melodyalanaroster · 3 years
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Merry Christmas From The Roster Family!
I’m not gonna write a chapter that could surround this... So, here’s context. Verity is throwing a Christmas party at the Cozy Bear and she got a pic of Nath, Alana and their daughter, Aurora.
Aurora did get a redesign. I decided to do away with her having green eyes, like Amber. Instead opting for her to have her father’s eyes. Also, when I first designed her, her name was “Aurora Elysia Jacott”, now it is “Aurora Elysia Roster”, due to Nathaniel taking Alana’s last name when he and Alana got married.
@candysweetposts I used your child pack for Aurora. I did adjust the colors of some of the items I used...
@chinomiko I know you say that Nathaniel doesn’t want kids... In my story, after years of therapy, he doesn’t think its a bad idea. He and Alana only have 1.
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marycecilyy · 3 years
Christmas with Castiel
This the first part of my participation on the Winter Holiday event that the Otome Haven is organizing. I’ll do one of those for each LL crush.
Candy took another sip of the steamy liquid, letting the heat relax her muscles as it made its way through her insides. She hummed and snuggled against his chest. With her eyes closed, she paid attention to his calm breathing as they listened to a random Spotify playlist filled with Christmas songs. He found it excessively cliché, but she wanted to do it, so he resigned.
Castiel loved those intimate and simple moments between them, they showed how not everything was about big gestures. They didn’t need a fancy dinner or expensive presents to reassure their love. Spending their Christmas night on each other’s arms, drinking hot chocolate and enjoying the chill night was just enough for him.
“I love you.” She muttered and looked up at him. His lips quickly found hers and he could taste the sweetness of her drink through them. The low noise that their mouths made when breaking apart added to the intimacy of that moment. 
“Merry Christmas, little reindeer.” Castiel grabbed her cheeks with one hand and squeezed them, making her lips pop out. She smiled, making her face look even cuter. His eyes drifted to the accessory in her head, then again to her mouth. He brought her face to him without releasing her cheeks, making the kiss a bit awkward.
She chuckled and hugged him. Her head found the crook of his neck and sniffed the citrus cologne, his favorite. “Mmm… I should be checking if the cookies didn’t burn.” Candy reluctantly left his embrace and got up. A few seconds later, he followed suit.
“I’ll go with you.” 
Turns out they were already cooked, so they took the tray out of the oven and let it on the counter to cool down. Of course, Castiel took the opportunity to steal some more kisses. In the end, when the caresses stopped, the cookies were cold. 
“Oopsie” He said without a single regret. It wasn’t like she was mad also. They savored the sweet and found it delicious anyway. This was a very good Christmas.
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candysweetposts · 3 years
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I’m feeling much better now so I decided to post this pack today and the rest in the next day/s. Thanks to the people who were concerned about my health. I appreciate it! 
As you know, I decided to convert the outfits from MCL HSL 2015 event. I said that I will make 4 but I end up with 6. The format is Normal and Normal_MD just because I did the same for that little event that I have.
The pack includes:
all the clothes and accessories that you can see
some of the wigs (specifically the brown and that bow type one)
The pack doesn’t include:
the bases
the long wig
the facial expression
You can download it here
© Beemoov
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magic-belodie · 4 years
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Hey everyone, we are going to do an event. Everyone is welcome to join, so please reblog this message. So many people can enjoy.
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idolcandy · 3 years
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Castiel x Iris for the otomehavenwinterholidayevent
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faireth-reed · 3 years
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In some countries it may still be Christmas, and in others (like mine) it may already be the 26th, so I hope you had a nice day!
This time I was much busier than for the Halloween event, so I couldn't do proper coloring for Chani (a.k.a. best girl). Anyways! I tried to keep her in her style, mostly from UL inspiration.
Here's the b&w version, a bit better:
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candysweetposts · 3 years
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Yeah, so I made this... The only good thing in this picture is Ren. So sorry Alice and Alan, but you look ugly af.
A thing that’s funny is that ren in my country means deer, so yeah, those two make fum about that every chance they get. 
And that’s all I’ve prepared for this Christmas. I want to edit the Christmas illustration as well, but I’m not sure if it will be done until the end of the year. If not, I’ll post it anyway.
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magic-belodie · 3 years
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I have made Christmas cards for the Otome Haven Winter Holiday Event. If you want a Christmas card with your own candy, just let me know. Then I will make one for you. You just need to tell me the color of the skin, hair, eyes and which LI you want.
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melodyalanaroster · 3 years
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All I Want For Christmas Is You
When Halloween ended, it didn’t take long for the people in the Black Tower to begin their holiday preparations. The Senior Staff were already discussing what acts of good will they would commit during the season, and Alana had begun overseeing the decoration of her family home. “Why are you doing this so early?” Nora asked her. “You know its one of the only times that the family home is full. So, I want to make it to where my family won’t need to do much of the decorating. As Agatha and I are the ones closest, she and I will decorate the tree on Black Friday.” Alana replied. “It’s good that your family follows traditions like that.” Nora grinned. “I’m very thankful that The Red Death allowed me to continue that tradition even during my ascent to power. He didn’t have to do that.” Alana commented. “Because The Red Death still has a soul.” Nora stated. Alana shook her head. “Not just that. He still has his heart.”
