#others feared that zelda would lose agency
ladyrijus · 1 year
what i absolutely love about the tears of the kingdom trailers is that they do not give us too much to figure out the whole plot of the game, but enough to assure us that our doubts are unfounded and enough to get us thoroughly excited!
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luimagines · 1 year
*Runs in like I have a lynel on my heels, hands you a basket filled with warm drinks and sweet snacks with a note, promptly passes out without elaborating* Greetings, first of all, how have you been doing? Also, Happy Late Tears of The Kingdom release date. Second of all, finally an excuse to ramble about your works as much as the Tumblr word account limit will allow me in an extensive way like a greek orator holding assembly like Plato talking about Atlantis. Or well at least some, cause if I were to ramble about everything you've posted so far we'd be here all day (SPECIALLY if I were to gush about Time and Twilight), so I'll limit myself to an arguable top six for today.
Ahem. *Clears throat* Anyway if I have to pick any works that are my favorite of yours, my very first pick would likely be the Fear Room.
Wind and his intense trauma about losing Aryll? His desperation as an elder brother who was supposed to protect her and thought he failed again? Wild and all of the ghosts of his kingdom that haunts his steps because he died way back when because he failed and the feeling of survivor's guilt being in full display? That if he could he'd trade his life for theirs so he wouldn't need to live with the most intense feeling of failure out of all the Links and to look at Hyrule and Zelda and everything like the pages of an old faded book? To say goodbyes to people he doesn't know anymore? Sky and his feelings over never being enough? Of always being just a second too late while the people he cares for are in danger and out of his reach, further made worse by the fact Demise's Curse took hold because of his actions/inaction in Skyward Sword and that feeling further exacerbated by Impa through the game? Hyrule not wanting all that he went through to be for naught and not wanting to be all alone again, specially given that without Zelda he wouldn't be able to keep Ganon at bay alone? Twilight's pure anguish and desperation of seeing bad things happen to his loved ones and losing them again and again and being unable to do anything about it? Time being so afraid of losing control over the Fierce Deity and being so, so, so tired. Tired of being strong, tired of being thrust into adventure after adventure and having his agency denied again and again on wether or not he wants to continue on or not? That he has been strong for so long that he not only just cracks, but BREAKS. Warriors pulling his punches because even if it looks like his shield brothers betrayed him and he's tired of traitors he doesn't want to believe it and doesn't want to hurt them? Four failing to save Dot, his childhood friend and in turn likely losing not only Ezlo but the colors and Shadow, literally pieces of himself after he jigsaw puzzled them back together and likely can't see himself living without them? LEGEND WITH THE KOHOLINT TRAUMA? Not to mention all of the other people he lost over the years, his parents, his uncle, technically Sir Raven of we go by the manga who was basically like a brother to him (also know as an incredibly gorgeous man I am itching to write for after the Fairy Tale series is done), Marin, technically Ravio and Hilda if Ravio doesn't go to live in his house after LBTW's, and finally Reader's reaction and lingering trepidation after it's all said and done, it's really well written horror and the horror enthusiast in me delights in it even if it's pure pain and my dog will never not be startled when I giddily cackle over it, 1000/10, would absolutely read again. Plus it inspired stuff for certain parts of the Fairy Tale au.
Tending Temptations, First and Reader are "Just Friends", calling them by their name and Prince Twilight- *takes a deep breath* What it I just die? Those are also a one shot and drabble that will need their own post, but let's just say that the frequency I reach when I read any of them and makes me way too soft and should probably only be heard by small mice, because I adore the way you portray Time and Twilight and First specially given there's maybe only one other author who writes them as well (shout out to Dreaming of Lu and their impeccable Time and First takes) and I love the way you write Twilight with all my heart, I don't think there's anyone who's come as close to delighting me when writing him so really, thank you so much for all your work in the fandom!
And finally, if predictably, the Fairy Tale and Dragon au, Dragon au will have to be it's own thing but I feel like the Fairy Tale au is probably a bit self explanatory since I'm writing a series based on it xD, but also I really like seeing the Links throw into a sudden situation and how they'll adapt and react to it and a great way to do that is to throw them into Fairy Tales we know or even in myths (*cough cough* Just saying, Twilight would kill it as Tam Lin and Time would make an amazing Odysseus) and you have some really unique ideas, so definitely a must read and what inspired me into trying to expand on it in greater detail (when life isn't kicking me in the ribs that is).
Overall, you're a great writer, and reading your stuff after bad days is an almost sure fire way to brighten my day and to make anyone's day, so thank you for all your work in the fandom! Hope you're doing well!
-Just an Anon on a Stroll 🐚/WintertimeStoryteller.
Dreaming of Lu is truly a master of their craft.
I'm glad you enjoyed the Fear Room so much! I don't write horror! Hardly ever! XD I thought I would have botched it.
And I'm sure you'll be happy to know that an expansion of Legend's segment for Fairytale au is queued up for later this year and that Dragon au is also getting a full sized fic expansion beginning in August. (Warrior centric, but I digress. XD)
I'm glad you enjoy the way I write Twilight though! He's one of my favorite so I'm happy to do him justice. :D
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
Can you do Groose, The Fountain of the Horse God, and empty bottle please? I really loved the last one.
Yours Truly,
So, the infamous Groose! Tall, stubborn, and loud, he's a well-known presence in Skyloft, and I love him.
The biggest assumption is that he's not very smart. This isn't true in the slightest; rather, he has a very tunnel-vision approach to his work. Whenever he decides on something, he'll funnel all the energy he's got into his goal; when he trains his loftwing, he notices every shift in the wind, every twitch of his bird, and adjusts accordingly. But in the process, he loses track of time and forgets his other obligations. When you're focused intensely on one task, you tend to be oblivious to other details.
The same thing applies to Zelda--his goal of going on a date with her blinding him to her disapproval--and the Groosenator--his mechanical work totally absorbing him whenever Link runs off to do who-knows-what. He has a very one-track-mind, and in the knight business, it serves him well...as long as he focuses on the right thing.
He's a skilled stunt flier, good in hand-to-hand combat, and a decent singer, all of those being skills he developed to try to woo Zel. Outside of her, however, he's got some amazing handyman skills and plant know-how; he's half the reason the gates and roofing in Skyloft is in tip-top shape, and 100% the reason Cawlin and Strich aren't failing Horwell's plant class. He's a bad cook, though; not because he can't do it, but because he gets focused on part of it--like making the icing for a cake--and burns the rest.
Groose knows Link's sign language because he needs to be able to insult him under the instructors' noses (and totally not because he felt bad for the loser, absolutely not, he'll kick your butt in combat class if you even SUGGEST that). The work involved to get that knowledge was a challenge to him, and he never backs down from one of those.
Onto his backstory!
Groose grew up in a nice house on the rich side of Skyloft. His mom used to do all kinds of stuff with his hair: braiding it, pinning it up, putting little clip in it. He hated every minute of it back then.
His dad worked as a gofer for the knights, delivering mail, getting soup, carrying newly-made swords around. Every opportunity, little Groose tried to tag along, hiding among the packages to try to get brought with the mail, climbing on his dad's back and refusing to let go, even going as far as to try to strap himself under his dad's Loftwing's wing.
None of those worked, but he did try.
Six years ago, a plague swept through Skyloft; the one that took Zel's mom.
Groose lost both his parents to that plauge. After the service for them, he spent a whole week locked up in his house, refusing help, or gifts, or consolation. It all felt hollow to him; there's no point in saying "sorry" if it wasn't your fault, or you couldn't do anything about it. That thought process is something he's held onto to this day--he doesn't need help, he can do things on his own, and he DEFINITELY never needs pity.
Groose joined the knight's academy shortly after; marched right in, slammed the headmaster's door open, and demanded he be put on the student roster. He wanted food that wasn't brought over with a "sorry for your loss," he wanted his own agency, he wanted to be left alone. But most importantly, he wanted to distance himself from his empty house.
He's so protective of his pompadour because it's his best hairdo attempt yet, and it reminds him of how his mom used to style it. It's not a sad thing, it's a matter of pride; insulting his 'do is like insulting both him AND his mom, and he's not gonna stand for that.
The Fountain of the Horse God
The Fountain of the Horse God was worshiped FAR more than the Fairy Fountains in its time. Horses have always been a big part of Hyrulean culture, so people from far and wide would visit to try to get blessings for their steeds. If you were unkind to your horses, however, bad luck would befall you; many an unobservant stablehand would find his horses escaped into the night, the doors to their shelter rotted away.
When Calamity struck, Malanya used the last of his power to free the horses still trapped in burning stables.
A century later, after Link came by, people in the area started to make offerings to the fountain again; they're hesitant, as the area is rumored to be cursed and looks a little eerie, but steady.
Malanya's power is weak, but each passerby gives him a little bit of his strength back. One day, he'll be at his former prowess, and any who dare harm horses in Hyrule had best fear that day.
Empty Bottles
It's not common knowledge, but glass was actually a luxury back in medieval times! The fact that Link is able to find 4-6 just lying around in most of his games is INCREDIBLE, and bottles he receives as gifts are the equivalent of receiving a painted porcelain teapot. They'd have been heirlooms.
That being said, I refuse to believe that the elixirs BoTW Link brews are actually stored in bottles. He never gets/finds glass, and mass production doesn't exist, especially not in THAT era. Leather pouches, yes. Wooden canteens, sure. Maybe even hollowed out acorns or carved bone. But not glass. Not when I can have 60 slots all filled up with elixirs.
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thegeminisage · 5 years
ON THE SUBJECT of the s4 finale (major spoilers ahead) 
i DID like:
arthur getting mortally wounded again. partially bc i was still angry at him, partially because it’s always good fun to see him staggering around half-dead and fueled only by determination
merlin shooting a crossbow was great. it’s so nice to see him non-magically hold his own in a fight
gwaine “singing for his supper” was pretty badass. i love that fella
i feel a way about arthur observing that everyone in his life betrays him sooner or later. under one hand: bad time for a pity party, bud, and since i was mad at him at the time i felt merlin’s subsequent ep talk/praise was a bit unwarranted. under the other hand it’s like...really fucked up actually that a lot of people DO lie to arthur (going back to 2.08) in particular because of his station or because of things uther has done - in a way, even merlin lying to arthur is a result of uther’s choices. arthur’s not a bad person, most of the time, unless the writers want to torture gwen, but he’s surrounded by quite a lot of bad people and uther’s genocide is partially arthur;s legacy too whether he likes it or not because it was arthur’s birth that triggered it. it’s just fucking sad to me that he can’t seem to fight his way out of the ugliness he came from and was born into
in fact love merlin getting to be a badass so much i put up with his old man merlin guise for it but JESUS FUCK that was so much more than i ever expected. he DECIMATED an ARMY with a few words! if merlin had half a mind to be evil he’d be fucking unstoppable and instead he uses his powers to polish armor and heal battle wounds
arthur’s very long look after merlin leaves to go “create a diversion” aka perform more badass sorcery without having to worry about being seen
oh man. you could see it on his face. a very long pause where merlin’s counting up his enemies, calculating his move, pros vs cons, can he take them all out at once, will there be survivors enough to tell his secret
i realized what he was gonna do about a split second before he actually did it and i YELLED OUT LOUD and spent the entire section laughing like a maniac
he fucked them all up without moving a muscle. he just stood there and his eyes glowed and he toppled nearly a dozen men. i. was. LOSING IT
merlin really is the bravest character on this whole show. when arthur thought he was gonna die he was bugging but merlin faced down both morgana and an army without one little bit of fear. totally cool and calm. i LOVE this, who he is, when he’s really pressed down to the wire, and lets himself be seen. he’s grown up so much and he’s so GOOD 
doubly impressive: agravaine is so SHOCKED by what merlin truly is he’s delighted and laughing and impressed, in spite of the fact that merlin just killed maybe a hundred of his soldiers and is about to kill him too. it’s a bruce wayne/batman situation. i know i complained about merlin keeping it too close to the vest before but now i’m actually impressed with how his cover is SO good his enemies are delighted to find out his secret
