could go before he smacked her down.
Given she ended up getting on the plane with him, the answer is "unlikely to ever stop her actually". Getting on the plane is also somewhat a case of her compulsion at play, her and Lettow had not at that point had an actual conversation about their relationship in light of the Aila stuff and their expectations, but also it's because she did not side with the Camarilla in the end, she just chose Lettow. With no real friends in Tuscon and no ghouls or anything she wasn't leaving much behind after she perma-friend-dumped Julian. And on top of all that, she just wanted to be there for Lettow when he was doing something hard and lonely.
Plus she’s always wanted to travel outside the Americas.
She is a bit worried thought as Echo has one dot in strength and zero dots in anything combat related. I can only imagine her sitting on the sidelines while Lettow's doing Gehenna Stuff cheering him on (while sitting on a cooler of Invidica Caul's fancy blood because the beau needs the best in this trying time and Caul owes her). Which should actually work, if the fact her playing cheerleader helped in both the Reremouse and Donati fights is anything to go by.
5 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
Welp guess I need to give VM another try
6 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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The full art  || and the fic by @jamcake-muses and @awaylaughing for this year's @tolkienrsb
Pairing: Elwing/Earendil, implicit Tuor/Idril Characters: Elwing, Earendil, and a whole host more! Words: 12 594 Summary: Elwing and Earendil, from the not so incidental beginning all the way to an end, if not the end.
Rated teen, No Archive Warnings Apply but it's the first age of Middle-Earth so you know what that means
7 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Okay but Purvan Suul has muddy boots, a cool wolf, and morals...I love him
23 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I was able to commission @harumeau for my main Wayfarer, Saraia "Sai" Sero, from @idrellegames and I've been grinning widely since I got it!
The Rona days were a bit rough, as you can see from Sai's expression and the visible mending, but the process to get here on my end was very smooth and lovely at least. I think she's probably worried about finding the Chalice, and she's out in the rain to hide her worries from Aeran. And to escape the smell in Oleander's.
68 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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roboriders · 2 years
ugghhhHHHH I wanna show the Bionicle stuff I have been working on SO BADLY but I can't just publicly spoil my stuff for the 810 presentstion......
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musings-from-mars · 3 years
@nuts-and-dolts-week - Day 1 : Childhood Friends (or, acquaintances?)
((EDIT: I reblogged this with an AO3 link if you want to leave a comment!))
Ruby hadn’t really understood why her dad had been so nervous about this big trip to Atlas. A whole week in the most technologically advanced place in Remnant? How could this not be the coolest thing ever? Almost all of her Signal classmates were going on the week-long trip, too. Despite her dad’s “I don’t knows” and “maybes,” Ruby had managed to get him to sign the permission slip and pay the dues for her to go. Of course, his condition that he chaperone was annoying, but at least it was happening! Ruby couldn’t wait to see the cool tech and weapons at Atlas Academy.
Much to her dismay, however, Ruby realized this school trip was ending up being way more boring than she expected. As her dad had put it, this really was shaping up to be “an elaborate recruitment event dressed up like an educational trip.” High-ranking military types and grizzled old academy professors gave tour after lecture after presentation, but to Ruby, it all blurred together. Who cared about graduation rates, or quality of education? Ruby wanted to see the cool stuff!
Which is why, despite knowing it would probably get her in trouble, she sneaked away during a lecture on the history of the kingdom to try to look around for something more interesting. Her class had spent the whole day at this academy, so Ruby knew well enough that this place was huge. But she hoped what little she’d manage to see would feature something cool. Maybe a weapons workshop, or a tech lab of some sort. There had to be something around in these huge echo-y halls.
Just when she was about to give up her search and sneak back into the lecture hall, she heard something from a nearby room. She shuffled closer and listened, noticing the placard by the door, Project Workshop #307.
“Her software is coming along even better than planned,” a man’s voice from within spoke. “The specifics of her hardware is the more troublesome aspect. But as an individual, she is displaying a tremendous level of self-awareness and agency. Not to mention she is quite personable and friendly, if not a tad bit literal. I’m still working on her ability to detect hyperbole.”
“It’s very impressive,” another man spoke. He sounded familiar. “But I am certain you know that the hardware is the top priority at this time. I find you focus too much on this project’s more...sentimental aspects.”
“Yes, well, you did ask for her to be as believable as possible. And I feel she is well on the way to achieving that goal!”
“Indeed. But you do understand what I am telling you, correct?”
“Yes, general. Understood.”
General? General Ironwood, that guy who gave the big welcome speech that morning?