Throughout the days leading up to November twenty-seventh, the Senior Staff gathered together in the main Recuperation Room. “I think we should give to local homeless shelters!”, “I think we should donate toys to needy kids!”, “Let’s take care of the bills for a few families this month!”, the ideas for acts of kindness poured out from the various members like a waterfall. Alana was deep in thought as everyone else talked. “What do you think Melody?” The Red Death asked. “I think we should make a list of all the needy families in the area, each of us choose at least a couple of them, then provide them with relief and goods this month. I also think that we should get the children more than just toys, but clothes, shoes and books as well. Perhaps, for every child on our list, we get them an outfit, pair of shoes, new book, and a toy. We can even take in to effect the non Christian population and still provide to them, simply for an act of goodwill. That way, everyone gets help, and needy children get a little cheer. They are a lot less fortunate than us, we should give them a bit of what they need and want. Oh, and let’s not forget the children in the hospitals around the area. At least one toy for each of them, and a meal sent to their families.” She suggested. “Do we have the budget for that, sir?” Veronica asked. The Red Death looked at Veronica with an eyebrow raised. He grabbed a tablet, tapped on it for a couple of minutes and handed it to her. “I see. We have more than enough.” Veronica replied. “I think it’s a fantastic idea!” Renee called. “We can even get the Paladins in on this! That way, we can help more people!” Nora cheered. “I’m in.” Derek chimed in. “Here here!”, “Let’s do this!”, “Huzzah!”, the room boomed with approval. “So, it’s unanimous. Melody’s idea wins.” The Red Death chuckled. “We deal with so much death, this is a lovely idea that can help people across the board, even if it is just for a little bit.” Lyra stated. 
After much more discussion, each member of the Senior Staff was given a family to spoil. As they left the Recuperation Room to begin their missions, The Red Death held Alana back. “I know you’re going home for Christmas. When will you be leaving here?” He asked. “Probably the morning of Christmas Eve. Sam and Ken will get to the house the night before, and Mom and Nate are set to come home that day as well. Don’t worry... I’ll be back the day after Boxing Day.” She replied. “You know you don’t need to worry about when you’ll be back. I just want you to have fun.” He grinned. “Thanks for this. Although, I know that, if I’m not back in time for the New Year’s Party, all hell will break loose.” She chuckled. “When it comes to your missions, just buy the stuff for the kids. I’ll buy the food and deliver everything. After all, you are the only person in this tower who is leaving it for the holidays.” He ordered. She looked at him, puzzled. “Are Brandon and Jack not having Nora over?” She asked. “They’ve decided to spend the day here.” He replied. “Ah.” She nodded.
“Melody are you ready? It’s time to decorate the tree!” Agatha called from the living room in the main Roster family home. The family matriarch, Margaret, sat in the rocking chair next to a big box of ornaments. Alana dashed into the room. “Sorry, I was working on something.” She huffed. “You’re always working on something. It’s time to have fun!” Margaret stated. “I know, but Oma, you know I’m a busy woman.” Alana explained as she stood next to her grandmother. “I know, but, you need to slow down a bit.” Margaret replied. “I’ve been saying that for over a year, Mom, but she won’t listen.” Agatha commented as she turned on Christmas music. “Sweetie, you can’t be running all the time. Sometimes, you have to sit back and enjoy the view.” Margaret smiled as she held Alana’s arm. “But the view I want to see is almost within my sight! I’m almost to my ultimate goal!” Alana excitedly protested. “It’s not good for you to always be running. Even Nathaniel has been saying that.” Agatha stated. “I know... But still...” Alana sighed. “Alright, let’s get to the tree!” Margaret ordered.
As the three women took decorations and ornaments out of boxes and put them on the tree, they talked about memories. Margaret picks up a purple heart ornament with a pink decoration on it. Agatha: “Awe! Mels! It’s your Hannah Montana ornament! Remember your pop star phase?” Alana: “I’m trying to forget about it...” Margaret: “I don’t see why. You have a lovely singing voice.”
Margaret picks up an ornament that looks like a playing card. Margaret: “Sam’s card ornament! What game was that that she was so obsessed with?” Alana: “YuGiOh! That’s her Blue-Eyes White Dragon. She put it in a card protector and turned it into an ornament for safe keeping.” Agatha: “I thought you all were in to Pokemon...” Alana: “We are. But, we all prefer the games and anime over the cards.”
Margaret picks up an ornament that looks like Merida. Alana: “Mom’s Brave ornament!” Margaret: “We were singing “Noble Maiden Fair” before Disney popularized it.” Margaret picks up a metal ornament that’s in the shape of a cat. Margaret: “Sylvester’s ornament.” Alana, who tears up and begins to sniffle: “I miss him...”
“Mels! This is a wonderful idea! I’m glad the R.D.R is doing this! I wanna take part! If there’s a family that I can do that to, let me know!” Severina cheered. “Well, there are a couple of families that are on the list that the Senior Staff and I can’t get to... I’ll send you the details later today.” Alana smiled as they walked around the shops. “Fantastic! I can’t wait to put a smile on their faces!” Severina beamed. “Have you finished your shopping?” Alana asked. “Not yet. I haven’t quite decided on what to get you. Do you know what you want?” Severina asked. Alana shook her head. “The item I want most is on its way... I hope.” She replied. “That book you’ve been talking about for months? What was it called again? The Toll?” Severina asked. “No. The Toll is a book I’m still waiting on. It’s The Living that is on its way. I’ve waited two years for that book. I preordered it when Isaac Marion said that it was available. It’ll be a signed, hardcover, first edition, fresh off the press, copy. It’s that zombie book I’ve been waiting for.” Alana replied.