arthur taking time out of his escape to go back and look for merlin and merlin REALIZING WHAT HE’D DONE and arthur going “you’re my only friend”
THE SWORD IN THE STONE THING look i can’t believe after all arthur angsted about being lied to merlin would then lie more to him but OH MY GOD no matter how they did it i was always going to love it. i died. arthur went full legend of zelda
and like. ok. merlin tells this whole dumb story and arthur argues with him the entire time and THEN merlin finally goes “are you calling gaius a LIAR?” and arthur says “no im just calling YOU an idiot” and merlin says “oh yeah? what’s that then?” and arthur stops dead in his tracks and gives that sword the llllooongest look and the muted piano comes in and sldkfgjhlsdfkjhlsdjfghsldfjgh
the timing. the drama. the cinnamon topography. i hate the word epic but it was epic. i’m such a fan for swords in stones. i’m so glad they gave it some nice fanfare
i do also feel human emotion about merlin’s like...faith in arthur. somehow all of merlin’s onetime flaws have become good character traits for him - him saving uther seems like weakness and then strength, him keeping his secrets close seems cold and then clever, and now his belief in arthur, which at first seemed blind faith but has since sort of matured into true devotion...arthur doesn’t always deserve it but since it’s coming from someone so WISE the more merlin says it the more i believe it. in season 1 it’s like “someday arthur will be a great king” and you’re like “yeah whatever” but NOW it’s like “holy shit he really might be” and it’s nice that arthur can believe merlin even when he doesn’t believe in himself
merlin’s one-man mission to sneak into the castle in the middle of the night as old man merlin just to sabotage morgana’s magic was like...also really badass tbh. he REALLY used that braincell
the knights reunion: “elyan! oh thank god! are you alright?!” “well, i have been locked up with gwaine for a week”
merlin is SUCH A BADASS him blocking morgana’s magic ON THE SLY with ALL THOSE PEOPLE LOOKING god god god
GWEN IS QUEEN NOW AND GOOD FOR HER! i really hated their breakup and reconciliation but whatever she looked so good in her dress it’s everything she deserves
i did NOT like:
that will-bending, make-someone-compliant spell. that is skeevy as shit and i hate that they introduced something like that into canon. angry as i was with arthur it made my skin crawl the entire time. especially unfun when they played it for laughs...like...the amount of agency lost...it’s not funny. any normal person should feel terrible about doing something like that
furthermore, arthur even in his right mind having to pretend to be stupid is like...what? this is the season finale. this is NOT the time for hijinks
WHY are we still torturing people LEAVE elyan alone
you know? fuck morgana. like. it’s not her fault. the writers dropped the ball. i understand that & will always be angry on her behalf about it. but between this and turning gwen into a deer to be SHOT at...i’m like. really done having sympathy for her character or rooting for her to succeed. i don’t like that feeling but there it is
HOW did gwen not see merlin using magic to save her also WHY is she forced to see morgana who has hurt her more than anyone
speaking of gwen, they did not have time to do That Plot and reconcile arthur and gwen all at the same time. it was SO badly paced. i’m not talking about the gwne thing bc i will black out from rage but wow
don’t like tristan and isolde mostly because he looks WAY OLDER than her. although i did soften up a little when she was like dying and she was just lying in his arms and all she wanted was for him to hold her.........That’s Sad. i did feel human emotion
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kartiavelino · 6 years
How Robin Williams was being torn apart and couldn’t fight back
Robin Williams struggled to recollect his strains. This was uncommon for the hyperverbal, Oscar-winning actor, and it hit him laborious in Vancouver in 2014 through the filming of “Evening on the Museum: Secret of the Tomb,” the third film within the profitable household franchise. “He was sobbing in my arms on the finish of each day. It was horrible. Horrible,” make-up artist Cheri Minns recalled. “I mentioned to his individuals, ‘I’m a make-up artist. I don’t have the capability to cope with what’s taking place to him.’ ” Minns steered to Robin that he return to stand-up to get out of his rut and reclaim a few of his misplaced confidence. However Robin refused. “He simply cried and mentioned, ‘I can’t, Cheri. I don’t understand how anymore. I don’t know easy methods to be humorous.’ ” How may this be the identical lovable weirdo who coined the greeting “nanu nanu” as Mork from Ork; the radio DJ who famously brayed, “GOOOOOOD MORNING, VIETNAM!”; the widower therapist who broke our hearts in “Good Will Looking”? The fact — although Robin didn’t realize it — was that he was affected by a pernicious neurodegenerative illness that was within the means of robbing him of his abilities, his mind and his very self. This heartbreaking interplay is recounted within the biography “Robin” (Henry Holt & Co.) by Dave Itzkoff, out this month, which gives new particulars concerning the comedian nice’s ultimate days and the tough actuality of what it’s prefer to lose a once-in-a-generation thoughts. Robin McLaurin Williams, born in Chicago on July 21, 1951, had a privileged however lonely childhood, spending hours enjoying with toy troopers in his attic. He attended Juilliard, then headed out West to explode the Los Angeles and San Francisco comedy scenes. American comic and actor Robin Williams, carrying a girl’s bathrobe, furry hat, and sun shades, being hugged by American actor Pam Dawber, in a nonetheless from the tv sequence, ‘Mork and Mindy’.Getty Photos Longtime good friend Billy Crystal described seeing Robin kill on stage: “It was electrical, and all of us simply sat there and went, ‘Oh, my god, what is that this?’ It was like attempting to catch a comet with a baseball glove.” Robin landed the visitor function of Mork from Ork on the hit present “Glad Days” in February 1978. The character was so indelible it led to a spin-off present, “Mork & Mindy,” which, by the next spring in 1979, reached 60 million viewers. Robin Williams was now a family title. Regardless of rampant drug and alcohol habit (he famously mentioned cocaine was “God’s method of telling you you’re making an excessive amount of cash”), Robin simply discovered big-screen stardom. He earned an Academy Award nomination for his portrayal of the verbose Vietnam radio host in 1987’s “Good Morning, Vietnam.” Different critically acclaimed roles adopted, together with 1989’s “Lifeless Poets Society,” 1991’s “The Fisher King,” and 1997’s “Good Will Looking,” which landed him an Oscar for his portrayal of a caring therapist to Matt Damon’s angsty genius. ‘He was sobbing in my arms on the finish of each day. It was horrible. Horrible.’ Robin additionally piggybacked from one moneymaker to the following because the face of comedy. He voiced the spastic, singing Genie in Disney’s 1992 movie “Aladdin” and performed a cross-dressing nanny in 1993’s “Mrs. Doubtfire” and a person trapped in a board sport in 1995’s “Jumanji.” Robin Williams may evidently do no unsuitable. However a sequence of business and crucial flops adopted — from the maudlin (1998’s “Patch Adams”) to the darkish (2002’s “Dying to Smoochy”) to the plain unwatchable (2009’s “Outdated Canines”). In the meantime, his long-running points with medication and alcohol resurfaced, and after his household staged an intervention, he checked himself right into a rehab facility in 2006. In restoration, he met his third spouse, Susan Schneider, whom he wed in 2011. (He married first spouse, Valerie Velardi, in 1978, and the 2 had a son, Zachary, now 35. They divorced in 1988, and the following yr, he wed his son’s nanny, Marsha Garces. The 2 have been married for 19 years and had daughter Zelda, 28, and son Cody, 26.) He was a “stimulus junkie,” whose anxieties got here from his work. “The road of labor he was in bred anxiousness and self-centered issues. He would at all times say, ‘You’re solely nearly as good as your final efficiency,’ ” Susan says within the e book. The magical 1990s success eluded him as he jumped from one low-budget mission to the following till CBS introduced his return to the small display screen in “The Loopy Ones,” which premiered September 2013. He performed Simon Roberts, an getting old ad-agency founder, who should cede management of his enterprise to his daughter. Sarah Michelle Gellar and Robin Williams converse onstage throughout “The Loopy Ones” panel.Getty Photos However the magic wasn’t there. “Williams appears exhausted,” one evaluation learn. “So is that this present.” That’s the place the difficulty started. Robin started to complain about an array of signs: indigestion, bother urinating, insomnia, lack of his sense of scent and heartburn. A slight tremor cropped up in his left hand, which was attributed to a shoulder damage. Susan describes the avalanche of signs: “It was like enjoying whack-a-mole. Which symptom is it this month? I assumed, is my husband a hypochondriac? We’re chasing it and there’s no solutions, and by now we’d tried every little thing.” He dropped weight, his as soon as booming voice grew to become tremulous, and he stooped. Producers and colleagues observed the change. Pam Dawber, Robin’s co-star from “Mork & Mindy,” joined the solid of “The Loopy Ones” to lift scores. On set, Dawber noticed a deeply modified man from the riotous and typically inappropriate (she says Robin groped and flashed her on set) man she had labored with a long time earlier than. “I might come house and say to my husband, ‘One thing is unsuitable. He’s flat. He’s misplaced the spark. I don’t know what it’s,’ ” Dawber says within the e book. CBS canceled the present after one season as scores dropped from a excessive of 15.5 million to simply about 5 million by the finale. Associates thought Robin was depressed over the cancellation, however different unusual behaviors began to emerge that couldn’t be so simply defined. He grew paranoid over a perception that folks have been stealing from him. On the set of “Evening on the Museum,” he suffered a extreme panic assault and was positioned on antipsychotic treatment. Billy Crystal described seeing his previous good friend after a four-month absence, discovering him frail, skinny, and, most disconcerting, “uncharacteristically quiet.” After they mentioned their goodbyes after dinner, Robin burst into tears. “What’s the matter?” Crystal requested. “Oh, I’m simply so joyful to see you. It’s been too lengthy. You already know I really like you,” Robin mentioned. Billy Crystal (proper) and Robin WilliamsGetty Photos On Could 28, 2014, Robin was recognized with Parkinson’s illness, a degenerative dysfunction that impairs motor functioning. Medical doctors assured him that they’d medication that would management the tremors and that he seemingly would have one other “10 good years.” Robin stored his prognosis near the vest, sharing it solely along with his kids, relations and inside circle. “I by no means heard him afraid like that earlier than,” Crystal mentioned. “This was the boldest comic I ever met — the boldest artist I ever met. However this was only a scared man.” To Robin, “it was the conclusion of certainly one of his most deeply felt and lifelong fears,” Itzkoff writes. In a 1991 interview with Playboy through the publicity tour for “The Fisher King,” Robin mentioned that latent worry 20 years earlier than it could contact him personally. “There’s that worry — if I felt like I was turning into not simply boring however a rock, that I nonetheless couldn’t spark, nonetheless hearth off or discuss issues, if I’d begin to fear or obtained too afraid to say one thing . . . If I cease attempting, I’d get afraid,” Robin mentioned. 20 years after he spoke these phrases, Robin was clearly afraid. Robin went on an apology tour, begging for forgiveness (the place none was demanded) from his three kids for the way in which he handled them when he was within the throes of a drug habit. He requested comic Dana Carvey to forgive him for stealing bits (an allegation that dogged Robin earlier in his profession), although Carvey insisted that he hadn’t. Robin checked himself right into a the Dan Anderson Renewal Heart, a rehab facility in Minnesota, to be “cloistered on a campus the place he may obtain shut supervision, and the place he may meditate, do yoga and concentrate on additional 12-step work that, it was hoped, would assist him handle his sickness.” However this wasn’t sufficient — this was not a drug habit, it was a degenerating mind sickness. He didn’t realize it then, however there was little to be carried out. In an article she later wrote for the journal Neurology titled “The Terrorist Inside My Husband’s Mind,” Susan described what Robin was like: “He had a sluggish, shuffling gait. He hated that he couldn’t discover the phrases he wished in conversations. He would thrash at evening and nonetheless had horrible insomnia. At instances, he would discover himself caught in a frozen stance, unable to maneuver, and annoyed when he got here out of it. He was starting to have bother with visible and spatial talents in the way in which of judging distance and depth. His lack of fundamental reasoning simply added to his rising confusion.” Nonetheless, typically Robin’s gentle would shine. Robin Williams entertains the troops through the United Service Organizations tour at Baghdad Worldwide Airport in 2003.Getty Photos Comic Mark Pitta recollects the shock of seeing Robin on the Throckmorton Theatre in Mill Valley, Calif., in July 2014. “He had a thousand-yard stare going,” he mentioned. However then within the inexperienced room, Pitta introduced up service animals and advised the story of a comic whose canine would wake her up when she choked in her sleep. With out lacking a beat, Robin mentioned, “Oh, a Heimlich retriever.” “It obtained an enormous giggle. He simply sat there and had a bit of smile on his face,” Pitta mentioned. Two weeks later, Robin settled down for the evening at his San Francisco Bay-area house. It had been a tough day. Robin had fixated on his assortment of classic wristwatches, which he wished to relocate for worry that they’d be stolen. However that evening he appeared calm and even supplied his spouse a foot therapeutic massage earlier than retiring to his personal room. “As we at all times did, we mentioned to one another, ‘Good evening, my love,’ ” Susan recalled. “He appeared like he was doing higher, like he was on the trail of one thing,” she later mentioned. “I’m pondering, ‘OK, stuff is working. The treatment, he’s getting sleep.’ ” When Susan woke the following morning, she observed the door to Robin’s bed room was nonetheless shut. She advised Itzkoff she was relieved he was lastly getting some wanted sleep. When Rebecca, his assistant, requested how he was doing, Susan optimistically answered, “I feel he’s getting higher.” By 11 a.m., Robin had nonetheless not left his room, and his 20-year assistant, Rebecca Erwin Spencer, grew to become involved. She used a paper clip to open his bed room door and discovered a grisly scene: Robin had hanged himself along with his belt. Whereas the world mourned the lack of the comedy legend, within the absence of any suicide notice, questions surfaced: Had Robin been utilizing medication once more? Was he depressed? Three months later, the post-mortem outcomes got here in. His mind had left its personal suicide notice. The neuropathologist’s prognosis was: “diffuse Lewy physique dementia.” The comic didn’t have Parkinson’s, he had not fallen off the wagon and he was not severely depressed. It was one thing even graver: He suffered from an incurable mind illness that happens when proteins construct up within the mind’s nerve cells, impairing its operate. It begins with reminiscence issues and bodily stiffness and graduates to excessive persona modifications, psychiatric signs and finally demise. Lewy physique is the second commonest progressive dementia after Alzheimer’s illness. In contrast to Alzheimer’s, the place victims have points forming new recollections, individuals with Lewy physique dementia can type new recollections however have a tough time retrieving them. It’s as if the very essence of Robin was nonetheless there — he simply may now not entry it. Nobody can really perceive what Robin confronted throughout these ultimate days, however Crystal gives some perception into what it will need to have been like for such a high-functioning thoughts to unravel so violently. “I put myself in his place. Consider it this fashion: The velocity at which the comedy got here is the velocity at which the terrors got here,” Crystal mentioned. “And all that they described that may occur with this psychosis, if that’s the fitting phrase — the hallucinations, the photographs, the fear — coming on the velocity his comedy got here at, possibly even quicker, I can’t think about dwelling like that.” Share this: https://nypost.com/2018/05/05/how-an-incurable-brain-disease-haunted-robin-williams-final-days/ The post How Robin Williams was being torn apart and couldn’t fight back appeared first on My style by Kartia. http://www.kartiavelino.com/2018/05/how-robin-williams-was-being-torn-apart-and-couldnt-fight-back.html
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
when one book closes, another one opens
-BOOOOM- atsushi: ACK! O-O;;; -atsushi makes a run for the elevator- Akutagawa: "Be gone. I am not here for dessert yet." *tries to throw Fitzgerald aside* "I want the main course!" atsushi: *SCREAMS and jumps into the elevator, struggling to close the button* come on come on come on. Fitzgerald: "I will not let two mangy orphaned children impede my plans--" atsushi: SCREW YOU AND YOUR FACE! Akutagawa: "...Orphaned..." *smirks--as he slices the floor beneath Fitzgerald* Fitzgerald: "?!" Akutagawa: "Now you're screwed." *leaps over the falling Fitzgerald, landing in front of the elevator* atsushi: *gulps as the elevator door closes* hhhhheeeeeyyyy akutagawa..... *casually turns off the terminal* we'll have to keep this away from that jerk. Akutagawa: "...You child..." atsushi: pardon? owo; Akutagawa: "You orphan...abandoned by all...so you play hero...so that you hope someone will respect you...let you live...maybe love you." atsushi: ....listen, i know we arent on A-plus terms, but if we're gonna get out of this, we're gonna have to work together and stop fitzgerald. is that cool with you? Akutagawa: "...Like anyone would acknowledge your right to live...Like I ever would..." *sharpens his blades--and stabs them through Atsushi's shoulders, pinning him to the wall* "Fight! Make your death mean something! Make my hunt mean something!" atsushi: im doing what i can dammit! at least im not killing people to make them fear me! im not some crazed lunatic who kills people to flaunt my strength! that would be you. and thats kinda being a huge jerk. Akutagawa: *digs the blades in deeper as he marches up to Atsushi* "I want to be acknowledged! I never got that! No one acknowledged me! Not Dazai! And not you!" atsushi: well i'm acknowledging you're a huge asslord right now! Akutagawa: *puts his hand at the side of Atsushi's head, grabbing a hold of his hair and tugging* "That's not how I want you to acknowledge me! atsushi: what the hell do you want from me?! -ding- -the elevator door opens- Akutagawa: "!!!" atsushi: .....uhhhh...we can explain? owo; AKUTAGAWAPUNCHHIMPLEASE! Fitzgerald: "Hello, Old Sport..." Akutagawa: "..." *stares at Atsushi* "...Now I know..." atsushi: OwO;;; game over man! i turned the terminal off! and if you come any closer. im going to swallow it! Fitzgerald: "I bet you did." Akutagawa: "I know...how to get you...to acknowledge me..." *turns towards Fitzgerald* Fitzgerald: "???" *SLASH* Fitzgerald: *dodges, backing up* Akutagawa: *pursues* Fitzgerald: *dodges* "You can't defeat my enhanced body--" Akutagawa: *slash slash* "Rich boy...If I defeat you, he'll have to acknowledge me..." atsushi: ...... please....i think...dazai acknowledged you long ago. *tiger mode and charges* Akutagawa: "OUT OF MY WAY!" atsushi: IM TRYING TO HELP YOU OUT HERE! Akutagawa: "No! If you help me, then I'm worthless!" atsushi: as if! you're way more experienced! phrasing! Akutagawa: "My experience is so I can get closer to you...in Dazai's eye! PHRASING!" Fitzgerald: "..." *smirks* "My, my. You two _are_ similar..." atsushi: WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A CONVERSATION RIGHT NOW AND YOU ARE BEING FUCKING RUDE! Akutagawa: "INDEED!" *pulls back his fist* "GO AWAY!" Fitzgerald: "?!" -POW- atsushi: see? now that wasnt too difficult, was it? Akutagawa: "...No. It was not." atsushi: so can we- .......oh COME ON! HE'S GOING SUPER SAIYAN?! Akutagawa: "...I do not know what that means." -one epic battle later- -elevator ding- atsushi: oh now what?!...oh. rain:.........*walking over* Fitzgerald: X___X "...Zelda...I'm sorry..." Death the Kid: Akutagawa: "Rain? I instructed you to--" LK: rain: i'll be fine....i'll.....handle this....*gives him a letter* please....after all this...take this to mr nakahara and higuchi. atsushi: ??? Akutagawa: "We don't have time for love letters. We have to stop this whale from falling--" rain: *grabs fitzgerald*....my name is......*jumps off* atsushi: !!!!!!! Akutagawa: "?!" rain: *tearfuly smiles and closes her eyes*.....mito kosaka. cat: *evil grin* oh you idiot. -as she falls, her body begins to contort, but she and fitzgerald vanish into the clouds below- Fitzgerald: "?!!!" Akutagawa: "...What...Why did she...?" rain: (thinking: im sorry.....i wasnt able to keep my promise.....all i can do now...is dream of a future that will never happen) -in her last concious moments, images flash in her mind...an embrace....a dance...a proposal...a wedding...a new child....a happy family....- thank you....chuuya...higuchi. for keeping me going...as long as i did. atsushi:...what...what just.... Akutagawa: "..." *tenses* atsushi:...at least...we stopped the terminal.....right? Akutagawa: "...She is dead, isn't she?" atsushi:....i dont....i dont know...... Akutagawa: "...She was a joke anyway." *still tense* atsushi: *SLAP* SHE JUST JUMPED OFF A PLANE WITH THAT JERK AND YOU JUST INSULT HER?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Akutagawa: "..." *tense, but he's crying* "Because I don't understand why she did it? Why? Explain it to me. Why would someone do anything, when they have been beaten, abused, embarrassed, are just a joke to everyone...Why would they try to save anyone in this world?" atsushi: ........(thinking: so...she was like me....) -something happened to the terminal....a mouse head has appeared on the screen.....counting down by and hour- atsushi: ?!?! Akutagawa: "She wasn't...supposed to be involved. No one wanted her here. But she insisted. And I just wanted her to shut up..." Akutagawa: *notices as well* "...What the hell?" atsushi: oh fuck! oh fucking fuck! i cant stop it! Akutagawa: "...Then what do we do?" atsushi: *running to the main bridge of the ship* Akutagawa: "Wait!" *runs after him* -in the bridge- atsushi: come on. come oooonnnn.... Akutagawa: *typing* "Nothing. This computer will not respond." Melville: "We were hacked...We can't stop it." atsushi: no no no no- ???: "I have a way." atsushi: ?!?! kyouka?! is that you?! Kyoka: "Yes. Hello." atsushi: WHERE ARE YOU?! Kyoka: "An airplane." atsushi: like with people on it? whats your plan? Kyoka: "It is a Guild airplane prison, run by remote control. I am seizing the controls. You will not stop Moby Dick's descent--but you can force it to crash sooner, before it reaches the city, missing it completely." atsushi: that's genius! Melville: "Time to get parachutes..." Akutagawa: "So should that girl." atsushi: crash the plane and jump off, ok? Kyoka: "...I will not jump off." atsushi: .....?! Kyoka: "I should be punished. And besides, I am shackled, and there is nothing here to remove them from my legs." atsushi: !!! t-then use demon snow to cut the shackles then! Kyoka: "Forget me. My life has never had light. But, I can make a choice: sacrifice. myself, for everyone else...Atsushi. I know I could have passed the admission, to join the Detective Agency." atsushi: *tearing up* kyouka... Melville: "It's coming right for us! We leave, now!" atsushi: KYOUKA WAIT! Akutagawa: "...I can't have you die here..." *grabs Atsushi* Kyoka: "...Goodbye." *presses a button* -as they escape...- -BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- atsushi:.....ah.....*screams* -the remains of the moby dick crash into a large lake- Akutagawa: *coughing* atsushi: *crying* dammit! Akutagawa: "...Fool. She did it out of hope for living in this world's light. She would not have had to lose her life so senselessly, if she had just..." atsushi: why you- Akutagawa: "Is that 'love,' Atsushi?" atsushi: HOW THE HELL CAN YOU ASK A THING LIKE THAT NOW?! Akutagawa: "...Because maybe that's--" Dazai: "That's enough, Atsushi." atsushi: dazai? Dazai: "Kyoka saved this city, demonstrating the honor and virtue of any member of the Detective Agency. She fulfilled her wish." atsushi: *crying* that wont change that she died! kyouka....that other girl.....did they have to die?! Dazai: "..." *rests a hand on his shoulder* "These are their lives. They chose. They had agency--to determine what they wanted to do. Maybe the girl...Rain...had a valid reason, like Kyoka has." atsushi:....mito kosaka.....she said...her name was mito kosaka... Dazai: "...Kosaka? That..." *shakes his head* "...If only she was with the Detective Agency, we could have saved her." atsushi: ....... Dazai: "...We never told you what the boss could do, did we? I mean, aside from playing with cats--" *SMACK* Akutagawa: D: atsushi: ?? mr director? Fukuzawa: *nods* " 'All Are Created Equal.'" atsushi: ??? *looks at dazai* Dazai: "To grant someone with the ability to control their own ability." *points at Atsushi's arms* atsushi: ?? so then... -something comes out from the water- atsushi: ??......!!!!!!!!!! ???: *cough, cough* atsushi: KYOUKA!!! *runs and hugs her* YOU'RE ALIVE!! Kyoka: "..." *cries, starts laughing as she hugs him* Akutagawa: "..." .\\\\. Akutagawa: *gets on his hands and knees* Akutagawa: "Dazai! Nothing is in our way! I will prove my power to you--" Dazai: "...You're at your limit. You even fought off the Guild leader." Dazai: *pat pat* "You've grown strong." Akutagawa: *looks up, shocked...then...* *collapses* atsushi:...he's ok....i think. -elsewhere- lovecraft: *emerges*.....what'd i miss? -elsewhere- twain: well, that stinks. with fitzgerald gone, the whole guild's going to shit. Steinbeck: "Life isn't over, though. Just have to figure out what we do next." twain: not only that, but lucy's went and gone AWOL and poe's just vanished. we'll, time for me to continue my success diary! haha! louisa: i'll search for lord francis..i know he's still alive... twain: and i take it you're going home to see your family? Steinbeck: "...Not yet. Not until this war ends." twain: i dunno, war looks kiiiinda over to me. Steinbeck: "If we don't fight..." *lets go of his crutch, wrapping vines along his foot* "...this war will make Fitzgerald's empire collapse on itself." twain: i thought you hated him? Steinbeck: "I do. Those who manipulate others with money are awful. But this is the price I pay, for relying on wealth to save my family." *puts on his hat* twain: that's pretty big of you. so while you take over the guild, i'll take toshiko out on a date~! Steinbeck: "LIKE HELL! She'll love the head of the Guild more than some underling!" twain: as in a farm boy? as if! i sure as hell know how to show her a good time! lovecraft: too noisy. cant deal. going to bed. *jumps into the water* louisa:....*sweatdrop* Steinbeck: *stares at Lovecraft for a few moments--then turns back at Twain* "There's plenty the farmlife teaches you to please a woman!" twain: really hoping that isnt relevant! -at the agency, a party is held to congratulate kyouka- Ranpo: "More snacks!" Kunikida: *tapping on his tablet* "Too expensive...We didn't budget for this..." atsushi:...um...naomi? miss kirako? kirako: hmm? what is it? Naomi: "???" atsushi:....*gets down on hands and knees, bowing* IM SO SORRY! I HURT YOU WHILE BEING CONTROLLED BY Q AND I DIDNT TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION HOW DANGEROUS MY ABILITY CAN BE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! kirako:...oh that! oh its fine. atsushi: really? kirako: *HUG* i couldnt stay mad at you! atsushi:.....