“Good. I am very satisfied with the progress you’ve made on this project. Keep up the good work.”
“Thank you, sir. Good day!”
Ruby heard the sturdy thumping of boots on the floor, and she panicked and petal burst away to hide under a nearby bench. She held her breath and watched as who must have been the general walk past, none the wiser. She sighed in relief, then began to crawl out from under the bench only to see someone else leaving the same room, and she yelped and hid once more.
The person walked by her hiding spot, or...a robot? Four robotic legs ambled down the hall, and Ruby thought for a second that a big mech had been released inside the school. She poked her head out to look, but instead saw a man in a chair. It was like a wheelchair, but...with legs. Still cool, but not a mech.
Once the man and his robo-chair had disappeared around a corner, Ruby turned her attention to the room he’d left. He’d shut the door and she feared it was locked, but was relieved when it opened when she tried the knob. She grinned and looked both ways down the hall one more time, then entered. Time to see what this project was.
The men had talked about software, and how realistic she was becoming. Was this an AI of some sorts? A completely artificial person, even? The concept blew Ruby’s mind, and she hoped that was the case. She entered the room and gently shut the door behind herself, then turned to see...a laptop. A laptop sitting on a table, surrounded by notebooks and papers. Ruby had been expecting something cooler to look at. Maybe an android, like the hardware the men had talked about. She gave the notebooks a closer look, and was at least intrigued by their content.
The P.E.N.N.Y. Project.
“Penny...” Ruby muttered in curiosity as she looked at the header of one of the notebooks.
The laptop screen turned on, a bright lime green. “Salutations!”
“Wah-!” Ruby yelped and almost fell over, instead managing to land her butt in a nearby desk chair. She looked at the laptop with wide eyes. The screen was completely lime green, save for a small power on/power off icon in the bottom right.
“‘Wah’?” The feminine voice asked. “What does that mean?”
Ruby held her breath as she slowly adjusted herself in her seat, then used her legs to roll her way closer to the monitor. “Hello?”
“Hello!” The voice answered with delight.
“Who are you?” Ruby asked.
“I am Project P.E.N.N.Y., but you may just call me Penny.”
Ruby’s jaw fell open, and she glanced at the notebook again. “You...you’re an artificial intelligence.”
The voice seemed to giggle. “In a way, I am. My intelligence is man-made, but my more proper categorization is ‘Synthetic Person.’”
“Woah...” Ruby murmured, staring at the screen.
“‘Woah?’“ Penny asked. “What does that mean?”
“It...” Ruby wasn’t sure how to answer. “It’s just a thing you say when, like, you see something really cool.”
“‘Woah’ is an exclamation of wonder?”
“Yeah!” Ruby said with a laugh. “That makes more sense than what I said.”
“Thank you for teaching me!”
“Uh, sure.” Ruby was talking to a computer. Or, well, a synthetic person. This was so flipping awesome! This was exactly the kind of thing she had been hoping to find.
“Who are you?” Penny asked.
“I-I’m Ruby.”
“It is wonderful to meet you, Ruby!”
Her enthusiasm was infectious. “And it’s awesome meeting you too!”
“You are the first person besides my fathers that I have gotten to talk to so freely.”
Her fathers? “You mean the general, and that man in the...spider chair?”
“Precisely!” Penny confirmed. “Pietro Polendina is the one who is designing me, and General Ironwood is overseeing my progress.”
“That’s really cool,” Ruby said with a laugh. “When do you think you’ll be finished?”
“That is uncertain at this time. My father is currently designing a physical body for me! But the problem with that is without an Aura of my own—”
The door suddenly opened, and Ruby spun around in her chair to face whoever it was. Except she spun herself a little too hard and continued rotating, having to turn her head to face the man in the robo-chair while scrambling to stop her spinning.
“P-pardon me,” the man said, eyes wide and glasses crooked on his face as he stared at Ruby.
“Sorry!” Ruby yelped, hopping to her feet and standing upright, rubbing the back of her head. “I, uh...” She then quickly fell to the floor and mimed searching around for something. “I dropped my...lucky bottle cap.” My what...?
The man adjusted his glasses and chuckled. “Child, shouldn’t you be with your classmates?”
Ruby’s cheeks warmed. “Yeah, uhm...I got lost?”
The man Ruby deduced to be the Pietro Polendina whom Penny had mentioned shook his head fondly. “I do not blame your curiosity, young one.” He glanced at the desk. “I see you have made an acquaintance, Penny.”