As they went through the shops and Alana purchased the items for the needy kids on her list, Severina kept talking about how great the holidays were gonna be. “We’ll play games and eat ourselves sick!” She cheered. “And your dad will get mad like he always does.” Alana commented. Severina stuck her tongue out at her. “This year, I don’t care if my father gets angry with me! I wanna enjoy myself!” She scoffed. Alana smiled. “Not to mention, how, if everything goes well, you won’t have to deal with your father any more soon.” She added. Severina hugged her. “Yeah! After that’s all over, my father won’t have any power in my mom’s and my life! I still don’t see why this investigation is taking months to do....” She replied. “Because you and your mom need time to build up your lives so you two won’t fail after he’s gone. I’ve told you that for weeks. Make it to where there is no way that you two will ever need him. During this time, the police and I are getting every ounce of evidence we need to lock your father away for good.” Alana explained.
A few minutes later, they had wandered into a bookstore. “Are we gonna have a snowball fight?” Severina asked. “Probably.” Alana grinned as she looked over the books. Suddenly, a book on a shelf in the book caught her eye. She walked over to the shelf and gazed at the book. It was an old detective novel by Agatha Christie. She picked the book up, looked closer at it, and smiled. A first edition. “I’m sure he has a copy of this one, but he doesn’t have a copy like this.” She thought. She took the book to the counter. “Either you’re a hardcore Agatha Christie fan, or you’re a fan of rare books.” The girl commented. “The man I love is a major fan of Hercule Poirot. I’m sure he has a copy of this one, but it’s not a first edition. This will be a perfect Christmas present.” Alana explained. “Would you like it gift wrapped?” The girl asked, smiling as she rang the book up. Alana shook her head. “No, I like wrapping presents myself.” She grinned as she slid her card in the card reader. “That’s so sweet. I hope he likes it.” The girl handed her the book in a bag with her receipt. “I hope so too. Thank you.” Alana took the bag, looked at it hopefully and began looking for Severina. “Have a great day! Merry Christmas!” the girl called as Alana walked off. “So, find anything good?” Severina asked. “Yeah, Nathaniel’s Christmas present.” Alana replied.
“Get in assholes, we’re going light looking!” Alana cheered as Castiel, Priya, and Nathaniel stood before a van. “Why do I have to drive?” Nora asked. “Because it will be good for you.” Alana replied. “Why are we doing this?” Nathaniel asked. “Because! Light Looking is a fun holiday event! We get hot chocolate, fast food, blankets and pillows and listen to Christmas music while we drive around and look at everyone’s light displays! Come on guys! Please?” Alana cheered. Nathaniel, Castiel and Priya looked around at each other and sighed. “Alright, if it’ll make you happy.” Nathaniel slightly grinned as he got into the van. “And why are we here?” Priya asked. Alana looked at them blankly. “Because its more fun with more people and you guys are my friends.” She stated. Priya looked at Castiel, shrugged, and got into the van. Castiel looked at Alana and smiled. “Is this what you really want?” He asked. “Yes.” Alana cheerfully cooed. “Alright, I’ll do it.” He chuckled as he got in the van. “Fantastic!” Alana cheered as she got in.
“Does your family decorate the outside of the main house in Weathering at this time of year?” Priya asked as they drove through the suburban sections of the city, listening to Christmas music, eating snacks and drinking hot cocoa. “Yeah. It’s tradition that the closest family members are required to do it. This year, Agatha and I had that task. There are lights in the trees and along the fence. We even have metal Santa hats for the dragons on the gate and the mailbox. Its not much, but people like it. We used to always get comments from local kids and our postmen before mom, Sam and I moved.” Alana explained. “Why don’t you stop, now that you don’t live there anymore?” Priya asked. “Because that house has been in our family for several generations. It’s been my family’s primary home since my great, great, grandmother bought it when my great, grandmother was a child. Typically, the next head of the family inherits it. It’s going to mom. Then, even though I’m mom’s successor, it will be going to Sam. Decorating it is a tradition that my family follows because, at it’s core, even though most of us don’t live there anymore, it is still home to us.” Alana continued to explain. “That’s really sweet.” Priya cooed.
As they drove through the city they saw many beautiful displays. Lights, music, beloved characters, it all made them feel warm. “Are you all gonna see family this season?” Nora, innocently, asked. Nathaniel and Castiel looked down. “I’ll be seeing my parents, but only for a couple of days.” Priya piped up. Alana put her hand on Nathaniel’s arm. “You could spend the holiday with me. I’m sure my family will happily welcome you.” She whispered into his ear. “I’m not ready for that. Besides, I’ll spend part of that day with Amber.” He whispered back. “Oh.” Alana looked down. “Thank you for the offer.” Nathaniel whispered, lovingly.
“Calm down, everyone!” Rayan called as he stood before his class. When the class became silent, he gave everyone a grin. “Now, I know that some of you will be starting your winter break after this, but I want you all to remember, learning does not stop at that door. Take in the beauty of the season, and appreciate the art that comes with it. Have a good break.” He announced as the class ended. Alana walked up to the podium. “You gonna watch the BBC’s rerun marathon of all the Doctor Who Christmas specials during the break?” She asked. “Maybe. You know Christmas isn’t my favorite time of year.” He replied, a hint of sadness in his voice. Alana looked down and attempted to be cheery. “I get that. But, hopefully, something will help you feel better.” She replied as she took a package out of her backpack and set it on the podium. “Merry Christmas Rayan.” She smiled as she walked out of the auditorium.
Rayan looked at the package, curiously, and began to open it. Inside was a DVD copy of Matt Smith’s era of Doctor Who, a Deadpool comic, a set of Batman shaped chocolate, and a note. 
“From one geek to another. I hope this adds some cheer during this season.
                                     - Melody Alana Roster”
He read the note and smiled. “Thanks Alana.”