(thinking: soft and warm.....) =///= (thinking: i could...get used to this...) Naomi: "Agency people have seen worse. It's not worth holding a grudge just because you strangled me and tried to kill me." *smiles* Tanizaki: "...He did what to you?" atsushi: OwO;;;;;; naomi why? -creeeeak- yosano: hmm? hey ranpo, your friend is here. Poe: "...Ranpo? I have...the new manuscript..." Ranpo: "Hey, it's you!" *picks him up and drops him into a chair* "Here, I'll be right back! Someone will get you a drink." secretary: would you like anything, sir? Poe: "Um...I would like *mutter mutter*" secretary:....sir? Poe: "...I need nothing." *fetal position* Ranpo: *talking with others* secretary: ok then... Kyoka: *nom nom nom* -at the mafia executive's office- kouyou: *sipping wine* this is quite nice. a shame miss rain called in sick today. Mori: "I agree--the work is piling up. I'll have to punish her severely for this one." Chuuya: *silent, as he holds the wine bottle to Kouyou* kouyou: *smiles* and akutagawa? Mori: "Has anyone called him? I mean, with Rain not here to do so--" -a mafioso runs in- Mori: "?! We are having a private reception--" mafioso: WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!...s-some thing showed up! mafioso 2: a demon! Chuuya: "?!" kouyou:....chuuya, would you mind investigating? Chuuya: "...Save me a glass of wine, at least." *holds his hat and follows to the outside* -in a warehouse, a large cat like entity is tearing the place apart- cat: *SHRIEKS* Chuuya: "!!! For crying out loud...Yo! Kitty!" cat: ?!....*it hesitates, almost sad* *SHRIEKS and charges* Chuuya: *holds up a hand* cat: *it seems to be crying* Chuuya: "?! ...Gravity..." *punches lightly along the cat's snout, causing it to slow and start to rise towards the ceiling* cat: ??!! Chuuya: "Stay..." *smirks* "I know they say herding cats is impossible...but a beast as powerful as you would be quite an asset..." cat:.....p l e a s e......i... w a n t......t o  d i e.... -its voice is distorted....but somehow familiar...- Chuuya: "...What?" higuchi: ?! Chuuya: "..." *lowers the beast to his eye level...holds out a hand to its face* cat:....*tries to speak again, tears falling* Chuuya: "...Why are you in pain..." *releases gravity* cat: *it whimpers....then screams* Chuuya: "?!!!" *tries to block* -shink- cat:......*collapses* Chuuya: "?! What the hell?!" Akutagawa: "..." *retracts* "Done." -the beast fades...........leaving rain's bloodied and lifeless form behind- higuchi:......*falls to her knees*...no.... Chuuya: "..." *holding his hand over his mouth...then vomits on the floor* Akutagawa: "..." *shakes* mafioso: holy shit! isnt that the errand girl?! mafioso 2: holy fuck! Chuuya: *on his knees in front of Rain* "...No..." *picking her up* rain:......*no reply* Chuuya: "..." *sobbing, hugging her* "No..." higuchi: she...she didnt....did she? Akutagawa: "..." *puts out a hand to try to hold onto something--and stumbles down, seizing his chest* higuchi: !!! ryunosuke! gin: ryu! *goes over to him* Chuuya: *looking around* "Someone! Help!" Akutagawa: "Wh-What the...Why...What...N-Not...N-Not..." gin: *giving him a paper bag* breathe ryu, breathe! Akutagawa: *pushes Gin away* "Get off of me!" gin: !!! Chuuya: *wailing* "Save her! G-Get the doctor! Someone!" hirotsu:...i dont...think there's anything we can do. Chuuya: *glares--as his gravity-powers surround Hirotsu* hirotsu: ??!! Chuuya: "...Save her...or..." *Hirotsu feels his body being pulled* -SLAP- higuchi:......GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!! Chuuya: *stunned--his powers dissolving* -rain: please....dont scare me like that anymore....- Chuuya: "...I didn't...want to..." higuchi: ....... Akutagawa: "...L-Let--" higuchi: ?? *notices the letter* -if you’re reading this now, then I guess it means im not here anymore. Im sorry it had to be this way, I never wanted to hurt you. Higuchi, I want you to clear my apartment out for me, and make sure you take the trash out. Chuuya, im sorry if I hurt you. I guess im just a lowly coward who doesn’t deserve your time. If things had been different, I would have told you I love you a long time ago. Thank you both for being in my life. ~mito ‘rain’ kosaka- Chuuya: "...'Mito'...?" higuchi:...so that was her real name....huh? Chuuya: "..." *his face is breaking, as he buries himself in her neck, sobbing* higuchi: *biting her lip* Akutagawa: "..." *crawling to a corner...* gin:......ryu.... Akutagawa: "..." (" 'Love'...") *scratching at his hand...* -a few days later- Chuuya: "..." hirotsu: .......oh. i didnt think _you_ would be here. almost everyone has gone home now... Chuuya: "...Power..." Dazai: "...I should be." hirotsu: .....i feel somehow responsible. i did leak the infiltration plan to miss higuchi... and once akutagawa caught wind of it....and ra-....miss kosaka....why she chose to go with him is beyond my understanding. Chuuya: "..." Dazai: "Some people are full of surprises. Maybe...she didn't want to see people hurt." hirotsu:...why is it you brought akutagawa to meet the weretiger? Dazai: "...Have one student meet another? I think they'd be able to teach each other a bit." hirotsu: oh? Dazai: "They aren't that different. Both lost out early on: no stability at home. No parents. No food. No love...One came out of it wanting to help people. Another came out of it with tenacity." hirotsu: i see... *takes a long drag on his cigarette* like yin and yang. but knowing you, you have some ulterior motives... Dazai: *sad smile* "I wouldn't be me if I didn't." hirotsu: care to shed a little light on it? perhaps, you're attempting to create a new 'double black'? Dazai: *smirk* hirotsu: ....but why? *raising an eyebrow* Dazai: "I'm not getting any younger to start raising the younger generation." hirotsu: please spare us the thought of you procreating. Dazai: "I'm not bad at it." hirotsu: are you only here to gloat about your sex life? or is there a point to this conversation? Dazai: "...Chuuya's going to need you. He's going to need friends." hirotsu: ....*he nods* it's good to see you still care for him, even after all these years. Dazai: "I abandoned the Mafia. But when a friend needs help..." hirotsu: .....why is it you left? Dazai: "...If you're going to kill me, I want you to face me when I'm at my best. If you're going to lie to me, you better make it believable." (thinking: not to mention, that ‘demon’ has already begun making his move…) -underground- FD: *tap tap tap* "Well, the Fall of Moby Dick failed...Still, the Guild is damaged. We have affected resources in Death City. We located a new ability user." *turns at his computer, smiles* "It's good, right?" Hawthorne: "...I am here only--" FD: "To save Mitchell. Yeah. I know." zoey: ......*blankly stares at hawthorne* FD: "But to make this world better...we'll have to spill a lot of blood...even if that means making this world red." *smiles at Hawthorne...and Zoey* Hawthorne: "..." ("What is with this child?") "Ma'am?" zoey: of course, fyodor. *smiles, but her eyes are dull and lifeless* Hawthorne: "...Ma'am? I wanted to know whether I could make you some tea." zoey:.....i have..no need...at the moment.... FD: *nods* Hawthorne: "...Okay. I will make some, then..." *looks wearily as he walks to kitchen* zoey: .... *nuzzles her head against FD's leg* master...<3 Hawthorne: "!!!" o____o ("Lord, give me strength...and brain bleach.") FD: *tickles lightly under her chin* zoey: ahhh~ Hawthorne: ("Maybe I can pierce my eardrums...") FD: "I still have work, kitten...How about you sit in my lap." -elsewhere- Mori: "...Damn." kouyou: truly unfortunate....(thinking: chuuya....) -at rain's apartment- higuchi:....*cleaing things up....she notices something in the trash* ??....... *her heart drops to the pit of her stomach* no.... -laying in the trash was a positive pregnancy test- Chuuya: "Y-You find the rest of her...books?" *he doesn't see the trash* higuchi:......yeah. Chuuya: "...Okay. I'll be in the car." *takes the last box* higuchi: ......mori....*grips fist* Chuuya: *lifeless eyes, as he holds onto the box...looks at the books in it...sees some small papers* *Looks at some doodles* Chuuya: *small laugh* *A photo...* -a photo of rain, higuchi, and chuuya enjoying a drink- Chuuya: "..." *lips quivers* -elsewhere- liz: good news, wes' old house has a new tenant living there. Patty: "Sweet! I thought that interview process would take awhile. You meet them?" liz: yeah, quiet, kinda lanky looking. and he had a pet raccoon? Patty: owo "I WANT TO MEET THE RACCOON!" -elsewhere- atsushi: school? Kunikida: "School." kirako: sounds exciting, doesnt it? Kyoka: "...I do not need school. I had all training I needed: assassination, infiltration, flirtation, seduction--" kirako: do you know how to write? Kyoka: "..." *takes a piece of paper, scribbles something...holds it up to Kirako* *it's foul...but has awful penmanship* kirako:.....*sweatdrop* Kunikida: "You will go to school, you will learn proper behavior, and you will learn that is _not_ how you spell..._that_ word!" atsushi: ^^; yosano: plus, it wouldnt hurt to make a few friends outside the agency, either. Kyoka: *lifts her head up--frowning, but shiny eyes* " 'Friends'?" yosano: there's lots of people at school. ^^ Kyoka: "...When would we start?" yosano: you start this september, so you got a whole month of summer vacation left. Kyoka: *grabs Atsushi by the collar* "We are making the most of this summer--starting with school supply sales." atsushi: ^^; -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: mmm~<3 =w= Kid: "...I needed a hug." stocking: *rubs his shoulders* i love you, kid. Kid: "I love you, too..." *puts a hand over hers* "...It...makes things better." stocking: *nuzzles* Kid: =w= *turns his head, kisses her* stocking: mmmm~<3 ^w^ Kid: *holds her* "Angel..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *cuddles, sighs* "You glorious woman..." -elsewhere- Higan: "..." *curled up under sheet* lavender: zzzzz.... Higan: "..." *holds onto her* lavender: mmmn... zzzzz Higan: *light kiss on her forehead, eyes wide open* lavender: zzzzzz.... Higan: "..." ("She gets the rest she deserves...") *nuzzles* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *puts a blanket over Kim* kim: zzzzz Jacqueline: "..." *steps towards the door, opening it carefully* kim: *snoring* Jacqueline: "???" ("Forgot how loud she snored...") -elsewhere- Yohei: *holding Toru* "It's okay...Daddy's here..." toru: *crying* chie: here you go. *gives him his bottle* Yohei: "Thanks, babe." *holds the bottle to Toru* "Here you go..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "...A whale. Fell out. From the sky." fang-hua: ..... reimi: cool. Tsukiyo: "Why is no one freaking out about that? Like, do people harpoon sky whales now?" reimi: we've seen weirder things happen in this city. Tsukiyo: "...Well, yeah. But that's a whole new kind of weird. And if that stuff happens...why can't other stuff?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "That scuba suit you used better have been worth the effort, you little shit." yu: *hands him the bag, shivering* Vulcan: *opens it* "..." *nods* "Good. I can retrofit these, including for whale prosthetics." *thumbs* "I fixed the water heater. Get a bath--you look awful." -elsewhere- mana:....*PUNCHES ASHI AND ZUNO INTO THE WALL* resent and remember. Zuno: *smashed into the wall* "I DON'T REMEMBER!" Assi: "I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR MONO, NOT YOU!" mana:...what? mono: what? O-O Zuno: "...I don't remember what I just said!" *jumps out the window* Assi: o\\\\\o "..." *runs away--into the door* chie:....*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *staring out at the dark night* naho: sakkun? Sakuya: "...What?" naho:.....*hugs* i love you, ok? Sakuya: "..." *tears start falling, but his face stays hard* naho: ....i bought some glow sticks in nyarajuku today. *hands him a green one* Sakuya: *holding a green one--still hard face, still crying...it looks almost comical* naho: *hugs his arm* i know....those memories hurt...and you're going to be ok. Sakuya: "H-How...?" naho: call it intuition....hey sakkun....*puts two pocky sticks in her mouth* im a pocky walrus! Sakuya: "..." *snort laugh, snot coming out of his nose, still crying* naho: *giggles and kisses him near the eyelid, giving him a tissue* Sakuya: *sniffs, blushing...he holds onto her* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *staring up at the stars* "..." -morning- FD: "Wake up. It's time that you get ready for work." -elsewhere- Dazai: -_____- "I'm exhausted." atsushi: yeah. it's been a hectic week. clerk: the new employee should be here soon. Tanizaki: "??? New employee?" atsushi: ??.... !!!! ah! the red haired girl! Montgomery: -_-; "I have a name, Tiger." atsushi: which i dont think you ever told me. Montgomery: "...Lucy." atsushi: *smiles* nice to meet you, lucy. ^^ Kyoka: "...Atsushi? Who is this girl?" atsushi: um, well. its a long story- Kyoka: "We have time. Bar wench, bring food and drinks." Montgomery: ಠ_ಠ atsushi: *sweating* Dazai: *smiles* "Today got more interesting." Montgomery: *holding notepad, waiting to take orders* atsushi: *SWEATS HARDER* -elsewhere- Poe: "...This place has ghosts, dusty corners, poor lighting..." *wide smile* "I LOVE IT!" -elsewhere- Relan: *poke poke* shinra: hmm oh, hey rel. *smiles* Relan: "Hi. Feeling okay?" shinra: doing great. Relan: *smiles, hugs him* "I'm glad." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *standing in the center of the room...covered in butterflies* mono: raising them? i remember doing those pop up tents with the butterflies too. Kepuri: "...I didn't intend to. I just stepped outside and...they followed me inside." mono: ah. Kepuri: "I'll to put in more flowers and--" *looks for the bed* "...Oh no...He was taking a nap." akaderu: ......this is fine. Kepuri: "Oh, sweetie!" *big smile* akaderu:... 7//////7 -elsewhere- Lawless: *holding the fridge over his head* "Who took the last slice of pizza?!" romina: well, sorry for having a big appetite. Lawless: "Retribution will be made! I want what was mine! I called dibs on the last slice!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Hmm. So, I have you to thank for getting Atsushi out of the whale." atsushi: more or less, yeah. and sorry that i didnt get you out of there sooner....y-you arent still mad, are you? Montgomery: "That depends on whether you give a generous tip. _Because I serve your food now._ atsushi: *gulp* OuO;;;;; Kyoka: "You also owe me more food, Atsushi." *sits closer to him* atsushi: *sweating intensifies* Montgomery: *glances back and forth between them* -///- yosano: he's sweating so much there's puddles under him. Dazai: "I hope that's sweat..." yosano: those guild guys should be leaving today...hey kenji? Kenji: *mouth full of noodles* "Huh?" yosano: why dont we crush some men under our heel today, 'toshiko'~? Kenji: "...Can I still get some free meals out of them?" yosano: sure. Kenji: "Let's do it!