“Ruby and I are acquainted?” Penny asked, sounding excited. “I have never been acquainted to someone before!”
Pietro chuckled fondly, like Ruby’s dad would anytime she’d go on a ramble about weapons or types of Grimm. “And while I am all in favor of you meeting new people in time, I’m afraid all information to do with you is proprietary at the moment. You and Ruby will have to catch up some other time.”
“I understand,” Penny said. “My conversational software is very impressionable.”
Ruby stood back to her feet as straight as she could, feeling hot under her Signal uniform. “So, uhh, I should go, huh?”
“Do not forget about your lucky bottle cap!” Penny reminded her earnestly.
“Oh, uhh...” Ruby’s face burned.
Pietro let out a hearty laugh and shuffled his robo-chair to the side. “Run along, Ruby. You are certainly missing a riveting retelling of Atlas’ military history.” Humorous sarcasm tinged his words.
Ruby nodded and awkwardly marched to the door. “Y-yes, sir,” she said, then struggled with whether she should salute or not, then compromised with a wave. “Uhm...bye, Penny.”
“Farewell! I hope to talk to you again soon, acquaintance!“
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imlostinsantacarla · 5 years
How do the gang (individually) react to a SO who's affectionate and supportive
heya hun! i’m so glad you’ve requested this, it was fun to write. i added tim and curly too bc they deserve some love also. i hope that you like what i came up with! - admin kat 🌙❣
Darry: doesn’t always seem like it but he doesn’t ever take your affection and support for granted, although he may come across as cold. he’s a tad bit overwhelmed when he comes home and you plaster yourself to him like glue, he can even appear irritated but he knows that you’re just showing you love him in the only way you know best. he just wishes that you’d give him a minute to get through the door and shower first before you latch onto him. nevertheless, darry is genuinely over the moon when you support him, his brothers and the gang. his hearts wells up like the grinch when he finds the meaning of christmas! it’s in the little things like when you patch steve and soda up after they’ve gotten into a fight with soc’s. helping ponyboy and johnnycake study on the living room floor. talking dal out of some real dumb shit. even by sitting at the kitchen table with him and sifting through all the bills. he turns into the biggest sucker ever when you do this stuff. all the little things you do never get’s overlooked by him. it definitely helps ease his stress knowing that his partner supports him no matter what.
Sodapop: genuinely loves you even more for both of these endearing qualities, if that’s even logically possible??? he loves that your affection and attention is on him 25/7 and when you give it to him... boii is like !!!!!!!!!!!!!! he just knows you love him so much and he’s so excited by it. your support really reinforces it all the more if i’m honest. soda actually balled once about you supporting him bc he opened up to you about a dream of his which was to open up an auto repair shop with steve and you were like “cool stuff man let’s do this!”. and he was believing you’d knock his head in like dar would, but he just was star struck with you. steve had to calm his ass tf down bc soda’s a gREASER AND GREASERS DON’T CRY IDK WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT!!! but yeah, he thinks he’s so dumb and stuff, but to have you support him and lift him up makes him unbelievably happy. 11/10 a happy boiii.
Ponyboy: totally gets all blushy when you get affectionate with him in front of others (namely the gang) bc they tease tf out of him. those boys never let him live shit down like that. it only makes you pinch his cheeks and wiggle his face in your hands and that’s when two-bit can’t stop laughing and has to tell the others. he’s a bit sour afterwards but there’s no hard feelings. boii is  s o f t  as hell for you and loves your affection and support. you never fail to brighten his day tbh. he wants your attention on him 25/8 like soda and becomes a pouty baby when you don’t give him it. and your support? *chef kiss* makes his whole world better bc despite the fact he’s not tough and all, but more sensitive, you’re there for him through it all. did i mention he get’s butterflies and his heart gallops- pls don’t shoot me it had to be said!
Steve: loves it even when he says he hates it. steve loves your hugs, kisses, the way you play with his hair when you cuddle, you name it. just not when the guys are around. gotta keep up the greaser image *finger guns*. you tend to show up at his work with lunch and he’s got complete heart eyes bc you’re all over him. there’s no way in hell soda lets him live that ish down lmaoo. you support him more emotionally and mentally though, which he’s so grateful for because things with his old man can get pretty bad at times and he needs someone like you to bring his big butt down to earth when he’s all high on anger and frustration. like, he’s super hurt when it comes to his dad, so he’ll be ranting and raving up a storm and you’re listening but bleary eyed bc he woke your ass up as 3 in the gODDAMN MORNING and he’s talking about how his life is so shit and you come out with “well i’m not going anywhere but if you don’t get into my bed and let me sleep i’m gonna beat your ass with my pillow”. he’s stunned? bc first of all, you’re a freaking pip squeak compared to him who can’t even hurt a fly, but there’s another part of him that’s taken aback bc you’ve literally opened up your world and door to him for anytime. would 10/10 recommend this joyful boi.