The hustle and bustle throughout the Black Tower became more celebratory. The Jewish members celebrated Hanukkah and invited Alana to join in on their fun. She took part in at least one night of the celebrations. “If you ever wanna join in on our holiday, please feel free to!” The girl who invited her smiled. “Yes, thank you so much for giving us some of your time!” a boy beamed. “Thank you for the invite! It was a lot of fun!” Alana smiled as she left the room. The other members of the Senior Staff were continuing their work on their missions. Alana had dropped off her mission purchases in the Red Death’s office.
“Severina talked to me about the mission. I gave her three families to help out and she went above and beyond. I’m impressed.” The Red Death commented. “She really wanted to help and she loved our mission.” Alana smiled. “That’s amazing. I’ll be sure to give her credit for all the work she’s done.” He replied. “Thank you, sir.” Alana bowed. “Alright, go get ready for your holiday.” He ordered.
The morning of Christmas Eve, Alana had been walking through the city, getting the last items she needed before she had to leave for Weathering. “Alright, got the treats from that local bakery that I like. Got all the presents loaded into my Mini Cooper, the Tower won’t fall into ruin while I’m gone. Nathaniel and everyone here know when I’ll be back. Sam and Ken got to the house last night. Mom and Nate should be getting there right about now. The shops should all be closing in the next couple of hours. I even got myself some yummy treats for breakfast! I’m still waiting on The Living to come in.” She thought out loud as she made her way back to the Black Tower.
When she got back to Death’s Domain, she saw Nathaniel standing outside her door. “My, my!! It really is Christmas. It’s just a damn shame I don’t have any mistletoe around!” She cheered when she saw him. “I wanted to see you before you leave.” He said, nervously. “I’ll only be gone a few days. I promise I’ll be home in time for New Years.” She cooed as she opened the door and let him in. “Would you like something to eat? I guarantee I bought too much for myself.” She offered as she set her purchases on the table. “Are you sure?” He asked. “I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure. Come on, let’s eat.” She insisted as she pulled out the food and a couple of plates. “Thanks, Alana.” He smiled as he sat down. Alana noticed him placing a package on the ground next to him. “What’s that?” She asked. He looked at her and nervously blushed. “I-I got you something.” He muttered. Her heart skipped a beat. “That’s really sweet! I’ve got something for you too.” She mused. He looked surprised for a second. “Really?” He asked. Alana got up from the table, walked over to the Christmas tree, picked up a present, brought it over to the table and sat down. “Do you wanna do this, then eat? Or do you wanna eat first?” She asked, lovingly. Nathaniel looked at the gift, then at the food, and his stomach growled. “Can we eat first?”
After eating their meal, Alana cleared the table, took the present she had gotten for Nathaniel to the couch, sat down and motioned for him to follow in her stead. He picked up the present at his feet, walked over to her and sat down. He sat the package on the table next to hers. She picked up the small package and handed it to him. “You first.” She beamed. He took it in his hands and began to open it. When all of the paper was off the book, he looked at it. “Its a first edition. Where did you find this?” He asked, shocked, a smile making it’s way onto his face. “There’s a bookshop in the more aristocratic part of the city. I was there with Severina one day and I found it in the back on a shelf.” She explained. “Thank you Alana. I love it.” He blushed. Nathaniel laid the book on the couch next to him, picked up the remaining present and handed it to her. She unwrapped the present, opened the box and looked at the item in shock. “Nathaniel, you remembered!” She choked as she pulled out a blue and white teddy bear. Nathaniel put his hand on his neck and nervously looked away. “Amber dragged me to the mall one day... I saw that in that bear building store and thought of you...” He explained. The bear was a deep blue with white spots all over it, resembling snow. It had yellow pajama’s and a deep blue robe on. On it’s wrist was a large plush bell. Hanging from it’s ear was a tag that looked like a golden train ticket. “Nathaniel, you didn’t have to get me anything...” Alana smiled. “I know, but I wanted to.” He replied. She set the bear down on the coffee table, got closer to him and kissed his cheek, sweetly. “Thank you so much Nath. It means the world to me.” She cooed. He scooted away from her, nervously, and his blush became more prominent. “M-Merry C-Christmas A-Alana.” He stuttered as he grabbed the book. She chuckled, grabbed the bear and stood up. “Merry Christmas Nathaniel.”
A couple of hours later, the gate at the main Roster family home in Weathering opened and Alana’s car pulled into the driveway. Sam opened the door as Alana got out of her car. “Welcome home, asshole!” Sam called as she walked towards the car. “Merry Christmas jackass!” Alana called as she started pulling stuff out of the car. “Good to see you, sis.” Sam patted Alana on the back. “You too, Sam.” Alana smiled. “Mom and Nate aren’t home yet. A package was sent here for you. The Red Death directed it to come here.” Sam explained as they walked into the manor. They walked to the kitchen and sat the goodies on the counter. “Mom and Nate will be home this evening. As for what he sent here, I’m not sure what it is.” Alana replied. “Well, he’s not the type to send gifts like that, is he? He typically gives you guys stuff directly, or sends messengers, right?” Sam asked. “Typically... Unless...” Alana began as her eyes shot up and she bolted to her room.
Alana threw open the door, ran to the bed, pulled out a knife and opened the package. “FINALLY! TWO YEARS OF WAITING AND IT’S FINALLY HERE!” She called as she picked up the book. Two years of waiting patiently, watching out for Isaac Marion’s email updates, a hint of despair when one update said that it might not get finished, hope when the emails began talking about the looming completion, and utter joy when preorders became available had all lead up to this. She opened the book and smelled the pages. “Ahhh... Freshly printed!” She sighed. She turned to the title page and saw the signature. She closed the book, looked in the box, pulled out the two packets and smiled. “The signed bonus stories!” She cheered. She quickly placed the book on the bed, sat down, and delved into the stories. After a few minutes, she placed the packets on her desk. “Those were lovely.” She sighed as she grabbed the book and went back downstairs. 