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* Kenji: "I'll put on my best dress!" atsushi: *looks at lucy* long story -elsewhere- Takehisa: *shivers* maki: i got you chicken noodle~! Takehisa: *sniff* "Th-Thanks..." *small sneeze* "Just..." maki: we're only human. we all get sick every now and then. Takehisa: "...That 'curse' covered in the news must have gotten to me." maki: i guess so... Takehisa: *sniff, blows on the spoonful of soup...sips...* "Hmm...This is really good." maki: thanks. we used one of the cans, but karin added a few spices to it. Takehisa: "Hmm. It has a little kick to it." *weak smile* -elsewhere- Hibana: *pushing the swing* "Want to go higher?" hanako: up! up! gabriella: *has the camera out* Hibana: *pushes a bit more* "Here you go!" -elsewhere- Bellhop: "Lana, you got a call. It's your dad." lana: ah! *picks the phone up* hey dad. feeling any better? Touma: "Much." lana: *her heart drops* !!! Touma: "Remember that errand I gave you about the Grim Reaper's son and his now-wife. You failed." lana: i never throught- *looks* i didnt know you intended to _kill_ them! Touma: " 'Kill' is such a nasty word. I simply seek out samples for my ongoing research. And you never asked what I was going to do..." lana:...what is it you want? Touma: "Oh, nothing at the moment. I'll call you back when I'm ready." lana: ....... Touma: "Until then, keep everything tidy." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *nom nom* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *fanning himself* kirei: the shrine is holding a ghost story telling event later tonight. Benimaru: "Oh. That could be entertaining. Would you like to go?" -elsewhere- Triple A: "Hello, Marie." marie: oh, arthur, good to see you again. christa: TnT Triple A: *smiles* "Likewise. You're looking well." *looks at Christa* "And so do you, Miss Christa..." christa: goaway! Triple A: .w.; "...What?" christa: Xp Triple A: "Um...So, you're out on errands, Marie?" *looking wearily at Christa* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Want to pick up lunch at the commissary?" lord death: well, i dont have anything else planned today. Spirit: "Great!" *opens the door out of the Death Room* "How're you holding up?" lord death: everything's been well. *smiles* so, i hear miss izumi is starting classes at the DWMA this fall. Spirit: *nods* "...It's kind of scary." lord death: that's understandable. but i have faith in her, as i do all the students. Spirit: "...Do you say that as the headmaster, or as a parent?" lord death: *thumbs up* yes. Spirit: "...As a parent, I'm scared." lord death: *listening* Spirit: "Izumi is not a weapon. Meister training and other training is exhaustive...and people get hurt." lord death: *nods* Spirit: "How do I keep her safe?" -elsewhere- Amaimon: *stuck in hamster form* "..." maid: i take it you learned your lesson now? Amaimon: "I just did what brother asked. And he said he would give me a gift..." maid: well, he gave you a nice hamster cage, didnt he? Amaimon: "..." *runs on hamster wheel--which lights up* .w. -elsewhere- Ponera: *small gasp* grimoire: ?? Ponera: "I forgot to get back a spell book I lent to Shaula." shaula: oh, i needed it to be a foot for the broken table. Ponera: -_-;;; "It has important items in it...and you waste it like that?" -elsewhere- Patty: "Zzz..." liz: *putting a blanket over her* *smiles* night, sis. Patty: =w= *bundles herself* liz:...*smiles* Wes: *pats Liz's shoulder* liz: ^^ Wes: *carefully closes Patty's door* "You're a great sister..." liz: i've had practice for years so... Wes: "..." *nods* "Yes." liz: hey wes? you ever think about us...i dunno...having a baby? Wes: .\\\. "...Yes. I have." -elsewhere- Mori: "...I have to find a new assistant." higuchi: *glares* Mori: "Who here wants to make the phone call?" Chuuya: *seated lifeless in his chair* kouyou: ......shall i? Mori: "Sure. Just make sure she's good." -elsewhere- Patient: "Nurse! I've been calling for assistance for 20 minutes!" veronica: ah! coming! ... (thinking: zoey's been sick for days now... im starting to get worried...) *Ring ring* nurse: *picks up* hello? ???: "Hello? I would like to speak with Zoey." nurse: oh, she isnt in today. i heard she called sick. ???: "...Could you tell her to call when she gets in? nurse: alright then. and who is this? ???: "Her parent." nurse: ah. i see. ???: "..." *sniff* "Thank you...Goodbye." nurse: .... *Phone hangs up* -elsewhere- Melville: *on a bench* ango: mr melville, i presume? Melville: "Call me Herman." ango: *nods* of course, herman. if you dont so mind answeing a few questions, we could refrain from arresting guild members who were not involved in the incident. Melville: "...Okay. But will you allow an old man to at least stare out at the water while we talk?" ango: of course. according to official reports, you were once head of the guild once upon a time ago, correct? Melville: "...I don't want to hear about ancient history, from a child." ango:....do you _want_ to be arrested? Melville: "...Is there somewhere you intend to take me?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: *holding the fake Impure Eye--and squishing it* *squeak squeak squeak* maid: sir, please stop that. my ears are beginning to bleed. felisia:...(thinking: so cute im gonna die) Mephisto: *pouts* "But it's so squeak-able!" *bounces it against the wall* maid: *eye'd* ack! Mephisto: .w.; "...Sorry. How about you take the day off?" -elsewhere- Giriko: *finishes shaving* "There! How does Daddy look clean-shaven?" anna:..... Q~Q *crying* arachne: aww, anna. Giriko: .____. "I knew I shouldn't have shaved...H-Hang on! I could just glue the hair back on--" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Hey, Mana!" mana: hey. Shotaro: *he's holding a shovel covered in dirt* "Emine said you needed a mud bath, so I dug one in the backyard!" -morning- atsushi: so the crime scene isnt far now, right, tanizaki? Tanizaki: "No...But why are you here? It was supposed to be Ranpo." atsushi: he said he had an appointment today. he didnt specify. he also mentioned for me to go to a flower shop? Tanizaki: "...'Kay. Guess it can't be helped." *points* "There's the crime scene. And the body." atsushi: so what all happened? Tanizaki: : *reviews notes* "Male, about 40 years old." *points at corpse with covering over it* "4 AM. Hit by truck, dead on the spot. Face damaged, so identity unknown." atsushi: have they checked his pockets? Tanizaki: *nods* "Privately-made gun, no serial number. Popular with Mafia members about 20 years ago." atsushi: so a mafia member, perhaps? Tanizaki: "Who knows? Could've been an accident or an assassination--" *spots something* "Atsushi! In the deceased's hand!" atsushi: ?? *looks* Tanizaki: "This newspaper clipping is damaged...Where is the missing piece?" medic: we've confirmed an identity from the blood test. atsushi: ??........*staggers.....then vomits, screaming* Tanizaki: "?! Atsushi! Calm down! What is it?" atsushi: no no no no no no....why him? why is he of all people here?! *hyperventilating* Tanizaki: "??? You know him?" officer: so the victim was the head of an orphanage outside the city, eh? what do you think is gonna happen to the place? officer 2: i dunno. -elsewhere- kouyou:......*knocks on the door* chuuya? *The door seems to be pressed hard against the edges, as if wind is pushing it* kouyou: ......i just want to speak with you, if not as an executive, at least as a mother... *The door is expanding...expanding...* kouyou: *backs way to the side* hmm... here seems about good. *BOOM* kouyou: ....are you done? *The door is splintered. Empty cartons of wine are everywhere--cheap, supermarket wine* Chuuya: *slurring* "Geddout..." kouyou: chuuya...*hug* its alright now... Chuuya: *weakly pushing off* "Let go...I haven't showered. I vomited in the vase...* kouyou: do you need mama to help you? Chuuya: "N-No! Don't call yourself that--it's creepy...I want...I want..." kouyou: *head pats* just let it out... Chuuya: *lips quivers, then he collapses, crying* kouyou: *rubs his back and hums, a familiar lullaby she would hum when he was younger* Chuuya: *can't speak, just holding onto her...and then...* "R-Rain..." kouyou: .....(thinking: that poor girl...) Chuuya: "I didn't...Then he...He..." kouyou: ....... Chuuya: "He killed her..." kouyou: ?? Chuuya: "Akutagawa..." kouyou: ..... -elsewhere- atsushi: ......... Tanizaki: "..." *holds out a cup of coffee* atsushi:....thanks.... Tanizaki: "So...He was looking for you, huh?" atsushi: i dont know.....and now he's gone....*shaking* Tanizaki: "Look, if you feel sad, then rest first." atsushi: sad?! me?! are you kidding?! this is the greatest day of my whole life! that tyrant is dead and gone! im writing this down in my personal calendar so i remember it forever! *laugh-crying* Tanizaki: o_o "...Don't you want to know why he was looking for you?" atsushi: he was...probably here to kill me...but jokes on him! Tanizaki: "...You think he deserved to die?" atsushi: of course he did! after all he put me and the other children through?! i hope he's burning in hell as we speak! Tanizaki: "...We're supposed to be solving this murder." atsushi:......right.. -a while later, atsushi goes to meet up with an informant- ???: "You came." atsushi: *turns*.... O_O; Akutagawa: *tosses envelope at Atsushi's feet* "Tell them it was an accident..." *his eyes look red, his face gaunt, his clothes a mess* atsushi: *picks it up* h-hey....you ok? you look.....off. Akutagawa: "I-I'm fine...Take this information. Enjoy it. He is dead now." atsushi: o...ok...? *examines the notes* .....?? he was planning to _sell_ the gun? .....then what was he going to use the money fo-...huh? *Akutagawa has disappeared around the corner...* Akutagawa: *...but he's actually just collapsed around the corner* atsushi:.....*calling out* thank you! *exits* Akutagawa: *shaking, trying to hold onto himself* *images of Rain's face and Atsushi and Dazai are flooding his brain* *whispering* "St-Stop..." -later on, after atsushi read through the info, he is now on a park bench, looking around with a sullen look on his face- toru: hehe! Yohei: "Enjoying yourself, huh, kiddo?" toru: ^w^ atsushi: ....... Yohei: *picks him up out of the stroller* *points up at the tree* "Look at how big the branches are! And they just started as a teeny tiny little seed..." *holds up his fingers to show the size of a seed* atsushi:.....*looking down at the ground* ???: "There you are! I found something..." atsushi: is it the file tanizaki gave you?......yeah....i skimmed through it... Dazai: "He found something else...The article he read was about you, fighting the Guild. He probably came to compliment you for--" atsushi: i dont....i dont believe it...after all he did?! -he sighs- remember when we first met? looking for that tiger? Dazai: "...You mean, when we were looking for you?" atsushi:...yeah....why did he hide that fact from everyone? that i was....y-you know.... Dazai: "Who knows...Imagine what that feels like, to keep that a secret from someone for so long." atsushi: .......i've been trying to wrap my head around it...but it keeps hurting my brain....can we....go to the flower shop? Dazai: "...Okay." -and so- atsushi: *shows the clerk the photo* this man...did he order anything from this shop? Clerk: "...Oh, yes! Let me pull it up...It was for one bouquet--" atsushi: any occasion mentioned? Clerk: "No. I think he wanted to meet someone." atsushi: did he mention who? Clerk: "Someone who used to be at his...what was it. A school? Dorm? No, wait...Orphanage?" atsushi:....i see....thanks...*exits*............... Dazai: "...???" atsushi: i think...i understand now..... he was selling the gun to buy those flowers....but died on the way......i know, he lost people close to him, but i wont ever forgive all the hell he put me through! Dazai: "...No one says you have to." atsushi:...how am i....supposed to feel about this then? *smiling a false smile, but teary eyed* Dazai: "You get to make whatever expression you want. But, if I could offer some advice...when someone's father passes away, they cry." *turns* atsushi:......*tears falling*.....*tightly hugs dazai from behind and cries* Dazai: o\\\\o "...Um..." *pat pat* atsushi: *hic* *gross sobbing* Dazai: "..." -3- ("Kunikida better pay to get this snot cleaned off...") *hug* -elsewhere- Mori: "And that is the plan." kouyou: *nods* Chuuya: "..." Akutagawa: *collapsed on the floor* elise: *poking akutagawa with a stick* Mori: "...Um...So, you are to infiltrate and monitor...and...Could someone pick up Akutagawa and make Chuuya smile already?" kouyou: i feel a mission would help you both back on your feet. Chuuya: "..." Akutagawa: "I don't want to be on my feet." Mori: "Well, too bad: I need you all on this mission, and if you can't do it, I can think of other work..." *opens a hole in the floor, where fire escapes upward* -elsewhere- Wes: *opens a door* "Where does this room lead--" liz: ta-dah~ *in lingere* Wes: o\\\\\\o *nosebleed* "Hot damn..." liz: ^w^ Wes: *still staring at her, as he shuts the door and locks* "You look amazing..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sets dinner down at the table* -elsewhere- shiemi: *getting her bed ready* *Knock knock* shiemi: who is it? ???: "It's Yukio." shiemi: y-yu-yuki?! i thought you were still in death city looking for that eye?? Rin: "Ha! Just fooling! It's me!" shiemi: oh.... Rin: "...Yeah...Um...I locked myself out of my room?" shura: jeez. *uses the key card* there ya go, happy now? Rin: "Awesome! Thanks." shura: so how's japan for ya so far? Rin: "...Kinda smaller than I thought it'd be?" shura: *peeks into his room* seems you got quite a number of souvenirs already... Rin: .