Two-bit: honestly, can’t seem to get enough of you, particularly your affection, but namely your support. it’s kinda a tie can’t you see?? he’s not even annoyed or abashed when you go heavy on the affection, even in front of the guys, if anything, he’s gloating about it and hanging off of you just as much, if not more! if anyone teases you guys or makes a comment he’s got some snazzy comeback, two’s riddled with them. i swear they fall from his mouth like casual small talk. kinda starts fist fights with steve a lot when he does bc our stevie-boi is a bit sensitive. he literally somehow falls in love with you even more bc you’re supporting him positively to cut down on his drinking, get on with his school work a little more, etc. like how can he possibly deserve this literal angel that is you? he probably cries when you’re not looking. i’m not even kidding. probs just bursts into tears and pony and johnny are like you ok mannn???
Johnny: blushes the most out of everyone when you give him affection, especially when anyone’s around. he’s such a happy smol bean and he just loves you with his whole heart and universe like omg! your support means the world to him, he’d cry and be so messed up without you. but you still make him cry nonetheless. but they’re happy tears, i promise!! like he’s so astounded bc you let him stay at your’s bc your parent’s understand the situation and let him come round whenever he wants. you make sure he’s well fed and get’s a good amount of sleep in a place that’s not the lot? you complete him. you make him see that he’s more than just some kid with a bad home in a bad neighborhood... he can be anything and anyone as long as you’re by his side. the little butterflies he get’s when he sees you- !!!
Dallas: not so happy about the affection part in front of others (unless he’s jealous and wants to prove to everyone you’re his) just bc it’s uncomfy for him and he ain’t used to it. but that’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy having you all over him! bc if it was up to him he’d have you all over him every second of every day if he could. ;) in private though he’ll gripe about how mushy you are, reluctantly leaning into your embrace or letting you kiss him. like you’ll want to cuddle or hold his hand and he’ll eventually relent, muttering about broads and stuff. he only makes it seem like he hates it but he actually loves it to pieces. and when you play with his hair??? mmmmmmmm boi is putty in your hands. but seriously, your support means a lot to dal, it shows that you’re loyal to him and if you’re loyal to him he’s loyal to you. like the way you show up at the cooler to visit him brings such a huge smile to his face. no broads done that for him before. treat dally with care bc this boii is sensitive. 12/10 a happy duck.
Tim: kinda iffy about the affection. he’s a tough son of a gun and can’t have everyone knowing he’s got a partner that hangs onto him like a fly does to honey. he loves it though, really, especially when people are looking at you in interest, it serves a purpose then. he’s also in love with when you do it to freak out curly. it honestly made him cry of laughter once bc curly was about to yack in a garbage can. fun times man... fun times. anyway... your support is super wonderful for him. you visit him in the cooler a lot when he goes in, which he didn’t expect bc most people he’s dated never did that or were too mad to even show up. but here you are. you also take care of curly and angela like your own, opening up your door to them and him. he’s got a soft spot for you okay? it’s especially so bc his home life is so bad with his step dad and mum chucking things left right and center, then everyone else joining on in. it’s a tiring place. if he looks back... he doesn’t know how in the hell he survived without you before you came along and wouldn’t know how to go on without you by his side to help. but tell no one that okay?  s o f t  b o i  v i b e s 
Curly: mad happy like. until someone fucking mentions it that is. then he’s all talk and trying to get you off him. you roll your eyes bc curly’s really more talk than action and most people know it. but nevertheless, he wants everyone to know you’re his so loves it when you hang onto him like a vice. he’s not really had much affection in his life, so it’s new but he can’t seem to get enough of it. deffo a happy puppy when he gets the affection and attention. and curly’s not all that smart either, but having your support helps him to see that he just see’s things differently from other people and that school isn’t everything. and that’s okay tbh. however, you don’t support his bad behavior but you also know that you can’t change him unless he wants to change himself. he’s only just starting to get these boundaries, just give him a chance. loves your cuddles bc he can fall asleep and he always has a tough time falling asleep bc he doesn’t feel like he can trust anyone other than his brother and sister. and now he’s got you. thank god! literally the sweetest chick ever
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