“He must have seen that it would come in while I’m here!” Alana cheered as she walked into the living room and held up her book for Sam and Ken to see. “Isn’t that the book you’ve been waiting on for a while?” Ken asked. “Two years, yes.” Alana confirmed. “Well then, good for the Red Death. Although, you’d better understand, you can’t tear into that book the entire time. I know you’ve been waiting forever for it, but you need to stay in our world for a bit.” Sam chuckled. Alana rolled her eyes. “I know. I’ll just read in my free time.” She sighed. “Good. Mom texted me, she’ll be home in a couple of hours.” Sam announced.
Hours later, while Sam, Ken, Margaret and Alana were in the kitchen preparing the meal for the following day, the front door flew open, allowing some of the snow to come in to the manor. “Mom!” Sam and Alana cheered in unison as they sauntered towards the entryway. “We’re home!” Lynne announced as she and Nate walked into the entryway and shook off the snow. “Welcome home mom.” Alana smiled as she hugged her mother. “Hey Nate.” She cheered as she hugged her step-father. “Welcome back guys.” Sam smiled as she hugged them. “My babies! I’ve missed you two so much!” Lynne cheered as she looked at her daughters. “Is Nathaniel not with you?” She asked Alana. “No. I invited him, but he’s spending tomorrow with his sister. He came to Death’s Domain this morning and we ate breakfast and did our gift exchange.” Alana clarified. “What did he give you?” Nate asked. “The Polar Express bear from the bear building shop.” Alana blushed. “Awe, he must have remembered your favorite Christmas movie!” Lynne smiled.
It didn’t take long for everyone to eat dinner and get settled into the living room. The Christmas Eve movie that was chosen was Hogfather. As the movie progressed, and Death did the Hogfather’s job, Alana couldn’t help but be reminded of why she chose the Grim Reaper as her R.D.R avatar. It was, of course, an homage to her favorite incarnation of him. She never got over the part of him saving the little match girl in Hogfather. The scene in the movie was playing. “You’re not supposed to do that.” Alfred said as Death refilled the little match girl’s hourglass.  "The Hogfather gives presents. There's no better present than a future." Death pointed out as he picked the little girl up off the street. Terry Pratchett’s version of the Grim Reaper was what she wanted to resemble when doing her job.
After the movie was over, and everyone had gone to bed, Alana made sure to leave a pork pie and a glass of sherry for Santa with a note saying “The Hogfather likes this, maybe you’ll appreciate something different.”. She knew that no one would come for it, but she giggled at the principle of the thing. She went back to her room, put the bear Nathaniel gave her in her lap, texted Nathaniel “Goodnight”, and began reading her book. “I’ll just read a couple of chapters, then I’ll go to sleep.” She mused as she read.
The morning of Christmas Day was always a fun one. With no little kids waking up early to make a ruckus, it was up to Sam and Alana to wake up and begin the festivities. As Alana descended the stairs in her pajamas, she smelled bacon being cooked in the kitchen. “Merry Christmas fuckface!” Sam cheered as she stood over the stovetop. “Merry Christmas you overdeveloped cum shot!” Alana mused as she walked into the kitchen, pulled out a griddle and began preparing pancakes. As the pancakes cooked, Alana pulled out her phone and sent a “Merry Christmas” message to Nathaniel. He quickly came back with a “Merry Christmas” message. As the smell of the girls’ cooking became stronger, Ken, Lynne and Nate wandered into the room. “Smells delicious!” Lynne mused. “Can I have some?” Nate asked. “We’re eating good today!” Ken cheered.
Not long after breakfast, there was a knock on the door. Everyone had gotten dressed and was beginning to work on the next preparations for the evening feast. “They’re here early.” Sam smiled. “At this rate, they might as well spend the night here!” Alana commented as she went to open the door. “MELS!” Severina cheered as she threw her arms around her. “Hey Rini!” Alana mused as she hugged Severina. She looked at the people behind Severina. “Hey Viktor, aunt Verity!” She called. Viktor came into the manor holding a large stack of gifts. “Hey Mels!” He smiled as he did his best to balance the stack in his arms. “Do you need help?” Alana asked. “I’d appreciate it.” He sighed. She chuckled and took some of the packages away from him. “Thanks.” He smiled as they walked to the living room and set the presents around the tree.
Throughout the day, the manor filled with the Roster clan and close friends. Agatha, Seraphina, Kirk, Kai and Ravenna had all shown up. As soon as Kai had entered the living room, he was met with sharp glares from Viktor, Severina, Ken, Sam and Alana. “Already judging, I see.” Kai commented as he sat down in a chair in the corner. “If you weren’t so disrespectful, you wouldn’t be receiving this treatment.” Sam spat. “The least you can do is be a good little boy and remain silent.” Severina shot. “Oh, and don’t forget to thank OUR FAMILY for making sure your daughter doesn’t turn into a wretched disgrace like you!” Alana added. Ken and Viktor looked at each other, then shot Kai disgusted looks. “Come on? Nothing from you two?” Kai asked them. “The girls have got it covered.” Viktor stated as Ken nodded in agreeance. Kai then scoffed and left the room. He could be heard muttering the phrases “fucking assholes” and “no respect” as he walked out. A minute later, Ravenna ran into the room, Seraphina following suit. “MELS! SAMI! RINI! KEN! VIKY!” Ravenna cheered as she made her way around the room, giving everyone hugs. “Hey kiddo.”, “Hey Kid.”, “Merry Christmas Ravenna.”, “Good afternoon little one.” they all greeted. “Hey kids.” Seraphina smiled. “Hey Sera.” Alana grinned. “I see you’ve all instantly jumped on Kai.” Seraphina commented. “I know Christmas is about “Peace on Earth” and “Good will towards men”, but he’s been an insufferable prick the past few years, so, we’ll ignore peace and good will in an effort to show him that.” Sam explained. “Not to mention how he’s disrespected mom, Sam and me A LOT over the past few years!” Alana commented. “Sera, he has become a selfish, self centered, overly entitled, fool.” Severina stated. “Okay, I get it. But, can we please tone that down for the holiday? I’ll tell him to do the same.” Seraphina requested. Sam and Alana rolled their eyes. “Fine, I guess.” Sam sighed. “Whatever.” Alana shot.