\\\\. "Not that many...But I do need to buy more luggage." *holds up a kitten plushie* "Will Madoka like this? The eyes seem kind of dead and lifeless..." Plushie: ◕ ‿‿ ◕ shura:......maybe? (thinking: creepy) Rin: "..." *puts a towel over the Plushie* "...Well, when we heading to the next hotel?" shura: about a few days, give or take. damn scheduling errors. Rin: "..." *looks to the left* -in another room- Bon: *reading at desk* konekomaru: it's kind of nice to be back home...almost home, anyway. Bon: "...Yeah. It'll be good to--" *spots Shima* Shima: Q~Q konekomaru: shima?! whats wrong?! Shima: "M-Maybe we don't have to go back? Maybe I should just stay here--you know, hold down the fort here as a back-up post? Ha ha ha..." konekomaru: ?? Bon: "Is this about your fam--" Shima: *covering his ears* "LA LA LA LA! CAN'T HEAR YOU!" *walks into closet* konekomaru:....*sweatdrop* Bon: "Come out of the closet already!" konekomaru: um...phasing? Bon: ಠ_ಠ -elsewhere- izumo: ..... *ring tone on Izumo's phone* izumo: *checks phone* Paku: [text: how's japan?] izumo: *smiles* [it's been well. it's nice to be back home. U?] Paku: [classes are okay. u should've seen what homeroom teacher did] *pic of the teacher, not noticing chalkboard message that, when her head blocks it, spells out something naughty] izumo: [omg X'D] Paku: [lol. pick me up something fun in japan! i got a long list...] izumo: [k] Paku: [miss u] -elsewhere- Patty: *sitting upside down on couch* -3- kirika: trying to get the blood to flow to your brain? Patty: "Just bored..." *crosses her arms* "What're you up to?" kirika: *shrugs and makes 'i dunno' sound* Patty: "...Mario Kart?" kirika: eh sure. Patty: *flips down from couch--and keeps flipping until she reaches the controllers by the TV* -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...That's hardly scary." fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: "Oh, you think you got a scarier story?" Benimaru: *stare, his face getting gaunt and creepy* fang-hua: *sweatdrop* Tsukiyo: Q~Q Benimaru: "There is a shortcut through a cornfield..." kirei: *listening* Benimaru: "The corn grows tall and thick. The path you chose is muddy. The corn grows in rows without scope or end. In the dark, you hurry..." hinata: O-O Benimaru: "You don't see the standing forms--you pass them on your way. They stand still amongst the swaying corn, which hides their pallor...and decay." hikage: *shivering* Benimaru: "Hundreds gather in this field tonight, although you see none at all yet. Still, you look around in fright. The corn grows too thick, too tall. You tell yourself, 'It's merely the rustling of the leaves.' But they see you, and they hear you. And they might not let you leave..." kabuki:.... *Lightning strike* hinata + hikage: EEP! *A figure is seen in the shadows, its appearance tall and something growing out of it* reimi: O-O Tsukiyo: "EEEEEK!" *clutches Kabuki* kabuki: ah- kirei:....*faint smile* ^^; Benimaru: "..." *summons a flame--and tosses it at the figure* Figure: "?!!! AHH! I'm on fire!" *runs away, trying to roll around in the dirt outside* Tsukiyo: Q~Q "...What monsters goes 'Ah, I'm on fire'?" kirei: ah! *goes to investigate* oh goodness. ^^;; Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q *his clothes are scorched, and the tip of his fox ears and tail are still on fire* "...What the hell?!" Benimaru: "Whoops. My bad." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." *sets down his book* lilac: zzzz Sakuya: "..." *picks up Lilac* lilac: zzzzz Sakuya: *opens door to Lilac's room...* lilac: zzzzz..... Sakuya: *sets Lilac in bed, pulls up the sheets* lilac: ......*faint smile* Sakuya: *passes hair off his forehead...small forehead kiss* naho: *smiles* Sakuya: *turns around* "???" ^\\\^ naho: ^^ *give lilac a small kiss on the forehead as well* lilac: *clutching pillow* Sakuya: *pats her back* naho: ^^ Sakuya: *holds her hand* -elsewhere- Gopher: *holding tissue to his nose* "My poor nose." eibon: D8> Gopher: "I shouldn't have stood behind that door." ^^; "Sorry." -elsewhere- Takehisa: *sniff* "I should repair the Matchbox...I can...I..." *collapses on the floor* maki: !!! takehisa! karin: !! easy there! *helping him up* Takehisa: *swinging a wrench back and forth* "I can repair...Just let me at it, Coach! I'm ready to play..." -w- *he's delirious* iris: *making a phone call* tamaki: woah, easy there! shinra: *confiscating the wrench* Takehisa: *slurred speech* "The Edmund Fitzgerald will sail again!" maki: come on, time for you to get some sleep. nozomi: commander, will he be ok? Akitaru: "Takehisa has had worse. He just needs to sleep it off. But until then, we still need repairs on the Matchbox--" Victor: "I'LL DO IT!" shinra: how about dr itou handles it? karin: *cracks knuckles* challenge accepted! Victor: D: "...Okay." *mopes away* nozomi: do you want me to help you? karin: ... Victor: TT_TT nozomi: *pats his back* Victor: *sniff* "Th-Thank you." nozomi: ^///^ -elsewhere- Hibana: *putting in night-light* "Bright enough?" hanako: *nod* -elsewhere- madoka: *setting up vid chat* hey rin. ^^ Rin: "C-Can you see me? I don't see you. Did I forgot to turn something on?" madoka: um... oh! *presses something* how about now? Rin: "Ah! Now I see you!" *he shows up in a I Heart Tokyo shirt* *does a very fast wave at her with his dorky smile* madoka: ^^ how's the trip so far? Rin: "I got souvenirs!!!" madoka: i can tell. *she smiles* Rin: "Yeah, I've had a great time going to Shinjuku...by myself. And have ramen...by myself. And buy pocky...by myself." QWQ madoka: aww. i wish i could be there with you. ....i really wish i could be there hugging you. Rin: *nod nod* "Me too..." *holds up a body pillow with a Digimon on it* "I get no huggies tonight." QWQ madoka: maybe a good night kiss through the screen? Rin: *nod nod* *leans up to the screen, giggles nervously* -smooch- madoka: ^///^ Rin: *smooch* "Love ya..." madoka: i love you too. good night. Rin: " 'Night!" -morning- Wes: *yawn* liz: zzzzzz Wes: *smiles, as he kisses her shoulder* liz: =w= Wes: "Morning..." liz: morning~ Wes: *hugs* "Sleep well, babe?" liz: sure did, honey. Wes: "Same...and I can think of a few reasons why~" -elsewhere- Bon: *yawn, opens an eye, and--* "...Why is Shima in my bed?" Shima: *fetal position, sucking his thumb* konekomaru: ^^; Bon: *kick* Shima: "Ouch!" konekomaru: morning. Shima: "Some morning...What's the agenda today?" -elsewhere- atsushi: *out of the shower* ah....hmm? *notices hair in the trash....kyouka's hair* ?? kyouka? Kyoka: "What?" atsushi: ....nothing....looks nice. ^^; Kyoka: "...Okay." *sits down* "Where's breakfast?" atsushi: ah! right! *goes to make some* Kyoka: "...You still look sad." atsushi: i just....had a rough day yesterday....hope you dont mind omurice again... Kyoka: "...That is acceptable." *sits to eat* -elsewhere- Anya: *asleep in bed* tsugumi: zzzzz... ao:.....*walks in....holding a knife* Meme: *sleep-talking* "Pythagorean theorem...forgetting a step...What is the equation...?" mio: zzzzz.....nyeh?.... O_o ao: *standing over anya* ....... Anya: *blinks her eyes* "Huh?" ao: good morning, miss anya~ -shiiiing- Anya: o____O *kicks up* ao: i was wondering....would you like some butter on your toast? Anya: "WHAT IS IT WITH YOU AND KNIVES?!" tsugumi: *yaaaawn* -elsewhere- Spirit: "Hmm...Which other books will you need for class...?" -elsewhere- mafia secretary: and here are your fake student IDs. [Ryuzaki Araragi] [Chuuya Ozaki] Akutagawa: "I don't want to do this." Chuuya: "..." mafia secretary: well too bad, buster browns, we already got the paperwork filed and the uniforms picked out. Akutagawa and Chuuya: "...'Uniforms'?" mafia secretary: school uniforms, obviously! Chuuya: "...I hate the pants." Akutagawa: "This looks uncomfortable." -elsewhere- Hyde: *fixing up his hair in the mirror* -elsewhere- "Toshiko": ("Hmm...I think I got all the food...Oh! I forgot donuts.") yosano: *reading a medical magazine* "Toshiko": "Doctor, could you help me with the groceries?" yosano: alright. "Toshiko": "That's everything, right? I mean, aside from donuts." yosano: seems so. *nods* Steinbeck: .w. "Toshiko!" "Toshiko": ._.; twain: hey sweet stuff! yosano: ..... o u o "Toshiko": "...So. You're both here. Yay." Steinbeck: *glares at Twain* "Toshiko...I have a proposal to make to you..." twain: you available this weekend~? “Toshiko”: "Well, I--" Steinbeck: "Hey! I still have a proposal to make!" *takes Toshiko's arm* yosano: *whispers* do you want to tell them or should i? “Toshiko”: "...How about you tell them?" yosano: oh gentleman~ want to know something interesting~? *whispers into their ears* toshiko's actually kenji in a dress. twain:....................................*shrug* eh, wouldnt have been the first time. Steinbeck: "...Really?" *looks at Toshiko* "...Huh." Kenji: .\\\\. "Um..." yosano: ....not the shocked reaction i was hoping. but oh well. Steinbeck: "...So, you still up for my proposal?" Kenji: *cursing inside* random guild member: *drags them away* please excuse them. -_-; Kenji: "...What was that even...?" yosano: learn not to question it. ???: ....... *walking away* Kenji: "...Do I still get to wear the dress?" yosano: hey, its your life. if you want to, go nuts. *shrug* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Maybe I can get some medicine for Takehisa." shinra: sounds like a good idea. Arthur: "Good." *pulls out a dusty map* "The Elixir of Antigone is only a fortnight away. If we leave now, we can avoid the Griffin of Turmoil." shinra:.....(thinking: is that a map from dungeons and dragons?...) Arthur: "Don your best armor, squire--we're off!" shinra: -_-; Akitaru: "Pick up some coffee while you boys are out." shinra: ok! Arthur: "I will milk the Dragon of Juan Valdez for your dairy creamer--" Akitaru: -________- shinra: we'll get to it! tamaki: i'll go with them and make sure they dont get lost. Arthur: *shiny eyes* "With you as my compass--" -bonk- tamaki: *drags them off* lets just go. -_-; Arthur: x___x -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Finished pre-semester tutorial on library work." kim: awesome. Jacqueline: "Zoo work going okay?" kim: yeah. it's been enjoyable. -elsewhere- Kyoka: *stomach growl* -elsewhere- higuchi: *at the bar* i'll have two glasses of scotch please. Bartender: *hands them* "There you go." higuchi: *nods and puts one to the side*......*staring at the empty seat* ...............*sips* Bartender: "..." *sighs, returns to work* higuchi:...*notices someone come in* Chuuya: "..." *dragging his feet to the bar* higuchi: ......scotch? Chuuya: "..." *silently takes it* higuchi:.....did you....*ahem*....want to talk about it? Chuuya: "...I screwed up." higuchi: *listening* Chuuya: "...I could have saved her." higuchi: ....yeah, we could have... Chuuya: *shakes his head* "No...This is my fault. I-I didn't even recognize her..." higuchi:...you couldnt have known that she-....*shakes head* Chuuya: "What kind of a man am I...that I didn't see it? After all the pain she went through...I-I didn't help her...I would've killed her without knowing..." higuchi:....i thought....i heard her say something, back then... Chuuya: "??? Say what?" higuchi: it sounded like... 'please, let me die'. Chuuya: *his heart sinks...he collapses onto the bar* "No..." higuchi: i think....she wanted her misery to end. Chuuya: "..." *sniff* "I-I could have..." higuchi:....*pats his back* Chuuya: "I could've done something to make her happy..." higuchi:.......... you've really taken a liking to her...why is that? Chuuya: "...I wanted her to feel loved." higuchi:...*nods* Chuuya: "...She was kind. She was funny. She...was beautiful." higuchi: *smiles* hardworking too. Chuuya: *nods* "She always knew what we needed...I remember, when I was sick, she brought in chicken soup." higuchi: *listening* Chuuya: "It was so tasty..." *small laugh* "She had spilled a little bit of it on her coat when she brought it into work." higuchi: i saw that....she always did have terrible luck. Chuuya: "...It wasn't helped by people going out of their way to give her bad luck..." higuchi:....(thinking: mori....) Chuuya: "...I loved her." higuchi:...she loved you too. a lot. Chuuya: "..." *whimpers* higuchi: .....*pats his back* she wanted to tell you, but.....she didnt think she had a chance with you. Chuuya: "...Why didn't we..." higuchi: ?? Chuuya: "Why didn't we just say it to each other?" higuchi: ...... Chuuya: "I could've...We could've left..." higuchi:.....would you really have done that for one person? Chuuya: "...If I known this would've happened...Yes." higuchi:.....where would you have gone, then? Chuuya: "...I don't know. Somewhere away from the Mafia. Away from anyone who could follow us." higuchi:.....what are you going to do now? Chuuya: "...Didn't you hear? I have to go to school now." higuchi: yeah. ryunosuke, too... Chuuya: "..." *the glass on the bar starts to rise a bit* higuchi:...*faint smile* to be fair, you could pass as a high school student. Chuuya: "?! I AM NOT THAT SHORT!" higuchi: *chuckles* Chuuya: *glares, downs his scotch* -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Who did this?" *flowers in his hair* -silence- Aizawa: "Okay. I will punish every student in this class until someone confesses--" kouji: *raises hand meekly* Aizawa: "...Well, that takes the fun out of punishing multiple students. Okay. Everyone but Kouji has to run five laps--because Kouji was the only one to make my hair look lovely." Bakugo: *glares at Kouji* kouji: q_q Izuku: *pat pat on Kouji's back* -elsewhere- Rin: QWQ ("I'm lost...") ???: <excuse me sir, do you need help?> Rin: "Um..." *points on his map to a building* ???: <want me to take you there?> Rin: "..." Rin: "Y-Yes?" *nods* ???: <ok. by the way, what's your name?> Rin: "Rin." ???: <ah, nice too meet you.> -elsewhere- Patty: *stares at Liz* liz: ya? Patty: *leans closer, staring at Liz's stomach* liz:...what? Patty: *poke* liz: ? Patty: "...Okay! Just checking!" -elsewhere- Victor: *holding drops over a beaker* "Almost..." -in takehisa's room- ???:....ke....hi....sa.... Takehisa: "N-No..." -a burnt corpse crawls onto the bed- toudou: take...hi...sa.... Takehisa: "St-Stay back!" *waving his arm around him, trying to find his gun* maki: takehisa? Takehisa: *picks up the lamp and throws it* maki: O-O *dodge* -morning- atsushi: so where are we doing? Kunikida: "We are investing an information broker." atsushi: for what exactly? Kunikida: "We're looking into this." *holds up his tablet, showing a symbol* atsushi:...ah! that's the logo from the terminal!...now that i look at it, it looks like a demented micky mouse....or deadmau5. Kunikida: "This microchip on the back allows long-distance interference--which is how the Moby-Dick was seized." atsushi: freaky...so this hacker....they'll be able to help us? Kunikida: "We'll see. We have known them for 10 years. In fact, they used to be with the Agency." atsushi: oh. -they arrive at an almost deralict house- atsushi:....*gulp* Kunikida: "..." *kicks down the door* atsushi: are we....allowed to do that? o-o;;; Kunikida: "KATAI! I'M COMING IN! Would it kill you to clean up this place?!" atsushi: (thinking: katai?) *There is a blanket...something wiggles underneath it* atsushi: *YELPS!* ???: "I'm gonna die here..." atsushi:...dazaaaaai? *The man pops up, looking at his laptop* Katai: "I'm just gonna die here in his futon..." atsushi: um....hello? sir? Katai: "!!! INTRUDER!" *tosses an empty can of Surge* atsushi: ACK! *nice catch* kunikida? a lil help! Kunikida: *already wearing a mask and gloves, washing the dishes in his sink* "Katai, we need your electronic-control powers. So wrap up that futon and--" Katai: "I can't..." Kunikida: "...What?" atsushi: um....why not? o.o; Katai: "...Love sickness." atsushi: oh? that's all? *is romantically dense* Kunikida: "..." *facepalm* Katai: "Three days ago, I went to the silk shop to have my futon repaired. On the way home...I saw her...Yamato Nadeshiko." atsushi: yamatona deshiko? Katai: "Ethereal grace, like a lily along the pond. Seeing her poise even yards away, I was smitten immediately." atsushi: i...see....*sweatdrop* Katai: "So intoxicated by her beauty, I used my remaining strength to photograph her." atsushi: isnt that considered stalking?! im pretty sure that's illegal! (thinking: who even does that?!) Kunikida: "Atsushi, how many sugars?" *holds up a cup of tea* atsushi: one please. *looking at the picture* she kind of looks like a model. Katai: "Oh! It is hopeless! How can I speak to a woman?! Communicating with moles would be easier! *cowers under his futon* "I will be alone forever with just Yoshiko..." atsushi: yoshiko? Kunikida: "The name of his futon..." atsushi: hmm.....*lightbulb* how about we find this girl and set the two of you up? Katai: D: Kunikida: "What?! Are you trying to kill him?!!" atsushi: from what you said, he cant use his ability if he's like this, then it's our best option! Katai: "...FIND MY YAMATO NADESHIKO, DETECTIVE AGENCY!" atsushi: you can count on us! -meanwhile, at the agency, dazai and another individual are investigating a missing person's case- yosano: so then your daughter... Zoey's Parent: "Sh-She hasn't been at the hospital in weeks..." yosano: mr lewis, please remain calm. we'll find her one way or another. Mr. Lewis: "..." *puts his head in his hands* naomi: jeez...it sucks that ranpo caught a cold now of all times... kirako: kyouka, do you think you can handle this? kyouka:....*thumbs up* -at the hospital- veronica: may i help- oh, its you again. -_-; let me guess yet another suicide attempt? Dazai: "...Not unless I could convince you to join me~" veronica: -_-# you realize i am married, right? kyouka:...*gives dazai a look* T_T *chop* get to business, fool. Dazai: "...Just because I spot the ring doesn't mean I won't try. But in any case, we're here to investigate a missing person case." veronica: you mean zoey? yeah, im beginning to worry about her... Dazai: "When did you last see her?" veronica: the day after the mass hysteria incident. some foreign guy came in to visit two of the patients. they've gone missing as well. Dazai: "Their names?" veronica: mr hawthorne and miss mitchell. *checking the computer* huh...that's weird... kyouka: ?? veronica: the names arent coming up on the database...they arent in the computer recycling bin either... Dazai: *takes his notepad* "Start with Hawthorne. What was his height?" veronica: fairly tall, glasses. blueish hair? could have been hair dye? Dazai: *nods* "About six feet or taller?" veronica: i think? as for miss mitchell, she was comatose and in critical condition. kyouka:....when you say 'foreign guy'...what kind? veronica: hmmm. i want to say russian? he sure sounded it. Dazai: "He have a name?" veronica: i didnt catch it. but i know he had dark hair and was kinda scrawny. i remember zoey asking him on a date, but i think that was only because she was getting close to 'that age' and hasnt found a boyfriend... Dazai: "...Tell me a bit about Zoey. Do you know where her apartment is?" veronica: actually yes. *writing down the address* her roommate is probably still in. -on a road- higuchi: *driving home, with a sleeping chuuya in the back seat* (thinking: jeez...) *stops at the red light and notices someone*..?? !!! ryunosuke?! Akutagawa: *collapsed on a bench* higuchi: (thinking: oh my gosh, those glasses look so good on him! ok ichiyo, calm down.) -a young woman with long hair comes up to him- woman: there you are, ryu. come on, lets get home. Akutagawa: *grunts* "...Okay." *tries to stand--stumbles a bit* -she helps him up and walks with him....in a way that looks like she's hugging him- higuchi:......*a small explosion off her head* Chuuya: *turns over* "Higuchi, turn down the heat in the car..." -at an apartment building- kyouka: this is the place... Dazai: "Hmm...Guess nurses don't make much..." kyouka: *knocks on the door* Dazai: "..." ???: *female voice* <please wait a moment~> *a young woman comes out, dressed in seifuku, hair in pigtails and a cat ear headband* may i help you, nya? Dazai: .w. "Would you like a suici--" kyouka: *CHOP* -inside the room- girl: oh, so you're looking for zoey-chan? Dazai: *holding ice to his head* "Yeah. She call, email, or text you?" girl: not recently, nya. the last i saw zoey-chan is when she was going out on her date with her new senpai. i think they were going to that fancy place. *holds up a brochure for a restaurant* Dazai: *looking over the brochure* "Indeed fancy...You see what the guy looked like?" girl: zoey-chan said she would meet him there. but that was days ago now, nya. Dazai: "Hmmm...Has Zoey had many dates?" girl: im not sure. *winks, sticks tongue out and bumps fist against her head very cutely* Dazai: .\\\\. "*ahem* Um...Well, if you hear from Zoey, call us..." *hands business card* -morning, at the higuchi family apartment- Chuuya: *passed out on couch* higuchi: *laying on the floor* TT_____TT higuchi's sister: big sis! get a hold of yourself! -elsewhere- atsushi: she was spotted around...here? Kunikida: "I think so. I wonder what changed his mind about tracking down this woman..." -on a roof- higuchi: *in despair* that woman....with ryunosuke...... !!! (thinking: this has to be a conspiracy! perhaps an assassin from an enemy of the mafia? or perhaps a government agent? i have to stop her before ryunosuke gets hurt!) are you with me, chuuya?! Chuuya: "Zzz..." higuchi: *peeek* O-O *ducks* the agency? here? dammit. *peeeeks with her binoculars* !!! (thinking: that woman in the photo! its the same woman!) Chuuya: *curled up* "R-Rain..." higuchi:....*sighs and peaks over.....kunikida and atsushi are gone*....where- ???: "Do you have business with us?" higuchi: O-O;;;; ACK! Kunikida: "A spy should pay attention to their surroundings when contending with the Man-Tiger's eyes." atsushi: hello. *small wave* higuchi: *shivering* that woman...in the photo.....*gets on her hands and knees, bowing* PLEASE TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT HER!! Chuuya: *sits up, screaming--lifting up some rocks on the rooftop as well* "RAIN! WHERE ARE YOU?!" atsushi: OHHOLYSWEETFUCK!! higuchi: *CHOP* CHUUYA STOP SCREAMING AND PAY ATTENTION! Chuuya: "..." *falls forward, vomiting* atsushi: O_O is...is he.... *shakes head* we dont know about that lady....we were actually in the middle of finding her ourselves. we were going to give her this letter. *its a love letter* higuchi:......*JAWDROP*........... *lightbulb* LET'S COLLABORATE ON THIS MISSION THEN! atsushi: um....*sweatdrop* kunikida, mind tending to the sick guy? Kunikida: "...Fine. Keep an eye on this woman. She seems dangerous." Chuuya: *vomiting, sobbing* -and so, after chuuya had calmed down a bit- higuchi: i must say, weretiger. it's bold of you to confess such feelings for an older woman. but i wish you the best of luck! atsushi:....huh? ???: *pant pant pant* higuchi: ??? atsushi: mr katai? Katai: "I...am here...to confess to my beloved!" higuchi:...um....what? atsushi: he's the guy who wrote the love letter. Katai: "Yes, I am...!!! And you are with the Mafia!" higuchi: *notices he's pointing away* um...we're right here. atsushi: are you that bad at talking to girls? like seriously? even im not that awkward. Katai: "!!! My love! There she stands!" woman:.... higuchi: !!! oh i am coming for you you bITCH! woman:... O_O; *RUNS* higuchi: GET BACK HERE YOU FUCKING COWARD! Katai: "..." *glares--and takes off running* atsushi: shouldnt we...do something? o-o; woman: O-O;;; *running, hopping a fence* Katai: *turns off traffic signals to block the intersection from Higuchi* -the wacky chase scene continues into a warehouse- higuchi: heh, end of the line. you are mine- Katai: "My love! I will save--" gin: *hair up, putting on mask........still in the woman's outfit*......................shit. higuchi:.................................g...gi.....GIN!?!?!?! gin: yes higuchi, its me....oh hey chuuya. i didnt know you were here too. Chuuya: "...Oh, hey, Gin..." *covers his mouth* "Oh, curse my hangover and gravity powers..." @~@ -and so- Katai: *clutching his letter* o~o higuchi: you're his little sister?! gin: yes. several people know this. Chuuya: *nod nod* *sipping ginger ale* higuchi:....*tearing up and begins laughing...very awkwardly* Kunikida: "...I think she's broken." higuchi: ahahaha...haaaa *faints* gin:....*sweatdrop* *glances at katai* and you...what's your deal? Katai: "..." *gets down on one knee, presenting the letter* "Even if you are a member of the Mafia, my feelings have not changed. It was only after I first saw you that I truly understood what beauty is." gin:.....*blinks* Katai: .w.; gin:....*smiles* i'll put this as politely as possible......hell fucking no. Katai: D: Chuuya: "..." *snort* atsushi: ouch. -and so- Katai: *loud wailing and gross sobbing* atsushi: *sitting in the corner....awkwardly* Kunikida: "...Now that this love letter nonsense is behind us--" Katai: "I-I will get to work...Just let me mourn first." atsushi: r-right... *exits* -outside- atsushi: will he really be ok? Kunikida: "Time heals all wounds. Even a broken heart. Besides, he was just infatuated with her image, not the real person." atsushi: i guess that make sense. Kunikida: *nods* "Then when Katai has recovered, he will find our target...and who knows? Maybe this will convince him to return to the Agency..." -at the restaurant- employee: our CCT camera footage? Dazai: "If you please. It is quite important." employee: do you have permission? Dazai: *holds up Kyoka* "Could you say no to this face?" kyouka: -^- *unamused* employee:.....you need a per- Dazai: "Person? Pear?" guard: oh you're from the agency? come this way. Dazai: *smirks at the employee* guard: what footage are you looking for? kyouka: *gives them the date* guard: ah, here you go. Dazai: *takes it* "Where may we watch?" -and so, while reviewing the footage- Dazai: "...She had on a cute dress." kyouka: *rolls eyes* Dazai: "...Where is he...?" -in the footage, someone appears and zoey seems happy to see him- (zoey: ah! you're here!) Dazai: "Come on...turn around, buddy..." (???: "I am. It's wonderful to see you again.") kyouka: i saw him on the entrance camera. Dazai: *pulls it up* "Okay...So, that's the guy?" kyouka: *she nods* Dazai: *freezes the clip, pulls the image* "Let's get a few of these images, then we can make a composite sketch of the target..." kyouka: *nods* Dazai: "Hmmm..." *zooms in on the image* "Tall guy. Okay dresser. Expensive restaurant...Who is this guy?" kyouka: .... guard: maybe digitally enhance it? Dazai: "...Um...Which button does that?" ^^; guard: should be this one. Dazai: "Oh, great!" *taps the button* "...A little better?" -the face reveals....FD- Dazai: "!!!" *falls back out of his chair* kyouka: ?? mr dazai? Dazai: "Shit shit shit shit--" kyouka: ?! guard: h-hey, you ok?! Dazai: *pulls out phone, starts making calls...* kyouka: ??? Dazai: "Yo. You still owe me one. And you should know that he's back...No, not him. No, he's dead! No. No. Yes--him! Right?! I know, right?!!" kyouka: .....*looks back at the screen* -elsewhere- boy: is it really this one? Man: "Yep. The monster." boy: *gulps* Man: "Careful...or he'll pull your mind out." boy: oh, right, the reward. Man: "Hmph. Even getting double isn't worth it..." boy: *taking the bag off the prisoner's head* ?? Prisoner FD: "..." -the next morning- Kid: ๏w๏ kirika: is he done yet? liz: nnnope. Kid: "Hee hee hee...Perfect..." stocking: *smooch* ^^ Kid: *hug* -meanwhile, in the mafia's exec room- kouyou: Dostoyevsky? Mori: "Leader of those thieves, the Rats in the house of the dead. The one who downed the Moby Dick, yes?" ace: indeed. but in my custody, he shall be nothing more than a common rodent. Chuuya: "..." Mori: "Describe this man. What is he like?" ace:... a soulless, vampire like man. Mori: "Then he will learn the severity of the Mafia's retribution, firsthand." ace: please sir, allow me. -elsewhere- -a young woman with dark hair enters a building- woman: ..........casino floor, please... Elevator operator: *presses a button* -as the door closes- woman:....i wonder....a man...by the name....Dostoyevsky....has he....been here? Operator: "Not a common name. I think I'd recognize it if he'd been through here." woman: *showing him a photo* this man......is he...here? in this....building? Operator: "..." Operator: "..." *holds out an open palm, indicating a 'put some money in here' motion* woman:...*places 40 dollars* is he...being held here? Operator: "..." *presses buttons in a pattern--causing the elevator to arrive at a secret floor* woman:...thank you.... *hugs him from behind, taking a scalpel, turning him around....and slitting his throat* Operator: X_____X *slides back* woman:...hehe..... Operator: *blood pooling* zoey:.......*spots someone*....ahh...master fyodor~ FD: *waves* "Yo. Get here alright?" zoey: of course.....i followed your instructions....as ordered....did you....get the files? FD: "Yes. The list of Mafia members' abilities, including their biggest secret..." zoey: oh? FD: " 'The Salvation of Death'..