It wasn’t long before the ham was in it’s final hours of cooking and everyone could gather in the living room to open presents. “Did you get something from Nathaniel?” Severina asked. “Yeah, that Polar Express bear that just came out.” Alana replied. “Awe! He remembered!” Severina cooed. Lynne began passing the presents out to everyone. Ravenna had gotten a bunch of toys from various genres. Superheroes from Alana, Anime from Sam and Ken, Sci-Fi from Lynne and Nate, and Princesses from everyone else. “Looks like her villains are up a creek without a paddle!” Alana joked. “Oh yeah! They won’t know what hit them!” Ravenna cheered. “Mels? Sam? Did you two not get Kai anything?” Seraphina asked. “Nope.” Alana replied. “Why would I?” Sam asked. Seraphina, and Lynne sighed. Kai opened the three presents he received. “Thanks guys.” He sheepishly grinned. Ken, Viktor, Agatha, Seraphina, Kirk, Margaret, Harold, Nate, Lynne and Verity opened their presents. “Thanks everyone.”, “This is so sweet!”, “You all know me!”, “This is lovely!”, “Thanks fam!”, “This is amazing!”, “So cute!”, “Fantastic!”, “I love it!”, “Divine!” they all cheered as they put the trash in the bag. Severina began to open her presents. “Oh my gosh! These are amazing!” She cheered. Alana had gotten her a collection of all of the Pokemon movies. Sam had gotten her a bunch of Sailor Moon items. Viktor had gotten her Disney stuff. The family got her various other things that was on her wish list. Sam opened her presents. The pile of items around Sam looked like an explosion of Batman. “This was awesome!” She beamed. Alana began to open her presents. Agatha gave her filaments for her 3D printer. Margaret gave her a Sailor Moon plush. Seraphina gave her a set of Stewart Semple’s paints. Lynne gave her figures of Death from the Discworld Emporium. Nate gave her Doctor Who items. Verity gave her a black, Doctor Who, long coat. Viktor gave her a Rowlet plush from Pokemon. Severina gave her a set of Sailor Moon Funko Pops. Then came Sam’s presents to her... Alana unwrapped the gift and instantly became awestruck. “Sam, this is a Hong Kong exclusive.” She commented. “Yeah, I got a contact to get it to me.” Sam replied. Alana picked up the item and showed everyone. In Alana’s hand was a portable power bank shaped like the Cosmic Heart compact from Sailor Moon. “There’s more in that box.” Sam smiled. Alana pulled out a Spiral Heart Rod selfie stick and a Cosmic Heart popcorn bucket from Universal Studios Japan. “See, it matches the Crystal Star and Cutie Moon Rod stuff I got for Rini!” Sam beamed. Tears came to Alana’s eyes. “Sam.” She sputtered. “Awe, come on! You know I love you!” Sam chuckled. “Awe!” A bunch of people smiled. 
After the trash from the presents had been cleared away, and all members who didn’t live in the house had put their presents in boxes and bags, Sam, Ken, Lynne, Seraphina, Agatha, Viktor and Alana put the food on the table. The dinner consisted of a massive brown sugar glazed ham, turkey, two different dressings, green bean casserole, yams, mashed potatoes, white gravy, cranberry sauce, carrots, croissants and rolls. The desert table was covered in beautiful snacks brought by several members of the family. Several Christmas themed cakes, snickerdoodles, several variations of sugar cookie, shortbread cookies, gingerbread cookies, divinity, home made hard candy, truffles, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, candy canes, and cheesecake. “I see the feast is a little extra cheery this year!” Verity beamed as everyone sat down. “Yes, this is a major year for our clan! We must celebrate it properly!” Seraphina smiled. “Let’s hope that the table will have more next year!” Agatha cheered. Alana smiled. “Hopefully, it will!” She cooed. Margaret whispered something to Lynne and Lynne stood up. Everyone turned their attention to Lynne. “Family, dear friends, each Christmas, our clan celebrates another year of love, life, and the pursuit of happiness. As the stories tell, this season is for “Peace on Earth” and “Good will towards men”. Our family is no different. The past few years, we have been through many hardships, and, while I know the hardships have yet to end, and I can say that, this past year has brought us many victories. That being said, this is a time to be thankful for what we have, and look forward for what’s to come. I know you all are working hard to achieve your dreams, just as I have. Thank you all for everything you are, and everything you do! Merry Christmas!” Everyone raised their glasses and toasted to Lynne’s speech. “Merry Christmas!” They all cheered.
When dinner ended, they cleaned everything up, got everyone’s “to go” boxes ready and the kids went into the living room. “Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros.?” Sam asked. “Either way, someone is getting their ass kicked!” Alana cheered. “Let’s play Mario Kart! We played Smash last year!” Severina suggested. “I’m in.” Viktor cheered. “I’m out, I’m too full. I’ll sit and watch.” Ken sighed as he laid on the couch. Viktor, Severina, Sam and Alana proceeded to play video games for a couple of hours. Each match ending in cheers, someone groaning, and plenty of jokes and laughter.
Alana’s head had begun to hurt from the games, even with her glasses activated to “videogame mode”. “I’m gonna go to bed.” She yawned. “Okay, do you need help upstairs?” Viktor asked. “Nah, I’ll leave my presents down here, I’m just gonna go to sleep.” Alana smiled as she left the party and went to her room. Suddenly, her phone was vibrating. She took it out of her pocket, looked at it, and answered the call. Alana: “Good Evening Nathaniel.” Nathaniel: “Hey, Alana.” Alana: “I get a present and an evening phone call? It really is the most wonderful time of the year!” Nathaniel: “You sound like you’ve had fun.” Alana: “It would have been more fun if you had been here.” Alana put Nathaniel on speaker phone while she got changed into her pajamas. Nathaniel: “Alana....” Alana: “I know, I know.... You’re not ready for this yet. It’s a big thing to come to the Roster Family Christmas. Especially considering you’d be meeting Viktor, Severina and my aunt Verity. Oh, and we’re not officially back together yet.” Nathaniel: “You know...” Alana: “I know, it’s dangerous. You keep telling me that. But, you’re worth the danger. Not to mention, I’m me. I’ll survive.” Nathaniel: ... Alana took the call off of speaker phone and got into bed. Alana: “So? How was your holiday?” Nathaniel: “It was alright. I hung out with Amber for a while, then she had to spend time with our parents.” Alana: “So, for the most part, you just spent Christmas with Blanche?” Nathaniel: “Yeah.” Alana: “Well, next year, how about you spend Christmas with me?” Nathaniel: “Next year?” Alana: “Yeah. Amber can come too. We can even bring Blanche!” Nathaniel: -chuckles- “Maybe. When we get closer to that point.” Alana told Nathaniel how her Christmas went. Nathaniel: “Wow, you did have a lot of fun!” Alana: “It’s always a bit of a party around here at Christmas!” Nathaniel: “Would your family be okay if I came next year?” Alana: “Mom asked me why you didn’t come this year. Don’t worry, I told her that you and I aren’t fully official yet, and that you’re not comfortable.” Nathaniel: “Thanks Alana.” Alana: -yawns- “Of course. Hey, I’m really tired, I’m gonna go to sleep. Goodnight Nathaniel. Merry Christmas!” Nathaniel: “Okay. Goodnight and sweet dreams my Melody. Merry Christmas.” Alana ended the phone call, put her phone on the charger on her bedside table, grabbed the bear Nathaniel gave her, and curled up in bed. Viktor and Severina lightly knocked on her door, telling her that they’re staying the night and they’ll see her in the morning. Slow, calm, Christmas music rang through the house. Sam knocked on the door. “Mels! Don’t forget! We’re all having a snowball fight tomorrow! Rest up and prepare for battle!” She called. “’Night Mels!” Ken called. A couple of minutes later, Nate and Lynne called through her door. “Goodnight kiddo!”, “Sweet dreams sweetie!”. When the only thing that could be heard from outside her bedroom door was the Christmas music, Alana rolled over and muttered to herself. “He called me “his Melody”. She smiled.
As the calm took over the Roster Estate, the area felt an air of peace. The snow was still falling, the music was soothing, and everyone in the home felt warm and cozy. Sam and Ken snuggled up in their bed. Nate and Lynne cuddled in theirs. Kirk picked Ravenna up off the floor and took the child to bed. Harold had fallen asleep in a chair in the living room. Seraphina told Kai to quit complaining and go to bed, before having a cup of tea with Agatha and Margaret. Verity, Severina and Viktor took refuge in guest rooms. And Alana fell asleep without the fear of her nightmares waking her up in the middle of the night. Just as it should on Christmas, peace and love won, and for one night, all was well.
I have been wanting to write this one for a couple of years now. It was originally going to be a lot like the first Christmas event for MCLUL, but I ended up taking a lot of liberties.
Oh, for context.... Kai gets a lot of harsh treatment in this one... You might wanna read the Cousin Mels specials.... You’ll find out why the girls can’t stand him. He’s an entitled asshole. But, hey, every family has one of those.
Credit: @candysweetposts for Lynne’s sprite, and most of the components used to make Sam’s and Severina’s sprites. andanguyen for the background of the Roster Family Home
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magic-belodie · 3 years
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My candy is in Winter style for the event.
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idolcandy · 3 years
Christmas on the Farm
Rating: G Ships: Castiel/Candy/Lysander Tags: Christmas, Fluff, Quarantine, otomehavewinterholidayevent 
Christmas is a little different this year with nobody allowed to visit, but Castiel, Lynn, and Lysander are all each other really needs.
On the farm, Christmas begins much like any other day for Lysander. The needs of the animals don’t stop for the festivities so he sets about milking the cows and feeding the animals first thing Christmas morning. The air is cold and icy and the mist of his breath follows him like a shadow but none of it really bothers him today. He has plenty to look forward to; food, presents, and the best company he could ask for, so even the dirtiest tasks become that bit easier to bear.
His last task is to collect the eggs, which he gathers in a wicker basket and returns to the kitchen, where he finds Castiel and Lynn already awake and preparing breakfast and getting a head start on Christmas dinner.
Lynn takes the basket from his hands and gives him a peck on the cheek. “Merry Christmas.”
She returns to the stovetop and keeps an eye on the cooking sausages while cracking some eggs into a pan.