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." gin: ryu? feeling better yet? Akutagawa: "...Some of the edge has worn away...Thank you. How are you?" gin:....i had a weird guy confess love to me. Akutagawa: "...Do I need to kill him?" gin: i turned him down. im not sure what he'll do with himself. but thats none of my business. Akutagawa: "..." *nod* "Run into anyone else?" gin:...... the were tiger and the glasses man from the agency. Akutagawa: "!!!" *steps back* "O-Oh?" gin: apparently they were helping this man to confess. also higuchi thought i was your lover, and chuuya was there... he seems to be doing somewhat better now. Akutagawa: "..." *sits* "This is a lot to process. Why would Higuchi think you were my lover?" gin: apparently she saw me with you the other day when i brought you home. then again, i wasnt in my usual clothes so...i guess she didnt recognize me...*chuckles* Akutagawa: "..." *small laugh* "The Agency did not give you trouble, did they?" gin: it was surprisingly tame. perhaps, in some other world, you and the were tiger could be friends....nevermind, just rambling. Akutagawa: .\\\\. {atsushi:....*smiles and chuckles*} Akutagawa: *closes his eyes* -\\\\- gin:...*ahem* i'll just... be on my way then. *exits* Akutagawa: *sits back* "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *holding ice compress to his head* "...You sure you're okay?" higuchi: im fine. tired, but fine...how did the meeting go? Chuuya: "...Problems." higuchi:...care to elaborate or nah? Chuuya: "...Escaped prisoner." higuchi: who? Chuuya: "The leader of the Rats in the house of the dead..." higuchi:....huh? Chuuya: "Dostoevsky? Guy with the stupid hat?" higuchi: ?? Chuuya: "..." *sigh* "Just know he is bad news and stay away." higuchi: noted. Chuuya: "...Are you going to go after him?" -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." margaret:..................*no response* Hawthorne: "..." *pats her hand* -in another room, some unnamed taxidermist is working hard on their current project- FD: "How goes it?" taxidermist: just about ready. this isnt my first human taxidermy. FD: "But will it suit my needs?" taxidermist: you want something to sway that one executive into helping us, correct? FD: *nod nod* taxidermist: *grins* then i believe this one......is as right as rain. -rain's naked corpse lays on a table, in process of being taxidermized- FD: "Hmm...Let me know how it goes. I want it ready in time." -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi: are you sure you're ok? Dazai: "I will be, when we find him..." atsushi: ??? Dazai: *hands him the photo* "Watch out for this man. If you see him, we need him in custody." atsushi: ?? (thinking: creepy) Dazai: "...Be careful." -elsewhere- Rin: "???" shura: ...what? it is my birthday today. Rin: " 'Kay...I knew that. That's why I was hunting around town for a gift." -elsewhere- Mori: "..." kouyou: this is bad....if he was able to convince ace to-.... Mori: "It is likely he did." kouyou: not to mention how several staff leading down to that place had been slaughtered, including the elevator operator... Mori: "...Security footage?" mafioso: right away sir Mori: "...With that information in his possession..." kouyou: this could mean trouble... Mori: "...We're going to have to use the Agency to our advantage, minimize the damage." -elsewhere- atsushi: good news. our school uniforms came in today! Kyoka: "...Yay." atsushi:....so how was your first official mission? Kyoka: "It was fine. I feel sorry for this woman." atsushi: i could imagine... -later, when shopping for school supplies- Kyoka: *holding a pencil kit* "...Cute." atsushi: *smiles and reaches for a notebook, but his hand touches another* oh! so sorry-.... O-O; Montgomery: *glare* -\\\\- "You touch me again, and you're pulling back a stump." Kyoka: *stare* atsushi: so sorry ma'am! ....wait, are you starting school this year too? Montgomery: "Yes. What of it? Are you going to school?" Kyoka: *notices she's not being noticed* "..." atsushi: actually yes. kyouka and i are starting in september. is it the... *looks at notes* DWMA? i heard they started accepting gifteds into the school now. Montgomery: "Which is why I hope to have additional training on my abilities." *spots Kyoka* "Oh. Didn't see you there." Kyoka: >____< -elsewhere, in a parking garage- bubble gum: oi. ango, 'nother all nighter? ango: im afraid so. bubble gum: perhaps you enjoy doing this work~? ango: please dont patronize me. so what's the report? Officer: "A report on the girl, sir." -elsewhere- atsushi:....kyouka?....are you sure you'll be ok? do you need some time to think? Kyoka: "...I want to know." atsushi: ?? Kyoka: "...I want to know more about my ability." atsushi:...*nods* -elsewhere- kouyou: i have good news, chuuya. Chuuya: "...I doubt that." kouyou: you're uniforms are in~! Chuuya: *annoyed grunt* -elsewhere- louisa: *wandering around the town* homeless dude: HEY LADY WANNA BUY A WATCH?! louisa: EEP! *runs and crashes into someone* oh dear me, im so sorry! ???: "...Change..." louisa: ??....that voice....lord francis?! Fitzgerald: "Fifty...cents..." -and so- louisa:...everyone believed...that you had perished. but i still knew you were alive...you just...had to be... Fitzgerald: "Give up." louisa: ?? *noticing a scar on his shoulder* Fitzgerald: "...What?" louisa: that scar... Fitzgerald: "..." *pulls up his ripped shirt* "Ignore it." louisa: please, come back with us. the guild needs you, i- Fitzgerald: "What you see before you is not a leader. What you see is a corpse, composed just of memories." louisa: ......you've only lost your money, that's all isnt it? but that isnt what your value is. it's your strength, your leadership! when you give me an order, i can become a me that i dont hate! Fitzgerald: "Stop." louisa: .... at least...take this....*gives him 20 dollars* i was going to buy lunch with it, but im sure it'll be fine... Fitzgerald: "..." *takes it* "...My wife saved me." louisa: .....*begins to walk away* Fitzgerald: "One more thing...Don't compare me to the miserable." louisa:....*bumps into someone* oh goodness, im sorry! ???: "...Well, well...Look who we have here..." louisa: eep! thug: so this is that strategist i heard was wandering around here. she's cuter than i expected~ ???: "The one who abandoned us...Grab her!" louisa: !!! *starts running* no! *Someone grabs her* louisa: !!! ???: *takes a pair of pliers* thug: so, i hear this one is still fresh....*smirks* just how i like 'em~. louisa: !!! Boss: "Tell us where the Guild leader is. Or say goodbye to your pinky." louisa: !!!! Boss: "Or maybe I put a bullet through your--" *$20 PUNCH* Boss: *knocked down* louisa: !! lord francis! Fitzgerald: "...That punch used up all the money..." *smirks* "What a disappointing subordinate you are." Boss: "Get him!" -after that fiasco- Fitzgerald: *sits, pants* louisa: um...t-thank you for saving me! Fitzgerald: "I didn't do much--not with the small sum you gave me." louisa:...*small smile* Naturally. Because from the start…What I gave you was free of charge Fitzgerald: "...Well, then, strategist, what's next?" louisa: getting you some fresh clothes....and also a bath. Fitzgerald: "...Quite. Lead the way." -elsewhere- Montgomery: *brewing tea* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Zzz..." shinra: we're back! Arthur: "We have coffee..." *he looks dishelved* Akitaru: "??? Oh, okay. Everything go okay for you three?" tamaki:.......*goes right to her room* Arthur: >\\\\< Akitaru: "??? O...kay?" -elsewhere- Kid: *hugging the calendar* -elsewhere- Bon: *looking through luggage* konekomaru: looking for something? Bon: "One of the books I was reviewing, trying to anticipate more about this eye." konekomaru: ah. Shima: *ear to the wall* -that evening, at a fancy party- Party attendee: *sips champagne* kouyou: enjoying yourself, chuuya? Chuuya: *holding glass of wine* "..." *sips* "...No." kouyou: .....are you just going to sit here and sulk all night? Chuuya: "No. I also have to use the restroom." -elsewhere in the party- Mori: *looking around* higuchi:.... elise: did you finally score yourself a date, rintarou? Mori: *smiles* "Why would I need a date when I am chaperoning you, Elise?" higuchi:.... *disgusted glare and walks away* Mori: "???" *looks around, staring at certain people...* "Mmm..." -on the balcony- Akutagawa: "..." higuchi:...enjoying the party, ryunosuke? Akutagawa: "Oh. Hello, Higuchi. I am...unsure." higuchi: ah. -elsewhere at the party- Chuuya: "..." rain?: are you enjoying yourself, mr nakahara? Chuuya: "!!!" *turns around* -there is no one there- Chuuya: "..." *stares down at his drink* rain?: *her reflection smiles at him from the glass* Chuuya: "Ah!" *drops his glass* mafioso: mr nakahara? what happened? *has gun out* Chuuya: "N-Nothing! Leave me alone!" *runs* mafioso: ah-..... -a ways down the hall- ???: who are you running from? Chuuya: "N-No...It can't be." *putting his hands over his ears* rain?: i miss you, you know..... -something can be felt hugging him- Chuuya: Q~Q "...This isn't right...This isn't right...Y-You...Rain?" rain?: chuu.....ya...*something looks at him....rain's rotting corpse* Chuuya: *screams* -from the cameras, someone watches- FD: *smiles* zoey: ah...i wonder....what will happen now.... FD: "He'll crack. Want to bet on how long it'll take him?" -elsewhere- Hyde: Q~Q licht: well thats what happens when you chug a whole thing of slushie. Hyde: "My brain cells won't move..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *in bed, wrapped in blanket* -knocking- kouyou: chuuya? are you alright? Chuuya: "...N-No..." kouyou:...do you need anything? Chuuya: "..." *hug* kouyou:....*humming* Chuuya: *sniffles, cries* kouyou: .....*rubs his back* Chuuya: *rests against her, dozing off...* -a few days later- Kyoka: "...This uniform is stupid." kirako: i think it looks adorable. Kyoka: "You would." *picks up books* atsushi: so this is basically a class orientation today, right? Kunikida: *nods* "So don't embarrass us." atsushi: noted. ._.; -in one of the school offices- teacher: we're so glad you chose our school to attend, mr araragi. Mori: *pats Araragi's shoulder* "And he's happy to be here! Right, son?" Akutagawa: "..." teacher: well, we're glad to have you. i'm sure you'll make lots of new friends here. Chuuya: "..." *whimper* teacher 2: mrs ozaki? is he alright? kouyou: oh he's fine. also it's ms. teacher 2: ah. Chuuya: "...J-Just take me to my classroom..." Akutagawa: *shiver* teacher: r-right.....right this way. Chuuya: *walks...as a pencil lifts up and follows him* Akutagawa: *black eyes* -in one of the class rooms, several students are gathered.- Chuuya: "..." *looks around* "Is this...homeroom?" teacher: just a student gathering. go on ahead and mingle for a bit. Chuuya: "..." Mori: *pushes Akutagawa forward* Akutagawa: *stumbles inside* ???: hey, i think those are some of the new students! Chuuya: "!!!" *looks around* Akutagawa: *turns, faces the wall* ochako: nice to meet you! i'm ochako uraraka. im from a grade above you guys. so i guess that makes me your senior! Chuuya: "...Hi. I'm Chuuya. The guy facing the wall is Aku--Um, Ryuzaki." ochako: ah. well, if you have any questions, feel free to ask ^^ Akutagawa: "How do we get out of class?" ochako: well, classes themselves dont start until september. right now we're just helping the new students find their way around the school. Akutagawa: "Where is the fastest escape route out of the school, then?" Chuuya: "..." *facepalm* -on the steps- atsushi: so many....im gonna die.... *his bag slips* OH NO CRAP! -a girl with twin tails grabs the bag and tosses it back up to him- tsugumi: *smiles* just a little further now! *heads up* atsushi: um....thank you! Kyoka: "..." *nods* "Thank you, small student." -inside- atsushi: woah. it's a pretty big building... Kyoka: "...This school is too large and crowded." atsushi: just make sure to stay by me, ok? Kyoka: "..." *takes his hand* -in one of the halls- Akutagawa: "..." *bangs on side of locker* teachers: -s well as the DWMA, there are also doors leading to other significant schools in the main triad such as the true cross academy and the UA. Chuuya: *opens a door* -this leads to a battle demonstration- Chuuya: "...Block on your right!" itsuka: HYAH! *chops a wood block in half* thanks! Chuuya: *nods* -other sites include the lunchroom, the track field, the library, etc- Akutagawa: "...I could hide in these piles of books." atsushi: *examining plaque* 'maka albarn memorial library'....huh. Kyoka: "...Wonder who she was..." Akutagawa: *hears voice--and spots--* .\\\\. atsushi: someone important i guess. Akutagawa: *inches closer to where Atsushi stands* Kyoka: "Maybe they have a photograph of this 'Maka'..." atsushi: we could ask the librarian. *walking to the desk* Akutagawa: *sneak sneak sneak* Kyoka: "...Someone is following you." atsushi: ??? *turns* Akutagawa: ´・ω・` atsushi:....well, i dont see anyone there... Akutagawa: "MAN-TIGER!" Kyoka: "!" atsushi: nYEEEE!! *almost jumps out of his skin and runs* Kyoka: *tries to hold onto Atsushi* "Calm down..." Akutagawa: oωo atsushi: sorry, i panicked there....i-is he following us? Kyoka: *her hair is blown back by how quickly he ran* "...I can't tell." -nope- Kyoka: "...Coast is clear. Congratulations on running through the halls without getting in trouble, troublemaker." atsushi: *phew* Anya: "...Why are you two hiding like this?" atsushi: YEEP! oh sorry! a-....oh hey, thanks for helping me with my bag earlier. tsugumi: oh, it's no problem. Meme: "First day going alright for you two?" mio: *playing on her handheld* atsushi: it's been somewhat eventful-...*noticing mio* um....excuse me? ma'am? mio:...ya? Kyoka: *staring at her handheld* atsushi: this sounds weird but, do you know this person? *holds a picture up* mio:....no. Kyoka: "...You sure?" mio: *examines it* yeah, im sure. she does kinda look like me though, but no, i dun know her. Kyoka: "If you discover she is a distant relative of yours, tell us immediately." *serious stare* mio: *sweatdrop*....*goes back to playing her game* -in one of the classrooms- Chuuya: *sits in chair* teacher: i see, very good. next up, mr Chuuya Ozaki? Chuuya: "..." *stands* "Hey." teacher: care to demonstrate your ability on the training dummies? -several mannequins are set up- Chuuya: "..." *taps one dummy, causing it to float* teacher: ah, manipulation of gravity. nice. *writing it down* there's actually another student who can manipulate gravity in the UA courses. maybe you've met her already? Chuuya: "I don't know." teacher: *shrugs* up next, mr Ryuzaki Araragi? Akutagawa: *looking blankly into space, still in chair* teacher: mr araragi? Akutagawa: "???" *looking around* Chuuya: *growls whispers* "That's you, stupid." Akutagawa: "..." *stands* teacher: *observing*
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