Lysander takes a seat at the kitchen table where Castiel is prepping vegetables for Christmas dinner. They won’t eat for hours, but they’re peeled and chopped and placed in water until they’re ready to go. Lysander doesn’t touch the veg. Despite having washed his hands he doesn’t want to handle food after mucking out the barn, not until he’s showered. This year has made everyone particularly germ-conscious.
Soon enough Lynn is finished making breakfast and Castiel clears away the prepped vegetables and they sit down to eat. Castiel tucks in and mumbles thank-yous through his chewing. Lynn rolls her eyes at that but her smile gives away that she doesn’t really mind.
Scrambled egg, sausage, rashers, tomatoes, and toast. It’s a hearty breakfast, but Christmas warrants it. Farm tasks are hunger making work, so despite the size of the meal, Lysander finishes it quickly.
With breakfast done and the washing loaded into the dishwasher, Lysander ventures upstairs to finally get a shower and rinse away the morning’s work. He makes it a quick one and only towel dries his hair before changing into his festive finery; a cashmere jumper in a seasonal shade of red.
Lysander heads downstairs and finds Castiel and Lynn waiting at the sitting-room door.
“C’mon, I can’t wait any longer for presents,” Castiel says, opening the door as soon as Lysander reaches the bottom step.
The three of them sit cross-legged around the Christmas tree and Castiel begins passing out his gifts. Firstly, he hands Lysander and Lynn an identically wrapped box each.
“Go on, open them.”
Lysander and Lynn rip open their presents to find a silk scarf in either box. They’re similar in design but Lysander’s is green and Lynn’s is blue. The silk is soft and delicate. They’re luxuries that must’ve cost a fortune.
“Wow Cas, this is incredible,” Lynn begins, throwing her arms around him, “I didn’t get you anything nearly this nice.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
The gift-giving continues and Lysander hands Castiel a small box wrapped in penguin patterned wrapping paper. Castiel opens it quickly and inside there’s a specialised puncher for guitar pics.
“It pales in comparison to what you got me, but I hope you like it,” Lysander says.
Castiel shakes his head and then smiles at Lysander.  “Don’t start. I love it, like really love it. It’s thoughtful as hell and I’ll never use a pic that wasn’t made with it again.”
The gifts keep on coming. A woody cologne for Castiel, new earrings for Lynn, new slippers for all of them, and too much more to even count. Sometime later the floor is littered with balled up wrapping paper and there are no presents left under the tree.
As if on cue, Lysander’s phone rings with a video call from Leigh. Leigh, Rosalya, and Thia were supposed to spend Christmas on the farm this year, but travel restrictions nixed that idea.
Leigh and Rosa come on screen, sharing Christmas well wishes and catching up, but Thia quickly dominates the conversation, showing off what Santa brought her and demonstrating her toys and naming all her new dolls and teddys.
“It looks like Santa Clause was very good to you this year,” Lysander says, admiring the Legos she shows to the screen.
“That’s because I was a very good girl this year,” she replies proudly.
“But of course.”
The day continues with calls and texts from family and friends. Castiel’s parents are home for Christmas for a change. With flights and travel stalled around the world, they’re spending their first Christmas at home in near a decade. Lynn’s parents are at home too, but the day is set to be lively despite restrictions as Agatha has rearranged her plans and is set to spend the holidays with them.
After tidying away the presents and catching up with loved ones, it’s all hands on deck in the kitchen. Having moved away from home young Lysander is a fairly good cook, as is Lynn. Castiel is more of a microwave dinner or takeout man, but there’s not much of the latter near the farm so he’s upped his skills since going country.
It’s turkey and ham for the main with plenty of sides. The ham is cooked in cider and Castiel claims the remainder of the can for himself. The roast potatoes are cooked in goose fat, the mash is prepared with plenty of butter, and no thought is given to the calorie count.
Growing up means setting your own traditions so Brussel sprouts are off the menu. But there is plenty of veg to be had with roast carrots and parsnips on the side of every dish.
During dinner they pull Christmas crackers and put on the paper crowns they find inside and tell each other the cheesy jokes that fall onto the table.
Lynn unfolds the piece of paper, rolling her eyes as she reads, but still, she pulls the joke close to her chest so nobody can peek. “What does a snowman wear on his head?”
“I don’t know,” Lysander says.
Castiel smiles, playing along, “You’ll have to tell us.”
“Ice caps.”
A shared groan goes around the table, but there’s the silent acknowledgement that they’ve heard worse.
For dessert there’s a good selection to choose from; profiteroles, cheesecake, and pavlova. Unwilling to sacrifice their family’s traditional Christmas dessert, they each relented and made them all. They take a little of each and the gluttonous combination of the three tastes better than any one of them could’ve tasted alone.
Once they’ve had their fill they reluctantly get up and begin the task of clearing up. Christmas dinner is far too involved a process to hand wash the dishes so the dishwasher is put into overdrive and they sweep away broken halves of Christmas crackers which always seem to get everywhere. It takes a while, as everyone is feeling a little sluggish after such a heavy meal.
The only cure for it is to walk it off. It’s about time for Lysander to do another pass around the farm, checking in on the animals and to replenish feed and water as necessary, so they all go lest they fall into a food coma.
It’s still bitter cold so they walk in step together, huddling close for warmth. Lynn is at the centre of the trio and links her arms with Cas and Lys at either side.
As they walk, they talk of Christmases long since passed and the moments that made them special; the thoughtful gifts, the family traditions, the stories they still carry with them and treasure. They laugh enough to make their ribs ache and as they stop to catch their breath again it begins to snow.
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